HRP950296A2 - Programing apparatus for timely regulation of temperature and apparatus control - Google Patents

Programing apparatus for timely regulation of temperature and apparatus control Download PDF


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HRP950296A2 HRP950296A HRP950296A2 HR P950296 A2 HRP950296 A2 HR P950296A2 HR P950296 A HRP950296 A HR P950296A HR P950296 A2 HRP950296 A2 HR P950296A2
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Kresimir Stih
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Kresimir Stih
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Application filed by Kresimir Stih filed Critical Kresimir Stih
Priority to HRP950296 priority Critical patent/HRP950296B1/en
Publication of HRP950296A2 publication Critical patent/HRP950296A2/en
Publication of HRP950296B1 publication Critical patent/HRP950296B1/en



  • Control Of Temperature (AREA)


Uvod Introduction

Glavni poticaj realizaciji opisanog uređaja bila je želja za učinkovitim nadzorom potrošnje energije. Misao vodilja bila je ne ograničiti upotrebu energije i boraviti u mračnom i hladnom prostoru, već optimirati njezino korištenje smanjivši nepotrebno rasipanje energije pregrijavanjem, grijanjem u vrijeme kada to nije potrebno ili uključivanjem rasvjete po danu i povećati udobnost korisnika. Smanjenje potrošnje energije uklapa se u suvremene tendencije zaštite čovjekove okoline i smanjenje financijskih troškova. The main impetus for the realization of the described device was the desire for effective monitoring of energy consumption. The guiding thought was not to limit the use of energy and stay in a dark and cold space, but to optimize its use by reducing the unnecessary waste of energy by overheating, heating when it is not needed or by turning on lighting during the day and increasing user comfort. The reduction of energy consumption fits in with modern tendencies to protect the human environment and reduce financial costs.

Iz želje da se što je moguće više optimira potrošnja energije u kućanstvu i industriji nastala je ideja za razvoj programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima. Bit ideje je održavanje željene temperature prostora u kojem se boravi samo u vrijeme kada je to potrebno. Tokom razvoja uređaja pokazalo se da je, osim kontrole temperature, bez dodatnih troškova moguće ostvariti i upravljanje nekim uređajima (npr. za zagrijavanje vode). Dodatni zahtjev bio je načiniti mali, kompaktan uređaj koji će biti široko primjenljiv i neupadljiv u interijeru, bilo da se radi o stanu, kući, poslovnom prostoru ili industrijskom postrojenju. Široka primjenljivost smanjuje troškove eventualne proizvodnje istog uređaja za različite namjene. The desire to optimize energy consumption in the household and industry as much as possible gave rise to the idea of developing a programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management. The essence of the idea is to maintain the desired temperature of the living space only when it is necessary. During the development of the device, it was shown that, in addition to temperature control, it is also possible to manage some devices (eg for heating water) without additional costs. An additional requirement was to make a small, compact device that will be widely applicable and inconspicuous in the interior, whether it is an apartment, house, office or industrial plant. Wide applicability reduces the costs of eventual production of the same device for different purposes.

Područje tehnike u koje uređaj spada i osnovne tehničke karakteristike uređaja prikazane su u glavi 2.1. Rješenje tehničkog problema opisano je u glavi 2.2. Glava 2.3. daje prikaz postojećih tehničkih rješenja koja su korištena u razradi ideje. Bit i novosti izuma te prednosti korištenja gotovog uređaja sa nekoliko primjera izneseni su u glavi 2.4. Glava 2.5. detaljno opisuje princip rada uređaja sa izborom svih bitnih elemenata. Način korištenja uređaja sa primjerima njegovog rada prikazan je u glavi 2.6. Patentni zahtjev sa uvodnim i karakterističnim djelom postavljen je u glavi 3. Sažetak cijelog tehničkog rješenja sadrži glava 4. Električne sheme uređaja prikazane su na kraju na slikama 1, 2 i 3. Slike 4 i 5 prikazuju tiskane pločice gotovog uređaja, a slike 6 i 7 prikazuju raspored elemenata na tiskanim pločicama. Slika 8 prikazuje mogući vanjski izgled gotovog uređaja u mjerilu 1:1. The technical field to which the device belongs and the basic technical characteristics of the device are presented in chapter 2.1. The solution to the technical problem is described in chapter 2.2. Chapter 2.3. gives a presentation of the existing technical solutions that were used in the elaboration of the idea. The essence and novelty of the invention, as well as the advantages of using a ready-made device with several examples, are presented in chapter 2.4. Chapter 2.5. describes in detail the principle of operation of the device with a selection of all essential elements. The method of using the device with examples of its operation is shown in chapter 2.6. The patent application with the introductory and characteristic part is presented in chapter 3. The summary of the entire technical solution is contained in chapter 4. The electrical diagrams of the device are shown at the end in figures 1, 2 and 3. Figures 4 and 5 show the printed circuit boards of the finished device, and figures 6 and 7 show the arrangement of elements on printed circuit boards. Figure 8 shows a possible external appearance of the finished device in a scale of 1:1.

Opis izuma Description of the invention

Područje tehnike The field of technology

Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima je elektronički sklop. Za svoj rad koristi procesorsku upravljačku jedinicu i elektroničke prekidače za uključivanje, odnosno isključivanje nekog uređaja. The programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management is an electronic circuit. For its work, it uses a processor control unit and electronic switches for switching on and off a device.

Procesorsku upravljačku jedinicu čini sklop sa programabilnim integriranim krugom (mikrokontroler) tvrtke “Intel” familije MCS48 sa pripadajućim komponentama, integrirani krug koji ima funkciju sata tvrtke “Philips”, sklop pojačala za pogon indikatora, pokazivača, tipkovnice i elektroničkih prekidača, osjetilo temperature sa pripadajućim pojačalom, analogno-digitalni pretvarač tvrtke Texas Instruments", tipkovnica sa LED indikatorima i četiri sedamsegmentna LED pokazivača The processor control unit consists of a circuit with a programmable integrated circuit (microcontroller) from the company "Intel" of the MCS48 family with associated components, an integrated circuit with a clock function from the company "Philips", an amplifier circuit for driving indicators, pointers, keyboards and electronic switches, a temperature sensor with associated amplifier, analog-digital converter from Texas Instruments", keyboard with LED indicators and four seven-segment LED indicators

Mjerenje temperature ostvareno je poluvodičkim osjetilom koristeći princip ovisnosti napona poluvodiča o promjeni temperature. Temperature measurement was achieved with a semiconductor sensor using the principle of dependence of semiconductor voltage on temperature change.

Elektronički prekidači sadrže pobudni sklop tvrtke “Motorola” i TRIAC kao elektroničku sklopku sa pripadajućim elementima za filtriranje smetnji za izmjenično napajanje. Za upravljanje trošilima koja koriste istosmjerno napajanje, kao prekidači koriste se snažni bipolarni tranzistori sa izoliranim upravljačkim krugom (IGBT) sa odgovarajućim pobudnim krugom. The electronic switches contain an excitation circuit from the company "Motorola" and a TRIAC as an electronic switch with associated interference filtering elements for AC power supply. Powerful bipolar transistors with an isolated control circuit (IGBT) with a suitable excitation circuit are used as switches to control consumers that use direct current.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima zamišljen je kao višenamjenski uređaj koji nakon zadavanja parametara (vremenski intervali i temperature) održava zadanu temperaturu prostora u zadanom vremenskom intervalu i upravlja uređajima koji su priključeni na programator. Vremenskim reguliranjem temperature smanjuje se potrošnja energije za zagrijavanje ili hlađenje prostorija uz optimalnu temperaturu, a upravljanje optimira zagrijavanje vode, uključivanje rasvjete, strojeva, alarma, kontrolu cjevovoda i slično, kako u kućanstvu, tako i u poslovnim prostorima i industrijskim postrojenjima. The programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management is designed as a multi-purpose device that, after setting the parameters (time intervals and temperatures), maintains the set room temperature in the set time interval and manages the devices connected to the programmer. Time regulation of the temperature reduces energy consumption for heating or cooling rooms with an optimal temperature, and management optimizes water heating, switching on lighting, machines, alarms, pipeline control and the like, both in households and in commercial premises and industrial plants.

Programator se sastoji iz procesorske upravljačke jedinice i potrebnog broja elektroničkih prekidača za uključivanje, odnosno isključivanje priključenih uređaja. The programmer consists of a processor control unit and the necessary number of electronic switches for switching on and off connected devices.

Procesorska upravljačka jedinica za napajanje koristi istosmjerni ne stabilizirani napon iz vanjskog ispravljača. Stabilizator potrebnog pogonskog napona sastavni je dio upravljačke jedinice. The power supply of the processor control unit uses an unregulated DC voltage from an external rectifier. The stabilizer of the necessary drive voltage is an integral part of the control unit.

Procesorska upravljačka jedinica koristi programabilni integrirani krug (u daljnjem tekstu mikrokontroler) za izvršavanje glavnih funkcija sklopa. Program koji se ugrađuje u mikrokontroler upravlja cijelim sustavom programatora. Program je načinjen tako da omogućava postavljanje vremena, vremenskih intervala, temperature i dr. Sam program ugrađuje se prema specifičnim zahtjevima primjene čime se dobiva velika iskoristivost uređaja jer isti sklopovi izvršavaju različite funkcije, ovisno o ugrađenom programu. Ova karakteristika ostvaruje relativno nisku proizvodnu cijenu uređaja i veliku širinu primjene. The processor control unit uses a programmable integrated circuit (hereinafter referred to as a microcontroller) to perform the main functions of the circuit. The program embedded in the microcontroller controls the entire programmer system. The program is designed in such a way that it allows setting the time, time intervals, temperature, etc. The program itself is installed according to the specific requirements of the application, which makes the device highly usable because the same circuits perform different functions, depending on the installed program. This characteristic achieves a relatively low production cost of the device and a wide range of applications.

Točno vrijeme i memorija u kojoj su pohranjeni vremenski intervali i temperature sadržano je u posebnom integriranom krugu male potrošnje struje čime je postignut ispravan rad sklopa i u slučaju prekida električnog napajanja. U tu svrhu u programator je ugrađen poseban izvor za napajanje vremenskog sklopa i memorije. Ovisno o zahtjevima postavljenim na trajanje prekida napajanja, isti sklop kao poseban izvor napajanja koristi specijalne visokokapacitivne kondenzatore, Ni-Cd akumulatore ili litijevu bateriju. Točnost vremena jamči oscilator sa kvarcnim kristalom koji je sastavni dio sklopa. The exact time and the memory in which the time intervals and temperatures are stored are contained in a special integrated circuit of low current consumption, which achieves the correct operation of the circuit even in the event of a power failure. For this purpose, a special source for powering the timing circuit and memory is built into the programmer. Depending on the requirements set for the duration of the power interruption, the same circuit uses special high-capacity capacitors, Ni-Cd accumulators or a lithium battery as a separate power source. Time accuracy is guaranteed by an oscillator with a quartz crystal that is an integral part of the circuit.

Mjerenje temperature ostvareno je poluvodičkim integriranim osjetilom koristeći princip ovisnosti napona poluvodiča o promjeni temperature. Napon osjetila pojačava se operacionim pojačalom i vodi na analogno-digitalni pretvarač. The temperature measurement was realized with a semiconductor integrated sensor using the principle of the dependence of the semiconductor voltage on the temperature change. The sensor voltage is amplified by an operational amplifier and sent to an analog-to-digital converter.

Iz pretvarača se digitalni podatak razmjeran temperaturi vodi u mikrokontroler gdje se dalje obrađuje. From the converter, the digital data proportional to the temperature is taken to the microcontroller, where it is further processed.

Komunikacija programatora i čovjeka koji ga koristi ostvarena je preko tipkovnice, indikatora i četveroznamenkastog sadamsegmentnog pokazivača. Preko tastature unose se zahtjevi za izvršenje ili očitanje stanja koje se prikazuje na LED indikatorima. Točno vrijeme, datum, vremenski intervali, temperatura i sl. prikazuju se na pokazivaču. Communication between the programmer and the person who uses it is achieved through a keyboard, indicators and a four-digit seven-segment pointer. Requests for execution or reading of the status, which is displayed on the LED indicators, are entered via the keyboard. The exact time, date, time intervals, temperature, etc. are displayed on the display.

Upravljanje uređajima riješeno je pogonskim sklopovima koji su spojeni direktno na izlaz mikrokontrolera. Pogonski sklopovi djeluju kao elektroničke tranzistorske sklopke uključujući određene upravljačke linije. Device management is solved by drive circuits that are connected directly to the output of the microcontroller. Driver circuits act as electronic transistor switches including specific control lines.

Elektronički prekidači koriste upravljački napon iz procesne jedinice kojim preko pobudnog sklopa uključuju TRIAC-e. Pobudni sklop sadrži elemnt za potpuno galvansko odvajanje upravljačkog niskonaponskog kruga od napona mreže. Sklop ujedno uključuje TRIAC u trenutku prolaza napona napajanja kroz nulu. Ovime se smanjuje razina smetnji kod uključenja, a trošila se štite od strujnih udara, posljedica čega je njihov dulji vijek trajanja. Elektronički prekidači su posebni odvojeni dijelovi programatora, postavljaju se neposredno uz trošilo čime se isključuje opasnost od strujnog udara električne veze od programatora do priključka trošila. TRIAC je odabran kao sklopni element jer isključuje probleme koji se javljaju kod mehaničkih kontakata: vrijeme uklapanja, iskrenje, mehanička oštećenja kontakata, visoka cijena. Electronic switches use the control voltage from the processing unit, which they use via the excitation circuit to turn on the TRIACs. The excitation circuit contains an element for complete galvanic isolation of the control low-voltage circuit from the mains voltage. The circuit also turns on the TRIAC when the supply voltage passes through zero. This reduces the level of interference when switching on, and consumers are protected from electric shocks, which results in a longer service life. Electronic switches are special separate parts of the programmer, they are placed directly next to the consumer, thus eliminating the risk of electric shock from the electrical connection from the programmer to the consumer's connection. TRIAC was chosen as a switching element because it excludes the problems that occur with mechanical contacts: fitting time, sparking, mechanical damage to the contacts, high cost.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Osnovna struktura sklopa bazira se na: The basic structure of the assembly is based on:

◾ mikrokontroler 8749H, ◾ microcontroller 8749H,

◾ analogno-digitalni pretvarač TLC549, ◾ analog-digital converter TLC549,

◾ vremenski sklop PCF8583, ◾ timing circuit PCF8583,

◾ naponska referenca LM336Z2.5, ◾ voltage reference LM336Z2.5,

◾ temperaturno osjetilo LM335 ◾ temperature sensor LM335

◾ integrirano operaciono pojačalo LM324 ◾ integrated operational amplifier LM324

Mikrokontroler 8749H na tržište je plasirala tvrtka “Intel”. Radi se o 8 bitnom procesoru sa 2 kB interne programske memorije (ROM), 128 byteova radne memorije (RAM), jednim 8 bitnim brojačem vremena ili impulsa, dva test ulaza i jednim ulazom za prekid (interrupt ulaz) i 3 osambitne ulazno-iziazne linije. Mikrokontroler je projektiran tako da uz dodatak vanjskog oscilatora ili rezonatora radi bez dodatnih komponenti. The 8749H microcontroller was marketed by the company "Intel". It is an 8-bit processor with 2 kB of internal program memory (ROM), 128 bytes of working memory (RAM), one 8-bit time or pulse counter, two test inputs and one interrupt input and 3 independent input-output lines. The microcontroller is designed so that, with the addition of an external oscillator or resonator, it works without additional components.

