HRP980249A2 - Pesticide compounds, compositions and process for the preparation thereof - Google Patents

Pesticide compounds, compositions and process for the preparation thereof


Publication number
HRP980249A2 HRP9700893A HRP980249A HRP980249A2 HR P980249 A2 HRP980249 A2 HR P980249A2 HR P9700893 A HRP9700893 A HR P9700893A HR P980249 A HRP980249 A HR P980249A HR P980249 A2 HRP980249 A2 HR P980249A2
Prior art keywords
optical isomer
active ingredient
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Croatian (hr)
Istvan Szekely
Original Assignee
Chinoin Gyogyszer Es Vegyeszet
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Chinoin Gyogyszer Es Vegyeszet filed Critical Chinoin Gyogyszer Es Vegyeszet
Publication of HRP980249A2 publication Critical patent/HRP980249A2/en



    • C07C43/00Ethers; Compounds having groups, groups or groups
    • C07C43/02Ethers
    • C07C43/20Ethers having an ether-oxygen atom bound to a carbon atom of a six-membered aromatic ring
    • C07C43/215Ethers having an ether-oxygen atom bound to a carbon atom of a six-membered aromatic ring having unsaturation outside the six-membered aromatic rings
    • A01N31/00Biocides, pest repellants or attractants, or plant growth regulators containing organic oxygen or sulfur compounds
    • A01N31/08Oxygen or sulfur directly attached to an aromatic ring system
    • A01N31/16Oxygen or sulfur directly attached to an aromatic ring system with two or more oxygen or sulfur atoms directly attached to the same aromatic ring system


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Agronomy & Crop Science (AREA)
  • Pest Control & Pesticides (AREA)
  • Plant Pathology (AREA)
  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Dentistry (AREA)
  • General Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Zoology (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Agricultural Chemicals And Associated Chemicals (AREA)
  • Organic Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds And Preparation Thereof (AREA)


Izum se odnosi na (+) optički aktivne izomere aktivnih sastojaka formule (I), izomerne smjese bogate (+) optički aktivnim izomerom, pesticidne pripravke koji sadrže (+) optički aktivan izomer aktivnog sastojka formule (I), pesticidne pripravke koji sadrže (+) optički aktivan izomer aktivnog sastojka formule (I) uz poznate pesticidne sinergiste, sinergističke pesticidne pripravke koji sadrže (+) izomer pesticidnog sinergista formule (I) uz poznate pesticidno aktivne sastojke, nadalje na pripravke koji sadrže (+) izomer pesticidnog sinergista formule (I) uz poznati pesticidno aktivni sastojak i sinergist, te na postupke njihove priprave. The invention relates to (+) optically active isomers of active ingredients of formula (I), isomeric mixtures rich in (+) optically active isomer, pesticide preparations containing (+) optically active isomer of the active ingredient of formula (I), pesticide preparations containing (+ ) optically active isomer of the active ingredient of the formula (I) in addition to known pesticide synergists, synergistic pesticide preparations containing the (+) isomer of the pesticide synergist of the formula (I) in addition to the known pesticidally active ingredients, further to preparations containing the (+) isomer of the pesticide synergist of the formula (I ) with the known pesticidally active ingredient and synergist, and to the procedures for their preparation.

Racemični spoj formule (I) (MB-599) opisan je u WO 97/19040. A racemic compound of formula (I) (MB-599) is described in WO 97/19040.

Spoj formule (I) ima jedan centar asimetrije, te stoga ima dva optička izomera. Ta dva izomera mogu se razlikovati - između ostaloga - najjednostavnije pomoću njihovog smjera optičke rotacije. Gore spomenuti (+) optički izomer je spoj koji u acetonskoj otopini zakreće ravninu linearno polarizirane svjetlosti u smjeru (+), t.j. u desno. Dva optička izomera su zrcalni parovi, njihove općenite fizičke značajke (vrelište, lom svjetlosti, temperatura skrućivanja) iste su, ali u optički aktivnim sustavima, pa stoga i u biološkim sredinama, ponašaju se različito. Posljedično tome, njihove se sinergističke djelotvornosti također mogu razlikovati. The compound of formula (I) has one center of asymmetry, and therefore has two optical isomers. These two isomers can be distinguished - among other things - most simply by their direction of optical rotation. The above-mentioned (+) optical isomer is a compound that rotates the plane of linearly polarized light in the (+) direction in an acetone solution, i.e. to the right. Two optical isomers are mirror pairs, their general physical properties (boiling point, refraction of light, solidification temperature) are the same, but in optically active systems, and therefore in biological environments, they behave differently. Consequently, their synergistic efficacies may also differ.

Spojevi koji su sami neotrovni, ili tek neznatno otrovni, ali pomiješani s pesticidom, najčešće s nekim artropodicinim agensom, znatno pojačavaju moć pesticida, nazivaju se sinergistima. Sinergistička snaga karakterizirana je tako zvanim sinergističkim omjerom SR, koji je u slučaju insekticida prikazan sljedećim izrazom: Compounds that are non-toxic by themselves, or only slightly toxic, but mixed with a pesticide, most often with an arthropod agent, significantly increase the power of the pesticide, are called synergists. The synergistic strength is characterized by the so-called synergistic ratio SR, which in the case of insecticides is represented by the following expression:

LD50 insekticid LD50 insecticide

SR50 = —————————— SR50 = ——————————

LD50 insekticid + sinergist LD50 insecticide + synergist

Što se vrijednost SR50 više razlikuje od 1, to je sinergistička snaga veća. The more the SR50 value differs from 1, the greater the synergistic strength.

Uporaba sinergista u artropodicidnim pripravcima vrlo je privlačna, budući da oni omogućuju pripravu novih pripravaka s praktički svim predstavnicima područja. Ti novi pripravci, u usporedbi s prethodnima, manje su skupi, manje toksični, selektivniji, prouzročuju manju opasnost za okoliš, potiskuju razvitak otpornosti (rezistencije), te su aktivni i za vrste koje su već razvile otpornost. The use of synergists in arthropodicidal preparations is very attractive, since they enable the preparation of new preparations with practically all representatives of the field. These new preparations, compared to the previous ones, are less expensive, less toxic, more selective, cause less danger to the environment, suppress the development of resistance, and are active even for species that have already developed resistance.

Do sada je broj registriranih sinergista manji od 10, ali su samo 2-3 molekule navedene kao proizvodi u Pesticide Manual, a samo su dva materjala (PBO, MKG264) doista na tržištu. Razlog tome: teško je pronaći kemijsko sredstvo koje se može primijeniti selektivno i sigurno, a čiji je omjer cijena/učinkovitost kompetitivan onome aktivnog sastojka. Da bi sinergist bio gospodarstveno uporabljiv, on mora biti vrlo snažan, te mora djelovati u malim dozama (oko vrijednosti prvobitne doze aktivnog sastojka). So far, the number of registered synergists is less than 10, but only 2-3 molecules are listed as products in the Pesticide Manual, and only two materials (PBO, MKG264) are actually on the market. The reason for this: it is difficult to find a chemical agent that can be applied selectively and safely, and whose price/performance ratio is competitive with that of the active ingredient. In order for the synergist to be economically usable, it must be very strong, and must work in small doses (around the value of the original dose of the active ingredient).

