MXPA01002698A - Method and apparatus for determining position in a pipe - Google Patents

Method and apparatus for determining position in a pipe


Publication number
MXPA01002698A MXPA/A/2001/002698A MXPA01002698A MXPA01002698A MX PA01002698 A MXPA01002698 A MX PA01002698A MX PA01002698 A MXPA01002698 A MX PA01002698A MX PA01002698 A MXPA01002698 A MX PA01002698A
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Joseph Zierolf
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Marathon Oil Company
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Application filed by Marathon Oil Company filed Critical Marathon Oil Company
Publication of MXPA01002698A publication Critical patent/MXPA01002698A/en



A method and apparatus for determining position in a pipe (Fig. 2) provides for the precise determination of location and associated characteristics of each pipe joint (14) of a well, cross country pipeline or other fluid transmission line. The system includes a passive or active radio identification device (30) at each joint in the pipe or casing string. A pipeline tool (24) includes a radio transmitter and receiver (28) with the transmitter transmitting on a frequency selected for resonating the identification devices. The resonant response of each device is detected by a receiver in the pipeline tool, with the response transmitted to the surface via the wireline to which the tool is connected.


METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE POSITION WITHIN A PIPE WITH REFERENCE TO RELATED PATENT APPLICATION This application claims the benefit of United States Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60 / 098,284, filed on August 28, 1998.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is generally related to devices for detecting intermediate points within wells, gas and oil pipelines, and the like, and more specifically with a system that uses radio frequency resonance devices installed in various locations. points of the well or tube. A detector is inserted into the tube, and detects the resonance devices where it is installed to transmit the location or depth and other information back to a station on the surface or along the tube. The present invention can cause the storage of collected information to be discharged upon removal of the device from the well or tube.
DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED TECHNIQUE The need for an accurate measurement of the depth of a drilled well is critical, since very often the stratum of interest in the well resides within a relatively narrow band. The wells are typically covered after being drilled, with cement poured between the perforated hole wall cover in order to seal and stabilize the hole. The roof and the cement are drilled in the desired depth to be able to access the stratum of interest (deposits containing oil, gas, water, etc.), with the cover and cement having the function of preventing the flow and mixing of undesirable fluids with the fluid of interest from the well (for example, water with oil, etc.). In view of the foregoing, it is critical that the well be drilled precisely to the proper depth in order to avoid extracting an undesirable fluid into the well, and / or not reaching the desired interest extract in the well. As the wells typically extend from a few feet to several feet, below the surface on the oil deck and gas wells, accurately measuring the depth of the well to a few feet presents a difficult problem. U.S. Patent No. 5,279,366 provides an excellent and detailed discussion of the problem in the background of the invention, columns 1 to 4, for more background. Accordingly, several devices and systems have been developed in the past to record or measure the precise depth of the well, to drill the well or for other purposes as required. Such principles as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), gamma ray detection, and others have been used to allow a detector that is lowered into the well cover to determine its position deep within the hole. However, none of these systems or principles used in the past provide the necessary accuracy to allow an operator to accurately determine the depth of the tool inside the hole. It is very easy for the well to be incorrectly registered, or for the tool to detect the junction or incorrect point on the cover, and in this way cause ambiguity in the corresponding calculations and measurements. Since the cover tube of a conventional well has a length of approximately 30 feet, it can be seen that an error in the detection of a joint site could cause a drill gun or other tool to not reach the layer of interest completely. . Those skilled in the art are aware that the limitations of the prior art extend to other types of pipes and the like, and are not limited to only generally vertical wellbores. For example, the standard procedure for examining a pipeline of gas, cross-country oil or other type of pipe, is to "wipe clean" the line, that is, send a mechanical device (called a "cleaning pad") through the line, usually with pneumatic means. The "cleaning pad" 5 can detect different information related to the condition of the tube, or other factors, whose information can be stored inside the device until it is recovered at some point within the line. However, any failure or other problems in the line should be identified as to place, and the mechanical "cleats" used for such operations have no means to determine their position in the line. Instead, its location should be detected externally, by a worker stationed along the line or pipeline as the "cleaning pad" travels through the line, and registers the passage of the "cleaning pad" at several points along the line, in relation to time. By knowing the time in which the information was gathered in the tube, and the time of the passage of the "taco to clean" in several points, the The place of anomalies can indirectly be determined. However, it can be seen that it is difficult to determine the precise location of several anomalies or other points of interest in such a pipe, since the detection of the passage of the "cleaning plug" through the line is determined only in a few points relatively and widely Mj ^. ^ ^ .JS ^ ^ separated along the / * line. Thus, when the record of the recovered "cleansing block" is examined, it may not be possible to narrow the location of any point of interest in the line, to an area smaller than perhaps a few hundred feet of pipe, or maybe more. Accordingly, there is a need for a system that positively identifies the location or depth of a well tool at various points within the well. The system comprises a plurality of passive or active radio frequency resonance devices, which are installed in several, or in all joints of the well cover. Each of the devices is preferably constructed or tuned to provide a single individual signal. A well tool is provided that transmits a directional and / or energy signal to an appropriate frequency to be received by the devices, which then emits a resonance to provide a response signal to the well tool. The response signal passes through the cable to the well operator on the surface, which is able to accurately determine the location or depth of the well tool in the well. Alternatively, the information can be stored inside the tool at the bottom of the hole to download it to a computer or other suitable reading device on the surface, after recovering the tool.