Analogno-digitalni pretvarač TLC549 proizvod je tvrtke “Texas Instruments”. Radi se o 8 bitnom pretvaraču koji radi na principu sukscesivne aproksimacije, a digitalni podatak očitava se serijski. The analog-to-digital converter TLC549 is a product of the company "Texas Instruments". It is an 8-bit converter that works on the principle of successive approximation, and the digital data is read serially.

Vremenski sklop PCF8583 proizvodi “Philips” kao elektronički integrirani krug koji vrši funkciju sata i kalendara sa ukupno 256 byteova memorije. Prvih 16 byteova memorije koristi se za funkcioniranje sata i kalendara, dok se preostali dio memorije slobodno koristi. Sklop karakterizira mala potrošnja struje što je u ovom slučaju važno kod nestanka napajanja. Sklop se povezuje sa mikrokontrolerom serijski preko I2C standarda. The timing circuit PCF8583 is produced by "Philips" as an electronic integrated circuit that functions as a clock and calendar with a total of 256 bytes of memory. The first 16 bytes of memory are used for the functioning of the clock and calendar, while the remaining part of the memory is freely used. The circuit is characterized by low current consumption, which in this case is important in the event of a power failure. The assembly is connected to the microcontroller serially via the I2C standard.

Naponska referenca LM336Z2.5 je niskošumni stabilni izvor napona 2,5V. The voltage reference LM336Z2.5 is a low-noise stable voltage source of 2.5V.

Temperaturne osjetilo LM335 je precizno osjetilo temperature sa naponom direktno proporcionalnom temperaturi. Napon osjetila iznosi 2,732 za 0°C, a promjena napona je 10mV/K. The temperature sensor LM335 is a precise temperature sensor with voltage directly proportional to temperature. The sense voltage is 2.732 at 0°C, and the voltage change is 10mV/K.

Integrirano operaciono pojačalo LM324 je sklop sa četiri odvojena operaciona pojačala. Karakterizira ga mogućnost rada sa jednostrukim napajanjem i izlaznim naponom vrlo blizu napona napajanja (minimalni izlazni napon je 8mV veći od negativnog napona napajanja, a maksimalni izlazni napon je 1,4V niži od napona napajanja. The integrated operational amplifier LM324 is a circuit with four separate operational amplifiers. It is characterized by the possibility of working with a single power supply and an output voltage very close to the supply voltage (the minimum output voltage is 8mV higher than the negative supply voltage, and the maximum output voltage is 1.4V lower than the supply voltage.

Bit i novost izuma The essence and novelty of the invention

Bit programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima je smanjenje troškova za utrošenu energiju uređaja kojima programator upravlja uz povećanje efikasnosti i udobnosti. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima karakerizira mogućnost dvostrukog programiranja: The essence of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management is to reduce costs for the consumed energy of the devices controlled by the programmer while increasing efficiency and comfort. The programmer for temperature time regulation and device management features the possibility of double programming:

a) programiranje mikrokontrolera koje određuje namjenu uređaja i ostaje nepromijenjeno tokom korištenja programatora, a vrši se u procesu proizvodnje uređaja, a) programming of the microcontroller, which determines the purpose of the device and remains unchanged during the use of the programmer, and is carried out in the process of manufacturing the device,

b) programiranje parametara (temperatura, vremenskih intervala, modova rada i sl.), a provodi se kontinuirano prema potrebi za vrijeme rada programatora pomoću programa ugrađenog u mikrokontroler. b) programming of parameters (temperature, time intervals, operating modes, etc.), and is carried out continuously as needed during the operation of the programmer using the program built into the microcontroller.

Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima koncipiran je kako bi se ostvarila ušteda, i to: The programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management is designed to achieve savings, namely:

a) efikasnim i ekonomičnim postizanje optimalne temperature prostora, a) efficient and economical achievement of optimal room temperature,

b) optimalnim korištenjem priključenih uređaja, b) optimal use of connected devices,

c) uštedom električne energije, c) by saving electricity,

d) smanjenjem troškova proizvodnje samog uređaja. d) by reducing the production costs of the device itself.

Optimalnom temperaturom prostora podrazumijeva se ona temperatura koja je potrebna za boravak ili rad, odvijanje nekog procesa, čuvanje ili skladištenje itd. Ekonomično postizanje temperature podrazumijeva održavanje potrebne temperature samo u potrebnom vremenu, na primjer, grijanje ili hlađenje radnih prostorija samo u vrijeme dok u njima borave djelatnici bez posebne potrebe za svakodnevnim ručnim uključivanjem uređaja za zagrijavanje, odnosno hlađenje. Efikasno postizanje temperature podrazumijeva automatsku regulaciju i održavanje određene temperature u željeno vrijeme. The optimal temperature of the room is understood as the temperature that is necessary for living or working, carrying out some process, keeping or storing, etc. Economically achieving the temperature means maintaining the required temperature only for the required time, for example, heating or cooling work rooms only while in them employees stay without any special need for daily manual switching on of heating or cooling devices. Effective temperature achievement implies automatic regulation and maintenance of a certain temperature at the desired time.

Posebnu cjelinu čini programator namijenjen upravljanju termoakumulacionim pećima. Termoakumulaciona peć zagrijava prostor sa onoliko topline koliko je akumulirala tokom rada svojih grijača. Kako termoakumulaciona peć nije idealno toplinski izolirana, ona isijava toplinu i u vrijeme kada to nije potrebno. Programator za upravljanje termoakumulacionim pećima zamišljen je tako da ovo nepotrebno isijavanje svede na minimum. A special unit consists of a programmer intended for the management of thermoaccumulation furnaces. The thermoaccumulation stove heats the space with as much heat as it has accumulated during the operation of its heaters. Since the thermoaccumulation furnace is not ideally thermally insulated, it radiates heat even when it is not needed. The programmer for managing thermoaccumulation furnaces is designed to reduce this unnecessary radiation to a minimum.

Pod optimalnim korištenjem uređaja smatra se, na primjer, uključivanje električnog bojlera u vrijeme korištenja niže tarife električne energije, isključivanje preko noći kako se hlađenjem vode ne bi gubila energija i uključivanjem u željeno vrijeme kako bi uvijek bilo dovoljno tople vode. Optimum use of the device includes, for example, turning on the electric water heater when using a lower electricity tariff, turning it off overnight so that no energy is lost by cooling the water, and turning it on at the desired time so that there is always enough hot water.

Primjer uštede električne energije je kontrola rasvjete izloga. Programator automatski uključuje rasvjetu u željeno vrijeme, a ujutro prije dolaska jutarnje smjene rasvjetu isključuje. Manji izlog Sja je rasvjeta snage oko 2kW, za prosječno 1 sat ranije isključivanje rasvjete troši preko 600kWh manje struje godišnje. An example of saving electricity is the window lighting control. The programmer automatically turns on the lighting at the desired time, and turns it off in the morning before the arrival of the morning shift. The smaller showcase of Sja is lighting with a power of about 2kW, for an average of 1 hour earlier switching off the lighting consumes over 600kWh less electricity per year.

Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima zamišljen je kao višenamjenski uređaj. Krajnju namjenu uređaja određuje program koji se ugrađuje u mikrokontroler, a koji ne ovisi o komponentama samog uređaja. Drugim riječima, sklopovski dio zajednički je i potpuno jednak za sve namjene uređaja. Iz toga proizlazi mogućnost izrade programatora u relativno velikim serijama što smanjuje proizvodnu i nabavnu cijenu programatora. The programmer for temperature time regulation and device management is designed as a multipurpose device. The final purpose of the device is determined by the program that is built into the microcontroller, which does not depend on the components of the device itself. In other words, the circuit part is common and completely equal for all purposes of the device. This results in the possibility of making programmers in relatively large series, which reduces the production and purchase price of programmers.

Opis rada i sheme sklopa Description of operation and circuit diagram

Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima čine dvije fizički odvojene cjeline: The programmer for temperature time regulation and device management consists of two physically separate units:

I. Procesorska upravljačka jedinica sa kontrolnim panelom I. Processor control unit with control panel

II. Elektronički beskontaktni prekidač II. Electronic contactless switch

Za rad uređaja potreban je ispravljeni filtrirani napon od 7 do 10V i struja 350mA. Ispravljač koji daje ovaj napon može biti posebna cjelina ili smješten zajedno sa beskontaktnim prekidačem. For the operation of the device, a rectified filtered voltage of 7 to 10V and a current of 350mA are required. The rectifier that provides this voltage can be a separate unit or located together with the contactless switch.

Procesorska upravljačka jedinica sa kontrolnim panelom Processor control unit with control panel

Glavninu cijelog programatora čini procesorska upravljačka jedinica sa kontrolnim panelom. Kompletna elektronika uređaja osim temperaturnog osjetila i izvora besprekidnog napajanja smještena je na dvije tiskane pločice dimenzija 58x88 mm. Obje tiskane pločice popunjene elementima moguće je smjestiti u kutiju unutrašnjih dimenzija 59x115x40mm. Temperaturno osjetilo smješteno je izvan kutije i dvožilnim kablom priključeno na tiskanu pločicu procesorske upravljačke jedinice zbog točnijeg mjerenja temperature. Besprekidni izvor napajanja učvršćuje se na kućište uređaja i dvožilnim kablom spaja na sklop. Električni priključak sklopa izvodi se dvorednim kutnim konektorom na tiskanoj pločici i “flat” kabelom do posebnog konektora smještenog na kućište ili u kućište što ovisi o primjeni uređaja. The main part of the entire programmer consists of a processor control unit with a control panel. The complete electronics of the device, except for the temperature sensor and the source of uninterrupted power supply, are placed on two printed boards measuring 58x88 mm. Both printed tiles filled with elements can be placed in a box with internal dimensions of 59x115x40mm. The temperature sensor is located outside the box and connected to the printed circuit board of the processor control unit with a two-wire cable for more accurate temperature measurement. The uninterruptible power source is attached to the device housing and connected to the circuit with a two-wire cable. The electrical connection of the assembly is made with a two-row corner connector on the printed circuit board and a "flat" cable to a special connector placed on the housing or in the housing, which depends on the application of the device.

Osnovne karakteristike procesorske upravljačke jedinice prema shemi na slici 1 su: The basic characteristics of the processor control unit according to the diagram in Figure 1 are:

1. Mikrokontroler familije MCS48 sa maksimalno 2kB programske memorije, 128B radne memorije i jednim 8 bitnim timerom, 1. Microcontroller of the MCS48 family with a maximum of 2kB of program memory, 128B of working memory and one 8-bit timer,

2. Precizni kvarcni elektronički sat PCF8583 sa 256B memorije ili PCF8593 male potrošnje (I=1μA), bez memorije, oba sa I2C serijskim standardom povezivanja, 2. Precision quartz electronic clock PCF8583 with 256B memory or PCF8593 low consumption (I=1μA), without memory, both with I2C serial connection standard,

3. Priključak za vanjski neprekidno napajanje elektroničkog sata +Ub, s mogućnošću punjenja NiCd akumulatora, 3. Connection for external uninterrupted power supply of the electronic clock +Ub, with the possibility of charging NiCd batteries,

4. Stabilizator napajanja 5V, 4. Power supply stabilizer 5V,

5. Sklop za nadzor rada mikrokontrolera (tzv. watch dog timer), 5. Assembly for monitoring the operation of the microcontroller (the so-called watch dog timer),

6. Osambitni analogno-digitalni pretvarač s podesivim ulaznim analognim naponom u bilo kojem području između 0 i 5V otpornicima R7, R8, R9 i R11, 6. Self-contained analog-to-digital converter with adjustable input analog voltage in any range between 0 and 5V by resistors R7, R8, R9 and R11,

7. Jedan analogni ulaz 0-5V čije karakteristike pojačanja i posmaka ulaznog napona određuju otpornici R3, R4 i R5, 7. One analog input 0-5V whose characteristics of amplification and shift of the input voltage are determined by resistors R3, R4 and R5,

8. Osam digitalnih ulaza ili osam izlaza (IIZLAZ MAX=300mA) P00-P07, 8. Eight digital inputs or eight outputs (OUTPUT MAX=300mA) P00-P07,

9. Osam digitalnih ulaza ili osam izlaza (IIZLAZ MAX=300mA) P10-P16, P24, 9. Eight digital inputs or eight outputs (OUTPUT MAX=300mA) P10-P16, P24,

10. Jedan digitalni ulaz ili jedan izlaz (IIZLAZ MAX=1000mA) P25, 10. One digital input or one output (IIOUTPUT MAX=1000mA) P25,

11. Četiri digitalna ulaza/izlaza P20-P23, 11. Four digital inputs/outputs P20-P23,

12. Jedan digitalni ulaz TEST. 12. One digital input TEST.

Osnovne karakteristike kontrolnog panela prema shemi na slici 2 su: The basic characteristics of the control panel according to the diagram in Figure 2 are:

1. Četiri znamenke izvedene sa sedamsegmentnim LED pokazivačima visine 15mm u formi digitalnog sata sa upravljivom dvotočkom između prve i druge grupe znamenki, 1. Four digits made with seven-segment LED indicators 15 mm high in the form of a digital clock with a controllable colon between the first and second group of digits,

2. Sedam LED indikatora sa rasterom priključnih nožica 2,54mm, 2. Seven LED indicators with a grid of 2.54 mm connection pins,

3. Osam tipki smještenih u dva reda. 3. Eight buttons located in two rows.

Cijeli sklop dijeli se na šest osnovnih podsklopova: The whole assembly is divided into six basic subassemblies:

I. Stabilizator pogonskog napona I. Drive voltage stabilizer

II. Upravljačka jedinica II. Managing unit

III. Elektronički sat sa memorijom i besprekidnim napajanjem III. Electronic clock with memory and uninterrupted power supply

IV. Mjerni sklop sa analogno digitalnom konverzijom IV. Measuring circuit with analog-to-digital conversion

V. Pogonske jedinice V. Power units

VI. Pokazivač sa tipkovnicom YOU. Pointer with keyboard

Stabilizator pogonskog napona, upravljačka jedinica, elektronički sat sa memorijom, mjerni sklop i dio pogonskih jedinica smješteni su na jednoj tiskanoj pločici čija shema se nalazi na slici 1. Pogonske jedinice dijela pokazivača i tipkovnice te pokazivač sa tipkovnicom smješteni su na drugu tiskanu pločicu, a njihova shema prikazana je na slici 2. The drive voltage stabilizer, the control unit, the electronic clock with memory, the measuring circuit and part of the drive units are located on one printed circuit board, the schematic of which is shown in Figure 1. The drive units of the pointer and keyboard part and the pointer with the keyboard are located on another printed circuit board, and their scheme is shown in Figure 2.

