MXPA00012362A - In-container sachet - Google Patents

In-container sachet


Publication number
MXPA00012362A MXPA/A/2000/012362A MXPA00012362A MXPA00012362A MX PA00012362 A MXPA00012362 A MX PA00012362A MX PA00012362 A MXPA00012362 A MX PA00012362A MX PA00012362 A MXPA00012362 A MX PA00012362A
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delivery system
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Spanish (es)
Robert Falkenberg
Georg Troska
Original Assignee
The Cocacola Company
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Application filed by The Cocacola Company filed Critical The Cocacola Company
Publication of MXPA00012362A publication Critical patent/MXPA00012362A/en



A sachet (30) for insertion into a beverage container (60) prior to the sealing and pressurization of the beverage container (60). The sachet (30) is made from a gas permeable and substantially liquid impermeable material. The article (40) is positioned within this material and sealed with substantially no excess gas contained therein. The sachet (30) sinks when dropped into the beverage container (60) and subsequently floats after the container (60) is sealed and pressurized as gas from within the container (60) penetrates into the sachet (30) until equilibrium is reached. The sachet (30) then rises within the beverage container (60) when the container (60) is opened.


ARTICLES BAG WITHIN A CONTAINER Technical Field The present invention relates, generally, to an article sachet which is inserted into a beverage container and, more particularly, refers to an air permeable bag for delivering an article into a beverage can.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Food and beverage packages often include promotional material, such as coupons and various types of advertising. Dry products, such as cereals, often include a coupon or some kind of promotional prizes within the package itself. This type of promotion within the package is also made with the drinks, although there is an additional concern with these drinks, due to the possible contamination by the promotional items and also with the safe delivery of the same to the consumer. As a result, most promotions within a beverage container focus on an "under the cap" approach, such as described in Plester's US Patent No. 5,524,788, commonly titled "Closure with Compartment. of Hidden Gift ".
Known promotions of beverages within the container have generally used mechanical delivery systems to retain the promotion, prize and other items within the container, in the proper orientation with the opening of the container. For example, International Patent Application No. PCT / GB94 / 01310, by Benge, et al., Discloses a container having a lid made of a metal / polymer laminate. This cap has a polymer guide tube, fixedly attached, placed under the upper part that jumps. The prize bag is placed • inside the guide tube. The lid, which includes the guide tube and the prize bag, is then inserted into the beverage can and this can is sealed. When the consumer opens the can, the prize bag is described as floating to the surface in the guide tube on itself or with the aid of a floating material, such as cork or expanded polystyrene. The prize bag itself is described as being made of a sheet metal material or other material that prevents the ingress of liquid or moisture. A more complex design is shown in U.S. Patent No. 5,056,659 to Howes, et al. Howes describes a sealed prize compartment, separated from the bottom of the container. The sealed guide tube is spring activated, so that the prize is ejected when the consumer opens the can. U.S. Patent No. 5,046,631 to Goodman also shows a spring activated guide tube. This guide tube is sealed to the lid of the can by an adhesive. Another delivery device is commonly shown in the commonly owned E.U.A. patent of Plester, entitled "Promotional Device for Delivering a Prize from a Can of Beverages". Although all these designs are suitable for the ultimate purpose of delivering a prize or promotion of some kind to the consumer of a beverage can, these designs have numerous drawbacks. For example, each of these descriptions involves a complex mechanical delivery system. Several of these references use springs or other types of "launch" systems. Compared to an ordinary beverage container, these mechanical delivery systems are expensive to manufacture and significantly decrease the beverage filling process. Each of these references also requires that the delivery system be attached to the top lid of the can. The lid and the delivery system are then placed inside the bottom of the can and then sealed. This type of container design, however, is not compatible with modern, high-speed filling and sealing procedures. Modern manufacturing processes involve the manufacture of a lower part of the container, ie the bottom and side walls, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ U ^^^ f ^^ jgflfe ^^^^^^ ^^^^ l ^ 8 ^^ | ^ ¡^ and a separate lid at the top, to seal the open container. In a manufacturing process, known as "sewing" type, the open container is filled with the drink and then the lid is passed just over the top of the container by a few millimeters and rolled in place. Because each of the descriptions, mentioned above, has a delivery system attached to the top lid of the can, the system will not work with the horizontal sealing procedure, ie the lid and the delivery system attached can not be placed inside the can with a simple horizontal movement. Attempts to accommodate this type of sealing process have used rubber and mechanical seals to retain an article, such as a drinking straw, at the bottom of the can during the sealing process. For example, U.S. Patent No. 4,930,652 to Murp'hy, et al., Discloses a soluble gelatin or binder to retain the "straw" in place during manufacture. The binder then dissolves in the drink. Again, although this process may be acceptable for the ultimate goal of delivering an item in a beverage container to a consumer, the use of any type of soluble material does not favor, given the possible effect that the material may have on the taste of the drink.
