JP3779554B2 - Frequency offset estimation method and frequency offset estimator - Google Patents

Frequency offset estimation method and frequency offset estimator Download PDF


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  • Digital Transmission Methods That Use Modulated Carrier Waves (AREA)


従来、メタリックケーブルを用いた有線通信システムや、伝送特性が安定している固定無線システムや衛星通信システムでは、この搬送波推定器と復調器を一体化したコスタス型搬送波再生器によって、搬送波周波数だけでなく、位相までも同時かつ高精度に推定する方法が多く用いられてきた。図18にコスタス型搬送波再生回路の構成例を示す。同図において、1は受信信号入力端子、2は直交検波器、3は電圧制御発振器、4〜6は乗算器、7は減算器、8は加算器、9はループフィルタ(loop filter)、10と11は同相・直交の信号出力端子である。図19は、図18で用いた直交検波器2の詳しい構成を示している。同図において、12は入力端子、13と17は分岐回路、14と15は乗算器、16はπ/2移相器、19と20は同相・直交信号の出力端子である。
コスタス型以外にも、逆変調型搬送波再生回路が知られている。これは、受信信号を予め逆変調し、搬送波成分を抽出し、この搬送波に発振器の周波数を同期させ、搬送波を再生させる方式であるが、この逆変調型搬送波再生回路がTDMA(Time Division Multiple Access)方式を適用した衛星通信で用いられてきた。図20に逆変調型搬送波再生回路の構成を示す。同図において、21は受信信号入力端子、22はプリアンブル信号入力端子、23と24は分岐回路、25〜27は乗算器、28はタンクフィルタ(tank filter)と呼ばれる帯域通過フィルタ、29はループフィルタ(loop filter)、30は電圧制御発振器、31は出力端子である。
上述した遅延検波方式は原理的に、コスタス型などの同期検波方式に比較して3dB弱の特性劣化がある。このため、特性的に有利な同期検波方式を移動通信システムに適用する検討がなされてきた。この中でも、RLS(Recursive Least Squares)アルゴリズムを適用した位相制御方式は、PDC(Personal Digital Cellular)やPHS(Personal Handy-phone System)等のTDMA移動通信システムを対象として、TDMAの各スロットの先頭で高速に位相同期だけでなく、周波数同期も確立できる。しかも、この方式は比較的小さな回路規模で実現できるため、小型化・低消費電力化が要求される移動通信システムに適用するには優れた方式といえる。図22にRLS位相制御回路の構成例を示す。同図において、47は受信信号入力端子、48と49は乗算器、50と51は判別器、52は1シンボル遅延素子、53は固定値「1」を入力する端子、54と55はRLS制御部、56は復調信号出力端子である。
移動通信システムでは面的な周波数利用効率向上のため、同一チャネルを距離的に分離して配置している。すなわち、数種類の搬送波周波数f1 〜fn を用意しておき、両隣の基地局とは各々異なった搬送波周波数を配置する。そこで、n基地局ごとに同じ周波数を利用することで、線形に配置された基地局配置を前提とした場合、n個の搬送波周波数で全てのサービスエリアをカバーできる。この構成において、周波数利用効率を向上させるには、この距離を短くすること、すなわち周波数繰り返し回数nを小さくすることが望ましい。しかし、その場合には同一チャネル干渉が発生する。
そこで、このような干渉条件下でも周波数オフセット推定を行う方法として、DFT(Digital Fourier Transform)を用いた周波数オフセット推定法が提案されている。この方法は、送信信号の一部に既知のパターン信号を挿入しておき、受信器では受信信号から既知のパターン信号成分を除去し、搬送波成分を抽出する。この抽出された搬送波にDFT処理を行い、その最大値をもって搬送波周波数とするのである。この方法はDFTの優れた周波数解析能力により、干渉波の存在下でも正確な周波数オフセット推定が可能である。
図23に、DFTを用いた周波数オフセット推定器の構成例を示す。同図において、61は受信信号入力端子、62は局部発振器、63と64は乗算器、65は既知のパターン信号(パイロット信号:pilot symbols)記憶素子、66はDFT、67は最大値検出器、68は推定周波数出力端子である。
このDFTを用いた周波数オフセット推定方式は、復調を伴う方式に比較してかなり高い周波数オフセット推定能力を有するが、搬送波再生回路がAWGN(Additive White Gaussian Noise)において達成している周波数オフセット推定精度に比較すると大きく劣化している。非現実的なモデルではあるが、たとえすべてが既知のパターン信号であっても正確な周波数オフセット推定は困難である。
送信信号xk,l が搬送波角周波数ωl で伝送路に送出されるとする。ただし、添え字lはユーザの番号、kは時刻を表している。この時、伝送路で1〜Kのユーザの信号が干渉し、さらに各々に遅延波が存在する場合、受信信号sk は以下のように記述できる。

Figure 0003779554
ただし、Lc +1は伝送路の最大遅延量、ai,l ;i=0,…,Lc は1番目の干渉波のインパルス応答、ωl とθ0,l はl番目の信号の周波数と初期位相、Tはシンボル周期、nk は雑音成分である。
Figure 0003779554
ここで、yk の時間系列を要素とするL次元のベクトルYk =[yk k-1 … yk-L+1 Tを定義する。すると、ベクトルYk は以下のように書き換えられる。その相関行列は以下のように表される。
Figure 0003779554
上の(3.1)〜(3.6)式における添え字TとHは各々ベクトルあるいは行列の転置とエルミート転置である。この時、Yk の相関行列Rk は以下のように表される。
Figure 0003779554
ただし、E[…]は集合平均をとることを意味しており、Ω0,l とCl は以下のように表される。
Figure 0003779554
ただし、(4.1)式と(4.3)式の導出では雑音と信号の無相関性、異なったユーザの信号間の無相関性を利用した。また、(4.1)式のIは単位行列、σ2 は雑音の分散である。
ここで、(4.1)式のE[C]={E[ci,j ]}は実際には次のようになる。
Figure 0003779554
Figure 0003779554
Figure 0003779554
上記の相関行列Rk を固有値分解すると、その固有値λi は以下のようになる。
Figure 0003779554
Figure 0003779554
(8.1)式と(8.2)式よりλ1 >λ2 であるため、相関行列の固有値の最大値に対応する固有ベクトルは搬送波ベクトル、あるいは周波数オフセットベクトルになっている。従って、相関行列の最大固有値に対応した固有ベクトルの周波数を測定することにより、周波数が推定できる。また、(8.1)式と(8.2)式を見ても分かるように、固有値分解を利用することで所望信号のコヒーレント成分を含む固有値λ1 とコヒーレント成分を含まない固有値λ2 とに分離できるため、高精度な周波数推定が可能になることが分かる。
