JP2004054621A - Picture processor and its method - Google Patents
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ここで、ポリゴンの頂点情報からポリゴン内部のピクセルを発生する処理では、よくDDA(Digital Differential Analyzer)と呼ばれる線形補間手法を用いて実行される。
Kajiyaは、3次元マップを用い視線方向にテクセルを走査することによって、毛皮の質感を表現できることを示した(Kajiya,J.T and Timothy L. Kay.Rendering Fur with Three Dimentional Textures,SIGGRAPH 89,pp.271−280、参照)。
Go1dmanは、ダルメシアンのような非常に短い毛の生え方がポアソン(Poisson)分布に従うと仮定することによって、確率的な見え方を計算し、高速に毛皮の質感を描画する方法を開発した(Goldman,D.B., Fake Fur Rendering,SIGGRAPH 97,pp.127−134 、参照) 。
Lengyelは、毛皮を同心の複数の半透明層(以下、シェル(shell)という)として描画する方法を提案した(Lengyel,E.J., Real−Time Fur, Eurographics Rendering Workshop 2000, pp.243−256 、および、Lengyel,E.J., Real−Time Fur over Arbitrary Surfaces ,ACM 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics( 〜jdl/) 参照)。
この方法では、Praunのラップドテクスチャ(lapped texture)の手法(Praun,E., Lapped Textrures, SIGGRAPH 2000,pp.465−470、参照)を用い、同じマップを繰り返し表面に貼り付けることで、必要なマップの総量を減らしている。
フィン(fin)は、メッシュの境界上のどこにでも存在し、メッシュの境界がエッジに近い場合のみフィンを描画するようにしている。フィンの描画には、前述の3次元マップとは別のマップ(フィンテクスチャ(fin texture))を用いる。
すなわち、利用するバッファは、一時計算用フレームバッファfbuf1, fbuf2、一時計算用デプスバッファzbuf、一時計算用インデックスバッファibuf、一時計算用カウンタバッファcbuf、最終出力用フレームバッファFBUF、および最終出力用デプス(z)バッファZBUFである。
具体的には、メモリ16は、一時計算用カウンタバッファcbuf、一時計算用フレームバッファfbuf1, fbuf2を0に初期化し、一時計算用デプスバッファzbufを最終出力用フレームバッファFBUFの内容に初期化する。
最初に皮膚を不透明物体としてフレームバッファfbuf1 、zバッファZBUF1 に描画する。続いて、シェルを複数回重ね描きすることにより毛皮を表現する。
各シェルの描画はフレームバッファfbuf1 、zバッファZBUF1 とは異なる一時的なフレームバッファfbuf2 、zバッファZBUF2 に描画する。ここでフィルタ処理を行った後、フレームバッファfbuf1 、zバッファZBUF1 と合成を行う。
数9に表したofs [ ] にはシェルが皮膚面からどれだけ膨らんでいるかを示す値であり、ofs [ 0 ]が最もふくらみが小さく、添え字が増すにつれてofs の値は増加する。ofs [ 0 ]は最も奥にあることを意味する。
また数9中、draw_obj (ofs, face) はオブジェクトを、頂点ofs だけ法線方向に膨らませて発生する処理を示している。
さらに具体的には、オブジェクト発生部14は、皮膚は毛皮とは異なり、不透明物体としてフレームバッファfbuf1 、zバッファzbuf1 に対して描画する。
毛皮の色は根元の方ほど暗い色となる。これは入出力光が、より上の毛皮により減衰するためである。この減衰の効果はBanksによって、数10のように毛の密度pと光の通過する距離dの関数として与えられている(Banks,D.,C.,Illumination In Diverse Codimentions,SIGGRAPH 94,pp.327−334 参照)。
描画部15は、マップデータ処理部13から供給されたマップデータMD13、およびオブジェクト発生部14によりオブジェクトデータであるシェルデータ(プリミティブデータ)D14に基づいて、方向ベクトル <t> のウィンドウ座標系でのベクトル<tw>を求め、これからフィルタカーネル用のインデックス(index )を求める。
描画部15は、オブジェクト発生部14が発生したプリミティブをラスタライズした後、以下の数13に示すように色、フィルタカーネル用のインデックス(index )を計算し信号S15としてフィルタ処理部17に出力する。
また、a を|cos(<n>, <e>) |により除算する。
また、x, yの最大/最小値を保持するのは、必ずしも必要ではないが、後述のフィルタ処理部17において、フィルタを行う範囲を限定するために有効である。
この領域を判定する方法を、以下で考える。もととなるピクセルから対象となるピクセルへのベクトルを<g> とする。
図12に示す通り、元のピクセルから<tw>の方向に伸びる直線と、対象となるピクセルとの距離は|g |sin(<g>, <tw>)となる。
図13に示すように、<t> をウィンドウ座標系での2次元ベクトル<tw>に変換する。
変換には、射影行列Pとしたとき(P−1)t を用いて、以下のように行うことができる。
色計算には、たとえばLengyel(Lengyel,E.J., Real−Time Fur, Eurographics Rendering Workshop 2000, pp.243−256 )に提案された簡易化された、数16に示すような、ライティング式を用いる。
また、描画部15は、zバッファzbuf2 を用いてzテストを行いながら、色と透過度をフレームバッファfbuf2 に、z値をzバッファzbuf2 に出力する。zテストは、描画ピクセルのZ値がzバッファzbuf2 の内容よりも手前にあるときに成功する。
フィルタ処理部17は、描画部15により信号S15として供給されたN×Nのフィルタカーネル用インデックスvld[index][N][N]を用いて、下記の数19に示すように、フィルタ処理を行い、各シェルの描画およびフィルタ処理が完了した後、zバッファzbuf2 とzバッファzbuf1 によりzテストを行い、zバッファzbuf2 の方が手前にある場合に、zバッファzbuf2 とzバッファzbuf1 の内容をアルファブレンド処理する。
なお、画面の必要領域は、フィルタ処理部17により与えられる数11における描画時にxmax, xmin, ymax, yminを保持することにより判断できる。
なお、数19で用いるフィルタカーネルの内容vld []、および数13で用いるatbl[]については、たとえば下記のように事前に計算すると、線状物体がより滑らかに結合するようになる。
