JP4180186B2 - Co-injection stretch blow molded container having an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer - Google Patents

Co-injection stretch blow molded container having an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer Download PDF


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JP4180186B2 JP10235399A JP10235399A JP4180186B2 JP 4180186 B2 JP4180186 B2 JP 4180186B2 JP 10235399 A JP10235399 A JP 10235399A JP 10235399 A JP10235399 A JP 10235399A JP 4180186 B2 JP4180186 B2 JP 4180186B2
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  • Laminated Bodies (AREA)
  • Blow-Moulding Or Thermoforming Of Plastics Or The Like (AREA)


25≦ETb≦48 (1)
92≦SDb≦99 (2)
0.015≦PC/(PA+PB+PC)≦0.3 (3)
0.60≦IVa≦0.90 (4)
0.1≦MIb≦10 (5)
25≦ETb1≦48 (6)
99≦SDb1 (7)
25≦ETb2≦48 (8)
92≦SDb2≦99 (9)
|ETb2−ETb1|≦8 (10)
1≦(SDb1−SDb2)≦8 (11)
1.35≦Da≦1.37 (12)
1.11≦Db≦1.20 (13)
240≦TMa≦250 (14)
240≦TMa≦250 (14)
本発明のEVOHのエチレン含有量ETbは25〜48モル%である。エチレン含有量ETbが25モル%未満では、高湿度下でのガスバリア性が低下し溶融成形性も悪化する。ETbは好適には30モル%以上であり、より好適には35モル%以上である。またエチレン含有量ETbが48モル%を越えると十分なガスバリア性が得られない。 ETbは好適には45モル%以下であり、より好適には40モル%以下である。
25≦ETb1≦48 (6)
99≦SDb1 (7)
25≦ETb2≦48 (8)
92≦SDb2≦99 (9)
|ETb2−ETb1|≦8 (10)
1≦(SDb1−SDb2)≦8 (11)
EVOH(b1)のエチレン含有量ETb1は25〜48モル%であるのが好ましい。エチレン含有量ETb1が25モル%未満では、高湿度下でのガスバリア性が低下し溶融成形性も悪化する。ETb1は好適には28モル%以上であり、より好適には30モル%以上である。またエチレン含有量ETb1が48モル%を越えると十分なガスバリア性が得られない。 ETb1は好適には45モル%以下であり、より好適には40モル%以下である。
EVOH(b2)のエチレン含有量ETb2は25〜48モル%である。エチレン含有量ETb2が25モル%未満では、高湿度下でのガスバリア性が低下し溶融成形性も悪化する。ETb2は好適には30モル%以上であり、より好適には35モル%以上である。またエチレン含有量ETb2が48モル%を越えると十分なガスバリア性が得られない。 ETb2は好適には45モル%以下であり、より好適には40モル%以下である。
なおここで、ガスバリアー性を改善するために、EVOHとしてエチレン含有量あるいはケン化度の異なる2種類以上のEVOH(b1、b2)の配合物を用いる場合には、配合重量比から算出されるエチレン含有量の平均値は、25〜48モル%の範囲内であるのが好ましい。エチレン含有量の平均値が25モル%未満では、高湿度下でのガスバリア性が低下し溶融成形性も悪化する。エチレン含有量の平均値はより好適には30モル%以上であり、更に好適には35モル%以上である。またエチレン含有量の平均値が48モル%を越えると十分なガスバリア性が得られない。 エチレン含有量の平均値はより好適には45モル%以下であり、更に好適には40モル%以下である。
本発明に用いるEVOHの好適なメルトインデックス(MIb)(190℃、2160g荷重下、JIS K7210に基づく)は0.1〜10g/10分である。MIbが0.1g/10分未満である場合、溶融成形時の流動性に劣り、射出負荷の増大を来たし、高速連続運転性に支障を来たし、またゲルやフィッシュアイを発生しやすく、さらに多層容器に樹脂の流れ斑が生じ外観を著しく損なう。MIbはより好適には0.5g/10分以上である。一方、MIbが10g/10分を越える場合、多層容器におけるb層の落下衝撃強度が低下し、落下後のガスバリアー性が低下するのみならず、多数個取り成形機における、各金型内へのEVOH射出量が安定せず均質な成形が困難となる。さらに悪いことには、多層射出したパリソンのEVOHの軸方向の厚み分布も不均一となり、また、軸と直角な方向のEVOHの厚み分布も、パリソンの口金部分に厚くなる傾向を示し、胴部のEVOH層の厚みが薄くなる結果ガスバリアー性が悪化し、また外観上口部が白濁しやすく好ましくない。 MIbはより好適には8g/10分以下であり、さらに好適には6g/10分以下である。
1.35≦Da≦1.37 (12)
を満足するのが好ましい。熱可塑性ポリエステル層の密度Daが1.35g/cm3未満である場合、延伸が不十分であり、強度の低下に繋がる上、ホットフィル時や殺菌処理のための加熱時に収縮が大きくなりやすい。Daはより好適には1.353 g/cm3以上であり、さらに好適には1.355 g/cm3以上である。一方、1.37g/cm3を超える場合、多層容器におけるデラミの発生が増加する傾向にある。 Daはより好適には1.367 g/cm3以下であり、さらに好適には1.365g/cm3以下である。
0.015≦PC/(PA+PB+PC)≦0.3 (3)
多層容器胴部のポリエステル層からサンプルを切り出し、JIS K7121に準じて、示差熱分析法(DSC)により、セイコー電子工業(株)製示差走査熱量計(DSC)RDC220/SSC5200H型を用いて、280℃の温度に試料を5分間保持した後、降温速度100℃/分の条件で30℃の温度にし、さらに5分間保持した後、昇温速度10℃/分の条件で測定した。但し、温度の校正にはインジウムと鉛を用いた。また、本発明でいうガラス移転点は、前記JISでいう中間点ガラス転移温度(Tmg)をいい、さらに、本発明でいう融点は、前記JISでいう融解ピーク温度(Tpm)をいう。
多層容器胴部のポリエステル層からサンプルを切り出し、JIS K7121に準じて、示差熱分析法(DSC)により、セイコー電子工業(株)製示差走査熱量計(DSC)RDC220/SSC5200H型を用いて、240℃の温度に試料を5分間保持した後、降温速度100℃/分の条件で30℃の温度にし、さらに5分間保持した後、昇温速度10℃/分の条件で測定した。但し、温度の校正にはインジウムと鉛を用いた。また、本発明でいう融点は、前記JISでいう融解ピーク温度(Tpm)をいう。
リン酸根含量は、以下に示す方法に従いリン酸イオン(PO4 3-)含量として得た。試料とする乾燥済みEVOH10gを0.01規定の塩酸水溶液に50mlに投入し、95℃で6時間撹拌した。撹拌後の水溶液をイオンクロマトグラフィーを用いて定量分析し、リン酸イオン含量を得た。カラムは、(株)横川電機製のCIS−A23を使用し、溶離液は2.5mMの炭酸ナトリウムと1.0mMの炭酸水素ナトリウムを含む水溶液とした。なお、定量に際してはリン酸水溶液で作製した検量線を用いた。
[(デラミを生じたボトルの本数)/100]×100 (%)
得られたボトル胴部中央を円周上に4分割した4箇所について、ASTM D1003−61に準じて、ポイック積分球式光線透過率・全光線反射率計(村上色彩技術研究所製「HR−100型」)を用いて各箇所における内部ヘイズ値を測定し、その平均値を採ってボトルのヘイズ値(曇価)とした。
得られたボトルの形態のままで、20℃−65%RHに温湿度調整した後、酸素透過量測定装置(モダンコントロール社製、OX−TRAN−10/50A)にて、容器1個当たりの酸素透過量(ml/ container ・day・atm)を測定した。
測定は試料を固定し、最初、Wide Scan(0〜1100eV)測定により全元素の定性分析を行い、続いて、計30分間各元素のピーク積算(Narrow Scan)を実施した。圧力1×10-7Paで、励起源としてMgのKαを用い、15kv−8mAの条件下で行った。
(1)テレフタル酸100.000重量部およびエチレングリコール44.830重量部とからなるスラリーをつくり、これに二酸化ゲルマニウム0.010重量部、亜リン酸0.010重量部およびテトラエチルアンモニウムヒドロキシド0.010重量部を加えた。このスラリーを加圧下(絶対圧2.5Kg/cm2)で250℃の温度に加熱して 、エステル化率が95%になるまでエステル化反応を行って低重合体を製造した。続いて、得られた低重合体を、1mmHgの減圧下に、270℃の温度で前記の低重合体を溶融重縮合させて、極限粘度0.50dl/gのポリエステルを生成させた。得られたポリエステルをノズルからストランド状に押出し、水冷した後、切断し、円柱状ペレット(直径約2.5mm、長さ約2.5mm)にした。 次いで、得られたポリエステルのペレットを160℃で5時間予備乾燥を行なって結晶化し、ポリエステルプレポリマーを得た。
また、 EVOH樹脂としては、エチレン含有量(ETb1)44モル%、ケン化度(SDb1)99.8%、メルトインデックス(MIb1;190℃−2160g荷重)5.5g/10分、融点166℃のEVOH100重量部、およびエチレン含有量(ETb2)44モル%、ケン化度(SDb2)97.0%、メルトインデックス(MIb2;190℃−2160g荷重)5.3g/10分、融点154℃のEVOH100重量部をドライブレンドし、20mmφ二軸押出機で200℃でペレット化した後、80℃16時間減圧下で乾燥を行ったEVOH組成物を使用した。該EVOH組成物のメルトインデックス(MIb;190℃−2160g荷重)は5.2g/10分、融点は161℃であり、リン酸根含有量及びNa、K、Mgイオン含有量を測定したところ、それぞれ100ppm,80ppm、50ppm、50ppmであった。EVOH組成物のDSCチャートを図2に示すが、単一の融解ピークを有している。

Figure 0004180186
Figure 0004180186
Figure 0004180186
Figure 0004180186
25≦ETb1≦48 (6)
99≦SDb1 (7)
25≦ETb2≦48 (8)
92≦SDb2≦99 (9)
|ETb2−ETb1|≦8 (10)
1≦(SDb1−SDb2)≦8 (11)
The present invention has greatly improved the impact peelability used for containers of beverages, foods, cosmetics, etc. with good gas barrier properties such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, moisture proofing, fragrance retention, flavor barrier properties and appearance. The present invention relates to a co-injection stretch blow multilayer container.
[Prior art]
A thermoplastic polyester (hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as PES) container by stretch blow molding is excellent in various properties such as transparency, mechanical properties, and flavor barrier properties. They are used in a wide range of fields because they are less worried about elution of harmful additives and are excellent in hygiene and safety. However, since gas barrier properties are not always sufficient, storage of beverages, foods, etc. has been limited to a relatively short period of time.
In order to remedy this drawback, various methods have been proposed for combining a thermoplastic polyester with an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as EVOH) having a good gas barrier property to form a multilayer structure. Prior to stretch blowing, a parison is first formed. As a method for producing such a parison, a co-injection molding method, a co-extrusion molding method, a multi-stage injection molding method and the like are employed. Among these, the co-injection molding method is simple in equipment, generates less scrap such as trims, and the EVOH layer can be completely covered with a PES layer. Even if there is no adhesive resin (hereinafter abbreviated as Ad) layer, there is a feature that it becomes a multilayer container having a good appearance due to the adhesion effect due to atmospheric pressure.
However, if an impact such as filling a container with a beverage, food, or the like is dropped, peeling (delamination; hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as delamination) is likely to occur between the PES layer and the EVOH layer, and the appearance is large. It was a problem. Therefore, the structure of PES / Ad / EVOH / Ad / PES (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 56-501040) having an Ad layer, or PES / Ad / EVOH / Ad / PES / Ad / EVOH / Ad / PES (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho). 50-135169, JP-A-61-152411, JP-A-61-152412, JP-A-61-259944) have been studied, but the facilities are very complicated. In many cases, it is difficult to control the thickness of each layer, which is inferior to the case where the Ad layer is not provided in terms of manufacturing cost and productivity.
In addition, a method of increasing the delamination resistance even without an Ad layer by blending other types of resins with EVOH has been studied. For example, JP-A-1-176554 discloses a polyamide-ester thermoplastic resin, JP-A-1-18202 discloses a metal-containing polyester-based thermoplastic resin, and JP-A-3-17532 discloses a thermoplastic polyurethane. Each method of blending is described. However, when other resins are blended with EVOH, the transparency deteriorates and the appearance of the container is significantly impaired. Moreover, the cost rise by mix | blending and the problem of deterioration of melt stability also arise depending on resin to mix | blend.
JP-A-3-175033 discloses a method of increasing delamination resistance without an Ad layer by blending EVOH with at least one salt selected from titanium salt, cobalt salt, manganese salt, antimony salt and germanium salt. ing. However, the effect of improving the delamination resistance is not sufficient, and the melt stability of EVOH is also impaired by adding such a metal salt.