There is, therefore, a need in the art for a device and method for placing a prize bag or other article within a beverage container. The device and method must be compatible with the modern type of high-speed beverage filling and operations. In addition, the device and the method should not affect the flavor or composition of the beverage.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a small bag for insertion into a beverage container, sealing arts and pressurization of the beverage container. The bag is made of a gas-permeable material and substantially impervious to liquid. The article is placed inside the material and sealed with substantially no excess gas contained therein. The bag sinks when it is dropped into the beverage container and then floats after the container is sealed and pressurized as gas, from inside the container and enters the bag until equilibrium is reached. This bag then rises inside the beverage container, when it is opened. Specific embodiments of the invention include the use of a thermoplastic material, such as gas permeable material and substantially impervious to liquid. 25 This material can be thermoplastic, which includes M i ll ll í?? R 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ^ -¿ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^. ^ a ^^^ ethylene copolymers, such as polypropylene and polyethylene, polycarbonate; polyesters, such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate); nylon; or any type of conventional plastic material. The specific gravity of the material, with the fillers, is generally greater than about 1.0, with a permeation rate of carbon dioxide of about 20 cc -25.4 μ / 645 cm2-day-atm. or more. The material is generally in the form of a thin film. The sealed article inside the bag remains substantially dry, while gases from inside the pressurized beverage container penetrate into the bag. The bag can be placed inside a hollow tube, so that this bag remains intact when as gases from inside the pressurized beverage container penetrate into this bag. The hollow tube is generally made of a thermoplastic material in a form ^ Substantially rigid. A float and a weight can also be placed around the hollow tube. The bag is generally used within a beverage container, having a cylindrical body and a lid with a hole. This bag can be placed inside the beverage container in a delivery tube, placed in the vicinity of said hole.
The method of the present invention provides delivery of an article within a beverage container. The method includes the steps of sealing the article inside a bag, which is permeable to gas and substantially impermeable to liquid, filling the beverage container with a carbonated beverage, dropping the bag into the beverage container, so as to sink or be suspended inside the container, pressurize the beverage container, penetrate the bag with the gases of the beverage carbonated, until the pressure inside the container and • this bag is in equilibrium, and open the container so that the pressure inside it is released and the pressure inside the bag causes it to rise from the container. The method also includes including the placing the bag in a hollow tube, so that this bag substantially fills this hollow tube. The beverage container is sealed and pressurized by passing the top cover over the open end of the beverage container and by sewing the top cover in place. Alternatively, the bag can be placed inside the beverage container, after the container has been filled.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a cross-sectional view of the delivery device within the container.
Figure 2 is a plan view of the bag. Figure 2A is a plan view of the bag with gas passages. Figure 3 is a plan view of the lid of the container. Figure 4 is a plan view of the prize tube with the float. Figure 5 is a plan view of the prize tube with the float and the weight. Figure 6 is a sectional view of the container, showing the delivery system within the delivery tube.
