前記カーボンナノチューブの製造方法としては、アーク放電法、レーザー蒸発法、熱CVD法、プラズマCVD法などが知られており、これらの方法によりグラフェンシート(単原子層の二次元六員環ネット)が一層のみの単層カーボンナノチューブ(SWNT:Single Wall Nanotube)と、複数のグラフェンシートからなる多層カーボンナノチューブ(MWNT:Maluti Wall Nanotube)とが製造される。
A.Chainani,T.Takahashi,H.Kitagawa,T.Mitani,K.Toriumi,K.Inoue,T.Manabe and M.Yamashita,Phys.Rev.,B54,8438(1996))などに記載の方法が挙げられる。具体的には、ニッケル錯体は、主に平面四配位構造又は六配位八面体構造をとり、面内配位子を反応させた平面錯体は、上下に水が付加して一次元化を阻害され易いため、まず、配位子が3個八面体型に配位したtris体を合成する。これを十分乾燥させた後、結晶化の前に2分の1当量の無水ハロゲン化ニッケルと反応させて、下記構造式(6)で表される平面四配位型の[Ni(chxn)2]2+bis体を合成する。このbis体溶液を酸化して、一次元化を行うことにより、前記構造式(3)で表される六配位八面体型の結晶構造のNi(chxn)2ClnBrm(ただし、chxnは、シクロヘキサンジアミン基を表す。n及びmは、整数を表す。)を合成することができる。
前記単座配位子としては、例えば、ハロゲンイオン(Br−、Cl−、F−、I−等)、チオシアネートイオン(SCN−)、シアンイオン(CN−)、HS−、NO2 −、アンモニア、トリフェニルホスフィン(PPh3)、キノリン(quinoline)、ピリジン(pyridine)、ピロール、イミダゾール、CO、ホスフィンPR3(例えば、PH3、PF3、P(OR)3、Rはアルキル基を表す)、アルジン類ArR3、(ただし、Arはアリール基を表す)、スチビン類、などが挙げられる。
前記カーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒を前記基板上に形成する場合、その方法としては、特に制限はなく、目的に応じて適宜選択することができるが、例えば、(1)前記カーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒を含む塗布液を前記基板上に塗布し、フォトリソグラフィー法によりパターニングして、該基板上の任意の位置に本発明の前記カーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒を配置する方法、(2)前記基板上に金属パターンを形成し、該金属パターン上で電界をかけて本発明の前記カーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒の結晶を析出形成する方法、(3)電解反応(電解合成)及びラングミュア・ブロジェット(Langmuir Blodgett法)の少なくともいずれかの方法により基板(電極)上に本発明の前記カーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒を結晶化乃至製膜化する方法、などが好適に挙げられる。
(付記1) 触媒金属イオンに配位子が配位結合してなる金属錯体を触媒として用いてカーボンナノチューブを合成することを特徴とするカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記2) 触媒金属イオンが、2価及び3価のいずれかである付記1に記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記3) 触媒金属イオンが、Fe、Co、Al、Ni、Mn、Pd、Cr、Pt及びこれらの合金から選択される少なくとも1種のイオンである付記1から2のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記4) 配位子が、触媒金属イオンに単座から六座のいずれかで配位結合可能である付記1から3のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記5) 配位子が、エチレンジアミン、シクロヘキサンジアミン及びグリオキシムから選択される付記1から4のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用方法。
(付記6) 金属錯体が積層型構造を有する付記1から5のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記7) 積層型構造が一次元積層構造及びスピンラダー系梯子型積層構造から選択される付記6に記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記8) 金属錯体が一次元積層構造を有し、ハロゲン架橋ビス(シクロヘキサンジアナミド)ニッケル錯体及びハロゲン架橋ビス(エチレンジアナミド)パラジウム錯体から選択される少なくとも1種を含む付記6に記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記9) 金属錯体が、平面四配位構造及び六配位八面体構造のいずれかの結晶構造を有する付記1から8のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記10) 金属錯体が、下記構造式(1)で表される付記1から9のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記11) 金属錯体が、構造式(1)におけるMがニッケルであり、下記構造式(2−1)で表されるニッケルジメチルグリオキシム[Ni(C4H7N2O2)2]である付記10に記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記12) 金属錯体が、M(chxn)2(X)a(ただし、Mは、触媒金属元素を表す。chxnは、シクロヘキサンジアミン基を表す。Xは、架橋配位子を表す。aは、整数を表す。)で表される付記1から9のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記13) 金属錯体が、Ni(chxn)2ClnBrm(ただし、chxnは、シクロヘキサンジアミン基を表す。n及びmは、整数を表す。)で表され、六配位結晶構造を有する付記1から9いずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記14) 金属錯体が、下記構造式(4)で表されるポルフィリン錯体である付記1から9のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記15) 金属錯体が基板上に略垂直に成長された付記1から14のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記16) 金属錯体が積層型構造を有し、該金属錯体の積層数を制御することにより、得られるカーボンナノチューブの直径を制御する付記1から15のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記17) CVD法によりカーボンナノチューブを成長させる付記1から16のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記18) CVD法が、プラズマCVD法及び熱CVD法から選択される付記17に記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法。
(付記19) 付記1から18のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブの製造方法により得られることを特徴とするカーボンナノチューブ。
(付記20) 単層カーボンナノチューブ及び多層カーボンナノチューブのいずれかである付記19に記載のカーボンナノチューブ。
(付記21) アームチェアー型カーボンナノチューブ、ジグザグ型カーボンナノチューブ及びカイラル型カーボンナノチューブから選択される付記19から20のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ。
(付記22) 触媒金属イオンに配位子が配位結合してなる金属錯体を含むことを特徴とするカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記23) 触媒金属イオンが、2価及び3価のいずれかである付記22に記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記24) 触媒金属イオンが、Fe、Co、Al、Ni、Mn、Pd、Cr、Pt及びこれらの合金から選択される少なくとも1種のイオンである付記22から23のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記25) 配位子が、触媒金属イオンに単座から六座のいずれかで配位結合可能である付記22から24のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記26) 配位子が、エチレンジアミン、シクロヘキサンジアミン及びグリオキシムから選択される付記22から25のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記27) 金属錯体が積層型構造を有する付記22から26のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記28) 積層型構造が一次元積層構造及びスピンラダー系梯子型積層構造から選択される付記27に記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記29) 金属錯体が一次元積層構造を有し、ハロゲン架橋ビス(シクロヘキサンジアナミド)ニッケル錯体及びハロゲン架橋ビス(エチレンジアナミド)パラジウム錯体から選択される少なくとも1種を含む付記22から27に記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記30) 金属錯体が、平面四配位構造及び六配位八面体構造のいずれかの結晶構造を有する付記22から29のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記31) 金属錯体が、下記構造式(1)で表される付記22から30のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記32) 金属錯体が、構造式(1)におけるMがニッケルであり、下記構造式(2−1)で表されるニッケルジメチルグリオキシム[Ni(C4H7N2O2)2]である付記31に記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記33) 金属錯体が、M(chxn)2(X)a(ただし、Mは、触媒金属元素を表す。chxnは、シクロヘキサンジアミン基を表す。Xは、架橋配位子を表す。aは、整数を表す。)で表される付記22から30のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記34) 金属錯体が、Ni(chxn)2ClnBrm(ただし、chxnは、シクロヘキサンジアミン基を表す。n及びmは、整数を表す。)で表され、六配位結晶構造を有する付記33に記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
