この海水温度差発電の一例を示すと、図4に示すように蒸発器1で得られたアンモニアガスGを管路L1 でアンモニアタービン2に供給してこのアンモニアタービン2を作動して発電機3を駆動して電力を発生させ、このアンモニアタービン2で低温低圧となったアンモニアガスG’を管路L2 を介して凝縮器4に供給し、こゝで深層海水ポンプ5で管路L3 を介して供給される低温の深層海水W1 によって冷却されて凝縮して液体アンモニアLGとなり、管路L4 を経由してアンモニアポンプ6で加圧して蒸発器1に供給する。そしてこの蒸発器1において表層海水ポンプ7により管路L5 を介して供給される高温の表層海水W2 より熱を受けてアンモニアガスGを発生するようになっている。
この淡水化装置は、図5に示すように分離膜装置8の冷却側8a に冷却水ポンプ9で管路L6 を経由して低温の深層海水W1 を供給する。そして、原海水投入ポンプ10で表層海水W2 を海水ポンプ11を有する管路L7 を経由して熱交換器12に供給して昇温させた後、分離膜装置8の高温側8b に供給するようにしている。この高温側8b には膜体8c が配置されており、この膜体8c を表層海水W2 の一部が蒸気の状態で透過し、この蒸気は冷却側8a を流れる低温の深層海水W1 によって冷却されて淡水W3 となり、真空ポンプ13を経て貯槽14に回収するようになっている。
即ち、図4に示す発電装置の場合は、海水より大量の熱を得るために蒸発器1と凝縮器4に大量の海水を供給する必要があり、そのため深層海水ポンプ5と表層海水ポンプ7を駆動する電力は発電量の20%も必要とするために有効に利用できる電力が減少するばかりでなく、更に通常は表層海水W2 の温度が28℃程度と比較的低く、十分な熱量を確保するためには蒸発器1に大量の表層海水W2 を供給する必要とすることから装置が大型化するという問題があった。また、図5に示す淡水化装置の場合は、冷却水ポンプ9と原海水投入ポンプ10に多量の動力を必要とするという問題があった。
イ)深層と表層との海水の温度差が小さいことから、十分な熱量を得るためには大量の海水を必要とする。具体的には発電量12.5MWで30 t/sもの海水を必要とする。
【作 用】
【実 施 例】
そしてこのアンモニアタービン23で使用されたアンモニアガスG’は低温となって管路25から凝縮器26に供給され、こゝで深層海水ポンプ27(出力:14.4MW)により管路28を経て7℃程度の深層海水W1 (流量:2.92×105 kg/s)により冷却されて凝縮し、例えば12.5℃程度の液体アンモニアLGとなってアンモニアポンプ29により管路30を経て蒸発器21に供給される。
そしてこの蒸発器21には表層海水ポンプ31により管路32を経て供給される28℃程度の表層海水W2 (流量:3.52×105 kg/s)と、後述する管路33から供給される約41.8℃程度の加熱海水W4 (流量:1.35×103 kg/s)との混合海水W5 (流量:3.52×105 kg/s)が28℃程度となって供給され、液体アンモニアLGを気化させる。このようにして海水温度差発電が行なわれるのである。
一方、分離膜装置34の冷却側34aには管路28上で、かつ深層海水ポンプ27の下流側に連結された管路35から約7℃程度の深層海水W1 (流量:1.10×103 kg/s)が供給され、膜体34cを透過した蒸気を冷却した後、約25℃に昇温し、管路36において蒸発器21から送出された海水と合流して系外へ排出される。
表層海水ポンプ31により管路32に供給された表層海水W2 (流量:1.39×103 kg/s)の一部は管路37から熱交換器38に至り、こゝで55℃程度の加熱海水W4 となって分離膜装置34の高温側34bに至り、その一部が膜体34cを水蒸気となって透過して真空側34dに至り、こゝで冷却されて透過液となる。即ち、淡水(流量:34.7kg/s)が製造されることになる。なお、40は真空側34d内を真空に保持するための真空ポンプである。
分離膜装置34の高温側34bに供給された加熱海水W4 は、これを通過する間に41.8℃程度に減温されて加熱海水W5 となって管路33から管路32に流入し、蒸発器21に供給される。
この場合、実際の運転においては前記した発電系と淡水化系においては圧力損失が異なる。即ち、一般には淡水化系の圧力損失が大きい(抵抗が大きい)ために表層海水ポンプ31から供給される表層海水W2 が蒸発器21側へ流入し易く、管路37への流入量が減少する傾向がある。そのため、この管路32にバルブ39を設けてこれによって自動的に圧力制御して分離膜装置34側へ供給される表層海水W2 の流量を調節する。このバルブ39の代わりに流量を管路にオリフイスを設けて流量を調節するようにしてもよい。
