JP3696578B2 - Protein PGRP-LE specifically recognizing diaminopimelate peptidoglycan possessed by Bacillus anthracis - Google Patents

Protein PGRP-LE specifically recognizing diaminopimelate peptidoglycan possessed by Bacillus anthracis Download PDF


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現在行われている炭疽菌の同定法は、グラム染色・ギムザ染色・芽胞染色による補助診断を経て、遺伝子増幅法(PCR)により確定診断されている。補助診断ですら菌の培養施設や顕微鏡などを必要とし、簡便でどこででも実施できるというものではない。さらに、補助診断の結果判定までに少なくとも2日を必要とするし、確定診断のためのPCR法を行うためには特殊な試験施設が必要になる。 また、細菌の検出法として、カイコPGRPを用いた検出法が確立されている(SLP試薬)が、カイコPGRPが多くのグラム陽性菌が有するリシン型のペプチドグリカンを認識するために、炭疽菌を特異的に検出することができない。
このように、ショウジョウバエなどの昆虫は、適応免疫がなくとも、迅速かつ効率的な免疫反応による微生物感染に反応することが知られている(Hultmark,D., (1993) Trends Genet., 9, 178-183)。ショウジョウバエの場合には、微生物感染に反応し、2つの異なるシグナリング経路であるToll経路および免疫不全(imd)経路を持っている。この2つの経路は、哺乳類で言えばそれぞれToll様受容体(TLR)−インターロイキン1(IL−1)受容体シグナリング経路と腫瘍壊死因子(TNF)受容体シグナリング経路とほぼ同じである。imd経路はグラム陰性菌感染やいくつかのグラム陽性菌感染によって活性化され、Toll経路は真菌感染とグラム陽性菌感染によって活性化されるため、ハエは細菌を識別する特異な機構を有している(Lemaitre, B., et al., (1996) Cell, 86, 973-983;Lemaitre, B., et al., (1995) Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 92, 9465-9469など)。
しかし、ショウジョウバエにおける微生物の認識機構はほとんど未解明である。病原菌の認識はパターン認識受容体と呼ばれる宿主タンパクの相互作用に依存すると考えられ、保存された分子構造はリポ多糖類、ペプチドグリカン、1,3−β−グルカンなど病原菌の表面に存在するが、宿主には存在しない(Janeway, C. A., (1989) Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 54, 1-13)。認識後、このパターン認識受容体は血リンパおよび免疫反応組織の細胞内シグナリング経路とタンパク分解カスケードを活性化することによって、免疫反応を刺激する。いくつかの哺乳類TLRとは対照的に、Tollは感染後タンパク分解酵素によって切断される内因性リガンド、シュペツレ(Spatzle)に活性化されるのであって、微生物成分の直接受容体として機能するものではなかった(Levashina, E.A., et al., (1999) Science, 285, 1917-1919)。
また、ショウジョウバエの免疫反応を消失させる突然変異の大規模スクリーニングのなかで、複数の新たな抗菌防御成分が最近特定されてきた(Sauderhaull,B., et al., (1998) Trenda Immunol., 22, 260-264)。このようなスクリーニングの中で、機能獲得遺伝的スクリーニングを用いて、ショウジョウバエの異物認識タンパク質の一つであるペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質(PGRP−LE)をコード化する遺伝子が見出されてきた。PGRP−LEはショウジョウバエの少なくとも12個のメンバーから成るペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質(PGRP)ファミリーのひとつである(Wemer, T., et al., (2000) Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 97, 13772-13777)。
昆虫の液性免疫は、1次反応および2次反応に依存している。1次反応はプロフェノールオキシダーゼ(proPO)カスケードのような血液(栄養液)リンパ中に存在している構成タンパクのカスケードを活性化することによってメディエートされるが、これに対して2次反応は抗微生物ペプチドの誘導のように防御タンパクの転写活性化を必要とする。ショウジョウバエでは、2次的液性反応はToll経路とimd経路の異なる2つのシグナリング経路から成る。本発明者らは、異物認識蛋白質(ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質(Peptidoglycan recognition protein(PGRP)))のうちのPGRP−LEが、proPOカスケードおよびimd/Relish介在性抗菌ペプチド誘導の両者を活性化できることを明かにし、PGRP−LEは昆虫の液性免疫の1次反応と2次反応をいずれも活性化し得る免疫因子であることを初めて明らかにしてきた。
ペプチドグリカンは、細菌の種類に応じて幹ペプチド(stem peptide)に多様なアミノ酸組成を示す。ジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)を含むペプチドグリカン(ジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカン)や、リジンを含むペプチドグリカン(リジン(Lys)型ペプチドグリカン)などが知られている。
