JP4252213B2 - Improved comfort by mixing denier - Google Patents

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JP4252213B2 JP2000541367A JP2000541367A JP4252213B2 JP 4252213 B2 JP4252213 B2 JP 4252213B2 JP 2000541367 A JP2000541367 A JP 2000541367A JP 2000541367 A JP2000541367 A JP 2000541367A JP 4252213 B2 JP4252213 B2 JP 4252213B2
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Invista Technologies Sarl
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Invista Technologies Sarl
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    • D01F6/00Monocomponent artificial filaments or the like of synthetic polymers; Manufacture thereof
    • D01F6/78Monocomponent artificial filaments or the like of synthetic polymers; Manufacture thereof from copolycondensation products
    • D01F6/84Monocomponent artificial filaments or the like of synthetic polymers; Manufacture thereof from copolycondensation products from copolyesters
    • D01D5/00Formation of filaments, threads, or the like
    • D01D5/08Melt spinning methods
    • D01D5/082Melt spinning methods of mixed yarn
    • D01D5/00Formation of filaments, threads, or the like
    • D01D5/253Formation of filaments, threads, or the like with a non-circular cross section; Spinnerette packs therefor


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • General Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Artificial Filaments (AREA)
  • Yarns And Mechanical Finishing Of Yarns Or Ropes (AREA)
  • Spinning Methods And Devices For Manufacturing Artificial Fibers (AREA)


数年にわたって、繊維の長さに沿って延びている溝を有する概してスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面のホモポリマーPET繊維は、E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Companyから市販されており、そして(非円形)断面を有するこのポリエステル繊維により提供される高められた快適特性のために、綿および円形断面のホモポリマーPET繊維の両方を越える顕著な利点をもたらしている。それらの長手方向の溝は円形断面の繊維を越える増加した水分吸上げ(moisture-wicking)の利点を提供し、そして水分が吸収される代わりに繊維に沿って吸上げられるという事実は綿と対比して利点である。しかしながら、さらなる利点が所望され、そして本発明により得ることができる。
当該技術において既に開示されていることを繰り返すのは冗長である。示されているように、ポリエステルポリマーの調製およびポリマーからのフィラメントの紡糸は、当該技術において一般的に開示されている。ポリエステルフィラメントの延伸も、MarshallおよびThompsonによる、Nature、Vol.171(1953年1月3日)、第38〜39頁、“Drawing Synthetic Fibers”中、J.Applied Chem.、4(1954年4月)、第145〜153頁、“The Drawing of Terylene”中、およびProc.Roy.Soc.(ロンドン)、Vol.A221、第541〜557頁、“The Cold Drawing of High Polymers”中の文献に遡る多くの文献に開示されている。
繊維の長さに沿って延びている溝を有する概してスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面のポリエステル繊維の混合物は、米国特許第5,591,523号に既に開示され、そこに特定されたようにかかる混合物は高い方のデニールの、および低い方のデニールのものである。本発明によるコポリエステル繊維はフィラメントあたり高い方のデニールを有する繊維の、およびフィラメントあたり低いデニールの繊維の混合物であるべきであり、該フィラメントあたり高い方のデニールはフィラメントあたり低い方のデニールの少なくとも1.2倍であるべきであり;フィラメントあたりのデニールは以後たびたびdpfと称される。以下に記載されるように、本発明によるデニールの混合物(以後ときどき2重デニールと称される)は、同様のスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の単一デニール繊維糸のファブリックと比較して、ファブリックにおける改良された快適さを提供する。本発明はいかなる理論にも限定されないが、本発明者は、隣接繊維間の一層多い間隔のために、本発明者の2重デニール繊維は一層良好な水の吸上を可能にし、そしてその繊維は同様の断面であるが同一のdpfの繊維ほど一緒に接近していっぱいに入らず、それは本発明の繊維はすべてが同一のdpfではないからであると確信する。高い方のdpfの繊維と低い方のdpfの繊維の大きさを変え、および高い方のdpf:低い方のdpfの比を変えた以下の実施例において、改良を具体的に説明する。しかしながら、好ましくは、高い方のdpf:低い方のdpfの比は大きくなり過ぎるべきではなく、特に約5:1を越えるべきではない。高い方のおよび低い方のdpfの繊維の量に関して、これらは繊維の相対数または相対重量に基づいて計算されてもよい。以下の実施例2においてわかるように、軽いフィラメント:重いフィラメントの数の比2:1(dpf比は1:2)は、WVT((Water Vapor Transmission)透湿性)、およびファブリック中の水分%において、軽いフィラメント:重いフィラメントの数の比がほぼ4:1および一層高いものを越える顕著な改良をもたらし、したがって小さい数の比が一般的に好ましく、好ましくは約3:1以下である。一方、dpf比のような他の考慮すべき要件も、糸の撚りおよびファブリック構造を含む結果に影響することが認識される。しかしながら、実施例2Aは、軽いフィラメント:重いフィラメントの数の比が10.5対1でさえも、MVTおよび2時間後の水分%において、単一dpfの比較例を越える顕著な改良をもたらしたことを示している。実施例は、便宜のためにいわゆる「公称デニール」を示す。これは多くの人々がデニールの混合物を備える糸、トウ、または他の繊維束の観点で考えていないからであり、「公称デニール」は、繊維束の総デニールをフィラメントのトウ、糸、または本明細書中に参照される繊維の他の束に対する繊維の総数で割ったものである。近年、紡織オペレーターは、綿のような天然繊維から得られるより低いdpfに高まる興味を示し、特にサブデニールの繊維への興味を含む。紡織オペレーターは約3dpf(3.3dtex)未満の紡織繊維dpfを一般的に好んでいるが、本発明はいかなるdpfのコポリエステル繊維の混合物に対しても適用可能である。
繊維の断面に関して、一般的にスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面のいかなるものも適用可能である。米国特許第5,591,523号は、繊維の長さに沿って延びている4溝を有するそのような断面を主として記載し、4溝を有する繊維断面はGorrafaにより米国特許第3,914,488号において20年以上前に、そしてFranklinを含む他の人々により、およびClarkらによりおよそ10年後に米国特許第4,707,467号および同第4,634,625号においてそれぞれ開示されている。6および8の溝を有するスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の繊維は、米国特許第5,626,961号に、および1997年1月3日に出願され今では許可された出願番号08/778,462号に、(Aneja DP−6365−AおよびRoop DP−6550)、それぞれ開示され、そしてそのようなスカラップで飾られた楕円形繊維断面も本発明により適当であるものと考えられる。本発明により、断面の混合物、特に溝の数を変えているスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の混合物も高められた快適さをもたらすことが予想され、そして熟考される。スカラップで飾られた楕円形繊維断面のアスペクト比は、円形繊維からの十分な相違を提供するために一般的に少なくとも1.3:1であるべきである。アスペクト比が増加するにつれて、スカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の利益は小さくなり、したがって約3:1までのアスペクト比が一般的に好ましく、これは溝の数などの他の要因に依存することもあると理解される。同様に、溝が楕円形の短軸に位置していない概してスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面(例えば、ピーナッツタイプの断面ではないもの)は、いくつかの目的のために一般的に好ましい。本明細書中の溝の比は、フィラメント断面の最小厚み(すなわち、その断面の相対する側の溝の底部において)を断面の最大厚み(すなわち、その断面の隣の膨らみにおいて)で割ったものとして計算され、例えば、先に参照された米国特許第5,626,961号に記載されたd1/b1およびd2/b2である。
