JP4278028B2 - Peptide having inflammatory cytokine production inhibitory activity - Google Patents

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全身性炎症反応症候群(systemic inflammatory response syndrome:SIRS)は、敗血症(sepsis)を定義するために提唱された概念で、侵襲(外傷、熱傷、急性炎症あるいは癌手術など)によって炎症性サイトカイン(IL-1、TNF、IL-6、GM-CSFなど)が過剰に誘導され、全身的な炎症反応が惹起された状態を指している。一方、炎症性サイトカインが誘導されると同時に、SIRSに対するホメオスタシス反応として抗炎症性サイトカイン(IL-10)が誘導されることが知られている。この抗炎症性サイトカインが過剰に誘導された病態をcompensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome(CARS)とよんでいる。この2つの病態にかかわる背景因子としてのサイトカインについては、程度の差こそあれ相互に調節する関係にあり、潜在的につねに同時に存在する病態ともいえ、SIRS/CARSのバランスという考え方から侵襲時の生体反応の把握が試みられている。SIRS優位の状態では過度の炎症反応、CARS優位の状態では感染の遷延・重症化から臓器障害へと進展していくと考えられている。
ラットを同一組成の輸液で経静脈栄養あるいは経腸栄養で管理後、腹腔滲出細胞をin vitroでLPS刺激下に培養すると、経腸栄養群は経静脈栄養群に比べTNF-αの産生能が高く、それに関連して腹腔内E. coli投与後の腹腔内細菌数は少なかった(例えば、非特許文献1参照)。また、細菌投与後の血中TNF-α濃度は経腸栄養群で経静脈栄養群に比べ優位に低かった。すなわち、経腸的な栄養投与は感染局所の生体防御に必要な腹腔滲出細胞の炎症性サイトカインTNF-α産生能を維持し局所の免疫能を保つ一方で、全身の過剰な炎症反応を抑制する。このような経腸栄養は、生体侵襲時(手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍)のSIRS、CARSの発生の制御にも有用と考えられる。
M. Zimeckiらは、ウシラクトフェリン(BLFT)含有カプセルを10日間健常人に経口摂取させ、いくつかの免疫パラメータをモニターした。その結果、血清中のTNF-αのレベルはモニター期間中低下傾向を示したが、IL-6は変化がなかった(例えば、非特許文献7参照)。また、ウシカゼイン由来のペプチド、LLY、PGPIPNおよびTTMPLWがLPS刺激ネズミマクロファージによるTNF-αおよびIL-6産生を増強したとの報告がある(例えば、非特許文献8参照)。
Lin, MT「Route of nutritional supply influences local, systemic, and remote organ responses to intraperitoneal bacterial challenge.」Ann. Surg、Vol 223、1996年、p.84-93
稲葉毅「経静脈栄養下における成長因子療法の可能性」医学のあゆみ、Vol 198、No. 13、2001年、p.1041
大谷元「牛乳カゼイン由来ペプチドの栄養生理機能」Milk Science、Vol 47、No. 3、1998年、p.183-193
大谷元「牛乳カゼインの消化により生成するペプチドの免疫調節機能」Milk Science、Vol 50、No. 3、2001年、p.139-144
Zimecki, M et. al.「Immunoregulatory effects of a nutritional preparation containing bovine lactoferrin taken orally by healthy individuals」Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp.、Vol 46、1998年、p.231-240
Ziao, C. et. al.「Bovine casein peptides co-stimulate naive macrophages with lipopolysaccharide for proinflammatory cytokine production and nitric oxide release」J. Sci. Food. Agric..、Vol 81、2000年、p.300-304
1979年、Brantlらにより、牛乳カゼインからオピオイドペプチド(β-casomorphin)が単離されて以来、数多くの生理活性ペプチドがカゼインおよびホエイタンパク質の酵素消化物から得られた。そこで、当初は、これらの生理活性ペプチドはすべて合目的性をもって存在することが期待された。しかし、同様な生理活性ペプチドが動物のみならず植物からも派生し、ある確率のもとに生理活性ペプチドが存在することが分かっている今日では、乳タンパク質から派生する生理活性ペプチドがすべて生物学的合目的性をもって存在するとは断定できない。いずれにせよ、他の起源のものに較べて、乳タンパク質から派生する生理活性ペプチドには生物学的合目的性が存在する確率ははるかに大きいことは事実である〔吉川正明: ミルクの先端機能、吉川正明ら編、p. 188、弘学出版(1998)〕。
一方、経腸栄養によって炎症局所や全身、あるいは遠隔臓器である肺のサイトカイン産生が修飾されること、またサイトカインの種類によってその修飾のされかたが異なることが明らかにされている(Fong, Y. et al.: Ann. Surg., 210: 449-457, 1989; Lin, M. L. et al.: Ann. Surg., 223: 84-93, 1996)。
本発明者らは、ホエイタンパク質単離物(Whey Protein Isolate:WPI)、β-ラクトグロブリン(β-Lg)、α-ラクトアルブミン(α-La)およびウシラクトフェリン(Lf)のプロテアーゼ加水分解物の限外(UF)濾過の透過物(パーミエイト)が、LPS誘導性TNF-α産生あるいはIL-6産生を抑制する作用を有することを見出した。さらに、これらのパーミエイトを逆相HPLCで分画して、分子量約2,000ダルトン以下の画分に、TNF-α産生あるいはIL-6産生抑制活性を有するいくつかのピークが存在し、これらの活性ピークからペプチドを単離、精製しアミノ酸配列を決定した。そして、これらの配列を基に、対応するペプチドを合成し、TNF-α産生抑制活性を調べた結果、同じような活性を有することを確認することができた。さらに、β-Lg分子上で隣接する、あるいは数個のアミノ酸がオーバーラップする領域から新たなペプチドを合成し、TNF-α産生抑制活性を有するいくつかのペプチドを得ることができた。
(2) (1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩を有効成分とする医薬、
(3) (1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩を有効成分とする抗炎症剤、
(4) (1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩の有効量を含有する生体侵襲に伴う全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)における炎症反応緩和および栄養治療のための経口・経腸栄養剤、
(5) 生体侵襲が手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍である、(4)の経口・経腸栄養剤、
(6) X1-LAHK-X2-X3 (式中、X1は0またはWを表し、X2は0またはAを表しそしてX3は0またはLを表す)、Y1-LPMH-Y2-Y3(式中、Y1は0またはAを表し、Y2は0またはIを表しそしてY3は0またはRを表す)、Y4-IDALNE-Y5(式中、Y4は0またはKを表し、Y5は0またはNを表す)、IPAVFK-Y6-Y7-Y8-Y9-Y10(式中、Y6は0またはIを表し、Y7は0またはDを表し、Y8は0またはAを表し、Y9は0またはLを表し、Y10は0またはNを表す)、WQWRおよびEDLIWK、からなる群より選ばれるペプチドおよびその酸付加塩を有効成分とする抗炎症剤、
(7) (6)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩を有効成分とする抗炎症剤、
(8) (6)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩を有効量を含有する生体侵襲に伴う全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)における炎症反応緩和および栄養治療のための経口・経腸栄養剤、
(9) 生体侵襲が手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍である、(8)の経口・経腸栄養剤、
(10) 医薬を製造するための(1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩の使用、
(11) 抗炎症剤を製造するための(1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩の使用、
(12) 生体侵襲に伴う全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)における炎症反応緩和および栄養治療のための経口・経腸栄養剤を製造するための(1)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩の使用、
(13) 生体侵襲が手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍である、(12)の使用、
(14) 抗炎症剤を製造するための(6)のペプチドおよび酸付加塩の使用、
(15) 生体侵襲に伴う全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)における炎症反応緩和および栄養治療のための経口・経腸栄養剤を製造するための(6)のペプチドおよびその酸付加塩の使用、
(16) 生体侵襲が手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍である、(15)の使用、
WPIからβ-Lgやα-Laの分画する方法については多くの報告〔たとえば、桑田有:月刊フードケミカル, 2月号, 68 (1991); 米国特許 5,420,249等 〕がある。また市販品を利用することもできる。
加水分解物のTNF-αおよび/またはIL-6産生抑制活性は、加水分解率(Degree of hydrolysis:DH)に依存すると考えられる。以下に、タンパク質の加水分解に関するさまざまな公知技術(関連する文献、特許等)をあげる。当業者であれば、これらの公知技術単独であるいは組み合わせて用いることにより、乳タンパク質から本願発明のペプチドをスクリーニングすることができる。
食品グレードのタンパク質加水分解酵素(プロテアーゼ)は、エンド型およびエキソ型プロテアーゼを含む。基本となる酵素はエンド型の活性が高いプロテアーゼから選択される場合が多い。エンド型プロテアーゼは、例えば、AlcalaseR(Bacillus licheniformis由来)、エスペラーゼ(B. lentus由来)、NeutraseR(B. subtilis由来)、プロタメックス(バクテリア由来)、PTN6.0S(ブタ膵臓トリプシン)など、エキソ型ペプチダーゼ/エンド型プロテアーゼ複合酵素としては、例えばフレーバーザイム(Aspergillus oryzae由来)などがあげられる(以上ノボ社)。他に、エンド型プロテアーゼとして、例えば、キモトリプシン(ノボ社、ベーリンガー社)、プロテアーゼNアマノ(Bacillus subtilis由来、天野製薬)、ビオプラーゼ(Bacillus subtilis由来、ナガセ産業)、パパインW−40(天野製薬)、エクソ型プロテアーゼとして、豚あるいはウシ内臓由来のカルボキシペプチダーゼなどがあげられる。これらの酵素は限定的なものを意味しない。