なお、41は凝縮器26の排出管路であり、更に42は熱交換器21を通過した海水W5 の一部をアンモニアタービン23の軸受冷却水として利用して60℃程度に昇温させて熱交換器38の熱源とするための管路である。
図3は「淡水優先」の実施例のプロセスフローシートであり、淡水の製造量を増加させ、その代わりに淡水製造の排熱を用いてアンモニア蒸発器の大きさを小さくすることを目的としたものである。図3と図2との装置を比較すると、蒸発器の入口での海水温度が28℃から39℃と高くなっている。従って、ΔTm が大きくなるので熱交換器の伝熱面積を小さくすることができ、熱交換器全体の大きさを小さくすることができる。
本発明にかかる海水温度差を利用した発電・淡水化装置は、表層海水W2 と深層海水W1 との温度差を利用して熱媒を蒸発させ、得られた蒸気によって発電用タービン23を駆動して発電する装置と、表層海水W2 と深層海水W1 との温度差を利用して海水を淡水化する装置34とを併設し、前記両装置に深層海水W1 を供給する海水ポンプ27を兼用すると共に、前記発電装置側の温排水を淡水化装置の熱源とし、前記淡水化装置側の温排水を発電装置側の熱媒を加熱する熱源に利用することを特徴としており、次の効果を奏することができる。
なお、ポンプの容量にもよるが、103 〜105 t/h の容量のポンプは1台では実現できず、複数台のものを必要とする。従って、淡水化装置のポンプも複数台あり、このポンプ台数の削減による建設費の低下は大きいものがある。
B)淡水化装置の分離膜装置と34より排出される高温の温排水W5 を発電装置側の蒸発器21の熱原として使用することにより、この熱交換器21を小型化することができ、これもまた熱交換器21の製造コストを低減することができることになる。
C)タービン23の軸受部分を冷却した冷却水を淡水化装置の熱交換器38の熱原として使用することにより、表層海水W2 を温めるヒータが不要となる。
21 蒸発器 22,25,28,30,32,33 管路
23 アンモニアタービン 26 凝縮器 27 深層海水ポンプ
29 アンモニアポンプ 31 表層海水ポンプ 34 分離膜装置
34a 冷却側 34b 高温側 34c 膜体 34d 真空側
38 熱交換器 39 圧力損失の調整用具:バルブ
40 真空ポンプ 41 排水管路[0001]
[Industrial application fields]
The present invention is a power generation / desalination apparatus that uses seawater temperature difference, and more specifically, is installed in a barge or the like that floats in a relatively deep sea area to effectively use seawater temperature difference to simultaneously generate power and desalinate. It relates to a device that can
[Prior art]
Conventionally, in order to use natural energy, it has been proposed to use wind power, wave power or solar heat, and some of them are being put into practical use. One method is to recover the energy by utilizing the temperature difference of seawater, and this method effectively uses the seawater temperature difference of about 28 ° C on the surface layer of seawater and about 7 ° C of the deep layer of 500-600m. In order to obtain electric power and the like.
