OA18585A - Chocolate, chocolate-like products, chocolate construction kit and methods for preparing the same. - Google Patents

Chocolate, chocolate-like products, chocolate construction kit and methods for preparing the same. Download PDF


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OA18585A OA1201800009 OA18585A OA 18585 A OA18585 A OA 18585A OA 1201800009 OA1201800009 OA 1201800009 OA 18585 A OA18585 A OA 18585A
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The method for processing fermented or incubated cocoa beans comprises the steps of: adding water to fermented or incubated cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension; wet grinding said suspension; subjecting said suspension to a heat treatment at a temperature of 70°C or less; separating the suspension into a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and solids and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separately processing the three phases, which comprises: neutralizing and/or removing acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an incubation of the cocoa beans via the water phase, and optionally separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic powder from at least the water phase.


FIELD OF INVENTION [0001] This Invention relates to improved methods and/or techniques for the production of chocolaté or chocolate-like products. In certain embodiments, this invention relates to cocoa bean processing and chocolaté manufacturing methods using fermented or incubated cocoa beans which resuit In chocolaté or chocolate-like products with Improved taste characteristics and/or Increased levels of antioxldants and/or vltamlns.
BACKGROUND OFTHE INVENTION [0002] The types of methods and the steps employed for processing cocoa beans Into their respective food products hâve a slgnificant Influence on the various qualifies of the resulting cocoa products such as with respect to flavor, intensity, or antl-oxldant or vitamin content and even yield. For this reason, the method employed for processing cocoa beans Into cocoa products (such as food stuffs) can be critically important to the commercial viabiiity or success or acceptance of such products (In the marketplace, or in use for enhancement of other products).
[0003] A typical cocoa bean processing procedure beglns with the harvest of the beans followed by the fermenting and drying of the cocoa beans. Upon harvesting of the cocoa pods, the beans must be carefully removed from the pods to ensure that the beans are not injured In the process, since improper handllng can damage the beans and causes quality problème In the product during fermentation and roasting. As with most organic material, fermentation of cocoa beglns almost Immedlately upon exposure to air. Spores from naturally occurring yeasts settle on the sugary beans and start to split the sugar into carbon dloxide, aroma and alcohol, the latter being further converted Into acetic acid by means of mlcroblal activlties provided by bàcterla. At the final stage of this process (in the following referred to “naturel fermentation process”), germ within the cacao bean Is inactivated by the presence of alcohol, acetic acid and the heat generated by said mlcroblal activlties, resulting In a release of enzymes capable of reduclng astringency within the bean, which are Important to the development of the chocolaté flavor. Typically, this natural cocoa fermentation process being spontaneously Induced by mlcroblal activlties takes place during about two or more days until the mlcroblal activlties are Inhibited by an excess of acetic acid and/or heat being caused by said mlcroblal activlties.
[0004] Once prepared for further processing, the fermented and dried cocoa beans, In conventional or prior art methods, are subjected to processing techniques such as those described In Patent Publication No. PCT/JP2002/012064.
[0005] Slnce much of the acetic acid Is left within the beans after the fermentation is complété, It has to be removed from the beans in order to avoid sour and bltter flavors ln the final cocoa product caused by the presence of acetic acid.
[0006] The above-mentioned (natural or spontaneous) cocoa fermentation process being caused by spontaneous mlcroblal actlvltles Is not the only process that Is enabled to Inhibît germination of cocoa beans and, thus, to avoid the development of undesired flavors that would be produced as a resuit of a germination of the cocoa beans. Germination of cocoa beans can be Inhibited by certain physical and/or chemical pre-treatments applied to freshly harvested cocoa beans shortly after removal of the beans from the pods. ln particular, it Is possible to Inhibit germination of cocoa beans by Incubating freshly harvested cocoa beans at an elevated température, e.g. at a température of between 25 and 70 °C for less than two days. If said Incubation Is not carried out under stérile (aseptie) conditions, spontaneous mlcrobial activities may take place at least during a certain time span after removal of the cocoa beans from the pods until mlcroblal activities are stopped as a resuit of the Incubation. In the latter case, acetic acid Is produced due to said microblal activities (even though the amount of acetic acid being produced during Incubation of a certain quantity of cocoa beans Is generally lower than the amount of acetic acid that would be produced by natural fermentation of the same quantity of cocoa beans).
[0007] ln general, the presence ol acids Is consldered to play an Important rôle ln the fiavor development potential of cocoa beans. For Instance, It has been shown that pretreatments of cocoa beans ln presence of acetic acid may hâve a favorable effect on the development of chocolaté fiavor, even ln the absence of natural fermentation, ln a paper by V.C.Quesnel (Proceedings of 1957 Cocoa Conférence, pages 150-155), it Is disclosed that unfermented cocoa beans being Incubated ln the presence of acetic acid are more strongly flavored than those incubated ln the absence of acetic acid. However, Incubating cocoa beans in the presence of acetic acid may resuit ln a réduction of chocœ iate fiavor potential If the concentration of acetic acid Is too high, as disclosed ln the article “Acidification, Proteolysls and Flavour Potential ln Fermenting Cocoa Beans by BÔle Blehl, Ernst Brunner, Detlef Passem, Victor C. Quesnel and Daniel Adomako, published in Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (J. Sci. Food Agric.) 1985, 36, pages 583-598. Accordingly, ln Incubations of unfermented cocoa beans ln the presence of acetic acid, It Is advantageous to control the pH value of the cocoa beans so that the pH value Is ln a certain range ln order to obtain cocoa beans provlding a strong chocolaté fiavor potential. ln addition, the fiavor of the Incubated cocoa beans dépends on the température of the cocoa beans achieved during the Incubation. A corresponding method for processing cocoa beans is known from US patent US 8,501,256 B2, said method including steps such as: i) subjectin g the cocoa beans to a physical pre-treatment and ii) subjecting the pre-treated cocoa beans to at least one treatment with an aqueous acidic medium until the pH of said cocoa beans reaches a value of between 3.6 and 5.5, wherein the beans are Incubated In step ii) at a température of between 25 and 70 °C for less than 24 hours. According to US 8,501,256 B2, said aqueous acidic medium may comprise either inorganic or organic acids with preference for amphlphilic acids; however, particularly good résulta were achieved using acetic acid as it has been shown to efficiently penetrate the cocoa beans and pervade biological membranes when the concentration Is sufficient ' [0008] Conventionaily, the concentration of acetic acid is reduced during a roasting step at typically 70 to 180°C and the conching. However, if the acetic acid concentration in the fermented beans is too high, its réduction during roasting and conching is either insufficlent, which résulta In a chocolaté product having high acidlty and blttemess, or requlres drastic conditions (high températures, prolonged thermal exposure (e.g. over-roasting and long conching times) and/or the use of alkalizing agents to neutralize the acidic components) which may reduce the content of antl-oxidants, aromatics and vitamlns, lead to the formation of undesired byproducts (e.g. acrylamides) and deteriorate the quaiity of the cocoa butter produced according ly.
