HUE028392T2 - Dispensing unit - Google Patents

Dispensing unit Download PDF


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HUE028392T2 HUE13728922A HUE13728922A HUE028392T2 HU E028392 T2 HUE028392 T2 HU E028392T2 HU E13728922 A HUE13728922 A HU E13728922A HU E13728922 A HUE13728922 A HU E13728922A HU E028392 T2 HUE028392 T2 HU E028392T2
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Hans Georg Hagleitner
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Hans Georg Hagleitner
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Application filed by Hans Georg Hagleitner filed Critical Hans Georg Hagleitner
Publication of HUE028392T2 publication Critical patent/HUE028392T2/en



    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/0005Components or details
    • B05B11/0062Outlet valves actuated by the pressure of the fluid to be sprayed
    • B05B11/0064Lift valves
    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/0005Components or details
    • B05B11/0062Outlet valves actuated by the pressure of the fluid to be sprayed
    • B05B11/0072A valve member forming part of an outlet opening
    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/01Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use characterised by the means producing the flow
    • B05B11/10Pump arrangements for transferring the contents from the container to a pump chamber by a sucking effect and forcing the contents out through the dispensing nozzle
    • B05B11/1001Piston pumps
    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/01Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use characterised by the means producing the flow
    • B05B11/10Pump arrangements for transferring the contents from the container to a pump chamber by a sucking effect and forcing the contents out through the dispensing nozzle
    • B05B11/1038Pressure accumulation pumps, i.e. pumps comprising a pressure accumulation chamber
    • B05B11/104Pressure accumulation pumps, i.e. pumps comprising a pressure accumulation chamber the outlet valve being opened by pressure after a defined accumulation stroke
    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/0005Components or details
    • B05B11/0037Containers
    • B05B11/0039Containers associated with means for compensating the pressure difference between the ambient pressure and the pressure inside the container, e.g. pressure relief means
    • B05B11/00Single-unit hand-held apparatus in which flow of contents is produced by the muscular force of the operator at the moment of use
    • B05B11/0005Components or details
    • B05B11/0037Containers
    • B05B11/0039Containers associated with means for compensating the pressure difference between the ambient pressure and the pressure inside the container, e.g. pressure relief means
    • B05B11/0044Containers associated with means for compensating the pressure difference between the ambient pressure and the pressure inside the container, e.g. pressure relief means compensating underpressure by ingress of atmospheric air into the container, i.e. with venting means
    • B05B11/00442Containers associated with means for compensating the pressure difference between the ambient pressure and the pressure inside the container, e.g. pressure relief means compensating underpressure by ingress of atmospheric air into the container, i.e. with venting means the means being actuated by the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure inside the container


  • Containers And Packaging Bodies Having A Special Means To Remove Contents (AREA)
  • Closures For Containers (AREA)
  • Massaging Devices (AREA)
  • Beans For Foods Or Fodder (AREA)
  • Compressor (AREA)


