JP3612608B2 - Lifting device such as protruding pole type flag - Google Patents

Lifting device such as protruding pole type flag Download PDF


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図1と図4を参照すると、この発明による突出しポール式旗昇降装置(10)は、建物の壁面(W) 等に、駆動力伝達部ケーシング(30)を介して水平突出状に取り付けられる例えば長い円筒形のポール本体(4) と、ポール本体(4) の下方に左右一対の(3)(3)を介して水平状態に吊り下げられる旗等吊持バー(2) と、ポール本体(4) 内の中心部に長手方向に収められた角棒形の回転駆動軸(5) と、駆動軸(5) に嵌め被せられて回転方向には固定されて一緒に回転しかつ軸方向にはスライド自在となされるとともに周壁に巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)(22)を有する左右一対の巻取スプール(11)(21)とを備えている。
図2と図3に詳しく示すように、ポール本体(4) の左右両側の周壁頂部の所定箇所に、巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)に嵌まり込むピンなどよりなる巻取スプール推進用凸部(16)(26)が内方突出状に設けられ、これらの推進用凸部(16)(26)の先端部(16a)(26a)が螺旋状凹部(12)(22)内に一部嵌まり込んでおり、推進用凸部(16)(26)の先端部(16a)(26a)と螺旋状凹部(12)(22)の底壁との間には、(3)(3)を収容する空隙部(12a)(22a)が形成されている。
またポール本体(4) の左右両側において周壁底部の所要箇所に挿通孔(9)(9)があけられており、これらの挿通孔(9)(9)を通過した(3)(3)の先端部(3a)(3a)が左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)の端部の底壁にそれぞれねじ(7)(7)で止められている。
ここで、ポール本体(4) としては、長い円筒形のアルミニウム製パイプ、透明な合成樹脂製のパイプ、ステンレス鋼製パイプ等が使用される。
吊持バー(2) としては、アルミニウム等の金属製もしくは合成樹脂製の棒ないしは径小のパイプが用いられる。
さらにポール本体(4) の周壁の所定箇所に内方突出状に設けられて、巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)に嵌め込まれる巻取スプール推進用凸部(16)(26)としては、ピンなどを利用して1つないし2つ以上設ければ良いが、その他、所要の大きさを有する金属製あるいは合成樹脂製のチップを、ポール本体(4) の周壁内面に接着剤を用いて貼り付けることにより、推進用凸部(16)(26)を形成しても良い。また推進用凸部(16)(26)は、螺旋状凹部(12)(22)内に嵌まり込むものであれば、長い凸条であっても良い。
なお、ポール本体(4) 内の中心部に長手方向に収められた角棒形の回転駆動軸(5) の一端部には、傘歯車(33)(34)等を含む回転駆動力伝達機構が取り付けられていて、長い柄(46)付きハンドル(45)により駆動軸(5) が手動で回転せしめられるようになされている。
しかしながら、例えば図5に示すように、傘歯車(33)(34)等を含む回転駆動力伝達機構に、壁面(W) に埋設されたフレキシブルワイヤ(51)の上端部(51a) が接続され、かつ同ワイヤ(51)の下端部(51b) が、壁面(W) の高さの低い部分に設けられたハンドル差込み部(53)内に露出せしめられていて、該ワイヤ(51)の下端部(51b) に、通常の短い柄のハンドル(55)を接続して、該ハンドル(55)を回すことにより、駆動軸(5) が手動で回転せしめられるようになされていても良い。
また、図示は省略したが、回転駆動軸(5) の一端部に例えば小型モータの駆動軸が接続されていて、モータの作動により駆動軸(5) が自動的に回転せしめられるようになされていても良い。
回転駆動軸(5) の形状は、断面四角形、三角形、五角形等の角棒形に限らず、例えばスプライン溝を有する断面円形のものであっても良く、要するに、駆動軸(5) に嵌め被せられた一対の巻取スプール(11)(21)が、回転方向には固定されて一緒に回転しかつ軸方向にはスライド自在となされるようなものであれば、良い。
この発明の昇降装置(10)によって、最も降下した状態の旗(1) を掲揚する(上昇させる)場合には、例えば図4に示す長い柄(46)付きハンドル(45)の先端部を、駆動軸(5) の右端部に連なる傘歯車(33)(34)等を含む回転駆動力伝達機構に接続し、ハンドル(45)を回転させて、該駆動力伝達機構を介して回転駆動軸(5) を、これの右端部より見て反時計回りの方向に回転せしめる。
これにより、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転するとともに、左側巻取スプール(11)のいわゆる右巻きの巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)にポール本体(4) 側の推進用凸部(16)が嵌まり込みかつ右側巻取スプール(21)のいわゆる左巻きの巻取用螺旋状凹部(22)にポール本体(25)側の推進用凸部(26)が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向に互いに離れるようにスライドせしめられる。
従って、左右両(3)(3)の相互の噛み付き現象や片寄り巻きの発生を防止することができて、両(3)(3)のコンスタントな巻き取りが可能であり、ひいては両(3)(3)に吊り下げられた吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を、水平状態を保持しつゝ上昇させることができて、適正に掲揚することができる。
勿論、建物の2階やロビーの階上等に設置された突出しポールの場所まで上ることなく、吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を、非常に簡単な操作で上昇させることができるものである。
つぎに、上記のようにして掲揚した旗(1) を降ろすには、ハンドル(45)を今度は上記の場合と反対方向に回して、傘歯車(33)(34)等の回転駆動力伝達機構を介して回転駆動軸(5) を、該軸(5) 右端部より見て時計回りの方向に回転させれば良い。これにより、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)が駆動軸(5) と一緒に、上記の場合とは逆方向に回転するとともに、左側巻取スプール(11)の右巻きの巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)にポール本体(4) 側の推進用凸部(16)が嵌まり込みかつ右側巻取スプール(21)の左巻きの巻取用螺旋状凹部(22)にポール本体(25)側の推進用凸部(26)が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向に互いに近づくようにスライドせしめられる。
