JP3831992B2 - Packaging box - Google Patents

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JP3831992B2 JP27120096A JP27120096A JP3831992B2 JP 3831992 B2 JP3831992 B2 JP 3831992B2 JP 27120096 A JP27120096 A JP 27120096A JP 27120096 A JP27120096 A JP 27120096A JP 3831992 B2 JP3831992 B2 JP 3831992B2
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support plates
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Kawakami Sangyo KK
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Kawakami Sangyo KK
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本発明は包装箱に関する。 詳しくは、被包装物を箱の壁から離した状態で保持することにより、箱に加わる衝撃から被包装物を保護するようにした包装箱の改良に関する。
陶器、ガラス製品、電気・電子機器、精密機械部品そのほか衝撃に弱い物品を輸送・保管するための包装には、従来、発泡ポリスチロールを用いて成形した箱や、コーナーパッドを段ボール箱にとりつけたものや、バラ状の緩衝材またはそれを小袋に詰めたものを充填することが行なわれて来た。 しかし、発泡プラスチックは使用後の処分に問題がある。
そこで、包装材の使用量を少なくする努力や、廃棄・焼却を容易にする努力が行なわれている。 そのひとつのあらわれとして、いわゆる「ハンモック包装」が提案され、一部実用されている。 「ハンモック包装」とは、アメリカ特許第4852743号、第4923065号、第5071009号、あるいは特開平7−33034号に開示されているように、板状の枠に弾性をもった材料のシートを張ったもので被包装物を上下から挟んで全体を箱の中に入れ、被包装物を箱内の空間に、箱の壁から離した状態で保持する包装である。
対策は、まず弾性シートの強度を高くすることであるが、そうするとシートの弾性のために枠で被包装物を挟んだものを外箱におさめるときの反撥力が大きくなっておさめにくくなったり、上下一対の枠の一方、とくに下側のものがつぶれたりする。 枠は一般に、板紙などを打ち抜いて開口を設け、その開口に弾性シートを張った面の四周を折り曲げて形成し、下方の枠の折り曲げ部の高さで箱の底面からの高さを決定し、この部分の面方向圧縮強度で被包装物の重量を支えている。
本発明の包装箱を具体的について説明すれば、まず図1に示すようなブランクを、厚紙または段ボール紙の打ち抜きによって用意する。 すなわち、右側面板(1)、正面板(2)、左側面板(3)、背面板(4)および糊代(5)が、それぞれ隣接するものと縁を共有して横方向に並び、背面板(4)の下縁に連なって下方支持体(8)が、上縁に連なって上面板(6)がともに縦方向に存在し、これと対称的に、正面板(2)の下縁に連なって底面板(7)が、上縁に連なって上方支持体(9)がともに縦方向に存在し、右側面板(1)および左側面板(3)のそれぞれの上縁に連なって上面補強板(11および31)が、それぞれの下縁に連なって底面補強板(12および32)がともに縦方向に存在し、下方支持体(8)および上方支持体(9)は、開口(8Aおよび9A)を有する水平支持板(81および91)とその四辺の垂直支持板(82,83,84および85;ならびに92,93,94および95)とからなるブランクである。
打ち抜いたブランクには、上下支持体の開口(8A,9A)に、適宜の接着剤を用いるか、またはヒートシールにより、弾性シート(8B,9B)を張りわたす。 続いて、糊代(5)に接着剤を適用して、横方向の壁を環状に形成する。
これを、図2に示すように組み立てて、図3に示すような包装箱とする。 図3の状態から、下方支持体(8)の上に被包装物(100)をのせ、上方支持体(8)をかぶせてから上面板(6)で蓋をすれば、包装体ができあがる。 図4は、このようにして完成した包装体の横断面図であって、被包装物(100)は上下の支持に張りわたした弾性シート(8B,9B)により、箱内の空間に保持されている。
本発明には、種々の実施態様が可能である。 まずブランクの形状は、各部分が前記した配列に従わなくても、最終的に同様な包装箱が形成されればよいわけであるから、横方向の壁すなわち右側面板/正面板/左側面板/背面板の並びの中で、糊代がどこに位置してもよいことは直ちに理解されよう。 また、上下の支持体は、正面板の上下に集中していてもよい。 図5は、そのような態様を実現するためのブランク形状を示す。
前述したように、下側支持板の底面板からの高さと上側支持板の上面板からの深さとは、任意に選択して組み合わせることができる。 上下の支持板は密接してもよいし、ある距離をもって対峙していてもよい。 密接またはそれに近いときは被包装物の保持が確実になるし、若干の距離をおくことは、弾性シートに加わる力が不相当に増えることを防ぐ。 支持体の開口の形状・寸法も、上下で異なるものとすることができる。 図1および図5に示したブランクは、上下の支持板の開口がそれ自体対称的であるとともに合同であって、かつ組み立てたときに上下の支持板の間に若干の距離が保たれる設計である。 図6および図7に示した例は、上下の支持板の開口がそれぞれ異なる形状を有するものであって、図6に一部を示したブランクを組み立てて、図7に示すように、上下非対称の形状をもった被包装物を包装する。