Furthermore, in JP-A-1-204736, EVOH as a main component is blended with EVOH having a larger ethylene content as a minor component, a lower saponification degree, a lower melting point, and a higher melt index. A method for increasing delamination resistance even without an Ad layer is described. However, as described in the examples of the publication, when two types of EVOH having different ethylene contents of 30 mol% or more are blended, the transparency is deteriorated and the appearance of the container is remarkably impaired. Moreover, the problem of the cost rise by mixing | blending and the deterioration of melt stability also arises. This is as shown in Comparative Example 19 of the present application.
[Problems to be solved by the present invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a multilayer container manufactured by stretch-blow molding a parison obtained by co-injection molding of a polyester resin and an EVOH resin. An object of the present invention is to provide a multilayer container that can be prevented and has excellent transparency and gas barrier properties.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The inventors of the present invention manufactured a multi-layer parison (preform) having a structure in which layers made of a polyester resin are arranged so as to be in direct contact with both sides of the EVOH layer by co-injection molding, and stretch-blown the multi-layer parison. In order to prevent the interlayer delamination between the EVOH layer and the polyester resin layer due to impact, the selection of the resin to be used or the molding processing conditions were intensively studied.
As a result, it surprisingly consists of a thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer), and the a layer is arranged so as to be in direct contact with both sides of the b layer, A co-injection stretch blow molded container having a single crystal melting peak on a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) of an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer and satisfying the following formulas (1) and (2) has excellent resistance. It has been found to have delamination performance between impact layers.
25 ≦ ETb ≦ 48 (1)
92 ≦ SDb ≦ 99 (2)
ETb; ethylene content of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (mol%)
SDb: Saponification degree of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (%)
Also, it is composed of a thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer), the a layer is disposed so as to be in direct contact with both surfaces of the b layer, and a of the container body In the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurement (XPS) on the surface of the b layer when the interface between the layer and the b layer is peeled, the co-injection stretch blow molded container satisfying the following formula (3) also has excellent impact resistance delamination performance. Found to have.
0.015 ≦ PC / (PA + PB + PC) ≦ 0.3 (3)
PA: The area of the peak with the maximum intensity (peak A) among the peaks corresponding to the binding energy of C1s electrons
PB: The area of the peak (peak B) appearing 1.1 to 1.8 eV higher energy than the peak A
PC: The area of the peak (peak C) that appears 3.6 to 4.3 eV higher than the peak A
At this time, the intrinsic viscosity IVa (dl / g) of the thermoplastic polyester satisfies the following formula (4), and the melt index MIb of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer {g / 10 min (190 ° C., 2160 g load)} Preferably satisfies the following formula (5).
0.60 ≦ IVa ≦ 0.90 (4)
0.1 ≦ MIb ≦ 10 (5)
  The ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer comprises a blend of two types of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers (b1, b2), and the blending weight ratio (b1 / b2) is 10/90 to 90/10. It is also preferable to satisfy the following formulas (6) to (11).
    25 ≦ ETb1 ≦ 48 (6)
    99 ≦ SDb1 (7)
    25 ≦ ETb2 ≦ 48 (8)
    92 ≦ SDb2 ≦ 99 (9)
    | ETb2-ETb1 | ≦ 8 (10)
    1 ≦(SDb1-SDb2)≦ 8 (11)
  ETb1; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  SDb1; degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  ETb2; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
  SDb2: Degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
Further, it is also preferable that the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer is obtained by copolymerizing a vinylsilane compound in an amount of 0.0002 to 0.2 mol%, or that the boron compound is contained in an amount of 20 to 2000 ppm in terms of boron element.
Density Da (g / cm) of thermoplastic polyester layer in container bodyThree) Satisfies the following formula (12), and the density Db (g / cm) of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer in the container body portion:ThreeIt is also preferable that the following formula (13) is satisfied. .
1.35 ≦ Da ≦ 1.37 (12)
1.11 ≦ Db ≦ 1.20 (13)
It is also preferred that the thermoplastic polyester has an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component and its melting point TMa (° C.) satisfies the following formula (14).
240 ≦ TMa ≦ 250 (14)
Furthermore, the thermoplastic polyester contains an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component and a naphthalenedicarboxylic acid component in an amount of 0.1 to 15 mol% based on the total dicarboxylic acid component,
It is also preferable to polymerize using a germanium compound as a catalyst.
A co-injection stretch blow molded container having a haze of 5% or less is preferable.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail.
The multilayer container of the present invention comprises a thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer).
As the polyester resin used for the thermoplastic polyester layer (layer a) of the present invention, a condensation polymer containing aromatic dicarboxylic acids or their alkyl esters and diol as main components is used. To achieve this, a polyester resin containing an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component is preferable. In the polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention, generally, the total proportion (mol%) of terephthalic acid units and ethylene glycol units is 70 mol% with respect to the total number of moles of all structural units constituting the polyester. It is preferable that the amount be 90% by mole or more. If the total proportion of terephthalic acid units and ethylene glycol units in the polyester is less than 70 mol%, the copolyester becomes amorphous, so the shrinkage when heated and filled into a stretched container (hot fill) is large and the heat resistance is poor. In addition, the strength also decreases. Further, at the time of solid-phase polymerization performed to reduce the oligomers contained in the resin, the resin is easily stuck and the production becomes difficult.
The polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention can share a bifunctional compound unit other than a terephthalic acid unit and an ethylene glycol unit as necessary within a range that does not significantly impair processability, strength, heat resistance, and the like. Can be polymerized. The proportion (mol%) is preferably 30 mol% or less, more preferably 20 mol% or less, more preferably 10 mol based on the total number of moles of all structural units constituting the polyester (A). % Or less is more preferable. Preferred bifunctional compound units that can be included include at least one bifunctional compound unit selected from dicarboxylic acid units, diol units, and hydroxycarboxylic acid units, and bifunctional compounds other than terephthalic acid units and ethylene glycol units. As long as it is a unit, any of an aliphatic bifunctional compound unit, an alicyclic bifunctional compound unit, and an aromatic bifunctional compound unit may be used.
Examples of the aliphatic bifunctional compound unit in that case include aliphatic dicarboxylic acids such as malonic acid, succinic acid, adipic acid, azelaic acid, sebacic acid, or ester-forming derivatives thereof; 10-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, Aliphatic hydroxycarboxylic acids such as lactic acid, hydroxyacrylic acid, 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropionic acid, hydroxybutyric acid, or ester-forming derivatives thereof; trimethylene glycol, tetramethylene glycol, hexamethylene glycol, neopentyl glycol, methyl Examples thereof include divalent structural units derived from aliphatic diols such as pentanediol and diethylene glycol. When the aliphatic bifunctional compound unit is a neopentyl glycol unit, it is preferable because the copolymer polyester can be easily produced and the heat resistance of the multilayer container of the present invention does not decrease.
Examples of the alicyclic bifunctional compound units include cycloaliphatic dicarboxylic acids such as cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, norbornene dicarboxylic acid, tricyclodecanedicarboxylic acid, or ester-forming derivatives thereof; hydroxymethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid, hydroxy Derived from alicyclic hydroxycarboxylic acids such as methylnorbornenecarboxylic acid and hydroxymethyltricyclodecanecarboxylic acid or ester-forming derivatives thereof; alicyclic diols such as cyclohexanedimethanol, norbornenedimethanol, tricyclodecanedimethanol And a divalent structural unit. When the alicyclic bifunctional compound unit is a cyclohexanedimethanol unit or a cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid unit, it is easy to produce a copolyester, and the drop strength of the multilayer container of the present invention is increased. And transparency can be further improved.
By the way, the cyclohexanedimethanol unit in the above means at least one divalent unit selected from 1,2-cyclohexanedimethanol unit, 1,3-cyclohexanedimethanol unit and 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol unit. . The cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid unit in the above refers to at least one divalent unit selected from 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid unit, 1,3-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid unit and 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid unit. .
Among the above alicyclic bifunctional compound units, 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol unit or from the point that the drop strength of the availability, the copolyester and the molded product obtained therefrom is further excellent More preferred are 1,4-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid units.
The aromatic bifunctional compound unit may be an aromatic dicarboxylic acid unit, an aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acid unit or an aromatic diol unit. Examples of aromatic bifunctional compound units include isophthalic acid, phthalic acid, biphenyl dicarboxylic acid, diphenyl ether dicarboxylic acid, diphenyl sulfone dicarboxylic acid, diphenyl ketone dicarboxylic acid, sodium sulfoisophthalate, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 1 Aromatic dicarboxylic acids other than terephthalic acid such as 1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid and 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid and ester-forming derivatives thereof; hydroxybenzoic acid, hydroxytoluic acid, hydroxynaphthoic acid, 3- (hydroxy Phenyl) propionic acid, hydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-hydroxy-3-phenylpropionic acid and other aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acids and their ester-forming derivatives; bisphenol compounds, hydroquinone compounds, etc. Divalent units derived from an aromatic diol can be exemplified.
When the bifunctional compound unit is an aromatic dicarboxylic acid unit, when it is at least one of an isophthalic acid unit, a phthalic acid unit, a naphthalenedicarboxylic acid unit, and a 4,4′-biphenyldicarboxylic acid unit, The production is easy and the monomer cost is low, which is preferable.
In particular, isophthalic acid has the advantage that the defective product rate is low because the production conditions under which a good product can be obtained are wide and the moldability is excellent when the obtained copolymer polyester is used. Moreover, it is preferable also from the point which can prevent the whitening of the molded article by suppression of the crystallization rate.
Naphthalenedicarboxylic acid is preferred because the glass transition temperature rises and the heat resistance of the resulting container is improved. Further, polyesters copolymerized with naphthalenedicarboxylic acid can absorb ultraviolet rays, and thus are particularly useful when the contents are easily deteriorated by ultraviolet rays.
In a co-injection stretch blow molded container, when the contents are intended to be protected from ultraviolet rays, the thermoplastic polyester has a naphthalenedicarboxylic acid component in the range of 0.1 to 15 mol% with respect to the total dicarboxylic acid component. It is preferable to contain in 1.0-10 mol%, and it is still more preferable to contain. As the naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid is preferable because the copolymerized polyester can be easily produced and the monomer cost is low.
In addition, as an aromatic bifunctional compound unit, 2,2-bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2- {4- [2- (2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] phenyl} -2- [ 4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2-bis {4- [2- (2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] phenyl} propane, bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone, { 4- [2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] phenyl}-[4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone, 1,1-bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] cyclohexane, 1- {4- [ 2- (2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy) ethoxy] phenyl} -1- [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] cyclohexane 1,1-bis [4- [2- (2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] phenyl} cyclohexane, 2,2-bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) -2,3,5,6-tetrabromophenyl] Propane, 1,4-bis (2-hydroxyethoxy) benzene, 1- (2-hydroxyethoxy) -4- [2- (2-hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] benzene, 1,4-bis [2- (2- And diol units derived from hydroxyethoxy) ethoxy] benzene and the like. Among the diol units, 2,2-bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane unit, bis [4- (2-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone unit, or 1,4-bis (2- A polyester resin having a diol unit composed of hydroxyethoxy) benzene is preferable because it is easy to produce, is excellent in melt stability, and has good color tone and impact resistance.
And the polyester resin used for a layer of this invention can have 1 type (s) or 2 or more types in the said bifunctional compound unit as a bifunctional compound unit.
By the way, a small amount of diethylene glycol units are contained in the polyester resin produced as a by-product of diethylene glycol, which is a dimerized ethylene glycol component, during the production of the polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention. If the resin contains a large amount of diethylene glycol units, the glass transition temperature of the polyester resin is lowered, causing problems such as a decrease in heat resistance and coloring, and the heat resistance and strength of molded products such as bottles obtained from the polyester resin. Since the color tone becomes poor, it is preferable to reduce the proportion of diethylene glycol units in the polyester resin as much as possible. For the above reasons, the proportion of diethylene glycol units in the polyester resin is preferably less than 3 mol%, more preferably 2 mol% or less, based on the total number of moles of all structural units of the polyester resin.
The polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention can be copolymerized with polyfunctional compound units other than terephthalic acid units and ethylene glycol units, if necessary. A preferred polyfunctional compound unit is a polyfunctional compound unit derived from at least one of polyfunctional compounds having three or more carboxyl groups, hydroxyl groups, or ester-forming groups thereof. A range of 0.5 mol% or less is preferred based on the total number of moles of all structural units of the polyester in the polyester resin of the invention.
The polyfunctional compound unit is not particularly limited as long as it is a unit derived from a polyfunctional compound having three or more groups of one kind or two or more kinds selected from a carboxyl group, a hydroxyl group and an ester-forming group thereof. The polyfunctional compound for deriving the polyfunctional compound unit may be a polyfunctional compound having only three or more carboxyl groups, a polyfunctional compound having only three or more hydroxyl groups, or a carboxyl group And a polyfunctional compound having 3 or more hydroxyl groups in total.
