JP3985298B2 - Method for producing solvent degreasing residual water slurry - Google Patents
Method for producing solvent degreasing residual water slurry Download PDFInfo
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従来の石油資源の利用形態は、操作の利便や利用時における環境への影響などの観点から、気体成分および液体成分の利用が優先し、残渣の用途は、重油燃料油や道路建設の資材とする程度に止まっていた。 しかし、石油埋蔵量の減少や油質の重質化に伴い、残渣成分をエネルギー源として完全に利用する方法を開発することが求められている。
燃料資源としては、いうまでもなく固体より液体の方が取り扱い上有利であるから、溶剤脱れき残渣もまた液体燃料として使用できるようにしたい。 従来、溶剤脱れき残渣を液体燃料として使用する場合には、LCO(ライトサイクルオイル)や軽油のような、価値の高いオイルを添加してスラリーとしている。 しかし、有効成分を抽出した残渣に再び液体燃料を添加するのでは溶剤脱れきプロセス全体の経済性が低下してしまう。 このような観点から期待されているのが、溶剤脱れき残渣を微粉砕して水中に分散させた水スラリーの形態である。
よく知られているように、固体燃料である石炭を液体燃料と同様に取扱うことを可能にする技術として、微粉炭を水スラリーとした「CWM」(Coal−WaterMixture)があり、すでに実用化されている。 そこで、溶剤脱れき残渣の液体燃料化に対しても、この技術を適用することが企てられている。 ところが、溶剤脱れき残渣に関しては、微粉炭とは構成成分や物理的形状が異なることにもとづいて、多くの新しい問題がある。 すなわち、スラリー形成工程における粉砕性、分散性、実現可能な濃度の限界、水スラリーの安定性、とくに温度の影響を受けやすいこと、またそれに起因する水スラリーのハンドリング上の困難など、既知のCWM技術では処理しきれない多くの問題に遭遇する。
この分野でこれまでに開示された技術のひとつとして、特開昭62−225592号は、ピッチやアスファルトのような石油系高炭素質物質を原料として水スラリーを製造するに当り、高充填率と低粘度とをめざして、原料を湿式衝撃破砕した後、摩擦粉砕するという工程の組み合わせを採用している。 これにより粒子径のコントロールは可能になるが、二段の粉砕工程を実施することはエネルギー消費が多く、コスト的に不利になることは否定できない。
スラリー濃度に関しては、前掲特開昭62−225592号にも言及があるように、CWMの場合と同様な最密充填原理がRWMにも当てはまるものと考えられる。 ハンドリングの都合から、25℃におけるスラリーの粘度を1000CP以下に抑えることを目標にした場合、実現可能な濃度は、65〜75重量%、またはそれをやや上回る程度である。
その理由としては、溶剤脱れき残渣は石炭にくらべてオイル分を含み、また重金属やイオウ分の含有量も高いという構成成分のちがいがあること、また比重、破砕粒子の形状や破砕特性などの差異があること、が考えられる。 とくに、本発明者らの経験によれば、溶剤脱れき残渣は石炭にくらべて少ない破砕エネルギーで容易に破砕される結果、破砕粒子の粒径が比較的狭い範囲内に分布する傾向があることが、高濃度の水スラリーの形成を困難にしているようである。
具体例を挙げれば、中東原油を処理する石油精製工場で得られた溶剤脱れき残渣を、ボールミル型粉砕機を使用し、アニオン系界面活性剤を分散剤に使用して25℃における粘度1000CP以下の水スラリーとすることを目標にした。 粉砕の初期段階においては、スラリー中で粒子間隙を埋めるべき小粒径のものが少なく、最密充填に不十分であり、しかもスラリーの安定性が低かった。 そこで、粉砕を続けてみたが、ほぼ同じ範囲の狭い粒径分布のまま粉砕が進行し、今度は大径の粒子が不足して、やはり最密充填にはほど遠いものになった。 粉砕の二つの段階における粒径分布の概略を、下に示す。
高濃度のCWMを製造する手法として知られている、比較的小径の粒径分布をもった群と比較的大径の粒径分布をもった群とを混合して最密充填に適する粒径分布を実現することは、溶剤脱れき残渣の水スラリー製造に関しては、実施困難であることが判明した。 それは、比較的小径の粒径分布をもつ群を得ることを目的として粉砕を続けたとき、スラリー中の粒径分布が小粒径側に偏り、分散剤の存在下においても流動性が異常に低下するためである。 その結果、バッチ式の粉砕装置においては製品を取り出すことさえ困難になる。 連続式でも、流動性を維持するためのプロセス設計が煩雑になるため、現実のスラリー濃度をあまり高くはできない。
