MXPA00003728A - Function management system for vehicles - Google Patents

Function management system for vehicles


Publication number
MXPA00003728A MXPA/A/2000/003728A MXPA00003728A MXPA00003728A MX PA00003728 A MXPA00003728 A MX PA00003728A MX PA00003728 A MXPA00003728 A MX PA00003728A MX PA00003728 A MXPA00003728 A MX PA00003728A
Prior art keywords
control unit
management system
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Spanish (es)
Leslie Falck Peter
Lynn Goodnight Trent
Lang Paul
Craig Newendorp Bruce
Owen Youngblood Michael
Edwin Kittle Carl
Original Assignee
Deere & Company
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Deere & Company filed Critical Deere & Company
Publication of MXPA00003728A publication Critical patent/MXPA00003728A/en



The function management system has a control unit (44) for controlling at least one function in dependence on the position o corresponding operating element (46), with execution of a self-learning program during operation of the vehicle, in which the manually-controlled operation sequence of the operating element and the travel path intervals between the individual operations stored. A repetition mode allows the stored operation sequence to be repeated at intervals corresponding to the stored travel pa intervals, independent of the vehicle velocity.


VEHICLE FUNCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Field of the Invention The invention relates to a system for controlling or operating functions while a vehicle is moving on the ground, such as the various functions which must be controlled while the agricultural tractor moves through a field.
While the agricultural tractor moves through a field, the operator typically will require many operations at the beginning and end of a row of cultivation in addition to simply guiding the tractor, such as raising or lowering the attachment implement, changing the transmission, engage or disengage the PTO axis, etc. The number and complexity of tasks can cause operator fatigue and can result in operational errors. A system is desired which can simplify the tasks of the operator.
Synthesis of the Invention Accordingly, an object of this invention is to provide a function management system which can simplify the tasks of an operator of a work vehicle, such as an agricultural tractor.
Another object of this invention is to provide a function management system which can learn and store various sequences of function operations, and execute or repeat such learned sequences with an order.
A further object of the invention is to provide such a function management system wherein the sequences of function operations are learned in relation to the distances traveled by the tractor between operations, so that the sequences of operation can be automatically repeated with the same distance relationships between them as well as when they were learned.
These and other objects are achieved by the present invention, wherein a tractor includes various functional systems, such as a gear shift transmission, a latch and a latching system, a PTO, a plurality of selective control valves, etc. , all controlled by a control unit in response to sensory parameters and control devices manipulated by the operator, such as switches and levers. According to the present invention, the control unit has a learning mode which is operable while the vehicle is in motion. During the learning mode the operator executes a sequence of manipulations of the operator control devices, and the control unit stores information concerning the sequence of operations, together with information concerning the distances traveled by the tractor between operations. The control unit also has an execution or repetition mode in which the control unit automatically executes the sequence of stored operations so that the sequence of operations is executed at the same intervals of distance to which they were learned, regardless of the vehicle speed.
Brief Description of the Drawings Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a control system for the operation of a vehicle according to the present invention.
Figure 2 is a front or face panel view of a monitor / display unit of the vehicle of Figure 1.
Figure 3 is a simplified logical flow diagram illustrating the operation of the learn / save mode of the present invention.
Figure 4 is a simplified logical flow diagram illustrating the operation of the embodiment of the present invention. _ _ __ _ Description of the Preferred Incorporation This application includes a microfiche appendix including a microfiche and 52 frames. A portion of the description of this patent document contains material which is subject to a copyright protection claim. The copyright owner has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by either the patent document or the patent description, as it appears in the patent files or registers of the Patent and Trademark Office, but in another way reserves any other rights.