Preferred examples of polyfunctional compound units include aromatic polycarboxylic acids such as trimesic acid, trimellitic acid, 1,2,3-benzenetricarboxylic acid, pyromellitic acid, 1,4,5,8-naphthalenetetracarboxylic acid Aliphatic polycarboxylic acids such as 1,3,5-cyclohexanetricarboxylic acid; aromatic polyalcohols such as 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene; trimethylolpropane, pentaerythritol, glycerin, 1,3,5-cyclohexane Aliphatic or cycloaliphatic polyalcohols such as triols; 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid, 3-hydroxyisophthalic acid, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 2 , 6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, gallic acid, 2,4- Aromatic hydroxycarboxylic acids such as hydroxyphenylacetic acid; can be mentioned polyfunctional compound units derived from ester-forming derivatives thereof; tartaric acid, aliphatic hydroxycarboxylic acids such as malic acid. The polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention may have only one kind of the above-mentioned polyfunctional compound unit or two or more kinds as the polyfunctional compound unit.
Among the above, the polyester resin used for the a layer of the present invention is one kind of polyfunctional compound units derived from trimellitic acid, pyromellitic acid, trimesic acid, trimethylolpropane and pentaerythritol as the polyfunctional compound unit. Or it has 2 or more types from the point of the ease of manufacture of polyester, and the manufacturing cost.
Furthermore, in the polyester resin used for the a layer of the present invention, when it contains a polyfunctional compound unit, it is derived from at least one of monofunctional compounds such as monocarboxylic acids, monoalcohols, and ester-forming derivatives thereof. The monofunctional compound unit can be included as an arbitrary unit as required.
When the monofunctional compound unit is contained, the proportion of the monofunctional compound unit is 5 mol% or less based on the total number of moles of all the structural units of the polyester resin (the total proportion when two or more monofunctional compound units are included). ) Is preferable because the occurrence of gel and the like can often be reduced, and the ratio of the monofunctional compound unit is more preferably 1 mol% or less. When the ratio of the monofunctional compound unit exceeds 5 mol%, the polymerization rate during melt polymerization and solid phase polymerization during production of the polyester resin is slowed, and the productivity of the polyester resin is lowered, which is not preferable.
In the polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention, the monofunctional compound unit functions as a sealing compound unit, and seals the molecular chain terminal group or branched chain terminal group in the polyester resin. To prevent cross-linking and gel formation. The monofunctional compound unit is preferably a unit derived from at least one of monocarboxylic acids, monoalcohols, and ester-forming derivatives thereof, and is not particularly limited.
Preferred examples of the monofunctional compound unit include benzoic acid, o-methoxybenzoic acid, m-methoxybenzoic acid, p-methoxybenzoic acid, o-methylbenzoic acid, m-methylbenzoic acid, p-methylbenzoic acid, 2 , 3-Dimethylbenzoic acid, 2,4-dimethylbenzoic acid, 2,5-dimethylbenzoic acid, 2,6-dimethylbenzoic acid, 3,4-dimethylbenzoic acid, 3,5-dimethylbenzoic acid, 2,4 , 6-trimethylbenzoic acid, 2,4,6-trimethoxybenzoic acid, 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid, 1-naphthoic acid, 2-naphthoic acid, 2-biphenylcarboxylic acid, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 2- Aromatic monocarboxylic acids such as naphthalene acetic acid; n-octanoic acid, n-nonanoic acid, myristic acid, pentadecanoic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid Aliphatic monocarboxylic acids of the above; ester-forming derivatives of the aforementioned monocarboxylic acids; aromatic monoalcohols such as benzyl alcohol, 2,5-dimethylbenzyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl alcohol, phenol, 1-naphthol and 2-naphthol; From monofunctional compounds such as aliphatic or cycloaliphatic monoalcohols such as pentadecyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol monoalkyl ether, polypropylene glycol monoalkyl ether, polytetramethylene glycol monoalkyl ether, oleyl alcohol, cyclododecanol Mention may be made of the units derived. The polyester resin in this invention may have only 1 type of the said monofunctional compound unit as a monofunctional compound unit, or may have 2 or more types.
Among them, as a monofunctional compound unit, a unit derived from one or more monofunctional compounds selected from benzoic acid, 2,4,6-trimethoxybenzoic acid, 2-naphthoic acid, stearic acid and stearyl alcohol It is preferable from the viewpoint of ease of production and production cost of the polyester.
From the viewpoint of moldability, it is preferable that the thermoplastic polyester has an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component and its melting point TMa (° C.) satisfies the following formula (14).
240 ≦ TMa ≦ 250 (14)
When the melting point TMa exceeds 250 ° C., the crystallization rate of the polyester resin is high, so that crystallization is likely to proceed during heating at the time of injection molding or blow molding, and as a result, the stretch orientation is lowered and the formability is reduced. It becomes easy to deteriorate or whitening occurs in the obtained bottle. For this reason, the range of manufacturing conditions under which a good product can be obtained is narrowed, and the defective product rate is likely to increase. The melting point TMa is more preferably 248 ° C. or lower.
On the other hand, when the melting point TMa is less than 240 ° C., the heat resistance of the multilayer container is lowered. Moreover, since the crystallinity of the polyester resin is lowered more than necessary, the stretch orientation is lowered and the strength is also lowered. Furthermore, since the melting point is lowered, the solid phase polymerization temperature is inevitably lowered, and there is a problem that productivity is lowered due to the lowered reaction rate. The melting point TMa is more preferably 242 ° C. or higher, and most preferably 244 ° C. or higher.
In order to obtain a polyester resin having such a melting point, an appropriate amount of a copolymer component may be copolymerized with a polyester resin containing an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component. Specifically, it is preferable that 1 to 6 mol% of a copolymer component is included with respect to the total number of moles of all the structural units constituting the polyester. More preferably, it is 1.5-5 mol%, optimally 2-4 mol%.
In consideration of the copolymerization amount of diethylene glycol by-produced during production, other copolymerization monomers can be added to obtain a resin having a copolymerization amount in the above range. Other copolymer monomers are not particularly limited, and the above-mentioned various monomers can be used. Among them, neopentyl glycol, cyclohexane dimethanol, cyclohexane dicarboxylic acid, isophthalic acid, naphthalene dicarboxyl An acid is mentioned as a suitable thing.
The polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention preferably has a glass transition temperature TGa of 60 ° C. or higher. From the viewpoint of preventing shrinkage of the obtained molded product, the glass transition temperature TGa is 70 ° C. The above is more preferable. When the glass transition temperature TGa of the polyester resin is less than 60 ° C., the molded product, particularly the stretch blow molded product, is taken out of the mold, and then the molded product shrinks due to relaxation of the residual stress, thereby impairing the appearance of the molded product. Sometimes.
The polyester resin used for the a layer of the present invention can be produced by the following production method.
Among the polyester resins used in the a layer of the present invention, a polyester mainly composed of an ethylene terephthalate component is a dicarboxylic acid component composed of terephthalic acid or an ester-forming derivative thereof, and a diol composed of ethylene glycol. It is manufactured using the reaction raw materials mainly composed of the components and, if necessary, the above-exemplified bifunctional compound component, polyfunctional component, and monofunctional component.
At this time, the molar ratio of (total diol component) :( total dicarboxylic acid component) is preferably 1.1: 1 to 2.5: 1.
The polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention is produced by subjecting the reaction raw material to an esterification reaction or a transesterification reaction, and then subjecting it to melt polycondensation. If necessary, solid phase polymerization may be further performed using a polyester obtained by melt polycondensation.
The esterification reaction or transesterification reaction in producing the polyester resin used in the a layer of the present invention is about 5 kg / cm in absolute pressure.2It is good to carry out by distilling off the water or alcohol to produce | generate at the temperature of 180-300 degreeC under the following pressurization or a normal pressure.
In the case of the esterification reaction, no catalyst may be used. However, when the transesterification reaction is performed, one or more of calcium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, titanium, sodium, and lithium compounds are used as the transesterification catalyst. Is good. In particular, manganese, magnesium, or a titanium compound is preferable from the viewpoint of transparency.
Subsequently, after adding additives such as a polycondensation catalyst and an anti-coloring agent as necessary, melt polycondensation is performed at a temperature of 200 to 300 ° C. under a reduced pressure of 5 mmHg or less until a polyester having a desired viscosity is obtained. To form a polyester. The reactor used for the melt polycondensation can be carried out using a tank-type batch polycondensation device or a continuous polycondensation device comprising a biaxial rotating horizontal reactor.
The intrinsic viscosity of the polyester obtained by melt polycondensation is preferably in the range of 0.40 to 0.90 dl / g, more preferably 0.45 to 0.80 dl / g, from the viewpoint of handling properties of the polyester. It is preferable to be within the range. When the intrinsic viscosity of the polyester obtained by melt polycondensation is less than 0.40 dl / g, when the polyester is taken out from the reactor, the melt viscosity is too low, and it becomes difficult to extrude in the form of a strand or a sheet. It becomes difficult to cut into pellets uniformly. Moreover, it takes a long time to increase the molecular weight of the polyester resin by solid phase polymerization, leading to a decrease in productivity. On the other hand, if the intrinsic viscosity exceeds 0.90 dl / g, the melt viscosity is too high, so that it is difficult to take out the polyester from the reactor and coloring due to thermal degradation of the polyester occurs.
When a polycondensation catalyst is used in the melt polycondensation reaction, those usually used in the production of polyesters can be used, such as antimony compounds such as antimony trioxide; germanium dioxide, germanium tetraethoxide, Germanium compounds such as germanium tetra n-butoxide; titanium compounds such as tetramethoxy titanium, tetraethoxy titanium, tetra-n-propoxy titanium, tetraisopropoxy titanium, tetrabutoxy titanium; di-n-butyltin dilaurate, di-n- Examples thereof include tin compounds such as butyltin oxide and dibutyltin diacetate. These catalyst compounds may be used alone or in combination of two or more. Of these polymerization catalysts, a germanium compound is preferable because the color tone of the obtained polyester is good, and an antimony compound is preferable from the viewpoint of catalyst cost. As the germanium compound, germanium dioxide is particularly preferable, and as the antimony compound, antimony trioxide is particularly preferable. When a polycondensation catalyst is used, the amount is preferably in the range of 0.002 to 0.8% by weight based on the weight of the dicarboxylic acid component.
From the viewpoint of moldability, it is preferable to employ a germanium compound rather than an antimony compound. That is, since the crystallization speed of polyester polymerized using antimony compounds is generally faster than that of polyester polymerized using germanium compounds, crystallization by heating tends to proceed during injection molding or blow molding, resulting in stretch orientation. Decreases, the shapeability deteriorates, and the resulting bottle tends to be whitened. For this reason, the range of manufacturing conditions under which a good product can be obtained is narrowed, and the defective product rate is likely to increase.
Therefore, when using polyethylene terephthalate which does not contain any copolymer component other than diethylene glycol as a by-product, the crystallization rate is faster than when polyethylene terephthalate modified with a small amount of other copolymer components is used. Selection is important and it is preferred to use a germanium compound.
When using an anti-coloring agent, for example, phosphorous such as phosphorous acid, phosphoric acid, trimethyl phosphite, triphenyl phosphite, tridecyl phosphite, trimethyl phosphate, tridecyl phosphate, triphenyl phosphate, etc. A compound can be used, and these phosphorus compounds may be used alone or in combination of two or more. When using the anti-coloring agent comprising the phosphorus compound, it is preferably within the range of 0.001 to 0.5% by weight based on the weight of the dicarboxylic acid component.
Further, in order to suppress yellowing due to thermal decomposition of polyester, 0.001 to 0.5% by weight, more preferably 0.05 to 0.3% by weight of a cobalt compound based on the weight of the dicarboxylic acid component, for example, Cobalt acetate or the like may be added.
Furthermore, diethylene glycol is produced as a by-product during the production of the polyester. However, if the polyester contains a large amount of diethylene glycol units, the glass transition temperature of the polyester is lowered, resulting in a decrease in heat resistance and coloring, resulting in a molded product obtained therefrom. Heat resistance, strength, color tone, etc. may be poor. Therefore, the above esterification reaction, transesterification reaction and / or melt polycondensation reaction is carried out by using tetraalkylammonium hydroxide such as 0.001 to 0.5% by weight of tetraethylammonium hydroxide based on the total weight of the dicarboxylic acid component; It is preferable to carry out in the presence of a diethylene glycol by-product inhibitor such as organic amines such as triethanolamine and triethylamine because the proportion of diethylene glycol units in the polyester resin can be reduced.
Next, the polyester obtained by the above melt polycondensation reaction is extruded in the form of a strand, a sheet, and the like, cooled, and then cut by a strand cutter, a sheet cutter, etc., and a cylinder, an elliptical cylinder, a sphere, a disk, a die, etc. The pellet of the shape is manufactured. In cooling at the time of taking out polyester, a water cooling method using a water tank, a method using a cooling drum, a method by air cooling, and the like can be mentioned.
The polyester thus obtained is preferably dried by heating in a temperature range of 120 ° C. to 180 ° C. and crystallized before being subjected to molding or solid phase polymerization. The heat of crystal melting of the polyester resin subjected to the crystallization treatment is preferably 10 J / g or more, and more preferably 20 J / g or more. If the heat of crystal melting of the polyester resin obtained by performing the crystallization treatment is less than 10 J / g, the pellets may become stuck during solid phase polymerization and during resin drying before molding.