包装時に、被包装物をはさんだ上下支持体の弾性シートの反撥力で上側支持体がはね上がるので、これを防ぐ方策が欲しい。 この目的のために、図5に示すように、背面板(4)に、上方支持体(9)の垂直支持板(94)が固定されるべき位置に対応する位置に切り込みを設けて内側上方に折り曲げることにより、係止片(41)をそなえることが推奬される。 図7は、折り曲げにより係止片を起したところを示す。
箱および支持手段の材料は、前記のように、厚紙または段ボール紙が適当である。 弾性シートの材料は、ポリウレタン系熱可塑性エラストマー、ポリアミド、エチレン−酢酸ビニル共重合体、またはシングルサイト触媒重合ポリオレフィンがとくに適当であるが、そのほかに、天然ゴムまたは各種合成ゴム、ポリエチレン、塩素化ポリエチレンあるいはフッ素樹脂なども使用できる。 これらの材料の特性に応じて、電子線照射による架橋や延伸によって強度を高めたものが好ましい。 形態は、シートないしフィルムに限らず、ネットであってもよく、本発明で「シート」の語は、ネットをも包含する意味で用いている。
機械的性質についていえば、引張強度が200kgf/cm2 以上で伸びが300%以上、伸び300%モジュラスにおける引張弾性率E=1.0〜40.0MPa 、好ましくは8.2〜25.2MPa の条件をみたす材料が望ましい。 引張弾性率Eの値が小さいと、シートが被包装物の重量で伸びてしまう心配がある。 一方、大きすぎると、シートの伸びが小さいため、支持体とくにその開口部の縁に負担がかかり、箱の構造を堅固なものにしなければならない。 それを避けようとすると箱を大きくすることになり、包装空間容積を過大にして、これも好ましくない。 弾性シートの材料はまた、引張りに起因するクリープが生じにくい材質であることが要求される。 一般に、圧縮永久歪みの小さい材料は引張りクリープも起りにくいので、そのようなものをえらぶとよい。 70℃×22時間の圧縮永久歪みが20%以下であるものが好適といえる。
図4に示した構造の包装箱において、直方体で理想化された被包装物(100)と支持体の開口部の寸法、つまり弾性シート(8B)の縦横の長さの関係を考える。 図9に示すように、被包装物(100)の断面における寸法を、幅2a、高さ2bとし、その周囲の箱の開口部と被包装物(100)との隙間の間隔をLとし、さらに張り渡した弾性シート(8B)の厚さをt、幅をc、この弾性シート(8B)に被包装物(100)の重量Wがかかって被包装物(100)の高さの半分、つまりbだけ沈みこんだ状態で静止しているとする。 このとき、力の釣りあいから、数値W,a,b,c,tと弾性シート(8B)に働く引張応力σとの間には、次の関係がある。
W=2σtcb(L2+b2)−1/2 ……(1)
ここで、σは、弾性シート(8B)の素材が有する固有の引張弾性率Eと弾性シート(8B)の伸び率の積として与えられる。 弾性シート(8B)が被包装物に対して全く滑らない素材と仮定したときは、
σ=E{(L2+b2)1/2−L}/L ……(2)
となる。 一方、弾性シート(8B)の表面で摩擦力がゼロ、つまり完全に滑ると仮定した場合は、(2)の式に代わり弾性シート(8B)に働く引張応力σは、次式であらわされる。
σ=E{(L2+b2)1/2−L}/(a+L) ……(3)
実際の素材では、(2)式と(3)式の間の値をとると考えられる。 (2)式もしくは(3)式を(1)式に代入して、これをLについて解くことにより、下方支持体の開口部(8A)と被包装物(100)との間隔Lは、被包装物(100)の重量W、その寸法a,bおよび弾性シート(8B)に用いる素材の引張弾性率Eにより求められる。 もし、下方支持体の開口部(8A)と被包装物(100)との間隔Lをこの計算式で得られる数値より大きく設ければ、被包装物は静止状態において弾性シート(8B)を介して底面板(6)に接触することになる。 これを避けるには、外箱の深さをbより大きくきするのも一法であるが、それは包装空間容積を大きくすることになり好ましくない。 また、下方支持体の開口部(8A)と被包装物(100)との間隔Lをこの計算式で得られる数値より極端に小さく設ければ、シートの伸びが小さいために、梱包作業に大きな力を要し、梱包後は下方支持体の開口部に大きな負担をかけることになって、これも好ましくない。
実際の設計では、被包装物の上下から弾性シート(8B,9B)で挟み込むため、図9の状態を現出させるには、上側の弾性シート(9B)の引張弾性率Eを下方のそれよりも低く選ぶか、下方支持体(8)のLの値を上記計算値よりも多少小さくとる必要がある。 それが標準化の面から好ましくない場合は、上方および下方の支持体に生じるLの値を、上記の計算値よりも多少小さめにとればよい。 この場合、被包装物(100)は、その中心が上下の支持体の境界線よりも少し下にずれた状態で静止することになる。 いずれにせよ、被包装物が重量をもつ限り、上下方向に完全に対称な梱包をすることは不可能である。
図1に示した形状のブランクであって、箱の外寸が、縦15cm×横12cm×高さ5cmであり、上下の支持体の開口部が縦9cm×横7cmであるものを、Eフルートの両面段ボール紙から打ち抜いて用意した。 上下の支持体の開口部をふさいで、厚さ50μmのエチレン−酢ビ共重合体フィルムを、アクリル樹脂エマルジョンの粘着剤を使用して貼り着けた。
図2〜3に示すように箱を組み立て、上下の支持体の間にICチップ5個を並べ、挾んで包装体とした。 この包装体を、振動数400サイクル/分、振幅20mmの振動台上にのせて振動を加えた。 2時間後に包装を開いてしらべたところ、各ICチップとも包装時の位置に存在していた。
