アルツハイマー病(Alzheimer’s Disease,以後、ADと略記する)は、認知機能の障害、神経細胞の萎縮・脱落、老人班(SenilePlaques)と呼ばれる細胞外沈着、神経原繊維変化などを特徴とする神経変性疾患の一つで、アミロイドβタンパク(Aβ)の凝集沈着による神経毒性、タウタンパクの異常リン酸化による神経原繊維変化がその原因と言われていたが、直接の原因であるか、結果として現れた(例えば、非特許文献1)。また、AD治療薬に関してはあくまで対症療法であり、AD病態の進行を阻止することは期待できない。AD患者の脳内では神経伝達物質のアセチルコリンが低下しており、現在Achエステラーゼ阻害剤が広く実用化されている。(例えば、非特許文献2および特許文献1参照)。
西本征央、「日本薬理学会誌」(Folia Pharmacol.Jpn.)、120,補冊1,p.11(2002)
鍋島、野田、亀井、「日本薬理学会誌」(Folia Pharmacol.Jpn.)、120,補冊1,p.24(2002)
DNA上の特徴的な短い配列であって、かつ一定の機能を持つ塩基配列を有するモチーフが三部からなるTripartiteモチーフ(以後、TRIMという)、それはRBCCとも言われるが、そのモチーフを有するタンパク質ファミリーは、RINGフィンガードメイン、B−box.ドメイン、そしてCoild−coilドメインというユニークな構造で特徴づけられる(Saurin et al.,1996;Borden 1998;Reymond et al.,2001)。このファミリーのメンバーは、細胞の発生や癌化を含む種々の細胞過程に関与している。また、TRIMモチーフを有するアフリカツメガエルの核因子7(Nuclear faactor7)は、背と腹の形成に決定的な役割を果たすということが報告されている(Etkin et al.,1997)。PML−PRA・融合タンパクは、急性前骨髄球白血病を誘導するが、TRIM/RBCCモチーフはPMLにおいては、プロトオンコジーン機能を果たす事が知られている(Jensen et al.,2001)。
最近、データーベースにあるデータを組織的に収集することによりその生理的役割は明確ではないが、多くの新規なTRIMタンパクが同定され、報告されている(Reymond et al.,2001)。TRIM/BRRCモチーフにおいて、B−boxとCoild−coilドメインの両方がマルチタンパク複合体を形成するときのタンパク質間相互作用に関与している事が報告されている(Borden,1998,2000)。また、そのRINGフィンガードメインがタンパクのユビキチン化に関与している事も報告されている。
発明者らによって見出されたヒューマニン(Humanin、以後、NHと略記する)は、アルツハイマー病(AD)に関連した侵害刺激であるAD関連変異体遺伝子やアミロイドβタンパク(Aβ)および抗アミロイド前駆体タンパク質抗体等による神経細胞死に拮抗する24のアミノ酸ペプチドからなる新規神経細胞死抑制因子として同定された(Hashimoto et al.,2001a,b,c)。また、HNは、無血清培養による神経細胞死をも抑制する効果があることが報告されている(Kariya et al.,2002)。
HNペプチドは、初代培養神経および神経細胞株におけるADに関連した神経細胞死を特異的に抑制することが発明者らによって既に明らかにされている(Hashimoto et al.,2001a)。また、HNペプチドは、ER−Golgi分泌システムを介して分泌され、細胞外から細胞表面に存在するリセプターに結合し何らかのタイロシンカイネースが関与するシグナル経路を使って機能することが知られている(Hashimoto et al.,2001a)。HNのin vivoにおける影響としてスコポラミン処理による健忘症モデルマウスの記憶障害を回復させることが観察されている(Mamiya and Ukai,2001)。
また、Caricasole等(2002)は、ラットHN、ラティンを発見した。ラティンの生化学的特性は、HNと同様の広域スペクトルの神経保護作用に加えて興奮毒に対する神経細胞死をも抑制することが報告されている。この興奮毒に対する神経細胞保護作用は、HNにはないことが明らかにされている(Hashimoto et al.,2001c)。HNあるいはHN様タンパクの発現は、AD患者脳の後頭葉で検出される。しかし、同年令のAD患者でない人の脳からは検出されない。