図1は、本発明の第1の実施の形態の周波数オフセット推定器の構成を示す。同図において、100は入力端子、101は乗算器、102はパイロット信号記憶素子(pilot symbols)、103は遅延回路、104は固有値分解部、105は相関行列演算部、106は推定周波数の出力端子である。同図では、入力端子100の入力信号はパイロット信号記憶素子102から出力される既知信号と掛け合わされ、(2)式のyk を得る。このyk を遅延回路103に入力すると、遅延回路103からは各々遅延時間の異なる信号群yk ,yk-1 ,…,yk-L+1 が出力される。この信号群はベクトルYk の要素に等しい。
そこで相関行列演算部105で、このベクトルYk を用いて以下の演算を行うことで相関行列Rk を得る。
Figure 0003779554
(4.1)式では相関行列はYk k H の集合平均で求めていたが、実際にはエルゴードの定理に基づき時間平均で求めている。この相関行列は(11)式の演算式からも分かるようにエルミート行列である。従って、その固有値分解はJacobi法やQR法等、様々な手法で求めることが可能である。固有値分解部104は、この固有値分解処理を行う。(黒瀬;「Fortran90のためのサブルーチンライブラリ〜数値計算、統計計算、3次元CGライブラリ〜」、森北出版、1998年)。
上記の周波数オフセット推定器における遅延回路103の詳しい構成を、図2に示す。同図において、201は入力端子、202〜204は遅延素子、205〜208は信号群の出力端子を表している。入力端子201からyk が入力されると、これに遅延をかけて、yk ,yk-1 ,…,yk-L+1 の信号を出力端子205〜208から出力する。
図4に、上記の固有ベクトルの周波数推定部117の詳しい構成を示す。同図において、221−1〜221−4は固有値分解部116からの固有ベクトルの各要素の入力端子、222−1〜222−4は固有ベクトルを記憶しておくバッファ回路、223〜229は乗算器、230は固定値「1」を入力する端子、231は加算器、234は適応制御部、235は出力端子である。また、適応制御部234では固有ベクトルv1 =[v1,0 ,v1,1 ,…,v1,L-1 ]に対して以下の演算を繰り返し行う。
Figure 0003779554
Figure 0003779554
Figure 0003779554
図7に本発明の周波数オフセット推定器を採用したCDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)用基地局の受信設備を示す。同図において、140は帯域通過フィルタ、141は受信信号入力端子、142は局部発振器、143〜145は乗算器、146は遅延素子、147は周波数オフセット推定器、148は外部パイロット信号記憶回路、149〜151は周波数オフセット補償部(AFC)、152〜154はCDMAの受信機、155〜157は復調信号出力端子を表している。CDMAでは数人のユーザが同時に同じ無線帯域を利用して通信を行う。従って、受信信号には数人のユーザの信号が混入している。さらにその無線搬送波周波数も厳密にいえば、各ユーザごとに少しずつ異なっている。図7の受信設備はこれらの全てのユーザの信号を復調する構成である。
適応制御部170の構成としては、周波数オフセットが既に除去されているため、線形推定理論に則ったアルゴリズムであるLMS(Least Mean Square)法やRLS(Recursive Least Squares)法等が適用できる。以下には、一例としてLMS法を適用した場合のアルゴリズムを示す。まず、マッチドフィルタ163〜165の各出力をZk =[zk,1 k,2 … zk,M T とし、適応制御部170からの係数ベクトルをWk =[wk,1 k,2 … wk,M T とする。ただし、Mはマッチドフィルタの数である。その時、
Figure 0003779554
というアルゴリズムにより復調信号を得ることができる。ただし、Dk はWk H k の判別値、あるいはトレーニング信号と呼ぶ、既知のシンボルパターンである。
図11に、図10に示したマルチユーザ受信機191の第1の構成例を示す。同図は4ユーザ受信機の構成例である。同図において、261は入力端子、262〜265は推定されたオフセット周波数の入力端子、266は減算器、267は二乗回路、268は最尤推定器(MLE:Maximum Likelihood Estimator)、269〜272はレプリカ(replica)生成器、273は各ユーザの伝送路インパルス応答を推定する適応制御部、274〜277は復調信号出力端子である。同図は通常のマルチユーザ受信機に、周波数オフセット情報を加味してレプリカを生成して、最も尤度の高い復調信号を得るものである。
このレプリカ生成器では、入力端子281からの仮判定値を遅延回路282と乗算器283〜286とで構成されたFIR(Finite Impulse Response)フィルタによって畳み込み、ベースバンドレプリカを得る。一方、オフセット周波数入力端子292からのオフセット周波数信号を乗算器288と遅延素子291とで積分することで、オフセット周波数による位相変動成分を演算する。そして乗算器287により、この位相変動成分にベースバンドレプリカを乗算することで受信信号のレプリカを生成し、出力端子293から図11のMLE回路268に出力する。
図14に、図10に示したマルチユーザ受信機191の第2の構成例を示す。これは、複数のアンテナ素子で受信し、これをK分岐してK個の各分岐先で適応的にビームを形成するマルチビームアンテナを備えている。同図において、330は図10における周波数オフセット推定器によって推定されたオフセット周波数の入力端子、331はN個のアンテナ素子で受信された受信信号の入力端子、332〜334はビーム形成器(BFN:Beam Forming Network)、335〜337は復調信号出力端子である。
この構成のマルチユーザ受信機では、i番目のビーム形成器では、1〜i−1番目までのユーザの信号をキャンセルし、その後に出力信号のSINR(Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio)が最大になるようアンテナの指向性を制御する。この時、信号を正確にキャンセルするために、推定された周波数オフセットに基づき各復調信号に位相回転を与えることで、その制御アルゴリズムに線形推定理論に基づくアルゴリズムを用いることができ、高い干渉抑圧特性を達成できる。実際の通信路では、各ユーザごとに周波数オフセットが異なるため、図14に示す構成を用いて干渉キャンセルを行うことで、現実の通信路でも高い通信品質を達成することが可能になる。
図15に、図14のマルチユーザ受信機191におけるj番目のビーム形成器BNF(j)の構成例を示す。同図において、341〜344は各アンテナ素子からの信号入力端子、345〜351,360,362,367〜369は乗算器、352は加算器、353は減算器、354は判定器、355はスイッチ回路、356はトレーニング信号と呼ばれる既知信号入力端子、357は復調信号出力端子、358は適応制御部(Adaptive Weight Control)、371〜373はj−1番目のBFN(j−1)が復調した信号の入力端子、364は推定された周波数オフセットの入力端子、361は遅延素子、363は積分器、365は複素共役(・)* を表している。
102 パイロット信号記憶素子
103 遅延回路
104 固有値分解部
105 相関行列演算部
114 パイロット信号記憶素子
113 遅延回路
115 相関行列演算部
116 固有値分解部
117 固有ベクトルの周波数推定部
123 パイロット信号記憶素子
124 遅延回路
125 相関行列演算部
126 固有値分解部
127 固有ベクトルの周波数推定部
128 DFT
130 最大値検出部[0001]
The present invention relates to a frequency offset estimation method and a frequency offset estimator.