これは図11に示すように、カーネルの中心を通り<tw>の方向に伸びる直線から、距離W の範囲にある部分を選択するものである。
最初に<tw>=(tx,ty)で各index に対応する<tw>を求めている。index は0〜 INDEX_NUM−1 の値をとり、x軸の正の方向から反時計周りに一回りするようにしている。
<g>=(i−KERNEL _SIZE/2…) で、カーネル中心から要素(i,j) に向かうベクトル<g> を求めている。同時に<g> の大きさをgnorm としている。<g> はその後、正規化される。
if(gnorm* …) 以下で、直線からの距離がW よりも小さい範囲のピクセルの有効フラグを1としている。W 以上の範囲のピクセルの有効フラグは0とする。これは図12に示すように、要素(i,j) の直線からの距離はgnorm*sin(<tw>,<g>)で表されるので、この値とW との大小比較で求めることができる。
描画部15においては、マップデータ処理部13により供給された2次元マップデータ、およびオブジェクト発生部14によりオブジェクトデータであるシェルデータに基づいて、ベクトル <t> のウィンドウ座標系でのベクトル<tw>が求められる。
そして、求めたウィンドウ座標系でのベクトル<tw>に基づいてフィルタカーネル用のインデックス(index )が求められる。
描画部15においては、オブジェクト発生部14が発生したプリミティブがラスタライズされた後、数13に示すように色、フィルタカーネル用のインデックス(index )が計算され信号S13としてフィルタ処理部17に出力される。
また、本実施形態において、描画対象物を複数のシェルとして重ね合わせて描画する画像処理装置において、2次元マップデータ、およびオブジェクト発生部14によりオブジェクトデータであるシェルデータに基づいて、ベクトル <t>のウィンドウ座標系でのベクトル<tw>を求め、これからフィルタカーネル用のインデックス(index )を求め、フィルタ処理部17に出力する描画部15と、描画部15により供給されたN×Nのフィルタカーネル用インデックスvld[index][N][N]を用いて、フィルタ処理を行い、各シェルの描画およびフィルタ処理が完了した後、zバッファzbuf2 とzバッファzbuf1 によりzテストを行い、zバッファzbuf2 の方が手前にある場合に、zバッファzbuf2 とzバッファzbuf1 の内容をアルファブレンド処理するフィルタ処理部17とを設けたので、シェルの描画によっても連続性を維持することが可能で、画質の劣化を防止でき、平坦で均質な素材のオブジェクトはもとより、複雑な形状のオブジェクトも高品位に描画することができる。
The present invention relates to an image processing apparatus and method for storing parameters for color calculation in a map, acquiring parameters in the map in a drawing manner, and performing color calculation.
[Prior art]
The computer graphics (CG) technology, which creates and processes graphics and images using computer resources, has been actively researched and developed in conjunction with the recent increase in computational speed and the enhancement of drawing functions in computer systems. It has been put to practical use.
For example, three-dimensional graphics expresses an optical phenomenon when a three-dimensional object is illuminated by a predetermined light source by using a mathematical model, and based on this model, shades, shades, and even patterns on the object surface. By pasting, a more realistic three-dimensional two-dimensional high-definition image is generated.
Such computer graphics have been increasingly used in CAD / CAM and other various application fields in development fields such as science, engineering, and manufacturing.
The three-dimensional graphics generally includes a “geometry subsystem” positioned as a front end and a “raster subsystem” positioned as a back end.
The geometry subsystem is a process of performing a geometric operation such as a position and a posture of a three-dimensional object displayed on a display screen.
In the geometry subsystem, an object is generally treated as an aggregate of a large number of polygons, and geometric calculation processing such as “coordinate conversion”, “clipping”, and “light source calculation” is performed in units of polygons.
On the other hand, the raster subsystem is a process of painting each pixel constituting an object.
The rasterizing process is realized by, for example, interpolating the image parameters of all the pixels included in the polygon based on the image parameters obtained for each vertex of the polygon.
