ハイブリダイゼーションを利用する方法は、DNAチップを用いる単純ハイブリダイゼーション法(Sequence By Hybridization)(Drmanac R,et al:Genomics 4:114−128(1989))やDye−labeled oligonucleotide ligation法(Chen X, et al.:Genome Res. 8:549−556(1998))、及びInvader法(Lyamichev, et al:Science260:778−783(1993))の3つがある。いずれの場合も、各対立遺伝子(アレル)に対応したオリゴヌクレオチドを用意し、どちらのアレルにハイブリダイズしたかを検出するのが原則となる。
ポリメラーゼ反応を利用する方法は、SNaPShot法、Pyrosequence法(Alderborn, A. et.al:Genome Res.,28:1249−1258(2000))のようにSNPの近くにプライマーを設定し、SNP部位でどの塩基が取りこまれたか見る方法と、3’末端付近に各アレルに対応したSNP部位を含むようにプライマーを設計し、ポリメラーゼ反応が起こるか否かで判定を行う方法(ARMS法(Amplification refractory mutation system)、Newton CR, et al.:Nucl Acids Res.17:2503−2516(1989)、PASA法(PCR−amplification of specific alleles),Sarker G et al:Anal Biochem 186:64−68(1990))とに別れる。
ARMS法やPASA法は、プライマーの起点とする伸長反応がプライマー3’末端と鋳型のマッチングに強く依存することを利用したものである(Kwok S. et al.:Nucleic Acids Res 18,999−1005(1990),Huang M.M. et al.:Nucleic Acids Res. 20,4567−4573(1992))。即ち、あらかじめ各アレルに相補的なプライマーを用意しておき、試料の遺伝子型と一致した場合にのみ伸長反応が起きることを利用し、増幅反応が起きたか否かで遺伝子型を判定する方法である。この方法は、電気泳動などの簡便な方法で迅速に調べられると言う点で優れている。
しかし、実際には、各アレル特異プライマー間は1塩基の相違しかなく、鋳型の配列次第ではミスマッチプライマーによってもしばしば非特異的な増幅が起きる(Huang M.M. et al.:Nucleic Acids Res. 20,4567−4573(1992))。また、増幅が起きるか否かは用いる機器や周囲の環境等の微妙な条件によっても左右されるため、非特異増幅を抑える事は困難である。
実際、ARMS法では、ミスマッチを増強する目的でプライマーの3’末端の1塩基上流にもう1つミスマッチを人為的に導入している。これは、3’末端から4塩基以内に2塩基のミスマッチを入れることでPCRの増幅効率が大幅に低下するからである。(Kwok S. et al.:Nucleic Acids Res 18,999−1005(1990))これにより、条件を厳密に制御することなく、非特異増幅をある程度、抑えることができる。
本発明において使用するポリメラーゼは、ターゲット核酸がDNAの場合は、ターゲット核酸断片の一本鎖に変性された部分にプライマーがハイブリダイゼーションすることで形成された2本鎖の部分を起点として、5’→3’の方向に、デオキシヌクレオシド3リン酸(dNTP)を材料として、ターゲット核酸断片を鋳型にして相補的な伸長反応を触媒するDNAポリメラーゼである。具体的に使用されるDNAポリメラーゼとしては、DNAポリメラーゼI、DNAポリメラーゼIのクレノー断片、Bst DNAポリメラーゼ等がある。DNAポリメラーゼは目的に応じて選択または組み合わせることが可能である。例えば、ターゲット核酸断片の一部を増幅(例えばPCR法)する場合には、耐熱性に優れたTaq DNAポリメラーゼを用いることが有効である。その他、目的に応じて、3’→5’方向へのヘキソキナーゼ活性を持つ、DNAポリメラーゼα、T4DNAポリメラーゼ、及びT7 DNAポリメラーゼを併用することも可能である。
また、RNAウイルスのゲノミック核酸またはmRNAがターゲット核酸断片である場合には、逆転写活性を有するリバーストランスクリプターゼを使用することが可能である。さらにリバーストランスクリプターゼとTaq DNAポリメラーゼを併用することも可能である。
核酸増幅法としては、PCR(特公平4−67960号、特公平4−67957号)、LCR(特開平5−2934号)、SDA(Strand Displacement Amplification:特開平5−130870号)、RCA(Rolling Circle Amplification:Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci, Vol.92, 4641−4645 (1995))、ICAN(Isothermal and Chimeric primer−initiated Amplification of Nucleic Acids)、LAMP(Loop−Mediated Isothermal Amplification of DNA;Bio Industry, 第18巻、2号(2001))、NASBA(Nucleic acid Sequence−based Amplification method; Nature, 350, 91 (1991))、及びTMA(Transcription mediated amplification method; J.Clin Microbiol.第31巻、3270(1993))等が挙げられる。
ターゲット核酸断片がRNA断片の場合は、逆転写活性を有するリバーストランスクリプターゼを使用し、RNA鎖を鋳型にして伸長反応を行うことが可能である。さらにリバーストランスクリプターゼとTaq DNAポリメラーゼを併用し、RT(リバーストランスクリプション)反応に引き続いてPCR反応を行う、RT−PCR法を用いることができる。
LCR(特開平5−2934号)は、一本鎖DNAに2本の相補的なオリゴヌクレオチドプローブ鎖をend−to−tailに結合させて、耐熱性リガーゼで2本のオリゴヌクレオチド鎖間のニックを封じる。その結合したDNA鎖が変性で遊離し、また鋳型となり、増幅するという方法である。プローブ配列を工夫し、増幅が起きたか否かでSNP判定することができる。また、LCRを改良して、2つのプライマー間にギャップを設定し、その間をポリメラーゼで埋める方法(Gap−LCR:Nucleic Acids Research、第23巻、4号、675(1995))も開発されている。この方法を用いると、ポリメラーゼ伸長反応によるピロ燐酸の生成を測定することでSNPを判定することも可能になる。
SDA(Strand Displacement Amplification:特開平5−130870号)は、エクソヌクレアーゼを用いたサイクリングアッセイ法であり、ポリメラーゼ伸長反応を利用したターゲット核酸断片の目的部位の増幅法の一つである。この方法は、ターゲット核酸断片の目的部位に特異的にハイブリダイゼーションしたプライマーを起点としたポリメラーゼ伸長反応とともに、5’→3’エクソヌクレアーゼを作用させて、プライマーを逆方向から分解する方法である。分解したプライマーの代わりに新たなプライマーがハイブリダイゼーションし、再度DNAポリメラーゼによる伸長反応が進行する。このポリメラーゼによる伸長反応と、この先に伸長した鎖を外すエクソヌクレアーゼによる分解反応が順次、周期的に繰り返される。ここで、ポリメラーゼによる伸長反応とエクソヌクレアーゼによる分解反応は等温条件で実施することが可能である。プライマー配列を工夫することで、ポリメラーゼ反応が起きたか否かでSNP判定することが可能である。
ピロホスファターゼ(EC3,6,1,1)プリンヌクレオシドホスホリラーゼ(PNP,EC2.4.2.1)、キサンチンオキシダーゼ(XOD,EC1.2.3.2)及びペルオキシダーゼ(POD,EC1.11.1.7)は市販のものを使用することができる。発色剤(すなわち色素前駆体)は、過酸化水素とペルオキシダーゼ(POD)により色素を生成させるものであればよく、例えば、ロイコ色素の酸化によって色素を生成する組成物(例、米国特許4,089,747等に記載のトリアリールイミダゾールロイコ色素、特開昭59−193352号公報(EP 0122641A)等に記載のジアリールイミダゾーロイコ色素);酸化されたときに他の化合物とカップリングにより色素を生成する化合物を含む組成物(例えば4−アミノアンチピリン類とフェノール類又はナフトール類)などを使用することができる。