Kako selektivnost, tako i specifična djelotvornost mogu se povećati primjenom čistog materijala koji sadrži samo jedan izomer. PBO ne sadrži, ali MKG264 ima nekoliko centara asimetrije. Stoga za taj spoj postoji mogućnost iskorištavanja prednosti priprave optički čistog oblika. Usprkos tome, materijal nije uporabljen u tome obliku. To se može objasniti s dva razloga koji nisu suprotni: postoje tek male razlike između aktivnosti izomera, a cijena priprave optički čistog materijala nije pokrivena uštedama postignutim zbog veće aktivnosti. Both selectivity and specific efficiency can be increased by using pure material containing only one isomer. PBO does not contain, but MKG264 has several centers of asymmetry. Therefore, for this compound, there is a possibility of taking advantage of the preparation in an optically pure form. Despite this, the material was not used in that form. This can be explained by two non-opposite reasons: there are only small differences between the activities of the isomers, and the cost of preparing optically pure material is not covered by the savings achieved due to higher activity.

U slučaju nekih spojeva opisanih u WO 97/19040 koji imaju centar asimetrije - kao što je α-metil supstituirani benzilni derivat - nađeno je da su R(+) derivati snažniji od S(-) enantiomera. Kao što je opisano u publikacijama, razlika između snaga izomera povećava se s povećanjem aktivnosti racemičnog spoja, ali nikad ne nadilazi trostruku vrijednost. To znači, da je snažniji izomer u maksimumu 1.5 puta snažniji od racemičnog spoja. To povećanje snage ne pokriva posebne troškove priprave optički čistog spoja. In the case of some compounds described in WO 97/19040 having a center of asymmetry - such as an α-methyl substituted benzyl derivative - the R(+) derivatives were found to be more potent than the S(-) enantiomer. As described in the publications, the difference between the isomer strengths increases with increasing activity of the racemic compound, but never exceeds a threefold value. This means that the more powerful isomer is at most 1.5 times more powerful than the racemic compound. This increase in power does not cover the special costs of preparing an optically pure connection.

Racemični spoj formule (I), poznat kao MB-599, izvrstan je pesticidni sinergist, a njegovi optički izomeri nisu ranije bili pripravljeni. Prema našem izumu, uspjeli smo pripraviti kao (+) izomer (MB-755), tako i (-) izomer (MB-754), te smo podvrgnuli spojeve širokom području bioloških istraživanja. Prema očekivanjima, i ovdje je (+) optički izomer bio biološki aktivniji. Međutim, razlika između aktivnosti izomera, postignuta za otporne vrste, bila je puno veća nego što smo očekivali, te je pokazivala vrijednosti više za jedan red veličine (rezultati su prikazani Tablicom 1). The racemic compound of formula (I), known as MB-599, is an excellent pesticide synergist, and its optical isomers have not been previously prepared. According to our invention, we managed to prepare both the (+) isomer (MB-755) and the (-) isomer (MB-754), and we subjected the compounds to a wide range of biological research. As expected, here too the (+) optical isomer was more biologically active. However, the difference between the activities of the isomers, achieved for the resistant species, was much higher than we expected, and showed values higher by one order of magnitude (results are shown in Table 1).

Tablica 1. Table 1.

[image] RR: faktor otpornosti (rezistencije); [image] RR: resistance factor (resistance);

SR: sinergistički faktor SR: synergistic factor

Sličan trend razlika nađen je uz sniženje omjera sinergist-aktivni sastojak. A similar trend of differences was found with decreasing synergist-active ingredient ratio.

Tablica 2. Table 2.

[image] RR: faktor otpornosti (rezistencije); [image] RR: resistance factor (resistance);

SR: sinergistički indeks; omjer sinergist / aktivni sastojak SR: synergistic index; synergist / active ingredient ratio

Za uporabu sinergista u praksi glavni je kriterij, da količina sinergista mora biti usporedljiva s onom aktivnog sastojka, pri čemu ukupna količina sinergista i aktivnog sastojka mora biti što je moguće manja. Značenje našeg izuma upravo je u tome. On ne samo što omogućuje uštede, koje mogu pokriti dodatne troškove priprave optičkih izomera, nego je i vrlo važan s gledišta biologije okoliša. Materijal se može primijeniti u puno manjim količinama, selektivniji je i sigurniji. Velika razlika u aktivnostima izomera opažena je za različite tipove aktivnih sastojaka. Sa spojem prema našem izumu mogu se povoljno sinergizirati sljedeći poznati artropodicidni aktivni sastojci: For the use of synergists in practice, the main criterion is that the amount of synergists must be comparable to that of the active ingredient, while the total amount of synergists and active ingredients must be as small as possible. The meaning of our invention is precisely that. It not only enables savings, which can cover the additional costs of preparing optical isomers, but is also very important from the point of view of environmental biology. The material can be applied in much smaller quantities, it is more selective and safer. A large difference in the activities of the isomers was observed for different types of active ingredients. The following known arthropodicidal active ingredients can be advantageously synergized with the compound according to our invention:

acetamidni derivati: npr. oksamil; acetamidinski derivati: npr. acetamiprid; benzoilureini spojevi: npr. flucikloksuron, heksaflumuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, novaluron, lufenuron, klorofluazuron; bicikloheptadienski spojevi: npr. heptenofos; premošteni difenilni spojevi: npr. etofenproks, bromopropilat, metoksikolor, temefos, tetradifon; karbamati: npr. aminokarb, aldikarb, aldoksikarb, asulam, bendiokarb, benfurakarb, karbaril, karbetamid, karbofuran, karbosulfan, dietofenkarb, dioksakarb, etiofenkarb, fenobukarb, fenoksikarb, furatiokarb, izoprokarb, metomil, oksamil, pirimikarb (pirimor), propoksur, tiodikarb, tiofanoks, ksililkarb; karbamoiloksimski derivati: npr. alanikarb, butokarboksim; ciklodieni: npr. aldrin, klordan, endosulfan, heptaklor; diazoli: npr. fipronil; difenileteri: npr. diofenolan; hidrazidi: RH 5992, RH 5849, CGA 215’944; nereistoksinski analozi: npr. bensultap, kartap; klornikotinilni analozi: npr. imidakloprid; nitroetilenski i nitrometilenski analozi: npr. nitenpiram; organofosforni spojevi: npr. kinalfos, diazinon, fosalon, dimetoat, azinfos-metil; organokositrovi spojevi: npr. azociklotin, ciheksatin, fenbutatin oksid; oksadiazinski karboksilati: npr. DPX-MP062, DPX-JW062; fenoksi spojevi: npr. diafentiuron, diofenolan; pirazoli: npr. pirazofos; piretroidi: npr. aletrin, bioaletrin (esbiol), akrinatrin, deltametrin, halfenproks, flumetrin, fenvalerat, empentrin, praletrin, resmetrin, MTI-800, flufenproks, permetrin, tetrametrin, ZX-8901, cipermetrin, i njihovi izomeri i izomerne kombinacije, kao što je β-cipermetrin, theta-cipermetrin; piridazinoni: npr. piridaben, NC-196; piridinski derivati: npr. klorpirifos; pirimidinski derivati: npr. pirimifos-etil, pirimifos-metil; piroli: npr. AC 303, 630 (klorfenapir); kvinazolini: npr. fenazakvin; terpenoidni derivati: npr. metopren; tetrazini: npr. klofentezin, SzI-121 (flufenzin); tiadizini: npr. buprofezin; tiazolidin: npr. heksitiazoks, etoksazol; triazoli: npr. isazofos, RH 7988; klorirani ugljikovodici: npr. lindan; makrociklički laktoni: npr. ivermekrin/avermektin, doramektin, noksidektin, emamektin, milbemicin; tebufenpirad; feniproksimat; triazamat; insekticidi biljnog podrijetla: npr. azadiraktin, naftokinoni, piretridi i njihovi derivati, biljni ekstrakti. acetamide derivatives: eg oxamyl; acetamidine derivatives: eg acetamiprid; benzoylurein compounds: eg flucycloxuron, hexaflumuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, novaluron, lufenuron, chlorofluazuron; bicycloheptadiene compounds: eg heptenophos; bridged diphenyl compounds: eg etofenprox, bromopropylate, methoxycolor, temephos, tetradifon; carbamates: eg aminocarb, aldicarb, aldoxycarb, asulam, bendiocarb, benfuracarb, carbaryl, carbetamide, carbofuran, carbosulfan, dietofencarb, dioxacarb, etiofencarb, fenobucarb, fenoxycarb, furatiocarb, isoprocarb, methomyl, oxamyl, pirimicarb (pirimor), propoxur, thiodicarb , thiophanox, xylylcarb; carbamoyloxime derivatives: eg alanicarb, butocarboxime; cyclodienes: eg aldrin, chlordane, endosulfan, heptachlor; diazoles: eg fipronil; diphenyl ethers: eg diphenol; hydrazides: RH 5992, RH 5849, CGA 215'944; non-reistoxin analogues: eg bensultap, kartap; chlornicotinyl analogues: eg imidacloprid; nitroethylene and nitromethylene analogues: eg nitenpyram; organophosphorus compounds: eg quinalphos, diazinon, phosalon, dimethoate, azinphos-methyl; organotin compounds: eg azocyclotin, cyhexatin, fenbutatin oxide; oxadiazine carboxylates: eg DPX-MP062, DPX-JW062; phenoxy compounds: eg diafenthiuron, diphenolan; pyrazoles: eg pyrazophos; pyrethroids: eg allethrin, bioallethrin (esbiol), acrinathrin, deltamethrin, halfenprox, flumethrin, fenvalerate, empenthrin, pralethrin, resmethrin, MTI-800, flufenprox, permethrin, tetramethrin, ZX-8901, cypermethrin, and their isomers and isomeric combinations, such as β-cypermethrin, theta-cypermethrin; pyridazinones: eg pyridaben, NC-196; pyridine derivatives: eg chlorpyrifos; pyrimidine derivatives: eg pirimiphos-ethyl, pirimiphos-methyl; pyrroles: eg AC 303, 630 (chlorfenapyr); quinazolines: eg phenazaquine; terpenoid derivatives: eg methoprene; tetrazines: eg clofentezine, SzI-121 (fluphenzine); thiadizins: eg buprofezin; thiazolidine: eg hexithiazox, etoxazole; triazoles: eg isazophos, RH 7988; chlorinated hydrocarbons: eg lindane; macrocyclic lactones: eg ivermecrin/avermectin, doramectin, nocidectin, emamectin, milbemycin; tebufenpyrade; pheniproximate; triazamate; insecticides of plant origin: eg azadirachtin, naphthoquinones, pyrethroids and their derivatives, plant extracts.

