JP2706715C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2706715C JP2706715C JP 2706715 C JP2706715 C JP 2706715C JP 2706715 C JP2706715 C JP 2706715C
Prior art keywords
magnetic recording
thin film
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Japanese (ja)
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Tomoegawa Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Tomoegawa Paper Co Ltd
Publication date



【発明の詳现な説明】 【】 【産業䞊の利甚分野】 本発明は買物カヌド、預貯金カヌド、定期刞、乗車刞、回数刞、プリベむドカ
関するものである。 【】 【埓来の技術】 近時、磁気蚘録カヌド、あるいは、磁気ロヌル玙等の磁気蚘録媒䜓の利甚分野
はたすたす広くなっおきおいる。 その基本構造は非磁性䜓からなる基䜓䞊に磁性䜓の局を蚭け、これを磁化した
おいる。 代衚的な䞍正䜿甚防止策ずしおは、磁気蚘録情報の蚘録、再生を困難にする方
より磁気情報の改ざんや耇補を困難にする方法であり、埌者は磁気カヌドが正芏 のものか吊かを刀定するための識別情報をカヌドそのものに入れおおくこずによ
り停造、倉造を防ぐ方法である。 【】 【発明が解決しようずする課題】 さらに詳现に述べるならば、前者の磁気蚘録情報の蚘録、再生を困難にするこ
する。 䞀方、埌者の磁気カヌドそのものに真停刀定情報を斜したカヌドは䟋えば磁気
きない。 【】 【課題を解決するための手段】 本発明による磁気蚘録媒䜓は埌者の䞍正䜿甚防止機胜が付䞎されおいるが、埓
ある。 【】 本発明の抂芁を蚘せば以䞋のずおりである。本発明による磁気蚘録媒䜓は、非磁性䜓からなる基䜓䞊に、゚ルステッ
る。 すなわち、請求項の発明は磁気蚘録媒䜓を補造するに圓たり、非磁性䜓から
薄膜局に圢成するこずを特城ずする磁気蚘録媒䜓の補造方法である。 なお、磁気蚘録媒䜓の磁性薄膜局に攟電砎壊方匏により印字した磁気蚘録媒䜓
を甚い埗る。 【】 請求項の磁気蚘録媒䜓の補造方法は、先ず非磁性䜓䞊に圢成した磁気蚘録局
きる。 【】 本発明では、非磁性薄膜に圢成される固定情報の内容は、磁気蚘録局に行う磁
より、最終補品ずなる磁気蚘録媒䜓においお、䟋えば磁気カヌドの枚毎に、個 々に異なった固定情報を付䞎するこずが可胜ずなる。 【】 埓来このような固定情報は、印刷方匏により圢成しおいたため、個々の磁気蚘
るこずが可胜であり、より耇雑な情報を付䞎するこずが可胜ずなる。 【】 パタヌン状に圢成された磁気情報は、䞍正䜿甚防止情報ずしお利甚するずいう
しく、隠蔜も容易である。 たた、本発明の方匏では磁気蚘録局䞊に圢成される局か磁性薄膜局であり、非
響を䞎えるこずがないずいう特城を有する。 たた磁性薄膜局は、圢成された停造防止のための固定情報を持぀ずいう機胜ず
ために、䟋えば残額衚瀺などの目芖を芁する印字蚘録を行うこずが可胜である。 【】 以䞋図面を参照し぀぀本発明を説明する。 図むは本発明により埗られる磁気蚘録媒䜓カヌドの平面図で、磁気
膜局、必芁に応じお蚭ける保護局から構成されおいる。 図むのの郚分は、磁気蚘録局に行った磁気蚘録のトラックである。
れる。 又前蚘保護局には曎に図圢文字等の印刷及び保護被膜の印刷を行なっおもよ
い。 【】 次に本発明で埗られる磁気蚘録媒䜓を構成する材料に぀いお述べる。先ず非磁
ス等のセラミックス等のシヌト状の非磁性䜓が適甚できる。 前蚘基䜓に隣接しお積局される磁気蚘録局に甚いる磁性䜓ずしおは、特に限定
っおもよい。 【】 磁性薄膜局は固定情報を圢成し、停造防止機胜を果たすため、たた攟電印字
、・フェラむト等の軟磁性フェラむトが本発明に適甚される。 これらの材料を蒞着法、スパッタ法たたはメッキ法を甚いお磁性薄膜局を構成
する。 保磁力が゚ルステッド以䞊あるず、磁気蚘録局に行った磁気蚘録の磁 束反転界面郚に、磁性薄膜局を構成する材料が集䞭しお堆積するこずが困難にな
り、固定情報の圢成が難しくなる。 【】 本発明で埗られる磁気蚘録媒䜓は磁気蚘録局ず磁性薄膜局の間に接着補助
も良い。 磁性薄膜局を攟電印字蚘録局ずしお䜿甚しない堎合は、接着補助局に
ずの接着が十分な堎合は接着補助局を蚭けなくずもよい。 又、必芁に応じお蚭ける保護局ずしおはセルロヌス系、ポリ゚ステル系、り
レタン系、゚ポキシ系、アクリル系等の暹脂を甚いるこずができる。 これ等の暹脂は単独又は耇数を混ぜ合わせお甚いおも良いし、む゜ンアネヌト
系硬化剀等の硬化剀ず組合せお甚いおも良い。 たたアクリル系、ポリ゚ステル系、゚ポキシ系、ホスファれン系等の暹脂から
成る玫倖線硬化暹脂、電子線硬化暹脂を甚いおも良い。 これ等の暹脂系には攟電蚘録特性を高めるためワックスや無機顔料又はシリコ
ン系、フッ玠系の化合物を単独又は組合せお添加しおも良い。 【】 本発明の補造方法に぀いおさらに詳现に説明すれば、䟋えば図に瀺すように
料の塗垃装眮に導いお塗工する。塗工ヘッドで塗垃された基䜓はロヌ ルを経お磁堎配向装眮、也燥パヌト、ロヌルを経お巻取りリヌ
である。 次に磁気蚘録局の衚面に接着補助局を塗垃する。塗垃方法は䞊述の磁気蚘録局
行うのず同様に行えば良い。 磁気蚘録局ず磁性薄膜局の接着が十分な堎合は、接着補助局を蚭ける必芁は無
を構成する材料が厚く堆積し、固定情報のパタヌンを圢成する。 【】 䞊蚘の方法に斌いお、磁気蚘録局に配合される磁性䜓は゚ルステッド〜
は、たず先に圢成した磁気蚘録局に磁気蚘録を行う。 蚘録は通垞の磁気蚘録ず同様に、蚘録甚磁気ヘッドを甚い、所定の蚘録密床で 行えば良い。䞀䟋ずしおは以䞋の様に磁気蚘録を行う。 デゞタル蚘録方匏を甚い、磁気蚘録局に察しお十分飜和蚘録可胜なパルス
䞀された情報でも良い。たたこれらを組み合わせおも良い。 【】 磁性薄膜局は前蚘したように、スパッタリング方匏、蒞着方匏又はメッキ方
ヌンに察応したパタヌンが磁性薄膜局に圢成され、固定化される。 磁性薄膜局に圢成されたパタヌンは、磁気蚘録局に蚭けた磁気蚘録情報を消去
ため、䞍正䜿甚防止に甚いるのにはより奜たしい。 【】 磁性薄膜局に圢成するパタヌン状の固定情報は、磁気蚘録局に行う磁気蚘録情
曎する床に新たに版を䜜成しなければならないが、本方匏ではその必芁は無い。 【】 【実斜䟋】 以䞋、本発明を実斜䟋に基づいお詳现に説明する。 尚、材料配合の衚わす郚数はすべお重量郚である。 以䞋の組成で調補した混合物をボヌルミルで時間分散した埌、ポリむ゜シア
を斜した。 バリりムフェラむト 保磁力゚ルステッド、比衚面積2 郚 カヌボンブラック 郚 レシチン 郚 塩化ビニル・醋酞ビニル・ビニルアルコヌル共重合䜓 郚 ポリりレタン暹脂 郚 トル゚ン 郚 メチル゚チルケトン 郚 メチルむ゜ブチルケトン 郚 【】 このようにしお埗られた磁気蚘録局に、磁気ヘッドを甚いお磁気蚘録を行なっ
はずした。 ぀いで、前蚘磁気蚘録局の衚面に以䞋の組成で調補した接着補助局甚塗料を也
燥埌の塗垃厚さがΌずなるようにリバヌスロヌルコヌタで塗垃した。 氎性ポリオレフィン暹脂 郚 埮粉末シリカ 郚 トリメチロヌルプロパン・トリβアリゞニルプロピオネヌト 郚 む゜プロピルアルコヌル 郚 æ°Ž 郚 【】 続いお該接着補助局の衚面にを真空蒞着法により蒞着し磁性薄膜局を構成 した。膜厚は、氎晶振動子による枬定でÅずなるように調補した。 曎に埗られた磁性薄膜局の䞊に以䞋の組成で調補した保護局甚の塗料を、リバ
ヌスロヌルコヌタヌで塗垃し目的ずする磁気蚘録媒䜓甚原反を埗た。 氎性ポリオレフィン暹脂 郚 埮粉末シリカ 郚 む゜プロピルアルコヌル 郚 æ°Ž 郚 なお、固定情報ずなるパタヌンは、磁気蚘録局に磁気蚘録を行った埌、金属薄
れる。 このようにしお埗た磁気蚘録媒䜓甚原反から、サむズの磁気カヌドを打
ち抜き、以䞋の評䟡を行った。 【】 即ち、磁性薄膜局の固定情報の圢成された郚分に、磁気蚘録局に行った磁気蚘
防止に甚いるこずができる。 たたこのカヌドの、固定情報が圢成されおいない郚分に、゚ルステッ
、消去を繰り返し行ったずころ、党く問題なく䜿甚できた。 曎に、このカヌドの、固定情報の圢成されおいない郚分に、攟電蚘録装眮を甚
ドず同様に印字蚘録するこずができた。 【】 【発明の効果】 以䞊の劂く、本発明の磁気蚘録媒䜓の補造方法においお、磁性蚘録局に蚘録し