こうして、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)は回転しながら、駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向にスライドするため、左右両(3)(3)が、それぞれ同側の巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)より順に同じ長さ分ずつ繰り出されて巻き戻され、これによって両(3)(3)の巻き戻し長さを一定のものとすることができて、吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を傾くことなく、水平状態で降下せしめることができ、旗(1) を水平状態で適正に降ろすことができる。
なお、この発明の昇降装置によって昇降せしめられるものは、旗(1) だけでなく、垂れ幕などその他のものであってもよい。
まず、図1と図4を参照すると、この発明による旗昇降装置(10)は、建物の壁面(W) に、アルミニウム製箱形の駆動力伝達部ケーシング(30)を介して水平突出状に設けられた長い円筒形の同じくアルミニウム製のポール本体(4) と、ポール本体(4) の下側に左右一対の(3)(3)を介して水平状態に吊り下げられたアルミニウム製の旗吊持バー(2) と、ポール本体(4) 内の中心部に長手方向に収められた角棒形の回転駆動軸(5) と、駆動軸(5) に嵌め被せられて回転方向には固定されて一緒に回転しかつ軸方向にはスライド自在となされるとともに周壁に紐巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)(22)を有する左右一対のナイロン樹脂製の紐巻取スプール(11)(21)とを備えている。なお、箱形の駆動力伝達部ケーシング(30)は建物の壁面(W) に長いボルト(47)によって取り付けられている。
図1〜図3に詳しく示すように、ポール本体(4) の左端部は、アルミニウム製の蓋(6) が被せ止められ、蓋(6) の内側にはナイロン樹脂製の左側軸受部材(18)が固定されており、角棒形駆動軸(5) の左端部に設けられた横断面略円形の左軸端部(15)が該軸受部材(18)の貫通孔(19)に挿通されて回転自在に受けられている。この左軸端部(15)の内側端部には、軸受部材(18)の内側面に当接する位置決めリング(17)が一体に設けられ、該位置決めリング(17)寄りの角棒形駆動軸(5) 部分には、左側第1ストッパ(31)がねじ(7) により止められている。また角棒形駆動軸(5) の中央部の左側寄りの所定部分には、左側第2ストッパ(32)がねじ(7) により止められており、これら両ストッパ(31)(32)同士の間を、紐巻取スプール(11)がスライドするようになされている。
一方、ポール本体(4) の右端部のケーシング(30)の内側にはナイロン樹脂製の右側軸受部材(28)が固定されており、角棒形駆動軸(5) の右端部に設けられた横断面略円形の右軸端部(25)が該軸受部材(28)の貫通孔(29)に挿通されて回転自在に受けられている。この右軸端部(25)の内側端部には、軸受部材(28)の内側面に当接する位置決めリング(27)が一体に設けられ、該位置決めリング(27)寄りの角棒形駆動軸(5) 部分には、右側第1ストッパ(41)がねじ(7) により止められている。また角棒形駆動軸(5) の中央部の右側寄りの所定部分には、右側第2ストッパ(42)がねじ(7) により止められており、これら両ストッパ(41)(42)同士の間を、紐巻取スプール(21)がスライドするようになされている。
ここで、左右両紐巻取スプール(11)(21)は、それぞれの胴壁部(11a)(21a)に螺旋状の凸部(13)(23)が設けられることにより、凸部(13)(13)および凸部(23)(23)同士の間に螺旋状凹部(12)(22)が形成されたものであり、かつ左右両スプール(11)(21)の胴壁部(11a)(21a)の両端部には、ポール本体(4) の周壁の内径より若干小さい外径を有する端部リング(14)(14)(24)(24)が一体に設けられている。
そして、ポール本体(4) の左右両側の周壁頂部の所定箇所に、紐巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)に嵌まり込む巻取スプール推進用ピン(16)(26)が内方突出状に取り付けられている。これらのピン(16)(26)が、上記左右両スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)内に嵌まり込んだ状態で、ピン(16)(26)の先端部(16a)(26a)と螺旋状凹部(12)(22)の底壁、換言すれば左右両スプール(11)(21)の胴壁部(11a)(21a)との間に、紐(3)(3)を収容する空隙部(12a)(22a)が残されている。
また、ポール本体(4) の左右両側において周壁底部の所要箇所に紐挿通孔(9)(9)があけられ、これらの挿通孔(9)(9)を通過した紐(3)(3)の先端部(3a)(3a)が左右両紐巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)の端部の底壁、換言すれば左右両スプール(11)(21)の胴壁部(11a)(21a)にそれぞれねじ(7)(7)によって止められている。
なお、ポール本体(4) の左右両側において周壁底部外面に、上記紐挿通孔(9)(9)に連通しかつ上下両側にテーパ状および逆テーパ状内面を備えた貫通孔(8a)(8a)を有する紐ガイド・リング(8)(8)が取り付けられ、これらのリング(8)(8)の貫通孔(8a)(8a)に、上記左右両紐(3)(3)の長さの中間部が挿通せられている。
つぎに、回転駆動軸(5) の駆動力伝達部について説明すると、上記角棒形駆動軸(5) の右端部に設けられた横断面略円形の右軸端部(25)は、同側の軸受部材(28)を貫通して、箱形ケーシング(30)の左側壁部(30a) の貫通孔(35)を経てケーシング(30)内に突出し、該突出軸部に垂直傘歯車(33)が取り付けられて、ストッパリング(20)により止められている。垂直傘歯車(33)には、これの下部に交差状に配置された水平傘歯車(34)が噛み合わされている。水平傘歯車(34)の垂直軸(36)は箱形ケーシング(30)の下側壁部(30b) の貫通孔を通って下方に突出せしめられ、ケーシング下側壁部(30b) を通る垂直軸(36)の軸中間部(38)の上下両側に環状凸部(37)(37)が設けられ、ケーシング下側壁部(30b) より下方に突出した垂直軸(36)の下端軸部(39)には、長い柄(46)付きハンドル(45)の上端部が差し込まれる下方に開口した角孔(40)が設けられている。
箱形ケーシング(30)の下側壁部(30b) の下面には、垂直軸(36)の下端軸部(39)を囲むようにカバー・リング(43)が取り付けられ、カバー・リング(43)の差込み孔(44)の下端開口部には、ハンドル(45)上端部を案内するためのテーパ面が設けられている。
上記において、左右両紐(3)(3)により吊り下げられた吊持バー(2) と旗(1) が最も降下した状態では、図示は省略されているが、ポール本体(4) 内に収められた左右両紐巻取スプール(11)(21)は、左側第2ストッパ(32)と右側第2ストッパ(42)とに当接して、最も近づいた位置にある。
この発明の旗昇降装置(10)によって、最も降下した状態の旗(1) を掲揚する(上昇させる)場合には、図4に示す長い柄(46)付きハンドル(45)の先端部を、ケーシング(30)の下側壁部下面のカバー・リング(43)の差込み孔(44)(図1参照)に差し込み、ハンドル(45)を回転させて、垂直傘歯車(33)とこれに噛み合された水平傘歯車(34)を含む駆動力伝達機構を介して回転駆動軸(5) を、例えばこれの右端部より見て反時計回りの方向に回転せしめる。