分散剤としては、各種の界面活性剤を使用することができる。 アニオン系界面活性剤として好適なものは、リグニンスルホン酸塩とくにカルシウム、マグネシウムおよびナトリウムの塩、部分脱スルホンリグニンスルホン酸塩であって官能基としてスルホン基、カルボキシル基、フェノール性水酸基またはアルコール性水酸基をもつもの、ナフタレンスルホン酸塩とくにナトリウムまたはマグネシウムの塩、ならびにナフタレンスルホン酸ホルマリン縮合物またはそのナトリウムまたはマグネシウムの塩、ポリスチレンスルホン酸塩、とくにナトリウム塩である。 これらのうち、最後に挙げたナフタレンスルホン酸ホルマリン縮合物またはその塩は、温度の高低による性能の変化が小さく、かつ増粘剤に対して悪影響を与えず、従って形成したスラリーを安定に保てる点で、最もすぐれた分散剤ということができる。
ノニオン系界面活性剤は、たとえばポリオキシエチレンオクチルフェニルエーテル、ポリオキシエチレンノニルフェニルエーテル、ポリオキシエチレンラウリルエーテル、ポリオキシエチレンセチルエーテル、ポリオキシエチレンソルビタンモノラウレート、ポリオキシエチレンソルビタンモノパルミテートなどが有用である。 一般にノニオン系界面活性剤は親油性が強いため、RWMの形成に当ってスラリー化を強力に進めることができるが、泡立ちやすいことと、温度の高低による性能の変化が大きいことが難点である。
増粘剤の使用量は、スラリーに対して20〜5000ppm 、好ましくは50〜3000ppm の濃度となるように添加する。
安定化工程においては、スラリーの粘度が1500cps 以下、好ましくは1200cps 以下になるまで撹拌を続ける。
増粘剤は、粉砕工程および安定化工程の両方にわたって添加することが好ましい。 その場合、添加の割合は、重量で1:7〜2:1の範囲にえらぶことが推奬される。
安定化工程は、得られたスラリーを撹拌装置(1600rpm)に移して撹拌することにより実施した。 この処理をせずに放置すると、スラリーは流動性を失って取扱い困難になる。
〔比較例〕 分散剤だけを加え増粘剤を加えない粉砕工程と、それに続く撹拌だけの安定化工程を行なった。 その条件および結果を、表2に示す。
〔実施例〕 増粘剤を添加して粉砕工程を実施するとともに、安定化工程においても、上記比較例のように撹拌をした後に増粘剤を添加した。 実施例5は、安定化工程で増粘剤を添加しなかった例である。 各実施例の操作条件および結果を、表3に示す。
表2と表3の比較から、本発明に従うときは、そうでない場合にくらべて製品水スラリーの安定性が格段に向上することが明らかである。 実施例の安定性評価の経過日数に至るまでの間、沈降したスラリーは、再分散が容易なソフトパックだけであった。 増粘剤を粉砕工程だけに添加した実施例5においても、表3のデータは表2のデータより安定性が改善されている。 しかし、増粘剤を安定化工程にも添加した実施例1〜4よりは劣る。
上記実施例1〜3において得られたスラリーの粒度分布をしらべた。 その結果を、表4に示す。
本発明の方法により溶剤脱れき残渣の水スラリーを製造すれば、高濃度であっても粘度が高くならず、しかもその流動性が長期間安定に維持される水スラリーが得られる。 従って、石油精製工場で産出される減圧残渣に代表される高炭素質物質から、残存オイル分を溶剤抽出によりほぼ完全にとり出した残渣を対象にして、CWMに似たRWMを製造することができ、石油資源の完全エネルギー化に寄与する。[0001]
The present invention relates to a “light-off solvent residue” from a high-carbon petroleum residue such as a residue obtained by atmospheric distillation or a residue obtained by distillation under reduced pressure, a natural bitumen, or a tar sand residue, a coal liquefaction residue. It is related with the manufacturing method of the water slurry which disperse | distributed the residue which extracted the oil component by high concentration in water.