(gore navedeni poznati aktivni sastojci opisani su u 8. i 10. izdanju Pesticide Manual, A.G.Chem.New Compound Review, Vol 11(1993); ACS Symposium Series 504 str. 272; odnosno Europska patentna prijava br. 0635499 (SZI-121). (the above known active ingredients are described in Pesticide Manual, 8th and 10th ed., A.G.Chem.New Compound Review, Vol 11(1993); ACS Symposium Series 504 p. 272; or European Patent Application No. 0635499 (SZI-121 ).

Učinak smo pokazali na različitim artropodnim vrstama. Spojevi prema našem izumu pokazali su se djelotvornima na insektima, biljnim ušima i na svrabcu (acari). Važna prednost spoja formule (I) je u tome, što pokazuje praktički istu aktivnost na vrstama koje su već pokazale otpornost i na osjetljivim vrstama. We demonstrated the effect on different arthropod species. The compounds according to our invention have been shown to be effective against insects, aphids and scabies (acari). An important advantage of the compound of formula (I) is that it shows practically the same activity on species that have already shown resistance and on susceptible species.

Spojevi formule (I) mogu se pripraviti stereoselektivnom supstitucijom, reakcijom spojeva općenitih formula (II) i (III), gdje X i Y predstavljaju skupine prikladne za tvorbu etera. Ponajprije, reagirati mogu alkalijske ili zemnoalkalijske metalne soli razlučenog benilnog alkohola općenite formule (II), pod SN2 uvjetima, sa 2-butinilnim derivatom općenite formule (II) koji sadrži prikladnu otpuštajuću skupinu. Compounds of formula (I) can be prepared by stereoselective substitution, reaction of compounds of general formulas (II) and (III), where X and Y represent groups suitable for ether formation. First of all, alkali or alkaline earth metal salts of resolved benzyl alcohol of the general formula (II) can be reacted, under SN2 conditions, with a 2-butynyl derivative of the general formula (II) containing a suitable releasing group.

Spoj prema sadašnjem izumu nije poznat iz literature. U identifikaciji spoja, nakon ispitivanja čistoće pomoću GC i TLC, struktura je nedvojbeno podržana IR, 1H i 13C NMR istraživa-njima. Optička čistoća karakterizirana vrijednostima optičke rotacije i optičkom čistoćom ishodnog materijala, a određena je pomoću NMR mjerenja. The compound according to the present invention is not known from the literature. In the identification of the compound, after purity testing by GC and TLC, the structure was unequivocally supported by IR, 1H and 13C NMR studies. Optical purity characterized by optical rotation values and optical purity of the starting material, determined by NMR measurements.

Spoj formule (I) može se formulirati kao nezavisan pripravak ili u smjesi s drugim poznatim pesticidima, ponajprije artropodicidno djelotvornim sastojcima, te se prema primjenskom cilju mogu uporabiti poznati nosači i druge pomoćne tvari. Tako se mogu metodama poznatim per se, pripraviti emulzijski koncentrati, mikroemulzije, ULV, mikrosuspenzije, suspenzije, zaprašivači, aerosoli, sredstva koja isparavaju i dimna sredstva. [Rhone Poulenc-Geronazzo: Surfactant and Specialities for Plant Protection, Application Manual (1994); ICI: Surfactants, Application Manual (1992)]. The compound of formula (I) can be formulated as an independent preparation or in a mixture with other known pesticides, primarily arthropodicidally effective ingredients, and according to the application goal, known carriers and other auxiliary substances can be used. Emulsion concentrates, microemulsions, ULV, microsuspensions, suspensions, dusters, aerosols, evaporating agents and smoke agents can thus be prepared by methods known per se. [Rhone Poulenc-Geronazzo: Surfactant and Specialties for Plant Protection, Application Manual (1994); ICI: Surfactants, Application Manual (1992)].

U tijeku primjene pripravci koji sadrže spoj prema sadašnjem izumu i pripravci koji sadrže poznate aktivne sastojke mogu se uporabiti uzastopce, ili se prethodno može pripraviti njihova smjesa u spremniku. In the course of application, preparations containing the compound according to the present invention and preparations containing known active ingredients can be used consecutively, or their mixture can be previously prepared in a container.

Predstavljamo sljedeće primjere, pomoću kojih je prikazan predmet sadašnjeg izuma, pri čemu predmet izuma nije ograničen na navedene primjere. We present the following examples, by means of which the object of the present invention is shown, whereby the object of the invention is not limited to the examples mentioned.