なお、「無機燐」を表記する場合、燐酸(燐酸イオン)として、「Pi」と表記する場合と「HPO4 2−、H2PO4 1−」と表記する両方の場合がある。以下に示す反応の例では、「Pi」として表記するが、同じ反応式に対して「HPO4 2−」と表記する場合もある。
(1) 支持体上に試薬層を有するもの。
(2) 支持体上に検出層、試薬層をこの順に有するもの。
(3) 支持体上に検出層、光反射層、試薬層をこの順に有するもの。
(4) 支持体上に第2試薬層、光反射層、第1試薬層をこの順に有するもの。
(5) 支持体上に検出層、第2試薬層、光反射層、第1試薬層をこの順に有するもの。
試薬層として多孔性層を用いる場合、その多孔性媒体は繊維質であってもよいし、非繊維質であってもよい。繊維質材料としては、例えば濾紙、不織布、織物布地(例えば平織り布地)、編物布地(例えばトリコット編物布地)、ガラス繊維濾紙等を用いることができる。非繊維質材料としては特開昭49−53888号公報等に記載の酢酸セルロースなどからなるメンブランフイルター、特開昭49−53888号公報、特開昭55−90859号公報(対応米国特許4,258,001)特開昭58−70163号公報(対応米国特許4,486,537)等に記載の無機物又は有機物微粒子からなる連続空隙含有粒状構造物層等のいずれでもよい。特開昭61−4959号公報(対応欧州公開EP 0166365A)、特開昭62−116258号公報、特開昭62−138756号公報(対応欧州公開EP 0226465A)、特開昭62−138757号公報(対応欧州公開EP 0226465A)、特開昭62−138758号公報(対応欧州公開EP 0226465A)等に記載の部分接着された複数の多孔性層の積層物も好適である。
多孔性層は、供給される液体の量にほぼ比例した面積に液体を展開する、いわゆる計量作用を有する展開層であってもよい。展開層としては、これらのうち織物布地、編物布地などが好ましい。織物布地などは特開昭57−66359号公報に記載されたようなグロー放電処理をしてもよい。展開層には、展開面積、展開速度等を調節するため特開昭60−222770号公報(対応:EP 0162301A)、特開昭63−219397号公報(対応西独特許公開DE 3717913A)、特開昭63−112999号公報(対応:DE 3717913A)、特開昭62−182652号公報(対応:DE 3717913A)に記載したような親水性高分子あるいは界面活性剤を含有させてもよい。
試薬層には式2または式3の試薬組成物の他に、塗布特性、拡散性化合物の拡散性、反応性、保存性等の諸性能の向上を目的として、酵素の活性化剤、補酵素、界面活性剤、pH緩衝剤組成物、微粉末、酸化防止剤、その他、有機物あるいは無機物からなる各種添加剤を加える事ができる。試薬層に含有させることができる緩衝剤はの例としては、日本化学学会編「化学便覧 基礎」(丸善(株)、1966年発行)1312−1320頁、R.M.C.Dawson et al編、「Data for Biochemical Research」第2版(Oxford at the Clarendon Press,1969年発行)476−508頁、「Biochemistry」5,467−477頁(1966年)、「Analytical Biochemistry」104,300−310頁(1980年)に記載のpH緩衝剤系がある。pH緩衝剤系の具体例として硼酸塩を含む緩衝剤;クエン酸又はクエン酸塩を含む緩衝剤;グリシンを含む緩衝剤;ビシン(Bicine)を含む緩衝剤;HEPESを含む緩衝剤;MESを含む緩衝剤などのグッド緩衝剤等がある。なお燐酸塩を含む緩衝剤は、ピロ燐酸検出用乾式分析素子に使用することはできない。
ピロ燐酸定量用乾式分析素子を用いたアルデヒド脱水素酵素遺伝子(ALDH2遺伝子)関連部位の1塩基多型(SNPs)検出 (1塩基多型に対応する部分をプライマーの3’末端付近に設定した例)
予め塩基配列のシーケンシングにより、ALDH2遺伝子関連部位の特定の1塩基種が異なることにより、ALDH2活性型、ALDH2低活性型、不活性型であることが既知である、各々1人から採取した血液試料のそれぞれから、市販の核酸抽出、精製キット(QIAGEN社製、QIAamp DNA BloodMini Kit)を用いて抽出、精製したゲノミック核酸断片を1mLの精製蒸留水中に回収することで、ターゲット核酸断片を含む核酸試料液を調製した。
10×PCRバッファ− 5μL
2.5mM dNTP 5μL
5μMプライマ−(upper) 2μL
5μMプライマ−(lower−1または−2) 2μL
Taq 0.5μL
(1)で得た核酸断片試料液 0.5μL
精製水 35μL
ピロ燐酸定量用乾式分析素子を用いたアルデヒド脱水素酵素遺伝子(ALDH2遺伝子)関連部位の1塩基多型(SNPs)検出 (PCR条件を各対立遺伝子に応じて設定した例)
10×PCRバッファ− 5μL
2.5mM dNTP 5μL
5μM プライマ−(upper) 2μL
5μM プライマ−(lower−1,または−2) 2μL
Taq 0.5μL
(1)で得た核酸断片試料液 0.5μL
精製水 35μL
The present invention relates to detection of a specific sequence contained in DNA in a specimen, detection of gene polymorphism, single base substitution (SNPs) analysis, and the like.
[Prior art]
The results of genome analysis research are summarized in systematic gene polymorphism analysis and systematic gene expression analysis. In recent years, movements to apply these genomic information to the medical field have become active, and gene polymorphisms and expression analysis techniques have been dramatically advanced.
Among gene polymorphisms, single nucleotide substitutions (SNPs) are said to be one in every 1000 bases, and these SNPs are considered to be the cause of individual differences, individual characteristics and innate constitutions. It has been. In addition, diseases that have been considered to have a relatively high rate of environmental factors (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) are also associated with factor genes as risk factors, many of which are defined by single nucleotide polymorphisms. It is becoming clear. Therefore, SNP analysis is considered to lead to medication and treatment (tailor-made medicine) tailored to the individual's constitution, and is attracting a great deal of attention.
Various methods have been developed for SNP analysis so far, but broadly divided into a method for detecting an unknown base substitution and a method for detecting a known base substitution.
Examples of known base substitution include analytical methods such as a method for directly analyzing a base sequence and a DNA chip using an oligonucleotide.