Funkciju stabilizatora pogonskog napona 5V obavlja integrirani krug IC8 i elektrolitski kondenzator C9. Na raspolaganju stoje dvije varijante: The function of the stabilizer of the driving voltage 5V is performed by the integrated circuit IC8 and the electrolytic capacitor C9. Two variants are available:

1. L7805 ili 1. L7805 or

2. L4941 2. L4941

U prvoj varijanti dobiva se stabilizator vrlo niske cijene uz veću potrošnju struje koja može uzrokovati dodatno zagrijavanje okoline sklopa i dovesti do manjih pogrešaka u mjerenju temperature. In the first variant, a very low-cost stabilizer is obtained with higher current consumption, which can cause additional heating of the circuit environment and lead to minor errors in temperature measurement.

L4941 je precizni 5V regulator (tolerancija napona je 2%), a karakterizira ga mali pad napona pa je pogodan za rad sa niskim ulaznim naponima. Kao posljedica navedenog proizlazi mala potrošnja, a time i manje zagrijavanje nego u prvoj varijanti. L4941 is a precise 5V regulator (voltage tolerance is 2%), and it is characterized by a small voltage drop, so it is suitable for operation with low input voltages. As a consequence of the above, low consumption results, and thus less heating than in the first variant.

Upravljačku jedinicu čini mikrokontroler 8749H sa vanjskim elementima oscilatora: kristal X1 frekvencije rezonancije između 4 i 6 MHz i kondenzatori C5 i C6 i sklop za nadzor rada mikrokontrolera IC4 sa elementima C8, R13, C9 i R14. The control unit consists of a microcontroller 8749H with external oscillator elements: crystal X1 with a resonance frequency between 4 and 6 MHz and capacitors C5 and C6 and a circuit for monitoring the operation of the microcontroller IC4 with elements C8, R13, C9 and R14.

Mikrokontroler radi u internom modu (koristi samo unutrašnju programsku memoriju) što određuje nožica EA (7) vezana na masu. Kristal X1 određuje osnovni takt procesora, a time i brzinu odvijanja ugrađenog programa. Sklop za nadzor rada mikrokontrolera projektiran je pomoću dva monostabila u integriranom krugu IC4 (CD4098) i ima dvije funkcije: The microcontroller works in internal mode (uses only the internal program memory), which is determined by the pin EA (7) connected to ground. The X1 crystal determines the basic clock of the processor, and thus the speed of the built-in program. The circuit for monitoring the operation of the microcontroller is designed using two monostables in the integrated circuit IC4 (CD4098) and has two functions:

1. Osigura pravilan start mikrokontrolera u trenutku uključenja uređaja, 1. Ensures the proper start of the microcontroller when the device is turned on,

2. Osigura restart programa u slučaju neregularnog funkcioniranja ugrađenog programa (tzv. “watch dog timer”). 2. Ensures the restart of the program in case of irregular functioning of the built-in program (the so-called "watch dog timer").

Rad mikrokontrolera počinje generiranjem reset impulsa. Reset impuls aktivan je sa niskim nivoom. Jedan od monostabila upotrijebljen je za generiranje reset impulsa (nožica 7). Trajanje reset impulsa određeno je kondenzatorom C9 i otpornikom R14. Uključenjem napona napajanja monostabil automatski generira jedan impuls čime starta mikrokontroler u trenutku uključenja. The operation of the microcontroller starts by generating a reset pulse. The reset pulse is active with a low level. One of the monostables was used to generate the reset pulse (pin 7). The duration of the reset pulse is determined by capacitor C9 and resistor R14. When the supply voltage is switched on, the monostable automatically generates one pulse, which starts the microcontroller at the moment of switching on.

Drugi monostabil iskorišten je za aktiviranje prvog monostabila preko izlaza na nožici 10. Ulaz drugog monostabila stalno se pobuđuje iz mikrokontrolera sa izlaza na liniji P2.0 i P2.1 tako da je izlaz monostabila neprekidno u visokom nivou. Ako dođe do nepravilnosti u radu mikrokontrolera, njegovi izlazi na liniji P2.0 i P2.1 prestaju pobuđivati monostabil, njegov izlaz padne u stanje logičke nule i aktivira prvi monostabil koji generira reset impuls. Poslije reset impulsa mikrokontroler ponovo starta izvršavanje svojeg programa, pobudi drugi monostabil koji podiže svoj izlaz u stanje logičke jedinice. The second monostable is used to activate the first monostable via the output on pin 10. The input of the second monostable is constantly excited from the microcontroller from the output on line P2.0 and P2.1 so that the output of the monostable is continuously at a high level. If there is an irregularity in the operation of the microcontroller, its outputs on line P2.0 and P2.1 stop exciting the monostable, its output falls to the logic zero state and activates the first monostable that generates a reset pulse. After the reset pulse, the microcontroller restarts the execution of its program, excites the second monostable, which raises its output to the logical unit state.

Na ulazno-izlaznim linijama P1.7 i P2.7 mikrokontroler programski emulira I2C protokol za komuniciranje sa elektroničkim satom IC6. Linija INT precizno prati promjenu vremena u IC6. On the input-output lines P1.7 and P2.7, the microcontroller programmatically emulates the I2C protocol for communicating with the electronic clock IC6. The INT line precisely tracks the timing change in IC6.

Test ulaz T0 serijski očitava analogno-digitalni pretvarač, a linija P2.6 daje takt za očitavanje. Test input T0 is serially read by the analog-to-digital converter, and line P2.6 provides the clock for reading.

Pokazivač i tipkovnica upravljaju se multipleksom frekvencijom između 50 i 70 Hz. Povoljnije je da je frekvencija viša da se izbjegne treperenje pokazivača. Frekvencija multipleksiranja određuje se ugrađivanjem u program. Mikrokontroler preko izlaznih linija P1.0-P1.6 upravlja pogonskim sklopovima za pogon sedam segmenata svih pokazivača. Indikatorske diode upravljaju se izlaznim linijama P2.4 i P2.5. Četiri grupe na pokazivaču (po jedna znamenka, dvije indikatorske diode i dvije tipke) upravljaju se izlaznim linijama P2.0 i P2.1 na koje je priključen dekoder (tiskana pločica 2). Po dvije tipke svake grupe očitavaju se ulaznim linijama P2.2 i P2.3. The pointer and keyboard are controlled by a multiplex frequency between 50 and 70 Hz. It is better if the frequency is higher to avoid pointer flickering. The multiplexing frequency is determined by embedding in the program. Microcontroller through the output lines P1.0-P1.6 controls the drive circuits for driving seven segments of all pointers. Indicator diodes are controlled by output lines P2.4 and P2.5. Four groups on the indicator (one digit each, two indicator diodes and two buttons) are controlled by the output lines P2.0 and P2.1 to which the decoder is connected (PCB 2). Two buttons of each group are read by input lines P2.2 and P2.3.

Pobuda pogonskih sklopova za beskontaktne elektroničke prekidače vrši se paralelno preko 8 linija izlaza DB0-DB7. Excitation of drive circuits for non-contact electronic switches is done in parallel via 8 output lines DB0-DB7.

U integriranom krugu IC5 nalazi se elektronički sat i dodatnih 240 byteova memorije. In the integrated circuit IC5 there is an electronic clock and an additional 240 bytes of memory.

Za rad elektroničkog sata koristi se kristal X2 rezonantne frekvencije 32,768 kHz. An X2 crystal with a resonance frequency of 32.768 kHz is used for the operation of the electronic clock.

Pomoću mikrokontrolera sat se programira da na svojem izlazu INT svake minute generira impuls i drži ga tako dugo dok mikrokontroler ne očita vrijeme. Isti se izlaz koristi za određivanje duljiti vremenskih perioda, na pr. programiranje rada od zadanog dana (točka 2.6.9.). Dva od pet otpornika u otpornoj mreži RN2 električki zaključuju linije SDA i SCL I2C standarda. Using the microcontroller, the clock is programmed to generate a pulse on its INT output every minute and hold it until the microcontroller reads the time. The same output is used to determine the length of time periods, e.g. programming of work from a given day (item 2.6.9.). Two of the five resistors in the resistor network RN2 electrically lock the SDA and SCL lines of the I2C standard.

U memoriji su pohranjeni svi intervali i temperature koje zadaje korisnik uređaja. Mikroprocesor ove podatke učitava svakim iniciranjem rada uređaja. Svaka promjena intervala ili temperature od strane korisnika uređaja odmah se upisuje u memoriju kako bi se podaci osigurali u slučaju nestanka vanjskog napajanja. All intervals and temperatures set by the user of the device are stored in the memory. The microprocessor loads this data every time the device is started. Any change in interval or temperature by the user of the device is immediately written to the memory to ensure the data in case of loss of external power supply.

Dioda D1 i otpornik R6 odvajaju sklop elektroničkog sata od ostalih pod sklopova za vrijeme prekida napajanja. Otpornik R6 ujedno služi kao ograničenje struje punjenja Ni-Cd baterije ili elektrolitskog kondenzatora. Diode D1 and resistor R6 isolate the electronic clock circuit from other sub-circuits during power failure. Resistor R6 also serves as a limitation of the charging current of Ni-Cd battery or electrolytic capacitor.

Ako se uređaj koristi stalno priključen na vanjsko napajanje, kao izvor besprekidnog napajanje može poslužiti visokokapacitivni kondenzator specijalne izvedbe sa zlatnim elektrodama čiji se kapacitet kreće do 1 farada uz dimenzije ф21x9 mm. U testiranju, uređaj je sa ovim kondenzatorom izdržao prekid od 24 sata bez gubitka podataka i greške u vremenu. If the device is used permanently connected to an external power supply, a high-capacitance capacitor of special design with gold electrodes whose capacity ranges up to 1 farad with dimensions f21x9 mm can be used as a source of uninterrupted power supply. In testing, the device with this capacitor withstood an interruption of 24 hours without data loss and time error.

Za uređaje koji se često isključuju sa napajanja koristi se mali Ni-Cd akumulator napona 3,6V i kapaciteta oko 100mAh s kojom memorija zadržava podatke i točno vrijeme preko 100 sati. For devices that are often disconnected from the power supply, a small Ni-Cd battery with a voltage of 3.6V and a capacity of about 100mAh is used, with which the memory retains data and the exact time for over 100 hours.

Za mjerenje temperature koriste se integrirani krug IC3 koji sadrži četiri operaciona pojačala, pripadajući otpornici za postizanje potrebnih naponskih pojačanja, analogno-digitaini pretvarač TLC549, naponska referenca LM366Z2.5 i temperaturne osjetilo LM335 koje se ne nalazi na tiskanoj pločici, a priključuje se između ulaza SENS (I2, nožica 15 i 17) i mase. To measure the temperature, an integrated circuit IC3 is used, which contains four operational amplifiers, associated resistors to achieve the necessary voltage gains, an analog-to-digital converter TLC549, a voltage reference LM366Z2.5 and a temperature sensor LM335, which is not located on the printed circuit board, but is connected between the inputs SENS (I2, pins 15 and 17) and masses.

Naponsko osjetilo LM335 konstruirano je tako da za 0°C daje napon 2.732V koji se mjenja sa 10mV/K. Za mjerno područje od -19° do 44°C napon osjetila iznosi od 2,545 do 3,172V. Ovaj se napon vodi na nožica 5 operacionog pojačala gdje se pojačava sa dodatkom posmaka pa se dobije napon između 0,1 i 3,5V koji se vodi na ulaz analogno-digitalnog pretvarača. Raspon i pojačanje ovog napona određeni su otpornicima R3, R4 i R5. Tri operaciona pojačala integrirang kruga IC3 sa pripadajućim otpornicima, naponskom referencom VREF i kondenzatorom C3 služe za generiranje referentnih napona potrebnih za analogno-digitalnu konverziju. Naponska referenca VREF generira 2,5V koji se pojačava prvim operacionim pojačalom na 3,56V. Pojačanje je određeno otpornicima R16 i R17. Preostala dva operaciona pojačala rade kao naponska sljedila jediničnog pojačanja, izravno generirajući referentne napone za analogno-digitalni pretvarač. Eventualna odstupanja vrijednosti otpornika, odstupanje napona naponske reference i temperaturnog osjetila eliminiraju se podešavanjem referentnih napona REF+ i REF- analogno-digitalnog pretvarača trimerpotenciometrima R8 i R11. The voltage sensor LM335 is designed so that at 0°C it gives a voltage of 2.732V which changes with 10mV/K. For the measurement range from -19° to 44°C, the sensor voltage is from 2.545 to 3.172V. This voltage is fed to pin 5 of the operational amplifier, where it is amplified with the addition of a shift, resulting in a voltage between 0.1 and 3.5V, which is fed to the input of the analog-to-digital converter. The range and gain of this voltage are determined by resistors R3, R4 and R5. Three operational amplifiers of the integrated circuit IC3 with associated resistors, voltage reference VREF and capacitor C3 serve to generate the reference voltages required for analog-digital conversion. The voltage reference VREF generates 2.5V which is amplified by the first operational amplifier to 3.56V. Gain is determined by resistors R16 and R17. The remaining two op-amps operate as unity-gain voltage followers, directly generating reference voltages for the analog-to-digital converter. Possible deviations of resistor values, voltage deviations of the voltage reference and the temperature sensor are eliminated by adjusting the reference voltages REF+ and REF- of the analog-digital converter with trimer potentiometers R8 and R11.