HNペプチドを特異的に認識する抗−HN抗体による免疫反応性は3週令マウスの睾丸や大腸にも検出されたが12週令になると大腸での反応性はなくなり、睾丸にのみに検出された(Tajima et al.,2002)。このように、HNに付いて多くのインフォメーションが得られているが、HN生成の制御についてはほとんど知られていない。
TRIM11/RBCCファミリーの11番目のメンバーのTRIM11は、in vivoとin vitroの両方でHNと特異的に結合すること、およびHNと結合するTRIM11の主な領域は、B30.2DドメインであることがTRIM11からB30.2Dドメインを除去するとTRIM11はHNと結合しなくなることから明らかにされた。しかしながら、B30.2ドメインだけではHNと結合せず、Coiled−coilドメインがその結合に必要であることも明かである。また、Coiled−coilドメインはいくつかのTRIMファミリータンパクのホモ2量体化であると言う報告がある。これは、 TRIM11のCoiled−coilドメインによるホモ2量体化が、B30.2ドメインのHNとの結合に必要であることを示唆するものである。
TRIM11ΔNΔB30をHN融合タンパクと共導入するとHN融合タンパクのレベルはかなり増大する。このHNレベルの増大は、HNとTRIM11ΔN・ΔB30 が結合しないからである。何故ならば、B30.2BドメインがHNとの結合に必要なドメインだからである。TRIM11ΔN・ΔB30はB−boxドメインとCoiled−coilドメインを含み、Coiled−coilドメインはホモ2量体化に関わると思われる。
HNをベイトとするイーストtwo−hybridスクリーニング法により、全長TRIM11 cDNAがマウスcDNAライブラリーからNHに結合するタンパクとしてスクリーニングされた。全長のクローンは、2266bpで、その配列は、データベースにあるものと同一であった(Gen−bank accession#MN−053168)。同じスクリーニングで分離された断片型クローンの中で最短クローンは、TRIM11のC末端側の383アミノ酸配列をコードしていた。また、イーストtwo−hybridシステムでHNとTRIM11との結合は・・galアッセイを含む他の幾つかのリポーターアッセイによっても確認された。TRIMファミリーの他のメンバーであるTRIM2やTRIM6はこれ等のアッセイでは、HNと結合しなかった(図1A)。さらに、TRIM11の全長とN末端欠損TRIM11断片がMBP−HNと共沈した(図1B)。この結果は、TRIM11がHNに特異的に結合することを示している。
TRIM11mRNAは、あらゆるマウス組織に発現している(図2A)。主なバンドは、2.4kbとして観察され、それはTRIM11 cDNAのサイズと一致する。二本のマイナーバンド(4.1,11kb)もB30.2ドメインを含まない転写解読枠の領域に相当するプローブにより検出された。これら3つのバンドは、E14マウス胎児脳、E14初代培養大脳皮質神経、F11神経細胞に同じプローブか、あるいはB30.2ドメインと塩基配列3’側の翻訳されていない領域に特異的なプローブを用いて検出される(図2B)。
FLAG−HNcDNAをpDBLeu(GIBCOBRL)のStu1サイトにサブクローニングし、バイトコンストラクトとして使用した。イーストtwo−hybridスクリーニングをマウス脳cDNAライブラリー(GIBCOBRL)で実施した。X−gal アッセイを試薬会社のインストラクションに従いイーストクローンをSD−Leu−Trpプレートに植え付け、30℃で18時間生育させた。一方でYAPDプレートにフィルターで複製しておく。フィルターを24時間インキュベート後、液体窒素で凍らせ、X−galを含むZバッファーに浸し37℃で24時間インキュベートした。
を使用した。PCRで増幅された断片を、哺乳類発現プラズミドを作り出すためpFLAG−CMV5a ベクターのHindIIIとKpnIサイトにクローニングした。参照として、GST cDNAをpFLAG−CMV5aにクローニングしたものを作製した。次に、全長マウスTRIM11 cDNAを発現させるために、PCR増幅断片をプライマー、
を使用し、最長TRIM11 cDNAとにより、PCRで作製した。次にpEF4−His ベクター(Invitrogen)のEcoRIとEcoRVサイトにpPC86(GIBCOBRL)のSalIとSmaIサイトに各々クローニングした。
イーストtwo−hybrid アッセイのためのTRIM11欠損変異体を以下の様にして作製した。TRIM11(30−467)とTRIM11(126−467)は、イーストtwo−hybridスクリーニング中に得られた。TRIM11(30−292),TRIM11(30−128)およびTRIM11(266−128)は、TRIM11(30−467)の部分を30−292には、
