FI92417C - Process and device for preheating of waste - Google Patents

Process and device for preheating of waste Download PDF


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FI92417C FI925817A FI925817A FI92417C FI 92417 C FI92417 C FI 92417C FI 925817 A FI925817 A FI 925817A FI 925817 A FI925817 A FI 925817A FI 92417 C FI92417 C FI 92417C
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FI92417B (en
FI925817A0 (en
Markku Tanttu
Samuli Nikkanen
Esa Vihavainen
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Ahlstroem Oy
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Priority to FI925817A priority Critical patent/FI92417C/en
Publication of FI925817A0 publication Critical patent/FI925817A0/en
Publication of FI92417B publication Critical patent/FI92417B/en
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Publication of FI92417C publication Critical patent/FI92417C/en



  • Vaporization, Distillation, Condensation, Sublimation, And Cold Traps (AREA)
  • Paper (AREA)


9241 79241 7


Esillå oleva keksinto kohdistuu raenetelmaån ja laitteeseen 5 selluloosateollisuuden jåteliemen, kuten mustalipeån, esilåmmittåmiseksi syottåmållå paineellista hoyryå hoyryn-syottoelimestå hoyryreikien kautta jåteliemivirtaan jate-liemen virratessa jåteliemiputken tai jåteliemikammion lapi.The present invention is directed to a granular method and apparatus 5 for preheating a waste liquor from the cellulose industry, such as black liquor, by feeding pressurized steam from a steam feeder through steam holes to a waste liquor stream as the waste liquor flows through a waste liquor tube or waste liquor tube.

10 Sellunvalmistuksessa erotetaan ligniini ja muu orgaaninen ei-sellupohjainen aines sellun raaka-aineesta keittokemikaa-leilla keittåmållå. Sellun keitosta saadaan sellun lisaksi talteen keittolipea eli jåteliemi. Jåteliemellå, joka erotetaan mekaanisesti sellusta, on korkea polttoarvo sen 15 sisåltåmien hiilipitoisten ja muiden orgaanisten, sellusta erotettujen, palavien aineiden ansiosta. Jateliemi sisaltåå lisåksi, sellun keitossa reagoimattomia, epåorgaanisia kemikaaleja. Jateliemen låmindn ja kemikaalien talteenottami-seksi on kehitetty useita eri menetelmiå.10 In pulp production, lignin and other organic non-pulp-based material are separated from the pulp raw material by cooking with cooking chemicals. In addition to the pulp, cooking liquor is recovered from the pulp soup. The waste liquor, which is mechanically separated from the pulp, has a high calorific value due to the carbonaceous and other organic combustible substances separated from the pulp. Jateliemi also contains inorganic chemicals that do not react in pulp cooking. Several different methods have been developed for the recovery of Jateliemi låmindn and chemicals.


Sulfaattisellun valmistuksesta saatu mustalipeå poltetaan soodakattilassa. Mustalipeån sisåltåmien orgaanisten ja hiilipitoisten aineiden palaessa jåteliemen epåorgaaniset komponentit muuttuvat kemikaaleiksi, joita voidaan kier-25 råttåå uudelleen keittoprosessissa.The black liquor obtained from the production of sulphate pulp is burned in a recovery boiler. When the organic and carbonaceous substances contained in the black liquor burn, the inorganic components of the broth are converted into chemicals that can be recycled in the cooking process.

Mustalipeå on våkevoitåvå ennen polttamista. Mustalipeån pååasiallinen våkevointi tapahtuu esim. sarjaan kytketyisså haihduttimissa. Haihdutuksella mustalipeå voidaan våkevdidå 30 n. 50 - 55 %:n kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen. Tåmån jålkeen mustalipeån kuiva-ainepitoisuutta on vielå nostettava n. 60 -65 %:iin esim. suoralla haihdutuksella.Black liquor must be concentrated before incineration. The main concentration of the black liquor takes place, for example, in evaporators connected in series. By evaporation, the black liquor can be concentrated to a dry matter content of about 50 to 55%. After this, the dry matter content of the black liquor must still be raised to approx. 60-65%, e.g. by direct evaporation.

Haihdutuksen jålkeen on usein tarpeellista vielå esilåmmit-35 tåå jåteliemi ennen sen johtamista talteenottokattilan lipeåsuuttimiin. Tåmå esilåmmitys tapahtuu perinteisesti joko epåsuoralla esilåmmityksellå, mikå suoritetaan yleenså putkilåmmonsiirtimen periaatteella toimivassa esilåmmitti- 2 9241 7 messa, tai suoralla esilåmmityksellå, jossa paineellista hoyryå ajetaan jåteliemen joukkoon.After evaporation, it is often necessary to still preheat the waste liquor before passing it to the lye nozzles of the recovery boiler. This preheating is traditionally carried out either by indirect preheating, which is usually carried out in a preheater based on the principle of a tube heat exchanger, or by direct preheating, in which pressurized steam is introduced into the waste liquor.