JÉispfeasisrg esői
The Invetsites sossceoas a delivery ttei for Hasé or ps^ tstedla conpkiag δ coatalpsg m the ai of véfch is ölted a asesersrsg pssrssp havhsgtwo psrtiosss, whereas a i«syow-oyii»dncsi ősst pdifoő of őse :saetes|iig ptaap counsels 5:0 Őse sseek and as a suction intake opessiag fess a őrsi ono-wsy vaSvs with a ütőt valve body, whereia a pkteőerttdsg second prtioh of őse sneteHsg punsp is provided with m outer aefoatíoss fifofoÉi lor a stroke ofthe sóotmssgpas^, óktesős displaceably ás őse tlí'st postám, ássd at a delivery opehlsg ídigeed with the srseőon intake ogersiog hm s sseessd ontefoy valve laavtng a peteably springdoaded seeotid válva body» ássd wheressr the two osstpwayvalves open its őse sanse direction, apd ths spacing hetweest ibeswo valve bodies is variable. Herestusőer the őrsi one-way valve is also referred to ás the soetios sósaké valve god őse second oneway valve is referred te as ike delivery valve. See also WO §2/04203 as nearest priori set.
Ffo 10 §# 62h fosciosss a eostiahser having a sueierlstg pomp te a hard nrsdhnsr which |§ stot deüoed in greater detail, whereist the eootslsep is upside down «poo delivery. The two valve bodies ate «eases! and are atraaged at the two mte of a sprisg-ioaded hag wherein hr the rest position (ho second valve at Őse delivery opessfog Is closed and the fim valve at the suction intake opening is open so that foepsntp dissssber Is tilled with Őse sstedliPP, Whets Őse piston-forming seeostd poetess ofthe meteringpomp is lásd Őse őrsi valve dote aad the seeoodopesw só That őse portsoss contained In the psnnp ebsteber cast #ow cut
Under Őse astioss of the teste spring the pístots-ídteirsg sstestalportiod ŐteteveoMek ioto ise hdtlai pesftess, i?s whieis case the seeoad valve agate
The rigid eonsxecdon telwoen Ősé two vislve bodies leads to loacouraelee őt Őse sneforhsg action as the two valves cassoot be opilsnally ihafoixed to each other, la which res pect the low proprőes of the nxedhnn play a pad, The rigid connection however has Őse sdvastisge tlsat, for oxasxsple Its the evetst of ass air issoinsksn as Őse pomp chasőheg die delivery valve sit reliahly opened eve», wta ŐSS pressure Isi foe paap chamber is not sufficient for shat purpose.
Now She: object of foe Invention Is to provide s* delivery' spit which comprises Őse container atsd (he sasetetiisg pttípp «eassested Őterelp aad m which» evett Itt a taoit situation, valve positiotus which cause ioacoKiaeies its isteterlstg asy avoided. Tlsat is ashieved iso ősafőte first valve body arrastged is> Őse sstcsioa isstakc opessasgi is ist she leristt Of ast opsőssg ahatssteof te Őte iseeottd valve body fsnes-ged iss the oppositely disposed delivery ops-ssssg.
Its that w&y Ős® two valve hodlos opesdtts tesitslluesced by each pher over a suhstasstsa! part of the stroke ssovetpcst of tile ptssttp and it is ottly Id the fault ssttsaSsosr whets the second válván hody jassts I» the closed pesitksih Ikldf to. the· and. .of the. etsyske: saoveisrssst, ősat dir«ct coapisrsg is ipsplesmsicd hetweext the two valve bödieih ahd Ötsst forces the delivery valve to opets. As a ressslt, compressed air «odosed srs she purup chaasber cab issue ihass the oxeterieg phspp. That is advaopsgaods preeisely opoa first aetrsatios·. Coupling of őse two valves also mmm thak wlsets; a delivery valve Isas dried pot, m eats be the case iss; (ha event of prekesged steppage, őse secood v&lye hody is ateehanlcaliy opeaed. Its ixaf ete the closing force of the teaks valve eomssponds (oőté required opeaitsg force of the datery val ve;
Is is tssither preferably provided that the second valve body has a stetts wlsich: projects axially ststo Ée stsetesiog pessp and whose bee end is afpapaessrg relatss'c to (he Ite sfove body. A support for the spring ears he provided op (he siesd, Ée sprseg acŐtsg :Ost foe second valve body so clsssed postitöpao (hat foe delivery valve 1$ lldkidighf tásdőse (PesfsfoP does strd fofp ovs( afterwards,
Further dbiails and advaaisfes of áss present are áescÉboá more Mly ftáfoihsiter by mosás of the specific description with reference '1$. the eftfondmwnts by way of eswngle illopfoeti la the dfswasgsÍK whiefe;
Figure ! shows a perspective view oíaddívdy rot sd^|d$ só tli« Ihvantion witfecopred fostering pump,
Figured showsa longitudinal sectionthfough the metering pump is#rest position,
Figure 3 shows a iooptudtnai section forough the toetetitg |amip after delivery of a portion of fos medium,
Figura 4 shows a fongiudtstal section throng the inbtotiog pomp wiÉ botit wéw bodies át a dosed position, caused fey a W ör disorder, sod
Figure 5 shows a longitudinal suction through the metering pump ns shown in Figaro 4 prior to posáívs opnaisg of Őse delivery valve. A delivery unit, m psrtieuiar for upside down use in a dispenser for the delivery of a fluid or pasty medlutn, áteludes a s® vesfable container 1 having a foeierhtg pomp 5 which is arranged on the nnek 2 thereof and whists is cowed by a protective cap 3 until it is used, as shown id Figure i. The mefotfog pntnp 3 includes two substantial portions 11, M of which Pc first portion 1 i is arranged on the peck 2 of she custtalpr I, in particular being : nonfoefochafeiy glued m: welded Sherep, if pc container 1 and the meSerhti pump 5: saw tnade from a plastic material. Such a delivery unit is replaced by a Mi tore, after I has been emptied, ft would however also be conceivable for the metering pump S to fee reletcsably lifted to the cfeniamer i so that tire delivery unit can he re-8i.leti and re-used.
