HRP20100215A2 - Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading - Google Patents

Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading Download PDF


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HRP20100215A2 HR20100215A HRP20100215A HRP20100215A2 HR P20100215 A2 HRP20100215 A2 HR P20100215A2 HR 20100215 A HR20100215 A HR 20100215A HR P20100215 A HRP20100215 A HR P20100215A HR P20100215 A2 HRP20100215 A2 HR P20100215A2
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optical prism
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Elektrokem D.O.O.
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Priority to PCT/HR2011/000015 priority patent/WO2011128709A1/en
Publication of HRP20100215A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20100215A2/en
Publication of HRPK20100215B3 publication Critical patent/HRPK20100215B3/en



    • G01D4/00Tariff metering apparatus
    • G01D4/008Modifications to installed utility meters to enable remote reading


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Photometry And Measurement Of Optical Pulse Characteristics (AREA)
  • Indication And Recording Devices For Special Purposes And Tariff Metering Devices (AREA)
  • Optical Elements Other Than Lenses (AREA)
  • Investigating Or Analysing Materials By Optical Means (AREA)


Predmetni izum rješava problem očitavanja postojećih brojila potrošnje (4). Nadogradnjom brojila sa CMOS senzorom (2) i optičkom prizmom (1) jednostavno i efikasno provodimo proces digitalizacije podataka analognih mjernih elemenata - brojila, a da pri tome ne zadiremo u ispravnost mjerenja istih. Digitalizirani podatak o stanju brojača na brojilu, cilj je predmetnog izuma i ovdje opisanim postupkom u potpunosti je ispunjen. Predstavljeni senzor je mjerni element sustava za automatsko očitavanje postojećih brojila, te je kao takav idealno rješenje postavljenog tehničkog problema.The present invention solves the problem of reading existing consumption meters (4). By upgrading the meter with the CMOS sensor (2) and the optical prism (1), we simply and efficiently carry out the process of digitizing the data of analog measuring elements - meters, without interfering with the correctness of their measurement. Digitized data on the state of the meter on the meter is an object of the present invention and is fully fulfilled by the method described here. The presented sensor is a measuring element of the system for automatic reading of existing meters, and as such is an ideal solution to the set technical problem.


Područje izuma Field of invention

Izum se odnosi na područje očitavanja brojila potrošnje (voda , plin, električna energija) The invention relates to the field of consumption meter reading (water, gas, electricity)

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Proces očitavanja brojila potrošnje donedavno je bio izvediv isključivo fizičkim uvidom u brojčanike na predmetnom brojilu. Djelatnik zadužen za očitanje prilazio bi brojilu i očitao stanje brojčanika. Očitane vrijednosti nadalje bi bile zapisane i predane na obradu. Takav način očitavanja vidno je zastario i dovodi u pitanje pouzdanost cijelog sustava zbog podložnosti greškama prilikom očitavanja ( nedostupnost brojila u željeno vrijeme, mogućnost ljudske pogreške...). Dakle tehnički problem predmetnog izuma je pouzdano, a istovremeno brzo i jednostavno digitalizirano očitavanje postojećih brojila potrošnje. Until recently, the process of reading the consumption meter was only possible by physically inspecting the dials on the meter in question. The employee in charge of the reading would approach the meter and read the state of the dial. The read values would further be written down and submitted for processing. Such a method of reading is visibly outdated and calls into question the reliability of the entire system due to susceptibility to errors during reading (unavailability of the meter at the desired time, possibility of human error...). So, the technical problem of the subject invention is reliable, and at the same time fast and simple digitized reading of existing consumption meters.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Na tržištu senzora za očitavanje brojila postoje razni proizvodi bazirani na različitim principima. Najčešće se kao rješenje nude modernija brojila sa predugrađenim senzorima. Takva brojila u potpunosti zamjenjuju postojeća i mogu se smatrati jednim vidom rješenja problema očitavanja. U brojila se ugrađuje magnet i magnetski senzor. Prolaskom magneta kraj senzora generira se impuls koji se prati, bilježi, obrađuje. Ovdje opisani princip koristi veći dio novih elektroničkih brojila, no postoje i brojila temeljena na drugim principima On the meter reading sensor market, there are various products based on different principles. Most often, more modern meters with pre-built sensors are offered as a solution. Such meters completely replace the existing ones and can be considered as a solution to the reading problem. A magnet and a magnetic sensor are installed in the meters. When the magnet passes by the sensor, an impulse is generated that is monitored, recorded and processed. The principle described here is used by most of the new electronic meters, but there are also meters based on other principles