PGRP−LEをDAP型およびLys型不溶性ペプチドグリカンとともにインキュベートした後、徹底的に洗浄した。洗浄後に回収した連続したヒスチジンペプチドとの融合タンパク質を抗ペンタ−ヒスチジン抗体(QIAGEN)を用いてウエスタンブロット分析によって解析した。結果を図1に図面に変わる写真で示す。図1のレーン1は精製した組換えPGRP−LEであり、レーン2及び3はスタフィロコッカスエピデルミダス(Staphylococcus epidermidis)ATCC 155から精製したLys型ペプチドグリカンを用いた場合であり、レーン4及び5はラクトバチルスプランタルム(Lactobacillus plantarum)ATCC 8014から精製したDAP型ペプチドグリカンを用いた場合であり、レーン2及び4はそれぞれ洗浄による可溶性画分から単離した非結合のタンパク質の場合であり、レーン3及び5はそれぞれ洗浄後の不溶性画分から単離した結合したタンパク質の場合である。図1の左の数字は分子量を表示している。
実施例1 (PGRP−LEの製造)
ショウジョウバエのPGRP−LEをコードするcDNAを用いて、さらに6つのヒスチジン残基をカルボキシ末端に有するペプチドをコードする遺伝子を用いて、リコンビナントPGRP−LEを、バックパックバキュロウイルス発現系(BacPAK Baculovirus Expression System(Clontech))を用いてSf21で発現させ、DEAEカラムクロマトグラフィーとNi−NTAクロマトグラフィーにより精製した。
実施例2 (DAP型ペプチドグリカンの検出・同定)
DAP型ペプチドグリカンおよびLys型ペプチドグリカンは、小谷ら、及び河田らの方法(Kotani,S., et al., (1975) BIKEN J., 18, 93-103;Kawata,S., et al., (1984) Agric. Biol. Chem., 48, 2253-2263)にしたがい、それぞれLactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014およびStaphylococcus epidermidisATCC 155から精製した。
実施例1で製造したリコンビナントPGRP−LEはアフィニティーを用いて精製し、結合実験は吉田らの方法(Yoshida,H., et al., (1996) J. Biol. Chem., 271, 13854-13860)に準じて行った。
精製したリコンビナントPGRP−LE約0.5μgと0.32mgのスタフィロコッカスエピデルディス(S. epidermidis)由来の不溶性ペプチドグリカン(レーン2および3)、精製したリコンビナントPGRP−LE約0.5μgと0.32mgのラクトバチルスプランタルム(L. plantarum)由来の不溶性ペプチドグリカン(レーン4および5)を、それぞれとインキュベートした。
可溶性画分から非結合タンパク質(レーン2および4)を回収し、不溶性画分を1mol/L NaClを含有するトリスマレイン酸緩衝液、並びに1mol/L NaCl及び0.2% ツィーン20で洗浄して結合タンパク質(レーン3および5)を回収した。比較のために、精製したリコンビナントPGRP−LE約0.5μgをインキュベートした(レーン1)。
実施例3 (DAP型ペプチドグリカンの検出・同定)
The present invention includes peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), more specifically, peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), which is a kind of foreign substance recognition protein of Drosophila, and a carrier for detection and identification. A composition for specifically recognizing a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan or a substance having the same, and a method for specifically detecting / identifying a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan or a substance having the same About. More specifically, the present invention relates to a composition for detection / identification of Bacillus anthracis, a method for detection / identification of Bacillus anthracis using the composition, and a kit for detection / identification therefor.
[Prior art]
The terrorist attacks in the United States revealed that anthrax was used as a biological terrorist weapon. The victims were killed by an anthrax infection that was sent by mail. In the case of Bacillus anthracis, early treatment with appropriate antibiotics can prevent onset even after exposure to spores, but early detection and identification of Bacillus anthracis is essential to prevent bioterrorism. is there. In that case, because of the nature of the terrorist incident, it is not an inspection method that can be performed only in special facilities, but it can be performed simply, in a short period of time and reliably even in places that are directly connected to citizens' lives such as post offices. Law is needed.