Detailed Description of the Invention Referring now in greater detail to the drawings, in which similar numbers refer to similar parts throughout the various views, Figures 1 and 2 show a delivery device 10, embodying the present invention. This delivery device 10 includes a prize tube 20, a bag 30 and an article 40. The delivery device 10 is used with a conventional beverage container 50, such as an aluminum can. The prize tube 20 is a hollow, substantially rigid tube, with a first end 22 and a second end 24. Although the prize tube 20 is used and he prefers here, it will be understood that any configuration can be used as the prize tube 20. The first end 22 can be closed, punched or opened. The second extreme • 24 is generally open. This premium tube 20 is made of a thermoplastic material, which includes ethylene copolymers, such as polypropylene and polyethylene; polycarbonates; polyesters, such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate); nylon; or any type of conventional plastic material. The material must be acceptable for use with beverage containers, with a • Safety and flavor base. The specific gravity of the material should be at least about 1.0 and preferably equal to or greater than the specific gravity of the beverage (generally around 1.03 in the example of a non-alcoholic beverage) so that the prize tube 20 together with the bag 30 and the article 40, sink or at least are suspended within the container 50. If the material has a specific gravity less than 1.0, for example the polypropylene that has a seriousness Specific to approximately 0.89, colorants or other additives can be added to the material to increase its specific gravity to acceptable levels. In addition, the specific gravity of article 40 can have an impact on the selection of materials. An article 40 with one relatively high specific gravity can be used with a .AgSS ~ - * • '-r ^ fas ^ _ & a_? «Prize tube 20 of a material with a lower specific gravity. The weight of article 40 will also impact the overall buoyancy of delivery device 10. • Small bag 30 is generally in form 5 of a sealed or other type of enclosure, such as a blister pack, a capsule, etc. This bag 30 is made of a gas permeable material and substantially impervious to liquid. Examples of the material of the bag 30 include the thermoplastic materials described above, generally in the form of a thin film. The material must be acceptable for use with beverage containers based on safety and taste. The specific gravity of the material of the bag 30 should also be greater than about 1.0. As with prize tube 20, the weight of article 40 will also impact the flotation of bag 30 and delivery device 10 as a total. By the term "gas permeable", it is understood that the bag 30 will allow gases contained in the beverage, such as carbon dioxide in the example of a soft carbonated beverage, to penetrate through the wall of the bag. 30 in a predetermined period of time, in general the amount of time the drink takes to reach the consumer. For example, the permeability regime of carbon dioxide for PET (polyethylene terephthalate) 25 is generally 20 to 40 ce. -25.4μ / 645 cm2-day-atrr. , to a _______-______________ = ____: __ faith j ^^ ^^ m ^^^ - ^^^ B ^? SÍ ^^^ &? ^ M s ^ A ^ ^, ^^ .... _.-. ,, .A..¿-_ ..- - -í - '^ -.,. twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius, while the permeability regime of carbon dioxide for polypropylene is around 450-900 ce. -25.4μ / 645 cm2-day-atm. , to • same temperature. The permeability regimes of certain polyethylenes can be even higher. Alternatively, as shown in Figure 2A, passages 31 for the gas in the bag material may be incorporated to increase the gas permeation rate. Similarly, by the term "substantially liquid impermeable" it is meant that the beverage will not penetrate through the bag material for a second predetermined period of time, generally substantially longer than the expected shelf life of the beverage. For example, the permeability regime for PET 15 (polyethylene terephthalate) is generally around 4 g-25.4μ / 645 cm2-day-atm. , while the permeability regime of carbon dioxide for polypropylene is around 0.7 g-25.4μ / 645 cm2-day-atm. The ambient temperature can have a significant impact on the permeability of both the gas and the liquid. The permeability regime is increased as the temperature increases. The bag 30 must also have sufficient resis- tance to rupture, so that the bag material 25 remains intact both during the permeation and when I- _.A -. _- .. _ * ....... «-_-.-_-..