JP3755497B2 - Control model construction support apparatus and method - Google Patents

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制御対象からデータを収集し計算機で用いる従来技術としては、特開平6− 168222号記載のように、制御対象の制御情報を収集する手段を備え、収集したデータを独立したメモリに蓄えることで、このデータを用いて繰り返しシミュレーションを行う手法があった。
また制御対象から得たデータから制御モデルを構築する従来手法としては、特開平5−296923 号記載のように、制御対象から得た制御量誤差とこれを解消するモデルのチューニング量の関係を何ケースか蓄え、この関係を同定したニューラルネットで制御モデルをチューニングする手法があった。
特開平6−168222 号記載の手法は、制御対象からのデータの採取と、これを計算機にどのような形態で蓄えるかについての考慮はあるが、データを用いてモデル構築を行う場合に、この作業を効率化する手法や、構築した制御モデルの精度を向上させる方法については考慮されていなかった。さらに制御モデルの入出力データの遅延関係を補償することに配慮していないため、制御モデルの入出力を異なった時刻のデータを用いて構築する必要がある場合には、人手でこれを補償しなければならない場合があった。さらに蓄えたデータを制御モデル構築に支障のない形態で圧縮することに配慮していないため、データの採取を繰り返すと計算機に蓄えられているデータ量が膨大となる問題があった。
また特開平5−296923 号記載の手法では、制御モデルの高精度化には配慮されているものの、制御対象から得たデータがどの程度一般性を有しているかを判断することを考慮していないため、例えばデータがノイズを含んでいる場合には、これが原因で構築した制御モデルの精度が低下する問題があった。さらに構築した制御モデルの妥当性を評価することに配慮していないため、制御モデルが一般性に乏しい場合には、これをそのまま実際の制御に用いることで制御性能が低下する場合があった。さらに蓄えたデータが制御モデル構築に必要な入出力領域の各部において、一般性を有した制御モデルを構築するのに十分な量,質を有していることを検証することに配慮していないため、制御モデルの特定の領域の入力に対する出力の精度が著しく低下する場合があった。
図1に本発明により実現された制御モデル構築支援装置の構成を示す。まず全体の構成を説明した後、各部の詳細を説明する。制御モデル構築支援装置100は種々のタスクが格納されている演算手段110,演算手段110に備えられている種々の演算を選択的に起動するタスク起動手段101,制御モデル構築用のデータや構築された制御モデル等を記憶する記憶手段120,外部と信号の授受を行う通信インタフェース102から構成される。さらに制御モデル構築支援装置100はオペレータが入出力を行うマンマシン装置140を備えている。さらにネットワーク150を介して制御装置130,I/O160と接続され、制御装置130に対しては構築した制御モデルをネットワーク150を介して出力する。またI/O160を介して制御対象170の状態を観測し、必要なデータの取り込みを行う。制御装置130はI/O160、ネットワーク150を介して制御対象170の状態を検出し、制御モデル構築支援装置100で構築された制御モデルを用いて制御対象170を制御するための信号を出力する。制御対象 170は制御装置130が出力した制御信号をI/O160を介して受け取り、これにしたがって動作する。
本実施例では制御対象170として熱間圧延ラインの加熱炉プラントを例に説明する。加熱炉180は圧延に先だって鋼板を高温に加熱するプラントで、スラブと呼ばれる鋼板190が挿入され、バーナ181〜184で熱して1100℃程度に昇温した後、高温のスラブ192として出力する。加熱炉は通常、図に示すように4つ程度の炉帯(予熱帯,第1加熱帯,第2加熱帯,均熱帯)から構成される。またセンサ171は炉に入る前のスラブ温度θ0 を測定し、センサ172 〜175は各炉帯の温度t1〜t4をそれぞれ測定する。さらにセンサ176は炉から出たときのスラブ温度θout を測定する。
次に制御モデル構築支援装置100の各部の動作を詳細に説明する。タスク起動手段101は、マンマシン装置140からオペレータが入力した情報にしたがって演算手段110に格納されているタスクの起動・管理を行う。図2にタスク起動手段101が実行する処理を示す。通常はS2-1 でオペレータがマンマシン装置140を介して信号を入力したかどうかを検出する処理を行う。本実施例では割り込みでこの信号を受信する例を示すが、周期的な検出処理を行ってもよい。割り込みが発生すると割り込みルーチンに入り、S2-2 で割り込みのコマンドを解釈し、演算手段110の中で、オペレータの指示したタスクを起動する。本実施例において演算手段110は、データ収集手段111,データ定量化手段 112,データ圧縮手段113,データ分割手段114,モデル構築手段115,モデル評価手段116,モデル転送手段117の各タスクを備えた例を示している。同様に記憶手段120は、制御対象170から収集したデータが蓄えられるデータベース121,分割されたデータが蓄えられる第2のデータベース122 、これらを用いて構築された制御モデルが蓄えられる制御モデル格納部123から構成される。
図3にデータ収集手段111の処理アルゴリズムを示す。データ収集手段111 はタスク起動手段101からの起動指令にしたがって実行を開始される。まず S3-1で通信I/F102を介して、制御モデルの入力と出力に対応した信号を制御対象170に備えられたセンサの検出値として取り込む。本実施例では図1にしたがって、θ0 ,t1〜t4,θout を取り込む。以下制御モデルの入力が、θ0 ,t1〜t4、仕様としてあらかじめ与えられているスラブ厚B、制御モデルの出力がθout の例を示す。制御モデルとしてはこれらの入出力関係を再現する必要がある。関係をモデル化する例を示す。S3-2 でθout を検出したスラブ 192に対して、各炉帯の在炉時間からこのスラブが加熱炉に挿入されたときの時刻、および各炉帯で加熱を受けた時刻を算出する。加熱炉180は4つの炉帯から構成されており、予熱帯〜均熱帯の各在炉時間は鋼板を搬送する速度と各炉長により求めることができ、これをΔT1〜ΔT4とする。また、θout が検出された時刻をTout とすると、スラブが加熱炉に挿入されたときの時刻Tinは、
in=Tout−(ΔT1+ΔT2+ΔT3+ΔT4) …(数1)
