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【発明の詳細な説明】 本発明は、耐火性の用途、例えば、エレベーターシャフトおよび建築物内の階
ための改良された構造成分に関する。さらに詳しくは、 本発明は、改良された耐火性をを有する繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板および
種々の構造的用途におけるその使用に関する。 本発明をシャフト壁アセンブリーにおけるその使用に関して最初に説明するが
、以後説明するように、その使用はより広い応用性を有する。 シャフト壁アセンブリーは、典型的には、建築物における複数の床を通して通
ャフト内に構成する必要性を排除する。 シャフト壁アセンブリーは商業的に受入れられるためにある特性を有すること
心に留めるべきである。このような力は1.1kg/cm3(15psi)程度に 高い空気圧の付加を含むことがある。防音特性は、また、シャフト壁において望
ましい。 本発明は、改良されたシャフト壁アセンブリーおよび、また、このようなアセ
維のマットの面を有する石膏板に関する。 現在使用されているシャフト壁アセンブリーは、また、紙のカバーシートの間
ブリーの耐火性を改良することができる。 このような商業的シャフト壁アセンブリーにおいて使用する石膏板のコアは、
する。しかしながら、アセンブリーのために必要な火 炎等級を達成するためには、このような石膏板は比較的高い密度を有する。これ
、そして究極的には燃焼する。 燃焼性の紙の面材料のシートが排除され、その代わりにガラス繊維のマットま
に使用されていないと信じられる。 米国特許第4,195,110号は、ガラス繊維を含有する固化した石膏組成物
して、火炎の熱に暴露したとき、煙を発生しないことを開示している。 米国特許第4,265,979号は、石膏板の表面部分に濃縮されたチョップド
ガラス繊維を有する石膏板を開示している。これらの板の製作に おいて、チョップドガラス繊維と石膏との混合物を水和させ、そしてシートに成
方フィート)であると報告されている。 前述の特許の首題である石膏板の各々の製作は、コアを挟むガラス含有表面層
。 本発明によれば、石膏に基づく構造的成分を含む改良されたシャフト壁アセン
ブリーおよびまた改良された耐火性を有する石膏板が提供される。 本発明は、少なくとも約85重量%の石膏2水和物及び約0.03〜約0.3重
の厚さにおいてASTM E−119に従う少なくとも1時間の火炎等級を達成
することを特徴とするガラスマットの面を有する石膏板を提供する。 更に、本発明は、耐火性の骨組と前記骨組により支持されたガラスマッ トの面を有する石膏板とからなり、前記石膏板が、少なくとも約85重量%の石
膏板は1.59cm(5/8インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119に従
リーを提供する。 更にまた、本発明は、耐火性骨組と前記骨組により支持された石膏板からなる
、石膏板は1.59cm(5/8インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119
からなることを特徴とするシャフト壁アセンブリーを提供する。 後述するように、本発明の改良された耐熱性板は、前述のように、シャフト壁
仕切などの構造成分としての板の使用を包含する。 本発明の改良された耐火性板の提供から得られる利点は、多数でありかつ重要
を製作することによって達成される。 本発明の改良されたシャフト壁アセンブリーにおいて使用できる改良された石
でいる。石膏のコアは基本的には、石膏の壁板、ドライ・ウォール(dry wall)
からなるであろう。 固化した石膏のコアを作るために使用する組成物は、任意の構成成分、例えば
、石膏のおおいに普通に含められるものを含むことができる。こ のような構成成分の例は、固化促進剤、発泡剤、および分散剤を包含する。 固化した石膏のコアは繊維のマットの面を有する。繊維のマットは十分に多孔
れる。 繊維のマットは、コアを構成する固化した石膏と強い結合を形成することがで
ットは既知であり、そして多くの形態で商業的に入手可能である。 好ましい繊維マットは、不規則のパターンで配向されかつ樹脂バインダーと一
緒に結合されたガラス繊維からなるガラス繊維のマットである。 この型のガラス繊維のマットは、商業的に入手可能であり、例えば、商標DUR
A−GLASS(Manville Building Materials Corporation)で販売されてい
るものおよびBURまたはシングル・マットのようなELK Corporation で販
売されているものである。 改良はそのただ1つの表面がここで説明する繊維のマットに面する石膏のコア
、コアはそる傾向がある。繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板(fibrous mat-face
d gypsum board)およびそれを製造する方法は、例えば、カナダ国特許第993
である。 本発明に従い、繊維のマットの面を有する固化した石膏のコアからなる石膏板
第4,047,335号、米国特許第4,32 4,082号および米国特許第4,364,212号に記載されている。繊維のマ
として使用することができる。 耐火性が重要であると考慮されるこれらのタイプの用途において、繊維のマッ
された、米国特許第3,616,173号参照。 繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板の耐火性を改良するとき使用するために好ま
トは比較 的弱い結合型の材料、例えば、でんぷんまたは他の水軟化性または水溶性被覆材
ラリー全体に均一に分布するようになる。 本発明に従う繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板のコア中の鉱物繊維の存在は、
る板において有意に低い量のガラス繊維を使用することができる。 コア中のガラス繊維の量は少なくとも約0.03重量%であるべきであり、そ
して広い範囲にわたって、例えば、コアを構成する成分の合計 重量、すなわち、コアの形成に使用する水性スラリーの調製に水と組み合わせる
量%を構成する。 耐火性の用途における使用のための繊維のマットの面を有する板のコアは、利
重量を包含する性質のとくにすぐれた組み合わせを有する。 本発明の他の面は、硫酸カルシウムの固化生成物および少なくとも約0.03
さを有するとき、前記2.54 cm(1インチ)のコアを含むシャフト壁の試験区画が少なくとも約3時間の火
炎耐久等級(fire endurance rating)を有するようなものである。前記火炎耐
久等級を評価する方法は、下に実施例の部分において詳述する。 また、コアの密度が上の範囲内に入るかぎり、コアが上に記載した成分を含む
。 シャフト壁アセンブリーにおけるシャフトのライナーパネルとして使用するた
れる。このような アセンブリーにおいて、石膏板のガラスマットの表面は板を支持する骨組から熱
を伝導し去るのを促進し、こうしてアセンブリーの火炎耐久性の改良に導く。 ここに記載しかつ、また、ガラス繊維含有コアを有するこのような板を包含す
インチ)および2.54cm(1インチ)の厚さに製作することができる。 板の表面の少なくとも1つがその実質的な面積の部分にわたって固化した石膏
れる。 耐火性および改良された耐候特性の両者が望まれる用途において、耐火性添加
剤および耐水性添加剤の両者をコア中に含めることができる。 ある種の耐水性添加剤の使用は板の耐火性を低下ささえることがある。これが
て相殺することができる。この型の場合において、ASTM E−119に従う
1.0kg/m3(55ポンド/立方フィート)であることが推奨される。 石膏のコアに耐水性を付与する好ましい手段は、水による劣化に抵抗する、例
少ない、最も好ましくは5%より少ない水を吸収するようなものである。 本発明において使用する繊維のマットは、石膏の壁板またはおおいの従来の紙
が無限の期間にわたって水による劣化に抵抗することが示された。 石膏製品の耐水性を改良するために有効であると報告されている材料の例は、
とのコポリマー;金属樹脂石鹸の混合物;水溶性アルカリ土類金属塩;および残 留燃料油;乳状液の形態の石油ワックスと残留燃料油、パインタール(pine tar
て調製したワックス乳濁液。 石膏のコアの耐水性を改良するとき使用するために好ましい材料は、ワックス
021号(D.R.Greve およびE.D.O'Neill)中に報告されている。本発明の
ナイテッド・ステイツ・ジプサム・カンパニー(Wax Emulsion)、モンセイ・プ
ロダクツ(No.52 Emulsion)およ びダグラス・オイル・カンパニー(Docal No.1034)により販売されている
性スラリーを形成するために石膏組成物へ添加される水の追加量を含まない。 石膏のコアの耐水性を改良するとき使用するためにとくに好ましい材料は、前
ている。 ポリ(ビニルアルコール)源は、好ましくは、ポリ(酢酸ビニル)の実質的に
ョンもこの製品をWS−42として販売してい る。 ポリ(ビニルアルコール)およびワックス−アスファルト乳濁液の使用量は、
れぞれ約0.15〜約0.4重量%および約3.0〜約5.0重量%である。 特記しないかぎり、用語「重量%」は、この明細書中で使用するとき、固化し
水を含まない。 ここに記載する石膏板の繊維のマットは、また、音の伝達の減少における有意
れにより音に対して抵抗性のアセンブリーを提供する。 本発明の魅力的な特徴は、繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板を現存する壁板製
乾燥成分(図示せず)を予備混合し、次いでピンミキサー(pin mixer)2と普
通呼ばれる型のミキサーへ供給する。 コアの製作に使用する水および他の液状成分(図示せず)を計量してピンミキサ
は長さが無限であり、そしてマットのロール(図示せず)から供給される。 従来の紙の面を有する石膏板の製作において普通に実施されているように、繊
示す。また、第7図はマット6の刻みのしるし(score mark)10および10A
様に刻みを付けかつふちを取ることができるということである。 繊維のマット16の他のシートをロール(図示せず)からスラリー4の上部の
形成する2枚の動く繊維のマットの間にスラリーをは さむ。マット6および16はそれらの間にスラリー4をはさんで、上および下の
燥を促進する。 第7図を参照すると、コア42の固化した石膏はマットとの結合および上に横
良剤(bond improver)を使用すること、あるいは前述の結合を形成するために
へりのペーストを使用することを不必要とすることが観察された。 第2図および第3図に示すマット6および16の好ましい形態は、不規則のパ
フィラメント30を含んでいる。 ガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板40の好ましい形態は、第4図および
いて見られるように、高度なテキスチャーを有し(highly textured)、そして
横たわる 成分を接着させるためのきわめてすぐれた基体を提供する。 「固化した石膏が実質的に浸透した」という句は、ここで使用するとき、コア
れることができ、こうして表面を清浄化する(cleaning)必要性を最小にする。 このうような清浄化の必要は、スラリーが下に横たわる繊維のマットを部分的
ましい形態は2つの石膏を含まない繊維の面を有する表面を有する。 石膏板の前述の好ましい形態の製作は、焼成石膏の水性スラリーが下に横たわ
い形態の各々の製作において、スラリーの粘 度は上に横たわるマットの厚さの約10〜15%をその全体の表面積にわたって
スラリーが浸透するようにすべきである。 スラリーの粘度を調節する推奨される手段は、それに粘度調節剤を添加するこ
ロースの増粘剤(thickner)、ベントナイトおよびでんぷんである。 製造作業において使用する特定の粘度値は、1つの用途から次の用途において
る。したがって、特定の用途について、粘度の値は実験的に最良に決定される。 石膏板の前述の好ましい形態を製造するために、前述のように、ガラス繊維の
ると理解されなければならない。 前もって決定した密度のコアの製作は、既知の技術を使用することにより、例