- _ - ..ffl | ? ftrj, ^,. ^. ^ = ^ ... ^ 3 ^^^ _ ^ a > fe ^^ lT ||. ^ | • frtidH ^ aBg - the equilibrium pressure outside the bag 30 drops suddenly. The breaking strength of thermoplastic materials, described above, varies from • approximately 84 kg / cm2 for certain types of polyethylene, 5 to 700 kg / cm2 or more for certain types of PET. In circumstances where there is no need to keep the article 40 dry, the bag 30 only needs to be gas permeable, and materials with relatively minor rupture strengths can be used. The density of the tube 10 of the prize 10 or the article 40, however, may need to be sufficient to keep the delivery device 10 floating after the bag 30 is broken. Article 40 may be a prize, a promotion or other object , such as a drinking straw. In Figure 15-2, a tightly rolled bank note is shown as article 40. This article 40 is sealed within the bag 30 with as little hollow space 35 as possible, APRA limiting the amount of the gauze inside the bag. 30 bag, which can have an impact on your flotation. Alternatively, article 40 can be sealed with an almost complete vacuum. The use of such a vacuum can increase the permeability of gases within the bag 30. This bag 30 is sealed by conventional methods. For example, a linear low density heat seal can be used in the case of a bag 30 made of a PET material. The resistance of the seal _i _____ Íl__l ____ ÍÉ HÉ! l ^ mj ^ __ «-.- > . - ** ._ ,. A ^. ^ Must be relatively comparable to the strength of the material. As shown in Figures 1 and 3, the • container 50 is preferably a conventional aluminum can, having a cylindrical body 60 and an upper lid 70. This cylindrical body 60 and upper lid 70 are joined by the above-described sewing operation. The container 50 is usual, but not necessarily, filled with a beverage, such as a soft carbonated beverage or other type of beverage, before the sewing process. The upper lid 70 has a substantially circular or oval hole 72, for emptying the beverage out of the container 50. This orifice 72 is sealed by a closing tab 74. As is well known, the closing tab 74 is opened by a lever ring 76, positioned in the upper part of the lid 70, adjacent to the locking tab 74. The delivery device 10 can also be used with • any other type of conventional beverage container, such as glass, plastic or laminated bottles or cardboard boxes. Figure 4 shows one more embodiment of the delivery system 10. In this embodiment, a float 80 is attached to the prize tube 20. The float 80 surrounds or attaches to the prize tube 20 at one end, substantially adjacent to the second end. 24. Float 80 is made preferably of the same material as the bag 30 or of conventional types of flotation material, such as a closed cell foam. This float 80 can be used • to increase the buoyancy of the delivery device 10, 5 that is, the combination of the prize tube 20, the bag 30 and the article 40. Figure 5 shows one more mode of the delivery device 10. The modality also includes a weight 90. This weight 90 can be made from the same material as 4fc 10 the prize tube 20 or other conventional materials, with a sufficiently large specific gravity, so that the material does not float in the beverage. The weight 90 also surrounds the prize tube 20, substantially adjacent the first end 22 or adjacent the float 80. This weight 90 can be used when the density of the delivery device 10, ie the combination of the price tube 20, the bag 30, article 40 and float 80 (if desired), is less than the density of the beverage, before any gas penetrates into bag 30. In use, article 40 is sealed inside bag 30, as described before. This bag 30 is placed inside the prize tube 20. The bag 30 substantially fills the tube 20, leaving little or no hollow space where trapped air can affect the buoyancy of the device 10 delivery. This delivery device 10 is then left falling into the cylindrical body 60 of the container 50. The cylindrical body 60 is preferably filled with the beverage prior to the insertion of the delivery device 10.
• Alternatively, the delivery device 10 can be inserted into the cylindrical body 60 of the container 50, before filling, depending on the nature of the filling system. Because the bag 30 and the prize tube 20 have little or no internal voids 35 for the gas collection and due to the density or weight of the delivery device 10 is greater than the density of the beverage, the delivery device 10 sinks or is suspended within the container 50. The use of the term "sinks" or "sink" means that the delivery device 10 does not floats on top of the container 50, ie the delivery device 10 can sink or suspend. Because the delivery device 10 does not float on the upper part of the cylindrical body 60 of the container 50, this cylindrical body 60 and the lid 70 can be attached in the conventional sewing process, at high speed, described above. The cap 70 is placed horizontally on the cylindrical body 60 and is joined without any obstruction caused by the delivery device 10, which floats on the upper part of the cylindrical body 50 or interferes with another way.
»» J * MMtmF? I AiH »m. ~ R« < t - _ -JW ^ ni ^ r__a_ttMt_gT. ^ _ 1. ^ iiS ^ -. fe ^ _ ^ & _ ^ - a_ ^ a: 3 ^ ffiffi ^ _ ^ IIi ^ ate ^ _ ^. - ^ __ »^ _ S ^ - • ^ ** ^ a * ü» M «^ g, After the container 50 has been sealed, this container 50 is usually placed in the normal distribution channels for final delivery to the consumer .