Referring to Figure 1, a vehicle, sas a John Deere 8000 series production tractor, includes a motor 10 which drives a motor output shaft 11, which drives a gear shift transmission (PST), 12, which drives an output drive shaft 16 which is connected to the driving wheels 17. The transmission of changes of speeds 12 includes a transmission 18 which is operated by a set of clutches or control elements operated by pressure. which are controlled by a corresponding set of control valves proportional operated by solenoid 22. The transmission of changes of speeds can be the transmission of changes of available speeds in a tractor of production John Deere series 8000, or any electronically controlled transmission with similar operator controls. The valves 22 can be electrohydraulic valves, sas those also in production on the John Deere 8000 series tractor. The engine 10 also drives a conventional starter (PTO) impeller (not shown) through a power driver clutch. Start (PTO) (not shown), and drives a hydraulic pump (not shown) which supplies pressurized hydraulic fluid to the selective control valves (not shown), all are also available in the production of the John Deere 8000 series tractor. Sa tractor may also including a differential lock, a mechanical front wheel drive and electrohydraulic depth control cylinders (not shown) may be part of an implement (not shown) pulled by the tractor.
A latching implement 30, sas a conventional 3-point hitch, includes draw links 32 which are connected to the lifting arms 34 through the lifting links. 36. The lifting arms 34 are connected to the oscillating shaft 28 to ensure simultaneous and equal movement, and are raised and lowered through a pair of oscillating shaft cylinders or hydraulic lift connected in parallel 38. The portions of the tractor and the hitch 30 are merely exemplary and those with skill in the art will be able to understand that the invention can be applied to tractors and to hitch other configurations. As is well known, various grounding implements (not shown), sas a blade plow or a cutter plow, can be fastened in a conventional manner to the hitch 30.
The gear shift transmission (PST) 12, the hitch 30, a starting power driver (not shown), selective control valves (not shown), a differential lock (not shown), a mechanical front wheel drive ( not shown) and electrohydraulic depth control cylinders (not shown) are examples of the various types of functions or actuators which may be operated in desired sequences during the operation of a tractor, sas at the beginning or end of a row of culture.
The communication of the hydraulic fluid to and from the cylinders 38 is controlled by a pair of electro-hydraulic flow control valves operated by solenoid 40a and 40b which are operated by the impellers 42a and 42b which receive electrical control signals generated by a unit vehicle control (VCU) 44. The vehicle control unit 44 is preferably an electronic control unit based on a microprocessor, as used in the John Deere 8000 Series production tractor. The flow control valves 40a and 40b and the impellers 42a and 42b can be sas those available on the John Deere 8000 Series production tractor. The vehicle control unit ~ 4L4. also preferably controls a differential lock (not shown), a mechanical front wheel impeller clutch (not shown), a power driver (not shown), selective control valves (not shown), all as available on the John Deere 8000 Series production tractor.
The vehicle control unit ~ 44 receives signals from a three-position oscillating-type hook-and-drop hook-and-drop switch 46, and from a vehicle monitor / display unit 48, and a shift lever unit 50, all as available on the John Deere 8000 Series production tractor. The vehicle control unit ~ 44 also receives signals from an engine speed sensor 52, preferably a magnetic pickup, and an axle speed sensor. 54, preferably a Hall effect sensor, which supplies a shaft speed signal. Components 52 and 54 are preferably similar to their counterparts found in John production tractors Deere 8000 Series, but similar commercially available components may also suffice. The vehicle control unit 44 also receives signals (from a self-centering Sequence switch l / Sequence 2 (Sequence) 56, preferably, a momentarily oscillating switch of 3 positions (1, 2 and neutral) commercially available which is used in connection With the present invention, the vehicle control unit 44, as available in the John Deere Series 800O production tractor, includes the input and output circuits, a programmed microprocessor and a memory (not shown). vehicle control 44 also receives signals from a jam switch 57 which is operatively connected to the clutch pedal 58.
Referring now to Figure 2, the monitor / display unit 48 is similar to the monitor / display unit which is provided by the John Deere Series 8000 production tractors, with some additions and / or changes as will be described herein. . The third of the left side of the monitor / display unit 48 includes a plurality of warning and status lights 60 associated with the various functions of the vehicle, but which do not relate to the present invention. The upper portion of the middle portion of the unit 48 includes a graphic / numerical display unit I. The lower portion of the middle portion of the unit 48 includes a plurality of electrical switches. touch pad 64 (also not involved with the present invention) which can be used to control which parameters are displayed by the numerical display portion of the display unit 62. The "upper and lower third" portions of the right side of the "monitor unit / display 48 includes touch pad switches (not shown) which are not related to the present invention. The unit 48 also includes a horn (not shown) which generates audible sounds in response to certain conditions and operations.