[Prior art]
In many communication systems and broadcasting systems, a transmission signal is once converted into a frequency in a carrier band, and the signal is transmitted. On the receiver side, signal transmission is performed by accurately removing a carrier frequency component from the reception signal. At this time, in many systems, the carrier frequency is estimated from the received signal. In general, this carrier frequency estimation accuracy greatly affects signal transmission characteristics. In particular, in a digital signal transmission system to which phase modulation is applied, information is put on the phase of a carrier wave to be transmitted. In order to extract this information by a receiver, accurate carrier frequency estimation is essential.
Conventionally, in a wired communication system using a metallic cable, a fixed wireless system or a satellite communication system with stable transmission characteristics, this carrier estimator and demodulator are integrated into a Costas type carrier regenerator so that only the carrier frequency can be obtained. However, many methods have been used to estimate the phase simultaneously and with high accuracy. FIG. 18 shows a configuration example of a Costas type carrier recovery circuit. In the figure, 1 is a received signal input terminal, 2 is a quadrature detector, 3 is a voltage controlled oscillator, 4 to 6 are multipliers, 7 is a subtractor, 8 is an adder, 9 is a loop filter, 10 And 11 are in-phase / quadrature signal output terminals. FIG. 19 shows a detailed configuration of the quadrature detector 2 used in FIG. In the figure, 12 is an input terminal, 13 and 17 are branch circuits, 14 and 15 are multipliers, 16 is a π / 2 phase shifter, and 19 and 20 are output terminals for in-phase and quadrature signals.
In addition to the Costas type, an inverse modulation type carrier recovery circuit is known. In this method, a received signal is demodulated in advance, a carrier wave component is extracted, the frequency of an oscillator is synchronized with the carrier wave, and the carrier wave is regenerated, and this demodulated carrier wave regeneration circuit is a TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access). ) Method has been used in satellite communications. FIG. 20 shows the configuration of an inverse modulation type carrier recovery circuit. In the figure, 21 is a received signal input terminal, 22 is a preamble signal input terminal, 23 and 24 are branch circuits, 25 to 27 are multipliers, 28 is a band pass filter called a tank filter, and 29 is a loop filter. (Loop filter), 30 is a voltage controlled oscillator, and 31 is an output terminal.
On the other hand, in a mobile communication system in which transmission path fluctuations are severe, a delay detection method capable of high-speed phase synchronization is used. In a receiver using delay detection, the frequency is once converted to near baseband by a local oscillator close to the carrier frequency, and this received signal is subjected to delay detection. At this time, a stationary phase error caused by the oscillation frequency of the local oscillator and the carrier frequency of the received signal appears in the signal after delay detection. By correcting this steady phase error, the carrier frequency is estimated equivalently.
FIG. 21 shows a configuration of a delay detector having a frequency difference (referred to as “frequency offset”) compensation function between the local oscillator and the carrier frequency. In the figure, 32 is a received signal input terminal, 33 to 36 are multipliers, 37 is an adder, 38 is a subtractor, 39 and 40 are 1-symbol delay elements, 41 is a discriminator, and 42 is a coefficient input of the multiplier 36. 43, a delay detector, 44 a frequency offset estimation unit, 45 a local oscillator, and 46 a demodulated signal output terminal.
In principle, the above-described delayed detection method has a characteristic deterioration of slightly less than 3 dB as compared with a Costas type synchronous detection method. For this reason, studies have been made to apply a synchronous detection method that is advantageous in characteristics to a mobile communication system. Among these, the phase control method to which the RLS (Recursive Least Squares) algorithm is applied is intended for TDMA mobile communication systems such as PDC (Personal Digital Cellular) and PHS (Personal Handy-phone System), at the head of each TDMA slot. Not only phase synchronization but also frequency synchronization can be established at high speed. Moreover, since this method can be realized with a relatively small circuit scale, it can be said to be an excellent method for application to a mobile communication system that requires a reduction in size and power consumption. FIG. 22 shows a configuration example of the RLS phase control circuit. In the figure, 47 is a received signal input terminal, 48 and 49 are multipliers, 50 and 51 are discriminators, 52 is a one-symbol delay element, 53 is a terminal for inputting a fixed value “1”, and 54 and 55 are RLS controls. Reference numeral 56 denotes a demodulated signal output terminal.
In a mobile communication system, the same channel is separated and arranged in order to improve surface frequency utilization efficiency. That is, several types of carrier frequencies f1~ FnAre prepared, and carrier frequencies different from the adjacent base stations are arranged. Therefore, by using the same frequency for every n base stations, it is possible to cover all service areas with n carrier frequencies, assuming that the base stations are arranged linearly. In this configuration, in order to improve frequency utilization efficiency, it is desirable to shorten this distance, that is, to reduce the frequency repetition number n. However, in that case, co-channel interference occurs.