上下の支持体が箱の構成部分と一体であることは、まず強度の面で、上下の支持体の少なくとも正面板(または背面板)と縁を共通にする垂直支持板の強度が高まるという利点がある。 その結果、同じ材質でより重量の大きい被包装物を包装でき、また同じ重量であれば薄手の材料で足りる。 上下の支持体の一方の縁が正面板(または背面板)と縁を共通にし、そこに固定されていることは、被包装物を支持体間に挟んで蓋をするときに、弾性材料シートの反撥力で上側支持体がはね上がることを抑えるのが容易であって、包装作業もやりやすくなる。
【図1】 本発明の包装箱の一例について、ブランクの形状を示す展開図。
【図2】 図1のブランクの開口に弾性材料のシートを張り渡したものを組み立て、包装箱を形成する過程を示す斜視図。
【図3】 包装箱を形成する過程の、図2に続く段階を示す斜視図。
【図4】 包装体の横断面図。
【図5】 本発明の包装箱の別の態様について、ブランクの形状を示す図1と同様な図。
【図6】 本発明の包装箱のさらに別の態様について、ブランクの形状を、一部省略して示す図1に対応する図。
【図7】 図6のブランクを組み立てて得た包装箱において、被包装物が保持される状態を示す横断面図。
【図8】 本発明の包装箱の別の態様について、その変更態様を示す、図3に対応する斜視図。
【図9】 ハンモック包装における、下側支持体の開口部寸法および弾性シートのたわみ方について、被包装物の寸法や重量との適切な関係を論じるための概念的な横断面図。
1 右側面板 12,32 底面補強板
2 正面板
3 左側面板 11,31 上面補強板
4 背面板 41 係止片
5 糊代
6 上面板 61 舌片 62 切り込み
7 底面板 71 舌片 72 切り込み
8 下方支持体 8A 開口 8B 弾性シート
81 水平支持板 82,83,84,85 垂直支持板
9 上方支持体 9A 開口 9B 弾性シート
91 水平支持板 92,93,94,95 垂直支持板
96 指かけ用窓
The present invention relates to a packaging box. More specifically, the present invention relates to an improvement of a packaging box that protects the package from an impact applied to the box by holding the package to be separated from the wall of the box.
[Prior art]
For packaging to transport and store pottery, glass products, electrical / electronic equipment, precision machine parts, and other items that are vulnerable to impact, boxes molded with foamed polystyrene or corner pads have been attached to cardboard boxes. It has been practiced to fill things, rose-like cushioning materials or stuffed sachets. However, foamed plastics have a problem in disposal after use.
Therefore, efforts are being made to reduce the amount of packaging materials used and to make disposal and incineration easier. As one of the manifestations, so-called “hammock packaging” has been proposed and partially used. “Hammock packaging” means a sheet-like frame made of elastic material, as disclosed in US Pat. Nos. 4,852,743, 4,923,065, 5,071,009, or JP-A-7-33034. This is a package in which a packaged object is sandwiched from above and below in a box, and the packaged article is held in a space inside the box, separated from the wall of the box.
In this hammock package, the material to be packed is supported by a sheet of elastic material. Of course, the target of packaging is limited to relatively small articles and light weight items, but it is still often packaged during transportation. There arises a problem that an object settles on the bottom wall of the outer box and is damaged.