(付記35) 金属錯体が、下記構造式(4)で表されるポルフィリン錯体である付記22から30のいずれかに記載のカーボンナノチューブ製造用触媒。
The present invention relates to a method for producing carbon nanotubes capable of efficiently producing carbon nanotubes whose diameter is minutely controlled, and a high-quality carbon nanotube having a uniform and minute diameter obtained by the method for producing carbon nanotubes. And a catalyst suitable for producing the carbon nanotube.
[Prior art]
Carbon nanotubes have various excellent physical properties such as chemical stability, metallic and semiconductive electrical conductivity, high electron emission ability, high mechanical strength (high elastic modulus), and high thermal conductivity. . Utilizing such physical properties of the carbon nanotube, various applications such as a field emission electron-emitting device, a scanning probe microscope (SPM) probe, a catalyst, a structural reinforcing material, a battery electrode, and a sensor material are expected. .
As a method for producing the carbon nanotube, an arc discharge method, a laser evaporation method, a thermal CVD method, a plasma CVD method, and the like are known, and a graphene sheet (a two-dimensional six-membered ring net of a monoatomic layer) is formed by these methods. A single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT: Single Wall Nanotube) having only one layer and a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT: Multiwall Nanotube) composed of a plurality of graphene sheets are manufactured.
The single-walled carbon nanotube has a structure in which one graphene sheet in which carbon atoms are connected to each other in a hexagonal shape by the strongest bond called SP2 bond is wound in a cylindrical shape, and has a minimum diameter of 0.4 nm and a long length. The height reaches several hundred μm. The single-walled carbon nanotube is defined by three parameters: diameter, chiral angle (helix angle), and helix direction (right-handed or left-handed). Among the three parameters, it is known that the metal phase and the semiconductor phase have unique physical properties that are interchanged depending on the diameter and the chiral angle, and it is important to control the diameter and the chiral angle. .
Conventionally, in the thermal CVD method and the plasma CVD method, the diameter of the carbon nanotube has been controlled as follows. That is, in the thermal CVD method or the plasma CVD method, when the carbon nanotubes are grown on a catalyst metal film, the diameter of the carbon nanotubes is affected by the grain boundary of the catalyst metal film, the film thickness, etc. The diameter of the carbon nanotube has been controlled by performing an annealing treatment on the catalyst metal in the catalyst metal film to form fine particles. However, in this case, the diameter of the catalyst metal can be reduced to only about several nm, and when the catalyst metal film is thinned, the catalyst metal fine particles aggregate during the growth of the carbon nanotubes, and the particle diameter decreases. However, there is a problem that the diameter of the growing carbon nanotube increases.
On the other hand, as a method for controlling the diameter of the carbon nanotubes, the diameter of the single-walled carbon nanotubes is controlled by performing a gas phase synthesis using a catalyst in which catalyst fine particles are supported in pores of zeolite which is a heat-resistant porous carrier. A method of controlling the wavelength to 2 nm or less has been proposed (for example, see Patent Document 1). However, in this case, it is necessary to remove the zeolite after growing the carbon nanotubes, which is troublesome and expensive, and it is extremely difficult to arrange the carbon nanotubes at a desired position on the substrate. There is a problem that is.
[Patent Document 1]
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to solve the conventional problems and achieve the following objects. That is, the present invention provides a method for producing carbon nanotubes, which can efficiently produce carbon nanotubes whose diameter is minutely controlled, and a high-quality carbon nanotube having a uniform and minute diameter obtained by the method for producing carbon nanotubes. It is an object of the present invention to provide a carbon nanotube and a catalyst for producing the carbon nanotube suitable for producing the carbon nanotube.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Means for solving the above problems are as described in Supplementary Notes 1 to 35 described later.
The catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention contains a metal complex in which a ligand is coordinated to a catalyst metal ion. The catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes has a high quality that is controlled to a uniform and minute diameter because the catalyst metal ions serving as a catalyst during the production of carbon nanotubes are held in the metal complex without aggregating or the like. It is suitable as a catalyst for producing a suitable carbon nanotube. In the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes, the amount of catalyst metal per unit area is desirably adjusted by arbitrarily controlling the number of layers of the metal complex. Therefore, when carbon nanotubes are produced using the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes, the diameter of the obtained carbon nanotubes can be arbitrarily controlled.
In the method for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention, carbon nanotubes are synthesized using a carbon nanotube production catalyst containing a metal complex in which a ligand is coordinated to a catalyst metal ion. According to the method for producing a carbon nanotube, the use of the metal complex as a catalyst suppresses the aggregation of the catalytic metal, so that a high-quality carbon nanotube having a uniform and fine diameter is efficiently produced.
The carbon nanotube of the present invention is obtained by the method for producing a carbon nanotube of the present invention. Since the carbon nanotubes are fine and uniform in diameter and uniform in electrical characteristics, they are used for electronic materials such as field emission displays and fluorescent display lamps, energy materials such as fuel cells and lithium ion batteries, reinforced plastics, and charged materials. It is widely and suitably used in various fields as a nanotechnology material such as a composite material such as an inhibitor, a reinforced plastic, a nanodevice, a probe of a scanning probe microscope, and a DNA chip.
(Catalyst for carbon nanotube production)
The catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention contains a metal complex and further contains other components appropriately selected as necessary.
The metal complex is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected from known ones according to the purpose. Examples thereof include those in which a ligand is coordinated to a catalytic metal ion. The metal complex may have a known substituent appropriately selected as necessary. The metal complex may be used alone or in combination of two or more.
The shape, structure, size, and the like of the metal complex are not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the carbon nanotube to be obtained and the like. Is preferred.
Among the metal complexes, a stacked metal complex having a stacked structure in which metal complexes are stacked is preferable in that a uniform thin film can be formed in a self-organizing manner.
The number of stacked metal complexes in the stacked metal complex is not particularly limited and can be selected according to the purpose, but is preferably 1 to 10 layers. By changing the number of layers, the amount of the catalyst metal per unit area can be changed, whereby the diameter of the carbon nanotube can be arbitrarily controlled.
The metal complex in the stacked metal complex may be one kind or two or more kinds.
The bonding force between metal complexes in the stacked metal complex is not particularly limited, and may be a weak bonding force or a strong bonding force.
Examples of the weak binding force include an intermolecular force, a hydrogen bond, and the like. When the bonding force between the metal complexes in the stacked metal complex is the weak bonding force, the stacked metal complex includes, for example, a ligand such as dimethylglyoxime as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4. And a planar four-coordinated metal complex in which metal complexes having a catalytic metal ion are alternately stacked by intermolecular force.
The planar four-coordinate metal complex is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. For example, a metal complex represented by the following structural formula (1) is preferably exemplified. .
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In the structural formula (1), M represents a catalytic metal ion. The catalyst metal ion will be described later.
Specific examples of the metal complex represented by the structural formula (1) include nickel dimethylglyoxime [Ni (C4H7N2O2)2], Iron dimethylglyoxime represented by the following structural formula (2-2) [Fe (C4H7N2O2)2], And the like.
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Nickel dimethylglyoxime represented by the structural formula (2-1) [Ni (C4H7N2O2)2] Can be synthesized, for example, by adding an aqueous solution of nickel ions to an alcohol solution of dimethylglyoxime. Iron dimethylglyoxime represented by the structural formula (2-2) [Fe (C4H7N2O2)2] Can be synthesized, for example, by adding an aqueous solution of iron ions to an alcohol solution of dimethylglyoxime.
Examples of the strong binding force include a covalent bond, an ionic bond, a coordination bond, a cross-linking bond, and the like.
When the bonding force between the metal complexes in the stacked metal complex is the strong bonding force, the stacked metal complex is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. Preferable examples include at least one selected from a laminated structure metal complex and a spin ladder ladder type laminated structure metal complex.
The one-dimensional laminated structure metal complex is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include ethylenediamine, cyclohexanediamine, and glyoxime as shown in FIGS. 1 (A) and 1 (B). And a metal complex (metal complex for forming a one-dimensional laminated structure) having a ligand of the formula (1) and a catalytic metal ion, which are alternately laminated via a cross-linking ligand. Examples thereof include those containing at least one of a halogen-bridged bis (cyclohexanediaminato) nickel complex and a halogen-bridged bis (ethylenediaminato) palladium complex.
The cross-linking ligand is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose; however, a halogen ion and at least one selected from pyrazine, bipyridine and analogs thereof are preferable.
Preferable examples of the metal complex (metal complex for forming a one-dimensional stacked structure) include a six-coordinate octahedral metal complex (a metal complex having a plane four-coordinate structure before stacking) and a porphyrin complex.
The six-coordinate octahedral metal complex is a metal complex having a planar four-coordinate structure before stacking, and M (chxn)2(X)aAnd a hexacoordinate octahedral metal complex represented by the following formula: Here, in the above formula, M represents a catalytic metal element. The catalytic metal element will be described later. chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group. X represents a bridging ligand such as halogen, pyrazine and bipyridine. a represents an integer. M (chxn)2(X)aMay be used alone or in combination of two or more. Among them, Ni (chxn)2ClnBrm(However, chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group. N and m represent integers.), Ni (chxn)2Cl (NO3)2, Ni (chxn)2Br (NO3)2, Ni1-xPolx(Chxn)2Br3Are preferred.
Note that the Ni (chxn)2ClnBrm(However, chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group; n and m represent integers.) In the laminated metal complex, a six-coordinate octahedral crystal structure represented by the following structural formula (3) is formed. Have.