From the viewpoint of genetic testing for tailor-made medicine, what is needed in the future is a technique for typing patient SNPs associated with each disease. In addition, more effective treatment can be expected by determining medication and treatment guidelines as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is desirable to develop a SNPs typing technology that allows anyone to easily perform inspections and obtain results quickly.
Currently classified SNPs can be classified into two methods, that is, a method using a polymerase reaction and a method using hybridization.
Methods using hybridization include simple hybridization using a DNA chip (Sequence By Hybridization) (Drmanac R, et al: Genomics 4: 114-128 (1989)) and Dye-labeled oligoligation ligation (ChenX, et al. al .: Genome Res. 8: 549-556 (1998)) and Invader method (Lyamichev, et al: Science 260: 778-783 (1993)). In any case, in principle, an oligonucleotide corresponding to each allele (allele) is prepared, and which allele is hybridized is detected in principle.
These methods require a time since they require a hybrid operation, or have a problem that the apparatus is expensive because fluorescence is used in the detection system, and cannot be easily tested. .
Primers are set near the SNP as in the SNaPShot method and Pyrosequence method (Alderborn, A. et.al: Genome Res., 28: 1249-1258 (2000)), and the method using the polymerase reaction is performed at the SNP site. A method for determining which base has been incorporated and a method for determining whether or not a polymerase reaction occurs by designing a primer so as to include a SNP site corresponding to each allele in the vicinity of the 3 ′ end (ARMS method (Amplification reference) mutation system), Newton CR, et al .: Nucl Acids Res. 17: 2503-2516 (1989), PASA method (PCR-amplification of specific alleles), Sarker G et al: Anal Biochem 186: 64-68 (1990)) and to break up.
The SNaPShot method is a method in which a primer is prepared just before the SNP site, an extension reaction is performed only with dideoxynucleotide, and which base is incorporated. Since this is an extension reaction of only one base, a sequencer must be used for analysis, and an expensive apparatus is required.
The Pyrosequence method is a method in which a primer is designed several upstream or immediately before a SNP and a deoxynucleotide is added by one base at a time starting from this primer. At that time, pyrophosphate generated only when an extension reaction occurs is converted to ATP to cause chemiluminescence, and this luminescence is detected. Since pyrophosphoric acid is produced quantitatively with the amount of base incorporated, it is excellent in quantification. However, there remains a problem in terms of operability that it is necessary to add four types of dNTPs to the reaction part in order and a device for detecting luminescence.
The ARMS method and PASA method utilize the fact that the extension reaction starting from the primer strongly depends on the matching of the primer 3 ′ end and the template (Kwok S. et al .: Nucleic Acids Res 18,999-1005). (1990), Huang MM et al .: Nucleic Acids Res. 20, 4567-4573 (1992)). In other words, by preparing a primer complementary to each allele in advance and using the fact that an extension reaction occurs only when it matches the genotype of the sample, the genotype is determined based on whether an amplification reaction has occurred. is there. This method is excellent in that it can be examined quickly by a simple method such as electrophoresis.
However, in reality, there is only one base difference between allele-specific primers, and non-specific amplification often occurs even with mismatched primers depending on the template sequence (Huang MM et al .: Nucleic Acids Res. 20, 4567-4573 (1992)). In addition, since whether or not amplification occurs depends on delicate conditions such as the equipment used and the surrounding environment, it is difficult to suppress nonspecific amplification.
In fact, in the ARMS method, another mismatch is artificially introduced one base upstream of the 3 'end of the primer for the purpose of enhancing mismatch. This is because the amplification efficiency of PCR is greatly reduced by introducing a mismatch of 2 bases within 4 bases from the 3 'end. (Kwok S. et al .: Nucleic Acids Res 18, 999-1005 (1990)) Thereby, non-specific amplification can be suppressed to some extent without strictly controlling the conditions.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
Based on the above method, it seems that the nucleotide polymorphism can be clearly detected. However, if the reaction is carried out using different primers in an amplification reaction such as PCR, the efficiency for amplification derived from both primers is often different. If the amplification products corresponding to both alleles are not constant, there is a problem that when the SNP type is heterozygous, the amount of amplification of both alleles is different, making it difficult to distinguish from homozygotes.
An object of this invention is to provide the method of detecting a single nucleotide polymorphism correctly, simply and rapidly. In particular, it is an object of the present invention to provide a method for clearly distinguishing heterozygotes and homozygotes of alleles.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of intensive studies to solve the above-mentioned problems, the present inventors have found that two types of alleles are specific under different polymerase reaction conditions so that the amounts of amplification products derived from each allele in the heterozygote are substantially the same. It was found that the amplification product in the heterozygote and the amplification product in the homozygote can be distinguished by using the respective primers.
That is, by setting the PCR conditions for each allele-specific primer, the amount of amplification product derived from each allele was made equal. Thereby, it became possible to clearly distinguish homozygous and heterozygous by setting PCR conditions individually.
That is, according to the present invention, there is provided a single nucleotide polymorphism detection method using two types of allele-specific primers under polymerase reaction conditions such that the amount of amplification of each allele in heterozygote is substantially the same. Provided.
Preferably, the polymerase reaction is a PCR reaction.
Preferably, the amount of amplification of each allele at the heterozygote is substantially the same by using different reaction cycle numbers for each allele-specific primer when performing PCR with two allele-specific primers. To.
Preferably, when performing PCR using two types of allele-specific primers, the amount of amplification of each allele at the heterozygote is substantially the same by using different primer concentrations for each allele-specific primer. To do.
Preferably, the amount of amplification of each allele at the heterozygote is substantially the same by using different initial template amounts for each allele-specific primer when performing PCR with two allele-specific primers. To.
Preferably, an allele-specific primer designed so that the polymorphic site is present within 4 bases from the 3 'end of the allele-specific primer is used.
Preferably, a single nucleotide polymorphism is detected using a polymerase reaction product.
Preferably, single nucleotide polymorphisms are detected using electrophoresis, chromatography or HPLC as a detection means.
Preferably, a single nucleotide polymorphism is detected using a side reaction product during the polymerase reaction.
Preferably, the side reaction product is pyrophosphoric acid.
Preferably, pyrophosphoric acid is detected using a dry analytical element.
Preferably, the detection of the single nucleotide polymorphism includes discriminating the homozygous / heterozygous of the single nucleotide polymorphism.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail.
The method for detecting a single nucleotide polymorphism of the present invention is characterized in that two types of allele-specific primers are used under polymerase reaction conditions such that the amount of amplification of each allele in a heterozygote is substantially the same. . More specifically, when the polymerase reaction is a PCR reaction, when performing PCR using two types of allele-specific primers, (1) whether to use a different number of reaction cycles for each allele-specific primer , (2) amplification of each allele in a heterozygote by using a different primer concentration for each allele specific primer and / or (3) using a different initial template amount for each allele specific primer The amount can be substantially the same. By utilizing the method of the present invention, it is possible to discriminate homo / heterozygotes of single nucleotide polymorphisms. In a preferred form of the method of the present invention, a polymerase reaction is performed using each allele-specific primer, and the presence or absence of the extension reaction is detected. Specific examples of the detection method include a method of directly measuring amplification products such as electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and liquid chromatography, and a method of detecting pyrophosphoric acid produced during the polymerase extension reaction. FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram illustrating an embodiment of the present invention.
