JP2571286C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2571286C JP2571286C JP 2571286 C JP2571286 C JP 2571286C JP 2571286 C JP2571286 C JP 2571286C
Prior art keywords
developing sleeve
electrostatic latent
latent image
image carrier
Prior art date
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Expired - Lifetime
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Japanese (ja)
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd
Publication date



【発明の詳細な説明】 (産業上の利用分野) 本発明は、電子写真プリンタや複写機等の電子写真装置において静電潜像担持
体上の静電潜像を可視像化するための現像装置に関するものである。 (従来の技術) 従来、レーザプリンタや液晶プリンタ等の光プリンタ又はPPC複写機におい
ては、画像形成方式として電子写真方式が広く採用されている。 この電子写真方式は、基本的には、感光体ドラムすなわち静電潜像担持体の表
ようにしている。 この種の電子写真装置においては、現像装置はトナー供給部に現像スリーブが
像担持体の表面に付着される(特公昭62-12510号公報参照)。 第10図は上記従来の現像装置の断面図である。図において、トナー供給部21内
加圧接触している。 上記構成の現像装置において、静電潜像担持体27の回転方向と現像スリーブ22
の周速をVpとしたとき、VD/VPの値が1〜1.5に定められる。このような現 像装置の場合、現像スリーブ22にはドクターブレード25の圧接及び静電潜像担持
体27の加圧接触によって大きい負荷がかかっている。 第9図は現像装置におけるギヤ配設図である。 図において、トナー供給部21の中に現像スリーブ22が回転自在に支承され、静
保持部材である。 上記現像スリーブ22は現像スリーブギヤ31と一体的に回転し、該現像スリーブ
ギヤ31と噛合する中間ギヤ32によって回転させられる。 なお、図中Aは静電潜像担持体27の中心、Bは現像スリーブ22の中心、Cは中
間ギヤ32の中心である。 上記従來の現像装置においては、中間ギヤ32の中心Cが、静電潜像担持体27の
像スリーブギヤ31を介して回転させられる。 (発明が解決しようとする課題) しかしながら、上記構成の駆動機構を有する現像装置において、規制部材28に
時の中央部には印字されなくなってしまう。 この時、印字後の現像スリーブ22の表面の静電潜像担持体27との当接のあとを
ーブ22の軸曲がり現像にある。 このように、従来の現像装置においては、規制部材28に加えることが可能な圧
けやすいため、印字品質が悪くなってしまう。 本発明は、上記従来の現像装置の問題点を解決して、現像スリーブの艮手方向
を提供することを目的とする。 (課題を解決するための手段) そのために、本発明の現像装置においては、静電潜像を担持する静電潜像担持
ーを供給するトナー供給部とを有する。 そして、上記現像スリーブに加えられる回転力の方向と、静電潜豫担持体の回
[°]の範囲内に設定される。 本発明の他の現像装置においては、さらに、上記現像スリーブの軸直径をd[mm
ブの軸に加わる力の成分をPx[kg重]としたとき、 Px(l/d2)2≦100 の関係にする。 (作用) 本発明によれば、上記のような現像装置においては、静電潜像を担持する静電
れて、帯電トナーを現像領域に搬送する回転可能な現像スリーブと、上記現像領 域の上流側において現像スリーブの表面に当接させて配設され、トナーの供給量
トナーを供給するトナー供給部とを有する。 そして、上記現像スリーブに加えられる回転力の方向と、静電潜像担持体の回
[°]の範囲内に設定される。 この場合、上記現像スリーブを回転させようとして、現像スリーブの軸受より
が撓む。 ところが、上記回転力の方向と、静電潜像担持体の回転中心と現像スリーブの
分が小さくなる。 本発明の他の現像装置においては、さらに、上記現像スリーブの軸直径をd[mm
リーブの軸に加わる力の成分をPx[kg重]としたとき、 Px(l/d2)2≦100 の関係にする。 この場合、現像スリーブの軸を鉄系の材料で作ったときの軸の撓み量を減少さ
せることができる。 (実施例) 以下、本発明の実施例について図面を参照しながら詳細に説明する。 第1図は本発明の実施例を示す現像装置の断面図である。 図において、トナー供給部1は現像スリーブ3の上部にあってトナー6を収容
ブ 3上に供給される。 帯電トナー6は静電気力によって現像スリーブ3上に担持され、現像スリーブ
長さ、すなわちニップ幅は2mmである。 そして、可視像に寄与しないトナー6は、現像スリーブ3の回転に伴いトナー
。 上記現像スリーブ3の周速は静電潜像担持体4の周速に対して1倍以上とする
ブ3の周速をその2倍の60mm/sとしてある。 ここで、上記中間ギヤ8の中心は静電潜像担持体4の中心Aと現像スリーブ3
の中心Bを結ぶ水平な線分ABの延長線上に置かれている。 また、現像スリーブ3には金属製の軸(軸径d=φ8)に導電性及び弾性のあ
でもよい。 上記現像スリーブ3の表面の粗さはトナー搬送量に影響するため、0.2〜10μ
い。 本発明においては、ゴム硬度が30°、抵抗値が105Ωcm、表囲粗さが1.8〜2.1
μmRZ、現像スリーブ3の直径が20mmのクロロプレンゴムが用いられる。 また、規制部材2には弾性材料を使用することが好ましく、ゴム硬度78°のプ
ナイロン、ポリエステル等の高分子化合物材料又はゴム、金属等の上に上記高分 子化合物を塗布したものを用いてもよい。現像スリーブ3上にトナー6を均一に
90°(JISA)のものが好ましい。 そして、静電潜像担持体4には有機系、Se系、アモルファスシリコン、CdS
用いられている。 トナー6としては一成分用トナー、二成分用トナーいずれを用いてもよく、本
実施例においては平均粒径9μmの負極性の非磁性トナーが用いられる。 さらに、現像スリーブギヤ7、中間ギヤ8としては、歯数がそれぞれ14,26で
モジュール1のものが用いられる。 そして、好ましい印字濃度を得るためには、上記現像スリーブ3と静電潜像担
。 また、許容可能な印字濃度を得るために最低約1.7mmのニップ幅、すなわち38
が逃げる方向の水平方向の許容できる撓み量δxとしては、 δX=50−38=12μm となる。現像スリーブ3を静電潜像担持体4に50μmの当接量で当接させた場合
重である。 次に、第3図は現像スリーブに加わる力を示す図である。 線分ABと線分BCのなす角θを変化させ、すなわち、現像スリーブ3に加わ
る回転力F5の方向を変化させて印字を行った結果を第4図及び第5図に示す。 第4図は線分ABと回転力のF5の方向がなす角αを0〜360°まで変化させた
度が低下し、250°を越えたあたりから急激に高くなることが分かる。 また、第5図は角度αと記録紙の全面における印字の均一性の関係図である。 角度αが110°を越えると均一性が低下し、250°を越えたあたりから高くなるこ
とが分かる。 すなわち、印字濃度、印字の均一性において良好な印字を行うために線分AB
にする必要がある。 また、第3図において、F2は静電潜豫担持体4に現像スリーブ3を接触させ
であり、該摩擦力F1大きさは、 F1=μ12 である。ここで、μ1は静電潜像担持体4、現像スリーブ3、トナー6間の動摩
ブ3と規制部材2が接する点から現像スリーブ3の中心に向かう。 F4は現像スリーブ3が回転している場合に規制部材2との摩擦によって現像
スリーブ3が受ける摩擦力であり、その大きさは、 F4=μ23 である。ここでμ2は規制部材2、現像スリーブ3、トナー6間の動摩擦係数で
圧接力F3と垂直抗力F2のなす角は約65°である。 上記動摩擦係数μ12は、現像スリーブ3、静電潜像担持体4及び規制部材
。 F5は現像スリーブギヤ7が中間ギヤ8から受ける回転力であり、現像スリー