ずなる情報指王情報ずするこずが可胜である。 曎に本発明の磁気蚘録媒䜓の補造方法によれば、該固定情報を圢成した磁性薄
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a shopping card, a savings card, a commuter pass, a train ticket, a coupon, a pre-paid card, a cash card, a credit card, an identification card, and a consultation ticket. The present invention relates to a magnetic recording medium used for a magnetic card, a magnetic sheet, a magnetic roll paper, and the like, and a method for manufacturing the same. 2. Description of the Related Art Recently, magnetic recording media such as magnetic recording cards or magnetic roll paper have been increasingly used in various fields. The basic structure is such that a layer of a magnetic material is provided on a substrate made of a non-magnetic material, and this is magnetized. Such magnetic recording media need to prevent unauthorized use due to duplication or falsification of magnetic information, and therefore various measures for preventing unauthorized use have been taken. Typical measures for preventing unauthorized use are roughly classified into a method for making recording and reproduction of magnetic recording information difficult, and a method for providing the magnetic recording medium itself with true / false judgment information. The former is a method of concealing recorded magnetic information and making it difficult to falsify or duplicate magnetic information by making it difficult to write and read information, and the latter is to determine whether a magnetic card is genuine. This is a method of preventing forgery and falsification by putting the identification information of the card in the card itself. [0003] In more detail, the former known measure for preventing unauthorized use by making recording and reproduction of magnetic recording information difficult is to use a magnetic recording layer. There are some layers that hide legitimate information and make it impossible to read, or superimpose dummy information to make it difficult to analyze legitimate information.However, legitimate information and dummy information are recorded on the same track. Then, at the time of reading, since the dummy information is superimposed on the regular information,
Regular information cannot be read by a normal method. However, it has drawbacks such as the complexity of the recording / reading device, and once the details of the method of reading regular information are known, anyone familiar with magnetic recording should read and analyze the information. Therefore, there is a problem that a large amount of magnetic recording media can be copied. On the other hand, in the latter magnetic card itself, which is provided with authenticity determination information, for example, a magnetic recording medium is provided with a barcode that can be read magnetically, and the authenticity of the information is determined based on the barcode information. Since the medium itself has information to determine whether the magnetic recording medium is genuine, it is difficult to duplicate the medium in large quantities and use it improperly. Can not deal with. [0004] The magnetic recording medium according to the present invention is provided with the latter function of preventing unauthorized use. However, unlike conventional magnetic recording media, different fingerprint information is used for each medium. Since the layer is provided, unauthorized use is impossible, and at the same time, a layer formed for providing a function for preventing a fraud can also be used as a print recording layer. The outline of the present invention is as follows. The magnetic recording medium according to the present invention comprises a magnetic recording layer made of a magnetic material having a coercive force of 200 to 5000 Oe on a base made of a non-magnetic material,