* This process usually takes at least several days or weeks. During this time, the delivery device 10 will be subjected to the internal pressure of the container 50. For example, the container 50 is generally sealed at a pressure of 3.85 kg / cm2 with four (4) volumes of carbon dioxide, in the case of a soft carbonated drink. With At the time, the pressure of the gas within the container 50 will seek equilibrium with the partial pressure within the delivery device 10. Because the bag 30 is made of a material permeable to gas, carbon dioxide and other gases from inside the container 50 will penetrate inside of the bag 30 until the pressure in the bag 30 reaches equilibrium. This bag 30, any hollow space 35 within this bag 30, and perhaps the article 40 itself, will absorb all the carbon dioxide and other gases until reaching equilibrium with the internal pressure of the container 50. The rate of diffusion of the carbon dioxide in the bag 30 until it reaches equilibrium and thus the selection of the appropriate materials for the bag 30, depends on the normal distribution time and the speed normal sales of container 50. A time of Greater distribution will allow the use of a material with a lower diffusion regime. For example, a bag 30 made of thin film PET material will take about two (2) weeks to reach equilibrium. A polyethylene bag 30 will have a faster diffusion rate, while a nylon bag 30 will be somewhat slower. The expected ambient temperature should also be considered. A higher temperature will generally increase the diffusion rates. When the consumer opens the container 50, the carbon dioxide and other gases within the container 50, will quickly exit through the hole 72 in the upper lid 70 of the container 50. The pressure within the container 50 drops from its sealing pressure of, for example, 3.85 kg / cm2 up to atmospheric pressure. The carbon dioxide and other gases within the bag 30, however, can not immediately evacuate the bag 30, like the gases within the container 50. Rather, the gases remain trapped inside the bag 30 under pressure. This pressure differential causes the delivery device 20 to rise to the top of the container 50. One end of the delivery device 10 can extend out through the hole 72 or the consumer can maneuver the delivery device 10 or the container 50. until that delivery device 10 extends through i ^. ^^ ......, ^ ** aa, Biga ^ of the orifice 72. The consumer then removes the delivery device 10 from the container 50. This consumer removes the bag from the prize tube 20, opens this bag 30 • and remove article 40. You can then consume the 5 drink. Although the bag 30 was described by placing the prize tube 20 dertro, the use of this prize tube 20 is not required. The prize tube 20 generally ensures that the bag 30 does not break or inflate to such an extent that the bag 10 30 can not be removed from the container 50 by the • consumer. The prize tube 20 is not required p > to ensure that the ball 30 first sinks, or at least is suspended, within the container 20 and then rises when the container 50 is opened. Similarly, the bag 30 itself can be made of a rigid material similar to the tube 20 of the prize. For example, the bag 30 may be in the form of a rigid, substantially sealed polypropylene tube. Such a bag 30 has excellent gas permeation regimes, it does not need a separate prize tube 20, but it may be somewhat more difficult to open for the consumer. The embodiments of Figures 4 and 5 provide an additional lifting means, as in the case of the float 80, or smaller lift, in the case of the weight 90. Depending on the materials used for the prize tube 20, the bag 30 and Article 40, various combinations . ^ .. ^ ___? _____. . ^^ ^ ^^ j of the float 80 and the weight 90 can be used. The goal is to determine the nature of the materials for the price tube 20, the bag 30 and article 40, together with the • decision as to when to use the float 80 or the weight 90, is to have the density of the delivery device 10 as a total, rather than the density of the beverage, when the device 10 is originally inserted in the container 50, so that the device 10 is huna or al, except not float in the upper part of the container 50. Other considerations include the extension of the air content in the delivery device 10 that may have an impact on its buoyancy. As shown in Figure 5, the delivery device 10 can also be used with the tube 100 of delivery or another type of delivery system. The delivery tube 100 may be any type of substantially rigid tube placed to ensure that the bag 30 floats to the top of the can 70 in the intermediate vicinity of the hole 72. For example, the delivery tube 100 may be connected by links 110 to the bottom of the container 50, to the cylindrical body 60 or around the upper part of the cylindrical body 60, in a conventional manner. The bag 30 is dropped into position within the delivery tube 100 and the cylindrical body 60 is placed in the sewing process of high speed, as described above. Because the delivery device 10 sinks or suspends within cylindrical body 60, this cylindrical body 60 and lid 70 can be joined without any interference. • The delivery device 10 can also be used with delivery systems irrespective of how the container 50 is sealed. The ability of the delivery device 10 to rise within the container 50, due to pressure differentiation, allows the device 10 of delivery replace the known containers of articles. The jfc 10 velocity and force with which the delivery device 10 is raised within the container 50 ensures a dynamic and improved release of the article 40, regardless of how the delivery device 10 is placed inside the container 50. The use of the gas permeable bag 30 may also have applications apart from the field of prizes or promotions. For example, the bag 30 can enclose a straw for drinking, like article 40. This drinking straw is sealed inside the bag 30 and then dropped inside the container 50 as described above. In addition, in the case of drinking straw or similar objects, there is no need for a material of the bag 30 substantially impervious to liquid. The penetration of the liquid into the straw for drinking or similar object will not have a great impact on its use. Alternatively, the bag 30 for an article 40, such Like the drinking straw, it does not need to have the same breaking strength, as is required for a bag 30 designed to keep article 40 dry, depending on the density of this article 40. In addition, the bag 30 with a resistance to The relatively low break can also be convenient. This bag 30 can enclose, for example, a fragrance intended to be released when the consumer opens the container 50. The material for the bag 30 can have a rupture strength sufficiently low so that the bag 30 breaks when the container 50 is opened, giving the consumer an immediate break of the fragrance. It should be understood that the foregoing refers only to the preferred embodiments of the present invention and that numerous changes can be made in them, without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, as defined by the following claims. •

Claims (20)

  1. CLAIMS 1. A delivery system for an item, sealed inside a beverage container under pressure, this system comprises: a small ball; this bag comprises a material permeable to gas and substantially impervious to liquid; the article, sealed inside the bag, so that this article remains substantially dry, while the gases, coming inside said pressurized beverage container, enter said bag; and a hollow tube; said bag is placed inside the hollow tube, so that the bag remains intact, as the gases, from inside the pressurized beverage container, penetrate inside said bag.
