LV14257B - Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements - Google Patents

Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements Download PDF


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LV14257B LVP-10-151A LV100151A LV14257B LV 14257 B LV14257 B LV 14257B LV 100151 A LV100151 A LV 100151A LV 14257 B LV14257 B LV 14257B
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Videvuds-Ārijs LAPSA
Kārlis Strauts
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Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte
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Application filed by Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte filed Critical Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte
Priority to LVP-10-151A priority Critical patent/LV14257B/en
Publication of LV14257A publication Critical patent/LV14257A/en
Priority to PCT/LV2011/000007 priority patent/WO2012064164A1/en
Publication of LV14257B publication Critical patent/LV14257B/en



    • B28B1/00Producing shaped prefabricated articles from the material
    • B28B1/52Producing shaped prefabricated articles from the material specially adapted for producing articles from mixtures containing fibres, e.g. asbestos cement
    • B28B23/00Arrangements specially adapted for the production of shaped articles with elements wholly or partly embedded in the moulding material; Production of reinforced objects
    • B28B23/02Arrangements specially adapted for the production of shaped articles with elements wholly or partly embedded in the moulding material; Production of reinforced objects wherein the elements are reinforcing members
    • B28B23/022Means for inserting reinforcing members into the mould or for supporting them in the mould


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Manufacturing & Machinery (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Ceramic Engineering (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Curing Cements, Concrete, And Artificial Stone (AREA)
  • Producing Shaped Articles From Materials (AREA)


The invention relates to processes for manufacturing monolith and precast fiberconcrete structure elements. The process for manufacturing non-homogeneous fiberconcrete structure elements comprises: preparation of mixture of concrete components - mineral components, water, additives (without fibers), placing it in a mould and its compaction. After that the precise amount of fibers is being uniformly strewn on the upper surface of the concrete and after that the fibers are being pressed into the concrete till the necessary depth. This operation is being carried out by lattice type device having vertical cells, which larger crossection size is being smaller than the length of fiber, and smaller crossection size is being bigger than the largest linear size of the concrete aggregate. Vibration can be applied to the device during the pressing process. According to another embodiment, the device may have parallel strips connected to plane plates or cylindrical shells. In this case fiber pressing into the concrete is being carried out in two mutually perpendicular directions.?


Izgudrojuma aprakstsDescription of the Invention

Izgudrojums attiecas uz fibrobetona monolīto konstrukciju būvniecību un saliekamo konstrukciju ražošanu. Tā lietošanas joma galvenokārt ir būvkonstrukcijas, kuras uzņem gan pozitīvu, gan ari negatīvu lieces momentu, vai ari tās, kurās tas var būt mainīgs, kā, piemēram, grīdu un pamatu plātnes.The present invention relates to the construction of prefabricated concrete monolithic structures and the manufacture of prefabricated structures. Its use is mainly in building structures that accept both positive and negative bending moment, or where it can be variable, such as floor and foundation slabs.

Ir zināmas fibrobetona konstrukcijas, kurās fibras tiek iemaisītas ar nolūku iegūt to viendabīgu sadalījumu un arī panākt vienādu to orientācijas varbūtību pa visām trim ortogonālām būvkonstrukcijas betona tilpuma koordinātēm /1, 2/. Šāds vienmērīgs sadalījums nav racionāls, jo tas neatbilst galveno stiepes spriegumu sadalījumu raksturam, kurš pa konstrukcijas tilpumu nekad nav viendabīgs, bet ir izteikti mainīgs. Liektiem elementiem tas mainās no nulles pie neitrālās ass līdz maksimāliem spriegumiem pie šķērsgriezuma malējām zonām. Tas nozīmē to, ka tās fibras, kuras atrodas tuvu neitrālai asij ir liekas un to izmaksas būvfirmai ir tīrs zaudējums; šo lieko fibru apjoms var sasniegt 5/6 no visām maisījumā ietvertām fibrām.Fiberglass concrete structures are known in which the fibers are mixed in order to obtain homogeneous distribution and also to obtain the same probability of orientation along all three orthogonal concrete volume coordinates of the building structure / 1, 2 /. Such an even distribution is not rational as it does not correspond to the nature of the main tensile stress distributions, which are never uniform in structure but are highly variable. For curved elements, it changes from zero at the neutral axis to maximum stresses at the cross-sectional edge areas. This means that the fibers near the neutral axis are redundant and their cost to the construction company is a net loss; the amount of these excess fibers can reach 5/6 of all the fibers in the blend.

