OA17056A - Screen assembly. - Google Patents

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OA17056A OA1201400372 OA17056A OA 17056 A OA17056 A OA 17056A OA 1201400372 OA1201400372 OA 1201400372 OA 17056 A OA17056 A OA 17056A
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base pipe
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Bernard Yhuel
Philippe Gambier
Ezio Toffanin
Merrick Walford
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Prad Research And Development Limited
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Application filed by Prad Research And Development Limited filed Critical Prad Research And Development Limited
Publication of OA17056A publication Critical patent/OA17056A/en



An assembly that is usable with a well includes a base pipe, a shroud that is disposed radially outside of the base pipe and tubes. The tubes are disposed radially outside of the base pipe and are radially inside the shroud. The tubes longitudinally extend along the base pipe and radially expand to radially expand the shroud in response to pressurization of the tubes.


A fluid producing well may extend into one or more subterranean formations that contain unconsolidated particulates, often referred to as sand, which may migrate out of the formations with the produced oil, gas, water, or other fluid. If appropriate measures are not undertaken, the sand may abrade the well and surface equlpment, such as tublng, pumps and valves. Moreover, if appropriate measures are not undertaken, the sand may partiaily or fully clog the well, inhlbit fluid production, and so forth.
For purposes of controlling the sand production in a given zone, or stage, of a production well, a tubing string that communicates produced fluid from the well may contain a screen that is positioned in the stage. The screen may contain filtering media through which the produced fluid flows into the tubing string and which therefore inhibits sand from entering the Inside of the tubing string. As another measure to control sand production, in the compietion of the well, a gravel packlng operation may be performed for purposes of depositing a gravel pack around the periphery of the screen. The gravel pack serves as a filtering substrate to allow produced well fluid to enter the tubing string and prevent sand from entering the tubing string. The gravel pack also serves to stabiiize the wellbore.
The summary Is provided to Introduce a sélection of concepts that are further described beiow ln the detailed description. This summary is not Intended to identify key or essential features of the clalmed subject matter, nor Is it intended to be used as an aid in limiting the scope of the claimed subject matter.
In accordance with an example Implémentation, an assembly Includes a base pipe, a filtering media disposed outside of the base pipe, a shroud disposed outside of the base pipe and tubes. The tubes are disposed between the filtering media and the shroud and longitudinally extend along the base pipe. The tubes are adapted to be pressurized to cause the tubes to radially expand to radially expand the shroud.
ln accordance with another example Implémentation, a technique Includes running an assembly Including a base pipe, a shroud outside of the base pipe and tubes disposed between the base pipe and the shroud in the well; and expanding the shroud by pressurizing the tubes.
In accordance with yet another example implémentation, a system includes a string and screen assemblies. At least one of the screen assemblies includes a base pipe, a filtering media disposed outside of the base pipe, a shroud disposed outslde of the base pipe and tubes. The tubes are disposed between the filtering media and the shroud and longitudinaily extend along the base pipe. The tubes are adapted to be pressurized to cause the tubes to radially expand to radially expand the shroud.
Advantages and other features will become apparent from the following drawings, description and claims.
Fig. 1 Is a schematlc diagram of a well system illustrating screen assemblies of the system In unexpanded states according to an example implémentation.
Fig. 2 is a cross-sectionai view taken along line 2-2 of Fig. 1 according to an example Implémentation.
Figs. 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D lllustrate a system and technique to connect shroud expanding tubes of assemblies of the system of Fig. 1 together according to an example Implémentation.
Fig. 4 is a cross-sectionai view of the system of Fig. 1 Illustrating a radially expanded state of a screen assembly according to an exampie implémentation.
Figs. 5 and 9 are flow diagrams depicting techniques to complété a segment of a well according to exampie implémentations.
Fig. 6 is a schematlc diagram of a well system illustrating pressurization of shroud expanding tubes of a screen assembly according to an example Implémentation.
Fig. 7 Is a schematlc diagram illustrating the use of check valves to maintain shroud expanding tubes in radially expanded states according to an example implémentation.
Fig. 8 is a cross-sectionai schematlc view of a well system illustrating the use of a sliding sleeve valve to maintain shroud expanding tubes in radially expanded states according to an example implémentation.