A first preferred embodiment of the method for discriminating homo- / heterojunctions of single nucleotide polymorphisms according to the present invention is listed below.
An allele-specific primer is set to include the SNP site to be detected. At this time, it is possible to artificially introduce a mismatch in the vicinity of the SNP site in order to increase the mismatch to the allele, but such an artificial mismatch need not be introduced. These primers are used separately to cause the polymerase extension reaction.
Whether or not an elongation reaction has actually occurred is detected by detecting pyrophosphoric acid. More preferably, it is carried out using a dry analytical element for pyrophosphate quantification characterized by comprising a reagent layer containing xanthosine or inosine, pyrophosphatase, purine nucleoside phosphorylase, xanthine oxidase, peroxidase and a color former.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in more detail.
(A) Target nucleic acid fragment:
The target nucleic acid fragment to be analyzed in the present invention is a polynucleotide having at least a part of the known base sequence, and is a genomic DNA fragment isolated from all living organisms such as animals, microorganisms, bacteria and plants. obtain. In addition, RNA fragments or DNA fragments that can be isolated from viruses, and cDNA fragments synthesized using mRNA as a template can also be targeted. It is desirable that the target nucleic acid fragment is purified as much as possible, and extra components other than the nucleic acid fragment are removed. For example, when targeting a genomic DNA fragment isolated from the blood of an animal (eg, human) or when targeting a nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) fragment of an infected bacterium or virus present in the blood, The destroyed white blood cell membrane, hemoglobin eluted from the red blood cells, and other general chemicals present in the blood must be sufficiently removed. In particular, hemogrombin inhibits the subsequent polymerase extension reaction.
(B) Target nucleic acid fragment and specific primer:
The primer specific to the target nucleic acid fragment used in the present invention is an oligonucleotide having a base sequence complementary to a target site where the base sequence of the target nucleic acid fragment is known. A primer complementary to the target nucleic acid fragment hybridizes to a target site of the target nucleic acid fragment, so that a polymerase extension reaction proceeds using the target nucleic acid as a template from the 3 'end of the primer. That is, the point in the present invention is whether the primer recognizes the target site of the target nucleic acid fragment and specifically hybridizes. The preferable base number of the primer used in the present invention is 5 to 60 bases. Particularly preferred is 15 to 40 bases.
Furthermore, it is necessary to set the primer in the present invention so as to include a polymorphic site for which at least one is to be detected. More preferably, it is set within 4 bases from the 3 'end. This is because the polymorphism detection in the present invention utilizes the fact that the extension reaction starting from the primer strongly depends on the matching between the 3 ′ end of the primer and the template, and there is a mismatch near the 3 ′ end. If present, the extension reaction will not proceed. Actually, if there is only a single base difference in the SNP site that is the detection site between allele-specific primers, nonspecific amplification can occur even with mismatched primers, depending on the template sequence. In addition, whether or not amplification occurs depends on delicate conditions such as the equipment used and the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is difficult to suppress nonspecific amplification, and polymorphism may not be determined. Therefore, it is also possible to artificially make a mismatch other than the SNP polymorphic site. The artificial mismatch is preferably in the vicinity of the SNP polymorphism site, and more preferably adjacent. Thereby, non-specific amplification can be suppressed to some extent.
However, if the reaction is carried out using different primers in an amplification reaction such as PCR, the efficiency for amplification derived from both primers is often different.
In the case of heterozygosity, the amount of amplification derived from both alleles is not equal, and there is a possibility of misjudgment as homozygous. Therefore, PCR reaction conditions are set so that the amounts of amplification products derived from both alleles are equal. In the present invention, for example, (1) use different reaction cycle numbers for each allele-specific primer, (2) use different primer concentrations for each allele-specific primer, and / or (3) each By using different initial template amounts for allele-specific primers, the amount of amplification of each allele at the heterozygote can be made substantially the same.
(C) Polymerase:
When the target nucleic acid is DNA, the polymerase used in the present invention is 5 ′ starting from a double-stranded portion formed by hybridization of a primer with a portion denatured into a single strand of the target nucleic acid fragment. → A DNA polymerase that catalyzes a complementary extension reaction in the 3 ′ direction using deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) as a material and a target nucleic acid fragment as a template. Specific examples of the DNA polymerase used include DNA polymerase I, Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I, and Bst DNA polymerase. DNA polymerases can be selected or combined depending on the purpose. For example, when a part of the target nucleic acid fragment is amplified (for example, PCR method), it is effective to use Taq DNA polymerase having excellent heat resistance. In addition, depending on the purpose, DNA polymerase α, T4 DNA polymerase, and T7 DNA polymerase having hexokinase activity in the 3 ′ → 5 ′ direction can be used in combination.
Further, when the genomic nucleic acid or mRNA of the RNA virus is the target nucleic acid fragment, it is possible to use reverse transcriptase having reverse transcription activity. Further, reverse transcriptase and Taq DNA polymerase can be used in combination.
(D) Polymerase extension reaction:
In the polymerase extension reaction of interest in the present invention, the above-mentioned (B), which specifically hybridizes to a part of the target nucleic acid fragment denatured to a single strand as described in (A) above. Starting from the 3 ′ end of a primer complementary to the target nucleic acid fragment as described in the above, using deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) as a material, and a polymerase as described in (C) above as a catalyst All of the complementary nucleic acid extension reactions that proceed using the target nucleic acid fragment as a template are included. This complementary nucleic acid extension reaction means that a continuous extension reaction occurs at least twice (for two bases).
When the amount of the target nucleic acid is small, it is preferable to amplify the target portion of the target nucleic acid by some means using a polymerase extension reaction. Various methods developed and invented so far can be used for amplification of the target nucleic acid.
Examples of nucleic acid amplification methods include PCR (Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-67960, Japanese Patent Publication No. 4-67957), LCR (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-2934), SDA (Strand Displacement Amplification: Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-130870), RCA (Rolling). Circle Amplification: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, Vol. Volume 18 No. 2 (2001)), NASBA (Nucleic acid Sequence-based Amplification method; Nature, 350, 91 (1991)), and TMA (Transcribion modified amplification method, Vol. Is mentioned.
The most common and widespread method for amplifying a target nucleic acid is a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. In the PCR method, the temperature of the reaction solution is periodically controlled to denature (step of denaturing nucleic acid fragments from double strands to single strands) → annealing (primers are applied to nucleic acid fragments denatured into single strands). This is a method of amplifying a target portion of a target nucleic acid fragment by repeating a periodic step of hybridization) → polymerase (Taq DNA polymerase) extension reaction → denature. Finally, the target site of the target nucleic acid fragment can be amplified up to 1 million times the initial amount.
When the target nucleic acid fragment is an RNA fragment, a reverse transcriptase having reverse transcription activity can be used, and an extension reaction can be performed using the RNA strand as a template. Furthermore, RT-PCR method can be used, in which reverse transcriptase and Taq DNA polymerase are used in combination, followed by RT (reverse transcription) reaction and PCR reaction.