[Prior art]
In the conventional usage pattern of petroleum resources, the use of gas and liquid components is given priority from the viewpoints of operational convenience and environmental impact during use, etc., and the use of the residue is heavy oil fuel oil and road construction materials. It stopped to the extent to do. However, with the decrease in oil reserves and heavy oil quality, it is required to develop a method for fully utilizing residual components as an energy source.
There are hydrocracking and RFCC (decomposition of residual oil using a fluidized bed catalyst) as methods for making the residual components easy to use as energy, and it can be put to practical use as fuel oil in the coker process. However, high-carbon residues such as solvent removal residue, which is a residue obtained by extracting liquid fuel components from residue components using light hydrocarbons such as propane, butane, and pentane as a solvent, It could only be used as a solid fuel.
As a fuel resource, it is needless to say that a liquid is more advantageous than a solid in terms of handling. Therefore, it is desired that a solvent removal residue can also be used as a liquid fuel. Conventionally, when a solvent removal residue is used as a liquid fuel, a highly valuable oil such as LCO (light cycle oil) or light oil is added to form a slurry. However, if the liquid fuel is added again to the residue from which the active ingredient has been extracted, the economic efficiency of the entire solvent removal process is reduced. What is expected from this point of view is the form of a water slurry in which the solvent removal residue is finely pulverized and dispersed in water.
As is well known, “CWM” (Coal-Water Mixture), which uses pulverized coal as water slurry, is a technology that makes it possible to handle solid fuel coal in the same way as liquid fuel. ing. Therefore, it has been attempted to apply this technique to liquid fuel removal from the solvent removal residue. However, there are many new problems with respect to solvent removal residues based on the difference in constituents and physical shape from pulverized coal. In other words, known CWM such as grindability, dispersibility, limit of achievable concentration, stability of water slurry, especially sensitivity to temperature, and difficulty in handling water slurry due to that, You will encounter many problems that the technology cannot handle.
As one of the technologies disclosed so far in this field, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 62-225592 has a high filling rate in producing a water slurry from petroleum-based high carbonaceous materials such as pitch and asphalt. Aiming for low viscosity, a combination of processes in which the raw material is wet impact crushed and then friction pulverized is employed. This makes it possible to control the particle size, but it cannot be denied that performing the two-stage pulverization process is energy consuming and disadvantageous in terms of cost.
In any case, in order to make the maximum use of petroleum-based high-carbon substances such as atmospheric residue and reduced-pressure residue as fuel resources, the solvent removal method is applied to them to extract the maximum amount of liquid fuel components. However, it is necessary to use the residue from which the solvent is removed as a raw material, and to make it a highly stable and highly stable water slurry (hereinafter referred to as “RWM”).
Regarding the slurry concentration, as mentioned in JP-A-62-222592 mentioned above, it is considered that the close-packing principle similar to the case of CWM also applies to RWM. For the purpose of handling, when the target is to keep the viscosity of the slurry at 25 ° C. below 1000 CP, the achievable concentration is 65 to 75% by weight or slightly higher.
Next, considering the water slurry production process, a one-stage pulverization method comprising finely pulverizing a coarsely pulverized raw material in water in the presence of a dispersant is considered to be the most practical and economical. However, it was unexpectedly difficult to produce an aqueous slurry having a concentration of 65 to 75% by weight in the production of RWM.
The reason for this is that the solvent removal residue contains oil components compared to coal, and there are differences in the constituents such as high content of heavy metals and sulfur, as well as specific gravity, shape of crushed particles and crushing characteristics. There may be a difference. In particular, according to the experiences of the present inventors, solvent debris residue is easily crushed with less crushing energy than coal, and as a result, the particle size of crushed particles tends to be distributed within a relatively narrow range. However, it seems difficult to form a high concentration water slurry.