抗原性を低下させたアレルギー対応の乳タンパク質の酵素分解には、特異性が比較的高い動物由来のトリプシンやキモトリプシン、植物由来のパパインやブロメラインに加えて、乳タンパク質を非特異的に低分子化できる微生物由来のズブチリシン系の酵素などが用いられている。植物起源のパパイン、バクテリアや菌類由来のプロテアーゼを用いた研究報告(Food Technol., 48: 68-71, 1994;Trends Food Sci. Technol., 7: 120-125, 1996;Food Proteins and Their Applications: pp. 443-472, 1997)もある。加水分解は、これらの基本となる酵素を単独で、あるいは複数組み合わせて行われる。
ホエイタンパク質の加水分解についてのまとめた報告(Trends Food Sci. Technol., 7: 307-319, 1998)を以下にあげる。
ホエイタンパク質を加水分解する酵素活性は大きく変動する。ペプシンはα-Laおよび変性したα-Laを分解するが、nativeなβ-Lgを分解しない(Neth. Milk dairy J., 47: 15-22, 1993 )。トリプシンはα-Laをゆっくり加水分解するがβ-Lgはほとんど未分解のままである(Neth. Milk dairy J., 45: 225-240, 1991)。キモトリプシンはα-Laを速く分解するが、β-Lgはゆっくり分解される。パパインはウシ血清アルブミン(BSA)およびβ-Lgを加水分解したが、α-Laは抵抗性があった(Int. Dairy Journal 6: 13-31, 1996a)。しかしながら、Caを結合していないα-Laは酸性のpHでパパインにより完全に分解された(J. Dairy Sci., 76: 311-320, 1993)。乳タンパク質の酵素分解をコントロールして該タンパク質を修飾することにより、広範囲のpHおよびプロセッシング条件にわたって、該タンパク質の機能的特性を変更することができる(Enzyme and Chemical Modification of protein's in Food proteins and their Applications pp. 393-423, 1997 Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1997 ;Food Technol., 48: 68-71, 1994)。ペプチド結合の加水分解は、荷電基の数および疎水性の増加、低分子量化、および分子の立体配置の修飾をもたらす(J. Dairy Sci., 76: 311-320, 1993)。機能的特性の変化は大きく加水分解度に依存する。ホエイタンパク質の機能性に共通してみられる最も大きな変化は溶解性の増加と粘度の低下である。加水分解度が高い場合、しばしば、加水分解物は加熱しても沈澱せず、pH 3.5〜4.0で溶解性が高い。加水分解物は、また、intactなタンパク質よりもはるかに粘度が低い。この差異はとくにタンパク濃度が高い場合に顕著である。その他の影響は、ゲル特性の変化、熱安定性を高める、乳化および起泡性の増強、乳化および泡の安定性の低下である(Int. Dairy journal, 6: 13-31, 1996a;Dairy Chemistry 4, pp. 347-376, 1989;J. Dairy Sci., 79: 782-790, 1996)。
in vitro活性の測定から推定される、アンギオテンシン変換酵素I(ACE)阻害活性の可能性のある数多くのペプチドに関する報告がある(例えば、J. Dairy Res., 67: 53-64, 2000;Br. J. Nutr., 84: S33-S37, 2000)。加水分解物から、さまざまなクロマトグラフィー技術を用いて、ACE阻害ペプチドを精製および同定する研究報告がなされている(例えば、Maruyama, S., & Suzuki, H.: Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46: 1393-1394, 1982;Miyoshi S. et al.: Agri. Biol. Chem., 55: 1313-1318, 1991;Food Science and Biotechnology, 8: 172-178, 1999;Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 57: 922-925, 1993)。これらの報告から、ACE阻害活性は、さまざまな分離原理に基づくカラム操作で得られた数多くのフラクションに存在していると考えられ、これはACE阻害物質の分子特性がかなり多様であることを示している。ACE阻害が、さまざまなタンパク質、プロテアーゼおよび加水分解条件で産生される加水分解物中に見出されるという事実は、多様なアミノ酸配列をもったさまざまなペプチドもまた、ACE阻害活性を有する可能性を示唆している。このようなペプチドの化学的多様性のために、加水分解物のクロマトグラフィーによる精製は、部分的な活性ペプチドの損失を常に伴うこととなろう。加水分解中、ACE阻害活性は連続的に形成され一方で分解される。加水分解物の最大活性はこれら2つのプロセスの最適化の結果である。加水分解物の全体的なペプチド組成は、ACE阻害活性を決定し、それは加水分解酵素の特異性およびプロセス条件に依存する。
そこで、必要とする加水分解を最小限にとどめ、ACE阻害活性を最大化すべく、response surface methodlogyを用いたホエイタンパク質加水分解の最適化についての報告(International Dairy Journal 12: 813-820, 2002)がなされている。
ACE阻害活性を有するペプチドをに関する文献を参照すると、最も短い鎖長のペプチドはIPPおよびVPP〔吉川正明: ミルクの先端機能、吉川正明ら編、p. 188、弘学出版(1998)〕である。
また、α-Laおよびβ-Lgを、ペプシンまたはトリプシン単独で、あるいはペプシンとトリプシン、ペプシン、トリプシンおよびキモトリプシンとを組み合わせで得られた加水分解物(digests)、さらに、この加水分解物を2段階のUF濾過(カットオフ値30kDa→1 kDa)で処理した後のそれぞれの保持物(Retentate)および透過物(Permeate)のACE阻害活性を測定している(J. Dairy Res., 67: 53-64, 2000 )。それによると、α-Laおよびβ-LgのACE阻害活性(IC50)は、ともにトリプシン加水分解物(3 h)の<1 kDaのフラクションが最も高い値(α-La:IC50=109μg/mL、β-Lg=237μg/mL)を示している。このときα-LaのDHは6.2 %で、分子量分布は、>5 kDa:52 %、2−5kDa:15 %、1−2kDa:20 %、<1 kDa:13 %であり、β-LgのDHは6.7 %で、分子量の分布は、>5 kDa:23 %、2−5kDa:27 %、1−2kDa:28 %、<1 kDa:24 %である。
また、牛乳カゼイン由来のACE阻害ペプチドとして、アミノ酸残基5〜12からなるペプチドの報告がある(Agric Biol Chem., 49: 1405-1409, 1985 )。
乳タンパクから派生するペプチドのサイトカイン産生に対する影響に関しては、ウシカゼイン由来のペプチドが、ネズミ骨髄マクロファージからのLPS誘導性TNF-αおよびIL-6産生を増加させるという報告(J. Sci. Food Agric., 81: 300-304, 2000)やprobiotic乳酸菌による発酵乳の上清中に、LPS刺激によるIL-6産生を誘導するペプチドが存在するという報告(Milchwissenschaft, 57(2): 66-70, 2002)がある。
そこで、LPS誘導性TNF-α及び/又はIL-6産生の抑制効果を指標に乳タンパクの加水分解条件(変性温度、pH、温度、加水分解時間および酵素/基質の比)の最適化を上記文献(International Dairy Journal 12: 813-820, 2002)を参考に試みることができる。したがって、この結果得られた加水分解の最適化条件は本発明に包含される。
すなわち、TNF-αおよびIL-6量の測定方法は公知〔例えば、実験医学別冊、バイオマニュアルUP実験シリーズ、サイトカイン実験法、宮島 篤、山本 雅編、(株)羊土社、(1997)〕であること、当業者であれば、これら炎症性サイトカインの産生を抑制するペプチドをスクリーニングすべく、上記文献あるいは以下の関連文献を参照することによって、乳タンパク質のさまざまな加水分解条件を設定することが可能となった。
また、カゼインを各種酵素で加水分解したときの典型的なDHの経時変化についての文献(食品と開発, vol. 31(2): 20-22)がある。すなわち、カゼインをAlcalaseRとフレーバーザイムの併用、フレーバーザイム、プロタメックス、NeutraseR、AlcalaseR、あるいはエスペラーゼを用いて加水分解したとき、AlcalaseRとNeutraseRはDHの経時変化が全く同様な形で推移し、加水分解1時間後までDEは急激に上昇(約14 %)し、それ以後は漸増している(4時間後にほぼ18 %)。プロタメックスのDEもほぼ同じ値で推移している。DEが最も高い値で推移するのはフレーバーザイム単独あるいはAlcalaseRとフレーバーザイムの併用であり、両者はほぼ同じ値で推移している。併用におけるDEは分解1時間後まで急激に上昇(約34 %)し、それ以後は漸増している(4時間後にほぼ53 %)。
特許3167723は、B. licheniformis由来のプロテアーゼとB. subtilis由来のプロテアーゼを用いてホエイタンパク質を非pHスタット法によりDE15〜35 %まで加水分解する方法を開示している。
特表平10-507641は、B. licheniformis由来の中性およびアルカリ性プロテアーゼと、A. oryzae由来のエンド/エクソプロテアーゼとの組み合わせによる乳タンパク質の加水分解方法を開示している。
加水分解温度、pH、反応時間、および酵素添加量等は、酵素メーカーの使用説明書等を参考に決定することができるが、温度30〜65℃、pH 5〜9、反応時間20時間未満から上記文献を参照して選択されうる。
酵素失活は酵素の耐熱性に依存する。加水分解物は分画分子量5000〜100,000ダルトンのUF膜、好ましくは10000〜100,000ダルトンのUF膜で濾過する。この場合のカットオフ値は臨界的なものではない。カットオフ値の測定方法は膜メーカーによって異なり、標準化された方法はまだない。膜モジュールは、P & F(プレートアンドフレーム)型、TU(チューブラー)型、HF(ホローファイバー)型、SW(スパイラルワウンド)型、PL(プリーツ)型がある。UF濾過によって、パーミエイト中の2000ダルトンを大きく超える分子量を有する加水分解物は、大部分除かれる。
α-Laのトリプシン加水分解物、β-Lgの加水分解物、あるいはLfの加水分解物のUFパーミエイトは、例えば、逆相HPLC(ODS Prep, 20×300 mm、Toso, Tokyo, Japan)で活性成分を分画することができる。0.1 % TFAを含むアセトニトリル(1 %/分)の直線勾配で溶出(10 mL/分)する。溶出は210 nmでモニターする。各フラクションを集めてTNF-α抑制活性あるいはIL-6抑制活性を測定する。活性画分は分子量<2 ,000ダルトンに存在する。
α-La、β-LgおよびウシLfの一次構造は公知(山内邦男, 横山健吉編, ミルク総合事典, (株)朝倉書店, 1997 )である。
トリプシンはArg(R)、Lys(K)のカルボキシル側のペプチド結合を選択的に切断するエンドペプチダーゼとして作用する(生化学辞典第3版, (株)東京同人, 1998 )。しかしながら、α-La由来のLAHKAL、ならびにβ-Lg由来のALPMHおよびFKIDALNEのC末端側は非特異的に切断されている。