維のマットを利用する耐火の用途において、 繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板を使用することによって実現可能な重量の利点
。 第10図、第11図および第12図を参照すると、ここに記載した繊維のマッ
4から垂直に延びるフラッジ109および109′からなる。 タブTはIスタッドが作られている金属板から切断されかつ折り曲げられてい
成する。 アセンブリーのシャフトのライナーパネルを構成する石膏板のパネル 110は、Jトラックの足106および107の間に位置し、前記パネルの垂直
用できる。 第10図〜第12図に示す実施態様において、石膏板のパネル110(アセン
実施例 以上の実施例において、本発明の範囲内に入るガラス繊維のマットの面を有す
おいて、設置しかつ火炎耐久性について評価した。 シャフトの壁の金属骨組の金属構成成分は、ジョージア・パシフィック・コー
ポレーション(Georgia Pacific Corporation)により供給さ れ、そして25ゲージの熱浸漬亜鉛めっきされた鋼から製作された。構成部分は
レーム構造(masonry framing structure)の水平のへりおよび垂直のへりに締結
されたアセンブリーの側を以後「面側」と呼ぶ。 試験したシャフト壁アセンブリーの各々において、それぞれ寸法38.1cm
4インチ)のオン・センター(on center)(O.C.)、により固定した。 試験したガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板の各々は、実質的に石膏を含
まない面と、その実質的な面積にわたって石膏を有する面とを 有した。板の各々を、その石膏を含まない面がアセンブリーのシャフト側に露出
料の層を金属骨組の面側に固定した。これらの面材料の層を以後詳述する。 前述のメーソンリーフレーム中に位置された得られるアセンブリーは、試験炉
E−119に標準時間曲線に従い徐々に増加するようにした。 時間(分) 温度、℃(°F) 5 538(1000) 10 704(1300) 30 843(1550) 60 927(1700) 120 1010(1850) 180 1052(1925) 240 1093(2000) 試験アセンブリーの温度の測定は8本のクロメル−アルメル(Chromel-Alumel)
してそれらの残りの4本はアセンブリーの露出されていない側に位置させた。 各試験したアセンブリーの火炎耐久性は、(1)露出されていない側の平均温
度が、4本の熱電対で測定して、周囲温度より121℃(25 0°F)だけ高い温度に到達するに要する時間、あるいは(2)いずれかの個々
観察した。 評価は、次に記載するように、2時間の火炎耐久性および3時間の火炎耐久性
の試験を包含した。 2時間の試験 5回の2時間の火炎耐久性の試験を後述するようにして実施した。これらの試
ン(Georgia-Pacific Corporation)から商標シャフトライナー(SHAFTL
する石膏板を使用して実施した。 試験したシャフト壁アセンブリーの各々において、石膏板の2つの面材料の層
のへりの間で形成 された接合は水平に延びており、そして完成されていなかった。外側の面材料の
4cm(16インチ)のO.C.を使用して締結した。 使用した前述の1.27cm(0.5インチ)の耐火性石膏板は、ジョージア−
パシフィック・コーポレーション(Georgia-Pacific Corporation)から商標
そして次の組成物からの固化したコアを有する。 混合水の添加前の成分の 成分 合計重量に基づく重量% 硫酸カルシウム半水和物の微粉砕物 94.67 粘土(ケイ酸アルミニウム) 2.59 膨張しないバーミキュライト 1.10 ガラス繊維のロービング、1.27 cm(0.5インチ)のチョップドガ ラス繊維のロービング 0.44 コアの接着剤 0.52 分散剤 0.10 発泡剤 0.06 促進剤 0.52 100.00 実施した2時間の試験の3回において、各アセンブリーのシャフト側を炉内で
の火炎耐久等級を含む。 下表1において言及するガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板、すなわち、
FM/平方フィートであった(試験法FT 436−910)。このマットはD
URA−GLASS 7502−2 lbsとして商業的に入手可能であり、そ
の刻みのしるし(score mark)を付け、外側の刻みの各々はマットのそれぞれの
々はそのそれぞれのへりから約3.8cm(1.5インチ)のところに存在した。 スラリーがマットの上に堆積された後、へりを刻みのしるしにおいて折りたたみ
cm(47 7/8インチ)の幅および約1.27cm(1/2インチ)の厚さ
を有した。)約120.6cm(47 1/2インチ)の幅を有する他のロール
(200°F)において加熱する。 計算が示すように、ガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板の板G−1およびG
Pを含むアセンブリーよりも平均7%の火炎耐久性の改良を示した。 上記の3種類の試験と対照的に、次の2種類の試験をシャフトアセンブリーに
明および試験したアセンブリーの各々についての火炎耐久等級を含む。 計算が示すように、板G−3のコアは板P−1のコアよりも63%だけ少ないガ
ラス繊維を含有し、板G−3は板P−1よりも11%だけ軽く かつ20%だけ密度が低い。それにもかかわらず、板G−3を含むシャフト壁ア
した。 3時間の試験 3時間の火炎耐久性の試験を下に記載するようにして実施した。673kg/
は炉のガスの炎に暴露し、シャフト側は火炎に暴露しないままにした。 紙の面を有する石膏板は、ジョージア−パシフィック・コーポレーション(Ge
orgia-Pacific Corporation)から商標ファイアーストップ(FIRESTOP
るコアの組成を有する。 試験の間、アセンブリーの火炎に暴露する面の温度は、試験の最初の15分に
おいてほぼ49℃(88°F)の速度で上昇させ、第2の15分 においてほぼ5℃(9°F)の速度で上昇させ、および残りの2時間45分につ
時間後に多少の座屈の徴候を示した。 従来の3時間の等級のシャフト壁アセンブリーにおいて、1.9cm(3/4
の“X”型ファイアーストップ(FIRESTOP)板を含んだ。 上の試験から理解されるように、ここに記載するガラス繊維のマット の面を有する石膏板は、それらのコアが有意に低い密度をもちかつ有意に少ない
紙の面を有する対応物よりも火炎耐久性の有意の改良を示す。 次の実施例は、下に記載するコアの組成を有しそして前の実施例のガラス繊維
験における評価を含む。 重量%、固化し 成 分 かつ乾燥した板 ガラス繊維のマットの面材料 1.58 硫酸カルシウム二水和物 94.6 ガラス繊維(チョップドガラスロービング) 0.08 紙の繊維 0.74 苛性カリ液(促進剤) 0.15 ワックス−アスファルト乳濁液 2.96 ポリ(ビニルアルコール) 0.28 リグノスルホン酸カルシウム(分散剤) 0.11 ラウリルスルホン酸アンモニウム(発泡剤) 0.04 この板のコアの密度は849kg/m3(53ポンド/立方フィート)であった
。この板をASTM E−119に従い火炎抵抗およびホース流れ抵抗について
を使用したため、板はきわめてすぐれた耐水特 性を有し、それらの添加剤はワックス−アスファルト乳濁液およびポリ(ビニル
アルコール)であったことに注意すべきである。 以上の実施例から明らかなように、きわめてすぐれた耐火特性が本発明により
るために使用する。 要約すると、本発明は、生命および財産の安全を確保するために設計された耐
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION   The invention relates to fire-resistant applications, such as elevator shafts and floors in buildings.
For use in hollow shaft wall assemblies of the type used in step-through configurations
For improved structural components. For more information, The present invention relates to a gypsum board having a matte surface of fibers having improved fire resistance and
It relates to its use in various structural applications.   The invention will first be described with respect to its use in a shaft wall assembly.
As described below, its use has a wider applicability.   Shaft wall assemblies typically run through multiple floors in a building.
Used for lining ever-growing shafts. Of such a shaft
Examples are elevator shafts, air shafts, and staged atriums. Widely used
The shaft wall assembly used is made of paper supported in place from a metal skeleton.
It consists of a gypsum board panel with a surface. Assembly design on the shaft
Gypsum panel panels, including the panels that are lined and that make up the surface,
So that it can be installed on one side, i.e. off the enclosed shaft
. Such an assembly is provided by workers supported on the floor through which the shaft passes.
At a predetermined position. This seals the scaffolding or other support structure inside the worker.
Eliminates the need to configure within a shaft.   The shaft wall assembly must have certain characteristics to be commercially acceptable
Is required. For example, gypsum plates used in shaft wall assemblies are
To ensure that assemblies that use it meet the strict fire regulations of national legislation
It is especially important to have fire-resistant quality. Still further, in the elevator
The plasterboard panel used to line the elevator shaft,
The compressed air generated by raising and lowering the elevator boxes
That you have to be able to withstand the considerable power
You should keep in mind. Such a force is 1.1 kg / cmThree(About 15 psi) May include the addition of high air pressure. Sound insulation properties are also desirable at the shaft wall.
