HRP20150850A2 - Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable - Google Patents

Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable Download PDF


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HRP20150850A2 HRP20150850AA HRP20150850A HRP20150850A2 HR P20150850 A2 HRP20150850 A2 HR P20150850A2 HR P20150850A A HRP20150850A A HR P20150850AA HR P20150850 A HRP20150850 A HR P20150850A HR P20150850 A2 HRP20150850 A2 HR P20150850A2
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usb cable
electronic shelf
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Josip Almaši
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Josip Almaši
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Application filed by Josip Almaši filed Critical Josip Almaši
Priority to HRP20150850AA priority Critical patent/HRP20150850A2/en
Publication of HRP20150850A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20150850A2/en



Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi, upravljiva računalom preko usb kabela je polica za robu (18) ugrađenima na montažnu plohu (26), sa kontrolerom (20) povezanima kablovima (14) i konektorima (16), kroz šuplje noge (10) sa prorezom cijelom visinom (12) i izvodom za kablove (22), koja informacije i napajanje dobija sa PoS terminala ili računalo opće namjene (28) preko USB kabla (30), a kojom upravlja softver koji se izvršava na PoS terminalu.An electronic shelf with screens for displaying commodity data, computer controlled via a USB cable, is a shelf for goods (18) mounted on a mounting plate (26), with a controller (20) connected by cables (14) and connectors (16), through hollow legs ( 10) with a full-height slot (12) and a cable socket (22), which receives information and power from a PoS terminal or general-purpose computer (28) via a USB cable (30), operated by software executing at the PoS terminal.


Područje na koje se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Polica za robu sa montiranim ekranima na kojima se prikazuju željeni sadržaji, prvenstveno nazivi i cijene robe. A shelf for goods with mounted screens that display the desired contents, primarily the names and prices of the goods.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Inovacija na području prikaza i promjena naziva i cijene robe izložene na polici u maloprodaji, odnosno rješenje kabliranja police, napajanja ekrana, i komunikacije sa PoS terminalom ili računalom opće namjene. Innovation in the area of displaying and changing the name and price of goods displayed on the shelf in retail, i.e. the solution for cabling the shelf, powering the screen, and communicating with a PoS terminal or a general purpose computer.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Nekoliko relevantnih izuma koji pokrivaju područje prikaza i promjene naziva i cjena robe u maloprodaji napajanje rješavaju baterijama, a komunikaciju bežično. Svi su oni pojedinačni uređaji koji se montiraju na policu, a izumi pokrivaju različite načine komunikacije i montaže. Several relevant inventions covering the area of display and changing the name and price of goods in retail use battery power and wireless communication. They are all individual shelf-mountable devices, and the inventions cover various modes of communication and mounting.

(TW201322116, CN102855506, CN102750124, CN102622945, CN102542420, GB2487104, GB2480462, GB2464353, GB2462334, US2014210692) (TW201322116, CN102855506, CN102750124, CN102622945, CN102542420, GB2487104, GB2480462, GB2464353, GB2462334, US2014210692)

Izumi 'inteligentnih polica' i centralno kontroliranih ekrana fokusirani su na reklame, informacije o proizvodima, i video sadržaje, i nisu integrirani u maloprodajni informacijski sustav. The inventions of 'smart shelves' and centrally controlled screens are focused on advertisements, product information, and video content, and are not integrated into the retail information system.

(CO6760205, JP2011186659, CA2739278, US2010012600, GB2347296) (CO6760205, JP2011186659, CA2739278, US2010012600, GB2347296)

Niti jedan od navedenih izuma nije USB uređaj, odnosno ne dobija ni informacije ni struju preko USB kabela. None of the mentioned inventions is a USB device, that is, it receives neither information nor electricity via the USB cable.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi, upravljiva računalom preko usb kabela je polica za robu je elektronički uređaj spojen na računalo USB kabelom, sa koga prima informacije koje se prikazuju na ekranima na polici. An electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about goods, controlled by a computer via a USB cable, is an electronic device connected to a computer with a USB cable, from which it receives information that is displayed on the screens on the shelf.

Primarna namjena izuma je automatizacija prikaza i promjene naziva i cjena robe u maloprodaji. The primary purpose of the invention is to automate the display and change of the name and price of goods in retail.

Sekundarna namjena izuma je prikaz promidžbenih i ostalih informativnih sadržaja o robi na polici. The secondary purpose of the invention is the display of promotional and other informational content about the goods on the shelf.

Elektronska polica sastoji se od police prilagođene kabliranju i montaži ekrana, kontrolera koji prima informacije sa računala i upravlja ekranima, samih ekrana, te kabela koji ih povezuju sa kontrolerom. The electronic shelf consists of a shelf adapted to cabling and screen mounting, a controller that receives information from the computer and manages the screens, the screens themselves, and the cables that connect them to the controller.