With the magnetic flux reversal interface formed in the layer, from evaporation, sputtering, plating
A magnetic thin film layer having a coercive force of 1000 Oe or less formed by at least one selected method is sequentially laminated, and the magnetic thin film layer has a pattern-like shape which is thicker than other portions which cannot be added or erased later. a magnetic recording medium fixed information that has been formed. That, when the invention of claim 1 for producing a magnetic recording medium, after forming the magnetic recording layer of the magnetic coating material on a substrate made of a nonmagnetic material consisting of 200 Oe to 5000 Oe in coercive force by coating and drying, the magnetic flux with magnetic recording to form the inverted interface unit, after accordingly, vapor deposition magnetic recording layer, a sputtering method, by forming a magnetic thin film layer by both one way less selected from plating, later
The fixed information in the form of a pattern that is thicker than other parts that cannot be added or erased
A method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium , comprising forming a thin film layer . The magnetic recording medium printed on the magnetic thin film layer of the magnetic recording medium by a discharge breakdown method.
Can be used. [0006] The method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1, first a magnetic recording layer formed on the nonmagnetic performs magnetic recording, followed by forming a magnetic thin film layer formed thereon. The magnetic metal, magnetic alloy or magnetic compound forming the magnetic thin film layer is provided at the magnetic flux reversal interface of the magnetic recording layer,
It deposits thicker than other parts and forms a pattern. This pattern portion has the same function as a magnetic barcode made of a magnetic metal, a magnetic alloy or a magnetic compound, and can be magnetically detected by a magnetic head or the like. That is, this pattern becomes fixed information that cannot be added or deleted later, and can be used as unauthorized use prevention information of the medium. In the present invention, the content of the fixed information formed on the non-magnetic thin film is determined by the magnetic recording information performed on the magnetic recording layer. That is, by controlling the magnetic recording information, it becomes possible to add different fixed information to the magnetic recording medium as a final product, for example, for each magnetic card. Conventionally, such fixed information has been formed by a printing method, so that only the same information or limited types of information can be given to individual magnetic recording media. On the other hand, according to the method of the present invention, the recording density of fixed information can be dramatically increased, and more complicated information can be added. It is preferable that the magnetic information formed in a pattern is difficult to be visually confirmed due to its use as unauthorized use prevention information. In the method of the present invention, it is possible to obtain a sufficient magnetic output even if the fixed information formed in a pattern is extremely thin, and the physical protrusion (thickness) of the pattern portion may be small. It is difficult to visually confirm and concealment is easy. Further, in the method of the present invention, since the layer is formed on the magnetic recording layer or the magnetic thin film layer, and is extremely thin, it has almost no adverse effect on normal magnetic