The measure is to first increase the strength of the elastic sheet, but then the resilience when placing the object to be packaged in a frame due to the elasticity of the sheet in the outer box becomes difficult to hold, One of the pair of upper and lower frames, especially the lower one, is crushed. In general, the frame is formed by punching paperboard or the like, forming an opening, bending the four sides of the surface with an elastic sheet in the opening, and determining the height from the bottom of the box by the height of the bent part of the lower frame. The weight of the article to be packaged is supported by the compressive strength in the surface direction of this portion.
If the box and frame are integrated and manufactured as a plastic molded product, this problem can be dealt with, but this is not adopted because it does not meet the demand for reducing the burden of disposal and incineration after use.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The object of the present invention is to solve the above-mentioned problems in hammock packaging, mainly using paperboard or corrugated paper that can be easily disposed of, and it is easy to accommodate a packaged item in a box at the time of packaging, and the strength of the frame is The object is to provide a packaging box for hammock packaging which is high and reduces the risk of bottoming.
It is also included in the object of the present invention to provide a packaging box for hammock packaging that is easy for industrial production and assembly and has high collapsibility after use.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The packaging box of the present invention is composed of a rectangular box and a pair of upper and lower support means for supporting an object to be packaged away from the wall of the box, and the support means is a horizontal support plate having an opening. It has a vertical support plate that rises or falls vertically from its four sides, and has an elastic sheet stretched over the opening, and the two horizontal support plates are opposed to each other between the two elastic sheets. In the packaging box of the type in which the object to be packaged is held between the support means, each support means is formed integrally with the side wall portion of the box via one of the respective vertical support plates.
The shape of the openings provided in the two horizontal support plates is usually congruent (especially in a general-purpose packaging box), and the two horizontal support plates are provided so as to face each other almost closely. The shape of the opening itself is symmetrical, such as a rounded rectangle as shown in a typical example shown later, and a square, a triangle, a polygon, a circle, an ellipse, and the like.
However, depending on the shape of the object to be packaged, the opening is not limited to the above-mentioned symmetrical shape and the shape of congruence at the top and bottom, but according to the shape of the object to be packaged such as semicircular or L shape, It may be more appropriate, and when packaging boxes are mass-produced, they should be designed according to the shape and dimensions of each packaged item.
The packaging box of the present invention will be described in detail. First, a blank as shown in FIG. 1 is prepared by punching cardboard or cardboard. That is, the right side plate (1), the front plate (2), the left side plate (3), the back plate (4), and the glue margin (5) are arranged in the horizontal direction sharing the edge with the adjacent ones. (4) The lower support (8) is connected to the lower edge and the upper surface plate (6) is connected to the upper edge in the vertical direction, and symmetrically on the lower edge of the front plate (2). The bottom plate (7) is connected to the upper edge and the upper support (9) is vertically connected to the upper edge, and the upper reinforcing plate is connected to the upper edges of the right side plate (1) and the left side plate (3). (11 and 31) are connected to the lower edges of the bottom reinforcing plates (12 and 32) in the vertical direction, and the lower support (8) and the upper support (9) have openings (8A and 9A). ) With horizontal support plates (81 and 91) and four vertical support plates (82, 83, 84 and 85; and 92) , 93, 94 and 95).
For the blank blank, an elastic sheet (8B, 9B) is applied to the openings (8A, 9A) of the upper and lower supports by using an appropriate adhesive or by heat sealing. Subsequently, an adhesive is applied to the margin (5) to form a lateral wall in an annular shape.
This is assembled as shown in FIG. 2 to obtain a packaging box as shown in FIG. From the state shown in FIG. 3, the package is completed by placing the article to be packaged (100) on the lower support (8), covering the upper support (8) and then covering with the top plate (6). FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the package thus completed. The package (100) is held in the space of the box by elastic sheets (8B, 9B) stretched on the upper and lower supports. ing.
Various embodiments are possible for the present invention. First of all, the shape of the blank is not limited to the arrangement described above, but it is only necessary to form a similar packaging box in the end. Therefore, the lateral wall, that is, the right side plate / front plate / left side plate / It will be readily appreciated that the glue margin may be located anywhere in the backplate arrangement. The upper and lower supports may be concentrated on the upper and lower sides of the front plate. FIG. 5 shows a blank shape for realizing such an embodiment.
As described above, the height of the lower support plate from the bottom plate and the depth of the upper support plate from the top plate can be arbitrarily selected and combined. The upper and lower support plates may be in close contact with each other or may be confronted with a certain distance. When close or close to it, the object to be packaged can be held securely, and a slight distance prevents the force applied to the elastic sheet from being increased considerably. The shape and size of the opening of the support can also be different in the upper and lower sides. The blank shown in FIGS. 1 and 5 has a design in which the openings of the upper and lower support plates are symmetric and congruent, and a certain distance is maintained between the upper and lower support plates when assembled. . In the example shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, the openings of the upper and lower support plates have different shapes, and a blank partially shown in FIG. 6 is assembled, and as shown in FIG. Wrap the packaged object with the shape of
When a certain distance is provided between the two upper and lower horizontal support plates, if the upper and lower horizontal support plates are provided with finger hooking windows (96) as shown in FIG. It is preferable because it can be easily taken out.