It is known that this co-channel interference can be removed by applying interference cancellation such as an adaptive array. However, when an adaptive array or the like is applied, since an algorithm for controlling these is generally based on linear estimation theory, it is necessary to simultaneously mount high-accuracy frequency offset estimation means. In other words, accurate frequency offset estimation is required in the presence of co-channel interference waves, but accurate demodulation is not possible with methods that involve demodulation, such as the Costas type carrier recovery method and inverse modulation type carrier recovery method. There is a problem that accurate frequency offset estimation cannot be performed.
Therefore, a frequency offset estimation method using DFT (Digital Fourier Transform) has been proposed as a method of performing frequency offset estimation even under such interference conditions. In this method, a known pattern signal is inserted into a part of a transmission signal, and the receiver removes the known pattern signal component from the received signal and extracts a carrier wave component. The DFT process is performed on the extracted carrier wave, and the maximum value is set as the carrier frequency. This method enables accurate frequency offset estimation even in the presence of interference waves due to the excellent frequency analysis capability of DFT.
FIG. 23 shows a configuration example of a frequency offset estimator using DFT. In the figure, 61 is a received signal input terminal, 62 is a local oscillator, 63 and 64 are multipliers, 65 is a known pattern signal (pilot signal) storage element, 66 is a DFT, 67 is a maximum value detector, Reference numeral 68 denotes an estimated frequency output terminal.
This frequency offset estimation method using DFT has a considerably high frequency offset estimation capability as compared with a method involving demodulation, but the frequency offset estimation accuracy achieved by the carrier recovery circuit in AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise). In comparison, it is greatly degraded. Although it is an unrealistic model, accurate frequency offset estimation is difficult even if all are known pattern signals.
By the way, in order to provide a comfortable multimedia service in a mobile communication environment, high-speed signal transmission is required even in a mobile radio transmission path. As is well known, when high-speed communication is performed on a mobile communication transmission line in which an object such as a house causing reflection / diffraction exists, the characteristics are significantly deteriorated due to severe intersymbol interference caused by multipath. An adaptive equalizer is effective to compensate for this. However, since the control algorithm is based on the linear estimation theory as in the adaptive array, it is necessary to provide a highly accurate frequency offset estimation circuit. Although a method for realizing a high-accuracy frequency offset estimator by combining an adaptive equalizer and a frequency offset estimation circuit is known, in addition to intersymbol interference caused by multipath, inter-channel interference is further reduced. In the existing environment, it is difficult to perform accurate frequency offset estimation as described above.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
As described above, conventionally, there has been a problem that it is difficult to accurately estimate frequency offset necessary for signal demodulation under a severe co-channel interference environment.
Also, when providing a multimedia mobile communication system, intersymbol interference due to multipath occurs in addition to co-channel interference, but in a transmission path where this inter-symbol interference and co-channel interference occur However, the conventional frequency estimator provided in the demodulator for the Gaussian channel, Rayleigh fading, and intersymbol interference transmission path has a problem that it is difficult to estimate the frequency with high accuracy.
The present invention has been made to solve such a conventional technical problem, and accurately estimates the frequency of a carrier wave in a receiving facility used in a broadcast or communication system that performs signal transmission by converting a signal into a carrier wave band. It aims at providing the technology to do.
[Means for solving problems]
Transmit signal xk, lIs the carrier angular frequency ωlIs sent to the transmission line. Here, the subscript l represents the user number, and k represents the time. At this time, when the signals of 1 to K users interfere with each other on the transmission line, and there is a delayed wave in each, the received signal skCan be written as:
[Expression 1]
Figure 0003779554
However, Lc+1 is the maximum delay amount of the transmission line, ai, lI = 0, ..., LcIs the impulse response of the first interference wave, ωlAnd θ0, lIs the frequency and initial phase of the l-th signal, T is the symbol period, and nkIs a noise component.
Actually, interference includes interference from various systems, but here it is assumed that the interference is from the same system for the sake of simplicity. Furthermore, in Equation (1), a system close to TDMA, each of which is synchronized, is assumed. is doing. At this time, it is assumed that i = 1st signal is a desired signal. That is, let us consider estimating the frequency component of the i = 1st signal among the signals included in the received signal. Here, when the received signal is first multiplied by the i = 1th known signal pattern, the following signal is obtained.
[Expression 2]
Figure 0003779554
Where ykL-dimensional vector Y whose elements are time series ofk= [Yk yk-1 ... yk-L + 1]TDefine Then the vector YkCan be rewritten as: The correlation matrix is expressed as follows.
[Equation 3]
Figure 0003779554
The subscripts T and H in the above equations (3.1) to (3.6) are vector or matrix transpose and Hermitian transpose, respectively. At this time, YkCorrelation matrix RkIs expressed as follows.
[Expression 4]
Figure 0003779554
However, E [...] means taking the set average and Ω0, lAnd ClIs expressed as follows.
[Equation 5]
Figure 0003779554
However, in the derivation of equations (4.1) and (4.3), noise and signal uncorrelation and uncorrelation between signals of different users were used. In the equation (4.1), I is a unit matrix, σ2Is the variance of the noise.
Here, E [C] = {E [ci, j]} Is actually as follows.
[Formula 6]
Figure 0003779554
Substituting the above equations (5.1) and (5.2) into equation (4.1) gives the following equation.
[Expression 7]
Figure 0003779554
Here, the equation (6.1) is modified as follows.
[Equation 8]
Figure 0003779554
The above correlation matrix RkEigenvalue decomposition, eigenvalue λiIs as follows.
[Equation 9]
Figure 0003779554
Equations (8.1) and (8.2) mean that equation (7.1) can be modified as follows.
[Expression 10]
Figure 0003779554
From the equations (8.1) and (8.2), λ1> Λ2Therefore, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum value of the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix is a carrier vector or a frequency offset vector. Therefore, the frequency can be estimated by measuring the frequency of the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue of the correlation matrix. Also, as can be seen from the equations (8.1) and (8.2), the eigenvalue λ including the coherent component of the desired signal is obtained by using the eigenvalue decomposition.1And the eigenvalue λ without coherent components2It can be seen that the frequency can be estimated with high accuracy.
