HRP920802A2 - Process for obtaining new beta-d-phenyl-thioxylosides - Google Patents

Process for obtaining new beta-d-phenyl-thioxylosides Download PDF


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HRP920802A2 HR920802A HRP920802A HRP920802A2 HR P920802 A2 HRP920802 A2 HR P920802A2 HR 920802 A HR920802 A HR 920802A HR P920802 A HRP920802 A HR P920802A HR P920802 A2 HRP920802 A2 HR P920802A2
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Soth Samreth
Francois Bellamy
Jean Millet
Original Assignee
Fournier Ind & Sante
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Priority claimed from FR8706237A external-priority patent/FR2614893B1/en
Application filed by Fournier Ind & Sante filed Critical Fournier Ind & Sante
Publication of HRP920802A2 publication Critical patent/HRP920802A2/en



  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


Područje tehnike The field of technology

Izum je iz područja sinteze organskih spojeva. Oznaka izuma prema Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji patenata je C 07 D 335/00; A 61 K 31/38. The invention is from the field of synthesis of organic compounds. The designation of the invention according to the International Classification of Patents is C 07 D 335/00; A 61 K 31/38.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Izumom je riješen tehnički problem postupka za dobivanje novih derivata β-D-fenil-tioksilozida, novih terapeutskih sredstava za tretman tromboze, naročito venske tromboze. The invention solved the technical problem of the procedure for obtaining new derivatives of β-D-phenyl-thioxiloside, new therapeutic agents for the treatment of thrombosis, especially venous thrombosis.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

U EP-B-051023 su već predloženi derivati benzoil i alfa-hidroksi-benzoil-fenil-ozida kao anti-ulceroznih sredstava, kao sredstava protiv agregacije pločica, kao sredstava protiv tromboze i kao cerebralnih oksigenatora. In EP-B-051023 benzoyl and alpha-hydroxy-benzoyl-phenyl-oside derivatives have already been proposed as anti-ulcer agents, as anti-platelet aggregation agents, as anti-thrombosis agents and as cerebral oxygenators.

Iz EP-A-0133103 je također poznato da su benzil-fenil-ozidi kao takvi korisni kao hipokolesterolna i hipolidemična sredstva, a neki od ovih spojeva, određeno proizvod iz Primjera 1, imaju između ostalog efekte protiv tromboze. It is also known from EP-A-0133103 that benzyl-phenyl-ozides are useful as such as hypocholesterolemic and hypolidemic agents, and some of these compounds, in particular the product of Example 1, have, among other things, antithrombotic effects.

Sada je nađeno da su derivati β-D-fenil-tioksilozida prema izumu, koji su strukturno razlikuju od poznatih proizvoda iz ranije nauke, korisni za liječenje i sprečavanje bolesti koje su u vezi s teškoćama oko cirkulacije, naročito kao sredstva protiv venske tromboze. It has now been found that β-D-phenyl-thioxyloside derivatives according to the invention, which are structurally different from the known products of the prior art, are useful for the treatment and prevention of diseases related to circulation difficulties, especially as agents against venous thrombosis.

Opis rješenja tehničkog problema Description of the solution to the technical problem

Derivati iz izuma neočekivano imaju znatno bolje osobine protiv tromboze od poznatih proizvoda iz ranije nauke, kao što pokazuju rezultati komparativnih eksperimenata iz Tablice III koja je dana kasnije. The derivatives of the invention unexpectedly have significantly better anti-thrombotic properties than the known products of the prior art, as shown by the results of the comparative experiments in Table III given below.

Novi proizvodi prema izumu karakteriziraju se time što su izabrani iz sklopa koji čine: The new products according to the invention are characterized by the fact that they are selected from the set consisting of:

(i) β-D-fenil-tioksilozidi formule: (i) β-D-phenyl-thioxylosides of the formula:

[image] [image]

u kojoj where

R predstavlja atom vodika, atom halogena, nitro ili cijano skupinu R represents a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom, a nitro or a cyano group

A predstavlja atom sumpora ili atom kisika, A represents a sulfur atom or an oxygen atom,

B predstavlja skupinu CH2, CHOH ili CO, B represents the group CH2, CHOH or CO,

Y predstavlja atom vodika ili acil skupinu; i Y represents a hydrogen atom or an acyl group; and

(ii) njihove epimere kada je B CHOH. (ii) their epimers when B is CHOH.

Hidroksilne funkcije ostatka ß-D-fenil-tioksiloze mogu se acilirati, određeno se acetiliraju. Sadašnji izum obuhvaća one derivate formule I čije su hidroksilne funkcije ostatka ß-D-fenil-tioksiloze acilirane, naročito acetilirane. Hydroxyl functions of the ß-D-phenyl-thioxylose residue can be acylated, to some extent they are acetylated. The present invention includes those derivatives of formula I whose hydroxyl functions of the ß-D-phenyl-thioxylose residue are acylated, especially acetylated.

Među halogenskim atomima koji se javljaju u definiciji skupine R mogu se citirati atomi fluora, klora i broma, pri čemu je poželjan atom halogena atom klora. Among the halogen atoms appearing in the definition of group R, fluorine, chlorine and bromine atoms can be cited, whereby the halogen atom is preferably a chlorine atom.

Među acil skupinama koje odgovaraju izumu mogu se spomenuti one koje imaju ukupno 2 do 5 atoma ugljika, a poželjna acil skupina je CH3OH. Among acyl groups corresponding to the invention, those having a total of 2 to 5 carbon atoms can be mentioned, the preferred acyl group being CH 3 OH.

Spojevi formule I i odgovarajući acilirani spojevi mogu se napraviti reakcijom glikozidacije koja se karakterizira time što: Compounds of formula I and the corresponding acylated compounds can be made by a glycosidation reaction characterized by:

(i) reagira spoj formule: (i) the compound of the formula reacts:

[image] [image]

u kojoj su derivati A, B i R kao što je definirano gore, s derivatom tioksiloze koji je izabran iz skupine koja obuhvaća haloacilitioksilozide i aciltioksilozide formula: wherein the derivatives A, B and R are as defined above, with a thioxylose derivative selected from the group consisting of haloacylthiooxylosides and acylthiooxylosides of the formula:

[image] [image]

u kojima Hal predstavlja takav atom halogena kao što je Cl ili Br (pri čemu je atom broma poželjan halogenski atom) i Y predstavlja acil skupinu naročito alifatičnu acil skupinu koja ima ukupan broj ugljikovih atoma 2 do 5 i poželjno je acetil skupina; in which Hal represents such a halogen atom as Cl or Br (with the bromine atom being a preferred halogen atom) and Y represents an acyl group, especially an aliphatic acyl group having a total number of carbon atoms of 2 to 5 and preferably an acetyl group;

u nekom inertnom otapalu, u odnosu 1 mol II na oko 1.1 do 1.2 mola derivata tioksiloze, u prisutnosti nekog kiselog akceptora ili neke Lewis-ove kiseline i, in some inert solvent, in the ratio of 1 mol of II to about 1.1 to 1.2 mol of thioxylose derivative, in the presence of some acidic acceptor or some Lewis acid and,

(ii) ako je potrebno, vrši se reakcija deacetiliranja na temperaturi između obične temperature (15-25°C) i temperature refluksa reakcijske sredine, u nekom C1-C4 nižem alkoholu (poželjno metanolu), u prisutnosti nekog metalnog alkoholata (poželjno magnezij-metilata ili natrij-metilata). (ii) if necessary, the deacetylation reaction is carried out at a temperature between ordinary temperature (15-25°C) and the reflux temperature of the reaction medium, in some C1-C4 lower alcohol (preferably methanol), in the presence of some metal alcoholate (preferably magnesium methylate or sodium methylate).