In the example shown in FIGS. 1 to 3, a tongue piece (on one or both of the free end of the top plate (6) and the free end of the bottom plate (7) is convenient for fixing the top plate and the bottom plate. 61, 71) projectingly provided, a common edge between the front plate (2) and the upper support (9) and a common edge between the rear plate (4) or the front plate (2) and the lower support (8). One or both are provided with cuts (62, 72) for inserting the tongue piece.
At the time of packaging, the upper support springs up due to the repulsive force of the elastic sheet of the upper and lower supports sandwiching the item to be packaged. For this purpose, as shown in FIG. 5, the back plate (4) is provided with a cut at a position corresponding to the position where the vertical support plate (94) of the upper support (9) is to be fixed. It is recommended that the latching piece (41) be provided by bending it into two. FIG. 7 shows the locking piece raised by bending.
As described above, cardboard or cardboard is appropriate as the material for the box and the support means. The material of the elastic sheet is particularly suitably a polyurethane-based thermoplastic elastomer, polyamide, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, or single-site catalyzed polymerized polyolefin, but also natural rubber or various synthetic rubbers, polyethylene, chlorinated polyethylene. Or a fluororesin etc. can also be used. Depending on the properties of these materials, those having increased strength by crosslinking or stretching by electron beam irradiation are preferred. The form is not limited to a sheet or film, and may be a net. In the present invention, the term “sheet” is used to include a net.
Speaking of mechanical properties, the tensile elastic modulus E = 1.0 to 40.0 MPa, preferably 8.2 to 25.2 MPa at a modulus of tensile strength of 200 kgf / cm 2 or more, elongation of 300% or more, and elongation of 300%. Materials that meet the conditions are desirable. When the value of the tensile elastic modulus E is small, there is a concern that the sheet is stretched by the weight of the package. On the other hand, if the size is too large, the sheet will be stretched small, so that a load is applied to the support, particularly the edge of the opening, and the structure of the box must be solid. If it tries to avoid it, it will enlarge a box, too much packaging space volume, and this is also unpreferable. The material of the elastic sheet is also required to be a material that hardly causes creep due to tension. In general, a material having a small compression set is less likely to cause tensile creep, so such a material should be selected. It can be said that the compression set at 70 ° C. × 22 hours is 20% or less.
In the packaging box having the structure shown in FIG. 4, consider the relationship between the package (100) idealized as a rectangular parallelepiped and the size of the opening of the support, that is, the length and width of the elastic sheet (8B). As shown in FIG. 9, the dimensions of the cross section of the article to be packaged (100) are the width 2a and the height 2b, and the gap between the opening of the surrounding box and the article to be packaged (100) is L, Further, the stretched elastic sheet (8B) has a thickness t, a width c, and the elastic sheet (8B) is loaded with the weight W of the article (100) to be half the height of the article (100). In other words, it is assumed that only b is submerged and still. At this time, there is the following relationship between the numerical values W, a, b, c, t and the tensile stress σ acting on the elastic sheet (8B) from the balance of forces.
W = 2σtcb (L 2 + b 2 ) −1/2 (1)
Here, σ is given as a product of the inherent tensile elastic modulus E of the material of the elastic sheet (8B) and the elongation of the elastic sheet (8B). When it is assumed that the elastic sheet (8B) is a material that does not slip at all against the package,
σ = E {(L 2 + b 2 ) 1 / 2−L} / L (2)
It becomes. On the other hand, when it is assumed that the frictional force is zero on the surface of the elastic sheet (8B), that is, it slips completely, the tensile stress σ acting on the elastic sheet (8B) instead of the expression (2) is expressed by the following expression.
σ = E {(L 2 + b 2 ) 1 / 2−L} / (a + L) (3)
It is considered that the actual material takes a value between the expressions (2) and (3). By substituting Equation (2) or Equation (3) into Equation (1) and solving this for L, the distance L between the opening (8A) of the lower support and the article to be packaged (100) is It is determined by the weight W of the package (100), its dimensions a and b, and the tensile modulus E of the material used for the elastic sheet (8B). If the distance L between the opening (8A) of the lower support and the article to be packaged (100) is set larger than the numerical value obtained by this calculation formula, the article to be packaged is placed through the elastic sheet (8B) in a stationary state. Will come into contact with the bottom plate (6). In order to avoid this, it is one method to make the depth of the outer box larger than b, but this is not preferable because it increases the packaging space volume. Further, if the distance L between the opening (8A) of the lower support and the article to be packaged (100) is set to be extremely smaller than the numerical value obtained by this calculation formula, the elongation of the sheet is small. This is unfavorable because it requires a lot of force and places a heavy burden on the opening of the lower support after packing.