An example of this seawater temperature difference power generation is shown in FIG. 4. As shown in FIG. 4, the ammonia gas G obtained by the evaporator 1 is supplied to the ammonia turbine 2 through a pipe L 1, and the ammonia turbine 2 is operated to generate a generator 3. To generate electric power, and supply ammonia gas G ′, which has become low-temperature and low-pressure by the ammonia turbine 2, to the condenser 4 via the line L 2, and then the deep seawater pump 5 via the line L 3. Then, it is cooled and condensed by the low-temperature deep seawater W1 supplied to form liquid ammonia LG, which is pressurized by the ammonia pump 6 via the line L4 and supplied to the evaporator 1. In the evaporator 1, ammonia gas G is generated by receiving heat from the high-temperature seawater W2 supplied by the surface seawater pump 7 through the pipe L5.
On the other hand, a device for desalinating seawater independently of seawater temperature difference power generation has been proposed. In addition, seawater temperature differential power generation is performed by installing a plant on a floating body that floats in a sea area far away from the land, so the water for the people who operate this plant is necessary. Is.
As shown in FIG. 5, this desalination apparatus supplies low-temperature deep seawater W1 to the cooling side 8a of the separation membrane apparatus 8 via the pipe L6 by the cooling water pump 9. Then, after the surface seawater W2 is supplied to the heat exchanger 12 via the pipe L7 having the seawater pump 11 to be heated by the raw seawater charging pump 10, it is supplied to the high temperature side 8b of the separation membrane device 8. I have to. A film body 8c is disposed on the high temperature side 8b, and a part of the surface seawater W2 passes through the film body 8c in the form of steam, and this steam is cooled by the low-temperature deep seawater W1 flowing on the cooling side 8a. The water becomes fresh water W3 and is collected in the storage tank 14 through the vacuum pump 13.
As described above, the seawater temperature difference power generation apparatus and the seawater desalination apparatus are implemented independently, and no means has been proposed for improving efficiency by combining the two. By the way, the seawater temperature difference power generation device and the seawater desalination device have the following major problems.
That is, in the case of the power generation apparatus shown in FIG. 4, it is necessary to supply a large amount of seawater to the evaporator 1 and the condenser 4 in order to obtain a large amount of heat from seawater. The driving power requires 20% of the power generation amount, so that not only the power that can be used effectively is reduced, but also the surface seawater W2 is usually at a relatively low temperature of about 28 ° C. to ensure a sufficient amount of heat. Therefore, there is a problem that the apparatus becomes large because it is necessary to supply a large amount of surface seawater W2 to the evaporator 1. Further, the desalination apparatus shown in FIG. 5 has a problem that a large amount of power is required for the cooling water pump 9 and the raw seawater charging pump 10.
As described above, there are various problems in the seawater temperature difference power generation device and the seawater desalination device, which are summarized as follows.
1) Seawater temperature difference power generator a) The temperature difference between deep seawater and surface seawater is relatively small.
B) Since the temperature difference between the deep and surface seawater is small, a large amount of seawater is required to obtain a sufficient amount of heat. Specifically, it requires 30 t / s of seawater with a power generation of 12.5 MW.
(C) Since a large amount of seawater needs to be transferred as in (a), a large seawater pump is required.
D) A large amount of hot wastewater used for cooling the turbine is discarded, and energy is wasted.
2) Seawater desalination equipment A) A large amount of seawater is required to obtain a sufficient amount of heat. However, it is so small that it cannot be compared with the method 1).
B) A large-scale seawater pump is required to require a large amount of seawater.
C) A large amount of hot wastewater is discarded.
D) Seawater needs to be warmed for freshwater production.
As a result of analyzing the drawbacks of both the seawater temperature difference power generation method and the seawater desalination method, the present invention aims to find and propose that these drawbacks can be significantly improved by combining the two. It is.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The basic technical idea of the present invention is that both steps (A to C), (I to B), (U to A), and (D to D) are combined by combining two or more conditions. It is intended to improve the overall efficiency of the combined processes by complementing each other's drawbacks.