U ovom postupku važno je da u fazi (i) spoj VIIIa bude konfiguracije alfa. Za uzvrat, spoj VIIIb može biti konfiguracije alfa ili beta ili još smjesa obje konfiguracije. In this procedure, it is important that in phase (i) compound VIIIa is of the alpha configuration. In turn, compound VIIIb can be of alpha or beta configuration or even a mixture of both configurations.

Acilirani ili ne, spojevi formule I u kojima B predstavlja ili CHOH ili CH2 mogu se također dobiti redukcijom prema poznatom postupku na spojevima formule I (aciliranim ili ne) u kojima B predstavlja CO ili CHOH. Acylated or not, compounds of formula I in which B represents either CHOH or CH 2 can also be obtained by reduction according to a known procedure on compounds of formula I (acylated or not) in which B represents CO or CHOH.

Acilirani ili ne, spojevi formule I u kojima B predstavalja CH mogu se još dobiti oksidacijom prema poznatom postupku na spojevima formule I (aciliranim ili ne) u kojima B predstavlja CH2 ili CHOH. Acylated or not, compounds of formula I in which B represents CH can also be obtained by oxidation according to a known process on compounds of formula I (acylated or not) in which B represents CH 2 or CHOH.

Od poznatih postupaka za glikozidaciju iz ranije tehnike potvrđeni su: Of the known procedures for glycosidation from the prior art, the following have been confirmed:

- KOENIGS-KNORR postupak (opisan u "The Carbohydrates, Chemistry and Biochemistry", 2nd Edition, New York and London: Academic Press (1972), tom 1A, stranica 295-301), kondenzacijom fenola ili tiofenola formule II s haloacilitioksilizidom VIIIa, u nekom inertnom otapalu koji je izabran od polarnih i apolarnih otapala (kao što su, na primjer, dimetilformamid, tetrahidrofuran dioksan, acetonitril, nitrometan, benzol, toluol, siloli i njihove smjese), u prisutnosti takvog akceptora protona kao što su merkuri-cijanid ili srebro-triflat (srebro-trifluorometil-sulfonat); i - KOENIGS-KNORR procedure (described in "The Carbohydrates, Chemistry and Biochemistry", 2nd Edition, New York and London: Academic Press (1972), volume 1A, pages 295-301), by condensation of phenol or thiophenol of formula II with haloacylthiooxylizide VIIIa, in an inert solvent selected from polar and apolar solvents (such as, for example, dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran dioxane, acetonitrile, nitromethane, benzene, toluene, siloles and mixtures thereof), in the presence of such a proton acceptor as mercuric cyanide or silver triflate (silver trifluoromethyl sulfonate); and

- HELFERICH postupak (ibidem, stranice 292-294) kondenzacijom aciltioksilizida VIIIb s fenolom ili tiofenolom formule II u nekom inertnom otapalu koje je izabrano od aromatičnih otapala, kloriranih otapala, etera i njihovih smjesa, u prisutnosti neke Lewis-ove kiseline. - HELFERICH procedure (ibidem, pages 292-294) by condensation of acylthioxylizide VIIIb with phenol or thiophenol of formula II in some inert solvent selected from aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, ethers and their mixtures, in the presence of some Lewis acid.

Prema poželjnom načinu za izvođenje izuma, kada A predstavlja atom sumpora u spoju formule II, u fazi (i) postupka, kondenzira se 1 mol tiola sa 1.2 mola haloaciltioksilozida VIIIa u nekom inertnom otapalu koji je izabran od polarnih i apolarnih otapala, u prisutnosti merkuri-cijanida. According to the preferred way of carrying out the invention, when A represents a sulfur atom in the compound of formula II, in phase (i) of the process, 1 mol of thiol is condensed with 1.2 mol of haloacylthiooxyloside VIIIa in an inert solvent selected from polar and apolar solvents, in the presence of mercury - cyanide.

Koristit će se pogodno 2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1-bromo-α-D-5-tioksilopiranozid u smjesi benzol/nitrometan 1/1 (v:v), u prisutnosti 1.1 do 1.3 mola merkuri-cijanida, na temperaturi između 0°C i refluks temperature reakcijske sredine, poželjno oko 40-50°C, tijekom 1 do 4 sati, poželjno za vrijeme oko 2 sata. 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-bromo-α-D-5-thioxylopyranoside will be used conveniently in a mixture of benzene/nitromethane 1/1 (v:v), in the presence of 1.1 to 1.3 moles of mercury cyanide , at a temperature between 0°C and the reflux temperature of the reaction medium, preferably around 40-50°C, for 1 to 4 hours, preferably for around 2 hours.

Prema drugom poželjnom načinu za izvođenje izuma, kada u spoju formule II A predstavlja atom kisika i B predstavlja metilensku skupinu, u fazi (i) postupka kondenzira se 1 mol fenola II s oko 1.1 do 1.2 mola haloaciltioksilozida VIIIa, u nekon inertnom otapalu koji je izabran od aromatičnih otapala, kloriranih otapala, etera i njihovih smjesa, u prisutnosti srebro-triflata. According to another preferred way of carrying out the invention, when in the compound of formula II A represents an oxygen atom and B represents a methylene group, in phase (i) of the procedure, 1 mol of phenol II is condensed with about 1.1 to 1.2 mol of haloacylthiooxyloside VIIIa, in a non-inert solvent which is selected from aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents, ethers and their mixtures, in the presence of silver triflate.

Koristit će se pogodno 2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-bromo-α-D-5-tioksilopiranozid u smjesi anhidrirani ntoluol/nitrometan 1/1 (v:v), u prisutnosti 1.1 do 1.3 mola srebro-triflata, pri čemu se reakcija vrši pod zaštitom od svjetlosti, na temperaturizmeđu 0°C i 15°C, poželjno na oko 3°C, tijekom 5 do 24 sati, poželjno za vrijeme oko 12 sati. 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-bromo-α-D-5-thioxylopyranoside will be used conveniently in a mixture of anhydrous ntoluene/nitromethane 1/1 (v:v), in the presence of 1.1 to 1.3 moles of silver triflate, whereby the reaction is carried out under protection from light, at a temperature between 0°C and 15°C, preferably at about 3°C, for 5 to 24 hours, preferably for about 12 hours.