Primjer 1 Example 1

(+)-4-(but-2-iniloksietil)-1,2-dimetoksibenzen, MB-755, (+)VERBUTIN (+)-4-(but-2-ynyloxyethyl)-1,2-dimethoxybenzene, MB-755, (+)VERBUTIN

U okruglu tikvicu od 25 ml opremljenu termometrom i magnetnom miješalicom, te spojenu na sustav inertnog plina, doda se 8 ml aps. THF i u njemu se suspendira 0.44 g (0.0165 mola, pribl. 90 %) NaH. Toj se suspenziji doda polagano, kap po kap, pri sobnoj temperaturi, otopina pripravljena od 5 ml aps. THF i 1.0 g (0.0055 mola) (+)-α-metilveratrilnog alkohola (rotacijske vrijednosti: [α]20D = +33.1°, c = 1 metanol i [α]20D = +35.5°, c = 1 aceton; tal.: 43.2-44.9 °C), te se smjesa zagrijava uz povratno hlađenje kroz 1 sat. Potom se smjesa ohladi na sobnu temperaturu, doda se 0.77 g (0.082 mola) 1-bromo-2-butina i nastavi se zagrijavanje uz povratno hlađenje. Reakcija se prati pomoću TLC (eluens: heksan-Etac 7:3). Očekivano reakcijsko vrijeme: 3-4 sata. Add 8 ml of abs. THF and 0.44 g (0.0165 mol, approx. 90 %) of NaH is suspended in it. A solution prepared from 5 ml abs. is added to this suspension slowly, drop by drop, at room temperature. THF and 1.0 g (0.0055 mol) of (+)-α-methylveratryl alcohol (rotational values: [α]20D = +33.1°, c = 1 methanol and [α]20D = +35.5°, c = 1 acetone; m.p. : 43.2-44.9 °C), and the mixture is heated with reverse cooling for 1 hour. The mixture is then cooled to room temperature, 0.77 g (0.082 mol) of 1-bromo-2-butyne is added and heating is continued with reflux. The reaction was monitored by TLC (eluent: hexane-Etac 7:3). Expected reaction time: 3-4 hours.

Ohlađenoj gustoj suspenziji doda se 50 ml vode i 50 ml etilacetata, smjesa se filtrira preko celita, filtrat se ispere destiliranom vodom, suši iznad magnezijevog sulfata i upari. Ostatak se čisti kolonskom kromatografijom (eluens: heksan-Etac 7:3, Rf = 0.536). 50 ml of water and 50 ml of ethyl acetate are added to the cooled thick suspension, the mixture is filtered through celite, the filtrate is washed with distilled water, dried over magnesium sulfate and evaporated. The residue is purified by column chromatography (eluent: hexane-Etac 7:3, Rf = 0.536).

Iskorištenje: 0.926 g (3.95 mmola), 72.34 %. Yield: 0.926 g (3.95 mmol), 72.34 %.

Čistoća je ispitana GC analizom: (CP 9000, CP-SIL-5CB, 60 m x 0.53 μm, 5 ml/min N2, FID, 250 °C) tR = 3.87 min, >97.4 %. Purity was tested by GC analysis: (CP 9000, CP-SIL-5CB, 60 m x 0.53 μm, 5 ml/min N2, FID, 250 °C) tR = 3.87 min, >97.4 %.

Pokazalo se da je materijal homogen i dobro definiran. Na temelju njegovog ponašanja u TLC, GC i NMR ispitivanjima, identičan je racemičnom spoju MB-599. It turned out that the material is homogeneous and well defined. Based on its behavior in TLC, GC and NMR studies, it is identical to the racemic compound MB-599.

Rasvjetljavanje strukture: Illumination of the structure:

1H-NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) δ:1.45 (3H, d, J = 6.47 Hz, ArCH-CH3), 1.85 (3H, t, J = 2.35 Hz, ≡C-CH3), 3.87 i 3.89 (6H, s, aril-OCH3), 3.79 i 3.98 (2H, ABX3, JAB = 14.97 Hz, JAX = JBX = 2.3 Hz, ≡C-CH2O), 4.54 (2H, q, J = 5.83 Hz, Ar-CHO), 6.83-6.89 (3H, m, aromatski). 1H-NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 1.45 (3H, d, J = 6.47 Hz, ArCH-CH3), 1.85 (3H, t, J = 2.35 Hz, ≡C-CH3), 3.87 and 3.89 (6H, s, aryl-OCH3), 3.79 and 3.98 (2H, ABX3, JAB = 14.97 Hz, JAX = JBX = 2.3 Hz, ≡C-CH2O), 4.54 (2H, q, J = 5.83 Hz, Ar-CHO), 6.83 -6.89 (3H, m, aromatic).

13C-NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) δ:3.66 (≡C-CH3), 23.86 (ArCH-CH3), 55.88 (OCH3), 56.02 (≡C-CH2O), 75.38 (≡C-CH2), 81.97 (≡C-CH3) 109.08 (C-3), 110.87 (C-6), 118.98 (C-5), 135.33 (C-4), 148.55 (C-1), 149.22 (C-2). 13C-NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) δ:3.66 (≡C-CH3), 23.86 (ArCH-CH3), 55.88 (OCH3), 56.02 (≡C-CH2O), 75.38 (≡C-CH2), 81.97 (≡ C-CH3) 109.08 (C-3), 110.87 (C-6), 118.98 (C-5), 135.33 (C-4), 148.55 (C-1), 149.22 (C-2).

Optička rotacija: Optical rotation:

Pripravljena je otopina (+)-verbutina pomoću točne odvage (54.7 mg / 5 ml acetona u volumetrijskoj tikvici od 5 ml, c = 1.094 g/l), a potom je određena optička rotacija pri različitim valnim duljinama u kiveti duljine 1 dm i volumena 1 cm3. A solution of (+)-verbutin was prepared using an accurate weighing (54.7 mg / 5 ml of acetone in a 5 ml volumetric flask, c = 1.094 g/l), and then the optical rotation was determined at different wavelengths in a cuvette of length 1 dm and volume 1 cm3.

[image] [image]

Optička čistoća: Optical purity:

Optička čistoća ishodnog materijala određena je H-NMR mjerenjima, uz primjenu optički aktivnog reagensa za određivanje pomaka. Tom metodom pokazan je sadržaj od 3 % enantiomerne nečistoće. Prema točnosti metode, materijal MB-755 sadrži (+) izomer u količini od 94 %. The optical purity of the starting material was determined by H-NMR measurements, with the use of an optically active reagent to determine the shift. This method showed a content of 3% enantiomeric impurity. According to the accuracy of the method, the material MB-755 contains the (+) isomer in the amount of 94%.

Primjer 2 Example 2

(-)-4-(but-2-iniloksietil)-1,2-dimetoksibenzen, MB-754, (-)VERBUTIN (-)-4-(but-2-ynyloxyethyl)-1,2-dimethoxybenzene, MB-754, (-)VERBUTIN

U okruglu tikvicu od 25 ml opremljenu termometrom i magnetnom mješalicom, te spojenu na sustav inertnog plina, doda se 8 ml aps. THF i u njemu se suspendira 0.44 g (0.0165 mola, pribl. 90 %) NaH. Toj se suspenziji doda polagano, kap po kap, pri sobnoj temperaturi, otopina pripravljena od 5 ml aps. THF i 1.0 g (0.0055 mola) (-)-α-metilveratrilnog alkohola (rotacijske vrijednosti: [α]20D = -31.7°, c = 1 metanol i [α]20D = -34.3°, c = 1 aceton; tal.: 44 °C), te se smjesa zagrijava uz povratno hlađenje kroz 1 sat. Potom se smjesa ohladi na sobnu temperaturu, doda se 0.77 g (0.082 mola) 1-bromo-2-butina i nastavi se zagrijavanje uz povratno hlađenje. Reakcija se prati pomoću TLC (eluens: heksan-Etac 7:3). Očekivano reakcijsko vrijeme: 3-4 sata. Add 8 ml of abs. THF and 0.44 g (0.0165 mol, approx. 90 %) of NaH is suspended in it. A solution prepared from 5 ml abs. is added to this suspension slowly, drop by drop, at room temperature. THF and 1.0 g (0.0055 mol) of (-)-α-methylveratryl alcohol (rotational values: [α]20D = -31.7°, c = 1 methanol and [α]20D = -34.3°, c = 1 acetone; m.p. : 44 °C), and the mixture is heated with reverse cooling for 1 hour. The mixture is then cooled to room temperature, 0.77 g (0.082 mol) of 1-bromo-2-butyne is added and heating is continued with reflux. The reaction was monitored by TLC (eluent: hexane-Etac 7:3). Expected reaction time: 3-4 hours.