An additional need exists for a system that is capable of positively identifying the location of a tool that passes through a pipeline or the like, and registering the corresponding location in the tool at 5 various points in time as the tool passes through. of the pipe. The system can use active or passive radio frequency resonance devices, with the information stored inside the pipe tool to retrieve it later when the tool is recovered from the line. A discussion of the related art of which the inventor is aware, and their differences and distinctions of the present invention, is provided below. U.S. Patent No. 4,572,293 issued on February 25, 1986 to James G. ilson et al., Entitled "Méthod Of Placing Magnetic Markers On Collarless Cased Ellbores", describes the magnetic polarization of a well cover by placing one or more electromagnets inside the cover, and activating the electromagnets to impart a permanent magnetic field in the place of the electromagnets inside the cover or tube. The magnetically polarized area can be detected using a conventional magnetic reader cover collar locator. The ilson et al. does not provide any means to differentiate between points magnetically Cit ^ - ^ i-S-HjH-i-f? I? marked, nor to precisely place the magnetically polarized areas at predetermined points on the cover. On the other hand, Wilson et al. it does not disclose any means for recording or determining the position of the device in a fluid pipe or other cross-line pipe, as provided by the present method and apparatus. The North American Patent no. 4,630,044 issued on December 16, 1986 to Rudolf Polzer, entitled "Programmable Inductively Coupled Transponder", describes a passive radio identification (PRID) device that includes a memory to modulate the response signal when activated by an appropriate transmitter. Polzer describes the placement of the resonance repeater in a mobile object, for example, a railway car, with the transmitter of activation having a static assembly. This configuration is precisely the opposite of the present invention, with its static response devices and the activation transmitter being mounted within a well bore in motion or a tool for "cleaning the plug" of pipe. On the other hand, Polzer does not suggest the use of his invention to determine the depth or other characteristics in a well cover or other fluid pipe, as provided by the present invention. U.S. Patent No. 4,808,925 issued on February 28, 1989 to Gary K. Baird, entitled "Three Magnet ? iffifaj / íjftjtiSi? tai tt & = slli Casing Collar Locator ", describes a magnetic device for detecting shell or pipe joints in a well.The device provides a specially configured toroidal magnetic field, which magnetically affects the cover and ferrometallic roof junctions A detector associated with the device detects variations in the magnetic field as the field changes as it passes through each deck junction Baird does not mention detecting differences in the junctions Instead, each junction it appears as essentially the same when detected, and the operator can not determine with precision if the device is located on the deck, each junction must be counted so that the location can be determined, and no other information is provided by the Baird device. Baird does not describe any means to record or determine the precise location of a cleaning tool in a cross-line pipe or other pipe than a vertical fluid pipe, as provided by the present invention. U.S. Patent No. 5,279,366 issued on January 18, 1994 to Patrick L. Scholes, entitled "Method for Wireline Operation Depth Control in Cased Wells," describes the use of both magnetic and radioactive place markers in a well deck. The detector device is capable of detecting anomalies of both high energy (gamma rays) and magnetic radiation, thus making it easier to confirm that well depth records that use any system separately, are properly "adjusted". Scholes' North American Patent 366 provides an excellent explanation of the problem of well depth recording and control as well as the importance of a solution to the problem, in the Invention Background portion of the description, as mentioned above. However, Scholes does not provide any means for differences between different junctions or other places along the length of the deck, and no means of radio frequency resonance to do so. On the other hand, Scholes does not provide any aspect related to any form of registration or determination of the position of a tool other than in a vertical pipe, whereas the present system can be applied to any fluid pipe in a generally vertical orientation or any other orientation different from the vertical. US Patent No. 5,361,838 issued November 8, 1994 to Marion D. Kilgore, entitled "Slick Line Casing And Tubing Joint Locator Apparatus And Associated Methods," describes a device that can be used with a slidable cable, i.e. monofilament metal cable or other type of cable that does not carry an electrical signal. The device relies on an integral magnetic anomaly detector to detect the cover or pipe joints. When a joint is detected, the device triggers a structure that produces drag against the inner surface of the cover, with the drag registering as a momentary increase in tension in the pipeline on the surface as the device passes through the joint. In this way, the Kilgore device can only be used when it is being pulled vertically upwards through the tube, and it does not use any radio frequency resonance means. The Kilgore device does not work in any other pipe than a generally vertical pipe, while the present system can operate in a fluid pipeline, despite its orientation. U.S. Patent No. 5,457,447 issued October 10, 1995 to Sanjar Ghaem et al., Entitled "Portable Power Source And RF Tag Utilizing Same", describes a radio frequency (RF) device providing an interrogation signal and receiving a response from the question mark The device can be activated by any of one or more electrical sources, including conventional battery power, infrared or solar cells, etc. However, Ghaem et al does not mention any aspect related to a response unit for its RF tag device. While the present invention uses an RF transmitter and a receiver arranged r. ^ fe..í. ^ &^ -..