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Ni (chxn) represented by the structural formula (3)2ClnBrm(However, chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group; n and m each represent an integer.) The production method is not particularly limited, and can be appropriately selected from known methods depending on the purpose. For example, (H. Okamoto, Y. Shimada, Y. Oka,
A. Chainani, T .; Takahashi, H .; Kitagawa, T .; Mitani, K .; Toriumi, K .; Inoue, T .; Manabe and M.S. Yamashita, Phys. Rev .. , B54, 8438 (1996)). Specifically, a nickel complex mainly has a planar four-coordinate structure or a six-coordinate octahedral structure. First, a tris form in which three ligands are coordinated in an octahedral form is synthesized because it is easily inhibited. After being sufficiently dried, it is reacted with a half equivalent of anhydrous nickel halide before crystallization to obtain a planar four-coordinate [Ni (chxn)] represented by the following structural formula (6).2]2+Synthesize bis-isomer. The bis-body solution is oxidized to be one-dimensional, thereby obtaining a hexacoordinate octahedral crystal structure of Ni (chxn) represented by the structural formula (3).2ClnBrm(However, chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group. N and m represent an integer.).
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Preferable examples of the porphyrin complex include a porphyrin complex represented by the following structural formula (4).
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In the structural formula (4), M represents a catalytic metal ion. The catalyst metal ion will be described later.
The porphyrin complex has a porphyrin, and the porphyrin is a generic term for a macrocyclic compound and a derivative thereof in which four pyrrole rings are alternately bonded to four methine groups at an α position, and as the porphyrin, There is no limitation, and it can be appropriately selected according to the purpose. Examples thereof include protoporphyrin, ethioporphyrin, mesoporphyrin, tetraphenylporphyrin, cytoporphyrin, uroporphyrin, and coproporphyrin.
The porphyrin complex is a general term for metal complexes having the porphyrin as a ligand (por). The porphyrin complex forms a complex with each of the metal elements of Groups 1 to 15 of the periodic table, and in most cases has a planar four-coordinate structure.4+Is hexacoordinated and pyramidal.
Specific examples of the porphyrin complex represented by the structural formula (4) include those represented by the following structural formula (5).
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The spin-ladder ladder-type laminated metal complex is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. For example, a ligand having a structure shown in FIG. And a metal complex (FIG. 2 (A)) alternately laminated via the above. The spin-ladder-type ladder-type laminated metal complex exhibits a structure in an intermediate state between a one-dimensional chain and a two-dimensional chain, and the metal complex chain direction (the metal complex accumulation direction) due to the superexchange interaction of the bridging ligand. And an antiferromagnetic interaction in at least one of the directions between the metal complex chains (direction substantially perpendicular to the integration direction), and can exhibit conductivity or superconductivity by carrier doping.
The catalyst metal ion is not particularly limited as long as it functions as a catalyst during the production of carbon nanotubes, and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples of the metal element include an iron group metal and a platinum group metal. Metals, rare earth metals, mixtures thereof, and the like, specifically, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Zr, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt and the like can be mentioned. These may be used alone or in combination of two or more. Among them, Fe, Co, Al, Ni, Mn, Pd, Cr and Pt are preferable from the viewpoint of having high catalytic activity, and from the viewpoint of producing single-walled carbon nanotubes, Fe, Co, Ni, Y, Rh, Pd, Pt, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu and the like are preferable.
The valence of the catalytic metal ion is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. For example, when the ion is a transition element, divalent or trivalent is preferable.
The ligand is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. For example, a ligand capable of coordinating with the catalytic metal ion in any of monodentate to hexadentate is preferable. Among these, monodentate ligands, bidentate ligands, and hexadentate ligands are preferable, and specifically, ethylenediamine, cyclohexanediamine, and glyoxime are more preferable.
Examples of the monodentate ligand include a halogen ion (Br−, Cl−, F−, I−Thiocyanate ion (SCN)−), Cyanide ion (CN−), HS−, NO2 −, Ammonia, triphenylphosphine (PPh3), Quinoline, pyridine, pyrrole, imidazole, CO, phosphine PR3(For example, PH3, PF3, P (OR)3, R represents an alkyl group), argines ArR3, (Where Ar represents an aryl group), stibines, and the like.
Examples of the bidentate ligand include 2,2'-bipyridine, ethylenediamine, diethanolamine, diethylenetriamine, dimethylglyoxime, and cyclohexanediamine.
Examples of the hexadentate ligand include ethylenediaminetetraacetate ion, pyridine-2-thiol and derivatives thereof.
These ligands may be used alone or in combination of two or more, but are preferably selected so that their sequences are regular.
The ligand may have a known substituent such as a hydroxyl group or a carboxyl group. When the ligand has these substituents, when a metal complex having the ligand is adjacent, an interaction such as a hydrogen bond between the ligands in the adjacent metal complex Can be caused.
The catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. A substituent may be introduced as necessary.
The substituent is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. Examples thereof include an alkyl group and an aryl group, and these may be further substituted with a substituent. The substituent is not particularly limited, and can be appropriately selected from known ones according to the purpose.
The alkyl group is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. Examples thereof include a linear, branched or cyclic alkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms. Specifically, methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, tert-butyl, pentyl, isopentyl, hexyl, isohexyl, heptyl, isoheptyl, octyl, isooctyl, nonyl, isononyl, decyl, isodecyl, cyclopentyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, Preferred examples include cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl, cyclooctyl, cyclononyl, cyclodecyl, and the like.
The aryl group is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. Examples thereof include a monocyclic aromatic ring group, a group in which four or less aromatic rings are bonded, and five or less rings. A group having a condensed aromatic ring and having a total of 50 or less atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur is preferably exemplified.