Viimeisimpiin rakennettuihin esilåmmitysjårjestelmiin on 5 rakennettu sekå epåsuora ettå suora esilåmmitin. Esilåmmit-timet ovat rinnankytketyt, jolloin niitå voidaan kåyttåå vuorotellen optimaaliseen esilåmmitystulokseen pååsemisek-si vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. Rinnakkaiskytkentå on tietenkin laiteteknisesti kallis ratkaisu. Erityisesti 10 epasuoran esilåmmittimen valmistuskustannukset ovat korkeat. Epasuora esilammitin vaatii lisåksi kåytosså suhteellisen kalliita ja hankalia puhdistustoimenpiteitå. Mahdolliset toimintahåirioistå johtuvat seisokit aiheuttavat huomattavia taloudellisia menetyksia laitokselle.Both the indirect and direct preheaters have been built into the latest built preheating systems. The preheaters are connected in parallel, so that they can be used alternately to achieve the optimal preheating result in varying conditions. Parallel connection is, of course, a technically expensive solution. In particular, the manufacturing cost of the 10 indirect preheaters is high. In addition, the indirect preheater requires relatively expensive and cumbersome cleaning procedures in use. Possible outages due to malfunctions cause significant financial losses to the plant.


Lisåksi mustalipeån låmpotilansååto on kåytosså olevilla perinteisillå suorilla esilåmmittimillå, erikoisesti laajalla toiminta-alueella, vaikeaa.In addition, the temperature control of black liquor is difficult with the traditional direct preheaters in use, especially over a wide operating range.

20 Polttoon menevån jåteliemen suora esilåmmitin on perintei-sesti muodostunut jåteliemiputkesta tai -kammiosta ja sitå ympåroivåstå hoyry-vaipasta. Jåteliemikammion seinåmåån on tålloin muodostettu reikiå, joiden kautta hoyryå syotetåån hoyryvaipasta jåteliemikammioon.20 A direct preheater for a waste liquor for incineration has traditionally consisted of a waste liquor tube or chamber and a surrounding jacket. Holes are then formed in the wall of the waste liquor chamber, through which steam is fed from the steam jacket into the waste liquor chamber.


Tavanomainen mustalipeån suora esilåmmitin kåsittåå nåin rei'itetyn sisåputken eli mustalipeåkammion ja ulkovaipan, eli hoyryvaipan. Ulkovaipassa on vesihoyryn sisåånsyot-toyhde. Lisåksi ulkovaipassa on kondenssiveden poistoyhde. 30 Sisåputkessa, jonka sisåpuolella mustalipeå kulkee on pieniå reikiå, joiden kautta paineellinen hoyry tunkeutuu hoyryvaipasta mustalipeån joukkoon låmmittåen sitå.A conventional black liquor straight preheater comprises an inner tube, i.e. a black liquor chamber, and an outer jacket, i.e. a steam jacket, thus perforated. The outer jacket has a water vapor intake component. In addition, the outer jacket has a condensate drain. 30 The inner tube, inside which the black liquor passes, has small holes through which the pressurized steam penetrates from the steam jacket into the black liquor, heating it.

Toimivuuden kannalta on edellå selostetulla perinteisellå 35 ratkaisulla oleellisesti loydettåvisså vain yksi optimaa-linen toimintapiste, jossa rei'istå virtaa oikea måårå hoyryå ja hoyrykuplan koko on sellainen, ettå lipeåsså ei tapahdu paukahduksia.From the point of view of functionality, the conventional solution 35 described above has essentially only one optimal operating point, where the correct amount of steam flows from the holes and the size of the steam bubble is such that no bursts occur in the lye.

li 3 9241 7li 3 9241 7

Kun mustalipeån virtausmåårå, mustalipeån paine ja/tai hoyryn paine muuttuvat suora esilåmmitin ei enåå toimi optiraaalisella tavalla. Sopivan hbyrynpaineen aikaansaaminen 5 suhteessa mustalipeån paineeseen ja virtausmaaraan onkin aikaisemmin osoittautunut vaikeaksi. Kun hoyrymåaran suhde ei pysy oikeana laite toimii epastabiilisti ja lisåksi våårå hoyrysuhde aiheuttaa "paukkumista" ja tarinaa, joka rasittaa rakennetta. Koko esilammitin toimii talloin epastabiilisti.When the black liquor flow rate, black liquor pressure and / or steam pressure change, the direct preheater no longer operates in an optimal manner. Indeed, obtaining a suitable hybrid pressure 5 relative to the black liquor pressure and flow rate has proven difficult in the past. When the ratio of the steam ratio does not remain correct, the device operates unstably and, in addition, the wrong steam ratio causes a "bang" and a story that strains the structure. The entire preheater then works unstably.


Esilla olevan keksinnon tarkoituksena on aikaansaada edellå esitettyå parempi menetelmå ja laite jåteliemen suoraksi esilammittåmiseksi.It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved method and apparatus for direct preheating of waste liquor than described above.