The image parameters referred to here include color (rendering color) data expressed in a so-called RGB format and the like, z values indicating a distance in the depth direction, and the like.
In recent high-definition three-dimensional graphics processing, f (fog: fog) for creating perspective and texture t (texture) for expressing reality by expressing the texture and pattern of the surface of an object, It is included as one of the image parameters.
Here, the process of generating pixels inside the polygon from the vertex information of the polygon is often performed using a linear interpolation method called DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer).
In the DDA process, the inclination of data in the direction of the side of the polygon is obtained from the vertex information, the data on the side is calculated using this inclination, and then the inclination in the raster scanning direction (X direction) is calculated. The internal pixel is generated by adding the parameter change obtained from the above to the parameter value of the scanning start point.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
Incidentally, the calculation of the drawing color of each pixel, that is, the color calculation has a great influence on the surface material. The color calculation of the surface of a flat and homogeneous material is relatively easy, but the color calculation of eg animal fur is not easy. This is because the surface shape is complicated, the skin color is affected by the hair density, and the color is also changed by the hair flow.
As the most basic method of drawing animal fur, there is a method of drawing hair one by one.
However, this method has a fundamental problem that the amount of calculation required to draw hair one by one becomes enormous.
Further, since hair is drawn as a translucent substance, it is necessary to sort (z-sort) in the depth direction in primitive units or pixel units. This also requires a huge amount of calculation.
Kajiya has shown that a texture of fur can be expressed by scanning a texel in a line-of-sight direction using a three-dimensional map (Kajiya, J. T and Timothy L. Kay. Rendering Full with Three Dimensional Graphics, IGRP, 89, 1989). 271-280).
However, this method requires a long drawing time for scanning the texel in the line of sight. Further, a large-capacity memory area for holding the three-dimensional map is required.
Goldman has developed a method of calculating a stochastic appearance and rapidly drawing the texture of fur by assuming that a very short hair growth like Dalmatian follows a Poisson distribution (Goldman). , DB, Fake Fur Rendering, SIGGRAPH 97, pp. 127-134).
This method does not require scanning of texels in the line of sight, and does not require a large-capacity memory.
However, this method is effective only when there are sufficiently many short hairs in one pixel, and is used, for example, when the hair is longer than Dalmatian or when there is not much hair in one pixel. I can't.
Lengyel has proposed a method of drawing fur as a plurality of concentric translucent layers (hereinafter, referred to as shells) (Lengiel, EJ, Real-Time Fur, Eurographics Rendering Workshop 2000, pp. 243--). 256, and Lengyel, EJ, Real-Time Full over Arbitrary Surfaces, ACM 2001 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (
This means that the fur can be drawn at high speed by drawing the shell several times from the inside and superimposing them. For calculating the color of each shell, a three-dimensional map created in advance from a hair model is used.
They also implemented an implementation on the vertex shader, pixel shader in nVidia's GeForce, and showed that this method was indeed valid.
In this method, the same map is repeatedly attached to the surface by using the method of Praun's wrapped texture (see Praun, E., Lapped Textures, SIGGRAPH 2000, pp. 465-470). The total amount of maps has been reduced.
However, this method still has a problem in that the map is still a pseudo three-dimensional map, and maps as many as the number of shells are still required.
Further, as an essential problem of drawing using a shell, there is deterioration in image quality near an edge. In the vicinity of the edge, the drawing color of the hair becomes gradually faint. Further, since the drawing order of the shell is not correct near the edge, a correct color cannot be obtained.
Lengiel solves the problem of the image quality near the edge by using a fin-shaped primitive (fin: fin) perpendicular to the skin surface on the boundary of the mesh on the skin.
Fins are present anywhere on the boundary of the mesh, and are drawn only when the boundary of the mesh is close to the edge. In drawing the fins, a map (fin texture) different from the above-described three-dimensional map is used.
Lengiel saves the required amount of memory by reusing one type of fin texture instead of preparing different fin textures on every boundary of the mesh.
However, Lengyel attempts only when the hair is generally standing perpendicular to the skin surface.
In this case, only one type of fin texture is needed. For example, when the hair is along the skin surface, various fin textures need to be selected from the relationship between the line of sight and the direction of the hair.
Therefore, the amount of memory required for the fin texture increases.
In addition, since fins are drawn as translucent primitives, z-sorting must be performed for accurate color calculation, but Lengyel does not particularly mention this.
Despite the problems described above, fur drawing using a shell is fast, and for objects with simple shapes, there is no need for sorting that matches the superimposition of translucent objects, except for drawing fins. There is.
By the way, conventionally, in many methods using a map, the texel itself of the map has not been invalidated.
However, when a linear object such as hair is represented using a map, the texels shown in FIG. 19 include texels (valid texels) T11 and T21 related to hair and texels not related to hair (invalid texel). ) T12 and T22 exist.
On the other hand, when the map data is acquired by the normal texture map, there is a case where the map data of the neighboring texel is calculated by filtering as shown in
Equation (1) shows a case where filter processing near four is performed. Generally, multidimensional filter processing may be performed more than this.