(TRIM11−B30)。マウスTRIM2cDNAは、High Fidelity RT−PCRキット(Takara社)を使用して逆転写PCR(RT−PCR)でマウスE16胎児脳のtotal RNAからプライマーとして、
タンパク試料を10%SDSPAGEで処理してPVDF膜の上に移動し、その後、PVDFP膜を剥がし、処理済みタンパク試料を抗Xpress抗体(1/5000,Invitrogen)、あるいは抗FLAG抗体(M2,1/5000,SIGMA)、あるいは抗MBP抗体(1/5000,NEB)、あるいは抗アクチン抗体(1/2500,SIGMA)と反応させた。免疫反応性バンドをHRP結合抗マウス、あるいは抗ラビットIgG(1/5000,Bio−Rad)を反応させ、ECL(Amersham Pharmacia)により検出した。
In vitroプルダウンアッセイ
COS7細胞は10%FBS(Hyclone),抗生物質を含むDMEM(Sigma)で培養した。COS7 細胞(1x106/100mmdish)にプラズミド(5・g)を無血清下でリポフェクション(10?| LipofectAmine to 10 ・|PLUS試薬、Invitrogen)により導入した。3時間後、培養液を10%FBS を含むDMEMに変換した。導入後48時間細胞をPBSで洗い、細胞溶解液[25mM Tris/HCl(pH8.0),150mM NaCl,1%CHAPS]で溶解した。細胞溶解物を4℃で30分インキュベートし、10000xg,20分遠心分離した。得られた上澄み液を結合実験に使った。BL21(DE3)pLysSに発現したMBP融合タンパクをアミロース樹脂(NEB)に結合させた。150mM NaClを含む25mM Tris/HCl(pH7.5)で洗浄後、MBP融合タンパク−樹脂複合体をCOS7細胞溶解物と1時間4℃でインキュベートした。3回細胞溶解液で洗浄後、樹脂上の結合物質をSDSPAGEサンプルバッファーで分離し、免疫ブロット解析を実施した。
ラットE13初代培養神経とマウスニューロブラストーマNTG18のハイブリッド細胞であるF11細胞を18%FBS、抗生物質を含むHam’sF12(Sigma社)培養液で培養し、F11細胞(1.5x105cells/60mm dish)にプラズミドをリポフェクション(1.2gのTRIMプラズミドと0.8・gのEGFP、 あるいはGSTプラズミドと4・|のPLUS試薬)により無血清下で導入した。3時間後、培養液に18%のFBSを補足した。プラズミドを導入後、42時間で細胞をラクタシスチン(Sigma社)と6時間反応させた。次に細胞をPBSで洗浄し、25mM Tris/HCl(pH7.5),150mM NaCl,キレート剤(5mM EDTA),界面活性剤(1%Triton X−100),及びプロテアーゼ阻害剤(Complete,Roche社)を含む細胞溶解液で溶解した。10000xg,10分間の条件で遠心分離した後、上澄み液を免疫ブロット分析した。
mRNAをマウスE14初代培養神経、マウスE14脳、およびF11細胞からISOGEN(Toyobo社)とOligotex dT30<super>mRNA分離キット(Takara社)により分離した。他のマウス組織のmRNAサンプルはOriGene社から購入した。各mRNA 2?gを1%アガロースゲルで分離し、ナイロン膜(Biodyne B,Pole社)に移した。TRIM11 cDNA断片を[P32]dCTPでReady−To−Go randomラベリングシステム(amersham Pharmacia)により、メーカーの指示に従い標識した。ブロットを放射線標識したプローブによりExpressHyb ハイブリダイゼーション溶液中(Clontech)でハイブリダイズさせた。メーカー指示に従い、2段階の洗浄後、膜をX線フィルムに−80℃で露出させた。
【図1】イーストtwo−hybridアッセイによるin vivo相互作用(A)とプルダウンアッセイによるin vitro相互作用(B)を示す図である。
The present invention relates to a protein that binds to a short peptide humanin (HN) consisting of 24 amino acids and suppresses neuronal cell death, and controls or destroys HN.
