JP2004093234A - Toxicity presence or absence determination method - Google Patents

Toxicity presence or absence determination method Download PDF


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JP2004093234A JP2002252346A JP2002252346A JP2004093234A JP 2004093234 A JP2004093234 A JP 2004093234A JP 2002252346 A JP2002252346 A JP 2002252346A JP 2002252346 A JP2002252346 A JP 2002252346A JP 2004093234 A JP2004093234 A JP 2004093234A
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reaction rate
gene expression
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Sorin Sabau
サバウ ソリン
Hiroyuki Tomita
富田 裕之
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  • Complex Calculations (AREA)


<P>PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method of determining the presence or absence of toxicity based on gene expression data (also called a gene expression profile) using DNA micro arrays, or the like. <P>SOLUTION: A set of simultaneous differential equations is prepared based on metabolic gene pathway information related to the metabolism or evacuation of toxic matter, a coefficient of reaction rate is determined, and a linear stability analysis and a Jacobian stability analysis are performed in advance to obtain a relation between the presence and absence of the toxicity in the values of the coefficients of reaction rate. The gene expression distribution data is substituted into the simultaneous differential equations to obtain the coefficients of the reaction rate, and the data thus obtained are collated with the relation on the presence or absence of the toxicity between the values of the coefficients of the reaction rate. Thus, the toxicity of chemical compounds can be predicted and the presence or absence of the toxicity can be determined by using the gene expression data. <P>COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO


毒性学は、薬毒物の生物に対する有害作用と作用機序を解明し、これらの情報をもとに危険度や安全性の評価を行う学問である。薬毒物の有害作用を解明するために、一般毒性試験(単回投与、反復投与毒性試験)や特殊毒性試験(がん原性、生殖・発生毒性、アレルギー性、催奇形性)が実施されてきた。しかし前述の毒性試験は、ラット、犬などの実験動物による試験であり、ヒトの毒性を評価する方法としては限界があった。そこで、この毒性学にゲノム科学のアプローチを取り入れることで、従来法の限界を打破しようとする取り組みの一つがトキシコゲノミクスである。トキシコゲノミクスは、ヒトゲノム解析などで得られたゲノム情報及びその過程で開発されたゲノム解析技術を応用して、環境中の毒性物質やストレッサーあるいは薬物などの化合物に含まれる毒性と生体との応答や相互作用を遺伝子レベルで研究する新しい毒性学の分野である。トキシコゲノミクスには、マイクロアレイ(DNAチップ)によるメッセンジャーRNA(mRNA)の発現解析、細胞や組織での蛋白質発現解析、遺伝子の感受性解析(一塩基多型解析)などが含まれるが、一番盛んに行われているのは、マイクロアレイを用いた発現解析結果から、コンピュータアルゴリズムを用いて、毒性判定する(毒性の有無やその多寡を算出する)試みである。Castle ALら、Toxicogenomics: a new revolution in drug safety, DDT vol.7, pp.728−736 (2002)参照。しかし、マイクロアレイデータにもとづく毒性判定法には、いまだ定められた方法がない。そこで、マイクロアレイデータに基づく毒性判定法の開発が待ち望まれてきた。
上記課題を解決するために、毒薬物の代謝(Metabolism)、排泄(ExcretionもしくはDrug Elimination)に関連するパスウェイ情報に基づき、連立微分方程式を作成した後、遺伝子発現分布データを用いた上記連立微分方程式解の安定性(線形安定性、ヤコビ安定性)を計算することにより、化合物の毒性判定を行う。
毒薬物の代謝、排泄に関連するパスウェイ情報とは、例えば尿素サイクルやクエン酸回路などの、アミノ酸合成、アミノ酸排泄を司るパスウェイ上の遺伝子や蛋白質の相互関係のことである。図1に尿素サイクルについて記す。尿素サイクルは、オルチニンサイクルとも呼ばれ、哺乳類その他の尿素排出型動物の肝臓に存在し、尿素を精製する代謝経路である。糖、蛋白質、脂質などの代謝過程で生じるアンモニア(NH)や二酸化炭素(CO、もしくは炭酸イオンHCO )は、図1に示すように尿素サイクルにより、最終的に尿素として排泄される。遺伝子発現分布データとは、例えばDNAチップ法(DNA Chip)、ディファレンシャルディスプレイ法(Differential Display)、定量的PCR法(Quantitative PCR)、SAGE(Serial Analysis of Gene Expression)法、プロテインチップ法(Protein Chip)などの複数遺伝子もしくは蛋白質の発現変化を測定する方法により得られた複数遺伝子(あるいは蛋白質)に関する発現量、もしくは発現量同士の比率のことである。
線形安定性(Linear Stability)とは、式1に示す時間tに関する微分方程式に対する数学的に定義された安定性のことである。
C(dT/dt)= f(θ)
但しCは定数。f(θ)はある関数である。式1の右辺がゼロとなる方程式の解を定常解(Steady State)と呼び、Tとあらわす。定常解Tのまわりの微小な摂動ΔTを考え、T = T + ΔTとして展開すると、
d(ΔT)/dt = −λ ΔT(t)
ΔT(t) = T exp(−λt)
λ > 0ならば、摂動は減衰する、つまり定常解は安定
λ < 0ならば、摂動は増幅する、つまり定常解は不安定
という結論が得られる。この安定もしくは不安定を線形安定性と呼ぶ。数学的には、線形安定性は定常解における系のヤコビアンの固有値(eigenvalue)の実数部(real part)の符号(sign)から求めることができる。
ヤコビ安定性とは、例えば式1のような方程式の二次微分x(t)を考える。区間α≦t≦βにおけるx(t)の値の集合をトラジェクトリー(trajectory)と呼ぶ。ある初期時間tにおけるx(t)の値x(t)と、t≧tにおける全てのトラジェクトリーの値x(t;但しt≧t)とが、十分近傍にある(sufficiently close)の場合、x(t)はヤコビ安定(Jacobi stable)であるという。数学的には、ヤコビ安定性はベルワルド偏差テンソル(Berwald deviation tensor)もしくは曲率偏差テンソル(curvature deviation tensor)の固有値(eigenvalue)の符号(sign)から求めることができる。
