一方、モナスカス属(Monascus属)の糸状菌を培養して得られる紅麹は、古くから食品原料として、またモナスカス属(Monascus属)の糸状菌が生産する紅麹色素(モナスカス色素)は天然の赤色着色料(天然食品添加物)として生産利用されている。近年、食品としての紅麹の三次機能(生体調節機能)が注目され広く研究が行われており、種々の機能成分の存在が明らかにされてきている。すなわち、紅麹にはCholesterol生合成阻害活性を有するモナコリンK(Monacolin K)が、また、血圧降下作用を示すγ−アミノ酪酸(GABA)が含まれる事が明らかにされている。モナコリンKには癌予防・治療効果があるとされている(特許文献1参照)。紅麹色素成分であるアザフィロノイド類のモナスコルブリン(Monascorubrin)(6)およびモナスシン(Monascin)(1)(構造は図1参照)についての実験動物を用いた抗発癌プロモーター活性試験により、Monascorubrin(6)に顕著な活性が認められている(非特許文献1参照)。 また、紅麹色素のマウス皮膚二段階発癌試験では経口投与により、発癌予防効果が確認されている。この試験での投与は紅麹色素を0.02%または0.1%水に添加し、自由に摂取させたもので、試験終了時点(20週)での癌を起こしたマウスの割合は、対照が100%であったに対し、紅麹色素群では、それぞれ53%と40%であった(非特許文献2参照)。これらの結果は、紅麹が三次機能の一つとして癌予防効果を持つことを示唆するものである。しかしながら、紅麹色素成分のうち、上記以外の成分については、発癌予防効果を有するものとして確認されたものはなかった。
(1):アンカフラビン(Ankaflavin)(2)、ルブロパンクタミン(Rubropunctamine)(3)、モナスコルブラミン(Monascorubramine)(4)、キサントモナシンA(Xanthomonasin A)(7)、 キサントモナシンB(Xanthomonasin B)(8)からなる群より選択される1種またはそれ以上の化合物を有効成分として含有することを特徴とする抗発癌プロモーター活性剤、および
(2):アンカフラビン(Ankaflavin)(2)、ルブロパンクタミン(Rubropunctamine)(3)、モナスコルブラミン(Monascorubramine)(4)、キサントモナシンA(Xanthomonasin A)(7)、 キサントモナシンB(Xanthomonasin B)(8)からなる群より選択される1種またはそれ以上の化合物を有効成分として含有することを特徴とする抗発癌プロモーター活性を有する食品
紅麹菌を培養して紅麹を得る。ここで用いる紅麹菌はモナスカス属(Monascus)に属する糸状菌であればよく、例えばモナスカス・パープレウス(Monascus purpureus)、モナスカス・ピローサス(Monascus pilosus)、モナスカス・ルーベル(Monascus ruber)などがあげられる。また原料は、紅麹菌が繁殖可能なものであれば如何なるものでも良いが、色素の生産性を考えた場合、米や小麦などの澱粉質なものが望ましい。培養方法としては、通常の製麹方法だけでなく、液体培養も可能である。これらの製麹方法、培養方法は、当該分野において公知である。
紅麹色素の安全性については、古泉らによって詳細に検討され、以下の結果が得られ、安全性が確認させている。(古泉快夫、庭山清八郎、仁田原義之、宮村定男、新潟医学会雑誌、92(12)、815〜820 (1978))
常法に従い、精白米を一晩水に浸漬し、30分間水切りした後、オートクレーブで121℃20分間蒸煮滅菌し、蒸米を得た。これに、モナスカス・ピローサス(Monascus pilosus)IFO 4520を植菌し、30℃で14日間好気的に培養して紅麹を得た。この紅麹を通風70℃で水分率8%まで乾燥し、さらに粉砕し、紅麹粉末を得た。
1H NMRスペクトル(400MHz)はCDCl3中で測定した。MSスペクトルの測定はEIMS(70eV)、FABMS、あるいはESIMS(Agilent Technologies 1100LC/MSD SL装置)法により行なった。UV/VISスペクトルはMeOH中で行なった。分取逆相HPLCにはPegasil ODS−IIカラム(25cm x 内寸10mmあるいは25cm x 内寸4.6mm)を用い、移動相には水−MeOH−AcOH系混合溶媒を用い、イソクラチックあるいはグラジエント溶出法で行なった。HPLC検出器にはRI検出器(イソクラチック溶出法)あるいは光散乱検出器(グラジエント溶出法)を用いた。カラムクロマトグラフィーにはシリカゲル60(220−400メッシュ)(Merck)あるいはオクタデシルシリカ(Chromatorex−ODS、100−200メッシュ;富士シリア化学(株))を用いた。薄層クロマトグラフィー(TLC)にはシリカゲル60G(Merck)を用いた。