[Prior art]
Alzheimer's disease (hereinafter abbreviated as AD) is a neurological disorder characterized by impairment of cognitive function, atrophy or loss of nerve cells, extracellular deposition called senile plaque (SenilePlaques), and neurofibrillary tangles. One of the degenerative diseases, neurotoxicity caused by aggregation and deposition of amyloid β protein (Aβ) and neurofibrillary tangles caused by abnormal phosphorylation of tau protein were said to be the causes. (For example, Non-Patent Document 1). In addition, AD therapeutics are only symptomatic treatments and cannot be expected to prevent the progress of AD pathological conditions. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is reduced in the brain of AD patients, and Ach esterase inhibitors are now widely used. (For example, see Non-Patent Document 2 and Patent Document 1).
[Non-patent document 1]
Seishi Nishimoto, "Journal of the Pharmacological Society of Japan" (Folia Pharmacol. Jpn.), 120, Supplement 1, p. 11 (2002)
[Non-patent document 2]
Nabeshima, Noda, Kamei, "Journal of the Pharmacological Society of Japan" (Folia Pharmacol. Jpn.), 120, Supplement 1, p. 24 (2002)
[Patent Document 1]
Ubiquitination of proteins and the degradation system of the ubiquitinated proteins by proteasome play a very important role in various cell functions. Ubiquitin is activated by the ubiquitin activating enzyme (E1), is bound to the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), and is transported to the ubiquitin ligase (E3). Many proteins are classified as E3 by having a HECT domain or a RING finger domain which is a characteristic structure thereof (Pickart, 2001).
A tripartite motif (hereinafter referred to as TRIM) comprising a three-part motif having a base sequence having a certain function, which is a characteristic short sequence on DNA, which is also called RBCC, a protein family having the motif. Is a RING finger domain, B-box. Domain and a unique structure, the Cold-coil domain (Saurin et al., 1996; Borden 1998; Reymond et al., 2001). Members of this family are involved in various cellular processes, including cell development and canceration. In addition, it has been reported that Xenopus nuclear factor 7 having a TRIM motif plays a critical role in the formation of the back and the abdomen (Etkin et al., 1997). The PML-PRA fusion protein induces acute promyelocytic leukemia, but the TRIM / RBCC motif is known to play a proto-oncogene function in PML (Jensen et al., 2001).
Recently, a systematic collection of data in the database has not identified its physiological role, but a number of novel TRIM proteins have been identified and reported (Reymond et al., 2001). In the TRIM / BRRC motif, it has been reported that both the B-box and the Cold-coil domain are involved in protein-protein interactions when forming a multiprotein complex (Borden, 1998, 2000). It has also been reported that the RING finger domain is involved in protein ubiquitination.
Humanin (Humanin, hereinafter abbreviated as NH) discovered by the present inventors is a nociceptive stimulus related to Alzheimer's disease (AD), an AD-related mutant gene, amyloid β protein (Aβ) and an anti-amyloid precursor. It was identified as a novel nerve cell death inhibitor consisting of 24 amino acid peptides that antagonize nerve cell death by protein antibodies and the like (Hashimoto et al., 2001a, b, c). It has been reported that HN also has an effect of suppressing neuronal cell death due to serum-free culture (Kariya et al., 2002).
The HN peptide has previously been shown by the inventors to specifically inhibit AD-related neuronal cell death in primary cultured neurons and neuronal cell lines (Hashimoto et al., 2001a). Further, it is known that the HN peptide is secreted via the ER-Golgi secretion system, binds to a receptor present on the cell surface from outside the cell, and functions using a signaling pathway involving some tyrosin kinase ( Hashimoto et al., 2001a). As an in vivo effect of HN, it has been observed that scopolamine treatment restores memory dysfunction in amnesia model mice (Mamiya and Ukai, 2001).