recording performed on portions other than the fixed information section. There is a feature that there is no. In addition to the function of having the fixed information for preventing forgery formed, the magnetic thin film layer also has the function of a print recording layer by a discharge printing method, so that the magnetic thin film layer has a function such as a balance display. It is possible to perform print recording that requires visual observation. Hereinafter, the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. FIG. 1A is a plan view of a magnetic recording medium (card) obtained by the present invention, and has a magnetic track T. FIG. FIG. 1B is a cross-sectional view taken along the line XX 'of the track T. A magnetic recording layer 2 made of a magnetic material having a coercive force of 200 to 5000 Oe and an adhesion auxiliary layer 3 are formed on a substrate 1 made of a nonmagnetic layer. , 1000 Oe or less, and a protective layer 5 provided as needed. A portion T in FIG. 1A is a track of magnetic recording performed on the magnetic recording layer. P
Corresponds to the magnetic flux reversal interface of the magnetic recording performed on the magnetic recording layer, and the magnetic thin film layer formed on the magnetic recording layer is thickly deposited on this portion to form fixed information in a pattern. The protective layer 5 may be further printed with graphic characters and the like and a protective film. Next, the materials constituting the magnetic recording medium obtained by the present invention will be described. First, as a substrate made of a nonmagnetic material, a polyester film having a thickness of 150 ÎŒm to 1 mm,
Sheet-shaped non-magnetic materials such as ceramics such as vinyl chloride film, synthetic paper, wood pulp paper, laminated paper, metal sheets, and glass can be used. The magnetic material used for the magnetic recording layer laminated adjacent to the base is not particularly limited, or generally a ferromagnetic material having a coercive force of 200 to 5000 Oe, for example, γ-iron oxide, cobalt-doped γ -Fine powders such as iron oxide, chromium oxide, barium ferrite and strontium ferrite are applied. These magnetic materials are used as binders for vinyl chloride / vinyl acetate copolymers, vinyl chloride / vinyl acetate / vinyl alcohol copolymers, polyurethane resins, polyester resins, epoxy resins, polyisocyanate resins, etc. A magnetic recording layer can be formed by dispersing together with the coating liquid or ink to form a coating liquid or ink and applying or printing the coating liquid or ink on a substrate.
At this time, the magnetic recording layer 2 may be subjected to a magnetic field orientation treatment before the magnetic paint or ink is dried. The magnetic thin film layer 4 is provided for forming fixed information and performing a function of preventing forgery, and performing a function of a print recording layer by a discharge printing method. The material for forming the magnetic thin film layer is required to have a coercive force of 1000 Oe or less. For example, magnetic metals such as Ni, Co, and Fe, sendust alloys that are Fe-Al-Si alloys, and Fe-Al alloys Alloy, Fe-Si alloy, Fe-Ni permalloy, Ni-Fe