これにより、左右両紐巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転し、かつこれらの螺旋状凹部(12)(22)にポール本体(4) 側のピン(16)(26)が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向に互いに近づくようにスライドせしめられる。
こうして、左右両紐(3)(3)が、それぞれ同側の巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)内にそれらの一端より順に収められて、図1〜図3に示すように、巻取スプール(11)(21)にそれぞれ一重に整列した状態に巻き取られ、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)が、角棒形駆動軸(5) の左右両端寄り部分の左側第1ストッパ(31)と右側第1ストッパ(41)とに当接したところで停止する。
従って、左右両紐(3)(3)の相互の噛み付き現象や片寄り巻きの発生を防止することができて、両紐(3)(3)のコンスタントな巻き取りが可能であり、ひいては両紐(3)(3)に吊り下げられた吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を、水平状態を保持しつゝ上昇させることができて、適正に掲揚することができる。勿論、建物の2階のレベルの壁面(W) に設置されている突出しポール本体(4) の場所まで上ることなく、吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を、非常に簡単な操作で上昇させることができる。
つぎに、こうして掲揚した旗(1) を降ろすには、ハンドル(45)を今度は上記の場合と反対方向に回して、傘歯車(33)(34)等の回転駆動力伝達機構を介して回転駆動軸(5) を、該軸(5) 右端部より見て時計回りの方向に回転させれば良い。
これにより、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)が駆動軸(5) と一緒に、上記の場合とは逆方向に回せしめられするとともに、左側紐巻取スプール(11)の右巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)にポール本体(4) 側のピン(16)が嵌まり込みかつ右側紐巻取スプール(21)の左巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部(22)にポール本体(25)側のピン(26)が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール(11)(21)が回転駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向に互いに近づくようにスライドせしめられ、両巻取スプール(11)(21)が角棒形駆動軸(5) の中央部の左側第2ストッパ(32)と右側第2ストッパ(42)とに、それぞれ当接したところで停止する。
こうして、左右両巻取スプール(11)(21)は回転しながら、駆動軸(5) に沿って軸方向に互いに近づくようにスライドするため、左右両紐(3)(3)が、それぞれ同側の巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)より順に同じ長さ分ずつ繰り出されて巻き戻され、これによって両紐(3)(3)の巻き戻し長さを一定のものとすることができて、吊持バー(2) と旗(1) を傾くことなく、水平状態で降下せしめることができ、旗(1) を水平状態で適正に降ろすことができる。
なお、角棒形駆動軸(5) に取り付けられた4つのストッパ(31)(32)(41)(42)の位置は、ねじ(7) をゆるめることにより自在に調節することができる。
図5は、この発明の第2実施例を示すものである。ここで、上記第1実施例の場合と異なる点は、建物の壁面(W) にフレキシブルワイヤ(51)が埋設されていて、該フレキシブルワイヤ(51)の上端部(51a) が、回転駆動力伝達機構の水平傘歯車(34)の垂直軸部(36)に接続され、かつ同ワイヤ(51)の下端部(51b) が、壁面(W) の高さの低い部分に設けられたハンドル差込み部(53)内に露出せしめられていて、該フレキシブルワイヤ(51)の下端部(51b) に、通常の短い柄のハンドル(55)を差し込んで接続し、ハンドル(55)を回すことにより、駆動軸(5) を手動で回転させて、旗(1) を昇降できるようになされている点にある。
また、この実施例では、建物の壁面(W) に取り付けられた駆動力伝達部ケーシング(30)にカバー(50)が被せられ、かつポール本体(4) の先端部に、矢形の飾り部材(52)が取り付けられている。
なお、建物の壁面(W) へのポール本体(4) の取付高さは、例えば旗(1) の長さ(高さ)を1m、および紐(3)(3)の繰出し全長をそれぞれ2mとして、約3m程度である。
W 建物の壁面
1 旗
2 旗等吊持バー

3a 紐先端部
4 ポール本体
5 回転駆動軸
9 紐挿通孔
10 旗等昇降装置
11 左側紐巻取スプール
12 紐巻取用螺旋状凹部
12a 紐収容空隙部
16 ピン(巻取スプール推進用凸部)
21 右側紐巻取スプール
22 紐巻取用螺旋状凹部
22a 紐収容空隙部
26 ピン(巻取スプール推進用凸部)
The present invention relates to a lifting device such as a protruding pole type flag.
[Prior art]
In recent years, flags and banners have been hung and displayed on poles protruding from the walls of buildings in streets and hotel lobbies, but in the past, this protruding pole has been covered with pulleys and strings. They hang flags, etc., or hang from the second floor of the building or the lobby floor and hang flags on the pole.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, in such a conventional method, in the former case, when the string is wound, the string is entangled and constant winding cannot be performed, and in the latter case, it is installed on the second floor of the building or on the lobby floor. There is a problem that it is very troublesome because it is necessary to go up to the place of the protruding pole and raise and lower the flag.
