HRP960227A2 - Magnetic knives holder - Google Patents

Magnetic knives holder Download PDF


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HRP960227A2 HRP960227A HRP960227A2 HR P960227 A2 HRP960227 A2 HR P960227A2 HR P960227 A HRP960227 A HR P960227A HR P960227 A2 HRP960227 A2 HR P960227A2
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Zdravko Malizani
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Zdravko Malizani
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Application filed by Zdravko Malizani filed Critical Zdravko Malizani
Publication of HRP960227A2 publication Critical patent/HRP960227A2/en
Publication of HRP960227B1 publication Critical patent/HRP960227B1/en



  • Supports Or Holders For Household Use (AREA)
  • Control And Other Processes For Unpacking Of Materials (AREA)
  • Processing And Handling Of Plastics And Other Materials For Molding In General (AREA)
  • Finish Polishing, Edge Sharpening, And Grinding By Specific Grinding Devices (AREA)


Izum se odnosi na magnetni držač za pričvršćivanje na zidu, osobito za držanje noževa, škara ili sličnog. The invention relates to a magnetic holder for fixing on the wall, especially for holding knives, scissors or the like.

Poznati su držači za noževe kod kojih je na zidu pričvršćena lajsna sa dva uska magneta u obliku slova U. Magneti koji su izvedeni kao uske dvostruke šinje strše iznad površine lajsne. U području, u kojem okomito sječivo noža dodirne magnetni krak debljine ca. 1 mm je i snaga držanja proporcionalno s time slaba; u područjima u kojima se ne dodiruje magnetne sile su neiskorištene. Uređaj je jako kompliciran i skup za proizvodnju. Mnogobrojni urezi predstavljaju kutove za prljavštinu i područja za sakupljanje i razmožavanje bakterija, osobito salmonela, koji se neizbježno dovode sa sječiva noža direktno na magnete. Zbog toga jedinstvenost konstrukcije zahtjeva da se sva 4 kraka magneta u obliku slova U moraju pozicionirati u istoj ravnini. Ukoliko se to ne dogodi npr. zbog tvorničke tolerancije ili netočnosti proizvodnje ili zbog istezanja lajsne onda će već po sebi slaba snaga držanja biti potpuno nedovoljna. There are well-known knife holders in which a molding with two narrow magnets in the shape of the letter U is attached to the wall. The magnets, which are designed as narrow double rails, protrude above the surface of the molding. In the area where the vertical blade of the knife touches the magnetic arm with a thickness of approx. 1 mm and the holding power is proportionally weak; in areas where it does not touch magnetic forces are unused. The device is very complicated and expensive to manufacture. The numerous notches represent corners for dirt and areas for the collection and dilution of bacteria, especially salmonella, which are inevitably brought from the knife blade directly to the magnets. Therefore, the uniqueness of the construction requires that all 4 arms of the U-shaped magnet must be positioned in the same plane. If this does not happen, for example, due to factory tolerance or production inaccuracy or due to stretching of the molding, then the already weak holding power will be completely insufficient.

Nadalje su poznati magnetni držači noževa iz SAD- patent br. 4497412 i br, 5011102 kod kojih se noževi moraju ugurati odnosno umetnuti u uske, male proreze. To zahtjeva točno usmjeravanje s oštrice odnosno vrha noža koji se još k tome moraju umetnuti točno u paralelne uske, male proreze. Prema drugom navedenom US-patentu nisu pojedinačni magneti niti vidljivi. Prema tome je prepušteno slučajnosti da li će umetnuti nož biti stavljen na jedan ili između dva magneta. Korištenje uređaja prema obadva US- patenta je iz toga razloga nezgodno odnosno nesigurno. Furthermore, magnetic knife holders from the USA are known - patent no. 4497412 and no. 5011102, where the knives must be inserted into narrow, small slits. This requires accurate guidance from the blade or tip of the knife, which must also be inserted exactly into the parallel, narrow, small slits. According to the second mentioned US patent, individual magnets are not even visible. Therefore, it is left to chance whether the inserted knife will be placed on one or between two magnets. Using the device according to both US patents is therefore inconvenient or unsafe.

Svi ti opisani, poznati držači noževa nisu se proširili zbog navedenih nedostataka. Zadaća ovog izuma je da se izbjegnu opisani nedostaci poznatih držača noža. All of these described, known knife holders did not expand due to the mentioned defects. The task of the present invention is to avoid the described disadvantages of known knife holders.

To se postiže pomoću pločastih magneta u obliku tako da su magneti pričvršćeni u istoj ravnini pričvršćeni na lajsnu a njihova gornja površina je poravnana s lajsnom. Magnetne polčice mogu imati i drugi oblik osim okrugloga, npr. kvadratni, eliptični, jajolik, poligonalan ili slično. Ali okrugli oblik ima prednosti ako je lajsna drvena; vađenje magnetnih šajbi se onda može lagano i jednostavno izvesti glodanjem. Ako je lajsna od plastike onda je oblik magnetne pločice manje važan. This is achieved by means of plate magnets shaped so that the magnets are attached in the same plane to the molding and their upper surface is flush with the molding. Magnetic poles can have other shapes than round, for example, square, elliptical, oval, polygonal or similar. But the round shape has advantages if the molding is wooden; magnetic washers can then be easily and simply removed by milling. If the molding is made of plastic, then the shape of the magnetic plate is less important.