The first portion i | of the metering pomp I is hoiiow-cyiiudrieai and provided in the eomteeiing region to the container is a potion íatiÉe opening with which there is associated so intake valve in the fetal uf a first one-way valve b. For the upside down awangemeht shown Inthe Figures the list vaive body ? provided Ip the first one-way value is spherical and is loosely held Ih a valve cage 12 isslodmg a plurality of fears with Inwardly protruding end prepeiretis. The valve seat is ennleah tinder the efieet of the force of gravity therefore the first oae-way valve d is open in the rest position shown Id Figure 2. Other suitable httahe valves are for example Sap valve a defextor-type valves or beak-type valves.
The second prtkm Id of the metering pump 5 forms its piston and Is awaked displaceafely against a spring 21 in the hpftow-cylhforieat first porthm 11 so drat foe delivery chamber 20 of the metering pump can niter, Prc#ltiii:fe:^|.i^oad potion 14 fo:tis«r^b.«f«®i^f; h* foe foatpeAfofe 11, is a delivery opening with which there Is associated &amp; delivery valve in the forth of a second one-way valve Ü which is in the same direction, that is to say which opens ouiwaidiy. The second one-way valve has a conically enlarging valve body 9 haumgiastetn 10 which extends avidly infoi: foe delivery ehamtwr 2ft, The stem emls et a VshMtie spacing a which is sssaliei than the sltdfo h Of foe meietiug pmp, Is relation to the font valve body I. The stem !0 Isas m smtular shoulder and; a ciosihg spring 32 is operatively disposed between: the pattiár shoulder and the inside of the valve seat in die second portion I A In the rest position shown is figufo 2 therefore the stmond one-way valve 3 is seaiingly closed. The dosing spring 22 determines foe opening pressure of the metering pomp 5, lie delivery chamber 30 la reduced hr site by lifting: movement of the piston-forming second pftioa M< The arrangement used for foal purpose Is not stiigeet-rnsfier of the invention, in which respect Figure 2 shows in broken tine only one ermainsngnt sleeve 25 which is provided In the upside down use It? a dispenser ami which engages áronod the second one-way valve t on an eater sensation fitment 17 so. the xeeond portson I δ of the metering pump 5. Λ disc-like jet regulator If or the like, which is possibly replaceable, can also be provided toasth 'fciiiay opeoh>gs in order to control the Sow sped or atrmdsatkm of dn; tnedamt as It issues.
If the esfca&amp;aaeat sleeve '22 is tided out of the position shown in Figure 2, then medium enclosed In the delivery chamber 28 is pushed out through site delivery opening by way of the second. o»s-w%· valve 8 its the first; tme-way valve d blPks Ilié svjry loio the container 1. At the end of die stroke movement the stem Hi of the SPMd valve body 9 bears against the first valve body ?. If the metering pump 5 is released spin In the compPsseÉposition as shows in Figure 3:, then the delivery chamber 20 increases in sine under the setton of the spring 21,in which ease, at the beglnmsg of the reruns stroke tsovemers, by virtue of the stem Ideating against the yaks: body 7yd msldee of rise ntedlmn,: which is hanpsg is the vaiys region, Is sacked back into the delivery etnupher 21) through the second1: one-way valve 8 which is still spot is ss to prevent the medium from (hat brief moment, with the tenjp: slthkh movenwni conimnldg, the; stern id moves sway from dte ipt : vaip boot' ? so toon the one hand the seephd op-way valve 8 can, close and ©tr ibe other kaPlíthe Orsi one-way valve δ can open, The medium is now: spked hr out of the esadalner I until the ppm stroke movement is concluded and the return position shown mf Igoré f is restored.
The ethdact of the stem 10 against the lust valve bo% 7 helps to avoid or reatovs hmctlonal disturbances, which can arise becsone the second valve body 9 remains stock is dm delivery opening, is pdlcnkt ids© tinder the actios of the closing spring 22. Ihose: htolonal dishtrbpep ore dependent on the nature and coitsistenp of the eonieihed medium and at the sank thp sir ioeksioa k Öté delivép chamber p, in pariicniar upon initial use, shortly before the content is used up, or in a stParios Involving:© prolonged period of non-use, due to the seeped valve body 9 sticking in the delivery' opening. In such a situation. Siting of the second pisten-ferfhtng portion lb would empty the delivery chamber 20 only when the etii'lpsed air; compressed to such an extent thm the pressure is sufficient to release in second stuck: valve body: 9> Ifibe propotfl&amp;n of air Is loo high, it would even be doneetvable that the second valve body remaps is its; valve seat sad ifca: metering pomp Is possbie as each stroke movement ply emsptessev the: ét: aud each return Síroké relieves it; again bur does not displace it A limit situation of that: kind, caused: in padicaiat by atr mehrston, is spswn In Figure 4> M the beginning of die stroke movement the first one-way value ·β elops anti: the first valve body 7 Is mped Into the. valve seat while: its second: valve body 9 «Éefe In tact Is additionally acted upon by the c*tptesstp spring 22 has not moved downwardly so that the pound one-way valve 8 also remains dosed, blpos further iifiing movement, the pressure In the delivery chamber 20 can increase sufficiently ami the second one-way valve t opens* whereupon further metering proeessp take place in the desired lashiom If however ihat: Is not saflesenb to the step 10 of the second valve body f pushes agahtst the that valve body? afimtout two thirds of the stroke It.::-- the valve: body 0 is in tact higher and plosar to É8 hrst one-way valve d than, if it had, opened, 'That potnehi it: shown inf ipse 5:, The rsmsihiig residual stthfee: movement h-a fferees the valve body ft© move Into % ©pen position shown in figure 3 m that; the meiering pmtp 5 spin becomes api remains operable* and a etppipe ptwtioo. Is thus delivered m the nejd aciuation.

