JP3735392B2 - Reprocessing of spent fuel - Google Patents

Reprocessing of spent fuel Download PDF


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    • Y02E30/00Energy generation of nuclear origin
    • Y02E30/30Nuclear fission reactors
    • Y02W30/00Technologies for solid waste management
    • Y02W30/50Reuse, recycling or recovery technologies


  • Manufacture And Refinement Of Metals (AREA)


基本的には、(1) 軽水炉または高速炉の使用済燃料棒から機械的または化学的方法によって被覆管を取り外す。(2) 燃料物質は還元工程および乾式再処理によりTRU/U,Uを金属形態で回収する。(3) 脱被覆したジルカロイをTRU/Uが付着したまま溶融し、ジルカロイとともに金属形態として回収する(乾式方法)。(2) と(3) から得られた金属を溶融し、例えば射出成型により金属燃料を製造する。(2) で回収されるTRUは希土類元素(RE)と混在した場合はジルカロイとの混合率を10%以上として金属燃料を製造する。
また、燃料−被覆管の照射中の接触により酸化ジルコニウムZrO2 相と、これと燃料の間にU−Zr−Cs相が形成されている(文献J.Bazin,Trans.Am.Nucl.Soc.,20,235(1975)) と考えられている。
被覆管中に拡散しているFPの分布は、表面から10μm以内にFPのCsとRuの98%が分布していることが示されている(T.Hirabayshi et.,J.Nucl.Mat.,174,45(1990))。また、α線を放出する燃料核種については、主として被覆管の内面に存在していることも示されている。
軽水炉の被覆管肉厚は 0.86mm 程度であるので、被覆管へのFPの分布は僅かなものであり、ジルコニウム合金を再度溶解し、金属燃料の希釈材として使用する場合は微量の不純物と見なせる量である。
即ち、被覆管内面がすべて一様に20μmの厚さの混合酸化物層ができているという、大幅な過大評価をしても被覆管体積の約1/50であり、軸方向の分布とFPの被覆管内の拡散分布を考えれば、燃料棒単位でみると、ジルカロイ体積の約1/500 と推定できる量と見なせる。
燃料物質の処理については、前述のように被覆管材を再利用するためにインゴット化と併行して、酸化物形態から金属形態への還元を行う。この還元法については、還元剤としてCaを用いる方法が知られている(R.Pierre,pp336-341,Proceedings of RECOD’91(1991)。また特願平6-193032「使用済み燃料の再処理方法」にも還元方法について示されている。
還元され金属形態となった燃料物質は分離・精製工程において、燃料物質であるTRUを回収する。TRUを回収する方法としてCu−Mg合金とZn−Mg合金を使う方法が知られている(R.Pierre,pp336-341,Proceedings of RECOD’91(1991)。このときウランも同時にある程度回収する。また、軽水炉使用済み燃料中に生成されるTRUの代表的な組成例はプルトニウム(Pu)が約90%であり、その他の約10%がマイナーアクチニド(MA)からなる。MAはネプチニウム(Np)、アメリシウム(Am)、キュリウム(Cm)からなるが、Cmの量は他の二つに比べて少ない。TRUの回収はウランとともに行うことと、TRUを一括して扱い、単体のPuの回収を行わない。
軽水炉燃料棒に使用されている被覆管はジルカロイと呼ばれている。これはジルコニウム金属に錫(Sn)を 1.2%から 1.7%の範囲で添加している。そのたの化学成分としては鉄(Fe)が 0.24 %程度以下、クロム(Cr)が 0.15 %程度以下、ニッケル(Ni)が 0.08 %以下(Fe+Cr+Ni 0.18 %から 0.38 %程度の範囲)である。
一方、これまでの金属燃料の照射実績としては、ジルコニウムとの合金燃料であるU−10%Zr合金、Pu−U−10wt%Zr3元合金の高速炉用金属燃料は燃焼度が最高18%程度まで達しても健全であることが示されている(例えば、文献R.G.Pahl,”Steady State Irradiation Testing of U-Pu-Zr Fuel to >18% Burnup ”,Proc.of Int ′l Fast Reactor Safety Meeting,Vol.IV,p129,Snowbird,Utah,1990) 。
高速炉内の金属燃料の照射による特徴を図10の(a),(b),(c)を使って説明する。図10では(1) 初期を(a)で付し、(2) 燃焼度1〜2%を(b)で付し、(3) 燃焼度>2%を(c)で付している。
高速炉燃料の核分裂により生成されるFPのうちSnの蓄積は、燃焼度10%あたり、重金属の重量の約 0.05 %である。即ち、 100KgのPu−U−10%Zr3元合金金属燃料中の90Kgの燃料物質が10%の燃焼度になると、核分裂により 0.045KgのSnが蓄積する。これはZrの約 0.5%に相当する。この燃焼度から更に倍近い高燃焼度に達しても図11に示すようにZr−Snの相図(文献J.P.Abriata,Bull.Alloy Phase Diagrams,4(2)(1983))からも健全なことが示されている。
したがって、金属燃料の照射からは、ここで再利用の対象となっているジルカロイには、Snは 1.6%程度の混在と少ないので、照射実績からみて金属燃料の希釈材としての利用は可能と考えられる。
なお、比較のため、従来の湿式法のピューレックス法で使用済燃料を再処理して使用済燃料の被覆管をドラム缶に詰めて貯蔵することにより発生するTRU廃棄物発生量を表1に示す。年間は軽水炉使用済み燃料再処理規模が約 800トンの場合である。

Figure 0003735392
なお、比較のため、溶融工程5で生成する不純物の混合酸化物を酸化物燃料還元工程2に戻さずにTRU廃棄物とする場合と比較する。ここで、ジルカロイの被覆管の表面および表面から酸素が浸透して複合酸化物を形成している部分を20μmと仮定する。ジルカロイの被覆管の厚みは 0.86mm 程度の場合、 0.02 / 0.86 = 0.0233 。
Figure 0003735392
すなわち、図1に示した脱被覆工程1においては、使用済燃料棒から被覆管を取り除く方法はロールの間に被覆管をはさんで機械的に被覆管をしごくことにより使用済酸化物燃料を粉末化して取り除くか、またはボロキシデーション等により使用済酸化物燃料を酸化して粉末化して被覆管と分離する。ボロキシデーションとはUO2 酸化粉末化し、これによってトリチウム等の揮発性核分裂生成物を乾式除去することである。
脱被覆工程1の具体列としては、約4mの長さの軽水炉の使用済燃料棒の被覆管を2本のロールではさみ、かつこのロールの高さ方向の位置を任意にずらすことにより燃料棒がたわみながら進んで被覆管の内側にある燃料ペレットが歪むことにより粉末化されて微細な粒子となる。また、使用済酸化物燃料UO2 を酸化してU3 8 にすることにより粉末化して被覆管から取り除く。
Figure 0003735392
すなわち、図1に示した酸化物燃料還元工程2では還元処理方法として乾式法を採用する。使用済酸化物燃料の粉末を水素ガスを直接接触させて還元する酸化物燃料還元工程2では、温度を 300℃以上にすることが重要である。
なお、比較のため温度が 300℃以下の場合( 250℃)と 300℃以上の場合( 350℃)のUO2 の還元率を表4に示す。
Figure 0003735392
UO2 の金属Uへの還元反応の活性化自由化エネルギーは温度が高いほど大きく、還元温度が 300℃以下の場合は、UO2 の金属Uへの還元反応の活性化自由化エネルギーが小さくなるので、UO2 の金属Uへの還元反応が起こりにくくなり、還元されないUO2 が残留するが、還元温度が 300℃以上の場合には活性化自由エネルギーが大きくなるのでUO2 の金属Uへの還元率が増加する。
また、前記還元工程2において還元剤を溶解した溶融塩に使用済酸化物燃料を入れて反応させて金属に還元させるが、還元剤として使用する金属としては、還元力の強いアルカリ土類金属元素であるCa,Mgまたはアルカリ金属元素であるNaまたはLiであることが重要である。なお、比較のため、前記還元工程2で還元剤としてアルカリ土類金属元素もしくはアルカリ金属元素を用いず、過酸化水素を用いた場合のUO2 還元率を表5に示す。
Figure 0003735392
表5からわかるように、本発明の実施例では還元力の強い還元剤を用いるのでUO2 はほぼ 100%還元されるが、還元力の弱い過酸化水素を用いる場合には、UO2 は 100%還元されない。
この回収では、FPであるREの一部が付随して回収される。前述の燃料物質の還元工程を含めて回収されるTRUに付随して回収されるREは、TRUの約1/5 から1/10程度となる。
この回収では、FPであるREの一部が付随して回収れる。前述の燃料物質の酸化物燃料還元工程2を含めた回収されるTRUに付随して回収されるREは、TRUの約1/3 から1/4 程度となる。本発明では使用する合金としてはMgとCd,Bi,Pbを主成分とする合金を使用して同様の効果を得る。
燃料重量 重金属 約174kg /SA SA;集合体
燃料棒関係(水ロッド分、上下端栓を含む) ジルカロイ2 約55kg/SA
チャンネルボックス関係(スペーサ分含む) ジルカロイ4 約39kg/SA
使用済燃料はチャンネルボックス分をはずし、再処理には燃料棒として行うとすると、ジルカロイ2(典型例としてはSnは 1.6%含まれている)の割合は約24%(55/(174+55)) である。
軽水炉使用済燃料中に生成するTRUの量を含めたバランスの概略はつぎのようになる。3万MWd/t 程度の燃焼度に達したウランを燃料として軽水炉使用済み燃料ではTRU含有量は重元素重量の約 0.9%である。前述の燃料集合体について見ると、取り出しされる重元素重量の概略はつぎのようである。
Figure 0003735392
燃料集合体の炉心からの取り出しから再処理までの冷却時間の長さにより生成されたPu241 がベータ崩壊してAm241 に核変換するので、TRUの成分割合はある程度変化するが概ねつぎのようである。
Pu 1.5Kg× 0.9= 1.35 Kg
MA; 0.15 Kg:Np 0.077Kg,Am 0.070Kg,Cm 0.004Kg
本実施例に係る電解精製工程17ではTRUはプルトニウムPuの回収だけでなく、TRU全体を一括して回収する。高速炉用金属燃料炉心の代表的な特性としての燃料のTRU富化度(定義 WTRU /(WTRU +Wu );WTRU は燃料重元素中のTRU重量、Wu はウランの重量)は20%ないし30%となる。
従来開発されているPu−U−10%Zr合金は、天然存在比のジルコニウムが使用されている。はじめから放射化により生成されるZr93を含む照射例はほとんど報告されていない。ジルコニウムの天然同位体存在比は安定核のZr90(51.5%),Zr91(11.2%),Zr92(17.1%),Zr94(17.4%),Zr96( 2.8%)である。
炉心内で生成されたZr93の半減期は約 150万年と長い。Zr95は半減期65日で短い。放射性ジルコニウムの中性子吸収断面積は高速炉スペクトルでは表6の例のようである。天然同位体の値よりやや大きいが、燃料のTRU富化度を含め高速炉の特性に影響を与えるほどの違いにはない。
Figure 0003735392
Figure 0003735392
Figure 0003735392
10 W/O < WZr/(WU +WTRU +WZr)<40 W/O
ここで、WU は燃料中のウランの重量、
TRU は燃料中のTRUの重量、
軽水炉使用済み燃料の再処理により回収するウランとジルカロイをもとにしたU−Zr合金は、上記の物質バランスで示されるウランとジルカロイの割合である約25%のジルカロイ(添加物としてのSn約 1.6%を考慮してもジルコニウム割合は約24%)を含む。
上述のようなジルカロイ割合が、約25%ないし約36%という高含有率のU−Zr金属燃料をブランケットに配置すると親物質であるU238 の割合が少なくなっているので、炉心全体の増殖特性などが低下することが考えられる。これはまた、ジルカロイ含有率を調整することにより、炉心全体の増殖比の調整を行うことができることを意味している。
前記還元工程2により、RE元素はもともとの量の1/5 ないし1/7 程度に低減する。しかし、分離できない分はTRUとともに回収される。取り出し平均約3万MWd/t の軽水炉使用済み燃料の再処理により、TRUと混在して回収されるREの重量の概略はつぎのようになる。
Figure 0003735392
即ち、高速炉用燃料中には約 2.5%ないし約5%程度混入する可能性がある。これは実質的な金属燃料密度を約 2.5%ないし約5%程度低減することをもたらす。
Figure 0003735392
一方、ここで対象としている合金または混合金属について、現在まで十分な測定結果がない状況である。そこで、単体の測定値をもとに、ここで注目している合金と金属混合物の性質を推測する必要がある。表10にはジルカロイの融点とともにRE合金の融点(推定値)を示す。ジルカロイはジルコニウムより融点が約 100℃低い。RE合金の融点は主要REの融点がほぼ同程度の融点であり、 900℃付近である。
Figure 0003735392
また、図14はU−Zr,U−Pu−Zr合金の熱伝導度のZr量依存性を示している。温度は約 800℃付近の値で、図中曲線eはU−Zrの熱伝導度で、曲線fはU−Pu−Zrの熱伝導度を示している。
燃料はPu約 1.35Kg (TRU約 1.5Kg)と付随するRE約 0.26Kg 、TRU富化度約25%(前記のTRU富化度20%と30%の中間の値;Pu富化度も約25%相当)の例とする。RE元素の重量とPu重量の比率は、RE:Pu=1:5の例である。また、ジルコニウムは燃料中の割合が約10%としている。
Figure 0003735392
(a) RE元素の混合により、金属Pu−U−10%Zr−REの溶融温度はPu−U−10%Zr合金の融点より低下する。これはRE相の融点が3元合金の値より低いことが支配的である。
(b) RE元素の混合により、金属U−10%Zr−REの溶融温度はU−10%Zr合金の融点より低下することが予想できる。
(c) RE元素の混合により、金属Pu−U−10%Zr−REの熱伝導度はPu−U−10%Zr合金の熱伝導度より低下する。これはRE金属の熱伝導度が3元合金の値より低いことによる。
(d) RE元素の混合により、金属U−10%Zr−REの熱伝導度はU−10%Zr合金の熱伝導度より低下することが予想される。
10 W/O < WZr/(WU +WTRU +WZr)<40 W/O
ここで、WU は燃料中のウランの重量、
TRU は燃料中のTRUの重量、
10 W/O < WZr/(WU +WZr)<40 W/O
ここで、WU は燃料中のウランの重量、
Figure 0003735392
[Industrial application fields]
The present invention relates to a method for reprocessing spent fuel generated from a nuclear power plant and the like, and in particular, reprocessing of oxide fuel and mixed oxide fuel to produce metal fuel for fast reactors and at the same time reprocessing spent fuel of light water reactors. The present invention relates to a spent fuel reprocessing method capable of achieving a significant reduction in waste generated by processing.
[Prior art]
As a method for separating uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) that can be used again as fuel from light water reactor spent nuclear fuel (spent fuel reprocessing), the PUREX method is currently in practical use. This is a method in which spent fuel is dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, and then uranium and plutonium are separated and purified from the nitric acid by melt extraction. However, a large amount of nitric acid and organic solvent for extraction are used, resulting in a large amount of waste. In addition, there is a problem that the apparatus becomes large.
As other methods, nitric acid and organic solvents are not used, and high temperature metallurgical methods and high temperature chemical methods have been studied and proposed. On the other hand, dry reprocessing methods for metal fuel production and oxide fuel dry reprocessing methods have been developed as promising methods for improving economic efficiency.