Ipak, takva brojila ne rješavaju problem očitavanja ako se za uvjet postavi da postojeće brojilo mora ostati u funkciji. Postojeća brojila ispunjavaju svoju ulogu – mjerenje potrošnje, pa ukoliko postoji mogućnost nadogradnje istih, nema potrebe mijenjati ih novima. Iz toga proizlazi da brojila s predugrađenim senzorima nisu rješenje predstavljenog tehničkog problema, očitavanje postojećih brojila. However, such meters do not solve the reading problem if the condition is set that the existing meter must remain in operation. Existing meters fulfill their role - consumption measurement, so if there is a possibility of upgrading them, there is no need to replace them with new ones. It follows that meters with pre-built sensors are not a solution to the presented technical problem, the reading of existing meters.

Postojanje komercijalnih senzora za nadogradnju postojećih brojila, zasada nije poznato. The existence of commercial sensors for upgrading existing meters is currently unknown.

Bit izuma The essence of invention

Očitati i digitalizirati podatak o stanju brojila te ga time pripremiti za prijenos ili obradu, primarni je zadatak svakog senzora za očitavanje. Pri tome ne zadirati u točnost mjerenja, a cijeli postupak prilagodbe postojećeg brojila odraditi na mjernom mjestu, prioritet je opisanog senzora. Predmetni izum baziran je na CMOS senzoru – kameri. Postavlja se tako da putem optičke prizme ima uvid u brojilo, odnosno uvid u jedan ili više brojčanika na brojilu. Ovisno o tipu brojila, prizma je dimenzionirana tako da prenosi sliku sa brojila do kamere ali da pri tome ne zaklanja uvid u brojač i ostavlja mogućnost provjere istog. U željenom trenutku kamera bilježi stanje brojila. To read and digitize information about the status of the meter and thereby prepare it for transmission or processing is the primary task of every reading sensor. At the same time, the priority of the described sensor is not to interfere with the accuracy of the measurement, and to perform the entire procedure of adjusting the existing meter at the measuring point. The subject invention is based on a CMOS sensor - camera. It is set so that through an optical prism, it has a view of the meter, that is, a view of one or more dials on the meter. Depending on the type of meter, the prism is dimensioned so that it transmits the image from the meter to the camera, but does not obscure the view of the meter and leaves it possible to check it. At the desired moment, the camera records the state of the meter.

Dakle stanje brojila kod ovakvog senzora je slika koja predstavlja podatak o količini potrošnje u određenom trenutku. So, the state of the meter with this kind of sensor is an image that represents the amount of consumption at a certain moment.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Slika 1. prikazuje nadograđeno brojilo u kojem je: Figure 1 shows the upgraded meter in which:

1. Optička prizma 1. Optical prism

2. CMOS senzor (kamera) 2. CMOS sensor (camera)

3. LED 3. LED

4. Brojilo potrošnje 4. Consumption meter

Detaljan opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarivanja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Na postojeće brojilo potrošnje (4), instalira se optička prizma (1) sa predugrađenim CMOS senzorom (2). Prizma, izvedena od raznih materijala (staklo, plexiglas), montira se bez dodatnih sredstava ( ljepilo, silikon). Pošto se za kvalitetno očitavanje brojila, mora osigurati dogotrajna optička bistrina, prilikom dimenzioniranja prizme vodi se briga o postavljanju brtve između prizme i brojila. Nerijetko se brojila nalaze, optički gledano, u nepovoljnom uvjetima ( mrak). Iz tog razloga, sastavni dio prizme je i LED (3), koji služi za osvjetljenje željene površine brojila prilikom očitavanja ( slikanja ).Ujedno, dizajn prizme mora biti u potpunosti u službi funkcionalnosti. Kako na tržištu postoje, izvedbom razni tipovi brojila, tako će i dizajn prizme pratiti potrebe tržišta. To u konačnici znači da će za svaki tip brojila postojati i odgovarajući tip CMOS senzora sa optičkom prizmom. Sama montaža prizme obavlja se na mjernom mjestu, a izvodi se utiskivanjem u predodređenu poziciju. Prilikom montaže mora se posvetiti pažnja na čistoću. An optical prism (1) with a pre-built CMOS sensor (2) is installed on the existing consumption meter (4). The prism, made of various materials (glass, plexiglass), is mounted without additional means (glue, silicone). Since long-term optical clarity must be ensured for a high-quality reading of the meter, when dimensioning the prism, care is taken to install a seal between the prism and the meter. Not infrequently, meters are located, optically speaking, in unfavorable conditions (darkness). For this reason, an integral part of the prism is also an LED (3), which serves to illuminate the desired surface of the meter during reading (drawing). At the same time, the design of the prism must be fully at the service of functionality. As there are various types of meters on the market, the design of the prism will also follow the needs of the market. This ultimately means that for each type of meter there will be a corresponding type of CMOS sensor with an optical prism. The assembly of the prism itself is performed at the measuring point, and is performed by pressing it into the predetermined position. During assembly, attention must be paid to cleanliness.