Alloys such as -Mo supermalloy, amorphous metals of transition metals and transition metals-metalloids, magnetic metal compounds such as gamma iron oxide and barium ferrite, and soft magnetic ferrites such as Zn ferrite and Mn-Zn ferrite are applied to the present invention. You. These materials are used to form a magnetic thin film layer using a vapor deposition method, a sputtering method or a plating method. When the coercive force is 1000 Oe or more, it is difficult to concentrate the material constituting the magnetic thin film layer on the magnetic flux reversal interface of the magnetic recording performed on the magnetic recording layer, and it is difficult to form fixed information. . The magnetic recording medium obtained by the present invention preferably has an adhesion auxiliary layer 3 provided between the magnetic recording layer 2 and the magnetic thin film layer 4. The adhesion auxiliary layer 3 is provided between the magnetic recording layer and the magnetic thin film layer to improve the adhesive strength between the two, and also functions to promote the destruction of the magnetic thin film layer 4 during discharge recording and to improve print recording characteristics. have. Examples of the material include acrylic resins such as polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), cellulose resins such as cellulose acetate propionate (CAP), vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer resins, polyester resins, epoxy resins, and urethane resins. And the like. Further, in order to control the thermoplasticity of the thermoplastic resin, additives such as a plasticizer, a wax, and an inorganic pigment may be added to the adhesion auxiliary layer. When the magnetic thin film layer is not used as the discharge print recording layer, a thermosetting resin, for example, a polyester resin, a polyisocyanate-based curing agent, and a two-liquid mixed type resin may be used for the adhesion auxiliary layer. Further, a photocurable resin or an electron beam curable resin made of an acrylic oligomer can be used. When the adhesion between the magnetic recording layer and the magnetic thin film layer is sufficient, it is not necessary to provide an adhesion auxiliary layer. Further, as the protective layer 5 provided as needed, a resin such as a cellulose-based, polyester-based, urethane-based, epoxy-based, or acrylic-based resin can be used. These resins may be used alone or as a mixture of two or more, or may be used in combination with a curing agent such as an isonate-based curing agent. Further, an ultraviolet curable resin or an electron beam curable resin made of an acrylic, polyester, epoxy, phosphazene or the like resin may be used. Waxes, inorganic pigments, or silicon-based or fluorine-based compounds may be added to these resin systems alone or in combination to enhance discharge recording characteristics. The manufacturing method of the present invention will be described in further detail. For example, as shown in FIG. 2, the base 1 made of a non-magnetic material is sent out from a sending-out reel 11 and guided to a coating device 12 for coating a magnetic recording layer paint. Apply. The substrate 1 applied by the coating head 13 is wound on a take-up reel 18 via a magnetic field orientation device 15, a drying part 16, and a roll 17 via a roll 14. The roll wound up is a raw material coated with only the magnetic recording layer. Next, an adhesion auxiliary layer is applied to the surface of the magnetic recording layer. The application method is the same as that for the magnetic recording layer described above. At this time, a recording magnetic head is mounted at the position 19 of the coating apparatus, and magnetic recording is performed on the magnetic recording layer. Recording may be performed in the same manner as recording on a magnetic recording medium using a normal magnetic recording device. When the adhesion between the magnetic recording layer and the magnetic thin film layer is sufficient, it is not necessary to provide an adhesion auxiliary layer. In this case, magnetic recording may be performed using a magnetic recording device as shown in FIG. In any case, the situation of the magnetic recording will be described with reference to FIGS.