15 Tarkoituksena on erikoisesti aikaansaada menetelmå ja laite, jotka vaihtelevalla toiminta-alueella toimivat aikaisemmin tunnettuja menetelmia ja laitteita vakaammin ja turvallisem-min.In particular, it is an object to provide a method and a device which, in a variable operating range, operate more stably and safely than previously known methods and devices.

20 Tarkoituksena on lisåksi aikaansaada menetelmå ja laite, joiden avulla talteenottokattilalle menevån jåteliemen låmpotilaa voidaan aikaisempaa tarkenunin sååtåå esilåmmitti-messå.It is a further object to provide a method and an apparatus by means of which the temperature of the effluent entering the recovery boiler can be adjusted more precisely at a preheater fair.

25 Esillå oleva keksinnon mukainen menetelmå jåteliemen esilåmmittåmiseksi paineellisen hoyryn syotollå on edellå esitettyjen tarkoitusperien saavuttamiseksi tunnettu siitå, ettå hoyryreikien kautta jåteliemikammioon syotetyn hoyryn mååråå såådetåån.The method according to the present invention for preheating a broth in a pressurized steam feed is characterized in that, in order to achieve the above-mentioned purposes, the amount of steam fed to the waste broth chamber is controlled through steam holes.


Keksinnon mukainen esilåmmitin on vastaavasti tunnettu siitå, ettå ainakin osa hoyryrei’istå, jotka yhdiståvåt hoyrykammion jåteliemikammioon, on suljettavissa hoyrykam-miosta jåte-liemikammioon virtaavan hoyrymåårån sååtåmiseksi 35 optimaaliseksi.The preheater according to the invention is correspondingly characterized in that at least a part of the steam holes connecting the steam chamber to the waste liquor chamber can be closed to optimize the amount of steam flowing from the steam chamber to the waste broth chamber.

Jåteliemikammioon syotettåvån hoyryn mååråå voidaan sååtåå esim. sååtåmållå hoyrykammiosta jåteliemikammioon yhteydesså 4 9241 7 olevien hoyryreikien lukumååråå. Keksinnon inukaan ainakin osa rei'ista voidaan peittåå peitelevyllå, rengasvaipalla tai vastaavalla, jolloin hoyrynvirtaus nåiden reikien lapi on estynyt.The amount of steam fed to the waste liquor chamber can be determined, for example, by adjusting the number of steam holes in the steam liquor chamber in connection with the waste liquor chamber 4,9241 7. According to the invention, at least part of the holes can be covered with a cover plate, a ring jacket or the like, whereby the flow of steam through these holes is blocked.


Keksinnon mukaisilla laiteratkaisuilla voidaan siis suoraan vaikuttaa auki olevien hoyryreikien lukumååråån, millå on saavutettavissa seuraavat edut: - optimaalinen hoyrymåårå mustalipeåån, 10 - hoyrykuplien koko on kapasiteetista riippuraatta oikeansuu- ruinen, - laite on yksinkertainen, - laite on toimintavarma, - laite on edullinen valmistaa, 15 - laite vaatii våhån huoltoa, - laitteella on alhaiset varaosakustannukset, - laite vaatii ainoastaan vahåisiå puhdistustoimenpiteitå, - laitteen ohjaus on helposti toteutettavissa ja - laite on turvallinen kayttåå laitteen toimintavakauden 20 ansiosta.The device solutions according to the invention can thus directly affect the number of open steam holes, which achieves the following advantages: - optimal steam volume in black liquor, 10 - the size of the steam bubbles is the capacity-dependent wheel of the right size, - the device is simple, - the device is reliable, 15 - the device requires little maintenance, - the device has low spare parts costs, - the device requires only mild cleaning measures, - the device is easy to control and - the device is safe to use due to the stability of the device 20.

Hoyrykammiosta jåteliemikaimnioon virtaavan hoyryn mååråå voidaan toisaalta myos sååtåa jakamalla jåteliemikammiota ympåroivå hoyrykammio erillisiin osiin ja saatåmållå 25 erikseen nåihin osiin syotetyn hoyryn maaråå. Nain voidaan osittain tai kokonaan poistaa kåytostå jokin hoyrykammion osa ja siten sulkea pois kåytostå tåmån osan hoyryreiåt ja siten pienentåå jåteliemivirtaan syotetyn hoyryn mååråå.On the other hand, the amount of steam flowing from the steam chamber to the waste liquor neighborhood can also be controlled by dividing the steam chamber surrounding the waste liquor chamber into separate parts and obtaining the amount of steam fed to these parts separately. In this way, a part of the steam chamber can be partially or completely decommissioned and thus the steam holes of this part can be excluded from use and thus the amount of steam fed into the effluent stream can be reduced.