水溶性の薬物は通常、代謝されることなく、尿中または胆汁中に排泄される。しかし一般的な薬物は脂溶性である。これら脂溶性物質は、水溶性代謝物に変換されなければ、体内に蓄積され細胞機能を脅かす場合がある。そこでこれら脂溶性物質は、まずミクロソーム内のP450などにより、酸化、還元、加水分解の代謝を受ける(第I相代謝反応:Phase I)。この処理によりそのまま体外に排泄されることもあるが、多くの場合は、更に極性が高い、すなわち水溶性の物質と抱合して尿中や胆汁中に排泄される(第II相代謝反応:Phase II)。抱合には、グルクロン酸抱合、硫酸抱合、グルタチオン抱合などがある。
DNAチップを用いた検討により、アセトアミノフェンなどの肝毒物を投与量を変化させながらヒト培養細胞(HepG2)に投与するとアルギナーゼ(Arginase;UnigeneシンボルARG1、ARG2)や、オルニチンカルバモイルトランスフェラーゼ(Ornithine carbamoyl transferase; UnigeneシンボルOTC)といった、尿素サイクルに関連した遺伝子の発現量が、通常投与時と比較して大量投与時に有意(2倍以上)に上昇するという結果が得られた。投与したアセトアミノフェンのドーズはHepG2細胞(〜5×10細胞/10cc)に対し、通常投与(0.2mM)、大量投与(5mM)である。アセトアミノフェンに限らず、薬物を大量投与した場合、尿素サイクル上の遺伝子が発現変動する理由について、並びにクエン酸回路等の代謝関連パスウェイ上の遺伝子が発現変動する可能性について次に述べる。また多くの薬物の大量投与は毒性を示すことから、毒物投与時についても下記の記述は一般的に有効だと考えられる。従って、表1に示す肝毒性を発揮する薬物一般についても下記の記述が有効である可能性が大きい。

Figure 2004093234
Figure 2004093234
振動子的(oscillatory)振る舞い→振動子的(oscillatory) 振る舞いならば、毒性無し
振動子的(oscillatory)振る舞い→カオス的(chaotic)振る舞い ならば、毒性有り
以下、毒性予測に用いる具体的なアルゴリズムについて説明する。本実施例は、本発明を細胞分裂周期(Cell division cycle)モデルである細胞周期パスウェイモデル(論文執筆者の名前をとってタイソンモデル)に適用した例を示す。タイソンモデルについては図14に示す。原著論文はJ.Tyson他、Modeling the cell devision cycle: cdc2 and cyclin interactions, Proc. Natal. Acad. USA, vol.88, pp.7328−7332 (1991)である。本実施例と同様の方法で、細胞分裂周期パスウェイを、尿素サイクルもしくはクエン酸回路に置き換えることで、遺伝子発現解析結果を用いた毒性予測が可能となる。
図14について説明する。図14のモデルは細胞周期に関連する遺伝子サイクリン(Cyclin)とcdc2の二種類のタンパク質と、サイクリンとcdc2の結合体であるMPF(Maturation promoting factor)より構成される。なお、cdc2はプロテインキナーゼによりリン酸化(Phosphorylation)され、リン酸化cdc2となる。また活性型MPFはプロテインキナーゼによりリン酸化され通常型MPFになる。単純なモデルであるが図14のモデルを用いて細胞増殖時の振る舞いをよく説明できることが知られている。定式化のため、図14の活性化MPFをM,通常型(リン酸化)MPFをpM、サイクリンをY,リン酸化サイクリンをYP、cdc2をC2,リン酸化cdc2をCPと呼ぶ。また図14でリン酸化を行う酵素、プロテインキナーゼをPと呼ぶ。図14中のa.aは、蛋白質の構成要素であるアミノ酸(Amino Acid)を意味する。また図14中の各タンパク質間をつなぐ矢印は、反応の方向を意味し、その矢印の横に記載されたk1からk9までの値は、各反応の反応速度係数を示す。図14の反応速度係数kは濃度÷時間の次元を持ち、kが大きいほど、矢印の向きの反応量(反応速度)が大きいことを意味する。
図19に本発明のアルゴリズムをフローチャート図で示す。図14に示すようなパスウェイモデルを作成した後、そのパスウェイモデルから図15に示すような連立微分方程式を作成する。パスウェイモデル作成にあたっては、文献情報や生物知識を参照して、可能限り妥当なモデルを作成する。続いて、数学分野における線形安定性解析(図17)とヤコビ安定性解析(図18)の両者を、図15のような連立微分方程式に対して行う。数学の分野では線形安定性解析とヤコビ安定性解析はそれぞれよく知られた解析方法であるが、それら両者を、同一のパスウェイモデルに適応した例はない。しかし、線形安定性解析とヤコビ安定性解析の両者を行うことで、遺伝子発現の振動子的(oscillatory) 振る舞いの変化をより詳細に解析することが可能であり、精度の高い判定(例えば毒性判定)が行える。また仮に線形安定性解析とヤコビ安定性解析の結果が矛盾している場合は、計算の出発点であるパスウェイモデルそのものに矛盾があることが示唆されるので、パスウェイモデルに対して変更を加える必要がある。結果が矛盾していない場合、線形安定性解析とヤコビ安定性解析の結果から、遺伝子発現の振動子的振る舞いの変化の有無、すなわち毒性の有無について判定を行うことができる。図20に本発明における遺伝子発現の振動子的振る舞いの変化の有無を評価する一例を示した。図20は、図14と図15の細胞周期パスウェイモデルの解析結果の一例である。図15の連立微分方程式に含まれる反応速度係数k6の値を図16の範囲で変化させつつ線形安定性解析(図17)およびヤコビ安定性解析(図18)を行ったところ、k6の値によって細胞周期の様子が、図20に示すような3種類に分類できることが分かった。
例えばMからC2を生成する反応速度係数k6の値を0から10まで変化させたとき、図20に示すような3つの領域A、B、Cに分類できた。この3分類は、線形安定性解析(図17)の結果から分類された。線形安定性解析の符号が領域Aではマイナス(すなわち線形安定)、領域Bではプラス(すなわち線形不安定)、領域Cではマイナス(すなわち線形安定)であった。線形安定性解析の結果が安定とは、その系が定常解近傍から変化しない傾向にあることを意味する。生物学的には領域Aは、Mの濃度が高濃度であり続ける結果、細胞周期の回転にブレーキがかかる。この状態は細胞分裂期(Metaphase)において細胞周期が一時停止した(Metaphase Arrest)状態に相当する。それに対し、領域Bは、MやC2の濃度が変化する結果、細胞周期が回転し、細胞増殖が行われる状態に相当する。また領域Cは、Mの濃度が低濃度であり続けるので、細胞間期(Interphase)において細胞周期が一時停止した(Interphase Arrest)に相当する。但し、領域Aの内、k6の値が0.1から0.192の時、ヤコビ安定性解析(図18)の符号はプラス(すなわちヤコビ不安定)である。ヤコビ不安定とは、定常解近傍以外を含む領域では変化が起ころうとしていることを意味する。そこで、k6の値が0.1から0.192の間では、定常解近傍ではその定常解に留まろうとするが、系全体は動こうとしているといえる。細胞周期は一時停止しているだけであり、いずれ動くので、その細胞は正常である。しかし、k6の値が0.192から0.2の間では、線形安定であると同時にヤコビ安定である。この場合は、定常解近傍のみならず系の全体に渡って停止しようとしており、細胞周期が将来に渡って動くことはない。従って、k6の値が0.192から0.2の間では、その細胞は一時停止しているだけでなく、死んでいることを意味する。同様に領域Cでも、k6の値が1.9から10では、細胞は一時停止しているだけだが、k6の値が1.5から1.9の間では、細胞は死んでいることを意味する。
The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for predicting drug toxicity and efficacy based on gene expression distribution data (also referred to as gene expression profile) using a DNA microarray or the like.