The object of the present invention is to solve the above-mentioned problems of the prior art and to suspend a hanging bar such as a flag.stringTake up bothstringAre wound around the take-up drum in a single aligned state,stringConfirm the winding length ofstringCan prevent the occurrence of mutual biting and offset winding,stringThis makes it possible to wind up and down in a horizontal state without tilting the suspension bar.stringIt is possible to determine the unwinding length in the same way, display flags in the proper horizontal state, and go up to the place of the protruding poles installed on the second floor of the building, the upper floor of the lobby, etc. Therefore, it is an object of the present invention to provide an elevating device such as a protruding pole type flag that can display or lower a flag or the like in a very simple and proper horizontal state.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above-mentioned object, a protruding pole type flag lifting apparatus according to the present invention includes a cylindrical pole body that is attached to protrude from a wall surface of a building, and a pair of left and right strings on the lower side of the pole body. A flag-like suspension bar that can be suspended in a horizontal state, a rotary drive shaft that is housed in the longitudinal direction in the center of the pole body, and a rotation shaft that is fitted on the drive shaft and fixed in the rotational direction. And a pair of left and right string take-up spools that are slidable in the axial direction and have a spiral recess for taking up the string on the peripheral wall.In the lifting device such as a protruding pole type flag,Take-up spool propulsion projections that fit into the spiral recesses of the take-up spool are provided at predetermined locations on the inner surfaces of the left and right sides of the pole body, and these propulsion projections fit into the spiral recesses. In between the tip of the projection for propulsion and the bottom wall of the spiral recessstringIs left on the left and right sides of the pole body at the required locations on the bottom of the peripheral wall.stringInsertion holes were drilled and passed through these insertion holesstringThe tip of,leftSide stringTake-up spoolAt the left end of the torso wallSpiral recessofEnd bottom wallAnd the bottom wall of the end of the spiral recess at the right end of the body wall of the right string take-up spoolRotation drive shaftIs rotated in the counterclockwise direction when viewed from the right end thereof, so that both the left and right string take-up spools are rotated, and the pole main body is placed on the right-hand wound spiral recess for the left-hand string take-up spool. The winding protrusions on the side of the pole are inserted into the spiral recesses on the left side of the right-hand string take-up spool. Along the drive shaft, they are slid away from each other in the axial direction, and the left and right strings are respectively stored in the spiral recesses of the winding spool on the same side in order from one end thereof, and are respectively placed on the winding spool in a single layer. The suspension bar and flag, etc., wound in an aligned state and suspended on both strings are raised while maintaining the horizontal state, and the rotational drive shaft is rotated in the clockwise direction when viewed from the right end of the shaft. By rotating it, both left and right The take-up spool rotates in the opposite direction to the above case, and the propelling protrusion on the pole body side is fitted into the right-handed spiral winding recess of the left-hand string take-up spool and the right-hand string take-up The winding convex part on the pole body side is fitted in the left spiral winding concave part of the spool, so that both winding spools are slid so as to approach each other along the rotational drive shaft in the axial direction. The left and right strings are unwound and unwound by the same length sequentially from the spiral recess of the winding spool on the same side,BothstringThe suspension bar and the flag etc.DescentIt is characterized by being able to squeeze.
Next, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings.
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 4, the protruding pole type flag lifting / lowering device (10) according to the present invention is attached to a wall surface (W) of a building in a horizontally protruding manner via a driving force transmission casing (30), for example. A long cylindrical pole body (4) and a pair of left and right under the pole body (4)string(3) A flag suspension bar (2) that is suspended in a horizontal state via (3), and a rectangular bar-shaped rotary drive shaft (5) that is housed in the center in the pole body (4). ) And the drive shaft (5), fixed in the rotational direction, rotated together and slidable in the axial direction, and on the peripheral wallstringA pair of left and right having a helical recess for winding (12) (22)stringTake-up spools (11) and (21) are provided.
As shown in detail in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, it fits into the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the take-up spools (11) and (21) at predetermined positions on the tops of the peripheral walls on the left and right sides of the pole body (4). Winding spool propulsion projections (16) (26) made of pins or the like are provided inwardly projecting, and the tip portions (16a) (26a) of these propulsion projections (16) (26) are spiral. Partly fitted in the recesses (12) and (22), the tip portions (16a) and (26a) of the propulsion projections (16) and (26), and the bottom walls of the spiral recesses (12) and (22) In betweenstring(3) A gap (12a) (22a) for accommodating (3) is formed.
Also, on the left and right sides of the pole body (4),stringInsertion holes (9) and (9) are drilled and passed through these insertion holes (9) and (9)string(3) The tip (3a) (3a) of (3) isstringThe winding spools (11) and (21) are respectively secured to the bottom walls of the spiral recesses (12) and (22) with screws (7) and (7).
Here, as the pole body (4), a long cylindrical aluminum pipe, a transparent synthetic resin pipe, a stainless steel pipe or the like is used.
As the suspension bar (2), a rod made of a metal such as aluminum or a synthetic resin or a pipe having a small diameter is used.
Furthermore, a winding spool propulsion convex portion provided in a predetermined position on the peripheral wall of the pole body (4) so as to protrude inwardly and fitted into the spiral concave portions (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21). (16) (26) may be provided with one or more pins using pins, etc. In addition, a metal or synthetic resin chip having a required size may be used as the pole body (4) The projecting protrusions (16) and (26) may be formed by adhering to the inner surface of the peripheral wall using an adhesive. The propelling convex portions (16) and (26) may be long convex strips as long as they fit into the spiral concave portions (12) and (22).
Note that a rotational driving force transmission mechanism including a bevel gear (33) (34) is provided at one end of a square rod-shaped rotational driving shaft (5) housed in the center in the pole body (4) in the longitudinal direction. The drive shaft (5) is manually rotated by a handle (45) with a long handle (46).
However, as shown in FIG. 5, for example, the upper end portion (51a) of the flexible wire (51) embedded in the wall surface (W) is connected to the rotational driving force transmission mechanism including the bevel gears (33) and (34). And the lower end portion (51b) of the wire (51) is exposed in a handle insertion portion (53) provided in a lower portion of the wall surface (W), and the lower end of the wire (51) The drive shaft (5) may be manually rotated by connecting an ordinary short handle (55) to the portion (51b) and turning the handle (55).
Although not shown, for example, a drive shaft of a small motor is connected to one end of the rotary drive shaft (5), and the drive shaft (5) is automatically rotated by the operation of the motor. May be.
The shape of the rotary drive shaft (5) is not limited to a square bar shape such as a quadrilateral cross section, a triangle, or a pentagon, but may be a circular cross section having a spline groove, for example, so that it is fitted on the drive shaft (5). A pair ofstringThe take-up spools (11) and (21) may be any as long as they are fixed in the rotational direction and rotate together and are slidable in the axial direction.