The group of the monocyclic aromatic ring is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose.Examples include phenyl, tolyl, xylyl, cumenyl, styryl, mesityl, cinnamyl, phenethyl, and benzhydryl. And these may be substituted with a substituent.
The group in which the aromatic ring is bonded to four or less rings is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include naphthyl, anthryl, phenanthryl, indenyl, azulenyl, benzanthracenyl, And the like, which may be substituted with a substituent.
The group having 5 or less condensed aromatic rings and having a total of 30 or less atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. For example, pyrrolyl, furyl, thienyl, pyridyl, quinolyl, isoquinolyl, imidazoyl, pyridinyl, pyrrolopyridinyl, thiazoyl, pyrimidinyl, thiophenyl, indolyl, quinolinyl, pyrinyl, adenyl, and the like, even if these are substituted with a substituent Good.
The catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention may be obtained as a single product as it is, or may be obtained as a product formed on a substrate. In the latter case, it can be used as it is to produce carbon nanotubes.
The substrate is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected and used from those usually used. For example, a Si substrate, a glass substrate, a quartz substrate, an alumina substrate, a porous silica substrate, an alumina anodic oxide plate, And the like.
The surface of the substrate is preferably sufficiently cleaned from the viewpoint of the production of carbon nanotubes. The cleaning method is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose.For example, in addition to solvent cleaning, a corona treatment, a plasma treatment, a discharge treatment such as a plasma ashing, and the like are preferably exemplified. These methods may be employed alone or in combination of two or more.
When the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes is formed on the substrate, the method is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. Examples thereof include (1) the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes. A method of applying a coating solution on the substrate, patterning the coating solution by photolithography, and arranging the carbon nanotube production catalyst of the present invention at an arbitrary position on the substrate; (2) forming a metal pattern on the substrate; At least one of (3) electrolytic reaction (electrosynthesis) and Langmuir-Blodgett method) by applying an electric field on the metal pattern to precipitate and form the crystals of the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention. The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to the present invention is provided on a substrate (electrode) by any method. The crystallization method or manufacturing form a film a, and the like.
In the case of the method (1), the solvent used for the coating solution is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include tetrahydrofuran, toluene, xylene, and octane. Among these, it is preferable to use tetrahydrofuran (THF). The method of applying the coating solution is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose.Examples include spin coating, dip coating, kneader coating, curtain coating, and blade coating. No. Among these, a spin coating method, a dip coating method, and the like are preferable in terms of coating efficiency and the like. The conditions and the like for the patterning are not particularly limited, and known conditions and the like can be adopted.
In the case of the method (1), the number of the metal complexes in the carbon nanotube production catalyst of the present invention on the substrate is adjusted by appropriately adjusting the coating amount of the carbon nanotube production catalyst of the present invention. Can be controlled. Further, the method (1) is advantageous in that carbon nanotubes can be formed only at predetermined locations on the substrate.
In the case of the method (2), the metal used for forming the metal pattern is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include Al, Cu, and Ti. . The method for forming the metal pattern is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include a method of forming a metal thin film on a substrate by vapor deposition and etching. The means and conditions for applying the electric field are not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. The method (2) is advantageous in that carbon nanotubes can be formed only at predetermined locations on the substrate.
In the case of the method (3), in the electrolytic reaction (electrosynthesis), the carbon nanotube production catalyst is dissolved in a solvent such as alcohol, and the carbon nanotube of the present invention is electrolyzed on a predetermined substrate (electrode). Crystals of the catalyst for producing nanotubes can be deposited and formed. Examples of the substrate (electrode) include a platinum wire, a platinum plate, a glass plate on which ITO is deposited, and the like. Examples of the supporting electrolyte used in the electric field reaction (electric field synthesis) include tetrabutylammonium. In the crystallization or film formation, the carbon nanotube production catalyst of the present invention is self-integrated. The crystallization or film formation may be repeated a plurality of times, and in this case, the number of metal complexes on the substrate (electrode) in the carbon nanotube production catalyst of the present invention can be controlled.
Although the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention can be suitably used in various fields, it can be particularly preferably used in the following carbon nanotubes of the present invention and the production method thereof. In the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention, the catalyst metal serving as a catalyst during the production of carbon nanotubes is incorporated at a predetermined position in the metal complex in the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes. , Exist in a moderately dispersed state. For this reason, when the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes is used for the production of carbon nanotubes, carbon nanotubes can be selectively grown at the position of the catalyst metal, and each can be grown independently. It can be grown at a high density and substantially perpendicular to the substrate or the like, and its diameter can be finely and uniformly controlled by appropriately adjusting the number of layers of the metal complex. it can. As a result, the obtained carbon nanotubes have high quality, are stable and constant, and have constant physical and electrical characteristics, and can be suitably used for various applications.
(Carbon nanotube and method for producing the same)
The carbon nanotube of the present invention is obtained by the method for producing a carbon nanotube of the present invention.
In the method for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention, carbon nanotubes are synthesized using the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention as a catalyst. Hereinafter, the details of the carbon nanotube of the present invention will be clarified through the description of the method for producing the carbon nanotube of the present invention.
When the carbon nanotube production catalyst is used as a catalyst, it is preferable to arrange the carbon nanotube production catalyst at a desired position on the substrate. In this case, the carbon nanotube production catalyst is placed on the substrate as the carbon nanotube production catalyst. The formed one may be used. In addition, as the substrate, those described above and the like can be mentioned. In these cases, it is advantageous in that the carbon nanotubes can be selectively grown, and the carbon nanotubes can be grown individually one by one.
The method for the synthesis is not particularly limited except that the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention is used as a catalyst, and can be appropriately selected according to the purpose. ), An arc discharge method, a laser deposition method, a thermal decomposition method, and the like. These methods may be used alone or in combination of two or more. Among them, CVD (chemical vapor deposition) is preferable because carbon nanotubes can be selectively grown perpendicular to the substrate.