[Prior art]
Toxicology is the study of elucidating the harmful effects of drug toxicants on living organisms and the mechanism of action, and evaluating the risk and safety based on this information. General toxicity tests (single-dose, repeated-dose toxicity tests) and special toxicity tests (carcinogenicity, reproductive / developmental toxicity, allergenicity, teratogenicity) have been conducted to elucidate the adverse effects of toxicants. Was. However, the toxicity test described above is a test using experimental animals such as rats and dogs, and there is a limit to a method for evaluating human toxicity. Toxicogenomics is one of the approaches to overcome the limitations of conventional methods by incorporating a genomics approach into this toxicology. Toxicogenomics uses the genomic information obtained through human genome analysis and other genomic analysis techniques developed in the process to apply the toxic substances contained in the environment and the response of organisms to compounds such as stressors or drugs. And a new field of toxicology to study interactions at the genetic level. Toxicogenomics includes microarray (DNA chip) analysis of messenger RNA (mRNA) expression, protein expression analysis in cells and tissues, and gene sensitivity analysis (single nucleotide polymorphism analysis). Is an attempt to determine toxicity using a computer algorithm from the expression analysis results using a microarray (to calculate the presence or absence of toxicity and the amount thereof). Castle AL, et al., Toxicogenomics: \ a \ new \ revolution \ in \ drug \ safety, \ DDT \ vol. 7, @pp. 728-736 (2002). However, there is no defined method for determining toxicity based on microarray data. Therefore, development of a method for determining toxicity based on microarray data has been awaited.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a method and an apparatus for determining toxicity using data of a microarray (DNA chip). More specifically, it is an object of the present invention to determine the toxicity of a compound based on a set of gene expression distribution data (gene expression profile) and information on gene pathways and enzyme / metabolism pathways.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, a simultaneous differential equation is created based on pathway information related to metabolism and excretion (excretion or drug @elimination) of a toxic drug, and then the simultaneous differential equation using gene expression distribution data is created. The toxicity of the compound is determined by calculating the stability of the solution (linear stability, Jacobi stability).
Pathway information related to the metabolism and excretion of toxic drugs refers to the interrelationship between genes and proteins on pathways that control amino acid synthesis and amino acid excretion, for example, urea cycle and citric acid cycle. FIG. 1 shows the urea cycle. The urea cycle, also called the ortinine cycle, is a metabolic pathway that exists in the liver of mammals and other urea excreting animals and purifies urea. Ammonia (NH) generated in the metabolic process of sugar, protein, lipid, etc.3) And carbon dioxide (CO2Or carbonate ion HCO3 ) Is finally excreted as urea by the urea cycle as shown in FIG. The gene expression distribution data includes, for example, a DNA chip method (DNA Chip), a differential display method (Differential Display), a quantitative PCR method (Quantitative PCR), a SAGE (Serial Analysis of Gene Expression) method, and a protein method. It refers to the expression level of a plurality of genes (or proteins) obtained by a method for measuring the change in expression of a plurality of genes or proteins, or a ratio between the expression levels.
Linear stability (Linear Stability) refers to the mathematically defined stability for the differential equation for time t shown in Equation 1.
(Equation 1)
C (dT / dt) = f (θ)
Where C is a constant. f (θ) is a function. The solution of the equation in which the right side of Equation 1 is zero is called a steady solution (SteadyadState).0It represents. Stationary solution T0Given a small perturbation ΔT around0Expanding as + ΔT,
[Equation 2]
d (ΔT) / dt = −λ ΔT (t)
In the form of Then
[Equation 3]
ΔT (t) = T0Exp (-λt)
If λ> 0, the perturbation decays, that is, the stationary solution is stable
If λ <0, the perturbation is amplified, that is, the stationary solution is unstable
Is obtained. This stability or instability is called linear stability. Mathematically, the linear stability can be determined from the sign of the real part (real @ part) of the eigenvalue of the Jacobian of the system in the stationary solution.
Jacobi stability refers to the second derivative x (t) of an equation such as Equation 1. A set of values of x (t) in the section α ≦ t ≦ β is called a trajectory. Some initial time t0X (t) at x (t)0) And t ≧ t0Trajectory values x (t; where t ≧ t0) Is sufficiently close (sufficiently close), x (t) is said to be Jacobi stable. Mathematically, Jacobi stability can be determined from the sign of the eigenvalue of the Berwald deviation tensor or the curvature deviation tensor.