すべては先に参照された、米国特許第5,591,523号(Aneja DP−6255)および同第5,626,961号(Aneja DP−6365−A)、同時継続出願番号08/662,804号(Aneja DP−6400)および同08/778,462号(Roop DP−6550)、並びに国際公開番号WO97/02372、同97/02373号、および同97/02374号において具体的に開示され、および例示された唯一のポリエステル繊維は、鎖の枝分かれで変性されたホモポリマーPETのものであった。そのような変性されたホモポリマーPETに対して、本発明の繊維は、約1から約2.5モル%の5−スルホイソフタル酸のアルカリ金属塩の存在によってカチオン染色可能なコポリエステル組成物のものである。カチオン染色可能なコポリエステルは、当該技術において、例えば、GriffingおよびRemingtonにより米国特許第3,018,272号において、およびHansenらにより米国特許第5,171,309号(DP−6335)および同第5,250,245号(DP−6355−B)において開示されている。これらの開示をここに参照することにより本明細書の一部とする。本発明による繊維に対するそのようなカチオン染色可能なコポリエステル組成物は、約0.05から約0.8モル%の鎖の枝分かれで変性されて、本発明により異なるdpfのフィラメント混合物を同時に延伸し、そして、所望されるなら、以下の実施例Vにおいて開示されたと同一の紡糸口金において異なる細管オリフィスを通して異なるdpfを紡糸する性能を提供されるべきである。本発明により、鎖の枝分かれの量は、好ましくは少なくとも約0.2であり、そして好ましくは約0.3モル%までである。鎖の枝分かれ(すなわち、重合に必要である2つの必須の官能基より多い官能基を有する、多官能性のポリエステル形成中間体、例えば、いずれも二官能性であるグリコールおよび二塩基酸)の使用は、MacLeanらの米国特許第4,092,299号および同第4,113,704号、Meadらの米国特許第3,335,211号、Oxfordらの国際公開番号WO92/13,120号、Duncanの米国SIR H1275、DuPont(Broaddus他)の欧州特許公開EPA2第294,912号、Reeseの米国特許第4,833,032号、同第4,966,740号、および同第5,034,174号、Goodleyらの米国特許第4,945,151号、およびVarginayの米国特許第3,576,773号のようなその明細書中で参照されそして引用された先行技術などの先行技術に開示されている。これらの文献のいくつかは、材料が添加されて紡糸性能を高めるため、または他の理由のために、粘度上昇剤のような異なる専門用語を使用した。この先行技術の多くは、延伸仮より(draw-texturing)用の供給糸としての連続フィラメント糸の高速紡糸に関し、したがってそれらの連続フィラメントは、今までカット繊維への変換用のトウ形態での延伸に一般的に好まれているような、非晶質であるよりむしろ紡糸−配向され、そしてカット繊維は本発明により特に興味深く、そして好ましいものである。本発明によるフィラメントの混合物に対する約0.5から約3%の低収縮は、高速紡糸されて、しばしばPOYと称される、延伸仮より用の供給糸としての使用のために紡糸−配向されたフィラメントを製造することにより製造された一層高い収縮のフィラメントから我々の延伸フィラメントを区別する。その収縮は、Knoxの米国特許第4,156,071号の第6欄の最下行において参照されるボイルオフ収縮であり、Knoxによりそこに記載された方法で測定されることもできる。示されるように、米国特許第5,591,523号および国際公開番号WO97/02372は、実施例Iにおいて、混合dpfの(テトラエチルオルトシリケートで変性された)ホモポリ(エチレンテレフタレート)フィラメントのトウの同時延伸を既に開示しており、そして驚くべきことはこれが満足であり、および濃い染色欠陥を伴わない延伸フィラメントを提供することを達成できたことであることが既に開示されている。
インストロン 平均応力−歪曲線を、次のように、トウの束から取られた各タイプの10の個々のフィラメントの平均として得た。フィラメントの各タイプの10個のサンプルをトウの束から拡大鏡(LUXO Illuminated Magnifier)を使用して分離した。各サンプルフィラメントのフィラメント毎のデニール(DPF)を振動計(HP Model 201C Audio Oscillator)で測定した。サンプルフィラメントを一度にひとつインストロン(Model 1122または1123)に載せ、そしてその応力−歪挙動を測定した。各フィラメントタイプに対して10回の破壊を記録し、そして10のサンプルの平均を各フィラメントタイプに対して記録し、したがって、容易に理解されるように、個々のフィラメントの応力−歪曲線から読んだ値は、表中に平均として計算されおよび列挙された引張特性と必ずしも相関しない。
その繊維断面に対する寸法は次の手順を使用して得られた。“Fiber Microscopy Its Technique and Applications”においてJ.L.Sloves(van Nostrand Co.,Inc.,ニューヨーク 1958年 No.180〜182)により開示された方法に実質的にしたがって、繊維試験片をHardyミクロトーム(Hardy、米国農務省circa378、1933)に載せ、そして薄片に分ける。ついで薄片をSuper FIBERQUANTビデオ顕微鏡システムステージ(Vashaw Scientific Co.,3597 Parkway Lane,Suite 100,Norcross,Georgia 30092)に載置し、そしてそのSuper FIBERQUANT CRTに必要とされる倍率で表示する。ひとつの繊維の個々の薄片のイメージが選択され、そして臨界繊維寸法が測定される。各フィラメントに対してその視野でこのプロセスを繰り返して、統計的に有意なサンプルセットを作成し、ここにその平均を示す。
相対粘度(LRV)は、(100ppmの98%試薬用硫酸を含有したヘキサフルオロ−イソプロパノール)HFIP溶媒に溶解したポリマーの粘度である。粘度測定機器は、数多くの商業ベンダー(Design Scientific、Cannon、その他)から入手可能な毛管粘度計である。センチストークの相対粘度は、25℃での純粋なHFIP溶媒の粘度と比較して、HFIP溶媒中のポリマーの4.75wt.%溶液において25℃で測定される。LRVを測定するために使用されたH2SO4は、架橋を、特に、テトラエチルオルトシリケート枝分かれの場合にはケイ素を壊す。
吸上、乾燥、および透湿の速度を測定するための性能特性を次のとおりに製造したファブリックで測定した。カット長1.5インチ(38mm)のステープルファイバーは、示された22/1ccのように30/1ccの糸になり、そしてそのような糸は48−フィードシングルジャージー、22−カット機で編まれる。そのメリヤス生地は10分間にわたって華氏160度(71℃)で、30グラムのMerpol HCSと30グラムのピロリン酸四ナトリウムを含有する水溶液でこすって洗われ、室温で5分間すすがれ、20分間にわたって華氏220度(104℃)で15psi(1Kg/cm2)で3% OWF SevronBlue GBR 200%、4% OWF担体(Intercarrier 9P)、5%OWF硫酸ナトリウム、および25ml酢酸を含む69−ガロン(260リットル)のKlauder、Weldon、Giles Model 25 PWベック染色機において染色され、透明になるまですすがれ、家庭用洗濯室タイプの乾燥機(Kenmore)において10分間にわたって華氏約150度(65℃)で乾燥され、そして(永久プレスセットまで加熱された)乾式アイロンでプレスされる。結果としての染色され、そして仕上げられたファブリックを、次のとおり、審美性、「手触り」、およびカバーに対して、および性能特性に対して評価した。
透湿性は、材料の両側で湿度が相違するときに生じるその材料を通って空気中に分散した水(湿分)の流れである。試験片は水を覆うカップに載置され、そしてそのアセンブリ全体は24時間の前後で制御された雰囲気中で重量測定される。重量の増加または損失は、試験片の単位面積あたりの重量変化(g/24時/平方メートル)として計算される。使用された方法は、材料の透湿性のASTM E−96標準試験方法と同一である。但し、50%の相対湿度の代わりに55%の相対湿度が使用される。浸水法だけ(乾燥法ではなく)が使用された。

Figure 0004252213
1)相当ファブリック欠陥(Equivalent Fabric Defe
2)濃い染色欠陥(Dark Dye Defects(DDD))
この最初の2つの欠陥(EFDおよびDDD)は、通常の繊維より濃く染まる繊維および繊維の塊である。DDDは、通常の(延伸された)繊維直径の4倍未満の直径を有する。EFDは通常の繊維直径の4倍以上の直径を有する。両方の欠陥とも0.25インチ(6.35mm)より長くなければならない。サンプルはローラートップタイプのカード機で加工される。そのスライバは明るい青色で染色され、そしてライトをつけた拡大鏡の下で目視的に観察される。サンプルのバルクより濃く染まる繊維は取り除かれ、EFDまたはDDDとして分類され、そして数えられる。欠陥の各タイプは、0.1ポンド(0.045Kg)スライバあたりの欠陥の数として報告される。砕片は大きすぎる繊維または繊維の塊である。砕片として分類されるには、この欠陥も0.25インチ(6.35mm)より長くなければならないが、その合計直径は0.0025インチ(0.0635mm)より大きくなければならない。砕片は、ステープルサンプルがフラットカードで加工されるときに、フラットストリップ糸屑(flat strip waste)に集まる。そのフラットストリップ糸屑は、黒色の背景に対して目視的に観察される。砕片は取り除かれ、大きさ毎に分類され、数えられ、そしてサンプルの重量に基づいて表される。さらなる詳細は米国特許第5,591,523号に提供される。
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【図1】 本発明による繊維の混合物の断面を示すための拡大写真であり、本明細書中でさらに詳細に説明される。
【図2】 単一フィラメントの応力−歪曲線であり、以下の実施例Iにおいてさらに具体的に記載される。
【図3】 本発明による混合物のファブリックに対する水分送り(吸上速度)および染色速度における改良を、単一のデニールの繊維の糸のファブリックと対比して示すためのデータを提供し、以下の実施例においてさらに具体的に説明される。
【図4】 本発明による混合物のファブリックに対する水分送り(吸上速度)および染色速度における改良を、単一のデニールの繊維の糸のファブリックと対比して示すためのデータを提供し、以下の実施例においてさらに具体的に説明される。
【図5】 単一フィラメントの応力−歪曲線であり、以下の実施例IIIにおいてさらに具体的に記載される。
【図6】 本発明による混合物のファブリックに対する水分送り(吸上速度)および染色速度における改良を、単一のデニールの繊維の糸のファブリックと対比して示すためのデータを提供し、以下の実施例においてさらに具体的に説明される。[0001]
(Technical field)
The present invention relates to a denier per filament of polyester fiber that is a cationic dyeable copolyester composition having an elliptical cross section decorated with scallops and the ability to be simultaneously stretched modified with chain branching. It relates to the improvement of comfort by mixing, as well as to such stretching methods and the products obtained therefrom.
(Background of the Invention)