力F5の大きさは、 F5=(F1+F4)×r1/r2 =(μ1223)×r1/r2 であり、力の方向はおおむね現像スリーブギヤ7の基準円ピッチ円周上で中間ギ
関係は、ほぼ α=90°+θ となる。 また、現像スリーブ3の軸に加わる力の方向は駆動方法によって変化する。 第6図は駆動方法による現像スリーブ軸に加わる力の方向を示す図、第6図(
(B)はベルトによる駆動方法における力の方向を示す図である。 第6図(B)において、9は現像スリーブ軸に固定されている現像スリーブプ
の差T1−T2がベルト11を駆動させるために有効な力となる。 現像スリーブ軸に加わる力の方向は、ギヤによる駆動の場合は第6図(A)に
の方向である。 また、ベルトによる駆動の場合は、第6図(B)に示すように張り側の張力T
1とゆるみ側の張力T2の差T1−T2の方向、すなわちF7の方向である。F7の 方向はおおむね現像スリーブ3の回転中心Bから中間プーリ10の回転中心Dに向
約90°ずれる。 次に現像スリーブ軸の撓みについて説明する。 現像スリーブ軸が回転時に撓む方向は回転力F5の方向と逆の方向である。こ
に当接されないことになる。 ここで、現像スリーブ3の軸の撓み量δの水平成分をδX、垂直成分をδY、回
成分F5X,F5YXYは、 F5X=F5sinθ F5Y=F5cosθ δX=δsinθ δY=δcosθ となり、回転力F5Xによって撓み量δXが、回転力F5Yによって撓み量δYが生じ
る。 ここで、水平方向に現像スリーブ3変化させるとニップ幅が変わることからニ
ップ幅に影響を与える方向は水平方向成分δXであることが分かる。 回転力F5の水平方向成分F5Xによる水平成分の撓み量δXは第7図に示すよう
な力学的モデルによって近似することができる。 δ=Pal2/16EI ・・・・・・(1) I=πd4/64 ただし、 δ:撓み量[μm] P:外力[kg重] a:腕の長さ[mm] l:スパン長[mm] d:直径 [mm] E:縦弾性係数 第7図の腕の長さaは、第1図において現像スリーブ3を支持する2つの軸受
ップ幅を測定しニップ幅から算出した撓み量δXを示す。 第8図から分かるように、ニップ幅からの算出値と曲げの計算式(1)から求
た撓み景と比較しても一致しない。 このことから現像スリーブ3が静電潜豫担持体4に当接されないのは現像スリ
水平方向の撓みδXによることが分かる。 この現像スリーブ3の軸の水平方向の撓み量δXは上記(1)式に、 P=F5X=F5sinθ を代入すると、 δX=F5sinθ・al2/16EI =F5sinθ・al2/16E(πd4/64) =64al25sinθ/16πEd4・・・・・・(2) となる。 この(2)式から、撓み量を減少させるためには腕の長さaの縮小、スパン長
選択することができない。 ここで、上述したように印字結果から許容できる水平方向の撓み量δXを12μ
δX=64al25sinθ/16πEd4≦12×10-3 =1.273al25sinθ/Ed2≦12×10-3・・・・・・(3) となる。 該(3)式を満足するように上記各種寸法を改善するとよい。すなわち、腕の
ると、 1.273al25sinθ/Ed4≦12×10-3 al25sinθ/Ed4≦9.427×10-3・・・・・・(4) 2l25sinθ/Ed4≦9.427×10-3 l25sinθ/Ed4≦4.714×10-3・・・・・・(5) l25sinθ/d4・21000≦4.714×10-3 l25sinθ/d4≦99 F5sinθ(l/d2)2≦99 ・・・・・・(6) のようになり、(6)式を満足するように現像スリーブ3の軸直径d及び現像ス
とが可能となる。 次に、中間ギヤ8の位置を変更して回転力F5の方向を変えて撓み量を減少さ
あるため、これらの数値を上記(2)式に代入すると、 δX=64al25sinθ/16πEd4 =64×20×2802×1.4sinθ/16×π×21000×84 =32.5×10-3sinθ ・・・・・・(7) となる。静電潜像担持体4から現像スリーブ3が逃げる方向のδXは印字結果よ
り12μm以下でなければならないから、 12×10-3≧32.5×10-3sinθ sinθ≦0.37 θ≦21.8°≒20° ・・・・・・(8) となり、(8)式により角度θが20°〜160°(180°−20°)の間はδXが12μ
ように回転力F5を現像スリーブギヤ7に与えなければならない。 すなわち、角度αで考えると、α=90°+θであるから0°〜110°と250°−3
60°の間になる。 また、許容できるニップ幅が約1.7mmであるためニップ幅を2mm以上になるよう
であることから、これも不可能に近い。 なお、本発明は上記実施例に限定されるものではなく、本発明の趣旨に基づい
て種々の変形が可能であり、これらを本発明の範囲から排除するものではない。 (発明の効果) 以上説明したように、本発明によれば、現像装置においては、静電潜像を担持
ーブの表面にトナーを供給するトナー供給部とを有する。 そして、上記現像スリーブに加えられる回転力の方向と、静電潜像担持体の回
[°]の範囲内に設定される。 この場合、現像スリープが印字時において静電潜像担持体と所定の間隔に維持
が小さくなる。 従って、現像スリーブの端部における当接量を一定に維持し、現像スリーブの
が低下するのを防止することがでる。 また、規制部材に加えることができる圧力を大きくすることができる。 本発明の他の現像装置においては、さらに、上記現像スリーブの軸直径をd[mm
ブの軸に加わる力の成分をPx[kg重]としたとき、 Px(l/d2)2≦100 の関係にする。 この場合、現像スリーブの軸を鉄系の材料で作ったときの軸の撓み量を減少さ
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION (Industrial applications)   The present invention relates to an electrophotographic apparatus such as an electrophotographic printer or a copying machine.
The present invention relates to a developing device for visualizing an electrostatic latent image on a body. (Conventional technology)   Conventionally, optical printers such as laser printers and liquid crystal printers or PPC copiers
For this reason, an electrophotographic method is widely used as an image forming method.   This electrophotographic method basically uses a photosensitive drum, that is, a surface of an electrostatic latent image carrier.
The surface is uniformly charged, an electrostatic latent image is formed by exposure, and the electrostatic latent image is then transferred to a toner.
To develop a visible image, then copy and fix it on recording paper to obtain a hard copy
Like that.   In this type of electrophotographic apparatus, a developing device has a developing sleeve in a toner supply section.
It is rotatably supported, and the toner is charged with the electrostatic latent as the developing sleeve rotates.