さらにa、b、c、d、e、f、g、h、i、j、kの各フラクションにつきODS−HPLCにより精製し、フラクションcからモナスシン(Monascin)(1)およびアンカフラビン(Ankaflavin)(2)を、フラクションeからルブロパンクタミン(Rubropunctamine)(3)およびモナスコルブラミン(Monascorubramine)(4)を、フラクションdからルブロパンクタチン(Rubropunctatin)(5)およびモナスコルブリン(Monascorubrin)(6)をそれぞれ単離した。またA、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、Iの各フラクションにつきODS−HPLCにより精製し、フラクションEおよびFからルブロパンクタリシン(Rubropunctalysine)(9)を単離した。さらに、70%EtOH抽出物から塩酸酸性メタノール抽出、TLC、HPLCによりキサントモナシンA(Xanthomonasin A)(7)およびキサントモナシンB(Xanthomonasin B)(8)を得た。これらの単離化合物はNMR、MS等の機器分析に供して同定された。
化合物(2)−アンカフラビン:UV/VISλmax382,460nm.ESIMS m/z 387[MH]+(C23H31O5).1H NMR Me:δ0.87(t),1.45(s),1.88(d);CH2:δ1.25−1.35(m),2.67(m),3.02,3.24,4.71,5.06(q);CH:δ2.56(m),3.66(d),5.27(s),5.91(d),6.51(dq).
これらのデータを文献値(S. Kumasaki, K. Nakanishi, E. Nishikawa, M. Ohashi, Tetrahedron, 18, 1171 (1962)、Y. Inoue, K. Nakanishi, H. Nishikawa, M. Ohashi, A. Terahara, S. Yamamura, Tetrahedron, 18, 1195 (1962)およびJ. G. Sweeny, M. C. Estrada−Valdes, G. A. Iacobucci, H. Sata, D. Sakamura, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 1189 (1991))と比較、同定した。化合物(3)−ルブロパンクタミン:UV/VISλmax300,410,530nm.EIMS m/z 353[M]+(C21H23NO4).1H NMR Me:δ0.89(t),1.71(s),2.06(d);CH2:δ1.25−1.48(m),2.97(t);CH:δ6.41(d),6.53(s),6.79(s),6.99(s),7.19(dq).
これらのデータを文献値(J. G. Sweeny, M. C. Estrada−Valdes, G. A. Iacobucci, H. Sata, D. Sakamura, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 1189 (1991))と比較、同定した。
化合物(4)−モナスコルブラミン:UV/VISλmax300,410,530nm.EIMS m/z 381[M]+(C23H27NO4).1H NMR Me:δ0.89(t),1.71(s),2.06(d);CH2:δ1.25−1.48(m),2.97(t);CH:δ6.41(d),6.53(s),6.79(s),6.99(s),7.19(dq).
これらのデータを文献値(J. G. Sweeny, M. C. Estrada−Valdes, G. A. Iacobucci, H. Sata, D. Sakamura, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 1189 (1991))と比較、同定した。
化合物(7)−キサントモナシンA:UV/VISλmax230,460nm.ESIMS m/z 389[MH]+(C21H25O7).1H NMR Me:δ0.85(t),1.41(s),1.71(dd);CH2:δ1.25−1.41(m),2.76(d),2.77(t);CH:δ5.31(dq),5.59(dq),9.41(s);OH:δ5.54(s).