Senzor je upravljan od strane mikrokontrolera koji u predefiniranim intervalima uzima uzorak o stanju brojila. Trenutno stanje brojila očitava se na zahtjev korisnika koji dolazi istim putem kojim je podatak o stanju brojila odaslan. Naime, sam senzor za očitavanje brojila nije dostatan za izvedbu kompletnog sustava za očitavanje brojila. Senzor mora biti povezan sa mikrokontrolerskom jedinicom koja upravlja očitavanjem. Uz senzor, mikrokontroler upravlja i transmisijskim sustavom koji informaciju o potrošnji isporučuje bazi podataka na obradu. Mikrokontrolerska jedinica i transmisijski sustav nisu dio predmetne dokumentacije. The sensor is controlled by a microcontroller that takes a sample of the meter's status at predefined intervals. The current status of the meter is read at the request of the user who arrives via the same route as the information about the status of the meter was sent. Namely, the meter reading sensor alone is not sufficient for the performance of the complete meter reading system. The sensor must be connected to the microcontroller unit that controls the reading. In addition to the sensor, the microcontroller manages the transmission system, which delivers consumption information to the database for processing. The microcontroller unit and the transmission system are not part of the subject documentation.

Claims (2)

1. Senzor za očitavanje brojila, naznačen time, da se sastoji od CMOS senzora (2), optičke prizme (1) i elemenata za osvjetljenje (3) .1. Meter reading sensor, characterized in that it consists of CMOS sensor (2), optical prism (1) and lighting elements (3). 2. Senzor za očitavanje mehaničkih brojila prema zahtjevu 1, naznačen time da služi kao mjerni element sustava za očitavanje brojila potrošnje električne energije, plina i vode.2. A sensor for reading mechanical meters according to claim 1, characterized in that it serves as a measuring element of the system for reading electricity, gas and water consumption meters.
HRP20100215AA 2010-04-15 2010-04-15 Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading HRPK20100215B3 (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP20100215AA HRPK20100215B3 (en) 2010-04-15 2010-04-15 Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading
PCT/HR2011/000015 WO2011128709A1 (en) 2010-04-15 2011-04-15 Cmos sensor with optical prism for metering counter readout

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HRP20100215AA HRPK20100215B3 (en) 2010-04-15 2010-04-15 Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading

Publications (2)

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HRP20100215A2 true HRP20100215A2 (en) 2011-10-31
HRPK20100215B3 HRPK20100215B3 (en) 2012-08-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
HRP20100215AA HRPK20100215B3 (en) 2010-04-15 2010-04-15 Cmos sensor with optical prism for counter reading

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HR (1) HRPK20100215B3 (en)
WO (1) WO2011128709A1 (en)

Families Citing this family (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2496421A (en) * 2011-11-11 2013-05-15 Metermimic Ltd An optical sensor or viewing system for automatic meter readers
GB2618156A (en) * 2022-04-29 2023-11-01 Deer Tech Limited A meter reading device

Family Cites Families (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE19645656A1 (en) * 1996-11-06 1998-05-07 Raab Karcher Energy Services G Reading device for counters, in particular mechanical roller counters
KR100364078B1 (en) * 1999-12-21 2002-12-12 주식회사 블루맥스 커뮤니케이션 System and method for wireless automatic meter reading
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WO2011128709A1 (en) 2011-10-20
HRPK20100215B3 (en) 2012-08-31

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