That is, the magnetic material 22 having the magnetic recording layer 2 is sent out from the magnetic material roll 23, and the magnetic head 2 composed of electromagnets connected to a plurality of drive circuits (not shown).
The magnetic information which is magnetized by 1 and becomes a source of the forgery prevention fixed information is recorded. Reference numeral 25 denotes a magnetic recording track, and the magnetic source 22 is wound around a magnetic-recorded source roll 24. The same reference numerals in each drawing indicate the same parts. In the magnetic recording track 25, a magnetic flux reversal interface 31 is formed in the magnetic recording section 26 as shown in the sectional view 5. Subsequently, a magnetic thin film layer is formed on the magnetic recording layer on which the magnetic recording has been performed, with or without an adhesion auxiliary layer. The magnetic thin film layer is formed by a method such as an evaporation method, a sputtering method, and a plating method. Then, the material constituting the magnetic thin film layer is deposited thickly on the magnetic flux reversal interface 31 as shown in FIG. 6, and the fixed information pattern 32 is formed. [0015] In the above method, the magnetic substance to be blended in the magnetic recording layer is from 200 Oersted to 200 Oersted.
Since the coercive force is almost the same as that of a normal 5000 Oersted magnetic recording medium, magnetic recording can be easily performed with a magnetic recording head after the formation of the magnetic recording layer. In this case, if the magnetic material is less than 250 Oersted, there is a problem that the magnetic material is erased by an external magnetic field for magnetic recording. On the other hand, if the magnetic material is larger than 5000 Oersted, magnetic recording of a magnetic head currently in practical use becomes impossible. When forming the magnetic thin film layer 4, first, magnetic recording is performed on the magnetic recording layer formed first. Recording may be performed at a predetermined recording density using a recording magnetic head as in the case of ordinary magnetic recording. As an example, magnetic recording is performed as follows. Using a digital FM recording method, a pulse current capable of sufficiently saturation recording on a magnetic recording layer is applied to a recording magnetic head. As the recording information, it is sufficient to record information desired to be stored in each recording medium (for example, one magnetic card) as a final product. That is, different recording mediums, such as different numbers or random fingerprint information, may be recorded, or unified information such as recognition information for each manufacturing lot and a manufacturer code. These may be combined. As described above, the magnetic thin film layer 4 is formed by using a sputtering method, a vapor deposition method, or a plating method. The material constituting the magnetic thin film layer is concentrated on the magnetic recording pattern previously applied to the magnetic recording layer and concentrated on the strong magnetic field at the interface of the magnetic field reversal part, and a pattern corresponding to the magnetic recording pattern is formed on the magnetic thin film layer Is fixed. The pattern formed on the magnetic thin film layer is magnetically readable even after erasing the magnetic recording information provided on the magnetic recording layer. For example, if reading is performed with a magnetic head while applying a DC bias magnetic field, an output corresponding to the pattern can be obtained.