(Equation 1)
Here, d11 to d22 are map data of neighboring texels, and d is map data of the final output. a11 to a22 are constants calculated based on the value of the decimal part of the map address.
In the conventional texture mapping, map data in a texel usually stores color information.
On the other hand, a normal vector or a direction vector of a linear object may be stored as in bump mapping.
In the example of FIG. 19, the transmittance α and the direction vector <t> of the linear object are stored in each texel. When α = 0, it indicates that the corresponding texel is completely transparent, and when α = 1, it indicates that it is opaque.
For example, when a direction vector <t> of a linear object is given, the diffusion component c of the color is calculated as in the following Expression 2 using the lighting formula proposed by kajiya. In Equation 2, <1> indicates a light source vector, and cd indicates a product of a light source color and a diffuse color component of an object.
(Equation 2)
As shown in FIG. 19, when the transparency α and the direction vector <t> are stored as the map data as shown in FIG. 19, filtering is performed in the same manner as in
[Equation 3]
Here, c11 to c22 correspond to the diffusion colors c obtained by applying <t11> to <t12> to Equation 2, respectively.
Note that the above is a case where filtering is performed after color calculation. For example, if filtering is performed at the stage of the direction vector, the following Expression 4 is obtained.
(Equation 4)
By the way, in the processing of Expression 3, since the filtering processing is performed after calculating the colors, four color calculation units are required. In general, color calculation involves complicated calculations, which has the disadvantage of increasing hardware costs.
On the other hand, the processing of Expression 4 can be realized with almost the same configuration as that of the conventional hardware because the vector stored in the map is directly filtered or interpolated.
However, when interpolating at the vector stage, image quality may be degraded. This will be described below.
FIG. 20 is a diagram illustrating a case where two direction vectors <t11> and <t12> exist on the opposite side of the light source vector <1>. Here, it is assumed that these vectors are held in adjacent texels T11 and T12.
Depending on the map address, there may be a case where it is desired to take an intermediate value between texels T11 and T12. The problem is how to calculate the color in this case.
When performing vector interpolation, as shown in FIG. 20, a vector <t ′> between <t11> and <t12> is calculated. This will be used to calculate the color.
FIG. 21 is a diagram schematically showing a state of color calculation in the case of the kajiya lighting equation (Equation 2).
As shown in FIG. 21, since both <t11> and <t12> form the same angle from <1>, almost the same diffused color is obtained.
However, <t ′> obtained by interpolating them has a very small angle with <1>, so that a color darker than these colors is obtained.
Originally, it suffices to obtain a color approximately halfway between the colors calculated by texels T11 and T12, but this cannot be obtained by linear interpolation of vectors.
The present invention has been made in view of the above circumstances, and an object of the present invention is to provide an image capable of obtaining an optimum color intermediate value as a result of color calculation by simple processing while preventing an increase in hardware. An object of the present invention is to provide a processing apparatus and a method thereof.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above object, an image processing apparatus according to a first aspect of the present invention holds map data for color calculation including first vector data, and stores second vector data provided separately and the first vector data. A map holding unit that calculates the absolute value of the inner product with the vector data of the map data and outputs the corresponding map data together with the calculated absolute value of the inner product, and performs a predetermined filtering process on the map data output by the map holding unit. A map data processing unit for performing a color calculation based on the map data output from the map data processing unit and performing a predetermined drawing process.
Preferably, the map holding unit acquires a map address, and calculates an absolute value of an inner product of the second vector data and the first vector data for data near the map address.
Preferably, the map data processing section performs linear interpolation on the map data.
Preferably, the drawing means obtains a vector indicating a direction of a drawing target in which a plurality of translucent shells are superimposed, changes a filter kernel based on the obtained vector, and Filter processing is performed to expand the information of the pixels in the direction in which they exist and provide continuity between the shells.
An image processing method according to a second aspect of the present invention includes a first step of holding map data for color calculation including first vector data, a step of separately providing second vector data and the first vector. A second step of calculating the absolute value of the inner product with the data, a third step of performing a predetermined filtering process on the map data including the absolute value of the inner product calculated in the second step, and And a fourth step of performing a predetermined drawing process by performing a color calculation based on the map data output in the step.
According to the present invention, map data for color calculation including the first vector data is held in the map holding unit.
The map holding unit calculates the absolute value of the inner product of the separately provided second vector data and the first vector data. Then, corresponding map data is output to the map data processing unit together with the absolute value of the inner product calculated from the map holding unit.
In the map data processing section, a predetermined filter process, for example, a linear interpolation process is performed on the map data output from the map holding section, and the map data is output to the drawing section.
In the drawing means, color calculation is performed based on the map data output by the map data processing unit, and a predetermined drawing process is performed.
Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings, taking drawing of a linear substance such as fur as an example.
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing an embodiment of the image processing apparatus according to the present invention.
More specifically, the
Further, the method of sampling the map in the
Then, in the
In this way, the
In addition, the
Further, the
The drawing hardware may be able to provide more local processing of the memory. The
The image processing according to this embodiment includes pre-drawing processing and drawing-time processing. The pre-drawing process includes hair model creation and map creation, and is performed only once before drawing. The drawing process is a process performed in real time using a map created before drawing.
