JP2004043390A - Antineoplastic agent - Google Patents

Antineoplastic agent Download PDF


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JP2004043390A JP2002204889A JP2002204889A JP2004043390A JP 2004043390 A JP2004043390 A JP 2004043390A JP 2002204889 A JP2002204889 A JP 2002204889A JP 2002204889 A JP2002204889 A JP 2002204889A JP 2004043390 A JP2004043390 A JP 2004043390A
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Masayuki Toto
唐渡 雅行
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<P>PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a new therapeutic method for the initial treatment of and relapse/intractable cases of Ph (Philadelphia chromosome)-positive leukemia( chronic myelogenous leukemia and Ph-positive acute lymphatic leukemia ). <P>SOLUTION: The method involves using an antineoplastic agent comprising a BCR-ABL (a name of gene) tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor. <P>COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO


フィラデルフィア染色体(Ph)およびそれにより生じるBCR−ABL遺伝子は、慢性骨髄性白血病のほぼ全例および成人急性リンパ性白血病の約3割に認められる、白血病の中で最も頻度の高い染色体異常およびその融合遺伝子である。即ち、BCR−ABL遺伝子はそれが認められる白血病の発症原因遺伝子であり、チロシンキナーゼ活性をもつがん遺伝子である。したがってそのキナーゼ活性を特異的に抑制することがこれらの白血病の治療上きわめて有用な治療法であると考えられてきた。2001年12月7日に本邦で発売になったメシル酸イマチニブ(商品名グリベック、ノバルティスファーマ株式会社)は、ATP結合部位に特異的・競合的に結合することにより、ABLタンパクBCR−ABLキナーゼ活性を特異的に抑制する抗腫瘍剤として注目を浴びている。実際に米国ではいち早く発売されて(2001年5月)多くの慢性骨髄性白血病(CML)やフィラデルフィア染色体陽性急性リンパ性白血病(Ph陽性 ALL)の患者に投与されており、その臨床試験の結果も報告されつつある。CMLにおいては慢性期ではメシル酸イマチニブが大部分の症例で血液学的効果をもたらすのみならず、Ph染色体が消失する細胞遺伝学的効果もかなりの症例に認められることが報告され(Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1031−1037)、一部の症例では治癒も望めるのではと期待されている。一方、CMLの移行期さらには急性転化期においてはより高容量のメシル酸イマチニブが必要であるが、それでもなお十分な効果を得るには至っていない(Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1031−1037 and Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1038−1042)。
成人ALLの中でもPh陽性ALLにおける寛解後の成績は非常にpoorであり、成人においては寛解期間は通常12ヶ月未満で、EFSは10%未満というのが一般的な成績である(Hoelzer D et al Semin Oncol 2000;27,540−59)。その中でもMDアンダーソン癌センターのhyper−CVAD regimenは比較的成績が良好で寛解期間も比較的長いが、それでも3年を過ぎると急速に生存率の低下を認め、先端的なdose−intensive regimenでもその限界を示している(Kantarjian HM, et al. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:547−561)。最近のGMALLの報告ではやはりBCR−ABLが最も強力な予後不良因子であり、前述したようにBCR−ABL陽性率は高齢と初診時白血球数増加という他の予後不良因子と密接な関連がある(p=0.0001)という事実があり(GleibnerB, et al. Blood 2002;99:1536−1543)、彼らの報告でも非移植例はほぼ全例において再発している。このように予後が明らかに不良で、成人ALLの約30%に認められるPh陽性 ALLの層別化治療は今までも検討されてきたが、早期診断の技術的な問題点と有効な治療法・抗腫瘍剤が存在しなかったことから、実現はされなかった。最近BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼに対する特異的な阻害剤であるメシル酸イマチニブが臨床導入され、CMLにおいては治療概念の大きな変革をもたらしている(Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1031−1037)。メシル酸イマチニブ単剤のPh陽性ALLおよびCML− lymphoid crisisに対する試験は、CML(blastic crisis)と同一protocolで行われ、14/20例(70%)で血液学的効果(hematologic response)が得られた(Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1038−1042.)。しかし、ほとんどの症例は3ヵ月以内に再発している(図11)。このことからメシル酸イマチニブ単独では急性期のPh陽性白血病の予後の改善は困難であると考えられる。併用療法での結果はpreliminary(予備的)なものであるが、MDACCがhyper−CVADとの併用で高いCR率を報告しており、また有害事象もメシル酸イマチニブ併用によりhyper−CVAD単独と比較して特に変わらないと報告された(Deborach AT, et al. Proc Am Soc Hematol 2001;98:803a (abstr #3340))。このような背景において、ALLの治療戦略上、Ph陽性ALLにおけるメシル酸イマチニブを用いた治療の層別化は最重要課題である。現在、世界的にPh陽性ALLに対しては、メシル酸イマチニブをなるべく早期に抗がん剤と併用して寛解率を高め、生存率の向上を図る臨床試験が始動し始めている。ただし、このようなメシル酸イマチニブを含んだ地固め療法、維持療法の寛解維持における効果は未知数であり、メシル酸イマチニブを使用していながら再発した症例に対するsalvage療法に関する知見はほとんどない。
本発明者らは、数年前よりヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤(HDAC阻害剤)による白血病の分子標的療法のメカニズムとその臨床応用の可能性を探索してきた。本発明者らの過去の研究内容は、HDAC阻害剤による単独あるいは他の分化誘導薬との併用により白血病細胞が分化誘導させることが可能で新しいタイプの分子標的治療法として注目されてきている(唐渡雅行 ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤による白血病の治療戦略 血液フロンティア 医薬ジャーナル 2000, 10; 65−77.、唐渡雅行 Annual Review 血液 2002)。このHDAC阻害剤の生物活性は多様で、われわれは前記の分化誘導効果の他にアポトーシス誘導効果、免疫修飾効果等を報告している。このような多様な生物活性はHDAC阻害剤がHDACを分子標的とした薬剤であるということに起因しているといえるだろう。HDACはクラスIからIIIまでに大別され、各クラスに複数のアイソザイムが存在するファミリーを形成している。個々のサブファミリーの選択的な役割は徐々に明らかになっているが、まだ詳細な役割分担はわかっていない。主として、ヒストンタンパクの脱アセチル化を阻害することによって、転写を制御することが作用機作と考えられている。このような作用ポイントからHDAC阻害剤を使用した治療方法を転写療法として新しいカテゴリーとして捉えることも提唱されている。