で算出できる。またスラブが各炉帯で加熱を受けた時刻は、予熱帯Tpre 、第1加熱帯Th1,第2加熱帯Th2,均熱帯Tunifのそれぞれについて、
pre=Tout−(ΔT1/2+ΔT2+ΔT3+ΔT4) …(数2)
h1=Tout−(ΔT2/2+ΔT3+ΔT4) …(数3)
h2=Tout−(ΔT3/2+ΔT4) …(数4)
unif=Tout−ΔT4/2 …(数5)
で概算できる。S3-3では、このようにして算出した時刻Tin,Tpre,Th1, Th2,Tunifをそれぞれ収集したθ0 ,t1〜t4に対応づけて、さらにスラブ厚Bを収集したθout と関係づけて一組の対として制御モデル構築用データを生成する。そしてS3-4 で、構築されたデータの対を第1のデータベース121に格納する。
図4に第1のデータベース121の構成例を示す。制御モデルの入力である θ0 ,t1〜t4,Bと制御モデルの出力であるθout の組が多数蓄えられている。
図5にデータ定量化手段112の構成を示す。タスク起動手段101により起動される。処理方法決定手段501,第1〜第nの複数の定量化手段502〜 505から構成される。定量化手段502〜505は必要に応じて複数備えられるが、必要ない場合には1つであってもよい。処理方法決定手段501は、タスク起動手段101を介したユーザからの指示により、第1の定量化手段502〜第nの定量化手段505のどれを用いるか選択する。選択された定量化手段の演算結果はマンマシン装置140に表示される。
図6に定量化手段の処理の一例を示す。図6では、制御モデルの全領域を領域1〜領域nのn個の部分領域に分割し、部分領域毎に第1のデータベース121に蓄えられているデータの個数をカウントしてオペレータに報知する例を示す。S6-1 で第1のデータベース121からデータの対を一組抽出する。S6-2 で抽出したデータのθout が、1090℃より小さいかどうか判定する。小さい場合にはS6-3 で領域1に対応したデータ数に1を加算する。1090℃より大きい場合には、S6-4で同様にθoutが1090℃より大きく1100℃以下かどうかを判定する。判定結果がYesの場合にはS6-5 で領域2に対応したデータ数に1を加算する。このような操作を順次行い、第1のデータベース121の各データの対が各領域に何個属しているか計算する。S6-11ですべてのデータの対について行ったことを確認した後処理を終了する。
図7にマンマシン装置140で報知された定量化結果の一例を示す。各領域についてカウントされたデータの個数が表示され、著しく個数の少ない領域3(他の領域との個数の差をとり、その差が予め定めたある一定以上のもの)について、制御モデル高精度化の観点から「1100℃<θout ≦1110℃のデータを追加して下さい。」といった表示を行いデータを追加したほうが望ましいことを指示している。オペレータはこの結果にしたがって、加熱炉180から出力されるスラブ192の目標温度Θoutを1100℃<Θout≦1110℃に設定してデータの追加を行い制御モデルの高精度化を図ることができる。定量化手段502〜505が行う処理としては、この他にθ0 ,t1〜t4,B,θout の各パラメータの分散を定量化し、その大きさで第1のデータベース121に蓄えられているデータの隔たり具合を報知する手法等、種々考えられる。
図8にデータ圧縮手段113の構成を示す。データ圧縮手段113は第1のデータベース121を情報の喪失を最小化した形で定められたサイズに圧縮する処理を行う。ここでは一例としてデータ圧縮手段113が、量子化ネットワーク 801と量子化アルゴリズム802からなる場合の実施例を示す。本実施例では、図1に示したデータベース121に蓄えられているデータがM個のとき、これらを良好に代表するp個のデータ(p<M)に圧縮する場合を例に説明する。量子化ネットワーク801はI1〜Inの入力(本実施例の場合入力はθ0 ,t1 〜t4 ,Bのため、n=6)を取り込む入力ニューロン805および定数を出力するしきい値ニューロン806からなる入力層803と、p個の量子化ニューロン807からなる量子化ニューロン層804、さらに入力層803と量子化ニューロン層804 の間で信号を伝達するシナプス808により構成される。入力ニューロン805は入力された信号の値をそのまま出力し、量子化ニューロン807は入力ニューロン805の出力及び結合しているシナプス808のシナプス荷重の値Wijの積を次式に従い出力する。

Figure 0003755497
図9に量子化アルゴリズム802が実行するアルゴリズムを示す。まずS9-1 で、データベース121からデータを抽出し、量子化ネットワーク801に入力する。図4に示したデータを圧縮する場合には、(30,610,1020,…,1100),(27,612,980,…,1100)のデータの組みが順次入力される。次にS9-2 で、各量子化ニューロン807について(数6)に基づいた演算を行い、出力値O1〜Opを算出する。S9-3 で、O1〜Opのうち値が最大のものを検出する。かりにOj が最大であったとすると、量子化ニューロンjと入力層803のニューロンを結ぶシナプスの荷重W1j〜Wn+1・j を更新する。入力ニューロン805に対応したシナプス荷重であるW1j〜Wn・j に関しては (数7)により、またしきい値ニューロン806に対応したシナプス荷重Wn+1・j に関しては(数8)により、新しい値が計算される。
ij=Wij+α・(Ii−Wij) …(数7)
Figure 0003755497
ただしWij,Wn+1・j はそれぞれ更新後の入力ニューロン,しきい値ニューロンに対応したシナプス荷重の値、αは定数である。シナプス荷重の更新式は、ベクトル(W1j,…,Wnj)とベクトル(I1,…,In)の類似度を大きくする処理と対応していればよく、このような更新式は(数7)(数8)の他にもいくつか考えられる。S9-5 で処理の終了を判定する。終了はS9-1〜S9-4を一定回数繰り返したことで判定してもよいが、データベース121から抽出したデータの対に対応したシナプス荷重の更新量が、すべて一定値以下となったことで判定してもよい。処理が終了していない場合にはS9-1 にかえり、データの組みを次々と抽出し、同様の処理を繰り返す。以上の処理が終了すると第1のデータベース121に格納されていたM個のデータの対がp個の量子化ニューロンのシナプス荷重で代表できたことになる。その後S9-6 で、p個の量子化ニューロンに対応したシナプス荷重、
Figure 0003755497