In the reprocessing of the light water reactor spent fuel by the conventional Purex method, the fuel rod cladding tube called Zircaloy is dissolved and separated (decoated) with oxide fuel by nitric acid solution. The separated cladding tube is managed and stored as radioactive waste (hull end piece).
As described above, in the reprocessing of LWR spent fuel, uranium and TRU adhering to the cladding tube are removed when the nitric acid adhering to the decoated cladding tube is washed in the conventional PUREX reprocessing system. Can be removed, but it is difficult to remove completely. In order to store such a drum-shaped hull end heath, a detection device for monitoring the amount of uranium and TRU remaining by a hull monitor or the like is used.
In addition, when the light water reactor spent fuel is reprocessed in the above-mentioned soft reprocessing and uranium / TRU is recovered in metal form, the oxide fuel is taken out from the fuel rod before being reduced, but the uranium / TRU adhering to the zircaloy cladding tube is removed. Will be collected as waste. Therefore, in the conventional example, as a whole reprocessing process, there is a possibility that the recovery efficiency of uranium / TRU may be slightly reduced.
The main component of the Zircaloy cladding tube is zirconium metal. In addition, it is known that the metal fuel for fast reactors can achieve high burnup by using uranium / plutonium / zirconium ternary alloy (U-Pu-Zr alloy) using zirconium in a sodium bond state. .
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The used cladding tube material originally contains a trace amount of impurity uranium. For this reason, the used cladding tube becomes a high level waste in a broad sense. The cladding used in light water reactors is one of the major sources of waste in current reprocessing technology. Including storage and management of hull (residue of the cladding tube after dissolution), the necessary construction and management costs for these ancillary equipment will be required.
In addition, the unrecovered portion of the fuel material that is attached to the hull and is not recovered is the loss of the fuel material of the entire system, which is important for the storage and management of high-level waste. Therefore, it is important to reduce this loss.
On the other hand, development has been underway to increase the burnup that can be positioned as a means to reduce the generation rate of this hull with respect to energy production, but it has been re-developed by the PUREX method that is currently in practical use. There has been little development to prevent the hull, which is the primary waste in the treatment, from becoming a high-level waste.
Currently, the era of light water reactors is in a prolonged state, and recycling of used cladding tubes is important from a long-term perspective. Therefore, reusing Hull without making it a waste solves the burden of waste caused by using a light water reactor. At the stage of transition to future nuclear fuel cycles and reactor systems based on light water reactors, it is significant to create a system that uses waste materials for energy production recycling with the current reprocessing technology. At present, there is almost no research and development from this perspective.
Efficient recovery and recycling of plutonium and minor actinides (such as neptinium, americium, and curium) produced from spent fuel in light water reactors that use uranium fuel, which is the mainstream of current nuclear power generation, This is necessary for significant effective use.
In the reprocessing of LWR spent fuel, the most emphasis is placed on improving the recovery efficiency and economic efficiency of plutonium. On the other hand, as the amount of reprocessing increases in the future, it becomes important to reduce primary and secondary waste based on reprocessing. Because the management of radioactive waste is rigorous and over time, the costs that must be managed can increase significantly with increasing waste volume.
Reusing materials classified as “waste by conventional technology” for direct energy production can greatly reduce long-term waste management and storage costs as well as the amount of waste, and fuel cycle It is effective for improving economic efficiency as well as greatly reducing back-end costs. However, the problem is that the technology for these requests has not been established.
The present invention has been made in order to solve the above-mentioned problems, and in order to form a nuclear fuel cycle system for recycling spent uranium oxide or mixed oxide fuel generated from a light water reactor nuclear power plant, A system for reprocessing at low cost and a method for reprocessing spent fuel that can produce fuel while significantly reducing the amount of radioactive waste generated in the treatment system and converting conventional waste into effective materials It is to provide.
In the present invention, dry reprocessing that does not use a solution of nitric acid or the like allows uranium and plutonium to be separated with high efficiency, purified, and used in the prior art to produce metal fuel together with zirconium, which becomes waste. It is to provide a fuel reprocessing method.
The present invention uses a light water reactor fuel cladding tube made of Zircaloy in a light water reactor spent fuel reprocessing method, and not only recycles uranium but also a conventionally used cladding tube material discarded as a hull end piece, etc. It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for reprocessing spent fuel that can also recycle waste.
The present invention removes a cladding tube from a cladding tube from spent oxide fuel and mixed oxide fuel by mechanical or oxidation treatment, reduces the oxide to a metal, and then removes the fuel in the metal form. Another object of the present invention is to provide a spent fuel capable of producing a metal fuel for a fast reactor by injection molding as an alloy together with the above cladding tube.
The present invention maintains the proportion of uranium, transuranium element (TRU), and zirconium alloy in the light water reactor spent fuel rods (with the channel box removed) to be reprocessed, and the U-TRU-Zr or U-Zr system An object of the present invention is to provide a method for reprocessing spent fuel which is intended to produce metal fuel and not generate zirconium alloy waste by reprocessing.
The present invention improves the recovery efficiency of the fuel material by using a method in which the light water reactor fuel in the form of oxide attached to the decoated zirconium alloy is treated dry together with the zirconium alloy and is not discharged out of the reprocessing system system. Another object of the present invention is to provide a spent fuel reprocessing method.
Reducing the final loss from the system of TRU materials in the reprocessing system will reduce the radiotoxicity that the final disposal waste potentially has. The final disposal container has multiple barriers and is designed and devised so that waste does not leak out, but it is desirable that the amount of waste be small for the convenience of energy production.
What is widely known in the past is that if TRU is recovered in the 99.9% of the radioactive waste from LWR spent fuel, the potential risk of the waste is to collect uranium ore for energy production. The potential risk involved is about the same or less in 1000 years. Therefore, a recovery rate of 99.9% or more is considered a kind of development target.
The present invention has been made in view of the above, Pyu When a reprocessing method such as the Rex method is used to separate fuel material and light water reactor cladding tube, and a system in which Zircaloy cladding tube is turned to high-level waste is in operation, and waste is stored and managed, To provide a method for reprocessing spent fuel that significantly reduces waste as a whole nuclear fuel cycle by recovering and reusing Zircaloy (hull end piece) from high-level waste by changing the reprocessing method It is in.