A limit cycle is a continuous cycle of continuous movement or vibration, such as a watch, a human, or a gasoline engine, provided that fuel or energy is supplied from the outside, regardless of its initial state. State. The limit cycle has a property of continuing while being affected by an external factor such as deceleration or acceleration.
A singular point refers to a state that stands out from other points, and a state that is significantly different from a normal state, such as a point that changes from a steady state or an equilibrium state to a fluctuating state.
The phase change refers to a change in the phase of a sin function or a cos function when a phenomenon indicating a certain periodicity is represented by a linear combination such as a sin function or a cos function (such as a Fourier expansion).
FIG. 2 is a conceptual diagram showing a route from drug absorption to metabolism. When the drug enters the digestive tract orally, it is absorbed from the intestine while being metabolized by enzymes of the intestinal bacteria and transported to the liver. The drug is administered not only orally but also parenterally such as intravenously, intramuscularly, and subcutaneously. Some of these drugs are metabolized in the liver and excreted into bile (bile excretion). The drug excreted in bile is excreted in the intestinal tract and excreted as it is with the feces. In addition to bile and intestinal tract, the drug is excreted from the kidney as urine or mother's milk. Above all, it is known that the urinary route from the kidney is important as a drug excretion route (urinary excretion).
Water-soluble drugs are usually excreted in urine or bile without being metabolized. However, common drugs are fat-soluble. If these fat-soluble substances are not converted into water-soluble metabolites, they may accumulate in the body and threaten cell functions. Therefore, these fat-soluble substances first undergo metabolism of oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis by P450 in microsomes (Phase I metabolic reaction: Phase I). Although this treatment may excrete the body as it is, in many cases, it is excreted in urine and bile after being conjugated with a more polar, ie water-soluble substance (Phase II metabolic reaction: Phase II). Conjugation includes glucuronidation, sulfate conjugation, glutathione conjugation, and the like.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing a general structure of a DNA chip. FIG. 4 shows a flowchart of a measurement method using a DNA chip. First, the DNA probe 32 is immobilized on the support 34. Subsequently, the gene fragment extracted from the sample to be measured is labeled with a fluorescent label or the like. The fluorescently labeled gene 33 is hybridized with the DNA probe 32. After that, the fluorescence derived from the fluorescent label is detected by the detector 31. As a result of this detection, the amount of the fluorescently labeled gene 33 hybridized to each DNA probe 32 is obtained. This is called expression distribution.
Acetaminophen, a drug widely used as a nonsteroidal antipyretic analgesic, causes strong central necrosis in the liver of animals (rats, mice, hamsters) when administered in large doses. The acute toxicity of acetaminophen is also observed in humans, and hepatotoxicity is enhanced by alcohol drinking. Acetaminophen is a pharmacologically active substance of acetanilide and phenacetin, and its metabolism is as shown in FIG. See Kamataki and Kato, Ed., Drug Metabolism, Second Edition, Tokyo Kagaku Doujin (2000). Acetaminophen is detoxified and excreted by glucuronidation or sulfate conjugation when the normal dose is taken (normal administration). However, when administered in large doses, both conjugates are saturated and undergo N-hydroxylation (NH group → NOH group) by P450, producing a reactive and unstable active intermediate. This active intermediate is glutathione conjugated and detoxified, with the result that as the amount of glutathione in the cell decreases, the production of covalent conjugates, such as proteins, increases, ultimately inducing hepatocyte death.
According to a study using a DNA chip, arginase (Arginase; Unigene symbols ARG1 and ARG2) and ornithine carbamoyltransferase (Ornithine carbamoyltransferase) were obtained by administering hepatotoxicants such as acetaminophen to human cultured cells (HepG2) while changing the dosage. (Unigene symbol OTC), the expression level of a gene related to the urea cycle was significantly (more than twice) significantly increased during large-dose administration as compared to normal administration. The dose of acetaminophen administered was HepG2 cells ((5 × 106Normal administration (0.2 mM) and large-volume administration (5 mM) for cells / 10 cc). The reason why the gene on the urea cycle fluctuates when a large amount of the drug is administered, not limited to acetaminophen, and the possibility that the gene on the metabolic pathway such as the citrate cycle fluctuates, will be described below. In addition, since large doses of many drugs are toxic, the following description is generally considered to be effective when administering toxic substances. Therefore, it is highly likely that the following description is also effective for general hepatotoxic drugs shown in Table 1.
[Table 1]
Figure 2004093234
FIG. 6 is a diagram showing the relationship between metabolic activation of a toxicant and the onset of toxicity. See Kamataki and Kato, Ed., Drug Metabolism, Second Edition, Tokyo Kagaku Doujin (2000). When a drug is administered normally, most toxic substances are excreted by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and conjugation by metabolic enzymes such as P450. Table 2 summarizes drug metabolizing enzymes including P450. The drug toxicant is metabolized by the combination or repeated action of the drug metabolizing enzyme groups in Table 2. The drug normally administered in FIG. 6 undergoes metabolism and conjugation by P450 and is excreted. For example, since acetaminophen has a phenolic OH group, it is metabolized by both glucuronidation and sulfate conjugation. On the other hand, FIG. 6 shows that an active intermediate is produced. For example, in the case of acetaminophen, at the time of large dose administration, an active intermediate is generated by N-hydroxylation. The active intermediate is a pharmacologically active metabolite produced by metabolism of a drug toxicant. In many cases, highly reactive active intermediates produced in vivo are detoxified by metabolism such as glutathione conjugation. However, when the amount of the active intermediate is large, or when the enzyme system involved in the detoxification is saturated, or when the amount of biological components such as glutathione is small, the detoxification treatment mechanism does not function, and eventually the physiological function This will lead to injury or toxicity. Therefore, the onset and degree of toxicity of a drug toxicant is governed by the balance between the rate of production of the active intermediate and the rate of detoxification of the parent compound or metabolite. The production of active intermediates is promoted, detoxification ability is reduced and the balance is disrupted, and binding to nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA leads to genotoxicity such as mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, and binding to proteins etc. Causes organ damage. On the other hand, as a result of a reaction between the active intermediate and a biological component (particularly, a protein), the complex may become a hapten antigen, induce an immune reaction, and develop toxicity.