- ^ .. i ^ i ^ ^ ij »feagh-íiq inside a tool at the bottom of the well hole, a pipe cleaning tool , or the like, the present invention also uses the inert or active resonance response devices that are activated by the RF repeater device of the pipe or well tool, whose resonance response devices are not part of the description Ghaem et al. U.S. Patent No. 5,497,140 issued March 5, 1996 to John R. Tuttle, entitled "Electpcally Powered Postage Stamp Or Mailing Or Shipping Label Operative With Radio Frequeney (RF) Communication," describes a small and highly radio transmitter and receiver. thin, including a memory chip to modulate the transmitted signal to provide certain specific information, for example routing, etc. The Tuttle description provides a thin flat battery for powering the device, and therefore includes "sleeping" and "awake" circuits that are activated by transmission from another device. The present invention does not require any integral electrical power in the specific form of an electrical battery, but instead produces resonance when energy is received from a nearby transmitter. The present device may include active circuits that require electrical power, but electrical energy is generated by electrochemical means using the fluid within the core or tube, as an electrolyte. The Tuttle device is not a resonance device. U.S. Patent No. 5,626,192, issued May 6, 1997 to Michael L. Connell et al., Entitled "Coiled Tubing Joint Locator And Methods," describes a tube that is lowered into the well tube to locate tube joints . The device includes a passage of fluid generally formed axially therethrough, and an electromagnetic junction detector that detects the increased mass of each joint, according to the description. When a joint is detected, a side valve is opened, which decreases the fluid flow resistance through the device and produces a pressure drop that is transmitted to the surface. The Connell et al device can only detect each junction and can not detect any difference between the different junctions, while the present device can provide means to differentiate between different junctions in the well cover or the fluid pipe. U.S. Patent No. 5,720,345 issued on February 24, 1998 to Timothy M. Price et al., Entitled "Casing Joint Detector" describes a magnetic anomaly detector that detects variations in the magnetic flux through the tube or the joints of the cover, as in other devices of the prior art described ifeSafei < »% &» »•«. »...... j ^ t &? K * eaiss jkA above. The detector can also measure the distance traveled down the bottom of the hole, and correlate this distance with the number of junctions that has passed. However, Pnce et al. does not mention the difference between different covers or tube joints, to determine precisely what union is happening at any given point. Also, as with other magnetic anomaly detectors, the device must move at a certain minimum speed through the cover in order to generate the peak in electromagnetic energy to generate a detection signal. The present active or passive RF system can operate at any practicable speed in vertical, horizontal or otherwise oriented fluid pipes of virtually any type, ie, ferromagnetic or other material. European Patent Publication No. 013,494 published July 23, 1980 to British Gas Corporation, entitled "Measurement Of Velocity And / Or Distance," describes a device that produces a magnetic anomaly in the wall of a ferrometic tube, and immediately detects the anomaly as the device passes. The device can, in this way, measure its velocity through the tube, measuring the time between the production of the magnetic anomaly and its detection on the other hand of the device, with the distance between the two components being known. As in other devices using magnetic principles or means mentioned above, the British Gas device can not distinguish between different magnetic anomalies produced by it, but can only count the total number of magnetic anomalies along the length of the tube and provides a distance measurement based on the distance between the detector and the magnetic anomaly producer. Neither the RF means, nor the use except for a bottom of the generally vertical hole, is described in the patent publication of British Gas Corporation. European Patent Publication No. 412,535 published May 11, 1994 to Michael L. Smith, entitled "Tubing Collar Position Sensing Apparatus, and Associated Methods, For Use With A Snubbing Unit," describes a device for electromagnetically detecting connecting or tube collars to progressively open and close the extraction seals of an extraction valve. Therefore, there is no need, and there is no teaching, of any means to distinguish between different joints along the length of the pipe or pipe. Smith mentions that measuring the tubes can not be achieved by means of an odometer alone, due to the slight variations in the length of the tube and in the length of the coupled threads of each coupling, to whose problem, corresponds to the present invention. On the other hand, This system can be adapted to wellbores both generally vertical and generally horizontal or other orientations of gas and other fluid lines. European Patent Publication No. 651,132 published on May 3, 1995 to Halliburton Company, entitled "Method for Locating Tubular Joints in To Well", describes a device that applies lateral pressure to the walls of the tube when a joint is detected. The increased drag of the device increases the tension in the line as the device rises up the tube, thereby allowing the junctions to be detected without requiring an electrical connection between the device within the tube and the surface. The device described in the European Patent Publication '132 is the same as that described in the US Patent 838 and which was mentioned above. The same differences and distinctions noted in the previous discussion can also be applied here. Finally, European Patent Publication No. 730,083 published September 4, 1996 to Halliburton Company, entitled "Method And Apparatus For Use In Setting Barrier Member In Well", discloses a device that uses conventional magnetic anomaly detection means to detect Cover or tube joints, to place a barrier inside the tube or cover so that the barrier does not get over the joint. This is not necessary, and there is no teaching, that the device distinguishes between different joints, since the only thing necessary for the Halliburton device is to determine that the barrier or seal is not placed directly on a joint. None of the foregoing inventions and patents, taken by themselves or in combination, appear to describe the present invention as claimed.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention comprises a method and apparatus for determining the position in a tube or the like, for detecting shell or pipe joints in gas, oil or other perforated pipes or pits, to make distinctions between joints. . The system includes a passive radio identification (PRID) device, or alternatively an active device, installed in each pipe or cover junction, with a tube or well tool including a radio frequency receiver and transmitter. The transmitter of the tool provides a constant transmission signal, which is attenuated or directionally modified to be received only by an identification device in an immediately adjacent tube or cover junction. When the device receives the transmission of the tool, the identification device circuit produces a resonance to transmit a response, which is received by the receiver of the tool. The signal received by the receiver is then transmitted by the cable between the tool and the surface, where it is processed. Alternatively, the tool may include means for recording the information received, downloading the information from the tool when removing the tool on the surface