Furthermore, if necessary, it can be used as a polyester resin after the degree of polymerization is increased by solid phase polymerization. By performing solid-phase polymerization, oligomers and acetaldehyde contained in the resin can be reduced, mold contamination can be reduced, and deterioration of properties such as taste and flavor of the contents can be suppressed. When solid phase polymerization is performed, it is preferably performed under vacuum, reduced pressure, or an inert gas such as nitrogen gas. In order to prevent the polyester pellets from sticking to each other, it is preferable to perform solid phase polymerization while moving the pellets by an appropriate method such as a rolling method or a gas fluidized bed method. The solid state polymerization is preferably performed within a range of 180 to 270 ° C, and more preferably performed at a temperature within a range of 190 to 240 ° C. Furthermore, the temperature of the solid phase polymerization is a temperature within the above range from the viewpoint of preventing the sticking between the pellets, and is 15 ° C. or more lower than the melting point of the polyester intended for production (finally obtained polyester). The temperature is preferably lower than 20 ° C. The polymerization time for solid phase polymerization is usually preferably in the range of about 5 to 40 hours from the viewpoint of productivity.
On the other hand, EVOH used for the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer) of the present invention is obtained by saponifying a copolymer composed of ethylene and vinyl ester using an alkali catalyst or the like.
A typical vinyl ester is vinyl acetate, but other fatty acid vinyl esters (such as vinyl propionate and vinyl pivalate) can also be used.
The ethylene content ETb of the EVOH of the present invention is 25 to 48 mol%. When the ethylene content ETb is less than 25 mol%, the gas barrier property under high humidity is lowered and the melt moldability is also deteriorated. ETb is preferably 30 mol% or more, and more preferably 35 mol% or more. If the ethylene content ETb exceeds 48 mol%, sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. ETb is preferably 45 mol% or less, and more preferably 40 mol% or less.
The saponification degree SDb of the vinyl ester component of EVOH of the present invention is 92% or more, preferably 94% or more, and more preferably 96% or more. When the degree of saponification is less than 92 mol%, not only the gas barrier property at high humidity is lowered, but also the thermal stability of EVOH is deteriorated, and gels and blisters are easily generated in the molded product. The saponification degree SDb is 99% or less, preferably 98% or less, and more preferably 97.5% or less. When SDb exceeds 99%, the effect of improving delamination is reduced.
Here, when EVOH is composed of a blend of two or more types of EVOH having different ethylene contents or saponification degrees, the average value calculated from the blending weight ratio is taken as the ethylene content or saponification degree.
  In order to maintain good gas barrier properties while preventing delamination, it is preferable to use a blend of two types of EVOH (b1, b2) having different ethylene contents or saponification degrees as EVOH. In this case, it is preferable that the blending weight ratio is 10/90 to 90/10 and the following formulas (6) to (11) are satisfied.
    25 ≦ ETb1 ≦ 48 (6)
    99 ≦ SDb1 (7)
    25 ≦ ETb2 ≦ 48 (8)
    92 ≦ SDb2 ≦ 99 (9)
    | ETb2-ETb1 | ≦ 8 (10)
    1 ≦(SDb1-SDb2)≦ 8 (11)
  ETb1; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  SDb1; degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  ETb2; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
  SDb2: Degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
When using a blend of two types of EVOH (b1, b2), the blending weight ratio b1 / b2 of b1 and b2 is preferably within the range of 10/90 to 90/10. When the blending weight ratio of b1 and b2 is less than 10/90, the effect of improving gas barrier properties by blending two types of EVOH becomes poor. Moreover, when the blending weight ratio of b1 and b2 exceeds 90/10, the occurrence of delamination becomes significant. From the viewpoint of improving gas barrier properties and delamination, it is more preferably in the range of 20/80 to 80/20, and still more preferably in the range of 30/70 to 70/30.
The ethylene content ETb1 of EVOH (b1) is preferably 25 to 48 mol%. When the ethylene content ETb1 is less than 25 mol%, the gas barrier property under high humidity is lowered and the melt moldability is also deteriorated. ETb1 is preferably 28 mol% or more, and more preferably 30 mol% or more. If the ethylene content ETb1 exceeds 48 mol%, sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. ETb1 is preferably 45 mol% or less, and more preferably 40 mol% or less.
The saponification degree SDb1 of the vinyl ester component of EVOH (b1) is 99% or more, preferably 99.3% or more, and more preferably 99.5% or more. When the degree of saponification is less than 99 mol%, the gas barrier property is not sufficiently improved, and the gas barrier property particularly at high humidity is lowered.
The ethylene content ETb2 of EVOH (b2) is 25 to 48 mol%. When the ethylene content ETb2 is less than 25 mol%, the gas barrier property under high humidity is lowered and the melt moldability is also deteriorated. ETb2 is preferably 30 mol% or more, and more preferably 35 mol% or more. If the ethylene content ETb2 exceeds 48 mol%, sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. ETb2 is preferably 45 mol% or less, and more preferably 40 mol% or less.
The saponification degree SDb2 of the vinyl ester component of EVOH (b2) is 92% or more, preferably 94% or more, and more preferably 96% or more. When the degree of saponification is less than 92 mol%, not only the gas barrier property at high humidity is lowered, but also the thermal stability of EVOH is deteriorated, and gels and blisters are easily generated in the molded product. The saponification degree SDb2 is 99% or less, preferably 98% or less, and more preferably 97.5% or less. When SDb2 exceeds 99%, the effect of improving delamination is reduced.
In order to improve gas barrier properties, when blending the above two types of EVOH (b1, b2), the difference in ethylene content between the two is preferably 8 mol% or less. When the difference in ethylene content exceeds 8 mol%, the transparency of the EVOH layer is impaired, and delamination is prominent. From the viewpoint of transparency and suppression of delamination, the difference in ethylene content is more preferably 4 mol% or less, and even more preferably 2 mol% or less.
Moreover, when mix | blending 2 types of EVOH (b1, b2) mentioned above, it is preferable that the difference of a saponification degree exists in the range of 1-8%. When the difference in the degree of saponification is less than 1%, the effect of improving delamination is reduced. On the other hand, when the difference in the degree of saponification exceeds 8%, not only the gas barrier property at high humidity is lowered, but also the thermal stability of EVOH is deteriorated, and gels and blisters are easily generated in the molded product. From the viewpoint of suppression of delamination generation, gas barrier properties, and thermal stability, the difference in saponification degree is more preferably in the range of 1.5% to 5%, and is preferably in the range of 2% to 4%. Further preferred.
Here, in order to improve the gas barrier property, when using a blend of two or more types of EVOH (b1, b2) having different ethylene contents or saponification degrees as EVOH, it is calculated from the blending weight ratio. The average value of the ethylene content is preferably in the range of 25 to 48 mol%. When the average value of the ethylene content is less than 25 mol%, the gas barrier property under high humidity is lowered and the melt moldability is also deteriorated. The average value of ethylene content is more preferably 30 mol% or more, and even more preferably 35 mol% or more. If the average ethylene content exceeds 48 mol%, sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. The average value of ethylene content is more preferably 45 mol% or less, and further preferably 40 mol% or less.
Moreover, the average value of the saponification degree calculated from the blending weight ratio is 94% or more, preferably 96% or more, and more preferably 97% or more. When the degree of saponification is less than 94 mol%, not only the gas barrier property at high humidity is lowered, but also the thermal stability of EVOH is deteriorated, and gels and blisters are easily generated in the molded product. Further, the average value of the degree of saponification is preferably 99% or less, and more preferably 98.5% or less. When the average value of the degree of saponification exceeds 99%, the effect of improving delamination is reduced.
In addition, when EVOH consists of a blend of three or more types of EVOH, in the combination of two types of EVOH arbitrarily selected from the blended EVOH, the blending weight ratio of the two types of EVOH is 10/90 It is sufficient to satisfy the above-mentioned formulas (6) to (11).
The ethylene content and the saponification degree of EVOH can be determined by a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method.
Further, EVOH can be copolymerized with a small amount of other monomers as long as the object of the present invention is not impaired. Examples of monomers that can be copolymerized include α-olefins such as propylene, 1-butene, isobutene, 4-methyl-1-pentene, 1-hexene, 1-octene; itaconic acid, methacrylic acid, acrylic acid, anhydrous Unsaturated carboxylic acids such as maleic acid, salts thereof, partial or complete esters thereof, nitriles thereof, amides thereof, anhydrides thereof; vinylsilane compounds such as vinyltrimethoxysilane; unsaturated sulfonic acids or salts thereof; alkylthiols; And vinyl pyrrolidones.
In particular, when EVOH contains 0.0002 to 0.2 mol% of a vinylsilane compound as a copolymerization component, the consistency of melt viscosity with the base resin during co-injection is improved, and a homogeneous co-injection molded product Can be manufactured. Here, examples of the vinylsilane compound include vinyltrimethoxysilane, vinyltriethoxysilane, vinyltri (β-methoxy-ethoxy) silane, and γ-methacryloxypropylmethoxysilane. Of these, vinyltrimethoxysilane and vinyltriethoxysilane are preferably used.
From the viewpoint of producing a homogeneous co-injection molded article, the copolymerization amount of the vinylsilane compound is preferably in the range of 0.001 to 0.15 mol%, and preferably in the range of 0.005 to 0.1 mol%. is there.
Furthermore, when EVOH contains a boron compound, it is effective in that the melt viscosity of EVOH is improved and a homogeneous co-injection molded product is obtained. Examples of the boron compound include boric acids, boric acid esters, borates, borohydrides, and the like. Specifically, examples of boric acids include boric acid, orthoboric acid, metaboric acid, and tetraboric acid. Examples of boric acid esters include triethyl borate and trimethyl borate. These include alkali metal salts, alkaline earth metal salts, and borax of various boric acids. Among these compounds, boric acid, orthoboric acid, NaBHFourIs preferred.
The content of the boron compound is 20 to 2000 ppm, preferably 50 to 1000 ppm, more preferably 100 to 500 ppm in terms of boron element. By being in this range, EVOH in which torque fluctuation during heating and melting is suppressed can be obtained. If it is less than 20 ppm, such an effect is small, and if it exceeds 2000 ppm, gelation tends to occur, and moldability may be deteriorated.
In addition, it is preferable to contain an alkali metal salt in an amount of 5 to 5000 ppm in terms of an alkali metal element with respect to the EVOH of the present invention because it is effective for improving interlayer adhesion and compatibility.
A more preferable content of the alkali metal salt is 20 to 1000 ppm, further 30 to 500 ppm in terms of alkali metal element. Examples of the alkali metal include lithium, sodium, and potassium, and examples of the alkali metal salt include an aliphatic carboxylate, an aromatic carboxylate, a phosphate, and a metal complex of a monovalent metal. Examples thereof include sodium acetate, potassium acetate, sodium phosphate, lithium phosphate, sodium stearate, potassium stearate, sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and the like. Of these, sodium acetate, potassium acetate, and sodium phosphate are preferred.
Moreover, it is also preferable to contain 2 to 200 ppm, more preferably 3 to 150 ppm, and most preferably 5 to 100 ppm of phosphorus compound in terms of phosphorus element with respect to EVOH of the present invention. When the phosphorus concentration in EVOH is less than 2 ppm or more than 200 ppm, there may be a problem in melt moldability and thermal stability. In particular, the occurrence of gel-like spots and coloring problems during melt molding over a long time tends to occur.
The kind of phosphorus compound mix | blended in EVOH is not specifically limited. Various acids such as phosphoric acid and phosphorous acid and salts thereof can be used. The phosphate may be contained in any form of primary phosphate, secondary phosphate, and tertiary phosphate, and the cation species is not particularly limited, but alkali metal salts An alkaline earth metal salt is preferred. Among these, it is preferable to add the phosphorus compound in the form of sodium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, or dipotassium hydrogen phosphate.
In addition, a heat stabilizer, an ultraviolet absorber, an antioxidant, a colorant, a filler, and other resins (polyamide, polyolefin, etc.) can be blended with the EVOH resin as long as the object of the present invention is not obstructed.
Furthermore, in the present invention, it is important that the crystal melting peak in the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) of EVOH is a single peak. The crystal melting peak is a single peak when the maximum or minimum value is shown in the chart of the crystal melting peak obtained by DSC, and the maximum or minimum value occurs in the form attached to the maximum or minimum value. Is not true. However, when the maximum value or the minimum value of the form attached to the maximum value or the minimum value is not shown and the point has an inflection point (when the so-called shoulder peak is shown), the crystal melting peak is regarded as a single peak. When the crystal melting peak is not a single peak, transparency of the EVOH layer is impaired, and delamination resistance is impaired.
It is important that the melting point TMb of EVOH in the present invention is 140 ° C to 190 ° C. When the melting point TMb is less than 140 ° C., sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. Preferably it is 145 degreeC or more, More preferably, it is 150 degreeC or more. On the other hand, when the melting point TMb exceeds 190 ° C., the occurrence of delamination in the multilayer container is remarkably increased. Preferably it is 185 degrees C or less, More preferably, it is 180 degrees C or less.
EVOH having such a melting point can be obtained by setting the ethylene content and the degree of saponification to specific ranges.