The power generation and desalination apparatus using the seawater temperature difference according to the present invention uses the temperature difference between the surface seawater and the deep seawater to evaporate the heat medium, and drives the power generation turbine with the obtained steam to generate power. And a device for desalinating seawater using a temperature difference between surface seawater and deep seawater, and also serves as a seawater pump that supplies deep seawater to both devices, Is used as a heat source for the desalination apparatus, and the warm drainage on the desalination apparatus side is used as a heat source for heating the heat medium on the power generation apparatus side.
Surface seawater is supplied to the power generator side and the seawater desalination device side by means of a seawater pump while preventing backflow through a pressure loss adjusting tool. Moreover, it is preferable to use a valve or an orifice as the pressure loss adjusting tool. Furthermore, it is preferable to use a membrane separator as the apparatus for desalinating seawater.
Since the seawater desalination device is added to the power generation facility using the seawater temperature difference, the seawater pump of the seawater desalination device can be reduced. Since the heat of the wastewater from the seawater desalination apparatus can be used as a heat source for heating the heat medium on the power generation apparatus side, heat can be used efficiently.
Hereinafter, based on FIG. 1 and 2, the Example of the power generation and desalination apparatus by the seawater temperature difference utilization by this invention is described.
FIG. 1 is a process flow sheet of an example of “power priority”. Ammonia gas G gasified by an evaporator 21 is supplied to an ammonia turbine 23 from a pipeline 22 at a temperature of about 22.9 ° C., for example. The turbine 23 is operated to drive the generator 24 (output: 129.5 MW).
The ammonia gas G ′ used in the ammonia turbine 23 becomes a low temperature and is supplied from the pipeline 25 to the condenser 26, where it passes through the pipeline 28 by the deep seawater pump 27 (output: 14.4 MW). It is cooled and condensed by deep seawater W1 (flow rate: 2.92 × 10 5 kg / s) of about 1 ° C., and becomes, for example, liquid ammonia LG of about 12.5 ° C. through the pipeline 30 by the ammonia pump 29. 21 is supplied.
The evaporator 21 is supplied from a surface seawater W2 (flow rate: 3.52 × 10 5 kg / s) of about 28 ° C. supplied by a surface seawater pump 31 via a line 32 and a line 33 described later. The mixed seawater W5 (flow rate: 3.52 × 10 5 kg / s) with heated seawater W4 (flow rate: 1.35 × 10 3 kg / s) of about 41.8 ° C. is supplied at about 28 ° C. The liquid ammonia LG is vaporized. In this way, seawater temperature difference power generation is performed.
On the other hand, on the cooling side 34a of the separation membrane device 34, the deep seawater W1 (flow rate: 1.10 × 10) is about 7 ° C. from the pipe 35 connected to the downstream side of the deep seawater pump 27 on the pipe 28. 3 kg / s) is supplied and after the vapor that has passed through the membrane 34c is cooled, the temperature is raised to about 25 ° C., merged with the seawater sent from the evaporator 21 in the pipeline 36, and discharged outside the system. The
A portion of the surface seawater W2 (flow rate: 1.39 × 10 3 kg / s) supplied to the pipe line 32 by the surface seawater pump 31 reaches the heat exchanger 38 from the pipe line 37, and this is about 55 ° C. Heated seawater W4 reaches the high temperature side 34b of the separation membrane device 34, a part of which passes through the membrane 34c as water vapor and reaches the vacuum side 34d, and is cooled by this to become a permeate. That is, fresh water (flow rate: 34.7 kg / s) is produced. Reference numeral 40 denotes a vacuum pump for keeping the vacuum side 34d in a vacuum.
The heated seawater W4 supplied to the high temperature side 34b of the separation membrane device 34 is reduced to about 41.8 ° C. while passing through it, and becomes heated seawater W5 and flows into the line 32 from the line 33, It is supplied to the evaporator 21.