Polyesters are produced commercially on a large scale, primarily from poly (ethylene terephthalate), for processing into shaped articles such as fibers. Synthetic polyester yarns are known and have been used commercially for decades. It is H. First proposed by Carothers in US Pat. No. 2,071,251, then in US Pat. No. 2,465,319, Winfield and Dickson are the most widely manufactured and ever used synthetic fibers Poly (ethylene terephthalate) was proposed which is a polymer and is often referred to as homopolymer PET. Homopolymer PET is generally preferred over copolymers because it is less costly than copolymers and because its properties are completely suitable or more preferred for most end uses. However, homopolymer PET, for example, requires special dyeing conditions (high temperatures that require overpressure) that are not required for nylon fibers, so copolyesters have been proposed and for some purposes It is known to be used commercially, for example by Griffing and Remington in US Pat. No. 3,018,272, and by Hansen et al. In US Pat. No. 5,171,309 (DP-6335) and It is a copolyester capable of cationic dyeing as disclosed in US Pat. No. 5,250,245 (DP-6335-B).
Polyester fibers are either (1) continuous filaments or (2) discontinuous fibers, the latter often being referred to as staple fibers or cut fibers, where the continuous polyester filaments are first extruded. Produced by forming, and the filaments are processed in the form of tows of continuous polyester filaments before being converted into staples. An important step in the processing of continuous polyester filaments is “stretching” to enhance the orientation of the long chain polyester molecules, thereby improving the properties of the filament.
Primarily, the challenge for synthetic fiber manufacturers is to replicate the advantageous properties of natural fibers, the most common natural fibers being cotton and wool fibers. Most polyester cut fibers are circular cross-section homopolyester PET, which is blended with cotton. Homopolymer PET is hydrophobic, whereas cotton absorbs moisture, and cotton fabrics have been preferred by many people over synthetic polymer fabrics. That's because they were convinced that many cotton fabrics were more comfortable than most fabrics of most synthetic polymer fibers that were primarily circular in cross-section as described above. Circular cross-section filaments are the easiest and most economical synthetic filaments to spin and dye, which are more expensive to manufacture and more expensive to dye due to the increased surface area This is the reason why practically all synthetic filaments have a circular cross section except for special filaments.
Over the years, a generally scalloped oval cross-section homopolymer PET fiber with grooves extending along the length of the fiber has been commercially available from EI du Pont de Nemours and Company and (non-circular) The enhanced comfort properties provided by this polyester fiber having a cross-section provides significant advantages over both cotton and circular cross-section homopolymer PET fibers. Their longitudinal grooves provide the advantage of increased moisture-wicking over circular cross-section fibers, and the fact that moisture is wicked along the fibers instead of being absorbed is in contrast to cotton It is an advantage. However, further advantages are desired and can be obtained with the present invention.
Recently filed on June 12, 1996 and now permitted, US Pat. Nos. 5,591,523 (DP-6255) and 5,626,961 (DP-6365-A) Co-pending application No. 08 / 662,804 (DP-6400) and corresponding international publication numbers WO 97/02372, WO 97/02373, and WO 97/02374, respectively, are converted to sliver in a Worsted or Spinning system, And finally, an invention is disclosed relating to polyester tows suitable for downstream processes in such systems for fabrics and clothing. These disclosures are hereby incorporated by reference herein. The present invention is described in the course of its work and with particular reference to its value in drawing polyester filaments in the tow. The tow disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,591,523 consists essentially of and identified an oval cross-section polyester filament decorated with scallops having grooves extending along the length of the filament. A mixture of higher denier per filament and lower denier filament per filament and was suitable for processing in a Worsted or Spinning system. In addition to tows that are suitable for processing in worsted or woolen systems, it would be desirable to provide polyester fibers for processing in cotton spinning systems that would be processed completely differently.
Cotton spinning system processing is performed on cut staple polyester fibers and, of course, cotton, which is a natural fiber of a length similar to that of polyester staple cut fibers. Contrary to processing in woolen or worsted systems, staple fibers are usually sold and packaged in compressed bales. The bail is opened and the fiber on the pneumatic or mechanical system is carried to the card machine. The card machine subdivides the fiber tufts into a parallel web of fibers that are formed into a continuous sliver upon leaving the card machine. The sliver may then be blended with other fibers, such as cotton, in a stretched frame and improves the blend and uniformity along the end through one or more additional stretched frames. The sliver is then spun into yarn in a spinning system such as an open end spinning machine, an air jet spinning machine, or a ring spinning machine. In some cases, the sliver from the stretched frame is further spun into a yarn in a ring spinning machine prior to forming the fabric to produce a yarn of the appropriate size (yarn count) and twist degree. To reduce sliver weight, it can be changed to roving yarn.