Za podešavanje uređaja potrebni su precizni voltmetar i termometar. Voltmetrom se na poznatoj temperaturi izmjeri napon temperaturnog osjetila. Iz poznate temperature izračunaju se minimalni i maksimalni napon osjetila za željeno područje. Pomoću višeokretajnog potenciometra koji se spoji u krug umjesto osjetila namjeste se izračunate vrijednosti. Trimerpotenciometrom R8 namjesti se napon REF+ jednak naponu AIN za postavljenu gornju granicu napona na višeokretajnom potenciometru, a trimerpotenciometrom R11 na namjesti se napon REF- jednak naponu AIN za postavljenu doljnju granicu napona na višeokretajnom potenciometru. Podešavanje je lakše i točnije ako se mjeri napon između REF+ i AIN, odnosno REF- i AIN. A precise voltmeter and thermometer are required to adjust the device. The voltage of the temperature sensor is measured with a voltmeter at a known temperature. From the known temperature, the minimum and maximum voltage of the sensor for the desired area is calculated. Using a multi-turn potentiometer that is connected in a circuit instead of a sensor, the calculated values are set. With trimmer potentiometer R8, set the voltage REF+ equal to the voltage AIN for the set upper limit of the voltage on the multi-turn potentiometer, and with the trimmer potentiometer R11 set the voltage REF- equal to the voltage AIN for the set lower limit of the voltage on the multi-turn potentiometer. Adjustment is easier and more accurate if the voltage is measured between REF+ and AIN, or REF- and AIN.

Otpornici R3, R4 i R5 odabrani u konkretnom slučaju pokrivaju temperaturni opseg od -19°C do 44°C. Donju temperaturnu granicu analogno-digitalno pretvarač očitava kao nulu pa se programski mora riješiti korektno pokazivanje temperature. Iz ovog zahtjeva proizlazi da na izlazu pojačala (nožica 7) napon na donjoj granici temperaturnog opsega mora bit blizu 0V, dok na gornjoj granici iznosi blizu maksimalnog izlaznog napona operacionog pojačala uz napon napajanje 5V (oko 3,6V). Resistors R3, R4 and R5 selected in this particular case cover the temperature range from -19°C to 44°C. The lower temperature limit is read by the analog-digital converter as zero, so the correct display of the temperature must be solved by software. From this requirement it follows that at the output of the amplifier (pin 7) the voltage at the lower limit of the temperature range must be close to 0V, while at the upper limit it is close to the maximum output voltage of the operational amplifier with a supply voltage of 5V (about 3.6V).

Vrijednosti otpornika određuju se prema zahtjevu da na doljnjoj granici temperaturnog opsega napon nožice 6 operacionog pojačala IC3 odgovara naponu temperaturnog osjetila na doljnjoj temperaturnoj granici uvećan za minimalni izlazni napon operacionog pojačala (oko 10mV, točka 2.2.). Napon nožice 6 odgovara produktu referentnog napona nožice 1 operacionog pojačala i omjeru praielne kombinacije otpornika R4 i R5 i zbroja otpornika R3 i paralelne kombinacije R4 i R5: The resistor values are determined according to the requirement that at the lower limit of the temperature range the voltage of pin 6 of the operational amplifier IC3 corresponds to the voltage of the temperature sensor at the lower temperature limit increased by the minimum output voltage of the operational amplifier (about 10mV, point 2.2). The voltage of pin 6 corresponds to the product of the reference voltage of pin 1 of the operational amplifier and the ratio of the parallel combination of resistors R4 and R5 and the sum of resistor R3 and the parallel combination of R4 and R5:

[image] [image]

Pojačana razlika napona osjetila na gornjoj i donjoj temperaturnoj granici na izlazu operacionog pojačala (nožica 7) ne smije prelaziti maksimalni mogući izlazni napon operacionog pojačala (3,6V u konkretnom slučaju). Naponsko pojačanje određuje omjer paralelne kombinacije otpornika R4 i R5 i zbroja otpornika R3 i paralelne kombinacije R4 i R5: The amplified voltage difference of the sensor at the upper and lower temperature limit at the output of the operational amplifier (pin 7) must not exceed the maximum possible output voltage of the operational amplifier (3.6V in this case). The voltage gain is determined by the ratio of the parallel combination of resistors R4 and R5 and the sum of the resistor R3 and the parallel combination of R4 and R5:

[image] [image]

Iz ove dvije jednadžbe i uvjeta da ulazni otpor bude oko desetak kilooma mogu se odrediti vrijednosti svih otpora uz napomenu da je ulazni otpor sklopa jednak paralelnoj kombinaciji sva tri otpornika: From these two equations and the condition that the input resistance is about ten kilohms, the values of all resistances can be determined, noting that the input resistance of the circuit is equal to the parallel combination of all three resistors:

[image] [image]

Pogonske jedinice upravljačkog izlaza i pokazivača koriste integrirano polje sa 8 tranzistora s otvorenim kolektorom kao izlazom (IC6 i IC7). Pokazivač je spojen direktno na izlaz polja, a upravljački izlaz pritegnut je otpornom mrežom RN1 prema pozitivnoj stezaljki ne stabiliziranog napona napajanja. Ovaj način spajanja upravljačkog izlaza daje niz prednosti: The control output and indicator drive units use an integrated array of 8 open-collector transistors as outputs (IC6 and IC7). The pointer is connected directly to the output of the field, and the control output is connected by the resistance network RN1 to the positive terminal of the non-stabilized supply voltage. This method of connecting the control output provides a number of advantages:

◾ svi izlazi su sigurno neaktivni (izlazni napon jednak je nuli) u trenutku uključenja uređaja jer mikrokontroler za vrijeme trajanja reset impulsa sve izlaze postavlja u stanje logičke jedinice pa pogonski sklop vodi spajajući izlaz praktički na nulu, ◾ all outputs are certainly inactive (output voltage is equal to zero) at the moment of switching on the device, because the microcontroller sets all outputs to a logical unit state during the duration of the reset pulse, so the drive circuit leads by connecting the output practically to zero,

◾ otpornici u otpornoj mreži ograničavaju struju kratkog spoja izlaza pa nema opasnosti od uništenja uređaja nepažljivim priključivanjem, ◾ resistors in the resistive network limit the short-circuit current of the output, so there is no danger of destroying the device by careless connection,

◾ otpornici otporne mreže ujedno ograničavaju struju upravljanja beskontaktnim elektroničkim prekidačima, ◾ resistors of the resistance network also limit the control current of contactless electronic switches,

◾ svi beskontaktni prekidači imaju nulu kao zajedničku točku, što je povoljnije nego da je zajednička točka pozitivan kraj ne stabiliziranog napona napajanja, ◾ all contactless switches have zero as a common point, which is more advantageous than if the common point is the positive end of the unstabilized supply voltage,

◾ spajanje otporne mreže RN1 na nestabilizirani napon dodatno smanjuje opterećenje stabilizatora napajanja za 8x20mA, koliko iznosi potrebna struja upravljanja beskontaktnih prekidača. ◾ connecting the resistance network RN1 to the unstabilized voltage additionally reduces the load on the power stabilizer by 8x20mA, which is the amount of the required control current of contactless switches.

Pokazivač je spojen direktno (teret prema pozitivnom naponu) zbog multipleksiranja pokazivača. Deveti izlaz za uključivanje LED indikatora izveden je tranzistorom T1. The indicator is connected directly (load to positive voltage) due to the multiplexing of the indicator. The ninth output for turning on the LED indicator is made by transistor T1.

Pokazivač sa tipkovnicom izveden je na drugoj tiskanoj pločici čime je izbjegnuto komplicirano kabliranje tipki i indikatora. Veza između pločica je dvoredni konektor zalemljen direktno na svaku tiskanu pločicu, s time da se na pločici pokazivača lemi s donje strane. The indicator with the keyboard is made on another printed circuit board, which avoids the complicated cabling of buttons and indicators. The connection between the boards is a double-row connector soldered directly to each printed board, with the indicator board being soldered from the bottom side.

Pokazivač i indikatori pobuđuju se multipleksom frekvencije veće od 50Hz. Ista se frekvencija koristi za očitavanje stanja 8 tipki. Ovime se dobiva pobuda za svih 7 segmenata svih znamenki, osam LED indikatora i osam tipki sa samo trinaest ulazno izlaznih linija. The pointer and indicators are excited by multiplex frequency higher than 50Hz. The same frequency is used to read the state of the 8 keys. This provides excitation for all 7 segments of all digits, eight LED indicators and eight buttons with only thirteen input/output lines.

Za selektiranje grupe (znamenka, indikator i po dvije tipke) koristi se dekoder IC1 (shema 2). IC1 (74LS156) je dvostruki dekoder dva na četiri. Polovica IC1 koristi se za pobudu izlaznih tranzistora Q1-Q4 pokazivača dok se druga polovica IC1 koristi za pobudu linija za očitavanje tipki. Ovim spojem izbjegnuta je inače neophodna upotreba dioda kod multipleksiranja pokazivača i tipki, a posao obavlja jedan element (IC1). Decoder IC1 (diagram 2) is used to select a group (digit, indicator and two buttons each). IC1 (74LS156) is a dual two-by-four decoder. One half of IC1 is used to drive the output transistors Q1-Q4 of the pointer while the other half of IC1 is used to drive the key readout lines. This connection avoids the otherwise necessary use of diodes when multiplexing pointers and buttons, and the work is done by one element (IC1).

Tranzistori Q1-Q4 dovode pozitivni napon na pokazivač koji radi u spoju zajedničkih anoda. Pojedine katode međusobno se vežu zajedno, a svijetlit će segment one znamenke čija anoda je uključena tranzistorom i katoda vezana na masu preko IC6 na shemi 1. Transistors Q1-Q4 supply a positive voltage to the indicator working in the junction of common anodes. The individual cathodes are connected together, and the segment of the digit whose anode is switched on by the transistor and cathode connected to the ground via IC6 in scheme 1 will light up.

Određenoj tipki se preko dekodera dovodi potencijal mase koji se prenosi na ulaznu liniju kontrolera ako je tipka stisnuta čime se tipka očitava. Treperenje kontakta kod stiskanja rješava se u programu mikrokontrolera čime se izbjegava upotreba složenijih sklopova ili filtara za otklanjanje ove pojave. Otpornici RA-RG, RLED1 i RLED2 ograničavaju struju segmenata pokazivača i idikatora na dozvoljenu vrijednost (20mA u konkretnom slučaju). Otpornici R22 i R23 povlače ulaze za očitavanje tipki na visoki logički nivo. A mass potential is supplied to a certain key via the decoder, which is transferred to the input line of the controller if the key is pressed, thereby reading the key. Contact flickering when pressed is solved in the microcontroller program, which avoids the use of more complex circuits or filters to eliminate this phenomenon. Resistors RA-RG, RLED1 and RLED2 limit the current of the pointer and indicator segments to the permitted value (20mA in this case). Resistors R22 and R23 pull the key read inputs to a high logic level.

Elektronički beskontaktni prekidač Electronic contactless switch

Elektronički beskontaktni prekidač je sklop kojim se uključuje neko trošilo i udovoljava sljedećim zahtjevima: An electronic non-contact switch is a circuit that switches on a consumer and meets the following requirements:

◾ galvanske odvajanje upravljačkog niskonaponskog kruga od mrežnog napona napajanja (zaštita od strujnog udara), mogućnost uklapanja dovoljno jake struje (do oko 25A), ◾ galvanic separation of the control low-voltage circuit from the mains supply voltage (protection against electric shock), the possibility of fitting a sufficiently strong current (up to about 25A),

◾ način uklapanja koji omogućava dulji vijek trajanja priključenog uređaja, ◾ a fitting method that enables a longer service life of the connected device,

◾ mala cijena koštanja, ◾ low cost,

◾ male dimenzije, ◾ small dimensions,

◾ velika pouzdanost, ◾ great reliability,

◾ minimalno održavanje. ◾ minimal maintenance.

Iz navedenih zahtjeva izvedeno je rješenje prikazano shemom na slici 3. Glavni element za uklapanje je TRIAC, a na tržištu ga je moguće naći za potrebne struje uz prihvatljivu cijenu. Kod uklapanja većih struja TRIACu treba dodati i odgovarajući hladnjak. The solution shown in the diagram in Figure 3 was derived from the above requirements. The main element for fitting is a TRIAC, and it can be found on the market for the required currents at an acceptable price. When fitting higher currents to the TRIAC, a suitable cooler should be added.

Za pobudu TRIACa koristi se optoizolirani integrirani sklop MOC3041. Njime se ostvaruje galvanske odvajanje upravljačkog kruga sa zaštitnim naponom od 2500V, potrebna je mala pobudna struja (15mA), a karakterizira ga uključenje TRIACa samo u trenutku prolaska periode sinusoide napona kroz nulu. Ovime se otklanjaju naponski udari koji nastaju uključenjem uređaja običnom sklopkom bez dodatne kontrole trenutne vrijednosti napona napajanja, a kao krajnji rezultat dobiva se povećani vijek trajanja priključenog uređaja (posebno žarulja sa žarnom niti) i smanjenje smetnji kod uključenja. Pobudni sklop jednak je za sve vrste korištenih TRIACa. An opto-isolated MOC3041 integrated circuit is used to excite the TRIAC. It achieves galvanic isolation of the control circuit with a protective voltage of 2500V, requires a small excitation current (15mA), and is characterized by the inclusion of the TRIAC only at the moment when the period of the voltage sinusoid passes through zero. This eliminates voltage surges that occur when the device is turned on with a simple switch without additional control of the current value of the supply voltage, and as a result, the life of the connected device (especially the incandescent bulb) is increased and interference is reduced. The excitation circuit is the same for all types of used TRIACs.

Sam sklop nema pokretnih mehaničkih dijelova pa otpada potreba za održavanjem kao kod klasičnih sklopnika ili releja (otpadaju problemi iskrenja na kontaktima). The assembly itself has no moving mechanical parts, so there is no need for maintenance as with classic switches or relays (the problems of sparking on the contacts are eliminated).

Pravilnim dimenzioniranjem TRIACa i njegovog hladnjaka postiže se visokopouzani sklop. Elemnt sa 600V probojnog napona i 40% zalihe maksimalne struje sigurno će godinama obavljati svoju funkciju. Na pr., za TRIAC koji će uklapati grijač snage 5500W (25A) odabran je TRIAC BTA41/600 sa hladnjakom toplinskog otpora 2K/W. By properly sizing the TRIAC and its cooler, a high-reliability circuit is achieved. The element with 600V breakdown voltage and 40% maximum current reserve will certainly perform its function for years. For example, a TRIAC BTA41/600 with a 2K/W thermal resistance cooler was selected for the TRIAC that will fit a 5500W (25A) heater.