Kratak popis crteža A short list of drawings

Sl. 1 – Presjek noge Sl. 1 – Section of the leg

Sl. 2 – Kabel s konektorima Sl. 2 – Cable with connectors

Sl. 3 – Izvod za kabele Sl. 3 – Outlet for cables

Sl. 4 – Polica s ekranima Sl. 4 – Shelf with screens

Sl. 5 – Blok shema povezivanja elektroničkih komponenti Sl. 5 – Block diagram of connecting electronic components

Sl. 6 – Montaža prilagođena kabliranju Sl. 6 – Installation adapted to cabling

Detaljan opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarivanja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi, upravljiva računalom preko usb kabela je polica za robu polica je elektronički uređaj koji se u PoS terminal spaja USB kablom, sa koga dobija i struju i informacije. An electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about goods, controlled by a computer via a USB cable, is a shelf for goods, the shelf is an electronic device that is connected to the PoS terminal with a USB cable, from which it receives both power and information.

Elektronska polica sastoji se od The electronic shelf consists of

- police - shelves

- kontrolera - controller

- ekrana - screen

- USB kabela koji spaja kontroler sa PoS terminalom - USB cable that connects the controller to the PoS terminal

- kabela koji spajaju kontroler sa ekranima - cables that connect the controller to the screens

- upravljačkog programa na PoS terminalu - driver program on the PoS terminal

Polica ima šuplje noseće noge 10 sa prorezom cijelom visinom 12, kroz koje prolaze kabeli 14 s konektorima 16 koji povezuju ekrane 18 sa kontrolerom 20. Pri vrhu svake noge nalazi se izvod za kabele 22, širi od konektora 16, kroz koji se kabeli izvlače ispod svake noseće plohe police 24. The shelf has hollow supporting legs 10 with a full-height slot 12, through which cables 14 pass with connectors 16 that connect the screens 18 to the controller 20. At the top of each leg there is a cable outlet 22, wider than the connector 16, through which the cables are drawn from below of each supporting surface of the shelf 24.

S prednje strane svake noseće plohe police nalazi se montažna ploha 26 na koju se montiraju ekrani, iza koje prolaze kabeli od ekrana do noge. On the front side of each support surface of the shelf, there is a mounting surface 26 on which the screens are mounted, behind which the cables from the screen to the leg pass.

Kontroler je elektronički uređaj koji obrađuje informacije primljene sa PoS terminala ili računala opće namjene 28, i upravlja pojedinim ekranima. The controller is an electronic device that processes the information received from the PoS terminal or general-purpose computer 28, and controls individual screens.

Kontroler strujom napaja sve ekrane, a sam se napaja sa PoS terminala preko USB kabela 30, te po potrebi i dodatnog ispravljača ili baterije. The controller supplies power to all screens, and it is powered from the PoS terminal via USB cable 30, and if necessary, an additional rectifier or battery.

Kontroler se na polici nalazi gdje ne dolazi u kontakt sa izloženom robom, tipično ispod donje noseće plohe, ili sa stražnje strane police. The controller is located on the shelf where it does not come into contact with the exposed goods, typically under the lower support surface, or on the back of the shelf.

Optimalno, elektronska polica je montažna – na prodajno mjesto dostavlja se u dijelovima, koji se potom brzo sklapaju. U tom slučaju, elektronički elementi trebaju već biti montirani na predviđena mjesta, a pri sklapanju police samo se spajaju žicama. Noge trebaju biti prilagođene montaži, tako da vrh noge 32 ulazi u dno noge 34, kroz rupu 36 na nosećoj plohi 24 dimenzija vrha noge. Optimally, the electronic shelf is prefabricated - it is delivered to the point of sale in parts, which are then quickly assembled. In this case, the electronic elements should already be mounted in the designated places, and when the shelf is assembled, they are only connected with wires. The legs should be adapted to the assembly, so that the top of the leg 32 enters the bottom of the leg 34, through the hole 36 on the supporting surface 24 of the dimensions of the top of the leg.

Tip ekrana može biti bilo koji pogodan, npr. LCD koji više troši no brže mijenja sadržaj, te ima veći promidžbeni učinak, ili e-paper ekran male potrošnje no spore promjene sadržaja. Any type of screen can be suitable, for example, an LCD that consumes more but changes content faster and has a greater advertising effect, or an e-paper screen with low consumption but slow content changes.