In the actual design, the elastic sheet (8B, 9B) is sandwiched from the top and bottom of the package, so that the state shown in FIG. 9 appears, the tensile elastic modulus E of the upper elastic sheet (9B) is lower than that below. It is necessary to select a lower value or set the L value of the lower support (8) to be slightly smaller than the calculated value. If this is not preferred from the standpoint of standardization, the value of L generated on the upper and lower supports may be made slightly smaller than the above calculated value. In this case, the article to be packaged (100) is stationary with its center shifted slightly below the boundary line between the upper and lower supports. In any case, as long as the object to be packaged has a weight, it is impossible to package completely symmetrical in the vertical direction.
A blank having the shape shown in FIG. 1 and having an outer size of 15 cm long × 12 cm wide × 5 cm high and an opening of the upper and lower supports 9 cm long × 7 cm wide is used as an E flute. Prepared by punching from double-sided corrugated paper. The openings of the upper and lower supports were closed, and an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer film having a thickness of 50 μm was attached using an acrylic resin emulsion adhesive.
As shown in FIGS. 2 to 3, a box was assembled, and five IC chips were arranged between the upper and lower supports, and then wrapped to form a package. This package was placed on a vibration table having a vibration frequency of 400 cycles / minute and an amplitude of 20 mm, and vibration was applied. When the packaging was opened after 2 hours, each IC chip was present at the packaging position.
【The invention's effect】
In the hammock packaging, conventionally, a packaging box is formed by collecting three or at least two parts of a pair of upper and lower supports and an outer box, but according to the present invention, it is composed of one blank. Thus, mass production is facilitated, and blank handling and transportation until assembly can be advantageously performed.
The fact that the upper and lower supports are integral with the component parts of the box is that the strength of the vertical support plate that shares the edge with at least the front plate (or the back plate) of the upper and lower supports first is increased in terms of strength. There is. As a result, a heavier packaged object can be packaged with the same material, and a thinner material is sufficient for the same weight. One edge of the upper and lower supports has a common edge with the front plate (or back plate), and is fixed to the elastic material sheet when the package is sandwiched between the supports and covered. It is easy to suppress the upper support from splashing by the repulsive force, and the packaging work is also easy.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a development view showing the shape of a blank for an example of a packaging box of the present invention.
2 is a perspective view showing a process of assembling a blank of FIG. 1 with an elastic material sheet stretched over it and forming a packaging box. FIG.
FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing a stage following FIG. 2 in the process of forming the packaging box.
FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the package.
FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 1 showing the shape of a blank in another aspect of the packaging box of the present invention.
FIG. 6 is a view corresponding to FIG. 1 in which the blank shape is partially omitted for another aspect of the packaging box of the present invention.
7 is a cross-sectional view showing a state in which an object to be packaged is held in a packaging box obtained by assembling the blank of FIG.
FIG. 8 is a perspective view corresponding to FIG. 3, showing a modification of another embodiment of the packaging box of the present invention.
FIG. 9 is a conceptual cross-sectional view for discussing an appropriate relationship between the size and weight of an object to be packaged with respect to the opening size of the lower support and the bending method of the elastic sheet in the hammock packaging.
[Explanation of symbols]
DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 Right side surface plate 12, 32 Bottom surface reinforcement plate 2 Front surface plate 3 Left side surface plate 11, 31 Upper surface reinforcement plate 4 Back surface plate 41 Locking piece 5 Adhesive margin 6 Upper surface plate 61 Tongue piece 62 Notch 7 Bottom surface plate 71 Tongue piece 72 Notch 8 Lower support Body 8A Opening 8B Elastic sheet 81 Horizontal support plate 82, 83, 84, 85 Vertical support plate 9 Upper support 9A Opening 9B Elastic sheet 91 Horizontal support plate 92, 93, 94, 95 Vertical support plate 96 Finger hooking window