LCR (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 5-2934) is a technique in which two complementary oligonucleotide probe strands are bonded to a single-stranded DNA in an end-to-tail manner, and a nick between two oligonucleotide strands is formed with a heat-resistant ligase. To seal. In this method, the bound DNA strand is released by denaturation, becomes a template, and is amplified. The SNP can be determined by devising the probe sequence and determining whether amplification has occurred. In addition, a method for improving the LCR by setting a gap between two primers and filling the gap with a polymerase (Gap-LCR: Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 23, No. 4, No. 675 (1995)) has been developed. . When this method is used, SNP can also be determined by measuring the production of pyrophosphate by the polymerase extension reaction.
SDA (Strand Displacement Amplification: JP-A-5-130870) is a cycling assay method using exonuclease, and is one of amplification methods of target sites of target nucleic acid fragments using a polymerase extension reaction. This method is a method in which 5 ′ → 3 ′ exonuclease is allowed to act together with a polymerase extension reaction starting from a primer that specifically hybridizes to a target site of a target nucleic acid fragment, so that the primer is decomposed in the reverse direction. A new primer hybridizes in place of the degraded primer, and the extension reaction by the DNA polymerase proceeds again. The elongation reaction by the polymerase and the decomposition reaction by exonuclease for removing the previously elongated strand are sequentially and periodically repeated. Here, the elongation reaction by polymerase and the degradation reaction by exonuclease can be carried out under isothermal conditions. By devising the primer sequence, it is possible to determine the SNP based on whether or not the polymerase reaction has occurred.
The LAMP method is a method for amplifying a target site of a target nucleic acid fragment developed in recent years. In this method, at least four kinds of primers that complementarily recognize at least six specific sites of the target nucleic acid fragment, no nuclease activity in the 5 ′ → 3 ′ direction, and double-stranded DNA on the template are 1 This is a method of amplifying a target site of a target nucleic acid fragment as a special structure under isothermal conditions by using a strand displacement type Bst DNA polymerase that catalyzes an extension reaction while being released as a double-stranded DNA. By devising this primer sequence, it is possible to determine the SNP based on whether or not amplification has occurred. In addition, the amplification efficiency of the LAMP method is high, and the amount of pyrophosphate accumulated in the polymerase extension reaction is very large. Therefore, it is easy to detect SNP by detecting pyrophosphate.
The ICAN method is also a method for amplifying a target site of a target nucleic acid fragment developed in recent years. This is an isothermal gene amplification method using RNA-DNA chimera primer, DNA polymerase having strand displacement activity and template exchange activity, and RNaseH. After the chimeric primer is bound to the template, a complementary strand is synthesized by DNA polymerase. Thereafter, RNase H cleaves the RNA portion derived from the chimeric primer, and the gene is amplified by repeating this reaction in which an elongation reaction accompanied by a strand displacement reaction and a template exchange reaction occurs from the cleaved portion. By devising this primer sequence, it is possible to determine the SNP based on whether or not amplification has occurred. In addition, the amplification efficiency of the ICAN method is high, and the amount of pyrophosphate accumulated in the polymerase extension reaction is extremely large. Therefore, it is easy to detect SNP by detecting pyrophosphate.
(E) Detection:
Since the present invention relies on the purpose of making the amount of product after polymerase reaction such as PCR equal among products from alleles in heterozygotes, it is not limited as long as the amount of product can be quantified. Nor.
Examples of the detection method include a method of directly measuring a product such as electrophoresis, liquid chromatography, and a mass spectrometer, or a method of detecting pyrophosphate generated as a result of the polymerase reaction. In view of quantitativeness, it is preferably a detection method by quantifying pyrophosphate, and in view of simplicity, a method of quantifying pyrophosphate using a dry analytical element is more preferable.
Conventionally, the method shown in Formula 1 is known as a method for detecting pyrophosphoric acid (PPi). In this method, pyrophosphate (PPi) is converted into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by sulfurylase, and luminescence generated by adenosine triphosphate acting on luciferin by luciferase is detected. Therefore, an apparatus capable of measuring luminescence is required to detect pyrophosphoric acid (PPi) by this method.
[Chemical 1]
The pyrophosphoric acid detection method suitable for the present invention is the method shown in Formula 2 or Formula 3. The method shown in Formula 2 or Formula 3 is obtained by converting pyrophosphate (PPi) to inorganic phosphorus (Pi) with pyrophosphatase, and reacting purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) with inorganic phosphorus (Pi) with xanthosine or inosine. Xanthine or hypoxanthine is oxidized by xanthine oxidase (XOD) to produce uric acid, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Is used to color the color former (dye precursor) with peroxidase (POD) and colorimetrically color it. Since the results shown in these formulas 2 and 3 can be detected by colorimetry, pyrophosphoric acid (PPi) can be detected visually or using a simple colorimetric measuring device.
Equation 2 and Equation 3:
[Chemical 2]
[Chemical 3]
Pyrophosphatase (EC 3, 6, 1, 1) purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP, EC, xanthine oxidase (XOD, EC and peroxidase (POD, EC 1.11.1. 7) can use a commercially available thing. The color former (that is, the dye precursor) may be any one that generates a dye by hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase (POD). For example, a composition that generates a dye by oxidation of a leuco dye (eg, US Pat. Triarylimidazole leuco dyes described in JP, 747, etc., diaryl imidazole leuco dyes described in JP-A-59-193352 (EP 0122641A), etc .; when oxidized, a dye is formed by coupling with other compounds And the like (for example, 4-aminoantipyrines and phenols or naphthols) can be used.
(F) Dry analytical element:
The dry analytical element that can be used in the present invention is an analytical element composed of one or a plurality of functional layers, in which at least one layer (or across a plurality of layers) contains a detection reagent, The produced dye produced by the reaction in is colorimetrically determined from the outside of the analytical element by reflected light or transmitted light.
In order to perform quantitative analysis using such a dry analytical element, a certain amount of liquid sample is spotted on the surface of the development layer. The liquid sample developed in the development layer reaches the reagent layer, where it reacts with the reagent and develops color. After spotting, the dry analytical element is kept at a certain temperature for an appropriate time (incubation), and the color development reaction proceeds sufficiently. For example, the reagent layer is irradiated with illumination light from the transparent support side and reflected in a specific wavelength range. The amount of reflected light is measured to determine the reflection optical density, and quantitative analysis is performed based on a calibration curve obtained in advance.
Since dry analytical elements are stored and stored in a dry state until detection, there is no need to prepare the reagent at the time of use, and generally the reagent stability is higher in the dry state. It is easier and faster than the so-called wet method that must be prepared at the time of use. Moreover, it is also excellent as an inspection method capable of quickly performing a high-accuracy inspection with a small amount of liquid sample.
(G) Dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphoric acid:
The dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid that can be used in the present invention can have the same layer structure as that of various known dry analytical elements. The dry analytical element includes a support, a developing layer, a detection layer, a light shielding layer, an adhesive, in addition to the reagent for performing the reaction of Formula 2 or Formula 3 in the item (E) (detection of pyrophosphoric acid (PPi)) A multilayer including a layer, a water absorbing layer, an undercoat layer and other layers may be used. As such dry analytical elements, for example, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 49-53888 (corresponding US Pat. No. 3,992,158), Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 51-40191 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,042,335), and Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. There are those disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 55-164356 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,292,272) and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 61-4959 (corresponding EPC Publication No. 0166365A).