[0009] Moreover, for the reasons set out above, conventions! processes for the manufacture of high-quaiity chocolaté or chocoiate-iike products oniy allow the use of cocoa beans at very spécifie fermentation stages and having spécifie consistencles, which, however, are difficult to maintain due to different harvesting and drylng methods and fermentation conditions employed.
[0010] Conching Is generally regarded as an essentiel step in the process In order to develop the flavor and lower the viscosity of the product. However, because it involves maintaining the product at an elevated température for a relatively long time, it Is energy Intensive. A method and device for producing chocolaté with a shortened conching time, or with no conching step, is described In WO 2004/000028, which discloses a device using a premixer which delivers chocolats fiakes to a gear pump. EP 2 180 793 proposes the implémentation of a plurality of spécifie mixing and grlnding steps to Increase the production capaclty and to match the conching time to the rate of production of the mixture to be conched.
[0011] A further problem encountered with conventional cocoa bean processing is the destruction of cellular compartments of the raw cocoa materials due to high mechanical loads or shear stresses and/or high heat employed which aids In the extraction of cocoa fats. In US 2002/034579 A1, a process is disclosed wherein unfermented beans are deliberately treated to destroy the cellular and sub-cellular structures and then subjected to an oxldation treatment in order to obtain a low-fiavor cocoa.
[0012] In this regard, WO 2010/073117 discloses a method for processing cocoa beans comprising the formation of a suspension comprising cocoa beans or nibs and water, wet grinding the suspended beans or nibs in multiple steps, heating the suspension, and decanting the same such that said suspension is separated Into a water phase, a fat phase and a solid phase, in order to avoid liquéfaction of the cocoa fat and formation of a chocolaté liqueur during mechanlcal processing.
[0013] However, the problem of providing a high-quality chocolaté product having at the same time an excellent texture and non-acldic and non-bitter taste while requiring shorter conchlng durations to render the manufacturing process more efficient and further reduce the thermal load upon the cocoa bean extracts has hitherto not been adequately addressed.
[0014] Accordingly, the provision of methods and products that overcome the above disadvantages is désirable.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0015] The présent Invention solves this object with the subject matter of the claims as defined herein. The advantages of the présent invention will be further explained In detail In the section below and further advantages will become apparent to the skllled artisan upon considération of the Invention disciosure.
[0016] Generally speaklng, In one aspect the présent Invention provides a method for processing fermented or Incubated cocoa beans or nibs characterized by the steps of: adding water to fermented cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension; wet grinding said suspension; subjecting said suspension to a heat treatment at a température of 70’C or less; separating the suspension Into three phases, I.e. a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and sollds and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separateiy processing the three phases, which comprises neutralizing and/or removing acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an Incubation of the cocoa beans via the water phase, and optionally separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic powder from at least the water phase.
[0017] A further aspect of the présent invention Is the provision of a chocolaté construction kit comprising the polyphenolic powder, cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cocoa aroma extracts obtained by the cocoa bean/nib processing methods as described above. [0018] In another aspect, the présent invention provides a method for producing choco5 late or chocoiate-like products comprising the steps of: adding water to fermented or Incubated cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension; wet grinding said suspension; subjecting said suspension to a heat treatment at a température of 70°C or less; separating the suspension Into three phases, Le. a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component 10 and solids and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separately processing the three phases, which comprises neutralizing and/or removing acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an incubation of the cocoa beans via the water phase, separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating 15 cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic concentrate from at least the water phase; recombining the cocoa aroma extract with the cocoa butter extract; mixlng the recombined extracts with the cocoa powder extract, polyphenolic powder extract and/or milk powder; and conchlng said mixture.
[0019] A further aspect of the présent Invention are chocolaté or chocolate-like products 20 obtained by using the aforementloned methods or the aforementioned chocolaté construction kit.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OFTHE DRAWINGS [0020] FIG. 1 schematicaliy Illustrâtes the method for processing the fermented cocoa 25 beans up to the provision of a chocolaté construction kit, as well as the foilowlng method of manufacturing chocolaté according to the subject invention.
[0021] AG. 2 schematicaliy Illustrâtes an exemplary treatment of the water phase upon phase séparation.
[0022] AG. 3A schematicaliy Illustrâtes an exemplary method for preparing dark choco3 0 late/milk chocolaté using the fractions obtained after séparation and processing of the fat, solid and water phases.