Good.   The present invention provides an improved shaft wall assembly and also such an assembly.
And improved fire-resistant fibers for use in other types of structural applications.
The present invention relates to a gypsum board having a mat surface.   Currently used shaft wall assemblies also require a paper cover sheet.
A structural gypsum board comprising a set gypsum core sandwiched therebetween is included. Currently widely used
Shaft wall assembly supports multiple plies of plasterboard panels
Metal frame. Such an assembly is described in more detail below. Briefly state
And one wall of the assembly, which surrounds the open shaft itself, is a pair of water
A metal J-track arranged in a horizontal direction (J-track)
One is fastened to the ceiling and the other of the pair is fastened to the floor);
A plurality of vertically spaced apart frictionally held within the J track
Metal "I-stud". Around the enclosed shaft
The gypsum panels for inning are supported by J-tracks and I-studs.
Be held. The plasterboard panel I or two or more layers of face material may be surrounded by a shuffle
To the J-track and I-stud on the side of the metal assembly opposite
I have. By increasing the thickness of the face material layer and / or gypsum board,
The fire resistance of the brie can be improved.   The plasterboard core used in such a commercial shaft wall assembly is:
Usually contains chopped glass fiber as an additive to improve the fire resistance of gypsum board
I do. However, the fire required for assembly In order to achieve a flame rating, such gypsum boards have a relatively high density. this
Increases the cost of transportation and makes installation more difficult. In addition, cho to the core
The amount of glass fiber is considerable, and increases the cost of plasterboard
You. In addition, sheets having a paper surface produce smoke when exposed to the heat of a flame.
And, ultimately, burn.   A sheet of flammable paper face material is eliminated, and instead a fiberglass mat or
Or chopped fiberglass is embedded in the gypsum board and the surface layer of the gypsum board solidifies
Stone for use in a shaft wall assembly, covered with burnt plaster
Plasters are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,195,110 and 4,265,979.
Are listed. The gypsum boards described in these patents are never commercially available for a variety of reasons.
Believed not to be used.   U.S. Pat. No. 4,195,110 discloses a set gypsum composition containing glass fibers.
Gypsum plate formed from the solidified product of gypsum slurry sandwiched between two surface layers of
Is disclosed. Glass fiber roving, continuous strand mat or chopped
It can be in the form of glass. The title of this patent is a single gypsum board
Examples are relatively high densities, ie 833 kg / mThree(53 pounds / cubic fee
G). This is mentioned in U.S. Pat. No. 4,195,110.
About 0.45 to 0.91 kg (1 to 2 lbs) higher than conventional paper faced boards
No. This patent also improves on the plate that is the title of this patent.WasIt has bending strength
And does not emit smoke when exposed to the heat of a flame.   U.S. Pat. No. 4,265,979 discloses a chopped concentrate on the surface of a gypsum board.
A gypsum board with glass fibers is disclosed. For the production of these boards Hydrate the mixture of chopped fiberglass and gypsum and form it into sheets.
Shape. Before the sheet solidifies, the "traditional" gypsum slurry is placed between the unset sheets.
And the resulting three-layer composite is compressed and dried. This patent
Also states that it is "highly fire and smoke resistant" and "relatively light."
In addition, it discloses that it has improved flexural strength over conventional paper faced boards
doing. As is apparent from this disclosure, in this patent, the relatively dense gypsum
The plate is considered and the density of the topsheet is 1298 kg / mThree(81 lbs / stand
Feet).   The production of each of the plasterboards, which is the subject of the aforementioned patent, involves a glass-containing surface layer sandwiching the core.
Requires special handling and eliminates the production of plasterboard with conventional plasterboard production equipment
.   According to the present invention, an improved shaft wall assembly comprising a gypsum-based structural component
A gypsum board with brie and also improved fire resistance is provided.   The present invention relates to a method for preparing at least about 85% by weight of gypsum dihydrate and about 0.03 to about 0.3 weight percent.
A solidified core comprising at least one side of said core;
And the core is 753 kg / m2.Three(47 pons
C / ft) and the glass mat has solidified from the core.
Gypsum slab has an outer surface substantially free of gypsum, and the gypsum board is 5/8 inch
Achieves a flame rating of at least 1 hour according to ASTM E-119 at a thickness of
The present invention provides a gypsum board having a glass mat surface.   Further, the present invention provides a refractory skeleton and a glass mat supported by the skeleton. Gypsum plate having a surface of at least about 85% by weight of the gypsum plate.
A solidified core comprising gypsum dihydrate and about 0.03 to about 0.3% by weight of glass fibers;
A porous glass mat facing at least one surface of said core,
The core is 753 kg / mThree(47 pounds / cubic foot)
The glass mat has an outer surface substantially free of set gypsum from the core,
The plaster board is 1.58 cm (5/8 inch) thick according to ASTM E-119.
A shaft wall assembly for achieving a flame rating of at least one hour.
Provide Lee.   Furthermore, the invention comprises a refractory frame and a gypsum board supported by said frame.
In a shaft wall assembly, the plasterboards have matte surfaces of fibers and are
Spaced horizontally between fire-resistant trucks and said trucks
Is a type that includes a refractory stud positioned directly in front of it and assembled
Panel on the shaft side of the lee and then spaced apart from the other side of the assembly
At least about 85% by weight of the shaft-side panel.
Solidified core containing gypsum dihydrate and about 0.03 to about 0.3% by weight of glass fiber
And a porous glass mat facing at least one surface of the core.
The core is 753 kg / mThree(47 pounds / cubic foot)
The glass mat has an outer surface substantially free of set gypsum from the core
The gypsum board is ASTM E-119 at a thickness of 1.59 cm (5/8 inch).
Gypsum board with a glass matt surface to achieve a flame rating of at least one hour according to
A shaft wall assembly is provided.   As described below, the improved heat-resistant plate of the present invention is:As aforementioned,Shaft wall
It can be used very advantageously in assembly and, furthermore,
Is used in many and various applications where gypsum board with conventional paper face is used.
It can be used very advantageously. Such applications include, for example, walls, ceilings,
Includes the use of plates as structural components such as partitions.   The advantages obtained from the provision of the improved refractory board of the present invention are numerous and significant.
It is. For example, gypsum with a commonly used thickness and relatively low weight
Provides the production of gypsum-based products with fire resistance previously unattainable in boards
I do. In addition, such advantages are realized by using existing gypsum making equipment and the present invention.
Is achieved.   Improved stone that can be used in the improved shaft wall assembly of the present invention
To explain the plaster board, it contains a solidified gypsum core with a matte surface of fibers
In. Gypsum core is basically plaster wallboard, dry wall
Used in gypsum structural products, known as gypsum board and gypsum canopy
Type. The core of such products is water, which is a powder of anhydrous calcium sulfate or
Is calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CaSOFour・ 1 / 2HTwoO), also known as calcined gypsum
The mixture is then hydrated, i.e., solidified into sulfuric acid.
Calcium dihydrate (CaSOFour・ 2HTwoO), a relatively hard material
Is formed. The gypsum core generally contains at least 85% by weight of set gypsum
Will consist of   The composition used to make the set gypsum core may include any of the components, for example,
, Can include those commonly included in gypsum coverings. This Examples of such components include setting accelerators, foaming agents, and dispersants.   The set gypsum core has a matte surface of fibers. Fiber mat is porous enough
The water in the aqueous gypsum slurry used to make the gypsum core
And allow it to evaporate. As described in detail later, it has a fiber mat surface
Gypsum board forms an aqueous gypsum slurry containing excess water and the fiber
It can be made efficiently by arranging fiber mats. The plaster of Paris solidifies
After that, the excess water evaporates through the porous mat, which evaporation is facilitated by heating.
It is.   Fiber mats can form strong bonds with the solidified gypsum that makes up the core.
It is made of material that can be cut. Examples of such materials are mineral type materials, for example, glass fiber
And synthetic resin fibers. Mats are continuous or discrete strands
(Strand) or fiber, and the form is woven or non-woven
Can be in shape. Non-woven mats, such as chopped strands
strand) mat and continuous strand mat can be used satisfactorily
And they are cheaper than woven materials. Such a mat strand
They are joined together by a suitable adhesive. The mat can have a certain range of thickness
For example, about 0.38 to about 1.0 mm (about 15 to about 40 mils) and about 0.6 to about 1.0 mil.
A thickness of about 25 to about 35 mils is preferred. Of the aforementioned fibers
The kits are known and are commercially available in many forms.   Preferred fiber mats are oriented in an irregular pattern and are compatible with the resin binder.
It is a glass fiber mat made of glass fibers bonded together. Glass fiber mats of this type are commercially available, for example, under the trademark DUR
A-GLASS (Manville Building Materials Corporation)
And ELK Corporation like BUR or Single Mat
It is sold.   The improvement is a gypsum core whose only surface faces the fiber mat described here
However, the core can be made of substantially the same fiber material on both sides.
It is preferable to have a surface. When the surface of the core has surfaces of materials with different expansion coefficients
, The core tends to deflect. Fiber matHaving a surfacePlaster board (fibrous mat-face
d gypsum board) and methods for making it are described, for example, in Canadian Patent No. 993.
No. 3,779,822 and U.S. Pat. No. 3,993,822.
It is.   Gypsum board consisting of a solidified gypsum core with a matte surface of fibers according to the invention
From a solidified gypsum core, preferably sandwiched between two porous glass mats
Gypsum board for building interior shaft wall assembly or similar assembly
Used as one component. In such applications, the surface of the fiber mat
Gypsum core plate or shaft liner panel with conventional paper face
Can be used advantageously, the core of which generally contains refractory additives.
Shaft wall assembly including a plate having a matte surface of fibers has a paper surface
Improved flame resistance for assemblies including plaster core plates
I do. As mentioned above, this type of assembly generally supports gypsum panels.