これらのデータを文献値(K. Sato, S. Iwakami, Y. Goda, E. Okuyama, K. Yoshihira, T. Ichi, Y. Odake, H. Noguchi, Y. Sankawa, Heterocycles, 34, 2057 (1992))と比較、同定した。
化合物(8)−キサントモナシンB:UV/VISλmax230,460nm.ESIMS m/z 417[MH]+(C23H29O7).1H NMR Me:δ0.85(t),1.41(s),1.71(dd);CH2:δ1.25−1.41(m),2.76(d),2.77(t);CH:δ5.31(dq),5.59(dq),9.41(s);OH:δ5.54(s).
これらのデータを文献値(K. Sato, S. Iwakami, Y. Goda, E. Okuyama, K. Yoshihira, T. Ichi, Y. Odake, H. Noguchi, Y. Sankawa, Heterocycles, 34, 2057 (1992))と比較、同定した。
抗発癌プロモーター活性の評価は、発癌プロモーターが誘発する炎症の抑制を指標とした方法より行った。この方法で強い炎症抑制効果を示す物質は、二段階発癌試験におけるプロモーション過程も同様に抑制することが明らかにされており、本法は少量の試料量で短時間に結果を得ることができるため、抗発癌プロモーターの一次スクリーニング試験法として優れている。(安川 憲,秋久俊博,日本油化学会誌,49, 571 (2000))
マウスの右耳の内外耳殻に、発癌プロモーターであるTPA (12−O−Tetradecanoylphorbol−13−acetate;1nM)を20μlのアセトン溶液として塗布し炎症を誘起させた。検体は、TPA塗布の30分前に可溶な有機溶媒に溶かし、同一部位に塗布した。抑制率は、最高腫脹時であるTPA塗布の6時間後に、耳殻の腫脹をPocket thickness gaugeで測定し算出した。結果を表1に示す。
本発明により、これまで抗発癌プロモーター活性を有するものとして未同定であった紅麹中の化合物アンカフラビン(Ankaflavin)(2)、ルブロパンクタミン(Rubropunctamine)(3)、モナスコルブラミン(Monascorubramine)(4)、キサントモナシンA(Xanthomonasin A)(6)、キサントモナシンB(Xanthomonasin B)(8)がはじめて単離同定され、抗発癌プロモーター活性が確認された。これらの化合物は、既に発癌プロモーター抑制作用が知られているクエルセチン(Quercetin)よりも強い活性を示し、さらに実験動物を用いた試験で顕著な抗発癌プロモーター活性が認められているMonascorubrin(6)とほぼ同様な活性であった。よって、これらを含有する抗発癌プロモーター活性剤あるいは食品等は有効な癌予防作用を有するといえる。
The present invention relates to an anti-tumor promoter active compound effective for preventing carcinogenesis by suppressing a promotion process in carcinogenesis, an anti-tumor promoter active agent containing them, and a food for preventing carcinogenesis.
[Prior art]
Epidemiological studies have shown that most human cancers are due to two factors, food and smoking, but it has also been shown that foods taken daily are significantly involved in cancer control. . Therefore, when considering the prevention of cancer, chemical prevention involving environmental factors such as food has been regarded as important.
It is generally accepted that chemical carcinogenesis goes through different stages of the mechanism, such as initiation, promotion, and progression. Initiation is a process in which a metabolically activated initiator irreversibly binds to DNA and causes genetic damage. The subsequent promotion process is a step of promoting the growth of potential tumor cells induced by the initiator into cancer cells by repeated stimulation of the promoter. In real life, these stages are intermittent or continuous and are not strictly discernible.
In the primary prevention of cancer, it is important to find a compound that is only reversible and that delays, suppresses or blocks the prolonged promotion process, that is, an effective anti-cancer promoter.