For example, as disclosed in US Pat. No. 5,591,523 (DP-6255), the denier (dpf) per filament (differentially oval cross section decorated with scallops) is different. Filaments are desirable and unexpectedly shown in Example 1 of that patent, unstretched (modified with tetraethylorthosilicate) homopoly (ethylene terephthalate) filaments can be spun and are significantly different Denier unstretched filaments are spun on the same spinning machine without adjusting the intrinsic stretch ratio, and then a homogeneous mixture of these spun filaments is stretched simultaneously in the same tow at the same stretch ratio, depending on their different dpf It was possible to provide filaments with excellent properties (column 6, columns 15-2). Line). The present invention further elaborates this surprising finding and extends it to simultaneous drawing of bundles of mixed filaments not specified in that patent.
(Summary of Invention)
In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a mixture of generally scalloped copolyester fibers having an elliptical cross-section with grooves extending along the length of the fibers, the copolyesters having from about 1 to about 2. Branched, having a chain branching of from about 0.05 to about 0.8 mol%, and capable of cationic dyeing due to the presence of 5 mol% of an alkali metal salt of 5-sulfoisophthalic acid; and The mixture is a mixture of fibers having a higher denier per filament and a fiber having a lower denier per filament, and the higher denier per filament is at least 1. of the lower denier per filament. Such mole percentages are salt units, or chains, that are cationically dyeable at the molecular weight of the polymer repeat unit. Be routinely calculated by multiplying 100 by dividing the molecular weight of units each divided, for example, repeating units to 2G-T is ethylene terephthalate. Such a mixture of fibers may be in the form of a mixture of staples (cut) fibers in various forms including yarns and fabrics and garments as well as the yarns themselves, and polyester fibers may be, for example, polyamides (various May be present in any such form in a mixture with other synthetic polymer fibers including nylon and other synthetic polymer fibers and / or natural fibers such as cotton. Is understood.
The terms “filament” and “fiber” are used herein generically and are not generally intended to be mutually exclusive, but these general terms are “continuous filaments” And sometimes modified like terms like "staple fiber".
According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of drawing a mixture of generally scalloped copolyester fibers having a groove extending along the length of the fiber, the copolyester comprising: Branched that is cationically dyeable due to the presence of about 1 to about 2.5 mole percent of an alkali metal salt of 5-sulfoisophthalic acid and has about 0.05 to about 0.8 mole percent chain branching And the mixture is a mixture of fibers having a higher denier per filament and a fiber having a lower denier per filament, and the higher denier per filament is the lower per filament Is at least 1.2 times the denier.
Preferably, the higher denier is at least 1.5 times the lower denier.
As explained in the context of the stress-strain curve in this example, no neck stretching has been found contrary to experience when stretching filaments of homopolymer 2G-T.
(Detailed explanation)
It is redundant to repeat what is already disclosed in the art. As indicated, the preparation of polyester polymers and the spinning of filaments from the polymers are generally disclosed in the art. Polyester filament drawing is also described by Marshall and Thompson, Nature, Vol. 171 (January 3, 1953), pp. 38-39, “Drawing Synthetic Fibers"J. Applied Chem., 4 (April 1954), pp. 145-153,"The Drawing of Terylene"And Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Vol. A221, pp. 541-557,"The Cold Drawing of High Polymers"It is disclosed in many documents dating back to the documents in the middle.
A generally scalloped oval cross-section polyester fiber mixture having grooves extending along the length of the fiber has already been disclosed and identified in U.S. Pat. No. 5,591,523. Such a mixture is of higher denier and lower denier. The copolyester fiber according to the present invention should be a mixture of fibers having a higher denier per filament and a fiber having a lower denier per filament, the higher denier per filament being at least one of the lower denier per filament. Should be doubled; the denier per filament is often referred to hereinafter as dpf. As described below, the mixture of deniers according to the present invention (sometimes referred to hereinafter as double denier) is compared to a single denier fiber yarn fabric of elliptical cross section decorated with similar scallops: Provides improved comfort in the fabric. Although the present invention is not limited to any theory, the inventor believes that due to the greater spacing between adjacent fibers, the inventor's double denier fibers allow for better water wicking and the fibers Are similar cross-sections but not as close together as fibers of the same dpf, which is certain that the fibers of the present invention are not all the same dpf. The improvements are specifically described in the following examples in which the size of the higher and lower dpf fibers was changed, and the ratio of the higher dpf: lower dpf was changed. Preferably, however, the ratio of higher dpf: lower dpf should not be too great and in particular should not exceed about 5: 1. With respect to the amount of higher and lower dpf fibers, these may be calculated based on the relative number or relative weight of the fibers. As can be seen in Example 2 below, the ratio of light filaments: heavy filaments ratio of 2: 1 (dpf ratio is 1: 2) is WVT (Water Vapor Transmission) and% moisture in the fabric. The light filament: heavy filament number ratio provides a significant improvement over approximately 4: 1 and higher, so a small number ratio is generally preferred, preferably about 3: 1 or less. On the other hand, it is recognized that other considerations such as the dpf ratio also affect the results including yarn twist and fabric structure. However, Example 2A provided a significant improvement over the single dpf comparative example in MVT and moisture percentage after 2 hours, even with a light filament: heavy filament number ratio of 10.5 to 1. It is shown that. The examples show so-called “nominal denier” for convenience. This is because many people do not think in terms of yarns, tows, or other fiber bundles with a mixture of denier, and “nominal denier” refers to the total denier of a fiber bundle as the tow, yarn, or book of filaments. Divided by the total number of fibers relative to other bundles of fibers referred to in the specification. In recent years, textile operators have shown increasing interest in lower dpf obtained from natural fibers such as cotton, and in particular include interest in sub-denier fibers. While textile operators generally prefer textile fibers dpf of less than about 3 dpf (3.3 dtex), the present invention is applicable to mixtures of copolyester fibers of any dpf.
With regard to the cross section of the fiber, any oval cross section generally decorated with scallops is applicable. U.S. Pat. No. 5,591,523 primarily describes such a cross-section with four grooves extending along the length of the fiber, which is described by Gorrafa in U.S. Pat. No. 3,914, U.S. Pat. Disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,707,467 and 4,634,625, more than 20 years ago in 488 and by others including Franklin and approximately 10 years later by Clark et al. . Oval cross-section fibers decorated with scallops having 6 and 8 grooves are described in US Pat. No. 5,626,961, and application number 08/778, filed Jan. 3, 1997 and now allowed. 462, (Aneja DP-6365-A and Loop DP-6550), respectively, and elliptical fiber cross-sections decorated with such scallops are also considered suitable by the present invention. In accordance with the present invention, it is anticipated and contemplated that cross-sectional mixtures, particularly oval cross-section mixtures decorated with scallops having varying numbers of grooves, also provide increased comfort. The aspect ratio of the scalloped oval fiber cross section should generally be at least 1.3: 1 to provide a sufficient difference from the circular fiber. As the aspect ratio increases, the benefit of an elliptical cross section decorated with scallops decreases, so an aspect ratio up to about 3: 1 is generally preferred, which depends on other factors such as the number of grooves It is understood that there is also. Similarly, a generally scalloped oval cross-section (eg, not a peanut-type cross-section) where the groove is not located on the oval minor axis is generally preferred for some purposes. The ratio of grooves herein is the minimum thickness of the filament cross section (ie, at the bottom of the groove on the opposite side of the cross section) divided by the maximum thickness of the cross section (ie, at the bulge next to the cross section). For example, as described in US Pat. No. 5,626,961 referenced above.1/ B1And d2/ B2It is.