Metal framing or pillars, such as the walls of elevator shafts,
Draw out, form an air shaft, etc. Examples of such assemblies are described in U.S. Pat.
No. 4,047,335, U.S. Pat. No. 4,082 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,364,212. Fiber Ma
The plate having the face of the cutout may be, as described herein, the assembly described in the aforementioned patent.
Panels for brie and shaft liner panels and / or face materials
Can be used as   In these types of applications where fire resistance is considered important, the fiber mat
Gypsum board core with grated surface maintains its integrity when exposed to the heat of a flame
One or more additives that improve the ability of the set gypsum composition to set.
Examples of materials that have been reported to be effective for improving the fire resistance of gypsum products are:
, Mineral fibers such as glass fiber, asbestos fiber, and calcium sulfate
It is Iskar. One or a mixture of two or more of such fibers can be used.
Another typical material known for use in conventional fire resistant gypsum board is expanded.
Unstretched vermiculite, clay, colloidal silica and colloidal aluminum
Na. Typically, mineral fibers, especially glass fibers, are one of the aforementioned typical materials.
Used as a mixture of two or more species. For example, transfer to the same transferor as the present invention
See U.S. Patent No. 3,616,173.   Preferred for use when improving the fire resistance of gypsum boards with a matte surface of fibers
A new material is described, for example, in the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,616,173 (glass fiber related).
Chopped, as described in US Pat.
Made of glass fiber. Briefly, the glass fibers are individually continuous filaments.
About 0.0051 to 0.0254 mm (0.0002 to 0.02 mm).
Stretched texitile glass fiber ties having a diameter of 0.1 inch)
It is. Individual filaments are usually grouped into strands,
Compare Weakly bonded materials, such as starch or other water-softening or water-soluble coatings
Material is coated thereon. The bonding material is divided into several groups for each strand
Promotes prevention of wear between the coated filaments. Loosely bound textile fibers
Before being added to the core composition, the strands are, for example, from 0.32 cm to 2.54 cm.
Cut to short lengths (1/8 inch to 1 inch). Water used when making the core
Once added to the abrasive slurry composition, the binder or coating material dissolves,
The strands separate into individual fibers, which are separated when the slurry is mixed.
It becomes evenly distributed throughout the rally.   The presence of mineral fibers in the core of the gypsum board with the matte surface of the fibers according to the invention,
This produces a product with unusually high fire resistance. For example, a fiber of a predetermined thickness
Pre-determined amount of chopped gala in a plasterboard core with a matte surface
The presence of glass fibers results in a similar amount of glass fiber and a similar thickness in its core.
Has significantly better fire resistance properties than that of gypsum board with conventional paper face
To provide products. The benefits of this development are significantly significant and desirable.
Fortunately it can be used in several different ways. For example,
This development is based on conventional fiberglass-containing stones with a paper surface without sacrificing fire resistance.
Produce a gypsum board with a glass matt surface, which has a lower density than that of the gypsum board
Can be used to Similarly, have a glass matt surface without sacrificing fire resistance
Significantly lower amounts of glass fiber can be used in the plate.   The amount of glass fiber in the core should be at least about 0.03% by weight,
Over a wide range, for example, the sum of the components that make up the core By weight, i.e. combined with water to prepare the aqueous slurry used to form the core
It varies from about 0.03 to about 0.3% by weight, based on the total weight of the previous ingredients.
be able to. In a preferred form, the amount of glass fiber is from about 0.07 to about 0.2 plies.
Make up% by volume.   Plate cores with a matte surface of fibers for use in refractory applications are useful.
It can be manufactured to the desired value of density according to available technology. Relatively thick plate, example
For example,2.54For plates greater than one inch, the density of the core is about 560.7.
kg / mThree(35 pounds / cubic foot). Density
Bonding between gypsum core and paper surface in a plate with relatively low conventional paper surface
Are generally unsatisfactory due to the low density of the core. Preferably, the core has a density of about 7
52.9 kg / mThree(47 pounds / cubic foot). About 64
0.7kg / mThree(40 pounds / cubic foot) to about 752.9 kg / mThree(47
Densities in the range of 1 cubic foot / cubic foot) are believed to be the most widely used.
Approximately 656.8 kg / mThree(41 pounds / cubic foot) to about 720.8 kg / mThree(
A plate having 45 pounds / cubic foot) has excellent fire resistance and relatively low
It has a particularly good combination of properties including weight.   Another aspect of the invention relates to the solidified product of calcium sulfate and at least about 0.03.
From a gypsum board with a surface of a glass mat with a core consisting of glass fiber by weight
The core is about 656.8 kg / mThree(41 pounds / cubic foot) to about 75
2.9kg / mThree(47 pounds / cubic foot) and has a core
The amount and nature of the components that make up the core are such that the core is about 2.54 cm (1 inch) thick.
2.54 A test section of the shaft wall containing a 1 cm (1 inch) core is fired for at least about 3 hours.
It is like having a fire endurance rating. Flame resistance
The method of evaluating the grade is described in detail in the Examples section below.   Also, as long as the density of the core falls within the upper range, the core contains the components described above.
As long as the specific core formulation included is 2.54 cm (1 inch)
2.54c as long as the resulting plate gives the grade when the parts have said density
with a surface of glass mat with thickness less than or greater than 1 m
It should be understood that gypsum plasterboard is included within the scope of the present invention. 2.54c
Plates having a thickness of less than m (1 inch) can reduce core density and core formation.
Even if the components used and their amounts are the same, 2.54 cm (1 in)
It will be understood that they generally do not have as good a fire resistance as the plates of h).
On the other hand, plates having a thickness greater than 2.54 cm (1 inch) are
Density and the components used to form the core and their amounts are the same.
For example, it will generally have better fire resistance than a 2.54 cm (1 inch) core
.   Used as a shaft liner panel in shaft wall assemblies
For example, a thickness of about 2.54 cm (1 inch) and about 656.8 kg / mThree(4
1 pound / cubic foot) to about 752.9 kg / mThree(47 pounds / cubic foot
), Preferably about 720.8 kg / mThree(45 pounds / cubic foot)
Having a core density of from about 0.03 to about 0.3% by weight.
It is recommended to use a gypsum board with a glass matt surface, prepared from the compound
It is. like this In assembly, the surface of the gypsum slab glass mat is heated by the framework supporting the slab.
To conduct away, thus leading to improved flame resistance of the assembly.   Described herein and also encompasses such plates having a glass fiber containing core
Gypsum board with a glass matt surface also constitutes the shaft wall assembly
Panel as one or more of the plies of the facing material layer
Can be. In addition, this board is a type in which conventional fire-resistant gypsum board is commonly used
Can be used advantageously. The board has a widely used thickness, for example, 1.2
7 cm (1/2 inch), 1.59 cm (5/8 inch), 1.91 cm (3/4)
Inches) and 2.54 cm (1 inch) thick.   At least one of the surfaces of the plateSubstantialGypsum set over an area
An advantage is obtained when using a plate form having This solidified gypsum is solidified
It seems to promote heat dissipation, as heat is consumed when removing gypsum water
It is.   In applications where both fire resistance and improved weatherability are desired, fire resistant additives
Both the agent and the water resistant additive can be included in the core.   The use of certain water resistant additives can reduce the fire resistance of the board. This is
In cases where this occurs, such a decrease in fire resistance can be achieved by making the core more dense.
Can be offset. In this case, in accordance with ASTM E-119
Provide 1.58 cm (5/8 inch) board to achieve 1 hour flame rating
For example, the core density is about 768.9 kg / mThree(48 pounds / cubic foot) to about 88
1.0kg / mThree(55 pounds / cubic foot) is recommended.   A preferred means of imparting water resistance to a gypsum core is to resist degradation by water, e.g.
For example, one or two or more that improve the ability of the set gypsum composition to resist dissolution.
The above additive is to be included in the gypsum composition used for manufacturing the core. Like
In a preferred form, the water resistance of the core is determined according to ASTM method C-473,
Less than 10%, preferably less than about 7.5% when only exposed and tested
It is such that it absorbs less, most preferably less than 5% water.   Fiber mats used in the present invention may be gypsum wallboard or canopy conventional paper.
It has substantially better water resistance than the surface. Nevertheless, by rating
And the bond between the fiber mat and the gypsum core degrades relatively quickly under the influence of water.
It was shown to be possible. For example, samples exposed to the outside should be made of glass fiber within 1-2 months.
Showed loosening. In contrast, the fibers according to the invention
Evaluation of the waterproof gypsum core with the mat surface of the fiber, the bond between the mat and the core
Have been shown to resist degradation by water for an infinite period of time.   Examples of materials that have been reported to be effective for improving the water resistance of gypsum products include:
As follows: a small amount of poly (vinyl acetate)Include orNot including poly (
Vinyl alcohol); metal salts of resin acids; waxes or asphalts or their
Mixtures of waxes and / or asphalt and also corn flour (co
rnflower) and potassium permanganate; water-insoluble thermoplastic organic materials, for example
Petroleum and natural asphalt, coal tar, and thermoplastic synthetic resins, such as
Poly (vinyl acetate), poly (vinyl chloride), and vinyl acetate and acrylic resin
A mixture of a metal resin soap; a water-soluble alkaline earth metal salt; Distillate fuel oil; petroleum wax in the form of an emulsion and residual fuel oil, pine tar
) Or coal tar; mixture of residual fuel oil and rosin
Mixtures consisting of: aromatic isocyanates and diisocyanates;
Siloxane; potassium sulfate, alkali metal and alkali metal aluminates,
And waxes with or without materials such as Portland cement-
Asphalt emulsion; oil soluble in blends of molten wax and asphalt, water
Adding a dispersible emulsifier and, as a dispersant, a polyarylmethylene condensation product
By mixing a solution of casein containing the alkali sulfonate with
Wax emulsion prepared in   A preferred material to use when improving the water resistance of the gypsum core is wax.