(2002) also found rat HN, Latin. It has been reported that the biochemical properties of Latin inhibit neuronal death against excitotoxins in addition to the same broad spectrum neuroprotective effects as HN. It has been shown that HN does not have this neuroprotective effect on excitotoxicity (Hashimoto et al., 2001c). The expression of HN or HN-like protein is detected in the occipital lobe of the AD patient brain. However, it is not detected in the brain of non-AD patients of the same age.
Immunoreactivity with an anti-HN antibody that specifically recognizes the HN peptide was also detected in the testes and colon of 3-week old mice, but at 12 weeks of age, there was no reactivity in the large intestine and was detected only in the testes. (Tajima et al., 2002). Thus, much information has been obtained about HN, but little is known about the control of HN generation.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In view of such circumstances, the present inventors, as the first attempt to elucidate the control mechanism of HN production, to search for proteins that interact with HN by yeast two-hybrid screening method, which is a widely known screening method, The eleventh member of the TRIM / BRRC family (hereinafter abbreviated as TRIM11) solved or solved the problem by controlling or destroying HN via the proteosome degradation pathway, or finding that it is most likely.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
TRIM11, the eleventh member of the TRIM11 / RBCC family, specifically binds to HN both in vivo and in vitro, and the major region of TRIM11 that binds to HN may be the B30.2D domain. Removal of the B30.2D domain from TRIM11 revealed that TRIM11 did not bind to HN. However, it is also clear that the B30.2 domain alone does not bind HN, and that a coiled-coil domain is required for its binding. There are also reports that the coiled-coil domain is a homodimerization of some TRIM family proteins. This suggests that homodimerization by the coiled-coil domain of TRIM11 is required for binding of B30.2 domain to HN.
The present invention has solved the problem by finding that co-expression of TRIM11 significantly reduces intracellular HN levels. TRIM11 has a RING finger domain at the N-terminus, and a protein containing the RING finger domain is known to function as a ubiquitin E3 ligase. Therefore, it is presumed that TRIM11 acts on HN as an E3 ligase and reduces its expression. Further, in support of this result, it was revealed that treatment with the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin prevented the effect on HN expression levels. In addition, disruption of the RING finger domain of TRIM11 increased the intracellular level of the co-expressed HN protein, and in agreement with that, the first cysteine of the RING finger domain of the RING type E3 tyrosine kinase (c-Cbl) was deleted. Deletion or mutation of a cysteine residue results in a deficiency in ubiquitination of the EGF receptor, which results in down-regulation of EGRF. From the above, it was found that TRIM11 targets HN or a protein containing HN in cells as an E3 ligase, and regulates the level of HN production via a proteasome degradation pathway.
When TRIM11ΔNΔB30 is co-introduced with HN fusion protein, the level of HN fusion protein is significantly increased. This increase in HN level is because HN and TRIM11ΔN · ΔB30 do not couple. This is because the B30.2B domain is a domain required for binding to HN. TRIM11ΔN · ΔB30 contains a B-box domain and a coiled-coil domain, and the coiled-coil domain appears to be involved in homodimerization.
The screening method and identification of a compound that controls or destroys the neuroprotective peptide HN that suppresses cell death of the nerve cell line of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.
By a yeast two-hybrid screening method using HN as a bait, a full-length TRIM11 cDNA was screened as a protein binding to NH from a mouse cDNA library. The full length clone was 2266 bp and its sequence was identical to that in the database (Gen-bank accession # MN-053168). The shortest clone among the fragment clones isolated by the same screening encoded the 383 amino acid sequence at the C-terminal side of TRIM11. The binding of HN to TRIM11 in the yeast two-hybrid system was also confirmed by several other reporter assays, including a gal assay. TRIM2 and TRIM6, other members of the TRIM family, did not bind HN in these assays (FIG. 1A). Furthermore, TRIM11 full length and N-terminal deletion TRIM11 fragment co-precipitated with MBP-HN (FIG. 1B). This result indicates that TRIM11 specifically binds to HN.
TRIM11 mRNA is expressed in all mouse tissues (FIG. 2A). The major band was observed as 2.4 kb, which is consistent with the size of TRIM11 cDNA. Two minor bands (4.1, 11 kb) were also detected by the probe corresponding to the region of the open reading frame that did not contain the B30.2 domain. These three bands were prepared using the same probe for the E14 mouse fetal brain, E14 primary cultured cerebral cortical nerve, or F11 neuron, or a probe specific to the B30.2 domain and the untranslated region of the nucleotide sequence 3 ′. (FIG. 2B).