or the access point in a pipeline. The information related to each of the radio identification devices can be stored on the surface, the operator being able to determine the location of the tool at the bottom of the hole at any time, and other characteristics that have been recorded in the computer or information system, such as cover or pipe size, geological or stratum characteristics at any particular point as it was previously recorded and entered into the system, the depth of the well at that point, etc. Again, the present system can be adapted for use in fluid lines (oil, gas, water, etc.) generally horizontal as well as in generally vertical bottoms, and can be used in tubes of virtually any non-horizontal orientation or not equally. The present invention can also use identification devices that provide a distinguishing signal from one another, so that the tool at the bottom of the hole is able to distinguish between each aa & Ü,. device, and therefore the union with which each particular device is associated and the physical characteristics previously recorded in that location. While passive radio identification devices (PRIDs) that produce a resonance when a specific frequency or frequencies are detected, can be used in the present invention, the present method and apparatus can also use active devices, i.e., devices that require electric power for its operation. The present invention provides such electrical energy in the form of an electric battery, with two different metals provided in the resonance device, or the resonance device and the tool, with the fluid inside the well or the tube acting as an electrolyte for the device. Accordingly, it is a principal object of the invention to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining position in a tube or the like, using a radio frequency transmitter and receiver in a tool at the bottom of the hole or pipe, with radio identification devices. passive (PRIDs) or active devices located in each joint in the tube or cover. It is another object of the invention to provide a method and apparatus for determining the position of the improved tubing that may include a system for retrieving and storing information, such as a computer, on the surface or outside of the tubing, with the Pipeline or downhole tool transmitting a signal to the system when a radio frequency identification device is detected. Still another object of the invention is to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining the position in a pipe that can be used by a tool having recording means therein, for recording information detected during the passage of the tool through the pipe, for Download the information of the means of registration of the tool when recovering the tool. It is another object of the invention to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining the position in a pipe whose computer or other information system is programmed with various facts related to each of the identification devices in the well or pipe, such as the stratum or geological characteristics in each identification device installed in the well, the diameter of the cover or tube, the distance between each identification device in the tube or the cover joints, etc. A further object of the invention is to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining the position in a pipe whose identification devices can be distinguished from each other, for the tool to distinguish the specific identification device with which it is communicating anywhere. given in the well or the tube. Still another object of the invention is to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining the position in a pipe that can use flexible seals disposed between each cover or pipe joint, to hold each of the identification devices in place. Another object of the invention is to provide an improved method and apparatus for determining position in a pipeline that can use active RF identification devices that draw electrical energy from an electrochemical source provided by different metals in the RF device and / or tool, with the fluid inside the tube or well doing the function of an electrolyte. It is an object of the invention to provide improved elements and arrangements thereof in an apparatus for the purposes described, which are inexpensive, reliable and fully effective in achieving its intended purposes. These and other objects of the present invention will be apparent upon review of the following specification and drawings.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a perspective section view atfeiAu,) aif & '? t? íI in exploded, and a section of the union and well cover including the installation of a radio identification device within it, and means of reception and transmission radio stations that include a downhole tool inside it to communicate with the device. Figure 2 is a schematic elevation view of a perforated well and cover, showing the general operation of an embodiment of the present invention and its communication with the surface and surface components associated with the invention. Figure 3 is a sectional side perspective view of a pipe coupling incorporating a radio frequency identification device according to the present invention. Figure 4 is a perspective view of a radio frequency identification device and loop antenna used with the present invention. Figure 5 is a perspective view of a sleeve that can be installed in a tube, including the identification device and the loop of Figure 4. Figure 6 is an exploded elevation view of a tube incorporating the present device of identification and loop antenna, and including electrochemical energy generating means having different metals arranged in the loop and the detection tool. Figure 7 is a view in elevation similar to that of Figure 6, but having both different metals incorporated into the antenna loop. Similar reference characters denote the corresponding characteristics consistently through the attached drawings.