[0023] FIG. 3B schematicaliy Illustrâtes an exemplary method for preparing while chocolaté using the fractions obtained after séparation and processing of the fat, solid and water phases.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OFTHE INVENTION [0024] For a more complote understanding of the présent Invention, reference Is now made to the following description of the Illustrative embodiments thereof:
Method for Processing Fermented Cocoa Beans and/or Nibs [0025] The method for processing fermented cocoa beans or nibs according to a first embodiment of the présent Invention is generally characterized by the steps of: adding water to fermented or incubated cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension; wet grinding said suspension; subjecting said suspension to a heat treatment at a température of 70°C or less; separating the suspension Into three phases, Le. a water phase (heavy 10 phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and solids and/or water as mlnor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separately processing the three phases, which comprises neutrallzlng and/or removing acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an Incubation of the cocoa beans via the wa15 ter phase, separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic concentrate from at least the water phase.
[0026] The expressions separating cocoa butter from the fat phase and separating cocoa powder from the solid phase refers to operations by which a concentration of the 20 major components cocoa butter (in the fat phase) or the cocoa powder (in the solid phase) , respectively, Is achieved. The expression separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic powder from at least the water phase refers to operations by which cocoa aroma and polyphenolic powder are retrieved from the respective phase In a concentrated form. These operations may Include, but are not limited to filtration, drying 25 processes (e.g. évaporation of residual water, optionally under vacuum conditions) and/or centrifugation, for exampie.
[0027] Initlaily, the subject cocoa processing technique generally beglns with forming a suspension of fermented or incubated cocoa beans or nibs by adding water, either prior or during the grinding of the cocoa beans/nibs. As a starting material, whole fermented or 3 O incubated beans may be used, or fermented or incubated beans which are subsequently subjected to a ’breaklng step during which the beans are broken into smalier, non-whole bean particles (e.g., cocoa nibs).
[0026] Water is added to form the cocoa bean/nib suspension.
[0029] Whlie not being particularly limited, the weight ratio of water to cocoa beans/nlbs 35 in the formed suspension 1s preferably between 1:1 to 6:1, more preferably 2:1 to 4:1, especfalfy preferably about 3:1, which may advantageously affect the processability In the further steps (e.g. facliitated pumping, grlndlng and easier phase séparation).
[0030] If désirable from the viewpoint of introduclng additional fiavors, alternative watercontainlng liqulds may also be used as a source of water, preferably liquide selected from one or more of coffee, tea and liquide having water contents of from 60 to about 95 % by welght, such as fruit juices, fruit juice concentrâtes, or milk, for example. In such a case, It Is préférable that the water content In the formed suspension falis Into the abovedefined ratios. Since the thermal load In the further method steps Is relatively low, temperature-sensltive fiavors originating from said liquide are retained and may favorably In te ra et with the primary and secondary fiavors of the cocoa bean.
[0031] In order to obtaln coffee-flavored cocoa products, coffee beans (whole or broken, unroasted or roasted) may be mixed to the fermented cocoa beans/nibs when fomnlng the suspension In water, provided that the cocoa beans/nibs form the major part In the bean mixture so that the content of coffee beans does not Interfère or negatively affect the wet mllling and phase séparation steps. Preferably, the coffee bean content Is less than 20% by welght of the bean mixture, more preferably less than 10% by weight.
[0032] The cocoa beans/nibs are subjected to a single or multiple wet grinding step(s), which resuit in bean particle sizes of preferably 50 pm or smaller, more preferably 40 pm or smaller, even more preferably 20 pm or smaller. Reducing the bean particies to such a slze range substantially Increases the exposed surface area of the bean particle material therefore aliowing It to be more efficientiy wet (e.g., with water rather than a chemical solvent) for Improved extraction results (such as Improved extraction of fats or lipids, aromatic substances, and/or polyphenols). The bean particle size réduction may be accompiished by using dise mllis (e.g. perforated dise mill), coiloid mllis (e.g. toothed coiloid milis), or corundum stone mllis, for example. It is préférable that In at least one grinding step, cocoa bean cells are macerated to enable the solvent (water) to wet the cocoa bean material better due to increased available surface area of the macerated cocoa beans. The methods and devices used for wet milling are not particularly limited as long as undeslrabie émulsification by slgnificant frlctlonal heat production or high mechanical forces is avolded. For example, when using multiple grinding steps, a coarse wet grinding step (e.g., optionally with further water) may be carried out using a perforated dise mill, and the coarsely mliled suspension may be pumped to a toothed coiloid mill for a fine grinding step.
[0033] After the wet grinding step, the suspension Is subjected to a thermal treatment at a température of no more than approxlmately 70°C In order to reduce the overali thermal load and prevent émulsification. From the viewpoint of a favorable balance of cocoa but ter yield and préservation of désirable flavors, such as aromatics, antl-oxidants and/or vitamlns, heating températures of from 43 to 65°C are préférable. In terms of cocoa butter liquéfaction and/or Improved mechanical phase séparation, a heating température range of from 45 to 50eC Is particulariy préférable. Without being limited thereto, heating of the wet-milled suspension may be carried out by a scrap or tube heat exchanger.
[0034] Thereafter, phase séparation Is carried out so that three phases, I.e. a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase are obtalned, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and solids and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water. In addition, the solid phase may comprise residual cocoa butter in a content of up to 30% by weight, preferably less than 27% by weight, more preferably less than 20% by weight relative to the total dry weight. Preferably, devices empioying centrifugal forces may be utillzed to achieve mechanical particle séparations, such as decantera or nozzie separatora. For instance, the suspension may be decanted to separate coarse or large or high mass solIds from llquld(s) and then smaller and/or fine solid particles may be further separated from liquida and/or oil products may be separated from non-oïl products.
[0035] Multiple phase séparation and recombination steps may be employed to achieve an Improved séparation between the water phase (heavy phase), the fat phase (light phase) and the solid phase. For example, the fat phase obtained by an initial decantlng step may be further filtered or centrifuged to separate remaining fine particles or water from the fat phase and the thus obtained fine particles and water may be recomblned with the water and solid phases from the initial decantlng step or at a later processing stage of said phases. Also, the water phase may be subjected to further purification steps, e.g. by filtration using vacuum rotation f il fera In order to remove fine particles and reduce cloudiness of the liquid.