現在までのところHDAC活性を特異的に阻害する物質(HDAC阻害剤)は図12に示すようにいくつか見出されている。多彩な生物活性を示す酪酸誘導体(butyricacid/sodium butyrate/sodium phenylbutyrate)とともに天然代謝産物である可逆的なHDAC阻害剤トリコスタチンA (TSA)や不可逆的なHDAC阻害剤トラポキシン(TPX)が使い分けられてきている。TSAは赤芽球性白血病MELを分化させる物質として再発見されたが、TSAによりヒストンが高アセチル化すること、最終的にHDACがTSAの1次標的遺伝子であること、また高次構造解析よりTSAがHDACの活性中心部位に結合することが明らかにされている。TSAとTPXはともに細胞周期停止、分化誘導、Rasによる形質転換した細胞の形態の正常化、アポトーシス誘導などの多彩な細胞効果を示すことが報告されている。新しいHDAC阻害剤としてRasのリバータントとして細菌代謝産物よりスクリーニングされた藤沢薬品工業株式会社のFK228(FR901228より改称)や旧三井製薬により開発された経口投与可能な合成HDAC阻害薬MS−275がin vivoでの抗腫瘍活性が認められることより注目されている。Sloan−KetteringのP. Marksらはヒドロキサム酸(hydroxamic acid)をベースにしたhybrid polar compounds (HPC)を開発してきている。SAHAはその代表的な化合物でMELのみならずT24ヒト膀胱癌細胞株、MCF−7ヒト乳がん細胞株の終末分化を誘導する。現在、米国では上述のSAHA, FK228, MS−275を中心に臨床治験が行われている。また最近吉田らはジャパンエナジー株式会社との共同開発でTSAとTPXの構造の一部のハイブリッド化合物CHAPsについての報告を行っている(Furumai R et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Jan 2;98(1):87−92.)。CHAP1はHDAC1はTSAと同様に可逆的に抑制するが(TPXは不可逆的)、HDAC6に対してはCHAP1とTPXは阻害効果がなく、TSAは他のHDAC familyと同様に阻害するという。ここで初めて部分的にではあるがHDAC阻害剤によるHDAC間の選択性についての展望が示された。
このように白血病のみならずがん治療にとって画期的な治療概念の変換をもたらす可能性のあるHDAC阻害剤であるが、大部分は毒性のためにヒトへの投与は不可能であり、またFK228などの一部の薬剤については米国で臨床治験が行われており、本邦でヒトに投与可能なHDAC阻害剤は存在しなかった。しかし、2001年6月にJ Biol Chemにvalproic acid(バルプロ酸)にヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害活性があることが報告され、本邦において唯一臨床応用可能な承認薬として注目された。
このようなHDAC阻害剤による転写療法の概念による分子標的療法が実際にどのような分子を固有の標的としているのかについてはまだまだ未知の部分が多い。まず、既述のようにヒトHDACには3つのグループが存在し、さらにその中でも多数のアイソザイムが同定されており、既存のHDAC阻害剤がin vivoにおいてどのような容量依存的に特定のHDACを阻害するかについてはほとんどわかっていない。そもそも白血病(に限らず他のHDACによる転写抑制が腫瘍の発生・進展と関連していると想定されている腫瘍)がどのようなHDACおよびコリプレッサーと選択的に関連しているかという点そのものさえ十分に解明されていない。染色体転座によって生じる融合タンパク質による分化抑制の機序の解明は前述したようにPML−RARα, AML1−ETOを中心に解析が進んでいるが、これらがどのようなコリプレッサー群を介してどのHDACアイソザイムをリクルートしてくるのかについてもより詳細な検討が必要であろう。少なくとも本発明者らのグループらの研究より(Ozawa Y, Towatari M, Tsuzuki S et al. Histone deacetylase 3 associates with and represses the transcription factor GATA−2. Blood 2001)造血系のHDAC間の選択性はかなり強くまた多様化していると考えられ、分子標的としてとらえるならより特異的な阻害剤を創薬することが重要だと考えられる。
[1] BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤と、及びヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤と、を含んでなる抗腫瘍剤。
[2] 前記BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤と、前記ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤とが別個の製剤として調製され、使用時に組み合わされる、[1]に記載の抗腫瘍剤。
[3] 前記BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤がメシル酸イマチニブを有効成分として含有する、[1]又は[2]に記載の抗腫瘍剤。
[4] 前記ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤が、バルプロ酸、フェニルブチレート、SAHA、FR901228、MS−27−275、及びCHAPsの中から選択される一又は二以上の化合物を有効成分として含有する、[1]〜[3]のいずれかに記載の抗腫瘍剤。
[5] 慢性骨髄性白血病又はPh陽性急性リンパ性白血病の治療薬である、[1]〜[4]のいずれかに記載の抗腫瘍剤。
BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤としては副作用を極力抑える目的からBCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼに対して特異性の高いものを用いることが好ましい。メシル酸イマチニブ(Imatinib Mesilate:4−(4−Methylpiperazin−1−ylmethyl)−N−[4−methyl−3−(4−pyridin−3−ylpyrimidin−2−ylamino)phenyl]benzamide mononethanesulfonate)はこのような特異性の高いBCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤として知られており、本発明ではこれを好適に用いることができる。メシル酸イマチニブは以下の構造式で表される。尚、メシル酸イマチニブは「グリベック」(商品名、登録商標)の名称でノバルティスファーマ株式会社より販売されている。

Figure 2004043390
ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤(HDAC阻害剤)としては例えばバルプロ酸、フェニルブチレート、SAHA(suberoylanilidie hydroxamic acid)、FR901228(depsipeptide,FK228)、MS−27−275、及びCHAPs等を用いることができる。中でもバルプロ酸は抗痙攣剤として長く使用されてきた実績があり、その安全性は確立しているといえることから、これを用いることが安全性の面から特に好ましい。バルプロ酸は最近になってヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害活性があることが報告された(The EMBO Journal Vol.20 No.24 pp.6969−6978, 2001)。本発明者らの検討したところ、バルプロ酸ナトリウムの徐放剤を用いた試験において、バルプロ酸が有効血中濃度40〜120μg/mlの範囲内で有意にヒストンアセチル化を引き起こすことを確認している(図1を参照)。バルプロ酸のナトリウム塩であるバルプロ酸ナトリウムは以下の構造式で表される。尚、バルプロ酸ナトリウムは「デバケン」(商品名、登録商標)の名称で協和発酵工業株式会社より販売されている他、本邦においても複数の製薬会社より製造、販売されている。
Figure 2004043390
各剤の投与量は症状、患者の年齢、性別、及び体重などによって異なるが、当業者であれば適宜適当な投与量を設定することが可能である。例えばBCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤としてメシル酸イマチニブを採用する場合には、成人に対して一日20mg〜1,000mg(例えば400mg又は600mg)を一回ないし数回に分けて投与することができる。一方、ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤については、例えばヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤としてバルプロ酸を使用する場合には、成人に対して一日100 mg〜1,600 mg(例えば、600 mg又は800 mg)を一回ないし数回に分けて投与することができる。
<実施例1> メシル酸イマチニブとトリコスタチンA(TSA)の併用効果の検討HDAC阻害剤として代表的なトリコスタチンA(TSA)を併用した場合のメシル酸イマチニブ(以下、「STI571」ともいう)の抗腫瘍効果の変化をBCR−ABL陽性白血病細胞株K562(ATCCより供与)を使用して調べた。1 mg/μlの濃度のTSA水溶液を各試験区について所定の終濃度になるように細胞培養液中に希釈・添加し、所定時間経過後の生細胞数の比較によって殺細胞効果(アポトーシス誘導効果)を比較した。尚、すべての実験において細胞の初期濃度は1 x 105 /mlとした。また、細胞数の計測にはフローサイトメトリー及びトリパンブルー染色法(trypan
blue dye exclusion method)を利用した。
フローサイトメトリー法とトリパンブルー法では同様の結果であったため、フローサイトメトリー法での結果をまとめたグラフを図2に示す。横軸はTSA濃度、縦軸は各薬剤による処理後48時間経過した後の生細胞数である。このグラフに示されるようにヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤としてトリコスタチンA(TSA)を用いると、BCR−ABL陽性の白血病細胞株K562において、STI571による殺細胞効果(アポトーシス誘導効果)をTSAが相乗的に増強することが判明した。具体的には、例えばTSAを単独で0.5 μg/ml使用した場合には殺細胞効果はほとんど得られない。また、STI571を単独で0.5μM又は1.0μM使用した場合には、それぞれ生細胞数が60%又は30%に抑制される。一方、両者を併用することにより、生細胞数がそれぞれ20%(TSA 0.5μg/ml、STI571 0.5μM)、ほぼ0%(TSA 0.5μg/ml、STI571 1.0μM)に抑制され著明な相乗的抑制作用が認められた。