[Table 2]
Figure 2004093234
When observing the balance between the production rate of the active intermediate and the detoxification rate of the parent compound metabolite, expression distribution analysis using a DNA chip, FDD, SAGE, or the like is effective. This is because a state in which the expression of protein genes related to metabolism and excretion is significantly out of balance compared with that in normal administration suggests that a toxic reaction caused by large doses or the like is occurring. To do that. In determining whether or not the expression states of a plurality of genes that produce proteins involved in metabolism and excretion are balanced, it is effective to analyze genes related to the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle. One of the reasons for this is that changes in related genes have a periodicity because they are cycle reactions. By observing the change or stability of the periodicity, it is possible to mathematically analyze whether or not the expression states of a plurality of genes are balanced. Another reason is that both cycles are closely related to each reaction and phenomenon shown in FIG.
FIG. 7 shows glutathione conjugation and its metabolic pathway, which are the main detoxification reactions of active intermediates. Glutathione is the most abundant SH compound in the living body, and several mM of glutathione is present in the liver. A drug toxicant (compound RX; where R is a substrate and C is a leaving group) forms a glutathione conjugate by glutathione transferase. Subsequently, a mercapturic acid conjugate is formed by the action of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase, cysteinyl glucinase, and membrane-bound N-acetyltransferase, and the toxicant is excreted in urine and feces. In this metabolic process, two kinds of amino acids, glutamic acid (Glu) and glycine (Gly), are produced.
FIG. 8 shows the metabolic pathway of glycine produced during glutathione conjugation. Glycine is converted to another amino acid, serine by glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, and to pyruvate by serine dehydratase. In this pyruvate production process, the ammonia (NH3) Is converted to urea via the urea cycle and excreted in urine. Pyruvate is a compound produced in many of glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and protein metabolism, and is converted into acetyl-CoA by pyruvate dehydrogenase. Acetyl-CoA is the starting material for the citric acid cycle. Carbon dioxide (CO2) produced from this pyruvate in the process of acetyl-CoA2) Is converted to urea via the urea cycle together with the ammonia produced in the pyruvate production process and excreted in urine. Glycine produced by glutathione conjugation in this way is closely related to the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle.
FIG. 9 shows the metabolic pathway of glutamate produced during glutathione conjugation. Glutamic acid is produced together with 2-oxo acid when amino acid metabolism is performed by aminotransferase, and is one of the main compounds in amino acid metabolism. Glutamate produces 2-oxoglutarate and ammonia by glutamate hydrogenase. Glutamate produces 2-oxoglutarate and aspartate by aspartate aminotransferase. Ammonia is converted to urea by a urea cycle. 2-oxoglutaric acid is a compound in the citric acid cycle. Glutamate produced by glutathione conjugation in this way is closely related to the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle. FIG. 10 shows a citric acid circuit. The citric acid cycle, also called the TCA cycle, is a main pathway for oxidatively metabolizing sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids, and at the same time, a pathway for providing various biosynthetic raw materials such as NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Specifically, NADH or FADH generated in the citric acid cycle2(Reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide)2Produces ATP by oxidative phosphorylation when reoxidized by ATP is a major energy carrier in living organisms.
It was found that the citric acid cycle and the urea cycle are closely related to glutathione conjugation reaction and the like. In addition to this conjugation reaction, it is conceivable that amino acid degradation occurs in the process of performing a reaction such as a covalent bond of a toxic drug with DNA or protein as shown in FIG. Nitrogen (NH3) And carbon (CO2) Is converted to urea by the urea cycle. Amino acid degradation is related not only to the urea cycle but also to the citric acid cycle. FIG. 11 shows the relationship between amino acid degradation and the citric acid cycle. The standard amino acid is decomposed into any of pyruvic acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, succinyl-CoA, fumaric acid, oxaloacetic acid, acetyl-CoA, and acetoacetic acid as shown in FIG. Thus, the citric acid cycle is also closely related to amino acid degradation related to toxicity.
In addition, the citric acid cycle is not only involved in amino acid decomposition but also greatly involved in the reaction of P450, which is the most typical drug metabolizing enzyme. As shown in FIG. 12, heme, which is a coenzyme of the metabolic reaction of P450, is synthesized by succinyl-CoA in the citric acid cycle and glycine, which is an amino acid. Heme is mainly synthesized in erythroblasts and the liver, but heme produced by the liver is mainly a cofactor for P450. A cofactor is a factor that improves the activity of a certain enzyme, and is a factor that can be said to be essential for the enzyme reaction. FIG. 13 shows the relationship between P450 and cofactor heme. Many toxic drugs undergo oxidation or reduction by P450 and become metabolites. Heme requires heme as a cofactor in the process, but heme uses succinyl-CoA from the citric acid cycle as the starting material for the synthesis. As described above, the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle are important metabolic cycles in drug metabolism related to the phase I metabolic reaction including P450 and the phase II metabolic reaction including glutathione conjugation.
The expression distribution of the genes constituting the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle is measured by a gene expression distribution measuring method such as a DNA chip, and the gene expression distribution is substituted into a model created in advance based on gene pathway information, and the model By analyzing the simultaneous differential equations, the linear stability and Jacobi stability of the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle during normal administration are calculated. If toxicity is observed, it is considered that the linear stability and the Jacobi stability of the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle are disturbed. The toxicity of the compound can be predicted and the presence or absence of toxicity can be determined using the evaluation results of the linear stability and the Jacobi stability.
The intent of the present invention is to determine by simulation that the harmonious behavior of gene expression and protein expression in cells in a stable state before drug administration changes (disrupts) after drug administration. That is, when the harmonious behavior of gene expression or protein expression changes before and after drug administration, it can be determined that the drug has exerted some toxicity (or medicinal effect). The change (collapse) of the harmonic behavior can be evaluated by, for example, a linear stability analysis or a Jacobi stability analysis.
The criteria for toxicity determination by linear stability analysis are as follows. The following criteria are self-evident considering the significance of linear stability analysis.
In the case of linear stability before and after drug administration, that is, (a) in the case of linear stability → linear stability, it can be determined that there is no toxicity because the harmonious behavior of gene expression does not change before and after drug administration.