The current identification method for Bacillus anthracis is confirmed by gene amplification (PCR) after auxiliary diagnosis using Gram staining, Giemsa staining, and spore staining. Even auxiliary diagnosis requires a culture facility and a microscope for bacteria, and is not easy and can be performed anywhere. Furthermore, it takes at least two days to determine the result of the auxiliary diagnosis, and a special test facility is required to perform the PCR method for the definitive diagnosis. In addition, as a method for detecting bacteria, a detection method using silkworm PGRP has been established (SLP reagent). However, since silkworm PGRP recognizes a lysine-type peptidoglycan possessed by many gram-positive bacteria, anomalous anthrax is specific. Cannot be detected automatically.
Since invertebrates such as insects do not have antibodies, they develop foreign substance recognition proteins to eliminate pathogenic bacteria that have invaded the body. The foreign substance recognition protein has been developed as a reagent for measuring microbial cell wall components and endotoxins since it can sensitively recognize pathogenic bacteria. For example, the Limulus test using the blood cell extract of horseshoe crab can detect endotoxin with high sensitivity.
Thus, insects such as Drosophila are known to respond to microbial infection by a rapid and efficient immune response without adaptive immunity (Hultmark, D., (1993) Trends Genet., 9, 178-183). In Drosophila, in response to microbial infection, it has two distinct signaling pathways, the Toll pathway and the immunodeficiency (imd) pathway. In mammals, these two pathways are almost the same as the Toll-like receptor (TLR) -interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor signaling pathway and the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor signaling pathway, respectively. Because the imd pathway is activated by gram-negative and some gram-positive infections, and the Toll pathway is activated by fungal and gram-positive infections, flies have a unique mechanism to distinguish bacteria (Lemaitre, B., et al., (1996) Cell, 86, 973-983; Lemaitre, B., et al., (1995) Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 92, 9465-9469, etc. ).
However, the recognition mechanism of microorganisms in Drosophila is almost unknown. Pathogen recognition is thought to depend on the interaction of host proteins called pattern recognition receptors. Conserved molecular structures exist on the surface of pathogenic bacteria such as lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans, and 1,3-β-glucans. (Janeway, CA, (1989) Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol., 54, 1-13). After recognition, this pattern recognition receptor stimulates the immune response by activating intracellular signaling pathways and proteolytic cascades in hemolymph and immune response tissues. In contrast to some mammalian TLRs, Toll is activated by an endogenous ligand, Spatzle, which is cleaved by post-infection proteolytic enzymes and does not function as a direct receptor for microbial components. (Levashina, EA, et al., (1999) Science, 285, 1917-1919).
In addition, several new antibacterial defense components have recently been identified in large-scale screening for mutations that abolish Drosophila immune responses (Sauderhaull, B., et al., (1998) Trenda Immunol., 22 , 260-264). Among such screens, a gene encoding a peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP-LE), which is one of the Drosophila foreign body recognition proteins, has been found using gain-of-function genetic screening. PGRP-LE is one of the peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) family consisting of at least 12 members of Drosophila (Wemer, T., et al., (2000) Pro. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 13772. -13777).
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention provides a protein capable of specifically recognizing a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan possessed by a Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis. The present invention also provides a method for detecting and identifying a Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis that can be easily, reliably and in a short period of time.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Unlike many Gram-positive bacteria, Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis has DAP-type peptidoglycan. As a result of various studies on foreign substance recognition proteins of Drosophila, the present inventors have recognized that peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) specifically recognizes diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan possessed by Bacillus anthracis. The present inventors have found that gram-positive bacteria do not recognize lysine-type peptidoglycans and have found that a detection system capable of specifically detecting Bacillus anthracis can be developed using the properties of PGRP-LE.
The present invention relates to a composition for specifically recognizing a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan comprising peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and a carrier for detection / identification or one having the same. More specifically, diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan containing peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), which is one of the foreign substance recognition proteins of Drosophila, or one having the same, preferably a Bacillus such as Bacillus anthracis The present invention relates to a composition for specifically recognizing a genus.
The present invention also relates to an agent for detecting / identifying Bacillus anthracis comprising the above-described composition.