The present invention converts spent fuel of a fast reactor into a metal form, recovers the above-mentioned hull end piece, reuses it as a fast alloy fuel as a zirconium alloy, and contributes to waste reduction as a whole nuclear fuel cycle. It is to provide a reprocessing method.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention relates to a decoating process for removing the coated tube material by mechanically or oxidizing the spent oxide fuel in the light water reactor, and reducing the spent oxide fuel after decoating in this decoating process into a metal. An oxide fuel reduction step, a melting step of melting the decoated zirconium alloy of the coated tube material, and uranium recovered in metal form from the spent oxide fuel in the melting step and The zirconium alloy is melted at once to form a zirconium alloy, a component adjustment step for adjusting the concentration of the metal in the zirconium alloy, and the zirconium alloy after the component adjustment step is molded into a metal fuel. It consists of a molding process.
The present invention also relates to a light water reactor spent oxide fuel. of By reprocessing by wet method With uranium Oxide fuel reduction process to convert the recovered plutonium or plutonium containing neptinium into metal form, and Zircaloy coated tube material treated as waste from reprocessing of light water reactor spent oxide fuel to recover from high level waste A cladding tube recovering step, a melting step in which the recovered plutonium or neptonium-containing plutonium and the recovered zircaloy-coated tube material are made into an alloy of a fuel material and zirconium, and the zirconium using the plutonium or neptinium-containing plutonium It is characterized by comprising a component adjusting step for adjusting the concentration of plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium in the alloy and a forming step for forming the metal after the component adjusting step as a metal fuel.
Furthermore, the present invention provides a fast reactor spent oxide fuel. of By reprocessing by wet method With uranium Oxide fuel reduction process to convert the recovered plutonium or plutonium containing neptinium into metal form, and Zircaloy coated tube material treated as waste from reprocessing of light water reactor spent oxide fuel to recover from high level waste A cladding tube recovering step, a melting step in which the recovered plutonium or neptonium-containing plutonium and the recovered zircaloy-coated tube material are made into an alloy of a fuel material and zirconium, and the zirconium using the plutonium or neptinium-containing plutonium It is characterized by comprising a component adjusting step for adjusting the concentration of plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium in the alloy and a forming step for forming the metal after the component adjusting step as a metal fuel.
Basically, (1) The cladding tube is removed from the spent fuel rod of the light water reactor or fast reactor by a mechanical or chemical method. (2) As for the fuel material, TRU / U and U are recovered in metal form by the reduction process and dry reprocessing. (3) The decoated zircaloy is melted with TRU / U attached and recovered as a metal form together with zircaloy (dry method). The metal obtained from (2) and (3) is melted, and a metal fuel is produced by, for example, injection molding. When the TRU recovered in (2) is mixed with rare earth elements (RE), the mixing ratio with Zircaloy is set to 10% or more to produce metal fuel.
The reprocessing system according to the present invention includes a fuel disassembly / decovering step, a reduction step of oxide fuel, a TRU recovery step by electrolytic purification, a cladding recovery / processing / recycling step, and a fuel manufacturing step as a product.
Light water reactor spent fuel is composed of a channel box and a bundle of fuel rods. As a pretreatment for reprocessing, the fuel is disassembled into a channel box and a bundle portion. Hereinafter, the case where the fuel rod bundle is treated as a reprocessing target will be mainly described.
The grid spacers are removed from the fuel rod bundle and the fuel rods are disassembled. The fuel rods are sent to a decoating process that separates the cladding from the fuel meat. Since the separated fuel meat is in an oxide form, it is sent to a reduction process for making a metal form.
In the decoating step, spent fuel is decoated by mechanical or oxidation treatment, so that volatile fission products (FP) can be removed without using nitric acid or an organic solvent. Secondary waste is not generated. The cladding separated from the fuel is sheared. Since the oxide fuel on the powder is attached to the sheared spent cladding tube, these are mechanically removed and merged with the powdered most of the oxide form spent fuel. To the reprocessing step.
On the inner surface of the separated cladding tube, as a result of the FP released from the fuel pellets while being irradiated in the reactor core and the inner surface of the cladding tube attacking the inner surface of the cladding tube, some of the FP nuclides are zircaloy. It enters the inner surface of the cladding tube. According to the literature (H. Kleykamp, J. Nucl. Mat., 84, 109 (1979)), a thin layer of Cs—Zr—Sn—O is formed on the inner surface of the cladding tube. Cs accumulates as FP.
In addition, zirconium oxide ZrO is brought about by contact during irradiation of the fuel-cladding tube. 2 It is considered that a U-Zr-Cs phase is formed between the phase and the fuel (J. Bazin, Trans.Am.Nucl.Soc., 20,235 (1975)).
The distribution of FP diffused in the cladding tube shows that 98% of Cs and Ru of FP are distributed within 10 μm from the surface (T. Hirabayshi et., J. Nucl. Mat. , 174, 45 (1990)). It is also shown that the fuel nuclides that emit α rays exist mainly on the inner surface of the cladding tube.
From these facts, it is estimated that the FP adherence form of the spent fuel on the inner surface of the cladding tube is a mixed oxide form such as U-Zr-FP-O or Cs-Zr-Sn-O. The It can be said that the thickness of the oxide layer containing FP such as U—Zr—Cs—O is 10 μm or less, and the thickness of the mixed oxide layer of Cs—Zr—Sn—O is 20 μm or less. FP is almost 10 μm or less inside the cladding tube, and oxygen diffuses 20 μm or less.
Since the cladding thickness of the light water reactor is about 0.86mm, the distribution of FP in the cladding is slight, and it can be regarded as a small amount of impurities when the zirconium alloy is dissolved again and used as a diluent for metal fuel. Amount.
In other words, even if the over-evaluation that the inner surface of the cladding tube is a uniform mixed oxide layer with a thickness of 20 μm is made, it is about 1/50 of the volume of the cladding tube, and the axial distribution and FP Considering the diffusion distribution in the cladding tube, it can be regarded as an amount that can be estimated to be about 1/500 of the Zircaloy volume in terms of fuel rods.
About this sheared cladding tube, the oxygen contained in the above-mentioned thin mixed oxide layer is removed in a reduction process. Then, it is set as the component of metal fuel for fast reactors. In this melting process, the fuel material in the form of oxide remaining on the cladding tube is recovered and returned to the fuel material reduction process, so that no waste is generated when the zircaloy ingot is produced. A slight amount of the oxide form substance mixed in the ingot as a product can be handled as an impurity.
Regarding the treatment of the fuel substance, as described above, in order to reuse the cladding tube material, the reduction from the oxide form to the metal form is performed in parallel with the ingot formation. Regarding this reduction method, a method using Ca as a reducing agent is known (R. Pierre, pp336-341, Proceedings of RECOD '91 (1991). The fuel reprocessing method "also shows the reduction method.
This reduction of the fuel material is performed by a dry method using a molten salt, and no secondary waste is generated. The fuel material is recovered in metal form as a mixture of uranium and TRU. A portion of the rare earth element (RE) is recovered along with the metallic fuel material.
In the separation / refining process, the TRU that is the fuel material is recovered from the fuel material that has been reduced to the metal form. As a method for recovering TRU, a method using a Cu—Mg alloy and a Zn—Mg alloy is known (R. Pierre, pp336-341, Proceedings of RECOD '91 (1991). A typical composition of TRU produced in LWR spent fuel is about 90% plutonium (Pu), and the other about 10% consists of minor actinides (MA). It consists of neptinium (Np), americium (Am), and curium (Cm), but the amount of Cm is small compared to the other two. Pu is not collected.
For metal fuels used in fast reactors based on metals containing a large amount of TRU recovered in this electrolytic purification process, metals based on uranium, and metals based on zirconium prepared from cladding tubes In the component adjustment step of adjusting the TRU content, the TRU-U-Zr alloy is manufactured by melting all at once.
As described above, this alloy includes elemental components constituting the zircaloy cladding tube of light water reactor fuel, a small amount of FP elements such as cesium Cs and the RE element that behaves in the reduction and electrolysis processes for the metal fuel. It is included.
In the component adjustment step, the mixing amount of the metal containing zirconium as a main component is also adjusted depending on the amount of RE that is incidental to the TRU recovery. Thus, fuel slag is manufactured by the molding process which molds a fuel by injection molding the molten metal which adjusted the TRU density | concentration and the amount of zirconium.
As for the recovered metal containing uranium as a main component, an alloy with an ingot manufactured from a zircaloy cladding tube of light water reactor fuel is manufactured. Further, in this case, since a product corresponding to a blanket fuel is manufactured, the amount of zirconium is adjusted in accordance with performance targets such as the growth characteristics of the fast reactor in addition to the mixing ratio of RE contained in the recovered uranium.
A fuel slag is manufactured by a molding process in which the recovered material in the form of metal containing uranium as a main component and the cladding tube of the spent fuel are melted to form a zirconium alloy and the fuel is molded by injection molding.
As a whole of these processes, in the reprocessing of fuel rods of LWR spent fuel, in addition to the fuel material, zircaloy-coated tube material is also reused in the fast reactor system. As a result, when the fuel for the fast reactor is manufactured from the spent fuel of the light water reactor, it becomes possible to reuse the cladding material that has been regarded as waste in the conventional reprocessing method, and the waste is greatly reduced. As a result, the cost for storing and managing waste that is not directly useful for energy production for a long period of time can be greatly reduced, which contributes to improving the economy of the entire fuel cycle.
Through these series of reprocessing steps, LWR spent fuel rod bundles are reprocessed and stored in the form of metal fuel rods that contain some FP such as RE, centering on U-TRU-Zr and U-Zr alloys. Store. This can provide strong proliferation resistance to the reprocessed product.
In this reprocessing, the cladding tube from the light water reactor spent fuel is also recovered at the same time, so that the TRU adhering to it is also recovered, improving the TRU recovery efficiency as a whole system, and staying in the system, and the TRU to the outside Loss can be greatly reduced.
A first embodiment of a spent fuel reprocessing method according to the present invention will be described with reference to FIG. FIG. 1 is a basic flow diagram for explaining the first embodiment in detail.
That is, in the first embodiment of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 1, the decoating process 1 for removing the cladding tube from the spent fuel of the light water reactor, and the oxide fuel taken out from the decoating process 1 is reduced. Oxide fuel reduction step 2 to be metal, and the fuel metal produced in oxide fuel reduction step 2 and the cladding tube removed in decoating step 1 are combined in a heating furnace to be melted into an alloy 5 And a component adjustment step 6 for adjusting the components by adding uranium or TRU to the alloy generated in the melting step 5, and an alloy adjusted in the component adjustment step 6 by, for example, an injection molding method to form a metal fuel It consists of a molding process 7 to be performed. If oxides and the like remain in the melting step 5, they are returned to the oxide reduction step 2 by the feedback line 3 and re-reduced.