In recent years, active research has been conducted on effective carcinogenesis inhibitors contained in plants and plant food materials, mainly using animal carcinogenesis models, and a wide variety of secondary plant metabolites can be used as carcinogenesis inhibitors. It has been suggested that there is sex. These natural compounds include flavonoids such as quercetin, tannins of tea, curcumin which is a yellow pigment of turmeric, and sulfur-containing compounds (isothiocyanates and polysulfides) of edible plants of the Brassicaceae and Allium genus. ), Retinoids, carotenoids which are tetraterpenoids, monoterpenoids, triterpenoids and sterols, saponins and the like. However, few have been confirmed to have a cancer prevention effect by oral ingestion.
Meanwhile, Monascus obtained by culturing filamentous fungi Monascus genus (Monascus genus), as a food material for a long time, also Monascus pigment (Monascus dye) that filamentous fungi Monascus genus (Monascus spp.) Is produced naturally It is produced and used as a red colorant (natural food additive). In recent years, attention has been paid to the tertiary function (bioregulatory function) of red yeast rice as food, and extensive research has been conducted, and the existence of various functional components has been clarified. That is, it has been clarified that red yeast rice contains Monacolin K having a Cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitory activity and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) having a blood pressure lowering effect. Monacolin K is said to have a cancer prevention / treatment effect (see Patent Document 1). The anti-tumor promoter activity test using laboratory animals for the azafilonoids Monascorbrin (6) and Monascin (1) (see FIG. 1 for the structure), which are the red yeast koji pigment components, was carried out. A remarkable activity is observed in (6) (see Non-Patent Document 1). In addition, in a mouse skin two-stage carcinogenesis test of a red yeast dye, a carcinogenesis preventive effect has been confirmed by oral administration. In the administration in this test, red koji was added to 0.02% or 0.1% water and allowed to ingest freely, and the percentage of mice that had cancer at the end of the test (20 weeks) was: The control was 100%, whereas the red yeast dye group had 53% and 40%, respectively (see Non-Patent Document 2). These results suggest that red yeast rice has a cancer prevention effect as one of the tertiary functions. However, among the red yeast rice dye components, none of the components other than those described above was confirmed to have a carcinogenic prevention effect.
[Patent Document 1]
JP-A-56-150013 [Non-Patent Document 1]
Ken Yaskawa, et al., Oncology, Vol. 51, pp. 108-112, 1994 [Non-Patent Document 2]
Ken Yaskawa, et al., Oncology, 53, 247-249, 1996.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention finds an anticancer promoter active substance which is easy to add to a food or to be formulated into, and has excellent efficacy in red yeast rice, and provides a new carcinogen preventive agent and a cancer preventive food containing them. Was an issue.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In view of the above circumstances, the present inventors have conducted intensive research and conducted a component search of the Monascus extract, and as a result, isolated and identified further components having antitumor promoter activity in Monascus, and effective their use. By clarifying the components, it was found that the intake was reduced and the intake was easier, and the present invention was completed.
That is, the present invention
(1): Ankaflavin (2), Rubropunktamine (3), Monascorbramine (4), Xanthomonasin A (7), Xanthomonasin B (Xanthomonasin B) (8) An antitumor promoter activator characterized by containing one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of (8) as an active ingredient, and (2): Ankaflavin (2) ), Rubropunktamine (3), Monascorbramine (4), Xanthomonasin A (7), Xanthomonasin There is provided a (Xanthomonasin B) food product having anti-tumor promoter activity, characterized by containing one or more compounds selected from the group consisting of (8) as an active ingredient.
The antitumor promoter active compound of the present invention is a substance that exhibits a color such as yellow, red, and purple, and is a component contained in Monascus and Monascus pigments.
Monascus is a culture of filamentous fungi of the genus Monascus on brewing raw materials such as rice.It has been used as a raw material for brewing red liquor, aged sake, and red rot milk in the Chugoku and Taiwan regions since ancient times. This is a red-colored koji that is used for Monascus dye is a food additive purified from a culture of Monascus and is used for coloring crab kamaboko and confectionery. As described above, the antitumor promoter activator, food and the like of the present invention are included in those having abundant dietary experience and are highly safe.