Prema drugom poželjnom načinu za izvođenje izuma, koji se isto tako preporučuje, kada A predstavlja atom sumpora u spoju formule II, u fazi (i) postupka kondenzira se 1 mol tiola II s oko 1.1 do 1.3 mola aciltioksilozida VIIIb u nekom inertnom otapalu koji je izabran od etera, aromatičnih otapala, kloriranih otapala i njihovih smjesa, u prisutnosti SnCl4. According to another preferred method for carrying out the invention, which is also recommended, when A represents a sulfur atom in the compound of formula II, in phase (i) of the process, 1 mol of thiol II is condensed with about 1.1 to 1.3 mol of acylthiooxyloside VIIIb in some inert solvent which is selected from ethers, aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents and their mixtures, in the presence of SnCl4.

Koristit će se pogodno 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetil-alfa ili beta -D-5-tioksilopiranozid, u metilenkloridu, u prisutnosti 1.1 do 1.2 mola SnCl4, na temperaturi između 0°C i temperature refluksa reakcijske sredine, poželjno na oko 20°C, tijekom 1 do 5 sati, poželjno za vrijeme oko 3 sata. 1,2,3,4-tetra-O-acetyl-alpha or beta-D-5-thioxylopyranoside, in methylene chloride, in the presence of 1.1 to 1.2 moles of SnCl4, at a temperature between 0°C and the reflux temperature of the reaction medium will be used. , preferably at about 20°C, for 1 to 5 hours, preferably for about 3 hours.

Reakcija glikozidacije vrši se u svim slučajevima na smjesi alfa i beta izomera u promjenljivim količinama. The glycosidation reaction is performed in all cases on a mixture of alpha and beta isomers in variable quantities.

Izomer beta se izolira prema poznatim tehnikama iz nauke, kao što je, na primjer, frakcijska kristalizacija ili kromatografija, naročito "nagla kromatografija": kromatografija na stupcu silicij-dioksida i pod pritiskom prema tehnici koja je opisana u W. C. STILL et al. u J. Org. Chem. (1978), 42, (N° 14) 2923. The beta isomer is isolated according to techniques known in the art, such as, for example, fractional crystallization or chromatography, especially "flash chromatography": chromatography on a column of silica and under pressure according to the technique described in W. C. STILL et al. in J. Org. Chem. (1978), 42, (No. 14) 2923.

Reakcije redukcija koje omogućuju dobivanje spojeva formule I, aciliranih ili ne, u kojima je B CHOH, polazeći od odgovarajućih spojeva u kojima je B CO, vrše se s klasičnim reaktivima kao što su metalni hidridi, takvi kao LiAlH4, KBH4 ili NaBH4, u takvim inertnim otapalima kao što su eter, tetrahidrofuran ili niži alkoholi, naročito metanol ili etanol, na temperaturi između 0°C i obične temperature (15-25°C), tijekom 1 do 12 sati, pri čemu je poželjni metalni hidrid NaBH4, a reakcija se poželjno vrši u metanolu na temperaturi 20°C. The reduction reactions that allow obtaining compounds of formula I, acylated or not, in which B is CHOH, starting from the corresponding compounds in which B is CO, are carried out with classical reagents such as metal hydrides, such as LiAlH4, KBH4 or NaBH4, in such with inert solvents such as ether, tetrahydrofuran or lower alcohols, especially methanol or ethanol, at a temperature between 0°C and ordinary temperature (15-25°C), for 1 to 12 hours, whereby the preferred metal hydride is NaBH4, and the reaction is preferably carried out in methanol at a temperature of 20°C.

Reakcije redukcije koje omogućuju dobivanje spojeva formule I, aciliranih ili ne, u kojima je B CH2, polazeći od odgovarajućih spojeva u kojima je B CO ili CHOH, provode se pomoću takvih redukcijskih sredstava kao što su metalni hidridi, kao što su NaBH4 ili KBH4, i poželjno s NaBH4, u trifluorooctenoj kiselini. Ovdje se najbolji način provođenja postupka sastoji u uvođenju redukcijskog sredstva u smjesu koja sadrži spoj koji se reducira i trifluorooctenu kiselinu, na temperaturi između temperature očvršćavanja reakcijske sredine i 0°C, s viškom redukcijskog sredstva u odnosu na spoj koji se reducira, i kada je dodavanje redukcijskog sredstva završeno pusti se da se reakcija vrši pod miješanjem tijekom 0.5 do 12 sati, na temperaturi između 0°C i 20°C. U praksi je pogodno da se, radi otapanja spoja koji se reducira, udruži trifluorooctena kiselina s nekim kloriranim otapalom, naročito s metilenkloridom. The reduction reactions which make it possible to obtain compounds of formula I, acylated or not, in which B is CH2, starting from the corresponding compounds in which B is CO or CHOH, are carried out using such reducing agents as metal hydrides, such as NaBH4 or KBH4, and preferably with NaBH4, in trifluoroacetic acid. Here, the best way to carry out the procedure consists in introducing a reducing agent into the mixture containing the compound to be reduced and trifluoroacetic acid, at a temperature between the solidification temperature of the reaction medium and 0°C, with an excess of the reducing agent compared to the compound to be reduced, and when the addition of the reducing agent is completed, the reaction is allowed to proceed under stirring for 0.5 to 12 hours, at a temperature between 0°C and 20°C. In practice, it is convenient to combine trifluoroacetic acid with some chlorinated solvent, especially with methylene chloride, in order to dissolve the compound being reduced.

Reakcije oksidacije koje omogućuju dobivanje spojeva formule I, aciliranih ili ne, u kojima je B CO, polazeći od odgovarajućih spojeva u kojima je B CH2, mogu se provesti s klasičnim oksidacijskim sredstvima kao što su CuSO4/K2S2O8 ili Cr2O3, u pristunosti takve organske baze kao što je piridin, u nekom polarnom ili nepolarnom otapalu, kao što su eteri, aromatična otapala, klorirana otapala i njihove smjese i, poželjno, smjesa voda/acetonitril 1/1 (v:v) kada se koristi CuSO4/K2S2O8, i metilenklorid kada se koristi Cr2O3. Oxidation reactions that enable obtaining compounds of formula I, acylated or not, in which B is CO, starting from the corresponding compounds in which B is CH2, can be carried out with classical oxidizing agents such as CuSO4/K2S2O8 or Cr2O3, in the presence of such an organic base such as pyridine, in some polar or non-polar solvent, such as ethers, aromatic solvents, chlorinated solvents and mixtures thereof and, preferably, a water/acetonitrile 1/1 (v:v) mixture when CuSO4/K2S2O8 is used, and methylene chloride when Cr2O3 is used.

Dobiveni derivati se podvrgavaju, kada je to potrebno, deaciliranju, naročito deacetiliranju, koje se vrši na temperaturi između obične i temperature refluksa reakcijske sredineu nižem C1-C4 alkoholu, u prisutnosti odgovarajućeg metalnog alkoholata. Poželjno će se izabrati kao niži alkohol metanol, a kao metalni alkoholat natrij-metanolat ili magnezij-metanolat. The obtained derivatives are subjected, when necessary, to deacylation, especially deacetylation, which is carried out at a temperature between normal and reflux temperature of the reaction medium in a lower C1-C4 alcohol, in the presence of a suitable metal alcoholate. Methanol will preferably be chosen as the lower alcohol, and sodium methanolate or magnesium methanolate as the metal alcoholate.