The dry analytical element that can be used in the present invention includes a reagent for converting pyrophosphoric acid into inorganic phosphorus and a reagent layer containing a reagent group that performs a color reaction according to the amount of inorganic phosphorus. An element is mentioned.
In this dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphate, it can be carried out as described above in this specification until pyrophosphoric acid (PPi) is enzymatically converted into inorganic phosphorus (Pi) using pyrophosphatase. By using the following “quantitative method of inorganic phosphorus” (and combinations of reactions used in them) known in the field of biochemical testing, a color development reaction corresponding to the amount of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) can be performed. it can.
When “inorganic phosphorus” is described, phosphoric acid (phosphate ion) is expressed as “Pi” and “HPO”.4 2-, H2PO4 1-"May be written as both. In the reaction examples shown below, “Pi” is used, but “HPO” is used for the same reaction formula.4 2-May also be written.
As a quantitative method for inorganic phosphorus, an enzyme method and a phosphorus molybdate method are known. Hereinafter, an enzyme method and a phosphomolybdate method as inorganic phosphorus determination methods will be described.
A. Enzyme method
There are a method using peroxidase (POD) and a method using glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) depending on the enzyme used in the last “color reaction” in a series of reactions for quantitative detection of Pi. Hereinafter, specific examples of these methods will be described.
(1) Example of method using peroxidase (POD)
Inorganic phosphorus (Pi) is reacted with inosine by purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), and the resulting hypoxanthine is oxidized by xanthine oxidase (XOD) to generate uric acid. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), Oxidative condensation of 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA) and phenol with peroxidase (POD) to form a quinoneimine dye, which is colorimetric.
Inorganic phosphorus (Pi), cocarboxylase (TPP), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), Mg2+In the presence of pyruvate, pyruvate is oxidized with pyruvate oxidase (POP) to produce acetylacetic acid. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2In the same manner as in (1-1) above, 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AA) and phenol are oxidatively condensed with peroxidase (POD) to form a quinoneimine dye, which is colorimetrically To do.
The final color reaction in the above (1-1) and (1-2) can be performed using a known “Trinder reagent” as a hydrogen peroxide detection reagent. In this reaction, phenol acts as a “hydrogen donor”. Phenols used as “hydrogen donors” are classic, and various improved “hydrogen donors” are currently used. Specific examples of such hydrogen donors include N-ethyl-N-sulfopropyl-m-anilysine, N-ethyl-N-sulfopropylaniline, N-ethyl-N-sulfopropyl-3,5-dimethoxyaniline. N-sulfopropyl-3,5-dimethoxyaniline, N-ethyl-N-sulfopropyl-3,5-dimethylaniline, N-ethyl-N-sulfopropyl-m-toluidine, N-ethyl-N- (2 -Hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl) -m-anilysine, N-ethyl-N- (2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl) aniline, N-ethyl-N- (2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl) -3, 5-dimethoxyaniline, N- (2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl) -3,5-dimethoxyaniline, N-ethyl-N- (2-hydroxy- - sulfopropyl) -3,5-dimethylaniline, N- ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-m-toluidine, and the like N- sulfopropyl aniline.
(2) Method using glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)
Inorganic phosphorus (Pi) and glycogen are reacted with phosphorylase to produce glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P). The resulting glucose-1-phosphate is converted to glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) by phosphoglucomutase (PGM). In the presence of glucose-6-phosphate and nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), NAD is reduced to NADH with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and this is colorimetric.
Inorganic phosphorus (Pi) and maltose are reacted using maltose phosphorylase (MP), and glucose-1-phosphate (G-1-P) is reacted. Hereinafter, similarly to the above (2-1), the resulting glucose-1-phosphate is converted to glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) by phosphoglucomutase (PGM). In the presence of glucose-6-phosphate and nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), NAD is reduced to NADH with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and this is colorimetric.
B. Phosphomolybdate method
“Phosphomolybdate (H), which is a complex of inorganic phosphorus (phosphate) and water-soluble molybdate ion under acidic conditions.3[PO4Mo12O36]) And the reaction of the direct method, followed by the reaction of the direct method described above, the reducing method using Mo (IV) to Mo (III) to quantify molybden blue (Mo (III)). There is. Examples of water-soluble molybdate ions include aluminum molybdate, cadmium molybdate, calcium molybdate, barium molybdate, lithium molybdate, potassium molybdate, sodium molybdate, and ammonium molybdate. Examples of typical reducing agents used in the reduction method include 1,2,4 aminonaphtholsulfonic acid, ferrous ammonium sulfate, ferrous chloride, stannous chloride-hydrazine, sulfate-p-methylamino. Phenol, N, N-dimethyl-phenylenediamine, ascorbic acid, malachite green and the like can be mentioned.
A dry analytical element in the case of using a light-transmissive water-impermeable support can practically have the following configuration. However, the content of the present invention is not limited to this.
(1) One having a reagent layer on a support.
(2) One having a detection layer and a reagent layer in this order on a support.
(3) One having a detection layer, a light reflection layer, and a reagent layer in this order on a support.
(4) One having a second reagent layer, a light reflecting layer, and a first reagent layer in this order on a support.
(5) One having a detection layer, a second reagent layer, a light reflection layer, and a first reagent layer in this order on a support.
In the above (1) to (3), the reagent layer may be composed of a plurality of different layers. For example, the first reagent layer contains the enzyme pyrophosphatase required for the pyrophosphatase reaction shown in Formula 2 or Formula 3, the substrate xanthosine or the substrate inosine and the enzyme PNP required for the PNP reaction, and the second reagent layer contains the formula 2 or The enzyme XOD required for the XOD reaction shown in Formula 3 and the enzyme POD required for the POD reaction shown in Formula 2 or Formula 3 and the coloring dye (dye precursor) may be contained in the third reagent layer, respectively. Good. Alternatively, two reagent layers may be used, and the pyrophosphatase reaction and the PNP reaction may proceed in the first reagent layer, and the XOD reaction and the POD reaction may proceed in the second reagent layer. Alternatively, the pyrophosphatase reaction, the PNP reaction, and the XOD reaction may proceed in the first reagent layer, and the POD reaction may proceed in the second reagent layer.
A water absorption layer may be provided between the support and the reagent layer or the detection layer. Moreover, you may provide a filtration layer between each layer. Further, a spreading layer may be provided on the reagent layer, and an adhesive layer may be provided therebetween.
The support can be any of light-opaque (opaque), light-translucent (translucent), and light-transmissive (transparent), but is generally light-transmissive and water-impermeable. A support is preferred. Preferable materials for the light transmissive water-impermeable support are polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene. In order to firmly adhere the hydrophilic layer, an undercoat layer is usually provided or a hydrophilic treatment is performed.