In the present invention, an analyte is contacted with a composition containing peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), and then washed to separate unbound peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE). The present invention relates to a method for specifically detecting and identifying a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan or a substance having the same from a subject comprising detecting and identifying peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) bound to a protein. More specifically, the present invention is directed to contacting a subject with a composition containing peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), which is one of the Drosophila foreign body recognition proteins, and diaminopimelic acid (DAP) from the subject. The present invention relates to a method for specifically detecting and identifying a type peptidoglycan or one having the same, preferably Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis.
The present invention also provides a detection / identification kit comprising peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) used in the above-described method, preferably a detection / identification kit for Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis. About.
The present inventors have studied that PGRP-LE can activate the proteolytic cascade in Drosophila with hemolymph, prophenol oxidase (proPO) cascade and imd-mediated antibacterial reaction.
Insect humoral immunity depends on primary and secondary reactions. The primary reaction is mediated by activating a cascade of constituent proteins present in the blood (nutrient) lymph such as the prophenol oxidase (proPO) cascade, whereas the secondary reaction is It requires transcriptional activation of defense proteins, such as induction of microbial peptides. In Drosophila, the secondary humoral response consists of two signaling pathways that differ in the Toll and imd pathways. The present inventors have clarified that PGRP-LE of a foreign substance recognition protein (peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP)) can activate both proPO cascade and imd / Relish-mediated antimicrobial peptide induction. It has been revealed for the first time that PGRP-LE is an immune factor that can activate both primary and secondary reactions of insect humoral immunity.
Since the activation of the proPO cascade mediated by PGRP-LE is not dependent on intracellular imd signaling, the pathway that promotes melanogenesis and expression of antimicrobial peptides is upstream of imd in blood (nutrient fluid) lymph Conceivable. Since PGRP-LE is a protein protein that constitutes blood (nutrient fluid) lymph, it was considered that PGRP-LE constituted the forefront of self-protection involved in pathogen recognition and signal transmission downstream of the defense reaction.
Through these studies, we have a potent and selective affinity for diaminopimelic acid (DAP) -type peptidoglycan, PGRP-LE, a bacterial cell wall component capable of activating the Drosophila imd pathway. I found out.
Peptidoglycan exhibits various amino acid compositions in the stem peptide depending on the type of bacteria. Peptidoglycan containing diaminopimelic acid (DAP) (diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan), peptidoglycan containing lysine (lysine (Lys) type peptidoglycan), and the like are known.
PGRP-LE was incubated with DAP and Lys insoluble peptidoglycans and then washed thoroughly. A fusion protein with a continuous histidine peptide collected after washing was analyzed by Western blot analysis using an anti-penta-histidine antibody (QIAGEN). The results are shown in FIG. Lane 1 in FIG. 1 is purified recombinant PGRP-LE, and lanes 2 and 3 are cases using Lys-type peptidoglycan purified from Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 155, lanes 4 and 5 Is the case of using DAP-type peptidoglycan purified from Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014, and lanes 2 and 4 are cases of unbound protein isolated from the soluble fraction by washing, respectively. 5 is the case of each bound protein isolated from the insoluble fraction after washing. The numbers on the left in FIG. 1 indicate the molecular weight.
As a result, PGRP-LE was retained in the DAP-type peptidoglycan but not in the Lys-type peptidoglycan. Therefore, PGRP-LE has a high affinity specific for the DAP-type peptidoglycan. I understood.
The DAP-type peptidoglycan is a peptidoglycan specifically possessed by the Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis or Lactobacillus in the cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria also have DAP-type peptidoglycan on the cell wall, but Gram-negative bacteria have an outer membrane made of polyliposaccharide on the outside, which is unique to Gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, under normal conditions, the DAP-type peptidoglycan of Gram-negative bacteria is not exposed on the cell surface and cannot bind to PGRP-LE of the present invention. In the above experiment, Lactobacillus is used instead of anthrax, because anthrax is highly toxic and cannot be handled in a normal laboratory. However, anthrax has the same DAP-type peptidoglycan as Lactobacillus, and the same result will be obtained.