The middle third of the right side of the monitor / display unit 48 includes on / off touch pad switch 66 and a learn / save touch pad switch 68, both of which are used in connection with the Function management system. The lower part of the right side of the merchandiser 62 includes an IMS display (Implement Management System) 70 and a display element of 1-2 sequences 72, both of which are lit as a function of the operating state of the present invention. , as will be described in detail later.
To implement the present invention, the vehicle control unit 44 executes the program set forth in the attached microfiche appendix. Thus thus programmed, the vehicle control unit 44 is derived distance information of the speed sensor 54, using well-known integration techniques. The programmed vehicle control unit 44 cooperates with the elements shown in Figures 1 and 2 and therefore implements the invention of the function management system.
Referring to Figure 3, the learn mode operates as follows. First, in step 100 the system is turned on by pressing the on / off switch 66, and the display indicator of the implement management system 70 is turned on. Pressing the learn / save switch 68 in step 102 activates learn / save mode and the implement management system indicator 70 will begin to flash and an audio pulse may occur every 2 seconds. Step 104 allows it to contain the learn / save mode if the tractor at speed is in gear ahead of transmission 18 and is moving faster than the minimum speed, such as 0.5 kilometers per hour, for example. During the learn / save mode, if the operator changes transmission 18 of the gear forward, the system can exit the learn / save mode and cancel the learn / save mode and the sequence will be clear. In step 106 the operator momentarily manipulates the Sequence switch 56 to its sequence position l or to its sequence position 2, and the corresponding Sequence number indicator 72 will begin to blink. So as indicated in step 108 the operator can execute a sequence up to a maximum number (such as 12) of manually executed function operations, such as changing the transmission 18 by manipulating the shift lever 50, or such as raising and / or lowering the catch 30 by manipulating the up / down engagement switch 46. As indicated in step 110, the vehicle control unit 44 records (in a temporary memory location) all manually executed operations together with the various distances traveled by the tractor between the various operations executed manually. The distances are calculated based on the axis velocity sensed by the sensor 54 and recorded with a resolution in millimeters. The distance information is recorded only when the tractor is in forward gear and is moving at a speed faster than the minimum speed. In step 112 the learn / save switch 68 is pressed again and as indicated in step 114, and the vehicle control unit stores in a permanent memory the sequence of operations and the corresponding distances as either a sequence 1 or a sequence 2, depending on how the switch 56 was previously adjusted. The learn / save mode then ends in step 116 and the blink sequence number 72 stops blinking and the implement management system indicator 70 only remains on.
After one or two sequences of operations and distances have been learned and saved by the learn / save mode, the mode of execution illustrated by Figure 4 can be performed. In step 200 the on / off switch 66 is depressed to turn on the system and the status indicator of the vehicle operation system 70 is turned on. Step 202 allows the running mode to be performed if the tractor is in gear of forward of the transmission 18 and moves more rapidly than the minimum speed. Then, in step 204, when the tractor reaches a place in the field in which the operator wishes to execute a stored sequence of operations, the operator momentarily sets the sequence switch 56 to its sequence position loa its sequence position 2 for selecting which stored sequence may be repeated, and the corresponding "1" or "2" in the display 72 is turned on. The sequence indicator "1" and "2" 72 may remain on for at least 3 seconds, although the sequence that is being executed requires less than 3 seconds to be executed. Then, as indicated in step 206, the vehicle control unit 44 automatically executes the selected sequence of stored operations, such as automatically changing the transmission 18 without the operator manipulating the shift lever 50, or such as the of automatically raising and / or lowering the hitch 30 without the operator manipulating the hitch raise / lower switch 46. These stored operations may be repeated with the same relative distances between them as when they were learned, regardless of whether or not the tractor is traveling at the same speed, slow or fast. Upon completion of the execution sequence, the number 1 or 2 of the merchandiser may be turned off. The run mode then ends in step 208.