Dimenzije sklopa diktira hladnjak. Za uklapanje manjih trošila (rasvjeta, grijači do oko 1000W) povoljnije je i po cijeni i po dimenzijama uzeti strujno jači TRIAC i smanjiti potrebu za korištenjem hladnjaka. Posebnu pažnju valja posvetiti izboru TRIACa za uklapanje reaktivnih opterećenja (elektromotori, transformatori). U tom slučaju treba koristiti TRIACe predviđene za ovu upotrebu (na pr. BTA16CW) ili dodati tzv. snuber zaštitni sklop. The dimensions of the assembly are dictated by the cooler. For the fitting of smaller appliances (lighting, heaters up to about 1000W), it is more favorable in terms of price and dimensions to take a TRIAC with a higher current and reduce the need to use a cooler. Special attention should be paid to the selection of TRIACs for switching on reactive loads (electric motors, transformers). In that case, you should use TRIACs intended for this use (eg BTA16CW) or add the so-called snubber protective circuit.

Način primjene Method of application

Način primjene opisuje rukovanje programatorom za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima. U glavi 2.6.1 opisane su mogućnosti programatora. Glava 2.6.2 ukratko opisuje sve funkcije, komande i signalizaciju programatora. U trećem dijelu opisano je ponašanje programatora prilikom prvog uključenja na električnu mrežu. Glave 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.7, 2.6.8 i 2.6.9 opisuju rukovanje i programiranje, a glava 2.6.8 sadrži i četiri primjera programiranja intervala u automatskom modu. Glava 2.6.10 opisuje instaliranje programatora. U glavi 2.6.11 navedeni su svi važniji tehnički podaci. The method of application describes the operation of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management. Chapter 2.6.1 describes the capabilities of the programmer. Chapter 2.6.2 briefly describes all functions, commands and signaling of the programmer. The third part describes the behavior of the programmer during the first connection to the electrical network. Chapters 2.6.4, 2.6.5, 2.6.6, 2.6.7, 2.6.8 and 2.6.9 describe operation and programming, and chapter 2.6.8 also contains four examples of interval programming in automatic mode. Chapter 2.6.10 describes installing the programmer. Chapter 2.6.11 lists all the most important technical data.

Uvodne napomene Introductory remarks

Jedna od primjena programatora je regulacija temperature i upravljanje nekim uređajima za stambene ili poslovne prostore i bit će detaljno opisana. One of the applications of the programmer is temperature regulation and control of some devices for residential or commercial premises and will be described in detail.

Programator održava osam različitih temperatura u rasponu između 0 i 30°C u osam različitih dnevnih intervala. Na raspolaganju stoje dvije grupe po osam intervala koje se mogu rasporediti po danima u tjednu. Ovo se, na primjer, praktično koristi tako da se grupa A pridjeli radnim danima u tjednu, a grupa B vikendu kada su potrebe za grijanjem različite od onih u radne dane. Najjednostavniji način korištenja automatskog moda je postavljanje samo dva intervala, jedan dnevni i jedan noćni. The programmer maintains eight different temperatures in the range between 0 and 30°C in eight different daily intervals. Two groups of eight intervals are available, which can be distributed by day of the week. This is, for example, used in practice by assigning group A to weekdays and group B to the weekend when the heating needs are different from weekdays. The simplest way to use automatic mode is to set only two intervals, one day and one night.

Trenutno postavljena temperatura prostorije može se povisiti ili smanjiti pritiskom tipke, a idućeg dana grijanje će raditi sa prije zadanom temperaturom. Automatski rad može se isključiti pa se programator ponaša kao običan termostat i stalno održava postavljenu temperaturu. Postavljena temperatura može se smanjiti ili povećati u bilo kojem trenutku jednostavnim pritiskom na jednu od tipki. The currently set room temperature can be increased or decreased by pressing the button, and the next day the heating will work with the previously set temperature. Automatic operation can be turned off, so the programmer acts like a regular thermostat and constantly maintains the set temperature. The set temperature can be decreased or increased at any time by simply pressing one of the buttons.

Programator sadrži tri vremenska sklopa sa po tri vremenska intervala za upravljanje tri uređaja (na pr. električni bojler, rasvjeta izloga, infra grijalica i sl.) ili dva vremena za uključenje, npr. alarma budilice. Dodatna funkcija je uključivanje grijanja u određeni dan. Takvim programiranjem grijanje, priključeni uređaji i pokazivač se isključuju do programiranog dana u 0:00 sati kada programator upućuje grijanje na programirani automatski ili termostatski rad, a uređaje uključuje u potavljeno vrijeme. The programmer contains three time circuits with three time intervals each for controlling three devices (eg electric boiler, window lighting, infrared heater, etc.) or two times for turning on, eg alarm clock. An additional function is to turn on the heating on a certain day. With such programming, the heating, connected devices and the display are turned off until the programmed day at 0:00, when the programmer directs the heating to programmed automatic or thermostatic operation, and the devices are turned on at the set time.

Programator prepoznaje prestupnu godinu kao i zadnju nedjelju u ožujku kada u 2:00 postavlja ljetno vrijeme (sat naprijed), a zadnju nedjelju u rujnu u 3:00 postavit će zimsko vrijeme (sat natrag) tako da nikakve korekcije vremena nisu potrebne. The programmer recognizes a leap year as well as the last Sunday in March when it sets summer time (an hour forward) at 2:00, and it will set winter time (an hour back) at 3:00 on the last Sunday in September, so no time corrections are necessary.

Sve kontrolne linije prema trošilima su nisko naponske i zaštićene od kratkog spoja tako da nema opasnosti od strujnog udara po rukovatelje. Grijaći se, ovisno o njihovoj snazi, uključuju pomoću beskontaktnih elektroničkih prekidača za snage do 5kW. Na već izvedeno grijanje programator se može priključiti umjesto postojećeg sobnog termostata istim žicama bez preinake postojećih instalacija pazeći da ukupna snaga koju se preklapa ne prelazi maksimalnu dozvoljenu. All control lines to consumers are low-voltage and protected against short circuit, so there is no risk of electric shock to operators. The heaters, depending on their power, are switched on using contactless electronic switches for powers up to 5kW. The programmer can be connected to the already installed heating instead of the existing room thermostat with the same wires without modifying the existing installations, making sure that the total power that is overlapped does not exceed the maximum allowed.

Grijač se uključuje čim temperatura prostorije padne ispod postavljene temperature, a gasi se nakon što temperatura prijeđe barem četvrtinu stupnja iznad postavljene. Ovo se može vidjeti iz signalizacije preniske temperature i uključenja grijača. Uz signalizaciju preniske temperature grijač i signalizacija grijača uvijek su uključeni, ali kad se temperatura prostorije izjednači sa postavljenom temperaturom, signalizacija preniske temperature se gasi, a grijač i signalizacija grijača ostaju uključeni sve dok temperatura ne prijeđe zadanu za četvrtinu stupnja. The heater turns on as soon as the room temperature drops below the set temperature, and turns off after the temperature exceeds at least a quarter of a degree above the set temperature. This can be seen from the low temperature signal and the heater turning on. With an undertemperature alarm, the heater and the heater alarm are always on, but when the room temperature equals the set temperature, the undertemperature alarm turns off, and the heater and the heater alarm remain on until the temperature exceeds the set point by a quarter of a degree.

Posebno razvijeni program za mikrokontroler namijenjen je primjeni programatora za upravljanje termoakumulacionim pećima. Program je načinjen tako da programator posebno upravlja ventilatorom termoakumulacione peći, a posebno grijačima termoakumulacione peći. Upravljanje ventilatorom identično je upravljanju grijanjem. Ventilator se uključuje ako u određenom vremenskom intervalu temperatura prostorije padne ispod namještene. Za kontrolu grijača na raspolaganju stoje tri vremenska intervala. Izvan postavljenih vremenskih intervala grijači su bezuvjetno isključeni. Unutar postavljenih intervala grijači će se uključivati tako da ukupno vrijeme uključenosti grijača ne prelazi dvostruko vrijeme ukupnog trajanja rada ventilatora. Ova jednostavna formula primijenjena je iz razloga što se koriste termoakumulacione peći različite snage u različitim volumenima prostorija koje se zagrijavaju. Fino podešavanje prepušteno je korisniku koji postavljanjem vremenskih intervala određuje vremenske intervale rada grijača čime se izbjegava nepotrebno isijavanje peći (na primjer, u jutro kad su ukućani odsutni grijači se isključuju, a uključuju se oko podne kako bi peć akumulirala energiju za grijanje u vrijeme jeftinije tarife cijene električne energije). Ako peć ipak isijava previše topline, a ventilator ne radi, smanjit će se potreba za radom ventilatora u željeno vrijeme što automatski skraćuje i vrijeme rada grijača. Postavljanje intervala rada grijača jednako je postavljanju intervala za upravljanje uređajima. A specially developed program for a microcontroller is intended for the application of a programmer for managing thermoaccumulation furnaces. The program is designed so that the programmer specifically controls the fan of the thermoaccumulation furnace, and especially the heaters of the thermoaccumulation furnace. Fan management is identical to heating management. The fan is switched on if the room temperature falls below the set temperature within a certain time interval. Three time intervals are available for heater control. Outside the set time intervals, the heaters are turned off unconditionally. Within the set intervals, the heaters will be turned on so that the total time the heaters are on does not exceed twice the total duration of the fan operation. This simple formula was applied for the reason that thermoaccumulation furnaces of different power are used in different volumes of rooms that are heated. Fine adjustment is left to the user, who by setting time intervals determines the time intervals of the heater's operation, which avoids unnecessary heating of the stove (for example, in the morning when the householders are away, the heaters are turned off and turned on around noon so that the stove accumulates energy for heating at the time of the cheaper tariff electricity prices). If the stove still emits too much heat and the fan is not working, the need for the fan to work at the desired time will be reduced, which automatically shortens the heater's operating time. Setting the heater operation interval is the same as setting the device control interval.

Funkcije programatora Programmer functions

Prednja ploča programatora u mjerilu 1:1 prikazana je na slici 8. The front panel of the programmer in a 1:1 scale is shown in Figure 8.

U normalnom radu na pokazivaču programatora prikazano je vrijeme. Sve potrebne funkcije programator izvršava i signalizira na panelu. Indikatori su označeni funkcijom koju signaliziraju: In normal operation, the programmer's display shows the time. All necessary functions are performed by the programmer and signaled on the panel. The indicators are marked with the function they signal:

◾ AUTO automatski mod rada ◾ AUTO automatic mode of operation

◾ PRGDAT programirani automatski start zadanog datuma ◾ PRGDAT programmed automatic start of the given date

◾ HLADNO temperatura prostorije je niža od postavljene ◾ COLD room temperature is lower than set

◾ GRIJAČ uključeno grijanje ◾ HEATER heating on

Vrijeme se ispisuje na pokazivaču sa dvotočkom između sati i minuta sa prikazom 0:00 u ponoć i 23:59 na kraju dana. Datum se ispisuje bez dvotočke, prvo dan, zatim mjesec Temperatura se ispisuje bez decimale sa oznakom “°C” na desnim znamenkama pokazivača. The time is displayed on the display with a colon between the hours and minutes, showing 0:00 at midnight and 23:59 at the end of the day. The date is printed without a colon, first the day, then the month. The temperature is printed without a decimal with the mark "°C" on the right digits of the pointer.

Programatorom se upravlja pomoću četiri tipke ispod pokazivača. Komande mogu biti jednostavne ili složene, a sve su ispisane ispod tipki. Tri su jednostavne komande, a izvršavaju se pritiskom na samo jednu tipku i izvršavaju najčešće potrebne funkcije, a označene su tekstom u prvom redu ispod tipki u odvojenim okvirima: The programmer is controlled using four buttons below the pointer. Commands can be simple or complex, and all are written below the keys. There are three simple commands, which are executed by pressing only one key and perform the most frequently needed functions, and are marked with text in the first row below the keys in separate boxes:

◾ TMP/DT prikaz trenutne temperature prostorije i datuma, ◾ TMP/DT display of current room temperature and date,

◾ T+ povećanje postavljene temperature prostorije, ◾ T+ increase in the set room temperature,

◾ T- smanjenje postavljene temperature prostorije, ◾ T- reduction of the set room temperature,

Složene komande izvršavaju se pritiskom više tipki određenim redom i odnose se na programiranje pa sve počinju pritiskom na tipku PROG. Složenim komandama programiraju se vremena, vremenski intervali i željene temperature prostorije koju kontrolira programator. Funkcije programiranja označene su zajedničkim okvirima u drugom i trećem redu teksta: u drugom redu su funkcije koje se odnose na vrstu rada i točno vrijeme, a u trećem redu su funkcije koje se odnose na programiranje intervala. Complex commands are executed by pressing several keys in a certain order and are related to programming, so they all start by pressing the PROG key. Complex commands are used to program times, time intervals and desired temperatures of the room controlled by the programmer. The programming functions are indicated by common boxes in the second and third lines of the text: in the second line there are functions related to the type of work and exact time, and in the third line there are functions related to interval programming.

Postavljanja vremena, datuma i temperatura konačno se obavljaju prema oznakama u četvrtom redu teksta i odvojenim okvirima, a vrijednost koja se mijenja signalizira se njenim žmiganjem na pokazivaču: Time, date and temperature settings are finally made according to the marks in the fourth line of text and separate boxes, and the changing value is signaled by its blinking on the display:

◾ + povećati iznos ◾ + increase the amount

◾ - smanjiti iznos ◾ - reduce the amount

◾ DALJE sljedeća veličina (na pr. postavljanje sati nakon postavljanja minuta) ◾ NEXT next size (eg setting hours after setting minutes)

IZLAZ završetak programiranja i povratak prikaza točnog vremena EXIT completion of programming and return to the display of the correct time

Složenim komandama može se programirati sljedeće funkcije: The following functions can be programmed with complex commands:

◾ PROG MOD uključenje ili isključenje automatskog moda ◾ PROG MODE turning automatic mode on or off

◾ PROG PRGDAT programiranje datuma za početak grijanja ◾ PROG PRGDAT programming of the date for the start of heating

◾ PROG VRIJEME postavljanje točnog vremena, dana, mjeseca i godine ◾ PROG TIME setting the exact time, day, month and year

◾ PROG INT A/B biranje grupe intervala ◾ PROG INT A/B interval group selection

◾ PROG INT INT A programiranje dnevnih vremenskih intervala i temperatura grupe A za grijanje prostorije, ◾ PROG INT INT A programming of daily time intervals and temperatures of group A for room heating,

◾ PROG INT INT B programiranje dnevnih vremenskih intervala i temperatura grupe B za grijanje prostorije, ◾ PROG INT INT B programming of daily time intervals and temperatures of group B for room heating,


programiranje intervala jednog od tri vremenska sklopa ili intervala rada grijača termoakumulacione peći. programming the interval of one of the three time circuits or the operation interval of the thermoaccumulation furnace heater.

U nastavku će biti opisana svaka pojedina funkcija programatora. Each function of the programmer will be described below.