30 Hoyrykammiosta jåteliemivirtaan syotetyn hoyryn mååråå voidaan tietenkin myos våhentåå siten, ettå suljetaan ‘ mååråtty måårå hoyryreikiå ja avataan vastaava måårå toisia hoyryreikiå, joiden aukot ovat pienemmåt kuin suljettujen hoyryreikien aukot.30 The amount of steam fed from the steam chamber to the effluent stream can, of course, also be reduced by closing a 'determined number of steam holes and opening a corresponding number of other steam holes with smaller openings than the closed steam holes.

Keksinnon kohteena oleva suora esilåmmitin voidaan varustaa erilaisilla toimilaitteilla. Perusajatuksena on kuitenkin se ettå kapasiteetin mukaan mååritetåån auki olevien 35 5 9241 7 hoyryreikien lukuraååråå tai hoyryreikien yhtenåistå avointa pinta-alaa. Rengasvaipan tilalla voidaan siten kayttaå erilaisia ohjauslevyjå tai rauita elimiå, joita liikutetaan mekaanisesti tai muulla tavalla.The direct preheater which is the subject of the invention can be equipped with various actuators. However, the basic idea is that according to the capacity, the number of open 35 5 9241 7 steam holes or the uniform open area of the steam holes is determined. In place of the tire casing, it is thus possible to use various guide plates or iron members which are moved mechanically or in another way.


Keksinnon mukaiset ratkaisut, joissa tarvitaan våhiten liikkuvia osia, ovat suositeltavia ja niilla saavutetaan suurin kåyttovarmuus.The solutions according to the invention, which require the least moving parts, are recommended and achieve the highest operational reliability.

10 Keksintoa selostetaan seuraavassa låhemmin esimerkein ja viittaamalla oheisiin kuvioihin, joissaThe invention will now be described in more detail by way of example and with reference to the accompanying figures, in which

Kuvio 1 esittaå kaaviollisesti eråstå keksinnon mukaista es ilåmmitintå , osittain 15 leikattuna,Fig. 1 schematically shows a pre-heater according to the invention, partly in section,

Kuvio 2 esittaå kaaviollisesti toista sovel- lutusmuotoa keksinnon mukaisesta esilåmmittimestå, osittain leikattuna, Kuvio 3 esittaå suurennoksena kuvion 2 leikkaus- 20 ta viivaa A-A pitkin, jaFig. 2 schematically shows a second embodiment of a preheater according to the invention, partly in section, Fig. 3 shows an enlarged view of section 2 of Fig. 2 along the line A-A, and

Kuviot 4-5 esittåvåt kaaviollisesti toisia sovellu- tusmuotoja keksinnon mukaisesta esilåm- mittimestå, osittain leikattuna.Figures 4-5 schematically show other embodiments of a preheater according to the invention, partly in section.

25 Kuviossa 1 on esitetty esilåmmitin 10, joka kåsittåå pitkånomaisen putkimaisen jåteliemikainmion tai jåteliemiput-ken 12, jonka låpi jåteliemi virtaa nuolten osoittamassa suunnassa. Esilåmmitin kåsittåå lisåksi hoyryvaipan tai hoyrykammion 14, joka on tiiviisti sovitettu jåteliemiputken 30 ympårille. Jåteliemiputken seinåmåån 16 on sen hoyryvaipan , sisåån jååvåån osaan 18 muodostettu hoyryaukkoja 20, joista vain osa nåkyy kuviossa. Lisåksi esilåmmitin kåsittåå rengasvaipan 22, joka peittåå osan jåteliemiputken seinåmåån muodostetuista hoyryaukoista ja siten eståå hoyryn vir-35 taamasta nåista aukoista jåteliemiputkeen. Hoyryvaippa kåsittåå kondenssiveden poistoyhteen 23.Figure 1 shows a preheater 10 comprising an elongate tubular waste liquor blank or waste liquor tube 12 through which the waste liquor flows in the direction indicated by the arrows. The preheater further comprises a steam jacket or steam chamber 14 which is tightly fitted around the broth tube 30. The wall 16 of the waste liquor tube has steam openings 20 formed in the part 18 of its steam jacket, of which only a part is shown in the figure. In addition, the preheater comprises an annular sheath 22 which covers a portion of the vapor openings formed in the walls of the waste liquor tube and thus prevents steam from flowing from those openings into the waste liquor tube. The steam jacket comprises a condensate drain connection 23.

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Rengasvaippaan 22 on yhdistetty siirtoelimet 24, joiden avulla rengasvaippa on siirrettåvisså jåteliemiputken aksiaalisuunnassa.Connected to the ring jacket 22 are transfer members 24 by means of which the ring jacket can be moved in the axial direction of the broth tube.

5 Kuvion 1 mukainen laite esim. mustalipeån suoraksi esilåm-mittåmiseksi kåsittåå siis reiållisen sisåputken, eli jåteliemiputken 12 ja ulomman hoyryvaipan 14. Hoyrya johdetaan hoyryvaippaan yhteella 26. Hoyryvaipasta paineel-linen hoyry johdetaan hdyryreikien 20 kautta mustalipeåån, 10 sen esilåmmittåmiseksi. Hdyryreikien koko ja lukumåårå mååråytyvåt edullisesti låmmittimen maksimikapasiteetin mukaan. Reiåt ovat edullisesti samankokoiset mutta voivat olla erikokoisia.The device according to Figure 1, e.g. The size and number of heating holes are preferably determined by the maximum capacity of the heater. The holes are preferably the same size but may be different sizes.