In this case, in actual operation, the pressure loss differs between the power generation system and the desalination system. That is, in general, since the pressure loss of the desalination system is large (resistance is large), the surface seawater W2 supplied from the surface seawater pump 31 tends to flow into the evaporator 21 side, and the amount of inflow into the pipe 37 decreases. Tend. For this reason, a valve 39 is provided in the pipe line 32 to automatically control the pressure thereby adjusting the flow rate of the surface seawater W2 supplied to the separation membrane device 34 side. Instead of this valve 39, the flow rate may be adjusted by providing an orifice in the pipeline.
Reference numeral 41 denotes a discharge pipe of the condenser 26, and 42 denotes a part of seawater W5 that has passed through the heat exchanger 21 as bearing cooling water for the ammonia turbine 23 to raise the temperature to about 60 ° C. This is a pipe line that serves as a heat source for the exchanger 38.
In FIG. 2, the lines in FIG. 1 are indicated by symbols in circles, and the mass and heat balance is shown in Table 1 below.
FIG. 3 is a process flow sheet of the example of “fresh water priority”, which aims to increase the production amount of fresh water and instead reduce the size of the ammonia evaporator by using the waste heat of fresh water production. Is. Comparing the apparatus of FIG. 3 and FIG. 2, the seawater temperature at the inlet of the evaporator is as high as 28 ° C. to 39 ° C. Therefore, since ΔTm increases, the heat transfer area of the heat exchanger can be reduced, and the overall size of the heat exchanger can be reduced.
【The invention's effect】
The power generation and desalination apparatus using the seawater temperature difference according to the present invention uses the temperature difference between the surface seawater W2 and the deep seawater W1 to evaporate the heat medium, and drives the power generation turbine 23 with the obtained steam. And a device 34 for desalinating seawater using the temperature difference between the surface seawater W2 and the deep seawater W1, and a seawater pump 27 for supplying the seawater W1 to both the devices. The heat drainage on the power generation device side is used as a heat source for the desalination device, and the heat drainage on the desalination device side is used as a heat source for heating the heat medium on the power generation device side, and has the following effects Can do.
A) In order to use the deep seawater pump 27 on the power generation device side also as the deep seawater pump on the desalination device side, it is only necessary to prepare one or a few expensive pumps, and the cost of purchasing the pump can be reduced. .
Although depending on the capacity of the pump, a pump having a capacity of 10 3 to 10 5 t / h cannot be realized by one unit, and a plurality of pumps are required. Accordingly, there are a plurality of desalination pumps, and the reduction in the construction cost due to the reduction in the number of pumps is significant.
B) The heat exchanger 21 can be miniaturized by using the separation membrane device of the desalination device and the hot hot waste water W5 discharged from 34 as the heat source of the evaporator 21 on the power generation device side. This also can reduce the manufacturing cost of the heat exchanger 21.
C) By using the cooling water that has cooled the bearing portion of the turbine 23 as a heat source for the heat exchanger 38 of the desalination apparatus, a heater for heating the surface seawater W2 becomes unnecessary.
D) Since a seawater temperature difference desalination device is added to the existing seawater temperature difference power generation device, domestic freshwater can be supplied to power generation facilities in the sea area away from the land, so a series of devices can be installed efficiently. And it becomes possible to drive.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a flow sheet showing a first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for showing a substance / heat balance in the flow sheet of FIG. 2;
FIG. 3 is a flow sheet showing a second embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a flow sheet showing an example of a conventional seawater temperature difference power generation device.
FIG. 5 is a flow sheet showing an example of a conventional seawater temperature difference desalination apparatus.
[Explanation of symbols]
21 Evaporator 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33 Pipe 23 Ammonia turbine 26 Condenser 27 Deep seawater pump 29 Ammonia pump 31 Surface seawater pump 34 Separation membrane device 34a Cooling side 34b High temperature side 34c Membrane 34d Vacuum side 38 Heat exchanger 39 Pressure loss adjustment tool: Valve 40 Vacuum pump 41 Drain pipe