Based on the above principle consideration, the present invention is characterized by the following points.
The invention of claim 1 is a frequency offset estimation method in a broadcast or communication reception method for estimating a carrier frequency of a received signal, converting from a carrier band to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulating the signal, Multiplication processing for multiplying the received signal by a known signal, delay processing for outputting the output of the multiplication processing at predetermined time intervals, and correlation matrix calculation for calculating a vector correlation matrix using the output of the delay processing as an element And eigenvalue decomposition processing for obtaining an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix that is an output result of the correlation matrix calculation process, and outputting an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue as a waveform of a carrier wave.
The invention of claim 2 is a frequency offset estimation method in a broadcast or communication reception method for estimating a carrier frequency of a received signal, converting from a carrier band to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulating the signal, Multiplication processing for multiplying the received signal by a known signal, delay processing for outputting the output of the multiplication processing at predetermined time intervals, and correlation matrix calculation for calculating a vector correlation matrix using the output of the delay processing as an element And eigenvector frequency estimation processing for obtaining an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix, which is the result output of the correlation matrix calculation process, and estimating and outputting the maximum value of the frequency component included in the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue. is there.
The invention of claim 3 is a frequency offset estimator in a broadcast or communication receiving facility that estimates a carrier frequency of a received signal, converts the carrier wave band to a baseband band based on the estimation result, and demodulates the signal, Multiplication means for multiplying the received signal by a known signal, delay means for outputting the output of the multiplication means at predetermined time intervals, and correlation matrix calculation means for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay means as elements. And eigenvalue decomposing means for obtaining eigenvalues of the correlation matrix, which is an output of the correlation matrix calculating means, and outputting an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue as a waveform of the carrier wave.
The invention of claim 4 is a frequency offset estimator in a broadcast or communication receiving facility for estimating a carrier frequency of a received signal, converting from a carrier band to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulating the signal, Multiplication means for multiplying the received signal by a known signal, delay means for outputting the output of the multiplication means at predetermined time intervals, and correlation matrix calculation means for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay means as elements. And eigenvector frequency estimation means for obtaining an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix, which is an output of the correlation matrix calculation means, and estimating and outputting a maximum value of a frequency component included in an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue. is there.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.
<First Embodiment>
FIG. 1 shows the configuration of a frequency offset estimator according to the first embodiment of the present invention. In the figure, 100 is an input terminal, 101 is a multiplier, 102 is a pilot signal storage element (pilot symbols), 103 is a delay circuit, 104 is an eigenvalue decomposition unit, 105 is a correlation matrix calculation unit, and 106 is an output terminal for an estimated frequency. It is. In the figure, the input signal at the input terminal 100 is multiplied by a known signal output from the pilot signal storage element 102, and y in equation (2) is obtained.kGet. This ykAre input to the delay circuit 103, the signal groups y having different delay times from the delay circuit 103, respectively.k, yk-1, ..., yk-L + 1Is output. This group of signals is a vector YkIs equal to the element of
Accordingly, the correlation matrix calculation unit 105 performs this vector YkIs used to calculate the correlation matrix RkGet.
## EQU11 ##
Figure 0003779554
In equation (4.1), the correlation matrix is YkYk HHowever, in actuality, it is obtained as a time average based on Ergod's theorem. This correlation matrix is a Hermitian matrix as can be seen from the equation (11). Therefore, the eigenvalue decomposition can be obtained by various methods such as the Jacobi method and the QR method. The eigenvalue decomposition unit 104 performs this eigenvalue decomposition process. (Kurose; “Subroutine library for Fortran90: numerical calculation, statistical calculation, 3D CG library”, Morikita Publishing, 1998).
The eigenvalue decomposition unit 104 extracts only the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors thus obtained, and outputs them from the output terminal 106 as an estimated value of the frequency offset.
A detailed configuration of the delay circuit 103 in the frequency offset estimator is shown in FIG. In the figure, 201 is an input terminal, 202 to 204 are delay elements, and 205 to 208 are output terminals of a signal group. Input terminal 201 to ykIs input, it is delayed and yk, yk-1, ..., yk-L + 1Are output from output terminals 205-208.
<Second Embodiment>
Next, FIG. 3 shows a frequency offset estimator according to the second embodiment of the present invention. In this figure, 111 is an input terminal, 112 is a multiplier, 113 is a delay circuit, 114 is a pilot signal storage element, 115 is a correlation matrix calculation unit, 116 is an eigenvalue decomposition unit, 117 is an eigenvector frequency estimation unit, and 118 is an estimation This is the frequency output terminal.
In the second embodiment, the eigenvalue is obtained from the correlation matrix of the received signal vector as in the first embodiment shown in FIG. 1, and a vector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue is generated. Since the generated vector is not necessarily a sine wave, the highest frequency component of the eigenvector is obtained by the frequency estimator 117 of the eigenvector and output from the output terminal 118 as an estimated value of the frequency offset.
FIG. 4 shows a detailed configuration of the eigenvector frequency estimation unit 117 described above. In the same figure, 221-1 to 221-4 are input terminals of each element of the eigenvector from the eigenvalue decomposition unit 116, 222-1 to 222-4 are buffer circuits for storing the eigenvector, 223 to 229 are multipliers, 230 is a terminal for inputting a fixed value “1”, 231 is an adder, 234 is an adaptive control unit, and 235 is an output terminal. The adaptive control unit 234 also uses the eigenvector v1= [V1,0, v1,1, ..., v1, L-1], The following calculation is repeated.
[Expression 12]
Figure 0003779554
However, μ in the expression (12.3) represents a minute coefficient called a step size parameter, and Im [...] Represents a function for extracting only the imaginary part.
After repeating the above calculation a predetermined number of times m,
[Formula 13]
Figure 0003779554
Is output from the terminal 235 as an estimated frequency.