Hereinafter, a specific configuration and processing contents of the
As shown in FIG. 1, the
The pre-drawing process is performed by the
The buffers used in this embodiment are as follows. These are held in the
That is, the buffers used are temporary calculation frame buffers fbuf1, fbuf2, temporary calculation depth buffer zbuf, temporary calculation index buffer ibuf, temporary calculation counter buffer cbuf, final output frame buffer FBUF, and final output depth ( z) Buffer ZBUF.
(Equation 5)
Specifically, the
The drawing process includes, for example, drawing of a skin, drawing of a shell, filtering, and combining.
First, the skin is rendered as an opaque object in the frame buffer fbuf1 and the z buffer ZBUF1. Subsequently, the fur is represented by repeatedly drawing the shell a plurality of times.
Drawing of each shell is performed on a temporary frame buffer fbuf2 and a z-buffer ZBUF2 different from the frame buffer fbuf1 and the z-buffer ZBUF1. After performing the filter processing here, synthesis is performed with the frame buffer fbuf1 and the z buffer ZBUF1.
When creating a hair model, the
When creating the two-dimensional map, the
Here, Kd, Ks, and Ka are diffuse, specular, and ambient reflection coefficients, respectively, and shineshines is the index value of the specular surface, and Tt is the hair direction vector (s, t, h), for example, corresponding to the first vector. Cov represents the area occupied by the hair in the texel.
As described above, the
However, this causes inconvenience when drawing fine hair, so the
When writing information on N hairs in each texel, calculation is performed, for example, as shown in the following Expression 6.
Here, it is assumed that sorting is performed such that information of lower hairs has a smaller suffix and information of upper hairs has a larger suffix. In addition, since the appearance of the upper hairs seems to have the greatest influence, h is determined to use the height of the uppermost hair.
(Equation 6)
Here, / is a symbol used in place of the bar attached to the character and indicates a vector.
The map holding unit 12 is configured by a memory such as an SRAM, for example, and holds a two-dimensional map created by the
The map holding unit 12 reads out two-dimensional map data to which various parameters and height information to be held at the time of drawing are added by the
Further, as shown in FIG. 4, the map holding unit 12 obtains the map address MA15 from the drawing unit 15 (ST1), and obtains the second vector data VCT separately from the vector included in the held map data (ST1). ST2) The absolute value of the inner product of the acquired vector data VCT and the vector data included in the in-map map data is calculated for the vicinity data of the map address (map data of the texel required for the filtering process) (ST3), The texel map data required for the processing is output to the map
In the present embodiment, as shown in FIG. 1 and step ST2, the vector is always input when the map data is requested. However, the present invention is not limited thereto. For example, the
Further, even if the map holding unit 12 outputs the vector as it is, the same effect can be obtained by taking the absolute value of the inner product of the vector before the filtering process and performing the filtering process based on the absolute value.
In general, the color calculation expression is often a monotonic function of the absolute value of the inner product. In the Phong lighting formula, as shown in Expression 7, the diffusion component cd is proportional to the absolute value of the inner product of the normal vector <n> and the light source vector <l>. The reflection component cs can be represented by a power of the absolute value of the inner product of the normal vector and the half vector <h>.
The symbol ^ represents a power.
(Equation 7)
Lengyl proposes a simplified lighting formula that makes the Kajiya lighting formula more suitable for hardware. This can be expressed as:
(Equation 8)
All of these are monotonic with respect to the absolute value of the inner product, and color calculation can be performed using this value.
Therefore, the method of the
Thereafter, the filter processing unit performs a filter process on the map data provided from the memory holding unit.
The map
In addition, the
The outline of the processing of the
The value of ofs [] in Expression 9 is a value indicating how much the shell swells from the skin surface. Ofs [0] has the smallest swelling, and the value of ofs increases as the subscript increases. ofs [0] means deepest.
In Equation 9, draw_obj (ofs, face) indicates processing that is performed by expanding the object by the vertex ofs in the normal direction.
The face designates the back surface or the front surface, and generates only the back surface and the front surface with respect to the line of sight, respectively.
(Equation 9)
More specifically, the
At this time, the z test and the update of the z value are drawn as permitted.
The shell drawing process can be considered by dividing it into geometry processing / vertex-based processing / pixel-based processing. The
In the geometry processing, shells having different degrees of inflation are sequentially generated. In addition, various parameters are specified for each shell that has occurred. The expansion coefficient of the texture is also specified.
Here, a basic shell generation method employed in the
In this method, drawing is performed using a two-dimensional map. Therefore, if it is simply drawn, the fur becomes thin.
Therefore, a shell is generated so as to have a thickness by repeatedly drawing the same map using the shell.
FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating a case where the same map is used for three shells.
As shown in FIG. 5, the overlap of the shells SHL can express the thickness. Here, there are three shells SHL1 to SHL3, but only one type of map is used.
When the front side surface is drawn with respect to the line of sight, a shell can be generated in order from the lower side to the upper side, and the thickness can be expressed by overlapping and drawing.