With two sequences learned and the system turned on (and while the tractor is in forward transmission gear 18 and moving faster than the minimum speed), the operator can cause the first sequence to be automatically repeated by momentarily adjusting the switch. sequence 56 to its "1" position, for example, at the end of each row of culture. Similarly, the operator may make the second sequence be automatically repeated by momentarily adjusting the sequence switch 56 to its "2" position at the beginning of each row of culture.
Thus, the function management system described herein can be used to automatically repeat a sequence of operations at the beginning of each row of crops by only momentarily operating the sequence switch 56, and by automatically repeating a different sequence of operations at the beginning of each row of crop with a different and unique momentary drive of switch 56. Because the function management system operates on the basis of distances traveled by the tractor (instead of based on time intervals), the sequences can be slowly "learned" while the tractor moves slowly, then automatically -Drive or repeat quickly as the tractor moves at normal operating speeds. This allows the operator sufficient time to operate the "learn" mode and has the control unit 48"learn" a complex sequence of operations.
During the operations described above, the invention also operates as follows. An -audiofrequency pulse may occur when the on / off switch is depressed. When the system is turned on in the content of the stored sequences these can be displayed on the monitor / display 48. Each sequence, starting with sequence 1, will be able to display each event that was learned and recorded every two seconds followed by the displayed one of " End "on the display 62.
The learned sequences are retained indefinitely. A maximum number, such as 12 operations can be recorded. The operator can erase a sequence learned from memory. If the learn / save mode is canceled during the learning process, for example, the sequence was not completed normally, then the sequence is cleared from memory. A save sequence can be removed from memory by normally entering the learn / save mode, by selecting a sequence, and then pressing the learn / save switch 68 without operating any of the vehicle's functions. This will cause the system to exit the learn / save mode and discontinue the blinking of the sequence number indicator 72 while the implement management system indicator 70 only remains on.
Once the learn / save mode is completed, no operation can be added to the sequence. The distance information can only be accumulated while the tractor is at the speed of gear for ahead and above the minimum speed.
The learn / save mode can also be canceled by pressing the on / off switch 66 and, either, a) by not selecting a sequence with the sequence switch 56 within 30-seconds, b) by not learning any of the operations within 30 seconds of the time when the sequence switch 56 is articulated, c) by not operating the learn / save switch 68 within 30 seconds of the first learned operation, d) by changing the transmission 18 out of the forward gear, oe) if the operator is not present and the tractor is not moving for more than 5 seconds.
The location indicator of the implement management system 70 in the display 62 is turned on when the system is turned on. If the on / off switch 66 is depressed while the function management system is turned on, then the system shuts down the function management system and turns off the implement management system indicator 70. If the on / off switch 66 is pressed and the sequence switch 56 is not in the neutral position, then the function management system can not be turned on. If the system is in learn / save mode when the function management system is off, then the learn / save mode can be canceled and no sequence of operations can be stored. If the system is executing (repeating) a sequence when the function management system is off, the execution of the sequence may be aborted.
An audio pulse may occur when the touch pad switch of learn / save mode 68 is depressed. The location indicator of the implement management system 70 in the display 62 may blink during the learn mode and every two seconds the vehicle control unit 44 may generate a 16th of a second duration an audio boost. If the function management system is not turned on, pressing the learn / save switch 68 will have no effect. If the learn / save switch 68 is pressed when the "function management" system is turned on, then the system can enter the learn / save mode.
If the function management system is off, pressing any part of sequence switch 56 will have no effect. If the function management system is turned on and the sequence switch 56 changes from a neutral position to either sequence position l or to sequence position 2, then the system may begin to execute (repeat) the sequence. If the sequence switch 56 is pressed while the learn mode is active, the system may begin to subsequently learn the manually executed operations.