If the coercive force of the magnetic thin film layer is 20 Oe or less, even after reading the fixed information with a magnetic head while applying a bias magnetic field, the pattern portion is not magnetized, and observation with a magnetic viewer or the like is performed. Since it is not possible to confirm the existence of the pattern, it is more preferable to use for preventing unauthorized use. The fixed information in a pattern formed on the magnetic thin film layer is formed corresponding to the magnetically recorded information on the magnetic recording layer. Therefore, when changing the fixed information, it is sufficient to change the magnetic recording information performed on the magnetic recording layer in the manufacturing process, and the change can be easily made. When fixed information such as a magnetic barcode is formed using a printing method or the like, a new plate must be created each time the fixed information is changed, but this method is not necessary in this method. Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail with reference to examples. In addition, the number of parts represented by the material composition is all parts by weight. After the mixture prepared with the following composition was dispersed in a ball mill for 8 hours, 5 parts of a polyisocyanate curing agent was added, and the mixture was further dispersed for 1 hour to obtain a coating material for a magnetic recording layer. The coating material was applied to one surface of a base made of a white polyester film having a thickness of 188 Όm using a reverse roll coater so that the coating thickness after drying was 12 Όm to form a magnetic recording layer. At this time, the magnetic recording layer was subjected to a magnetic field alignment treatment using a magnetic field alignment apparatus before drying. Barium ferrite (coercive force 2750 Oersted, specific surface area 7 m 2 / g) 100 parts Carbon black 3 parts Lecithin 1 part Vinyl chloride / vinyl acetate / vinyl alcohol copolymer 20 parts Polyurethane resin 20 parts Toluene 60 parts Methyl ethyl ketone 60 parts Methyl isobutyl ketone The magnetic recording layer thus obtained was subjected to magnetic recording using a magnetic head. A magnetic head having a head gap of 50 Όm was used, and recording was performed with a recording current capable of sufficiently recording a magnetic recording layer. The recording method used was the FM method, and the recording density was 250 bpi. Then, a coating for an adhesion auxiliary layer prepared with the following composition was applied to the surface of the magnetic recording layer by a reverse roll coater so that the coating thickness after drying was 2 Όm. Aqueous polyolefin resin 100 parts Fine powder silica 5 parts Trimethylolpropane / tri-β-aridinylpropionate 1 part Isopropyl alcohol 15 parts Water 25 parts Subsequently, Ni is vapor-deposited on the surface of the adhesion auxiliary layer by a vacuum vapor deposition method. A magnetic thin film layer was formed. The film thickness was adjusted to be 600 ° as measured by a quartz oscillator. Further, a coating material for a protective layer prepared with the following composition was applied on the obtained magnetic thin film layer with a reverse roll coater to obtain a target material for a magnetic recording medium. Aqueous polyolefin resin 5 parts Fine powder silica 1 part Isopropyl alcohol 3 parts Water 20 parts The pattern to be fixed information is to form a metal thin film layer (in this case, a metal deposition layer) after performing magnetic recording on the magnetic recording layer Then, the material (in this case, Ni) constituting the metal thin film layer is formed by being concentrated on the magnetic flux reversal interface of magnetic recording. A JIS size magnetic card was punched out of the magnetic recording medium raw material thus obtained, and the following evaluation was performed. That is, DC demagnetization was performed on the portion of the magnetic thin film layer where the fixed information was formed, under the condition that the magnetic recording performed on the magnetic recording layer could be sufficiently erased. Thereafter, the fixed information was read out using a reproducing magnetic head while applying a bias magnetic field of 500 Gauss. As a result, the information corresponding to the fixed information pattern could