15 Sisaputken ympårillå olevan aksiaalisuunnassa liikutettavan rengasvaipan 22 aseman mukaan suurempi tai pienempi osa hoyryaukoista 20 voidaan sulkea. Tålloin auki olevien reikien lukumåårå saadaan verrannolliseksi mustalipeån virtausmååråån. Hoyrynpaine voidaan nåin pitåå likimåårin 20 vakiona. Rengasvaipan liikuttaminen voidaan toteuttaa kuviossa 1 esitetyillå elimillå, tai jollain muulla tun-netulla tavalla.Depending on the position of the axially movable annular sheath 22 around the inner tube, a larger or smaller part of the steam openings 20 can be closed. The number of open holes is then proportional to the flow rate of the black liquor. The vapor pressure can thus be kept approximately 20 constant. The movement of the annular sheath can be realized by the members shown in Figure 1, or in some other known manner.

Kuviossa 2 ja 3 on esitetty toinen sovellutusmuoto keksinnon 25 mukaisesta esilåmmittimestå. Kuvioiden esittåmå låmmitin kåsittåå myos jåteliemiputken 12, sitå osittain ympåroivån hoyryvaipan 14 ja rengasvaipan 22. Kuvion 2 mukainen rengasvaippa on tåsså sovellutusmuodossa kehånsuuntaisesti liikuteltavissa jåteliemiputken ympårillå liikuntaelimillå 30 28, jotka kåsittåvåt sååtohammaspyorån 29.Figures 2 and 3 show another embodiment of a preheater according to the invention 25. The heater shown in the figures also comprises a broth tube 12, a partially surrounding steam jacket 14 and an annular jacket 22. In this embodiment, the annular jacket according to Fig.

Rengasvaipan 22 sisåpinnalle on, kuten kuviosta 3 kåy ilmi, sovitettu ripoja 30 tai vastaavia elimiå, jotka mahdollista-vat hoyryn osittaisen virtaamisen myos rengasvaipan siså-35 puolella ripojen våliin jååvåsså tilassa 32.As shown in Fig. 3, ribs 30 or the like are arranged on the inner surface of the annular sheath 22, which also allow a partial flow of steam on the inside-35 side of the annular sheath in the space 32 between the ribs.

Kuvioiden 2 ja 3 esittåmåsså esilåmmittimesså hoyryreikiå on edullisesti sovitettu vain rengasvaipan peittåmalle 7 9241 7 alueelle jåteliemiputken seinåmåsså. Rengasvaippaa liikutta-malla putken kehån suunnassa pystytaan rivat 30 sijoittamaan niin ettå ne tarpeen mukaan peittåvåt suuremman tai pienem-' mån osan putken seinåmåån muodostetuista hoyryrei’istå. 5 Ripojen våliin jaåva tila sallii hoyryn virtaamisen aukois-ta, jotka osuvat nåiden vålien kohdalle.In the preheater shown in Figures 2 and 3, the steam hole is preferably arranged only in the area covered by the annular sheath 7 9241 7 in the wall of the broth tube. By moving the annular jacket in the circumferential direction of the pipe, the ribs 30 can be positioned so as to cover, if necessary, a larger or smaller part of the steam holes formed in the wall of the pipe. 5 The space between the fins allows steam to flow from the openings that hit these gaps.

Myos kuvioiden 2 ja 3 mukaisessa ratkaisussa sisåputki on reiallinen ja reikien koko ja lukumåårå mååråytyy edullises-10 ti låmmittimen maksimikapasiteetin mukaan. Tåssa ratkaisussa rengasvaippa on liikuteltavissa sisåputken ympårillå kehån suunnassa ja rengasvaipan kehånsuuntaisen aseman mukaan sulkeutuu osa aukoista. Myos tålloin saadaan auki olevien reikien lukumåårå rengasvaipan optimaalisessa asemassa 15 verrannolliseksi mustalipeån virtausmååråstå. Hoyrynpaine voidaan pitåå likimåårin vakiona.Also in the solution according to Figures 2 and 3, the inner tube is realistic and the size and number of holes are preferably determined according to the maximum capacity of the heater. In this solution, the annular jacket is movable around the inner tube in the circumferential direction and, depending on the circumferential position of the annular jacket, some of the openings are closed. In this case, the number of open holes in the optimal position of the ring jacket 15 is also made proportional to the flow rate of the black liquor. The vapor pressure can be kept approximately constant.