以上の結果をまとめると、乳タンパク質のトリプシン特異的加水分解物あるいは非特異的加水分解物由来のTNF-α産生抑制活性を有するペプチドとして、α-LaからはWLAHK(配列番号1)、LAHKAL(配列番号2)およびLDQWLCEK(配列番号3)が、β-LgからはALPMH(配列番号4)、ALPMHIR(配列番号5)、FKIDALNE(配列番号6)、IDALNENK(配列番号7)、IPAVFK(配列番号8)、IPAVFKIDALNENK(配列番号9)、IPAVFKIDALNE(配列番号10)、そしてウシLFからはWQWR(配列番号11)、EDLIWK(配列番号12)、ETAEEVK(配列番号13)、LGAPSILCVR(配列番号14)が得られうる。これらペプチドの分子量あるいは乳タンパク質由来の生物学的活性を有するペプチドの分子量分布から、乳タンパク質のTNF-α産生抑制活性画分は分子量<2 ,000ダルトンに存在することが示唆される。
ここで、α-La由来のWLAHKとLAHKALはLAHKを共有している。そこでこれらのペプチド以外にLAHK、WLAHKA、WLAHKALおよびLAHKA の4ペプチドの存在が考えられ、TNF-α産生抑制活性の有無を確認することができる。したがって、活性が確認されたペプチドは本発明に包含される。
さらに、活性が確認されたペプチドあるいはこれらのペプチドのアミノ酸残基を他のアミノ酸残基(D-アミノ酸を含む)に置換したペプチド誘導体も本願発明に包含される。D-amino acid decapeptide(PDP-58)がLPS刺激RAW264.7細胞およびネズミの大腸炎のTNF-α翻訳を阻害するがmRNAの合成には影響しなかったとする報告(Inflamm. res., 51: 479-482, 2002)はこれをサポートする。
また、α-La、β-LgあるいはウシLfの一次構造に基づき、全一次構造をカバーする、たがいに数残基(3〜5残基程度)オーバーラップペプチド(5〜10残基程度)を化学合成し、TNF-α産生抑制活性あるいはIL-6活性を指標に目的のペプチドをスクリーニングすることも可能である。ペプチドの化学合成法は公知である。Merrifield, R.B.によって開発された固相法(Biochemistry 1964, 3, pp. 1385; The Peptide 1979, 2, pp. 1-284, by ed E. Gross & J. Meienhofer)である。他に、同様の固相法で、フロー法を適用し、場合によって側鎖を酸に不安定な基で保護したFmoc-アミノ酸を用いて合成することもできる(Atherton, E. & Sheppard R. C. “Solid Phase peptide synthesis−a Practical approach”, IRL PRESS, Oxford, 1989)。 したがって活性が確認されたペプチドは全て本発明に包含される。
すなわち、本発明の乳タンパク加水分解物、該加水分解物から粗精製したペプチドあるいは精製したペプチドは、侵襲による臓器不全予防のため、SIRS、CARSの制御に有用な経口・経腸栄養剤の製造のための使用に期待がもたれる。また、術前の栄養管理にも使用することができる。ペプチドの有効添加量の100 kcal中3 g(活性ペプチド換算)以上と推定されるが、有効量はヒトの実験により決定されるべきものである。具体的には、手術、外傷、熱傷、急性膵炎、感染症、腹膜炎、悪性腫瘍などのための経口・経腸栄養剤である。
本発明のペプチドの有効量は臨床試験にて決定すべきものであるが、0.5 ppm望ましくは5〜50 ppm濃度という報告を参照する(特開平8-165248)。
[実施例1] ホエイタンパク質加水分解物の調製
WPI(タンパク含量90%、ダビスコ社)、β-Lg(β-Lg含量90 %、ダビスコ社)、あるいはα-La(α-La含量90 %、ダビスコ社)をリン酸緩衝液に100mg/mlの濃度で溶解した。対照として、カゼインナトリウム(純度95%以上、和光純薬)を同濃度でリン酸緩衝液に溶解した。タンパク1 g当たりトリプシン(ブタ膵臓由来、活性:25 USPキモトリプシンUnits/mg以下、和光純薬)50 mgを添加し、37℃で6時間反応させた。反応後、20,000×g、10分で遠心して不溶性成分を沈殿除去した後、分画分子量10,000のUF膜処理(ミリポア社ウルトラフリー-MC)した。透過画分(パーミエイト)は0.22μmのMF膜(ミリポア社マイレックス-GV)処理後、実験に供した。
[実施例2] WPI加水分解物の調製
(2)プロテアーゼAアマノGを50 mg添加し、50℃で5時間反応させた。
(3)トリプシンを添加し、50℃で5時間反応させた後、さらに、プロテアーゼAアマノGを50 mg添加し、50℃で5時間反応させた。
(4)プロテアーゼAアマノGを50 mg添加し、50℃で5時間反応させた後、さらに、トリプシンを50 mg添加し、50℃で5時間反応させた。
反応終了後、15分間煮沸した。遠心処理(20,000×g、10分)後、分画分子量10,000のUF膜処理(ミリポア社ウルトラフリー-MC)した。パーミエイトは0.22μm MF膜処理後、実験に供した。
[実施例3] β-Lg由来およびα-La由来のTNF-α産生抑活性を有するペプチドの同定
これらのトリプシン加水分解物の活性成分を逆相HPLCで分画した。分析カラムはC18 SG120(資生堂)4.6 mmφx 250 mmを、移動相はアセトニトリル/0.1%TFAの溶媒による直線濃度勾配を用いた。分取カラムは、C18 SG120 (資生堂)15 mmφx 250 mmを用い、同様の溶媒で行った。β-Lg由来のペプチドの逆相HPLCのクロマトグラムを図4に、α-La由来のペプチドの逆相HPLCのクロマトグラムを図6に示す。
[試験例1] TNF-α産生抑制作用
THP-1細胞(急性単球性白血病患者由来、理化学研究所)を、10%ウシ胎児血清(FBS:三菱化学)、ホルボールエステル(TPA、和光純薬) 200 nMを含むRPMI 1640培地(Sigma)中、5%CO2の条件下で37℃、72時間培養し、単球・マクロファージに分化誘導させた。
分化誘導後、分解前のWPI、β-Lg、α-La、およびカゼインを0 mg/mL(対照)、0.1 mg/mL、1.0 mg/mL、あるいは加水分解物を0 mg/mL(対照)、0.02 mg/mL、0.2 mg/mL含むRPMI 1640培地に交換し、2時間培養した。次いでLPS(List Biol. Lab. Inc.)を 100 ng/mlの終濃度で培地に添加し、4時間培養した。培養上清中のTNF-α量を、市販のTNF-α測定用ELISAキット(アマシャムバイオサイエンス)で測定した。分解前のWPI、β-Lg、α-La、およびカゼインのTNF-α産生抑制作用を図1に、これらの加水分解物のTNF-α産生抑制作用を図2、8および9に示す。
[試験例2] プロテアーゼの組み合わせによる加水分解物のTNF-α産生抑制作用
[試験例3] TNF-α産生抑制活性を有するペプチドの単離・精製
実施例1と同様の方法で調製したβ-Lg、α-Laおよび同様に実施例1の方法で調製したウシLf(Wako社)のUFパーミエイトを逆相HPLCで分画した(図4、6および11)。各ピークを分取し、それらのTNF-α産生量(TNF-α産生抑制活性)を試験例1の方法に準じて測定した。その結果、β-Lgおよびα-Laについてそれぞれ3つのピーク、そしてLfは4つのピークにTNF-α産生抑制活性が認められた。そこで各ピークを精製し、分子量測定〔液体クロマトグラフ/質量分析計(LC-MSD:HP1100 series〕およびアミノ酸配列を決定した。β-LgからはALPMH、ALPMHIRおよびFKIDALNE、α-LaからはLAHKAL、WLAHK、ならびにCEVFRとLDQWLCEKのC残基がS-S結合したペプチド、そしてLfからはETAEEVK、LGAPSITCVRとCRのC残基がS-S結合したペプチド、WQWRおよびEDLIWKが得られた。β-Lgのついては、その一次構造に基づき、FKIDALNENのN末端に隣接するIPAV4残基とN末端FKの2残基を結合したIPAVFK、FKIDALNENのN末端のFKを除き一方C末端にNKを付加したIDALNENK、FKIDALNENのN末端に隣接するIPAVの4残基をN末端に付加したIPAVFKIDALNE、さらにFKIDALNENのC末端に隣接するNKを付加したIPAVFKIDALNENKを化学合成した。また、α-Laについて、CEVFRとLDQWLCEKのS-S結合を切断して得られたCEVFRとLDQWLCEKのTNF-α産生抑制活性を調べた結果、CEVFRには活性が認められなかった。
ホモロジー検索の結果、配列番号3、6、7、8、9、10、13および14は新規物質であることが判明した。配列番号1、2、4および5は、アンジオテンシン変換酵素阻害活性を有する報告(Journal of Dairy Research, 67: 65-71, 2000 ; British Journal of Nutrition, 84: Suppl. 1: S33-37, 2000)があるが、TNF-α産生抑制活性については報告がない。また、WQWRは抗疱疹作用、EDLIWKは抗ガン、抗アポトーシス、抗潰瘍剤、創傷治療剤、強心剤、抗heparin、抗ichemia、抗酸化剤としての用途がある。
これらのペプチドのアミノ酸配列に基づいて、それぞれの対応するペプチドを合成し、合成ペプチドのTNF-α産生抑制作用を試験例1の方法に準じて調べた。その結果、これらのペプチドは全て1〜10μg/mLで濃度依存的にTNF-α産生抑活性を示した(図5、7、10および11)。これらのペプチドのED50(50 % effective dose)を表1にまとめて示した。

Figure 0004278028
[試験例4] IL-6産生抑制作用
6週齢のICRマウス(雄)を購入し、1週間AIN-93M飼料および飲水を自由摂取させ馴化させた。1群7匹として、体重の平均値が等しくなるように、カゼイン分解物投与群(5mg/マウス)、β-Lgトリプシン分解物投与群(5mg/マウス)、α-Laトリプシン分解物投与群(5mg/マウス)、FKIDALNE(配列番号6)投与群(1mg/マウス)、FKIDALNE(配列番号6)投与群(5mg/マウス)、LDQWLCEK(配列番号3)投与群(1mg/マウス)、LDQWLCEK(配列番号3)投与群(5mg/マウス)の7群に分けた。試料は3日間連続(13:00)してゾンデを用いて経口投与した。最終投与から24時間後、LPSを50μg/マウスで腹腔内投与した。90分後に眼窩より採血し遠心操作により血清を得た。血清中のIL-6濃度をELISAにより測定した(図13)。Fisher PSLDによる統計学的処理により、カゼイン投与群に対する有意差を検定した。
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
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Figure 0004278028

The present invention relates to a novel peptide having an action of suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6. The present invention also relates to a peptide useful for oral and enteral nutrition therapy during living body invasion. The present invention also relates to a peptide effective for treating, preventing or ameliorating inflammatory diseases caused by abnormal production of TNF-α and IL-6.