Fig. 10 is a schematic cross-sectionai view of a screen assembly illustrating the use of a grave! packlng operation to expand the shroud expanding tubes of the assembly according to an example implémentation.
Fig. 111s a schematic cross-sectionai view of a screen assembly illustrating the use of shunt tubes of the assembly to gravel pack an annuler région inside a shroud of the assembly according to an example implémentation.
In the following description, numerous details are set forth to provide an understanding of features of various embodiments. However, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the subject matter that is set forth in the claims may be practiced without these details and that numerous variations or modifications from the described embodiments are possible.
As used herein, terms, such as up and down; upper and lower; upwardly and downwardly; upstream and downstream; above and below; and other like terms indicating relative positions above or below a given point or element are used in this description to more cleariy describe some embodiments. However, when applied to equipment and methods for use in environments that are deviated or horizontal, such terms may refer to a left to right, right to left, or other relationship as appropriate.
In general, Systems and techniques are disclosed herein for purposes of completing a given zone, segment, or stage, of a well in a process that includes running a screen assembly In a radially unexpanded state Into the stage; pressurizing longitudinally-extending tubes inside a shroud of the screen assembly to radially expand the shroud; and installing a grave! pack inside the shroud. As disclosed herein, in accordance with example implémentations, In connection with installing the grave! pack inside the shroud, a gravel-laden slurry Is communicated through the shroud expanding tubes such that the tubes are also used as grave! packing shunt tubes; and due to the pressure involved with the communication of the slurry, the tubes radially expand to therefore, radially expand the shroud. Therefore, at the conclusion of the gravel packing operation, the interior of the tubes contain gravel, which provides structural support to retain the tubes and shroud in their radially expanded states. Moreover, the introduction of the gravel pack inside the shroud provides structural support to maintain the shroud in Its radially expanded state, as well as provide a filtering substrate to inhibit, If not prevent, formation sand from entering production tubing. As disclosed herein, in further example implémentations, separate gravel packing shunt tubes may be used, in lieu of the shroud expanding tubes, to deliver the gravel Inside the shroud.
Refemng to Fig. 1, as a more spécifie example, in accordance with some implémentations, a well System 5 includes a wellbore 12 that may traverse one or more producing formations (as an example). In general, the wellbore 12 extends for this example from a heel end 17 to a toe end 19 through one or multiple stages, or zones, of the wellbore 12. The well System 5 may hâve additional wellbores, Including latéral wellbores, deviated wellbores and/or vertical wellbores, In accordance with further Implémentations; as the sole wellbore 12 is depicted for simplicity for purposes of clarifying the use and Installation of an example completion.
For the example of Fig. 1, the wellbore 12extends into a particular example zone, or stage 35; and the wellbore 12 is uncased, or Is an open hole wellbore. It is noted that the System 5 Is mereiy an example, In that the stage 35 (and wellbore 12) may be cased, in accordance with further Implémentations. As also depicted in Fig. 1, in accordance with an example implémentation, the stage 35 has been perforated to form various sets of perforation tunnels 50. In this regard, one or more perforating guns may hâve been previously deployed In the welibore 12 within the stage 35; and shaped charges of these guns may hâve been fired at various locations to form perforation jets to form corresponding perforation tunnels 50 Into the surrounding formation(s).
It is noted that in accordance with further implémentations, hydraulic communication with the formation may be enhanced in other ways. For example, In accordance with further implémentations, an abrasive jetting tool may hâve been previously deployed In the wellbore 12 for purposes of enhandng fluid communication. Moreover, In accordance with further implémentations, the wellbore 12 may be formed by drilling and no further operations may be performed to further enhance hydraulic communication with the formation(s). Thus, many variations are contemplated, which are within the scope ofthe appended claims.
As depicted in Fig. 1, a tubing string 30 extends downhole into the wellbore 12 and contains screen assemblies 40 (screen assembly 40-1 and 40-2, being depicted as spécifie examples in Fig. 1), which are serially connected together. For this example, uphole from the uppermost screen assembly 40-1, the tubing string 30 may contain at least one packer 60, which is set (i.e., radially expanded) to form an annular seal between the exterior of the tubing string 30 and the borehole wall. In accordance with example Implémentations, the packer 60 Is initially unset (i.e., radially retracted) when the tubing string 30 is deployed in the wellbore 12 and thereafter set to form the annular seal between the tubing string 30 and the borehole wall. In general, the packer 60 may be one of numerous different types of packers, such as a weight-set packer, a hydraulically-set packer, a mechanically-set packer, an inflatable packer, a swellable packer, and so forth.