The cladding used for light water reactor fuel rods is called Zircaloy. This is because tin (Sn) is added to zirconium metal in the range of 1.2% to 1.7%. The chemical components are iron (Fe) of about 0.24% or less, chromium (Cr) of about 0.15% or less, and nickel (Ni) of 0.08% or less (Fe + Cr + Ni in the range of 0.18% to 0.38%).
On the other hand, as for the irradiation results of metal fuels so far, the burn-up rate of U-10% Zr alloy and Pu-U-10wt% Zr ternary alloy metal fuels with zirconium is about 18% maximum. (Eg, RGPahl, “Steady State Irradiation Testing of U-Pu-Zr Fuel to> 18% Burnup”, Proc. Of Int′l Fast Reactor) Safety Meeting, Vol. IV, p129, Snowbird, Utah, 1990).
FIG. 10 shows a schematic diagram of a metal fuel element for a fast reactor. In FIG. 10, reference numeral 21 denotes a cladding tube, and both upper and lower ends of the cladding tube 21 are closed by an upper end plug 28 and a lower end plug 29, and an upper shaft blanket 22, fuel 23, a lower shaft blanket 24 and Bond sodium 25 is housed. Reference numeral 26 is a bond sodium liquid level, and 27 is a gas plenum.
The features of the fast reactor irradiated with the metal fuel will be described with reference to FIGS. 10 (a), 10 (b), and 10 (c). In FIG. 10, (1) the initial stage is marked with (a), (2) the burnup degree of 1-2% is marked with (b), and (3) the burnup degree> 2% is marked with (c).
In FIG. 10, (a) shows the state of the fuel at the start of irradiation. The fuel 25 in the core part where there is a lot of fission has a smear density of 75%. This is an example of a smear density of 80% for the upper and lower shaft blankets 22 and 24 with little fission. As the metal fuel slag, it has the highest density and high thermal conductivity. Bonded sodium 25 is filled between the fuel slag and the cladding tube 21.
Fig. 10 (b) shows the burnup up to about 2%, but fission progresses and volatile FP gas accumulates in the fuel slag, which causes the slag to swell and expand in the axial and radial directions. To do. Since the smear density is 75%, contact with the cladding tube occurs, but it is lightly constrained so that the cladding tube is not broken.
Bond sodium is expelled by the expansion of the fuel slag, and the level of the bond sodium liquid level 31 rises in the upper gas plenum region. The fuel slug expands to some extent in the axial direction. Since FP gas is accumulated in the fuel slag, the thermal conductivity is reduced to about half compared to the initial value. In FIG. 10 (b), reference numeral 30 denotes a fuel portion that has swollen.
Further, the state in which the burnup is advanced is (c). Expansion in the radial direction does not proceed with light restraint. Gas gaps communicate with each other by increasing the gap due to the gas in the fuel slag. At this time, the pressure of the gas plenum may also rise and enter the void portion where bond sodium communicates.
As a result, the level of the bond sodium liquid level 32 decreases. As sodium enters the voids between the metals, the thermal conductivity of the entire fuel slag increases from the state (b). The progress of these phenomena also occurs in the case of metal fuel mixed with RE. In FIG. 10C, reference numeral 33 denotes a lower shaft blanket, and 34 denotes an upper shaft blanket.
Next, ternary alloy (U- TRU The use of zircaloy in place of zirconium in (Zr) will be explained by clarifying the relationship between the amount of zircaloy additive tin (Sn) and the amount naturally accumulated by fission.
The accumulation of Sn in the FP produced by fission of fast reactor fuel is about 0.05% of the weight of heavy metal per 10% burnup. That is, when 90 kg of fuel material in 100 kg of Pu-U-10% Zr ternary alloy metal fuel has a burnup of 10%, 0.045 kg of Sn accumulates due to nuclear fission. This corresponds to about 0.5% of Zr. Even when the burnup reaches a high burnup that is almost twice as high as this, the Zr-Sn phase diagram (literature JPAbriata, Bull.Alloy Phase Diagrams, 4 (2) (1983)) is also used, as shown in FIG. It has been shown to be healthy.
Therefore, from the irradiation of metal fuel, Zircaloy, which is the object of reuse here, has a low Sn content of about 1.6%, so it can be used as a diluent for metal fuel from the viewpoint of irradiation results. It is done.
Further, the amount of FP such as Cs entering the surface of the zircaloy cladding tube is very small, and there is no problem in terms of quantity even compared to Cs itself accumulated by fission of the metal fuel itself. For reference, the amount of Cs accumulated by fission of fast reactor fuel is 10% of Zr because about 90 kg of the above-mentioned 90 kg fuel is produced at 10% burnup. This is larger than the amount of Cs diffused into the solid zircaloy already, and there is no problem from the irradiation results. Therefore, even if it exists from the beginning, it is not expected to be a problem.
(1 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment explains the basics of the first embodiment according to the first invention. The spent fuel is reprocessed by a process corresponding to FIG. 1 and corresponding to FIG.
Regarding the treatment of the fuel material, as explained at the beginning of the [Example], the reduction from the oxide form to the metal form is performed in parallel with the ingot conversion in order to reuse the cladding tube material. Is done by dry method. That is, as shown in FIG. 1, spent fuel comprising a decoating process 1 that does not generate secondary waste, an oxide fuel reduction process 2, a melting process 5, a component adjustment process 6, and a molding process 7. In this reprocessing method, spent fuel is reduced to metal. Manufactured as a metal fuel for the fast reactor in the molding process 7, and does not generate high-level waste due to the zircaloy cladding tube.
For comparison, Table 1 shows the amount of TRU waste generated when spent fuel is reprocessed by the conventional wet method PUREX method, and the spent fuel cladding tube is packed in a drum can and stored. . Annually, the scale of spent light water reactor spent fuel reprocessing is about 800 tons.
[Table 1]
Figure 0003735392
As can be seen from Table 1, in the first embodiment of the present invention, the spent fuel cladding tube is melted to become a zirconium alloy to become the metal fuel for the fast reactor, so that no TRU solid and liquid radioactive waste is generated. In contrast, in the conventional example, 1600 TRU waste drums for cladding tubes are generated every year.
(2 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 2 and specifically describes the melting step 5 in the first embodiment.
That is, in the melting step 5 shown in FIG. 1, the recovered material in a metal form mainly composed of uranium and the cladding tube of the spent fuel are melted at a high temperature of 1300 ° C. or more to form a zirconium alloy. As a result, the actinide nuclide having a long half-life is in a metal form and becomes a metal fuel component.
Further, the mixed oxide mainly composed of zirconium and uranium that floats on the surface of the zirconium alloy as an impurity in the melting step 5 due to the difference in specific gravity is returned to the oxide fuel reduction step 2 as indicated by the feedback line 3, and this reduction step 2 Is reduced to a metal form. Fission products contained in all actinide nuclides and impurity elements are in metal form, and are melted in the melting step 5 and taken into the zirconium alloy which is the main component of the cladding tube material to become a metal fuel component.
For comparison, the mixed oxide of impurities generated in the melting step 5 is compared with the case where TRU waste is used without returning to the oxide fuel reduction step 2. Here, it is assumed that the surface of the Zircaloy cladding tube and the portion where oxygen penetrates from the surface to form a composite oxide is 20 μm. When the thickness of the Zircaloy cladding tube is about 0.86mm, 0.02 / 0.86 = 0.0233.
That is, 2% of the spent fuel cladding tube is not returned to the oxide fuel reduction step 2 in the form of mixed oxide of impurities, but is generated as TRU waste. Table 2 shows the result of comparing the amount of TRU waste generated.
[Table 2]
Figure 0003735392
As can be seen from Table 2, in the embodiment of the present invention, the mixed oxide of impurities generated in the melting step 5 is also returned to the oxide fuel reduction step 2 to be reduced to metal, so that no TRU waste is generated. If it is not returned to the reduction process, 20 TRU waste will be generated in a drum can of about 4t per year.
(3 in the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 3 and specifically describes the decoating step 1 in the first embodiment.
That is, in the decoating process 1 shown in FIG. 1, the method of removing the cladding tube from the spent fuel rod is to remove the spent oxide fuel by mechanically squeezing the cladding tube between the rolls. The powder is removed by pulverization or the spent oxide fuel is oxidized and pulverized by boroxidation or the like to separate from the cladding tube. What is boloxidation? UO 2 Oxidized powder, thereby dry removal of volatile fission products such as tritium.
As a specific row of the decoating step 1, a fuel rod is obtained by sandwiching a spent fuel rod cladding tube of a light water reactor having a length of about 4 m between two rolls and arbitrarily shifting the height direction of the roll. As the fuel pellets inside the cladding tube are distorted and distorted, the fuel pellets are pulverized to become fine particles. In addition, spent oxide fuel UO 2 Oxidize U Three O 8 To powder and remove from the cladding tube.
For comparison, the amount of TRU waste liquid generated when the spent oxide fuel is dissolved and removed from the cladding tube using a nitric acid solution which is a wet method instead of the decoating step 1 (per 1 t of spent fuel, Table 3 shows the concentration before waste liquid concentration.
[Table 3]
Figure 0003735392
As can be seen from Table 3, since no nitric acid solution is used in the examples of the present invention, no TRU liquid waste is generated when the cladding tube is mechanically removed or boroxidized. On the other hand, in the wet method, since the nitric acid solution is dissolved and separated by the nitric acid solution, the used nitric acid solution becomes a high-level waste liquid, and thus a large amount of high-level waste liquid is generated.
(4 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 4 and specifically describes the oxide fuel reduction step 2 in the first embodiment.
That is, in the oxide fuel reduction process 2 shown in FIG. 1, a dry method is adopted as a reduction treatment method. In the oxide fuel reduction process 2 in which the spent oxide fuel powder is reduced by direct contact with hydrogen gas, it is important to set the temperature to 300 ° C. or higher.
For comparison, UO when the temperature is below 300 ° C (250 ° C) and above 300 ° C (350 ° C) 2 Table 4 shows the reduction ratio.
[Table 4]
Figure 0003735392
UO 2 The activation liberalization energy of the reduction reaction to metal U increases as the temperature increases. When the reduction temperature is 300 ° C or lower, UO 2 Since the activation liberalization energy of the reduction reaction to metal U becomes smaller, UO 2 UO that does not easily reduce to metal U and is not reduced 2 However, when the reduction temperature is 300 ° C or higher, the activation free energy increases, so UO 2 The reduction rate of metal to metal U increases.
In the oxide fuel reduction process 2, the reducing agent is added to the high-temperature molten salt. As an alkaline earth metal or alkali metal element Ca, Mg, Na, or Na and Li are dissolved, and the deoxidized oxide fuel is placed in a basket in molten salt.