Claims (2)

  1. So that sir can flow «-to a container X which la not to bo compressed by external air pressure, whoa the medium is sucked away into the delivery chamber 28, provided in the region of the first portion I 1 of the metering pump, which region is fixed to the neck 2, is a venting passage 14 which extends into the container i and is provided with a farte one-way valve, in particular a ditekvkenk valve. The spring 2 i for die retraction of the nesnhd portion: 16 of the mstenng pump 5 can fee dispensed wlÉJIÉn actuation device (not described in more detail for the dosingaamriag 5 - whose Mfraiimtent sleeve 25 Is Shown by a sashed fins in Fig. 2 - comprises a refraction spring or fire like and die emminntest ieeve 25 positively ignfdes the sőmtsfion fitment 17 In both directions. Szabadalmi igénypontok
    1. Kiadagold egyság fhiyéhony vagy pépszertl közegek saifiná^ egy tartáilyal (1), ataeiynek a nyakára; P) egy két részből fi I, ifi) álló adagolószivattyú (5) van Elhelyezve, apói azadagoiöszivapyá (5| Cireges henger alaki első része (11 > &amp; nyakhoz p) csml&amp;kozík és ngy sxtvénysláMn egy első szekifne^ei p) iarishnaxé első egyptő szeleppel (él rendelkezik, ugyanakkor az; ádagolőszivattyü (5) dugattyút képező második része (lő) nz adagolószivattyú (5) tőkéié (h) számára egy külső mCikÖdtetőperemmel (17) vas ellátva, eltolhgtéan terjed ki az első részben (11) és egy a szivónyiiássai egy vonalba eső kjad^op nyilason egy második egyma szeleppel (fi) remfelknzik, amely ep eídttyösen rtigdterhelésü, második s^leptesíki (9) vm kiszerelve, és ahol á két együtt szelep p, fi) azonos irástyhs. nyílik, és s kőt sZélcpíest (?, 9) közötti távolság változtatható. plkmem, hngy &amp; szIvAoyilásban élrehdezeit első szeleptéát (7) nyitási ütközőként van kiakikltva az ikélleobeo levő kladagoiő nyílásban elrendezett második szeleptest(fi) sKántáfá.
  2. 2. Az I. igénypont szerinti kfadsgeló egység, aspri /e/(enresre;. hogy a második mfieptest ($) égy az adágbiőszb anyába (5) axlálisan benyúló szárral (10) rendelkezik, Amelynek szabad vége bizonyos távolságra fa) yátt &amp;® első szeleptesdől (7). I< Az L vagy 2. igénypont szerinti klndagolő egység, ezntf ygfksmnswg hogy a második egyutő szelep egy kőnnszos szélepülekkel és egy kúpos azélegtesne! (0) renddkezik 4 Az I TT igénypontok bármelyike szerinti kledggető egység, mmt hogy az első szeleptest (?) gömb alakáan van kiképezve. $. A 4 igénypont szerinti Psdagöíő egység, ezwi hogy egy fejjél ieleíé állított gkaimazáshoz az első szeleptest (7) egy részében pl) kpskltcstf s^lepEszekhes (12) lazán van megtartva. fi. Az 1-5:. tgésyptmtdk bármelyike szerinti kiedag&amp;lé egység^ nztfré: jpemegve, fio^r a tartály (I) nem az ékő rész (1 1): egy egyuln szeleppel Mszsreit %^p^ő;4t^i|v8k|14).:|endnaté^fe
HUE13728922A 2012-04-30 2013-04-26 Dispensing unit HUE028392T2 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ATA518/2012A AT511827B1 (en) 2012-04-30 2012-04-30 Dispensing unit for liquid or pasty media