Regulation of intracellular HN level by proteasome degradation system
Since HN immunoreactivity with an anti-HN antibody was already detected in the occipital lobe nerve of AD brain, co-transfection of HN and TRIM11 cDNA into F11, an immortalized neuron, was attempted.
The intracellular level of HN (GST-HN-FLAG) in which GST was fused to the N-terminus and FLAG was fused to the C-terminus was significantly reduced when TRIM11 was co-transfected (FIG. 3A). Since it did not bind to HN even when co-introduced with TRIM2, there was no effect on the intracellular expression level of GST-HN-FLAG (FIG. 3B).
Since the RING finger domain is involved in its function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, its effect on HN cell levels was confirmed using a proteasome inhibitor. As a result, when treated with lactacystin, a well-known inhibitor of the 26S proteasome, the decrease in GST-HN-FLAG levels due to co-expression of TRIM11 showed a small but significant recovery. When TRIM11 was not introduced, the same treatment had no effect on intracellular levels of GST-HN-FLAG. In addition, intracellular TRIM11 levels increased in a dose-dependent manner by treatment with lactacystin (FIG. 3A). GST-FLAG expression was not affected by TRIM11 co-expression or lactacystin (FIG. 3B). Furthermore, the level of other HN constructs, HN with EGFT fused to the C-terminus (HN-EGFP), was increased by lactacystin treatment under co-expression of TRIM11. On the other hand, expression of EGFP alone was unaffected by co-expression of TRIM11 or by treatment with lactacystin (FIG. 3C). These results indicate that intracellular HN levels are regulated by a proteosomal degradation system associated with TRIM11.
HN binding domain of TRIM11 and its effect on HN expression
To identify the HN binding region in TRIM11, a series of mutants lacking TRIM11 were created and their interaction was confirmed. As a result, the mutant lacking the 29 amino acid residues of the RING finger domain had no effect on the binding to HN (FIG. 4A).
A clone consisting of the Cold-coil domain and the B30.2 domain (amino acid sequence 126-467; the construct was named TRIM-Coil-B30) bound to HN. This result is a clone originally obtained by the two-hybrid screening, and is thus acceptable. However, the clone consisting of the RING finger and B-box (amino acid sequence 30-128) did not bind to HN. In addition, clones lacking the B30.2 domain (amino acid sequence 30-292; TRIM11 • N •• B30) invalidated the intrinsic binding between TRIM11 and HN. On the other hand, a clone having only the B30.2 domain (amino acid sequence 226-467; TRIM11-B30) does not bind to HN. This indicates that both the Cold-coil domain and the B30.2 domain are required for binding HN to TRIM11. The above results were confirmed by a GST pull-down experiment using a cell lysate in which GST-HN-FLAG and TRIM11Coil-coil + B30.2 region were co-expressed.
These deletion mutants, which partially encode the TRIM11T fragment, have less effect on intracellular HN expression levels compared to full-length TRIM11 (FIG. 4B). Disruption of the RING finger domain by deleting the N-terminal 27 residues (the construct is defined as TRIM11? N) resulted in a slight decrease in HN expression levels. Further, complete deletion of the RING finger domain and the B-box domain resulted in elimination of the effect on (TRIM11-coil-B30) HN expression level.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described more specifically with reference to examples, but the technical scope of the present invention is not limited to these examples.
Embodiment 1
Yeast two-hybrid screening
FLAG-HNcDNA was subcloned into the Stu1 site of pDBLEu (GIBCOBRL) and used as a byte construct. An yeast two-hybrid screen was performed on a mouse brain cDNA library (GIBCOBRL). Yeast clones were seeded on SD-Leu-Trp plates according to the X-gal assay according to the instructions of the reagent companies, and grown at 30 ° C for 18 hours. On the other hand, it is duplicated with a filter on a YAPD plate. After the filter was incubated for 24 hours, it was frozen with liquid nitrogen, immersed in a Z buffer containing X-gal, and incubated at 37 ° C for 24 hours.