The CVD method (chemical vapor deposition method) is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected from known methods according to the purpose. Examples thereof include a thermal CVD method (also simply referred to as a CVD method) and a hot CVD method. Examples thereof include a filament CVD method, a plasma enhanced CVD method (also called a plasma assisted CVD method and a plasma CVD method), a plasma enhanced hot filament CVD method, and a laser enhanced CVD method (also called a laser CVD method). Among these, a thermal CVD method and a plasma CVD method are preferable.
In the thermal CVD method, the filament temperature is about 500 to 2000 ° C., and the raw material gas is decomposed by the heat of the filament to grow carbon nanotubes.
In the plasma CVD, a raw material gas is decomposed by plasma to grow carbon nanotubes. In general, a high frequency (RF) is preferably used for exciting the plasma, but a low frequency, a microwave (MW), a direct current (DC), or the like may be used, and the output of the high frequency (RF) may be used. , 0.1-1000 W / cm3It is about.
The conditions of the CVD method are not particularly limited, and include the same conditions as in the production of carbon nanotubes by a normal CVD method.
In the case of the CVD method, it is preferable to control the flow rate of the source gas. As the source gas, a mixed gas of a carbon supply gas and an introduction gas is suitably used.
The carbon supply gas is not particularly limited and may be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose. For example, methane, ethylene, acetylene, benzene, butane, isopropanol, C10H16, CS2, C60, And the like.
The introduced gas is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. Examples thereof include hydrogen and NH.3, And the like.
The mixing ratio in the mixed gas is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the intended purpose.For example, when methane gas is used as the carbon supply gas and hydrogen gas is used as the introduction gas, The flow rate ratio is preferably methane gas: hydrogen gas = 1-5: 9-5.
In the case of the CVD method, it is preferable to control the pressure of the vacuum chamber. The pressure in the vacuum chamber is preferably, for example, 1 to 10 Torr (0.133 kPa to 1.33 kPa).
Here, a specific embodiment of the method for producing a carbon nanotube of the present invention will be described. A nickel dimethylglyoxime represented by the following structural formula (2-1) was used as the carbon nanotube production catalyst, and a coating solution obtained by dissolving this in alcohol was applied onto the substrate, dried, and then subjected to lithography. The nickel dimethylglyoxime was arranged in a laminated state at an arbitrary position on the substrate by patterning. Carbon nanotubes are grown on the nickel dimethylglyoxime on this substrate by a plasma CVD method. Then, carbon nanotubes selectively grow on the nickel dimethylglyoxime. At this time, if an electric field is applied to the substrate, the carbon nanotubes can be grown in a direction substantially perpendicular to the substrate.
Embedded image
In the plasma CVD method, for example, using a plasma CVD apparatus 10 as shown in FIG. 6, a microwave power source 7 of 2.45 GHz is used as an excitation source, a substrate 8 is placed in a vacuum chamber 3, and a pressure of 2 Torr is applied. H2Flow rate / CH4Under a condition of a flow rate of 80 sccm / 20 sccm, a DC bias of 160 V is applied to the substrate 8, and the growth can be performed for 5 to 30 minutes.
Observation of the state of formation of the obtained carbon nanotubes with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that single-walled carbon nanotubes had a uniform diameter substantially perpendicular to the substrate at the position of the nickel dimethylglyoxime on the substrate. It is recognized that it is standing.
In the method for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention, after obtaining carbon nanotubes, the carbon nanotubes may be purified.
The method for purifying the carbon nanotubes is not particularly limited and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose. For example, when the carbon nanotubes are the single-walled carbon nanotubes, Soxhlet extraction, hydrothermal method, centrifugation method And the ultrafiltration method. When the carbon nanotube is the multi-walled carbon nanotube, an oxidation method, a centrifugation method and the like are preferably mentioned.
The carbon nanotube produced by the above-described method for producing a carbon nanotube of the present invention is the carbon nanotube of the present invention.
The shape, structure, size, and the like of the carbon nanotube of the present invention are not particularly limited, and can be appropriately selected depending on the purpose.
The carbon nanotube of the present invention may be, for example, a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) or a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT).
The single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) has, for example, a diameter of about 0.4 to 3 nm and a length of about 10 nm to 10 μm.
Specific examples of the single-walled carbon nanotube preferably include those selected from armchair-type carbon nanotubes, zigzag-type carbon nanotubes, and chiral-type carbon nanotubes.
The multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) has, for example, a diameter of about 3 to 100 nm, a length of about 10 nm to 10 μm, and a number of layers of about 2 to 100.
According to the method for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention, carbon nanotubes can be selectively grown at the position of the catalyst metal, and one by one can be independently grown, and furthermore, a high density can be obtained. In addition, the metal complex can be grown substantially perpendicular to the substrate or the like, and the diameter can be finely and uniformly controlled by appropriately adjusting the number of layers of the metal complex.
As a result, the obtained carbon nanotubes of the present invention have a diameter that is minutely controlled, are arranged with high precision, are high in quality, are stable and constant, and have constant physical and electrical characteristics. , Various uses, for example, electronic materials such as field emission displays and fluorescent display lamps, energy materials such as fuel cells and lithium ion batteries, reinforced plastics, antistatic materials, composite materials such as reinforced plastics, nanodevices, scanning probes It can be widely and suitably used as a probe of a microscope (SPM), a nanotechnology material such as a DNA chip, and the like.
Hereinafter, examples of the present invention will be described, but the present invention is not limited to these examples.
(Example 1)
Carbon nanotubes were grown by a plasma CVD method using nickel dimethylglyoxime represented by the following structural formula (2-1) as the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes.