[Prior art]
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a concept that has been proposed to define sepsis. Inflammatory cytokines (IL-) are caused by invasion (trauma, burns, acute inflammation, or cancer surgery, etc.). 1, TNF, IL-6, GM-CSF, etc.) are induced excessively and a systemic inflammatory reaction is induced. On the other hand, it is known that anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) is induced as a homeostasis reaction to SIRS at the same time as inflammatory cytokine is induced. This condition in which anti-inflammatory cytokines are excessively induced is called compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS). Cytokines as background factors related to these two pathological conditions are related to each other to varying degrees, and can be said to be a pathological condition that always exists at the same time. From the concept of SIRS / CARS balance, Attempts have been made to understand the reaction. It is considered that an excessive inflammatory reaction progresses in the SIRS-dominated state, and progresses from prolonged or severe infection to organ damage in the CARS-dominated state.
Nutritional management at the time of invasion is recommended not only to suppress the inflammatory response but also to enhance the patient's immunity. When an invaded patient is associated with subsequent infection, there are many cases that often have unfortunate outcomes, and infection prevention is a top priority item, especially in pathological conditions that are dominated by CARS. Therefore, control of SIRS and CARS by enteral nutrition is important. In order to prevent metabolic abnormalities and organ damage at the time of invasion by cytokines, local cytokines are produced normally, but it is considered reasonable to prevent this spread to the whole body.
After administering rats with parenteral or enteral nutrition with the same composition of infusion, the peritoneal exudate cells were cultured in vitro under LPS stimulation, and the enteral nutrition group produced more TNF-α than the parenteral nutrition group. The number of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity after administration of intraperitoneal E. coli was small (for example, see Non-Patent Document 1). The blood TNF-α concentration after administration of bacteria was significantly lower in the enteral nutrition group than in the parenteral nutrition group. In other words, enteral nutritional administration maintains the ability of the peritoneal exudate cells to produce the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, which is necessary for the local defense of the infected area, while maintaining local immunity, while suppressing excessive inflammatory responses throughout the body. . Such enteral nutrition is thought to be useful for controlling the occurrence of SIRS and CARS during bioinvasion (surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor).
Although local cytokines are normally produced, enteral nutrition or administration of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (N3PUFA) can be considered as a method for preventing this spread to the whole body. The effects of invasive administration of N3PUFA on the invasive response were investigated using a rat burn model and clinically using an esophageal cancer surgical case, one of the highly invasive surgery. As a result, administration of N3PUFA was found to reduce the inflammatory reaction under invasion and prevent the cellular immune function from decreasing, and the effectiveness of N3PUFA administration was shown (for example, see Non-Patent Document 2).
Now, milk protein is a source of biologically active peptides in addition to its nutritional value.
The biologically active peptides derived from milk proteins are comprehensively compiled by Yoshikawa (for example, see Non-Patent Document 3) and Otani (for example, see Non-Patent Document 4), and Otani (for example, (See Non-Patent Documents 5 and 6).
M. Zimecki et al. Monitored bovine lactoferrin (BLFT) -containing capsules for 10 days by healthy individuals and monitored several immune parameters. As a result, the level of serum TNF-α showed a tendency to decrease during the monitoring period, but IL-6 did not change (for example, see Non-Patent Document 7). In addition, it has been reported that bovine casein-derived peptides, LLY, PGPIPN, and TTMPLW enhanced TNF-α and IL-6 production by LPS-stimulated murine macrophages (see, for example, Non-Patent Document 8).
Kuriiwa discloses that a peptide consisting of 25 amino acid residues in the N-terminal region derived from lactoferrin suppresses endotoxin-induced inflammation (see, for example, Patent Document 1).
[Non-Patent Document 1]
Lin, MT “Route of nutritional supply influences local, systemic, and remote organ responses to intraperitoneal bacterial challenge.” Ann. Surg, Vol 223, 1996, p.84-93
[Non-Patent Document 2]
Akira Inaba “Possibility of Growth Factor Therapy Under Intravenous Nutrition” History of Medicine, Vol 198, No. 13, 2001, p.1041
[Non-Patent Document 3]
Masaaki Yoshikawa et al. “Advanced Functions of Milk”, Kogaku Publishing, Masaaki Yoshikawa et al., 1998, p.188
[Non-Patent Document 4]
Hajime Otani et al. “Advanced Functions of Milk” Kogaku Publishing, Masaaki Yoshikawa et al., 1998, p.97
[Non-Patent Document 5]
Gen Otani “Nutrition and physiology of milk casein-derived peptides” Milk Science, Vol 47, No. 3, 1998, p.183-193
[Non-Patent Document 6]
Gen Otani “Immunoregulatory Function of Peptides Generated by Digestion of Milk Casein” Milk Science, Vol 50, No. 3, 2001, p.139-144
[Non-Patent Document 7]
Zimecki, M et. Al. `` Immunoregulatory effects of a nutritional preparation containing bovine lactoferrin taken orally by healthy individuals '' Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp., Vol 46, 1998, p.231-240
[Non-Patent Document 8]
Ziao, C. et. Al. `` Bovine casein peptides co-stimulate naive macrophages with lipopolysaccharide for proinflammatory cytokine production and nitric oxide release '' J. Sci. Food. Agric .., Vol 81, 2000, p.300-304
[Patent Document 1]
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
It is an object of the present invention to provide an orally ingestible peptide having an action of stimulating immune capacity while suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF and IL-6 without stimulating it. To do. Another object of the present invention is to provide a peptide and an acid addition salt thereof for producing an oral and enteral nutritional agent for alleviation of inflammatory reaction and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) accompanying biological invasion. And Furthermore, an object of the present invention is to provide a peptide that is effective in treating, preventing, or improving inflammatory diseases caused by abnormal production of TNF-α and IL-6.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Since the isolation of opioid peptide (β-casomorphin) from milk casein by Brantl et al. In 1979, numerous bioactive peptides have been obtained from enzymatic digests of casein and whey proteins. Therefore, at first, it was expected that all of these physiologically active peptides exist with appropriate purpose. However, it is now known that similar bioactive peptides are derived not only from animals but also from plants, and bioactive peptides exist with a certain probability. It cannot be determined that it exists with appropriate purpose. In any case, it is true that bioactive peptides derived from milk proteins are much more likely to have biological fitness than other sources [Masaaki Yoshikawa: Advanced Functions of Milk [Edited by Masaaki Yoshikawa et al., P. 188, Kogaku Publishing (1998)].
On the other hand, it has been clarified that enteral nutrition modifies the production of cytokines in the lung, which is a local organ, whole body, or distant organs, and how the modification varies depending on the type of cytokine (Fong, Y et al .: Ann. Surg., 210: 449-457, 1989; Lin, ML et al .: Ann. Surg., 223: 84-93, 1996).
Therefore, the present inventors have suppressed the excessive production of inflammatory cytokines during invasion and obtained milk protein hydrolyzate using TNF-α production inhibitory activity as an index in order to obtain a food material that can be incorporated into oral and enteral nutrients. The degradation product was screened for active peptides.
The present inventors have identified protease hydrolysates of whey protein isolate (WPI), β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg), α-lactalbumin (α-La) and bovine lactoferrin (Lf). It was found that the permeate of ultrafiltration (UF) has an action of suppressing LPS-induced TNF-α production or IL-6 production. Furthermore, these permeates were fractionated by reversed-phase HPLC, and there were several peaks having TNF-α production or IL-6 production inhibitory activity in fractions having a molecular weight of about 2,000 daltons or less. The peptide was isolated and purified from the amino acid sequence. As a result of synthesizing corresponding peptides based on these sequences and examining TNF-α production inhibitory activity, it was confirmed that they had similar activities. Furthermore, new peptides were synthesized from regions adjacent to each other on the β-Lg molecule or overlapping several amino acids, and several peptides having TNF-α production inhibitory activity could be obtained.
That is, the present invention
(1) a peptide selected from the group consisting of LDQWLCEK, FKIDALNE, IDALNENK, IPAVFK, IPAVFKIDALNENK, IPAVFKIDALNE, ETAEEVK and LGAPSITCVR, and an acid addition salt thereof,
(2) A medicament comprising the peptide of (1) and an acid addition salt thereof as an active ingredient,
(3) an anti-inflammatory agent comprising the peptide of (1) and an acid addition salt thereof as active ingredients,
(4) An oral and enteral nutritional agent for alleviating inflammatory response and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) associated with biological invasion, comprising an effective amount of the peptide of (1) and its acid addition salt,
(5) The oral or enteral nutrient of (4), wherein the biological invasion is surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor,
(6) X 1 -LAHK-X 2 -X Three (Where X 1 Represents 0 or W and X 2 Represents 0 or A and X Three Represents 0 or L), Y 1 -LPMH-Y 2 -Y Three (Where Y 1 Represents 0 or A, Y 2 Represents 0 or I and Y Three Represents 0 or R), Y Four -IDALNE-Y Five (Where Y Four Represents 0 or K, Y Five Represents 0 or N), IPAVFK-Y 6 -Y 7 -Y 8 -Y 9 -Y Ten (Where Y 6 Represents 0 or I, Y 7 Represents 0 or D, Y 8 Represents 0 or A, Y 9 Represents 0 or L, Y Ten Represents 0 or N), an anti-inflammatory agent comprising a peptide selected from the group consisting of WQWR and EDLIWK and an acid addition salt thereof as an active ingredient,
(7) an anti-inflammatory agent comprising the peptide of (6) and an acid addition salt thereof as active ingredients,
(8) An oral and enteral nutritional agent for alleviating inflammatory response and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) associated with biological invasion, containing an effective amount of the peptide of (6) and its acid addition salt,
(9) The oral and enteral nutrition of (8), wherein the biological invasion is surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor,
(10) Use of the peptide of (1) and an acid addition salt thereof for producing a medicament,
(11) Use of the peptide of (1) and an acid addition salt thereof for producing an anti-inflammatory agent,
(12) Use of the peptide of (1) and its acid addition salt to produce an oral and enteral nutrient for alleviation of inflammatory response and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) associated with biological invasion,
(13) The use of (12), wherein the biological invasion is surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor,
(14) Use of the peptide and acid addition salt of (6) for producing an anti-inflammatory agent,
(15) Use of the peptide of (6) and its acid addition salt to produce an oral and enteral nutrient for mitigating inflammatory response and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) associated with biological invasion,
(16) The use of (15), wherein the biological invasion is surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor,
Consists of.