Therefore, when the foreign substance recognition protein PGRP-LE capable of specifically recognizing the DAP-type peptidoglycan is used, this PGRP-LE does not recognize the lysine-type peptidoglycan possessed by many Gram-positive bacteria. It can be detected. In addition, this method does not require the use of advanced techniques such as PCR, and can detect and identify the presence of DAP-type peptidoglycan simply and with high sensitivity, and can detect and identify Bacillus anthracis specifically. An identification system can be provided.
Therefore, the present invention contacts the analyte with a composition containing peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and then washed to separate unbound peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), A method for specifically detecting and identifying a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan or a substance having the same from a specimen comprising detecting and identifying peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) bound to another protein It is to provide. The peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) of the present invention specifically binds to diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan with high affinity, and it is not always necessary to use purified peptidoglycan as an analyte. No. It is sufficient that the peptidoglycan is in a state capable of binding to the PGRP-LE of the present invention. Since bacteria have peptidoglycan as a cell wall component, they can usually be used as a specimen as they are.
The subject in the method of the present invention is a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan or one having the same, but the one having a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan is a Gram-negative bacterium or anthrax having a DAP type peptidoglycan And the like. These analytes may be diluted with an appropriate medium.
After such a specimen is brought into contact with the PGRP-LE of the present invention so that both can be sufficiently bound, the bound PGRP-LE and the unbound PGRP-LE are separated. There is no particular limitation on the separation means, but PGRP-LE is soluble and the peptidoglycan is insoluble, so the insoluble fraction is sufficiently washed to separate the soluble, unbound PGRP-LE. can do. This method is simple and preferable, but is not limited thereto, and other means such as immobilizing a subject can also be adopted.
Examples of a method for detecting and identifying PGRP-LE bound to the analyte separated in this manner include ordinary labeling and antibody reaction methods. For example, there are a method of labeling PGRP-LE with a radioactive element or a fluorescent material, a method using an antibody specific for PGRP-LE, and the like. Further, as shown in the above example, a method may be used in which a peptide is further fused to PGRP-LE, and detection / identification is performed using an antibody specific for the fused peptide. Such a peptide can be fused to the C-terminal side or N-terminal side of PGRP-LE. Various peptides can be used as such a fusion peptide, but a peptide in which histidine is continuous is simple and preferable. Examples of the peptide in which histidine is continuous include peptides in which 5 or more, preferably 6 or more histidines are continuous.
In the above example, Western blot analysis using an anti-penta-histidine antibody was shown, but the present invention is not limited to this, and various detection methods such as a method in which the antibody is labeled with a radioactive element or a fluorescent material, or a sandwich method are used. -An identification method can be adopted.
In addition, the present invention provides a composition that can be used in the above-described detection / identification method, and more specifically, a Drosophila-derived peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and a carrier for detection / identification. The present invention provides a composition for specifically recognizing a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) -type peptidoglycan or a substance having the same. Peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) in this composition of the present invention is preferably a Drosophila-derived protein, but is not limited thereto, and it is not limited to this, and various animal, preferably insect-derived peptidoglycan recognition protein- LE (PGRP-LE) can be used. The PGRP-LE of the present invention may be a natural one, but may be one produced by a gene recombination technique.
The peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) in this composition of the present invention may be the full length of PGRP-LE, or may be a partial length capable of recognizing diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan. Good. Moreover, as peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) in this composition, the protein may be used as it is, but in order to facilitate detection and identification, those labeled with a radioactive element or a fluorescent substance may be used. , PGRP-LE may be further fused with a peptide for detection / identification. Peptides in such a fusion protein include polyhistidine, preferably PGRP-LE fused with hexahistidine.
The carrier for detection / identification in this composition of the present invention is not necessarily required, but it is preferable to incorporate a carrier in order to form the composition. Examples of such a carrier include components, stabilizers, antioxidants, colorants, and the like that become a buffer solution by adding an appropriate buffer solution and purified water.
The present invention has found that peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) has a novel and useful property of specifically binding to diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan with high affinity. Yes, it provides a new and useful application of PGRP-LE. Therefore, the present invention provides a detection / identification agent for diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan comprising peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE), preferably a detection / identification agent for Bacillus genus such as Bacillus anthracis.
Furthermore, the present invention is a detection / constitution comprising peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) used in the method for specifically detecting / identifying the aforementioned diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan or one having the same. An identification kit is provided. The kit of the present invention may be composed of the above-described detection / identification composition or detection / identification agent alone, but further includes various antibodies for detection / identification and materials for visualizing the results. A combination of these is preferred.