Fig. 1 generaily depicts an intermediate state of a completion process in which the screen assemblies 40 are radially retracted, I.e., hâve respective collapsed, or radially unexpanded, run-in-hole states that facilitate the runnlng of the screen assemblies 40 (and tubing string 30) into the wellbore 12. As described herein, once ln position downhole, the screen assemblies 40 may be radially expanded into a surroundlng annular space 34 between the borehole wall and the shroud 114 so that the shrouds 114 generally confonm to the borehole wall. As separate from or part of this expansion process (as further disclosed herein), a gravel pack may be Introduced inside the screen assemblies 40 for purposes of providing a sand filtering substrate inside shrouds 114, as well as providing structural support to maintain the shrouds 114 in their radially expanded states.
For purposes of gravel packing and/or expanding of the screen assemblies 40, the well System 5 includes various surface equipment components that are disposed at the Earth surface E. ln this regard, as a simplified example, the well System 5 may Include a fluid source 11, a gravel slurry source 10, various controls 9 (valves, for example) and a surface pump 8, which communicate with the well annulus and central passageway of the tubîng string 30, as appropriate.
Referring to Fig, 2 in conjunction with Fig. 1, in accordance with an example implémentation, the screen assembly 40 Indudes an interior base pipe 100, which has a central passageway 102 for purposes of communlcating produced fluid from the stage 35. For this exampie, the base pipe 100 is a perforated base pipe, which has various perforations, or openings 101 (one opening 101 being depicted ln the cross-sectional view of Fig. 2), which, in general, receive produced well fluid so that the well fluid may be communlcated via the central passageway 102 to the Earth surface E. The base pipe 100 may hâve various other constructions, ln accordance with further implémentations. For example, in accordance with a further implémentation, the base pipe 100 may be a solid pipe that has radial openings such that the fluid communication through each of these openings or groups of the openings may be controlled using an associated intelligent completion device (ICD). Thus, many variations are contemplated, which are within the scope of the appended daims.
For purposes of protecting the components of the screen assembly 40, the assembly 40 Includes the outer, protective shroud 114 that clrcumscribes the base pipe 100, as depicted ln Fig. 2. The shroud 114 further dosely circumscribes an outer filtering media 115, ln accordance with an example implémentation. In accordance with some implémentations, the outer filtering media 115 is a screen mesh, with openings that are sized to prevent formation sand from entering Inside an annular space 117 between the outer filtering media 115 and the base pipe 100.
The screen assembly 40 further Indudes a second, inner filtering media 104, which dosely circumscribes the base pipe 100. The annular space 117 between the outer filtering media 115 and inner filtering media 104 may be gravel packed, as further disclosed herein. The inner fiitering media 104 may be a wire-wrapped screen, in accordance with example implémentations, which has openings that are sized to prevent the gravel pack material from passing through the innerfiltering media 104and throughtheopenings 101 ofthe base pipe 100. Thus, In accordance with example implémentations, the Inner 104 and outer 115 filtering media hâve two differently-sized openings: the outer filtering media 115 has relatively smaller openings that are sized to prevent formation sand production (and consequently, also retain the larger slze gravel pack); and the Inner filtering media 104 has relatively larger openings that are sized to retain the gravel pack.
As tllustrated in Fig. 2, In accordance with example Implémentations, longitudinally-extending wires, orribs 110, are radially disposed between the exterior of the base pipe 100 and the interior of the Inner filtering media 104 and, in general, are peripherally distributed about the base pipe 100. The ribs 110, In general, provide radial, structural support for the inner fiitering media 104.
In accordance with example implémentations, the screen assembly 40 further indudes the longitudinally-extending shroud expanding tubes 120, which are distributed around the peripheryofthe base pipe 100însidetheannularspace 117 between the Inner 104and outer 115 filtering media. As depicted in Fig. 2, when the screen assembly 40 is run into the well, the tubes 120 are each In a radially unexpanded state, or’collapsed.