US Pat. Nos. 5,591,523 (Aneja DP-6255) and 5,626,961 (Aneja DP-6365-A), all previously referenced, co-pending application No. 08 / 662,804. (Aneja DP-6400) and 08 / 778,462 (Roop DP-6550), and International Publication Nos. WO 97/02372, 97/02373, and 97/02374, and The only polyester fiber exemplified was that of homopolymer PET modified with chain branching. For such modified homopolymer PET, the fiber of the present invention is a copolyester composition capable of cationic dyeing in the presence of about 1 to about 2.5 mole percent of an alkali metal salt of 5-sulfoisophthalic acid. Is. Cationic dyeable copolyesters are described in the art, for example, US Pat. No. 3,018,272 by Griffing and Remington, and US Pat. No. 5,171,309 (DP-6335) by Hansen et al. No. 5,250,245 (DP-6355-B). These disclosures are hereby incorporated herein by reference. Such cationic dyeable copolyester compositions for fibers according to the present invention are modified with about 0.05 to about 0.8 mole percent chain branching to simultaneously draw filament mixtures of different dpf according to the present invention. And if desired, the ability to spin different dpf through different capillary orifices in the same spinneret as disclosed in Example V below should be provided. According to the present invention, the amount of chain branching is preferably at least about 0.2 and preferably up to about 0.3 mole percent. Use of chain branching (ie, polyfunctional polyester-forming intermediates, such as glycols and dibasic acids, both of which are bifunctional, having more than two essential functional groups required for polymerization) US Pat. Nos. 4,092,299 and 4,113,704 to MacLean et al., US Pat. No. 3,335,211 to Mead et al., International Publication No. WO 92 / 13,120 to Oxford et al. Duncan US SIR H1275, DuPont (Broaddus et al.) European Patent Publication EPA 2 294,912, Reese US Pat. Nos. 4,833,032, 4,966,740, and 5,034 174, Goodley et al. US Pat. No. 4,945,151, and Varginay US Pat. No. 3,5 Referenced in the specification, such as No. 6,773 and is disclosed in the prior art such as the prior art cited. Some of these documents used different terminology, such as viscosity-increasing agents, to add material to enhance spinning performance, or for other reasons. Much of this prior art relates to high speed spinning of continuous filament yarns as feed yarns for draw-texturing, so that these continuous filaments have been drawn in tow form for conversion to cut fibers so far. Spin-oriented, rather than amorphous, and cut fibers, as generally preferred, are particularly interesting and preferred according to the present invention. A low shrinkage of about 0.5 to about 3% for a mixture of filaments according to the present invention was spun-oriented for use as a high-speed spun yarn, often referred to as POY, as a draw yarn. We distinguish our drawn filaments from the higher shrinkage filaments produced by making the filaments. The shrinkage is the boil-off shrinkage referenced in the bottom row of column 6 of Knox US Pat. No. 4,156,071, and can also be measured by the method described there by Knox. As shown, US Pat. No. 5,591,523 and International Publication No. WO 97/02372 show in Example I a mixed tow of homopoly (ethylene terephthalate) filaments (modified with tetraethylorthosilicate) of mixed dpf. It has already been disclosed that drawing has already been disclosed, and what is surprising is that this is satisfactory and that it has been possible to provide drawn filaments without dark dyeing defects.
(Test procedure)
Most of the test procedures used are well known and / or described in the art. To avoid any doubt, a description of the procedure used is given in the next paragraph.
unitMeasurements were made using conventional US textile fiber units containing denier in metric units. The Dtex and CPcm equivalent values of the DPF and CPI measurements are shown in parentheses after the actual measurements in order to be consistent with other practices accepted by years of practice. However, for tensile measurements (MOD for initial modulus, and TEN for tenacity), the actual measurement expressed in gpd is converted to g / dtex, and these latter are shown in the table, The stress-strain curve of shows the initial metric tensile test value on the Y-axis.
Instron  An average stress-strain curve was obtained as the average of 10 individual filaments of each type taken from the tow bundle as follows. Ten samples of each type of filament were separated from the tow bundle using a magnifying glass (LUXO Illuminated Magnifier). The denier (DPF) per filament of each sample filament was measured with a vibrometer (HP Model 201C Audio Oscillator). Sample filaments were placed on an Instron (Model 1122 or 1123) one at a time and their stress-strain behavior was measured. Ten failures were recorded for each filament type, and an average of 10 samples was recorded for each filament type, and thus read from the stress-strain curve of the individual filaments as will be readily understood. The values are not necessarily correlated with the tensile properties calculated and listed as averages in the table.
The dimensions for the fiber cross section were obtained using the following procedure. In "Fiber Microscopy It's Technique and Applications" L. Substantially in accordance with the method disclosed by Sloves (van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York 1958 No. 180-182), the fiber specimens were placed on a Hardy microtome (Hardy, USDA circa 378, 1933), and Divide into slices. The flakes are then placed on the Super FIBERQUANT video microscope system stage (Vashaw Scientific Co., 3597 Parkway Lane, Suite 100, Norcross, Georgia 30092) and on the Super FIBER QUANT display as required. Images of individual flakes of a single fiber are selected and the critical fiber dimensions are measured. This process is repeated for each filament in its field of view to create a statistically significant sample set, the average of which is shown here.
The aspect ratio and groove ratio were calculated as described in an application filed by Anderson et al. (DP-6585-A) on December 17, 1997.
Relative viscosity (LRV)Is the viscosity of the polymer dissolved in HFIP solvent (hexafluoro-isopropanol containing 100 ppm 98% reagent grade sulfuric acid). The viscosity measuring instrument is a capillary viscometer available from a number of commercial vendors (Design Scientific, Cannon, et al.). The relative viscosity of centistokes is 4.75 wt.% Of the polymer in HFIP solvent compared to the viscosity of pure HFIP solvent at 25 ° C. Measured at 25 ° C. in% solution. H used to measure LRV2SOFourBreaks the bridge, especially in the case of tetraethylorthosilicate branching.
Non-acid relative viscosity (NRV)Is the viscosity of the polymer similarly dissolved, measured, and compared in a solvent that is a hexafluoro-isopropanol solvent but does not contain sulfuric acid. Since the acid is not present, the bridge remains intact when NRV is measured.
Delta RV (ΔRV)Is the expression used herein to identify the difference between NRV and LRV measured as described above, and the amount of crosslinks broken by acid when measuring LRV. To express.
Performance characteristics for measuring wicking, drying, and moisture transmission rates were measured on fabrics made as follows. A staple fiber with a cut length of 1.5 inches (38 mm) results in a 30/1 cc yarn, such as the 22/1 cc shown, and such yarn is knitted on a 48-feed single jersey, 22-cut machine. It is. The knitted fabric is 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 ° C.) for 10 minutes, rubbed with an aqueous solution containing 30 grams of Merpol HCS and 30 grams of tetrasodium pyrophosphate, rinsed at room temperature for 5 minutes, and over 20 minutes 15 psi (1 Kg / cm) at 220 degrees (104 ° C)2) In a 69-gallon (260 liter) Klauder, Weldon, Giles Model 25 PW Beck dyeing machine containing 3% OWF SevronBlue GBR 200%, 4% OWF carrier (Intercarrier 9P), 5% OWF sodium sulfate, and 25 ml acetic acid Rinse until dyed and clear, dry at about 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 ° C) for 10 minutes in a home laundry room type dryer (Kenmore), and with a dry iron (heated to permanent press set) Pressed. The resulting dyed and finished fabric was evaluated for aesthetics, “feel”, and cover and for performance characteristics as follows.