(B) In the case of linear stability → linear instability, there is no information in linear stability analysis
(C) Toxic if linear unstable → linear stable
(D) In the case of linear instability → linear instability,
Oscillatory behavior → Oscillatory behavior, no toxicity
Oscillatory behavior → Chaotic behavior 毒性 if toxic
Can be determined. Chaotic behavior is behavior where future behavior is unpredictable.
It is necessary to combine the results of the linear stability analysis and the Jacobi stability analysis to determine the oscillatory behavior and the chaotic behavior. Oscillator behavior is mathematically synonymous with linear instability and Jacobi stability. Also, chaotic behavior is mathematically synonymous with linear instability and Jacobi instability.
The criteria for judging toxicity by Jacobi stability analysis are shown below. The following criteria are self-evident considering the meaning of the Jacobi stability analysis. Before and after drug administration,
(E) In case of Jacobi stable → Jacobi stable, no toxicity
(J) Jacobi stable → If Jacobi is unstable, toxic
(G) In case of Jacobi instability → Jacobi stability, there is no information in Jacobi stability analysis
(H) In case of Jacobi instability → Jacobi instability, there is no information in Jacobi stability analysis
Can be determined.
A feature of the present invention resides in that a linear stability analysis and a Jacobi stability analysis are simultaneously performed. Even if the toxicity is not determined by only the linear stability analysis or the Jacobi stability analysis alone, the toxicity can be determined by performing both at the same time. If the results of the linear stability analysis and the Jacobi stability analysis contradict each other, it indicates that the model used to create the simultaneous differential equations is inappropriate or the assumed pathway is incorrect, and the model is rebuilt. It is also excellent in giving information for
Hereinafter, a specific algorithm used for toxicity prediction will be described. This embodiment shows an example in which the present invention is applied to a cell cycle pathway model (a Tyson model taking the name of the author of a dissertation), which is a cell division cycle (Cell division cycle) model. FIG. 14 shows the Tyson model. The original paper was published by Tyson et al., Modeling the cell division cycle: cdc2 and cyclin interactions, Proc. {Natal. {Acad. USA, vol. 88, @pp. 7328-7332} (1991). By replacing the cell division cycle pathway with a urea cycle or a citrate cycle in the same manner as in this example, it is possible to predict toxicity using the results of gene expression analysis.
FIG. 14 will be described. The model of FIG. 14 is composed of two kinds of proteins, cyclin and cdc2, which are related to the cell cycle, and MPF (Maturation Promoting Factor) which is a conjugate of cyclin and cdc2. In addition, cdc2 is phosphorylated (Phosphorylation) by protein kinase to become phosphorylated cdc2. Active MPF is phosphorylated by protein kinase to become normal MPF. Although it is a simple model, it is known that the behavior at the time of cell growth can be well explained using the model of FIG. For the purpose of formulation, the activated MPF in FIG. 14 is called M, the normal (phosphorylated) MPF is called pM, the cyclin is Y, the phosphorylated cyclin is YP, cdc2 is C2, and the phosphorylated cdc2 is CP. In FIG. 14, the enzyme that performs phosphorylation, protein kinase, is referred to as P. A. a means an amino acid (Amino Acid) which is a component of a protein. The arrows connecting the proteins in FIG. 14 indicate the direction of the reaction, and the values k1 to k9 described beside the arrows indicate the reaction rate coefficients of the respective reactions. The reaction rate coefficient k in FIG. 14 has a dimension of concentration / time, and the larger the k, the greater the reaction amount (reaction rate) in the direction of the arrow.
FIG. 15 shows a simultaneous differential equation created based on the model of FIG. The uppermost equation in FIG. 15 is a differential equation relating to the concentration of cdc2 (C2) at time t (for example, mol / liter). cdc2 is produced from both activated MPF (M) and phosphorylated cdc2 (CP), and the reaction rate coefficients are k6 and k9, respectively. Further, C2 itself is phosphorylated by protein kinase (P) at a reaction rate coefficient of k8 to become CP. If the sign of generation is plus and the sign of disappearance is minus, the differential equation shown in FIG. 15 is obtained. By formulating all the reactions in FIG. 14 as described above, the simultaneous differential equations in FIG. 15 are created. By solving the simultaneous differential equations in FIG. 15, it is possible to simulate the time-dependent change in the concentration of each protein in the pathway shown in FIG.
FIG. 16 summarizes assumptions for the reaction rate coefficient of the simultaneous differential equations in FIG. The sum of C2, CP, pM, and M was assumed to be constant. These values were set as reliable as possible based on other experimental results, biological knowledge, and literature information. As described above, it is desirable that the value of the reaction rate coefficient in the simultaneous differential equations be a value as reliable as possible.
FIG. 17 shows a specific example of the linear stability analysis. First, the simultaneous differential equations in FIG. 15 are simplified, and a condition for the value of the first derivative to be zero is searched. By looking at the signs of these equations, linear stability and linear instability are determined according to the definitions of Equations 1 to 3.
FIG. 18 shows a specific example of the Jacobi stability analysis. The system of differential equations in FIG. 15 is further differentiated to obtain a quadratic differential equation. From the quadratic differential equation, a decision formula P used for Jacobi stability is obtained. Jacobi stability and Jacobi instability are determined based on the sign of P.
FIG. 19 is a flowchart illustrating the algorithm of the present invention. After creating the pathway model as shown in FIG. 14, a simultaneous differential equation as shown in FIG. 15 is created from the pathway model. When creating a pathway model, a model that is as appropriate as possible is created with reference to literature information and biological knowledge. Subsequently, both the linear stability analysis (FIG. 17) and the Jacobi stability analysis (FIG. 18) in the mathematical field are performed on the simultaneous differential equations as shown in FIG. In the field of mathematics, linear stability analysis and Jacobi stability analysis are well-known analysis methods, respectively, but there is no example in which both are applied to the same pathway model. However, by performing both the linear stability analysis and the Jacobi stability analysis, it is possible to analyze in more detail the oscillating behavior change of gene expression, and it is possible to perform highly accurate determination (for example, toxicity determination). ) Can be performed. Also, if the results of the linear stability analysis and the Jacobi stability analysis are inconsistent, it is suggested that the pathway model itself, which is the starting point of the calculation, is inconsistent. There is. If the results are not contradictory, it can be determined from the results of the linear stability analysis and the Jacobi stability analysis whether there is a change in the oscillatory behavior of gene expression, that is, whether there is toxicity. FIG. 20 shows an example of evaluating the presence / absence of a change in the oscillatory behavior of gene expression in the present invention. FIG. 20 is an example of an analysis result of the cell cycle pathway model of FIGS. 14 and 15. The linear stability analysis (FIG. 17) and the Jacobi stability analysis (FIG. 18) were performed while changing the value of the reaction rate coefficient k6 included in the simultaneous differential equations in FIG. 15 within the range of FIG. It was found that the state of the cell cycle can be classified into three types as shown in FIG.