In addition, the spent oxide fuel is added to the molten salt in which the reducing agent is dissolved in the reducing step 2 and reacted to reduce it to a metal. The metal used as the reducing agent is an alkaline earth metal element having a strong reducing power. It is important to be Ca, Mg which is or Na or Li which is an alkali metal element. For comparison, UO in the case of using hydrogen peroxide without using an alkaline earth metal element or alkali metal element as a reducing agent in the reducing step 2 is used. 2 Table 5 shows the reduction rate.
[Table 5]
Figure 0003735392
As can be seen from Table 5, in the examples of the present invention, a reducing agent having a strong reducing power is used. 2 Is reduced almost 100%, but when using hydrogen peroxide, which has a weak reducing power, UO 2 Is not 100% reduced.
(5 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 5 and specifically describes the melting step 5 in the first embodiment.
In other words, in the melting step 5 shown in FIG. 1, a TRU metal mainly containing actinide nuclides from a metal mainly containing reduced uranium is inserted into a fine mesh basket and put into a molten salt. The fuel material is recovered in the basket as a mixture of uranium and TRU in metallic form. In this melting step 5, a part of the FP is removed simultaneously. A portion of the rare earth element (RE) is recovered along with the metallic fuel material.
The fuel material in the reduced metal form recovers TRU as the fuel material in the electrolytic purification step 17 shown in FIG. In this case, uranium is also recovered to some extent at the same time. TRU is composed of about 90% plutonium (Pu) and about 10% other than minor actinides (MA).
MA consists of neptinium Np, americium Am, and curium Cm, but the amount of Cm is smaller than the other two. TRU collection is performed together with uranium and TRU is handled in a lump, and single Pu is not collected.
In this collection, a part of the RE that is the FP is collected together. The RE recovered along with the TRU recovered including the fuel substance reduction step described above is about 1/5 to 1/10 of the TRU.
Uranium is also collected by another electrode. Again, mixing of TRU and RE occurs to some extent by adjusting the electrolytic purification potential. However, unlike the above-described TRU collection electrode, uranium is mainly collected.
For the metal fuel used in the fast reactor based on the metal containing a large amount of TRU recovered in this electrolytic purification process 17 and the metal mainly composed of uranium and the metal mainly composed of zirconium prepared from the cladding tube In addition, in the component adjustment step 6 for adjusting the TRU content, the TRU-U-Zr alloy is manufactured by batch melting.
As described above, this alloy includes elemental components constituting the zircaloy cladding tube of light water reactor fuel, a small amount of FP elements such as cesium Cs and the RE element that behaves in the reduction and electrolysis processes for the metal fuel. It is included.
(6 of the first embodiment)
The present embodiment shows another example of the melting step 5 in 5 of the first embodiment.
In the melting step 5 of 6 of the first embodiment, a TRU metal mainly containing actinide nuclide is dissolved in a molten alloy mainly containing Mg from a metal mainly containing reduced uranium (see FIG. 9). Metal extraction process 18). In this case, for the purpose of separating a large amount of U from the TRU metal, it is important that the alloy has a low U solubility.
As a known example of the alloy composition, a Cu-30 wt% Mg alloy is used. Mg alloy is brought into contact with this alloy to transfer actinide nuclides and separated from U. Further, in order to recover the actinide nuclides, Mg alloy having another composition is contacted to separate rare earth elements of fission products. As the composition of this alloy, it is necessary that the actinide nuclide be easily extracted (extraction speed is high) and rare earth elements are difficult to extract (extraction speed is low). As an example, a Zn-10 wt% Mg alloy is used.
In this collection, a part of the RE that is the FP is collected together. The RE recovered in association with the recovered TRU including the above-described oxide fuel reduction step 2 of the fuel material is about 1/3 to 1/4 of the TRU. In the present invention, an alloy having Mg and Cd, Bi, Pb as main components is used as the alloy to be used, and the same effect is obtained.
Next, the mass balance in the case of reprocessing the LWR spent fuel rod bundle and reusing and recycling Zircaloy cladding in addition to the recycling of uranium and TRU will be shown. In an example of a light water reactor fuel using concentrated uranium as an initial fuel, the following amount of zircaloy per fuel assembly is obtained.
Fuel weight Heavy metal 174kg / SA SA; Assembly
Fuel rod related (including water rod, upper and lower end plugs) Zircaloy 2 approx. 55kg / SA
Channel box related (including spacer) Zircaloy 4 approx. 39kg / SA
If the spent fuel is removed from the channel box and reprocessed as a fuel rod, the proportion of Zircaloy 2 (typically Sn is 1.6%) is about 24% (55 / (174 + 55 )).
Assuming that metal fuel is used for the fast reactor in the symbiotic system of the light water reactor and fast reactor that reuses the LWR spent fuel cladding, approximately 60% of the activated zirconium that was used in the conventional reprocessing cycle is cycled. It stays inside and is reused. It can be seen that waste has an effect of halving.
The outline of the balance including the amount of TRU produced in the light water reactor spent fuel is as follows. In light water reactor spent fuel using uranium with a burnup of about 30,000 MWd / t, the TRU content is about 0.9% of the weight of heavy elements. Looking at the fuel assembly described above, the outline of the weight of the heavy element to be taken out is as follows.
Figure 0003735392
Since Pu241 produced by the length of the cooling time from removal from the core of the fuel assembly to reprocessing is beta-decayed and transmuted to Am241, the component ratio of TRU varies to some extent, but is roughly as follows .
Pu 1.5Kg × 0.9 = 1.35 Kg
MA; 0.15 Kg: Np 0.077Kg, Am 0.070Kg, Cm 0.004Kg
All of these MAs will be described in an embodiment using the electrolytic purification process 17 for collective recovery without distinguishing from Pu. However, when a part of MA is recovered together with recovered uranium, only Pu is used as fuel for fast reactors. Similarly, the following embodiments can be applied and applied mutatis mutandis even when used as the above.
In the electrolytic purification step 17 according to this embodiment, the TRU collects not only the plutonium Pu but also the entire TRU in a lump. TRU enrichment of fuel as a typical characteristic of metal fuel cores for fast reactors (Definition W TRU / (W TRU + W u ; W TRU Is the TRU weight in the heavy fuel element, W u The weight of uranium is 20% to 30%.
Based on this, the outline of the balance of TRU, uranium, and zircaloy integrated with the LWR spent fuel assembly is as follows. Here, the ratio of zircaloy in the metal fuel is set to 10%, which is the same as the conventional Pu-U-10% Zr metal fuel example.
The conventionally developed Pu-U-10% Zr alloy uses zirconium with a natural abundance ratio. There have been few reports of irradiation examples containing Zr93 produced by activation from the beginning. The natural isotope abundance ratios of zirconium are the stable nuclei Zr90 (51.5%), Zr91 (11.2%), Zr92 (17.1%), Zr94 (17.4%), Zr96 (2.8%).
Zr93 produced in the core has a long half-life of about 1.5 million years. Zr95 has a short half-life of 65 days. The neutron absorption cross section of radioactive zirconium is as shown in Table 6 in the fast reactor spectrum. Although slightly larger than the value of the natural isotope, it is not so different as to affect the characteristics of the fast reactor including the TRU enrichment of the fuel.
[Table 6]
Figure 0003735392
For metal fuel with a TRU enrichment of 20%, Table 7 shows the amount of recovered material and other materials used for the production of core fuel.
[Table 7]
Figure 0003735392
For metal fuel with a TRU enrichment of 30%, the amount of recovered materials and other materials used for the production of core fuel are as shown in Table 8.
[Table 8]
Figure 0003735392
(7 in the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 10 and specifically describes the molding process 7 in the first embodiment. In the recovery of TRU, uranium, zircaloy by reprocessing spent light water reactor fuel, the main material balance is governed by the amount of TRU in the production of fast reactor fuel. From the above examples of Tables 7 and 8, it does not depend much on the difference in TRU enrichment of fast reactor fuel. Uranium and Zircaloy are stored for future energy production, such as blanket metal fuel for those not used for core fuel.
The embodiment for claim 10 produces, preserves and stores core fuel and other alloys by the combination described above. This increases the proliferation resistance of the product during storage.
That is, uranium, TRU, and zircaloy recovered from spent light water reactor spent fuel are all processed and formed in the molding process 7 as uranium, zirconium alloy or uranium, TRU, zirconium alloy metal fuel, and in the above alloy form until used in the nuclear reactor. Store and store.
Storage and storage management of uranium-zirconium alloy forms or their main components that can be directly used for energy production is a positive economic effect that is essentially different from storage and management of conventional hand-end pieces, This will improve the economy of the entire cycle.
(8 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 6 and specifically describes the component adjustment step 6 in the first embodiment.
In the component adjustment step 6 shown in the first embodiment, depleted uranium, recovered uranium, or natural uranium is used in a metal form, and the zirconium in the decoated zircaloy is based on the weight of uranium and TRU. Thus, a fuel component adjustment method in a metal form, characterized in that uranium / TRU / zirconium alloy is formed so as to satisfy the following conditions.
10 W / O <W Zr / (W U + W TRU + W Zr ) <40 W / O
Where W U Is the weight of uranium in the fuel,
W TRU Is the weight of TRU in the fuel,
W Zr Is the weight of zirconium in the fuel
U-Zr alloy based on uranium and zircaloy recovered by reprocessing of spent light water reactor fuel is about 25% zircaloy (Sn as additive) which is the ratio of uranium and zircaloy shown in the above material balance. Even if 1.6% is considered, the zirconium ratio includes about 24%).
Furthermore, when reusing zircaloy, which is used as a structural material for light water reactor fuel channel boxes, the ratio of zircaloy to uranium is about 36% at the maximum. These U-Zr alloys are known to increase in melting temperature when the Zr ratio increases, so a high temperature of 1300 ° C. or higher is used.
When a U-Zr metal fuel with a high content of about 25% to about 36% as described above is placed in a blanket, the proportion of U238, the parent material, decreases, so the growth characteristics of the entire core, etc. Is considered to be reduced. This also means that the growth ratio of the entire core can be adjusted by adjusting the zircaloy content.
In this component adjustment step 6, by using zircaloy recovered from spent light water reactor spent fuel, depleted uranium generated with uranium enrichment, or recovered uranium recovered from spent fuel reprocessed by a conventional method, or By using natural uranium itself as a metal form, the zircaloy ratio can be adjusted from about 10% to the above-mentioned range of about 36% (about 40%).
Next, a component adjustment example of the core fuel metal fuel using the recovered TRU will be described. With the recovery of TRU according to the present invention, the rare earth (RE) element in the fission product FP cannot be completely separated. The fast reactor has a feature that since the neutron spectrum is hard, the nuclear tolerance due to the incorporation of RE is originally high.