Ohlađenoj gustoj suspenziji doda se 50 ml vode i 50 ml etilacetata, smjesa se filtrira preko celita, filtrat se ispere destiliranom vodom, suši iznad magnezijevog sulfata i upari. Ostatak se čisti kolonskom kromatografijom (eluens: heksan-Etac 7:3, Rf = 0.536). 50 ml of water and 50 ml of ethyl acetate are added to the cooled thick suspension, the mixture is filtered through celite, the filtrate is washed with distilled water, dried over magnesium sulfate and evaporated. The residue is purified by column chromatography (eluent: hexane-Etac 7:3, Rf = 0.536).

Iskorištenje: 0.79 g (3.37 mmola), 61.7 %. Yield: 0.79 g (3.37 mmol), 61.7 %.

Čistoća je ispitana GC analizom: (CP 9000, CP-SIL-5CB, 60 m x 0.53 μm, 5 ml/min N2, FID, 250 °C) tR = 3.87 min, >93.5 %. Purity was tested by GC analysis: (CP 9000, CP-SIL-5CB, 60 m x 0.53 μm, 5 ml/min N2, FID, 250 °C) tR = 3.87 min, >93.5 %.

Pokazalo se da je materijal homogen i dobro definiran. Na temelju njegovog ponašanja u TLC, GC i NMR ispitivanjima, identičan je racemičnom spoju MB-599. It turned out that the material is homogeneous and well defined. Based on its behavior in TLC, GC and NMR studies, it is identical to the racemic compound MB-599.

Rasvjetljavanje strukture: Illumination of the structure:

1H-NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) δ:1.46 (3H, d, J = 6.47 Hz, ArCH-CH3), 1.85 (3H, t, J = 2.33 Hz, ≡C-CH3), 3.90 i 3.88 (6H, s, aril-OCH3), 3.82 i 4.01 (2H, ABX3, JAB = 14.98 Hz, JAX = JBX = 2.37 Hz, ≡C-CH2O), 4.54 (2H, q, J = 6.47 Hz, Ar-CHO), 6.83-6.89 (3H, m, aromatski). 1H-NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 1.46 (3H, d, J = 6.47 Hz, ArCH-CH3), 1.85 (3H, t, J = 2.33 Hz, ≡C-CH3), 3.90 and 3.88 (6H, s, aryl-OCH3), 3.82 and 4.01 (2H, ABX3, JAB = 14.98 Hz, JAX = JBX = 2.37 Hz, ≡C-CH2O), 4.54 (2H, q, J = 6.47 Hz, Ar-CHO), 6.83 -6.89 (3H, m, aromatic).

13C-NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) δ:3.66 (≡C-CH3), 23.80 (ArCH-CH3), 55.88 (OCH3), 56.02 (≡C-CH2O), 75.38 (≡C-CH2), 81.97 (≡C-CH3) 109.08 (C-3), 110.87 (C-6), 118.98 (C-5), 135.33 (C-4), 148.55 (C-1), 149.22 (C-2). 13C-NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3) δ:3.66 (≡C-CH3), 23.80 (ArCH-CH3), 55.88 (OCH3), 56.02 (≡C-CH2O), 75.38 (≡C-CH2), 81.97 (≡ C-CH3) 109.08 (C-3), 110.87 (C-6), 118.98 (C-5), 135.33 (C-4), 148.55 (C-1), 149.22 (C-2).

Optička rotacija: Optical rotation:

Pripravljena je otopina (-)-verbutina pomoću točne odvage (52.8 mg / 5 ml acetona u volumetrijskoj tikvici od 5 ml, c = 1.056 g/l), a potom je određena optička rotacija pri različitim valnim duljinama u kiveti duljine 1 dm i volumena 1 cm3. A solution of (-)-verbutin was prepared using an accurate weighing (52.8 mg / 5 ml of acetone in a volumetric flask of 5 ml, c = 1.056 g/l), and then the optical rotation was determined at different wavelengths in a cuvette of length 1 dm and volume 1 cm3.

[image] [image]

Optička čistoća: Optical purity:

Optička čistoća ishodnog materijala određena je H-NMR mjerenjima, uz primjenu optički aktivnog reagensa za određivanje pomaka. Tom metodom pokazan je sadržaj od 4 % enantiomerne nečistoće. Prema točnosti metode, materijal MB-754 sadrži (-) izomer u količini od 92 %. The optical purity of the starting material was determined by H-NMR measurements, with the use of an optically active reagent to determine the shift. This method showed a content of 4% enantiomeric impurity. According to the accuracy of the method, the material MB-754 contains the (-) isomer in the amount of 92%.


Primjer 3 Example 3

Ispitivanje sinergističke aktivnosti na populaciji rezistentne kućne muhe (Musca domestica) Test of synergistic activity on a population of resistant housefly (Musca domestica)

U dva paralelna pokusa obrađeno je 10 ženki, 2-3 dana starih kućnih muha, s ventalne strane njihovih toraksa, sa 0.2 μl testovne otopine pomoću mikrodispenzora Hamilton MicroLab P. Osim fiksne sinergističke doze od 1000 ng/muhi, životinje su obrađene karbofuranom u dozi od 20 ng/muhi. Celosolv je primijenjen kao otapalo. Odabir i brojenje muha obavljeno je pod djelovanjem CO2. Nakon obradbe muhe su čuvane u plastičnim čašama pokrivenih tilom. Smrtnost nakon 24 sata izražena je u %. Iz odnosa doza-smrtnost izračunate su vrijednosti LD50 (ng/muhi). In two parallel experiments, 10 female, 2-3 day old houseflies were treated from the ventral side of their thorax with 0.2 μl of the test solution using a Hamilton MicroLab P microdispenser. In addition to the fixed synergistic dose of 1000 ng/fly, the animals were treated with carbofuran at a dose of 20 ng/fly. Celosolv was used as a solvent. The selection and counting of flies was done under the influence of CO2. After processing, the flies were kept in plastic cups covered with tulle. Mortality after 24 hours is expressed in %. LD50 values (ng/fly) were calculated from the dose-mortality relationship.

Za testove CHXEL, CARBSEL i IX uporabljene su insekticidno otporne vrste muha. Faktori otpornosti (rezistencije) (RR) izraženi su kao količnici LD50 vrijednosti dobivenih za vrste otporne na karbofuran i one osjetljive (WHO/SRS). For the CHXEL, CARBSEL and IX tests, insecticide-resistant species of flies were used. Resistance factors (RR) are expressed as quotients of LD50 values obtained for carbofuran-resistant and susceptible species (WHO/SRS).

Rezultati su prikazani u donjoj tablici: The results are shown in the table below:

Tablica 3. Table 3.

[image] * PBO: piperonil butoksid ;* MGK 264: N-(2-etilheksil)-8,9,10-trinorborn-5-en-2,3-dikarboksamid [image] * PBO: piperonyl butoxide;* MGK 264: N-(2-ethylhexyl)-8,9,10-trinorborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxamide

(ENT-8184) (ENT-8184)

Primjer 4 Example 4

Ispitivanje sinergističkog spektra na kućnoj muhi (Musca domestica) i pamučnom crvu (Helicoverpa armigera). Examination of the synergistic spectrum on the housefly (Musca domestica) and the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera).

