LV14830B - The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current - Google Patents

The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current Download PDF


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LV14830B LVP-13-103A LV130103A LV14830B LV 14830 B LV14830 B LV 14830B LV 130103 A LV130103 A LV 130103A LV 14830 B LV14830 B LV 14830B
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Vitālijs Entins
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Vitālijs Entins
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Priority to LVP-13-103A priority Critical patent/LV14830B/en
Publication of LV14830A publication Critical patent/LV14830A/en
Publication of LV14830B publication Critical patent/LV14830B/en



    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/30Energy from the sea, e.g. using wave energy or salinity gradient


  • Other Liquid Machine Or Engine Such As Wave Power Use (AREA)


The invention concerns devices for transformation of the kinetic energy from the movement of waves or river current energy. The device consists of one or several modules. Each module includes wings (1) attached to an axle (2) and rotating in the bracket (3), in addition axle (2) and bracket (3) are mounted on a float (4), which is filled with water to a needed level to change the depth of the draft. There is a pulley (5) mounted on the axle (2). The rotation movement is transferred from the pulley (5) to the generator (7) and flywheel (8). Module is working efficiently only when wings are submerged into water just to the point to receive the kinetic energy from the waves. Level, to which the wings are submerged, is controlled by sensor, which, depending on the height of the waves, gives command to pump water into the float or out of it. The device for the transformation of the kinetic energy from the movement of waves consists of several modules, each additionally comprising a one way clutch (6). All the modules are flexibly connected with couplers (9) and common gear (10), which, depending on movement of waves, allow each module to move independently up and down. The first module is anchored. To convert energy of stream into electricity the module is equipped with confusers and diffusers in accordance with the velocity of the stream in which it is being placed. This significantly increases efficiency of the module when it is used for this purpose.


Izgudrojums attiecas uz enerģētiskām iekārtām jūras viļņu kustības kinētiskās enerģijas izmantošanai. Izgudrojuma mērķis - dabai draudzīga iegūstamās lietderīgās jaudas palielināšana.The invention relates to energy devices for the use of kinetic energy of motion of sea waves. The object of the invention is to increase the net power available in an environmentally friendly manner.

Zināmais tehnikas līmenisKnown state of the art

Ir zināma ierīce, kas pārveido jūras viļņu kinētisko enerģiju par elektrisko enerģiju (Patents CN101487442 A) un sastāv no cilindra ar spārniem, uz kuriem iedarbojas jūras viļņi. Tomēr šādas ierīces efektvitāte ir zema, jo tikai viens no spārniem ir vertikālā plaknē, uz kuru iedarbojas visa viļņu plūsma. Visi pārējie spārni atrodas leņķī attiecībā pret viļņu plūsmas virzienu.A device that converts the kinetic energy of sea waves into electrical energy is known (Patent CN101487442 A) and consists of a cylinder with wings exposed to sea waves. However, the efficiency of such a device is low because only one of the wings is in a vertical plane that is affected by the entire wave stream. All other wings are at an angle relative to the direction of the wave flow.

Zināma ierīce, kas pārvērš jūras viļņu kinētisko enerģiju elektriskajā enerģijā (patents WO2010102005 A3) un sastāv no ķēdes konveijera ar uzstādītām plāksnēmspāmiem. Plāksnes, kuras ir nostiprinātas ar asīm un ir spējīgas novietoties uz konveijera (ķēdes augšpusē) guļus pozīcijā, iznākot no ūdens, pārvietojas pa konveijera virsmu līdz galējam sākuma punktam, lai atkal uzsāktu savu kustību lejup ūdenī. Ķēdei apliecoties apkārt ap skrituli, plāksni ir nepieciešams pacelt izejas pozīcijā, un šis nepieciešamais spēks rada ķēdei pretestību, tādējādi mazinot iegūstamās enerģijas kopējo apjomu.Known device for converting kinetic energy of sea waves into electrical energy (patent WO2010102005 A3) and consisting of a circuit conveyor with mounted plate spams. The plates, which are axially secured and capable of resting on the conveyor (at the top of the chain) in the supine position, move out of the water and move along the surface of the conveyor to the starting point to start their downward movement again. As the chain wraps around the roller, it is necessary to raise the plate to its starting position, and this force forces the chain to resist, thereby reducing the total amount of energy that can be generated.