[0036] Upon séparation of the three phases (i.e. the water phase (heavy phase), the fat phase (light phase) and the solid phase), these may be Independently processed to separate cocoa butter (from the fat phase), cocoa powder (from the solid phase), cocoa aroma (from at least the water phase, optionally also from the solid phase) and a polyphenollc concentrate (from the water phase), as Is Illustrated by Fig. 1.
[0037] As Indlcated above, the fat phase (light phase) may be filtered (e.g. by empioying a vlbratlng screen) and/or conveyed to a 3-phase separator (e.g. centrifuge) to remove fine particles (which may be optionally added to the solid phase prior or during the drying/roasting step) and residue water (which may be optionally added to the water phase prior to aroma recovery). Cocoa butter is obtalned by filtering the purified fat phase.
[0038] The (wet) solid phase obtained after séparation in the three phases may be optionaily treated with a heatabie roll grinder to reduce particle size and begin pre-drying. Also, sugar, sugar solution and/or fruit juices may optionally be added to separated cocoa solids before drying to Improve flavor development during the drying/roasting process.
[0039] The solid phase obtained after séparation In the three phases may be gently dried and slmultaneousiy roasted at a température of between 55 and 100’C, from the vlewpolnt of reducing the thermal load and preserving the health-inducing components preferably at a température selected from between 55 and 70°C under reduced pressure, In order to allow roasted flavors and other aromatics to be collected. If desired, said flavors and other aromatics may be added to the cocoa butter or to the aroma recovery step of the water phase in the further progress of the cocoa bean processing method.
[0040] The method of carrying out the drying/roasting Is not particularly limited and may e.g. be accomplished In a drum dryer.
[0041] In a preferred embodiment, the drying/roasting step Is carried out In a mixing device as is disclosed In EP 0 711 505 A1 for chocolaté conchlng. Said mixing device comprises a cylindrlcai, tubuiar body arranged with Its axis horizontal and closed at its opposite ends by end plates, and having a coaxlai heatîng or cooling jacket through which, for example, diathermie oli or another fluid is Intended to flow to keep the internai wall of the body at a predetermined température. The tubuiar body has an Inlet and outlet openings for the solid phase. The outlet opening communlcates, by means of a duct, with a device for separating the aroma phase from the dried product. The device further comprises a bladed rotor is supported for rotation In the tubuiar body, Its blades being arranged as a hélix and oriented for centrlfuglng the solid phase being processed and slmultaneously transporting It towards the outlet opening. Using this mixing device advantageously allows the drying/roasting step and the séparation of the roasted flavors and other aromatics to be carried out continuously and also remarkably accelerates the processing of cocoa beans up to the préparation of the cocoa powder (dry cocoa matter), resulting In processing durations of iess than 20 minutes, typically less than 15 minutes.
[0042] In the above-described cocoa bean/nib processing methods, most of the acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an incubation of the cocoa beans will be found In the water phase and may thus be convenientiy neutraiIzed and/or removed by treating the water phase appropriately upon phase séparation. For this reason, water-soiuble acids may be added prior to phase séparation In any desired amount deemed favourabie with regard to the adjustment of the pH conditions and/or for the purpose of Improving the flavor development within the cocoa beans or nibs, since their addition does not necessariiy resuit in a sour or bitter taste In the final product.
[0043] The method of removing free acetic acid via the water phase is not particularly limited and may be carried out by any suitable method known in the art. For exampie, acetic acid may be removed from the water phase by e.g. distillation (e.g. extractive distillation or reactive distillation), extraction (e.g. iiquid-liquid) extraction, emulsion-type liquid membrane processes, salting out or combinations thereof. Altemativeiy, acetic acid may remain In the water phase if cocoa aroma and polyphenolic powder are selectively extracted therefrom. As is illustrated in Fig. 2, free acetic acid and optionally other watersoluble components may be removed from the water phase prior to or during the dearomatlsation step, and/or prior to or during the concentration step.
[0044] The neutralization and/or removal of free acetic acid via the water phase has significant advantages over the methods disclosed in prior art, a few of which will be discussed in the following:
[0045] Acetic acid is extracted from the cocoa beans or nibs via the water phase prior to subjecting the solid phase to a drying/roasting step. Therefore, prolonged drying/roasting and high thermal ioads upon the fermented cocoa beans are not requlred In order to evaporate acetic acid, whereby high contents of aromatic flavors, anti-oxidants, vitamins may be preserved. Also, the duration of the conching process may be significantiy reduced.
[0046] Furthermore, since the relativeiy high costs Invoived with the use of water and its removal are far outweighed by energy savlngs due to heatlng at iower températures and accelerated drying/roasting and conching steps, the method according to the présent invention also involves économie advantages when compared to conventions! methods for the préparation of cocoa products.
[0047] in addition, in contrast to conventionai cocoa product manufacturing, cocoa beans having reiativeiy high acetic acid contents and/or being In varying fermentation stages may be used to produce hlgh-quality cocoâ products, such as chocolaté.
[0048] A further advantage of the présent invention is that undesired hydrophilic components (such as bitter and/or astringent low molecular polyphenois (e.g. catechins)) may likewise be removed via the water phase.
[0049] It has further been found that the water phase obtained in the decanting step also contains desired fiavors, which may be recovered by subjecting the water phase to a first concentration step to obtaln aromatics. Additionaily, enhancement of cocoa flavors may be achieved using reverse flow distillation (I.e., to separate flavor compounds and water).
[0050] In an optional second concentration phase, évaporation of excessive water may performed to obtain polyphenolic powder.
[0051] Removal of undesired water may be achieved using évaporation techniques which, when employed, can desirably, resuit In water suspended flavor compounds.
Moreover, concentrated polyphenols may resuit. In yet still further embodiments, recovered cocoa flavors may be enhanced by reverse flow distillation (e.g„ to separate flavor components from water), which Is preferably carried out under low pressure (less than 300 mbar) and room température in order to minimize the thermal load.