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED MODALITIES The present invention comprises a method and apparatus for determining the position in a tube or the like, for oil, gas or other wells drilled having covers attached therein and for cross-pipe and other pipelines of gas, oil, water, non-vertical and other pipelines and fluid wells. The present system provides for the determination of the precise location of a pipe or well tool within the pipe or cover, and the associated characteristics of the well or pipe in the place of the tool. Figure 1 provides an exploded perspective sectional view of a well cover or tube 10 formed of a plurality of sections 12, each section 12 having a junction 14 therebetween comprising externally threaded connecting ends 16 with a sleeve 18 of coupling that are internally threaded coupling ensuring ;. ^ ':: > á ^; ".". ^. fei the two ends 16 together. Such joints 14 generally include at least a slight space 20 between each connecting end 16 of the tube or cover sections 12, placing a flexible O-ring 22 in the space 20 at the time of assembly of the joint 14. A downhole tool 24 is also shown in Figure 1, at the lower end of a cable 26 which serves both to support the tool 24 within the cover 10 and to supply electrical power and communication between the tool 24 and the surface , as shown in Figure 2 and as will be discussed later. The well tool 24 includes a radio frequency transmitter and receiver 28 therein, shown in dotted lines in Figure 1. A radio frequency identification device 30 is installed in each of the coupling junctions 14 of the cover cord 10 or pipe, such as sealing, embedding, or otherwise securing the device 30 within seal 22 in the form of a flexible O in each joint 1. The radio frequency identification device 30 may be in the form of a passive radio identification device (known as "PRID"). Such PRIDs are conventional and are used for security of merchandise in the retail industry, security of libraries, etc., and generally comprise a solid-state printed circuit that is of appropriate force and frequency energy. Such devices do not require any additional energy source, since the energy received from the transmission provides enough power for the device to respond with a weak and / or periodic response transmission while it is receiving an appropriate transmission. Alternatively, the response device 30 may be in the form of an active device, requiring a separate source of electrical energy (e.g., an electrical storage battery or other means of electrical energy). Such devices are also conventional, and can be configured to extract virtually no electrical power until the radiofrequency signal is received, upon which they are electrically energized to produce a response transmission. The transceiver 28 included within the well tool 24 is also conventional, and provides a signal transmitted by radio frequency at an appropriate frequency to drive the PRID or activate the device 30 at any given junction location. The transceiver 28 also includes a receiver tuned to receive the response from the PRID or the active device 30, whose response is provided at a different frequency than the transmission frequency used by the transceiver 28 so that the transmitted signal from the transceiver 28 does not interfere with the signal received from the PRID or the active device 30. The transmitter and the antenna system of the transceiver 28 are preferably configured to provide a relatively weak signal that can only be detected and have a response thereto by a PRID or an active device 30 relatively close to the transceiver 28, i.e. one foot distance approximately. Alternatively, the antenna of the transceiver 28 may be configured to provide a highly directional signal, eg, radially polarized or shielded to provide only a narrow radial transmission pattern, so that the signal transmitted from the transceiver 28 produces substantially horizontal radiations of the transceiver 28 and the well tool 24. In this manner, the transceiver 28 will not activate more than a single PRID or active device 30 at any point in the passage of the transceiver 28 through the tube or cover cord 10, and will be very close, for example, to a few inches of the exact depth of the PRID or active device 30 that responds. Alternatively, the receiving antenna can provide only a narrow radial reception band for accuracy. Figure 2 provides a schematic elevation view of a perforated well 32 including a cover cord 10 installed therein. The cable 26 is shown extended from the conventional cable head 34 (comprising a reel and / or other retraction and extension means for the cable 26, and conventional means for communicating the signals and electrical energy to and from the cable 26 and this mode to the well tool 24 at the lowermost end thereof), by placing the well tool 24 at the specific junction 14a having a specific PRID or active device 30a installed therein. The radio frequency transmission of the transceiver 28 activates a response of the PRID or adjacent active device 30a, causing the device 30a to produce a resonance according to the transmitted frequency of the transceiver 28 and transmitting a response signal at a different frequency. The different frequency of the transmission response device 30a is detected by the receiving portion of the transceiver 28 in the well tool 24, and is picked up on the cable head 34 for processing on the surface. In many cases, the line 26 used to lower the tool 24 into the hole, and to remove the tool 24 from the hole, is a non-electrical line. Accordingly, the tools 24 used with such non-electrical lines include recording means therein, with the data recorded by the recording means being downloaded into the "computer and database located remotely after recovering the tool. of the hole or pipe. Such 'well tools that record data are conventional, and they are used in the pipe and well industry. Normally, a drilled well is "logged" before the cover is installed, in order to determine the exact depths of specific geological structures (eg, impermeable rock, strata with gas and / or oil content, etc.). The recorded information, as well as other information such as the diameter or size of the cover, name and / or number of wells, depth of the well, etc., are entered into a database of recovery and storage system, conventionally a computer 36 that includes an appropriate programming for the application. In this way, the downhole tool 24 passes through each PRID or active device 30, 30a at each junction 14, 14a along the depth of the assembled well cover 10, each device 30, 30a responds with a signal which is transmitted to the surface and finally to the computer 36. By "counting" the number of PRIDs or active devices 30, 30a that the well tool 24 has passed as it is lowered through the deck 10, and comparing each PRID 30, 30 consecutive with the corresponding data previously recorded, the computer 36 can indicate the conditions at the location of the downhole tool 24 in the well cover 10. As an example, previously recorded data may indicate that a stratum containing oil is located between 12,000 and 12,200 feet below the surface. As the length of each of the cover sections 12 is known, the computer 36 only needs to divide the depth of the stratum by the length of the cover sections 12 for Determine how many deck sections 12 (and thus how many junctions 14, with their associated PRIDs or active devices 30) lie between the surface and the desired stage. This allows the well cover 10 to be punctured exactly in the desired stratum, ensuring that it is obtain a good flow of the desired substance without any mixture of undesirable substances (water, etc.). It will be seen that each of the PRIDs or device 30, 30a can be configured to provide a different and unique response, if desired, or at least Several different responses can be provided for the plurality of PRIDs or active devices used in the present invention. Such devices may be configured to provide responses and / or modulation of different