As a starting material, milk protein is optimal for reasons described below. Corn and soy protein are also candidates, but not as advantageous as milk protein. Milk proteins are bovine-derived casein and whey proteins. In particular, fractions such as whey protein isolate (WPI), β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin and lactoferrin having a protein content of 90% or more are advantageous from the viewpoint of the purity of the active substance. In addition, whey protein concentrate (WPC) having a protein content of 80% or more, casein, total milk protein (TMP), or reduced milk can be cited as advantageous raw material candidates. What has been illustrated above is not meant to be limiting.
There are many reports [for example, Yu Kuwata: Monthly Food Chemical, February, 68 (1991); US Patent 5,420,249, etc.] on the method of fractionating β-Lg and α-La from WPI. Commercial products can also be used.
Total milk protein (TMP) is obtained by removing lactose and minerals from skim milk powder and contains both casein and whey as protein components. In general, there are precipitation methods and membrane treatment methods. However, only those produced by the precipitation method are sometimes referred to as TMP or co-precipitate, and those produced by UF membrane treatment may be distinguished as milk protein concentrate (MPC).
It is considered that the TNF-α and / or IL-6 production inhibitory activity of the hydrolyzate depends on the degree of hydrolysis (DH). Below, various well-known techniques (related literatures, patents, etc.) relating to protein hydrolysis are listed. A person skilled in the art can screen the peptides of the present invention from milk proteins by using these known techniques alone or in combination.
Food grade protein hydrolases (proteases) include endo-type and exo-type proteases. The basic enzyme is often selected from proteases with high endo-type activity. Endo-type protease is, for example, Alcalase R (From Bacillus licheniformis), esperase (from B. lentus), Neutrase R Examples of exo-type peptidase / endo-type protease complex enzymes (derived from B. subtilis), protamex (derived from bacteria), PTN6.0S (pig pancreatic trypsin) and the like include, for example, flavorzyme (derived from Aspergillus oryzae) ( Novo) In addition, as endo-type proteases, for example, chymotrypsin (Novo, Boehringer), protease N Amano (from Bacillus subtilis, Amano Pharmaceutical), biolase (from Bacillus subtilis, Nagase Sangyo), papain W-40 (Amano Pharmaceutical), Examples of the exo-type protease include carboxypeptidase derived from porcine or bovine viscera. These enzymes are not meant to be limiting.
Enzymatic degradation of allergic milk proteins with reduced antigenicity, in addition to relatively highly specific animal-derived trypsin and chymotrypsin, plant-derived papain and bromelain, nonspecifically lowering the milk protein Subtilisin-derived enzymes derived from microorganisms are used. Research reports using plant-derived papain, proteases from bacteria and fungi (Food Technol., 48: 68-71, 1994; Trends Food Sci. Technol., 7: 120-125, 1996; Food Proteins and Their Applications: pp. 443-472, 1997). Hydrolysis is carried out alone or in combination of these basic enzymes.
A summary report on hydrolysis of whey protein (Trends Food Sci. Technol., 7: 307-319, 1998) is given below.
Enzymatic activity to hydrolyze whey protein varies greatly. Pepsin degrades α-La and modified α-La, but does not degrade native β-Lg (Neth. Milk dairy J., 47: 15-22, 1993). Trypsin hydrolyzes α-La slowly, but β-Lg remains almost undegraded (Neth. Milk dairy J., 45: 225-240, 1991). Chymotrypsin degrades α-La quickly while β-Lg degrades slowly. Papain hydrolyzed bovine serum albumin (BSA) and β-Lg, while α-La was resistant (Int. Dairy Journal 6: 13-31, 1996a). However, α-La not bound to Ca was completely degraded by papain at acidic pH (J. Dairy Sci., 76: 311-320, 1993). Enzyme and Chemical Modification of protein's in Food proteins and their Applications can be achieved by controlling the enzymatic degradation of milk proteins to modify the protein over a wide range of pH and processing conditions. pp. 393-423, 1997 Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1997; Food Technol., 48: 68-71, 1994). Hydrolysis of peptide bonds results in increased number of charged groups and hydrophobicity, lower molecular weight, and modification of the molecular configuration (J. Dairy Sci., 76: 311-320, 1993). The change in functional properties is largely dependent on the degree of hydrolysis. The biggest changes commonly seen in whey protein functionality are increased solubility and decreased viscosity. When the degree of hydrolysis is high, the hydrolyzate often does not precipitate upon heating and is highly soluble at pH 3.5-4.0. The hydrolyzate is also much less viscous than the intact protein. This difference is particularly noticeable when the protein concentration is high. Other effects are changes in gel properties, increased thermal stability, enhanced emulsification and foaming, reduced emulsification and foam stability (Int. Dairy journal, 6: 13-31, 1996a; Dairy Chemistry 4, pp. 347-376, 1989; J. Dairy Sci., 79: 782-790, 1996).
There have been reports on a number of peptides with potential angiotensin converting enzyme I (ACE) inhibitory activity deduced from in vitro activity measurements (eg J. Dairy Res., 67: 53-64, 2000; Br. J. Nutr., 84: S33-S37, 2000). Research reports have been made to purify and identify ACE inhibitory peptides from hydrolysates using various chromatographic techniques (eg, Maruyama, S., & Suzuki, H .: Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 46: 1393 -1394, 1982; Miyoshi S. et al .: Agri. Biol. Chem., 55: 1313-1318, 1991; Food Science and Biotechnology, 8: 172-178, 1999; Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 57: 922 -925, 1993). These reports suggest that ACE inhibitory activity is present in many fractions obtained by column operations based on various separation principles, indicating that the molecular properties of ACE inhibitors are quite diverse. ing. The fact that ACE inhibition is found in hydrolysates produced by various proteins, proteases and hydrolysis conditions suggests that various peptides with diverse amino acid sequences may also have ACE inhibitory activity is doing. Due to the chemical diversity of such peptides, chromatographic purification of the hydrolyzate will always be accompanied by a partial loss of active peptide. During hydrolysis, ACE inhibitory activity is continuously formed while being degraded. The maximum activity of the hydrolyzate is the result of optimization of these two processes. The overall peptide composition of the hydrolyzate determines the ACE inhibitory activity, which depends on the specificity of the hydrolase and the process conditions.
Therefore, there is a report on the optimization of whey protein hydrolysis using response surface methodlogy (International Dairy Journal 12: 813-820, 2002) in order to minimize the required hydrolysis and maximize the ACE inhibitory activity. Has been made.
Referring to the literature on peptides with ACE inhibitory activity, the shortest peptides are IPP and VPP (Masaaki Yoshikawa: Advanced functions of milk, edited by Masaaki Yoshikawa et al., P. 188, Kogaku Publishing (1998)). .
In addition, α-La and β-Lg are converted into pepsin or trypsin alone, or hydrolyzates obtained by combining pepsin and trypsin, pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin, and this hydrolyzate is further divided into two stages. The ACE inhibitory activity of each retentate and permeate after treatment with UF filtration (cutoff value 30 kDa → 1 kDa) was measured (J. Dairy Res., 67: 53- 64, 2000). According to it, α-La and β-Lg ACE inhibitory activity (IC 50 ) Both have the highest <1 kDa fraction of trypsin hydrolyzate (3 h) (α-La: IC 50 = 109 μg / mL, β-Lg = 237 μg / mL). At this time, DH of α-La was 6.2%, and molecular weight distribution was> 5 kDa: 52%, 2-5 kDa: 15%, 1-2 kDa: 20%, <1 kDa: 13%, and β-Lg DH is 6.7% and the molecular weight distribution is> 5 kDa: 23%, 2-5 kDa: 27%, 1-2 kDa: 28%, <1 kDa: 24%.
In addition, a peptide consisting of amino acid residues 5 to 12 has been reported as an ACE inhibitory peptide derived from milk casein (Agric Biol Chem., 49: 1405-1409, 1985).
On the other hand, in the examples described later, the peptide having TNF-α and / or IL-6 production inhibitory activity of the present invention has a chain length (number of amino acid residues) of 5 to 14 and a molecular weight in the range of 500 to 1800. Is in.
Taking these into consideration, the peptide having TNF-α and / or IL-6 inhibitory activity of the present invention has a chain length of 3 to 16 and a molecular weight distribution of 400 to 2100 kDa (the molecular weight of one amino acid is 130). Estimated.
Regarding the effect of peptides derived from milk proteins on cytokine production, a report that bovine casein-derived peptides increase LPS-induced TNF-α and IL-6 production from murine bone marrow macrophages (J. Sci. Food Agric., 81: 300-304, 2000) and the report that there is a peptide that induces IL-6 production by LPS stimulation in the supernatant of fermented milk by probiotic lactic acid bacteria (Milchwissenschaft, 57 (2): 66-70, 2002) There is.
Peptides having the action of suppressing LPS-induced TNF-α and IL-6 production are also present in many fractions obtained by column operation based on various separation principles, such as the peptides having the ACE inhibitory activity described above. We cannot deny the possibility of being.
Therefore, optimization of milk protein hydrolysis conditions (denaturation temperature, pH, temperature, hydrolysis time, and enzyme / substrate ratio) is described above using the inhibitory effect of LPS-induced TNF-α and / or IL-6 production as an index. You can try referring to the literature (International Dairy Journal 12: 813-820, 2002). Therefore, the resulting hydrolysis optimization conditions are encompassed by the present invention.
According to the examples of the present invention, it has been found for the first time that a peptide derived from whey protein has TNF-α and / or IL-6 production inhibitory activity. Therefore, by further expanding the hydrolysis target and changing the hydrolysis conditions in various ways, using TNF-α and / or IL-6 production inhibitory activity as an index, the work of screening a new peptide having the activity is as follows: For those skilled in the art, it has become a routine task that does not require any inventive effort.
That is, methods for measuring the amount of TNF-α and IL-6 are publicly known (eg, experimental medicine separate volume, biomanual UP experiment series, cytokine experiment method, Atsushi Miyajima, Masaru Yamamoto, Yodosha Co., Ltd., (1997)). In order to screen for peptides that suppress the production of these inflammatory cytokines, those skilled in the art can set various hydrolysis conditions for milk proteins by referring to the above-mentioned literature or the following related literature. Became possible.