The compound of the present invention can be obtained from such a Monascus or Monascus dye as follows.
Red yeast is obtained by cultivating red yeast. The Monascus fungus used herein may be a filamentous fungus belonging to the genus Monascus , such as Monascus purpureus , Monascus pilosus , Monascus ruber, and the like. The raw material may be any material as long as the red yeast fungus can propagate, but in view of the productivity of the pigment, starchy materials such as rice and wheat are desirable. As a culture method, not only a usual koji-making method but also liquid culture is possible. These koji making methods and culture methods are known in the art.
As the red yeast dye, liquid or powdery ones produced for industrial use can also be used.
The compound of the present invention is extracted and purified from red yeast rice or red yeast dye by a usual method.Examples of the extraction solvent include lower alcohols such as ethanol and isopropyl alcohol, and aqueous solvents thereof, and ethyl acetate. It can be used.
As a purification method, it is possible to separate and purify by solvent fractionation using ethyl acetate, n-butanol, water or the like, column chromatography using silica gel, ODS or the like, or thin layer chromatography.
The compound of the present invention thus obtained is, according to a known method, various excipients, carriers and the like, for example, water, ethanol, glycerin, molasses, edible oil and fat, polyvinylpyrrolidone and the like, powder , Granules, tablets, capsules, pastes, solvents and the like. Methods for preparing these dosage forms are known in the art. Further, the compound of the present invention can be added to various foods.
Thus, a medicament or a food additive or the like containing the carcinogen-preventing active compound of the present invention, or a food or a health supplement, can be ingested by humans and mammals or orally administered to exert an excellent carcinogenesis inhibitory action. I do. In the present specification, terms such as "cancer preventive activity", "cancer preventive activity", and "anti-cancer promoter activity" are synonymous and are mixed.
The method of administration may be any of oral, injection and external use, but it is desirable to add it to food and eat it in view of ease of administration. The intake is 1 to 10000 mg / day.
Koizumi et al. Examined the safety of red yeast rice dye in detail, and obtained the following results, confirming the safety. (Yoshio Koizumi, Seihachiro Niiyama, Yoshiyuki Nitahara, Sadao Miyamura, Niigata Medical Association, 92 (12), 815-820 (1978))
{Circle around (1)} As a result of orally administering 0.5 ml of a two-fold diluted dye aqueous solution to mice and observing them, no death was observed even after one month. In addition, no death cases were observed even when 1.0 ml of a 20-fold diluted aqueous solution was intraperitoneally administered.
(2) The mice and rats were administered a 10-fold diluted dye solution (aqueous solution and 10% alcohol solution) via a water bottle for 7 months, and were examined for changes in body weight and organ weight. Was not observed.
{Circle around (3)} A 10-fold diluted aqueous dye solution was administered to the mice via a water bottle for 2 years, and the dye solution was similarly administered to the second, third, fourth and fifth generations born during this period, and breeding observation was performed. As a result, there were deaths in the control group, but not in the dye-administered group. (4) The rats were administered a 10-fold diluted aqueous dye solution via a water bottle for 2 years, and measured for body weight change, organ weight measurement, etc. As a result, no difference was observed from the control group. Also, from the abundant eating experience of red yeast rice and red yeast dye, it is considered that the antitumor promoter active agent, the antitumor promoter active food, etc. of the present invention are safe.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described by way of examples, but the present invention is not limited thereto.
Example 1
A: Method for preparing red yeast rice In accordance with a conventional method, polished rice was immersed in water overnight, drained for 30 minutes, and then sterilized by steam cooking in an autoclave at 121 ° C. for 20 minutes to obtain steamed rice. To this was inoculated with Monascus Pirosasu (Monascus pilosus) IFO 4520, to give a red yeast to 14 days aerobically cultured at 30 ℃. The red yeast rice was dried at a ventilation temperature of 70 ° C. to a moisture content of 8% and further ground to obtain red yeast powder.