The preferred melt index (MIb) of EVOH used in the present invention (at 190 ° C. under a load of 2160 g, based on JIS K7210) is 0.1 to 10 g / 10 min. When MIb is less than 0.1 g / 10 min, the fluidity at the time of melt molding is inferior, the injection load is increased, high-speed continuous operation is hindered, gels and fish eyes are easily generated, and multilayer Resin flow spots occur in the container, and the appearance is remarkably impaired. MIb is more preferably 0.5 g / 10 min or more. On the other hand, when MIb exceeds 10 g / 10 min, the drop impact strength of the b layer in the multilayer container is lowered, and not only the gas barrier property after dropping is lowered, but also into each mold in the multi-cavity molding machine. The EVOH injection amount is not stable and uniform molding becomes difficult. To make matters worse, the thickness distribution in the axial direction of the EVOH of the multi-injected parison becomes non-uniform, and the thickness distribution of the EVOH in the direction perpendicular to the axis also tends to become thicker in the base portion of the parison, As a result of the thickness of the EVOH layer being thin, the gas barrier properties are deteriorated, and the upper part of the appearance tends to become cloudy. MIb is more preferably 8 g / 10 min or less, and even more preferably 6 g / 10 min or less.
Hereinafter, the manufacturing method of a multilayer container is demonstrated.
A container precursor (parison) having a multilayer structure is usually formed by a molding machine having two injection cylinders, and a single mold is clamped once, and the molten PES resin and EVOH resin are injected into each injection cylinder. It is obtained by ejecting the nozzles alternately or / and concentrically at the same time with different timing. For example, (1) a method of injecting PES for inner and outer layers first, and then injecting EVOH as an intermediate layer to make a PES / EVOH / PES three-layer container, or (2) first inner and outer layers PES for injection, then EVOH, and at the same time or after that, PES which becomes the central layer is injected again to make a PES / EVOH / PES / EVOH / PES five-layer container. It is obtained by a general method of a bottomed parison completely encapsulated in a PES layer, and is not particularly limited in terms of equipment.
As conditions for injection molding of the bottomed parison, PES is preferably injected within a temperature range of 250 ° C. to 330 ° C., more preferably 270 ° C. to 320 ° C., and more preferably 280 ° C. to 310 ° C. It is more preferable to inject within the temperature range of ° C. When the injection temperature of PES is less than 250 ° C., the PES pellets are not sufficiently melted, so that an unmelted product (fish eye) is mixed into the molded product, resulting in poor appearance. This also reduces the strength of the molded product. Furthermore, in extreme cases, the screw torque increases and causes a failure of the molding machine. On the other hand, when the injection temperature of PES exceeds 330 ° C., the decomposition of PES becomes remarkable, causing a reduction in strength of the molded product due to a decrease in molecular weight. Further, not only the properties of the substance filled in the molded product are deteriorated by a gas such as acetaldehyde generated at the time of decomposition, but also the oligomers generated at the time of decomposition cause the mold to become dirty and the appearance of the molded product is impaired.
In the case of EVOH, it is preferable to inject within a temperature range of 170 ° C. to 250 ° C., more preferably within a temperature range of 180 ° C. to 240 ° C., and injection within a temperature range of 190 ° C. to 230 ° C. More preferably. When the EVOH injection temperature is less than 170 ° C., the EVOH pellets are not sufficiently melted, so that an unmelted product (fish eye) is mixed into the molded product, resulting in poor appearance. Furthermore, in extreme cases, the screw torque increases and causes a failure of the molding machine. On the other hand, when the injection temperature of EVOH exceeds 250 ° C., the decomposition or gelation of EVOH becomes remarkable, the appearance of the molded product is poor due to coloring or gelation, or the missing portion in the EVOH layer due to flow turbulence due to decomposition gas or gelation Cause barrier degradation. In an extreme case, injection molding becomes impossible due to the generation of a gelled product.
Further, the temperature of the hot runner portion into which PES and EVOH are introduced is preferably in the range of 220 ° C. to 300 ° C., more preferably in the range of 240 ° C. to 280 ° C., and 250 ° C. to 270 ° C. It is more preferable to inject within the range of ° C. When the temperature of the hot runner portion is less than 220 ° C., crystallization of PES occurs and the hot runner portion solidifies, so that molding becomes difficult. On the other hand, when the temperature of the hot runner part exceeds 300 ° C., the decomposition or gelation of EVOH becomes remarkable, and the EVOH layer is missing due to coloring or appearance failure of the molded product due to the gelled product, or the flow turbulence due to the decomposition gas or the gelled product. It produces a part and causes a barrier reduction. In an extreme case, injection molding becomes impossible due to the generation of a gelled product.
In order to obtain good delamination resistance of a multilayer container obtained by stretching and blowing the bottomed parison, it is important to suppress crystallization of PES and EVOH of the parison as much as possible during the injection molding. Thereby, uniform stretchability is obtained, and a molded product having excellent delamination resistance, transparency and shape can be obtained. In order to suppress crystallization of parison PES and EVOH, the mold temperature is preferably in the range of 0 ° C to 70 ° C, more preferably in the range of 5 ° C to 50 ° C. More preferably, the temperature is within the range of 30 ° C. When the mold temperature is less than 0 ° C., the appearance of the parison is impaired due to condensation of the mold, and a good molded product cannot be obtained. In addition, when the mold temperature exceeds 70 ° C., the crystallization of PES and EVOH of the parison is promoted, and uniform stretchability cannot be obtained, and the delamination resistance of the molded product obtained by stretch blow molding is reduced. In addition, it becomes difficult to obtain a molded product shaped into the intended shape. Furthermore, transparency is impaired by the crystallization of PES.
Regarding the thickness of the parison, the total thickness is preferably 2 to 5 mm, and the EVOH layer is preferably 10 to 500 μm in total.
The multi-layer parison thus obtained is directly heated at a high temperature or after being reheated to 75 to 150 ° C. by a heating element such as a block heater or an infrared heater, and then sent to the stretch blow process, and 1 to 5 times in the vertical direction. After being stretched, the multilayer polyester stretch blow container in which the PES resin layer and the EVOH resin layer are uniaxially or biaxially stretched is blown 1 to 4 times with compressed air or the like.
In this case, if the temperature at the time of heating the multilayer parison is too high, the polyester is easily crystallized, so that the stretch blow container is whitened and the appearance is impaired. Moreover, since generation | occurrence | production of the delamination of an extending | stretching blow container increases, it is not preferable. On the other hand, when the temperature at the time of heating the multi-layer parison is too low, crazing occurs in the polyester and a pearl tone is obtained, so that transparency is impaired. For this reason, 85-140 degreeC is preferable, the temperature of the multilayer parison at the time of a heating is more preferable, 90-130 degreeC is more preferable, and 95-120 degreeC is further more preferable.
The total thickness of the container body of the multilayer container in the present invention is generally 100 μm to 3 mm, and can be used properly depending on the application. In this case, the total thickness of the EVOH layer is preferably in the range of 2 to 200 μm, and more preferably in the range of 5 to 100 μm.
Further, the intrinsic viscosity IVa of the polyester resin of the a layer of the multilayer container of the present invention is 0.60 to 0.90 dl / g from the viewpoint of mechanical strength, appearance, productivity at the time of manufacturing the molded product, and the like. Preferably there is. When the intrinsic viscosity IVa is less than 0.60 dl / g, not only the strength of the molded product is lowered, but also crystallization is easily caused by heating at the time of parison molding or blow molding, resulting in a decrease in stretch orientation. Drawing failure occurs, or transparency of the obtained bottle deteriorates. IVa is more preferably 0.65 dl / g or more, and even more preferably 0.70 dl / g or more. On the other hand, when the intrinsic viscosity IVa is larger than 0.90 dl / g, the melt viscosity becomes too high and the parison cannot be molded by injection molding. Further, molding stretch such as unevenness of the resin in the molded product during stretch blow and remarkably deteriorating the appearance easily occur. IVa is more preferably 0.85 dl / g or less.
In addition, since the intrinsic viscosity IVa is an intrinsic viscosity of the polyester constituting the a layer of the multi-layer container, considering that there is a slight decrease in the intrinsic viscosity at the time of melt molding, the raw material polyester chip from the above range It is preferable to use a slightly higher intrinsic viscosity.
The terminal carboxyl group concentration Ca of the polyester resin of the a layer of the multilayer container of the present invention is 40 μequivalent / g or less from the viewpoints of melt stability of the polyester resin, prevention of coloring, and prevention of surface roughness in the extruded product. Preferably, it is 30 μeq / g or less. When the terminal carboxyl group concentration of the polyester resin exceeds 40 µequivalent / g, the thermal stability at the time of melting is lowered, the molecular weight of the polyester resin is markedly lowered, and the coloring in the molded product is likely to be marked.
In addition, since the terminal carboxyl group concentration Ca is the intrinsic viscosity of the polyester constituting the a layer of the multilayer container, considering that there is a slight increase in the terminal carboxyl group concentration during melt molding, It is preferable to use one having a terminal carboxyl group concentration slightly lower than the above range.
The polyester resin oligomer (cyclic trimer of ethylene terephthalate) content CTa in layer a of the multilayer container of the present invention is preferably 2% by weight or less. As a result, contamination of the mold due to the adhesion of the oligomer is reduced, the appearance of the molded product can be impaired, and the cleaning process of the mold is omitted, and the productivity of the molded product is improved. From the viewpoint of reducing contamination of molds and the like, the oligomer content CTa is more preferably 1.5% by weight or less, and further preferably 1.0% by weight or less.
In addition, since the said oligomer content rate CTa is the oligomer content rate of the polyester which comprises the a layer of a multilayer container, when considering that there is a slight rise in the oligomer content rate when melt-molding, as a raw material polyester chip, It is preferable to use one having an oligomer content slightly lower than the above range.
Density Da (g / cm) of thermoplastic polyester layer in container body of multilayer container in the present inventionThree) Is the following formula (12):
1.35 ≦ Da ≦ 1.37 (12)
It is preferable to satisfy The density Da of the thermoplastic polyester layer is 1.35 g / cm.ThreeIf it is less than 1, stretching is insufficient, leading to a decrease in strength, and shrinkage tends to increase during hot fill or heating for sterilization treatment. Da is more preferably 1.353 g / cmThreeMore preferably, 1.355 g / cmThreeThat's it. Meanwhile, 1.37 g / cmThreeIn the case of exceeding, the occurrence of delamination in the multilayer container tends to increase. Da is more preferably 1.367 g / cmThreeOr less, more preferably 1.365 g / cm.ThreeIt is as follows.
The density Db of EVOH of the b layer in the multilayer container of the present invention is preferably 1.11 dl / g to 1.20 dl / g. When the density Db is less than 1.11 dl / g, sufficient gas barrier properties cannot be obtained. Preferably it is 1.12 dl / g or more, More preferably, it is 1.13 dl / g. On the other hand, when the density Db exceeds 1.20 dl / g, the occurrence of delamination increases. Preferably it is 1.19 dl / g or less, More preferably, it is 1.18 dl / g or less.
The internal haze in the container body of the multilayer container of the present invention measured by the method described below is preferably 5% or less. When the internal haze is 5% or more, the appearance of the multilayer container is impaired. The internal haze is more preferably 4% or less, still more preferably 3% or less.
The present inventors have also surprisingly found that the occurrence of delamination is largely related to the molecular structure of the surface of the EVOH layer at the interface between the polyester layer (a layer) and the EVOH layer (b layer). In other words, the occurrence of delamination can be remarkably suppressed by the presence of many ester groups at the interface of the b layer.
That is, in the multilayer container of the present invention, the interface between the thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer) that are in direct contact with each other in the container body is peeled off, and X on the surface of the b layer is peeled off. When the line photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is performed, it is important to satisfy the following formula (3).
0.015 ≦ PC / (PA + PB + PC) ≦ 0.3 (3)
However, PA represents the area of the maximum intensity peak (peak A) among the peaks corresponding to the binding energy of C1s electrons, and PB is a peak (peak) that appears 1.1 to 1.8 eV higher than peak A. B) represents the area, and PC represents the area of the peak (peak C) that appears 3.6 to 4.3 eV higher energy than the peak A.
In the XPS measurement of the b layer interface, among the peaks corresponding to the binding energy of C1s electrons, the peak B that appears 1.1 to 1.8 eV higher energy than the maximum intensity peak (peak A) is the carbon atom of the main chain. Among them, an oxygen atom is adjacent to the carbon atom of the main chain to which a hydroxyl group or an acetoxy group is bonded, and a peak C appearing on a higher energy side of 3.6 to 4.3 eV from the peak A is an ester group. A carbon atom is assigned and the other carbon atoms are assigned to peak A.
Accordingly, the peak areas corresponding to the respective peaks (respectively PA, PB and PC, respectively) represent the relative amounts of the carbon atoms to which each peak is assigned, and the above formula (3) is an ester group with respect to all the carbon atoms at the peeling interface of the b layer. Corresponds to the proportion of carbon atoms derived from. The peak areas corresponding to each peak (PA, PB and PC, respectively) are calculated in the method described in the examples.