<実施例2> TSAの併用による相乗的効果のメカニズム解析
実施例1において認められたTSAの併用による相乗的効果のメカニズムを解析するために、BCR−ABL蛋白のキナーゼ活性をTSAが修飾する可能性について検討した。まず、K562細胞に図3に示したようなSTI571, TSAの組み合わせと添加時間後に、細胞を集めて全細胞抽出液を抽出し、抗ABL抗体で免疫沈降(immunoprecipitation;IP)を施行した。免疫沈降物を免疫電気泳動およびチロシンリン酸化特異的抗体(anti−Pty)でウェスタンブロッティング(immunoblotting;IB)を行った(図3、上段)。的確にIPが施行されていることを示すために、同じブロットを抗ABL抗体でウェスタンブロッティングを施行した(図3下段)。STI571は濃度依存的に数時間以内でBCR−ABLのリン酸化を低下、消失させるが(例えばSTI571単独であると0.2μMで6時間後、0.5μMで1時間後に、有意にBCR−ABLのチロシンリン酸化が低下している)、一方でSTI571とTSAを併用することにより、STI571単独では効果が認められない0.1μMの濃度でもTSA(0.5μg/ml)と併用することにより6時間後には有意にチロシンリン酸化が抑制されている。同様の相乗的な抑制効果は0.2μMのSTI571とTSA(0.5μg/ml)でも認められる。ここで、TSAが直接BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性を調節する可能性は低いと思われるが、ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤が直接的あるいは間接的にBCR−ABLを分子標的としていることは新しい発見であるとともに、ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤とSTI571を併用する理論的根拠が示されたといえる。
<実施例3> バルプロ酸を用いた併用効果の検討
図4及び図5に結果を示す。TSAを使用した場合と同様に、バルプロ酸とSTI571の併用によりBCR−ABL陽性の細胞株K562とPh陽性ALL細胞株PHの両者に対して相乗的な抗腫瘍効果が認められた。特にPH細胞は世界的にも希少なminor BCR−ABL陽性ALL患者由来のALLであり、CMLの急性転化の白血病細胞(K562等)のみならずPh陽性ALL細胞においても同様な相乗効果が認められたことは臨床応用上特筆に価する。
<実施例4> STI571耐性株に対するSTI571及びバルプロ酸の併用効果の検討
次に、低濃度から段階的にSTI571をPH細胞株に暴露させてSTI571耐性株PH−SR(SR:TI esistantより命名)を樹立した。この細胞株は通常のPH親株の5倍以上のSTI571耐性を示している。すなわち親株では1〜2μMのSTI571で殺細胞効果が発現し始めるが、耐性株では6μMのSTI571でもほとんど死滅しない(図6を参照)。このPH−SRを用いて種々の濃度のSTI571とバルプロ酸を単独又は併用で使用した場合の殺細胞効果を比較検討した。結果を図6に示す。0.5 mMのバルプロ酸を単独で使用した場合ではほとんどアポトーシスは来たさないが、STI571とバルプロ酸の両者を併用することにより、PH−SR細胞は著明なアポトーシス誘導を来たし、細胞死に至ることが認められた。この結果からバルプロ酸の併用によりSTI571耐性が克服されることが確認された。
続いて、この相乗的なアポトーシス誘導効果が直接BCR−ABL活性の抑制によるものであるのか否かを検討した。即ち、STI571とバルプロ酸の2剤が種々の濃度で存在する条件でPH−SR株をそれぞれ培養した後、全細胞抽出液を抽出し、C−ABL抗体(Transduction Laboratories)で免疫沈降した。次に、沈降物をSDS−PAGEにて分離した後、抗phosphotyrosine(ホスホチロシン)抗体(anti−Pty)を用いてウェスタンブロッティングを行った。その結果を図7に示す。バルプロ酸を併用した場合(右端のレーン)ではSTI571単独使用の場合(右端から2番目のレーン)に比べてチロシンリン酸化BCR−ABLの量が減少していることが認められる。この結果から、バルプロ酸を併用することによりBCR−ABLのチロシンリン酸化がSTI571単独使用の場合よりも強く抑制されることが証明された。
本発明者らはさらにこのような耐性解除機序が普遍的なものかどうかを検討すべく、他のSTI571耐性株を用いた実験を行った。即ち、BCR−ABL陽性白血病細胞株KCL22 細胞およびSTI571耐性細胞株KCL22/SR(自治医科大学血液腫瘍学科の永井博士より供与)を用いて上記と同様の併用実験を行った。結果は期待通りであって、耐性株(KCK22/SR)においてSTI571にバルプロ酸あるいはTSAを併用することにより相乗的な殺細胞効果が得られ、親株を死滅させる濃度であるが耐性株を死滅させることができないSTI571の濃度においても効果的に耐性株を死滅させることができた(データ示さず)。
図8にバルプロ酸を単独で用いた場合の結果を示す。図9にはバルプロ酸とSTI571を併用した場合の効果が示される。バルプロ酸は単独では0.5 mMまでは臨床サンプル1の細胞の生存に対して全く影響を及ぼさないことがわかる(図8)。この濃度(0.5 mM)においてSTI571と併用すると低濃度のSTI571(0.1 〜0.2μM)においても著明なアポトーシス誘導効果が得られることが確認された(図9)。尚、この濃度ではSTI571単独ではほとんどの細胞はアポトーシスには至っていない(図9)。
別の患者から取得したPh陽性急性リンパ性白血病細胞(サンプル2)を用いて同様に実験を行ったところ、それぞれ単独ではほとんど効果が得られない量である0.5 μM STI571と0.5 mMバルプロ酸とを併用することにより、同様に著明な増殖抑制効果が得られることが確認された(図10)。尚、ここで使用したバルプロ酸の濃度(0.5 mM≒72μg/ml)は実際に患者に適用した際の有効血中濃度(40−120μg/ml)の範囲内である。
メシル酸イマチニブはPh染色体陽性白血病においてきわめて特異的にアポトーシスを誘導する分子標的剤であり、その効果が期待されている。一方、CMLの急性転化期やPh陽性ALLにおいては単独では効果が不十分であることが報告されてきている。さらにメシル酸イマチニブ治療中に耐性に至ることが臨床的な問題となっており、早急な対策が望まれる。これに対するひとつのアプローチとしてメシル酸イマチニブと他の薬剤との併用による耐性機序の克服が考えられる。唯一報告されているのは、砒素(Arsenic trioxide)とメシル酸イマチニブとの併用で(Porosnicu M. et al. Leukemia 2001;5:772−778)、砒素とメシル酸イマチニブは協調的に殺細胞効果を引き起こすと結論付けてられている。しかし、その報告では、客観的にみて2剤の併用効果は相加的効果(additive effect)にとどまっており、本発明において認められたような相乗的な効果(synergistic effect)は得られていない。さらにメシル酸イマチニブ耐性細胞を使用した検討はなされておらず、本当に臨床的メシル酸イマチニブ耐性例に有効か明らかではない。また砒素は日米欧において薬剤として保険収載されておらず、また毒性が強いためメシル酸イマチニブとの併用により予期せぬ副作用も考えられ、臨床応用にはハードルが高い。一方で本発明の一態様として使用されるバルプロ酸は抗痙攣剤としていままでの使用の歴史も長く、その安全性は確立している。
【図1】図1はバルプロ酸非投与者及び投与患者より同意を得て核内タンパクを抽出し、抗アセチル化ヒストンH4抗体でウエスタンブロッティングを施行した結果を示す図である。in vivoにおいてヒストンH4がバルプロ酸によってアセチル化されていることが分る。
【図3】図3はTSAの併用による相乗的効果のメカニズムを解析するために行った実験結果を示す図である。STI571とTSAを併用することによりBCR−ABLのリン酸化の有意な低下、消失が認められる。図中IPはImmunoprecipitation(免疫沈降)を、IBはImmunoblotting(免疫ブロット)をそれぞれ表す。また、anti−Ptyは抗phosphotyrosine(ホスホチロシン)抗体を、anti−Abl ABは抗Abl抗体をそれぞれ表す。
【図7】図7はSTI571とバルプロ酸の併用効果が直接BCR−ABL活性を阻害することによるものか否かを検討した結果を示す図である。図中IPはImmunoprecipitation(免疫沈降)を、IBはImmunoblotting(免疫ブロット)をそれぞれ表す。また、anti−Ptyは抗phosphotyrosine(ホスホチロシン)抗体を、anti−Abl ABは抗Abl抗体をそれぞれ表す。
【図11】図11は過去に報告された、Ph陽性ALLおよびCML− lymphoid crisisに対するメシル酸イマチニブ単剤の効果を示す実験結果である(N Engl J Med 2001, Drucker BJ et al. より抜粋)。
[Industrial applications]
The present invention relates to an antitumor agent. Specifically, the present invention relates to an antitumor agent using a combination of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor. The antitumor agent of the present invention is used for treating leukemia caused by the BCR-ABL gene.