For example, when the value of the reaction rate coefficient k6 for generating C2 from M was changed from 0 to 10, it could be classified into three regions A, B, and C as shown in FIG. These three classifications were classified based on the results of the linear stability analysis (FIG. 17). The sign of the linear stability analysis was minus in region A (ie, linear stability), plus in region B (ie, linear instability), and minus in region C (ie, linear stability). When the result of the linear stability analysis is stable, it means that the system tends to remain unchanged from near the steady solution. Biologically, region A brakes cell cycle rotation as a result of the continued high concentration of M. This state corresponds to a state where the cell cycle is temporarily stopped (Metaphase @ Arrest) in the cell division phase (Metaphase). On the other hand, the region B corresponds to a state in which the cell cycle is rotated and the cell proliferation is performed as a result of the change in the concentration of M or C2. In the region C, since the concentration of M continues to be low, the cell cycle is temporarily stopped in the intercellular phase (Interphase) (Interphase Arrest). However, when the value of k6 in the region A is 0.1 to 0.192, the sign of the Jacobi stability analysis (FIG. 18) is plus (ie, Jacobi instability). Jacobi instability means that a change is about to occur in a region including other than the vicinity of the steady solution. Therefore, when the value of k6 is between 0.1 and 0.192, the system tries to stay at the steady solution near the steady solution, but it can be said that the whole system is moving. The cell cycle is only paused and moves, so the cell is normal. However, when the value of k6 is between 0.192 and 0.2, it is both linearly stable and Jacobi stable. In this case, the cell cycle is stopped not only in the vicinity of the stationary solution but also in the whole system, and the cell cycle does not move in the future. Therefore, when the value of k6 is between 0.192 and 0.2, it means that the cell is not only paused but also dead. Similarly, in the region C, when the value of k6 is 1.9 to 10, the cells are only suspended, but when the value of k6 is 1.5 to 1.9, the cells are dead. I do.
As described above, by performing a simulation in which the value of the reaction rate coefficient k corresponding to the parameter of the simultaneous differential equation is changed, the relationship between the value of k and the state of the cell can be evaluated in advance. Then, the actual k value is calculated by substituting the concentration values (or their relative values) of the respective substances such as M and C2 into the simultaneous differential equations from the expression distribution values measured over time using a DNA chip or the like.
Region B (where k6 is between 0.2 and 1.5) is linearly unstable and Jacobi stable. In this case, the cells proliferate in a stable cycle. This is because although the concentrations of M and C2 are changed at the present time, the whole system eventually becomes stable. That is, the behavior is oscillatory, and the cells are normal. However, if the system is linearly unstable and Jacobi unstable, it is not possible to predict what state it will be in the future because it is unstable at this time and also in the whole system. That is, the behavior is chaotic and suggests that the cells have become cancerous. In this way, by performing not only linear stability analysis but also Jacobi stability analysis of simultaneous equations, it is possible to determine whether cells are growing, paused, dead, or cancerous it can. This method can make a determination that cannot be made by simply performing either the linear stability analysis or the Jacobi stability analysis. By applying this method to the urea cycle or the citric acid cycle, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of toxicity as in the cell cycle.
That is, a pathway model is created in advance based on the urea cycle and the citric acid cycle, and a simultaneous differential equation is obtained. The parameters such as the reaction rate coefficient used in the simultaneous differential equations are set as appropriate as possible based on literature information and biological knowledge. After that, based on the value of the reaction rate coefficient, a simultaneous differential equation that can be integrated or eliminated is searched for and arranged. Subsequently, linear stability analysis (FIG. 17) and Jacobi stability analysis (FIG. 18) were performed, and as shown in FIG. 20, the relationship between the value of the reaction rate coefficient and cell abnormalities (toxic) and cell normality (no toxicity) was determined. Get it in advance. Then, the measured values of the concentrations of the respective genes or their relative values are substituted into the simultaneous differential equations from the expression distribution data obtained from the experiment, and the reaction rate coefficients based on the experimental values are calculated. Finally, the value of the reaction rate coefficient obtained by the experiment is compared with a table of the relationship between the value of the reaction rate coefficient and the value of toxicity as shown in FIG. 20 to determine the presence or absence of toxicity.
FIG. 21 shows an example of a computer system that can be used to execute the software of the embodiment of the present invention, and FIG. 22 shows a system block diagram thereof.
FIG. 21 is an example of a computer system that can be used to execute software of an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 21 shows a keyboard 181, a display 182, a CPU 183, a storage device 184, and a storage medium 185. In addition to the keyboard, a device for interacting with a graphical user interface such as a mouse may be provided. The storage device 184 and the storage medium 185 may be used to store and read out software programs embedded in computer code for executing the present invention, data for use with the present invention, and the like.
FIG. 22 is a block diagram of a computer system used to execute the software of the embodiment of the present invention. As shown in FIG. 21, the computer system includes a keyboard 181, a display 182, a CPU 183, a storage device 184, and a storage medium 185. The computer system further includes, for example, a system memory, a fixed disk (hard disk), a removable disk such as a CD-ROM and a DVD, a display adapter, a sound card, a speaker, and a network interface. A computer system suitable for use with the present invention can also be incorporated into a measurement instrument.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, it is possible to predict the toxicity of a drug and determine the presence or absence of toxicity from gene expression distribution data of a DNA chip or the like at the time of drug administration.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram of a urea cycle.