Izgudrojuma detalizēts izklāstsDETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION

Konstrukcija (1. zīm.) sastāv no vairākiem moduļiem. Katrs modulis (2., 3. zīm.) sastāv no konveijera tipa spārniem (1), kuri ir nostiprināti uz asīm (2) un rotē kronšteinā (3). Ass (2) ar kronšteinu (3) ir uzstādīta uz pludiņa (4), kuru pēc vajadzības var uzpildīt ar ūdeni, mainot pludiņa iegrimi. Uz ass (2) ir novietots skriemelis (5) un vienvirziena sajūgs (6). Rotācijas kustība no skriemeļa (5) tiek pārvadīta uz ģeneratoru (7) un spararatu (8).The construction (Fig. 1) consists of several modules. Each module (Figures 2, 3) consists of conveyor-type wings (1), which are fixed to the axles (2) and rotate in the bracket (3). The shaft (2) with the bracket (3) is mounted on the float (4), which can be filled with water as needed by changing the draft of the float. The pulley (5) and the one-way clutch (6) are located on the shaft (2). The rotational movement from the pulley (5) is transmitted to the generator (7) and the flywheel (8).

Katrs modulis savā starpā ir kustīgi savienots ar savienotāju (9) un kopējo pārnesumu (10), kas ļauj katram modulim neatkarīgi kustēties augšup/lejup atkarībā no viļņu kustības. Pirmais modulis ir noenkurots.Each module is interconnected movably with a connector (9) and a common gear (10) allowing each module to move independently up / down depending on the wave motion. The first module is anchored.

Vadības sistēma ietver eholotu, kurš nosaka attālumu no viļņa kores un ieplakas līdz jūras dibenam, un skaitļošanas bloks izskaitļo pusi viļņa amplitūdas (attālums no viļņa ieplakas līdz korei) un salīdzina ar lāpstiņas iegrimi, kuru kontrolē lāpstiņas iegrimes devējs. Šo lielumu nesakritības gadījumā vadības sistēma dod komandu, saskaņā ar kuru tiek ieslēgts vai izslēgts sūknis, kas padod vai atsūknē ūdeni uz/no pludiņiem. Tādā veidā tiek panākts visefektīvākais lāpstiņu darbs, tāpēc ka tikai viļņa amplitūdas augšpusē ūdens daļiņas ar apļveida kustību pārvietojas viļņa pārvietošanās virzienā, aizraujot sev līdzi darba lāpstiņas.The control system includes an echo-probe, which measures the distance from the wave ridge and depression to the sea floor, and the computing unit calculates half the wave amplitude (distance from the wave depression to the ridge) and compares it to the blade draft controlled by the blade draft sensor. In the event of a discrepancy between these values, the control system gives a command to switch on or off the pump which supplies or pumps the water to / from the floats. In this way, the most efficient blade work is achieved, because only at the top of the wave amplitude, water particles circularly move in the direction of the wave, bringing the working blades along.

Konstrukcija darbojas šādi: viļņi rotē pirmo moduli, kurš caur skriemeli (5) un pārnesumu rotē ģeneratoru (7) un spararatu (8). Kad vilnis paiet zem pirmā moduļa un sāk rotēt otro moduli, pirmais modulis apstājas, bet skriemelis (3), kopējais pārnesums un vienvirziena sajūgs (6) otrā moduļa dēļ turpina rotēt. Tādā veidā vilnis pārvietojas zem katra moduļa un caur sekojošo moduļu spārniem pārnes nepārtrauktu rotācijas kustību pirmajam skriemelim (3) un tālāk ģeneratoram (7) un spararatam (8).The structure works as follows: the waves rotate the first module, which rotates the pulley (5) and the gear generator (7) and the flywheel (8). When the wave passes the first module and begins to rotate the second module, the first module stops and the pulley (3), overall gear and the one-way clutch (6) continue to rotate due to the second module. In this way, the wave travels under each module and, through the wings of subsequent modules, transmits a continuous rotational movement to the first pulley (3) and further to the generator (7) and the flywheel (8).

Ja ģeneratoru pārveido upes straumes jaudas pārveidošanai, tad konstrukcija sastāv no viena moduļa (4. zīm.), un, tā kā upes straume plūst vienā virzienā, tad vienvirziena sajūgs (6) šeit nav nepieciešams.If the generator is transformed into a river stream for power conversion, the structure consists of a single module (Fig. 4), and since the river stream flows in one direction, a one-way clutch (6) is not required here.