When the value of the above formula (3) is less than 0.015, the occurrence of delamination becomes significant. On the other hand, when the value of the above formula (3) exceeds 0.3, the gas barrier property is lowered. From the viewpoint of gas barrier properties, 0.25 or less is preferable, and 0.2 or less is more preferable.
For example, the EVOH resin used in Comparative Example 1 has an ethylene content of 44 mol% and a saponification degree of 97%. Therefore, when the whole is homogeneous, the ratio of the carbon atoms derived from the ester group to the total carbon atoms is calculated to be 0.008. However, ester groups are present at a ratio of 0.023 on the EVOH surface when the interface between EVOH and polyester of the co-injection stretch blow molded container obtained in Comparative Example 1 is peeled off. That is, the ester groups are concentrated to about 4 times the concentration on the surface of the EVOH layer.
The reason why the ester groups are unevenly distributed on the surface in this way is not necessarily clear, but when injection molding is performed in contact with the polyester in a molten state, the ester groups having high affinity with the polyester are concentrated on the surface. Presumed. As a result, it is presumed that functional groups having high affinity with polyester are concentrated on the EVOH surface and the delamination generation rate can be suppressed.
Multilayer containers made of polyester resin and EVOH resin obtained as described above, especially co-injection stretch blow multilayer containers, can prevent delamination between layers due to impact without having an adhesive resin layer, and are transparent. And excellent gas barrier properties.
Such containers are suitable for storing various contents over a long period of time, and are useful as containers for various drinks such as carbonated drinks, beer and wine, foods and cosmetics.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be specifically described with reference to examples and the like, but the present invention is not limited thereto. In the following examples, analysis and evaluation were performed as follows.
(1) Content of each structural unit in polyester:
The content of each structural unit in the polyester is that of the polyester using deuterated trifluoroacetic acid as a solvent.1It was measured by an H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrum (measured by “JNM-GX-500 type” manufactured by JEOL Ltd.).
(2) Intrinsic viscosity (IVa) of polyester:
A sample was cut out from the polyester layer of the multilayer container body, and measured using an Ubbelohde viscometer (“HRK-3” manufactured by Hayashi Seisakusho) at 30 ° C. in an equal weight mixed solvent of phenol and tetrachloroethane.
(3) Glass transition temperature (TGa) and melting point (TMa) of polyester:
A sample was cut out from the polyester layer of the multilayer container body and subjected to differential thermal analysis (DSC) according to JIS K7121, using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) RDC220 / SSC5200H type manufactured by Seiko Denshi Kogyo Co., Ltd. After the sample was held at a temperature of 5 ° C. for 5 minutes, the temperature was lowered to 30 ° C. under a temperature drop rate of 100 ° C./minute, held for another 5 minutes, and then measured under a temperature rise rate of 10 ° C./minute. However, indium and lead were used for temperature calibration. Moreover, the glass transition point as used in the present invention refers to the intermediate glass transition temperature (Tmg) referred to in the above JIS, and the melting point referred to in the present invention refers to the melting peak temperature (Tpm) referred to in the above JIS.
(4) Terminal carboxyl group concentration (Ca) of polyester:
0.2 g of polyester cut out from the polyester layer of the multilayer container body was dissolved in 10 ml of benzyl alcohol heated to 215 ° C., 10 ml of chloroform was added after dissolution, and titrated with a benzyl alcohol solution of caustic soda.
(5) Polyester oligomer (cyclic trimer) content (CTa): 100 mg of polyester cut out from the polyester layer of the multilayer container body was chloroform / 1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (volume) Ratio 1/1) dissolved in 2 ml and further diluted with 8 ml of chloroform. Acetonitrile was added thereto to reprecipitate the polymer component so that the volume of the solution was 100 ml, and a filtrate after filtration was obtained. The filtrate was subjected to quantitative analysis by ultraviolet / visible absorbance and refractive index using high performance liquid chromatography (column, ODS-II manufactured by Chemco) using 75% by volume acetonitrile aqueous solution as an eluent. The click trimer content (% by weight) was determined.
(6) Ethylene content and saponification degree in EVOH:
The ethylene content and saponification degree in EVOH are the same as those of EVOH using deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide as a solvent.1It was measured by an H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrum (measured by “JNM-GX-500 type” manufactured by JEOL Ltd.).
(7) Melting point of EVOH (TMb):
A sample was cut out from the polyester layer of the multilayer container body, and was subjected to differential thermal analysis (DSC) according to JIS K7121, using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) RDC220 / SSC5200H type manufactured by Seiko Denshi Kogyo Co., Ltd., 240 After the sample was held at a temperature of 5 ° C. for 5 minutes, the temperature was lowered to 30 ° C. under a temperature drop rate of 100 ° C./minute, held for another 5 minutes, and then measured under a temperature rise rate of 10 ° C./minute. However, indium and lead were used for temperature calibration. The melting point in the present invention refers to the melting peak temperature (Tpm) in the JIS.
(8) EVOH melt index (MIb):
It measured using melt indexer L244 (made by Takara Kogyo Co., Ltd.). Specifically, the EVOH tip is filled in a cylinder having an inner diameter of 9.55 mm and a length of 162 mm, melted at 190 ° C., and then uniformly with a plunger having a weight of 2160 g and a diameter of 9.48 mm with respect to the melted EVOH. The flow rate of EVOH (g / 10 minutes) extruded from an orifice with a diameter of 2.1 mm provided at the center of the cylinder was measured, and this was used as the melt index.
(9) Phosphate radical content:
The phosphate radical content was determined by phosphate ion (POFour 3-) Obtained as content. 10 g of dried EVOH as a sample was put into 50 ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid aqueous solution and stirred at 95 ° C. for 6 hours. The aqueous solution after stirring was quantitatively analyzed using ion chromatography to obtain a phosphate ion content. The column used was CIS-A23 manufactured by Yokogawa Electric Corporation, and the eluent was an aqueous solution containing 2.5 mM sodium carbonate and 1.0 mM sodium bicarbonate. For the determination, a calibration curve prepared with a phosphoric acid aqueous solution was used.
(10) Content of Na, K and Mg ions:
10 g of the dried chip as a sample was put into 50 ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid aqueous solution and stirred at 95 ° C. for 6 hours. The aqueous solution after stirring was quantitatively analyzed using ion chromatography, and the amounts of Na ions, K ions, and Mg ions were quantified. The column used was ICS-C25 manufactured by Yokogawa Electric Corporation, and the eluent was an aqueous solution containing 5.0 mM tartaric acid and 1.0 mM 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid. For the determination, calibration curves prepared with sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and magnesium chloride aqueous solution were used. From the amounts of Na ions, K ions, and Mg ions thus obtained, the amounts of alkali metal salt and alkaline earth metal salt in the dry chip were obtained in metal equivalent amounts.
(11) EVOH density (Db):
The EVOH layer of the multilayer container body was cut out to a size of 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm and measured using a 25 ° C. n-hexane / carbon tetrachloride density gradient tube.
(12) Density of polyester (Da):
The polyester layer of the multilayer container body was cut out to a size of 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm and measured using a 25 ° C. n-hexane / carbon tetrachloride density gradient tube.
(13) Delamination rate of multilayer containers:
100 bottles obtained by molding were each filled with water as the contents and sealed under normal pressure, and then the bottle body was leveled from a height of 50 cm, with a 90 ° angle. On the 20 cm triangular base, the base was naturally dropped only once so that the corner of the base hit the center of the bottle body. From the number of bottles that cause delamination, the following formula:
[(Number of bottles that have developed delamination) / 100] × 100 (%)
From this, the incidence of delamination was calculated.
(14) Haze value (cloudiness value) of multilayer container:
In accordance with ASTM D1003-61, a Poick integrating sphere type light transmittance / total light reflectometer (Murakami Color Research Laboratory “HR-”) was obtained according to ASTM D1003-61. 100 type ") was used to measure the internal haze value at each location, and the average value was taken as the haze value (cloudiness value) of the bottle.
(15) Oxygen permeation amount of multilayer container:
After adjusting the temperature and humidity to 20 ° C.-65% RH in the form of the obtained bottle, the oxygen permeation measuring device (OX-TRAN-10 / 50A, manufactured by Modern Control Co., Ltd.) The amount of oxygen permeation (ml / container · day · atm) was measured.
(16) XPS measurement of EVOH layer surface in container body:
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) on the surface of the EVOH layer when the interface between the polyester layer (a layer) and the EVOH layer (b layer) in the container body is peeled off is “AXIS-HSi” manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation. went.
In the measurement, a sample was fixed, and first, a qualitative analysis of all elements was performed by Wide Scan (0 to 1100 eV) measurement, and then peak integration (Narrow Scan) of each element was performed for a total of 30 minutes. Pressure 1x10-7The test was performed under the conditions of 15 kv-8 mA using Pa of Mg and Kα of Mg as an excitation source.
Of the peaks corresponding to the binding energy of C1s electrons, the peak with the maximum intensity (referred to as peak A) appears in the vicinity of 285 eV, so that 1.1-1. The peak areas (PA, PB, and PC, respectively) of peak B appearing on the high energy side of 8 eV and peak C appearing on the high energy side of 3.6 to 4.3 eV from peak A were determined. In calculating the area, the linear method was used for background correction in waveform separation, and the Gaussian curve approximation 100% was used for curve approximation. The value of PC / (PA + PB + PC) was calculated from the obtained peak area values PA, PB and PC.
(17) Spectral transmission spectrum of polyester resin
The polyester resin was melt press molded at 280 ° C. to obtain a sheet having a thickness of 300 μm. Using this sheet, a spectral transmission spectrum was measured with an ultraviolet / visible spectrophotometer “UV-2100” manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation.
Example 1
The thermoplastic polyester resin produced in the following manner was used.
(1) A slurry composed of 100.000 parts by weight of terephthalic acid and 44.830 parts by weight of ethylene glycol was prepared, and 0.010 parts by weight of germanium dioxide, 0.010 parts by weight of phosphorous acid and tetraethylammonium hydroxide 0. 010 parts by weight were added. This slurry was pressurized (absolute pressure 2.5 kg / cm2) To a temperature of 250 ° C., and the esterification reaction was carried out until the esterification rate reached 95% to produce a low polymer. Subsequently, the low polymer obtained was melt polycondensed at a temperature of 270 ° C. under a reduced pressure of 1 mmHg to produce a polyester having an intrinsic viscosity of 0.50 dl / g. The obtained polyester was extruded in a strand form from a nozzle, cooled with water, and then cut into cylindrical pellets (diameter: about 2.5 mm, length: about 2.5 mm). Next, the obtained polyester pellets were crystallized by preliminary drying at 160 ° C. for 5 hours to obtain a polyester prepolymer.
(2) When the content of each structural unit of the obtained polyester prepolymer was measured by NMR, the content of terephthalic acid units, ethylene glycol units, and by-produced diethylene glycol units in the polyester was 50.0 mol%, They were 48.9 mol% and 1.1 mol%. Further, the terminal carboxyl group concentration and melting point were measured by the above-mentioned methods, and were 38 μequivalent / g and 253 ° C., respectively.
Next, the obtained polyester prepolymer was crystallized by preliminary drying at 160 ° C. for 5 hours.
(3) The polyester prepolymer thus crystallized is subjected to solid phase polymerization at 220 ° C. for 10 hours under a reduced pressure of 0.1 mmHg using a rolling vacuum solid phase polymerization apparatus to obtain a high molecular weight polyester resin. Obtained.
(4) When the content of each structural unit of the polyester resin obtained in (3) above was measured by NMR, the content of terephthalic acid unit, ethylene glycol unit, and diethylene glycol unit in the polyester was 50.0 mol%, respectively. 48.9 mol%, 1.1 mol%.
The intrinsic viscosity, melting point, glass transition temperature TGa, terminal carboxyl group concentration, and cyclic trimer content were 0.83 dl / g, 252 ° C., 80 ° C., 22 μeq / g, and 0.32 wt%, respectively.
FIG. 7 shows the spectral transmission spectrum of the sheet made of the polyester resin.
The EVOH resin has an ethylene content (ETb1) of 44 mol%, a saponification degree (SDb1) of 99.8%, a melt index (MIb1; 190 ° C. to 2160 g load) of 5.5 g / 10 minutes, and a melting point of 166 ° C. EVOH 100 parts by weight, and ethylene content (ETb2) 44 mol%, saponification degree (SDb2) 97.0%, melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C. to 2160 g load) 5.3 g / 10 min, melting point 154 ° C. EVOH 100 weight The parts were dry blended, pelletized at 200 ° C. with a 20 mmφ twin screw extruder, and then dried at 80 ° C. for 16 hours under reduced pressure to use an EVOH composition. The melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.−2160 g load) of the EVOH composition was 5.2 g / 10 minutes, the melting point was 161 ° C., and the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents were measured. They were 100 ppm, 80 ppm, 50 ppm, and 50 ppm. A DSC chart of the EVOH composition is shown in FIG. 2 and has a single melting peak.
Using these resins, Nissei ASB Co-injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine (ASB-50HT type 750ml 2 pieces) is used, PES side injection machine temperature 290 ° C, EVOH side injection machine temperature 220 ° C, PES and EVOH merge Co-injection molding was performed at a hot runner block portion of 260 ° C., an injection mold core temperature of 15 ° C., and an injection mold cavity temperature of 15 ° C. to form a PES / EVOH / PES two-kind / three-layer parison.