Moisture feed (wicking speed)Is the ability of the material to move water by capillary action. A vertically suspended knitted fabric specimen is immersed in water to a given depth. At the specified time interval, the distance the water has traveled up the specimen is measured and reported. Four 1 inch x 7 inch (2.5 cm x 18 cm) specimens with the longer dimension from the sample parallel to the wale or machine direction are 70 ± 2 degrees Fahrenheit (21 ° C) and 65 ± 2%. Adjust for at least 16 hours at relative humidity. One longitudinal end of each specimen is held in a vertical position on the support rack, so the other (free) end is placed in a container where it is distilled 1.8 inches (4.6 cm) and removed. Soak at 70 ± 2 degrees Fahrenheit (21 ° C.) to the depth of the salted water while simultaneously starting the stopwatch. The height at which the water rises above the level of water in the container is measured at 0, 5, 10, and 30 minute intervals to the nearest 0.1 inch (0.3 cm). For each sample, the average height (expressed in inches) of all specimen time intervals (expressed in minutes) is reported.
Drying speedIs the performance of the material to evaporate the water. Fabric specimens are saturated in water and weighed at specified time intervals while drying. Water loss is measured and reported over time. Three specimens measuring 4 inches × 6 inches (10 cm × 15 cm) are conditioned for a minimum of 24 hours at 70 ± 2 degrees Fahrenheit (21 ° C.) and 65 ± 2% relative humidity. The sample is weighed and recorded as the dry weight. The specimens are placed in water for 10 minutes in a 250 ml beaker filled with normal tap water with frequent agitation to remove air bubbles. The specimen is removed from the beaker and excess water is removed by blotting between a hand squeeze and a paper towel, making the wet weight equal to twice the dry weight. The specimen is then suspended while the stopwatch is started. Their weight is recorded over 120 minutes at 20 minute intervals. The moisture percentage is calculated as follows:
Moisture (%) = [(wet weight−dry weight) / dry weight] × 100
The average moisture (%) for all time intervals (expressed in minutes) of the specimen for each sample is reported. Thus, “drying rate” is reported in terms of its% moisture retained, with lower% moisture indicating faster drying rates, with faster drying rates being generally preferred.
Moisture permeabilityIs the flow of water (moisture) dispersed in the air through the material when the humidity is different on both sides of the material. The specimen is placed in a water-covered cup and the entire assembly is weighed in a controlled atmosphere around 24 hours. The increase or loss in weight is calculated as the change in weight per unit area of the specimen (g / 24 hours / square meter). The method used is identical to the ASTM E-96 standard test method for moisture permeability of materials. However, 55% relative humidity is used instead of 50% relative humidity. Only the immersion method (not the drying method) was used.
Crimp degreeWas measured as the number of crimps per inch (CPI) after tow crimp. The crimp is represented by many peaks and valleys in the fiber. Ten filaments were randomly removed from the tow bundle and placed loose in the fiber length measuring device clamp (one at a time). Operate the clamp manually and leave it in the clamp and move it close together first enough to prevent fiber stretching. One end of the fiber is placed on the left clamp of the measuring device and the other end is placed on the right clamp. Rotate the left clamp to remove any twist in the fiber. Move the right clamp support slowly and gently to the right (stretching the fiber) until all of the slack has been removed from the fiber without removing any crimp. Using a magnifying glass with lights, count the number of peaks on the front and back sides of the fiber. The right clamp support is then moved slowly and gently to the right until all crimps have just disappeared. Be careful not to stretch the fiber. Record this length of fiber. The degree of crimp for each filament is calculated as follows:
Figure 0004252213
The average of 10 measurements of all 10 fibers is recorded against CPI (crimp per inch) and the metric equivalent value is CPcm.
CTU (crimped winding)The measurement of the length of the tow stretched to remove the crimp, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,219,582 to Anderson et al. Divided by (ie, crimped) and expressed as a percentage.
Product defectsAre classified into three categories herein:
1) Equivalent Fabric Defect (Equivalent Fabric Defect)
cts (EFD))
2) Dark Dye Defects (DDD)
3) Debris (SPL)
The first two defects (EFD and DDD) are fibers and fiber clumps that are darker than normal fibers. DDD has a diameter of less than 4 times the normal (drawn) fiber diameter. EFD has a diameter that is at least four times the normal fiber diameter. Both defects must be longer than 0.25 inches (6.35 mm). Samples are processed with a roller-top type card machine. The sliver is stained bright blue and is visually observed under a lighted magnifier. Fibers that are darker than the bulk of the sample are removed, classified as EFD or DDD, and counted. Each type of defect is reported as the number of defects per 0.1 pound (0.045 Kg) sliver. Fragments are too large fibers or fiber clumps. To be classified as debris, this defect must also be longer than 0.25 inches (6.35 mm), but its total diameter must be greater than 0.0025 inches (0.0635 mm). The debris collects in flat strip waste as the staple sample is processed with a flat card. The flat strip lint is visually observed against a black background. Debris is removed, sorted by size, counted, and expressed based on the weight of the sample. Further details are provided in US Pat. No. 5,591,523.
The invention is further illustrated in the following examples; all parts, percentages, and proportions are based on weight unless otherwise indicated, and weight-based polymer blends are calculated with respect to the weight of the polymer.
Example 1
The higher denier (heavy) filaments of the copolyester are copolymerized with 2.08 mole percent sodium dimethyl 5-sulfoisophthalate and 0.20 weight percent tetraethylorthosilicate, and 0.3 weight percent titanium dioxide. And was produced from ethylene terephthalate having a relative viscosity of 10.5 LRV and 12.9 NRV, and thus 2.4 ΔRV. Approximately 4.6 dpf (5.1 dtex) filaments were melt spun from this copolyester at 274 ° C. at a rate of 41.6 pounds per hour (18.9 Kg) and wound on bobbins. The shape of the capillary orifice is described in Application No. 08 / 662,804 (DP-6400) filed June 12, 1996 by Aneja and joined together as shown in FIG. Oval cross-section filaments were produced that were three rhombuses and decorated with 4-grooved scallops similar to the filaments described therein. The filament is spun from a spinneret containing 450 such capillaries at a draw speed of 1500 yards / minute (about 1370 meters / minute) and as described by Anderson et al. In US Pat. No. 5,219,582. Quenched to provide a bundle of 450 filaments of total denier 2070 (2300 dtex).
An elliptical cross-section filament of the same copolyester and also decorated with 4-grooved scallops, but with a lower denier (light) filament of approximately 2.6 dpf (2.9 dtex) as well Melt spun. However, it was extruded at a rate of 79.3 pounds / hour (36 Kg / hour) and spun from a spinneret containing 1506 capillaries to provide about 3,910 (4350 dtex) total bobbin denier of 1506 filaments.
The as-spun properties for both types of filaments are shown in Table 1A and the stress / strain curve is shown in FIG. The dotted line is for light filaments and the continuous line is for heavy filaments.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004252213
20 bobbins of the lower denier filament to make the nominal blend ratio 60% light fiber / 40% heavier fiber based on the filament denier and 75% light fiber / 25% heavier fiber based on the number of filaments (78,312 denier (87,013 dtex), lighter filament number 30,120) and higher denier filament 22 bobbins (45,540 denier (50,600 dtex), heavy filament number 9900) In combination to form a mixed dpf tow for simultaneous stretching. The tow was stretched in a spray stretch of water at 85 ° C. at a stretch ratio of 2.7 ×. The tow is then passed through a stuffer box crimper and subsequently loosened at 123 ° C. to obtain an approximately 50,000 denier (55,555 dtex) tow of a homogeneous blend with a nominal denier of about 1.4 dpf (1.6 dtex). However, it contains three times as many light fibers as heavy fibers and is 60/40 lighter (approximately 1 dpf and 1.1 dtex) filaments and approximately 40% heavier (approximately 2 dpf and 2.2 dtex) based on weight. Filament, finish level was 0.20% OWF, and the product was probed for product defects. The drawn fiber properties are shown in Table IB.
