16,204. Semenoff, I. July 22. Cigarettes cigarette - making machines.-Relates to a new form of mouthpiece for cigarettes and to machinery for forming these and other mouthpieces and for gumming them into the paper wrapper tubes. Figs. 24 and 26 show two new forms of mouthpiece, in which the tobacco t in the wrapper w is supported by tongues a<2>, b<2>. The strip b, Fig. 23, has tongues a', which do not extend the whole length of the strip, so that, when the strip is rolled to form the mouthpiece, no part of the paper projects beyond the turneddown tongues, as shown in Fig. 24. The support b', Fig. 26, is formed by cutting out and bending up the tongues b<1>, Fig. 25. In another form of mouthpiece, the disc c', Fig. 27, supports the tobacco, and the disc is held up by tongues c<1> forming brackets. The tongues c' may be formed by inclined slits extending from the edge of the strip b. The tongues b<1>, Fig. 25, are cut out by a cutter d<3>, Fig. 37, while the strip b is held by a movable bar e<3>. The strip is then fed between guides f, f<1>, Fig. 41, until the toagues g<1> are bent up parallel to the strip. This part of the strip is then pressed between rollers, after which, when the strip is rolled to form the mouthpiece, the tongues g<1> spring outwards by their elasticity and take the position shown at b<2>, Fig. 26. Figs. 11 and 13 show longitudinal and transverse sections respectively of the mechanism for forming the mouthpieces and inserting them into the wrapper tube 280, Fig. 11. The paper strip 3, together with a cotton roving 273, is fed by the rolls 9, 11, of which the roll 9 is intermittently driven and the idle roll 11 is mounted on an arm 13 pivoted at 14 and adjusted by a screw 16 acting on an arm 15. The roll 9 is driven by spur gearing and by pawl- and-ratchet mechanism actuated by a variable-throw crank. The length 3<1>, Fig. 13, for forming the mouthpiece is cut off by a fixed cutter 41 and a movable cutter 39 connected to a rock-shaft 38 actuated by an arm 40 worked by a cam. The rolls 64, 66 hold the strip taut while it is being cut and then turn backwards, as shown by the arrows, and push the strip against the rotating mandrel 43, which, acting with the rollers 47, 48, 48<1> carried by spring arms, rolls the strip iuto a mouthpiece. The idle roll 66 is connected by an arm 68 to the rock-shaft 276 actuated by a cam and the connecting-rod 70. The roll 64 is fixed to a shaft, rocked by a crank and a cam. The mandrel 43 is rotated intermittently by spur gearing and by pawl-and-ratchet mechanism actuated by a variable-throw crank. The mouthpiece is pushed into the tube 280 by the sliding sleeve 72 actuated by a rod 75 and a cam. A drop of gum is placed on the outside of the mouthpiece just before it enters the tube 280. The gum is forced down the channel 29 by a piston 28 in the cylinder 27. The piston is fed slowly down by a cam and lever, pawl-andratchet mechanism, and worm gearing. The mouth of the tube 280 is held open by projections 81 on a number of radial slides 80 moved inwards and outwards by a cam 84, which has the form of a ring and is rocked by a cam and link work. The wrapper tube 280, Fig. 17, is held in place against the slides 80 by a sliding rod 82 provided with a spring head 235. The tube 280 is brought from the mechanism by which it was made to the grippers 80 and is then transported to a place where an axially reciprocating and rotating spindle enters the mouthpiece so as to expand it within the tube. The tube is next transported to a conveyor. Fig. 17 shows one of the three similar devices for thus transporting the tubes. The tube 280 is seized by jaws 216, 217 pivoted to the arms 221 on the spindle 222 and also loosely pivoted on the pin 218 projecting from the slide 219 which slides in the head of the rocking sleeve 224 and is actuated by the cam 229 rotated by spur gearing. The slide 219 thus serves to open and close the jaws. The sleeve 224 is rocked by the crank 225 actuated by a cam and a lever. The jaws can be moved so as to move the cigarette tube endwise This is effected by sliding the spindle 222 axially by means of a cam-actuated lever. Fig. 20 shows a means for putting a drop of gum inside the cigarette tube o. The tube a supplying the gum is carried by a bar d pivoted at e and connected by the link g to the cam-actuated lever h. The gum reservoir f may be adjusted in height so as to vary the flow of gum from the tube a.