Thereafter, the surface temperature of the parison was heated to 105 ° C., and stretch blow molding was performed to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness in the body portion of 203 μm for the inner layer, 18 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 67 μm for the outer layer PES. .
Table 1 shows the results of measuring the density Da, the intrinsic viscosity IVa, the melting point TMa, the terminal carboxyl group concentration Ca, and the cyclic trimer content CTa by taking out the outer layer and the inner layer PES of the body portion of the bottle.
Further, Table 2 shows the results of taking out EVOH from the body of the obtained bottle and measuring the melting point TMb and the density Db.
FIG. 5 shows an XPS measurement chart on the EVOH layer surface. The area ratio of each peak was PA: PB: PC = 65.69: 32.01: 2.30, and the value of PC / (PA + PB + PC) was 0.0230.
Furthermore, Table 4 shows the results of measuring the occurrence rate of delamination of the bottle, the haze of the body of the bottle, and the oxygen permeation amount of the bottle using the obtained bottle.
Example 2
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb1) was 38 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb1) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb1; 190). 100 g by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 177 ° C., an ethylene content (ETb2) of 38 mol%, a saponification degree (SDb2) of 96.5%, a melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C. − 2160 g load) 1.6 g / 10 min, 100 parts by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 162 ° C., dry blended, pelletized at 200 ° C. with a 20 mmφ twin screw extruder, and then dried at 80 ° C. for 16 hours under reduced pressure. It was used. The EVOH composition has a melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) of 1.4 g / 10 min, a melting point of 166 ° C. (single melting peak), phosphate group content, and Na, K, and Mg ion content. Were measured to be 95 ppm, 75 ppm, 50 ppm and 55 ppm, respectively.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of two types and three layers in which the average thickness at the body is an inner layer PES 201 μm, an intermediate layer EVOH 20 μm, and an outer layer PES 69 μm Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Example 3
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb1) was 32 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb1) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb1; 190). 100 g by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 183 ° C., ethylene content (ETb2) of 32 mol%, saponification degree (SDb2) of 97.0%, melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C. − 2160 g load) 1.2 g / 10 min, 100 parts by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 172 ° C., dry blended, pelletized at 200 ° C. with a 20 mmφ twin screw extruder, and then dried under reduced pressure at 80 ° C. for 16 hours. It was used. The EVOH composition has a melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) of 1.1 g / 10 minutes, a melting point of 177 ° C. (single melting peak), phosphate group content, and Na, K, and Mg ion content. Were measured to be 90 ppm, 75 ppm, 45 ppm, and 45 ppm, respectively.
Using the above-mentioned thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of 2 types and 3 layers in which the average thickness at the body is 200 μm for the inner layer PES, 20 μm for the middle layer EVOH, 70 μm for the outer layer Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Example 4
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb1) was 44 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb1) was 99.7%, the vinyltrimethoxysilane was 0.4%. 05 mol%, melt index (MIb1; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 1.8 g / 10 min, melting point 165 ° C. EVOH 100 parts by weight, ethylene content (ETb2) 44 mol%, saponification degree (SDb2) 97.0 %, Vinyltrimethoxysilane 0.05 mol%, melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 1.7 g / 10 min, 100 parts by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 153 ° C. was dry blended, and 200 ° C. in a 20 mmφ twin screw extruder. Then, the EVOH composition dried at 80 ° C. for 16 hours under reduced pressure was used. The EVOH composition has a melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) of 1.6 g / 10 min, a melting point of 157 ° C. (single melting peak), phosphate group content, and Na, K, and Mg ion content. Were measured to be 90 ppm, 90 ppm, 60 ppm, and 50 ppm, respectively.
Using the above-mentioned thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of two types and three layers in which the average thickness at the body is inner layer PES 203 μm, intermediate layer EVOH 19 μm, outer layer PES 69 μm Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Example 5
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, ethylene content (ETb1) 38 mol%, saponification degree (SDb1) 99.8%, boric acid 230 ppm (boron element) Conversion), melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 1.6 g / 10 min, melting point 176 ° C. EVOH 100 parts by weight, ethylene content (ETb2) 38 mol%, saponification degree (SDb2) 96.5% , Boric acid 230ppm (in terms of boron element), melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C-2160g load) 1.8g / 10 min, dry blend 100 parts by weight of EVOH with a melting point of 161 ° C, and pelletized at 200 ° C with a 20mmφ twin screw extruder Then, the EVOH composition dried under reduced pressure at 80 ° C. for 16 hours was used. The EVOH composition has a melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.−2160 g load) of 1.6 g / 10 minutes, a melting point of 165 ° C. (single melting peak), phosphate group content, and Na, K, and Mg ion content. Were measured to be 95 ppm, 90 ppm, 55 ppm and 50 ppm, respectively.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of two types and three layers in which the average thickness at the body is an inner layer PES 201 μm, an intermediate layer EVOH 20 μm, and an outer layer PES 69 μm Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 1
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 44 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 97.0%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 154 ° C. was used at 5.3 g / 10 min. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 80 ppm, 75 ppm, 31 ppm, and 20 ppm, respectively.
A DSC chart of EVOH resin is shown in FIG. 1 and has a single melting peak.
Using the above-mentioned thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of 2 types and 3 layers in which the average thickness at the body is 200 μm for the inner layer PES, 20 μm for the middle layer EVOH, 70 μm for the outer layer Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
FIG. 4 shows an XPS measurement chart on the EVOH layer surface. The area ratio of each peak was PA: PB: PC = 65.69: 32.01: 2.30, and the value of PC / (PA + PB + PC) was 0.0230.
Moreover, in order to confirm the thermal stability of EVOH, using the above-mentioned resin, using the above-described co-injection stretch blow molding machine, the PES side injection machine temperature is 290 ° C., the EVOH side injection machine temperature is 220 ° C., PES and EVOH PES and EVOH are retained and held for 30 minutes at a hot runner block portion 260 ° C. where the PES / EV is joined, and then co-injection molding is performed at an injection mold core temperature of 15 ° C. and an injection mold cavity temperature of 15 ° C. EVOH / PES 2 types and 3 layers of parison were molded. The obtained parison was slightly yellowish, but had no gel and had a good appearance.
Comparative Example 2
Polymerization was carried out in the same manner as in Example 1 except that 0.035 parts by weight of antimony trioxide was used in place of germanium dioxide as a polymerization catalyst for producing the thermoplastic polyester resin, thereby producing a thermoplastic polyester. In the polyester thus obtained, the contents of terephthalic acid units, ethylene glycol units and diethylene glycol units are 50.0 mol%, 48.7 mol% and 1.3 mol%, respectively, intrinsic viscosity, melting point, glass transition temperature. TGa, terminal carboxyl group concentration, and cyclic trimer content were 0.82 dl / g, 253 ° C., 80 ° C., 24 μeq / g, and 0.35 wt%, respectively.
Using the thermoplastic polyester resin thus obtained and the same EVOH resin as in Comparative Example 1, molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the average thickness at the body was inner layer PES 201 μm, intermediate layer EVOH 18 μm, and outer layer PES 69 μm. Two types and three layers of multilayer co-injection blow molded bottles were obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 3
In producing the thermoplastic polyester resin, instead of 100.000 parts by weight of terephthalic acid, 96.000 parts by weight of terephthalic acid and 4.000 parts by weight of isophthalic acid are used as raw materials. Polymerization was carried out in the same manner as in Example 1 except that 035 parts by weight were used. The terephthalic acid unit, isophthalic acid unit, ethylene glycol unit, and diethylene glycol unit content in the polyester are 48.0 mol%, 2.0 mol%, 48.8 mol%, and 1.2 mol%, respectively. , Melting point, glass transition temperature TGa, terminal carboxyl group concentration, and cyclic trimer content were 0.85 dl / g, 248 ° C., 79 ° C., 23 μeq / g, and 0.30 wt%, respectively.
Using the thermoplastic polyester resin thus obtained and the same EVOH resin as in Comparative Example 1, molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the average thickness at the body was an inner layer PES of 205 μm, an intermediate layer EVOH of 19 μm, and an outer layer of PES of 70 μm. Two types and three layers of multilayer co-injection blow molded bottles were obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 4
Example 1 except that 3.700 parts by weight of 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol was added to the raw material and 0.035 part by weight of antimony trioxide was used instead of germanium dioxide when producing the thermoplastic polyester resin. In the same manner as above, polymerization was carried out. The contents of terephthalic acid unit, 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol, ethylene glycol unit, and diethylene glycol unit in the polyester are 48.1 mol%, 1.9 mol%, 48.7 mol%, and 1.3 mol%, respectively. The intrinsic viscosity, melting point, glass transition temperature TGa, terminal carboxyl group concentration, and cyclic trimer content were 0.85 dl / g, 244 ° C., 81 ° C., 26 μeq / g, and 0.29 wt%, respectively.
Using the thermoplastic polyester resin thus obtained and the same EVOH resin as in Comparative Example 1, molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the average thickness at the trunk was 201 μm for the inner layer PES, 19 μm for the middle layer EVOH, and 69 μm for the outer layer PES. Two types and three layers of multilayer co-injection blow molded bottles were obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 5
When producing the thermoplastic polyester resin, instead of 100.000 parts by weight of terephthalic acid, 97.000 parts by weight of terephthalic acid and 4.200 parts by weight of 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid are used as raw materials. Instead, polymerization was carried out in the same manner as in Example 1 except that 0.035 parts by weight of antimony trioxide was used. The content of terephthalic acid unit, 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid unit, ethylene glycol unit, and diethylene glycol unit in the polyester is 48.4 mol%, 1.6 mol%, 48.8 mol%, 1.2 mol%, respectively. The intrinsic viscosity, melting point, glass transition temperature TGa, terminal carboxyl group concentration, and cyclic trimer content were 0.82 dl / g, 247 ° C., 83 ° C., 21 μeq / g, and 0.29 wt%, respectively. .
FIG. 8 shows a spectral transmission spectrum of the sheet made of the obtained polyester resin. Compared with the spectral transmission spectrum of the polyester resin of Example 1 in which naphthalenedicarboxylic acid is not copolymerized, the transmittance in the ultraviolet (200 to 400 nm) region is reduced, and it has good ultraviolet blocking performance. I understand that.
Using the thermoplastic polyester resin thus obtained and the same EVOH resin as in Comparative Example 1, molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and the average thickness at the trunk was 206 μm for the inner layer PES, 22 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 67 μm for the outer layer PES. Two types and three layers of multilayer co-injection blow molded bottles were obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 6
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 38 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 96.5%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 162 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 100 ppm, 50 ppm, 50 ppm, and 30 ppm, respectively.
Using the above-mentioned thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES of 202 μm, intermediate layer EVOH of 19 μm, and outer layer of PES of 68 μm. Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Further, in order to confirm the thermal stability of EVOH, similarly to Comparative Example 1, the above-described thermoplastic resin and EVOH were used, the above-described co-injection stretch blow molding machine was used, the PES side injection machine temperature was 290 ° C., EVOH After holding and holding PES and EVOH for 30 minutes at a hot runner block 260 ° C where the side injection machine temperature is 220 ° C and PES and EVOH merge, the injection mold core temperature is 15 ° C and the injection mold cavity temperature is 15 Co-injection molding was performed at 0 ° C. to form a PES / EVOH / PES two-kind / three-layer parison. Although the obtained parison was slightly yellowish, it had no gel and had a good appearance.
Comparative Example 7
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 32 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 97.0%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 172 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 90 ppm, 70 ppm, 50 ppm, and 55 ppm, respectively.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES 202 μm, intermediate layer EVOH 21 μm, and outer layer PES 69 μm Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Further, in order to confirm the thermal stability of EVOH, similarly to Comparative Example 1, the above-described thermoplastic resin and EVOH were used, the above-described co-injection stretch blow molding machine was used, the PES side injection machine temperature was 290 ° C., EVOH After holding and holding PES and EVOH for 30 minutes at a hot runner block 260 ° C where the side injection machine temperature is 220 ° C and PES and EVOH merge, the injection mold core temperature is 15 ° C and the injection mold cavity temperature is 15 Co-injection molding was performed at 0 ° C. to form a PES / EVOH / PES two-kind / three-layer parison. The obtained parison was slightly yellowish, and a slight amount of gel was observed.
Comparative Example 8
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 44 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 97.0%, the vinyl trimethoxysilane was 0.4%. EVOH having 05 mol%, melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 1.7 g / 10 min, melting point 153 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 80 ppm, 80 ppm, 40 ppm, and 60 ppm, respectively.
Using the thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of 200 μm for the inner layer, 20 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 69 μm for the outer layer PES. Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 9
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 38 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 97.0%, and vinyltrimethoxysilane was used in an amount of 0. EVOH having 02 mol%, melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 5.0 g / 10 min, melting point 163 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 100 ppm, 75 ppm, 45 ppm, and 55 ppm, respectively.