図10にデータ分割手段114の処理を示す。データ分割手段114は、第1のデータベース121の内容を、統計的に隔たりのない複数のデータベースに分割し、これらを第2のデータベース122に格納する。本実施例では2つのデータベースに分割する例を示す。まずS10-1で、第1のデータベース121に格納されているデータをθout の値の大きさにしたがって並び換える。次にS10-2でデータを並びにしたがって抽出し、第2のデータベース122の分割データベース1と分割データベース2に交互に振り分ける。すなわち奇数番目のデータの対は分割データベースに、偶数番目のデータの対は分割データベース2に格納するといった形態で、データの分割を行う。分割データベース11101と分割データベース21102から構成される第2の分割データベース122の構成は、例えば図11の形態となっている。S10-3で第1のデータベース121のすべてのデータの振り分けが終わったことを確認した後、S10-4で2つのデータベースの統計的性質に隔たりがないことを明らかにする目的で、θ0 ,t1〜t4,B, θout に関して、統計量を算出し比較する。統計量としては各パラメータについて平均値,分散,中央値等を求め、2つのデータベース間でこれらの差が予め定めた範囲内であることをもって、統計的性質に隔たりがないと判断する。S10-5で比較結果を判定し、統計的性質に隔たりがなければ良好なデータ分割が行われたと判断し、処理を終了する。隔たりがあった場合には、S10-6で分割データベース11101と分割データベース21102に蓄えられているデータの対、先に求めた統計量を表示してオペレータの選択により分割データベース1と分割データベース2間でデータを交換し、S10-4以降の処理を繰り返す。
図12にモデル構築手段115の処理を示す。モデル構築手段115は、第1のデータベース121,分割データベース11101,分割データベース21102 のいずれかを選択し、蓄えられているデータの対から、θ0,t1〜t4,B を入力、θout を出力とする制御モデルを構築する。制御モデルの形態としては多層ニューラルネットの利用等種々考えられるが、本実施例では、回帰モデルを例に説明する。図12のS12-1で制御モデルの入力を決定する。入力はθ0 ,t1 〜t4,Bとθout の関係を良好に近似できることに配慮して、例えばln(θ0),ln(t1),ln(t2),ln(t3),(t4)2 ,Bのように決定する。次にS12-2 でデータベースに格納されているデータを用いて制御モデルを(数10)のように構築する。
Figure 0003755497
ここでa0〜a5は、広く知られている線形回帰分析の手法(例えば『回帰分析と主成分分析』日科技連)により一意的に決定できる。本実施例では回帰モデルの構築を例に示したが、θ0 ,t1〜t4,Bを入力、θout を出力とする多層ニューラルネットでモデルを構築する等、制御モデル構築の手法としては、種々考えられる。
次にモデル評価手段116の処理を示す。モデル評価手段116は分割データベース11101を用いて構築した制御モデルの確からしさを分割データベース21102を用いて評価したり、逆に分割データベース21102を用いて構築した制御モデルの確からしさを第1のデータベース1101を用いて評価し、その結果をオペレータに報知する。まずS13-1でモデル構築手段115を用いてモデルを構築する。以上の処理は図12と同様である。この結果、例えば(数10)のような制御モデルが構築できる。S13-2でiを1に設定する。S13-3で第2のデータベース1102からi番目のデータの対を取り出し、入力の組θ0 〜Bを抽出する。S13-4では構築した制御モデル式にこれらを入力し、出力として得られるθout の推定値θout と、取り出したデータの対のθoutについて差分ΔEiを、(数11)で計算する。
ΔEi=|θout−θout| …(数11)
13-3〜S13-4の処理を、分割データベース21102に未処理のデータの対がなくなるまで繰り返す。S13-7で得られた差分を総計し、(数12)にしたがってモデル誤差Etotal を算出する。
Figure 0003755497
13-8で処理の終了を判定し、終了していない場合には再度S13-1に処理を復帰し、制御モデルの入力を変えて、S13-1〜S13-7を繰り返す。この結果、種々の入力の組み合わせに対するモデル誤差Etotal が算出できる。図14にこれを表示したマンマシン装置140の画面例を示す。図14に示すように、各モデルに対応したモデル誤差Etotal が表示され、オペレータは最もモデル誤差の小さい制御モデルを選択できる。尚、この場合にはEtotal が最も小さいものをモデル評価手段116で求め、最もEtotal が小さいものを制御モデルと自動的に決定するようにしてもよい。
次に本発明の第2の実施例として、図15に演算手段110の機能としてデータ正規化手段1501を備えた実施例を示す。データ正規化手段1501は図1に示した他の演算手段のタスクと並行して必要に応じて組み込まれる。制御モデルを多層ニューラルネットで構成する場合等では、入出力のデータは0〜1等に正規化して用いることが普通であり、このような場合にタスク起動手段101を介したオペレータからの指示により、処理が起動される。データ正規化手段1501は、第1のデータベース121に蓄えられている各変数のデータをある範囲に正規化し、結果を正規化データベース1502に格納する。正規化データベース 1502は同様にモデル構築に用いられ、データ分割手段114による複数のデータベースへの分割等も、同様に行われる。
i=(Di−Dmin)/(Dmax−Dmin) …(数13)
100…制御モデル構築支援装置、101…タスク起動手段、111…データ収集手段、112…データ定量化手段、113…データ圧縮手段、114…データ分割手段、115…モデル構築手段、116…モデル評価手段、117…モデル転送手段、121…第1のデータベース、122…第2のデータベース、130 …制御装置、140…マンマシン装置、170…制御対象。[0001]
The present invention relates to a method for efficiently constructing a high-precision control model in the case of constructing a control model by collecting data from a control target for a control system such as steel, electric power, or general industry.