When the flag (1) in the most lowered state is displayed (raised) by the lifting device (10) of the present invention, for example, the tip of the handle (45) with a long handle (46) shown in FIG. Connected to a rotational drive force transmission mechanism including a bevel gear (33) (34) etc. connected to the right end of the drive shaft (5), rotates the handle (45), and rotates the rotational drive shaft via the drive force transmission mechanism. Rotate (5) in the counterclockwise direction when viewed from the right end.
As a result, both left and rightstringThe take-up spool (11) (21) rotates and the left sidestringSo-called right-hand winding of the take-up spool (11)stringThe propelling convex part (16) on the pole body (4) side is fitted in the spiral helical concave part (12) and the right sidestringThe so-called left-handed winding spool (21)stringBoth winding spools (11) and (21) are connected to the rotary drive shaft (5) by fitting the propelling convex portion (26) on the pole body (25) side into the spiral concave portion for winding (22). Are slid away from each other in the axial direction.
Thus, both left and rightstring(3) and (3) are respectively housed in the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21) on the same side in order from one end thereof, as shown in FIGS. The winding spools (11) and (21) are respectively wound up in a single line.
Therefore, both left and rightstring(3) The mutual biting phenomenon of (3) and the occurrence of offset winding can be prevented.string(3) Constant winding of (3) is possible.string(3) The suspension bar (2) and the flag (1) suspended from (3) can be raised while maintaining the horizontal state and can be properly displayed.
Of course, the lifting bar (2) and the flag (1) can be raised by a very simple operation without going up to the place of the protruding pole installed on the second floor of the building or the upper floor of the lobby. It is.
Next, to lower the flag (1) displayed as described above, turn the handle (45) in the opposite direction to the above case, and transmit the rotational driving force such as the bevel gears (33) (34). The rotation drive shaft (5) may be rotated in the clockwise direction when viewed from the right end of the shaft (5) via the mechanism. As a result, the left and right take-up spools (11) and (21) are moved together with the drive shaft (5) in the opposite direction.RotateWith left sidestringRight-hand winding of the take-up spool (11)stringThe propelling convex part (16) on the pole body (4) side is fitted in the spiral helical concave part (12) and the right sidestringThe left-hand winding of the take-up spool (21)stringBoth winding spools (11) and (21) are connected to the rotary drive shaft (5) by fitting the propelling convex portion (26) on the pole body (25) side into the spiral concave portion for winding (22). Are slid so as to approach each other in the axial direction.
Thus, both the left and right take-up spools (11), (21) slide in the axial direction along the drive shaft (5) while rotating.string(3) and (3) are unwound by the same length in order from the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21) on the same side.string(3) The unwinding length of (3) can be made constant, the suspension bar (2) and the flag (1) can be lowered in a horizontal state without tilting, and the flag (1 ) Can be properly lowered in a horizontal state.
In addition, what is lifted and lowered by the lifting device of the present invention is not limited to the flag (1), but may be other things such as a banner.
Also, a pair of left and rightstringOn the peripheral wall of the take-up spool (11) (21), each of the trunk wall portions (11a) (21a) is provided with a spiral convex portion (13) (23), whereby the convex portion (13) (13 ) And the convex part (23) (23)stringWinding spiral recesses (12), (22) may be provided, or both left and rightstringThe body wall portions (11a) and (21a) of the take-up spools (11) and (21) themselves may be provided with male threads (not shown) of right or left threads.
Next, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings.
In this specification, left and right are based on FIG. 1, left means the left side of FIG. 1, right means the same right side, upper means the upper side of the figure, and lower means the lower side.
Example 1
1 to 4 show a first embodiment of the present invention.
First, referring to FIG. 1 and FIG. 4, the flag elevating device (10) according to the present invention is formed in a horizontally projecting manner on the wall surface (W) of a building via an aluminum box-shaped driving force transmission casing (30). A long cylindrical pole body made of aluminum (4), and a pair of left and right sides under the pole body (4).string(3) Aluminum flag suspension bar (2) suspended horizontally via (3), and a square bar-shaped rotational drive housed in the center of the pole body (4) in the longitudinal direction The shaft (5) and the drive shaft (5) are fitted and fixed in the rotational direction, rotate together, and are slidable in the axial direction. And a pair of left and right nylon resin string take-up spools (11) and (21) having (22). The box-shaped driving force transmission casing (30) is attached to the wall surface (W) of the building with a long bolt (47).
As shown in detail in FIG. 1 to FIG. 3, the left end of the pole body (4) is covered with an aluminum lid (6), and a nylon resin left bearing member (18) is placed inside the lid (6). ) Is fixed, and the left shaft end portion (15) having a substantially circular cross section provided at the left end portion of the square rod drive shaft (5) is inserted into the through hole (19) of the bearing member (18). And is received freely. A positioning ring (17) that is in contact with the inner surface of the bearing member (18) is integrally provided at the inner end of the left shaft end (15), and a square rod type drive shaft near the positioning ring (17). (5) The left first stopper (31) is fixed to the portion with a screw (7). In addition, a left second stopper (32) is fixed to a predetermined portion near the left side of the central portion of the square rod type drive shaft (5) by a screw (7). The string take-up spool (11) slides between them.
On the other hand, the right side bearing member (28) made of nylon resin is fixed inside the casing (30) at the right end of the pole body (4), and is provided at the right end of the square-shaped drive shaft (5). A right shaft end (25) having a substantially circular cross section is inserted into the through hole (29) of the bearing member (28) and is rotatably received. A positioning ring (27) that is in contact with the inner surface of the bearing member (28) is integrally provided at the inner end of the right shaft end (25), and a square rod-shaped drive shaft near the positioning ring (27) is provided. (5) The right first stopper (41) is fixed to the portion with a screw (7). Further, a right second stopper (42) is fixed to a predetermined portion near the right side of the central portion of the square rod type drive shaft (5) by a screw (7), and the two stoppers (41) (42) are connected to each other. The string take-up spool (21) slides between them.
Here, the left and right string take-up spools (11), (21) are provided with spiral projections (13), (23) on the trunk wall portions (11a), (21a). ) (13) and the convex portions (23) (23) are formed with spiral concave portions (12) (22), and the body wall portions (11a) of the left and right spools (11) (21) ) (21a) are integrally provided with end rings (14) (14) (24) (24) having outer diameters slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the peripheral wall of the pole body (4).