<Third Embodiment>
A frequency offset estimator according to the third embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG. In general, in a radio system, an approximate frequency is known because a signal is arranged in a known radio frequency band. However, depending on the case, there may be a large deviation from the assumed initial frequency due to incompleteness of the device. The frequency offset estimation circuit according to the third embodiment is an effective circuit when the estimated frequency is greatly deviated from the estimated initial value.
In the figure, 121 is an input terminal, 122 is a multiplier, 123 is a pilot signal storage element, 124 is a delay circuit, 125 is a correlation matrix calculation unit, 126 is an eigenvalue decomposition unit, 127 is a frequency estimation unit for eigenvectors, and 128 is a DFT. A circuit 129 is an output terminal for an estimated value of the frequency offset, and 130 is a maximum value detection unit.
The circuit of the third embodiment performs the same processing as that of the circuit of the second embodiment shown in FIG. 3, except that the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue is input to the DFT circuit 128 and is different from the DFT circuit 128. Processing, the maximum value detector 130 determines the frequency component corresponding to the maximum value as an initial value in frequency estimation of the eigenvector,
[Expression 14]
Figure 0003779554
The eigenvector frequency estimation unit 127 performs frequency estimation using this.
In principle, the frequency estimation of the eigenvector by the frequency estimation unit 117 shown in FIG. 4 employed in the second embodiment is highly accurate, but is quite different when the initial value is too large and is different from the actual frequency. May be output. Therefore, in the third embodiment, this frequency can be overcome by using the frequency roughly estimated by the DFT circuit 128 as an initial value.
<Application example 1>
FIG. 6 shows a receiver using the frequency offset estimator of the present invention. In this figure, 131 is a carrier band signal input terminal, 132 is a local oscillator, 133 to 135 are multipliers, 136 is a delay element, 137 is the frequency offset estimator of the second embodiment shown in FIG. 3, or FIG. The frequency offset estimator 138 of the third embodiment shown in FIG. 1 is a signal output terminal 138, and is a band pass filter.
In this receiver, the received signal is once frequency-converted to near the baseband, and the frequency offset that is the error between the local oscillator that is the IF frequency and the carrier frequency of the received signal is estimated. That is, the received signal input from the input terminal 131 is multiplied by the signal from the local oscillator 132 by the multiplier 133 to obtain a signal in the IF frequency band. This signal is branched after passing through the band-pass filter 139, one of which is input to the frequency offset estimator 137 to estimate the frequency offset. Then, the multiplier 135 and the delay element 136 perform phase integration processing on the estimated frequency offset, and the phase error due to the frequency offset is output from the multiplier 135, and the output signal of the branched bandpass filter 139 and By multiplying by the multiplier 134, a complete baseband signal is obtained and output from the signal output terminal 138.
<Application example 2>
FIG. 7 shows a receiving facility of a CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) base station employing the frequency offset estimator of the present invention. In the figure, 140 is a band pass filter, 141 is a received signal input terminal, 142 is a local oscillator, 143 to 145 are multipliers, 146 is a delay element, 147 is a frequency offset estimator, 148 is an external pilot signal storage circuit, 149 ˜151 are frequency offset compensators (AFC), 152˜154 are CDMA receivers, and 155˜157 are demodulated signal output terminals. In CDMA, several users communicate using the same radio band at the same time. Therefore, several users' signals are mixed in the received signal. Strictly speaking, the radio carrier frequency is slightly different for each user. The receiving facility in FIG. 7 is configured to demodulate all these user signals.
In the case of the second application example, as in the first application example shown in FIG. 6, the received signal converted to the IF frequency band by the local oscillator 142 is subjected to the frequency offset compensation of # 1 to #N. Input to the devices 149-151.
Different pilot signals are downloaded from the external pilot signal storage circuit 148 to the pilot signal storage elements in each of the frequency offset compensators 149 to 151. Therefore, in each of the frequency offset compensators 149 to 151, the frequency offset estimator 147, the multipliers 144 and 145, and the delay element 146 remove the IF frequency of the received signal as described with reference to FIG. It should be noted that in the frequency offset compensators 149 to 151, only a signal including the pattern downloaded by the pilot signal storage circuit 148, that is, a desired signal is converted to baseband, and other signals are converted to baseband. There is no guarantee that it will be converted to. The outputs of the frequency offset compensators 149 to 151 are input to the receivers 152 to 154, respectively, to obtain demodulated signals.
FIG. 8 shows the configuration of CDMA receivers 152 to 154 used in the CDMA reception facility of FIG. In the figure, 161 is an input terminal, 162 is a delay circuit, 163 to 165 are matched filters for despreading, 166 to 168 are multipliers, 169 is an adder, 170 is an adaptive control unit, and 171 is a demodulated signal output terminal. is there. The configuration of this receiver is a so-called Rake receiver, and it is possible to maximize the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) by adding in-phase addition of the delayed wave in addition to the preceding wave.
As the configuration of the adaptive control unit 170, since the frequency offset has already been removed, an LMS (Least Mean Square) method, an RLS (Recursive Least Squares) method, and the like, which are algorithms based on the linear estimation theory, can be applied. The following shows an algorithm when the LMS method is applied as an example. First, each output of the matched filters 163 to 165 is set to Zk= [Zk, 1 zk, 2 ... zk, M]TAnd the coefficient vector from the adaptive control unit 170 is Wk= [Wk, 1 wk, 2 … Wk, M]TAnd Where M is the number of matched filters. At that time,
[Expression 15]
Figure 0003779554
The demodulated signal can be obtained by the algorithm. However, DkIs Wk HZkThis is a known symbol pattern called a discriminant value or training signal.
FIG. 9 shows a specific circuit configuration of the matched filters 163 to 165 shown in FIG. The figure shows an example of the configuration when the spreading factor is 4. In the figure, 240 is an input terminal, 241 to 243 are delay elements, 244 to 247 are spread code input terminals, 248 to 251 are multipliers, 252 is an adder, and 253 is an output terminal.
<Application example 3>
FIG. 10 shows the configuration of a multiuser reception facility to which the frequency offset estimator of the present invention is applied. In this figure, 181 is a received signal input terminal, 182 is a local oscillator, 183 is a multiplier, 184 is a band pass filter, 185 is a frequency offset estimator, 186 is an external pilot signal storage circuit, and 187 to 190 are pilot signal download functions. A frequency offset estimator 191 is a multi-user receiver, and 192 to 194 are demodulated signal output terminals.