[Prior art]
As a conventional technique for collecting data from a control object and using it in a computer, as described in JP-A-6-168222, it comprises means for collecting control information of a control object, and by storing the collected data in an independent memory, There was a method of performing simulation repeatedly using this data.
In addition, as a conventional method for constructing a control model from data obtained from a controlled object, as described in JP-A-5-296923, what is the relationship between the controlled variable error obtained from the controlled object and the tuning amount of the model that eliminates this? There was a technique to tune the control model with a neural network that stored cases or identified this relationship.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The above prior art has the following problems.
Although the method described in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 6-168222 has considerations regarding the collection of data from the controlled object and the form in which it is stored in the computer, this method is used when building a model using data. There were no considerations on how to make work more efficient or how to improve the accuracy of the constructed control model. Furthermore, since we do not consider compensating for the delay relationship between the input and output data of the control model, if it is necessary to construct the input and output of the control model using data at different times, we will compensate this manually. There was a case that had to be. Furthermore, since it does not consider compressing the stored data in a form that does not hinder the construction of the control model, there is a problem that the amount of data stored in the computer becomes enormous if data collection is repeated.
In addition, the method described in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-296923 takes into account the generality of the data obtained from the control target, although consideration is given to improving the accuracy of the control model. Therefore, for example, when the data includes noise, there is a problem in that the accuracy of the control model constructed due to this decreases. Furthermore, since consideration is not given to evaluating the validity of the constructed control model, if the control model is not general, it may be used for actual control as it is, resulting in a decrease in control performance. Furthermore, it is not considered to verify that the stored data has sufficient quantity and quality to construct a general control model in each part of the input / output area necessary for control model construction. For this reason, the accuracy of the output with respect to the input of a specific region of the control model may be significantly reduced.
A first object of the present invention is to provide a control model construction support apparatus that can accurately evaluate the validity of a constructed control model.
The second object of the present invention is that when it is necessary to construct the input / output of the control model using data at different times, each input based on the operation of the control object is performed on the data collected from the control object. It is an object of the present invention to provide a control model construction support apparatus that constructs a database that can be directly applied to construction of a control model.
The third object of the present invention is to notify the operator when there is an area where data accumulation is insufficient in each part of the operation area of the control model, thereby reducing the local performance of the control model. An object is to provide a control model construction support device to avoid.
The fourth purpose is to optimize the size of the database in a form that minimizes the loss of statistical properties when the data obtained from the control target is enormous, and to build a control model using the contents of the optimized database It is to provide a control model construction support device to be performed.
A fifth object is to provide an easy-to-use control model construction support apparatus that provides an environment in which an operator can select and execute various control model construction support means in an interactive manner.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The first object is to separate data collected from a control target as input data and output data to a control model that simulates the control target, and to associate a plurality of data with the input data and the output data. Data collecting means for storing in the database, data dividing means for separating the plurality of data stored in the first database into a plurality of data groups that are not statistically separated, and the plurality of separated data groups A second database having a plurality of databases stored therein, model construction means for constructing a control model that simulates the control object based on data stored in the first or second database, and the model construction A model for evaluating the control model constructed by means based on data stored in the first or second database It can be achieved by providing a valence means.
The second object is to separate data collected from a control target as input data and output data to a control model that simulates the control target, and based on the time when the separated output data is detected, the output A data collection means for determining a time at which input data to be associated with data is collected, and storing the input data collected at the determined time and the output data in the first database as a pair; This can be achieved by comprising model construction means for constructing a control model that simulates the control object based on the input data and the output data stored in pairs in the first database.
The third object of the present invention is to provide a control model construction support apparatus that stores a plurality of data collected from a control target in a database and simulates the control target based on the plurality of data stored in the database. Data that divides the input / output area into a plurality of partial areas, separates the plurality of data stored in the database in accordance with the divided partial areas, and informs the operator of the area that is smaller than the predetermined number of data as a result of the separation. This can be achieved by providing quantification means.
The fourth object is to store a plurality of data collected from a control target in a database, and to store in the database in a control model construction support apparatus that simulates the control target based on the plurality of data stored in the database This can be achieved by providing data compression means for determining a combination of a small number of data representative of the data from the stored data and storing the combination of the small number of data in the database.