By using such a kit of the present invention, a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) -type peptidoglycan in a specimen or a substance having the same can be detected specifically, simply, with high sensitivity, in a short time, and reliably. Can be identified.
The present invention provides a novel detection / identification method that is quick, simple, and sensitive to Bacillus anthracis using the insect foreign body recognition response. In the terrorist attacks in the United States, anthrax was used for bioterrorism, and even the victims were infected with a mail-borne infection of anthrax. As a result, many white powders used in daily life have become fearful. This is a result that a simple method capable of detecting and identifying Bacillus anthracis has not been established.
According to the present invention, there is no need to cultivate bacteria, and within a few hours, as long as there is a detection / identification kit of the present invention, a household refrigerator for storing the kit, and a container capable of carrying out the detection / identification method of the present invention. A detection system can be established in which the result can be determined by color development of the reagent. If this is possible, early inspection at the place of citizen's life is possible, and in addition to dramatically preventing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases caused by Bacillus anthracis, anti-terrorism measures are also aimed at preventing unnecessary panic. It is very important from the top.
EXAMPLES Hereinafter, although an Example demonstrates this invention more concretely, this invention is not limited at all by these Examples.
Example 1 (Production of PGRP-LE)
Using a cDNA encoding Drosophila PGRP-LE, and a gene encoding a peptide having six histidine residues at the carboxy terminus, recombinant PGRP-LE was transformed into a backpack baculovirus expression system (BacPAK Baculovirus Expression System). (Clontech)) and expressed in Sf21 and purified by DEAE column chromatography and Ni-NTA chromatography.
Example 2 (Detection and identification of DAP-type peptidoglycan)
DAP-type plyglycan and Lys-type peptidoglycan are obtained by the method of Kotani et al. And Kawada et al. (Kotani, S., et al., (1975) BIKEN J., 18, 93-103; Kawata, S., et al., ( 1984) Agric. Biol. Chem., 48, 2253-2263) and purified from Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 and Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 155, respectively.
The recombinant PGRP-LE produced in Example 1 was purified using affinity, and the binding experiment was performed by the method of Yoshida et al. (Yoshida, H., et al., (1996) J. Biol. Chem., 271, 13854-13860). ).
About 0.5 μg of purified recombinant PGRP-LE and 0.32 mg of insoluble peptidoglycan derived from S. epidermidis (lanes 2 and 3), about 0.5 μg of purified recombinant PGRP-LE and about 0.5 μg. 32 mg of insoluble peptidoglycan from L. plantarum (lanes 4 and 5) was incubated with each.
Unbound protein (lanes 2 and 4) is recovered from the soluble fraction, and the insoluble fraction is washed and bound with trismaleate buffer containing 1 mol / L NaCl, and 1 mol / L NaCl and 0.2% Tween 20. Protein (lanes 3 and 5) was recovered. For comparison, approximately 0.5 μg of purified recombinant PGRP-LE was incubated (lane 1).
These were analyzed by Western blot analysis using anti-penta-histidine antibody (QIAGEN).
The results are shown in FIG. The numbers on the left side of FIG. 1 indicate the molecular weight.
Example 3 (Detection and identification of DAP-type peptidoglycan)
In the same manner as in Example 2, the recombinant PGRP-LE produced in Example 1 was incubated with a cell wall having a lysine-type peptidoglycan or a cell wall having a DAP-type peptidoglycan. When PGRP-LE not bound to each cell wall was washed and PGRP-LE bound to the cell wall was detected with an antibody against a histidine tag, a cell wall having a DAP-type peptidoglycan could be specifically detected.
【The invention's effect】
The present invention has been found that PGRP-LE has a novel and useful property that it specifically binds to diaminopimelic acid (DAP) -type peptidoglycan with high affinity. It provides a useful application. Provided is a method capable of rapidly, simply and sensitively detecting and identifying bacteria having a DAP-type peptidoglycan such as Bacillus anthracis according to the method of the present invention, a composition therefor, and a kit for detection and identification It is.