In the multi-user reception facility having this configuration, the frequency offset of the signal included in the received signal is estimated by the frequency offset estimators 187 to 190 with a pulse signal download function. The estimated value of the frequency offset for each user is input to the multiuser receiver 191. The multi-user receiver 191 collectively demodulates each user's signal using an estimated value of each user's frequency offset and a known signal embedded between information sequences called training sequences. The demodulated signal is output from output terminals 192 to 194.
FIG. 11 shows a first configuration example of the multiuser receiver 191 shown in FIG. The figure shows an example of the configuration of a 4-user receiver. In the figure, 261 is an input terminal, 262 to 265 are input terminals of estimated offset frequencies, 266 is a subtractor, 267 is a squaring circuit, 268 is a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), 269 to 272 are A replica generator 273 is an adaptive control unit that estimates a transmission line impulse response of each user, and 274 to 277 are demodulation signal output terminals. In the figure, a replica is generated by adding frequency offset information to an ordinary multiuser receiver, and a demodulated signal with the highest likelihood is obtained.
FIG. 12 shows a specific configuration of the replica generator employed in the multiuser receiver of FIG. In the figure, 281 is an input terminal, 282 is a delay circuit, 283 to 288 are multipliers, 289 is an impulse response input terminal from the adaptive control unit 273 in FIG. 11, 290 is an adder, 291 is a delay element, and 292 is an offset. A frequency input terminal 293 is a replica output terminal.
In this replica generator, the provisional determination value from the input terminal 281 is convolved by a FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter composed of a delay circuit 282 and multipliers 283 to 286 to obtain a baseband replica. On the other hand, by integrating the offset frequency signal from the offset frequency input terminal 292 by the multiplier 288 and the delay element 291, the phase fluctuation component due to the offset frequency is calculated. Then, a multiplier 287 multiplies the phase fluctuation component by a baseband replica to generate a received signal replica, and outputs the received signal replica from the output terminal 293 to the MLE circuit 268 of FIG.
FIG. 13 shows a configuration example of the MLE circuit 268 applied to the multiuser receiver 191 shown in FIG. The figure shows a maximum likelihood estimation circuit for four users using a BPSK modulated signal. In this figure, 301 is a signal input terminal from the squaring circuit 267 of FIG. 11, 302 is a reset signal input terminal, 303 to 307 are switch circuits, 308 is a subtractor, 309 is a discriminator, 310 is a delay element, 311 is binary A counter, 312 is a clock input terminal, 313, 314, 319, and 320 are demodulated signal output terminals, and 315 to 318 are provisional judgment value output terminals.
In this MLE circuit 268, the binary counter 311 is driven by a clock to generate all the signals of four users subjected to BPSK modulation. A 4-user replica is generated based on the generated temporary determination value, and the square Euclidean distance between the replica and the received signal is input to the switch circuit 304. A minimum value detector composed of a subtracter 308, a delay element 310, and a switch circuit 303 obtains a provisional determination value having the minimum square Euclidean distance, which is selected by the switch circuit 303 and output as a demodulated signal.
Similarly to the CDMA receivers 152 to 154 in FIG. 7, the adaptive control unit 273 in the multiuser receiver 191 shown in FIG. 11 also has an algorithm based on linear estimation theory such as LMS and RLS since the frequency offset of each user is known. Is applicable.
FIG. 14 shows a second configuration example of the multiuser receiver 191 shown in FIG. This is provided with a multi-beam antenna which receives a plurality of antenna elements, K-branches them, and adaptively forms a beam at each of the K branch destinations. In this figure, 330 is an input terminal for an offset frequency estimated by the frequency offset estimator in FIG. 10, 331 is an input terminal for received signals received by N antenna elements, and 332 to 334 are beamformers (BFN: Beam Forming Network), 335 to 337 are demodulation signal output terminals.
In the multi-user receiver having this configuration, the i-th beamformer cancels the signals of the first to i-1th users, and thereafter, the SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio) of the output signal becomes maximum. Control the directivity of the antenna. At this time, in order to cancel the signal accurately, by applying phase rotation to each demodulated signal based on the estimated frequency offset, an algorithm based on linear estimation theory can be used for its control algorithm, and high interference suppression characteristics Can be achieved. In the actual communication path, the frequency offset differs for each user. Therefore, by performing interference cancellation using the configuration shown in FIG. 14, high communication quality can be achieved even in an actual communication path.
FIG. 15 shows a configuration example of the j-th beam former BNF (j) in the multiuser receiver 191 of FIG. In the figure, 341 to 344 are signal input terminals from each antenna element, 345 to 351, 360, 362 and 367 to 369 are multipliers, 352 is an adder, 353 is a subtractor, 354 is a determiner, and 355 is a switch. 356 is a known signal input terminal called a training signal, 357 is a demodulated signal output terminal, 358 is an adaptive control unit (Adaptive Weight Control), 371 to 373 are signals demodulated by the j-1st BFN (j-1) , 364 is an input terminal of the estimated frequency offset, 361 is a delay element, 363 is an integrator, 365 is a complex conjugate (·)*Represents.
The adaptive control unit 358 uses the output signal from the demodulated signal output terminal 357 as a desired signal, the output signal from the subtractor 353 as an error signal, the outputs from the multipliers 367 to 369 and the signals from the input terminals 341 to 344 as input signals. The coefficients of the multipliers 345 to 351 are adaptively estimated using a linear estimation algorithm such as an LMS or RLS algorithm.
FIG. 16 shows a frequency offset estimation error characteristic by the RLS adaptive phase control method which is a conventional technique. The mean square of the estimation error is the vertical axis, and the horizontal axis represents the number of received symbols. The figure shows the characteristics when each channel is a two-path model (CCI + ISI) in addition to the AWGN channel and two-path model (ISI), one-wave co-channel interference (CCI), and one-wave co-channel interference. In the figure, CNR = 0 dB, frequency offset ΔfT = 10-3The characteristics were obtained under the following conditions. However, T represents a symbol period. As can be seen from this characteristic, in the RLS adaptive phase control method, high-accuracy estimation is possible in the AWGN channel, but degradation starts as soon as interference enters, and 10 C is obtained in the CCI + ISI transmission path.-2Only a certain degree of estimation accuracy is obtained.