Kuviossa 4 on esitetty neljås sovellutusmuoto keksinnon mukaisesta esilåmmittimestå. Tåmån kuvion mukainen esilåmmi-20 tin kåsittåå jåteliemiputken 12 ja sen ympårille sovitetun hoyryvaipan 14. Hoyryvaippa on jaettu såteettåisillå våliseinillå 48 ja 49 erillisiin hoyryvaipan osiin 50, 52 ja 54. Hoyryvaipan osat ovat edullisesti saman suuruiset mutta voivat olla erisuuruisetkin.Figure 4 shows a fourth embodiment of a preheater according to the invention. The preheater 20 according to this figure comprises a residual broth tube 12 and a vapor jacket 14 arranged around it.

25 Jåteliemiputken seinåmåån on eri hoyryvaipan osiin muodos-tettu eri suuruinen måårå hoyryreikiå 20. Kuvion 4 mukaisessa ratkaisussa hoyryosassa 50 on våhemmån reikiå kuin osassa 52 ja 54. Hoyryå johdetaan erikseen jokaiseen hoyryvaipan 30 osaan yhteillå 56, 58 ja 60. Yhteisså on venttiilit 62, 64 ja 66, joilla hoyrymååråå voidaan sååtåå.A different number of steam holes 20 are formed in the wall of the waste liquor tube in different parts of the steam jacket. In the solution according to Figure 4, the steam section 50 has fewer holes than in sections 52 and 54. 64 and 66, which can be used to adjust the volume.

Kuvion 4 mukaisessa ratkaisussa siis esilåmmittimen vaippa on jaettu kolmeen eri osatilaan 50, 52 ja 54. Kunkin 35 osatilan kohdalla on sisåputkessa 12 eri måårå reikiå. Kuhunkin osatilaan voidaan erikseen ohjata hoyryå. Vaih-telemalla venttiilien 62, 64 ja 66 sulkuasentoja saadaan eri kapasiteettivaihtoehtoja. Lisåksi hoyryn syottolinjassa 8 9241 7 68 on vielå pååsååtoventtiili 70, jolla voidaan sååtaå kaikkien osatilojen hoyryn syottopainetta.Thus, in the solution according to Figure 4, the preheater jacket is divided into three different sub-spaces 50, 52 and 54. At each of the 35 sub-spaces, the inner tube has 12 different numbers of holes. The steam can be controlled separately for each sub-space. By varying the closed positions of valves 62, 64 and 66, different capacity options are obtained. In addition, the steam supply line 8 9241 7 68 still has a main supply valve 70, which can be used to control the steam supply pressure of all sub-spaces.

Osatiloihin 50, 52 ja 54 on lisåksi sovitettu puhtaanapito-5 linjat 72, 74 ja 76, joiden avulla saadaan pienia mååriå hoyryå ohjattua hoyryreikiin ja minimipaine yllåpidettyå osatiloissa. Tåten estetåån mustalipeån kulkeutuminen osatilaan, jonka varsinainen hoyryventtiili on kiinni.In addition, sanitary-5 lines 72, 74 and 76 are arranged in the sub-spaces 50, 52 and 54, by means of which small amounts of steam can be directed to the steam holes and the minimum pressure is maintained in the sub-spaces. This prevents the black liquor from entering the sub-compartment with the actual steam valve closed.

10 Kuviossa 5 on esitetty viides sovellutusmuoto keksinnon mukaisesta esilåirunittimesta. Kuvion mukainen esilåmmitin kåsittaå, kuten edellinen ratkaisu, jåteliemiputken 12, sen ympårille sovitetun hoyryvaipan 14, joka on jaettu osatiloihin 50, 52, 54 ja 55. Jåteliemiputken seinåmåån on muodos-15 tettu eri måårå hoyryreikiå 20 eri osastojen kohdalle.Figure 5 shows a fifth embodiment of a pre-cutter according to the invention. The preheater according to the figure comprises, as in the previous solution, a waste liquid pipe 12, a steam jacket 14 arranged around it, which is divided into sub-spaces 50, 52, 54 and 55. A different number of steam holes 20 are formed in the wall of the waste water pipe for different compartments.

Kuvion 5 mukaisessa ratkaisussa jåteliemiputken ja hoyryvaipan vålitila on siis jaettu neljåån osaan. Reikien lukumåå-råsuhde osatilojen vålillå on vakio. Kuhunkin osatilaan 20 voidaan erikseen ohjata hoyryå. Saato on tasså tapauksessa ON/OFF periaatteinen . Vaihtelemalla venttiilien sulkeutumis-ta ja avautumista saada eri kapasiteettivaihtoehtoja. Esimerkiksi neljållå eri osatilalla saadaan 24=16 erilaista kapasiteettivaihtoehtoa.In the solution according to Figure 5, the space between the waste liquor tube and the steam jacket is thus divided into four parts. The ratio of the number of holes between the sub-spaces is constant. The steam can be controlled separately for each sub-space 20. In this case, the yield is ON / OFF. By varying the closing and opening of the valves to get different capacity options. For example, four different sub-modes provide 24 = 16 different capacity options.