The execution of a sequence can always start with the first operation of the sequence, even if the sequence has been previously aborted. During the run mode, the system can always order the learned operation for a function. If the function is already in a state in which it may result in the performance of the learned operation, then the system may not have any effect on that function. For example, if the operation is a latching operation, but the latch is already raised, then the execution merely passes along the next operation of the sequence. If a sequence is already in process and then sequence switch 56 is set for the corresponding sequence ag ~ then that setting of switch 56 may be ignored and the execution sequence may continue. If the sequence is already in process and then the sequence switch 56 is adjusted for the next sequence, then the system will be able to abort the execution sequence. If a function is disabled at the time a sequence is ordered then the system will not be able to execute the sequence.
The operator can use the clutch pedal 58 to stop the accumulated distance in the system during the learn / save mode, and to temporarily pause the automatic performance of an operation during the execution of a save sequence. Once 30 seconds have elapsed, the sequence can be aborted regardless of whether the clutch is engaged or pcr. The system may also prevent the execution of the sequence if the transmission gear is above a maximum preseeding gear, such as 14 forward, unless the sequence was learned- above the maximum gear.
If the operator manually operates a function during automatic sequence execution, then that manually operated function (under this function management system) may be inhibited by the rest of the sequence execution. The other operations of the sequence may be performed as they were learned, and the particular operation operated manually may not be deleted from the sequence learned.
Alert messages concerning functions, which are not included in the sequence that is being executed, can not cause the implement management system to abort the execution of the sequence.
Although the present invention has been described in conjunction with an embodiment, it is to be understood that many alternatives, modifications and variations will be apparent to those skilled in the art in light of the foregoing description. For example, the function management system described here can also be used to learn and repeat operations involving the closing of the tractor differential, the mechanical front wheel impeller, the starting power impeller, the selective control valves and any electrohydraulic depth control cylinders, such as a towed implement and controlled by the operator controls on the tractor. Accordingly, this invention is intended to encompass all those alternatives, modifications and variations which will fall within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

Claims (23)

    R E I V I N D I C A C I O N S
  1. , 1. In a vehicle having a function which performs certain operations while the vehicle is moving on the ground under the control of a control unit in response to a manipulation of an operator control, a function management system comprising: a learning mode implemented by the control unit, the learning mode is operable while the vehicle is in motion, and where, in response to a manual sequence of operator control manipulations, the function performs a sequence of operations, and wherein the control unit stores information concerning the sequence of operations and stores information concerning the distance intervals between said operations, with respect to the movement of the vehicle during the performance of said sequence of operations; Y a repetition mode implemented by the control unit, wherein the control unit automatically performs said sequence of operations and wherein the operations of said sequence are performed with intervals of distances between them which are substantially the same as those that occurred during the operation of the learn mode, regardless of the speed of the vehicle.
  2. 2. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that: The function management system is operable only when the vehicle is moving on the ground.
  3. 3. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that: the function management system is operable only when the vehicle is moving on the ground and the vehicle transmission is in forward gear.
  4. 4. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a manually selectable sequence selection switch coupled to the control unit, the control unit repeating from a plurality of learned operational sequences a selected one depending on the situation of the sequence selection switch.
  5. 5. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a switch activated by an operator connected to the control unit; and the control unit responds to the activation of said switch by automatically performing said sequence of operations each time said switch is activated.
  6. 6. The control management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that: the control unit includes a display to display information concerning the stored sequence information.
  7. 7. The function management system as claimed in clause 6, characterized in that: the control unit automatically displays stored sequence information when the function management system is turned on.
  8. 8. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a learn / save switch activated by the operator connected to the control unit; the control unit, in response to the first activation of the learn / save switch, enabling a learning mode where the control unit records information concerning the sequence operations performed manually; Y the control unit, in response to a second activation of the learn / save switch after said sequence information is recorded, enabling a save mode where the control unit stores said information in permanent memory.
  9. 9. The function management system as claimed in clause 8, characterized in that: the control unit deletes a stored sequence from the memory if the learn / save switch is activated twice without manually performed operations between said switch activations.
  10. 10. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a switch activated by the operator connected to the control unit; and the control unit stops the information sequence in response to an activation of said switch.
  11. 11. The function management system as claimed in clause 10, characterized in that: The switch activated by the operator is operatively coupled to a clutch pedal of the vehicle.
