FI92762C - Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure - Google Patents

Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure Download PDF


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FI92762C FI922889A FI922889A FI92762C FI 92762 C FI92762 C FI 92762C FI 922889 A FI922889 A FI 922889A FI 922889 A FI922889 A FI 922889A FI 92762 C FI92762 C FI 92762C
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measuring device
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Reino Kiljunen
Original Assignee
Reino Kiljunen
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Application filed by Reino Kiljunen filed Critical Reino Kiljunen
Priority to FI922889A priority Critical patent/FI92762C/en
Publication of FI922889A0 publication Critical patent/FI922889A0/en
Publication of FI922889A publication Critical patent/FI922889A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI92762B publication Critical patent/FI92762B/en
Publication of FI92762C publication Critical patent/FI92762C/en



  • Tape Measures (AREA)
  • Debarking, Splitting, And Disintegration Of Timber (AREA)




Keksinndn kohteena on menetelmå tukkipuiden mittaamiseksi 5 katkaisua vårten, jossa menetelmåsså tukkipuun tyveen kiin-nitetåån mitta, puutukki mitataan ja katkaistaan tukeiksi.The invention relates to a method for measuring logs for 5 cuts, in which method a measure is attached to the base of a log, the wooden log is measured and cut into supports.

Tukkipuu on hinnaltaan arvokkaampaa kuin kuitupuu. Nykyisin tukkipuiden mittaus suoritetaan puun tyvestå alkaen ja 10 tukkipuuta karsittaessa merkitåån katkaisukohdat. Puun latvaosaan tultaessa ja havaittaessa tukin olevan låpimi-taltaan minimilåpimitan suuruinen valitaan viimeisen tukin kooksi edellisestå kohdasta mitattu sopiva tukin pituus. Samaa periaatetta kåyttåvåt sekå metsuri, joka mittaa mit-15 tanauhalla tukkipuuta, tai monitoimikone, jossa mittauksen suorittaa pituudenmittausanturi. Ongelmana on kuitenkin se, ettå nykyisiå mittatapoja ja mittavålineitå kåytettåesså latvaosaan jåå usein kappale, jonka låpimitta on suurempi tai yhtå suuri kuin minimilåpimitta. Toisin sanoen kaikkea 20 tukkipuuksi mahdollista puuta ei saada kootuksi tukkeina, vaan osa joutuu kuitupuuksi.Logs are more valuable than pulpwood. At present, the measurement of logs is carried out from the base of the tree and when cutting 10 logs, the cutting points are marked. When entering the top of the tree and detecting that the log has a minimum diameter, the appropriate log length measured from the previous point is selected as the size of the last log. The same principle is used by a logger who measures logs with a mit-15 tape measure or by a multifunction machine where the measurement is performed by a length measuring sensor. The problem, however, is that when using current measuring methods and measuring instruments, a piece with a diameter larger than or equal to the minimum diameter often remains in the top part. In other words, not all of the 20 possible logs can be assembled as logs, but some become pulpwood.

KeksinnOn tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin menetelmå, jonka avulla kaikki mahdollinen tukkipuu saadaan katkaistuksi 25 tukeiksi. Lisåksi keksinndn tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin mittavåline menetelmån soveltamiseksi, joka mittavåline on helppokåyttoinen ja yksinkertainen rakenteeltaan.The object of the invention is to provide a method by means of which all possible logs can be cut into supports. In addition, it is an object of the invention to provide a measuring device for applying the method, which measuring device is easy to use and simple in structure.

Keksinndn tarkoitus saavutetaan menetelmållå ja mittavåli-30 neellå, joille on tunnusomaista se, mi tå on esitetty patent-tivaatimuksissa.The object of the invention is achieved by a method and a scale, which are characterized by what is stated in the claims.