Hydrolysis can in principle also be acid or base hydrolysis, but this method involves uncontrollable processes. That is, protein degradation occurs irregularly and some of the amino acids are degraded (eg Leu, Val and / or Ile can be destroyed). Therefore, enzymatic hydrolysis is usually selected.
The functionality of the enzymatic hydrolyzate depends on DH as described above. DH can be monitored by methods known to those skilled in the art, for example, increase in osmotic pressure measured from freezing point drop, measurement of free amino acid by OPA or TNBS method, measurement of free amino acid by pH stat method, and the like. DH can be controlled by raw material, enzyme properties and reaction conditions (pH, temperature and time).
In addition, there is a literature (Food and Development, vol. 31 (2): 20-22) on typical changes in DH when casein is hydrolyzed with various enzymes. That is, casein is converted to Alcalase R And flavorzyme combination, flavorzyme, protamex, Neutrase R , Alcalase R Or when hydrolyzed with esperase R And Neutrase R The time course of DH changes in exactly the same manner, DE increases rapidly (about 14%) until 1 hour after hydrolysis, and gradually increases after that (approximately 18% after 4 hours). Protamex's DE is also at about the same value. DE has the highest value for flavorzyme alone or Alcalase R And flavorzyme, both of which have remained at the same value. The DE in the combination increased rapidly (approximately 34%) until 1 hour after decomposition and gradually increased thereafter (approximately 53% after 4 hours).
From the above literature, it is estimated that the maximum DE value can be obtained with a decomposition time of 6 hours.
Patent 3167723 discloses a method of hydrolyzing whey protein to DE 15 to 35% by a non-pH stat method using a protease derived from B. licheniformis and a protease derived from B. subtilis.
JP 10-507641 discloses a method for hydrolyzing milk protein using a combination of neutral and alkaline proteases derived from B. licheniformis and endo / exoproteases derived from A. oryzae.
On the other hand, there is Patent 3222638 relating to oligopeptide mixtures useful for nutritional management of allergic patients and preoperative and postoperative patients. The oligopeptide mixture contains whey protein, a protease derived from the genus Bacillus [Biolase (Nagase Seikagaku), Alcalase (Novo), etc.] and a protease derived from actinomycetes [Actinase (Kaken Pharma) ), Pronase (Sigma)]]] and after removing the enzyme and insoluble hydrolyzate, the average chain length is 3-5, the maximum molecular weight is 1500 or less, and the antigenicity is β-Lg It is characterized by very little bitterness and umami at 1 / 10,000 or less.
The hydrolysis temperature, pH, reaction time, enzyme addition amount, etc. can be determined with reference to the manufacturer's instructions, etc., but the temperature is 30 to 65 ° C., the pH is 5 to 9, and the reaction time is less than 20 hours. It can be selected with reference to the above-mentioned documents.
Enzyme deactivation depends on the heat resistance of the enzyme. The hydrolyzate is filtered through a UF membrane with a molecular weight cut-off of 5000-100,000 Daltons, preferably a UF membrane with 1000-100,000 Daltons. The cutoff value in this case is not critical. The method of measuring the cut-off value varies depending on the membrane manufacturer, and there is no standardized method yet. Membrane modules include P & F (plate and frame) type, TU (tubular) type, HF (hollow fiber) type, SW (spiral wound) type, and PL (pleated) type. UF filtration largely eliminates hydrolysates with molecular weights in the permeate that greatly exceed 2000 daltons.
The permeate can be concentrated, spray dried or freeze dried by a known method.
α-La trypsin hydrolyzate, β-Lg hydrolyzate, or Lf hydrolyzate UF permeate, for example, is active in reversed-phase HPLC (ODS Prep, 20 × 300 mm, Toso, Tokyo, Japan) The components can be fractionated. Elute with a linear gradient of acetonitrile (1% / min) containing 0.1% TFA (10 mL / min). Elution is monitored at 210 nm. Each fraction is collected and TNF-α inhibitory activity or IL-6 inhibitory activity is measured. The active fraction is present at a molecular weight <2,000 daltons.
The primary structures of α-La, β-Lg and bovine Lf are known (Kunio Yamauchi, Ken Yokoyama, edited by Milk General Encyclopedia, Asakura Shoten, 1997).
From α-La, WLAHK (amino acid residues 104-108), LAHKAL (amino acid residues 105-110), and CEVFR (amino acid residues 6-10) and LDQWLCEK (amino acid residues 115-122) A peptide LDQWLC (-CEVFR) EK in which the C residues of SS are bound is obtained. From β-Lg, ALPMH (amino acid residues 142 to 146), ALPMHIR (amino acid residues 142 to 148) and FKIDALNE (amino acids Residues 83-89) and Lf from WQWR (amino acid residues 41-44), EDLIWK (amino acid residues 283-288), ETAEEVK (amino acid residues 352-358) and LGAPSITCVR A peptide LGAPSITC (-CR) VR in which (residues 48 to 57) and the C residue of CR are SS-linked can be obtained.
Accordingly, the permeate TNF-α inhibitory active components of the α-La hydrolyzate having a UF cutoff value of 10,000 are the peptides WLAHK, LAHKAL and LDQWLC (-CEVFR) EK. An α-La hydrolyzate containing at least one of the three peptides has activity. Those of β-Lg are ALPMH, ALPMHIR and FKIDALNE, and β-Lg hydrolysates containing at least one of the three peptides are active. From Lf, there are WQWR, EDLIWK, ETAEEVK and LGAPSITC (-CR) VR, and an Lf hydrolyzate containing at least one of these three peptides has activity.
By varying the trypsin hydrolysis conditions of α-La, β-Lg and bovine Lf, the active peptide and its composition can be altered. Therefore, the present invention is not limited to the above active peptide. The same can be said for other enzymes other than trypsin.
Trypsin acts as an endopeptidase that selectively cleaves the peptide bond on the carboxyl side of Arg (R) and Lys (K) (Biochemical Dictionary 3rd edition, Tokyo Dojin Co., Ltd., 1998). However, α-La-derived LAHKAL and β-Lg-derived ALPMH and FKIDALNE are cleaved non-specifically.
Therefore, several new trypsin recognition peptides were chemically synthesized and examined for TNF-α inhibitory activity (hereinafter also referred to as “activity”).
4 residues of IPAV between K (amino acid residue 77) and FKIDALNE near the N-terminus of FKIDALNE (amino acid residues 82 to 89) and N-terminal of the trypsin recognition site of FKIDALNE A peptide IPAVFK (amino acid residues 78 to 83) linked to FK2 residue was synthesized. This IPAVFK was examined for its TNF-α inhibitory activity (Table 1, ED). 50 = 7.1 μM). IDALNENK (amino acid residues 84 to 91), in which FKIDALNE trypsin recognition site K and subsequent IDALNE was linked to NK adjacent to C-terminal of FKIDALNE (amino acid residues 84 to 91) was also recognized (Table 1, ED). 50 = 3.2 μM). In addition, the activity of the peptide IPAVFKIDALNENK (amino acid residues 78 to 91) connecting IPAVFK and IDALNENK was also observed (Table 1, ED). 50 = 0.8 μM).
The peptide IPAVFKIDALNE (amino acid residues 78 to 89) excluding the C-terminal NK of IPAVFKIDALNENK was a peptide whose C-terminal was non-specifically cleaved by trypsin, but activity was observed (Table 1, ED). 50 = 1.8 μM).
As described above, the four newly synthesized peptides IDALNENK, IPAVFK, IPAVFKIDALNENK and IPAVFKIDALNE can be obtained by setting the conditions for hydrolysis with trypsin.
By the way, all three peptides except IPAVFK share IDALNE (amino acid residues 84 to 89). In addition, comparing the TNF-α inhibitory activities of the four peptides, the ED of the three peptides 50 Is 0.8-3.2 μM. On the other hand, IPAVFK ED 50 Is extremely weak at 7.1 μM, but those linked to IDALNE or IDALNENK are 3.9 to 8.9 times more active. Considering these facts, it is suggested that the consensus sequence IDALNE is essential for the expression of TNF-α inhibitory activity. Therefore, it is possible to determine the minimum amino acid sequence (core sequence) essential for the expression of activity by measuring the TNF-α inhibitory activity of IDALNE and, when the activity is observed, by sequentially removing the N-terminal or C-terminal. Therefore, the peptide having the activity thus obtained is included in the present invention.
Furthermore, a trypsin recognition site exists in addition to the above peptides on the primary structure of α-La, β-Lg, or Lf. Therefore, new active peptides can be screened by variously changing the trypsin hydrolysis conditions. In addition, various cleaved fragment peptides recognized by trypsin can be chemically synthesized and their activities can be examined. Therefore, the peptide having the activity thus obtained is included in the present invention.
On the other hand, when LDQWLCEK and CEVFR obtained by cleaving the SS bond of LDQWLC (-CEVFR) EK derived from α-La were examined for TNF-α production inhibitory activity, the former was found to be active but the latter was I couldn't. Moreover, when the activity of LGAPSITCVR and CR obtained by cleaving the SS bond of LGAPSILC (-CR) VR derived from bovine Lf was examined, the activity was observed in the former, but not in the latter. It was.
The above results are summarized as follows. As a peptide having TNF-α production inhibitory activity derived from trypsin-specific hydrolyzate or non-specific hydrolyzate of milk protein, α-La has WLAHK (SEQ ID NO: 1), LAHKAL ( SEQ ID NO: 2) and LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3), from β-Lg, ALPMH (SEQ ID NO: 4), ALPMHIR (SEQ ID NO: 5), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6), IDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 7), IPAVFK (SEQ ID NO: 7) 8), IPAVFKIDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 9), IPAVFKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 10), and from bovine LF, WQWR (SEQ ID NO: 11), EDLIWK (SEQ ID NO: 12), ETAEEVK (SEQ ID NO: 13), LGAPSILCVR (SEQ ID NO: 14) Can be obtained. From the molecular weight of these peptides or the molecular weight distribution of peptides having biological activity derived from milk proteins, it is suggested that the TNF-α production-inhibiting fraction of milk proteins exists at a molecular weight <2,000 daltons.
Here, α-La-derived WLAHK and LAHKAL share LAHK. Therefore, in addition to these peptides, the presence of 4 peptides of LAHK, WLAHKA, WLAHKAL and LAHKA can be considered, and the presence or absence of TNF-α production inhibitory activity can be confirmed. Therefore, peptides whose activity has been confirmed are included in the present invention.