Osatiloihin on myos tåsså sovellutuksessa yhdistetty puhtaanapitolinjat 72, 74 ja 76, joiden avulla saadaan pieniå hoyrymååriå ohjattua osatiloihin ja estetåån mustalipeån kulkeutuminen osatilaan, jonka varsinainen hoyryvent-30 tiili on kiinni.In this application, the cleaning compartments 72, 74 and 76 are also connected to the compartments, by means of which a small amount of steam can be directed to the compartments and the passage of black liquor to the compartment with the actual brake-30 brick closed.

Edellå esitetyt keksinnon mukaiset ratkaisut parantavat oleellisesti suoran esilåramittimen toimivuutta. Talteenotto-kattilalle johdettavan jåteliemen låmpotila voidaan sååtåå 35 tarkasti. Jåteliemen joukkoon ei joudu liikaa tai liian våhån vesihoyryå ja jåteliemen kuiva-aineosuus pysyy mahdollisimman korkeana.The solutions according to the invention presented above substantially improve the functionality of the straight pre-meter. The temperature of the waste liquor fed to the recovery boiler can be precisely adjusted. There is not too much or too little water vapor in the broth and the dry matter content of the broth remains as high as possible.


9 9241 79 9241 7

Keksinnon mukaiset suorat esilåmmittimet toimivat stabiilis-ti ja tarinattomasti. Esilammittimien kapasiteettia voidaan myos saåtaå optimaalisella tavalla.The direct preheaters according to the invention operate stably and without story. The capacity of the preheaters can also be obtained in an optimal way.

5 Keksintoa ei ole tarkoitus rajata edellå esitettyihin sovellutusesimerkkeihin vaan sitå on tarkoitus voida soveltaa patenttivaatimusten måårittelemån suojapiirin puitteissa.The invention is not intended to be limited to the application examples presented above, but is intended to be applicable within the scope defined by the claims.

Claims (13)