Reakcije deaciliranja i redukcije (naročito prevođenje CO u CHOH) mogu se eventualno vršiti sukcesivno bez izoliranja formiranog intermedijernog spoja. Deacylation and reduction reactions (especially the conversion of CO to CHOH) can possibly be carried out successively without isolating the formed intermediate compound.

Intermedijerni derivati formule II u kojima A predstavlja atom sumpora su novi spojevi, s izuzetkom spojeva u kojima je B CO kada je R H ili 4-Cl i B je CH2 kada je R H ili 4-Cl. Njihovo dobivanje opisano je u našoj YU P-1036/89 koja je izdvojena iz sadašnje prijave. Intermediate derivatives of formula II in which A represents a sulfur atom are new compounds, with the exception of compounds in which B is CO when R is H or 4-Cl and B is CH 2 when R is H or 4-Cl. Their acquisition is described in our YU P-1036/89, which was separated from the current application.

Prema izumu predložen je terapeutski preparat koji se karakterizira time što obuhvaća, zajedno s fiziološki prihvatljivim sastojkom, najmanje jedan spoj koji je izabran iz skupine koju čine proizvodi formule I i njihovi epimeri. Poželjno je u takvom preparatu aktivan sastojak u terapeutski efikasnoj količini. According to the invention, a therapeutic preparation is proposed which is characterized by comprising, together with a physiologically acceptable ingredient, at least one compound selected from the group consisting of products of formula I and their epimers. The active ingredient in such a preparation is preferably in a therapeutically effective amount.

Spojevi formule I korisni su u terapiji kao sredstva protiv tromboze. Naročito su korisna u liječenju problema oko venske cirkulacije. The compounds of formula I are useful in therapy as antithrombotic agents. They are particularly useful in the treatment of venous circulation problems.

Prema izumu predloženo je korištenje jedne supstancije koja pripada skupini spoja formule I i njihovih epimera za dobivanje lijeka protiv tromboze koji je namijenjen za terapeutsko korištenje za liječenje problema oko venske cirkulacije. According to the invention, it is proposed to use one substance belonging to the group of compounds of formula I and their epimers to obtain an anti-thrombosis drug intended for therapeutic use for the treatment of venous circulation problems.

Druge karakteristike i prednosti bit će najbolje prihvaćene na osnovi teksta koji slijedi s primjerima za pravljenje, nikako ograničavajućim, već danim samo radi ilustriranja, i rezultatima farmakoloških proba. Uglovi rotacijske snage /alfa/D20 izraženi su u stupnjevima i mjereni su na 20°C. Other characteristics and advantages will be best appreciated on the basis of the text that follows with manufacturing examples, by no means limiting, but given for illustrative purposes only, and the results of pharmacological trials. The rotational power angles /alpha/D20 are expressed in degrees and are measured at 20°C.


Dobivanje 4-(4-nitrobenzoil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of 4-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 1a Example 1a

Smjesa 150 ml anhidriranog benzola, 150 ml nitrometana i 30 g molekulskog sita od 0.4 mm (komercijalni proizvod kompanije E. MERCK) miješa se na običnoj temperaturi 15 minuta i zatim se doda 14.2 g (0.0553 mola) merkuri-cijanida (Hg(CN)2). Pošto se reakcijska smjesa miješa 10 minuta na običnoj temperaturi doda se 19.6 g (0.0552 mola) 2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1-bromo-5-tio-alfa-D-ksilopiranozida i zatim 13 g (0.050 mola) (4-merkaptofenil)-(4-nitrofenil)-metanona u malim partijama. Kada je dodavanje završeno, reakcijska smjesa se zagrijava na 40-50°C četiri sata i onda se filtrira preko Celite-aR (tj., diatomejski silicij-dioksid za filtraciju). Ostatak se ispire više puta s etilacetatom. Dobivena organska faza se ispire sukcesivno sa zasićenom otopinom natrij-klorida, s 1N otopinom NaOH, s otopinom natrij-klorida i zatim s vodom do neutralnog pH. Suši se preko magnezij-sulfata, filtrira se i otapalo se ispari. Dobiveno žućkasto ulje se otopi u 50 ml etera i drži se 12 sati na 4°C. Proizvod kristalizira. Poslije filtracije dobiva se 17.2 g željenog proizvoda konfiguracije beta. Matični lugovi se zatim ispare i proizvodi koji se u njima nalaze odvoje se "naglom kromatografijom" eluiranjem sa smjesom toluol/etilacetat (8:1) v.v. Konačno se dobiva 18.6 g izomera beta (prinos 70%) koji se topi na 166-169°C ([α]20D = +92; C = 0.5 (CHCl2) i 3.9 g izomera alfa (prinos: 15%) u obliku pjene ([α]20D = +286; C = 0.5 (CHCl3)). A mixture of 150 ml of anhydrous benzene, 150 ml of nitromethane and 30 g of molecular sieve of 0.4 mm (commercial product of the E. MERCK company) is stirred at room temperature for 15 minutes and then 14.2 g (0.0553 mol) of mercuric cyanide (Hg(CN)) is added. 2). After stirring the reaction mixture for 10 minutes at room temperature, 19.6 g (0.0552 mol) of 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-bromo-5-thio-alpha-D-xylopyranoside and then 13 g (0.050 mol ) (4-mercaptophenyl)-(4-nitrophenyl)-methanone in small batches. When the addition is complete, the reaction mixture is heated to 40-50°C for four hours and then filtered through Celite-aR (ie, diatomaceous silica for filtration). The residue is washed several times with ethyl acetate. The obtained organic phase is washed successively with saturated sodium chloride solution, with 1N NaOH solution, with sodium chloride solution and then with water until neutral pH. It is dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered and the solvent is evaporated. The obtained yellowish oil is dissolved in 50 ml of ether and kept for 12 hours at 4°C. The product crystallizes. After filtration, 17.2 g of the desired product of beta configuration is obtained. The mother liquors are then evaporated and the products contained in them are separated by "flash chromatography" eluting with a mixture of toluene/ethyl acetate (8:1) v.v. Finally, 18.6 g of the beta isomer (yield: 70%) is obtained, which melts at 166-169°C ([α]20D = +92; C = 0.5 (CHCl2)) and 3.9 g of the alpha isomer (yield: 15%) in the form of foam ([α]20D = +286; C = 0.5 (CHCl3)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-nitrobenzoil)fenil)1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phenyl)1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 1 Example 1

Pod atmosferom dušika 18 g (0.0337 mola) željenog proizvoda koji je dobiven u preparatu I (primjer 1a) otopi se u smjesi 100 ml etilacetata i 300 ml metanola, zatim se doda 8.5 ml 8% otopine natrij-metilata u metanolu. Poslije dva sata pod miješanjem na običnoj temperaturi, filtrira se oblikovani talog i ispere se dva puta s 50 ml metanola. Dobiveni filtrat se neutralizira pomoću smole Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) do pH 4-5, zatim se poslije filtracije otapalo ispari i tako dobiveni ostatak od isparavanja se spoji s ranije dobivenim talogom. Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 18 g (0.0337 mol) of the desired product obtained in preparation I (example 1a) is dissolved in a mixture of 100 ml of ethyl acetate and 300 ml of methanol, then 8.5 ml of an 8% solution of sodium methylate in methanol is added. After two hours under stirring at room temperature, the formed precipitate is filtered off and washed twice with 50 ml of methanol. The resulting filtrate is neutralized using Amberlite® IR 120 resin (H+) to pH 4-5, then after filtration the solvent is evaporated and the resulting evaporation residue is combined with the previously obtained precipitate.