Ir zināms fibrobetons „SIFCON” (Slurry Infiltrated Concrete), kuru iegūst iefiltrējot no haotiski orientētām fibrām izveidotā slānī smalkgraudaina betona vai cementa un smilšu javas maisījumu /3/, kurš sacietējot izveido monolītu struktūru. Ar šo fibrobetona izveidošanas paņēmienu var iegūt materiālu tikai ar prevalējoši horizontālā plaknē orientētu šķiedru orientāciju, bet tas neļauj nodrošināt to sadalījuma atbilstību stiepes spriegumu sadalījumam betona tilpumā.Fibrobeton SIFCON (Slurry Infiltrated Concrete), which is obtained by filtration of a mixture of fine-grained concrete or cement-sand mortar (3) into a monolithic structure when hardened, is known. This method of producing fibrous concrete can only provide material with a predominantly horizontal plane oriented orientation, but does not allow the distribution of these to be consistent with the tensile stresses in the concrete volume.

Ir zināms fibrobetona būvelements /4/, kurā šķiedru koncentrācija ir mainīga un tā ir sadalīta pa elementa šķērsgriezumu atkarībā no stiepes vai spiedes spriegumu sadalījuma. Šī izgudrojuma aprakstā ir paredzēts nehomogēna fibrobetona būvelementu betonēt pa vairākiem slāņiem ar atšķirīgu un pieaugošu šķiedru koncentrāciju stiepes un/vai spiedes spriegumu pieauguma virzienā. Šādu slāņu izveidošana konstrukcijas betonēšanā ir tehnoloģiski sarežģīta un darbietilpīga, jo tā prasa katram slānim sagatavot atšķirīgu betona maisījumu ar atšķirīgu fibru saturu, pie kam ir grūti izsargāt atsevišķos slāņus no to savstarpējas samaisīšanas tehnoloģisko iedarbju ietekmē.There is known a fiber-reinforced concrete building element / 4 / in which the fiber concentration is variable and it is divided by the cross-section of the element depending on the distribution of tensile or compressive stresses. The present invention provides for the concreting of an inhomogeneous fibrobeton concrete element in several layers with different and increasing fiber concentrations in the direction of increasing tensile and / or compressive stresses. Creating such layers in concrete concreting is technologically complex and labor-intensive because it requires each layer to be prepared with a different concrete mixture with a different fiber content, and it is difficult to protect the individual layers from mixing by technological action.

Tādēļ šī izgudrojuma mērķis ir radīt tādu nehomogēnu fibrobetona veidošanas tehnoloģisko paņēmienu, kurš atļautu novietot fibras liektās būvkonstrukcijās jebkurā līmenī, kurš maksimāli atbilst galveno stiepes spriegumu atrašanās līmenim, pie tam izvietot tā, lai nebūtu veidnī jāieklāj atsevišķi fibrobetona slāņi ar atšķirīgu šķiedru koncentrāciju katrā atsevišķā betona maisījumā.It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a method of forming an inhomogeneous fibrobeton, which allows the fiber to be placed in curved structural structures at any level that is as close as possible to the principal tensile stress location, without having to separate individual layers of different mixture.