be read. This information was not erased even after DC demagnetization was performed, and was fixed to the magnetic thin film layer as information independent of the magnetic recording layer. This information can be used as ID information of the magnetic card to prevent unauthorized use. Also, when a magnetic recording / reproducing apparatus for a card having a coercive force up to 3000 Oersted repeatedly performed normal magnetic recording, reproduction and erasing on a portion of the card where fixed information was not formed, no problem was found. Could be used. Further, when a character pattern such as a number and a kanji is printed on a portion of the card where fixed information is not formed by using a discharge recording device, it can be printed and recorded in the same manner as a normal discharge recording card. did it. As described above, in the method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium according to the present invention, the fixed information for preventing unauthorized use that can be detected magnetically and that corresponds to the information recorded on the magnetic recording layer is a magnetic thin film. Formed in layers. Further, the unauthorized use information can be ID information (fingerprint information) that differs depending on each magnetic recording medium product. Further , according to the method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium of the present invention, there is an unprecedented operational effect that it is possible to print and record by a discharge recording method on the magnetic thin film layer on which the fixed information is formed. Further, the method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium of the present invention is an application of the method used in the conventional method of manufacturing a magnetic recording medium and the magnetic recording itself, and does not require a special device. There is an operational effect that a possible magnetic recording medium can be easily manufactured.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図】 むは本発明により埗られた磁気蚘録媒䜓の平面図 ロは図むの−’線断面図で磁化した埌の磁気の状態図 【図】 磁気蚘録局を蚭ける段階の工皋図 【図】 磁気蚘録装眮の抂略図 【図】 磁気蚘録の状況を瀺す平面図 【図】 磁気反転界面郚近傍の断面図 【図】 磁性薄膜局ず固定情報が圢成される状態を瀺す図 【笊号の説明】  トラック  磁束反転界面郚  非磁性䜓からなる基䜓  磁気蚘録局  接着補助局  磁性薄膜局  保護局  送り出しリヌル  塗料の塗垃装眮  塗工ヘッド  ロヌル  磁堎配向装眮  也燥パヌト  ロヌル  巻取りリヌル  磁気ヘッド  磁気原反  磁気原反ロヌル  磁気蚘録枈磁気厚反ロヌル  磁気蚘録トラック  磁気蚘録郚  磁束反転界面郚  固定情報のパタヌンBRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1A is a plan view of a magnetic recording medium obtained by the present invention, and FIG. 1B is a magnetic recording medium obtained by magnetizing the magnetic recording medium taken along the line XX ′ in FIG. FIG. 2 is a process diagram of a stage of providing a magnetic recording layer. FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a magnetic recording device. FIG. 4 is a plan view showing a state of magnetic recording. FIG. FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a state in which fixed information is formed with a magnetic thin film layer. Explanation of reference numeral T track P magnetic flux reversal interface 1 base made of nonmagnetic material 2 magnetic recording layer 3 adhesion auxiliary layer 4 magnetic thin film layer 5 protection Layer 11 Send-out reel 12 Paint coating device 13 Coating head 14 Roll 15 Magnetic orientation device 16 Drying part 17 Roll 18 Take-up reel 21 Magnetic head 22 Magnetic fabric 23 Magnetic fabric roll 24 Magnetically recorded magnetic thick roll 25 Magnetic Recording tiger 26 Magnetic recording unit 31 Flux reversal interface 32 Fixed information pattern

Claims (1)

【特蚱請求の範囲】 【請求項】 非磁性䜓からなる基䜓䞊に゚ルステッド〜゚ル
After forming the magnetic recording layer by the Patent Claims 1. A magnetic coating composition consisting of 200 Oe to 5000 Oe on a substrate made of a nonmagnetic material coercivity coating and drying, magnetic
Magnetic recording is performed to form a bundle reversal interface, and thereafter, a magnetic thin film layer is formed on the magnetic recording layer by at least one method selected from a vapor deposition method, a sputtering method, and a plating method. Thicker than other parts that cannot be added or erased
A method for manufacturing a magnetic recording medium, comprising forming fixed information in a pattern on the magnetic thin film layer.



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