[Prior art]
The Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) and the resulting BCR-ABL gene are the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities among leukemias found in almost all cases of chronic myeloid leukemia and about 30% of adult acute lymphocytic leukemia. It is a fusion gene. That is, the BCR-ABL gene is a causative gene of leukemia in which it is recognized, and is an oncogene having tyrosine kinase activity. Therefore, specific inhibition of its kinase activity has been considered to be a very useful therapeutic method for the treatment of these leukemias. Imatinib mesylate (trade name Gleevec, Novartis Pharma Co., Ltd.), which was released in Japan on December 7, 2001, binds specifically and competitively to the ATP-binding site, thereby producing ACR protein BCR-ABL kinase activity. Has attracted attention as an anti-tumor agent that specifically inhibits the activity of In fact, it was first launched in the United States (May 2001) and has been administered to many patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia (Ph-positive ALL). Are also being reported. In the chronic phase, it has been reported that in the chronic phase, imatinib mesylate not only has a hematological effect in most cases, but also a cytogenetic effect in which Ph chromosome is lost is observed in a considerable number of cases (Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1031-1037), and in some cases, it is expected that healing can be expected. On the other hand, higher doses of imatinib mesylate are needed during the transitional and even blast crisis phases of CML, but they have not yet achieved sufficient effects (Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1031-1037 and Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1038-1042).
Among adult ALL, the results after remission in Ph-positive ALL are very poor, and in adults, the remission period is generally less than 12 months, and EFS is generally less than 10% (Hoelzer D et al.). Semin Oncol 2000; 27,540-59). Among them, hyper-CVAD regimen of MD Anderson Cancer Center has relatively good results and a relatively long remission period, but after 3 years, the survival rate is rapidly reduced, and even in advanced dose-intensive regimen, Indicate the limits (Kantarjian HM, et al. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18: 547-561). In recent GMALL reports, BCR-ABL is still the strongest poor prognostic factor, and as mentioned above, the BCR-ABL positive rate is closely related to other poor prognostic factors, such as elderly and increased white blood cell count at the first visit ( p = 0.0001) (Gleibner B, et al. Blood 2002; 99: 1536-1543), and in their reports, non-transplanted cases recur in almost all cases. Thus, stratified treatment of Ph-positive ALL, which has a clearly poor prognosis and is observed in about 30% of adult ALL, has been studied so far, but the technical problems of early diagnosis and effective treatment methods -Not realized because no antitumor agent was present. Recently, imatinib mesylate, a specific inhibitor for BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, has been clinically introduced and has brought about a major change in the concept of treatment in CML (Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1031). -1037). The test of imatinib mesylate alone against Ph-positive ALL and CML-lymphoid crisis was performed with the same protocol as CML (blastic crisis), and a hematological response was obtained in 14/20 cases (70%). (Druker BJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1038-1042.). However, most cases have recurred within three months (FIG. 11). From this, it is considered that it is difficult to improve the prognosis of Ph-positive leukemia in the acute phase using imatinib mesylate alone. The results of the combination therapy are preliminary (preliminary), but MDACC reports a high CR rate in combination with hyper-CVAD, and adverse events compared with hyper-CVAD alone with imatinib mesylate (Deborach AT, et al. Proc Am Soc Hematol 2001; 98: 803a (abstr # 3340)). Against this background, stratification of treatment with imatinib mesylate in Ph-positive ALL is of paramount importance in the treatment strategy of ALL. At present, clinical trials have begun for Ph-positive ALL with imatinib mesylate in combination with an anticancer drug as early as possible to increase the remission rate and improve the survival rate. However, the effects of such consolidation therapy and maintenance therapy containing imatinib mesylate on maintaining remission are unknown, and there is almost no knowledge about salvage therapy for patients who have relapsed while using imatinib mesylate.
A further clinical problem is that rather than the initial refractory case of imatinib mesylate, a relatively high incidence of resistance to the drug occurs during treatment with imatinib mesylate. This is considered to be a major cause of inadequate efficacy during treatment, leading to complete cytological remission or relapse once remitted. Recent studies on the mechanism of resistance have shown that point mutations in the ATP binding site of the BCR-ABL gene, gene amplification of the BCR-ABL gene, or factors that are not abnormal in the BCR-ABL gene itself and are downstream of the signal. Has been reported. The fact that such abnormalities in expression as well as structural abnormalities at the gene level are involved in resistance to imatinib mesylate modifies the action of imatinib mesylate itself in some way without altering its mechanism of action This gives hope for the possibility of overcoming resistance.
The present inventors have been exploring the mechanism of molecular targeted therapy of leukemia with histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDAC inhibitors) for several years and the possibility of its clinical application. The content of past studies by the present inventors has attracted attention as a new type of molecular targeted therapy that can induce differentiation of leukemia cells by HDAC inhibitors alone or in combination with other differentiation inducers ( Masayuki Towatari Therapeutic strategy of leukemia by histone deacetylase inhibitor Blood Frontier Pharmaceutical Journal 2000, 10; 65-77., Masayuki Towatari Annual Review Blood 2002). The biological activity of this HDAC inhibitor is diverse, and we have reported an apoptosis-inducing effect, an immunomodulating effect, etc., in addition to the above-mentioned differentiation-inducing effect. Such diverse biological activities may be attributable to the fact that HDAC inhibitors are drugs targeting HDACs molecularly. HDACs are roughly classified into classes I to III, and form a family in which each class has a plurality of isozymes. The selective role of each subfamily is gradually elucidated, but the detailed role assignment is not yet known. It is thought that the mechanism of action is mainly to control transcription by inhibiting deacetylation of histone proteins. From such a point of action, it has also been proposed to treat treatment methods using HDAC inhibitors as a new category as transcription therapy.