Claims (9)

長方形の箱と、その内部にあって被包装物を箱の壁から離して支持する上下一対の支持手段とから構成され、支持手段が、開口を有する水平支持板とその四辺から垂直に立ち上がり、または立ち下がる垂直支持板とからなり、上記開口部に張り渡した弾性シートを有するものであって、2枚の水平支持板を対向させて2枚の弾性シートの間に被包装物を挟んで保持するタイプの包装箱において、箱と支持手段とが、1枚の厚紙または段ボール紙を打ち抜いて形成した一連のブランクであって、右側面板(1)、正面板(2)、左側面板(3)、背面板(4)および糊代(5)が、それぞれ隣接するものと縁を共有して横方向に並び、背面板(4)の下縁に連なって下方支持体(8)が、上縁に連なって上面板(6)がともに縦方向に存在し、これと対称的に、正面板(2)の下縁に連なって底面板(7)が、上縁に連なって上方支持体(9)がともに縦方向に存在し、右側面板(1)および左側面板(3)のそれぞれの上縁に連なって上面補強板(11および31)が、それぞれの下縁に連なって底面補強板(12および32)がともに縦方向に存在し、下方支持体(8)および上方支持体(9)は、開口(8Aおよび9A)を有する水平支持板(81および91)とその四辺の垂直支持板(82,83,84および85;ならびに92,93,94および95)とからなるブランクの、上記開口(8A,9A)に膜状または網状の弾性シート(8B,9B)が張り渡したものを、長方形の箱に組み立てることにより構成した包装箱。It is composed of a rectangular box and a pair of upper and lower support means for supporting an object to be wrapped away from the box wall, and the support means rises vertically from a horizontal support plate having an opening and its four sides, Or a vertical support plate that falls, and having an elastic sheet stretched over the opening, with the two horizontal support plates facing each other and sandwiching an object to be packaged between the two elastic sheets In a holding type packaging box, the box and supporting means are a series of blanks formed by punching out a single cardboard or corrugated cardboard, right side plate (1), front plate (2), left side plate (3 ), The back plate (4) and the glue margin (5) are arranged side by side in common with the adjacent ones, and the lower support (8) is connected to the lower edge of the back plate (4). The top plate (6) is connected to the edge in the vertical direction, Symmetrically, the bottom plate (7) is connected to the lower edge of the front plate (2), the upper support (9) is connected to the upper edge in the vertical direction, the right side plate (1) and the left side plate The upper surface reinforcing plates (11 and 31) are connected to the upper edges of the face plate (3), and the bottom surface reinforcing plates (12 and 32) are connected to the lower edges of the face plate (3) in the vertical direction. ) And the upper support (9) have horizontal support plates (81 and 91) with openings (8A and 9A) and four vertical support plates (82, 83, 84 and 85; and 92, 93, 94 and 95). blank consisting) and packaging boxes in which the opening (8A, the elastic sheet (8B film-shaped or reticulated 9A), 9B) what is stretched, constituted by assembling Rukoto the rectangular box. 長方形の箱と、その内部にあって被包装物を箱の壁から離して支持する上下一対の支持手段とから構成され、支持手段が、開口を有する水平支持板とその四辺から垂直に立ち上がり、または立ち下がる垂直支持板とからなり、上記開口部に張り渡した弾性シートを有するものであって、2枚の水平支持板を対向させて2枚の弾性シートの間に被包装物を挟んで保持するタイプの包装箱において、箱と支持手段とが、1枚の厚紙または段ボール紙を打ち抜いて形成した一連のブランクであって、右側面板(1)、正面板(2)、左側面板(3)、背面板(4)および糊代(5)が、それぞれ隣接するものと縁を共有して横方向に並び、正面板(2)の下縁に連なって下方支持体(8)が、上縁に連なって上方支持体(9)がともに縦方向に存在し、背面板(4)の下縁に連なって底面板(7)が、上縁に連なって上面板(6)がともに縦方向に存在し、右側面板(1)および左側面板(3)のそれぞれの上縁に連なって上面補強板(11および31)が、それぞれの下縁に連なって底面補強板(12および32)がともに縦方向に存在し、下方支持体(8)および上方支持体(9)は、開口(8Aおよび9A)を有する水平支持板(81および91)とその四辺の垂直支持板(82,83,84および85;ならびに92,93,94および95)とからなるブランクの、上記開口(8A,9A)に膜状または網状の弾性シート(8B,9B)が張り渡したものを、長方形の箱に組み立てることにより構成した包装箱。It is composed of a rectangular box and a pair of upper and lower support means for supporting an object to be wrapped away from the box wall, and the support means rises vertically from a horizontal support plate having an opening and its four sides, Or a vertical support plate that falls, and having an elastic sheet stretched over the opening, with the two horizontal support plates facing each other and sandwiching an object to be packaged between the two elastic sheets In a holding type packaging box, the box and supporting means are a series of blanks formed by punching out a single cardboard or corrugated cardboard, right side plate (1), front plate (2), left side plate (3 ), The back plate (4) and the adhesive margin (5) are arranged side by side in common with the adjacent ones, and the lower support (8) is connected to the lower edge of the front plate (2). The upper support (9) is connected to the edge in the longitudinal direction The bottom plate (7) is connected to the lower edge of the back plate (4), the top plate (6) is connected to the upper edge in the vertical direction, and each of the right side plate (1) and the left side plate (3). The upper reinforcing plate (11 and 31) is connected to the upper edge of the upper surface, and the bottom reinforcing plate (12 and 32) is connected to the lower edge of the lower supporting member (8) and the upper supporting member (8). 