In the terrorist attacks in the United States, anthrax was used for bioterrorism, and even the victims were infected with a mail-borne infection of anthrax. According to the present invention, anthrax in a subject can be detected and identified by a simple method without using special techniques, special facilities or tools, and anthrax in a place of civic life. This is very useful for countering terrorism from the viewpoint of preventing unnecessary panic as well as dramatically preventing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases caused by Bacillus anthracis.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a drawing showing the results of Western blot analysis using an anti-penta-histidine antibody after incubating PGRP-LE of the present invention with insoluble DAP-type peptidoglycan and insoluble Lys-type peptidoglycan It is a photograph. Lane 1 in FIG. 1 is purified recombinant PGRP-LE, lanes 2 and 3 are when Lys-type peptidoglycan is used, lanes 4 and 5 are when DAP-type peptidoglycan is used, and lanes 2 and 4 Are cases of unbound protein isolated from the soluble fraction by washing, and lanes 3 and 5 are cases of bound protein isolated from the insoluble fraction after washing, respectively. The numbers on the left in FIG. 1 indicate the molecular weight.

Claims (13)

ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)及び検出・同定用の担体を含有してなるジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカン又はそれを有するものを特異的に認識するための組成物。A composition for specifically recognizing a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan comprising peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and a carrier for detection / identification or a peptide having the same. ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)が、ショウジョウバエ由来のものである請求項1に記載の組成物。The composition according to claim 1, wherein the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) is derived from Drosophila. ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)が、当該タンパク質の検出・同定が可能なアミノ酸配列をさらに有するものである請求項1又は2に記載の組成物。The composition according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) further has an amino acid sequence capable of detecting and identifying the protein. ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)の検出・同定が可能なアミノ酸配列が、連続するヒスチジンからなるアミノ酸配列である請求項3に記載の組成物。The composition according to claim 3, wherein the amino acid sequence capable of detecting and identifying peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) is an amino acid sequence consisting of continuous histidine. ジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカンを有するものが、炭疽菌である請求項1〜4のいずれかに記載の組成物。What has a diamino pimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan is anthrax, The composition in any one of Claims 1-4. 請求項1〜5のいずれかに記載の組成物からなる炭疽菌の検出・同定剤。An agent for detecting / identifying Bacillus anthracis comprising the composition according to any one of claims 1 to 5. 被検体をペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)を含有する組成物に接触させ、次いで洗浄して非結合状態のペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)を分離し、他のタンパク質と結合したペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)を検出・同定することからなる被検体中からジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカン又はそれを有するものを特異的に検出・同定する方法。The analyte was contacted with a composition containing peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and then washed to separate unbound peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) and bound to other proteins. A method for specifically detecting and identifying a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) peptidoglycan or a substance having the same from a subject comprising detecting and identifying peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE). ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)が、ショウジョウバエ由来のものである請求項7に記載の方法。The method according to claim 7, wherein the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) is derived from Drosophila. ペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)が、標識化されている請求項7又は8に記載の方法。The method according to claim 7 or 8, wherein the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) is labeled. 標識化が、特異的な抗体に反応するアミノ酸配列を有するペプチドである請求項9に記載の方法。The method according to claim 9, wherein the labeling is a peptide having an amino acid sequence that reacts with a specific antibody. ジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカンを有するものが、炭疽菌である請求項7〜10のいずれかに記載の方法。The method according to any one of claims 7 to 10, wherein the one having a diaminopimelic acid (DAP) type peptidoglycan is anthrax. 請求項7〜11に記載のジアミノピメリン酸(DAP)型ペプチドグリカン又はそれを有するものを特異的に検出・同定する方法に使用されるペプチドグリカン認識タンパク質−LE(PGRP−LE)を含有してなる検出・同定用キット。A detection comprising the peptidoglycan recognition protein-LE (PGRP-LE) used in the method for specifically detecting / identifying the diaminopimelic acid (DAP) -type peptidoglycan according to claim 7 to 11 or one having the same. Identification kit. 検出・同定用キットが、炭疽菌の検出・同定用のキットである請求項12に記載のキット。The kit according to claim 12, wherein the detection / identification kit is a kit for detection / identification of Bacillus anthracis.
JP2002230006A 2002-08-07 2002-08-07 Protein PGRP-LE specifically recognizing diaminopimelate peptidoglycan possessed by Bacillus anthracis Expired - Fee Related JP3696578B2 (en)

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