In any of the above peptides, the N-terminal or C-terminal amino acid residues are sequentially deleted, and the activity of these deleted peptides can be confirmed. Therefore, when activity is confirmed, it is included by this invention.
Furthermore, although IPAVFKIDALNE and IPAVFKIDALNENK peptides are weak, IPAVFK has activity. Therefore, peptides obtained by sequentially deleting amino acid residues after IPAVFK of these two peptides are very likely to have activity and are active. Each peptide in which is confirmed is included in the present invention.
Furthermore, peptides of which the activity has been confirmed or peptide derivatives in which the amino acid residues of these peptides are substituted with other amino acid residues (including D-amino acids) are also encompassed in the present invention. Report that D-amino acid decapeptide (PDP-58) inhibited TNF-α translation in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and murine colitis but did not affect mRNA synthesis (Inflamm. Res., 51: 479-482, 2002) supports this.
In addition, based on the primary structure of α-La, β-Lg, or bovine Lf, the entire primary structure is covered, with several residues (about 3-5 residues) and overlapping peptides (about 5-10 residues). It is also possible to chemically synthesize and screen the target peptide using TNF-α production inhibitory activity or IL-6 activity as an index. Methods for chemical synthesis of peptides are known. Solid phase method developed by Merrifield, RB (Biochemistry 1964, 3, pp. 1385; The Peptide 1979, 2, pp. 1-284, by ed E. Gross & J. Meienhofer). Alternatively, the same solid phase method can be synthesized using Fmoc-amino acids, where the flow method is applied and the side chain is protected with an acid labile group (Atherton, E. & Sheppard RC “ Solid Phase peptide synthesis—a Practical approach ”, IRL PRESS, Oxford, 1989). Therefore, all peptides whose activity has been confirmed are included in the present invention.
Acid addition salts include inorganic acid salts such as hydrochloride, hydrobromide, hydroiodide, sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, acetate, trifluoroacetate, benzoate, citrate And organic acid salts such as oxalate, maleate, fumarate, succinate, tartrate, lactate, methanesulfonate, toluenesulfonate, aspartate, and glutamate.
The milk protein hydrolyzate having the action of suppressing the production of TNF-α or IL-6 of the present invention, the peptide having the activity roughly purified from the hydrolyzate, or one containing two or more of the purified peptides It is well suited for parenteral and peripheral parenteral administration for alleviating inflammation in SIRS by appropriate mixing of carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, etc.
That is, the milk protein hydrolyzate of the present invention, a peptide roughly purified from the hydrolyzate or a purified peptide is used for the production of oral and enteral nutrients useful for the control of SIRS and CARS for the prevention of organ failure due to invasiveness. Expectation to use for. It can also be used for preoperative nutritional management. The effective amount of peptide is estimated to be 3 g (in terms of active peptide) or more in 100 kcal, but the effective amount should be determined by human experiments. Specifically, it is an oral and enteral nutrient for surgery, trauma, burns, acute pancreatitis, infections, peritonitis, malignant tumors and the like.
In addition, the peptide of the present invention is expected to be effective for treatment, prevention or improvement of diseases involving TNF-α. Diseases involving TNF-α are caused by overproduction of TNF-α. Examples of such diseases include diabetic complications such as inflammatory diseases (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, macrovascular disorders, etc.) Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid myelitis, arthritis such as gouty arthritis, periosteitis, etc .; low back pain; inflammation after surgery / traumatic injury; remission of swelling; neuralgia; pharyngitis; cystitis; Atopic dermatitis; inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis; meningitis; inflammatory eye diseases; pneumonia; inflammatory lung diseases such as silicosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis and pulmonary tuberculosis), cardiovascular diseases (Eg, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, generalized intravascular coagulation syndrome), asthma allergic disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn's disease, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, psoriasis, neurodegeneration Disease (eg, Alzheimer's disease, Kinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, AIDS encephalopathy, etc.), central nervous system disorders (eg, cerebrovascular disorders such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, head trauma, spinal injury, cerebral edema, multiple sclerosis, etc.), poison (Eg, sepsis, septic shock, endotoxin shock, gram-negative bacterial sepsis, toxin shock syndrome), Addison's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, viral infections (cytomegalovirus, influenza virus, herpes virus, etc.) Infection), transplant rejection, dialysis hypotension, osteoporosis and the like.
The peptides of the invention can also be used as pharmaceutical preparations containing a suitable carrier. That is, the oral dosage form is in a dosage form suitable for absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. Tablets, capsules, granules, fine granules, and powders are conventional formulation adjuvants such as binders (syrup, gum arabic, sorbit, tragacanth, polyvinylpyrrolidone, hydroxypropylcellulose, etc.), excipients (lactose, sugar) Corn starch, calcium phosphate, sorbit, glycine, etc.), lubricants (eg, magnesium stearate, talc, polyethylene glycol, silica, etc.), wetting agents (sodium lauryl sulfate, etc.). Tablets can be coated by conventional methods. The oral solution can be made into an aqueous solution or a dry product. Such oral solutions include conventional additives such as preservatives (methyl or propyl p-hydroxybenzoate, sorbic acid, etc.).
The effective amount of the peptide of the present invention should be determined in clinical trials, but refer to a report of 0.5 ppm, preferably 5-50 ppm (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 8-165248).
The present invention will be specifically described with reference to examples and test examples, but the present invention is not construed as being limited to these specific examples.
Example 1 Preparation of Whey Protein Hydrolyzate
100 mg / ml WPI (protein content 90%, Davisco), β-Lg (β-Lg content 90%, Davisco) or α-La (α-La content 90%, Davisco) in phosphate buffer Was dissolved at a concentration of As a control, sodium caseinate (purity 95% or more, Wako Pure Chemical Industries) was dissolved in phosphate buffer at the same concentration. 50 mg of trypsin (derived from porcine pancreas, activity: 25 USP chymotrypsin Units / mg or less, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) per 1 g of protein was added and reacted at 37 ° C. for 6 hours. After the reaction, the mixture was centrifuged at 20,000 × g for 10 minutes to precipitate and remove insoluble components, and then subjected to UF membrane treatment (Millipore Ultrafree-MC) having a molecular weight cut-off of 10,000. The permeate was subjected to a 0.22 μm MF membrane (Millipore Mirex-GV) and then subjected to experiments.
[Example 2] Preparation of WPI hydrolyzate
WPI (protein content 90%, Davisco) was dissolved in phosphate buffer at a concentration of 100 mg / ml and divided into the following four reaction categories.
(1) Trypsin (same as in Example 1, the same applies hereinafter) was added and reacted at 50 ° C. for 5 hours.
(2) 50 mg of protease A Amano G was added and reacted at 50 ° C. for 5 hours.
(3) After trypsin was added and reacted at 50 ° C. for 5 hours, 50 mg of protease A Amano G was further added and reacted at 50 ° C. for 5 hours.
(4) After adding 50 mg of protease A Amano G and reacting at 50 ° C. for 5 hours, 50 mg of trypsin was further added and reacted at 50 ° C. for 5 hours.
After completion of the reaction, it was boiled for 15 minutes. After centrifuging (20,000 × g, 10 minutes), UF membrane treatment (Millipore Ultra Free-MC) with a molecular weight cut off of 10,000 was performed. Permeate was subjected to the experiment after 0.22 μm MF membrane treatment.
[Example 3] Identification of peptide having TNF-α production inhibitory activity derived from β-Lg and α-La
A trypsin hydrolyzate of β-Lg (β-Lg content 90%, Davisco) or α-La (α-La content 90%, Sigma) was prepared according to Example 1.
The active components of these trypsin hydrolysates were fractionated by reverse phase HPLC. The analytical column was C18 SG120 (Shiseido) 4.6 mmφ x 250 mm, and the mobile phase was a linear concentration gradient with a solvent of acetonitrile / 0.1% TFA. The preparative column was C18 SG120 (Shiseido) 15 mmφ x 250 mm, and the same solvent was used. FIG. 4 shows a reverse phase HPLC chromatogram of a peptide derived from β-Lg, and FIG. 6 shows a reverse phase HPLC chromatogram of a peptide derived from α-La.
[Test Example 1] TNF-α production inhibitory action
The inhibitory effect on TNF-α production was examined for WPI, β-Lg, α-La and casein before hydrolysis, or their hydrolysates in Example 1.
THP-1 cells (derived from patients with acute monocytic leukemia, RIKEN), RPMI 1640 medium (Sigma) containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS: Mitsubishi Chemical), phorbol ester (TPA, Wako Pure Chemical Industries) 200 nM ), 5% CO 2 The cells were cultured at 37 ° C. for 72 hours under the above conditions to induce differentiation into monocytes / macrophages.
After differentiation induction, WPI, β-Lg, α-La, and casein before degradation 0 mg / mL (control), 0.1 mg / mL, 1.0 mg / mL, or hydrolyzate 0 mg / mL (control) The culture medium was replaced with RPMI 1640 medium containing 0.02 mg / mL and 0.2 mg / mL and cultured for 2 hours. Subsequently, LPS (List Biol. Lab. Inc.) was added to the medium at a final concentration of 100 ng / ml and cultured for 4 hours. The amount of TNF-α in the culture supernatant was measured using a commercially available ELISA kit for TNF-α measurement (Amersham Bioscience). FIG. 1 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory action of WPI, β-Lg, α-La, and casein before degradation, and FIGS. 2, 8 and 9 show the TNF-α production inhibitory action of these hydrolysates.
Each whey protein before degradation and trypsin degradation products of each whey protein showed TNF-α production inhibitory effect. Casein had no inhibitory effect on TNF-α production before or after degradation. Trypsin degradation product of whey protein has high heat stability and suppresses TNF-α production even when heat-treated, so oral and enteral nutrition for patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) to alleviate the inflammatory response It can be added to the agent.
[Test Example 2] TNF-α production inhibitory action of hydrolyzate by combination of proteases
For each protease hydrolyzate of WPI obtained in Example 2, the amount of TNF-α produced in the culture supernatant was measured according to the method of Test Example 1. The results are shown in FIG.
The inhibitory effect of WPI hydrolyzate on TNF-α production by trypsin was stronger than that of hydrolyzate by A-Amano G.
On the other hand, when WPI is decomposed with trypsin and further decomposed with A-Amano G (trypsin → A-Amano G), or conversely, WPI is decomposed with A-Amano G and then decomposed with trypsin (A-Amano G → GPTN6.0S) In either case, the TNF-α production-suppressing effect was almost the same, showing a slightly stronger tendency than that of trypsin alone. This suggests that a degradation product with higher TNF-α production inhibitory activity can be obtained by the combination of the two enzymes.