The fifth object is to separate data collected from a control target as input data and output data to a control model that simulates the control target, and based on the time when the separated output data is detected, the output Data collection means for determining a time at which input data to be associated with data is collected, and storing the input data collected at the determined time and the output data in the first database in a pair; A data dividing means for separating the plurality of data stored in the first database into a plurality of data groups that are not statistically separated, and a second database having a plurality of databases for storing the plurality of separated data groups, respectively. And a model for constructing a control model for simulating the control object based on the data stored in the first database or the second database. Construction means, model evaluation means for evaluating the control model constructed by the model construction means based on data stored in the first or second database, and a plurality of input / output areas of the control model. A data quantifying means for dividing the plurality of data stored in the database according to the divided partial areas and separating the plurality of data according to the divided partial areas, and notifying an operator of an area smaller than a predetermined number of data; Data compression means for determining a combination of a small number of data representative of the data from the data stored in the first or the second database, and storing the combination of the small number of data in the first or the second database And the collection means, the data division means, the model construction means, the model evaluation means, and the data according to an external input signal Capacity means can be achieved by providing a management means for performing start and end manage independently the data compression means.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.
FIG. 1 shows the configuration of a control model construction support apparatus realized by the present invention. First, the overall configuration will be described, and then the details of each part will be described. The control model construction support apparatus 100 includes a computing unit 110 in which various tasks are stored, a task activation unit 101 that selectively activates various computations provided in the computing unit 110, data for constructing a control model, Storage means 120 for storing control models and the like, and a communication interface 102 for exchanging signals with the outside. Further, the control model construction support device 100 includes a man-machine device 140 on which an operator inputs and outputs. Further, the control device 130 is connected to the I / O 160 via the network 150, and the constructed control model is output to the control device 130 via the network 150. Further, the state of the control object 170 is observed via the I / O 160 and necessary data is taken in. The control device 130 detects the state of the control target 170 via the I / O 160 and the network 150, and outputs a signal for controlling the control target 170 using the control model constructed by the control model construction support device 100. The control object 170 receives a control signal output from the control device 130 via the I / O 160 and operates in accordance with the control signal.
In the present embodiment, a heating furnace plant of a hot rolling line will be described as an example of the control object 170. The heating furnace 180 is a plant that heats a steel plate to a high temperature prior to rolling. A steel plate 190 called a slab is inserted, heated by the burners 181 to 184 and heated to about 1100 ° C., and then output as a high-temperature slab 192. As shown in the figure, the heating furnace is usually composed of about four furnace zones (pre-tropical zone, first heating zone, second heating zone, soaking zone). The sensor 171 measures the slab temperature θ 0 before entering the furnace, and the sensors 172 to 175 measure the temperatures t 1 to t 4 of the furnace zones, respectively. Further sensor 176 measures the slab temperature theta out when exiting from the furnace.
Next, the operation of each unit of the control model construction support apparatus 100 will be described in detail. The task activation unit 101 activates and manages tasks stored in the calculation unit 110 according to information input by the operator from the man-machine device 140. FIG. 2 shows processing executed by the task activation unit 101. Usually, in S 2-1 , processing is performed to detect whether the operator has input a signal via the man-machine device 140. In this embodiment, an example in which this signal is received by interruption is shown, but periodic detection processing may be performed. When an interrupt occurs, an interrupt routine is entered. In S2-2 , the interrupt command is interpreted, and the task designated by the operator is started in the computing means 110. In the present embodiment, the calculation means 110 includes the tasks of data collection means 111, data quantification means 112, data compression means 113, data division means 114, model construction means 115, model evaluation means 116, and model transfer means 117. An example is shown. Similarly, the storage unit 120 includes a database 121 in which data collected from the control target 170 is stored, a second database 122 in which divided data is stored, and a control model storage unit 123 in which a control model constructed using these is stored. Consists of
FIG. 3 shows a processing algorithm of the data collecting unit 111. The data collecting unit 111 is started to execute in accordance with the start command from the task starting unit 101. First, in S 3-1 , a signal corresponding to the input and output of the control model is taken in via the communication I / F 102 as a detection value of a sensor provided in the control target 170. In this embodiment, θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , and θ out are fetched according to FIG. Hereinafter, an example in which the input of the control model is θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , the slab thickness B given in advance as the specification, and the output of the control model is θ out is shown. It is necessary to reproduce these input / output relationships as a control model. An example of modeling the relationship is shown. For the slab 192 in which θ out is detected in S 3-2 , the time when the slab is inserted into the heating furnace and the time when it is heated in each furnace zone are calculated from the in-furnace time of each furnace zone. . The heating furnace 180 is composed of four furnace zones, and the in-furnace time from the pre-tropical zone to the soaking zone can be obtained from the speed of conveying the steel plate and the length of each furnace, and these are set as ΔT 1 to ΔT 4 . If the time when θ out is detected is T out , the time T in when the slab is inserted into the heating furnace is
[Expression 1]
T in = T out − (ΔT 1 + ΔT 2 + ΔT 3 + ΔT 4 ) (Equation 1)
It can be calculated by In addition, the time when the slab was heated in each furnace zone is the pretropical T pre , the first heating zone Th 1 , the second heating zone Th 2 , and the soaking zone T unif , respectively.
[Expression 2]
T pre = T out - (ΔT 1/2 + ΔT 2 + ΔT 3 + ΔT 4) ... ( Equation 2)
[Equation 3]
T h1 = T out - (ΔT 2/2 + ΔT 3 + ΔT 4) ... ( number 3)
[Expression 4]
T h2 = T out - (ΔT 3/2 + ΔT 4) ... ( number 4)
[Equation 5]
T unif = T out -ΔT 4/ 2 ... ( number 5)
It can be estimated with. In S 3-3, this way time T in which is calculated, T pre, in association with the T h1, T h2, T unif were collected respectively θ 0, t 1 ~t 4, further collecting slab thickness B The control model construction data is generated as a pair in relation to the θ out . In S 3-4 , the constructed data pair is stored in the first database 121.