9) is a blank consisting of a horizontal support plate (81 and 91) with openings (8A and 9A) and four vertical support plates (82, 83, 84 and 85; and 92, 93, 94 and 95). , packaging box that the opening (8A, 9A) the elastic sheets (8B, 9B) of the film-like or reticulated what is stretched, constituted by assembling Rukoto the rectangular box. 下方支持体(8)の垂直支持板(82〜85)の高さに上方支持体(9)の垂直支持板(92〜95)の高さを加えた高さが、正面板(2)、左右側面板(1,3)および背面板(4)の高さにほぼ等しいか、またはそれより小さく、それに応じて2枚の水平支持板(81,91)がほぼ密接して対向するか、または若干の距離をもって対向し、2枚の水平支持板に設けた開口(8A,9A)の形状が合同である請求項1または2の包装箱。The height obtained by adding the height of the vertical support plates (92 to 95) of the upper support (9) to the height of the vertical support plates (82 to 85) of the lower support (8) is the front plate (2), The height of the left and right side plates (1, 3) and the back plate (4) is approximately equal to or smaller than that, and the two horizontal support plates (81, 91) face each other in close contact with each other. Alternatively, the packaging box according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the openings (8A, 9A) are opposed to each other with a slight distance and the shapes of the openings (8A, 9A) provided in the two horizontal support plates are the same. 下方支持体(8)の垂直支持板(82〜85)の高さに上方支持体(9)の垂直支持板(92〜95)の高さを加えた高さが、正面板(2)、左右側面板(1,3)および背面板(4)の高さにほぼ等しいか、またはそれより小さく、それに応じて2枚の水平支持板(81,91)がほぼ密接して対向するか、または若干の距離をもって対向し、2枚の水平支持板に設けた開口(8A,9A)の形状が、保持される被包装物の形状に応じて互いに非対称であって、2枚の水平支持板が若干の距離を保って対向する場合には、上方の水平支持板(91)に、これを引き上げるための指かけ用窓(96)を設けた請求項1または2の包装箱。The height obtained by adding the height of the vertical support plates (92 to 95) of the upper support (9) to the height of the vertical support plates (82 to 85) of the lower support (8) is the front plate (2), The height of the left and right side plates (1, 3) and the back plate (4) is approximately equal to or smaller than that, and the two horizontal support plates (81, 91) face each other in close contact with each other. Alternatively, the two horizontal support plates are opposed to each other with a slight distance, and the shapes of the openings (8A, 9A) provided in the two horizontal support plates are asymmetric with each other according to the shape of the package to be held. The packaging box according to claim 1 or 2, wherein a finger hooking window (96) is provided on the upper horizontal support plate (91) when the two are opposed to each other with a slight distance. 上面板(6)の自由端および底面板(7)の自由端の一方または両方に舌片(61,71)を突出して設け、正面板(2)と上方支持体(9)との共通の縁および背面板(4)または正面板(2)と下方支持体(8)との共通の縁の一方または両方に、上記舌片を挿入するための切り込み(62,72)を設けてなる請求項1または2の包装箱。A tongue piece (61, 71) protrudes from one or both of the free end of the top plate (6) and the free end of the bottom plate (7), and is common to the front plate (2) and the upper support (9). A notch (62, 72) for inserting the tongue piece is provided in one or both of the edge and the common edge of the back plate (4) or the front plate (2) and the lower support (8). Item 1 or 2 packaging box. 背面板(4)に、上方支持体(9)の垂直支持板(94)が固定されるべき位置に対応する位置に切り込みを設けて内側上方に折り曲げることにより係止片(41)をそなえた請求項1または2の包装箱。The back plate (4) is provided with a locking piece (41) by providing a notch at a position corresponding to the position where the vertical support plate (94) of the upper support (9) is to be fixed and bending it inward and upward. The packaging box according to claim 1 or 2. 2枚の水平支持板に設けた開口の形状が合同であって、2枚の水平支持板がほぼ密接して、または若干の距離を保って対向する請求項1または2の包装箱。3. The packaging box according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the shapes of the openings provided in the two horizontal support plates are congruent, and the two horizontal support plates face each other in close contact or at a slight distance. 2枚の水平支持板に設けた開口の形状が互いに異なり、2枚の水平支持板がほぼ密接して、または若干の距離を保って対向する請求項1または2の包装箱。3. The packaging box according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the shapes of the openings provided in the two horizontal support plates are different from each other, and the two horizontal support plates face each other substantially closely or at a slight distance. 箱および支持手段が厚紙または段ボール紙で形成され、弾性シートがポリウレタン系熱可塑性エラストマー、エチレン−酢酸ビニル共重合体およびシングルサイト触媒重合ポリオレフィンからえらんだ材料で形成したものを使用する請求項1または2の包装箱。The box and supporting means are made of cardboard or corrugated paper, and the elastic sheet is made of a material selected from polyurethane-based thermoplastic elastomer, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and single-site catalyzed polymerized polyolefin. 2 packaging boxes.
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