Keksinndn mukaisessa menetelmåsså mittaus aloitetaan puun latvaosasta kohdasta, jossa puun halkaisija on tukkipuun 35 minimihalkaisijan suuruinen, ja siirrytåån tukkipuun tyveen påin kåyttåen mittavålinettå, johon on jaotusvålein merkit-tyinå tukkien mahdolliset pituudet ja niiden monikerrat sekå 2 92762 yhdistelmåt ja katkaistaan tukkipuu halutun pituisiksi tukeiksi jokaisen merkintåryhmån kohdalta. Mittausjårjestel-måstå nåhdåån tukin pituus ja seuraava katkaisukohta. Mit-tausvåline voi olla mittanauha tai esim. monitoimikoneen 5 ohjelmoituna toimiva mitta-anturi. Puun mitat, monikerrat ja yhdistelmåt aloitetaan laskemaan tukkipuun tyvestå. Kun metsuri on saapunut kohdalle, jossa puun halkaisija on tukkipuun minimihalkaisijan mukainen, hån nåkee mitastaan vålittomåsti sopivan katkaisukohdan, joka on enintåån 0,15 10 m pååsså. Tåstå kohdasta takaisinpåin siirryttåesså metsuri voi merkitå jokaisen merkintåryhmån kohdalla halutun pitui-sen tukin pituuden. Vastaavasti monitomikoneelle voidaan ohjelmoida niiden tukkien mitat, joita halutaan, ja monitoi-mikone siirtåessåån tukkipuuta karsimisen jålkeen takaisin-15 påin katkaisee sen halutun mittaisiksi tukeiksi. Menetelmåå kåytettåesså saadaan tukkipuun måårå mahdollisimman suurek-si. Mikåli tukkipuu katkotaan mydhemmin, voidaan mitat panna talteen esim. tukin tyveen.In the method according to the invention, the measurement is started from the top of the tree at a point where the diameter of the tree is equal to the minimum diameter of the log 35, and the log is split. The length of the log and the next breaking point can be seen from the measuring system. The measuring medium can be a measuring tape or, for example, a measuring sensor programmed by the multifunction machine 5. The dimensions, multiples and combinations of the wood are started to be calculated from the base of the log. When the logger has arrived at a point where the diameter of the tree corresponds to the minimum diameter of the log, he immediately sees a suitable cutting point in its dimension, which is at most 0.15 to 10 m away. When moving back from this point, the logger can mark the desired length of log for each marking group. Correspondingly, the dimensions of the logs desired can be programmed for the multi-atom machine, and the multifunction machine cuts the logs back to the desired length when it is pruned after pruning. When using the method, the amount of log wood is as large as possible. If the log is cut later, the dimensions can be stored, for example, at the base of the log.

20 Seuraavaksi keksintdå selvitetåån tarkemmin viittaamalla oheiseen piirustukseen, joka esittåå eråstå menetelmån soveltamiseksi kåytettåvåå mittanauhaa.The invention will now be explained in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawing, which shows a measuring tape to be used for applying the method.

Kuvan mukaisessa sovelluksessa on mittanauhaan merkitty 25 alkupååstå l alkaen tukkien mahdolliset pituudet Tx - T6. Tåsså sovelluksessa tukkien minimimittana on 4,3 metriå ja maksimimittana on 5,8 metriå jakovålin ollessa 0,3 metriå. Keksinnon muissa sovelluksissa voidaan kåyttåå erilaisia minimi- ja maksimimittoja. Mittanauhassa on kåytetty Tx = 30 4,3 m ja T« = 5,8 m ja muiden arvojen ollessa niiden vålillå 0,3 m jaotuksella. Tåmå pituusryhmå muodostaa yhden merkintåryhmån .In the application according to the figure, the possible lengths Tx - T6 of the logs are marked on the measuring tape from the beginning 25. In this application, the logs have a minimum dimension of 4.3 meters and a maximum dimension of 5.8 meters with a spacing of 0.3 meters. In other applications of the invention, various minimum and maximum dimensions may be used. Tx = 30 4.3 m and T «= 5.8 m have been used in the measuring tape, with other values spaced 0.3 m apart. This length group forms one entry group.

Seuraavassa merkintåryhmåsså on mittojen kaksinkertaiset 35 arvot ja mittojen erilaiset yhdistelmåt, toisin sanoen Px = 8,6 m ja PX1 = 11,6 m jakovålin ollessa 0,3 metriå. Kolman-nessa merkintåryhmåsså on mittojen kolmikertaiset arvot sekå li 3 92762 toisen merkintåryhmån arvot yhteenlaskettuina er i mittoihin, toisin sanoen Sx = 12,9 m ja S16 = 17,4 m ja muiden arvojen ollessa niiden vålillå 0,3 metrin jaotukselle. Neljånnesså merkintåryhmåsså on puolestaan mittojen nelinkertaiset arvot 5 sekå kolmannen merkintåryhmåm arvoihin lisåtyt mi tat, toisin sanoen Kx ® 17,2 m ja K21 * 23,2 m. Neljånnen merkintåryhmån arvot menevåt jonkin verran samoilla kohdin (0,1 m våliå) kolmannen merkintåryhmån arvojen kanssa, joten merkinnåt on laitettu mittanauhan toiselle sivulle. Merkinnåt voidaan 10 kåytånndsså tehdå myos samalle sivulle, jolloin eri merkin-tåryhmien kohdalla kåytetåån eri vårejå. Mittanauha on yksinkertainen ja sen kåyttd on helppoa. Merkintåryhmisså on kahden saman numeron vali 3 metriå (poikkeuksena neljånnen merkintåryhmån ensimmåinen ja viimeinen numero), ja merkin-15 tåryhmien samojen numeroiden vålit ovat joko 4 metriå (ta-vallisesti) tai 7 metriå tai jopa 10 metriå, joten mittausta suoritettaessa ja katkaisua tehtåesså suunniteltujen ja mahdollisesti merkittyjen mittojen mukaan ei katkaisukohdis-ta voi kåytånndsså erehtyå. Keksinndn mukaisen menetelmån 20 kåytdn helpottamiseksi eri merkintåryhmiin voidaan lisåksi esim. eri våreillå merkitå maksimi- ja minimikohdat, joiden kohdalta tai vålistå saadaan katkaistuksi seuraavaan merkin-tåryhmåån nåhden sopivan mittaisen tukin toinen påå.The following notation group contains double values of the dimensions 35 and different combinations of dimensions, i.e. Px = 8.6 m and PX1 = 11.6 m with a spacing of 0.3 m. The third marking group contains three times the values of the dimensions and li 3 92762 the values of the second marking group added to the er i dimensions, i.e. Sx = 12.9 m and S16 = 17.4 m and the other values between them for a distribution of 0.3 m. In the fourth marking group, on the other hand, there are four times the values of the dimensions 5 as well as the dimensions added to the values in the third marking group, ie Kx ® 17.2 m and K21 * 23.2 m. so the markings are placed on the other side of the tape measure. In practice, the markings can also be made on the same page, in which case different colors are used for different groups of markers. The tape measure is simple and easy to use. The marking groups have a selection of 3 meters of the same number (with the exception of the first and last digits of the fourth marking group), and the intervals between the same numbers in the marking groups are either 4 meters (usually) or 7 meters or even 10 meters, so when measuring and cutting. and according to any dimensions marked, the cutting point cannot be mistaken for use. In order to facilitate the use of the method 20 according to the invention, the maximum and minimum points can also be marked in different marking groups, for example at different points, at which or at one end the other end of a log of a suitable length can be cut with respect to the next marking group.