B: Method for separating and purifying active ingredient from red yeast rice The experimental method was as follows:
1 H NMR spectra (400 MHz) were measured in CDCl 3 . The measurement of the MS spectrum was performed by EIMS (70 eV), FABMS, or ESIMS (Agilent Technologies 1100 LC / MSDSL device). UV / VIS spectra were performed in MeOH. A Pregasil ODS-II column (25 cm x inner size 10 mm or 25 cm x inner size 4.6 mm) was used for preparative reversed-phase HPLC, and a water-MeOH-AcOH-based mixed solvent was used for the mobile phase, and isocratic or gradient elution methods Performed in As the HPLC detector, an RI detector (isocratic elution method) or a light scattering detector (gradient elution method) was used. For column chromatography, silica gel 60 (220-400 mesh) (Merck) or octadecyl silica (Chromatorex-ODS, 100-200 mesh; Fuji Syria Chemical Co., Ltd.) was used. Silica gel 60G (Merck) was used for thin layer chromatography (TLC).
FIG. 2 shows a chart of separation and purification of the active dye component from red yeast rice. That is, after extracting red yeast rice powder with 70% ethanol (EtOH), fractions a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h are extracted from the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) fraction obtained by solvent fractionation by silica gel chromatography. , I, j and k were obtained, and fractions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I were obtained from the n-butanol (n-BuOH) fraction by ODS column chromatography.
Further, each fraction of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k was purified by ODS-HPLC, and Monascin (1) and Ankaflavin (Ankaflavin) ( 2), Rubropunktamine (3) and Monascorbramine (4) from fraction e, and Rubropunktatin (5) and Monascorbrin (5) from fraction d. 6) were each isolated. Each fraction of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I was purified by ODS-HPLC, and Rubropunktalysine (9) was isolated from fractions E and F. Further, xanthomonasin A (7) and xanthomonasin B (8) were obtained from the 70% EtOH extract by hydrochloric acid acidic methanol extraction, TLC, and HPLC. These isolated compounds were identified by subjecting to instrumental analysis such as NMR and MS.
Among these isolated compounds, the instrumental analysis data of compounds (2), (3), (4), (7) and (8) are shown below.
Compound (2) -ancaflavine: UV / VISλ max 382, 460 nm. ESIMS m / z 387 [MH] + (C 23 H 31 O 5). 1 H NMR Me: δ 0.87 (t), 1.45 (s), 1.88 (d); CH 2 : δ 1.25 to 1.35 (m), 2.67 (m), 3.02 , 3.24, 4.71, 5.06 (q); CH: δ2.56 (m), 3.66 (d), 5.27 (s), 5.91 (d), 6.51 ( dq).
These data are compared with literature values (S. Kumasaki, K. Nakanishi, E. Nishikawa, M. Ohashi, Tetrahedron, 18, 1171 (1962), Y. Inoue, K. Nakanishi, H. Nashika, H. Nashik. Terahara, S. Yamamura, Tetrahedron, 18, 1195 (1962) and JG Sweeny, MC Estrada-Valdes, G.A. Iacobucci, H.a. 29, 1189 (1991)). Compound (3) -rubropunctamine: UV / VISλ max 300, 410, 530 nm. EIMS m / z 353 [M] + (C 21 H 23 NO 4 ). 1 H NMR Me: δ 0.89 (t), 1.71 (s), 2.06 (d); CH 2 : δ 1.25-1.48 (m), 2.97 (t); CH: δ 6 .41 (d), 6.53 (s), 6.79 (s), 6.99 (s), 7.19 (dq).
These data were compared with literature values (JG Sweeny, MC Estrada-Valdes, GA Iacobucci, H. Sata, DA Sakamura, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 1189) (1189). Compared and identified.
Compound (4) -monascorbramine: UV / VISλ max 300, 410, 530 nm. EIMS m / z 381 [M] + (C 23 H 27 NO 4 ). 1 H NMR Me: δ 0.89 (t), 1.71 (s), 2.06 (d); CH 2 : δ 1.25-1.48 (m), 2.97 (t); CH: δ 6 .41 (d), 6.53 (s), 6.79 (s), 6.99 (s), 7.19 (dq).