In general, the shroud expanding tube 120 may be formed from a material that deforms relatively easily without cracking, such as a 316L alloy, as an example. Other materials may be used for the shroud expanding tube, in accordance with further implémentations. In accordance with some Implémentations, the tube 120 may be constructed from a memory form métal.
Referring to Fig. 4, after the screen assembly 40 is in the appropriate downhole position, interior spaces 150 of the tubes 120 may be pressurized, which causes corresponding radial expansion ofthe tubes 120and shroud 114, Thus, as depicted In Fig. 4, in the radiallyexpanded state, each shroud 114 generally contacts and conforms to the borehole wall.
Referring to Fig. 5, using the screen assembly 40, a technique 200 may be used to complété a particular zone, or segment, of a well, in accordance with example implémentations. Pursuant to the technique 200, a screen assembly Is run into position In a well for a state of the assembly In which longitudinally-extending tubes between a base pipe of the assembly and a shroud of the assembly are collapsed, pursuant to block 204. The tubes are pressurized, pursuant to block 208, to radially expand the shroud toward (against, for example) the borehole wall. A gravel pack may be installed inside the shroud, pursuant to block 210.
Referring to Fig. 3A, in accordance with an example Implémentation, the shroud expanding tubes 120 of adjacent screen assemblies 40 may be connected together using jumper tube assemblies 129. In this regard, for the example of Fig. 3A, the base pipes 100 of two adjacent screen assemblies 40 are connected together via a connecter 132. The adjacent screen assemblies 40 hâve corresponding shroud-expanding tubes 120-1 and 120-2, for this example, which are coupled together using a Jumper tube assembly 129.
More specifically, in accordance with example implémentations, the shroud expanding tubes 120 may be coupled together using jumper tube assemblies 129. Each jumper tube assembly 129 has associated connectera 130 on either end for purposes of forming a sealed connection between an end of a shroud expanding tube 120 and the corresponding end of the jumper tube assembly 129. Before installation, the longitudinal travel of the connecter 130 is limited by a clip stop 134. Thus, referring to Fig. 3B, in the process to connect two jumper tube assemblies 129 together, the jumper tube assembly 129 Is aligned with the tubes 120-1 and 120-2, so that the connectera 130 may be slid into position to couple the jumper tube 129 to the tubes 120-1 and 120-2 and slid Into position, as depicted in Fig. 3C. As depicted in Fig. 3D, snap-on clips 131 may be subsequently installed for purposes of locking, the connectera 130 in position. Thus, shroud expanding tubes 120 from multiple screen assemblies 40 may be connected together to form a continuous longitudinally extending tube along several screen assemblies 40.
The shroud expanding tubes 20 may be pressurized used one of numerous mechanisms, depending on the particular Implémentation. As an example, Fig. 6 depicts a System 250 for expanding the tubes 120, in accordance with an example implémentation. For this implémentation, the shroud expanding tube 120 has a corresponding upper port 274, which is constructed to align with a corresponding port of a tool 260 that Is deployed inside the tublng string 30. In this regard, when properiy aligned, the ports of the tool 260 align with the ports 280 and are sealed via o-rings 272. A fluid flow may be communicated downhole through a passageway 264 of the tool 260 and into the tubes 120 for purposes of pressurizing the interiora of the tubes 120 to radially expand the tubes 120.
In accordance with example Implémentations, measures are undertaken for purposes of maintainlng the fluid pressurizations of the shroud expanding tubes 120 to retain the shroud 114 in its radially expanded position. For example, referring to Fig. 7, In accordance with an example Implémentation, check valves 290 may be used on the ports 274 for purposes of allowing the interiors of the shroud expanding tubes 120 to be pressurized and thereafter, preventing outflow of the pressurized fluid to maintain the internai fluid pressure of the shroud expanding tubes 120. As another example, Fig. 8 depicts a system In which a slidlng sleeve vaive of the tubing string 30 may be used for purposes of maintaining the pressurized states of the tubes 120. In this regard, the sliding sleeve valve, for this exampie, includes an actuator (not shown) and a sleeve 282, which is sealed via o-rings 273 and which may be actuated (using a shifting tool, for example) for purposes of opening communication with the ports 274 to allow the shroud expanding tubes 120 to be pressurized and thereafter permitting the closure of the ports 274 to retain the fluid pressure. Other mechanisms may be used to maintain the tubes 120 in their pressurized states, In accordance with further implémentations.