Dobiva se 13.8 g željenog proizvoda (kvantitativan prinos) koji se topi na 183°C. ([α]20D = +60; C = 0.5 (DMSO)). 13.8 g of the desired product (quantitative yield) is obtained, which melts at 183°C. ([α]20D = +60; C = 0.5 (DMSO)).


Dobivanje (4((nitrofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4((nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 3 Example 3

Pod atmosferom dušika dodaje se u malim količinama 1.2 g (0.0315 mola) natrij-tetraborohidrida u suspenziji 11.2 g (0.0275 mola) proizvoda koji je dobiven u preparatu II (primjer 1). Poslije dva sata miješanja na 0°C dobiva se homogena otopina. Reakcijska sredina se neutralizira pomoću smole Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) do pH 4-5 i poslije filtracije otapalo se ispari. Tako dobiveni ostatak od isparavanja se pročisti na stupcu silicij dioksida eluiranjem s etil-acetatom. Dobiva se 11.2 g (kvantitativan prinos) željenog proizvoda koji se topi na 80°C. ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (metanol)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 1.2 g (0.0315 mol) of sodium tetraborohydride is added in small amounts in a suspension of 11.2 g (0.0275 mol) of the product obtained in preparation II (example 1). After two hours of mixing at 0°C, a homogeneous solution is obtained. The reaction medium is neutralized using Amberlite® IR 120 resin (H+) to pH 4-5 and after filtration the solvent is evaporated. The resulting evaporation residue is purified on a silica column by eluting with ethyl acetate. 11.2 g (quantitative yield) of the desired product melting at 80°C is obtained. ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-((4-nitrofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-((4-nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 3a Example 3a

Pod atmosferom dušika 7 g (0.0131 mola) (4-(4-nitrobenzoil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida koji je dobiven u preparatu I (primjer 1a) otopi se u 70 ml metanola i onda se, na običnoj temperaturi, doda u reakcijsku smjesu 0.5 g (0.0131 mola) natrij-tetraborohidrida. Reakcijska sredina se miješa 30 minuta i zatim s reakcijska sredina zakiseli dodavanjem smole Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) do pH 4-5. Poslije filtracije dobiveni filtrat se ispari. Dobiva se 6.3 g željenog proizvoda (prinos: 90%) u obliku žute pjene ([α]20D = +29; C = 0.15 (metanol)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 7 g (0.0131 mol) of (4-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside obtained in preparation I ( example 1a) is dissolved in 70 ml of methanol and then, at room temperature, 0.5 g (0.0131 mol) of sodium tetraborohydride is added to the reaction mixture. The reaction medium is stirred for 30 minutes and then the reaction medium is acidified by adding Amberlite® IR 120 resin (H+) to pH 4-5. After filtration, the resulting filtrate is evaporated. 6.3 g of the desired product is obtained (yield: 90%) in the form of a yellow foam ([α]20D = +29; C = 0.15 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-nitrobenzil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-nitrobenzyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Pod atmosferom dušika 3.3 g (0.00616 mola) (4-((4-nitrofenil) hidroksimetil)fenil)-2,3,4- tri-O-acetil- 1,5-ditio-beta- D-ksilopiranozida (primjer 3a) dobivenog u preparatu IV suspendira se u 17 ml metilenklorida. Reakcijska sredina se ohladi na 0°C i zatim se odjednom doda 17 ml trifluorooctene kiseline i 470 mg (0.0123 mola) natrij-tetraborohidrida doda se u malim partijama. Miješanje sredine se nastavi na 0°C tijekom 1,5 sata. Reakcijska sredina se hidrolizira na ledu i ispere se sa zasićenom otopinom bikarbonata i s vodom do neutralnog pH. Organska faza se suši, filtrira i zatim se ispari. Dobiva se 2.77 g (prinos: 87%) proizvoda u obliku pjene. Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 3.3 g (0.00616 mol) of (4-((4-nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside (example 3a) obtained in preparation IV is suspended in 17 ml of methylene chloride. The reaction medium is cooled to 0°C and then 17 ml of trifluoroacetic acid are added all at once and 470 mg (0.0123 mol) of sodium tetraborohydride are added in small batches. Stirring of the medium was continued at 0°C for 1.5 hours. The reaction medium is hydrolyzed on ice and washed with saturated bicarbonate solution and with water until the pH is neutral. The organic phase is dried, filtered and then evaporated. 2.77 g (yield: 87%) of product in the form of foam is obtained.


Dobivanje (4-(4-nitrobenzil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-nitrobenzyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 4 Example 4

2.79 g (0.00537 mola) (4-(4-nitrobenzil)fenil-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida dobivenog u preparatu V suspendira se u 40 ml metanola i zatim se pod miješanjem na običnoj temperaturi doda 0.15 ml 8% otopine natrij-metilata u metanolu. Poslije 12 sati miješanja na običnoj temperaturi natrij-metilan se neutralizira pomoću smole Amberlite® IR 120 (H+). Reakcijska sredina se filtrira, ispari i zatim se tako dobiveni ostatak pročisti "naglom kromatografijom" eluiranjem sa smjesom metilenklorid metanol (95:5) v/v. Dobiva se 1.3 g željenog proizvoda (prinos: 60%) koji se topi na 163°C ([α]20D = +10; C = 0.5 (metanol)). 2.79 g (0.00537 mol) of (4-(4-nitrobenzyl)phenyl-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside obtained in preparation V is suspended in 40 ml of methanol and then 0.15 ml of an 8% solution of sodium methylate in methanol is added under stirring at room temperature. After 12 hours of stirring at room temperature, sodium methylate is neutralized using Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) resin. The reaction medium is filtered, evaporated and then The resulting residue is purified by "flash chromatography" eluting with a mixture of methylene chloride and methanol (95:5) v/v. 1.3 g of the desired product is obtained (yield: 60%) which melts at 163°C ([α]20D = +10; C = 0.5 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-nitrobenzil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1-5-tio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-nitrobenzyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-5-thio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 2a Example 2a