-Consisting of asphalt emulsion, these species are commercially available
is there. The wax in the emulsion is preferably paraffin or microcrystalline wax.
However, other waxes can be used. Asphalt is generally a ring and ball
Have a softening point of about 46 ° C (115 ° F) as determined by the method
Absent. The total amount of wax and asphalt in the aqueous emulsion is generally
It comprises about 50-60% by weight of the suspension and the weight ratio of asphalt to wax is about 1: 1.
1 to about 10 to 1. Various methods for preparing wax-asphalt emulsions are described.
Known, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,935, assigned to the same assignee as the present application.
No. 021 (DR Greve and ED O'Neill). Of the present invention
Commercially available wax-asphalt emulsions that can be used in the composition are
Night States Gypsum Company (Wax Emulsion), Monseix
Products (No.52 Emulsion) and And sold by Douglas Oil Company (Docal No. 1034)
. The amount of wax-asphalt emulsion used depends on the setting of the set gypsum core.
About 3 to about 10% by weight, preferably about 5 to about 10% by weight of the total weight of the components of the composition used
About 7% by weight, said component comprising the water of a wax-asphalt emulsion,
Does not include the additional amount of water added to the gypsum composition to form a grit slurry.   Particularly preferred materials for use when improving the water resistance of the gypsum core are:
Materials of the stated type, namely poly (vinyl alcohol) and wax-as
It consists of a mixture of falt emulsions. This is to improve the water resistance of the gypsum product.
The use of such additives is described in the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 3,935,021.
ing.   The poly (vinyl alcohol) source is preferably a substantially poly (vinyl acetate) source.
Fully hydrolyzed form, ie, about 97-100% hydrolyzed poly vinegar
Vinyl acid. Poly (vinyl alcohol) is insoluble in cold water and high temperature, eg
For example, if it is not soluble in water at about 60 to about 96 ° C (about 140 to about 205 ° F)
No. Generally, a 4% by weight solution of poly (vinyl alcohol) at 20 ° C.
Is about 25-70 cp, as determined by the Hoeppler falling ball method
Has viscosity. The commercially available poly (vinyl alcohol) used in the compositions of the present invention
Is the trademark “Elvanol” from DuPont and Monsanto Company
Sold under the trademark "Gelvatol". Examples of such products are Elvanol, etc.
Grades 71-30, 72-60 and 70-05, and Gelvatol, grades 1-90,
3-91, 1-60 and 3-60. Air Products Corporation
Also sells this product as WS-42. You.   The amount of poly (vinyl alcohol) and wax-asphalt emulsion used is
It should be at least about 0.05% by weight and about 2% by weight, respectively. Poly
Preferred amounts of (vinyl alcohol) and wax-asphalt emulsion are
From about 0.15 to about 0.4% by weight and from about 3.0 to about 5.0% by weight, respectively.   Unless otherwise specified, the term "wt%" as used herein,
Weight percent based on the total weight of the components of the composition used when making the plaster core
The said components are associated with the water or other additives of the wax-asphalt emulsion.
Water, but additional amounts added to the gypsum composition to form an aqueous slurry.
Contains no water.   The plasterboard fiber mat described here also has a significant reduction in sound transmission.
Factors, such as the elevator shaft wall assembly and sound transmission
Is a desirable property available in other structural assemblies where reduced
You. For example, a plate with a matte surface of fibers is made of a surface material fixed with adhesive to it.
A partition assembly that provides a support surface for the layers;Board andWith layer of face material
The adhesive interface between them provides an elastic connection that tends to dissipate the sound energy,
This provides an assembly that is resistant to sound.   An attractive feature of the present invention is the use of an existing wallboard made of gypsum board with a matte surface of fibers.
Production using a fabrication line, for example, the line shown somewhat diagrammatically in FIG.
It is possible. In the conventional method, it is used when forming a gypsum core
Premix dry ingredients (not shown) and then mix with pin mixer 2
Feed to a commonly called type of mixer. Weigh water and other liquid components (not shown) used to make the core
2 where they are combined with the dry ingredients to form an aqueous gypsum slurry.
You. Foam is generally obtained by adding to the slurry in a pin mixer
Adjust the density of the core. Slurry 4 is at one or more outlets at the bottom of mixer 2
And dispersed onto a moving sheet of fiber mat 6. Fiber mat 6 sheet
Is infinite in length, and is supplied from a roll of mat (not shown).   As is common practice in the production of gypsum board with conventional paper face,
The two opposing rims of the mat 6 of the fiber are gradually raised upward from the average plane of the mat 6.
To the edge of the plate 40 obtained by folding inward at the edge.
To provide a coating. In FIG. 1, the gradual deflection of the edge of the mat 6 and
The shaping is shown only on the edge of one side of the mat, and for this purpose
Conventional guidance devices commonly used are omitted from this drawing. FIG.
The edge of the solidified gypsum core 42 covered by the edge 6A overlying the top 6
Show. FIG. 7 shows the markings of the mat 6 (score mark) 10 and 10A
Indicate that these indentations allow for the formation of good edges and flat surfaces.
You. The notch markings 10 and 10A are made by a standard notching car 12
. The advantage of using the preferred form of fiberglass mat is that it has the same surface as ordinary paper.
In other words, it can be cut and the edge removed.   Another sheet of fiber mat 16 is rolled (not shown) from the top of slurry 4
And the surface of the solidified gypsum core 42 formed from the slurry
Apply the slurry between the two moving fiber mats that form Samu. Mats 6 and 16 sandwich slurry 4 between them, and
Enters the nip between forming or shaping rolls 18 and 20 and then conveyor belt
Received on the port 22. Ordinary edge guide device, for example, a guide device indicated by 24
Shape the edge of the composite until the gypsum solidifies sufficiently to retain its shape
And maintain. Eventually, a continuous length of board was cut and exposed to heat.
The board by increasing the rate of evaporation of excess water in the gypsum slurry.
Promotes drying.   Referring to FIG. 7, the solidified gypsum of the core 42 is bonded to the mat and laid on top.
Between the edge of the mat 16 to be stacked and the overlapping edge 6A of the mat 6 lying below
Is effective in satisfactorily forming the bond between
Use a bond improver or to form the aforementioned bond
It was observed that it was not necessary to use an edge paste.   The preferred form of mats 6 and 16 shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 is an irregular pattern.
Of glass fibers oriented in turns and bound together by a resin binder (not shown)
The filament 30 is included.   A preferred form of the gypsum board 40 having a matte surface of glass fiber is shown in FIG.
This is shown in FIG. That is, the solid gypsum of the core 42 has the thickness of the mat 6 substantially.
And penetrates over a substantial area of the core 42, and secures the core 42.
The set gypsum partially penetrates the mat 16 and thus the solidified gypsum is substantially removed.
Constituents that are not explicitly included. The plaster-free surface of the mat 16 is shown in FIG.
Highly textured, as you can see
As long as it contains many gaps into which the adhesive composition can flow in and bond
Lying down It provides a very good substrate for bonding components.   The phrase “set gypsum has substantially penetrated”, as used herein,
Of the set gypsum from the mat surface adjacent to the core to the outer mat surface
So that the outline of the glass fiber can be seen through a thin film of solidified gypsum
Each time, it means that the outer glass fiber is covered with a thin film of solidified gypsum.
You. The phrase "over a substantial area of the outer surface" is used herein
About 30 to about 75% of the outer surface area of the mat is substantially impregnated with gypsum
Means that. Preferably, about 45% to about 55% of the area of the outer surface of the mat is gypsum.
More substantially penetrated. Therefore, the stone of this preferred embodiment of gypsum board
Plaster-coated surfaces have a roughened or patterned appearance;
Does not consist of a smooth continuous coating of set gypsum. This preferred form of plasterboard
Is formed with a relatively small amount of gypsum slurry deposited on the underlying support surface
And thus minimizes the need to clean the surface.   The need for such cleaning is due to the fact that the slurry partially covers the underlying fiber mat.
Through, for example, to increase the viscosity of the slurry to infiltrate up to about 50% of its thickness.
This can be substantially avoided by adjusting. Thus, this plasterboard
The preferred form has a surface with two gypsum-free fiber sides.   Fabrication of the above-described preferred form of gypsum board is such that an aqueous slurry of calcined gypsum lays down.
In a manner such that the desired mat and the overlying mat are penetrated.
This can be achieved by adjusting the Lee viscosity. The plasterboard preferred
In each of the different forms, the viscosity of the slurry The degree is about 10-15% of the thickness of the overlying mat over its entire surface area
The slurry should penetrate.   The recommended means of adjusting the viscosity of the slurry is to add a viscosity modifier to it.
And Such viscosity modifiers are known in the field of gypsum board production.
Preferred viscosity modifiers are paper fibers. Examples of other viscosity modifiers that can be used are
Loin is a thickner, bentonite and starch.   Specific viscosity values used in manufacturing operations can benextIn use
Can be varied, depending on the porosity of the mat and the desired penetration of the slurry
You. Thus, for a particular application, the viscosity value is best determined experimentally.   To manufacture the aforementioned preferred form of gypsum board, as described above, of glass fiber
When using the preferred form of mat, according to development studies, about 5000-700
Satisfactory by utilizing a gypsum slurry having a viscosity in the range of 0 cp
It has been shown that the results can be achieved. When used here, the viscosity value is no.
Measured at a temperature of 21 ° C. (71 ° F.) at 10 rpm using dollars
Means Kufield viscosity. The viscosity added to the slurry to obtain the desired viscosity
The amount of the viscosity modifier will vary depending on the particular viscosity modifier used and the specific viscosity desired.
Must be understood.   Fabrication of a core of predetermined density is achieved by using known techniques.
