15,468. Druitt, P. W., and Baines, E. R. July 7. Monotype machines.-Relates to the machine described in Specification No. 1 9 0 3, A.D. 1900, and particularly to (1) the starting-mechanism, (2) the vice and the justifying - mechanism, (3) the means for separating the matrices and presenting them to the mould, (4) the mould and the ejecting-devices and (5) the galley-mechanism. (1) The driving, clutch b, Fig. 12, is held in an intermediate inoperative position against the action of a spring b<2> by a latch b<3>, Fig. 4, which engages a bar a<5> connected to the clutch-lever b<1>. Depression of a starting key-lever moves a block a', which slides on a continuously-reciprocating carriage a<4>, into engagement with the bar a<5>. The clutch b is thereby moved against the action of the spring b' into engagement with the cam-shaft which actuates the justitying-mechanism, and is there held by a latch b<4> which engages the bar a<5>. When justification is completed, the latches b<3>, b<4> are released and the clutch is caused by the spring b<2> to engage the cam shaft of the pump mechanism. (2) When the vice is rocked forward to embrace the line of matrices, the movable jaw d<1>, Fig. 6, escapes from a detent d', Fig. 8, and is caused to close on the matrices by a spring d<3>. The length of the justified line is determined by a stop d<13>, Fig. 6, which is carried by a sliding bar and is urged to the right by a spring. The stop is pushed backwards by the register rod which measures the added thicknesses of the matrices, and is held in its final position by a pawl and rack. A pawl d<5> on the movable jaw d<1> is held out of engagement with a rack d' by the stop d<13>. During justification, the pawl moves off the stop and engages the rack and further motion of the jaw is prevented. The rod which supports the justifying- platform is locked, when justification is completed, by a split socket actuated from the cam shaft. The movable jaw is released from the matrices, before the vice is rocked away from the line, by a slight endways motion of the rack d<4>. The shaft d<8> which rocks the vice has a little lost motion, and the rack d<4> is screw-threaded and engages a nut d<9>. The nut is turned by a lever d<10>, Fig. 8, and a cam d<11> on the shaft d<8>. (3) The line of matrices is advanced by a follower g<3>, Fig. 10, connected by links g<4>, g<5> with a sliding carriage g which is actuated by a weight. When the line-follower is retracted, it is raised to clear the succeeding line of matrices and is supported by an arm g<6> which falls on to the carriage guide g<7>. The latches b<3>, b<4>, Fig. 4, which control the driving-clutch, are then released by a projection on the cam shaft, and the clutch engages the pump mechanism. The pusher h, Fig. 10, which separates the matrices from the line, is actuated by a spring and is withdrawn by a cam. The operation of the device is controlled by two bars i, i', Fig. 11<a>, which are reciprocated at right-angles to each other. Should the pusher h be prevented by an obstruction from making its full stroke, the bar i which is connected to it, allows the bar i<1> to fall. A rod i' is thereby moved endways and causes the pump plunger to miss its stroke. A sliding block i<5> is at the same time moved into the path of the pump crank i<6>, which acts on the clutch lever b<1> and throws the clutch into the intermediate inoperative position. The plunger which carries the matrix against the mould is actuated by a spring and is locked in position by a spring-urged wedge. When the last matrix of a line has been presented to the mould, the line-follower carriage g, Fig. 10, operates a tappet g<8> on a rod g<9> which is connected with the rod i<4>, and the pump and driving-clutch are thereby thrown out of operation. (4) The type, after ejection from the mould by the body slide k, Fig. 13, is carried by a slide k<1> against a spring- supported projection k<9>, Fig. 15, which breaks off the tang of the type. The projection k<9> yields under excessive pressure and interposes a stop k<12> in the path of the ejector k<13>, which delivers the type to a raceway C. The rod i<4> is thereby actuated and the machine is stopped. The matrix is adjusted in position by an alining-piece k<18>, Fig. 13, which is fixed on the mould. The notch in the matrix which determines the width of the type is engaged by a projection k<19> on the body slide k. The body slide is actuated by a lever and cam and is advanced to engage the matrix by a spring-actuated wedge m<3>. The back of the mould is formed by a removable plate k<5>, Fig. 19. (5) Each line of types is drawn into the galley D, Fig. 16, by a finger n which is actuated by a cam n<10> on a shaft n<11>. Should the line be too long to enter the galley or too short, a catch n<2>, which is connected with the finger n, is rocked so as to engage a sliding rod n<3>. The latch b<4> is thereby lifted and the driving-clutch thrown out of action. Specification No. 20,953, A.D. 1900, is referred to.