It is attached to the surface of the image carrier (see Japanese Patent Publication No. 62-12510).   FIG. 10 is a sectional view of the conventional developing device. In the figure, inside the toner supply unit 21
The developing sleeve 22 is rotatably supported on the developing sleeve 22.
Formed by coating conductive rubber 24 with JIS Shore hardness 30 ° -50 ° on metal core 23
is there. A doctor blade made of a conductive material is provided on the upper part of the developing sleeve 22.
25 is pressed against the surface of the developing sleeve 22 at a predetermined pressure by the urging force of the spring 26.
. The developing sleeve 22 is attached to the electrostatic latent image carrier 27 by a method not shown.
Pressing contact.   In the developing device having the above configuration, the rotation direction of the electrostatic latent image
And the peripheral speed of the electrostatic latent image carrier 27 is VD, Developing sleeve 22
The peripheral speed of VpAnd VD/ VPIs set to 1 to 1.5. Such a present In the case of an image forming apparatus, a doctor blade 25 is pressed against the developing sleeve 22 and an electrostatic latent image is held.
A large load is applied by the pressure contact of the body 27.   FIG. 9 is a gear arrangement diagram in the developing device.   In the figure, a developing sleeve 22 is rotatably supported in a toner supply section 21 and has a static
As the latent image carrier 27 rotates in the direction a, it rotates in the direction b and is regulated by the regulating member 28.
The toner 29 having the thickness thus determined is supplied to the surface of the electrostatic latent image carrier 27. 30 is toner
It is a holding member.   The developing sleeve 22 rotates integrally with the developing sleeve gear 31, and the developing sleeve
It is rotated by an intermediate gear 32 that meshes with the gear 31.   In the figure, A is the center of the electrostatic latent image carrier 27, B is the center of the developing sleeve 22, and C is the center.
This is the center of the intermediate gear 32.   In the conventional developing device, the center C of the intermediate gear 32 is
A line AB connecting the center A and the center B of the developing sleeve 22
It is arranged on a line inclined at 45 ° with respect to the center B. In such a configuration,
The developing sleeve 22 that transports the toner 29 is moved to an intermediate gear 32 by a drive system (not shown).
It is rotated via the image sleeve gear 31. (Problems to be solved by the invention)   However, in the developing device having the driving mechanism having the above configuration, the regulating member 28
When a small pressure is applied to reduce the load on the developing sleeve 22, the recording paper
Printing can be performed on both ends and the center of the
When this happens, the print density at the center of the recording paper decreases,
The print is not printed at the center of the time.   At this time, after the surface of the developing sleeve 22 after printing contacts the electrostatic latent image carrier 27,
Observation shows that both ends of the developing sleeve 22 are in contact with each other,
It can be seen that there is no contact near the center. The cause of non-contact is
The shaft 22 of the tube 22 is in development.   As described above, in the conventional developing device, the pressure that can be applied to the regulating member 28 can be increased.
Force is limited and is affected by fluctuations in the load applied to the developing sleeve 22.