However, the incorporation of RE into the fuel increases the effective fuel density and increases the parasitic absorption of neutrons. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid mixing RE from the viewpoint of the core characteristics. For this purpose, in order to introduce the spent light water reactor fuel into the metal fuel fast reactor system, the oxide fuel reduction step 2 described in claim 4 is used.
By the reduction step 2, the RE element is reduced to about 1/5 to 1/7 of the original amount. However, the part that cannot be separated is collected together with TRU. The outline of the weight of RE recovered in combination with TRU by the reprocessing of spent LWR spent fuel with an average of about 30,000 MWd / t is as follows.
Figure 0003735392
In other words, about 2.5% to about 5% may be mixed in the fuel for the fast reactor. This results in a substantial metal fuel density reduction of about 2.5% to about 5%.
(9 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 6 and is another example of the component adjustment step 6 in 8 of the first embodiment.
As described above, when the rare earth (RE) element group is simultaneously recovered and mixed into the TRU as the TRU is recovered, it is necessary to grasp the influence on the physical property values of these fuels.
Here, among the RE element group, lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), and neodymium (Nd) having particularly high fission yield are important. The ratio of these REs is approximately as follows.
La: Ce: Pr: Nd = 14: 27: 13: 46 (W / O)
Table 9 shows the relationship between the temperature and phase change of each element of these RE element groups with respect to the main components of Pu, U, and Zr.
[Table 9]
Figure 0003735392
On the other hand, there is no sufficient measurement result for the alloy or mixed metal used here. Therefore, it is necessary to infer the properties of the alloy and metal mixture of interest here based on the single measured value. Table 10 shows the melting point (estimated value) of the RE alloy together with the melting point of Zircaloy. Zircaloy has a melting point about 100 ° C lower than zirconium. The melting point of the RE alloy is about 900 ° C., which is almost the same as that of the main RE.
[Table 10]
Figure 0003735392
We will also focus on the melting temperature and thermal conductivity, which are important for the performance and safety characteristics of the fast reactor core. It is known that the properties of simple elements and the properties of alloys and mixtures differ from simple overlays due to the solubility of metal elements.
FIGS. 12 to 14 show the dependency of the melting point and thermal conductivity of the U-Zr alloy and U-Pu-Zr alloy on the Zr concentration or Pu concentration. The melting point and thermal conductivity are sensitive to the proportions of Zr and Pu. FIG. 12 shows the Pu weight ratio dependence of the melting point of the Pu—U—Zr alloy, and also shows the melting point of the RE mixed metal. In FIG. 12, a is the melting point of the RE alloy, and b is the melting point of the U-Pu-10% Zr alloy.
FIG. 13 shows the dependence of the melting point of the U-Zr, Pu-U-Zr alloy on the Zr content. FIG. 13 (a) shows the case of the U-Zr alloy, and FIG. 13 (b) shows the U-Pu. The case of -Zr alloy is shown. Curve C in FIG. 13 (a) shows the melting point of U-Zr, and curve d in FIG. 13 (b) shows the melting point of U-Pu-Zr.
FIG. 14 shows the dependence of the thermal conductivity of U-Zr and U-Pu-Zr alloys on the amount of Zr. The temperature is a value in the vicinity of about 800 ° C. In the figure, the curve e indicates the thermal conductivity of U-Zr, and the curve f indicates the thermal conductivity of U-Pu-Zr.
The state of the metal when RE elements are mixed in these alloys is considered as follows. Since the RE element has a large atom, it is considered that the RE element does not dissolve in the U-TRU-Zr alloy. That is, inside the metallic state, the U-TRU-Zr phase and the RE phase coexist without being alloyed. Therefore, the U-TRU-Zr alloy and the RE alloy are present in the metal fuel slag with their phases mixed.
From the above-mentioned example of the material balance obtained by the reprocessing method according to the embodiment of the present invention for the aforementioned light water reactor spent fuel, how are the important characteristics for the core design of melting point and thermal conductivity depending on the presence or absence of RE mixing? Table 11 shows the result of comparison.
Fuel is about 1.35kg Pu (about 1.5kg TRU) and accompanying RE about 0.26kg, TRU enrichment about 25% (the intermediate value between 20% and 30% TRU enrichment above; Pu enrichment about also 25%)) The ratio of the RE element weight to the Pu weight is an example of RE: Pu = 1: 5. Zirconium is about 10% in the fuel.
Even in a state where RE is mixed, the metal fuel undergoes swelling due to nuclear fission, and voids are generated in the metal fuel slag. As a result, the thermal conductivity changes with the combustion state as shown in FIG. Corresponding to this situation, three types of thermal conductivity in Table 11 are shown.
[Table 11]
Figure 0003735392
From the results shown in Table 11, the properties of the fuel accompanied by about 20% of the RE element with TRU (approximately equivalent to the amount of Pu) can be said as follows. That is,
(a) By mixing RE elements, the melting temperature of the metal Pu-U-10% Zr-RE is lower than the melting point of the Pu-U-10% Zr alloy. This is predominantly because the melting point of the RE phase is lower than that of the ternary alloy.
(b) By mixing the RE element, the melting temperature of the metal U-10% Zr-RE can be expected to be lower than the melting point of the U-10% Zr alloy.
(c) Due to the mixing of the RE element, the thermal conductivity of the metal Pu-U-10% Zr-RE is lower than the thermal conductivity of the Pu-U-10% Zr alloy. This is because the thermal conductivity of RE metal is lower than that of the ternary alloy.
(d) It is expected that the thermal conductivity of the metal U-10% Zr-RE will be lower than that of the U-10% Zr alloy due to the mixing of the RE element.
Considering these features, it is necessary to design the core of the fast reactor. In this case, the density of the fuel containing RE decreases, and when a fuel pin of the same size as the conventional one is used, there is almost no heat generation in the RE phase, and the specific output increases in the U-TRU-Zr phase portion.
Therefore, in order to make the thermal efficiency of the fast reactor plant using the fuel containing RE equal to the thermal efficiency of the plant of the conventional fast reactor (using fuel not containing RE), the allowable line output of the fuel can be increased. It is necessary to use a new fuel. For that purpose, it is effective to take a measure of increasing the proportion of zirconium as already described.
The relationship between the melting point of the metal material in the conventional metal fuel (pu-U-10% Zr alloy fuel) core and the maximum fuel temperature during irradiation (depending on the thermal conductivity and coolant / cladding tube temperature) is mixed with RE. In order to be maintained even in the metal fuel, the zirconium ratio exceeds 10%.
For this purpose, a metal fuel characterized in that the zirconium contained in the decoated Zircaloy is alloyed with uranium, TRU, and zirconium so that the following conditions are satisfied with respect to the weight of uranium and TRU is used. .
10 W / O <W Zr / (W U + W TRU + W Zr ) <40 W / O
Where W U Is the weight of uranium in the fuel,
W TRU Is the weight of TRU in the fuel,
W Zr Is the weight of zirconium in the fuel
That is, the mixing ratio of Zr is larger than about 10% with the conventional irradiation results, and the specific output of the Pu-U-Zr alloy is increased. Even if the maximum temperature is increased, the melting point is increased. Secure enough time to melt the fuel.
(10 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 7 and is still another example of the component adjustment step 6 in the first embodiment.
In a metal fuel mainly composed of U-Zr alloy using uranium and zircaloy recovered by the reprocessing method according to the first embodiment of the present invention, when rare earth elements (RE) are mixed in the recovery of uranium, Alternatively, when a part of TRU · MA is mixed in uranium, the melting point of the alloy tends to decrease as described above, so that zirconium is increased in comparison with the conventional U-10% Zr.
That is, the components for alloying uranium and zirconium are adjusted so that the following conditions are satisfied with respect to the weight of uranium and TRU.
10 W / O <W Zr / (W U + W Zr ) <40 W / O
Where W U Is the weight of uranium in the fuel,
W Zr Is the weight of zirconium in the fuel
The maximum of the Zr ratio is set from the maximum value of the ratio between the heavy nuclide and the zircaloy weight in the light water reactor spent fuel as described above.
Next, the processing of fuel powder adhering to the cladding tube separated from the fuel material in the reprocessing process of the light water reactor spent fuel will be described. It is important to collect the LWR spent fuel rods, such as fuel powder adhering to the cladding tube generated from the decoating process 1, without using it as a waste of this reprocessing, and to take it into the main process. In addition, it is necessary for the collection not to generate secondary waste.
Since the metal fuel is used together with sodium in the fuel pin, it is necessary to remove the oxide so as not to generate a reaction product of sodium and oxygen. Table 12 shows the density (specific gravity) and melting point of zirconium, TRU oxide, and uranium oxide.
[Table 12]
Figure 0003735392
(11 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 8 and is another embodiment of the melting step 5 shown in FIG. 1 and will be described with reference to FIGS.
FIG. 3 is a separation flowchart of the fuel oxide adhering to the zircaloy coating material, and FIG. 3 shows a block flow of the treatment process of the cladding tube removed from the spent fuel rod.
That is, in FIG. 3, the spent fuel substance and FP are adhered to the cladding tube material 8 after shearing the light water reactor spent fuel. This is put into a crucible heating (electric heating) melting furnace or the like, and the zircaloy is melted at once in the melting step 5.
The difference in specific gravity between TRU oxide and Zircaloy and the floating material such as FP oxide are separated by a separation method using the specific gravity difference over a certain period of time. The metal is cooled in the metal cooling step 9 and the molten zircaloy is sent to the recovery step 10 to produce an alloy with the fuel material metal recovered through the fuel material reduction step (oxide fuel reduction step 2 in FIG. 1).
On the other hand, the TRU oxide and the FP oxide are separated by the recovery step 10 and sent to the oxide fuel reduction step 2 of FIG. 1 to be confined in the fuel as a metal form together with other fuel oxides. Thereby, generation | occurrence | production of the high level waste accompanying reuse of a used cladding tube can be prevented, and a TRU collection | recovery rate can be made high. The separation method is physical and does not generate secondary waste.
(12 of the first embodiment)
This embodiment corresponds to claim 9 and will be described with reference to FIG.
That is, in FIG. 2, there is provided a decoating tube reduction step 4 for reducing the surface of the coated tube material etc. recovered by decoating in the decoating step 1, and after this reducing step 4, the melting step 5 to the molding step 7 are performed. After that, it is to be used for the production of metal fuel as a zirconium alloy.
According to the present embodiment, the cladding tube material to which the oxide fuel powder and the FP oxide adhere is processed in the de-cladding tube reduction process 4, and the oxide-form substance is not fed back to the melting process 5 as shown in FIG. Is the method.
A specific embodiment from the decladding tube reduction process 4 to the metal fuel molding process 7 will be described with reference to FIGS.