Embodiment 2
Expression constructs and reagents
To fuse the FLAG-HN cDNA with the maltose binding protein, the pMAL-p2 (NEB) It was subcloned into the mnI site and into the EcoRI and KpnI sites of pEGFP-N1 for the EGFP fusion protein. For the GSP fusion protein, HN-FLAG cDNA was first cloned into pGEX2T (Pharmacia). Then, the HN gene fused to the GST gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 5'-AAGCTTACCATGTCCCCTATACTAGGTTT-3 '(base sequence 1) as a primer at that time;
5′-GTTTTCACCGTCATCACCGAAAC-3 ′ (base sequence 2),
It was used. The fragment amplified by PCR was cloned into the HindIII and KpnI sites of the pFLAG-CMV5a vector to create a mammalian expression plasmid. A GST cDNA cloned into pFLAG-CMV5a was prepared for reference. Next, in order to express the full-length mouse TRIM11 cDNA, the PCR amplified fragment was
5′-GATATCACTGCGGGCCAAGGGTGTC-3 ′ (base sequence 4),
Using the longest TRIM11 cDNA. Next, they were cloned into the EcoRI and EcoRV sites of the pEF4-His vector (Invitrogen) and into the SalI and SmaI sites of pPC86 (GIBCOBRL), respectively.
A TRIM11 deficient mutant for the yeast two-hybrid assay was prepared as follows. TRIM11 (30-467) and TRIM11 (126-467) were obtained during yeast two-hybrid screening. TRIM11 (30-292), TRIM11 (30-128), and TRIM11 (266-128) include the TRIM11 (30-467) portion at 30-292.
5'-TATAACCGCGTTTGGAATCACT-3 '(base sequence 5),
5'-CTGGGTCCAGGGGTTATGTC-3 '(base sequence 6),
5′-CTGCAGCGGTCTCCACCCGGGTG-3 ′ (base sequence 7),
Also, at 266-467,
Obtained by amplifying each with primers. The PCR fragment was cloned into the SalI and EcoRI sites of pPC86. TRIM11 (30-467) was cloned into the KpnI and NotI sites of pcDNA-His (Invitrogen) for use in mammalian expression (TRIM11.N). TRIM11 (30-128) fragment of pPC86 vector was cloned into pEF4-His vector by using EcoRV and NotI site. TRIM11-coil-B30 is
5′-GTCGACCCATGCAGGAGGCGGGCGAC-3 ′ (base sequence 10);
5′-GATATCACTGCGGGCCAAGGGTGTC-3 ′ (base sequence 11),
The product amplified by PCR using as a primer was cloned into the EcoRV site of PEF4-His. The TRIM11 (266-467) fragment was cloned into the pEF4-His vector via EcoRV and NotI sites.
(TRIM11-B30). Mouse TRIM2 cDNA was obtained as a primer from total RNA of mouse E16 fetal brain by reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) using a High Fidelity RT-PCR kit (Takara).
5'-ATCAGTTACTGTAAGTACCGCTAGAC-3 '(base sequence 13),
Was used to obtain a PCR fragment, which was cloned into the SaII-NotI site and the EcoRV-NotI site of the pPC86 and pEF4-His vectors, respectively. In addition, human TRIM8 cDNA is derived from normal human hippocampus cDNA (BioChain) as a primer.
Was cloned into pPC86 obtained by PCR using SmaI and XbaI sites.
Embodiment 3
Immunoblot assay
The protein sample was treated with 10% SDSPAGE and transferred onto the PVDF membrane, and then the PVDFFP membrane was peeled off, and the treated protein sample was subjected to an anti-Xpress antibody (1/5000, Invitrogen) or an anti-FLAG antibody (M2,1 / 1). 5000, SIGMA), or anti-MBP antibody (1/5000, NEB), or anti-actin antibody (1/2500, SIGMA). The immunoreactive band was reacted with HRP-conjugated anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG (1/5000, Bio-Rad) and detected by ECL (Amersham Pharmacia).