Print quality is degraded.   The present invention solves the problems of the conventional developing device described above, and
Can be prevented from coming into contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier near the center of the
It is possible to print at the density and to prevent the print quality from deteriorating.
In both cases, the image forming device can increase the pressure that can be applied to the regulating member.
The purpose is to provide. (Means for solving the problem)   Therefore, in the developing device of the present invention, an electrostatic latent image holding
And an electrostatic latent image carrier disposed in contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier, and
It is rotatably fixed by two bearings maintained at a predetermined distance from the body, and
The belt is rotated by receiving a rotational force on the end side thereof separated from the bearing by a predetermined gap.
A rotatable developing sleeve for transporting the charged toner to the developing area;
The upstream side is provided in contact with the surface of the developing sleeve, and regulates the toner supply amount.
A regulating member that is disposed upstream of the regulating member, and is provided on the surface of the developing sleeve.
And a toner supply unit for supplying the toner.   Then, the direction of the rotational force applied to the developing sleeve and the rotation of the electrostatic latent carrier are determined.
The angle formed by the line connecting the rotation center and the rotation center of the developing sleeve is 0 to 110, 250 to 360.
Set within the range of [°].   In another developing device of the present invention, the shaft diameter of the developing sleeve is d (mm).
], The distance between the two bearings supporting the developing sleeve is l [mm], and the electrostatic latent
Development three in the direction connecting the rotation center of the image carrier and the rotation center of the developing sleeve
When the component of the force applied to the shaft of the valve is Px [kg weight], Px (l / dTwo)Two≤100 Make a relationship. (Action)   According to the present invention, in the above-described developing device, the electrostatic device that holds the electrostatic latent image is used.
A latent image carrier, and the electrostatic latent image carrier is disposed in contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier.
It is rotatably fixed by a latent image carrier and two bearings maintained at a predetermined interval,
The bearing is rotated by receiving a rotational force on an end side of the bearing separated by a predetermined gap.
And a rotatable developing sleeve for conveying the charged toner to the developing area. Is disposed in contact with the surface of the developing sleeve on the upstream side of
And a regulating member disposed upstream of the regulating member to regulate the surface of the developing sleeve.
And a toner supply unit for supplying toner.   Then, the direction of the rotational force applied to the developing sleeve and the rotation of the electrostatic latent image carrier are determined.
The angle formed by the line connecting the rotation center and the rotation center of the developing sleeve is 0 to 110, 250 to 360.
Set within the range of [°].   In this case, in order to rotate the developing sleeve,
When a rotational force is applied to the end portion separated by a predetermined gap, the bearing of the developing sleeve is supported by a bearing.
The developing sleeve is fixed in the direction opposite to the direction of the rotational force.
Bends.   However, the direction of the rotational force, the rotational center of the electrostatic latent image carrier and the developing sleeve
The angle between the line connecting the rotation center and the line segment is set within the range of 0 to 110, 250 to 360 [°].
The amount of deflection in the direction in which the developing sleeve escapes from the electrostatic latent image carrier.
Minutes get smaller.   In another developing device of the present invention, the shaft diameter of the developing sleeve is d (mm).
], And the distance between the two bearings supporting the developing sleeve is l [mm].
The developing sleeve in the direction connecting the rotation center of the latent image carrier and the rotation center of the developing sleeve
When the component of the force applied to the axis of the leave is Px [kg weight], Px (l / dTwo)Two≤100 Make a relationship.   In this case, the amount of bending of the shaft when the shaft of the developing sleeve is made of an iron-based material is reduced.
Can be made. (Example)   Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.   FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a developing device showing an embodiment of the present invention.   In the figure, a toner supply unit 1 is located above a developing sleeve 3 and contains a toner 6.
The toner 6 supplied from the toner supply unit 1 is supplied to the developing sleeve 3
The toner is triboelectrically charged to a predetermined polarity by the regulating member 2 in contact with the developing sleeve 3.
And a uniform and optimal thickness by the contact pressure of the regulating member 2.
B 3 is supplied.   The charged toner 6 is carried on the developing sleeve 3 by electrostatic force.
The electrostatic latent image carried on the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 is visualized as the 3 rotates.
Developing area, that is, an area where the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 and the developing sleeve 3 are in contact with each other.
Transported to At this time, in the rotation direction of the area where the developing sleeve 3 is in contact,
The length, ie, the nip width, is 2 mm.   Then, the toner 6 that does not contribute to the visible image is
Collected in the supply unit 1. Provided to the developing sleeve 3 for conveying the toner 6
The rotational force is transmitted to the intermediate gear 8 by a drive system (not shown),
The power is transmitted to the developing sleeve gear 7 fixed to the shaft. The electrostatic latent image carrier 4 and
While the intermediate gear 8 rotates in the direction a in the figure, the developing sleeve 3 rotates in the direction b.
.   The peripheral speed of the developing sleeve 3 is at least 1 times the peripheral speed of the electrostatic latent image carrier 4.
In this embodiment, the peripheral speed of the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 is set to 30 mm / s, and the developing three
The peripheral speed of the valve 3 is set to 60 mm / s, which is twice as large.   Here, the center of the intermediate gear 8 is located between the center A of the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 and the developing sleeve 3.
Are placed on an extension of a horizontal line segment AB connecting the centers B of   The developing sleeve 3 is provided with a conductive and elastic metal shaft (shaft diameter d = φ8).
Rubber molded is used. Appropriate nip width for conductive rubber
Rubber hardness of JISA 20 ° to 50 ° and resistance value of 10Two~TenTenHas the characteristic of Ωcm
Chloroprene rubber, nitrile rubber, etc.
May be.   Since the surface roughness of the developing sleeve 3 affects the toner conveyance amount, the surface roughness is 0.2 to 10 μm.
mRZ(10-point average roughness) is preferable. Also, on the surface of the rubber, the toner 6
Various polymers may be applied to enhance the triboelectric charging effect and the friction resistance.