In further implémentations, the gravel packing operation, which is used to instali the gravel pack inside the annular space 117 of the shroud 114, may be used for the dual purpose of radially expanding the shroud expanding tubes 120. In this regard, for these implémentations, a gravelladen slurry may be communlcated down hole through the passageway of the shroud expanding tubes 120, which for this Implémentation, also serve as shunt tubes for the gravel packing. Moreover, for this implémentation, at the conclusion of the gravel packing operation, the deposited gravel pack inside the shroud expanding tubes 120 retains the tubes 120 in their radially expanded states, thereby obviating the need to maintain fluid pressure on the interior spaces of the tubes 120.
Thus, referring to Fig. 9, In accordance with further implémentations, a technique 286 to complété a segment of a well includes running a screen assembiy into a weii into position for a state of the assembiy in which longitudînaliy-extending tubes between a base pipe of the screen assembiy and a shroud of the assembiy are collapsed, pursuant to block 288 and thereafter, a segment of the well may be gravel packed (block 290). This gravel packing includes using the longitudinally-extending tubes of the screen assembiy as shunt tubes to cause the tubes to radially expand to radially expand the shroud of the assembiy against the borehole wall.
As a more spécifie example, Fig. 10 depicts a screen assembiy 300 in accordance with an example implémentation. In general, the screen assembiy 300 contains components similar to the screen assembiy 40 depicted In Figs. 2 and 4, with similar référencé numerals being used to dénoté similar components. Unlike the screen assembiy 40, however, the screen assembiy 300 includes longitudinally extending shroud-expanding tubes 310 (replacing the tubes 120). The shroud expanding tubes 310 contain rupture dises 314 for purposes of ailowtng the tubes
310 to be used as both tubes to communicate the gravel laden slurry Into the annular space 117 and serve to radially expand the tubes 310 to expand the shroud 114.
In this regard, each shroud expanding tube 310, in accordance with example implémentations, includes longitudinally and radially distributed ports containing rupture dises 314, which are constructed to be breached, or burst, at pressures that exceed the pressures for radially expanding the tubes 310. Therefore, during a first phase, the screen assembly 300 radially expands due to the communication and pressurization inside the tubes 310 due to the communication of the gravel laden slurry Inside the tubes 310. Eventually, the pressures In the shroud expanding tubes 310 build until the rupture dises 314 burst, or are breached, which allows the gravel slurry to be Introduced Into the annular space 117 Inside the shroud 114 between/surrounding the tubes 310. The excess fluid retums through the centrai passageway 102 of the base pipe 100 to the Earth surface E, leaving the grave! pack Inside the shroud expanding tubes and outslde of the shroud expanding 120 Inside the annular space of the shroud 114. After the completion of the gravel packlng operation, the grave! Inside the tubes 310 provide structural Integrity to retaln the tubes 310 in their radially expanded states, as well as provide an additional fiîtering substrate to prevent or at least inhibit the production of formation sand.
Othervariations are contemplated, which arewithin the scope ofthe appended daims. For example, in accordance with a further Implémentation, a screen assembly 400 of Fig. 11 may be used In place of the screen assemblies 40 and 300. Referring to Fig. 11, In general, the screen assembly 400 has components similarto the screen assemblies 40 and 300, with the different éléments being denoted by different référencé numérale, in particular, unlike the screen assembly 350, the screen assembly 400 has the same shroud expanding tubes 120 as the screen assembly 40. in this manner, the shroud expanding tubes 120 of the screen assembly 400 do not contain rupture dises, as the tubes 120 are not used for purposes of Installing the gravel pack inside the shroud 114. instead, In addition to the shroud expanding tubes 120, the screen assembly 400 Indudes longitudinally extending (along the base pipe 100) grave! packlng shunt tubes 410 for purposes of communicating gravel packlng slurry downhole and depositing the gravel pack Inside the annular space 117. Therefore, for this implémentation, the shroud expanding tubes 120 may be first radially expanded by pressurizing the Interior spaces of the tubes 120 (with a pumped fluid, for example) and thereafter, the pressurized state of the shroud expanding tubes may be refined using check valves, sleeves, and so forth, as disdosed herein. Next, In a subsequentiy phase, a grave! packing operation is performed via the shunt tubes 410 for purposes of depositing the gravel pack inside the shroud
While a limited number of examples hâve been disclosed herein, those skilled In the art, having the benefit of this disclosure, wiii appreciate numéro us modifications and variations therefrom. It Is Intended that the appended daims cover all such modifications and variations.