Then, the take-up spool propulsion pin (16) fitted into the spiral recesses (12), (22) of the string take-up spools (11), (21) at predetermined positions on the tops of the peripheral walls on both the left and right sides of the pole body (4). ) (26) is attached in an inward protruding manner. With these pins (16) and (26) fitted into the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the left and right spools (11) and (21), the tips of the pins (16) and (26) (16a) (26a) and the bottom wall of the spiral recess (12) (22), in other words, between the left and right spools (11) (21) trunk wall (11a) (21a), the string (3 ) (3) is left in the gaps (12a) and (22a).
In addition, string insertion holes (9) and (9) are opened at required positions on the bottom of the peripheral wall on both the left and right sides of the pole body (4), and the strings (3) and (3) that have passed through these insertion holes (9) and (9). The front end (3a) (3a) of the left and right string take-up spools (11) (21) of the spiral recesses (12) (22) end wall of the end, in other words, the left and right both spools (11) (21 ) Are fixed to the body wall portions (11a) and (21a) by screws (7) and (7), respectively.
In addition, through holes (8a) (8a) which are connected to the string insertion holes (9) and (9) on both the left and right sides of the pole body (4) and which have tapered and reverse tapered inner surfaces on both upper and lower sides. Are attached to the through-holes (8a) and (8a) of these rings (8) and (8). The middle part of is inserted.
Next, the drive force transmission portion of the rotary drive shaft (5) will be described. The right shaft end portion (25) having a substantially circular cross section provided at the right end portion of the square rod drive shaft (5) Through the bearing member (28) of the box-shaped casing (30), projecting into the casing (30) through the through hole (35) of the left side wall (30a) of the box-shaped casing (30), and a vertical bevel gear (33 ) Is attached and stopped by the stopper ring (20). The vertical bevel gear (33) meshes with a horizontal bevel gear (34) arranged in a crossing manner at the lower portion thereof. The vertical shaft (36) of the horizontal bevel gear (34) is protruded downward through the through hole in the lower wall portion (30b) of the box-shaped casing (30) and passes through the lower wall portion (30b) of the casing (30b). 36) An annular protrusion (37) (37) is provided on both upper and lower sides of the shaft intermediate portion (38), and a lower end shaft portion (39) of the vertical shaft (36) protruding downward from the casing lower side wall portion (30b). Is provided with a square hole (40) opened downward into which the upper end of the handle (45) with a long handle (46) is inserted.
A cover ring (43) is attached to the lower surface of the lower wall portion (30b) of the box-shaped casing (30) so as to surround the lower end shaft portion (39) of the vertical shaft (36), and the cover ring (43) A tapered surface for guiding the upper end of the handle (45) is provided at the lower end opening of the insertion hole (44).
In the above, in the state where the suspension bar (2) and the flag (1) suspended by the left and right strings (3) (3) are lowered most, the illustration is omitted, but the pole body (4) The stored left and right string take-up spools (11), (21) are in contact with the left second stopper (32) and the right second stopper (42) and are in the closest positions.
When the flag (1) in the most lowered state is displayed (raised) by the flag lifting device (10) of the present invention, the tip of the handle (45) with the long handle (46) shown in FIG. Insert it into the insertion hole (44) (see Fig. 1) of the cover ring (43) on the lower surface of the lower wall of the casing (30) and rotate the handle (45) to engage with the vertical bevel gear (33). For example, the rotary drive shaft (5) is rotated in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from the right end thereof through a drive force transmission mechanism including the horizontal bevel gear (34).
As a result, the left and right string take-up spools (11) and (21) rotate, and the pins (16) and (26) on the pole body (4) side are fitted into these spiral recesses (12) and (22). Accordingly, the winding spools (11) and (21) are slid along the rotation drive shaft (5) so as to approach each other in the axial direction.
Thus, the left and right strings (3) (3) are respectively stored in the spiral recesses (12), (22) of the winding spools (11), (21) on the same side in order from one end thereof, as shown in FIGS. As shown in FIG. 3, the take-up spools (11) and (21) are wound in a single-aligned state, and both the left and right take-up spools (11) and (21) are attached to the square rod-shaped drive shaft (5). It stops when it comes into contact with the left first stopper (31) and the right first stopper (41) near the left and right ends.
Therefore, it is possible to prevent the left and right strings (3) and (3) from being engaged with each other and the occurrence of offset winding, so that the strings (3) and (3) can be wound continuously, and eventually both The suspension bar (2) and the flag (1) suspended from the strings (3) and (3) can be raised while maintaining the horizontal state, and can be properly displayed. Of course, the lifting bar (2) and flag (1) can be operated with very simple operation without going up to the place of the protruding pole body (4) installed on the wall (W) on the second floor of the building. Can be raised.
Next, in order to lower the flag (1) displayed in this way, the handle (45) is turned in the opposite direction to the above case, via a rotational driving force transmission mechanism such as a bevel gear (33) (34). The rotational drive shaft (5) may be rotated in the clockwise direction when viewed from the right end of the shaft (5).
As a result, both the left and right take-up spools (11) and (21) are rotated together with the drive shaft (5) in the opposite direction to the above case, and the left-hand string take-up spool (11) is wound clockwise. The pin (16) on the pole body (4) side is fitted into the spiral winding recess (12) for winding the string, and the pole is inserted into the spiral winding recess (22) for winding the left winding of the right strap winding spool (21). Since the pin (26) on the main body (25) side is fitted, the winding spools (11) and (21) are slid along the rotational drive shaft (5) so as to approach each other in the axial direction, The two take-up spools (11) and (21) stop when they come into contact with the left second stopper (32) and the right second stopper (42) at the center of the square bar drive shaft (5), respectively.
In this way, the left and right take-up spools (11) and (21) slide while moving toward each other in the axial direction along the drive shaft (5) while rotating, so that both the left and right strings (3) and (3) are the same. The unwinding lengths of both strings (3) and (3) are unwound by unwinding and unwinding by the same length sequentially from the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21) on the side. Can be lowered and can be lowered in a horizontal state without tilting the suspension bar (2) and the flag (1), and the flag (1) can be properly lowered in the horizontal state. .
The positions of the four stoppers (31), (32), (41), and (42) attached to the square bar drive shaft (5) can be freely adjusted by loosening the screws (7).