Using the above-mentioned thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES of 204 μm, intermediate layer EVOH of 18 μm, and outer layer of PES of 67 μm. Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 10
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, ethylene content (ETb) 38 mol%, saponification degree (SDb) 96.5%, boric acid 230 ppm (boron element) Conversion), melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 1.8 g / 10 min, EVOH having a melting point of 161 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 90 ppm, 70 ppm, 45 ppm, and 50 ppm, respectively.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES 201 μm, intermediate layer EVOH 20 μm, and outer layer PES 70 μm. Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 11
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 44 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 166 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 75 ppm, 75 ppm, 30 ppm, and 20 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body of 201 μm for the inner layer, 20 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 70 μm for the outer layer PES. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
FIG. 6 shows an XPS measurement chart on the EVOH layer surface. The area ratio of each peak was PA: PB: PC = 65.22: 33.54: 1.24, and the value of PC / (PA + PB + PC) was 0.0124.
Comparative Example 12
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 52 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 94.8%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 141 ° C. was used at 6.8 g / 10 min. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 80 ppm, 75 ppm, 35 ppm, and 25 ppm, respectively.
Molding was carried out in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES 197 μm, intermediate layer EVOH 16 μm, and outer layer PES 73 μm. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 13
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 48 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 99.7%, the vinyl trimethoxysilane was 0.4%. EVOH having 02 mol%, melt index (MIb; 190 ° C.-2160 g load) 6.4 g / 10 min, melting point 159 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 100 ppm, 80 ppm, 45 ppm, and 60 ppm, respectively.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH, molding is performed in the same manner as in Example 1, and a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of inner layer PES of 204 μm, intermediate layer EVOH of 17 μm, and outer layer of PES of 67 μm. Obtained. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 14
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 48 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 99.4%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 155 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 100 ppm, 50 ppm, 25 ppm, and 20 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 described above to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body portion of 205 μm for the inner layer PES, 6 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 75 μm for the outer layer PES. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 15
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 38 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 177 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 80 ppm, 60 ppm, 45 ppm, and 50 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness at the body of 202 μm for the inner layer PES, 19 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH and 69 μm for the outer layer PES. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 16
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 32 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 183 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 70 ppm, 55 ppm, 50 ppm, and 55 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness of 200 μm for the inner layer, 20 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH, and 70 μm for the outer layer PES. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 17
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 20 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 96.5%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 188 ° C. was used. When the phosphate group content and the Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 80 ppm, 70 ppm, 60 ppm, and 55 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness in the body portion of 203 μm for the inner layer PES, 17 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH and 68 μm for the outer layer PES. Many gels were generated in the obtained bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 18
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb) was 44 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb) was 90.0%, and the melt index (MIb; 190). EVOH having a melting point of 136 ° C. was used at 5.3 g / 10 min. When the phosphate group content and Na, K, and Mg ion contents of the EVOH were measured, they were 90 ppm, 50 ppm, 55 ppm, and 40 ppm, respectively.
Molding was performed in the same manner as in Example 1 to obtain a two-kind / three-layer multilayer co-injection blow-molded bottle having an average thickness in the body portion of 204 μm for the inner layer PES, 17 μm for the intermediate layer EVOH and 67 μm for the outer layer PES. Many gels were generated in the obtained bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
Comparative Example 19
As the thermoplastic polyester resin, the resin used in Example 1 was used. As the EVOH resin, the ethylene content (ETb1) was 32 mol%, the saponification degree (SDb1) was 99.8%, and the melt index (MIb1; 190). 100 g by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 183 ° C., ethylene content (ETb2) of 80 mol%, saponification degree (SDb2) of 90.0%, melt index (MIb2; 190 ° C. − (2160 g load) 38 g / 10 minutes, 20 parts by weight of EVOH having a melting point of 109 ° C. was dry blended, pelletized at 200 ° C. with a 20 mmφ twin screw extruder, and then dried at 80 ° C. for 16 hours under reduced pressure. used. The EVOH composition has a melt index (MIb; 190 ° C. to 2160 g load) of 2.6 g / 10 min, melting points of 183 ° C. and 108 ° C., two peaks, phosphate group content and Na, K, Mg ions When the contents were measured, they were 45 ppm, 40 ppm, 35 ppm, and 30 ppm, respectively. The DSC chart of the EVOH composition is shown in FIG. 3 and has two melting peaks.
Using the above thermoplastic resin and EVOH composition, molding is carried out in the same manner as in Example 1, and a multilayer co-injection blow molding of two types and three layers in which the average thickness at the body is an inner layer PES 204 μm, an intermediate layer EVOH 19 μm, and an outer layer PES 69 μm Got a bottle. The results of analyzing and evaluating the obtained bottles in the same manner as in Example 1 are shown in Tables 1 to 4.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004180186
[Table 2]
Figure 0004180186
[Table 3]
Figure 0004180186
[Table 4]
Figure 0004180186
  From the above results, the thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer) were arranged such that the a layer was in direct contact with both surfaces of the b layer. The copolymer comprises a blend of two types of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers (b1, b2), the blending weight ratio (b1 / b2) is 10/90 to 90/10, and the following formula ( 6) to (11)
    25 ≦ ETb1 ≦ 48 (6)
    99 ≦ SDb1 (7)
    25 ≦ ETb2 ≦ 48 (8)
    92 ≦ SDb2 ≦ 99 (9)
    | ETb2-ETb1 | ≦ 8 (10)
    1 ≦(SDb1-SDb2)≦ 8 (11)
  ETb1; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  SDb1; degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
  ETb2; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
  SDb2: Degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
In the blow-molded containers of Examples 1 to 5 that satisfy the above, the delamination occurrence rate of the bottle is 10% or less and the delamination resistance is excellent, and the haze value is 5 or less and the transparency is excellent. Furthermore, the maximum oxygen permeation amount is / container / day / atmIt can be seen that the gas barrier property is also excellent.
In addition, when the saponification degree SDb of EVOH exceeds 99% (Comparative Examples 11, 13, 14, 15, 16), the delamination occurrence rate exceeds 10% regardless of the ethylene content. On the other hand, when SDb is less than 92% (Comparative Example 18), the gas barrier property is greatly lowered, the melt stability is deteriorated, and a gel is generated in the molded product. In addition, when the ethylene content ETb is too high (Comparative Example 12), the gas barrier property is greatly reduced, and when ETb is too low (Comparative Example 17), the delamination occurrence rate is greatly increased and the melt stability is increased. As a result, the gas barrier properties also deteriorate.
In addition, as shown in Comparative Example 19, when two types of EVOH, whose average ethylene content and average saponification degree satisfy the above-mentioned requirements but whose values are greatly different, were blended, crystal melting by DSC Two peaks appear. In such a case, the object of the present invention to reduce the incidence of delamination cannot be achieved, and at the same time, the transparency deteriorates.
On the other hand, when EVOH having a difference in ethylene content and saponification degree below a certain value is blended as in Examples 1 to 5, the crystal melting peak in DSC becomes a single peak, and the effect of the present application is Can play.
In the case of having a plurality of crystal melting peaks, it is presumed that the two types of EVOH are phase-separated from each other, and as a result, transparency is deteriorated and delamination is also adversely affected.
As can be seen by comparing Examples 1, 2, and 3 with Comparative Examples 1, 6, and 7, respectively, when two types of EVOH having a difference in saponification degree of 1 to 8% were blended, surprisingly, The delamination generation rate is hardly increased, and the gas barrier property is improved, which is particularly useful.
【The invention's effect】
The co-injection stretch blow multilayer container composed of the thermoplastic polyester and EVOH of the present invention has greatly improved impact peel resistance, and also has gas barrier properties such as oxygen or carbon dioxide, moisture resistance, aroma retention, flavor barrier properties and Since it has an excellent appearance, it is useful as a container for beverages, foods, cosmetics and the like.
[Brief description of the drawings]
1 is a DSC chart of an EVOH resin used in Comparative Example 1. FIG.
2 is a DSC chart of the EVOH composition used in Example 1. FIG.
3 is a DSC chart of the EVOH composition used in Comparative Example 19. FIG.
4 is an XPS measurement chart on the EVOH layer surface of the bottle obtained in Comparative Example 1. FIG.
5 is an XPS measurement chart of the EVOH layer surface of the bottle obtained in Example 1. FIG.
6 is an XPS measurement chart of the EVOH layer surface of the bottle obtained in Comparative Example 11. FIG.
7 is a spectral transmission spectrum of a sheet made of a polyester resin used in Example 1. FIG.
8 is a spectral transmission spectrum of a sheet made of a polyester resin used in Comparative Example 5. FIG.

Claims (10)

25≦ETb1≦48 (6)
99≦SDb1 (7)
25≦ETb2≦48 (8)
92≦SDb2≦99 (9)
|ETb2−ETb1|≦8 (10)
1≦(SDb1−SDb2)≦8 (11)
The thermoplastic polyester layer (a layer) and the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer (b layer) are arranged so that the a layer is in direct contact with both surfaces of the b layer. It consists of a blend of two types of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers (b1, b2), the blending weight ratio (b1 / b2) is 10/90 to 90/10, and the following formulas (6) to ( 11) A co-injection stretch blow molded container that satisfies the above.
25 ≦ ETb1 ≦ 48 (6)
99 ≦ SDb1 (7)
25 ≦ ETb2 ≦ 48 (8)
92 ≦ SDb2 ≦ 99 (9)
| ETb2-ETb1 | ≦ 8 (10)
1 ≦ (SDb1-SDb2) ≦ 8 (11)
ETb1; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
SDb1; degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b1)
ETb2; ethylene content (mol%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
SDb2: Degree of saponification (%) of ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer (b2)
エチレン−ビニルアルコール共重合体の示差走査熱量計(DSC)での結晶融解ピークが単一ピークである請求項1に記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow-molded container according to claim 1, wherein the crystal melting peak of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) is a single peak. 熱可塑性ポリエステルが、エチレンテレフタレート成分を主成分とし、かつその融点TMa(℃)が下記式(14)を満足する請求項1または2に記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。
240≦TMa≦250 (14)
The co-injection stretch blow-molded container according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the thermoplastic polyester has an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component and a melting point TMa (° C) thereof satisfies the following formula (14).
240 ≦ TMa ≦ 250 (14)
熱可塑性ポリエステルが、ゲルマニウム化合物を触媒として重合されてなる請求項1〜3のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow-molded container according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the thermoplastic polyester is polymerized using a germanium compound as a catalyst. 熱可塑性ポリエステルが、エチレンテレフタレート成分を主成分とし、ナフタレンジカルボン酸成分を、全ジカルボン酸成分に対して0.1〜15モル%含有する請求項1〜4のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the thermoplastic polyester contains an ethylene terephthalate component as a main component and a naphthalenedicarboxylic acid component in an amount of 0.1 to 15 mol% with respect to the total dicarboxylic acid component. Molded container. 熱可塑性ポリエステルの固有粘度IVa(dl/g)が下記式(4)を満足し、かつエチレン−ビニルアルコール共重合体のメルトインデックスMIb{g/10分(190℃、2160g荷重)}が下記式(5)を満足する請求項1〜5のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。
0.60≦IVa≦0.90 (4)
0.1≦MIb≦10 (5)
The intrinsic viscosity IVa (dl / g) of the thermoplastic polyester satisfies the following formula (4), and the melt index MIb {g / 10 min (190 ° C., 2160 g load)} of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer is The co-injection stretch blow-molded container according to any one of claims 1 to 5, which satisfies (5).
0.60 ≦ IVa ≦ 0.90 (4)
0.1 ≦ MIb ≦ 10 (5)
エチレン−ビニルアルコール共重合体がビニルシラン化合物を0.0002〜0.2モル%共重合してなる請求項1〜6のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow molded container according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer is obtained by copolymerizing a vinyl silane compound in an amount of 0.0002 to 0.2 mol%. エチレン−ビニルアルコール共重合体がホウ素化合物をホウ素元素換算で20〜2000ppm含有する請求項1〜7のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow molded container according to any one of claims 1 to 7, wherein the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer contains a boron compound in an amount of 20 to 2000 ppm in terms of boron element. 容器胴部の熱可塑性ポリエステル層の密度Da(g/cm3)が下記式(12)を満足し、容器胴部のエチレン−ビニルアルコール共重合体層の密度Db(g/cm3)が下記式(13)を満足する請求項1〜8に記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。
1.35≦Da≦1.37 (12)
1.11≦Db≦1.20 (13)
The density Da (g / cm 3 ) of the thermoplastic polyester layer in the container body satisfies the following formula (12), and the density Db (g / cm 3 ) of the ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer in the container body is: The co-injection stretch blow molded container according to claim 1, which satisfies the formula (13)
1.35 ≦ Da ≦ 1.37 (12)
1.11 ≦ Db ≦ 1.20 (13)
容器胴部のヘイズが5%以下である請求項1〜9のいずれかに記載の共射出延伸ブロー成形容器。The co-injection stretch blow-molded container according to any one of claims 1 to 9, wherein the haze of the container body is 5% or less.
JP10235399A 1998-04-09 1999-04-09 Co-injection stretch blow molded container having an ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer layer Expired - Fee Related JP4180186B2 (en)

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