Šī mērķa sasniegšanai ir piedāvāts tehnoloģiskais process, kurš satur sekojošās operācijas:To achieve this goal, a technological process is proposed that includes the following operations:

1. veidnī vai uz grunts pamatnes (grīdām, pamatu plātnēm) ieklāj betona maisījumu, to noblīvē ar zināmiem paņēmieniem un nolīmeņo betona virsmu;1. the concrete mixture is laid in a mold or on a subsoil (floors, foundation slabs), sealed by known methods and leveled;

2. uz betona virsmas uzkaisa projektā paredzēto fibru daudzumu; šo operāciju veic saskaņā ar projektā uzdoto šķiedru sadalījumu pa konstrukcijas virsmas laukumu;2. Spray the amount of fiber specified in the project on the concrete surface; this operation shall be performed in accordance with the distribution of fibers specified in the design by the surface area of the structure;

3. ar iepriekš sagatavotas ierīces - horizontāla režģa - palīdzību fibras no augšas iespiež ieklātajā betona maisījuma slānī līdz projektā uzrādītājam līmenim;3. with the help of a pre-prepared device - horizontal grid - the fibers are pressed from the top into the concrete mixture layer to the level indicated in the project;

4. fībru iespiešanas laikā tehnoloģisko piepūļu samazināšanai režģi var vibrēt;4. the grid may vibrate during technological pressings to reduce technological effort;

5. režģi izceļ, betona virsmu nolīdzina un, ja nepieciešams, to slīpē.5. The grid shall be raised, the concrete surface shall be leveled and, if necessary, polished.

Iepriekš minētais horizontālais režģis ir tehnoloģiska ierīce, ar kuru fibras iespiež betonā, un tā var būt izveidota sekojošos veidos:The horizontal grid mentioned above is a technological device used to press the fibers into concrete and can be formed in the following ways:

1. kvadrātisku šūnu režģa veidā, kurā katras rūts diagonāle ir mazāka par fibras garumu, bet rūts malu garumi ir lielāki par pildvielas graudu maksimāliem izmēriem;1. In the form of a square cell grid with a diagonal measurement of the pane less than the length of the fibrous material and greater than the maximum dimension of the grain size of the pane;

2. paralēlu vertikālu slokšņu režģa veidā, kuru savstarpējais attālums ir mazāks par fībru garumu; šāds režģis ir vienkāršāk izgatavojams un vieglāk tīrāms, un fībru iespiešanu betonā ar tā palīdzību katrā laukumā veic divos savstarpēli perpendikulāros virzienos;2. Parallel vertical strips less than the length of the fins; such a grid is simpler to make and easier to clean, and the fibrils are pressed into the concrete by means of two perpendicular directions in each area;

3. tehnoloģiskā procesa un ierīces 5. un 6. pretenzijā minētie režģi var būt izveidoti uz cilindriska veltņa darba virsmas no savstarpēji paralēlām sloksnēm saskaņā ar 4. pretenziju, un režģu malas veidojošās sloksnes var būt nostiprinātas paralēli cilindriska veltņa veidulēm un/vai vadulēm;The gratings of technological process and device of claims 5 and 6 may be formed on parallelepiped strips of the cylindrical roller working surface of claim 4, and the strips forming the edge of the grid may be secured parallel to the cylindrical roller bodies and / or guides;

4. katra no izgudrojuma aprakstā minētajām tehnoloģiskajām fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas ierīcēm var būt aprīkota ar vibratoru.4. each of the technological devices for the construction of fiberglass concrete mentioned in the description of the invention may be equipped with a vibrator.