[Test Example 3] Isolation and purification of peptide having TNF-α production inhibitory activity
Β-Lg, α-La prepared by the same method as in Example 1 and bovine Lf (Wako) UF permeate similarly prepared by the method of Example 1 were fractionated by reverse phase HPLC (FIGS. 4 and 6). And 11). Each peak was collected, and the amount of TNF-α production (TNF-α production inhibitory activity) was measured according to the method of Test Example 1. As a result, TNF-α production inhibitory activity was observed at each of three peaks for β-Lg and α-La, and four peaks for Lf. Therefore, each peak was purified, and molecular weight measurement (liquid chromatograph / mass spectrometer (LC-MSD: HP1100 series) and amino acid sequence were determined. From β-Lg, ALPMH, ALPMHIR and FKIDALNE, from α-La, LAHKAL, WLAHK, and peptides with C-residues of CEVFR and LDQWLCEK SS-linked, and Lf yielded peptides with SS-bonded C-residues of ETAEEVK, LGAPSITCVR and CR, WQWR and EDLIWK. Based on the primary structure, IPAVFK, which joins two residues of IPAV4 and N-terminal FK adjacent to the N-terminal of FKIDALNEN, except for FK at the N-terminal of FKIDALNEN, and IDALNENK with the addition of NK at the C-terminal, N-terminal of FKIDALNEN IPAVFKIDALNE with 4 residues of IPAV adjacent to the N-terminus, and IPAVFKIDALNENK with NK adjacent to the C-terminus of FKIDALNEN were chemically synthesized, and the α-La cleaved SS bond between CEVFR and LDQWLCEK. CNFFR and LDQWLCEK obtained were examined for their TNF-α production inhibitory activity As a result, CEVFR showed no activity.
In addition, as for the bovine Lf, the activity of inhibiting the TNF-α production of LGAPSITCVR and CR obtained by cleaving the SS bond between LGAPSILCVR and CR was examined. As a result, no activity was observed in CR. To summarize the above results, as a peptide having a milk protein-derived TNF-α production inhibitory activity, α-La has WLAHK (SEQ ID NO: 1), LAHKAL (SEQ ID NO: 2) and LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3), β -Lg includes ALPMH (SEQ ID NO: 4), ALPMHIR (SEQ ID NO: 5), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6), IDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 7), IPAVFK (SEQ ID NO: 8), IPAVFKIDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 9), IPAVFKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 10), and from LF, WQWR (SEQ ID NO: 11), EDLIWK (SEQ ID NO: 12), ETAEEVK (SEQ ID NO: 13), and LGAPSILCVR (SEQ ID NO: 14) were obtained.
As a result of the homology search, SEQ ID NOs: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14 were found to be novel substances. SEQ ID NOs: 1, 2, 4 and 5 are reported to have angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity (Journal of Dairy Research, 67: 65-71, 2000; British Journal of Nutrition, 84: Suppl. 1: S33-37, 2000) Although there is no report on TNF-α production inhibitory activity. WQWR has anti-herpetic activity, and EDLIWK has anti-cancer, anti-apoptosis, anti-ulcer agent, wound treatment agent, cardiotonic agent, anti-heparin, anti-ichemia, and antioxidant agent.
Based on the amino acid sequences of these peptides, the corresponding peptides were synthesized, and the TNF-α production inhibitory action of the synthesized peptides was examined according to the method of Test Example 1. As a result, these peptides all showed TNF-α production inhibitory activity in a concentration-dependent manner at 1 to 10 μg / mL (FIGS. 5, 7, 10 and 11). ED of these peptides 50 (50% effective dose) is summarized in Table 1.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004278028
[Test Example 4] IL-6 production inhibitory action
Six-week-old ICR mice (male) were purchased, and allowed to acclimatize with AIN-93M feed and drinking water for one week. As a group of 7 mice, the casein degradation product administration group (5 mg / mouse), β-Lg trypsin degradation product administration group (5 mg / mouse), α-La trypsin degradation product administration group ( 5 mg / mouse), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6) administration group (1 mg / mouse), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6) administration group (5 mg / mouse), LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3) administration group (1 mg / mouse), LDQWLCEK (sequence) Number 3) Divided into 7 groups of administration group (5 mg / mouse). Samples were administered orally using a sonde for 3 consecutive days (13:00). 24 hours after the final administration, LPS was intraperitoneally administered at 50 μg / mouse. After 90 minutes, blood was collected from the orbit and serum was obtained by centrifugation. Serum IL-6 concentration was measured by ELISA (FIG. 13). The statistical difference by Fisher PSLD was tested for significant difference from the casein administration group.
The IL-6 concentration in the β-Lg trypsin degradation product administration group, FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6) administration group, and LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3) administration group significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner with respect to casein (** p The decrease in the latter two groups was concentration-dependent.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, it was possible to provide an orally ingestible peptide having an action of stimulating immunity while suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF and IL-6 without stimulating it. . Moreover, the peptide used for manufacture of the oral and enteral nutrient which prevents the metabolic abnormality and organ disorder at the time of a living body invasion, and enhances immunity could be provided. Furthermore, the peptide having an anti-inflammatory action could be provided.
[Sequence Listing]
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028
Figure 0004278028

[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the LPS-induced TNF-α production inhibitory effect of undegraded WPI, β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin or casein after induction of differentiation of THP-1 cells into monocytes and macrophages.
FIG. 2 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory effect of trypsin hydrolyzate of WPI, β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin and casein.
FIG. 3 WPI trypsin (from porcine pancreas, Wako) hydrolyzate, WPI A amano G hydrolyzate, WPI trypsin and A amano G combined hydrolyzate, and A amano G and trypsin hydrate It shows the TNF-α production inhibitory effect of the degradation product.
FIG. 4 shows a reverse phase HPLC chromatogram of UF permeate of tryptic hydrolyzate of β-lactoglobulin.
FIG. 5 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory action of β-lactoglobulin derived peptides ALPMH, ALPMHIR and FKIDALNE.
FIG. 6 shows a reverse phase HPLC chromatogram of UF permeate of tryptic hydrolyzate of α-lactalbumin.
FIG. 7 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory action of α-lactalbumin derived peptides WLAHK, LAHKAL, CEVFR and LDQWLCEK.
FIG. 8 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory effect of each of the concentrations of trypsin hydrolyzate of β-lactoglobulin.
FIG. 9 shows TNF-α production inhibitory action at various concentrations of α-lactalbumin trypsin hydrolyzate.
FIG. 10 shows the TNF-α production inhibitory action of the peptides IDALNENK, IPAVFK, IPAVFKIDALNE and IPAVFKIDALNENK derived from β-lactoglobulin.
FIG. 11 shows a reverse phase HPLC chromatogram of tryptic hydrolyzate of bovine lactoferrin.
FIG. 12 shows TNF-α production inhibitory action at each concentration of bovine lactoferrin-derived peptides WQWR, EDLIWK, ETAEEVK, and LGAPSILCVR.
FIG. 13 Casein trypsin hydrolyzate, β-Lg trypsin hydrolyzate, α-La trypsin hydrolyzate, β-Lg derived peptide FKIDALNE, or LPS in serum after oral ingestion in α-La derived LDQWLCEK mice Inhibition of induced IL-6 production.

Claims (3)

WLAHK(配列番号1)、LAHKAL(配列番号2)、LDQWLCEK(配列番号3)、ALPMH(配列番号4)、ALPMHIR(配列番号5)、FKIDALNE(配列番号6)、IDALNENK(配列番号7)、IPAVFK(配列番号8)、IPAVFKIDALNENK(配列番号9)、IPAVFKIDALNE(配列番号10)EDLIWK(配列番号12)、ETAEEVK(配列番号13)、LGAPSILCVR(配列番号14)からなる群より選ばれるペプチド又はその酸付加塩、及び、担体を含む抗炎症剤。WLAHK (SEQ ID NO: 1), LAHKAL (SEQ ID NO: 2), LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3), ALPMH (SEQ ID NO: 4), ALPMHIR (SEQ ID NO: 5), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6), IDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 7), IPAVFK (SEQ ID NO: 8), IPAVFKIDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 9), IPAVFKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 10) , EDLIWK (SEQ ID NO: 12), ETAEEVK (SEQ ID NO: 13), a peptide selected from the group consisting of LGAPSILCVR (SEQ ID NO: 14) or an acid thereof An anti-inflammatory agent comprising an addition salt and a carrier. WLAHK(配列番号1)、LAHKAL(配列番号2)、LDQWLCEK(配列番号3)、ALPMH(配列番号4)、ALPMHIR(配列番号5)、FKIDALNE(配列番号6)、IDALNENK(配列番号7)、IPAVFK(配列番号8)、IPAVFKIDALNENK(配列番号9)、IPAVFKIDALNE(配列番号10)EDLIWK(配列番号12)、ETAEEVK(配列番号13)、LGAPSILCVR(配列番号14)からなる群より選ばれるペプチド又はその酸付加塩、及び、担体を含有する生体侵襲に伴う全身性炎症反応症候群(SIRS)における炎症反応緩和および栄養治療のための経口・経腸栄養剤。WLAHK (SEQ ID NO: 1), LAHKAL (SEQ ID NO: 2), LDQWLCEK (SEQ ID NO: 3), ALPMH (SEQ ID NO: 4), ALPMHIR (SEQ ID NO: 5), FKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 6), IDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 7), IPAVFK (SEQ ID NO: 8), IPAVFKIDALNENK (SEQ ID NO: 9), IPAVFKIDALNE (SEQ ID NO: 10) , EDLIWK (SEQ ID NO: 12), ETAEEVK (SEQ ID NO: 13), a peptide selected from the group consisting of LGAPSILCVR (SEQ ID NO: 14) or an acid thereof An oral and enteral nutritional agent for alleviating inflammatory response and nutritional treatment in systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) associated with biological invasion, comprising an addition salt and a carrier. 生体侵襲が手術、外傷、熱傷、感染症、急性膵炎、肝不全、腹膜炎、または悪性腫瘍である、請求項2記載の経口・経腸栄養剤。The oral / enteral nutritional agent according to claim 2, wherein the biological invasion is surgery, trauma, burn, infection, acute pancreatitis, liver failure, peritonitis, or malignant tumor.
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