For example, introduce the appropriate amount of foam into the aqueous gypsum slurry used to form the core
Can be implemented. Fibers that are lighter than traditional paper surface materials
In fire-resistant applications using fiber mats, Weight advantage achievable by using gypsum board with matte surface of fiber
Is obtained. For example, a paper surface widely used in the production of conventional gypsum canopy
Material weight is about 0.596 kg / mTwoBoard (120 lb / 1000 square feet board
) But preferred forms of glass fiber mats for use in the present invention
Weighs 0.195 kg / mTwoBoard (40 pounds / 1000 square feet board)
.   Referring to FIGS. 10, 11 and 12, the fiber mats described herein are illustrated.
One of the typical commercial shaft wall assemblies that can use gypsum board with
Two examples are shown. Shaft wall assembly 100 supports a plasterboard panel.
J-track 101 and I-stud mounted on ceiling and floor for holding
103 of a metal skeleton. J track 101 is bolted 104
Fastened to the floor F to the ceiling C and adjacent to the shaft S to be surrounded. Each J
The rack has short legs 106 and long legs 107, with the long legs 107
It lies substantially flush with the shaft side 120 of the assembly 100. I Star
The pad 103 is located vertically between the J track 101 on the ceiling and the floor. I stud
The end of C-103 is friction between the J-track feet 106 and 107 on the ceiling and floor
Mated. Generally described, the I-stud 103 is connected to the middle portion 11 of the body.
4 comprises a flange 109 and 109 'extending vertically.   The tab T is cut and bent from the metal plate on which the I-stud is made.
You. The formation of such a tab forms a hole 140 in the portion 114 of the body of the I-stud.
To achieve.   Plasterboard panels that make up the liner panel of the assembly shaft 110 is located between the legs 106 and 107 of the J track,
The lip is frictionally fitted between the tab T of the I-stud and the flange 109.
The layer of face material of the plasterboard panel 112 is secured to the shaft wall by screw fasteners 113.
It is fastened to the surface side of the assembly 130. Of the two face materials of the plasterboard panel
Layers or plies are illustrated, but additional face material layers of gypsum board, if necessary
And understand that it is applicable. A layer of plasterboard face material can also be finished
Suitable for the shaft side of the assembly in stairwells where
Can be used.   In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 10 to 12, a gypsum panel 110 (acene
The brie shaft liner panel) is a glass mat, as described here.
Consisting of a plaster core sandwiched between and having a glass matt surfaceAs thingsShow
And plasterboard panel 112(Assembly surface material
layer)Is sandwiched between paper andpaperConsisting of a plaster core with a surface ofAs thingsShow
And is intended. Another exemplary embodiment is a method of fabricating fibers in an assembly.
A panel consisting of an oriented gypsum core having only one side with the face of the gut
The use of a “mat” facing the shaft and having a matte surface of the fiber
Gypsum plates are used in one or more plies of a layer of face material.
Example   In the above embodiment, the surface of the glass fiber mat is within the scope of the present invention.
Gypsum board into the test compartment of a conventional shaft wall assembly of the general type shown in the drawing.
Then, it was installed and the flame durability was evaluated.   The metal components of the shaft wall metal frame are from Georgia Pacific Co.
Powered by Georgia Pacific Corporation And made from 25 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel. The components are
, Having a 2.5 inch wide base and then 2.75 cm (2.5 inches) wide
25 inches and 2.5 inches (1 inch)
1.5 inches (3.81 cm) wide and 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) deep
Consisted of a single I-stud. J track is mason leaf by bolt
Fastened to horizontal and vertical edges of masonry framing structure
did. Assembly defined by the average plane of the long legs of the J track for convenience
Side is hereinafter referred to as the "shaft side"; defined by the average plane of the short feet of the J track
The assembled side will hereinafter be referred to as the "surface side".   In each of the shaft wall assemblies tested, the respective dimensions were 38.1 cm
(15 inches) x 167.6 cm (66 inches) and 61.0 cm (24 inches)
1) 2.54 cm (1 inch) thick gypsum having x 167.6 cm (66 inches)
Two plates were used. These plates are placed on the upper and lower horizontal
Inserted between the feet of the J track and their longest dimension was oriented vertically
. Insert the vertical edge of the plate located adjacent to the I-stud with the tab and flange on the I-stud
, Which sandwiched the I stud between the edges of the plate. Opposing boards
Vertical edge so that the long leg overlaps the plate on the shaft side.
3.18 cm (1.25 inch) S-type screw into long legs of rack, 60.96 cm (2
4 inches) on center (OC).   Each of the gypsum plates with the face of the glass fiber mat tested substantially contains gypsum.
Surface and the surface having gypsum over its substantial area I had. Each of the plates has its gypsum-free side exposed on the shaft side of the assembly
In the test assemblyinstalled.Gala in metal assembly
After installing the gypsum board with the matte surface of the fiber, the surface material of the gypsum board with the paper surface
The material layer was fixed on the side of the metal frame. The layers of these face materials will be described in detail hereinafter.   The resulting assembly, located in the aforementioned masonry frame, is
Formed one wall. A number of gas burners are burned in the furnace, where the gas
The burner emits yellow light from each burner and strikes the surface of the specimen, causing
The arrangement was such that a uniform temperature was maintained. The furnace temperature was measured as shown in the ASTM
  E-119 was made to gradually increase according to the standard time curve.         Time (minutes) Temperature, ° C (° F)             5 538 (1000)           10 704 (1300)           30 843 (1550)           60 927 (1700)         120 1010 (1850)         180 1052 (1925)         240 1093 (2000) The temperature of the test assembly is measured using eight Chromel-Alumel
(K-type) thermocouples, four of which are located on the exposed side of the furnace,
The remaining four were positioned on the unexposed side of the assembly.   The flame endurance of each tested assembly was determined by (1) the average temperature on the unexposed side.
The temperature measured with four thermocouples is 121 ° C. (25 ° C.) below the ambient temperature. 0 ° F) or the time required to reach a higher temperature, or (2) any individual
Thermocouple above ambient temperature163 ° C (325 ° F)Only need to reach higher temperature
Time. Once you have reached one of these two types of plaster
The test was completed and the time measured from the start of the test was recorded. Of each test
In the meantime, assemble each assembly with respect to plate degradation, cracking, distortion and destruction of metal components
Observed.   The evaluation was performed as described below for 2 hours of flame durability and 3 hours of flame durability.
Tests were included.   2 hour test   Five 2-hour flame durability tests were performed as described below. These trials
In three of the tests, a 2.54 cm (1 inch) thick glass fiber mat
A gypsum board with a surface was placed in the test compartment of the conventional shaft wall assembly described above.
. For comparison purposes, the other two trials were relocated to Georgia-Pacific Corporation.
(Shaftl) from Georgia-Pacific Corporation
INER) has a conventional 2.54 cm (1 inch) thick paper surface
This was performed using a gypsum board.   In each of the shaft wall assemblies tested, two face material layers of gypsum board
(Inner and outer layers) were fastened to the face of the metal framework. These two layers are 1.27c
m (0.5 inch) gypsum board, the composition of the core of which is described below. Two sheets
Such plates, each 33 inches x 39 inches (83.8 cm x 99.1 cm)
Dimensions, with the longest dimension being horizontally oriented, 2.54 cm (1
Inch) S-threads were used to form the inner face material layer. These two boards
Formed between edges The resulting joint extended horizontally and was not completed. Of outer surface material
The layer has a size of 99.1 cm x 167.6 cm (39 in x 66 in).
It consisted of one gypsum plaster, with the longest gypsum plaster being dimensioned vertically. The board is the inside surface
On the plate of material layer, 4.625 cm (1.625 inch) S-shaped screw, 40.6
Fastened using 4 cm (16 inch) OC.   The above-mentioned 0.57 inch refractory gypsum board used was Georgia-
Georgia-Pacific CorporationTrademark fromH
Firestop, sold as "XXX" type. this
Such a plate is about 768.9 kg / mThree(48 pounds / cubic foot),
And the following compositionSolidification fromWith a core.                                             Of the components before the addition of the mixed watercomponent % By weight based on total weight Finely ground calcium sulfate hemihydrate 94.67 Clay (aluminum silicate) 2.59 Vermiculite that does not expand 1.10 Roving glass fiber, 1.27 cm (0.5 inch) chopped gas Roving of lath fiber 0.44 Core adhesive 0.52 Dispersant 0.10 Blowing agent 0.06 Accelerator0.52                                                   100.00   In three of the two hour tests performed, the shaft side of each assembly was placed in the furnace.
Exposure to gas flame. The face side of the tested assembly faces the outside of the furnace, and
No exposure to flame.Table 1 belowAre the two used in the shaft wall assembly.
.54 cm (1 inch) board description and for each of the assemblies tested
Includes flame endurance rating of   Gypsum board with the surface of a mat of glass fibers referred to in Table 1 below,
Plates falling within the scope of the present invention are referred to by the manufacturer as "modified urea-formaldehyde resin".
Of glass fibers oriented in an irregular pattern, bonded together by an adhesive
filamentMade using a non-woven mat composed of This mat is 0.
It has a thickness of 84 mm (33 mils) and is used as a cover sheet for gypsum wallboard.
It was more porous than the type of paper used. The air permeability of this mat is 700C
FM / sq. Ft. (Test Method FT 436-910). This mat is D
Commercially available as URA-GLASS 7502-2 lbs,
And is one example of a preferred fiber mat for use in the practice of the present invention. Conventional
From an aqueous slurry of the gypsum formulation described in Table 1 below using a wallboard machine
I made a board of length. When a sheet of mat is rewound onto a moving support surface from a roll
The slurry was fed onto a sheet of the moving mat. This mat is about 13
It has a width of 0 cm (51 inches) and conventional notches before depositing the slurry on it
Continuous scoring was performed with a scoring blade. 2 on each edge of the mat
Mark each score on the outside of the mat with a score mark.