[0052] In general, if there Is microorganism spoilage of cocoa extracted materials (i.e. 10 cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa aroma and polyphenolic concentrais), such material can be deodorlzed employing a vacuum de-aerator. Moreover, If microorganism contamination occurs, a high pressure treatment such as pascalisation is possible (e.g., which is désirable because It can preserve aromatic compounds). However, if both mlcroorganism spoilage and contamination occurs, heat treatment and deodorization may be em15 pioyed. Advantageously, the method according to the présent invention ailows a fast processing of the cocoa beans/nibs, so that growth of microorganisms may be kept at a minimum, however.
[0053] Using the herein described technlque(s), cocoa beans may be efficiently processed to produce désirable, commercially valuable ylelds of dried and extracted cocoa 20 powder, cocoa butter with hydrophobie cocoa flavor, hydrophilic cocoa flavor, and polyphenoi concentrâtes. Moreover, certain résultant cocoa products retain or contain désirable levels of anti-oxidants and/or vitamlns and/or possess more désirable (e.g., less bitter) flavors which, In tum, do not require sugar additions (or, at least, high levels or sugar additions) when used in food stuffs.
Chocolaté Construction Kit [0054] in a second embodiment, a chocolaté construction kit Including a plurality of cocoa bean extraction products produced In accordance with method steps set forth In the first embodiment outllned above Is provided. In other words, the chocolaté construction kit according to the présent Invention essentially comprises the polyphenolic powder, 3 O cocoa powder, cocoa butter and cocoa aroma extracts obtained by the cocoa bean/nib processing methods as described above. Preferred embodiments of extracts (which may be combined as desired) to be used in the kit of the présent invention will be speclfled In the following:
[0055] In a preferred embodiment, the cocoa butter comprises a total concentration of 23 5 acetylpyrazine, methylpyrazlne, tetramethylpyrazlne, 2,3-dimethylpyrazine, 2,6dimethylpyrazlne, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, trimethylpyrazine, ethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-318585 methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazlne, 2-ethyl-3,6dimethylpyrazlne, 2-ethyl-3,4-dimethylpyrazine, 2,3-dîethyl-5-methytpyrazine, 2lsopropyl-3-methoxypyrazlne, 2-lsobutyl-3-methoxypyrazlne, 2-ethyl-3,4dimethylpyrazine, 1-methyl-1H-pyrrole, ethyl-2-methyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate,
2-heptanone, hexyl acetate, linaool, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, ethyt cinnamate, 2phenethyl acetate, 2-phenyl-2-butenal, ethyloctanoate, 4-ethyl guaiacol, 4-vinyl guaiacol; vanillin, isobutanal, 2-methyl butanal, isovaleradehyde, acetoin, diacetyl, fudurai, 2acetylfurane, benzaldehyde, 5-methylfurfural, 2-furanmethanol, methional, phenytacetaldehyde, and 4*methylphenol of at ieast 5 mg/kg, more preferably at least 20 mg/kg, especlally preferably at least 40 mg/kg based on the total weight of the cocoa butter. In a further embodiment, the cocoa butter has a total concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, Isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid of preferably less than 15 mg/kg, more preferably less than 14 mg/kg, especlally preferably less than 13 mg/kg, based on the total weight of the cocoa butter. [0056] In a preferred embodiment, the cocoa powder comprises a total concentration of
2-acetylpyrazine, methylpyrazine, tetramethylpyrazine, 2,3-dimethylpyfazine, 2,6dimethylpyrazine, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, trlmethylpyrazine, ethyl pyrazine, 2-ethyt-3methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methylpyrazlne, 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazlne> 2-ethyl-3,6dlmethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,4-dlmethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 2isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-ethyt-3,4- dimethylpyrazine, 1-methyHH-pyrrole, ethyl-2-methyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate,
2-heptanone, hexyl acetate, linaool, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, ethyt cinnamate, 2phenethyl acetate, 2-phenyt-2-butenal, ethyloctanoate, 4-ethyl guaiacol, 4-vinyt guaiacol; vanillin, Isobutanal, 2-methyl butanal, isovaleradehyde, acetoin, diacetyl, furfural, 2acetylfurane, benzaldehyde, 5-methylfurfural, 2-furanmethanol, methional, phenylacetaldehyde, and 4-methytphenol of at least 8 mg/kg, more preferably at least 9 mg/kg, especlally preferably at least 10 mg/kg based on the total weight of the cocoa powder. In a further embodiment, the cocoa powder has a total concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, Isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid of preferably less than 60 mg/kg, more preferably less than 50 mg/kg, especlally preferably less than 45 mg/kg, each based on the total weight of the cocoa powder.