FIG. 4 shows a configuration example of the first database 121. A large number of sets of θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , B, which are the inputs of the control model, and θ out , which is the output of the control model, are stored.
The data quantification means 112 searches the contents of the first database 121, quantifies the statistical properties and data gaps, and notifies the operator. Based on the notified result, the operator determines whether or not the content of the first database 121 is sufficient to construct a good control model.
FIG. 5 shows the configuration of the data quantification means 112. It is activated by the task activation means 101. The processing method determining unit 501 includes first to nth quantifying units 502 to 505. A plurality of quantification means 502 to 505 are provided as necessary, but may be one if not necessary. The processing method determination unit 501 selects which of the first quantification unit 502 to the nth quantification unit 505 to use in accordance with an instruction from the user via the task activation unit 101. The calculation result of the selected quantification means is displayed on the man-machine device 140.
FIG. 6 shows an example of processing of the quantification means. In FIG. 6, the entire area of the control model is divided into n partial areas 1 to n, and the number of data stored in the first database 121 is counted for each partial area to notify the operator. An example is shown. In S 6-1 , a set of data pairs is extracted from the first database 121. Theta out of data extracted in S 6-2 and judges whether or 1090 ° C. less. If it is smaller, 1 is added to the number of data corresponding to area 1 in S 6-3 . If it is greater than 1090 ° C., it is determined in S 6-4 whether θ out is greater than 1090 ° C. and equal to or less than 1100 ° C. If the determination result is Yes, 1 is added to the number of data corresponding to region 2 in S 6-5 . Such operations are sequentially performed to calculate how many pairs of each data in the first database 121 belong to each area. After confirming that all data pairs have been performed in S 6-11 , the process ends.
FIG. 7 shows an example of the quantification result notified by the man-machine device 140. The number of data counted for each area is displayed, and the control model is highly accurate for area 3 (which takes a difference in number from other areas and the difference exceeds a certain value). From this point of view, it is indicated that it is desirable to add data by displaying “Please add data of 1100 ° C. <θ out ≦ 1110 ° C.”. In accordance with this result, the operator can set the target temperature Θ out of the slab 192 output from the heating furnace 180 to 1100 ° C. <Θ out ≦ 1110 ° C. and add data to improve the accuracy of the control model. . In addition to the processing performed by the quantifying means 502 to 505, the variance of each parameter of θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , B, and θ out is quantified and stored in the first database 121 with the magnitude thereof. Various methods such as a method for informing the degree of separation of existing data are conceivable.
FIG. 8 shows the configuration of the data compression means 113. The data compression means 113 performs a process of compressing the first database 121 to a predetermined size in a form that minimizes information loss. Here, as an example, an embodiment in which the data compression unit 113 includes a quantization network 801 and a quantization algorithm 802 is shown. In the present embodiment, a case will be described as an example in which when there are M pieces of data stored in the database 121 shown in FIG. 1, these are compressed into p pieces of data (p <M) that are well representative. The quantization network 801 has an input neuron 805 that captures inputs I 1 to I n (in this embodiment, the input is θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , and B, so that n = 6), and a threshold value that outputs a constant. The input layer 803 includes neurons 806, the quantization neuron layer 804 includes p quantized neurons 807, and the synapse 808 transmits signals between the input layer 803 and the quantized neuron layer 804. The input neuron 805 outputs the value of the input signal as it is, and the quantization neuron 807 outputs the product of the output of the input neuron 805 and the synaptic load value W ij of the synapse 808 connected thereto according to the following equation.
[Expression 6]
Figure 0003755497
The quantization algorithm 802 inputs the input to the quantization network 801 one after another, and the value of the synaptic load is updated so that the quantization neuron having the maximum output outputs a larger value with respect to the corresponding input. To do.
FIG. 9 shows an algorithm executed by the quantization algorithm 802. In step S9-1 , data is extracted from the database 121 and input to the quantization network 801. When the data shown in FIG. 4 is compressed, data sets (30, 610, 1020,..., 1100), (27, 612, 980,..., 1100) are sequentially input. Next, in S 9-2 , an operation based on (Equation 6) is performed for each quantizing neuron 807 to calculate output values O 1 to O p . In S 9-3, among values of O 1 ~ O p detects the maximum one. If O j is the maximum, the synaptic loads W 1j to W n + 1 · j connecting the quantization neuron j and the neurons of the input layer 803 are updated. With respect to W 1j to W n · j corresponding to the synaptic load corresponding to the input neuron 805, and according to ( Equation 8) with respect to the synaptic load W n + 1 · j corresponding to the threshold neuron 806, A new value is calculated.
[Expression 7]
W ij = W ij + α · (I i −W ij ) (Expression 7)
(I = 1, ..., n)
[Equation 8]
Figure 0003755497
However, W ij and W n + 1 · j are values of synaptic loads corresponding to the updated input neurons and threshold neurons, respectively, and α is a constant. The update expression of the synaptic load only needs to correspond to the process of increasing the similarity between the vector (W 1j ,..., W nj ) and the vector (I 1 ,..., I n ). In addition to Equation 7) and Equation 8, several are conceivable. In step S9-5 , the end of the process is determined. The end may be determined by repeating S 9-1 to S 9-4 a certain number of times, but the amount of synaptic load updates corresponding to the data pair extracted from the database 121 is all below a certain value. You may judge by. Processing burr to S 9-1 If not completed, one after another extract a set of data, and repeats the same processing. When the above processing is completed, the M data pairs stored in the first database 121 can be represented by the synaptic loads of the p quantized neurons. After that, in S 9-6 , the synaptic load corresponding to p quantized neurons,
[Equation 9]
Figure 0003755497
Is copied to the database 121, the M data can be represented by a small number of p data representing them, and the contents can be compressed. By such processing, the size of the first database 121 can be kept appropriate. In this embodiment, the data compression unit 113 performs the quantization on the data stored in the first database 121 in advance, and updates the content by copying the result to the first database 121. A method may be used in which input obtained in time series is directly taken from the communication I / F 102 and the quantization result is output to the first database 121.