When a porous layer is used as the reagent layer, the porous medium may be fibrous or non-fibrous. As the fibrous material, for example, filter paper, non-woven fabric, woven fabric (for example, plain woven fabric), knitted fabric (for example, tricot knitted fabric), glass fiber filter paper, and the like can be used. Examples of non-fibrous materials include membrane filters made of cellulose acetate described in JP-A-49-53888, JP-A-49-53888, JP-A-55-90859 (corresponding to US Pat. No. 4,258). , 001) Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 58-70163 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,486,537) and the like may be any of a continuous void-containing granular structure layer composed of inorganic or organic fine particles. JP 61-4959 (corresponding European publication EP 0166365A), JP 62-116258, JP 62-138756 (corresponding European publication 0226465A), JP 62-138757 ( Corresponding European publication EP 0226465A), JP 62-138758 A (corresponding European publication EP 0226465A) and the like, a laminate of a plurality of partially bonded porous layers is also suitable.
The porous layer may be a spreading layer having a so-called metering action that spreads the liquid in an area approximately proportional to the amount of liquid supplied. Of these, a woven fabric, a knitted fabric and the like are preferable as the spreading layer. A woven fabric or the like may be subjected to glow discharge treatment as described in JP-A-57-66359. In the development layer, in order to adjust the development area, the development speed, etc., JP-A-60-222770 (corresponding to: EP 0162301A), JP-A-62-219397 (corresponding to West German Patent Publication DE 3717913A), JP-A. A hydrophilic polymer or a surfactant as described in JP-A-63-1129999 (corresponding: DE 3717913A) and JP-A-62-182652 (corresponding: DE 3717913A) may be contained.
For example, after impregnating or applying the reagent of the present invention to a porous film made of paper, cloth, polymer or the like in advance, another water-permeable layer provided on the support, for example, a detection layer, is disclosed in JP-A-55. It is also a useful method to adhere by the method as described in Japanese Patent No. 1645356.
The thickness of the reagent layer thus produced is not particularly limited, but when it is provided as a coating layer, a range of about 1 μm to 50 μm, preferably 2 μm to 30 μm is appropriate. In the case of a method other than coating, such as lamination by lamination, the thickness can vary greatly in the range of several tens to several hundreds of μm.
When the reagent layer is composed of a water-permeable layer made of a hydrophilic polymer binder, examples of the hydrophilic polymer that can be used include the following. Gelatin and derivatives thereof (for example, phthalated gelatin), cellulose derivatives (for example, hydroxyethyl cellulose), agarose, sodium alginate, acrylamide copolymers and methacrylamide copolymers (for example, acrylamide or copolymers of methacrylamide and various vinyl monomers) Polymer), polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, sodium polyacrylate, copolymers of acrylic acid and various vinyl monomers, and the like.
The reagent layer composed of a hydrophilic polymer binder is disclosed in JP-B-53-21777 (corresponding US Pat. No. 3,992,158), JP-A-55-164356 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,292,272), An aqueous solution or aqueous dispersion containing the reagent composition of the present invention and a hydrophilic polymer according to the method described in the specification of Kokai 54-101398 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,132,528) or the like is used as a support or a detection layer. It can be provided by coating on another layer and drying. The dry thickness of the reagent layer containing a hydrophilic polymer as a binder is in the range of about 2 μm to about 50 μm, preferably about 4 μm to about 30 μm, and the coating amount is about 2 g / m.2~ About 50g / m2, Preferably about 4 g / m2~ About 30g / m2Range.
In addition to the reagent composition of formula 2 or formula 3, the reagent layer has an enzyme activator, a coenzyme for the purpose of improving various properties such as coating properties, diffusibility of the diffusible compound, reactivity, and storage stability. In addition, surfactants, pH buffer compositions, fine powders, antioxidants, and other various additives made of organic or inorganic substances can be added. Examples of the buffering agent that can be contained in the reagent layer include “Chemical Handbook Basics” (Maruzen Co., Ltd., published in 1966) edited by the Chemical Society of Japan, pages 1312-1320. M.M. C. Dawson et al, "Data for Biochemical Research" 2nd edition (Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1969), "Biochemistry", pages 467-477 (1966), "Analytical" There is a pH buffer system described in pages 300-310 (1980). Examples of pH buffer systems include buffers containing borate; buffers containing citric acid or citrate; buffers containing glycine; buffers containing bicine; buffers containing HEPES; Good buffering agents such as buffering agents. A buffer containing phosphate cannot be used for a dry analytical element for detecting pyrophosphate.
The dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphoric acid that can be used in the present invention can be prepared by known methods described in the aforementioned patent specifications. The pyroanalytical dry analytical element is cut into small pieces such as a square having a side of about 5 mm to about 30 mm or a circle of about the same size, Japanese Patent Publication No. 57-283331 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,169,751), No. 56-142454 (corresponding US Pat. No. 4,387,990), JP-A-57-63452, JP-A-58-32350, JP-T-58-501144 (corresponding international publication: WO083 / 00391). It is preferable to use it as a chemical analysis slide by placing it in a slide frame as described above in terms of manufacturing, packaging, transportation, storage, measurement operation, and the like. Depending on the purpose of use, it is used in a long tape form in a cassette or magazine, or a small piece is placed in a container with an opening, or a small piece is affixed or placed in an open card, or a cut piece is used. It can be used as it is.
The dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid that can be used in the present invention can quantitatively detect pyrophosphoric acid, which is an analyte in a liquid sample, by the same operations as those described in the above-mentioned patent specifications. For example, an aqueous liquid sample solution in the range of about 2 μL to about 30 μL, preferably 4 μL to 15 μL is spotted on the reagent layer. The spotted analytical element is incubated at a constant temperature in the range of about 20 ° C to about 45 ° C, preferably at a constant temperature in the range of about 30 ° C to about 40 ° C for 1 to 10 minutes. The color development or discoloration in the analytical element is reflected and photometrically measured from the side of the light-transmitting support, and the amount of pyrophosphoric acid in the sample can be determined by the principle of the colorimetric measurement method using a calibration curve prepared in advance. Quantitative analysis can be performed with high accuracy by keeping the amount of liquid sample to be spotted, incubation time and temperature constant.
The measuring operation is disclosed in JP-A-60-125543, JP-A-60-220862, JP-A-61-294367, JP-A-58-161867 (corresponding to US Pat. No. 4,424,191). With the described chemical analyzer, highly accurate quantitative analysis can be performed with extremely easy operation. Depending on the purpose and required accuracy, semi-quantitative measurement may be performed by visually judging the degree of color development.
In the pyrophosphoric acid quantitative dry analytical element that can be used in the present invention, it is stored and stored in a dry state until analysis is performed, so there is no need to prepare a reagent at the time of use, and generally the dry state is better. Because of the high stability of the reagent, it is superior to the so-called wet method in which the reagent solution must be prepared at the time of use, and is superior in simplicity and speed. Moreover, it is also excellent as an inspection method capable of quickly performing a high-accuracy inspection with a small amount of liquid sample.