Sinergističke sktivnosti spoja MB-755 prema sadašnjem izumu i referentnog spoja MB-599 određene su za različite aktivne sastojke na kućnoj muhi (Musca domestica) i na L2 fazi ličinke pamučnog crva (Helicoverpa armigera) primjenom obradbene metode opisane u biološkom Primjeru 3. Za aktivne sastojke navedeni su uobičajeni ISO nazivi (vidi: Pesticide Manual 1994). Dobiveni sinergistički omjeri prikazani su u donjoj tablici: The synergistic activities of the compound MB-755 according to the present invention and the reference compound MB-599 were determined for different active ingredients on the housefly (Musca domestica) and on the L2 stage of the larva of the cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) using the processing method described in biological Example 3. For active ingredients are listed by common ISO names (see: Pesticide Manual 1994). The obtained synergistic ratios are shown in the table below:

Tablica 4 Table 4

[image] [image]

Primjer 5 Example 5

Utjecaj omjera aktivni sastojak / sinergist na sinergističku aktivnost Influence of the active ingredient / synergist ratio on synergistic activity

Obavljena je obradba kao što je opisano u Primjeru 3, uz primjenu mikrodispenzora Hamilton MicroLab P. U dva paralelna pokusa 10 ženki 2-3 dana starih muha obrađeno je s ventralne strane toraksa sa 0.2 μl testovne otopine. Osim sa 1000-400-200-80 ng/muhi fiksne doze sinergista, obrađene su i s konstantnih 20 ng/muhi karbofurana. Odabir i brojenje muha obavljeno je pod djelovanjem CO2. Nakon obradbe muhe su čuvane u plastičnim čašama pokrivenima tilom. Nakon 24 sata zabilježen je % smrtnosti. Ovisno o rezultatima pokusi su ponovljeni na isti način 2 do 4 puta. Rezultati su prikazani u donjoj tablici. The treatment was carried out as described in Example 3, using a Hamilton MicroLab P microdispenser. In two parallel experiments, 10 female 2-3 day old flies were treated from the ventral side of the thorax with 0.2 μl of the test solution. In addition to 1000-400-200-80 ng/fly fixed dose of synergist, they were also treated with constant 20 ng/fly carbofuran. The selection and counting of flies was done under the influence of CO2. After processing, the flies were kept in plastic cups covered with tulle. After 24 hours, % mortality was recorded. Depending on the results, the experiments were repeated in the same way 2 to 4 times. The results are shown in the table below.

Tablica 5 Table 5

[image] [image]


(Nazivi tržišnih pomoćnih materijala naznačeni su navodnim znacima, uz naziv proizvođača.) (The names of marketed auxiliary materials are indicated by supposed signs, along with the manufacturer's name.)

Primjer 6 Example 6

Priprava prahova Preparation of powders

A)158 g fino zrnatog perlita, 20 g karbofurana i 20 g spoja 755 miješano je u homogenizatoru, toj smjesi dodano je 2 g masnog alkoholnog poliglikolnog etera (“G-3920” ICI), te je smjesa homogenizirana. Smjesa za prašak usitnjena je u istisnom mlinu, te joj je dodano 5 g oktilfenolpoliglikonog etera (EO=20) (“Triton X-165” Rohm & Haas) i 2 g alkilsulfosukcinata (“Aerosol-13” Cyanamid). Rezultirajući proizvod je smjesa za močljivi prašak (WP). A) 158 g of fine-grained perlite, 20 g of carbofuran and 20 g of compound 755 were mixed in a homogenizer, 2 g of fatty alcohol polyglycol ether ("G-3920" ICI) was added to this mixture, and the mixture was homogenized. The powder mixture was pulverized in an exclusion mill, and 5 g of octylphenolpolyglycone ether (EO=20) ("Triton X-165" Rohm & Haas) and 2 g of alkyl sulfosuccinate ("Aerosol-13" Cyanamid) were added to it. The resulting product is a wettable powder (WP) compound.

B)10 g spoja 755 i 10 g karbofurana razrijeđeno je sa 2 g etanola. Otopina je miješana u homogenizatoru za praške sa 5 g kalcijevog ligninsulfonata (“Borrespeseca” Borregard), 5 g nonilfenol-poliglikolnog etera (EO=20) (“Arkopal N-200” Hoechst) i 70 g kalcijevog karbonata. Rezultirajući proizvod usitnjen je u visokom mlinu tipa 100. Prosječna veličina čestica bila je 1-2 μm. Taj se pripravak može primijeniti za pripravu mikrosuspenzija. B) 10 g of compound 755 and 10 g of carbofuran were diluted with 2 g of ethanol. The solution was mixed in a powder homogenizer with 5 g of calcium lignin sulfonate ("Borrespeseca" Borregard), 5 g of nonylphenol-polyglycol ether (EO=20) ("Arkopal N-200" Hoechst) and 70 g of calcium carbonate. The resulting product was pulverized in a type 100 high mill. The average particle size was 1-2 μm. This preparation can be used for the preparation of microsuspensions.

C)Smjesa 3 g diazinona, 3 g spoja 755 i 0.3 g masnog alkoholnog poliglikolnog etera (“G-3920” ICI) preuzeta je u homogenizatoru u smjesu 1.0 g sintetičke silicijeve kiseline (Aerosil 200) i 191 g talka (dmaks = 15-30 μm), a pH ove druge smjese prethodno je ugođen na pH 7 pomoću kalijevog i natrijevog fosfatnog pufera. Uz daljnje miješanje dodano je 1 g dioktilsulfosukcinata (“Aerosol OTB” Cyanamid) i 1 g masnog alkoholnog poliglikolnog eterskog sulfonata (“Genapol LRD” Hoechst), te je konačno smjesa usitnjena do prosječne veličine čestica od 20 μm. Rezultirajući produkt je lako protočni praškasti pripravak. C) A mixture of 3 g of diazinon, 3 g of compound 755 and 0.3 g of fatty alcohol polyglycol ether ("G-3920" ICI) was taken in a homogenizer into a mixture of 1.0 g of synthetic silicic acid (Aerosil 200) and 191 g of talc (dmax = 15- 30 μm), and the pH of this second mixture was previously adjusted to pH 7 using potassium and sodium phosphate buffer. With further mixing, 1 g of dioctyl sulfosuccinate ("Aerosol OTB" Cyanamid) and 1 g of fatty alcohol polyglycol ether sulfonate ("Genapol LRD" Hoechst) were added, and finally the mixture was crushed to an average particle size of 20 μm. The resulting product is an easily flowing powder preparation.

Primjer 7 Example 7

Priprava emulzijskih koncentrata Preparation of emulsion concentrates

A)Smjesa 5 g pirimikarba i 5 g spoja 755 otopljeno je u smjesi 20 g ksilena i 40 g propanola. Toj otopini dodana je smjesa od 4 g etoksiliranog alkilfenola + linearne kalcijeve alkilarilsulfonatne soli (“Geronol FF/U” Geronazzo) i 6 g etoksiliranog amina + masne kiseline + linearne alkilarilsulfonatne alkalijske metalne soli (“Geronol MS” Geronazzo). Nakon potpunog otapanja dodano je 20 g vode. Dobivena je prozirna otopina za koju je znakovito da razrijeđivanjem vodom tvori emulziju promjera kapi od 0.8-1.5 μm. A) A mixture of 5 g of pirimicarb and 5 g of compound 755 was dissolved in a mixture of 20 g of xylene and 40 g of propanol. A mixture of 4 g of ethoxylated alkylphenol + linear calcium alkylarylsulfonate salt ("Geronol FF/U" Geronazzo) and 6 g of ethoxylated amine + fatty acid + linear alkylarylsulfonate alkali metal salt ("Geronol MS" Geronazzo) was added to that solution. After complete dissolution, 20 g of water was added. A transparent solution was obtained, which, when diluted with water, forms an emulsion with a drop diameter of 0.8-1.5 μm.