S obzirom da je USB deklariran na 500mA/5V, broj ekrana na polici koji se napajaju sa USB kabela ograničen je prvenstveno potrošnjom pojedinog ekrana, i u manjoj mjeri potrošnjom kontrolera. Given that USB is declared at 500mA/5V, the number of screens on the shelf that are powered by the USB cable is limited primarily by the consumption of the individual screen, and to a lesser extent by the consumption of the controller.

Prikazani sadržaj može biti tekstualni ili grafički, statički ili pomičan, i ovisi prvenstveno o tipu ekrana (alfanumerički ili grafički, LCD ili e-paper itd), i željenoj namjeni police (promjena cijena ili promidžba itd). The displayed content can be textual or graphic, static or moving, and depends primarily on the type of screen (alphanumeric or graphic, LCD or e-paper, etc.), and the desired purpose of the shelf (price change or promotion, etc.).

Grafički ekrani uz naziv i cijenu robe mogu prikazivati logo proizvođača ili prodavača. Graphic screens can display the manufacturer's or seller's logo in addition to the name and price of the goods.

LCD ekrani mogu brzo mijenjati sadržaj, pa kupce mogu privlačiti animacijama. LCD screens can quickly change content, so they can attract customers with animations.

Ekrani osjetljivi na dodir mogu čak i potaknuti kupce na interakciju, a polica opremljena njima može postati pravi info-pult o izloženoj robi. Touch screens can even encourage customers to interact, and a shelf equipped with them can become a real information desk about the displayed goods.

Samo grafički ekrani mogu prikazivati bar kod, bitan u maloprodaji za raspored robe i inventuru. Only graphic screens can display a barcode, which is important in retail for the layout of goods and inventory.

Elektronska polica opremljena alfanumeričkim ekranima dakle ne ukida potpuno potrebu za ispisom naljepnica, no automatiziranim prikazom promjene cijena bitno je reducira. The electronic shelf equipped with alphanumeric screens does not completely eliminate the need for printing labels, but it significantly reduces the need for automated display of price changes.

Očitavanje bar koda laserskim čitačem u praksi je izvedivo samo sa e-paper ekrana, pa samo e-polica opremljena e-paper ekranima potpuno zamjenjuje naljepnice. In practice, bar code reading with a laser reader is feasible only with an e-paper screen, so only an e-shelf equipped with e-paper screens completely replaces labels.

LCD troši struju dok prikazuje sadržaj, pa se njima može opremiti samo mala polica, za npr. šest artikala, ili se mora uvesti dodatno napajanje. The LCD consumes electricity while displaying the content, so only a small shelf can be equipped with them, for example for six items, or an additional power supply must be introduced.

No e-paper ekrani troše struju kod promjene sadržaja; njima se može opremiti polica bilo koje veličine, pod uvjetom da se sadržaj ne mijenja odjednom, nego u slijedu, npr. svake dvije sekudne. But e-paper screens consume electricity when changing content; a shelf of any size can be equipped with them, provided that the contents are not changed all at once, but in sequence, for example, every two seconds.

Neki tipovi ekrana, osim što omogućuju pisanje sadržaja, također omogućuju i očitavanje statusa. Some screen types, in addition to allowing content to be written, also allow status reading.

Elektronska polica opremljena takvim ekranima može prepoznati greške u komunikaciji sa pojedinim ekranima i druge kvarove, kada npr. nema odziva od ekrana, ili ekran javlja grešku. An electronic shelf equipped with such screens can recognize errors in communication with individual screens and other malfunctions, when, for example, there is no response from the screen, or the screen reports an error.

U tom slučaju kontroler grešku može proslijediti upravljačkom programu na PoS terminalu, i inicirati servisiranje. In this case, the controller can forward the error to the control program on the PoS terminal, and initiate servicing.

Sadržajem ekrana može upravljati bilo PoS program koji komunicira sa kontrolerom, ili poseban upravljački program koji podatke o proizvodima čita iz, ili prima od PoS programa, ili od prodavača, npr. preko web aplikacije na lokalnoj mreži. The content of the screen can be managed either by the PoS program that communicates with the controller, or by a special driver program that reads product data from, or receives from, the PoS program, or from the seller, for example, via a web application on the local network.

Moguće su i kombinacije: npr. upravljački program uzima cijene i nazive robe od PoS programa, dok prodavač dodaje pozadinske slike za svaki ekran. Combinations are also possible: for example, the driver takes the prices and product names from the PoS program, while the seller adds background images for each screen.

Nema nikakve zapreke da se osim maloprodaje i promocije proizvoda izum primjeni i u drugim područjima, s obzirom da se montiranim ekranima mogu slati proizvoljni sadržaji. There is no obstacle for the invention to be applied in other areas besides retail and product promotion, given that arbitrary content can be sent through mounted screens.