Prednost ovoga izuma se može postignuti time da se magneti u lajsnu smjeste s raziičitim razmacima , tako da se različito široki predmeti mogu poredati tako da se uštedi prostor. Nadalje se magneti mogu poredati okomito na smjer lajsne. Na taj način se mogu relativno velike magnetne pločice smjestiti na ograničenu dužinu lajsne i time se može držati i više uskih predmeta. Veće magnetne pločice imaju jaču snagu držanja. The advantage of this invention can be achieved by placing the magnets in the molding with different distances, so that objects of different widths can be arranged in such a way as to save space. Furthermore, the magnets can be arranged perpendicular to the direction of the molding. In this way, relatively large magnetic tiles can be placed on the limited length of the skirting board, and thus several narrow objects can be held. Larger magnetic tiles have stronger holding power.

Nadalje se može držač dopuniti samoljepivim pločicama sa steznim uređajem ili sličnim, sa pločicama od željeza, željeznog lima, magnetnog materijala ili sličnoga čime se mogu na držaću držati i nemagnetizirani odnosno predmeti koji se ne drže za magnet. Držač se tako može koristiti i za četke, kuhače ili slično. Furthermore, the holder can be supplemented with self-adhesive plates with a clamping device or similar, with plates made of iron, iron sheet, magnetic material or the like, which can be used to hold non-magnetized, i.e. objects that are not held by a magnet, on the holder. The holder can thus also be used for brushes, cookers or the like.

Bitne prednosti ovog držača su u tome da on zbog svoje glatke površine nema kutove u kojima se zadržava prljavština te ga je lakše održavati, nego poznate držače. Osim toga se s magnetnom pločicom postižu bitno veće snage držanja nego sa poznatim uskim magnetnim šinjama u obliku slova U. Ove lajsne se jednostavnije, lakše i jeftinije proizvode nego već poznati držači. The essential advantages of this holder are that, due to its smooth surface, it has no corners where dirt can get stuck, and it is easier to maintain than known holders. In addition, significantly greater holding power is achieved with the magnetic plate than with the known narrow U-shaped magnetic rails. These moldings are simpler, easier and cheaper to produce than the already known holders.

Korištenje ovog uređaja je bitno jednostavnija, lakša i povoljnije nego korištenje držača prema navedenim US-patentima. Predmetima treba samo dodirnuti magnetnu pločicu. Nije potrebno točno ciljanje, magnetne su pločice bitno veće od uskih, malih proreza na poznatin držačima. The use of this device is significantly simpler, easier and more favorable than the use of the holder according to the mentioned US patents. Objects only need to touch the magnetic plate. Precise aiming is not necessary, the magnetic plates are significantly larger than the narrow, small slits on familiar holders.

Na crtežu su prikazani primjeri izvedbe ovog izuma a da nije došlo do ograničenja izuma. The drawing shows examples of implementation of this invention without limiting the invention.

Slika 1 prikazuje držač u položaju za uporabu, sl. 2, prikazuje držač gledan odozdol a sl 3, presjek držača poprečno na smjer lajsne. Na sl. 1 prikazana je drvena lajsna koja može biti impregnirana tako da ne zadržava prljavštinu, može biti lakirana. Na slici 2 su prikazani pločasti magneti a na slici 3 bušenja za učvršćivanje lajsne na zid. Fig. 1 shows the holder in the position for use, Fig. 2 shows the holder viewed from below and Fig. 3, a section of the holder transverse to the direction of the molding. Fig. 1 shows a wooden molding that can be impregnated so that it does not retain dirt, it can be varnished. Figure 2 shows the plate magnets and Figure 3 shows the holes for fastening the skirting board to the wall.

Sl. 4 prikazuje izvedbu prema zahtjevu patenta 3, koji omogućava smještanje večeg broja magnetnih pločica na navedenoj dužini lajsne. Tako se može držati puno više uskih predmeta, Ne samo na sl. 1 nego i na sl. 4 prikazani su oblici izvedbe s izmjeničnim razmakom magneta prema zahtjevu patenta 2. Sl. 4 shows the design according to the claim of patent 3, which enables the placement of a larger number of magnetic tiles on the specified length of the molding. In this way, many more narrow objects can be held. Not only in Fig. 1 but also in Fig. 4 are shown the forms of execution with alternating magnet spacing according to the requirement of patent 2.