Embodiment 4
In vitro pull down assay
COS7 cells were cultured in DMEM (Sigma) containing 10% FBS (Hyclone) and antibiotics. Plasmid (5 g) was introduced into COS7 cells (1 x 106/100 mmdish) by lipofection (10? | LipofectAmine to 10. After 3 hours, the culture was converted to DMEM containing 10% FBS. For 48 hours after the introduction, the cells were washed with PBS and lysed with a cell lysis solution [25 mM Tris / HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 1% CHAPS]. Cell lysates were incubated at 4 ° C. for 30 minutes and centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 20 minutes. The resulting supernatant was used for binding experiments. The MBP fusion protein expressed on BL21 (DE3) pLysS was bound to amylose resin (NEB). After washing with 25 mM Tris / HCl (pH 7.5) containing 150 mM NaCl, the MBP fusion protein-resin complex was incubated with COS7 cell lysate for 1 hour at 4 ° C. After washing three times with the cell lysate, the bound substance on the resin was separated with SDSPAGE sample buffer, and immunoblot analysis was performed.
Embodiment 5
Co-expression of TRIN11 and HN
F11 cells, which are hybrid cells of rat E13 primary cultured nerve and mouse neuroblastoma NTG18, are cultured in Ham's F12 (Sigma) culture solution containing 18% FBS and antibiotics, and F11 cells (1.5 × 105 cells / 60 mm dish) Was transfected with lipofection (1.2 g TRIM plasmid and 0.8 g EGFP, or GST plasmid and 4 PLUS reagent) under serum-free conditions. After 3 hours, the culture was supplemented with 18% FBS. After the introduction of the plasmid, the cells were reacted with lactacystin (Sigma) for 42 hours at 42 hours. The cells are then washed with PBS, 25 mM Tris / HCl (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, chelating agent (5 mM EDTA), detergent (1% Triton X-100), and protease inhibitor (Complete, Roche) ) Was lysed. After centrifugation at 10,000 xg for 10 minutes, the supernatant was subjected to immunoblot analysis.
Embodiment 6
Northern blot analysis
mRNA was isolated from mouse E14 primary cultured nerve, mouse E14 brain, and F11 cells using ISOGEN (Toyobo) and Oligotex dT30 <super> mRNA separation kit (Takara). MRNA samples from other mouse tissues were purchased from OriGene. Each mRNA 2? g was separated on a 1% agarose gel and transferred to a nylon membrane (Biodyne B, Pole). The TRIM11 cDNA fragment was labeled with [P32] dCTP using a Ready-To-Go random labeling system (amersham Pharmacia) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The blots were hybridized with a radiolabeled probe in an ExpressHyb hybridization solution (Clontech). Following two washing steps, the membrane was exposed to X-ray film at -80 ° C according to the manufacturer's instructions.
【The invention's effect】
The present invention has identified, for the first time, the function of TRIM11, a compound that controls or breaks down humanin (HN), which is a 24-amino acid peptide, that suppresses cell death of neuronal cell lines caused by Alzheimer's disease (AD). TRIM11 binds to and degrades HN. HN is a short peptide consisting of 24 amino acids that suppresses damage associated with AD. Therefore, HN is a clear target for achieving a novel therapy for AD. The present invention has shown that the level of HN synthesized in cells is completely controlled by TRIM11 via the proteasome pathway, and pharmacological suppression of TRIM11 is dependent on endogenous HN and HN. Can lead to overexpression of proteins, including the effect of achieving another AD therapy.
[Sequence list]
[Sequence List Free Text]
SEQ ID NO: 1: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 2: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 3: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 4: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 5: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 6: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 7: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 8: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 9: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 10: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 11: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 12: Primer sequence artificially synthesized
SEQ ID NO: 13: Primer sequence artificially synthesized
SEQ ID NO: 14: artificially synthesized primer sequence
SEQ ID NO: 15: Primer sequence artificially synthesized
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows in vivo interaction (A) by yeast two-hybrid assay and in vitro interaction (B) by pull-down assay.
FIG. 2 shows a Nordan blot analysis of mouse tissue mRNA using TRIM11 as a probe (A) and a cerebral cortical nerve of primary cultured E14 mouse embryo, and a Nordan blot analysis of E14 mouse fetal brain and F11 neuron using TRIM11 as a probe. It is a figure showing B).
FIG. 3 shows the effects of a proteasome inhibitor on the intracellular levels of HN and TRIM11 (A, B, C).
FIG. 4 is a diagram (Aa, Ab, B) showing the effect of a TRIM defective mutant on HN expression level.