No.   In the present invention, the rubber hardness is 30 °, and the resistance value is 10FiveΩcm, surface roughness 1.8-2.1
μmRZThe developing sleeve 3 is made of chloroprene rubber having a diameter of 20 mm.   Further, it is preferable to use an elastic material for the regulating member 2, and the rubber member has a rubber hardness of 78 °.
Urethane rubber is used. In addition to rubber, metal plates such as stainless steel and phosphor bronze,
Nylon, polyester or other high molecular compound material or rubber, metal, etc. You may use what applied the child compound. Uniform toner 6 on developing sleeve 3
In addition, rubber hardness is 40 ° ~
It is preferable that the angle is 90 ° (JISA).   The electrostatic latent image carrier 4 includes organic, Se, amorphous silicon, CdS
It is possible to use an organic electrostatic latent image carrier in this embodiment.
Used.   As the toner 6, either a one-component toner or a two-component toner may be used.
In the embodiment, a non-magnetic toner having a negative polarity and an average particle diameter of 9 μm is used.   Further, the developing sleeve gear 7 and the intermediate gear 8 have 14, 26 teeth respectively.
The module 1 is used.   In order to obtain a preferable print density, the developing sleeve 3 and the electrostatic latent image
It is necessary to set the nip width with the holding body 4 to about 2 mm. To get this nip width
Therefore, the contact amount between the developing sleeve 3 and the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 is set to about 50 μm from FIG.
.   Also, a nip width of at least about 1.7 mm, i.e. 38
A contact amount of μm is required. Therefore, the developing sleeve 3 is moved from the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 to the developing sleeve 3.
Allowable deflection δ in the horizontal direction in whichxas, δX= 50-38 = 12 μm Becomes When the developing sleeve 3 is brought into contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 with a contact amount of 50 μm
, The minimum rotational force F required to rotate the developing sleeve 3Five(To be described later) is 1.4kg
It is heavy.   Next, FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a force applied to the developing sleeve.   The angle θ between the line segment AB and the line segment BC is changed.
Rotating force FFive4 and 5 show the results of printing with changing the direction of.   FIG. 4 shows the line segment AB and the rotational force F.FiveAngle from the direction of 0 to 360 degrees
The print density (optical density) at the center of the recording paper at that time is shown. Write here
The density at both ends of the recording paper is about 1.35. When the angle α exceeds 110 °, the printing density sharply increases.
It can be seen that the temperature decreases and rapidly increases from around 250 °.   FIG. 5 is a diagram showing the relationship between the angle α and the uniformity of printing on the entire surface of the recording paper. If the angle α exceeds 110 °, the uniformity decreases, and the angle α increases from around 250 °.
I understand.   That is, in order to perform good printing in printing density and printing uniformity, the line segment AB
And rotational force FFiveAngle α between 0 ° and 110 ° or between 250 ° and 360 °
Need to be   In FIG. 3, FTwoContact the developing sleeve 3 with the electrostatic latent carrier 4
And the normal force FTwoDirection is the center of the developing sleeve 3.
, And in the case of the present embodiment, the horizontal direction. F1Is when the developing sleeve 3 rotates
The developing sleeve 3 receives the frictional force with the electrostatic latent image carrier 4
And the frictional force F1The size is F1= Μ1FTwo It is. Where μ1Represents the friction between the electrostatic latent image carrier 4, the developing sleeve 3, and the toner 6
It is a friction coefficient. Friction force F1Is in the direction of the electrostatic latent carrier 4 on the circumference of the developing sleeve 3.
Is the tangential direction at the point where it touches. That is, the friction force F1And normal force FTwoMake up
The angle is 90 °. FThreeIndicates that the developing sleeve 3 frictionally charges the toner 6 and
Is the pressing force applied by the regulating member 2 to cause the
From the point where the sleeve 3 and the regulating member 2 come into contact with each other, it moves toward the center of the developing sleeve 3.   FFourIndicates that when the developing sleeve 3 is rotating, the developing
It is the frictional force that the sleeve 3 receives, and its magnitude is FFour= ΜTwoFThree It is. Where μTwoIs the dynamic friction coefficient between the regulating member 2, the developing sleeve 3, and the toner 6.
is there. Friction force FFourIs the point of contact with the regulating member 2 on the circumference of the developing sleeve 3.
In the tangential direction. That is, the pressing force FThreeAnd frictional force FFourThe angle between them is 90 °,
Pressing force FThreeAnd normal force FTwoThe angle formed is about 65 °.   Above dynamic friction coefficient μ1, μTwoAre a developing sleeve 3, an electrostatic latent image carrier 4, and a regulating member
2 is governed by the surface roughness and surface material, the surface material, shape, particle size, etc. of the toner 6.
.   FFiveIs the rotational force that the developing sleeve gear 7 receives from the intermediate gear 8, and the developing three
The radius of element 3 is r1And the reference circle pitch radius of the developing sleeve gear 7 is rTwoAnd then rotate
Force FFiveThe size of FFive= (F1+ FFour) × r1/ rTwo   = (Μ1FTwo+ μTwoFThree) × r1/ rTwo And the direction of the force is approximately the middle gear on the circumference of the reference circular pitch of the developing sleeve gear 7.
This is the tangential direction at the point of contact with the crest 8. This rotational force FFiveDirection of the intermediate gear 8
It is determined by the place where it is installed. That is, the line segment perpendicular to the line segment AB and the rotational force
FFiveIs equal to the angle θ formed by the line segment AB and the line segment BC. This thing
In the case of the configuration shown in FIG.FiveDirection is quieter than the line segment perpendicular to the line segment AB.
It is inclined by 45 ° toward the latent image carrier 27 side. Further, the configuration of the developing device of the present invention shown in FIG.