FIG. 17 shows an example of characteristics of the present invention. The conditions were the same as those in the case of characteristic acquisition in the conventional example shown in FIG. Characteristics were evaluated using only 140 symbols of training signals. Frequency offset ΔfT = 10-3In the case of, in the 140 symbol training signal section, the phase does not rotate by 2π, so a slight estimation error is seen, but the estimation error is 3 × 10-FourIt can be seen that this is an excellent characteristic to drive up to.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, frequency offset estimation can be performed with high accuracy in a severe co-channel interference / intersymbol interference environment. By using this high-accuracy frequency offset information, not only the communication quality of the base station receiver in the mobile communication system is improved, but also an adaptive array having a strong interference compensation function, a multi-user receiver, etc. are used for actual communication. Make it applicable.
That is, in order to use a multi-user receiver that requires channel estimation based on linear estimation theory for actual communication, a frequency offset estimator that accurately estimates a different frequency offset for each user even under poor environmental conditions. However, by solving this problem, the present invention makes it possible to introduce a multi-user receiver that enables a significant increase in frequency utilization efficiency into a commercial system, thereby improving frequency utilization efficiency. Can contribute.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a frequency offset estimator according to a first embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a delay circuit in the above embodiment.
FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a frequency offset estimator according to a second embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a frequency estimation unit for eigenvectors in the above embodiment.
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a frequency offset estimator according to a third embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a reception facility according to the fourth embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a reception facility according to a fifth embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 8 is a block diagram of a receiver in the fourth and fifth embodiments.
FIG. 9 is a block diagram of a matched filter in the receiver.
FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a reception facility according to a sixth embodiment of this invention.
FIG. 11 is a block diagram of a multiuser receiver in the sixth embodiment.
FIG. 12 is a block diagram of a replica generator in the multiuser receiver.
FIG. 13 is a block diagram of a maximum likelihood estimation circuit (MLE) in the multiuser receiver.
FIG. 14 is a block diagram showing another configuration example of the multiuser receiver in the sixth embodiment.
FIG. 15 is a block diagram of a j-th beamformer BFN (j) in the multiuser receiver.
FIG. 16 is a graph showing characteristics of a conventional example.
FIG. 17 is a graph showing characteristics of the present invention.
FIG. 18 is a block diagram of a conventional Costas type carrier regenerator.
FIG. 19 is a block diagram of a conventional quadrature detector.
FIG. 20 is a block diagram of a conventional inverse transform carrier regenerator.
FIG. 21 is a block diagram of a conventional delay detector with a frequency offset compensation function.
FIG. 22 is a block diagram of a conventional RLS phase control circuit.
FIG. 23 is a block diagram of a frequency offset estimator to which a conventional DFT is applied.
[Explanation of symbols]
102 Pilot signal storage element
103 Delay circuit
104 Eigenvalue decomposition unit
105 Correlation matrix calculator
114 Pilot signal storage element
113 Delay circuit
115 Correlation matrix calculator
116 Eigenvalue decomposition unit
117 Eigenvector Frequency Estimator
123 Pilot signal storage element
124 delay circuit
125 correlation matrix calculator
126 Eigenvalue decomposition unit
127 Eigenvector Frequency Estimator
128 DFT
130 Maximum value detector

Claims (4)

A frequency offset estimation method in a broadcast or communication reception method for estimating a carrier frequency of a received signal, converting from a carrier band to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulating the signal,
A multiplication process for multiplying the received signal by a known signal;
A delay process for outputting the output of the multiplication process at predetermined time intervals;
A correlation matrix calculation process for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay process as an element;
A frequency offset estimation method comprising: eigenvalue decomposition processing for obtaining an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix, which is an output resulting from the correlation matrix calculation processing, and outputting an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue as a carrier waveform.
A frequency offset estimation method in a broadcast or communication reception method for estimating a carrier frequency of a received signal, converting from a carrier band to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulating the signal,
A multiplication process for multiplying the received signal by a known signal;
A delay process for outputting the output of the multiplication process at predetermined time intervals;
A correlation matrix calculation process for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay process as an element;
A frequency offset estimation method comprising: an eigenvector frequency estimation process that obtains an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix that is output as a result of the correlation matrix calculation process, and estimates and outputs a maximum value of a frequency component included in an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue.
A frequency offset estimator in a broadcast or communication receiving facility that estimates a carrier frequency of a received signal, converts the carrier band from a baseband to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulates the signal,
Multiplying means for multiplying the received signal by a known signal;
Delay means for outputting the output of the multiplication means at predetermined time intervals;
Correlation matrix calculation means for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay means as an element;
A frequency offset estimator comprising: eigenvalue decomposition means for obtaining an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix, which is an output of the correlation matrix calculation means, and outputting an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue as a carrier waveform.
A frequency offset estimator in a broadcast or communication receiving facility that estimates a carrier frequency of a received signal, converts the carrier band from a baseband to a baseband based on an estimation result, and demodulates the signal,
Multiplying means for multiplying the received signal by a known signal;
Delay means for outputting the output of the multiplication means at predetermined time intervals;
Correlation matrix calculation means for calculating a correlation matrix of a vector having the output of the delay means as an element;
A frequency offset estimator comprising: an eigenvector frequency estimating unit that obtains an eigenvalue of a correlation matrix that is an output of the correlation matrix calculating unit and estimates and outputs a maximum value of a frequency component included in an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue .
JP2001071132A 2001-03-13 2001-03-13 Frequency offset estimation method and frequency offset estimator Expired - Fee Related JP3779554B2 (en)

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JP2001071132A JP3779554B2 (en) 2001-03-13 2001-03-13 Frequency offset estimation method and frequency offset estimator

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JP2001071132A JP3779554B2 (en) 2001-03-13 2001-03-13 Frequency offset estimation method and frequency offset estimator

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JP2002271430A (en) 2002-09-20

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