frequencies of responses in some way (amplitude, frequency, pulsation) so that each device Give a different answer. In this way, each PRID or active device 30, 30a, etc., can be installed along the tube or cover string 10 each providing a different response. The different responses corresponding to each of the PRIDs are entered into the computer 36. In this way, the information is available as to the exact location of each PRID or device 30, active 30a independent, etc. This may be important in the event that the system does not respond to one or more of the devices 30 installed along the tube cover 10. In such a situation, if all the devices 30, 30a, etc. provide identical response signals, the lack of eg two of the PRID response signals or active device result in an error of approximately 60 feet in determining the depth of the well tool 24. By providing each PRID with a different response signal, the computer 36 is able to determine the precise location of any PRID or given active device, even if a response signal was not received from one or more of the devices along the 10 cover cord. As can be seen further, it is not absolutely essential to provide a separate and distinct response signal for each of the PRIDs or devices > , «- fc ^« «- A - ..! 30 assets > along the cord 10. The provision of for example, five different responses, with each identical response being installed with a separation of five cover sections one from l, to another in a repeated pattern, ie 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., will provide sufficient resolution at the location of the well tool 24 within the cover or tube cord 10, even if the responses of one or two or even four PRIDs or consecutive active devices 30 has not been received. In this way, an accurate representation of the location of the well tool 24 at each junction 14 can be provided by the present invention. While the discussion up to this point has been directed to the well of Figures 1 and 2, it will be possible to see that the present invention is not limited only by the use of perforated wells generally in a vertical orientation and the like. The present method for determining the position in a pipeline can be used in other pipe environments, such as generally horizontal gas pipes, cross-country oil or other fluid pipes as desired or in one or any pipe orientation. As an example of such use in cross-country pipelines, such lines are conventionally used for the transportation of oil, gas, etc. between different points. From time to time, it is necessary to check the interior of such lines, and this is conventionally achieved by means of an automatic tool, called a "cleaning wad", which passes through the pipe (usually "blown" through the pipe). line increased the pressure on one side of the pipe 5 in relation to the tool). Such tools may include means for detecting various faults within the pipe, but do not include means for determining their position on the line. Therefore, a worker parked along the pipe, records the time when the "taco of clean "passes and travels to another point along the line where the process repeats itself.When the" cleansing block "is recovered from the pipe, the data recorded by the conventional data recording means within it, is download to some form of data recovery media (for example, computer and database). The times in which any anomaly in the line was recorded by the means of data recording in the "cleaning taco" are recorded and compared with the times recorded by the worker who recorded the step of the "cleaning taco" in different points along the line. As you can see, this provides only an approximate idea of the position of the "cleaning pad" at any point where an anomaly was recorded in the pipeline, by interpolating the times of the step of this in several points. In this way, the narrowing of the position where a more detailed review and / or repair is required can take a long time and be very expensive. On the other hand, such a system may result in an unnecessary replacement of a greater length of pipe than is absolutely required, simply because the precise position of a fault may not be determined accurately. The present system provides a solution to the above problem, through the installation of a series of PRIDs or active radiofrequency devices in different predetermined places inside the pipe. Such PRID active devices can be installed in pipe joints, similar to the way described above for pipes or pit covers, or in other pipe areas as desired. The "cleaning cue" may include a transmitter and receiver similar to conventional units that can be used in downhole tools as described above, the transmitting unit sending a continuous signal that is received by each of the radio frequency devices as the "cleansing block" travels through the pipe. The devices sequentially provide responses as they are activated by the transmitter in the "cleaning pad", receiving the receiver in the "cleaning pad" the response signals and the conventional recording means within the "cleaning pad" storing the position signals of the PRIDs or active devices, in a manner similar to that described above for downhole tools having self-contained recording means within them. The data stored within the recording media, including the response signals of the PRIDs or other active response devices, is discharged after the "cleaning cue" is retrieved and examined to determine if faults or other anomalies are present. in the pipeline If an anomaly is noted in the pipe data, its position is determined easily and relatively accurately by noting the signal of the PRID or active device in that location, or on either side of the anomaly site. Workers can then repair the problem as required, without the need to waste substantial amounts of time and effort looking for the problem over a relatively long length of pipe, and / or replacing a large amount of pipe to be sure that the problem was solved It may be desirable to provide a relatively short separate tube section that incorporates a response device therein, and that can be added to an existing bead or tube -as desired. Such unit 38, or "sub", is shown in section in Figure 3 of the drawings. The unit 38"sub" includes an internally threaded portion 40 A " -i-3 &S " at one end thereof and an externally threaded portion 42 at the opposite end of the internally threaded portion 40, thereby allowing the sub unit 38 to be assembled between two sections of tube or cord to act as a union between them. The sub unit 38 in particular is configured for the installation of PRID or active device within it, by means of a channel 44 or internal slot provided circumferentially around the interior of the unit 38. The channel 44 may include a PRID or other active radio frequency response device 30 embedded therein, by means of a transparent material 46 of radio frequency (eg, flexible rubber or an elastic material, plastic, etc.) installed within slot channel 44 to secure the PRID or active device 30 therein. In this manner, a