1. Menetelmå selluloosateollisuuden jateliemen, kuten 5 mustalipeån, esilåmmittåmiseksi syottamålla paineellista hoyryå hoyrynsyottoelimesta hoyryreikien kautta jåteliemi-virtaan jateliemen virratessa jateliemiputken tai -kammion låpi, tunnettu siitå, ettå esilåmmitystå såådetåån sååtåmållå hoyryreikien kautta jateliemikammioon syotetyn hoyryn 10 maåraa hoyryreikiin vaikuttamalla .1. Process for black liquor from the cellulose industry, such as black liquor 5, esilåmmittåmiseksi death pressurized steam is hoyrynsyottoelimesta hoyryreikien jåteliemi through-flow of the waste liquor flowing jateliemiputken or chamber låpi, further characterized in the inputted through and working esilåmmitystå såådetåån sååtåmållå hoyryreikien jateliemikammioon Vapor 10 hoyryreikiin deal of control. 2. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen menetelma, tunnettu siita, etta syotetyn hoyryn måaråa saadetaan saatamållå jateliemivirtaan 15 yhteydessa olevien hoyryreikien lukumaaraa.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the amount of vapor fed is obtained by obtaining a number of vapor holes connected to the dispenser stream 15. 3. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen menetelma, tunnettu siita, etta syotetyn hoyryn måaråa såådetåån sååtåmållå jåteliemivirtaan 20 yhteydesså olevien hoyryreikien aukkojen kokoa eli aukkojen yhteenlaskettua avointa pinta-alaa.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the amount of steam introduced is adjusted by adjusting the size of the openings of the steam holes in connection with the effluent stream 20, i.e. the total open area of the openings. 4. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå 25. jåteliemi esilåmmitetåån sen virratessa pitkånomaisen jåteliemikammion låpi, jonka seinåmåån on muodostettu hoyryreikiå hoyryn syottåmiseksi siihen kammiota ympåroi-våstå hoyryvaipasta ja ettå - jåteliemeen syotetyn hoyryn mååråå såådetåån sulkemalla 30 tai avaamalla osa hoyryrei'istå.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the effluent 25 is preheated as it flows through an elongate effluent chamber having a vapor hole formed in it. . 5. Patenttivaatimuksen 4 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå syotetyn hoyryn mååråå såådetåån sååtåmållå jåteliemivirtaan 35 yhteydesså olevien hoyryreikien lukumååråå.A method according to claim 4, characterized in that the amount of steam introduced is controlled by adjusting the number of vapor holes connected to the effluent stream 35. 6. Patenttivaatimuksen 5 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå, ettå 9241 7 syotetyn hoyryn mååråå såådetaan peittåraållå osa pitkånomai-sen jåteliemikanunion vaipasta erillisellå rengasvaipalla siten, ettå haluttu osa hoyryrei'istå peittyy.A method according to claim 5, characterized in that in the amount of steam fed 24241 7, a part of the jacket of the elongate waste liquor union is provided on the cover with a separate annular jacket so that the desired part of the steam holes is covered. 7. Patenttivaatimuksen 1 mukainen menetelmå, tunnettu siitå. ettå - jåteliemi esilåmmitetåån pitkånomaisessa jåteliemikammios-sa, jonka ympårille on sovitettu ainakin kahteen eri osaan jaettu hoyryvaippa, joka hoyryreikien kautta on yhteydesså 10 jåteliemikammioon, ja ettå - jåteliemikammioon syotettåvån hoyryn mååråå saådetåån saåtåmållå eri hoyryvaipan osiin syotettåvån hoyryn mååråå.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that. that the ice broth is preheated in an elongated ice broth chamber surrounded by a chute jacket divided into at least two different parts, which is connected to the ice chamomile chamber through the steam holes, and that 8. Esilåmmitin selluloosateollisuuden jåteliemen, kuten 15 mustalipeån, esilammittåmiseksi, joka esilåmmitin kåsittåå jåteliemikammion (12) ja siihen yhteydesså olevan hoyrysyot-toelimen (14) sekå useita hoyryreikiå (20), joiden kautta paineellista hoyryå syotetåån hoyrynsyottoeliraestå jåte-liemikammiossa virtaavaan jåteliemeen, tunnettu siitå, 20 ettå ainakin osa hoyryrei’istå (20) on suljettavissa hoyrynsyot-toelimestå jåteliemikammioon virtaavan hoyrymåårån sååtåmi-seksi.A preheater for preheating a waste liquor from the cellulose industry, such as 15 black liquors, which preheater comprises a waste liquor chamber (12) and an associated steam extraction means (14) and a plurality of steam holes (20) in the flow outlet. , 20 that at least a part of the steam holes (20) can be closed from the steam intake member to control the amount of steam flowing into the waste liquor chamber. 9. Patenttivaatimuksen 8 mukainen esilåmmitin, tunnettu siitå, ettå - putkenmuotoinen jåteliemikammio (12) on ympåroity hoyry-vaipalla (14), - jåteliemikammion putkenmuotoiseen seinåån on muodostettu 30 hoyryreikiå (20), jotka yhdiståvåt hoyryvaipan jåteliemikammioon, ja ettå - jåteliemikammio on hoyryvaipan sisållå lisåksi varustettu putkenmuotoista kammiota ainakin osittain ympåroivållå rengasvaipalla (22), joka on liikuteltavissa aksiaalisesti 35 ja/tai såteettåisesti siten ettå sillå voidaan peittåå haluttu osa hoyryrei’istå.A preheater according to claim 8, characterized in that - the tubular waste broth chamber (12) is surrounded by a steam jacket (14), - 30 steam holes (20) are formed in the tubular wall of the waste broth chamber further provided with an annular jacket (22) at least partially surrounding the tubular chamber, which is movable axially 35 and / or radially so that it can cover the desired part of the steam holes. 10. Patenttivaatimuksen 9 mukainen esilåmmitin, 9241 7 tunnettu siitå, ettå rengasvaippa (22) muodostaa tiiviin renkaan jåteliemikaminion ymparille.A preheater according to claim 9, 9241 7, characterized in that the annular jacket (22) forms a tight ring around the waste liquor stack. 11. Patenttivaatimuksen 9 mukainen esilammitin, tunnettu siitå, etta rengasvaippa (22) on sisåpuolelta varustettu ripamaisilla elimilla (30), jotka sulkevat osan hoyryrei'istå.A preheater according to claim 9, characterized in that the annular sheath (22) is provided on the inside with rib-like members (30) which close part of the steam holes. 12. Patenttivaatimuksen 9 mukainen esilammitin, tunnettu siitå, ettå putkenmuotoista jåteliemikammiota ympåroi putkenmuotoinen hoyryvaippa (14), joka on jaettu yhdellå tai useammalla såteettåisellå våliseinållå (48,49) kahteen tai useampaan 15 peråkkåiseen hoyrynsyottotilaan (50,52,54,55), joihin johtavat hoyryntuloyhteet (56,58,60) on varustettu hoyry-venttiileillå (62,64,66) hoyrynsyottotilan kautta jåtelie-mikammioon syotettåvån hoyrymåårån saåtåmiseksi.A preheater according to claim 9, characterized in that the tubular waste liquor chamber is surrounded by a tubular steam jacket (14) divided by one or more radial partitions (48,49) into two or more 15 consecutive steam intakes. the conductive vapor inlet connections (56,58,60) are provided with vapor valves (62,64,66) through the vapor intake space to obtain the amount of vapor fed to the waste liquid chamber. 13. Patenttivaatimuksen 12 mukainen esilammitin, tunnettu siitå, etta jåteliemikammion seinamå ainakin kahdessa hdyrynsyottotilas-sa on varustettu eri lukumaaralla hoyryreikia. 25 9241 7A preheater according to claim 12, characterized in that a different number of steam holes are provided in the wall of the broth chamber in at least two steam intake spaces. 25 9241 7
FI925817A 1992-12-22 1992-12-22 Process and device for preheating of waste FI92417C (en)

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