Pod atmosferom dušika i na 3°C pomiješa se sukcesivno 4.5 g (0.01965 mola) 4-4(4-nitrobenzil)fenola, 3 ml 2,4,6-trimetilpiridina, 70 ml smjese toluol/nitrometan (1:1) v/v i 10 g molekulskog sita od 0.4 nm. Reakcijska sredina se energično miješa za vrijeme 20 minuta i zatim se uvede 5.8 g (0.0225 mola) 1-bromo-2,3,4-tri- O-acetil-1-5-tio-alfa-D-ksilopiranozida u partijama od 2.17 g sve za 30 minuta. Miješa se zaklonjeno od svjetlosti i na 3°C tijekom 20 sati. Reakcijska sredina se filtrira preko Celite-a® i talog se ispere tri puta s 200 ml etilacetata. Dobiveni filtrat se ispere s 1N HCl i zatim s vodom do neutralnog pH. Poslije sušenja preko magnezij-sulfata, filtracije i isparavanja, dobiveno žućkasto ulje se pročisti "naglom kromatografijom" eluiranjem sa smjesom heksan/etilacetat. Dobiva se 3 g (prinos: 30%) beta izomera koji se topi na 134°C ([α]20D = -25; C = 0.5 (CHCl3) i 3 g alfa izomera ([α]20D = +284° ; C = 0.4 (CHCl3)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere and at 3°C, 4.5 g (0.01965 mol) of 4-4(4-nitrobenzyl)phenol, 3 ml of 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine, 70 ml of a mixture of toluene/nitromethane (1:1) v/ v and 10 g of molecular sieve of 0.4 nm. The reaction medium is stirred vigorously for 20 minutes and then 5.8 g (0.0225 mol) of 1-bromo-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-5-thio-alpha-D-xylopyranoside are introduced in batches of 2.17 g all in 30 minutes. It is mixed protected from light and at 3°C for 20 hours. The reaction medium is filtered through Celite® and the precipitate is washed three times with 200 ml of ethyl acetate. The resulting filtrate is washed with 1N HCl and then with water until the pH is neutral. After drying over magnesium sulfate, filtration and evaporation, the obtained yellowish oil is purified by "flash chromatography" eluting with a mixture of hexane/ethyl acetate. 3 g (yield: 30%) of the beta isomer melting at 134°C ([α]20D = -25; C = 0.5 (CHCl3)) and 3 g of the alpha isomer ([α]20D = +284° ; C = 0.4 (CHCl3)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-nitrobenzil)fenil)-5-tio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-nitrobenzyl)phenyl)-5-thio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 2 Example 2

Pod atmosferom dušika i na 0°C 2.5 g (0.005 mola) proizvoda (primjer 2a) dobivenog u preparatu X suspendira se u 150 ml metanola i zatim se doda 0.5 ml 8%-tne otopine natrij-metilata u metanolu. Reakcijska sredina se miješa dva sata, zatim se doda smola Amberlite® IR 120 (H+). Kada se dostigne neutralan pH ispari se metanol pod smanjenim pritiskom i liofilizira se tako dobiveni metanol pod smanjenim pritiskom i liofilizira se tako dobiveni ostatak od isparavanja. Dobiva se 1.9 g (kvantitativan prinos) željenog proizvoda koji se topi na 166°C. ([α]20D = 121; C = 0.5 (metanol)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere and at 0°C, 2.5 g (0.005 mol) of the product (example 2a) obtained in preparation X is suspended in 150 ml of methanol and then 0.5 ml of an 8% solution of sodium methylate in methanol is added. The reaction medium is stirred for two hours, then Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) resin is added. When a neutral pH is reached, methanol is evaporated under reduced pressure and the thus obtained methanol is lyophilized under reduced pressure and the evaporation residue thus obtained is lyophilized. 1.9 g (quantitative yield) of the desired product melting at 166°C is obtained. ([α]20D = 121; C = 0.5 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-(-4nitrobenzoil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-5-tio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(-4nitrobenzoyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5-thio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 10a Example 10a

Pod atmosferom dušika pomiješa se sukcesivno 1.1 g (0.0028 mola) proizvoda (primjer 2a) dobivenog u preparatu X, 60 ml anhidriranog metilenklorida, 0.66 g (0.043 mola) oksida kroma (Cr2O8) i 12 ml piridina. Dobivena smjesa se zagrijava na 60°C tijekom 24 sata, zatim se doda 0.66 g oksida kroma i zagrijava se tijekom 24 sata. Organska faza se odvoji od neotopljenog ostatka dekantacijom. Neotopljeni ostatak se sakupi pomoću otopine natrij-bikarbonata i izopropilalkohola i zatim se ekstrahira tri puta s metilenkloridom. Organske faze se sjedine i ispiru se s otopinom natrij-bikarbonata, s vodom do neutralnog pH, s 1N klorovodikovom kiselinom i zatim s vodom do neutralnog pH. Suši se preko magnezij-sulfata, filtrira se i ispari. Tako dobiveni sirovi ostatak od isparavanja pročisti se "naglom kromatografijom" eluiranjem sa smjesom kloroform/etilacetat v/v. Dobiva se 0.720 g polaznog proizvoda i 0.260 g (prinos: 24%) željenog proizvoda, koji se topi na 152°C. ([α]20D = -47; C = 0.3 (CHCl3)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 1.1 g (0.0028 mol) of the product (example 2a) obtained in preparation X, 60 ml of anhydrous methylene chloride, 0.66 g (0.043 mol) of chromium oxide (Cr2O8) and 12 ml of pyridine are successively mixed. The resulting mixture is heated to 60°C for 24 hours, then 0.66 g of chromium oxide is added and heated for 24 hours. The organic phase is separated from the undissolved residue by decantation. The undissolved residue was collected using a solution of sodium bicarbonate and isopropyl alcohol and then extracted three times with methylene chloride. The organic phases are combined and washed with sodium bicarbonate solution, with water to neutral pH, with 1N hydrochloric acid and then with water to neutral pH. It is dried over magnesium sulfate, filtered and evaporated. The thus obtained crude residue from evaporation is purified by "flash chromatography" eluting with a mixture of chloroform/ethyl acetate v/v. 0.720 g of the starting product and 0.260 g (yield: 24%) of the desired product, which melts at 152°C, are obtained. ([α]20D = -47; C = 0.3 (CHCl3)).


Dobivanje (4-(nitrofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 3 Example 3

Pod atmosferom dušika otopi se 5.33 g (0.01 mola) proizvoda (primjer 1a) dobivenog u preparatu I u 50 ml anhidriranog metanola i zatim se doda 0.5 ml otopine 8% natrij-metilata u metanolu. Smjesa se miješa 1 sat uz kontrolu iščezavanja polaznog proizvoda kromatografijom na tannkom sloju. Kada je iščezavanje polaznog proizvoda potpuno, doda se 0.4 mg (0.0105 mola) natrij-tetraborohidrida NaBH4 u malim partijama i uz kontrolu iščezavanja intermedijarnog acetiliranog derivata oblikovanog prethodno. Najzad se doda u dobivenu smjesu smola Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) radi neutralizacije sredine. Poslije filtracije filtrat se ispari do suhog. Ostatak od isparavanja, koji je dobiven u obliku pjene, se sakupi s bidestiliranom vodom i zatim se liofilizira. Dobiva se 4 g željenog proizvoda (kvantitativan prinos) koji se topi na 80°C. ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (metanol)). Under a nitrogen atmosphere, 5.33 g (0.01 mol) of the product (example 1a) obtained in preparation I is dissolved in 50 ml of anhydrous methanol and then 0.5 ml of a solution of 8% sodium methylate in methanol is added. The mixture is stirred for 1 hour while monitoring the disappearance of the starting product by thin layer chromatography. When the disappearance of the starting product is complete, 0.4 mg (0.0105 mol) of sodium tetraborohydride NaBH4 is added in small batches and while controlling the disappearance of the intermediate acetylated derivative formed previously. Finally, Amberlite® IR 120 (H+) resin is added to the obtained mixture in order to neutralize the environment. After filtration, the filtrate is evaporated to dryness. The evaporation residue, which is obtained as a foam, is collected with bidistilled water and then lyophilized. 4 g of the desired product (quantitative yield) is obtained, which melts at 80°C. ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-((4-nitrofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)-5-tio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-((4-nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-5-thio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 8 Example 8