Slike 5 i 6 prikazuju samoljepljive pločice od željeza ili sličnog prema zahtjevu za patente 4, na kojima su oznake za patent broj 4. Sa brojem 5 je označen samoljepljivi sloj. Ta izvedba omogućuje da se drže predmeti koji se ne drže za magnet kao što su četke od drveta, plastike ili slično. Figures 5 and 6 show self-adhesive tiles made of iron or the like according to patent application 4, on which there are marks for patent number 4. With number 5, the self-adhesive layer is marked. This design makes it possible to hold objects that do not stick to a magnet, such as brushes made of wood, plastic or the like.

Slike 7 i 8 pokazuju varijante izvedbe prema zahtjevu patenta 5. Te pločice ili šajbe imaju steznu oprugu 5. Prema slici 7 je jedna opruga 5 npr. od čeličnog lima pričvršćena s jednim ili više zakovica 6 na željeznu pločicu 4. Slika 8 pokazuje pričvršćavanje stezne opruge 5 od plastike ili sličnoga na željezne pločicu 4 ljepljenjem. Figures 7 and 8 show variants of the design according to patent claim 5. These plates or washers have a clamping spring 5. According to Figure 7, one spring 5, for example made of sheet steel, is attached with one or more rivets 6 to an iron plate 4. Figure 8 shows the fastening of the clamping spring springs 5 made of plastic or similar to the iron plate 4 by gluing.

Stezna opruga 5 omogućava pričvršćivanje štapastih ili okruglih predmeta od drveta, plastike ili sličnoga, osobito kuhača , ručnih miksera itd. na ovaj držač. The clamping spring 5 enables the attachment of stick or round objects made of wood, plastic or the like, especially cookers, hand mixers, etc., to this holder.

Slika 9 pokazuje u presjeku kako se pričvršćuje na zid lajsna sa dvije magnetne pločice. Shematski je prikazana lajsna, odnosno nož koji se drži na magnetnoj pločici Figure 9 shows in section how the skirting board is attached to the wall with two magnetic plates. Schematically, the molding is shown, that is, the knife that is held on the magnetic plate

Na slici 10 je shematski prikazano kako se na lajsni 1 drže škare i različiti noževi pomoću magnetne pločice 2. Figure 10 schematically shows how scissors and various knives are held on the molding 1 using the magnetic plate 2.

Claims (5)

1. Držač s magnetima u obliku koluta, osobito za noževe, škare ili slično, naznačen time, da su magneti u obliku koluta pričvršćeni u istoj ravnini na jednoj lajsni tako da gornja površina magneta čini s lajsnom jednu cjelinu.1. Holder with magnets in the form of a ring, especially for knives, scissors or the like, indicated by the fact that the magnets in the form of a ring are fixed in the same plane on one molding so that the upper surface of the magnet forms a single unit with the molding. 2. Držač prema zahtjevu broj 1, naznačen time, da su magneti na lajsni smješteni s različitim razmacima, tako da se mogu poredati predmeti različite širine da se uštedi prostor.2. The holder according to claim number 1, characterized by the fact that the magnets on the molding are placed at different intervals, so that objects of different widths can be arranged to save space. 3. Držač prema zahtjevima 1 ili 2, naznačen time, da su magneti poredani nasuprot poprečno na smjer lajsne.3. Holder according to claims 1 or 2, indicated by the fact that the magnets are arranged opposite and transverse to the direction of the molding. 4. Držač se prema jednom od gore navedenih zahtjeva, naznačen time, da je držač dopunjen samoljepljivim pločicama ili šajbama od željeza, magnetičnim materijalom ili sl., zbog čega se na njemu ne trebaju držati nemagnetizirani, odnosno predmeti koji se ne drže za magnete.4. The holder conforms to one of the above-mentioned requirements, indicated by the fact that the holder is supplemented with self-adhesive tiles or washers made of iron, magnetic material or the like, which is why non-magnetized items, i.e. objects that are not held by magnets, should not be kept on it. 5. Držač se prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 3, naznačen time, da je dopunjen pločicom sa steznom oprugom ili šajbom od željeza, magnetnim materijalom ili sl. zbog čega se na njemu mogu držati štapasti ili okrugli predmeti koji nisu magnetizirani odnosno koji se ne drže za magnete.5. The holder according to one of the requirements 1 to 3, indicated by the fact that it is supplemented with a plate with a clamping spring or a washer made of iron, magnetic material or the like, which is why it can hold stick or round objects that are not magnetized or that are not held by magnets.
HRP960227 1996-04-09 1996-05-17 Magnetic knives holder HRP960227B1 (en)

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AT62596A AT404547B (en) 1996-04-09 1996-04-09 Magnetic holder

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HRP960227B1 HRP960227B1 (en) 2000-10-31



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HRP960227 HRP960227B1 (en) 1996-04-09 1996-05-17 Magnetic knives holder

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DE102018010080B4 (en) * 2018-12-18 2023-05-04 TWO GmbH fastener

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HRP960227B1 (en) 2000-10-31
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AT404547B (en) 1998-12-28

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