To date, some substances that specifically inhibit HDAC activity (HDAC inhibitors) have been found as shown in FIG. The reversible HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) and the irreversible HDAC inhibitor trapoxin (TPX), which are natural metabolites, have been used together with butyric acid derivatives (butyric acid / sodium butyrate / sodium phenylbutyrate) exhibiting various biological activities. ing. Although TSA was rediscovered as a substance that differentiates erythroblastic leukemia MEL, it was found that histones were highly acetylated by TSA, and that HDAC was ultimately the primary target gene of TSA. TSA has been shown to bind to the active center site of HDAC. It has been reported that both TSA and TPX exhibit various cell effects such as cell cycle arrest, differentiation induction, normalization of transformed cell morphology by Ras, and induction of apoptosis. As a new HDAC inhibitor, FK228 (renamed from FR901228) of Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., which was screened from bacterial metabolites as a revertant of Ras, and an orally administrable synthetic HDAC inhibitor MS-275 developed by former Mitsui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Attention has been paid to the fact that antitumor activity in vivo is observed. Ploan of Sloan-Kettering. Marks et al. Have developed hybrid polar compounds (HPC) based on hydroxamic acid. SAHA is a typical compound that induces terminal differentiation of not only MEL but also T24 human bladder cancer cell line and MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line. At present, clinical trials are being conducted in the United States mainly on the above-mentioned SAHA, FK228, and MS-275. Recently, Yoshida et al. Have reported on some hybrid compounds CHAPs having the structure of TSA and TPX in joint development with Japan Energy Co., Ltd. (Furumai R et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001 Jan 2). 98 (1): 87-92.). Although CHAP1 inhibits HDAC1 reversibly like TSA (TPX is irreversible), CHAP1 and TPX have no inhibitory effects on HDAC6, and TSA inhibits HDAC1 like other HDAC families. Here, for the first time, a perspective on the selectivity among HDACs by HDAC inhibitors was presented.
Although this is a potential HDAC inhibitor for leukemia as well as cancer treatment, it can bring about a revolutionary change in the concept of treatment. Some drugs such as FK228 are undergoing clinical trials in the United States, and there are no HDAC inhibitors that can be administered to humans in Japan. However, in June 2001, J Biol Chem was reported to have a valproic acid (valproic acid) inhibitory activity on histone deacetylase, and attracted attention as the only approved clinically applicable drug in Japan.
There are still many unknowns as to what kind of molecule is actually targeted by such a targeted therapy based on the concept of transcription therapy using an HDAC inhibitor. First, as described above, there are three groups of human HDACs, and among them, a number of isozymes have been identified, and existing HDAC inhibitors can identify specific HDACs in vivo in any dose-dependent manner. Little is known about the inhibition. In the first place, what kind of HDAC and co-repressor is selectively associated with leukemia (tumors whose transcriptional repression by other HDACs is assumed to be related to the development and progression of tumors) Not fully understood. As described above, analysis of the mechanism of suppression of differentiation by a fusion protein caused by chromosomal translocation is progressing mainly on PML-RARa and AML1-ETO. More detailed examination will also be needed on whether to recruit isozymes. At least from the study of the group of the present inventors (Ozawa Y, Towari M, Tsuzuki S et al. Histone deacetylase 3 associates with and represses. It is thought to be strong and diversified, and it is important to find more specific inhibitors if they can be considered as molecular targets.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
As described above, recently, imatinib mesylate can be used almost simultaneously in Japan, the United States, and Europe for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), which is a typical disease of the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph) -positive leukemia. Bringing the gospel. On the other hand, the use of imatinib mesylate has shown early refractoryness, and a new therapeutic strategy is required for relapsed or refractory CML or Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia. An object of the present invention is to provide a new treatment for initial treatment of Ph-positive leukemia (chronic myeloid leukemia and Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia) and for relapsed or refractory cases in order to meet such a demand. .
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Although various HDAC inhibitors have been developed and their pharmacological effects have been studied, they are mainly expected to be single agents and to expect the effects of HDAC inhibitors as anticancer agents. The present inventors have thought that eliminating the abnormal gene expression regulation in cancer from the specific mechanism of action of this drug should be a basic strategy. On the other hand, by using an HDAC inhibitor at a concentration lower than the concentration that induces apoptosis, it is expected that non-specific side effects can be reduced and long-term use is possible. For at least some types of leukemia, molecular targeted therapy based on the concept of such transcription therapy with HDAC inhibitors, which is different from solid cancer, is expected to be effective. Therefore, the present inventors have focused on HDAC inhibitors having various physiological activities, and may have a combined effect of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, which is a molecular target drug, and an HDAC inhibitor. Various investigations were conducted on the assumption that the antitumor effect of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor might be enhanced by the inhibitor. As a result, surprisingly, by using a combination of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor HDAC inhibitor, the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor in a BCR-ABL-positive leukemia cell line -The inhibitory effect of ABL activity was markedly enhanced, and as a result, a synergistic antitumor effect was observed. These synergistic effects were similarly confirmed in experiments using BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor-resistant cell lines and clinically isolated leukemia cells. The present invention has been completed based on the above findings, and provides the following configurations.
[1] An antitumor agent comprising a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor.
[2] The antitumor agent according to [1], wherein the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor are prepared as separate preparations, and are combined at the time of use.
[3] The antitumor agent according to [1] or [2], wherein the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor contains imatinib mesylate as an active ingredient.
[4] The histone deacetylase inhibitor contains, as an active ingredient, one or more compounds selected from valproic acid, phenylbutyrate, SAHA, FR901228, MS-27-275, and CHAPs. , [1] to [3].
[5] The antitumor agent according to any one of [1] to [4], which is a therapeutic agent for chronic myeloid leukemia or Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia.
A first aspect of the present invention relates to an antitumor agent, which comprises a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor. In the antitumor agent of the present invention, both components of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor may be used in combination at least. That is, both components need not necessarily be contained in a single preparation. Therefore, the antitumor agent of the present invention may be constituted as a preparation containing both components, or a preparation containing each component may be prepared and combined at the time of use.
The BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor refers to a drug having an action of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase activity of a protein that is an expression product of the BCR-ABL gene. The BCR-ABL gene is a fusion gene generated by a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and chromosome 22, and its gene product is known as a direct causative gene of chronic myeloid leukemia and the like.
As the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, it is preferable to use a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase with high specificity for the purpose of minimizing side effects. Imatinib mesylate (Imatinib Mesilate: 4- (4-Methylpiperazin-1-ylmethyl) -N- [4-methyl-3- (4-pyridin-3-ylpyrimidin-2-ylamino) phenylone] benzamideon It is known as a highly specific BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, and can be suitably used in the present invention. Imatinib mesylate is represented by the following structural formula. In addition, imatinib mesylate is sold by Novartis Pharma Co., Ltd. under the name of "Gleevec" (trade name, registered trademark).
Embedded image
Figure 2004043390
In addition, various derivatives obtained by modifying a known BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor to such an extent that its action is not impaired can also be used as the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor in the present invention.