, The rotational force FFiveIs a direction perpendicular to the line segment AB. From this, line segment A
Angle θ between B and line segment BC, line segment AB and rotational force FFiveAngle α with the direction of
Relationship is almost α = 90 ° + θ Becomes   The direction of the force applied to the shaft of the developing sleeve 3 changes depending on the driving method.   FIG. 6 is a diagram showing the direction of the force applied to the developing sleeve shaft by the driving method, and FIG.
FIG. 6A shows the direction of force in the gear driving method used in this embodiment, and FIG.
(B) is a diagram showing the direction of force in the driving method using a belt.   In FIG. 6 (B), reference numeral 9 denotes a developing sleeve plug fixed to the developing sleeve shaft.
Reference numeral 10 denotes an intermediate pulley for applying a rotational force to the developing sleeve 3. Development pickpocket
The rotational force applied to the drive 3 is transmitted to the intermediate pulley 10 by a drive system (not shown).
Then, it is transmitted to the developing sleeve pulley 9 via the belt 11. D is the middle pool
The center of rotation of the rib 10 is shown. When the developing sleep pulley 9 is rotating in the direction b,
The tension on the tension side of the belt 11 when1And the tension on the loose side to TTwoThen, this tension
Difference T1-TTwoIs an effective force for driving the belt 11.   The direction of the force applied to the developing sleeve shaft is shown in FIG.
As shown in FIG.FiveIn the same direction as the direction6
Direction.   In the case of driving by a belt, the tension T on the tension side as shown in FIG.
1And tension T on the loose sideTwoDifference T1-TTwoDirection, ie, F7Direction. F7of The direction is generally from the rotation center B of the developing sleeve 3 to the rotation center D of the intermediate pulley 10.
Direction. That is, the angle θ between the line segment AB and the line segment BD and the angle between the line segments AB and F7
Is substantially equal to the direction of the force. In this way, the driving method
The direction of the force applied to the shaft is different, and when using a gear and when using a belt
Deviates by about 90 °.   Next, the bending of the developing sleeve shaft will be described.   The direction in which the developing sleeve shaft bends during rotation is the rotational force F.FiveThe direction is opposite to the direction. This
Therefore, the cause of the deflection is the rotational force FFiveIt turns out that it is. And the rotational force FFiveBy
As a result, the central portion of the developing sleeve 3 in the longitudinal direction is
Will not be contacted.   Here, the horizontal component of the amount of deflection δ of the shaft of the developing sleeve 3 is δXAnd the vertical component is δY, Times
Rolling force FFiveThe horizontal component of5X, And the vertical component is F5YThen, the rotational force FFive, The amount of deflection δ
Component F5X, F5Y, δX, δYIs F5X= FFivesinθ F5Y= FFivecosθ δX= Δsinθ δY= Δcosθ And the rotational force F5XΔXIs the rotational force F5YΔYOccurs
You.   Here, when the developing sleeve 3 is changed in the horizontal direction, the nip width is changed.
The direction that affects the gap width is the horizontal component δXIt turns out that it is.   Rotational force FFiveHorizontal component F of5XΔ of horizontal component due toXIs as shown in FIG.
Can be approximated by a simple mechanical model. δ = PalTwo/ 16EI (1) I = πdFour/ 64   However, δ: Deflection [μm] P: External force [kg weight] a: Arm length [mm] l: Span length [mm] d: diameter [mm] E: modulus of longitudinal elasticity   The arm length a in FIG. 7 is the same as that of the two bearings supporting the developing sleeve 3 in FIG.
Of the developing sleeve gear 7 from the longitudinal center of the bearing on the developing sleeve gear 7 side.
It corresponds to the distance to the center in the longitudinal direction. In addition, the span length 1
The diameter d corresponds to the diameter of the shaft of the developing sleeve 3 at the distance between the two fixed bearings.
I do. The longitudinal elastic coefficient E is determined by the material of the shaft of the developing sleeve 3 and is used in this embodiment.
E = 21000kgf / mmTwoBecomes And the external force P is the rotational force
FFiveHorizontal component F of5XIs equivalent to In this embodiment, a = 20 mm, l = 280 mm, and d = 8 mm.
The dashed line in FIG. 8 indicates that these values are substituted into the above equation (1) to obtain the horizontal component of each rotational force.
FFiveHorizontal component δ of deflection corresponding toXIs shown. The solid line in FIG.
When θ shown in FIG. 9 is not 0 °, that is, in the embodiment of the present invention,
Deflection δ calculated from nip width by measuring nip widthXIs shown.   As can be seen from FIG. 8, the value calculated from the nip width and the bending formula (1) are used.
Values almost match. Further, the normal force F shown in FIG.TwoAnd frictional force F1Development by
Maximum bending amount of sleeve 3 and press contact force FThreeAnd frictional force FFourOf the developing sleeve 3
Using the mechanical model to determine the maximum amount of bending deflection, the bending force
FFiveHorizontal component F of5XΔ of the developing sleeve shaft due toXPressure force FThree
And frictional force FFourThe maximum amount of bending of the developing sleeve 3 due to the vertical drag FTwoAnd frictional force F
1The maximum amount of bending of the developing sleeve 3 caused by the above is sufficiently small, and is calculated from the nip width.
It does not match even when compared with the warped scene.   For this reason, the reason why the developing sleeve 3 is not in contact with the electrostatic latent carrier 4 is that
Rotational force F received by the bevel gear 7FiveHorizontal component F of5XOf the axis of the developing sleeve 3
Horizontal deflection δXIt turns out that it depends.   The amount of deflection δ of the axis of the developing sleeve 3 in the horizontal direction.XIs given by the above equation (1). P = F5X= FFivesinθ Substituting δX= FFivesinθ ・ alTwo/ 16EI   = FFivesinθ ・ alTwo/ 16E (πdFour/ 64)   = 64alTwoFFivesinθ / 16πEdFour・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (2) Becomes   From this equation (2), to reduce the amount of deflection, it is necessary to reduce the arm length a and the span length.