B)Smjesa 5 g kinalfosa i 10 g spoja 755 i smjesa 7 g etoksiliranog-(EO=13)-propoksiliranog(PO=21)-nonilfenola, 2 g kalcijeve soli linearne dodecilbenzensulfonske kiseline i 12 g POE-(20)-sorbitan-monooleata, otopljena je u smjesi od 28.6-28.6 ml propilenglikola i borove masne kiseline i 23.8 ml suncokretovog ulja, 9.5 ml etanola i 95 ml alifatskog ugljikovodika sa 45 %-tnim sadržajem naftena. Tako dobiveni materijal može se ponajprije primijeniti za pripravu mikroemulzija. B) A mixture of 5 g of quinalphos and 10 g of compound 755 and a mixture of 7 g of ethoxylated-(EO=13)-propoxylated(PO=21)-nonylphenol, 2 g of the calcium salt of linear dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid and 12 g of POE-(20)-sorbitan- monooleate, was dissolved in a mixture of 28.6-28.6 ml of propylene glycol and boric fatty acid and 23.8 ml of sunflower oil, 9.5 ml of ethanol and 95 ml of aliphatic hydrocarbon with 45% naphthene content. The material thus obtained can primarily be used for the preparation of microemulsions.

C)Smjesa 0.02-0.02 masena dijela aktivnog sastojka i sinergista otopljeno je u 10 masenih dijelova propanola, rezultirajućoj otopini dodano je 99.96 masenih dijelova bezmirisnog petroleja i smjesa je miješana do nastanka homogene otopine. Rezultirajući uljni disperzni pripravak može se izravno uporabiti u ULV primjeni. C) A mixture of 0.02-0.02 mass parts of the active ingredient and synergist was dissolved in 10 mass parts of propanol, 99.96 mass parts of odorless kerosene were added to the resulting solution and the mixture was mixed until a homogeneous solution was formed. The resulting oil dispersion composition can be directly used in ULV applications.

Primjer 8 Example 8

Priprava granulata Preparation of granules

U mehaničkom granulatoru miješano je 300 g karbofurana, 300 g spoja 755, 1500 g polikarboksilatne alkalijske soli (“Sorphol” Toho), 500 g natrijeve soli dodecilbenzensulfonske kiseline (“Marlon TP 370” Hüls), 500 g šećera od šećerne repe i 7200 g kaolinita. Tako dobivena praškasta smjesa miješana je sa 8300 ml vode primjenom miješalice visoke zakretne snage (v = 10 m/s). Smjesa je konačno sušena prskanjem. Razdioba veličine čestica produkta je 0.1-0.4 mm. In a mechanical granulator, 300 g of carbofuran, 300 g of compound 755, 1500 g of polycarboxylate alkali salt ("Sorphol" Toho), 500 g of sodium salt of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid ("Marlon TP 370" Hüls), 500 g of beet sugar and 7200 g of kaolinite. The thus obtained powdery mixture was mixed with 8300 ml of water using a mixer with high rotational power (v = 10 m/s). The mixture was finally spray-dried. The product particle size distribution is 0.1-0.4 mm.

Primjer 9 Example 9

Priprava aerosola Aerosol preparation

U aparaturi od 100 l opremljenu miješalicom, pomiješano je 1 kg bioaletrina, 0.5 kg spoja 755, 0.1 kg aerosil-zrak 972, 0.1 kg etilenglikol-monosalicilata, 15 kg bezmirisnog petroleja i 50 kg propanola. Nakon otapanja punjena je u cilindre sa 33.3 kg tekućeg plina propan-butan (25-75). In a 100 l apparatus equipped with a mixer, 1 kg of bioalethrin, 0.5 kg of compound 755, 0.1 kg of aerosil-air 972, 0.1 kg of ethylene glycol monosalicylate, 15 kg of odorless kerosene and 50 kg of propanol were mixed. After melting, it was filled into cylinders with 33.3 kg of liquid propane-butane gas (25-75).

Primjer 10 Example 10

Priprava sredstva koje isparava It prepares the means that it evaporates

U 60 ml etanola otopljeno je 5 g S-bioaletrina, 5 g spoja 755 i 1 g limunske arome. Otopina je primijenjena u isparivačima pri temperaturi od 50 °C. 5 g of S-bioalethrin, 5 g of compound 755 and 1 g of lemon flavor were dissolved in 60 ml of ethanol. The solution was applied in evaporators at a temperature of 50 °C.

Claims (7)