Located about one inch from the lip, and each of the inner nicks
Each was about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from its respective edge. After the slurry has been deposited on the mat, fold the lip at the notch mark
, Overlaid on top of the slurry. (The plaster core formed from this operation is about 122
cm (477/8 inch) wide and about 1.27 cm (1/2 inch) thick
It had. ) Other rolls having a width of about 47. inches
The mat from the top of the gypsum slurry to overlie the underlying mat
And supplied over the part. The gypsum slurry penetrates the overlying lip,
Helicopter part that overlaps the edge of the mat lying on top of the mat lying below
Helped to join. The viscosity of the gypsum slurry is about 21 ° C. (70 ° F.)
It was 5900 cp. At this viscosity, the slurry is not covered by the underlying mat.
Into a thin layer over approximately 40-50% of the outer surface area of the mat.
Lum formed. When the gypsum in this film solidifies, the outer surface of the mat is substantially
The area was covered with a thin film of set gypsum. Surface has a roughened appearance
And observe the outline of the glass filaments under a thin coating of gypsum over them
I was able to. However, at the aforementioned viscosities, the slurry is
Through its thickness, but part of it (approximately 5 mils).
No slurry was observed on the outer surface of the mat. S
When the gypsum sets in the middle of the mat where the rally has penetrated, the slurry sets.
Forms a bond with the gypsum core, including a mechanical interlock
did. Continuous length boards were cut to a length of about 2.4 m (8 ft). 177 ° C (
By heating the gypsum plate in a furnace at 350 ° F. until it is almost dry, the stone
Accelerate the drying of the gypsum board, then at 93 ° C. for about 1 hour until the gypsum board is completely dry
Heat at (200 ° F). As the calculations show, gypsum plates G-1 and G with a matte surface of glass fiber
-2 core is only 63% higher than the core of plate P, ie, a plate having a conventional paper surface
Contains less glass fiber. Plate G-1 is 10% less dense than conventional plate
However, the shaft wall assembly containing plate G-1 is less than the assembly containing plate P.
Also showed a 9% improvement in flame durability. Plate G-2 is 17.5% lighter than Plate P
And 26% less dense, but the shaft wall assembly containing G-2 is a conventional plate.
Showed an improvement in flame durability of 5% over assemblies containing. Thus, plate G-
Nos. 1 and G-2 have higher fiberglass content in their cores than conventional paper faced boards.
Even with low content and low density, the test assembly including the former plate
It showed an average 7% improvement in flame durability over assemblies containing P.   aboveIn contrast to the three tests, the following two tests were performed on the shaft assembly.
Where the face side of the assembly is exposed to a glass flame in a furnace and then
The shaft side faced the outside of the furnace and was not exposed to the flame. Table 2 below shows the tests
Of a 2.54 cm (1 inch) plate used in an assembled shaft wall assembly
Includes the flame endurance rating for each of the light and tested assemblies. As the calculations show, the core of plate G-3 is 63% less than the core of plate P-1.
Contains lath fiber, plate G-3 is 11% lighter than plate P-1 And the density is low by 20%. Nevertheless, the shaft wall including the plate G-3
The assembly shows a 14% improvement in flame resistance over the assembly containing plate P-1.
did.   3 hour test   A three hour flame durability test was performed as described below. 673 kg /
mThree2.54 cm (1 inch) thick with a density of (42 pounds / cubic foot)
A plate having a matte surface of fiberglass mat is formed by the conventional shaft wall assembly described above.
Was installed in the test section. The composition of the core of the plate, referred to herein as G-4, is described below.
.   The face side of the tested assembly was 1.59 cm (5/8 inch) thick and
Three layers of conventional gypsum board face material having the composition described below were included. Innermost
Each layer of face material measures 15 inches x 66 inches (38 cm x 168 cm).
And 15 inches x 66 inches (61 cm x 168 cm)
And their longest dimensions were oriented vertically. These boards are J tiger
Short feet and I studsFlangeTo 2.54 cm (1 inch) S-type
Fastened using screws, 24 cm (61 cm) OC. The joint is not completed
Was. The plates forming the layers of the intermediate and outer face materials are as described above for the 2 hour test
The same width and width dimensions as the inner and outer face material layers of the assembled assembly
And positioned in the same orientation. The outermost layer of face material is 5.7 cm (2.2
It was fastened in place using a 5 inch (S) screw. Face side of test assembly
Was exposed to the furnace gas flame and the shaft side was left unexposed to the flame.   Gypsum slabs with a paper surface are available from Georgia Pacific Corporation (Ge
orgia-Pacific Corporation)Trademark fromFirestop (FIRESTOP)
)). These face materials are 11.48kg
/ MTwo(2350 pounds / 1000 cubic feet) average weight and listed below
Core composition.   During the test, the temperature of the surface of the assembly that is exposed to the flame shall be within the first 15 minutes of the test.
At about 49 ° C. (88 ° F.) for a second 15 minutes. At a rate of approximately 5 ° C. (9 ° F.) and for the remaining 2 hours 45 minutes
At a rate of 1.8 ° F. and after about 3 hours and 15 minutes about 1.061
An average temperature of 1,910 ° F. is reached. Unexposed side of assembly
The average temperature measured at approximately 77 ° F. over 3 hours and 15 minutes (
Ambient temperature) to 164 ° C (327 ° F)Rise todid. Measured on unexposed side
The maximum temperature reached reached 206 ° C (402 ° F). 3 hours 12 minutes to that temperature
Reached. Thus, 3.2 hours of flame durability was achieved with the test assembly.
Was. Imminent break in integrity, as evidenced by the onset of cracks or strains
Breaking can occur on either a plate with a glass fiber mat surface or a plate of surface material exposed to the furnace.
Neither was indicated at any time during the study. I stud is 3
After some time it showed some signs of buckling.   In a conventional 3 hour grade shaft wall assembly, 1.9 cm (3/4)
2.5 "(1 inch) glass described herein as" X "plasterboard
Positioned in the same manner as the plate with the matte side of the fiber, and four layers of 1.59 cm
(5/8 inch) "X" type firestop (FIRESTOP) plate
Applied between the third and outermost fourth layers of the plate
Was maintained. Thus, a gypsum board having the surface of a glass fiber mat described herein
Is 0.64 cm (1/4 inch) thicker than a conventional paper-sided board
Even, the shaft wall assembly including plate G-4 has better flame durability than 3 hours
1.59 cm (5/8 inch) of only 3 layers (instead of 4 layers) to achieve
"X" type firestop plate.   As can be seen from the above test, the glass fiber mat described here Gypsum plates with surfaces of which the cores have a significantly lower density and are significantly less
Despite the fact that it contains a quantity of refractory, i.e. glass fiber,
It shows a significant improvement in flame resistance over its paper-surface counterpart.   The following example has the core composition described below and the glass fiber of the previous example
1 thickness, manufactured according to the technique described for the gypsum board with matte surfaces
. Flame test of gypsum board with 59 cm (5/8 inch) glass fiber matte surface
Includes evaluation in experiments.                                                 Wt%, solidifiedComponent And dry board Glass fiber mat surface material 1.58 Calcium sulfate dihydrate 94.6 Glass fiber (chopped glass roving) 0.08 0.74 paper fibers Caustic potash solution (promoter) 0.15 Wax-asphalt emulsion 2.96 Poly (vinyl alcohol) 0.28 Calcium lignosulfonate (dispersant) 0.11 Ammonium lauryl sulfonate (blowing agent) 0.04 The density of the core of this plate is 849 kg / mThree(53 pounds / cubic foot)
. This plate is tested for flame resistance and hose flow resistance according to ASTM E-119.
When evaluated, a flame rating of 1 hour 30 seconds was achieved. Water resistant additive in the core
The board is extremely water resistant. And their additives are wax-asphalt emulsions and poly (vinyl)
It should be noted that alcohol).   As is evident from the above examples, extremely excellent fire resistance characteristics are obtained by the present invention.
Achieved. In embodiments of the invention and other parts of the description, the specific design of the metal
Has been specifically described. The fibers described here
Plaster boards with matte surfaces are used for other types of shaft wall assemblies, such as fireproof
For use in assemblies made from volatile materials, for example, fire-resistant plastics
You should understand that Also, the compositions of the examples form a set gypsum product.
It should be noted that the use of calcium sulfate hemihydrate to produce
Alternatively, calcium sulfate can be used, the term
Generally includes both calcium sulfate and calcium sulfate hemihydrate in
Use to   In summary, the present invention is designed to ensure the security of life and property.
Significant functional improvements in structural assemblies intended to have fire properties
, In a practical way.