[0057] In a preferred embodiment, the cocoa aroma comprises a total concentration of 2acetyipyrazlne, methylpyrazine, tetramethylpyrazine, 2,3-dimethylpyrazine, 2,6dimethylpyrazlne, 2,5-dîmethylpyrazine, trimethytpyrazine, ethylpyrazîne, 2-ethyl-3methylpyrazlne, 2-ethyt-6-methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazlne, 2-ethyl-3,618585 dimethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,4-dimethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 2lsopropyl-3-methoxypyrazina, 2-lsobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-ethyf-3,4dimethylpyrazlne, 1-methyl-1H-pyrrole, ethyl-2-methyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate,
2-heptanone, hexyl acetate, iinaool, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, ethyl cinnamate, 2phenethyl acetate, 2-phenyl-2-butenal, ethyloctanoate, 4-ethyl guaiacol, 4-vinyl gualacol; vanillln, isobutanal, 2-methyl butanal, isovaleradehyde, acetoin, diacetyl, furfural, 2acetylfurane, benzaldehyde, 5-methylfurfural, 2-furanmethanol, methional, phenylacetaldehyde, and 4-methyfphenol of at least 800 mg/kg, more preferably at least 1 g/kg, especially preferably at least 1.5 g/kg based on the total weight of the cocoa aroma. In a further embodiment, the cocoa aroma has a total concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid of preferably less than 50 g/kg, more preferably less than 20 g/kg, especially preferably less than 5 g/kg, each based on the total weight of the cocoa aroma. [0058] In a further preferred embodiment, the polyphenolic powder comprises a total concentration of 2-acetylpyrazine, methylpyrazine, tetramethylpyrazine, 2,3dimethylpyrazine, 2,6-dimethylpyrazine, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine, trimethylpyrazine, ethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3-methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methyfpyrazine, 2-ethyl-5methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,4-dimethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5methyfpyrazine, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazlne, 2-ethyl· 3,4-dlmethylpyrazine, 1-methyl-1H-pyrrole, ethyf-2-methyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, 2-heptanone, hexyl acetate, Iinaool, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, ethyl cinnamate, 2-phenethyf acetate, 2-phenyî-2-butenal, ethyloctanoate, 4-ethyl gualacol, 4vinyl guaiacol; vanillln, Isobutanal, 2-methyl butanal, Isovaleradehyde, acetoin, diacetyl, furfural, 2-acetylfurane, benzaldehyde, 5-methylfurfural, 2-furanmethanol, methional, phenylacetaldehyde, and 4-methylphenol of at least 1 mg/kg, more preferably at least 1.4 mg/kg, especially preferably at least 1.8 mg/kg based on the total weight of the polyphenolic powder. In a further embodiment, the polyphenolic powder has a total concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, 3methyfbutanolc acid, and pentanoic acid of preferably less than 2 g/kg, more preferably less than 1 g/kg, especially preferably less than 0.5 g/kg, each based on the total weight of the cocoa powder.
[0059] The abovementioned total concentrations in each of the extracts may be determined via conventional Gas Chromatography Mass Chromatography (GC-MS) methods known to the skilled artisan.
[0060] In a further preferred embodiment, the cocoa powder has a total polyphenol content of at least 20 mg ECE((-)-epicatechln equivalents)/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 30 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, especlally preferably at least 40 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter. Preferably, the cocoa powder has a flavonoid concentration of at least 10 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 20 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, especlally preferably at least 30 mg ECE/g of defatted dry 5 matter. In another preferred embodiment, the cocoa powder has a proanthocyanidine concentration of at least 2 mg PCE(procyanidin B2 equivalents)/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 3 mg PCE/g of defatted dry matter, especially preferably at least 4 mg PCE/g of defatted dry matter.
*7 [0061] In a further preferred embodiment, the polyphenolic powder has a total polyphe- 10 nol content of at least 50 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 60 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, especlally preferably at least 65 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter. Preferably, the polyphenolic powder has a flavonoid concentration of at least 20 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 30 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter, especlally preferably at least 35 mg ECE/g of defatted dry matter. In another 15 preferred embodiment, the polyphenolic powder has a proanthocyanidine concentration of at least 2- mg PCE/g of defatted dry matter, more preferably at least 3 mg PCE/g of defatted dry matter, especlally preferably at least 4 mg PCE/g of defatted dry matter.
[0062] The total polyphenol content, and the flavonoid and proanthocyanidine concentrations may be determlned by common spectrophotometrlc methods known to the skilled 20 artisan. For example, the total polyphenol content may be determlned by using a FolinClocalteu assay with (-)-epicatechin as standard, In accordance with the method disclosed in Folin-Clocalteu index, Off. J. Eur. Communlties 1990, 41,178-179, and Cooper et al., J. Agric. Food Chem 2008, 56, 260-265. The total flavonoid content may be determined by means of an aluminum chlorlde colorimétrie assay, for example, In accord25 ance with Emelda et al. Int. J. ChemTech Res. 2014, 6(4), 2363-2367, using (-)epicatechin as standard. An acid-butanol method (such as e.g. Bates-Smith assay or a Porter method) using procyanldin B2 as standard may be employed to spectrophotometrically détermine the content of proanthocyanidine.
[0063] As an example illustrating the aroma profile of the extracts, cocoa butter, cocoa 3 0 powder, cocoa aroma and polyphenolic powder hâve been produced in accordance with the exemplary scheme illustrated by Fig. 1, starting from non-roasted cocoa beans which hâve been roasted prior to forming the water suspension and without neutralizlng and/or removing acetic acid from the water phase.
[0064] Different flavor types hâve been quantlfied in the cocoa butter, cocoa powder and 35 the water phase (and aroma phase, respectively) obtained by the presently claimed method as well as in commercially available cocoa powder and cocoa butter by using
GC-MS. Specifically, raw/earthy flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of 2-acetylpyrazine, methylpyrazlne, tetramethylpyrazine, 2,3-dimethylpyrazine, 2,6dimethylpyrazlne, 2,5-dlmethylpyrazlne, trimethylpyrazine, ethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-6-methylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 2-ethyf-3,65 dimethylpyrazine, 2-ethyl-3,4-dimethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazlne, 2isopropy!-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-ethy!-3,4dimethylpyrazine; fruity/flowery flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of
1-methyl-1H-pyrrole, ethyl-2-methyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, 2-heptanone, hexyl acetate, linaool, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol, ethyl cinnamate, 2-phenethyl ace10 tate, 2-pheny!-2-butenal and ethyloctanoate; the splcy flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of 4-ethyl guaiacol and 4-vinyl guaiacol; malty/buttery flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of vanillin, isobutanal, 2-methyl butanal, Isovaleradehyde, acetoin and diacetyl; grilled/roasted flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of furfural, 2-acetylfurane, benzaldehyde, 5-methylfurfural, 215 furanmethanol, methlonal, phenylacetaldehyde, and 4-methylphenol; and stinging/acidic flavors hâve been quantified by the total concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, isobutyric acid, 2-methylbutyric acid, 3-methylbutanolc acid, and pentanolc acid. The results of the measurements are shown in Table 1.