As the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDAC inhibitor), for example, valproic acid, phenylbutyrate, SAHA (suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid), FR901228 (depsipeptide, FK228), MS-27-275, and CHAPs can be used. . Among them, valproic acid has a long track record of being used as an anticonvulsant, and it can be said that its safety has been established. Therefore, its use is particularly preferable from the viewpoint of safety. Valproic acid has recently been reported to have histone deacetylase inhibitory activity (The EMBO Journal Vol. 20 No. 24 pp. 6969-6978, 2001). The present inventors have studied and confirmed that valproic acid significantly induced histone acetylation in an effective blood concentration range of 40 to 120 μg / ml in a test using a sustained release agent of sodium valproate. (See FIG. 1). Sodium valproate, a sodium salt of valproic acid, is represented by the following structural formula. In addition, sodium valproate is sold by Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd. under the name of "Devaken" (trade name, registered trademark), and is also manufactured and sold by a plurality of pharmaceutical companies in Japan.
Embedded image
Figure 2004043390
In addition, various derivatives obtained by modifying a known histone deacetylase inhibitor to such an extent that its action is not impaired can also be used as the histone deacetylase inhibitor in the present invention.
The antitumor agent of the present invention is formulated according to a conventional method. When formulated, other pharmaceutically acceptable components (eg, carriers, excipients, disintegrants, buffers, emulsifiers, suspensions, soothing agents, stabilizers, preservatives, preservatives, physiological Saline, etc.). As an excipient, lactose, starch, sorbitol, D-mannitol, sucrose and the like can be used. As a disintegrant, starch, carboxymethyl cellulose, calcium carbonate and the like can be used. Phosphate, citrate, acetate and the like can be used as the buffer. As the emulsifier, gum arabic, sodium alginate, tragacanth and the like can be used. As a suspending agent, glycerin monostearate, aluminum monostearate, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxymethylcellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate and the like can be used. Benzyl alcohol, chlorobutanol, sorbitol and the like can be used as the soothing agent. As a stabilizer, propylene glycol, diethylin sulfite, ascorbic acid, and the like can be used. As a preservative, phenol, benzalkonium chloride, benzyl alcohol, chlorobutanol, methyl paraben and the like can be used. As a preservative, benzalkonium chloride, paraoxybenzoic acid, chlorobutanol and the like can be used.
The form of the preparation is not particularly limited, and it can be prepared, for example, as tablets, powders, fine granules, granules, capsules, syrups, injections, external preparations, suppositories and the like. The antitumor agent of the present invention thus formulated can be applied to a patient by oral administration or parenteral administration (intravenous, intraarterial, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal injection, etc.) depending on its form.
The antitumor agent of the present invention is used for the treatment of leukemia caused by the BCR-ABL gene, that is, Ph-positive leukemia (chronic myeloid leukemia and Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia). As shown in the Examples below, by using a histone deacetylase inhibitor in combination with a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, the antitumor effect of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor is synergistically increased. You. This synergistic effect enables effective treatment of Ph-positive leukemia, and also enables effective treatment of a case in which the effect was not obtained by single administration of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor alone. Further, the side effect can be reduced by reducing the dose of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor.
According to the second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for treating leukemia (Ph-positive leukemia) using the above antitumor agent. In the treatment method of the present invention, a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor are administered so that they cooperatively act in vivo. In other words, a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor are used in combination, and the antitumor effect of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor is synergistically increased by the histone deacetylase inhibitor. You. It is not always necessary to simultaneously administer the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor as long as the two agents work cooperatively in vivo. The following methods can be exemplified as a method for administering both agents. (1) administration of a single drug containing both a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor, or (2) a drug containing a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, This is a method of simultaneously administering two drugs, ie, a drug containing a histone deacetylase inhibitor. In the latter method, the administration route of each drug may be the same (for example, both drugs are orally administered) or may be different (for example, one drug is orally administered and the other is administered parenterally such as subcutaneous injection). Here, the term “simultaneous administration” means that both drugs are administered without substantially leaving a time interval literally, and administration is performed so that the actions of both drugs occur substantially simultaneously in a living body. For example, a time difference may be provided between administrations of each agent in consideration of the time required until the action is locally exerted after administration.
The dose of each agent varies depending on the condition, age, sex, weight, etc. of the patient, but those skilled in the art can appropriately set an appropriate dose. For example, when imatinib mesylate is employed as a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor, 20 mg to 1,000 mg (e.g., 400 mg or 600 mg) per day may be administered to an adult in one or several divided doses. it can. On the other hand, with respect to histone deacetylase inhibitors, for example, when valproic acid is used as a histone deacetylase inhibitor, 100 mg to 1600 mg / day (for example, 600 mg or 800 mg / day) for adults. mg) can be administered in one or several divided doses.
<Example 1> Examination of the combined effect of imatinib mesylate and trichostatin A (TSA) Imatinib mesylate (hereinafter also referred to as "STI571") when trichostatin A (TSA), a typical HDAC inhibitor, was used in combination Was examined using BCR-ABL-positive leukemia cell line K562 (provided by ATCC). A 1 mg / μl aqueous solution of TSA was diluted and added to the cell culture solution to a predetermined final concentration for each test group, and the cell killing effect (apoptosis induction effect) was determined by comparing the number of viable cells after a predetermined time. ) Were compared. In all experiments, the initial concentration of cells was 1 × 10 5 / Ml. In addition, flow cytometry and trypan blue staining (trypan blue staining)
A blue dye exclusion method was used.
Since the flow cytometry method and the trypan blue method gave similar results, FIG. 2 shows a graph summarizing the results obtained by the flow cytometry method. The horizontal axis is the TSA concentration, and the vertical axis is the number of living cells 48 hours after treatment with each drug. As shown in this graph, when trichostatin A (TSA) was used as a histone deacetylase inhibitor, TSA synergized with the cell killing effect (apoptosis induction effect) of STI571 in BCR-ABL-positive leukemia cell line K562. It was found that it strengthened. Specifically, for example, when TSA is used alone at 0.5 μg / ml, almost no cell killing effect is obtained. When STI571 is used alone at 0.5 μM or 1.0 μM, the viable cell count is suppressed to 60% or 30%, respectively. On the other hand, by using both of them, the viable cell count was suppressed to 20% (TSA 0.5 μg / ml, STI571 0.5 μM) and almost 0% (TSA 0.5 μg / ml, STI571 1.0 μM), respectively. A clear synergistic inhibitory effect was observed.
<Example 2> Mechanism analysis of synergistic effect by combined use of TSA
To analyze the mechanism of the synergistic effect of the combined use of TSA observed in Example 1, the possibility of modifying the kinase activity of BCR-ABL protein by TSA was examined. First, after the combination of STI571 and TSA as shown in FIG. 3 and the addition time to K562 cells, the cells were collected, a whole cell extract was extracted, and immunoprecipitation (immunoprecipitation; IP) was performed with an anti-ABL antibody. The immunoprecipitate was subjected to immunoblotting and immunoblotting (IB) using a tyrosine phosphorylation-specific antibody (anti-Pty) (FIG. 3, upper panel). To show that IP was properly performed, the same blot was subjected to Western blotting with an anti-ABL antibody (FIG. 3, lower panel). STI571 reduces and eliminates the phosphorylation of BCR-ABL within several hours in a concentration-dependent manner (for example, when STI571 alone is used, the BCR-ABL significantly decreases after 6 hours at 0.2 μM and 1 hour at 0.5 μM). Tyrosine phosphorylation is reduced). On the other hand, by using STI571 in combination with TSA, even when STI571 alone is not effective at a concentration of 0.1 μM, it can be used in combination with TSA (0.5 μg / ml). After time, tyrosine phosphorylation is significantly suppressed. A similar synergistic inhibitory effect is seen with 0.2 μM STI571 and TSA (0.5 μg / ml). Here, it is unlikely that TSA directly regulates BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity, but it is a new discovery that histone deacetylase inhibitors directly or indirectly target BCR-ABL. In addition, it can be said that the rationale for using the histone deacetylase inhibitor in combination with STI571 was shown.