Embedded image
First, nickel dimethylglyoxime represented by the above structural formula (2-1) was synthesized by a conventional method. Nickel dimethylglyoxime has a planar four-coordinate structure as shown in FIG. 3, and is a laminated metal complex laminated by weak intermolecular force as shown in FIG.
Next, a coating liquid obtained by dissolving the nickel dimethylglyoxime in ethyl alcohol was applied onto a Si substrate (10 mm long × 10 mm wide × 0.5 mm thick) as the substrate (coating amount: 15 μl), After drying, by patterning by lithography, nickel dimethylglyoxime 20 was laminated in three layers on the substrate 8 at a desired position on the substrate as shown in FIG.
Next, carbon nanotubes were grown on the substrate by a plasma CVD method. In the plasma CVD method, using a plasma CVD apparatus 10 as shown in FIG. 6, a microwave power supply 7 of 2.45 GHz is used as an excitation source, a substrate 8 is placed in a vacuum chamber 3, and a pressure of 2 Torr (0. 27 kPa), H2Flow rate / CH4This was performed by applying a DC bias of 160 V to the substrate 8 under the conditions of a flow rate of 80 sccm / 20 sccm and growing the substrate 8 for 5 to 30 minutes.
Observation of the obtained carbon nanotubes with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that the single-walled carbon nanotubes had a uniform diameter substantially perpendicular to the substrate corresponding to the position of nickel dimethylglyoxime on the substrate. 0.9 nm).
(Example 2)
Carbon nanotubes were grown in the same manner as in Example 1 except that the coating amount of the nickel dimethylglyoxime coating solution was 25 ml and the nickel dimethylglyoxime was laminated in five layers.
Observation of the formation state of the obtained carbon nanotubes with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that a single-walled carbon nanotube had a uniform diameter (1) perpendicular to the substrate corresponding to the position of nickel dimethylglyoxime on the substrate. .1 nm).
(Example 3)
By dissolving a bis (cyclohexanediaminato) nickel complex and tetrabutylammonium bromide in an alcohol and performing electrolytic synthesis (electrolytic oxidation), a one-dimensional stacked metal complex shown in FIG. The above-mentioned bis (cyclohexanediaminato) nickel complex was alternately laminated on a platinum substrate in the form of a single crystal.
Using the substrate on which the laminated metal complex was formed, carbon nanotubes were grown by plasma CVD in the same manner as in Example 1.
Observation of the obtained carbon nanotubes with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that the single-walled carbon nanotubes had a uniform diameter (0.9 nm) substantially perpendicular to the substrate corresponding to the position of the nickel complex on the substrate. ) Was observed.
(Comparative Example 1)
In Example 1, carbon nanotubes were grown by a plasma CVD method in the same manner as in Example 1 except that a Ni polycrystalline substrate as shown in FIG. 7 was used as a catalyst. The conditions of the plasma CVD method are the same as in the first embodiment.
When the obtained carbon nanotubes were observed by SEM, as shown in FIG. 7, non-uniform single-walled carbon nanotubes having different heights and diameters depending on the size of the crystal grain boundaries of the Ni polycrystalline substrate were formed. Was observed.
From the results of Examples 1 to 3 and Comparative Example 1, according to the method for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention using the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes of the present invention as a catalyst at the time of producing carbon nanotubes, the diameter was finely controlled. Further, the carbon nanotube of the present invention was obtained, and the diameter of the obtained carbon nanotube could be controlled by controlling the number of layers of the metal complex in the catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube.
Here, the preferred embodiments of the present invention are as follows.
(Supplementary Note 1) A method for producing carbon nanotubes, which comprises synthesizing carbon nanotubes using a metal complex in which a ligand is coordinated to a catalytic metal ion as a catalyst.
(Supplementary note 2) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to supplementary note 1, wherein the catalytic metal ion is divalent or trivalent.
(Supplementary note 3) The carbon according to any one of Supplementary notes 1 and 2, wherein the catalytic metal ion is at least one ion selected from Fe, Co, Al, Ni, Mn, Pd, Cr, Pt, and an alloy thereof. A method for producing nanotubes.
(Supplementary Note 4) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 3, wherein the ligand is capable of coordinating to the catalyst metal ion in any of monodentate to hexadentate.
(Supplementary Note 5) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 4, wherein the ligand is selected from ethylenediamine, cyclohexanediamine, and glyoxime.
(Supplementary Note 6) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 5, wherein the metal complex has a laminated structure.
(Supplementary note 7) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to Supplementary note 6, wherein the stacked structure is selected from a one-dimensional stacked structure and a spin ladder-based ladder-shaped stacked structure.
(Supplementary Note 8) The metal complex according to Supplementary Note 6, wherein the metal complex has a one-dimensional stacked structure, and includes at least one selected from a halogen-bridged bis (cyclohexanedianamide) nickel complex and a halogen-bridged bis (ethylenedianamide) palladium complex. A method for producing carbon nanotubes.
(Supplementary Note 9) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 8, wherein the metal complex has any one of a planar four-coordinate structure and a six-coordinate octahedral crystal structure.
(Supplementary Note 10) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 9, wherein the metal complex is represented by the following structural formula (1).
However, in the structural formula (1), M represents a catalytic metal element.
(Supplementary Note 11) In the metal complex, M in the structural formula (1) is nickel, and nickel dimethylglyoxime [Ni (C4H7N2O2)2], The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to supplementary note 10.
(Supplementary Note 12) When the metal complex is M (chxn)2(X)a(Where M represents a catalytic metal element; chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group; X represents a bridging ligand; and a represents an integer). 3. The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to item 2.
(Supplementary Note 13) When the metal complex is Ni (chxn)2ClnBrm(However, chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group; n and m represent integers), and the method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of supplementary notes 1 to 9, having a six-coordinated crystal structure.