In the vicinity of the edge, it is necessary to draw a surface on the back side with respect to the line of sight. A method of generating a shell in this case will be described later.
In the case of hair that is actually occurring, only the distal end of the hair should appear in the outer shell and only the distal end of the hair should appear in the inner shell. In order to express this, the upper and lower limits of the height (hmax / hmin) are set for each shell.
In this case, the outer shell is set to have a higher upper / lower limit (hmax / hmin).
The reason is that at the time of shell drawing, the height value h included in the texel is compared with the upper and lower limit values (hmax / hmin), and drawing is performed only when the upper limit value is equal to or larger than the lower limit value (hmax> = h> hmim). This is to prevent drawing in other cases.
In this manner, as shown in FIG. 6, it is possible to draw hairs that are discrete but have a slope in the height direction.
Note that the discreteness is solved by a subsequent filtering process.
Further, the
As shown in FIG. 7, the
First, the shells on the back side of the line of sight EY are drawn in order from the outside to the inside. At this stage, drawing is performed in the order of A and B in FIG.
Subsequently, the front shell is drawn in order from the inside to the outside. As a result, in FIG. 7, drawing is performed in the order of C and D following A and B, and colors can be superimposed in the correct order.
Next, a method of assigning a map to a shell will be described.
In the present embodiment, since a two-dimensional map is used, lack of information may occur.
As shown in FIG. 8, when hairs overlap each other, the height information of the lower hairs is lost.
As described above, when the height information of the lower hair is lost, the change in visibility (the lower hair can be seen or not seen) when the fur is viewed by changing the line of sight cannot be expressed well. .
In order to solve this problem, in the present embodiment, a plurality of maps are used as shown in FIGS. 9A and 9B.
Even if the information cannot coexist in one map, it can exist in different maps, so that the above problem can be solved.
In the range considered, about 3 to 5 types of maps are prepared, and as shown in FIG. If the height is slightly changed for each of LYR2,..., Sufficient image quality as fur is obtained.
In the example of FIG. 10, the first layer LYR1 includes five types of maps A to E, and the second layer LYR2 includes five types of maps A to E.
Then, the layer number (layer number LYR1, LYR2, or the like) including the map constituting the shell to be drawn is supplied to the
Instead of having a plurality of types of maps, the same effect can be obtained with one map. This can be realized by adding a constant (depending on the type) offset to the texture address when the map is drawn. This method is advantageous in terms of memory capacity because it is possible to draw with only one type of map.
Next, the designation of the self-shadow effect will be described.
The color of the fur becomes darker toward the root. This is because the input and output light is attenuated by the fur above. The effect of this attenuation is given by Banks as a function of the hair density p and the distance d through which the light passes as shown in Equation 10 (Banks, D., C., Illumination In Diversity Coordinations, SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 146-64). 327-334).
(Equation 10)
Since the distance d through which the light passes varies depending on the angle of incidence of the light,
Here, for simplicity, it is assumed that each shell has a constant attenuation rate (att). The upper shell has an att value close to 1 and the lower shell has an att value close to 0. This ignores the change in the rate of attenuation due to the incident angle of light, but does not have a significant effect on image quality.
Next, the specification of the texture extension coefficient will be described.
The texture expansion coefficients szoom and tzoom (ratio of enlargement / reduction in the visual field coordinate system in the s and t directions of the texture) used for the vector calculation are obtained.
In this case, if the texture is uniformly applied, it is not necessary to obtain this value for each triangle, and it is sufficient to specify it once at the time of shell drawing.
In addition, the
Create a shell by moving the vertex positions in triangle units. Using the normal N at the vertex and the offset nofs, the vertex position is changed as in the following
[Equation 11]
Regarding the movement of the texture coordinates, the same effect as when a different map is used is obtained by changing the offset of the texture address as shown in the following Expression 12.
(Equation 12)
Based on the map data MD13 supplied from the map
After rasterizing the primitive generated by the
Note that, as shown in
(Equation 13)
When atbl is a valid element k in the kernel, 1 / k is stored. This is because, when a pixel is inflated by the kernel, it is necessary to reduce the transmittance accordingly.
Also, a is divided by | cos (<n>, <e>) |.
It is not always necessary to hold the maximum / minimum values of x and y, but it is effective to limit the range in which filtering is performed in the
Here, the process of obtaining the two-dimensional vector <tw> in the window coordinate system in the
Basically, the pixel is enlarged in the direction of <tw>.
In the following, as shown in FIG. 11, a filter is considered in which pixels within a distance W from a straight line extending in the <tw> direction from the original pixel are effective.
A method for determining this area will be considered below. Let <g> be the vector from the source pixel to the target pixel.
As shown in FIG. 12, the distance between the target pixel and the straight line extending in the <tw> direction from the original pixel is | g | sin (<g>, <tw>).
In FIG. 13, the original pixel is shown as a white circle PXL1 and the target pixel PXL2.
From these, it is sufficient to select a target pixel by a measure such as the following
[Equation 14]
The region defined by this formula has an infinite length, but the implementation has a finite kernel size, so the defined region is also finite.