The dry analytical element for inorganic phosphorus determination that can be used in the second embodiment of the present invention can be prepared by removing pyrophosphatase from the reagent layer in the pyrophosphoric acid quantitative dry analytical element. It is also possible to use a dry analytical element described in JP-A-7-197. The dry analytical element for quantitative determination of inorganic phosphorus is the same as the dry analytical element for quantitative determination of pyrophosphoric acid in the layer configuration, production method and method of use, except that the reagent layer does not contain pyrophosphatase.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail with reference to examples. However, the technical scope of the present invention is not limited by this embodiment.
<Reference Example 1 (Comparative Example)>
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) detection of aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2 gene) -related site using dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphate (example in which the portion corresponding to single nucleotide polymorphism is set near the 3 'end of the primer )
(1) Preparation of nucleic acid sample solution containing target nucleic acid fragment
Blood samples collected from one individual, each of which is known to be ALDH2 active, ALDH2 low active, and inactive due to different specific base types of the ALDH2 gene-related site by sequencing of the base sequence in advance Nucleic acid containing the target nucleic acid fragment by recovering the genomic nucleic acid fragment extracted and purified from each of the samples using a commercially available nucleic acid extraction and purification kit (QIAAMP, BloodMini Kit, manufactured by QIAGEN) in 1 mL of purified distilled water A sample solution was prepared.
(2) Production of dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphoric acid
An aqueous solution of the composition (a) described in Table 1 on a colorless and transparent polyethylene terephthalate (PET) smooth film sheet (support) having a thickness of 180 μm provided with a gelatin subbing layer has the following coverage: This was applied and dried to provide a reagent layer.
[Table 1]
On this reagent layer, an adhesive layer aqueous solution having the composition (b) shown in Table 2 below was applied so as to have the following coverage, and dried to provide an adhesive layer.
[Table 2]
Then 30 g / m on the adhesive layer2The gelatin layer was swollen by supplying water to the entire surface at a ratio of, and a porous spread layer was provided by laminating a pure polyester-made bronze fabric cloth with light pressure almost uniformly on it. .
Next, an aqueous solution of the composition (c) shown in Table 3 below is applied almost uniformly from above the spreading layer so as to have the following coverage, dried, cut into 13 mm × 14 mm, and placed in a plastic mounting material. As a result, a dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid was prepared.
[Table 3]
(3) PCR amplification
Using the nucleic acid sample solution containing the target nucleic acid fragment extracted and purified from the human whole blood sample of ALDH2 active type or ALDH2 inactive type in (1) above, PCR amplification is performed under the following conditions. went.
The primer is a common primer (upper) in the ALDH2 gene-related site on chromosome 12, and a portion corresponding to the single nucleotide polymorphism that determines ALDH2 activity is set near the 3 ′ end (lower-1 and A set of two primers (lower-1) and a primer (lower-2) corresponding to ALDH2 active type and inactive type, which were underlined in the primer base sequence described in lower-2), were used. . Note that. The base 5 ′ upstream of the sequence corresponding to the single nucleotide polymorphism of the lower primer was changed (T → A) to artificially create a mismatch.
Active detection primer
Primer (upper):
Primer (lower-1):
Inactive detection primer
Primer (lower-2):
PCR amplification was carried out by repeating 35 cycles of [denaturation: 94 ° C. for 20 seconds, annealing: 60 ° C. for 30 seconds, polymerase extension reaction: 72 ° C. for 1 minute 30 seconds] with the composition of the reaction solution shown below.
<Composition of reaction solution>
10 × PCR buffer 5 μL
2.5 mM dNTP 5 μL
5 μM primer (upper) 2 μL
5 μM primer (lower-1 or -2) 2 μL
Taq 0.5 μL
Nucleic acid fragment sample solution obtained in (1) 0.5 μL
Purified water 35 μL
(4) Detection using an analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphate
The solution after the PCR amplification reaction in (3) is spotted as it is on the dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid prepared in (2) above, and the dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid is placed at 37 ° C. for 5 minutes. After incubation, reflection optical density (OD) from the support side at a wavelength of 650 nm.R) Was measured. The results obtained are shown in Table 4 below.
[Table 4]
From the results of Reference Example 1, the relationship between the known active form of ALDH2 in the sample and the reflection optical density (ODr) measured using a dry analytical element for pyrophosphoric acid determination is consistent. That is, it can be seen that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2 gene) related sites have been detected. However, it can be seen that it is difficult to determine the active type and the low activity type because the amount of pyrophosphate produced in each low activity type allele is different.
<Example 1>
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) detection of aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2 gene) related site using dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphate (example in which PCR conditions are set according to each allele)
(1) Preparation of nucleic acid sample solution containing target nucleic acid fragment
In the same manner as in Reference Example 1, a nucleic acid sample solution containing a target nucleic acid fragment was prepared from a blood sample known to be ALDH2 low activity type in advance by sequencing the base sequence.
(2) Production of dry analytical element for quantification of pyrophosphoric acid
The same procedure as in Reference Example 1 was performed.
(3) PCR amplification
Using the nucleic acid sample solution containing the target nucleic acid fragment extracted and purified from the ALDH2 low activity human whole blood sample in (1) above, PCR amplification was performed under the following conditions.
The primer is a common primer (upper) in the ALDH2 gene-related site on chromosome 12, and a portion corresponding to the single nucleotide polymorphism that determines ALDH2 activity is set near the 3 ′ end (lower-1 and A set of two primers (lower-1) and a primer (lower-2) corresponding to ALDH2 active type and inactive type, which were underlined in the primer base sequence described in lower-2), were used. . In order to artificially create a mismatch, the base 5 'upstream of the sequence corresponding to the single nucleotide polymorphism of the lower primer was changed to (T → A).
○ Activity detection primer
Primer (upper):
Primer (lower-1):
○ Inactive detection primer
Primer (lower-2):
In the composition of the reaction solution shown below, the active detection primer side has 33 cycles of [denaturation: 94 ° C./20 seconds, annealing: 60 ° C./30 seconds, polymerase extension reaction: 72 ° C./1 minute 30 seconds], The inactive detection primer was subjected to PCR amplification by repeating the same temperature condition for 35 cycles.
<Composition of reaction solution>
10 × PCR buffer 5 μL
2.5 mM dNTP 5 μL
5 μM primer (super) 2 μL
5 μM primer (lower-1 or -2) 2 μL
Taq 0.5 μL Taq
Nucleic acid fragment sample solution obtained in (1) 0.5 μL
Purified water 35 μL of purified water
(4) Detection using an analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphate
The solution after the PCR amplification reaction in (3) is spotted as it is on the dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid prepared in (2) above, and the dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid is placed at 37 ° C. for 5 minutes. After incubation, reflection optical density (OD) from the support side at a wavelength of 650 nm.R) Was measured. The results obtained are shown in Table 5 below.
[Table 5]
From the results of Example 1, the reflection optical density (ODr) measured using a dry analytical element for quantifying pyrophosphoric acid was determined based on the PCR conditions (in this case, the active primer and the inactive primer in the low activity type sample). It becomes equal by changing the number of cycles). As a result, the distinction between the active / inactive type and the low active type can be made clear.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, single nucleotide polymorphisms can be detected accurately, simply and rapidly. In particular, according to the present invention, it is possible to clearly distinguish between heterozygous and homozygous alleles.
[Sequence Listing]
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram illustrating an embodiment of the present invention.