Prema načinu rada koji je opisan u preparatu X polazeći od (4-(4-nitrobenzoil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-5-tio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida dobivenog u preparatu IX, dobiva se kvantitativnim prinosom željeni proizvod koji se topi na 108-118°C. ([α]20D = '7; C = 0.5 (metanol)). According to the method described in preparation X starting from (4-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-5-thio-beta-D-xylopyranoside obtained in preparation IX, it is obtained in quantitative yield the desired product melting at 108-118°C. ([α]20D = '7; C = 0.5 (methanol)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-cijanobenzoil)fenil)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-cyanobenzoyl)phenyl)-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 12a Example 12a

Prema načinu rada koji je opisan u preparatu I, polazeći od 6 g (0.0251 mola) (4-merkaptofenil)-(4-cijanofenil)metanona, 9.8 g (0.0276 mola) 2,3,4-tri-O-acetil-1-bromo-5-tio-alfa-D-ksilopiranozida i 7.1 g (0.0276 mola) merkuri-cijanida, dobiva se 7.3 g (prinos: 52%) beta izomera koji se topi na 172°C. ([α]20D = +50; C = 0.15 (CHCl3)). According to the procedure described in preparation I, starting from 6 g (0.0251 mol) of (4-mercaptophenyl)-(4-cyanophenyl)methanone, 9.8 g (0.0276 mol) of 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1 -bromo-5-thio-alpha-D-xylopyranoside and 7.1 g (0.0276 mol) mercuric cyanide, 7.3 g (yield: 52%) of the beta isomer is obtained, which melts at 172°C. ([α]20D = +50; C = 0.15 (CHCl3)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-cijanobenzoil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-cyanobenzoyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 12 Example 12

Prema načinu rada koji je opisan u preparatu II, polazeći od 2 g (0.0356 mola) proizvoda (primjer 12a) i 0.75 ml 8% otopine natrij-metilata, dobiva se 1,38 g (kvantitativan prinos) željenog proizvoda koji se topi na 164°C. ([α]20D = +53; C = 0.197 (CH3OH)). According to the procedure described in preparation II, starting from 2 g (0.0356 mol) of the product (example 12a) and 0.75 ml of an 8% sodium methylate solution, 1.38 g (quantitative yield) of the desired product is obtained, which melts at 164 °C. ([α]20D = +53; C = 0.197 (CH3OH)).


Dobivanje (4-(4-cijanofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Preparation of (4-(4-cyanophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 13 Example 13

Prema načinu rada koji je opisan u preparatu III, polazeći od 3.7 g (0.0095 mola) proizvoda (primjer 12) i 0.370 g (0.0097 mola) natrij-tetraborohidrida, dobiva se 3 g ([α]20D = +2.8; C = 0.598 (CH3OH).). According to the procedure described in preparation III, starting from 3.7 g (0.0095 mol) of the product (example 12) and 0.370 g (0.0097 mol) of sodium tetraborohydride, 3 g ([α]20D = +2.8; C = 0.598 (CH3OH).).


Odvajanje dva epimera (4-((4-nitrofenil hidroksimetil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida Separation of two epimers (4-((4-nitrophenyl hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

1) Dobivanje (+)-(4-((nitrofenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida 1) Preparation of (+)-(4-((nitrophenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside)

Primjer 16 Example 16

11.2 g smjese epimera ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (metanol)) koja je dobivena u preparatu III rekristalizira se iz 80 ml etilacetata koji je zasićen s vodom. Dobiva se 7.85 g kristala (C1) ([α]20D = +4; C = 0.4 (metanol) i filtrat (F1). Kristali (C1) se rekristaliziraju iz 150 ml etilacetata koji sadrži 1% vode (v/v). Dobiva se 3.15 g kristala (C2) ([α]20D = +17.6; C = 0.45 (metanol)) 11.2 g of the epimer mixture ([α]20D = +8; C = 0.5 (methanol)) obtained in preparation III was recrystallized from 80 ml of ethyl acetate saturated with water. 7.85 g of crystals (C1) ([α]20D = +4; C = 0.4 (methanol)) and filtrate (F1) are obtained. Crystals (C1) are recrystallized from 150 ml of ethyl acetate containing 1% water (v/v). 3.15 g of crystals (C2) are obtained ([α]20D = +17.6; C = 0.45 (methanol))

Kristali (C2) se rekristaliziraju iz 40 ml etilacetata zasićenog s vodom. Dobiva se 1.78 g kristala (C3) ([α]20D = +23.2; C = 0.4 (metanol)) izomera (+) koji se topi na 141°C. Crystals (C2) are recrystallized from 40 ml of ethyl acetate saturated with water. 1.78 g of crystals (C3) ([α]20D = +23.2; C = 0.4 (methanol)) of the (+) isomer are obtained, melting at 141°C.

2) Dobivanje .(-)-4(4-nitrofenil)hidroksimetil)fenil)-1,5-ditio-beta-D-ksilopiranozida 2) Obtaining .(-)-4(4-nitrophenyl)hydroxymethyl)phenyl)-1,5-dithio-beta-D-xylopyranoside

Primjer 17 Example 17

Filtrat (F1) se ispari u vakuumu i sakupi se u etilacetatu koji sadrži manje od 100 ppm vode. Poslije kristalizacije dobiva se 3.9 g kristala (C'2) ([α]20D = -4.6; C = 0.45 (metanol)). The filtrate (F1) is evaporated in vacuo and taken up in ethyl acetate containing less than 100 ppm water. After crystallization, 3.9 g of crystals (C'2) are obtained ([α]20D = -4.6; C = 0.45 (methanol)).

Kristali (C'2) se rekristaliziraju iz 130 ml etilacetata koji sadrži manje od 100 ppm vode. Dobiva se 1.44 g kristala (C'3) ([α]20D = -10.4; C = 0.35 (metanol)). Crystals (C'2) are recrystallized from 130 ml of ethyl acetate containing less than 100 ppm of water. 1.44 g of crystals (C'3) are obtained ([α]20D = -10.4; C = 0.35 (methanol)).