1 by increasing the diameter d, increasing the diameter d, and changing the position of the intermediate gear 8.FiveIn the direction of
It is conceivable to make a change (decrease θ). Also, the larger the longitudinal elastic modulus E, the better.
Although it is clear that the developing sleeve shaft made of iron-based material is
Therefore, it is difficult to increase the value of E. Also, the rotational force FFiveIs
Since it is a force that gives rotation to the developing sleeve 3, the minimum value is determined and freely
Can't choose.   Here, as described above, the amount of deflection δ in the horizontal direction that is allowable from the printing resultX12μ
m, so that δXIs substituted into the above equation (2),
δX= 64alTwoFFivesinθ / 16πEdFour≦ 12 × 10-3   = 1.273alTwoFFivesinθ / EdTwo≦ 12 × 10-3・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (3) Becomes   It is preferable to improve the above various dimensions so as to satisfy the expression (3). That is, of the arm
It is appropriate to reduce the length a, reduce the span length l, and increase the diameter d. Developing sleeve 3
The shaft is generally made of an iron-based material, so E = 21000 kgf / mmTwoBecomes Ma
The arm length a is the rotational force FFiveDue to the mounting structure of gears etc. that receive
Due to the difficulty, there is a restriction that the arm length a ≧ 2. From this, the reduced value a =
2 and the horizontal component F of the span length l, diameter d, and rotational forceFiveFind the relational expression with sinθ
Then 1.273alTwoFFivesinθ / EdFour≦ 12 × 10-3 alTwoFFivesinθ / EdFour≤9.427 × 10-3・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (4) 2lTwoFFivesinθ / EdFour≤9.427 × 10-3 lTwoFFivesinθ / EdFour≤4.714 × 10-3・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (5) lTwoFFivesinθ / dFour・ 21000 ≦ 4.714 × 10-3 lTwoFFivesinθ / dFour≤99 FFivesinθ (l / dTwo)Two≦ 99 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ (6) And the shaft diameter d of the developing sleeve 3 and the developing sleeve so as to satisfy the expression (6).
Determining the distance between the two bearings fixing the leave 3 can reduce the amount of deflection.
It becomes possible.   Next, the rotational force F is changed by changing the position of the intermediate gear 8.FiveDirection to reduce the amount of deflection
In this case, l = 280 mm, a = 20 mm, d = 8 mm, FFive= 1.4kg weight
Therefore, when these values are substituted into the above equation (2), δX= 64alTwoFFivesinθ / 16πEdFour   = 64 x 20 x 280Two× 1.4 sin θ / 16 × π × 21000 × 8Four   = 32.5 × 10-3sinθ (7) Becomes Δ in the direction in which the developing sleeve 3 escapes from the electrostatic latent image carrier 4XIs the print result
Must be 12 μm or less, 12 × 10-3≧ 32.5 × 10-3sinθ sinθ ≦ 0.37 θ ≦ 21.8 ° ≒ 20 ° (8) According to equation (8), when the angle θ is between 20 ° and 160 ° (180 ° -20 °), δXIs 12μ
m or more. Therefore, the angle θ is in the range between 0 to 20 ° and 160 ° to 360 °
So that the rotational force FFiveTo the developing sleeve gear 7.   That is, considering the angle α, α = 90 ° + θ, so that 0 ° to 110 ° and 250 ° −3
Between 60 °.   Also, since the allowable nip width is about 1.7 mm, the nip width should be 2 mm or more.
Contacting the developing sleeve 3 with the electrostatic latent image carrier 4 allows
Can be greatly increased. That is, the range satisfying the angle θ is widened. Only
When the contact amount is increased so as to increase the nip width, the vertical drag shown in FIG.
FTwoIncreases. As a result, the frictional force F1Increases and the rotational force FFiveThe horizontal component of
F5XIncrease. This horizontal component F5XIncrease in nip width due to increase in bending
In fact, it is almost impossible because it is larger than the contact amount. The developing sleeve 3
Low rotational force F by lowering the rubber hardness of1Nip width can be taken with
But the limit of rubber hardness that can be manufactured as a conductive rubber roller is 20 ° to 30 °
Therefore, this is almost impossible.   It should be noted that the present invention is not limited to the above-described embodiment, but based on the gist of the present invention.
Therefore, various modifications are possible, and these are not excluded from the scope of the present invention. (The invention's effect)   As described above, according to the present invention, the developing device carries the electrostatic latent image.
An electrostatic latent image carrier, which is disposed in contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier, and
The bearing is fixed to the electrostatic latent image carrier by two bearings maintained at a predetermined distance.
At the end of the bearing, which is separated from the bearing by a predetermined gap, by rotating force.
A rotatable developing sleeve for conveying the charged toner to the developing area
Is disposed in contact with the surface of the developing sleeve on the upstream side of the developing area, and
A regulating member for regulating the supply amount of the developer, and a developing screw provided upstream of the regulating member,
And a toner supply unit for supplying toner to the surface of the drive.   Then, the direction of the rotational force applied to the developing sleeve and the rotation of the electrostatic latent image carrier are determined.
The angle formed by the line connecting the rotation center and the rotation center of the developing sleeve is 0 to 110, 250 to 360.
Set within the range of [°].   In this case, the development sleep is maintained at a predetermined distance from the electrostatic latent image carrier during printing.
It is rotatably fixed by the bearing, and the rotation direction of the developing sleeve is
Since it is specified, the bearing of the developing sleeve is
When a rotational force is applied to the end side separated by a predetermined gap, the development with the bearing as a fulcrum
Component of the amount of deflection in the direction in which the center of the sleeve in the longitudinal direction escapes from the electrostatic latent image carrier
Becomes smaller.   Therefore, the contact amount at the end of the developing sleeve is kept constant, and
Since the vicinity of the center in the longitudinal direction is prevented from coming into contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier,
Printing can be performed at a uniform density over the entire width of the printing paper, and printing quality can be improved.