FIG. 4 shows an embodiment in which oxygen is separated and reduced from an oxide fuel material adhering to the surface of the decoated Zircaloy. In this embodiment, the reduction method of claim 4 is applied. That is, in the de-cladding tube reduction step 4, high-temperature hydrogen gas heated at the surface of Zircaloy is brought into direct contact with the cladding tube material 8 to convert TRU and uranium into a metal form, and the generated water vapor is released.
A method is used in which water is removed from the zircaloy surface by the drying step 12, and the heavy metal-attached zircaloy deposited on the zircaloy surface is led to the batch melting step 11 to be melted and used for metal fuel production (molding step 7). Depending on the object, the component adjustment process 6 can be performed before the batch melting process 11 and before the molding process 7. This method only releases oxygen out of the system as moisture.
FIG. 5 shows an embodiment in which oxygen is separated and reduced from an oxide fuel material adhering to the surface of the decoated Zircaloy. Again, the reduction method of claim 4 is applied. In the fuel substance reduction step 13 shown in FIG. Agent The metal of Ca, Mg, Na or Li is dissolved in a molten salt, and the decoated zircaloy is put in a basket-like container with the fuel particles in the form of oxide attached, and the oxide is reduced to the metal form. Let
The fuel material is recovered at the electrode. The recovered material is transferred to the separation / purification step 14 and joined to the melting step 5 where the fuel material is converted into a metal form. Zircaloy is taken out and melted together with the recovered uranium and TRU (melting step 5), and after the component purification step 6, a metal fuel is produced in the molding step 7.
As mentioned above, a thin oxide film is formed on the inner surface of Zircaloy during irradiation in a light water reactor. It is desirable to remove as much oxygen as possible from the oxide. For this purpose, oxygen is removed by a reduction reaction with a high-temperature reducing gas such as high-temperature hydrogen according to claim 4.
This embodiment will be described with reference to FIG. In the reduction step 4, the FP oxide and the Zr oxide are reduced, moisture is removed in the drying step 12, and a zirconium alloy is formed in the melting step 5 together with the separately recovered metallic fuel material.
From the processes such as reduction described so far, there is essentially no new generation of radioactive waste from which oxygen is recovered. reduction Agent Can be recycled and reused in the reprocessing method of the present invention.
Therefore, the total weight percentage of uranium, TRU, and zirconium described in the above claims is all used in the light water reactor spent fuel to be reprocessed or stays inside the reprocessing process. By doing so, it is possible to prevent generation of new waste to the outside as compared with the conventional wet reprocessing method.
In the embodiments described so far, the light water reactor spent fuel has been dealt with when reprocessing fuel rods using enriched uranium. In light water reactor Pyu A mixed oxide fuel (MOX fuel) using plutonium or the like recovered by reprocessing by the Rex method as a fuel is also used. The present invention can also be applied to the case where the fuel for the fast reactor is manufactured by reprocessing the spent fuel of the MOX fuel.
So far, the embodiment has been shown mainly for the simultaneous treatment of fuel and cladding material as reprocessing of spent light water reactor spent fuel. On the other hand, conventional metal fuels such as those mentioned here are Pyu It is conceivable that the waste of cladding tubes accumulates due to reprocessing of spent light water reactor fuel by the Rex method. In such a situation, in order to reduce the amount of high-level waste, it is conceivable to reuse and recycle Zircaloy-coated pipe materials separately from the fuel material by using this reprocessing method.
(Second embodiment)
A second embodiment of the second invention of the spent fuel reprocessing method according to the present invention will be described with reference to FIG.
This embodiment corresponds to claim 11 and is to use Pu obtained by reprocessing a light water reactor fuel by a conventional wet method (Purex method). In this case, even if the light water reactor fuel is enriched uranium or MOX fuel, Pu is recovered (Pu, U mixture), and Np, Am, Cm is sent to waste. A part of Np is recovered as Pu + Np, but in this embodiment, metal fuel is produced using Pu, Pu + Np and a recovered Zircaloy cladding tube.
FIG. Pyu Example for claim 11 in the case of recovering cladding materials that have been recovered from temporary storage and storage by recovering fuel materials and reusing them by reprocessing 19 by light water reactor spent fuel wet method such as Rex method Show. It is the flow which combined the reduction process 2 and the melting process 5 in the reprocessing flow of FIG. 1 or FIG.
In FIG. 7, uranium and Pu are recovered in the reprocessing 19 by the light water reactor spent fuel wet method. Minor actinides (MA) such as Np, Am, and Cm are sent to high-level waste. It is separated into high-level waste hull end pieces (used cladding tubes), and the recovered uranium and Pu are recycled.
In the conventional example, fuels for light water reactors and fast reactors are manufactured as oxide fuels. If this situation exists, these oxide fuels are reduced to metal in the reduction step 2, separated and refined, and then processed in the melting step 5. Thereafter, the same steps as in FIG. 1 are followed.
On the other hand, after the storage and storage of the high-level waste hull end piece, the Zircaloy cladding tube recovery step 16 is selected, and the pretreatment step 15 is directed directly to the melting step 5 or to the decladding tube reduction step 4.
In addition, when there is a process for recovering MA from the high-level waste, the metalized MA can be included in the recycling system.
Furthermore, it is possible to improve the conventional Pulex process for recovering Pu from spent fuel, and to incorporate the recovered uranium and Pu-Np mixture by an improved wet process that recovers a portion of the minor actinide Np together with Pu. is there.
In the component adjustment step, TRU and Zr concentration can be adjusted using recovered Pu and recovered MA. According to the present embodiment, it is possible to significantly reduce waste as a whole nuclear fuel cycle by recycling the metal fuel in the fast reactor.
(Third embodiment)
A third embodiment of the third invention of the spent fuel reprocessing method according to the present invention will be described with reference to FIG.
This embodiment corresponds to claim 12 and uses a product from an oxide fuel (MOX) -based wet reprocessing for the fast reactor fuel. The first and second implementations described so far It is different from the example.
FIG. 8 shows the wastes of the fast reactor spent fuel reprocessing 20 and the light water reactor spent fuel reprocessing 20a using mixed oxide fuel (U / Pu or U / TRU oxide fuel). The example of the flow in the case of combining recycling of the so-called cladding tube waste is shown.
U-Pu mixed oxide fuel is mainly used in the fast reactor of the fast reactor. This spent fuel is also partially reprocessed by a wet method. Thus, conventionally, an oxide fuel has been manufactured.
Compared to the case of producing fast reactor fuel at the same time as the use of Pu in the light water reactor described above, recycling in the fast reactor can be used as fuel even when MA such as Np, Am, Cm is included in addition to Pu. There is a core feature. Moreover, even if some FPs are mixed into the fuel together with the recovery of MA, the allowable range is wide.
Even if there is a system in which such fuel is produced as an oxide, the product can be incorporated into this embodiment.
In FIG. 8, after the recovered fuel material such as uranium in the oxide form treated by the reprocessing 20 of the spent fuel in the fast reactor and the transuranium element (TRU) is converted into the metal form by the oxide fuel reduction step 2, It melts in the melting step 5 through the separation and purification steps.
On the other hand, the high-level waste hand-end piece (spent cladding tube) treated by the reprocessing 20a of the light water reactor spent fuel is reduced in the decladding tube reduction step 4 from the zircaloy cladding tube recovery step 16 through the pretreatment step 15. Then, it is melted in the melting step 5 or directly in the melting step 5 without going through the decoating tube reduction step 4. Thereafter, the metal fuel is processed by the same method as in FIG. 1 or FIG.
That is, the fuel material in metal form and the recovered zircaloy are made into an alloy of the fuel material and zirconium in the melting step 5, and the concentration of the uranium element metal in the zirconium alloy is adjusted in the component adjusting step. Next, the metal is processed in a molding process using metal fuel.
In this embodiment, MA is recovered and mixed with Pu and U oxides to form oxides, and the amount of mixture varies depending on the purpose and constraints. In addition to using the reprocessed product obtained by the above as a metal fuel together with the recovered zircaloy cladding, it also includes recovering MA once made into a metal form and converting Pu · U + MA into a metal fuel with recovered zircaloy.
According to this embodiment, the oxide fuel reduction step 2 for reducing the fuel material in the oxide form, and the melting step 5 for melting the target zircaloy (hull end piece) to be reused together with the fuel material in the metal form are: Necessary ancillary treatments can be performed to recycle the fast reactor fuel in the same manner as in FIG. 1 or FIG. 2, and at the same time to reduce the amount of waste.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, in addition to the fuel material, the zircaloy-coated pipe material can be reused in the fast reactor system as a whole as a whole reprocessing process of the light water reactor spent fuel. As a result, when the fuel for the fast reactor is manufactured from the spent fuel of the light water reactor, it becomes possible to reuse the cladding material that has been regarded as waste in the conventional reprocessing method, and the waste is greatly reduced.
As a result, the cost for storing and managing waste that is not directly useful for energy production for a long period of time can be greatly reduced, which contributes to improving the economy of the entire fuel cycle. In addition, TRU loss can be greatly reduced, and the TRU recovery rate is improved. Furthermore, the products obtained by reprocessing are all mixed with uranium-zirconium metal and thus have a high proliferation resistance.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a flowchart showing a first embodiment of a spent fuel reprocessing method according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a flow diagram showing a second embodiment of the spent fuel reprocessing method according to the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a flow diagram showing a first example of a separation flow of fuel oxide attached to a Zircaloy cladding tube in the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a flow diagram showing a second example of a separation flow of fuel oxide adhering to a Zircaloy cladding tube in the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a flow diagram showing a third example of a separation flow of fuel oxide adhering to a Zircaloy cladding tube in the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 6 is a flow diagram showing a separation flow of FP oxide adhering to a Zircaloy cladding tube in the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing a flow of recycling used Zircaloy-coated pipe material in the second embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 8 is a flow diagram showing a flow of recycling used Zircaloy-coated pipe material in the third embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing a separation / purification process in the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram showing changes from the initial stage to the fast fuel metal fuel element for explaining the operation of the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 11 is a phase diagram showing the phase state of zirconium (Zr) and tin (Sn) alloy in the same manner.
FIG. 12 is a characteristic diagram showing the Pu weight ratio dependence of the melting point of the Pu—U—Zr alloy.
13A is a characteristic diagram showing the dependency of the melting point of the U-Zr alloy on the amount of Zr, and FIG. 13B is a characteristic diagram showing the dependency of the melting point of the Pu-U-Zr alloy on the Zr weight ratio.
14 is a characteristic diagram showing the Zr weight ratio dependence of the thermal conductivity of U-Zr and Pu-U-Zr alloys in the same manner. FIG.