To give a specific example, the solvent removal residue obtained at an oil refinery processing Middle Eastern crude oil, using a ball mill pulverizer and an anionic surfactant as a dispersant, a viscosity of 1000 CP or less at 25 ° C. The target was to make a water slurry. In the initial stage of pulverization, there were few small particle diameters to fill the particle gap in the slurry, which was insufficient for closest packing, and the stability of the slurry was low. Therefore, pulverization was continued, but pulverization proceeded with a narrow particle size distribution in almost the same range. This time, there was a shortage of large-diameter particles, and it was far from closest packing. An outline of the particle size distribution in the two stages of grinding is shown below.
A particle size suitable for closest packing by mixing a group having a relatively small particle size distribution and a group having a relatively large particle size distribution, which is known as a technique for producing a high concentration CWM. Realizing the distribution proved to be difficult with respect to the production of water slurries of solvent removal residue. That is, when pulverization is continued for the purpose of obtaining a group having a relatively small particle size distribution, the particle size distribution in the slurry is biased toward the small particle size side, and the fluidity is abnormal even in the presence of a dispersant. It is because it falls. As a result, it is even difficult to take out the product in a batch type pulverizer. Even in the continuous type, the process design for maintaining fluidity becomes complicated, so that the actual slurry concentration cannot be made very high.
If the temperature rises due to the addition of pulverization energy, the problem that the solvent removal residue softens and the pulverization efficiency is significantly affected is also expected.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The object of the present invention is to solve the above-mentioned problems associated with the production of a water slurry of solvent removal residue, and to achieve a high concentration and high stability water slurry without excessive energy consumption or complicated processes. It is in providing the method which can be manufactured.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The method for producing a high-concentration and high-stability solvent debris residue water slurry of the present invention is a method of pulverizing a solvent debris residue in water in the presence of a dispersant to form a slurry, followed by stirring to stabilize the slurry. In the method for producing a water slurry of solvent removal residue by converting to, the pulverization step or the pulverization step and the stabilization step are carried out by adding a thickener ,
As a thickener added in the pulverization step, one or more of those belonging to the following group (A),
A) Carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, xanthan gum, guar gum, starch, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol and polyethylene oxide
As a thickener added in the stabilization step, one or more of those belonging to the following group (B)
B) Magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, colloidal silica, kaolin, bentonite and attapulgous clay
It is characterized by selecting .
Various surfactants can be used as the dispersant. Suitable anionic surfactants are lignin sulfonates, especially calcium, magnesium and sodium salts, partially desulfonated lignin sulfonates, with functional groups such as sulfonic groups, carboxyl groups, phenolic hydroxyl groups or alcoholic hydroxyl groups. Naphthalene sulfonates, especially sodium or magnesium salts, and naphthalene sulfonic acid formalin condensates or their sodium or magnesium salts, polystyrene sulfonates, especially sodium salts. Among these, the naphthalenesulfonic acid formalin condensate or the salt thereof mentioned last has little change in performance due to high and low temperatures, and does not adversely affect the thickener, so that the formed slurry can be kept stable. It can be said that it is the best dispersant.
Nonionic surfactants include, for example, polyoxyethylene octyl phenyl ether, polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether, polyoxyethylene lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene cetyl ether, polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate, polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate, etc. Is useful. In general, nonionic surfactants are strong in lipophilicity, and thus can be slurried strongly in forming RWM. However, they are difficult to foam and have large changes in performance due to high and low temperatures.
The amount of the dispersant used is 0.1 to 1.5% by weight, preferably 0.3 to 1.0% by weight, based on the solvent removal residue.
The pulverization is performed so that the particle size of the solvent removal residue is substantially 800 μm or less, preferably 500 μm or less.
As the thickener, one or more of those belonging to the following groups may be used:
1) Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), xanthan gum, guar gum, starch, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol and polyethylene oxide 2) sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide 3) magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, colloidal silica, kaolin , Bentonite and attapulgus clay.