Lai palielinātu lēnas upes straumes ātrumu un līdz ar to ari iekārtas jaudu, tiek lietots konfuzors (savācējs) (11). Konfuzora (savācēja) korpusā (12) ir izgriezti logi, kuri kopā ar pludiņu (13) konfigurāciju (līdzīgu savācējam) dod modulim papildu jaudu.A confuser (11) is used to increase the speed of the slow river stream and thus the capacity of the plant. The configurator (collector) housing (12) has cut-out windows which, together with the float (13) configuration (similar to the collector), give the module additional power.

Lai aizsargā moduli no peldošiem priekšmetiem, ir režģis (14).There is a grille (14) to protect the module from floating objects.

Upes straumes ģenerators darbojas šādi: konfuzors (savācējs) (11) sašaurina upes straumi, līdz ar to palielinās straumes ātrums. Pludiņam (13) ir konfuzori (savācēji), kas atrodas pludiņu korpusa sānos un ievirza no upes straumes papildu jaudu. Korpusa aizmugurē ir difuzors (15) ar perpendikulāri pret straumi vērstām malām, kuras arī dod papildu jaudu.The River Stream Generator works as follows: The confluent (11) narrows the river stream, increasing the stream speed. The float (13) has configurators (collectors) located on the sides of the float hull and directing additional power from the river stream. At the back of the case is a diffuser (15) with perpendicular to the flow edges, which also provides additional power.


Claims (4)

PretenzijasClaims 1. Ierīce, kas sastāv no vismaz viena moduļa, turklāt modulis satur konveijera tipa spārnus, kuri ir piestiprināti pie pārnesuma mehānisma, kas var būt arī ķēdes mahānisms un kas rotē ap asi, uz kuras ir novietots skriemelis, un korpusu, kurā ir iestiprināti pludiņi, kā arī ģeneratoru un spararatu, kas atšķiras ar to, ka ierīce pludiņa iegrimes līmeņa regulēšanai ir aprīkota ar vadības sistēmu, kura pēc vajadzības iepilda pludiņā noteiktu ūdens daudzumu.1. A device comprising at least one module, the module further comprising conveyor-type wings fixed to a gear mechanism, which may also be a chain mechanism, and which rotates about an axis on which the pulley is mounted and a housing in which the floats are mounted. , as well as a generator and a flywheel, characterized in that the device for adjusting the draft level of the float is equipped with a control system which, when necessary, fills a certain amount of water into the float. 2. Ierīce saskaņā ar 1. pretenziju, kas atšķiras ar to, ka minētā vadības sistēma ietver devēju un sūkni pludiņa iegrimes regulēšanai.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that said control system comprises a sensor and a pump for adjusting the draft of the float. 3. Ierīce saskaņā ar 1. pretenziju, kas atšķiras ar to, ka tās modifikācija izmantošanai upē sastāv no viena moduļa, turklāt moduļa korpusa priekšā un pludiņa korpusa sānos ir izveidoti konfuzori, bet moduļa korpusa aizmugurē ir izvietots difuzors.The device according to claim 1, characterized in that its modification for use in the river consists of a single module, in which confusers are formed on the front of the module body and on the sides of the float body, and a diffuser is located at the rear of the module body. 4. Ierice saskaņā ar 1. pretenziju, kas atšķiras ar to, ka tās modifikācija izmantošanai jūrā sastāv no vairākiem virknē ar kustīgu savienotāju palīdzību savienotiem moduļiem, turklāt katra moduļa sānā uz ass ir izvietots vienvirziena sajūgs.Device according to Claim 1, characterized in that its modification for use in the sea consists of a plurality of modules connected in series by means of movable connectors, in addition to which a one-way clutch is disposed on the axis of each module.
LVP-13-103A 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current LV14830B (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
LVP-13-103A LV14830B (en) 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
LVP-13-103A LV14830B (en) 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
LV14830A LV14830A (en) 2014-03-20
LV14830B true LV14830B (en) 2015-05-20



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
LVP-13-103A LV14830B (en) 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 The device for conversation of energy of sea waves or river current

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11408391B2 (en) 2016-03-01 2022-08-09 Mocean Energy Ltd. Wave power device

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US11408391B2 (en) 2016-03-01 2022-08-09 Mocean Energy Ltd. Wave power device

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LV14830A (en) 2014-03-20

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