Kristali (C'3) se rekristaliziraju iz 60 ml etilacetata koji sadrži manje od 100 ppm. Dobiva se 0.96 g kristala ([α]20D = -15; C = 0.4 (metanol)) izomera (-) koji se topi na 157 na 163°C. Crystals (C'3) are recrystallized from 60 ml of ethyl acetate containing less than 100 ppm. 0.96 g of crystals ([α]20D = -15; C = 0.4 (methanol)) of the (-) isomer are obtained, melting at 157 to 163°C.

Na neograničavajući način u Tablici I koja slijedi sakupljen je izvjestan broj spojeva formule I prema izumu, a u Tablici II koja slijedi izvjestan broj njihovih acetiliranih derivata. In a non-limiting way, in the following Table I, a certain number of compounds of formula I according to the invention are collected, and in the following Table II, a certain number of their acetylated derivatives.

U Tablicama I i II sakupljene su fizičke karakteristike spojeva prema izumu. Tables I and II summarize the physical characteristics of the compounds according to the invention.

Aktivnost protiv tromboze proizvoda prema izumu demonstrirana je prema operativnom protokolu za vensku trombozu na slijedeći način: The antithrombotic activity of the product according to the invention was demonstrated according to the operative protocol for venous thrombosis as follows:

- realizira se venska faza pod hiperkoagulacijom prema tehnici koju su opisali WESSLER et al. (J. Applied Physiol. 1959, p. 943-946). Korišteno hiperkoagulantno sredstvo je, kao u tehnici koju su opisali J. HAUPMAN et al. (Thrombosis and Haemostasis 43 (2) 1980, p. 118), otopina aktivnog faktora X koju je osigurala kompanija Flow Laboratories (71 Knat za 12.5 ml fiziološkog seruma). - the venous phase is realized under hypercoagulation according to the technique described by WESSLER et al. (J. Applied Physiol. 1959, p. 943-946). The hypercoagulant agent used is, as in the technique described by J. HAUPMAN et al. (Thrombosis and Haemostasis 43 (2) 1980, p. 118), a solution of active factor X provided by the company Flow Laboratories (71 Knat for 12.5 ml of physiological serum).

Proučavanje je izvršeno na muškim štakorima Wistar, koji nisu gladovali, od 250 do 280 g (skupine od 10 životinja). Proizvodi koji se testiraju davani su per os, u suspenziji u PEG 400. Tromboza se inducira 4 sata poslije tretiranja i formirani tromb se izvadi i izmjeri. Rezultati koji su dobiveni s dozom od 12.5 mg/kg p.o. (bez kontraindikacija) prikazani su u Tablici III. Također su u ovoj Tablici dani rezultati koji su dobiveni s poznatim proizvodima iz ranije tehnike. The study was performed on non-fasted male Wistar rats from 250 to 280 g (groups of 10 animals). The products being tested were administered orally, in suspension in PEG 400. Thrombosis was induced 4 hours after treatment and the formed thrombus was removed and measured. The results obtained with a dose of 12.5 mg/kg p.o. (without contraindications) are shown in Table III. Also in this Table are given the results obtained with known products from the prior art.

[image] [image]


[image] [image]

Bilješke: (1) zaostalo otapalo: 2.3% H2O Notes: (1) residual solvent: 2.3% H2O

(2) zaostalo otapalo: 2.5% H2O (2) residual solvent: 2.5% H2O

(3) liofilizirani proizvod (3) lyophilized product

(4) smjesa epimera (4) mixture of epimers

(a) otapalo DMSO (a) DMSO solvent

(b) otapalo CH3OH (b) solvent CH3OH

(c) otapalo THF (c) THF solvent


[image] [image]

[image] [image]

Bilješke: (1) smjesa diastereoizomera Notes: (1) mixture of diastereomers

(a) otapalo CHCl3 (a) CHCl3 solvent

(b) otapalo CH3OH (b) solvent CH3OH


[image] [image]

Bilješke: A: Proizvod za usporedbu opisan u primjeru 1 Notes: A: Comparison product described in example 1

EP-A-0133 103 EP-A-0133 103

B: Proizvod za usporedbu opisan u primjeru 97 B: Comparative product described in Example 97

EP-B-0051 023 EP-B-0051 023

(1): u dozi od 7.5 mg/kg p.o. (1): in a dose of 7.5 mg/kg p.o.

Claims (1)

1. Postupak za dobivanje spojeva beta-D-fenil-tioksilozida formule: [image] u kojoj je: R atom vodika, atom halogena, nitro ili cijano skupina, A je S ili O, B je CH2, CHOH ili CO Y je atom vodika ili acil skupina; i njihovih epimera kada je B CHOH, naznačen time, što reagira spoj formule: [image] u kojoj su A, B i R kao što je definirano gore, s derivatom tioksiloze koji je izabran iz skupine koja sadrži haloaciltioksilozide i aciltioksilozide formula: [image] u kojima Hal predstavlja takav atom halogena kao što je Cl ili Br (pri čemu je brom poželjan atom halogena) i Y predstavlja acil skupinu naročito C2-C5 alifatičnu acil skupinu i poželjno CH3OH skupinu, u inertnom otapalu, u odnosu 1 mol spoja II za oko 1.1 do 1.2 mola derivata tioksiloze formule VIIIa i VIIIb, u prisutnosti akceptora kiseline ili Lewis-ove kiseline, i, prema potrebi vrši se reakcija deacetiliranja na temperaturi između obične (15-25°C) i temperature refluksa reakcijske sredine, u C1-C4 nižem alkoholu (poželjno metanolu) u prisutnosti metalnog alkoholata (poželjno magnezij-metilat ili natrij-metilata).1. Process for obtaining beta-D-phenyl-thioxyloside compounds of the formula: [image] in which: R hydrogen atom, halogen atom, nitro or cyano group, A is S or O, B is CH 2 , CHOH or CO Y is a hydrogen atom or an acyl group; and their epimers when B is CHOH, indicated by the fact that the compound of the formula reacts: [image] wherein A, B and R are as defined above, with a thioxylose derivative selected from the group consisting of haloacylthiooxylosides and acylthiooxylosides of the formula: [image] in which Hal represents such a halogen atom as Cl or Br (with bromine being the preferred halogen atom) and Y represents an acyl group, especially a C2-C5 aliphatic acyl group and preferably a CH3OH group, in an inert solvent, in the ratio of 1 mol of compound II for about 1.1 to 1.2 moles of thioxylose derivatives of formulas VIIIa and VIIIb, in the presence of an acid acceptor or a Lewis acid, and, if necessary, the deacetylation reaction is carried out at a temperature between ordinary (15-25°C) and the reflux temperature of the reaction medium, in C1- C4 to a lower alcohol (preferably methanol) in the presence of a metal alcoholate (preferably magnesium methylate or sodium methylate).
HR920802A 1987-05-04 1992-10-02 Process for obtaining new beta-d-phenyl-thioxylosides HRP920802A2 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
YU86988A YU46711B (en) 1987-05-04 1988-05-04 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING NEW THIOXYLOSIDES

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HRP920802A2 true HRP920802A2 (en) 1994-08-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
HR920802A HRP920802A2 (en) 1987-05-04 1992-10-02 Process for obtaining new beta-d-phenyl-thioxylosides

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HR (1) HRP920802A2 (en)

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