【図面の簡単な説明】 第1図は、本発明に従い使用するために準備した石膏板の製造に適する型の石
膏板を製造する構造ラインの多少線図的な部分側面図である。 第2図は、石膏板の製造に使用する下に横たわるガラス繊維のマットの、第1
図の左側に向かって示すように取った、拡大部分断面図である。 第3図は、第2図の線3−3により示すように取った部分平面図である。 第4図は、第1図の右に向かって示すように取った拡大断面図であり、 そして、石膏板の製造に使用する、石膏組成物を間にはさんだ、上に横たわるガ
ラス繊維のマットおよび下に横たわるガラス繊維のマットの両者を示す。 第5図は、第4図の線5−5により示すように取った部分平面図である。 第6図は、第4図の線6−6により示すように取った部分底面図であり、そし
て石膏板の下に横たわるマットの底面を示す。 第7図は、完成された石膏板のヘリ部分の横断面図であり、この図面は第4図
の線6−6により示すように取った。 第8図は、第4図の上部に向かって示すように取った、ほかの拡大断面図であ
る。 第9図は、第4図の下部に向かって示すように取った、ほかの拡大断面図であ
る。 第10図は、ビルディングの床の間のシャフトを取囲む典型的なシャフト壁ア
センブリーの設置を示す拡大図である。 第11図は、第10図に示すシャフト壁アセンブリーを通る線11−11に沿
って取った線図的垂直断面図である。 第12図は、第11図に示すシャフト壁アセンブリーを通る線12−12に沿
って取った線図的水平断面図である。 2 ピンミキサー 4 スラリー 6 繊維のマット 6A 重なるへり部分 10 刻みのしるし 10A 刻みのしるし 12 刻みを付ける車 16 繊維のマット 18 上部の成形または造形ロール 20 下部の成形または造形ロール 22 コンベヤベルト 24 へりの案内装置 30 繊維のフィラメント 40 ガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板 40A ガラス繊維のマットの面を有する石膏板 41 ガラス繊維の石膏不含表面 41A ガラス繊維の石膏不含表面 42 固化した石膏のコア 43A 石膏で被覆された表面 80 外部の断熱システム 81 建築物 82 繊維のマットの面を有する板 84 くぎ 86 木材の骨組 88 発泡ポリスチレンのパネル 90 接着剤 92 ガラス繊維のスクリム 94 最終仕上げ材料 96 接着剤 100 シャフト壁アセンブリー 101 Jトラック 103 Iスタッド 104 ボルト 106 Jトラックの短い足 107 Jトラックの長い足 109 フランジ 109′ フランジ 110 石膏板のパネル 112 石膏板のパネル 113 ねじファスナー 114 本体の中間部分 120 シャフトの側 130 シャフト壁アセンブリー 130 面の側 140 穴 C 天井 F 床 S シャフト T タブ
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a somewhat diagrammatic partial side view of a construction line for producing a gypsum board of a type suitable for the production of a gypsum board prepared for use in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 2 shows a first view of an underlying glass fiber mat used in the manufacture of plasterboard.
FIG. 4 is an enlarged partial cross-sectional view taken as shown toward the left side of the figure. FIG. 3 is a partial plan view taken as indicated by line 3-3 in FIG. FIG. 4 is an enlarged cross-sectional view taken as shown to the right of FIG. 1, and an overlaid glass fiber mat with a gypsum composition in between for use in the manufacture of gypsum plates. And the underlying glass fiber mat. FIG. 5 is a partial plan view taken as indicated by line 5-5 in FIG. FIG. 6 is a partial bottom view taken as indicated by line 6-6 in FIG. 4 and shows the bottom surface of the mat underlying the gypsum board. FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of the helicopter portion of the finished gypsum board, taken as indicated by line 6-6 in FIG. FIG. 8 is another enlarged sectional view taken toward the top of FIG. FIG. 9 is another enlarged sectional view taken toward the lower part of FIG. FIG. 10 is an enlarged view showing the installation of a typical shaft wall assembly surrounding a shaft between building floors. FIG. 11 is a diagrammatic vertical cross-sectional view taken along line 11-11 through the shaft wall assembly shown in FIG. FIG. 12 is a schematic horizontal cross-sectional view taken along line 12-12 through the shaft wall assembly shown in FIG. 2 Pin Mixer 4 Slurry 6 Fiber Mat 6A Overlapping Edge 10 Indicating Indications 10A Indicating Indications 12 Car to be Inscribed 16 Fiber Mat 18 Upper Forming or Forming Roll 20 Lower Forming or Forming Roll 22 Conveyor Belt 24 Edge Guiding device 30 Filament of fiber 40 Gypsum plate with matte surface of glass fiber 40A Gypsum plate with matte surface of glass fiber 41 Gypsum-free surface of glass fiber 41A Gypsum-free surface of glass fiber 42 Solidified gypsum core 43A Gypsum-coated surface 80 Exterior insulation system 81 Building 82 Board with fiber matte surface 84 Nail 86 Wood frame 88 Expanded polystyrene panel 90 Adhesive 92 Glass fiber scrim 94 Final finishing material 96 Adhesive 100 shaft wall asen Lee 101 J-track 103 I-stud 104 Bolt 106 J-track short leg 107 J-track long leg 109 Flange 109 'Flange 110 Gypsum panel panel 112 Gypsum panel panel 113 Screw fastener 114 Body middle part 120 Shaft side 130 Shaft Wall Assembly 130 Side 140 Hole C Ceiling F Floor S Shaft T Tab

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 1.少なくとも約85重量%の石膏2水和物及び約0.03〜約0.3重量%の
においてASTM E−119に従う少なくとも1時間の火炎等級を達成するこ
とを特徴とするガラスマットの面を有する石膏板。 2.約0.07〜約0.2重量%のガラス繊維を含む、特許請求の範囲第1項記
載の板。 3.前記固化したコアは約641kg/m3(40ポンド/立方フィート)〜
囲第1項記載の板。 4.約2.54cm(1インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119に従う
少なくとも約2時間の火炎等級を達成する特許請求の範囲第1項記載の板。 5.約2.54cm(1インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119に従う
少なくとも約3時間の火炎等級を達成する特許請求の範囲第1項記載の板。 6.コアの耐水性を改良するために十分な量の耐水性添加剤をも含む コアを有する特許請求の範囲第1項記載の板。 7.固化した石膏がガラスマットの内側面から厚さの約50%まで浸透し、
囲第1項記載の板。 8.前記コアが紙の繊維を含み、固化した石膏がガラスマットの内側面から厚
さの約10〜50%浸透している特許請求の範囲第1項記載の板。 9.耐火性の骨組と前記骨組により支持されたガラスマットの面を有する石膏
石膏板は1.59cm(5/8インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119
ンブリー。 10.耐火性骨組と前記骨組により支持された石膏板からなるシャフト壁アセ
側のパネルおよびそれから間隔を置いて アセンブリーの反対側のパネルを含み、少なくとも前記シャフト側のパネルは、
8インチ)の厚さにおいてASTM E−119に従う少なくとも1時間の火炎
フト壁アセンブリー。 11.前記耐火性骨組が金属の骨組からなり、前記水平方向に配置されたトラ
アセンブリー。 12.前記金属のスタッドがIスタッドからなる特許請求の範囲第11項に記
載のシャフト壁アセンブリー。 13.前記反対側のパネルは紙の面を有する耐火性石膏板からなる、特許請求
[Claims] 1. A solidified core comprising at least about 85% by weight gypsum dihydrate and from about 0.03% to about 0.3% by weight glass fiber; and a porous glass mat facing at least one surface of said core. made, the core has a density of less than 753kg / m 3 (47 lb / cubic foot), said glass mat has an outer surface that does not include the solidified gypsum from the core substantially, gypsum board 1 A gypsum board having a surface of a glass mat characterized by achieving a flame rating of at least 1 hour according to ASTM E-119 at a thickness of 5/8 inch. 2. 2. The board of claim 1 comprising about 0.07% to about 0.2% glass fiber by weight. 3. The solidified core is between about 40 pounds / cubic foot (641 kg / m 3 ) and
About 753kg / m 3 (47 lb / cubic foot) Claims claim 1 wherein a plate having a density of. 4. 2. The board of claim 1 wherein the board achieves a flame rating of at least about 2 hours according to ASTM E-119 at a thickness of about 2.54 cm (1 inch). 5. 2. The board of claim 1 which achieves a flame rating of at least about 3 hours according to ASTM E-119 at a thickness of about 2.54 cm (1 inch). 6. The board of claim 1 having a core that also includes a sufficient amount of a water resistant additive to improve the water resistance of the core. 7. The board of claim 1 wherein the set gypsum penetrates from the inside surface of the glass mat to about 50% of its thickness, and wherein said glass mat has a plurality of internal gaps free of set gypsum. 8. Wherein the core seen contains paper fibers, solidified gypsum thickness from the inner surface of the glass mat
2. The board of claim 1 wherein the board has about 10 to 50% penetration . 9. A gypsum plate having a refractory skeleton and a glass mat surface supported by the skeleton, wherein the gypsum plate comprises at least about 85% by weight gypsum dihydrate and about 0% by weight.
A solidified core comprising 0.03% to about 0.3% by weight of glass fibers ; one surface of said core;
A first porous glass mat facing the second surface of the core facing the other side.
Consists of a second porous glass mat, wherein the core has a density of less than 753kg / m 3 (47 lb / cubic foot), said first glass mat is free of solidified gypsum from the core substantially An outer surface, wherein the second glass mat is
Having gypsum solidified substantially through a portion of its substantial area through the thickness of
The gypsum board is ASTM E-119 at a thickness of 1.59 cm (5/8 inch).
A shaft wall assembly characterized by achieving a flame rating of at least one hour according to claim 1. 10. A shaft wall assembly comprising a refractory skeleton and a gypsum board supported by the skeleton, wherein the gypsum board has a matte surface of fibers and is horizontally spaced apart from each other by a refractory truck; A mold including a refractory stud positioned directly between the trucks and including a panel on the shaft side of the assembly and a panel spaced from the opposite side of the assembly, at least the panel on the shaft side Is
A solidified core comprising at least about 85% by weight gypsum dihydrate and about 0.03% to about 0.3% by weight glass fiber; and a first porous glass facing one side of said core.
And a second porous glass mat facing the other side of the core.
Becomes, the core has a density of less than 753kg / m 3 (47 lb / cubic foot), said first glass mat has an outer surface that does not include the solidified gypsum from the core in substantially the first The second glass mat substantially passes through the thickness of the mat.
The gypsum plate has solidified gypsum over a qualitative area and the gypsum board is 1.59 cm (5 /
A shaft wall assembly comprising a gypsum board having a surface of a glass mat that achieves a flame rating of at least 1 hour according to ASTM E-119 at a thickness of 8 inches). 11. Claims: The refractory skeleton comprises a metal skeleton, the horizontally disposed tracks comprise metal J-tracks spaced apart from each other, and the vertically disposed studs comprise metal studs. 11. The shaft wall assembly according to claim 10. 12. The shaft wall assembly according to claim 11, wherein said metal stud comprises an I-stud. 13. 12. The shaft wall assembly according to claim 11, wherein said opposite panel comprises a refractory gypsum board having a paper surface.



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