FIG. 10 shows the processing of the data dividing unit 114. The data dividing unit 114 divides the contents of the first database 121 into a plurality of databases that are not statistically separated, and stores them in the second database 122. In this embodiment, an example of dividing into two databases is shown. First, in S 10-1 , the data stored in the first database 121 is rearranged according to the value of θ out . Next, in step S 10-2 , the data is extracted accordingly, and is alternately distributed to the divided database 1 and the divided database 2 of the second database 122. That is, the data is divided in such a manner that odd-numbered data pairs are stored in the divided database and even-numbered data pairs are stored in the divided database 2. The configuration of the second divided database 122 including the divided database 11101 and the divided database 21102 is, for example, in the form of FIG. After confirming that all the data in the first database 121 has been sorted in S 10-3 , in order to clarify that there is no difference between the statistical properties of the two databases in S 10-4 , θ 0, t 1 ~t 4, B , with respect to theta out, comparing calculated statistics. As a statistic, an average value, a variance, a median value, etc. are obtained for each parameter, and it is determined that there is no difference in statistical properties because these differences are within a predetermined range between the two databases. In step S10-5 , the comparison result is determined. If there is no difference in statistical properties, it is determined that a good data division has been performed, and the process is terminated. If there is chasm, S 10-6 in split database 11101 and the split database pairs are stored data in the 21102, to display the statistics previously obtained split split database 1 by the selection of the operator database 2 The data is exchanged between them, and the processes after S 10-4 are repeated.
FIG. 12 shows the processing of the model construction unit 115. The model construction means 115 selects any one of the first database 121, the divided database 11101, and the divided database 21102, and inputs θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , B from the stored data pair, θ out Build a control model that outputs. Various forms such as the use of a multilayer neural network are conceivable as the form of the control model. In this embodiment, a regression model will be described as an example. In S 12-1 of FIG. 12, the input of the control model is determined. Considering that the input can satisfactorily approximate the relationship between θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 , B and θ out , for example, ln (θ 0 ), ln (t 1 ), ln (t 2 ), ln (t 3 ), (T 4 ) 2 , B. Next, a control model is constructed as shown in (Equation 10) using the data stored in the database in S12-2 .
[Expression 10]
Figure 0003755497
Here, a 0 to a 5 can be uniquely determined by a widely known linear regression analysis method (for example, “Regression Analysis and Principal Component Analysis” by Nikka Giren). In this embodiment, the construction of a regression model is shown as an example. However, as a method for constructing a control model, for example, a model is constructed with a multilayer neural network having θ 0 , t 1 to t 4 and B as inputs and θ out as an output. There are various possibilities.
Next, processing of the model evaluation unit 116 will be described. The model evaluation unit 116 evaluates the probability of the control model constructed using the divided database 11101 using the divided database 21102, or conversely, the probability of the control model constructed using the divided database 21102 is evaluated using the first database 1101. And the result is notified to the operator. First, in S 13-1 , a model is constructed using the model construction means 115. The above processing is the same as in FIG. As a result, a control model such as (Equation 10) can be constructed. I is set to 1 in S13-2 . In S 13-3 , the i-th data pair is extracted from the second database 1102 and the input sets θ 0 to B are extracted. Enter these to the control model equation constructed in S 13-4, the estimated value theta out of the resulting theta out as an output, the theta out of pairs of data extracted difference Delta] E i, is calculated by equation (11) .
## EQU11 ##
ΔE i = | θ out −θ out | (Expression 11)
The processes of S 13-3 to S 13-4 are repeated until there are no unprocessed data pairs in the divided database 21102. The differences obtained in S 13-7 are summed up, and the model error E total is calculated according to (Equation 12).
[Expression 12]
Figure 0003755497
To determine the end of the process in S 13-8, is to return the process to the S 13-1 again if it is not finished, by changing the input of the control model, repeating the S 13-1 ~S 13-7. As a result, the model error E total for various combinations of inputs can be calculated. FIG. 14 shows a screen example of the man-machine device 140 displaying this. As shown in FIG. 14, the model error E total corresponding to each model is displayed, and the operator can select the control model with the smallest model error. Incidentally, calculated by the model evaluation means 116 what E total is the smallest in this case, may be automatically determined and controlled model most things E total is small.
The model transfer unit 117 transfers the selected model to the control device 130 via the communication I / F and the network 150 in accordance with an instruction from the operator exchanged via the task activation unit 101.
Next, as a second embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 15 shows an embodiment provided with data normalization means 1501 as a function of the calculation means 110. The data normalization means 1501 is incorporated as necessary in parallel with the tasks of other calculation means shown in FIG. When the control model is composed of a multilayer neural network, etc., the input / output data is usually normalized to 0 to 1 etc., and in such a case, according to an instruction from the operator via the task starting means 101. The process is started. The data normalization means 1501 normalizes the data of each variable stored in the first database 121 to a certain range, and stores the result in the normalization database 1502. The normalized database 1502 is similarly used for model construction, and division into a plurality of databases by the data dividing unit 114 is similarly performed.