Example 2
FIG. 5 shows a second embodiment of the present invention. Here, the difference from the case of the first embodiment is that a flexible wire (51) is embedded in the wall surface (W) of the building, and the upper end portion (51a) of the flexible wire (51) has a rotational driving force. Connected to the vertical shaft part (36) of the horizontal bevel gear (34) of the transmission mechanism, and the lower end part (51b) of the wire (51) is a handle insertion provided at the lower part of the wall surface (W). It is exposed in the section (53), and a normal short handle (55) is inserted and connected to the lower end (51b) of the flexible wire (51), and the handle (55) is turned, The flag (1) can be raised and lowered by manually rotating the drive shaft (5).
Further, in this embodiment, the cover (50) is placed on the driving force transmission casing (30) attached to the wall (W) of the building, and the arrow-shaped decorative member ( 52) is installed.
Note that the height of the pole body (4) attached to the wall surface (W) of the building is, for example, 1m for the length (height) of the flag (1) and 2m for the total length of the strings (3) and (3). Is about 3 m.
Since the other points of the second embodiment are the same as those of the first embodiment, the same reference numerals are given to the same components in the drawings.
【The invention's effect】
The protruding pole type flag lifting and lowering device according to the present invention, as described above, is in a horizontal state through a cylindrical pole body that is attached in a protruding manner from the wall surface of the building, etc., and a pair of left and right strings on the lower side of the pole body A suspension bar, such as a flag, which is hung on the pole, a rotary drive shaft which is housed in the longitudinal direction in the center of the pole body, and a shaft that is fitted on the drive shaft and fixed in the rotational direction, and rotates together and is axial. Includes a pair of left and right string take-up spools that are slidable and have a helical recess for taking up the string on the peripheral wall.In the lifting device such as a protruding pole type flag,Take-up spool propulsion projections that fit into the spiral recesses of the take-up spool are provided at predetermined locations on the inner surfaces of the left and right sides of the pole body, and these propulsion projections fit into the spiral recesses. In between the tip of the projection for propulsion and the bottom wall of the spiral recessstringIs left on the left and right sides of the pole body at the required locations on the bottom of the peripheral wall.stringInsertion holes were drilled and passed through these insertion holesstringThe tip of,leftSide stringTake-up spoolAt the left end of the torso wallSpiral recessofEnd bottom wallAnd the bottom wall of the end of the spiral recess at the right end of the body wall of the right string take-up spoolRotation drive shaftIs rotated in the counterclockwise direction when viewed from the right end thereof, so that both the left and right string take-up spools are rotated, and the pole main body is placed on the right-hand wound spiral recess for the left-hand string take-up spool. The winding protrusions on the side of the pole are inserted into the spiral recesses on the left side of the right-hand string take-up spool. Along the drive shaft, they are slid away from each other in the axial direction, and the left and right strings are respectively stored in the spiral recesses of the winding spool on the same side in order from one end thereof, and are respectively placed on the winding spool in a single layer. The suspension bar and flag, etc., wound in an aligned state and suspended on both strings are raised while maintaining the horizontal state, and the rotational drive shaft is rotated in the clockwise direction when viewed from the right end of the shaft. By rotating it, both left and right The take-up spool rotates in the opposite direction to the above case, and the propelling protrusion on the pole body side is fitted into the right-handed spiral winding recess of the left-hand string take-up spool and the right-hand string take-up The winding convex part on the pole body side is fitted in the left spiral winding concave part of the spool, so that both winding spools are slid so as to approach each other along the rotational drive shaft in the axial direction. The left and right strings are unwound and unwound by the same length sequentially from the spiral recess of the winding spool on the same side,BothstringThe suspension bar and the flag etc.DescentIt is designed to be squeezed.
Therefore, according to the present invention, when winding a pair of strings for suspending a hanging bar such as a flag,stringCan prevent the occurrence of mutual biting and offset winding,stringConstant winding, so the winding spoolstringCan be securely wrapped in a single aligned state,stringThe winding length can be constant, or after winding, bothstringCan be rewound sequentially from a single aligned state.stringThe unwinding length can be made constant as well, so that the lifting bar can be raised and lowered in a horizontal state without tilting, and flags or the like can be raised or lowered in an appropriate horizontal state Can do.
Also, of course, it is possible to display or lift flags very easily without going up to the location of the protruding poles installed on the second floor of the building or on the lobby floor, and the operation is very simple. Play.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a first embodiment of the present invention, showing a state in which a flag is in a hoisting position by winding a string.
FIG. 2 is an enlarged longitudinal sectional view of a left portion of the same embodiment.
FIG. 3 is an enlarged longitudinal sectional view of a right portion of the same embodiment.
FIG. 4 is a schematic front view showing a state in which a flag is displayed by the product of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a schematic front view showing a second embodiment of the present invention, showing a state in which a flag is in a display position by winding a string.