Claims (20)

1 A screen assembly usable with a well, comprising:
a base pipe;
filtering media disposed outslde of the base pipe;
a shroud disposed outslde of the base pipe; and tubes disposed between the filtering media and the shroud and longitudinally extending along the base pipe, the tubes being adapted to be pressurized to radially expand to radially expand the shroud.
2. The assembly of claim 1, further comprising a screen disposed between the tubes and the base pipe.
3. The assembly of daim 2, wherein the screen comprises a wlre-wrapped screen.
4. The assembly of daim 2, further comprising ribs to longitudinally extend between the base pipe and the screen.
5. The assembly of daim 1, whereln at least one of the tubes is adapted to be run into the well in a collapsed state to reduce an outer profile of the assembly.
6. The assembly of daim 1, further comprising at least one valve to retain pressure in at least one of the tubes after radial expansion of the shroud.
7. The assembly of daim 1, wherein the plurality of tubes comprise gravel packing shunt tubes.
8. The assembly of daim 7, further comprising at least one rupture dise disposed on at least one of the tubes to allow a pressurization of the at least one tube to cause radial expansion of the at least one tube and be subsequently breached to allow a gravel packing siurry to be communicated into an annular région outslde of the tube after radial expansion of the shroud.
9. The assembly of daim 1, further comprising at least one additional tube to communicate a gravel packing siurry Into a well.
10. A method usable with a well, comprising:
running an assembiycomprising a base pipe, a shroud outside ofthe base pipe andtubes disposed between the base pipe and the shroud In the well;
expanding the shroud, wherein expanding the shroud comprises pressurizing the tubes to radiaily expand the tubes to radially expand the shroud; and installing a grave! pack inside the shroud.
11. The method of claim 10, wherein running the assembly into the well comprises running a screen disposed between the tubes and the base pipe.
12. The method of claim 10, wherein further comprising assembling the tubes in sections and connecting the sections using jumper tubes.
13. The method of daim 10, wherein radially expanding the shroud comprises radially expanding gravel packing tubes using a fluid pressurization provided by communication of a grave! packing sluny.
14. The method of daim 10, further comprising gravel packing after the radial expansion of the shroud, comprising using tubes other than the tubes that are radially expanded to radially expand the shroud.
15. The method of daim 10, wherein radially expanding the shroud comprises running a tool inside the assembly to communicate fluid to the tubes.
16. A System usable with a well, comprising:
a tubing string; and screen assemblies connected to the tubing string, at least one of the screen assemblies
comprising: a base pipe; filtering media disposed outside ofthe base pipe; a shroud disposed outside of the base pipe; and tubes disposed between the filtering media and the shroud and longitudinaliy
extending along the base pipe, the tubes adapted to be pressurized to radiaily expand to radially expand the shroud.
17. The system of daim 16, wherein the plurality of tubes comprise gravel packing tubes.
18. The system of daim 17, further comprising at least one rupture dise disposed on at least one of the tubes to allow a pressurization of the at least one tube to cause radial expansion of
5 the at least one tube and be subsequently breached to allow a gravel packing slurry to be communicated Into an annular région outside of the tube after radial expansion of the shroud.
19. The system of daim 16, further comprising at least one additional tube to communlcate a gravel packing slurry into the well.
20. The system of daim 16, wherein the at least one screen assembly comprises:
10 a screen radially disposed between the base pipe and the tubes;
ribs disposed between the screen and the base pipe to support the screen; and fiitering media.
OA1201400372 2012-02-23 2013-02-11 Screen assembly. OA17056A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
EP12290060.8 2012-02-23

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
OA17056A true OA17056A (en) 2016-03-04



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