  2. 2. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the bag comprises a sealed enclosure around the article, with substantially no excess gas contained within the sealed enclosure, such that said pouch collapses when dropped inside the beverage container and Subsequently float, after the container is sealed and pressurized, as the gas, coming from inside the container, penetrates inside the bag until equilibrium is reached.
  3. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the gas-permeable and substantially liquid-impervious material comprises a thermoplastic material.
  4. 4. The delivery system of claim 3, wherein the thermoplastic material comprises ethylene copolymers.
  5. 5. The delivery system of claim 3, wherein the thermoplastic material comprises polyesters.
  6. 6. The delivery system of claim 3, • 10 in which the thermoplastic material comprises nylon.
  7. 7. The delivery system of claim 3, wherein the thermoplastic material comprises polypropylene.
  8. 8. The delivery system of claim 3, wherein the thermoplastic material comprises the polyethylene.
  9. 9. The delivery system of claim 3, wherein the thermoplastic material comprises polyethylene terephthalate.
  10. 10. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the material permeable to gas and substantially
  11. The liquid imperviousness comprises a permeation regime of carbon dioxide of about 20 to 900 ce. -25.4 μ / 645 cm2-day-atm.
  12. ^ .A ^ ^ fe, i iÉ ^ f ^ -'- ** »< - "» »'- * - * t * A ^ * -? 6 * tí *. ... .., ..___. ,, 11. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the material permeable to the gas and substantially impervious to liquid, comprises passages for the gas • 12. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the gas-permeable material and substantially impervious to liquid, comprises a specific gravity greater than about 1.0.
  13. 13. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the material permeable to the gas and substantially • 10 impermeable to liquid, comprising a thin film.
  14. 14. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the hollow tube comprises a substantially rigid material.
  15. 15. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the hollow tube comprises a thermoplastic material.
  16. 16. The delivery system of claim 1, • which also includes a float, placed around the hollow tube.
  17. 17. The delivery system of claim 1, 20 further comprising a weight, positioned around the hollow tube.
  18. 18. The delivery system of claim 1, wherein the article comprises a banknote. -A ^ .. ^,. ^, .. ^^^^ »^^ ...", J ____ a ... ^ _. ^^^ mm ^ É ^ j »^^^^^. ^^. ^ ^^^.,.,., .__. ^^. ^ feaiflLS.
  19. 19. The delivery system of claim 1, further comprising a delivery tube, placed inside the beverage container and wherein said hollow tube is placed • inside it.
  20. 20. A method for delivering an article within a beverage container, this method comprises the steps of: seal the article inside a bag, which is permeable to gas and substantially impermeable to liquíde¬ • filling the beverage container with a carbonated beverage; dropping said ball inside the beverage container, so that it is huna within it; pressurizing the beverage container; 15 penetrating the bag with gases from the carbonated beverage, until the pressure inside the container and the bag is in equilibrium; Y opening the container, releasing the pressure thereof and the pressure inside the bag, causes it to rise inside the container. - ^ - > -A- - "" "* ^ ... ~? X ** s * & * z-» ~ í .- ,, ini i I? IGIG r ttMM¡ ^ m? * T? A
MXPA/A/2000/012362A 1998-06-15 2000-12-13 In-container sachet MXPA00012362A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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US09097434 1998-06-15

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MXPA00012362A true MXPA00012362A (en) 2001-11-21



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