[0065] TABLE 1
Flavor type Concentration In cocoa butter Concentration In cocoa powder Concentration In water phase (without add removal) Concentration In cocoa aroma extract (15Ox water phase concentrais) Imp/ko] Concentration In polyphenolic powder
Invention Comp. Example Invention Comp. Exemple
raw/earthy ta/kg] 949.2 16.6 1.066 0.728 2106 9 316.032* 510.5
fruity/flowery [POM 23073.7 9.4 1.213 2.181 3768.5 564.981* 777.4
spicy tPO^al 16.5 1.0 - - 1.0 0.150* 1.0
malty/buttery/ raasty [pQ/kg] 17773.1 1887.4 7.901 4.595 5013.5 752.030* 18317.2
total [pg/kg] 41812 5 1696.4 10.18 7.504 10887.9 1833.193* 19606.1
stingy / ecidlc 12 1 19.3 40 05 100.20 488 0 72.859 1245 8
[0066] As is shown in Table 1, the total content of flavors that are perceived as pleasant (i.e, raw /earthy, fruîty t flowery, splcy, and maity / buttery / roasty) is substantially higher in the cocoa butter obtained by the method of the présent Invention when compared to commerclally avallabie cocoa butter. The same observation is made with cocoa powder obtained by the method of the présent invention when compared to conventionally manufactured cocoa powder. in contrast, it Is shown that the concentration of stingy/acidic flavors in these extracts is remarkably iower than In the commerclally available products, since a large fraction thereof remains in the water phase. By removing and/or neutralizIng the acetic acid and other undesired water-soluble components, unpleasantly sour, bltter and/or stlnglng taste in the resulting products may thus be easiiy avolded without sacrificing the flavors perceived as pleasant.
[0067] As an example, the polyphenol, flavonoid and proantocyanidine contents of cocoa extracts and a dark chocolaté obtained by the method Illustrated ln Fig. 1 hâve likewise been analyzed by means of a Folin-Ciocalteu assay, an aluminum chloride assay (both with (-)-epicatechln as standard) and an acid-butanol method (using procyanidin B2 as standard). The results are glven In Table 2.
[0066] TABLE 2
raw cocoa beans (nonroasted) raw cocoa beans (roasted) solid phase after phase séparation water phase after phase séparation polyphenolfc powder chocolaté product
total potyphenof concentration (mg ECE7 g defatted dry matter) 64.1 1 2.7 64.4 S 1.3 60.4 12.7 2.1 1 0.1 66.213.9 23.5 10.6
flavonoid concentration (mg ECE/ g defatted dry matter) 57.8 1 2.9 40 6 t 1.8 37.2 1 2.4 1.2 f 0.1 39.7 ±2.4 14.1 10.3
proanthocyanidlne concentration (mg PCE/ g defatted dry matter) 7.0 1 0.6 5.2 S 0.1 5.5 ± 0.1 4.011.0 1.8 t 0.2
* (·Ηρκα(κΝη équivalent ** procyanidin Θ2 équivalent [0069] It is shown that the methods of the présent invention ensure that the high contents of polyphenols, flavonoids and/or proanthocyanidines présent ln the cocoa beans are preserved ln the extracts, so that beslde of the favourable aroma profile, optimum ylelds of healthy Ingrédients may be obtained ln the final chocolaté product.
[0070] Thus, the chocolaté construction kit according to the présent Invention advantageously provides starting matériels for a large variety of high-quality chocolaté products, wherein water-soluble undesired hydrophilic components (such as bltter and/or astringent low molecular polyphenols (e.g. catechins)) may be removed whlle retaining the water-soluble aroma components, polyphenolic components and vitamlns of the cocoa beans/nlbs and preservlng high concentrations thereof due to the low thermal burden.
[0071] Hence, It Is possible to manufacture many variants of chocolaté products, wherein the typical characteristics of the origin, varlety and vintage of cocoa bean are perceptible, Irrespective of the spécifie fermentation grade of the used beans/nibs.
[0072] Exemplary methods of manufacturing chocolaté and chocolate-like products on the basis of the chocolaté construction kit, or the extracts obtained In the method according to the first embodiment, respectively, will be given hereinbelow.
Methods for Manufacturing Chocolaté Products [0073] The plurality of cocoa bean extraction products produced in accordance with method steps set forth in the first embodiment may be used for the préparation of a large varlety of chocolaté products, as will be described In the following third embodiment.
[0074] Fig. 3A Illustrâtes an example of a method for the préparation of dark chocolaté and mllk chocolaté, wherein the cocoa aroma extracts obtained from dearomatisation of the water phase and/or optionally the roasted cocoa aroma obtained from the dryIng/roasting step (as indlcated in Fig. 2) are first added to the cocoa butter. Before being subjected to a conchlng step, the dried and roasted solid cocoa powder Is mixed with cocoa butter with added aroma and fine mllled. Polyphenolic powder may be added to the mixture as desired to provide more Intense flavors and higher contents of antioxldants in the final product. Additional tailorîng of flavor or development of flavor may be performed by adding one or more of sugar, sweetener, cocoa pulp and/or fruit juices. For the préparation of milk chocolaté, mllk powder is further added, preferably prior to the mixing step. Optionally, an emulsifying agent (e.g. iecithin) may be added prior to conchlng to reduce viscosity, control sugar crystallization and the flow properties of chocolaté, and help In the homogeneous mixing of ingrédients. Also, additional Ingrédients and flavors, such as e.g. vanilla, rum and so on may be added prior to or during the conchlng step.
[0075] The conchlng process redistributes into the fat phase the substances from the dry cocoa that create flavor, while removing unwanted acetic, propionlc, and butyric acids from the chocolaté, reducing moisture, and mellowing the flavor of the product. The température of the conche Is controlled and varies depending on the different types of chocolaté (from around 49 °C for mllk chocolaté to up to 62 °C for dark chocolaté). While being to some degree dépendent on the température, the conchlng duration in conventîonal chocolaté manufacturing processes generally ranges from 16 up to 72 hours In order to achleve good results. In the method according to the présent invention, the conchlng duration is preferably iess than 16 hours, more preferably less than 12 hours, typically 10 hours or less. Thus, a loss of désirable aroma characteristics as observed at long conching times does not occur.