(Supplementary Note 14) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 9, wherein the metal complex is a porphyrin complex represented by the following structural formula (4).
However, in the structural formula (4), M represents a catalytic metal element.
(Supplementary Note 15) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 14, wherein the metal complex is grown substantially vertically on the substrate.
(Supplementary note 16) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary notes 1 to 15, wherein the metal complex has a stacked structure, and the diameter of the obtained carbon nanotube is controlled by controlling the number of stacked metal complexes. .
(Supplementary note 17) The method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of supplementary notes 1 to 16, wherein the carbon nanotubes are grown by a CVD method.
(Supplementary note 18) The method for producing carbon nanotubes according to supplementary note 17, wherein the CVD method is selected from a plasma CVD method and a thermal CVD method.
(Supplementary Note 19) A carbon nanotube obtained by the method for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 1 to 18.
(Supplementary Note 20) The carbon nanotube according to supplementary note 19, which is one of a single-walled carbon nanotube and a multi-walled carbon nanotube.
(Supplementary Note 21) The carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 19 to 20, which is selected from an armchair type carbon nanotube, a zigzag type carbon nanotube, and a chiral type carbon nanotube.
(Supplementary Note 22) A catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube, comprising a metal complex in which a ligand is coordinated to a catalyst metal ion.
(Supplementary Note 23) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to supplementary note 22, wherein the catalytic metal ion is one of divalent and trivalent.
(Supplementary note 24) The carbon according to any one of supplementary notes 22 to 23, wherein the catalytic metal ion is at least one ion selected from Fe, Co, Al, Ni, Mn, Pd, Cr, Pt, and an alloy thereof. Catalyst for nanotube production.
(Supplementary note 25) The carbon nanotube production catalyst according to any one of Supplementary notes 22 to 24, wherein the ligand is capable of coordinating to the catalyst metal ion in any of monodentate to hexadentate.
(Supplementary Note 26) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 22 to 25, wherein the ligand is selected from ethylenediamine, cyclohexanediamine, and glyoxime.
(Supplementary Note 27) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 22 to 26, wherein the metal complex has a laminated structure.
(Supplementary note 28) The catalyst for producing carbon nanotube according to Supplementary note 27, wherein the stacked structure is selected from a one-dimensional stacked structure and a spin ladder-based ladder-shaped stacked structure.
(Supplementary note 29) Supplementary notes 22 to 27, wherein the metal complex has a one-dimensional stacked structure and includes at least one selected from a halogen-bridged bis (cyclohexanedianamide) nickel complex and a halogen-bridged bis (ethylenedianamide) palladium complex. The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to the above.
(Supplementary Note 30) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 22 to 29, wherein the metal complex has any one of a planar four-coordinate structure and a six-coordinate octahedral crystal structure.
(Supplementary Note 31) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 22 to 30, wherein the metal complex is represented by the following structural formula (1).
However, in the structural formula (1), M represents a catalytic metal element.
(Supplementary Note 32) In the metal complex, M in the structural formula (1) is nickel, and nickel dimethylglyoxime [Ni (C4H7N2O2)2] The catalyst for producing carbon nanotube according to Supplementary Note 31.
(Supplementary Note 33) When the metal complex is M (chxn)2(X)a(However, M represents a catalytic metal element. Chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group. X represents a bridging ligand. A represents an integer.). The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to the above.
(Supplementary Note 34) When the metal complex is Ni (chxn)2ClnBrm(Where chxn represents a cyclohexanediamine group; n and m represent integers), and the catalyst for producing carbon nanotubes according to attachment 33, which has a six-coordinated crystal structure.
(Supplementary Note 35) The catalyst for producing a carbon nanotube according to any one of Supplementary Notes 22 to 30, wherein the metal complex is a porphyrin complex represented by the following structural formula (4).
However, in the structural formula (4), M represents a catalytic metal element.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, a method of manufacturing a carbon nanotube capable of efficiently manufacturing carbon nanotubes whose diameters are controlled to be small by solving the conventional problems and a method of manufacturing a carbon nanotube which is uniform and fine can be obtained. It is possible to provide a high-quality carbon nanotube having a suitable diameter and a catalyst for producing the carbon nanotube suitable for producing the carbon nanotube.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 (A) shows a laminated metal complex obtained by laminating a metal complex having ethylenediamine as a ligand and palladium as a central metal ion via halogen (X) as a bridging ligand. FIG. 1B is a conceptual diagram showing an example, and FIG. 1B shows a metal complex having cyclohexanediamine as a ligand and nickel as a central metal ion stacked via a halogen (X) as a cross-linking ligand. It is a conceptual diagram which shows an example of a lamination type metal complex.
FIG. 2A shows an example of a metal complex having a ladder structure, which is a nickel (III) (represented by M) complex stacked via a halogen (X) as a bridging ligand. FIG. 2B is a diagram illustrating an example of a structural formula of a ligand forming a metal complex having a spin ladder-based ladder-type laminated structure.
FIG. 3 is a schematic view showing an example of a metal complex having a planar four-coordinate structure of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing a crystal structure in a state where the metal complexes of FIG. 1 are stacked.
FIG. 5 is a schematic explanatory view showing an example of a laminated state of a metal complex formed on a substrate in the method for producing a carbon nanotube of the present invention.
FIG. 6 is a schematic view showing an example of a plasma CVD apparatus used in the embodiment.
FIG. 7 is a schematic explanatory view showing a conventional method for producing a carbon nanotube.
[Explanation of symbols]
3 ... vacuum chamber
7 ... Microwave power supply
8 ... substrate
10 ... plasma CVD equipment
20: Nickel dimethylglyoxime