[Explanation of symbols]
W Wall of the building
1 flag
2 Flags and other bars
3a String tip
4 pole body
5 Rotation drive shaft
9 String insertion hole
10 Flag lifting device
11 Left-hand string take-up spool
12 Spiral recess for winding the string
12a String receiving gap
16 pin (protrusion for winding spool propulsion)
21 Right-hand string take-up spool
22 Spiral recess for winding the string
22a String receiving gap
26 pin (protrusion for winding spool propulsion)

Claims (1)

建物の壁面(W) 等より突出し状に取り付けられる筒形のポール本体(4) と、ポール本体(4) の下側に左右一対の(3)(3)を介して水平状態に吊り下げられる旗等吊持バー(2) と、ポール本体(4) 内の中心部に長手方向に収められた回転駆動軸(5) と、駆動軸(5) に嵌め被せられて回転方向には固定されて一緒に回転しかつ軸方向にはスライド自在となされるとともに周壁に巻取用螺旋状凹部(12)(22)を有する左右一対の巻取スプール(11)(21)とを備えている突出しポール式旗等昇降装置において、ポール本体(4) の左右両側の内面所定箇所に、巻取スプール(11)(21)の螺旋状凹部(12)(22)に嵌まり込む巻取スプール推進用凸部(16)(26)が設けられ、これらの推進用凸部(16)(26)が螺旋状凹部(12)(22)内に嵌まり込んだ状態で、推進用凸部(16)(26)の先端部と、螺旋状凹部(12)(22)底壁との間に(3)(3)を収容する空隙部(12a)(22a)が残され、ポール本体(4) の左右両側において周壁底部の所要箇所に挿通孔(9)(9)があけられ、これらの挿通孔(9)(9)を通過した(3)(3)の先端部(3a)(3a)が側紐巻取スプール(11)の胴壁部 (11a) の左端部で螺旋状凹部(12) 端部の底壁および右側紐巻取スプール (21) の胴壁部 (21a) の右端部で螺旋状凹部 (22) の端部の底壁にそれぞれ止められており、回転駆動軸(5) を、これの右端部より見て反時計回りの方向に回転せしめることにより、左右両紐巻取スプール (11)(21) が回転するとともに、左側紐巻取スプール (11) の右巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部 (12) にポール本体 (4) 側の推進用凸部 (16) が嵌まり込みかつ右側紐巻取スプール (21) の左巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部 (22) にポール本体 (25) 側の推進用凸部 (26) が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール (11)(21) が回転駆動軸 (5) に沿って軸方向に互いに離れるようにスライドせしめられ、左右両紐 (3)(3) が、それぞれ同側の巻取スプール (11)(21) の螺旋状凹部 (12)(22) 内にそれらの一端より順に収められて、巻取スプール (11)(21) にそれぞれ一重に整列した状態に巻き取られ、両紐 (3)(3) に吊り下げられた吊持バー (2) と旗等 (1) が水平状態を保持しつゝ上昇せしめられ、回転駆動軸 (5) を、該軸 (5) 右端部より見て時計回りの方向に回転せしめることにより、左右両巻取スプール (11)(21) が、上記の場合とは逆方向に回転するとともに、左側紐巻取スプール (11) の右巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部 (12) にポール本体 (4) 側の推進用凸部 (16) が嵌まり込みかつ右側紐巻取スプール (21) の左巻きの紐巻取用螺旋状凹部 (22) にポール本体 (25) 側の推進用凸部 (26) が嵌まり込んでいることにより、両巻取スプール (11)(21) が回転駆動軸 (5) に沿って軸方向に互いに近づくようにスライドせしめられ、左右両紐 (3)(3) が、それぞれ同側の巻取スプール (11)(21) の螺旋状凹部 (12)(22) より順に同じ長さ分ずつ繰り出されて巻き戻され、(3)(3)に吊り下げられた吊持バー(2) と旗等(1) が水平状態を保持しつゝ降下せしめられるようになされている、突出しポール式旗等昇降装置。A cylindrical pole body (4) that protrudes from the wall (W) of the building, etc., and a pair of left and right strings (3) (3) that hang horizontally below the pole body (4) The flag suspension bar (2), the rotation drive shaft (5) stored in the center of the pole body (4) in the longitudinal direction, and the drive shaft (5) are fitted and fixed in the rotation direction. has been a rotating and axially cord take-helical recess in the peripheral wall with made slidable together (12) a pair of left and right cord take-up spool having a (22) (11) (21) In the lifting and lowering device such as a protruding pole type flag , the winding body fitted into the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21) at predetermined positions on the inner surfaces of the left and right sides of the pole body (4). Spool propulsion projections (16), (26) are provided, and these propulsion projections (16), (26) are fitted into the spiral recesses (12), (22), and the propulsion projections (16) The tip of (26) and the spiral recess (12) (22 ) The gaps (12a) (22a) for accommodating the strings (3) and (3) are left between the bottom wall and the string insertion holes (9) at the required locations on the bottom of the peripheral wall on both the left and right sides of the pole body (4). (9) is opened, body wall of the insertion hole (9) (9) the cord passing through the (3) (3) tip of (3a) (3a) are left-side cord take-up spool (11) part end of the spiral-shaped recess (22) at the right end portion of the body wall portion of the bottom wall and the right Himomakito spool end of the helical recess at the left end of (11a) (1 2) (21) (21a) The left and right string take-up spools (11) and (21) are rotated by rotating the rotary drive shaft (5) counterclockwise as viewed from the right end of the rotary drive shaft (5). In addition, the propelling protrusion (16) on the pole body (4) side is fitted into the right spiral winding recess (12) of the left string winding spool (11) and the right string winding spool pole body (25) side of the propulsion convex portions left handed cord take-helical recess (22) (21) (26) is crowded fits And by, Ryomakito spool (11) (21) are slid away from each other axially along the rotary drive shaft (5), left and right cord (3) (3), winding each ipsilateral preparative spool (11) helical recesses (21) (12) (22) is housed in order from one end thereof in, wound in a state aligned in single respective take-up spool (11) (21), The suspension bar (2) and the flag (1) suspended from both the strings (3) and (3) are raised while maintaining the horizontal state, and the rotary drive shaft (5) is moved to the shaft (5). By rotating in the clockwise direction when viewed from the right end, both the left and right take-up spools (11) and (21) rotate in the opposite direction to the above and the right side of the left string take-up spool (11) The propelling convex part (16) on the pole body (4) side is fitted in the spiral concave part (12) for winding the winding string, and the spiral concave part for winding the left winding of the right string winding spool (21). (22) to the pole body (25) side of the propulsion projection (26) is fitted By're in silicon, Ryomakito spool (11) (21) are slid towards each other in the axial direction along the rotary drive shaft (5), left and right cord (3) (3), respectively Suspensions that are unwound by the same length in order from the spiral recesses (12) and (22) of the winding spools (11) and (21) on the same side, and are suspended from both strings (3) and (3). A lifting pole-type flag lifting and lowering device in which the holding bar (2) and the flag (1) can be lowered while maintaining the horizontal state.
JP33645695A 1995-12-25 1995-12-25 Lifting device such as protruding pole type flag Expired - Fee Related JP3612608B2 (en)

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JP33645695A JP3612608B2 (en) 1995-12-25 1995-12-25 Lifting device such as protruding pole type flag

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JP33645695A JP3612608B2 (en) 1995-12-25 1995-12-25 Lifting device such as protruding pole type flag

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KR100841025B1 (en) * 2007-06-22 2008-06-24 (주)성우에스람 Flag hoisting device
KR100921746B1 (en) * 2007-12-03 2009-10-15 주식회사 유아이케이 A sign board that up and down an advertisement

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