Prvo uključenje First power on

Prvim uključenjem se programator postavlja u inicijalno stanje: 0:00 sati, 1. siječnja 1995. godine. Brojke sata žmigaju kao upozorenje da sat ne ide dobro. Radna temperatura postavljena je na 0°C (isključeno), a temperature svih intervala postavljene su na 20°C, svi intervali su postavljeni na 0:00 sati (isključeno), a rad počinje sa isključenim automatskim modom. Grijanje će biti isključeno. Postavljanje točnog vremena prekinut će žmiganje pokazivača. The first time it is turned on, the programmer is set to its initial state: 0:00 a.m., January 1, 1995. The clock numbers blink as a warning that the clock is not working well. The operating temperature is set to 0°C (off), and the temperatures of all intervals are set to 20°C, all intervals are set to 0:00 hours (off), and the operation starts with the automatic mode off. The heating will be turned off. Setting the correct time will stop the pointer blinking.

Postavljanje točnog vremena i kalendara Setting the correct time and calendar

Za ispravno funkcioniranje, osim sata i minuta svakako treba postaviti točan datum i godinu kako bi pribrajanje prestupnog dana kao i prebacivanje zimskog i ljetnog vremena normalno funkcioniralo. Iz ovih podataka programator sam određuje dan u tjednu. For proper functioning, in addition to the hour and minute, the correct date and year must be set so that the addition of the leap day as well as the switching between winter and summer time work normally. From this data, the programmer determines the day of the week.

◾ pritisnuti tipku PROG. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje poruka “Pr”, ◾ press the PROG button. The display shows the message "Pr",

◾ stisnuti tipku VRIJEME. Na pokazivaču piše “Ur” za vrijeme držanja tipke. Kad se tipka pusti, na pokazivaču se pojavljuje vrijeme, a minute žmigaju. ◾ press the TIME button. The indicator reads "Ur" while holding the key. When the button is released, the time appears on the display and the minutes blink.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti minute. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedna minuta svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the minutes. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one minute every half second.

NAPOMENA: Sat kreće onoga trenutka kada je završeno namještanje tipkom IZLAZ ili DALJE pa za u sekundu točno namještanje vremena treba postaviti minutu unaprijed i potvrditi namještanje vremena tipkom IZLAZ ili DALJE točno u postavljeno vrijeme. NOTE: The clock starts at the moment when the setting is finished with the EXIT or NEXT button, so to set the time exactly to the second, you need to set the time one minute ahead and confirm the time setting with the EXIT or NEXT button exactly at the set time.

◾ postavljanje sata počinje pritiskom na tipku DALJE. Minute prestanu žmigati, a sati počnu žmigati. Ako sat nije potrebno postavljati, postavljanje minuta može se završiti tipkom IZLAZ čime je postavljanje vremena završeno, žmiganje pokazivača prestaje, a sat tog trenutka krene. ◾ setting the clock starts by pressing the NEXT button. The minutes stop flashing and the hours start flashing. If it is not necessary to set the hour, setting the minutes can be finished with the EXIT button, which completes the time setting, the cursor stops flashing, and the clock starts at that moment.

◾ tipkama “+” ili “-“ postaviti sat. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan sat svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the "+" or "-" keys to set the clock. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one hour every half second.

◾ pritiskom tipke IZLAZ postavljanje vremena završava, žmiganje pokazivača prestaje, a sat istog trenutka krene. Pritiskom tipke DALJE sat istog trenutka krene, a programator prelazi na postavljanje datuma. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje dan i mjesec bez dvotočke među njima, dan žmiga. ◾ by pressing the EXIT button, setting the time ends, the pointer stops flashing, and the clock starts immediately. By pressing the NEXT button, the clock starts immediately, and the programmer switches to setting the date. The indicator shows the day and month without a colon between them, the day blinks.

NAPOMENA: Ako za vrijeme postavljanja minuta i sata nijednom nije pritisnuta tipka + ili -, tekuće vrijeme neće se mijenjati. Ako je, na primjer, potrebno samo namještanje datuma, postavljanje minuta i sata preskače se pritiskom na tipku DALJE dva puta, vrijeme se ne mijenja, a odmah se prelazi na postavljanje datuma. NOTE: If the + or - key is not pressed during minute and hour setting, the current time will not change. If, for example, it is only necessary to set the date, setting the minutes and hours is skipped by pressing the NEXT key twice, the time is not changed, and the date is set immediately.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti dan. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan dan svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the day. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one day every half second.

◾ postavljanje mjeseca počinje pritiskom na tipku DAU6. Dan prestane žmigati, a mjesec počne žmigati. Ako mjesec nije potrebno postavljati, postavljanje dana može se završiti tipkom IZLAZ čime je postavljanje vremena završeno i žmiganje pokazivača prestaje. ◾ setting the month starts by pressing the DAU6 button. The day stops blinking and the moon begins to blink. If the month does not need to be set, the day setting can be finished with the EXIT key, which completes the time setting and the cursor stops flashing.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti mjesec. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan mjesec svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the month. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one month every half second.

◾ pritiskom tipke IZLAZ postavljanje datuma završava, a žmiganje pokazivača prestaje. Pritiskom tipke DALJE programator prelazi na postavljanje godine. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje godina žmigajući. ◾ by pressing the EXIT key, setting the date ends, and the pointer stops flashing. By pressing the NEXT button, the programmer switches to setting the year. The display shows the year blinking.

NAPOMENA: Pokušaj programiranja nepostojećeg datuma (npr. 31. 04.) programator ne dozvoljava i u takvom slučaju vraća se na točku postavljanja dana očekujući promjenu datuma. Postavljanje datuma i godine potrebno je zbog automatskog prebacivanja ljetnog i zimskog vremena i funkcije uključivanja grijanja u programirani dan. NOTE: The programmer does not allow an attempt to program a non-existent date (eg 31.04.) and in such a case it returns to the day setting point expecting a change of date. Setting the date and year is necessary due to the automatic switching of summer and winter time and the function of turning on the heating on the programmed day.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti godinu. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedna godina svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the year. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one year every half second.

◾ pritiskom tipke IZLAZ postavljanje vremena, datuma i godine završava, žmiganje pokazivača prestaje i programator prelazi u normalan rad s ispisom točnog vremena. Pritiskom tipke DALJE programator prelazi na postavljanje minuta i cijeli se ciklus ponavlja od treće točke. ◾ by pressing the EXIT button, setting the time, date and year ends, the cursor stops flashing and the programmer switches to normal operation with the correct time being printed. By pressing the NEXT button, the programmer switches to setting the minutes and the entire cycle repeats from the third point.

Temperatura prostorije i datum Room temperature and date

Programator će pokazati trenutnu temperaturu prostorije, a zatim i datum ako se to od njega zatraži. Postupak je sljedeći: The programmer will show the current room temperature and then the date if requested. The procedure is as follows:

◾ pritiskom na tipku TMP/DT na pokazivaču se ispisuje temperatura prostorije. Prikaz ostaje na pokazivaču desetak sekundi nakon što se tipka pusti. Raspon pokazivanja temperature je od -19 do +44°C . ◾ pressing the TMP/DT button displays the room temperature on the display. The display remains on the display for ten seconds after the button is released. The temperature display range is from -19 to +44°C.

◾ pritiskom tipke TMP/DT još jednom za vrijeme prikaza temperatura, na pokazivaču se ispisuje datum. Prikaz ostaje na pokazivaču desetak sekundi nakon što se pusti tipka. Pritiskom bilo koje tipke dok je datum na pokazivaču, programator se vraća u normalan rad prikazujući točno vrijeme ◾ by pressing the TMP/DT button once more during the temperature display, the date is displayed on the display. The display remains on the display for ten seconds after the button is released. By pressing any button while the date is on the display, the programmer returns to normal operation showing the correct time

Promjena temperature prostorije Change in room temperature

Da bi se promijenila temperatura prostorije, programiranu temperaturu treba povećati ili smanjiti. Rezultat ovakve promjene ovisi o modu u kojem programator radi. U običnom termostatskom modu nova programirana temperatura ostaje sve do sljedeće promjene temperature pritiskom na tipku ili do promjene moda rada u automatski mod. U automatskom modu, promjena programirane temperature utjecat će samo na vremenski interval u kojem je promjena nastala. Promjena ne mijenja sadržaj programske memorije, tako da će idućeg dana u istom vremenskom intervalu programator raditi sa postavljenom istom temperaturom koja je bila prije promjene bila programirana. Drugim riječima, promjena temperature u automatskom modu omogućava trenutnu jednokratnu promjenu bez utjecaja na svakodnevni rad. Trajna promjena temperature u automatskom modu moguća je jedino programiranjem vremenskih intervala i temperatura (vidi točku 2.6.8). To change the room temperature, the programmed temperature should be increased or decreased. The result of such a change depends on the mode in which the programmer works. In normal thermostat mode, the new programmed temperature remains until the next temperature change by pressing the button or until the operation mode is changed to automatic mode. In automatic mode, changing the programmed temperature will only affect the time interval in which the change occurred. The change does not change the content of the program memory, so the next day, in the same time interval, the programmer will work with the same set temperature that was programmed before the change. In other words, changing the temperature in automatic mode allows for an immediate one-time change without affecting daily work. Permanent temperature change in automatic mode is possible only by programming time intervals and temperatures (see point 2.6.8).

◾ pritiskom tipke T+ na pokazivaču se ispisuje trenutna programirana temperatura. Držanjem tipke programirana temperatura se povećava sa tempom od °C u osmini sekunde (1°C u pola sekunde), a kratim uzastopnim pritiscima iste tipke programirana temperatura se diže s korakom od °C. Na pokazivaču se temperatura ispisuje samo cjelobrojno tako da se prikaz mijenja tek nakon četvrtog kratkog pritiska tipke. Ako je programirana temperatura veća od temperature prostorije, upalit će se indikator HLADNO. ◾ by pressing the T+ button, the current programmed temperature is displayed on the display. By holding down the button, the programmed temperature increases at a rate of °C per eighth of a second (1°C per half second), and with short successive presses of the same button, the programmed temperature rises with a step of °C. On the display, the temperature is printed only as an integer, so the display changes only after the fourth short press of the button. If the programmed temperature is higher than the room temperature, the COLD indicator will light up.

◾ pritiskom tipke T- na ekranu se ispisuje trenutna programirana temperatura. Držanjem tipke programirana temperatura se smanjuje sa tempom od °C u osmini sekunde (1°C u pola sekunde), a kratim uzastopnim pritiscima iste tipke programirana temperatura se spušta s korakom od °C. Na pokazivaču se temperatura ispisuje samo cjelobrojno tako da se prikaz mijenja tek nakon četvrtog kratkog pritiska tipke. Ako je programirana temperatura manja od temperature prostorije, indikator HLADNO neće svijetliti. ◾ by pressing the T- button, the current programmed temperature is displayed on the screen. By holding down the button, the programmed temperature decreases at a rate of °C in one-eighth of a second (1°C in half a second), and with short successive presses of the same button, the programmed temperature drops in steps of °C. On the display, the temperature is printed only as an integer, so the display changes only after the fourth short press of the button. If the programmed temperature is lower than the room temperature, the COLD indicator will not light up.

NAPOMENA: Indikatorom termostata HLADNO može se provjeriti postavljanje programirane temperature u odnosu na temperaturu prostorije jer svijetli čim iznos programirane temperature postane veći od temperature prostorije. NOTE: The COLD thermostat indicator can be used to check the setting of the programmed temperature in relation to the room temperature, because it lights up as soon as the programmed temperature becomes higher than the room temperature.

◾ trajnim otpuštanjem tipke nakon nekog vremena programator sam vraća točno vrijeme na pokazivač. Trenutno vraćanje točnog vremena na pokazivač moguće je pritiskom tipke IZLAZ. ◾ by permanently releasing the button after some time, the programmer automatically returns the correct time to the display. Immediate return of the correct time to the display is possible by pressing the EXIT key.

Biranje moda rada Selecting the operating mode

Na raspolaganju stoje dva moda rada, obični termostatski mod i automatski mod. U termostatskom modu programator se ponaša kao običan sobni termostat, a temperatura prostorije konstantno se održava na programiranoj vrijednosti između 0 i 30°C. U automatskom modu moguće je odabrati do 8 dnevnih vremenskih intervala i programirati temperaturu u rasponu od G do 30°C za svaki pojedini vremenski interval. Programator u svako doba dana održava temperaturu prostorije prema zahtjevu operatera. Automatski mod rada prepoznaje se po uključenom indikatoru AUTO na panelu programatora. Two operating modes are available, the normal thermostatic mode and the automatic mode. In thermostat mode, the programmer behaves like an ordinary room thermostat, and the room temperature is constantly maintained at the programmed value between 0 and 30°C. In automatic mode, it is possible to select up to 8 daily time intervals and program the temperature in the range from G to 30°C for each individual time interval. The programmer maintains the room temperature at any time of the day according to the operator's request. The automatic mode of operation is recognized by the ON indicator AUTO on the programmer panel.

◾ pritiskom na tipku PROG počinje biranje moda rada. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje poruka “Pr”. ◾ pressing the PROG button starts selecting the operating mode. The display shows the message "Pr".

◾ pritiskom tipke MOD programator mijenja mod rada, termostatski u automatski i obratno što se vidi po indikatoru moda rada. Na pokazivaču ostaje točno vrijeme. Ako je nastavak rada u termostatskom modu, programator nastavlja održavati temperaturu prostorije koja je bila do tada. Ako je nastavak rada u automatskom modu, postavlja se temperatura programirana za trenutni vremenski interval i grupu. ◾ by pressing the MOD button, the programmer changes the operating mode, from thermostatic to automatic and vice versa, which can be seen by the operating mode indicator. The display shows the correct time. If the continuation of operation is in thermostatic mode, the programmer continues to maintain the temperature of the room that was until then. If operation continues in automatic mode, the temperature programmed for the current time interval and group is set.

Programiranje dnevnih intervala i temperature Programming of daily intervals and temperature

U automatskom modu moguće je programirati dvije grupe sa do 8 vremenskih intervala sa različitim programiranim temperaturama. Vremenski interval ima minimalni korak od 10 minuta (nije moguće postavljati manje intervale!). Intervale treba zadati po redu, od najranijeg prema najkasnijem. Ako to nije slučaj, programator shvaća da je kod nižeg vremena od prethodnog završetak i na tom mjestu ograničiti broj intervala. Tako je moguće postaviti kombinaciju sa dva intervala, npr. dnevni i noćni (vidjeti primjer 4). In automatic mode, it is possible to program two groups with up to 8 time intervals with different programmed temperatures. The time interval has a minimum step of 10 minutes (it is not possible to set smaller intervals!). Intervals should be entered in order, from the earliest to the latest. If this is not the case, the programmer realizes that at a lower time than the previous one, it is the end and at that point limit the number of intervals. Thus, it is possible to set a combination with two intervals, eg day and night (see example 4).