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
HUE028392T2 true HUE028392T2 (en) 2016-12-28



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
HUE13728922A HUE028392T2 (en) 2012-04-30 2013-04-26 Dispensing unit

Country Status (10)

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EP (1) EP2844397B1 (en)
AT (1) AT511827B1 (en)
ES (1) ES2559266T3 (en)
HR (1) HRP20160029T1 (en)
HU (1) HUE028392T2 (en)
PL (1) PL2844397T3 (en)
PT (1) PT2844397E (en)
RS (1) RS54484B1 (en)
SI (1) SI2844397T1 (en)
WO (1) WO2013163666A2 (en)

Family Cites Families (9)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US4993600A (en) * 1989-10-10 1991-02-19 James River Corporation Liquid dispenser pump
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US6516976B2 (en) * 2000-12-19 2003-02-11 Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. Dosing pump for liquid dispensers
CA2669519A1 (en) * 2008-06-20 2009-12-20 Gojo Industries, Inc. Two-stroke foam pump

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RS54484B1 (en) 2016-06-30
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PT2844397E (en) 2016-01-28
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SI2844397T1 (en) 2016-02-29
ES2559266T3 (en) 2016-02-11
EP2844397B1 (en) 2015-10-21
WO2013163666A3 (en) 2013-12-27
EP2844397A2 (en) 2015-03-11
HRP20160029T1 (en) 2016-02-12
PL2844397T3 (en) 2016-04-29

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