The thickener is used in an amount of 20 to 5000 ppm, preferably 50 to 3000 ppm, based on the slurry.
In the stabilization step, stirring is continued until the viscosity of the slurry is 1500 cps or less, preferably 1200 cps or less.
The thickener is preferably added throughout both the grinding step and the stabilization step. In that case, it is presumed that the ratio of addition is in the range of 1: 7 to 2: 1 by weight.
The solvent removal residue produced in the oil refining factory and having the physical properties shown in Table 1 below was charged and pulverized together with water and a dispersing agent into a ball mill type pulverizer having an internal volume of 10 liters.
The stabilization process was carried out by transferring the obtained slurry to a stirrer (1600 rpm) and stirring. If left untreated, the slurry loses fluidity and becomes difficult to handle.
The stability of the produced water slurry was evaluated by the ratio of the height of each layer of supernatant (W), soft pack slurry (SP), and hard pack slurry (HP) after placing the water slurry in a test tube and allowing to stand.
[Comparative Example] A pulverization step in which only the dispersant was added and no thickener was added, followed by a stabilization step with only stirring. The conditions and results are shown in Table 2.
[Examples] A thickener was added to carry out the pulverization step, and also in the stabilization step, the thickener was added after stirring as in the comparative example. Example 5 is an example in which no thickener was added in the stabilization step. Table 3 shows the operating conditions and results of each example.
From the comparison of Table 2 and Table 3, it is clear that when the present invention is followed, the stability of the product water slurry is significantly improved compared to the case where it is not. Until the elapsed days of the stability evaluation of the examples, the only slurry that settled was a soft pack that could be easily redispersed. Also in Example 5 where the thickener was added only to the grinding step, the stability of the data in Table 3 was improved over the data in Table 2. However, it is inferior to Examples 1-4 which added the thickener also to the stabilization process.
The particle size distribution of the slurry obtained in Examples 1 to 3 was examined. The results are shown in Table 4.
【The invention's effect】
If an aqueous slurry of solvent removal residue is produced by the method of the present invention, an aqueous slurry can be obtained in which the viscosity does not increase even at high concentrations and the fluidity is maintained stably for a long period of time. Therefore, it is possible to produce an RWM similar to CWM, targeting a residue obtained by extracting the remaining oil from a high carbonaceous material typified by a vacuum residue produced at an oil refinery factory by solvent extraction. , Contribute to the complete energy conversion of petroleum resources.
Claims (2)
をえらぶことを特徴とする高濃度で安定性の高い溶剤脱れき残渣水スラリーの製造方法。In a method for producing a water slurry of solvent devolatilization residue by pulverizing the solvent devolatilization residue in the presence of a dispersing agent in water and subsequently stirring to stabilize the slurry, a pulverization step or pulverization The process and the stabilization process are carried out with the addition of a thickener ,
As a thickener added in the pulverization step, one or more of those belonging to the following group (A),
A) Carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, xanthan gum, guar gum, starch, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol and polyethylene oxide
As a thickener added in the stabilization step, one or more of those belonging to the following group (B)
B) Magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, colloidal silica, kaolin, bentonite and attapulgous clay
A method for producing a high-concentration and high-stability solvent debris residue water slurry characterized by comprising:
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP18695197A JP3985298B2 (en) | 1996-07-12 | 1997-07-11 | Method for producing solvent degreasing residual water slurry |
Applications Claiming Priority (3)
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JP18376496 | 1996-07-12 | ||
JP8-183764 | 1996-07-12 | ||
JP18695197A JP3985298B2 (en) | 1996-07-12 | 1997-07-11 | Method for producing solvent degreasing residual water slurry |
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JPH1077487A JPH1077487A (en) | 1998-03-24 |
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JP18695197A Expired - Fee Related JP3985298B2 (en) | 1996-07-12 | 1997-07-11 | Method for producing solvent degreasing residual water slurry |
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CN113480861B (en) * | 2021-07-06 | 2022-08-05 | 太原理工大学 | Coal liquefaction residue modified asphalt based on particle size grading and preparation method thereof |
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