[Table 2]
Figure 0004252213
It is clear that the product quality defect levels are all zero defects, and therefore the product quality was not adversely affected by drawing simultaneously a mixture of different denier as-spun copolyester fibers. Furthermore, the throughput of the drawing machine was not reduced by broken filaments or entrainment.
Cutting the tow into 1.5 inch (38 mm) staple lengths and turning mixed denier staples into yarn (30/1 cc) and knitting the fabric as described, dyeing and finishing the fabric, Its comfort / performance and other characteristics were evaluated and compared to a similar fabric obtained from the product of Comparative Example A described below.
Comparative Example A
In contrast, by extruding a filament of similar cross-section and approximately 3.2 dpf (3.6 dtex) from a 14-position spinning machine at a rate of 92.4 pounds / hour (41.9 Kg / hour), From the same copolyester, melt melt spun in a similar manner substantially as described for the heavy denier filament of Example 1 to obtain a total denier of approximately 67,500 (75,000 dtex) tow. Obtained.
A filament where the tow is stretched, crimped, and relaxed substantially as in Example 1 except that the stretch ratio was 2.6 ×, and all are 1.4 dpf (1.6 dtex) as well. An elongated tow of approximately 29,500 denier (32,800 dtex) was obtained. The properties of both as-spun and drawn filaments are shown in Table IC.
[Table 3]
Figure 0004252213
Single denier filament tows were also cut into staples, knitted, knitted into knitted fabric, and knitted fabric dyed and finished.
Both fabrics had the following nominal properties: Weight about 5.53 ounces / square yard (187 g / m2) And wal per inch × cost about 29 × 35 (about 11 × 14 / cm).
The moisture feed (wicking speed) characteristics were measured on the fabric and compared in FIG. In FIG. 3, the values for the double denier fiber fabric of Example 1 are plotted as squares, compared to the values for single denier fibers plotted as diamonds, Comparative Example A, and the height is expressed in minutes. Plotted against time). FIG. 3 shows the benefits of the fabric from Example 1 in improved comfort as reflected by its higher moisture delivery values. That is, in contrast to the single denier filament product fabric of Comparative Example A, the mixed denier product fabric of the present invention exhibited very good moisture feed values.
The fabric drying rate was measured and compared on a similar basis in FIG. FIG. 4 shows the fabric from Example 1 as reflected by the increased drying rate for the mixed denier product fabric of the present invention as compared to the fabric of the single denier filament product of Comparative Example A. Check the excellent comfort provided.
Moisture permeability of the fabric of Comparative Example A (1583 grams / 24 hours / m2In contrast, the fabric from Example 1 also has excellent moisture permeability (3630 grams / 24 hours / m2)showed that.
Example 2
Table II summarizes moisture permeability (WVT) values and% moisture values for fibers prepared substantially as described for Example 1 (same polymer composition and denier). However, the number ratio (light filament / heavy filament) was varied by adjusting the number of bobbins of the higher or lower dpf filament used in the drawn creel. Thus, for 2: 1 light: heavy (item D), the number of 1 dpf fibers (light) was twice that of 2 dpf fibers (heavy).
[Table 4]
Figure 0004252213
All fabrics of double denier fibers showed improvements in these measurements over the single denier comparative example, with item D showing the greatest improvement.
Example 3
Other than the following, different denier filaments were spun simultaneously from different positions on the same spinning machine as described in Example 1. A copolyester with 2.0 mol% sodium dimethyl 5-sulfoisophthalate was prepared and the copolyester had a relative viscosity of 10.2 LRV and 12.4 NRV (2.2ΔRV). It was melt spun at 272 ° C. Extruding it from a total of 15 positions at a rate of 80 pounds per hour. Nine positions (5 positions on one side of the machine and 4 positions on the other) were spun through the lower denier filament (through 1506 capillaries per position). Six positions (three positions on each side) spun higher denier filaments through 711 capillaries at each position. All filaments were spun at a draw speed of 1600 yards / min and collected in cans as a tow, which is a mixture of total denier approximately 56,068 (62,300) light and heavy denier filaments. The properties of the as-spun filament are shown in Table IIIA, while the stress-strain curve is shown in FIG. 5 as in FIG.
[Table 5]
Figure 0004252213
Twenty-six cans of spun feed are mixed together to a total denier of 463,320 filaments totaling approximately 1.5 million (1.7 million dtex), and stretched and crimped substantially as in Example 1. Loosely approximately 650,000 containing light and heavy denier filaments with a nominal effective denier of 1.4 (1.6 dtex) and a finish level on the fiber of 0.25 wt% A final tow size of denier (720,000 dtex) was obtained. The stretch properties are shown in Table IIIB.
[Table 6]
Figure 0004252213
Scrutinize the product against EFD, DDD, and SPL product quality defect levels, all register zero defects, and therefore simultaneously stretch a mixture of as-spun copolyester fibers of different denier product quality Obviously, it was not adversely affected. Furthermore, the throughput of the drawing machine was not reduced by broken filaments or entrainment.
The tow is also cut into staple fibers into 22 / cc yarn, the yarn is knitted into a fabric, the fabric is dyed and finished, otherwise the same as in Example 1, its comfort / performance and other Fabric characteristics were evaluated as described. A surprising feature is the improved performance characteristics of the moisture permeability and drying rate of fabrics obtained from denier fibers mixed against fabrics made from substantially single denier that will be relevant here Met.
Comparative Example B
In contrast, a filament of similar cross section, and approximately 3.4 dpf (3.8 dtex), is 92.4 lb / s from a spinner with a 13-position spinner and each position with a spinneret containing 1506 capillaries. 0.15 wt% tetraethylorthosilicate is used to produce a polymer with relative viscosities of 10.3 LRV and 12.9 NRV and thus 2.6ΔRV by extruding at a rate of 4 hours (41.9 Kg / hr) It was made from a similar copolyester with a draw speed of 1500 yards / minute except that The total denier of tow using 28 cans per creel was approximately 1.9 million (2.1 million dtex). A filament that is drawn at a draw ratio of 2.5x, otherwise the tow is drawn, crimped, and loosened substantially as in Example 1 to 1.4 dpf (1.6 dtex) Of approximately 767,000 denier (852,000 dtex) of stretched tow. The properties of the spun and drawn filaments are shown in Table IIIC.
[Table 7]
Figure 0004252213
As substantially described, the drawn tows from each of Example III and Comparative Example B are cut into staples and made into 22/1 cc yarn, the yarn is knitted into the fabric, and the fabric is dyed And finished. Both fabrics had the following nominal properties: Weight approximately 6.60 ounces / square yard (324 g / m2) And wal per inch × cost about 26 × 32 (about 10 × 13 / cm). The drying rate characteristics are measured on the fabric and compared in FIG. In FIG. 6, the value for the fabric of the double denier fiber of Example III is medium black as opposed to the value for the single denier fiber, comparative example B, plotted as a diamond (as is the value for Example IV below). The moisture content (expressed in percent) remaining in the fabric was plotted against the time (expressed in minutes). An advantage of the present invention is the superior comfort reflected by the faster drying rate for the mixed denier product fabric of the present invention, which showed a significant improvement over the fabric of Comparative Example B. Single Denier Comparative Example B (1232 grams / 24 hours / m2The fabric obtained from the double denier yarn is also excellent WVT (1797 g / 24 hours / m)2)showed that.