  12. 12. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a switch activated by the operator connected to the control unit; Y the automatic performance control unit of a sequence in response to an activation of said switch.
  13. 13. The function management system as claimed in clause 12, characterized in that: The switch activated by the operator is operatively coupled to a clutch pedal of the vehicle.
  14. 14. The function management system as claimed in clause 1, characterized in that it also comprises: a first switch activated by the operator connected to the control unit; a second switch activated by the operator connected to the control unit; Y the control unit, in response to a first activation of the first switch, enabling a learning mode where the control unit records the information concerning the sequence operations performed manually, the control unit, in response to a second activation of the first switch after said sequence of information is recorded, enabling a save mode wherein the control unit stores said information in permanent memory, and the control unit stops the automatic performance of a sequence in response to an activation of the second switch.
  15. 15. The function management system as claimed in clause 14, characterized in that: the second switch is operatively coupled to a clutch pedal of the vehicle.
  16. 16. In a vehicle having a function which performs operations while the vehicle is traveling on the ground under the control of a control unit in response to the manipulations of the operator's controls, a function management system comprising: a way of learning implemented by the. control unit, the learning mode is operated while the vehicle is in motion, and where, in response to a first manual sequence of manipulations of the operator's controls, the functions perform a first sequence of operations, and where the The control unit stores information concerning the first sequence of operations and stores information concerning the distance intervals between said operations, with respect to the movement of the vehicle during the performance of said first sequence of operations, and in response to a second manual sequence of operations. manipulations of the controls of the operator, the functions perform a second sequence of operations, and wherein the control unit stores information concerning the second sequence of operations and stores information concerning the distance intervals between said operations, corr with respect to the movement of the vehicle during the performance of said second sequence of operations; Y a repetition mode implemented by the control unit, wherein the control unit automatically performs a selected one of said sequences and wherein the operations of said sequence are performed with intervals of distances between them which are substantially the same as those that occurred during the operation of the learning mode, regardless of the speed of the vehicle.
  17. 17. The function management system as claimed in clause 16, characterized in that: the function management system is operable only when the vehicle is moving on the ground and a vehicle transmission is in forward gear.
  18. 18. The function management system as claimed in clause 16, characterized in that it also comprises: a selection of operable sequences manually coupled to the control unit; the control unit repeats one of the selected operational sequences depending on the state of the sequence selection switch.
  19. 19. The function management system as claimed in clause 18, characterized in that: the control unit aborts the execution of a learned sequence if the sequence selection switch is set to an unselected sequence while a selected sequence is being executed.
  20. 20. In a vehicle having a plurality of functions which performs certain operations while the vehicle is traveling on the ground under the control of a control unit in response to the manipulation of a corresponding plurality of operator controls, a control system Function that includes: a way of learning implemented by the control unit, the way of learning is operable while the vehicle is in motion, and where, in response to a manual sequence of manipulations of operator controls, the functions perform a sequence of operations, and wherein the control unit stores information concerning the sequence of operations and stores information concerning the distance intervals between said operations, with respect to the movement of the vehicle during the performance of said sequence of operations; Y a repeating mode implemented by the control unit, wherein the control unit automatically performs said stored sequence of operations and wherein said sequence of operations are performed with intervals of distances between them which are substantially the same as those that occurred during the operation of the learning mode, regardless of the speed of the vehicle.
  21. 21. The function management system as claimed in clause 20, characterized in that: The function management system is operable only when the vehicle is traveling on the ground.
  22. 22. The function management system as claimed in clause 20, characterized in that: the function management system is operable only when the vehicle is traveling on the ground and in a vehicle transmission at forward gear speed.
  23. 23. The function management system as claimed in clause 20, characterized in that: a manually operable sequence switch coupled to the control unit, the control unit repeats from a plurality of learned operational sequences one selected depending on the state of the sequence selection switch.
MXPA/A/2000/003728A 1999-04-14 2000-04-14 Function management system for vehicles MXPA00003728A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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US09291080 1999-04-14

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MXPA00003728A true MXPA00003728A (en) 2001-06-26



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