Šajā izgudrojumā piedāvātā tehnoloģiskā procesa salīdzinājums ar nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanu šodienas būvpraksē lietojamām tehnoloģijām nav iespējams, jo autoriem publiski pieejamā informācijas laukā nav izdevies atrast nehomogēna fibrobetona rūpnieciskas lietošanas piemērus, jo līdz šim fibrobetona būvdetaļu veidošanas un lietošanas praksē izmanto tikai nosacīti homogēnu fibrobetonu /1, 2/. Piedāvātā tehnoloģija ļauj principiāli mainīt fibrobetona lietošanu, kā arī ļauj ievērojami samazināt dārgu fibru patēriņu. Iegūto pozitīvo rezultātu var definēt arī otrādi - pie vienāda fībru patēriņa izgudrojums, salīdzinot ar zināmajām fibrobetona izgatavošanas tehnoloģijām, ļauj ievērojami palielināt izveidoto konstrukciju slodžu nestspēju un samazināt to tilpumu, masu un būvizmaksas.Comparison of the technological process of the present invention with the construction of inhomogeneous fibrobet concrete structures in today's construction practice is impossible because the authors have failed to find examples of industrial use of inhomogeneous fibrobeton in the publicly available information field. 2 /. The proposed technology allows a fundamental change in the use of fiber concrete, as well as a significant reduction in the cost of expensive fiber. The positive result obtained can also be defined in the opposite way - at the same consumption of fibrils, the invention, compared with the known technologies for the production of fiber concrete, allows to significantly increase the load bearing capacity of the created structures and reduce their volume, mass and construction costs.

Izmantotie informācijas avoti:Used information sources:

1. Joost C., Walraven „High performance concrete: developing a remarkable material.” Delft Universitu of Technology, The Netherlands, 2000, GA Delft, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN.1. Joost C., Walraven, "High Performance Concrete: Developing Remarkable Material." Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2000, GA Delft, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN.

2. Joost C., Walraven „High performance fiber reinforced concrete: progress in knowledge and design codes.” Materiāls and Structures (2009) 42:1247-12602. Joost C., Walraven, "High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Progress in Knowledge and Design Codes." Material and Structures (2009) 42: 1247-1260

3. Adel Mohamed Gilani „Various durability aspects of slurry infiltrated concrete.” A thesis submitted to the graduate school at natūrai and applied Sciences of Middle East Technical University, September, 2007.3. Adel Mohamed Gilani, "Various Durability Aspects of Slurry Infiltrated Concrete." Thesis Submitted to Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, September 2007.

4. A.Krasņikovs, V.A.Lapsa, A.Pupurs „Fibrobetona būvelementi” Latvija patents N~ 13765.4. A.Krasnikov, V.A.Lapsa, A.Pupurs Fiberglass Concrete Elements Latvia Patent N ~ 13765.

Claims (8)