As shown in FIG. 13, <t> is converted into a two-dimensional vector <tw> in the window coordinate system.
For the transformation, when the projection matrix is P (P -1 ) t Can be carried out as follows.
[Equation 15]
Hereinafter, each process of color calculation, transparency calculation, and vector calculation will be described in more detail.
First, the calculation of the color will be described.
The color calculation includes, for example, a simplified lighting formula as shown in
(Equation 16)
Here, / T is obtained by using a hair direction vector / Tt (each element is represented by s, t, h) obtained from the map using a base vector (/ N, / PU, / PV) of a tangent space. , Based on the following equation (17).
Cdl, Csl, and Cal indicate the light source colors of diffuse, specular, and ambient, respectively. Att is an attenuation rate for introducing a self-shadow effect. Also, / Tt · s, / Tt · t, and / Tt · h represent s, t, h, and components of / Tt, respectively.
[Equation 17]
Next, the calculation of the transmittance will be described.
The transmittance α is obtained by modulating cov obtained from the map as in the following Expression 18. Here, cov represents the ratio of the hair to the texel.
(Equation 18)
Here, / n is a normal vector and / e is a line-of-sight vector. As described above, af is a flag for controlling whether to draw based on the relationship between the upper and lower limit values (hmax / hmin) and the h value specified for the shell.
The division by cos (/ n, / e) is based on the following reason.
Hair is drawn on the two-dimensional map, for example, as shown in FIG.
As shown in FIG. 15 (A), assuming that the thickness of the hair when this map is viewed from the front is correct, as shown in FIG. Looks thinner. As a result, the hair color near the edge becomes light. The above division by cos is necessary to obtain a correct image quality at the edge portion.
The necessary area of the screen can be determined by holding xmax, xmin, ymax, and ymin at the time of drawing in
Further, the
Further, the
[Equation 19]
Note that, for the content vld [] of the filter kernel used in Expression 19 and atbl [] used in
(Equation 20)
As shown in FIG. 11, a portion within the range of the
First, <tw> corresponding to each index is obtained by <tw> = (tx, ty). The index takes a value of 0 to INDEX_NUM-1 so that the index rotates counterclockwise from the positive direction of the x-axis.
<G> = (i-KERNEL_SIZE / 2...), And a vector <g> directed from the kernel center to the element (i, j) is obtained. At the same time, the size of <g> is gnorm. <G> is then normalized.
if (gnorm *...) In the following, the valid flag of a pixel whose distance from the straight line is smaller than W is set to 1. The valid flag of the pixel in the range of W or more is set to 0. Since the distance of the element (i, j) from the straight line is represented by gnorm * sin (<tw>, <g>), as shown in FIG. Can be.
The value of atbl used in
In the present embodiment, since the hair is divided for each shell, discontinuity is particularly noticeable near the edge as shown in FIG.
Originally, as shown in FIG. 16, they should be continuously expressed.
Therefore, as shown in FIG. 17, by performing filter processing on the screen, pseudo continuity can be maintained.
This filter expands pixel information in an elongated shape in the direction in which the hair is facing. In order to do this, it is necessary to provide a vector <t> indicating the direction of the hair in the window coordinate system, as shown in Expression 19 above.
Next, the operation of the image processing apparatus having the configuration shown in FIG. 1 will be described.
First, as a pre-drawing process, the
The generated two-dimensional map includes parameters (Kd, Ks, Ka, Tt, cov, and sineness) necessary for drawing the shell, and height (h) information normalized to 0 to 1. I have.
Then, the
In the
In the
In the map holding unit 12 which has received the map address MA15, the second vector data VCT is specified separately from the first vector included in the held map data, and the vicinity data of the map address (the texel of the texel necessary for the filtering process) is specified. For the map data), the absolute value of the inner product of the designated vector data VCT and the vector data included in the in-map map data is calculated.
Then, the map holding unit outputs the texel map data necessary for the filtering process to the map
The map
In the
Then, an index (index) for the filter kernel is obtained based on the obtained vector <tw> in the window coordinate system.
In the
In the
In the
As described above, according to the present embodiment, the
FIG. 18 is a diagram illustrating a state of color calculation in the present embodiment. Since the diffusion component shown in Expression 2 is monotonic to the absolute value of the inner product of the light source vector <l> and the direction vector <t>, the absolute value of the inner product in the texels T11 and T12 is interpolated as in the present embodiment. When the color calculation is performed using the result, the intermediate values of the colors at T11 and T12 can be satisfactorily obtained as shown in FIG.
Further, as is apparent from FIG. 1, there is no need to hold a plurality of color calculation units, so that hardware cost does not increase.
In the present embodiment, in an image processing apparatus that draws a drawing target object as a plurality of shells in a superimposed manner, a vector <t> based on the two-dimensional map data and the shell data as object data by the
According to this embodiment, it is possible to draw the texture of the fur when the hair is relatively short and the hair is along the skin surface, such as a deer, at high speed using a two-dimensional map. It is possible.