<Example 3> Examination of combination effect using valproic acid
Next, an experiment was conducted using valproic acid, a licensed drug that can be clinically used as a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Valproic acid (trade name Depaken) was provided by Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd., and the original droplet was dissolved in ethanol and used. The same concentration of ethanol was used as a control for the group not using valproic acid. In this example, the effect on the Ph-positive ALL cell line established by the present inventors (unreported, unnamed: tentatively named PH) was examined in addition to the BCR-ABL-positive cell line K562. The number of living cells was measured by the trypan blue method, and the other experimental methods were the same as in Example 2.
4 and 5 show the results. As in the case of using TSA, a synergistic antitumor effect was observed on both the BCR-ABL-positive cell line K562 and the Ph-positive ALL cell line PH by the combination use of valproic acid and STI571. In particular, PH cells are rare in the world and are derived from allogeneic minor BCR-ABL-positive ALL patients. Similar synergistic effects are observed not only on leukemia cells with blast crisis of CML (such as K562) but also on Ph-positive ALL cells. This is particularly noteworthy for clinical applications.
<Example 4> Examination of combined effect of STI571 and valproic acid on STI571 resistant strain
Next, STI571 was gradually exposed to the PH cell line from a low concentration to obtain an STI571 resistant strain PH-SR (SR: S TI r estistant). This cell line shows STI571 resistance that is at least 5 times higher than that of a normal PH parent line. That is, in the parent strain, the cell killing effect starts to be expressed at 1-2 μM STI571, but in the resistant strain, it is hardly killed even by 6 μM STI571 (see FIG. 6). Using this PH-SR, the cell killing effect of using various concentrations of STI571 and valproic acid alone or in combination was examined. FIG. 6 shows the results. Apoptosis hardly occurs when 0.5 mM valproic acid is used alone, but by using both STI571 and valproic acid, PH-SR cells induce remarkable apoptosis and cause cell death. Was found to be reached. From these results, it was confirmed that STI571 resistance was overcome by the combined use of valproic acid.
Subsequently, it was examined whether or not this synergistic apoptosis-inducing effect was directly attributable to suppression of BCR-ABL activity. That is, after culturing the PH-SR strain under conditions in which the two agents of STI571 and valproic acid were present at various concentrations, a whole cell extract was extracted and immunoprecipitated with a C-ABL antibody (Transduction Laboratories). Next, the precipitate was separated by SDS-PAGE, and then Western blotting was performed using an anti-phosphotyrosine (phosphotyrosine) antibody (anti-Pty). FIG. 7 shows the result. It can be seen that the amount of tyrosine-phosphorylated BCR-ABL is reduced when valproic acid is used in combination (right lane) as compared to when STI571 is used alone (second lane from right). From these results, it was proved that the combined use of valproic acid suppressed the tyrosine phosphorylation of BCR-ABL more strongly than the case of using STI571 alone.
The present inventors further conducted experiments using other STI571-resistant strains in order to examine whether such a mechanism for releasing resistance is universal. That is, the same combination experiment as described above was performed using BCR-ABL-positive leukemia cell line KCL22 cells and STI571-resistant cell line KCL22 / SR (provided by Dr. Nagai of Jichi Medical University, Department of Hematology and Oncology). The results are as expected, and a synergistic cell killing effect can be obtained by using valproic acid or TSA together with STI571 in the resistant strain (KCK22 / SR), and the resistant strain is killed at a concentration that kills the parent strain. Resistant strains could be effectively killed even at concentrations of STI571 that could not (data not shown).
Finally, it was examined whether the synergistic antitumor effect as observed in the above cell lines was observed in fresh Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia cells (sample 1) derived from actual patients. The experimental method was the same as the method described above.
FIG. 8 shows the results when valproic acid was used alone. FIG. 9 shows the effect when valproic acid and STI571 are used in combination. It can be seen that valproic acid alone has no effect on the survival of cells in clinical sample 1 up to 0.5 mM (FIG. 8). When this concentration (0.5 mM) was used in combination with STI571, it was confirmed that a marked apoptosis-inducing effect was obtained even at a low concentration of STI571 (0.1 to 0.2 μM) (FIG. 9). At this concentration, most cells did not undergo apoptosis with STI571 alone (FIG. 9).
When a similar experiment was performed using Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (sample 2) obtained from another patient, 0.5 μM STI571 and 0.5 mM, which were hardly effective when used alone, were used. It was confirmed that the use of valproic acid in combination also produced a remarkable growth inhibitory effect (FIG. 10). The concentration of valproic acid used here (0.5 mMμ72 μg / ml) is within the range of the effective blood concentration (40-120 μg / ml) when actually applied to patients.
From the results of each of the above examples, it was shown that a histone deacetylase inhibitor such as valproic acid could enhance the effect of STI571 and overcome the resistance.
The present invention is not limited to the description of the embodiment and the example of the above invention. Various modifications are included in the present invention without departing from the scope of the claims and within the scope of those skilled in the art.
【The invention's effect】
Imatinib mesylate is a molecular targeting agent that induces apoptosis very specifically in Ph chromosome positive leukemia, and its effects are expected. On the other hand, it has been reported that the effect alone is insufficient in the blast crisis phase of CML and Ph-positive ALL. Furthermore, the development of resistance during imatinib mesylate treatment is a clinical problem, and urgent measures are desired. One approach to this would be to overcome the mechanism of resistance by combining imatinib mesylate with other drugs. The only reports are the combination of arsenic (Arsenic trioxide) and imatinib mesylate (Porosnicu M. et al. Leukemia 2001; 5: 772-778), and arsenic and imatinib mesylate have a cooperative cell killing effect. It is concluded that it causes However, in the report, the combined effect of the two agents is objectively limited to an additive effect, and a synergistic effect as observed in the present invention has not been obtained. . Furthermore, no study using imatinib mesylate-resistant cells has been made, and it is not clear whether it is really effective in clinically imatinib mesylate-resistant cases. In addition, arsenic is not listed as a drug in Japan, the United States, and Europe as an insurance agent, and because of its high toxicity, unexpected side effects can be considered when used in combination with imatinib mesylate, which poses a high hurdle for clinical application. On the other hand, valproic acid used as one embodiment of the present invention has a long history of use as an anticonvulsant, and its safety has been established.