These data were compared with literature values (JG Sweeny, MC Estrada-Valdes, GA Iacobucci, H. Sata, DA Sakamura, J. Agric. Food Chem. 29, 1189) (1189). Compared and identified.
Compound (7) -Xanthomonasin A: UV / VISλ max 230, 460 nm. ESIMS m / z 389 [MH] + (C 21 H 25 O 7). 1 H NMR Me: δ0.85 (t ), 1.41 (s), 1.71 (dd); CH 2: δ1.25-1.41 (m), 2.76 (d), 2.77 (T); CH: δ 5.31 (dq), 5.59 (dq), 9.41 (s); OH: δ 5.54 (s).
These data were compared with literature values (K. Sato, S. Iwakami, Y. Goda, E. Okuyama, K. Yoshihira, T. Ichi, Y. Odake, H. Noguchi, Y. Sankawa, 20. Hashikawa, 20. Hawke, Y. Sankawa, 20. )) And identified.
Compound (8) -Xanthomonasin B: UV / VISλ max 230, 460 nm. ESIMS m / z 417 [MH] + (C 23 H 29 O 7). 1 H NMR Me: δ0.85 (t ), 1.41 (s), 1.71 (dd); CH 2: δ1.25-1.41 (m), 2.76 (d), 2.77 (T); CH: δ 5.31 (dq), 5.59 (dq), 9.41 (s); OH: δ 5.54 (s).
These data were compared with literature values (K. Sato, S. Iwakami, Y. Goda, E. Okuyama, K. Yoshihira, T. Ichi, Y. Odake, H. Noguchi, Y. Sankawa, 20. Hashikawa, 20. Hawke, Y. Sankawa, 20. )) And identified.
C: Evaluation of anti-tumor promoter activity The anti-tumor promoter activity was evaluated by a method using suppression of inflammation induced by a tumor promoter as an index. Substances that show a strong inflammation inhibitory effect by this method have been shown to inhibit the promotion process in a two-stage carcinogenesis test as well, and this method can obtain results in a short time with a small amount of sample. It is an excellent primary screening test for anti-cancer promoters. (Ken Yasukawa, Toshihiro Akiku, Journal of the Japan Petrochemical Science Society, 49, 571 (2000))
TPA (12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate; 1 nM), which is a carcinogenesis promoter, was applied to the inner and outer ear shells of the right ear of the mouse as a 20 μl acetone solution to induce inflammation. The sample was dissolved in a soluble organic solvent 30 minutes before TPA application, and applied to the same site. The inhibition rate was calculated by measuring the swelling of the ear shell with a pocket thickness gauge 6 hours after the application of TPA, which was the time of maximum swelling. Table 1 shows the results.
[Table 1]
According to the present invention, compounds Ankaflavin (2), Rubropunktamine (3), Monascorbramine in Monascus malaria which have not been identified as having anti-tumor promoter activity so far. (4) Xanthomonasin A (6) and Xanthomonasin B (8) were isolated and identified for the first time, and their antitumor promoter activity was confirmed. These compounds show stronger activity than quercetin (Quercetin), which is already known to have an inhibitory effect on the oncogenesis promoter. The activity was almost the same. Therefore, it can be said that an anticancer promoter activator or a food or the like containing these has an effective cancer preventive action.
【The invention's effect】
The cancer preventive agent containing the compound having an anti-tumor promoter activity of the present invention has a small intake and has no problem in safety. In addition, the compound having an anti-tumor promoter activity of the present invention is suitable for being added to foods taken daily to be utilized for preventing carcinogenesis.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing names, colors, and structural formulas of coloring compounds obtained from a red yeast extract.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the fractionation of a 70% ethanol extract of Beni-koji, the isolation of a pigment component, and the inflammation suppression rate (IR) of each fraction.