Further, according to the present embodiment, in color calculation, since the transmittance at the edge portion is adjusted, it is possible to obtain high image quality at the edge portion.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, it is possible to obtain an optimum color intermediate value as a result of color calculation by simple processing while preventing an increase in hardware. As a result, there is an advantage that deterioration of image quality can be prevented.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing an embodiment of an image processing apparatus according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for describing hair model creation according to the embodiment.
FIG. 3 is a diagram for describing creation of a two-dimensional map according to the embodiment;
FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating a specific process of a map holding unit according to the embodiment;
FIG. 5 is a diagram illustrating a case where the same map is used for three shells.
FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a case where hairs having a discrete inclination in the height direction are drawn.
FIG. 7 is a view for explaining a method of drawing separately on the front side and the back side with respect to the line of sight of the shell according to the embodiment.
FIG. 8 is a diagram for explaining that hair height information is lost in a state where hairs overlap each other.
FIG. 9 is a diagram for explaining a method of not losing hair height information.
FIG. 10 is a diagram for explaining a method of preparing a plurality of types of maps and drawing the image by slightly changing the height for each layer.
FIG. 11 is a diagram for explaining a method of obtaining a direction vector of window coordinates.
FIG. 12 is a diagram for explaining a method for obtaining a direction vector of window coordinates.
FIG. 13 is a diagram for explaining a method of obtaining a direction vector of window coordinates.
FIG. 14 is a diagram illustrating a drawing state of hair.
FIG. 15 is a diagram for explaining the reason for adjusting the transmittance of the edge portion.
FIG. 16 is a diagram illustrating an ideal state in which hair is continuously drawn.
It is a figure for explaining filter processing concerning this embodiment.
FIG. 18 is a diagram illustrating a state of color calculation according to the present embodiment.
FIG. 19 is a diagram for explaining that a direction vector of a linear object is stored in each texel.
FIG. 20 is a diagram illustrating a case where two direction vectors are located on opposite sides of a light source vector.
FIG. 21 is a diagram showing a state of color calculation in the case of the Kajiya lighting formula, and is a diagram for explaining a conventional problem.
[Explanation of symbols]
Claims (8)
を有する画像処理装置。Holds map data for color calculation including the first vector data, calculates the absolute value of the inner product of the separately provided second vector data and the first vector data, and calculates the absolute value of the inner product together with the calculated absolute value of the inner product. A map holding unit that outputs map data to be
A map data processing unit that performs a predetermined filtering process on the map data output by the map holding unit;
An image processing apparatus comprising: drawing means for performing a color calculation based on the map data output by the map data processing unit and performing a predetermined drawing process.
請求項1記載の画像処理装置。The image processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the map holding unit obtains a map address, and calculates an absolute value of an inner product of the second vector data and the first vector data for data near the map address.
請求項1記載の画像処理装置。The image processing device according to claim 1, wherein the map data processing unit performs linear interpolation on the map data.
請求項1記載の画像処理装置。The drawing means obtains a vector indicating a direction of a drawing target obtained by superimposing a plurality of translucent shells, changes a filter kernel based on the obtained vector, and sets a pixel in a direction toward the drawing target. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the information processing is expanded to perform a filter process for providing continuity between shells.
を有する画像処理方法。A first step of retaining map data for color calculation including first vector data;
A second step of calculating the absolute value of the inner product of the separately provided second vector data and the first vector data;
A third step of performing a predetermined filtering process on the map data including the absolute value of the inner product calculated in the second step;
A fourth step of performing a color calculation based on the map data output in the third step and performing a predetermined drawing process.
請求項5記載の画像処理方法。6. The image processing according to claim 5, wherein in the second step, a map address is acquired, and an absolute value of an inner product of the second vector data and the first vector data is calculated for data near the map address. Method.
請求項5記載の画像処理方法。6. The image processing method according to claim 5, wherein in the third step, linear interpolation is performed on the map data.
請求項5記載の画像処理方法。In the fourth step, a vector indicating the direction of the object to be drawn in which a plurality of translucent layers of shells are superimposed is obtained, a filter kernel is changed based on the obtained vector, and the direction in which the object to be drawn faces 6. The image processing method according to claim 5, wherein a filter process is performed to expand the information of the pixels to provide continuity between the shells.
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP2002211506A JP2004054621A (en) | 2002-07-19 | 2002-07-19 | Picture processor and its method |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
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JP2002211506A JP2004054621A (en) | 2002-07-19 | 2002-07-19 | Picture processor and its method |
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Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
WO2011031388A3 (en) * | 2009-09-10 | 2011-05-05 | Chevron U.S.A. Inc. | Method for converting a digital image into a multi-dimensional geo-referenced data structure |
- 2002-07-19 JP JP2002211506A patent/JP2004054621A/en active Pending
Cited By (2)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
WO2011031388A3 (en) * | 2009-09-10 | 2011-05-05 | Chevron U.S.A. Inc. | Method for converting a digital image into a multi-dimensional geo-referenced data structure |
US8605951B2 (en) | 2009-09-10 | 2013-12-10 | Chevron U.S.A. Inc. | Method for converting a digital image into a multi-dimensional geo-referenced data structure |
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