Jedno potencijalno područje primjene je pomoć u uporabi lijekova: bolesnici koji uzimaju više vrsta lijekova u različitim vremenskim razmacima često promaše termin ili pomiješaju lijekove, čime se smanjuje efikasnost terapije i proizvode nepotrebni troškovi. One potential area of application is to assist in the use of medication: patients who take multiple types of medication at different intervals often miss appointments or mix medications, thereby reducing the effectiveness of therapy and producing unnecessary costs.

Kada su lijekovi posloženi na elektronsku policu, polica može pravovremeno na ekranima prikazati precizne informacije koliko i kojeg lijeka uzeti. When the medicines are arranged on the electronic shelf, the shelf can display precise information on the screens in a timely manner, as to how much and which medicine to take.

Ako ugrađeni kontroler može mjeriti vrijeme, za ovu primjenu čak nije neophodna ni integracija sa centralnim informacijskim sustavom, nego je dovoljno samo inicijalno programiranje kod prepisivanja terapije. If the built-in controller can measure time, integration with the central information system is not even necessary for this application, but only initial programming when prescribing therapy is sufficient.

Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Očito područje primjene izuma je maloprodaja, poglavito prodajna mjesta koja imaju direktne koristi od čestih promjena cijena, npr. noćna, blagdanska isl. poskupljenja ili popusti. The obvious field of application of the invention is retail, especially sales points that benefit directly from frequent price changes, eg night, holiday etc. price increases or discounts.

Elektronska polica postavlja se pokraj blagajne, i spaja se u računalo USB kablom. The electronic shelf is placed next to the cash register, and is connected to the computer with a USB cable.

Program koji se izvršava na računalu komunicira sa kontrolerom preko USB kabla, i mijenja nazive i cijene robe. The program running on the computer communicates with the controller via a USB cable, and changes the names and prices of the goods.

Kako bi se izum iskoristio u svom punom potencijalu, treba ga povezati sa PoS softverom, kako bi se promjene cijena u programu istovremeno prikazale na ekranima. In order to use the invention to its full potential, it should be connected to the PoS software, so that the price changes in the program are simultaneously displayed on the screens.

Popis upotrebljenih pozivnih oznaka List of used call signs

10. šuplje noseće noge 10. hollow supporting legs

12. prorez cijelom visinom 12. slot along the entire height

14. kabel 14. cable

16. konektor 16. connector

18. ekrani 18. screens

20. kontroler 20. controller

22. izvod za kablove 22. outlet for cables

24. noseća ploha 24. bearing surface

26. montažna ploha 26. mounting surface

28. PoS terminal ili računalo opće namjene 28. PoS terminal or general purpose computer

30. USB kabel 30. USB cable

32. vrh noge 32. top of the leg

34. dno noge 34. the bottom of the leg

36. rupa na nosećoj plohi 36. hole on the bearing surface

Claims (3)

1. Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi, upravljiva računalom preko usb kabela je polica za robu, na koju su sa prednje strane montirani ekrani (18) na montažnu plohu (26), koji su kablovima (14) i konektorima (16) povezani sa kontrolerom (20) koji upravlja njihovim sadržajem, naznačena time da je polica prilagođena kabliranju, tako da kablovi prolaze kroz šuplje noge (10) prorezane cijelom visinom (12) sa izvodom za kablove (22) pri vrhu, te se na PoS terminal ili računalo opće namjene (28) spaja USB kablom (30), s koga dobija i informacije o sadržaju ekrana.1. The electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about goods, controlled by a computer via a USB cable, is a shelf for goods, on which screens (18) are mounted on the front side on a mounting surface (26), which are connected by cables (14) and connectors (16). ) connected to a controller (20) that manages their content, characterized by the fact that the shelf is adapted to cabling, so that the cables pass through the hollow legs (10) cut through the entire height (12) with a cable outlet (22) at the top, and to the PoS the terminal or general-purpose computer (28) connects with a USB cable (30), from which it also receives information about the content of the screen. 2. Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi prema zahtjevu 1, naznačena time da se i strujom napaja sa PoS terminala USB kablom.2. Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about the goods according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that it is also powered by a USB cable from the PoS terminal. 3. Elektronska polica sa ekranima za prikaz podataka o robi prema zahtjevu 1, naznačena time da je montažna.3. Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about goods according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that it is prefabricated.
HRP20150850AA 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable HRP20150850A2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP20150850AA HRP20150850A2 (en) 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP20150850AA HRP20150850A2 (en) 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
HRP20150850A2 true HRP20150850A2 (en) 2017-02-24



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
HRP20150850AA HRP20150850A2 (en) 2015-08-11 2015-08-11 Electronic shelf with screens for displaying information about merchandise, computer controlled via usb cable

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HR (1) HRP20150850A2 (en)

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