25 Keksintdå ei rajata esitettyyn edulliseen sovellukseen, vaan se voi vaihdella patenttivaatimuksien muodostaman keksinnOl-lisen ajatuksen puitteissa.The invention is not limited to the preferred embodiment shown, but may vary within the scope of the inventive idea formed by the claims.

Claims (3)

4 92762 l. Menetelmå tukkipuiden mittaamiseksi katkaisua vårten, jossa menetelmåsså tukkipuun tyveen kiinnitetåån mitta, 5 puutukki mitataan ja katkaistaan tukeiksi, tunnettu siitå, ettå mittaus aloitetaan puun latvaosasta kohdasta, jossa puun halkaisija on tukkipuun minimihalkaisijan suu-ruinen, ja siirrytåån tukkipuun tyveen påin, ja ettå mit-tauksessa kåytetåån mittavålinettå (1), johon on jaotusvå-10 lein merkittyinå tukkien mahdolliset pituudet (Ti - Te) ja niiden monikerrat sekå yhdistelmåt (Pt - Pllf Si - Sie, Kx -Ku) i ja katkaistaan tukkipuu halutun pituisiksi tukeiksi jokaisen merkintåryhmån (T, P, S, K) kohdalta.4 92762 l. A method for measuring logs by cutting, in which method a measure is attached to the log base, the log is measured and cut into supports, characterized in that the measurement starts from the top of the tree at the point where the diameter of the log is and that a measuring instrument (1) is used in the measurement, in which the possible lengths of the logs (Ti - Te) and their multiples as well as combinations (Pt - Pllf Si - Sie, Kx -Ku) i are marked with a distribution interval of 10 and the log is cut into logs of the desired length for each entry group (T, P, S, K). 2. Mittavåline patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukaisen menetelmån soveltamiseksi, tunnettu siitå, ettå mittavålinee-seen on merkitty tukkipuun mahdolliset pituudet (Tx - T6) ja niiden monikerrat sekå yhdistelmåt (Pi - P11# Sx - S16, Ki -Kai). 20Measuring device for applying the method according to claim 1, characterized in that the possible lengths (Tx - T6) of the log wood and their multiples as well as combinations (Pi - P11 # Sx - S16, Ki -Kai) are marked on the measuring device. 20 3. Patenttivaatimuksen 2 mukainen mittavåline, t u η n e t-t u siitå, ettå mittavåline on mittanauha, jonka alkupååstå alkaen tukkipuun mahdolliset pituudet ja muut merkintåryhmåt on mitattu. li 92762 5Measuring device according to Claim 2, characterized in that the measuring device is a measuring tape, from the beginning of which the possible lengths of the log and other marking groups are measured. li 92762 5
FI922889A 1992-06-22 1992-06-22 Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure FI92762C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI922889A FI92762C (en) 1992-06-22 1992-06-22 Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI922889A FI92762C (en) 1992-06-22 1992-06-22 Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure
FI922889 1992-06-22

Publications (4)

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FI922889A0 FI922889A0 (en) 1992-06-22
FI922889A FI922889A (en) 1993-12-23
FI92762B FI92762B (en) 1994-09-15
FI92762C true FI92762C (en) 1994-12-27



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FI922889A FI92762C (en) 1992-06-22 1992-06-22 Procedure for measuring timber trees and measuring tools for application of the procedure

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FI922889A (en) 1993-12-23
FI922889A0 (en) 1992-06-22
FI92762B (en) 1994-09-15

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