Example IV
In Table IV, data are summarized for fibers spun substantially as described in Example III but differing in number percent and denier. The percentage of light and heavy fibers in the formulation can be adjusted by changing the number of capillaries and positions in the spinning machine to produce heavier or less heavy, or lighter or lighter filaments. Can do. For this 85/15 (light / heavy) formulation, we have an extrusion rate of about 80 pounds / hour / terminal (36 Kg), with a withdrawal speed of 1800 yards / minute (1650 meters / minute), Eleven positions of 1506 capillaries per end for light filaments and 4 positions with 711 capillaries per end for heavy filaments were used. The tow was stretched at a 2.3 × stretch ratio and the others were processed into staple, yarn, and knitted fabrics substantially as described in Example III. The fabric obtained from this double denier yarn is a single denier Comparative Example B (1232 g / 24 hours / m2) Excellent moisture permeability (1464 g / 24 hours / m2), And an excellent drying rate. The excellent drying speed is indicated by the open squares in FIG. 6, which correlates with the excellent comfort reflected by these properties.
[Table 8]
Figure 0004252213
Two different deniers of this copolyester (ethylene terephthalate copolymer made with sodium dimethyl 5-sulfoisophthalate and modified with tetraethylorthosilicate) as shown in the previous examples and comparative examples. It is possible to produce yarns from different fibers, with significantly different denier fibers spun on the same spinning machine and then stretched together (in a single tow) to provide different dpf filaments And that the final fabric (and garment) had superior comfort characteristics that were better than the comfort characteristics of fabrics and garments that were similarly manufactured from filaments that were all the same denier Surprisingly, the present inventors have found.
Example V
The mixed filaments were melt spun from the same copolyester used in Example III at 272 ° C. Such mixed filaments are 50/50 blends of light / heavy filaments, both with a scalloped cross section, and both through different capillaries in the same spinneret, each containing 1000 capillaries, Simultaneously melt spun at a total speed of 23.68 pounds / hour (10.75 Kg) and wound onto a bobbin at 1800 yards / minute (1650 meters / minute). The spinneret has 516 capillaries to produce heavy filaments, each flow area is 0.0003079 square inches (0.1986 square mm), and has 484 capillaries to produce light filaments. Each flow area was 0.0002224 square inches (0.1435 square mm). The smaller capillaries were placed in the inner five rings (out of nine) of the spinneret, while the larger capillaries were placed in the outer four rings. The orifice shape for the capillaries was as used in the previous examples for the remaining spinning conditions. The properties of the obtained spinning filament are shown in Table VA.
[Table 9]
Figure 0004252213
68 bobbins of as-spun mixed filaments were combined to form a denier tow of approximately 126,000 (140,000 dtex). A crimped light denier filament having a 0.20% finish level (on the fiber) is drawn, crimped, and loosened substantially as described in Example IV. And a homogeneous blend of heavy denier filaments. Their properties are shown in Table VB and the nominal denier per filament (ie, the total tow bundle denier divided by the number of filaments) was 1.15 dpf.
[Table 10]
Figure 0004252213
The product is processed and then scrutinized for product defects, EFD, DDD, and SPL, all of them registered as zero defects, and thus the product quality of this copolyester of ethylene terephthalate copolymer containing tetraethyl silicate It is clear that it was not adversely affected by drawing simultaneously a mixture of as-spun filaments of different denier. And it was surprising and contrary to previous experience in attempts to process mixed denier filaments made substantially similarly from homopolymers without chain branching.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is an enlarged photograph showing a cross-section of a mixture of fibers according to the present invention and is described in further detail herein.
FIG. 2 is a single filament stress-strain curve and is more specifically described in Example I below.
FIG. 3 provides data to show the improvement in moisture feed (wicking rate) and dyeing rate for fabrics of the blends according to the present invention compared to a single denier fiber yarn fabric; This will be explained more specifically in the examples.
FIG. 4 provides data to show the improvement in moisture feed (wicking rate) and dyeing rate for fabrics of the blends according to the present invention versus a single denier fiber yarn fabric; This will be explained more specifically in the examples.
FIG. 5 is a single filament stress-strain curve and is more specifically described in Example III below.
FIG. 6 provides data to show the improvement in moisture feed (wicking rate) and dyeing rate for fabrics of the blends according to the present invention versus a single denier fiber yarn fabric, and This will be explained more specifically in the examples.

Claims (2)

繊維の長さに沿って延びている溝を有する概してスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の綿紡システムにおける加工用のコポリエステル繊維の混合物であって、前記コポリエステルは、1から2.5モル%の5−スルホイソフタル酸のアルカリ金属塩の存在のためにカチオン染色可能であり、かつ0.05から0.8モル%の鎖の枝分かれを有する分岐状であり、および、前記混合物は、フィラメントあたり高い方のデニールを有する繊維と、フィラメントあたり低い方のデニールを有する繊維との混合物であり、そして前記フィラメントあたり高い方のデニールは、前記フィラメントあたり低い方のデニールの少なくとも1.2倍であることを特徴とするコポリエステル繊維の混合物。A mixture of copolyester fibers for processing in an oval cross-section cotton spinning system generally scalloped with grooves extending along the length of the fiber, the copolyester comprising 1 to 2.5 moles % Of 5-sulfoisophthalic acid alkali metal salt is cationic dyeable and is branched with 0.05 to 0.8 mol% chain branching, and the mixture is a filament A mixture of fibers having a higher denier per filament and fibers having a lower denier per filament, and the higher denier per filament is at least 1.2 times the lower denier per filament A mixture of copolyester fibers characterized in that. 繊維の長さに沿って延びている溝を有する概してスカラップで飾られた楕円形断面の綿紡システムにおける加工用のコポリエステル繊維の混合物を延伸する方法であって、前記コポリエステルは、1から2.5モル%の5−スルホイソフタル酸のアルカリ金属塩の存在のためにカチオン染色可能であり、かつ0.05から0.8モル%の鎖の枝分かれを有する分岐状であり、および、前記混合物は、フィラメントあたり高い方のデニールを有する繊維と、フィラメントあたり低い方のデニールを有する繊維との混合物であり、そして前記フィラメントあたり高い方のデニールは、前記フィラメントあたり低い方のデニールの少なくとも1.2倍であることを特徴とする延伸方法。A method of drawing a mixture of copolyester fibers for processing in a cotton spinning system having a generally scalloped oval cross-section with grooves extending along the length of the fiber, the copolyester comprising 1 to Branchable with cationic branching due to the presence of 2.5 mol% of alkali metal salt of 5-sulfoisophthalic acid and having a chain branching of 0.05 to 0.8 mol%, and The mixture is a mixture of fibers having a higher denier per filament and fibers having a lower denier per filament, and the higher denier per filament is at least 1. of the lower denier per filament. A stretching method characterized by being doubled.
JP2000541367A 1998-03-31 1998-03-31 Improved comfort by mixing denier Expired - Lifetime JP4252213B2 (en)

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US5188892A (en) * 1986-10-31 1993-02-23 E. I. Du Pont De Nemours And Company Spun textile yarns
US5591523A (en) * 1995-06-30 1997-01-07 E. I. Du Pont De Nemours And Company Polyester tow

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