In the present invention, it has been found that a synergistic cell-killing effect by the combined use of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and an HDAC inhibitor is caused by synergistically suppressing the tyrosine kinase activity of BCR-ABL itself. It is unique. Although it is originally thought that the action point of the HDAC inhibitor is in the nucleus, in fact, various biological activities are considered, and one of them is considered to target the BCR-ABL itself existing in the cytoplasm. In fact, it has been found that some of the HDAC isozymes are present mainly in the cytoplasm but not in the nucleus in a cell-specific or differentiation stage-specific manner. It has been reported that the treatment of TDAC among HDAC inhibitors modifies the activity of MAP kinase, a cytoplasmic kinase, and that it is sufficient to directly or indirectly regulate the activity of ABL kinase, another kinase. Expected. In fact, the activity was suppressed relatively shortly (6 hours) after the administration of the HDAC inhibitor, even if the direct control that does not require the production of new proteins is performed. Easy to understand. In a previously reported paper on the combination of arsenic and STI571, the decrease in the expression of BCR-ABL protein 48 hours after addition was cited as a reason for the additive effect. Dephosphorylation has been observed in a few hours. In the study of the present inventors, it was confirmed that the apoptosis of the cells progressed and the expression of BCR-ABL decreased 48 hours after the addition, which was not a drug-specific action but a result of universal cell damage. It is thought that it is.
At present, the detailed molecular mechanism of the cooperative action of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the HDCA inhibitor is unknown, but in conclusion, the antitumor effect generated by the combination of these two agents Can be said to have high expectations for overcoming the resistance to imatinib mesylate. The effects are obviously synergistic, not merely additive. This effect was confirmed in a plurality of BCR-ABL-positive leukemia cell lines and clinically isolated Ph-positive leukemia cells, and was further confirmed by verification using imatinib mesylate-resistant strains. The antitumor agent provided by the present invention and a therapeutic method using the same are a new type of therapy called imatinib mesylate, a revolutionary molecular target drug that has already been clinically applied, and transcription therapy with unlimited potential. It is possible to use the HDAC inhibitor, the flagship of the concept, and is expected to play a pioneering role in the treatment of cancer in a new era.
Hereinafter, the following matters will be disclosed.
11. A method for treating leukemia, comprising the following step (i):
(I) a step of administering a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor to a living body such that both act synergistically in the living body;
12. A method for treating leukemia, comprising the following step (I):
(I) a step of simultaneously administering a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor to a living body;
13. 10. the leukemia is chronic myeloid leukemia or Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia; Or 12. The method of treatment described in 1.
14. 10. The BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor contains imatinib mesylate as an active ingredient; ~ 13. The antitumor agent according to any one of the above.
15. 10. The histone deacetylase inhibitor contains, as an active ingredient, one or more compounds selected from valproic acid, phenylbutyrate, SAHA, FR901228, MS-27-275, and CHAPs. ~ 14. The antitumor agent according to any one of the above.
21. Use of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor for the manufacture of a therapeutic agent for leukemia.
22. 20. The leukemia is chronic myeloid leukemia or Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia. Use of a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor according to the above.
23. 21. The BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor contains imatinib mesylate as an active ingredient. Or a use of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor according to 22.
24. 20. The histone deacetylase inhibitor contains as an active ingredient one or more compounds selected from valproic acid, phenylbutyrate, SAHA, FR901228, MS-27-275, and CHAPs. ~ 23. Use of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor according to any one of the above.
[Brief description of the drawings]
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a diagram showing the results of extracting nuclear proteins with the consent of a valproic acid non-administered patient and a treated patient, and performing Western blotting with an anti-acetylated histone H4 antibody. It can be seen that histone H4 is acetylated by valproic acid in vivo.
FIG. 2 is a graph showing the combined effect of imatinib mesylate and trichostatin A (TSA). The horizontal axis represents the TSA concentration, and the vertical axis represents the number of living cells (%) 48 hours after the drug treatment.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the results of an experiment performed to analyze the mechanism of the synergistic effect of the combined use of TSA. By using STI571 in combination with TSA, the phosphorylation of BCR-ABL is significantly reduced or eliminated. In the figure, IP represents Immunoprecipitation (immunoprecipitation), and IB represents Immunoblotting (immunoblot). Further, anti-Pty represents an anti-phosphotyrosine (phosphotyrosine) antibody, and anti-Abl AB represents an anti-Abl antibody.
FIG. 4 is a graph showing the effect on the K562 strain when valproic acid is used in combination with STI571. The horizontal axis represents the STI571 concentration, and the vertical axis represents the number of living cells (%) 48 hours after the drug treatment.
FIG. 5 is a graph showing the effect on PH strain when valproic acid is used in combination with STI571. The horizontal axis represents the STI571 concentration, and the vertical axis represents the number of living cells (%) 48 hours after the drug treatment.
FIG. 6 is a graph showing the combined effect of STI571 and valproic acid on STI571-resistant strains. The horizontal axis represents the STI571 concentration, and the vertical axis represents the number of living cells (%) 48 hours after the drug treatment.
FIG. 7 is a graph showing the results of an investigation as to whether the combined effect of STI571 and valproic acid was directly attributable to BCR-ABL activity. In the figure, IP represents Immunoprecipitation (immunoprecipitation), and IB represents Immunoblotting (immunoblot). Further, anti-Pty represents an anti-phosphotyrosine (phosphotyrosine) antibody, and anti-Abl AB represents an anti-Abl antibody.
FIG. 8 is a graph showing the effect of using valproic acid alone on Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells derived from patients. The horizontal axis represents the valproic acid concentration, and the vertical axis represents the number of viable cells (%) after 48 hours from the drug treatment.
FIG. 9 is a graph showing a synergistic antitumor effect of a combination use of STI571 and valproic acid on Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (sample 1) derived from a patient. The horizontal axis is the STI571 concentration, and the vertical axis is the number (%) of cells causing apoptosis 3 days after the drug treatment.
FIG. 10 is a graph showing a synergistic antitumor effect of a combined use of STI571 and valproic acid on Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (sample 2) derived from another patient. The horizontal axis is the STI571 concentration, and the vertical axis is the number (%) of cells causing apoptosis 3 days after the drug treatment.
FIG. 11 is an experimental result showing the effect of imatinib mesylate alone on Ph-positive ALL and CML-lymphoid crisis, as reported in the past (excerpt from N Engl J Med 2001, Drucker BJ et al.). .
FIG. 12 is a table listing representative histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors classified by chemical structure.

Claims (5)

BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤と、及びヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤と、を含んでなる抗腫瘍剤。An antitumor agent comprising a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and a histone deacetylase inhibitor. 前記BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤と、前記ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤とが別個の製剤として調製され、使用時に組み合わされる、請求項1に記載の抗腫瘍剤。The antitumor agent according to claim 1, wherein the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor and the histone deacetylase inhibitor are prepared as separate preparations, and are combined at the time of use. 前記BCR−ABLチロシンキナーゼ活性阻害剤がメシル酸イマチニブを有効成分として含有する、請求項1又は2に記載の抗腫瘍剤。The antitumor agent according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity inhibitor contains imatinib mesylate as an active ingredient. 前記ヒストン脱アセチル化酵素阻害剤が、バルプロ酸、フェニルブチレート、SAHA、FR901228、MS−27−275、及びCHAPsの中から選択される一又は二以上の化合物を有効成分として含有する、請求項1〜3のいずれかに記載の抗腫瘍剤。The said histone deacetylase inhibitor contains as an active ingredient one or more compounds selected from valproic acid, phenylbutyrate, SAHA, FR901228, MS-27-275, and CHAPs. 4. The antitumor agent according to any one of 1 to 3, above. 慢性骨髄性白血病又はPh陽性急性リンパ性白血病の治療薬である、請求項1〜4のいずれかに記載の抗腫瘍剤。The antitumor agent according to any one of claims 1 to 4, which is a therapeutic agent for chronic myeloid leukemia or Ph-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia.
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