series of such "sub" junctions 38, each including a PRID or active device 30, can be fabricated and installed in the field in a well or pipe bead, as desired. It should be noted that while threaded connection ends 40 and 42 are illustrated for the sub junction 38 of Figure 3, other connection means (tabs, etc.) can be provided as desired and in accordance with the configuration of the line in which must be installed the union of the sub, without departing from the scope of the present invention. As mentioned above, the strength of the The signal from the response devices (PRIDs or active devices) does not need to be particularly high, since the receiver in the pipe tool will always be located very close to the active or passive response device. However, an additional signal strenmay be desirable in certain circumstances, such as in particular in the case of PRIDs that do not have supplementary electrical power but are based on electromagnetic energy provided by the transmitted signal. Accordingly, it may be desirable to provide certain means for improving the received signal for such PRIDs. One such means is described in Figure 4, where the PRID or active device 30 includes a circular loop antenna 48 installed therewith. The loop antenna 48 is configured to fit tightly within a corresponding section or joint of the pipe, cover, etc., as indicated by the section of the loop antenna 48 shown installed in the section of the sub 38 junction. Figure 3. Loop antenna 48 also includes a wrapping portion 50 surrounding the PRID or corresponding active device 30 installed together with them. The loop 48 of the relatively large antenna (compared to the relatively small antenna of the PRID or other device 30, itself) is capable of receiving signals with considerably greater force from the transmitter as it passes. ^ iS-i. ^^ .. ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ surrounds the transmitter during the passage of the transmitter. The envelope of the antenna loop component 50 surrounds the PRID or the active device 30, thereby re-radiating the received signal to the device 30, thereby providing a much stronger signal to the device 30 than would otherwise be the case. 48 additional loop antenna. In some cases, it may not be possible or convenient to install a PRID or other radiofrequency response device 30 at the junction in a pipe or pipe bead, therefore, Figure 5 illustrates a means for installing such a response device 30. somewhere in between in a cord or pipe, without the need for specialized pipe components. Figure 5 illustrates a sleeve 52 formed of transparent radiofrequency material (plastic, etc.) that can be installed within a cord or pipe. The sleeve 52 includes a PRID or an active response device 30 within it and may also include an antenna loop 48 therein equally. As in the case of the response device 30 and the antenna loop 48 of Figure 4, the antenna 48 may include a smaller loop 50 that encloses the PRID or the active device 30, and provides the aforementioned benefits. The response device 30 and the antenna loop 48 can be encapsulated inside the wall of the plastic sleeve 52 during its manufacture. As mentioned herein, the response devices 30 can be of two types. One type comprises PRIDs or radiopads identification devices, which do not require any additional form of electrical energy. However, the other type of active response devices requires some form of electrical power to provide a radio frequency response transmission. Accordingly, such devices also require some form of electrical power source. Conventional electrical storage batteries can be used for such active devices, if desired, achieving a long battery life by means of "sleeping" circuits and in such active devices reducing the electric power requirements to practically zero when not receiving any radio signal. However, the present invention may also include other means of generating electrical power for such active response devices, as illustrated in Figures 6 and 7. Figures 6 and 7 show an O-ring, respectively 22a and 22b , installed within the respective spaces 20a and 20b between the tube sections 12a, 12a and 12b, 12b and surrounding a tube coupling, respectively 14a and 14b in the two drawn Figures. The Figure 6 also illustrates a portion of a well tube or tool 24a disposed within the tube 12a. The slot or space 20a of Figure 6 includes a first component 54 of electrochemically reactive metal therein, or the pipe tool 24a or well including a second component 56 of electrochemically reactive metal disposed on the outer surface thereof. Two components 54, 56 of different metals are formed, for example, copper and zinc, etc., having different electrolytic capacities. The fluid 58 flowing through the wellbore or pipe cover 12a normally provides some electrical conductivity and serves as the electrolyte for the different metals 54 and 56. (Fluid 58 is not shown in space 20a in Figure 6, for clarity in the Figure drawn). Accordingly, an electric potential is developed between the two different metals 54 and 56, which can be used to provide the relatively small amount of electrical energy required for the operation of the active radio identification device (not shown in Figures 6 and 7, but shown schematically in other drawn Figures). It should be noted that while electrical connections are not shown in Figures 6 and 7, such connections are conventional and well known in the art. As an example, a first electrical connector can be connected between a terminal of the active response device and the first component 54 of different metal, with a mutual grounding connector between the second terminal of the response device and the second component 56 of metal 5. of the pipe tool 24a, as by means of an electrical contact between the outer surface of the tool 24a and the second terminal of the response device. The electrolytic reaction of the different metals 54 and 56 and at least the reactive fluid 58 electrolytically light, result in a current flow between the two metals 54 and 56 and through the response device, by means of electrical contact between the tool 24a and the second terminal of the response device. Figure 7 illustrates a variation on the assembly in Figure 6, with the two separate metal components 54a and 56a both being installed within the wall of the tube 12b in the space 20b formed therein in the assembly joint. The fluid 58 flows through the pipe (not shown in Figure 7, for clarity in the drawn Figure) flows around and beyond the two metal components 54a and 56a, thereby serving as an electrolyte between the two. The two components 54a and 56a can be electrically connected to the terminals of a device active radio identification, as is done ^^ K ^^ i ^ g ^^^^^^^? G? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gj ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ However, the provision of two electrochemically distinct metals 54a and 56a (or 54 and 56 in Figure 6) serves to generate a certain amount of electrical energy, which is sufficient to supply the relatively small electrical power needs of such identification devices. active radio as used in the present invention. In summary, the present method and apparatus for determining the position in a pipeline provides a much-needed system for easily and precisely determining the position of a well tool within a drilled well of gas or oil or another type of well having a cover of joined well or the position of a pipe tool or "cleaning plug" inside a pipe. The present system is relatively simple but still robust, with the PRID or active device being used having these great durability and reliability. Embedding or sealing of each of the PRIDs or active devices within the flexible O-ring (rubber, Teflon; TM, etc.) located at each tube or cover junction provides additional protection for the devices while simultaneously locates them precisely in each union. The previous record of the characteristics of the hole - ^ B¿ -t'- well, such as the geological characteristics, depth and various strata of interest, name and / or well number, diameter of cover to be used, etc., in a database, provides to an operator on the surface with all the information necessary to determine the appropriate action to be taken and the proper placement of the tool to pierce the cover or other operations on the pipe. It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the invention can be used in any type pipe or cover, either vertical or horizontal, and as found in refineries, chemical plants, oil and gas pipelines, groundwater systems, or any system where it is necessary to know the exact position of a tool or instrument that runs through a tube in any particular tube system. The use of conventional self-contained recording means within the pipe or well tool, allows the present invention to be used with "sliding cable" tools alike, when not required electrical communication or other communication through the line. Accordingly, the present system will provide operators and drilling wells, pipeline operators, and other employees who work with similar systems, with a much needed means for rapid, easy and relatively inexpensive, determine the precise place ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ »^^^^^^ &? S of a well tool in a well and correlate that position with previously recorded information for exact operations. It should be understood that the present invention is not limited to the one embodiment described above, but includes any and all embodiments within the scope of the following claims. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ¿¿^ ^ ¿^^^^^^^^ ¿¿¿^ ^^^ ^^^^^

Claims (9)

  1. CLAIMS 1. A method for determining the position of a tool in a fluid transmission line comprising: (a) providing a radiofrequency transmitter and a radiofrequency receiver in the tool: (b) providing a plurality of identification devices radio on the line at predetermined intervals over the entire length of the line, each The device is configured to receive a first signal from the transmitter and transmit a single second signal that responds to the reception of the first signal; (c) move the tool in the line beyond the devices as the transmitter transmits the 15 first signal to the devices and the receiver receives second signals from the devices; and (d) locate the tool on the line using second signals. The method of claim 1, wherein the line comprises a plurality of joints and the radio identification devices are fixed to the joints. 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the line comprises a well and the devices are located at known depths in the well. 4. The method of claim 1, which also ^^^^^ j ^^^ & á ^ ^ g ££ g ^^^^^ s & ^^^ Hg * ^^^^^^ S, ¿faili¿ÉS¡ includes providing a record of the line, providing a computer with data from the registry, transmitting the second signal to the computer during the movement step, and using the computer to perform the location step. The method of claim 1, further comprising piercing the line using information from the location step. 6. An apparatus for determining position in a fluid line comprising: (a) a tool configured to move through the line, the tool comprises a radio frequency transceiver; and (b) a plurality of radio identification devices in the line at known locations along the same, each device is configured to receive a first signal from the transceiver and to transmit a single second signal to the transceiver as the tool it passes near the device. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein the line comprises an underground well. The apparatus of claim 6, further comprising a computer-configured to receive only second signals from the devices and quantify the position of the tool in the line. 9. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the line comprises a plurality of couplings and the devices are in the couplings. A SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A method and apparatus for determining position in a tube provides accurate determination of the location and associated characteristics of each 5-tube joint of a well, cross-pipe, or other line. of fluid transmission. The system includes a passive or active radio identification device in each joint in the cover or tube cord. The devices are preferably sealed with a flexible seal placed between each joint of cover or tube. A pipe tool includes a receiver and a radio transmitter, the transmitter transmitting at a selected frequency to produce a resonance of the identification devices. The resonance response of each device is detected by a receiver in the pipe tool, transmitting the response to the surface by means of cable to which the tool is connected. Alternatively, the tool may include storage information means until the tool can be recovered from the well or tube. An information retrieval and storage system includes information about the position of each of the identification devices in the well or tube, for example, length or depth, diameter of cover or tube, previously recorded geological features and stratum 25 in each place of identification device, etc. He * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ^^^ gg ^^ Üj (^ ^ "^^ j ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^? ^^^^ & ^^^^ system can count each - device as the tool passes through the tube to be able to determine the position of the tool at any point Alternatively, each identification device can provide a different signal, the tool transmitting the signal to the surface (or storing the signal for a later recovery) where the system correlates the signal with the information previously registered for that specific position.
MXPA/A/2001/002698A 1999-04-06 2001-03-15 Method and apparatus for determining position in a pipe MXPA01002698A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US09286650 1999-04-06

Publications (1)

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MXPA01002698A true MXPA01002698A (en) 2001-11-21



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