Can be prevented from decreasing.   Further, the pressure that can be applied to the regulating member can be increased.   In another developing device of the present invention, the shaft diameter of the developing sleeve is d (mm).
], The distance between the two bearings supporting the developing sleeve is l [mm], and the electrostatic latent
Development three in the direction connecting the rotation center of the image carrier and the rotation center of the developing sleeve
When the component of the force applied to the shaft of the valve is Px [kg weight], Px (l / dTwo)Two≤100 Make a relationship.   In this case, the amount of bending of the shaft when the shaft of the developing sleeve is made of an iron-based material is reduced.
Not only can lower the cost of the developing device,
Workability can be improved.

【図面の簡単な説明】 第1図は本発明の実施例を示す現像装置の断面図、第2図は現像スリーブと静
断面図である。 1、21・・・トナー供給部、 2、28・・・規制部材、 3、22・・・現像スリーブ、 4、27・・・静電潜像担持体、 6・・・・・・トナー、 7・・・・・・現像スリーブギヤ、 8、32・・・中間ギヤ。
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a developing device showing an embodiment of the present invention, FIG. 2 is a diagram showing a relationship between a contact amount between a developing sleeve and an electrostatic latent image carrier and a nip width, and FIG. FIG. 4 is a diagram showing the force applied to the developing sleeve, FIG. 4 is a diagram showing the relationship between the angle α and the print density, FIG. 5 is a diagram showing the relationship between the angle α and the uniformity of printing over the entire surface of the recording paper, and FIG. FIG. 6A is a diagram showing the direction of the force applied by the gear used in the present embodiment, and FIG. 6B is a diagram showing the direction of the force in the belt driving method. FIG. 7 is a mechanical model diagram for approximating the amount of bending due to rotational force, FIG. 8 is a diagram showing the relationship between rotational force and amount of bending, FIG. 9 is a gear arrangement diagram of the developing device, and FIG. Is a sectional view of a conventional developing device. 1, 21: toner supply unit, 2, 28: regulating member, 3, 22: developing sleeve, 4, 27: electrostatic latent image carrier, 6: toner, 7 ... developing sleeve gear, 8, 32 ... intermediate gear.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 (1)(a)静電潜像を担持する静電潜像担持体と、 (b)該静電潜像担持体に当接させて配設され、印字時において該静電潜像担持
電したトナーを現像領域に搬送する回転可能な現像スリーブと、 (c)上記現像領域の上流側において現像スリーブの表面に当接させて配設され
、トナーの供給量を規制する規制部材と、 (d)該規制部材の上流側に配設され、現像スリーブの表面にトナーを供給する
トナー供給部とを有するとともに、 (e)上記現像スリーブに加えられる回転力の方向と、静電潜像担持体の回転中
の範囲内に設定されたことを特徴とする現像装置。 (2)(a)静電潜像を担持する静電潜像担持体と、 (b)該静電潜像担持体に当接させて配設され、印字時において該静電潜像担持
電したトナーを現像領域に搬送する回転可能な現像スリーブと、 (c)上記現像領域の上流側において現像スリーブの表面に当接させて配設され
、トナーの供給量を規制する規制部材と、 (d)該規制部材の上流側に配設され、現像スリーブの表面にトナーを供給する
トナー供給部とを有するとともに、 (e)上記現像スリーブに加えられる回転力の方向と、静電潜像担持体の回転中
の範囲内に設定され、 (f)上記現像スリーブの軸直径をd[mm]とし、現像スリーブを支持する二つの 軸受間の距離をl[mm]とし、また、静電潜像担持体の回転中心と現像スリーブの
したとき、 Px(l/d2)2≦100 の関係にあることを特徴とする現像装置。
Claims: (1) (a) an electrostatic latent image carrier that carries an electrostatic latent image; and (b) an electrostatic latent image carrier that is disposed in contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier, and The electrostatic latent image carrier is rotatably fixed by two bearings maintained at a predetermined interval, and is rotated by receiving a rotational force at an end side separated by a predetermined gap from the bearing, and is charged. (C) a regulating member disposed in contact with the surface of the developing sleeve on the upstream side of the developing region to regulate the toner supply amount; d) a toner supply unit disposed upstream of the regulating member for supplying toner to the surface of the developing sleeve, and (e) the direction of the rotational force applied to the developing sleeve, Line connecting the rotation center of the body and the rotation center of the developing sleeve DOO angle there is, 0~110,250~360 [°]
A developing device set in the range of: (2) (a) an electrostatic latent image carrier that carries an electrostatic latent image; and (b) an electrostatic latent image carrier that is disposed in contact with the electrostatic latent image carrier and that is provided during printing. And two bearings maintained at a predetermined interval so as to be freely rotatable, and rotated by receiving a rotational force at an end side separated by a predetermined gap from the bearing to transfer the charged toner to the developing area. (C) a regulating member disposed in contact with the surface of the developing sleeve on the upstream side of the developing area to regulate a toner supply amount; and (d) a regulating member for regulating the toner supply amount. And (e) a direction of a rotational force applied to the developing sleeve, a rotation center of the electrostatic latent image carrier, and a developing device. The angle between the line connecting the rotation center of the sleeve and the line 110,250-360 [°]
(F) The shaft diameter of the developing sleeve is d [mm], the distance between two bearings supporting the developing sleeve is l [mm], and the electrostatic latent image carrier is When the component of the force applied to the axis of the developing sleeve in the direction connecting the rotation center and the rotation center of the developing sleeve is Px [kg weight], the relationship is Px (l / d 2 ) 2 ≦ 100. Developing device.



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