1. 1.(+) Optički izomer, izomerna smjesa bogata (+) optičkim izomerom, naznačen time, da je to alkinilni sastojak spoja formule (I).1. 1.(+) Optical isomer, isomeric mixture rich in (+) optical isomer, indicated by the fact that it is an alkynyl component of the compound of formula (I). 2. Postupak priprave (+) optičkog izomera ili izomerne smjese bogate (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (I), naznačen time, da se provodi reakcijom (+) optičkog izomera ili izomerne smjese bogate (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (II) sa spojem općenite formule (III), gdje X i Y predstavljaju skupine prikladne za tvorbu eterske veze.2. The procedure for the preparation of the (+) optical isomer or isomeric mixture rich in the (+) optical isomer of the compound of formula (I), characterized by the fact that it is carried out by the reaction of the (+) optical isomer or isomeric mixture rich in the (+) optical isomer of the compound of formula (II) with a compound of the general formula (III), where X and Y represent groups suitable for the formation of an ether bond. 3. Pesticidni pripravci, naznačeni time, da kao aktivni sastojak sadrže 0.0001-99.9 mas.% (+) optičkog izomera ili izomerne smjese bogate (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (I), te opcijski i drugi poznati pesticidno aktivni sastojak, osim nosača i pomoćnih materijala.3. Pesticidal preparations, characterized by the fact that as an active ingredient they contain 0.0001-99.9 wt.% (+) optical isomer or isomeric mixture rich in the (+) optical isomer of the compound of formula (I), and optionally another known pesticidally active ingredient, except for the carrier and auxiliary materials. 4. Artropodicidni sastojak, naznačen time, da kao aktivni sastojak sadrži 0.0001-99.9 mas.% (+) optičkog izomera ili izomerne smjese bogate (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (I), te opcijski i drugi artropodicidno aktivni sastojak, osim nosača i pomoćnih materijala.4. Arthropodicidal ingredient, characterized by the fact that as an active ingredient it contains 0.0001-99.9 wt.% (+) optical isomer or isomeric mixture rich in (+) optical isomer of the compound of formula (I), and optionally another arthropodicidally active ingredient, except for the carrier and auxiliary materials. 5. Pripravak prema zahtjevima 3 i 4, naznačen time, da kao drugi aktivni sastojak sadrži jedan ili više sljedećih aktivnih sastojaka: acetamidni derivati: npr. oksamil; acetamidinski derivati: npr. acetamiprid; benzoilureini spojevi: npr. flucikloksuron, heksaflumuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, novaluron, lufenuron, klorofluazuron; bicikloheptadienski spojevi: npr. heptenofos; premošteni difenilni spojevi: npr. etofenproks, bromopropilat, metoksikolor, temefos, tetradifon; karbamati: npr. aminokarb, aldikarb, aldoksikarb, asulam, bendiokarb, benfurakarb, karbaril, karbetamid, karbofuran, karbosulfan, dietofenkarb, dioksakarb, etiofenkarb, fenobukarb, fenoksikarb, furatiokarb, izoprokarb, metomil, oksamil, pirimikarb (pirimor), propoksur, tiodikarb, tiofanoks, ksililkarb; karbamoiloksimski derivati: npr. alanikarb, butokarboksim; ciklodieni: npr. aldrin, klordan, endosulfan, heptaklor; diazoli: npr. fipronil; difenileteri: npr. diofenolan; hidrazidi: RH 5992, RH 5849, CGA 215’944; nereistoksinski analozi: npr. bensultap, kartap; klornikotinilni analozi: npr. imidakloprid; nitroetilenski i nitrometilenski analozi: npr. nitenpiram; organofosforni spojevi: npr. kinalfos, diazinon, fosalon, dimetoat, azinfos-metil; organokositrovi spojevi: npr. azociklotin, ciheksatin, fenbutatin oksid; oksadiazinski karboksilati: npr. DPX-MP062, DPX-JW062; fenoksi spojevi: npr. diafentiuron, diofenolan; pirazoli: npr. pirazofos; piretroidi: npr. aletrin, bioaletrin (esbiol), akrinatrin, deltametrin, halfenproks, flumetrin, fenvalerat, empentrin, praletrin, resmetrin, MTI-800, flufenproks, permetrin, tetrametrin, ZX-8901, cipermetrin, i njihovi izomeri i izomerne kombinacije, kao što je β-cipermetrin, theta-cipermetrin; piridazinoni: npr. piridaben, NC-196; piridinski derivati: npr. klorpirifos; pirimidinski derivati: npr. pirimifos-etil, pirimifos-metil; piroli: npr. AC 303, 630 (klorfenapir); kinazolini: npr. fenazakvin; terpenoidni derivati: npr. metopren; tetrazini: npr. klofentezin, SzI-121 (flufenzin); tiadiazini: npr. buprofezin; tiazolidin: npr. heksitiazoks, etoksazol; triazoli: npr. isazofos, RH 7988; klorirani ugljikovodici: npr. lindan; makrociklički laktoni: npr. ivermekrin/avermektin, doramektin, noksidektin, emamektin, milbemicin; tebufenpirad; feniproksimat; triazamat; insekticidi biljnog podrijetla: npr. azadiraktin, naftokinoni, piretridi i njihovi derivati, biljni ekstrakti.5. The preparation according to claims 3 and 4, characterized in that it contains one or more of the following active ingredients as the second active ingredient: acetamide derivatives: eg oxamyl; acetamidine derivatives: eg acetamiprid; benzoylurein compounds: eg flucycloxuron, hexaflumuron, teflubenzuron, triflumuron, novaluron, lufenuron, chlorofluazuron; bicycloheptadiene compounds: eg heptenophos; bridged diphenyl compounds: eg etofenprox, bromopropylate, methoxycolor, temephos, tetradifon; carbamates: eg aminocarb, aldicarb, aldoxycarb, asulam, bendiocarb, benfuracarb, carbaryl, carbetamide, carbofuran, carbosulfan, dietofencarb, dioxacarb, etiofencarb, fenobucarb, fenoxycarb, furatiocarb, isoprocarb, methomyl, oxamyl, pirimicarb (pirimor), propoxur, thiodicarb , thiophanox, xylylcarb; carbamoyloxime derivatives: eg alanicarb, butocarboxime; cyclodienes: eg aldrin, chlordane, endosulfan, heptachlor; diazoles: eg fipronil; diphenyl ethers: eg diphenol; hydrazides: RH 5992, RH 5849, CGA 215'944; non-reistoxin analogues: eg bensultap, kartap; chlornicotinyl analogues: eg imidacloprid; nitroethylene and nitromethylene analogues: eg nitenpyram; organophosphorus compounds: eg quinalphos, diazinon, phosalon, dimethoate, azinphos-methyl; organotin compounds: eg azocyclotin, cyhexatin, fenbutatin oxide; oxadiazine carboxylates: eg DPX-MP062, DPX-JW062; phenoxy compounds: eg diafenthiuron, diphenolan; pyrazoles: eg pyrazophos; pyrethroids: eg allethrin, bioallethrin (esbiol), acrinathrin, deltamethrin, halfenprox, flumethrin, fenvalerate, empenthrin, pralethrin, resmethrin, MTI-800, flufenprox, permethrin, tetramethrin, ZX-8901, cypermethrin, and their isomers and isomeric combinations, such as β-cypermethrin, theta-cypermethrin; pyridazinones: eg pyridaben, NC-196; pyridine derivatives: eg chlorpyrifos; pyrimidine derivatives: eg pirimiphos-ethyl, pirimiphos-methyl; pyrroles: eg AC 303, 630 (chlorfenapyr); quinazolines: eg phenazaquine; terpenoid derivatives: eg methoprene; tetrazines: eg clofentezine, SzI-121 (fluphenzine); thiadiazines: eg buprofezin; thiazolidine: eg hexithiazox, etoxazole; triazoles: eg isazophos, RH 7988; chlorinated hydrocarbons: eg lindane; macrocyclic lactones: eg ivermecrin/avermectin, doramectin, nocidectin, emamectin, milbemycin; tebufenpyrade; pheniproximate; triazamate; insecticides of plant origin: eg azadirachtin, naphthoquinones, pyrethroids and their derivatives, plant extracts. 6. Pripravak prema zahtjevima 4-5, naznačen time, da kao aktivni sastojak sadrži 0.0001-99.9 mas.% (+) optičkog izomera ili izomerne smjese bogate (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (I) i neki artropodicidni karbamat, piretroid, piretrin, klornikotinilni analog, diazol, makrociklički lakton, ponajprije karbofuran, karbosulfan, pirimikarb, alanikarb, fipronil, imidakloprid i ivermektin/avermektin.6. Preparation according to claims 4-5, characterized by the fact that as an active ingredient it contains 0.0001-99.9 wt.% (+) optical isomer or isomeric mixture rich in (+) optical isomer of the compound of formula (I) and some arthropodicidal carbamate, pyrethroid, pyrethrin , chlornicotinyl analogue, diazole, macrocyclic lactone, especially carbofuran, carbosulfan, pirimicarb, alanicarb, fipronil, imidacloprid and ivermectin/avermectin. 7. Postupak uništavanja štetočina, ponajprije artropoda, naznačen time, da sadrži obradbu insekata, ponajprije artropoda, prikladnom količinom pripravka prema zahtjevima 5 ili 6, prema želji na takav način da se pripravci koji sadrže (+) optički izomer ili izomernu smjesu bogatu (+) optičkim izomerom spoja formule (I), te pripravak ili pripravci koji sadrže poznati aktivni sastojak ili sastojke, primijene bilo u spremničkoj smjesi ili uzastopce. 7. A method of destroying pests, primarily arthropods, indicated by the fact that it contains the treatment of insects, primarily arthropods, with a suitable amount of the preparation according to claims 5 or 6, as desired in such a way that the preparations containing the (+) optical isomer or an isomeric mixture rich in (+ ) by an optical isomer of the compound of formula (I), and a preparation or preparations containing a known active ingredient or ingredients, applied either in a container mixture or consecutively.
HRP9700893A 1997-05-14 1998-05-11 Pesticide compounds, compositions and process for the preparation thereof HRP980249A2 (en)

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HU9700893A HU223972B1 (en) 1997-05-14 1997-05-14 Arthropodicidal(+/-)-1-(1-but-2-ynyloxi-ethyl)-3,4-dimethoxi-benzol, preparation thereof, composition containing this compound as active ingredient and use thereof

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