PRIMJER 1: Programirana su sljedeća vremena i temperature: EXAMPLE 1: The following times and temperatures are programmed:

1. vrijeme 6:40 temperatura 20 1. time 6:40 temperature 20

2. vrijeme 9:30 temperatura 17 2nd time 9:30 a.m. temperature 5 p.m

3. vrijeme 12:00 temperatura 20 3. time 12:00 temperature 20

4. vrijeme 16:30 temperatura 22 4. time 16:30 temperature 22

5. vrijeme 19:00 temperatura 23 5. time 19:00 temperature 23

6. vrijeme 18:50 temperatura 19 6. time 18:50 temperature 19

7. vrijeme 23:20 temperatura 18 7. time 23:20 temperature 18

8. vrijeme 2:40 temperatura 15 8. time 2:40 temperature 15

OBJAŠNJENJE: U vremenu od 6:40 do 9:30 prostorija se grije na 20°C. Od 9:30 do 12:00 prostorija se grije na 17°C. U vremenu od 12:00 do 16:30 temperatura prostorije će biti 20°C, a od 16:30 do 19:00 u prostoriji će biti 22°C. EXPLANATION: Between 6:40 and 9:30 the room is heated to 20°C. From 9:30 to 12:00 the room is heated to 17°C. From 12:00 to 16:30 the room temperature will be 20°C, and from 16:30 to 19:00 the room will be 22°C.

Budući da je 6. vrijeme (18:50) manje od 5. vremena (19:00), programator će ignorirati posljednja 3 intervala i u vremenu od 19:00 do 6:40 idućeg dana održavat će temperaturu od 23°C. Ovako programirani automatski mod imat će ukupno 5 vremenskih intervala. Since the 6th time (18:50) is less than the 5th time (19:00), the programmer will ignore the last 3 intervals and maintain a temperature of 23°C from 19:00 to 6:40 the next day. The automatic mode programmed in this way will have a total of 5 time intervals.

PRIMJER 2: 6. vrijeme iz gornjeg primjera promijenjeno je: EXAMPLE 2: The 6th tense from the above example has been changed:

1. vrijeme 6:40 temperatura 20 1. time 6:40 temperature 20

2. vrijeme 9:30 temperatura 17 2nd time 9:30 a.m. temperature 5 p.m

3. vrijeme 12:00 temperatura 20 3. time 12:00 temperature 20

4. vrijeme 16:30 temperatura 22 4. time 16:30 temperature 22

5. vrijeme 19:00 temperatura 23 5. time 19:00 temperature 23

6. vrijeme 21:50 temperatura 19 6. time 21:50 temperature 19

7. vrijeme 23:20 temperatura 18 7. time 23:20 temperature 18

8. vrijeme 2:40 temperatura 15 8. time 2:40 temperature 15

OBJAŠNJENJE: Prva četiri intervala (do 19:00 sati) ostaju nepromijenjena, a zatim slijedi 5. interval od 19:00 do 21:50 sa 23°C, 6. interval od 21:50 do 23:20 sa 19°C, 7. interval od 23:20 do 2:40 idućeg dana sa 18°C i 8. interval od 2:40 do 6:40 (ovo je 1. vrijeme) sa 15°C. EXPLANATION: The first four intervals (until 19:00) remain unchanged, followed by the 5th interval from 19:00 to 21:50 at 23°C, the 6th interval from 21:50 to 23:20 at 19°C, 7th interval from 23:20 to 2:40 the next day with 18°C and 8th interval from 2:40 to 6:40 (this is the 1st time) with 15°C.

PRIMJER 3: treći interval iz primjera 2 želi se izbaciti (12:00-16:30), sve ostalo ostaje isto. EXAMPLE 3: the third interval from example 2 is to be deleted (12:00-16:30), everything else remains the same.

OBJAŠNJENJE: Ova želja ostvariva je na dva načina. Jedna je mogućnost da se temperatura u trećem vremenu (20°C) postavi na temperaturu 2. vremena (17°C), dok je druga mogućnost da se 3. vrijeme (12:00) postavi jednako ili manje od 4. vremena. Ako je vrijeme jednako (3. vrijeme je 16:30), 3. interval trebao bi trajati od 16:30 do 16:30 tako da programator odmah nastavlja rad u 4. intervalu od 16:30 do 19:00 sati sa temperaturom od 22°C. EXPLANATION: This wish can be achieved in two ways. One possibility is to set the temperature in the third time (20°C) to the temperature of the 2nd time (17°C), while another possibility is to set the 3rd time (12:00) equal to or less than the 4th time. If the time is equal (the 3rd time is 16:30), the 3rd interval should last from 16:30 to 16:30 so that the programmer immediately resumes operation in the 4th interval from 16:30 to 19:00 with a temperature of 22°C.

PRIMJER 4: najjednostavnija varijanta automatskog moda je korištenje dnevne i noćne temperature (samo dva intervala). EXAMPLE 4: the simplest variant of automatic mode is to use day and night temperature (only two intervals).

1. vrijeme 6:40 temperatura 22 1. time 6:40 temperature 22

2. vrijeme 22:30 temperatura 17 2. time 22:30 temperature 17

3. vrijeme 7:00 temperatura nema značenje 3. time 7:00 temperature has no meaning

OBJAŠNJENJE: U vremenu od 6:40 do 22:30 u prostoriji se grije na 22°C. Noću od 22:30 pa ujutro do 6:40 temperatura će se održavati na 17°C. Treće vrijeme potrebno je postaviti između prvog i drugog vremena (u ovom primjeru 7:00) da programator razumije da se intervali 3-8 ne koriste. Temperatura trećeg intervala nije važna i ne treba je namještati. EXPLANATION: From 6:40 am to 10:30 pm, the room is heated to 22°C. At night from 22:30 until 6:40 in the morning, the temperature will be maintained at 17°C. The third time needs to be set between the first and second time (in this example 7:00) so that the programmer understands that intervals 3-8 are not used. The temperature of the third interval is not important and does not need to be adjusted.

Osim programiranja, ovim se postupkom mogu pregledati vremena intervala i temperatura. U tom se slučaju neće koristiti tipke + i -. Postupak programiranja vremenskih intervala i temperatura je sljedeći: In addition to programming, interval times and temperatures can be reviewed with this procedure. In this case, the + and - keys will not be used. The procedure for programming time intervals and temperatures is as follows:

◾ pritiskom tipke PROG otvara se pristup programiranju. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje poruka “Pr”. ◾ pressing the PROG key opens access to programming. The display shows the message "Pr".

◾ pritiskom tipke INT započinje programiranje intervala. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje poruka “Pr In”. ◾ pressing the INT key starts interval programming. The display shows the message "Pr In".

◾ na raspolaganju stoje tri mogućnosti: programiranje grupe intervala, programiranje vremena i temperatura grupe intervala A i programiranje vremena i intervala grupe B. ◾ three options are available: interval group programming, interval group A time and temperature programming, and group B time and interval programming.

Programiranje grupe intervala: Interval group programming:

◾ programiranje grupe intervala po danima u tjednu nastavlja se pritiskom na tipku A/B, ◾ programming of the group of intervals by days of the week continues by pressing the A/B button,

◾ na pokazivaču se ispisuje skraćenica dana u tjednu (Pn, Ut, Sr, Ct, Pt, Sb, nd) i trenutno postavljena grupa intervala (A ili b). ◾ the display shows the abbreviation of the day of the week (Pn, Tu, Sr, Ct, Pt, Sb, nd) and the currently set interval group (A or b).

◾ pritiskom tipke INT A ili INT B bira se željena grupa intervala i prikazuje na pokazivaču. ◾ by pressing the INT A or INT B key, the desired group of intervals is selected and displayed on the display.

◾ pritiskom tipke A/B prelazi se na programiranje grupe sljedećeg dana, što se vidi i na pokazivaču. ◾ pressing the A/B button switches to programming the next day's group, which can also be seen on the display.

◾ pritiskom tipke IZLAZ ponovo se na pokazivač vraća točno vrijeme, a programator izvršava sve eventualne promjene ako radi u automatskom modu. ◾ pressing the EXIT button returns the correct time to the display, and the programmer executes all possible changes if it works in automatic mode.

Programiranje intervala vremena i temperatura grupe A i grupe B: Programming time intervals and temperatures of group A and group B:

◾ programiranje osam intervala i temperatura grupe A nastavlja se pritiskom na tipku INT A, ◾ programming of eight intervals and temperature of group A continues by pressing the INT A button,

◾ programiranje osam intervala i temperatura grupe B nastavlja se pritiskom na tipku INT B. ◾ programming of eight intervals and temperatures of group B continues by pressing the INT B button.

◾ na pokazivaču se za vrijeme držanja tipke ispisuje poruka “In A1” ili “In b1”, ovisno o grupi, označavajući grupu i broj intervala koji se programira. Puštanjem tipke na pokazivaču se ispisuje vrijeme početka prvog intervala. Minute žmiganjem označavaju mogućnost njihovog namještanja. ◾ the message "In A1" or "In b1", depending on the group, is printed on the display while the button is held down, indicating the group and the number of the interval being programmed. By releasing the button, the start time of the first interval is printed on the display. The blinking minutes indicate the possibility of setting them.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti minute. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike deset minuta svakih pola sekunde. Korak promjene je 10 minuta (intervale kraće od 10 minuta nije moguće programirati). ◾ use the + or - keys to set the minutes. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately ten minutes every half second. The change step is 10 minutes (intervals shorter than 10 minutes cannot be programmed).

◾ postavljanje sata počinje pritiskom na tipku DALJE. Minute prestanu žmigati, a sat počne žmigati. ◾ setting the clock starts by pressing the NEXT button. The minutes stop flashing and the clock starts flashing.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti sat. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan sat svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the clock. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one hour every half second.

◾ pritiskom na tipku DALJE namještanje početka intervala završava i počinje namještanje temperature intervala. Na pokazivaču se žmigajući ispisuje trenutna programirana temperatura. ◾ by pressing the NEXT key, setting the start of the interval ends and setting the temperature of the interval begins. The current programmed temperature is shown blinking on the display.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti temperaturu. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Držanjem tipke programirana temperatura se mijenja sa tempom od °C u osmini sekunde (1°C u pola sekunde), a kratim uzastopnim pritiscima iste tipke programirana temperatura se mijenja s korakom od °C. Na pokazivaču se temperatura ispisuje samo cjelobrojno tako da se prikaz mijenja tek nakon četvrtog kratkog pritiska tipke. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the temperature. The keys can be pressed and released or held. By holding down the button, the programmed temperature changes at a rate of °C per eighth of a second (1°C per half second), and by short successive presses of the same button, the programmed temperature changes with a step of °C. The display shows the temperature only as an integer, so the display changes only after the fourth short press of the button.

◾ Kada je željena temperatura intervala postavljena, pritiskom tipke DALJE završava se programiranje početka intervala i temperature, a prelazi se na programiranje vremena kraja intervala, odnosno vremena početka sljedećeg intervala. Za vrijeme držanja tipke DALJE stisnutom na pokazivaču se ispisuje grupa i broj intervala koji se počinje programirati. Puštanjem tipke na pokazivaču se ispisuje vrijeme početka intervala sa žmigajućim minutama. ◾ When the desired temperature of the interval is set, pressing the NEXT button completes the programming of the start of the interval and the temperature, and moves on to the programming of the time of the end of the interval, i.e. the time of the start of the next interval. While holding down the NEXT button, the display shows the group and number of the interval that starts to be programmed. By releasing the button, the start time of the interval is printed on the display with flashing minutes.

◾ za programiranje ostalih vremena intervala i temperature ponoviti postupak od četvrte točke do prethodne točke. Kod programiranja treba voditi računa o redoslijedu vremena intervala (vidjeti Primjer 1). ◾ to program other interval times and temperatures, repeat the procedure from the fourth point to the previous point. When programming, you should take care of the sequence of time intervals (see Example 1).

◾ ako se poslije programiranja temperature zadnjeg intervala pritisne tipku DALJE cijeli postupak se ponavlja od treće točke. ◾ if, after programming the temperature of the last interval, the NEXT button is pressed, the entire procedure is repeated from the third point.

◾ programiranje je moguće završiti u bilo kojem trenutku pritiskom tipke IZLAZ. Na pokazivač se vrati točno vrijeme, a programator nastavlja rad sa novoprogramiranim vremenima i temperaturama ako radi u automatskom modu. ◾ programming can be ended at any time by pressing the EXIT button. The correct time is returned to the display, and the programmer continues working with the newly programmed times and temperatures if it works in automatic mode.

NAPOMENA: Redoslijed namještanja intervala uvijek ide redom od prvog do osmog. Vraćanje intervala (prijelaz sa višeg na niži) nije moguće. U takvom slučaju može se uzastopnim stiskanjem tipke DALJE doći do željenog intervala. NOTE: The order of setting the intervals is always from the first to the eighth. Restoring the interval (transition from higher to lower) is not possible. In such a case, the desired interval can be reached by repeatedly pressing the NEXT button.

Programiranje starta određenog dana Programming to start on a specific day

Ova je funkcija praktična kod duljeg izbivanja (više od dana) iz prostora koji se grije. Datum početka rada može se programirati do godinu dana unaprijed. This function is practical when you are away for a long time (more than a day) from the heated space. The start date can be programmed up to a year in advance.

Programiranjem datuma uključenja grijanja automatski se isključuju svi upravljački izlazi do programiranog datuma bez obzira na mod rada. Oko pet minuta nakon programiranja datuma programator isključi pokazivač i sve indikatore osim PRGDAT. Ponovo aktiviranje pokazivača moguće je pritiskom na bilo koju tipku, a aktivan je sljedećih 5 minuta. Poništenjem programiranog dana ili programiranog dana u 0:00 sati programator se vraća u normalan rad i uključuje sve potrebne upravljačke izlaze radeći u onom modu u kojem je bio u trenutku programiranja datuma (automatskom ili termostatskom). By programming the heating switch-on date, all control outputs are automatically switched off until the programmed date, regardless of the operating mode. About five minutes after programming the date, the programmer turns off the pointer and all indicators except PRGDAT. The pointer can be reactivated by pressing any key, and it is active for the next 5 minutes. By canceling the programmed day or the programmed day at 0:00, the programmer returns to normal operation and turns on all the necessary control outputs, working in the mode in which it was at the time of programming the date (automatic or thermostatic).