[Explanation of symbols]
DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 ... De-coating process, 2 ... Oxide fuel reduction process, 3 ... Feedback line, 4 ... De-cladding pipe reduction process, 5 ... Melting process, 6 ... Component adjustment process, 7 ... Molding process, 8 ... Coating after shearing Pipe material, 9 ... Metal cooling step, 10 ... Recovery step, 11 ... Batch melting step, 12 ... Drying step, 13 ... Fuel substance reduction step, 14 ... Separation and purification step, 15 ... Pretreatment step, 16 ... Zircaloy cladding tube Recovery process, 17 ... Electrolytic purification process, 18 ... Metal extraction process, 19 ... Reprocessing by wet process of light water reactor spent fuel, 20 ... Reprocessing of spent fuel in fast reactor, 20a ... Reprocessing of spent fuel in LWR, 21 ... cladding tube, 22 ... upper shaft blanket (80% smear density), 23 ... fuel (75% smear density), 24 ... lower shaft blanket (80% smear density), 25 ... bond sodium, 26 ... a bond sodium solution Surface, 27 ... Gas plenum, 28 ... Upper end plug, 29 ... Lower end plug, 30 ... Su Ring fuel portion, 31 ... bonding sodium liquid level b, 32 ... bonding sodium liquid level of c, 33 ... lower shaft blanket c, 34 ... upper shaft blanket c.

Claims (12)

軽水炉の使用済酸化物燃料を機械的または酸化することにより被覆管材を取り除く脱被覆工程と、この脱被覆工程で脱被覆された後の使用済酸化物燃料を還元して金属にする酸化物燃料還元工程と、前記脱被覆した前記被覆管材のジルコニウム合金を溶融する溶融工程と、前記酸化物燃料還元工程において金属形態で回収されるウランおよび超ウラン元素を一括して、前記溶融工程で得られる溶融ジルコニウム合金と合せて溶融し、ジルコニウム合金とし、そのジルコニウム合金の超ウラン元素金属濃度を調整する成分調整工程と、この成分調整工程後のジルコニウム合金を金属燃料に成型加工する成型加工工程とからなることを特徴とする使用済燃料の再処理方法。A decoating process for removing the coated tube material by mechanically or oxidizing the spent oxide fuel in the light water reactor, and an oxide fuel for reducing the used oxide fuel after decoating in this decoating process into a metal A reduction step, a melting step for melting the zirconium alloy of the decoated tube material, and uranium and transuranium elements recovered in metal form in the oxide fuel reduction step are collectively obtained in the melting step. A component adjustment step of melting together with a molten zirconium alloy to form a zirconium alloy and adjusting the concentration of the transuranium element metal of the zirconium alloy, and a molding processing step of forming the zirconium alloy after the component adjustment step into a metal fuel A method for reprocessing spent fuel, comprising: 前記溶融工程において、ウランを主成分とする金属形態の回収物と前記使用済酸化物燃料被覆管材を高温で溶融して一括してジルコニウム合金とし、この溶融工程で不純物としてジルコニウム合金の表面に浮遊するジルコニウムおよびウランを主成分とする混合酸化物を前記還元工程に戻して還元処理することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。In the melting step, the recovered material in the form of metal mainly composed of uranium and the spent oxide fuel cladding tube material are melted together at a high temperature to form a zirconium alloy. 2. The spent fuel reprocessing method according to claim 1, wherein the mixed oxide containing floating zirconium and uranium as main components is returned to the reduction step and reduced. 前記脱被覆工程において、前記被覆管材を取り除く方法はロールの間に端栓を除去した被覆管をはさんで機械的に被覆管をしごくことにより使用済酸化物燃料を粉末化して取り除くか、またはボロキシデーションにより使用済酸化物燃料を酸化して粉末化して被覆管と分離することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。In the decoating step, the method of removing the coated tube material is to remove the spent oxide fuel by pulverizing the clad tube mechanically by sandwiching the coated tube from which end plugs are removed between rolls, or The spent fuel reprocessing method according to claim 1, wherein the spent oxide fuel is oxidized and powdered by boroxidation and separated from the cladding tube. 前記酸化物燃料還元工程において、使用済酸化物燃料を還元する方法は、使用済酸化物燃料の粉末に還元剤を使用して金属に還元するか、または使用済酸化物燃料の粉末を加熱して水素ガスを直接接触させて還元して金属にするか、または加熱した溶融塩中にCa,Mg,NaもしくはLiの還元剤を入れて使用済酸化物燃料と反応させて金属に還元することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。  In the oxide fuel reduction step, the spent oxide fuel may be reduced by reducing the spent oxide fuel powder to a metal using a reducing agent or heating the spent oxide fuel powder. Reducing hydrogen to metal by direct contact with hydrogen gas, or putting a reducing agent of Ca, Mg, Na or Li into heated molten salt and reacting with spent oxide fuel The method for reprocessing spent fuel according to claim 1. 前記溶融工程において、還元されたウランを主成分とする金属から超ウラン元素核種を主成分とするTRU金属を電解精製または、溶融合金により抽出して回収し、希土類元素などの核分裂生成物を分離除去する分離・精製工程を設けることを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。  In the melting step, TRU metal mainly composed of transuranium nuclides is extracted from the metal mainly composed of reduced uranium or extracted with a molten alloy and recovered to separate fission products such as rare earth elements. The method for reprocessing spent fuel according to claim 1, further comprising a separation / purification step to be removed. 前記成分調整工程は、劣化ウラン、回収ウラン、または天然ウランを金属形態で使用し、前記脱被覆されたジルコニウム合金中のジルコニウムがウラン、超ウラン元素の重量に対して下記の条件となるように、ウラン・超ウラン元素・ジルコニウム合金化することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。
10 W/O < WZr/(WU +WTRU +WZr)<40 W/O
ここで、WU は燃料中のウランの重量、
TRU は燃料中の超ウランの重量、
The component adjustment step uses depleted uranium, recovered uranium, or natural uranium in a metal form, and zirconium in the decoated zirconium alloy satisfies the following conditions with respect to the weight of uranium and transuranium elements: 2. The method for reprocessing spent fuel according to claim 1, wherein the uranium / transuranium element / zirconium alloy is formed.
10 W / O <W Zr / (W U + W TRU + W Zr ) <40 W / O
Where W U is the weight of uranium in the fuel,
W TRU is the weight of super uranium in the fuel,
W Zr represents the weight of zirconium in the fuel.
10 W/O < WZr/(WU +WZr)<40 W/O
ここで、WU は燃料中のウランの重量、
In the molding process, when the metal fuel is mainly composed of a U-Zr alloy, the component adjustment process uses depleted uranium, recovered uranium, or natural uranium in a metal form, and the decoating is performed. 2. The spent fuel reprocessing method according to claim 1, wherein the zirconium in the zirconium alloy is formed into a uranium-zirconium alloy so as to satisfy the following conditions with respect to the weight of uranium / superuranium.
10 W / O <W Zr / (W U + W Zr ) <40 W / O
Where W U is the weight of uranium in the fuel,
W Zr represents the weight of zirconium in the fuel.
前記溶融工程において、前記脱被覆工程で脱被覆された被覆管材とそれに付着している燃料を一緒に溶融炉などに入れ、被覆管材のジルカロイを溶融させ、比重差を利用して前記脱被覆されたジルコニウム合金を回収することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。  In the melting step, the coated tube material decoated in the decoating step and the fuel adhering thereto are put together in a melting furnace or the like, the zircaloy of the coated tube material is melted, and the decoating is performed using a specific gravity difference. A spent fuel reprocessing method according to claim 1, wherein the zirconium alloy is recovered. 前記脱被覆工程で脱被覆して回収された被覆管材の表面を還元処理した後、ジルコニウム合金として金属燃料の製造のための原料の一部として使用することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。The use according to claim 1, wherein the surface of the coated tube material recovered by decoating in the decoating step is reduced and then used as a part of a raw material for producing metal fuel as a zirconium alloy. Reprocessing method of spent fuel. 前記成型加工工程において、前記金属燃料を原子炉で使用するまで合金形態で保管、貯蔵することを特徴とする請求項1記載の使用済燃料の再処理方法。  The spent fuel reprocessing method according to claim 1, wherein in the molding process, the metal fuel is stored and stored in an alloy form until it is used in a nuclear reactor. 軽水炉使用済酸化物燃料湿式法による再処理によりウランとともに回収されるプルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムを金属形態に転換する酸化物燃料還元工程と、軽水炉使用済酸化物燃料の再処理から廃棄物として扱われたジルカロイ被覆管材を高レベル廃棄物から回収するジルカロイ被覆管回収工程と、前記プルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムと前記回収されたジルカロイ被覆管材を溶融して燃料物質とジルコニウムの合金とする溶融工程と、前記プルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムを利用して前記ジルコニウム合金のプルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウム濃度を調整する成分調整工程と、この成分調整工程後の金属を金属燃料として成型加工する成型加工工程とからなることを特徴とする使用済燃料の再処理方法。And oxide fuel reduction step of converting the plutonium containing plutonium or neptunium is recovered together with the uranium by reprocessing of LWR spent oxide fuel by a wet method in metallic form, as waste from the reprocessing of LWR spent oxide fuel A Zircaloy cladding tube recovery process for recovering the treated Zircaloy cladding tube material from high-level waste, and a melting step for melting the plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium and the recovered zircaloy cladding tube material into an alloy of fuel material and zirconium. A component adjustment step of adjusting the concentration of plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium in the zirconium alloy using plutonium containing plutonium or neptonium, and a molding processing step of molding the metal after the component adjustment step as a metal fuel Kara Reprocessing method of spent fuel, characterized in that. 高速炉使用済酸化物燃料湿式法による再処理によりウランとともに回収されるプルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムを金属形態に転換する酸化物燃料還元工程と、軽水炉使用済酸化物燃料の再処理から廃棄物として扱われたジルカロイ被覆管材を高レベル廃棄物から回収するジルカロイ被覆管回収工程と、前記プルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムと前記回収されたジルカロイ被覆管材を溶融して燃料物質とジルコニウムの合金とする溶融工程と、前記プルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウムを利用して前記ジルコニウム合金のプルトニウムまたはネプチニウムを含むプルトニウム濃度を調整する成分調整工程と、この成分調整工程後の金属を金属燃料として成型加工する成型加工工程とからなることを特徴とする使用済燃料の再処理方法。FBR spent oxide and oxide fuels reduction step of converting the metallic form plutonium containing plutonium or neptunium is recovered together with the uranium by reprocessing according to the wet method of fuel, waste from reprocessing of LWR spent oxide fuel Zircaloy cladding tube recovery process for recovering Zircaloy cladding tube material treated as high-level waste, melting the plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium and the recovered zircaloy cladding tube material into an alloy of fuel material and zirconium A component adjusting step for adjusting the concentration of plutonium containing plutonium or neptinium in the zirconium alloy using the plutonium containing plutonium or neptonium, and a molding process for molding the metal after the component adjusting step as a metal fuel Tokara Reprocessing method of spent fuel, characterized in that.
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