FIG. 2 is a conceptual diagram of drug metabolism.
FIG. 3 is a conceptual diagram of a DNA chip.
FIG. 4 is a flowchart of DNA chip analysis.
FIG. 5 is a metabolic pathway diagram of acetaminophen.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory view of metabolic activation of a toxicant and manifestation of toxicity.
FIG. 7 is a metabolic pathway diagram of glutathione conjugation.
FIG. 8 is a glycine metabolism pathway diagram.
FIG. 9 is a diagram showing a glutamine metabolism pathway and an amino acid metabolism pathway.
FIG. 10 is a conceptual diagram of a citric acid cycle.
FIG. 11 is a diagram showing the relationship between amino acid degradation and the citric acid cycle.
FIG. 12 is a diagram of a heme biosynthesis pathway.
FIG. 13 is a diagram showing the relationship between P450 and cofactor heme.
FIG. 14 is a diagram of a cell cycle pathway model.
FIG. 15 shows simultaneous differential equations of a cell cycle pathway model.
FIG. 16 shows an example of an assumption for the reaction rate coefficient in FIG.
FIG. 17 shows an example of a linear stability analysis.
FIG. 18 shows an example of a Jacobi stability analysis.
FIG. 19 is a flowchart for judging the presence / absence of oscillatory behavior change (for example, toxicity determination) of gene expression.
FIG. 20 is a conceptual diagram of a method for evaluating a change in oscillatory behavior of gene expression.
FIG. 21 is an example of a computer system that can be used to execute software of an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 22 is a system block diagram of the computer system shown in FIG. 18;
[Explanation of symbols]
31. Detector, 32. DNA probe, 33. 34. a fluorescently labeled gene; Support, 51. Acetaminophen, 181. Keyboard, 182. Display, 183. CPU, 184. Storage device, 185. Storage medium.

Claims (7)

Simultaneous differential equations based on gene pathway information related to the metabolism or sequence of the toxic drug, a reaction rate coefficient of the simultaneous differential equations, a relationship between linear stability and Jacobi stability according to the reaction rate coefficient, and the reaction Storage means for storing the determination of the presence or absence of toxicity of the toxic drug in the value of the speed coefficient,
Input means for inputting gene expression distribution data to the simultaneous differential equations,
A display means for obtaining the reaction rate coefficient by inputting the gene expression distribution data to the simultaneous differential equation and displaying a determination of the presence or absence of toxicity of the toxic drug.
Create simultaneous differential equations based on gene pathway information related to the metabolism or excretion of toxic drugs,
Determine the reaction rate coefficient of the simultaneous differential equations based on literature information and biological knowledge,
Perform linear stability analysis and Jacobi stability analysis using the simultaneous differential equations,
Determine the relationship between linear stability and Jacobi stability according to the reaction rate coefficient,
By obtaining the relationship between the presence or absence of the toxic drug in the value of the reaction rate coefficient,
A toxicity determining method for determining the presence or absence of toxicity by substituting gene expression distribution data obtained from an experiment into the simultaneous differential equation to determine the reaction rate coefficient and collating with the relationship of the presence or absence of toxicity.
請求項2記載の毒性有無判定方法において、前記遺伝子発現分布データは前記毒薬物投与前後のデータであり、前記反応速度係数が、線形不安定から線形安定に変化した場合、毒性有りと判定することを特徴とする毒性有無判定方法。3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the gene expression distribution data is data before and after administration of the toxic drug, and when the reaction rate coefficient changes from linear instability to linear stability, it is determined that there is toxicity. A method for determining the presence or absence of toxicity. 請求項2記載の毒性有無判定方法において、前記遺伝子発現分布データは前記毒薬物投与前後のデータであり、前記反応速度係数が、ヤコビ安定からヤコビ不安定に変化した場合、毒性有りと判定することを特徴とする毒性有無判定方法。3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the gene expression distribution data is data before and after administration of the toxic drug, and when the reaction rate coefficient changes from Jacobi stable to Jacobi unstable, it is determined that there is toxicity. A method for determining the presence or absence of toxicity. 請求項2記載の毒性有無判定方法において、前記毒薬物の代謝又は排泄に関連する代謝遺伝子パスウェイは、尿素サイクル又はクエン酸回路に関連した代謝パスウェイであることを特徴とする毒性有無判定方法。3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the metabolic gene pathway related to the metabolism or excretion of the toxic drug is a metabolic pathway related to a urea cycle or a citric acid cycle. 請求項2記載の毒性有無判定方法において、前記遺伝子発現分布データは、DNAチップ法、ディファレンシャルディスプレイ法、定量的PCR法、SAGE法、プロテインチップ法のいずれかより得られた遺伝子発現分布データであることを特徴とする毒性有無判定方法。3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the gene expression distribution data is gene expression distribution data obtained by any of a DNA chip method, a differential display method, a quantitative PCR method, a SAGE method, and a protein chip method. A method for determining the presence or absence of toxicity. 毒薬物の代謝又は排泄に関連する遺伝子パスウェイ情報に基づき連立微分方程式を作成し、
Create simultaneous differential equations based on gene pathway information related to the metabolism or excretion of toxic drugs,
Determine the reaction rate coefficient of the simultaneous differential equations based on literature information and biological knowledge,
Perform linear stability analysis and Jacobi stability analysis using the simultaneous differential equations,
Determine the relationship between linear stability and Jacobi stability according to the reaction rate coefficient,
A method for predicting the presence or absence of toxicity, comprising predicting the presence or absence of toxicity of the toxic drug.
JP2002252346A 2002-08-30 2002-08-30 Toxicity presence or absence determination method Pending JP2004093234A (en)

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JP2002252346A JP2004093234A (en) 2002-08-30 2002-08-30 Toxicity presence or absence determination method

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JP2002252346A Pending JP2004093234A (en) 2002-08-30 2002-08-30 Toxicity presence or absence determination method

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
JP2016510310A (en) * 2012-12-18 2016-04-07 ジェネンテック, インコーポレイテッド Predicting biological activity of molecules

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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JP2016510310A (en) * 2012-12-18 2016-04-07 ジェネンテック, インコーポレイテッド Predicting biological activity of molecules

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