[0076] As alternative chocolaté product that may be manufactured by the method of pro* duclng chocolaté according to the présent Invention as indlcated In Fig. 3B, white chocolaté may be mentloned, which is usuaily a blend of cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids, emulslfier (e.g. lecithin), as weli as optionally vanilia for fiavor, depending on the producer*s recipe. .
[0077] Conventional methods for the production of white chocolaté involve the use of deodorlzed cocoa butter. Specifically, cocoa butter Is conventionally prepared by methods comprising the aikalization of cocoa liquor, which contributes to high contents of bitter flavor components In the cocoa butter that hâve to be removed, which may be achieved by means of extraction with organic solvents or steam injection to provide a low-odor, non-bitter and fiavoriess cocoa butter basls for the further préparation of white chocolaté. However, such processes are known to Invoive a réduction of the contents of vitamins and antl-oxidants In the cocoa butter.
[0078] Advantageously, using the herein described techniques, cocoa butter with less bltter flavors may be obtained, so that oniy gentle cocoa butter processing, if any, is required in order to render It usabie for the production of white chocolaté, aiso leading to a préservation of iarger contents of désirable components such as vitamins or antioxldants.
[0079] In addition, by recombining of the cocoa butter with the cocoa aromas and/or roasted cocoa aroma and/or the polyphenolic powder as obtained by the method of the first embodiment according to the desired taste allows to produce a white chocolaté having a characteristic and distinct cocoa flavor.
[0080] The chocolaté or chocoiate-like products obtained by the methods of the présent invention may take any suitable form and may, for exampie, be packaged and sold as a block or a bar, be filled and may be used as a coating, be used in other confectlonery and bakery applications (e.g. as a cake coating or filling, a biscuit coating or filling, a sponge coating or filling or a coating layer for an ice cream). Also, the obtained chocolaté or chocoiate-like products may optionally hâve further additives added prior to the final use of the product.
[0081] Once given the above disciosure, many other features, modifications, and improvements will become apparent to the skllied artisan.

Claims (14)

1. A method for processing fermented or Incubated cocoa beans comprising the steps of;
adding water to fermented or incubated cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension;
wet grinding said suspension;
subjectlng said suspension to a heat treatment at a température of 70°C or less; separating the suspension into a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a soiid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and solide and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separately processing the three phases, which comprises:
neutralizing and/or removing acetlc acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an Incubation of the cocoa beans via the water phase, and optionaily separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenollc powder from at least the water phase.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein acetic acid Is removed from the water phase by distillation, extraction, emulsion-type liquid membrane processes, saiting out or combinations thereof.
3. The method according to claims 1 or 2, wherein said water phase is subjected one or more concentration step(s) to obtaln said cocoa aroma and polyphenollc powder extracts.
4. The method according to claim 3, wherein acetic acid is removed from the water phase prior to or during the concentration step(s).
5. The method according to any of the preceding claims, wherein cocoa aroma and polyphenolic powder are extracted from the water phase and the solid phase.
6. The method according to any of the preceding claims, further including a drying step of the solid phase In a dryer after séparation In three phases to obtain aromatics and cocoa solids.
7. The method according to claim 4, wherein the dryer Is a drum dryer.
Θ. The method according to claim 4, wherein the dryer is a mixing device comprising: a cylindrical, tubular body having an Inlet and outlet openings for the solid phase arranged with Its axis horizontal and closed at its opposite ends by end plates; a coaxial heating or cooiing jacket; and a bladed rotor Is supported for rotation In the tubular body, Its biades being arranged as a hélix and oriented for centrifuging the solid phase being processed and slmultaneously transporting it towards the outlet opening, wherein the outlet opening communicates, by means of a duct, with a device for separating the aroma phase from the dried product in order to contlnuously dry the cocoa solids and separate aromatics.
9. The method according any of the preceding claims wherein said cocoa processing steps are performed without use of non-water solvents.
10. The method according to any of the preceding claims wherein each of said cocoa processing steps are performed at températures of no more than approximately 70eC.
11. A chocolaté construction kit comprising the cocoa butter, cocoa powder, poiyphenoiic powder and cocoa aroma extracts obtained by the method according to claim 1.
12. A method for producing chocolaté or chocolate-like products comprising the steps of:
addlng water to fermented or incubated cocoa beans or nibs to form a suspension;
wet grinding said suspension;
subjecting said suspension to a heat treatment at a température of 70°C or less; separating the suspension into three phases, i.e. a water phase (heavy phase), a fat phase (light phase) and a solid phase, said fat phase comprising cocoa butter as a major component and solids and/or water as minor components and said solid phase comprising cocoa powder and water; and separately processing the three phases, which comprises:
neutralizing and/or removing acetic acid formed during fermentation or formed or added prior to or during an incubation of the cocoa beans via the water phase, separating cocoa butter from the fat phase, separating cocoa powder from the solid phase, and separating cocoa aroma and a polyphenolic powder from at least the water phase;
recomblnlng the cocoa aroma extract with the cocoa butter extract;
mixing the recombined extracts with said cocoa powder extract, said polyphenolic powder extract and/or mllk powder; and conching said mixture.
13. The method according to claim 10, wherein the recombined extracts are mixed with at least said cocoa powder extract and said polyphenolic powder extract
14. The method according to daims 12 or 13, wherein the recombined extracts are further mixed with sugar, sweetener or cocoa puip.
15. A chocolaté or chocolate-like product obtained by the method according to any one of daims 12 to 1.
OA1201800009 2015-07-08 2016-07-08 Chocolate, chocolate-like products, chocolate construction kit and methods for preparing the same. OA18585A (en)

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