FIG. 16 shows a processing algorithm of the data normalization means 1501. In the present embodiment, a case where the value is normalized to a range of 0 to 1 is shown. In S 16-1 , maximum values D max and D min are calculated for a variable in the first database 121. Next, in S 16-2 , the value of this variable is changed to
[Formula 13]
D i = (D i −D min ) / (D max −D min ) (Equation 13)
To update to a new value. As a result, Di has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1, and all data have values between 0 and 1. In S 16-3, it is determined whether or not there is a variable that has not been normalized. If there is a variable that has not been normalized, the processing of S 16-1 to S 16-2 is repeated until there is no variable that has been normalized.
In the present embodiment, the control model construction support device 100 and the control device 130 are configured separately and coupled via the network 150, but may be integrated. The task of the computing means 110 may be selected as necessary, and it is easy to define a task having other functions. In the present embodiment, the heating furnace plant has been described as an example of the control object 170. However, the present application can also be widely used for other uses in which the relationship between the input and output of the control object is modeled and used for control. In addition, an example in which the vector quantization method is applied as the processing of the data compression means has been shown. However, while monitoring the statistical properties such as the average and variance of each variable in the database, data thinning is performed so as not to affect this. The same effect can be realized by performing the above.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, since the data collection means is provided, even when it is necessary to construct the input / output of the control model using data at different times, it is not necessary to perform this operation manually. Further, by providing the data quantification means, it is possible to immediately know which region of data should be newly collected from the control target in order to construct a good control model. Furthermore, by providing the data dividing means and the model evaluating means, the validity of the constructed control model can be easily verified before being used for actual control. Further, by providing the data compression means, the size can be kept at an appropriate scale even if the data stored in the database becomes enormous with the passage of time. Furthermore, by providing the task activation means, the operator can efficiently select and use various support means provided for constructing the control model. In the example comparing the superiority and inferiority of the control model, an example was given to clarify which is appropriate between regression equations of different shapes, but comparison of superiority and inferiority of multilayer neural networks with different numbers of intermediate layers and intermediate layer neurons The comparison of the superiority and inferiority of the regression model and the neural network, and the evaluation of how far the input from the present in the time series model should be used for the prediction can be realized in the same manner.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a control model construction support apparatus realized in the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a processing algorithm of task activation means.
FIG. 3 is a processing algorithm of the data collecting means.
FIG. 4 is a configuration diagram of a database.
FIG. 5 is a processing configuration diagram of data quantification means.
FIG. 6 is a processing algorithm of the data quantification means.
FIG. 7 is a display example of a man-machine device.
FIG. 8 is a processing configuration diagram of data compression means.
FIG. 9 is a processing diagram of a quantization algorithm.
FIG. 10 is a processing algorithm of the data dividing means.
FIG. 11 is a configuration diagram of a divided database.
FIG. 12 is a processing algorithm of the model construction means.
FIG. 13 is a processing algorithm of a model evaluation unit.
FIG. 14 is a display example of a man-machine apparatus.
FIG. 15 is a configuration diagram of a control model construction support apparatus provided with data normalization means.
FIG. 16 is a processing algorithm of data normalization means.
[Explanation of symbols]
DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 100 ... Control model construction assistance apparatus, 101 ... Task starting means, 111 ... Data collection means, 112 ... Data quantification means, 113 ... Data compression means, 114 ... Data division means, 115 ... Model construction means, 116 ... Model evaluation means DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 117 ... Model transfer means 121 ... 1st database, 122 ... 2nd database, 130 ... Control apparatus, 140 ... Man-machine apparatus, 170 ... Control object.

Claims (1)

Data collection for separating data collected from a control target as input data and output data to a control model that simulates the control target, and storing a plurality of data in the first database by associating the input data with the output data Means,
Data dividing means for statistically separating a plurality of data stored in the first database into a plurality of data groups;
A second database having a plurality of databases each storing the plurality of separated data groups;
Model construction means for constructing a control model for simulating the controlled object;
Model evaluation means for evaluating the control model constructed by the model construction means,
The data dividing means divides the plurality of data stored in the first database alternately into the arrangement order, thereby dividing the data into the divided database 1 and the divided database 2 as the second database. A statistical calculation value that is an average value, a variance value, and a median value is obtained for each of the divided databases 2, and if the difference between the respective statistical calculation values is not within a predetermined range, the divided database 1 is divided every time. A part of the database 2 is changed and a statistical calculation value that is an average value, a variance value, and a median value is obtained, and a difference between the statistical calculation values of the divided database 1 and the divided database 2 falls within a predetermined range Repeat until
The model construction means constructs a plurality of control models that simulate the control object based on one of the divided database 1 and the divided database 2 ;
The model evaluation means uses the other data of the divided database 1 and the divided database 2 to estimate the output data by calculating each of the plurality of control models with respect to the input data constituting the data. The evaluation of the plurality of control models is performed by calculating an evaluation value for each of the plurality of control models from the difference between the estimation result and the output data constituting the data, and the plurality of the control models are evaluated based on the evaluation result. A control model construction support device characterized by selecting an appropriate model from a certain control model .
JP2002256279A 2002-09-02 2002-09-02 Control model construction support apparatus and method Expired - Fee Related JP3755497B2 (en)

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JP2002256279A JP3755497B2 (en) 2002-09-02 2002-09-02 Control model construction support apparatus and method

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JP2002256279A JP3755497B2 (en) 2002-09-02 2002-09-02 Control model construction support apparatus and method

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JP5577196A Division JP3412384B2 (en) 1996-03-13 1996-03-13 Control model construction support device

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JP2005313675A Division JP2006099793A (en) 2005-10-28 2005-10-28 Control model construction support device and method

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CN110678855B (en) 2017-05-31 2023-06-16 三菱电机株式会社 Data copying device and computer readable storage medium

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