PretenzijasClaims 1. Nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas tehnoloģiskais process, kurš satur betona maisījuma sagatavošanu un fibru ieslēgšanu tajā, kas ir atšķirīgs ar to, ka tas satur betona minerālo komponenšu, ūdens un piedevu samaisīšanu, maisījuma ieklāšanu konstrukcijas veidnī un tā noblīvēšanu, fibru dozētu un vienmērīgu uzkaisīšanu uz betona augšējās virsmas un tai sekojošu fibru iespiešanu betona maisījuma slānī perpendikulāri betona virsmai ar režģa palīdzību līdz noteiktam dziļumam.1. A process for forming inhomogeneous fibrous concrete structures, which comprises preparing a concrete mix and incorporating the fibers therein, which comprises mixing the concrete mineral components, water and additives, laying the mixture in a structural mold and sealing it, dosing and uniform application of the fibers. on the upper surface of the concrete and the subsequent penetration of the fibers into the concrete mixture layer perpendicular to the concrete surface with the help of a grid to a certain depth. 2. Nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas process saskaņā ar 1. pretenziju, kas atšķirīgs ar to, ka fibru iespiešanas betonā laikā režģi vibrē.The process of forming a non-homogeneous fibrous concrete structure according to claim 1, characterized in that the grid vibrates during the application of the fibers in the concrete. 3. Tehnoloģiska ierīce nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas procesa īstenošanai saskaņā ar 1. vai 2. pretenziju, kas raksturīga ar to, ka tā satur šūnveida režģi ar vertikālām šūnām, kuru šķērsgriezuma lielākais izmērs ir īsāks par fibru garumu, bet to mazākais izmērs ir garāks par betona pildvielas graudu lielāko izmēru.A technological device for carrying out the process of forming an inhomogeneous fibrobeton concrete structure according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises a cellular lattice with vertical cells, the largest cross-sectional dimension of which is less than the length of the fibers. concrete filler grain size. 4. Tehnoloģiska ierīce nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas procesa īstenošanai saskaņā ar 1. vai 2. pretenziju, kas raksturīga ar to, ka tā satur režģi, pie kam šis režģis ir izveidots no betona maisījuma virsmai perpendikulārām un savstarpēji paralēlām sloksnēm un attālums starp tām ir lielāks par pildvielas graudu lielāko izmēru.Technological device for carrying out the process of forming a non-homogeneous fibrobeton concrete structure according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that it comprises a grid, the grid being formed of and perpendicular to the concrete surface perpendicular and parallel to each other. on bulk grain size. 5. Nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas process saskaņā ar 1. vai 2. pretenziju, kas atšķirīgs ar to, ka šūnveida režģis tiek piestiprināts pie cilindriska veltņa virsmas.The process of forming an inhomogeneous fibrous concrete structure according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the cellular grid is attached to the surface of the cylindrical roller. 6. Tehnoloģiska ierīce saskaņā ar 4. pretenziju nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas procesa īstenošanai saskaņā ar 5. pretenziju, kura ir atšķirīga ar to, ka režģi veidojošās sloksnes ir piestiprinātas paralēli cilindriskā veltņa veidulēm un/vai tā vadulēm.The technological device according to claim 4 for carrying out the process of forming an inhomogeneous fibrobeton concrete according to claim 5, characterized in that the grid-forming strips are fixed parallel to the cylindrical roller blocks and / or its guide rails. 7. Tehnoloģiska ierīce saskaņā ar 3., 4. vai 6. pretenziju nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas procesa saskaņā ar 1. vai 2. pretenziju īstenošanai, kas atšķirīga ar to, ka pie tās ir pievienots vibrators.A technological device according to claim 3, 4 or 6 for carrying out the process of forming an inhomogeneous fibrobeton concrete structure according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that a vibrator is attached thereto. 8. Nehomogēna fibrobetona konstrukciju veidošanas tehnoloģiskais process saskaņā ar 1. vai 2. pretenziju, kuru veic ar tehnoloģiskām ierīcēm atbilstoši 4. vai 6. pretenzijai, kas atšķirīgs ar to, ka fibru iespiešanu betona maisījumā veic secīgi divos savstarpēji perpendikulāros virzienos.Technological process for forming inhomogeneous fibrobeton concrete structures according to claim 1 or 2, carried out by technological devices according to claim 4 or 6, characterized in that the fibrils are pressed into the concrete mixture in two mutually perpendicular directions.
LVP-10-151A 2010-11-10 2010-11-10 Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements LV14257B (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
LVP-10-151A LV14257B (en) 2010-11-10 2010-11-10 Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements
PCT/LV2011/000007 WO2012064164A1 (en) 2010-11-10 2011-03-28 Process and device for manufacturing fiberconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
LVP-10-151A LV14257B (en) 2010-11-10 2010-11-10 Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements

Publications (2)

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LV14257A LV14257A (en) 2010-12-20
LV14257B true LV14257B (en) 2011-04-20



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
LVP-10-151A LV14257B (en) 2010-11-10 2010-11-10 Technological process and device for production of fibroconcrete non-homogeneous structural elements

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WO (1) WO2012064164A1 (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US7794221B2 (en) * 2007-03-28 2010-09-14 United States Gypsum Company Embedment device for fiber reinforced structural cementitious panel production

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WO2012064164A1 (en) 2012-05-18
LV14257A (en) 2010-12-20

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