Postupak programiranja dana je sljedeći: The day's programming procedure is as follows:

◾ pritiskom tipke PROG otvara se pristup programiranju. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje poruka “Pr”. ◾ pressing the PROG key opens access to programming. The display shows the message "Pr".

◾ pritiskom tipke PRGDAT započinje programiranje datuma uključenja grijanja. Na pokazivaču se ispisuje tekući datum. Dan žmiganjem označava mogućnost njegovog namještanja. ◾ pressing the PRGDAT button starts the programming of the heating start-up date. The display shows the current date. A blinking day indicates the possibility of its adjustment.

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti dan. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan dan svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the day. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one day every half second.

◾ postavljanje mjeseca počinje pritiskom na tipku DALJE. Dan prestane žmigati, a mjesec počne žmigati. Ako mjesec nije potrebno postavljati, postavljanje dana može se završiti tipkom IZLAZ čime je programiranje datuma uključenja grijanja završeno (vidjeti zadnju točku). ◾ setting the month starts by pressing the NEXT button. The day stops blinking and the moon begins to blink. If the month does not need to be set, the setting of the day can be finished with the EXIT button, which completes the programming of the heating start-up date (see the last point).

◾ tipkama + ili - postaviti mjesec. Tipke se mogu stiskati i puštati ili držati. Ako se tipka drži, tempo promjene je otprilike jedan mjesec svakih pola sekunde. ◾ use the + or - keys to set the month. The keys can be pressed and released or held. If the button is held down, the rate of change is approximately one month every half second.

◾ Pritiskom tipke DALJE programator ponovo prelazi na postavljanje dana i proces se ponavlja od treće točke. ◾ By pressing the NEXT button, the programmer switches to setting the day again and the process repeats from the third point.

NAPOMENA: Pokušaj programiranja nepostojećeg datuma (npr. 31. 04.) programator ne dozvoljava i u takvom slučaju vraća se na treću točku očekujući promjenu datuma. NOTE: The programmer does not allow an attempt to program a non-existent date (eg 31.04.) and in such a case it returns to the third point expecting a change of date.

◾ pritiskom tipke IZLAZ programiranje datuma uključenja grijanja završava. Indikator PRGDAT se pali ako je programirani datum različit od tekućeg, a programator trenutno isključuje grijanje ako je radilo, isključi sve upravljačke linije, a nakon otprilike 5 minuta gasi pokazivač i indikatore osim indikatora PRGDAT. ◾ by pressing the EXIT button, the programming of the heating start-up date ends. The PRGDAT indicator lights up if the programmed date is different from the current one, and the programmer immediately turns off the heating if it was working, disconnects all control lines, and after approximately 5 minutes, turns off the pointer and indicators except for the PRGDAT indicator.

◾ nakon isključenja, prikaz točnog vremena na pokazivač se vraća pritiskom bilo koje tipke. Pokazivač i indikatori rade sljedećih 5 minuta. ◾ after switching off, the display of the exact time on the display returns by pressing any key. The pointer and indicators work for the next 5 minutes.

◾ promjena programiranog datuma uvijek je moguća. Ponoviti proces od prve točke. ◾ changing the programmed date is always possible. Repeat the process from the first point.

◾ poništavanje programiranog datuma moguće je ponavljanjem prve i druge točke. Nakon što se na pokazivaču pojavio tekući datum, tipkom IZLAZ potvrditi tekući datum. Programator isključi indikator PRGDAT i prelazi u normalan rad. ◾ cancellation of the programmed date is possible by repeating the first and second point. After the current date has appeared on the display, confirm the current date with the EXIT key. The programmer turns off the PRGDAT indicator and switches to normal operation.

Instaliranje Installing

Instaliranje programatora izvodi se tako da se nalazi na mjestu koje nije izloženo propuhu, suncu, isijavanju topline radijatora ili grijalice ili hladnom zidu jer se uz programator nalazi osjetilo temperature. The programmer is installed in a place that is not exposed to drafts, sun, heat radiation from radiators or heaters, or a cold wall because there is a temperature sensor next to the programmer.

Beskontaktni elektronički prekidači ugrađuju se u neposrednoj blizini grijalica ili uz uređaj kojim se upravlja. Spajanje programatora i elektroničkog prekidača izvodi se dvožilnim kablom presjeka žice 0,5mm ili više, pazeći na polaritet upravljačkog napona. Contactless electronic switches are installed in the immediate vicinity of heaters or next to the controlled device. The connection between the programmer and the electronic switch is made with a two-wire cable with a cross-section of 0.5 mm or more, paying attention to the polarity of the control voltage.

Ako beskontaktni prekidač upravlja cijelom linijom grijača, najbolje ga je ugraditi uz razvodnu ploču gdje može biti smješten i ispravljač programatora, a programator se u tom slučaju spaja sa tri žice: +, zajednička i upravljačka žica. If the contactless switch controls the entire heater line, it is best to install it next to the distribution board where the programmer rectifier can be located, and the programmer in this case is connected to three wires: +, common and control wire.

Tehnički podaci Technical data

Napon napajanja 7,5V istosmjerno Supply voltage 7.5V DC

Struja napajanja 400mA Supply current 400mA

Potrošnja 3,6W/sat Consumption 3.6W/hour

Broj izlaznih kontrolnih linija 8 Number of output control lines 8

Upravljački napon +7,5V Control voltage +7.5V

Maksimalno opterećenje Maximum load

izlazne linije 20mA, output lines 20mA,

zaštita od kratkog spoja short circuit protection

Raspon mjerenja temperature -19°C do 44°C Temperature measurement range -19°C to 44°C

Raspon regulacije temperature 0°C do 30°C Temperature regulation range 0°C to 30°C

Korak mjerenja temperature 0,25°C Temperature measurement step 0.25°C

Histereza termostata 0,5°C Thermostat hysteresis 0.5°C

Modovi rada termostatski Thermostatic operating modes

automatski automatic

Broj intervala automatskog Number of automatic intervals

moda 2x8, regulacija bilo koje temperature u raspon od mode 2x8, regulation of any temperature in the range of

0°C do 30°C 0°C to 30°C

Minimalni vremenski Minimum time

korak intervala 10 minuta step interval 10 minutes

Vremenski period za programira The time period for programming

nje vremena uključenja 1 godina its inclusion time is 1 year

Sat minute i sati, Hour minutes and hours,

kontroliran kristalom, automatsko prebacivanje crystal controlled, automatic switching

ljetnog i zimskog vremena zadnju nedjelju u ožujku summer and winter time on the last Sunday in March

u 2.00 sata, odnosno u rujnu u 3:00 sata at 2:00 a.m., or in September at 3:00 a.m

Kalendar dan, mjesec i godina, programiran do 2155. Calendar day, month and year, programmed until 2155.

godine, automatsko određivanje dana u tjednu year, automatic determination of the day of the week

Pokazivač 7 segmentni 7-segment indicator

četveroznamenkasti LED pokazivač, crvena, žuta ili four-digit LED indicator, red, yellow or

zelena boja, visina znamenke 15 mm green color, digit height 15 mm

Tastatura 4 membranske tipke sa “click” oprugama i 4 ugrađena indikatora Keyboard 4 membrane keys with "click" springs and 4 built-in indicators

Indikatori Indicators

automatski mod u boji pokazivača automatic mode in pointer color

programirani datum u boji pokazivača programmed date in pointer color

termostat zeleni thermostat green

žuti ako je pokazivač zeleni yellow if the pointer is green

grijanje crveni heating red

žuti ako je pokazivač crveni yellow if the pointer is red

Izbor izvršnih elemenata: Choice of executive elements:

Centralno grijanje relej, pumpa max 500W Central heating relay, pump max 500W

Električno upravljanje beskontaktni prekidač, max 5500W Electric control contactless switch, max 5500W

beskontaktni prekidač, max 2500W contactless switch, max 2500W

beskontaktni prekidač, max 1200W contactless switch, max 1200W

Claims (14)

1. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima (slika 9), naznačen time da posjeduje regulator pogonskog napona (5), mikrokontroler sa PROMom i memorijom (1), sklop za nadzor rada mikrokontrolera (3), generator vremenske baze (2), analogno-digitalni pretvatrač (4) vezan na mikrokontroler, temperaturni osjetnik sa analognim pojačalom (8) vezan na anlogno-digitalni pretvarač, komandnu tipkovnicu (10), numeričko-signalni pokazivač (11), ulaz (6), izlaz (7) i sučelje prilagođeno serijskoj komunikaciji s vanjskim uređajem (9).1. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management (Figure 9), indicated by the fact that it has a drive voltage regulator (5), a microcontroller with PROM and memory (1), a circuit for monitoring the operation of the microcontroller (3), a time base generator (2) , analog-digital converter (4) connected to the microcontroller, temperature sensor with analog amplifier (8) connected to the analog-digital converter, command keyboard (10), numeric-signal indicator (11), input (6), output (7) and an interface adapted to serial communication with an external device (9). 2. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu, 1 naznačen time da mikrokontroler (1) pomoću signala iz generatora vremenske baze (2) koji je vezan na mikrokontroler, generira sat realnog vremena, kalendar s prepoznavanjem dana u tjednu, prestupne godine i korekcijom ljetnog i zimskog vremena.2. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 1, characterized in that the microcontroller (1) generates a real-time clock, a calendar with recognition of the day in week, leap years and correction of summer and winter time. 3. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 2, naznačen time da sadrži elektronički krug sa sekundarnim istosmjernim izvorom energije za pohranu svih programiranih parametara i rad vremenske baze u slučaju prekida napajanja iz mreže.3. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and control of devices as described in claim 2, characterized by the fact that it contains an electronic circuit with a secondary DC energy source for storing all programmed parameters and operation of the time base in case of interruption of power supply from the network. 4. Sklop za nadzor rada mikrokontrolera (3) kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 1, naznačen time da vraća procesor u normalan rad iz nedefiniranog stanja ako do njega dođe uslijed vanjske smetnje u napajanju.4. A circuit for monitoring the operation of the microcontroller (3) as described in claim 1, characterized in that it returns the processor to normal operation from an undefined state if it occurs due to an external disturbance in the power supply. 5. Ulaz (6) programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu, 1 naznačen time, da je vezan na mikrokontroler i posjeduje 8 ulaznih linija prilagođenih prijemu električnog unipolarnog signala.5. The input (6) of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 1, characterized by the fact that it is connected to the microcontroller and has 8 input lines adapted to receive an electrical unipolar signal. 6. Izlaz (7) programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 1, naznačen time da je vezan na mikrokontroler i posjeduje 8 izlaznih linija prilagođenih upravljanju pomoću električnog signala.6. The output (7) of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 1, characterized by the fact that it is connected to a microcontroller and has 8 output lines adapted to control using an electrical signal. 7. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 1, naznačen time da sadrži u PROM mikrokontrolera upisan izvršni program kojim korisnik preko komandne tipkovnice (10) vezane na mikrokontroler ili izvana preko serijskog sučelja (9) vezanog na mikrokontroler može formirati vlastiti program rada sustava priključenog na izlaz programatora.7. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 1, characterized by the fact that it contains an executable program written in the PROM of the microcontroller, which the user uses via the command keyboard (10) connected to the microcontroller or externally via the serial interface (9) connected to the microcontroller can form its own operating program of the system connected to the output of the programmer. 8. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 7, naznačen time da omogućuje rad sustava u automatskom radu ili u neautomatskom radu ako korisnik automatski rad ne želi koristiti.8. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 7, characterized by the fact that it enables the system to operate in automatic operation or in non-automatic operation if the user does not want to use automatic operation. 9. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 7, naznačen time da u automatskom radu sadrži od korisnika promjenljive: a) vremensko-temperaturni kriterij za upravljanje sustavom grijanja/hlađenja priključenim na izlaz prilagođen upravljanju električnim signalom i b) vremenski kriterij za upravljanje uređajima priključenim na izlaz prilagođen upravljanju električnim signalom. 9. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and control of devices as described in claim 7, characterized by the fact that in automatic operation it contains variables from the user: a) time-temperature criterion for controlling the heating/cooling system connected to the output adapted to the control of the electrical signal and b) time criterion for controlling the devices connected to the output adapted to control the electrical signal. 10. Vremensko-temperaturni kriterij programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 9a, naznačen time da korisnik svakom danu u tjednu pridružuje jednu od 8 vremensko- temperaturnih programskih grupa po želji, a svakoj grupi pridružuje do dnevnih vremenskih intervala sa svakom intervalu pridruženom temperaturom po želji.10. Time-temperature criterion of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 9a, indicated by the fact that the user joins one of 8 time-temperature program groups as desired to each day of the week, and joins up to daily time intervals to each group with each interval associated with a desired temperature. 11. Automatski rad programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima, koji koristi od strane korisnika programirane vremensko- temperaturne intervale, kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 10, naznačen time da u programiranom vremenskom intervalu uključjuje sustav grijanja ako je izmjerena temperatura manja od programirane za taj vremenski interval ili je izmjeren pad temperature koji bi mogao uzrokovati pad temperature ispod unutar intervala programirane temperature. 11. Automatic operation of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management, which uses time-temperature intervals programmed by the user, as described in claim 10, indicated by the fact that it turns on the heating system in the programmed time interval if the measured temperature is lower than the programmed for that time interval or a temperature drop has been measured that could cause the temperature to drop below within the programmed temperature interval. 12. Automatski rad programatora za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 9b, naznačen time da sadrži do 8 dnevnih vremenskih intervala za upravljanje električnim signalom do 4 različita uređaja u programiranom vremenskom intervalu.12. Automatic operation of the programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 9b, characterized by the fact that it contains up to 8 daily time intervals for electric signal management of up to 4 different devices in the programmed time interval. 13. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevima 9b i 12, naznačen time da uređaje stavlja u pogon u automatskom radu u programiranom vremenskom intervalu ili uvijek ako je automatski rad isključen.13. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and control of devices as described in claims 9b and 12, characterized in that it puts devices into operation in automatic operation in a programmed time interval or always if automatic operation is switched off. 14. Programator za vremensko reguliranje temperature i upravljanje uređajima kao što je opisan u zahtjevu 7, naznačen time da sadrži inicijalno postavljene parametre rada sustava priključenog na programator kako bi programator mogao upravljati sustavom ako korisnik ne želi upisivati vlastite parametre rada priključenog sustava.14. Programmer for time regulation of temperature and device management as described in claim 7, characterized by the fact that it contains initially set operating parameters of the system connected to the programmer so that the programmer can control the system if the user does not want to enter his own operating parameters of the connected system.
HRP950296 1995-05-18 1995-05-18 Programing apparatus for timely regulation of temperature and apparatus control HRP950296B1 (en)

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HRP950296 HRP950296B1 (en) 1995-05-18 1995-05-18 Programing apparatus for timely regulation of temperature and apparatus control

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