FI91591C - Arrangement for a portable office included - Google Patents

Arrangement for a portable office included Download PDF


Publication number
FI91591C FI925681A FI925681A FI91591C FI 91591 C FI91591 C FI 91591C FI 925681 A FI925681 A FI 925681A FI 925681 A FI925681 A FI 925681A FI 91591 C FI91591 C FI 91591C
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front wall
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FI925681A0 (en
FI91591B (en
Hannu Jokinen
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Hannu Jokinen
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Application filed by Hannu Jokinen filed Critical Hannu Jokinen
Priority to FI925681A priority Critical patent/FI91591C/en
Publication of FI925681A0 publication Critical patent/FI925681A0/en
Publication of FI91591B publication Critical patent/FI91591B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI91591C publication Critical patent/FI91591C/en



  • Purses, Travelling Bags, Baskets, Or Suitcases (AREA)




Keksinnon kohteena on patenttivaatimuksen 1 johdanto-osassa måaritelty jårjestely mukana kannetta-5 vaksi toimistoksi.The invention relates to an arrangement as defined in the preamble of claim 1 for a portable office.

Mukana kannettavat mikrotietokoneet ja niisså kaytettavat pienet tulostimet ovat tehneet mahdollisek-si toimistotyoskentelyn myos toimistotilojen ulkopuo-lella, asiakaskåynneillå, autossa ja yleenså kaikkialla 10 siså- ja ulkotiloissa såån ja valaistuksen sallimissa rajoissa. Tåten onkin tullut yleiseksi kuljettaa sopi-vassa salkussa tai laukussa mukana mikrotietokonetta ja mahdollisesti tulostinta ja ottaa ne sitten esille esim. poydålle kåyttotilanteessa.The included microcomputers and the small printers used in them have made office work possible even outside the office space, at customer visits, in the car and in general every 10 indoor and outdoor spaces within the limits allowed by the weather and lighting. Thus, it has become common to carry a microcomputer and possibly a printer in a suitable briefcase or bag and then bring them to the table, for example, in use.

15 Tållaisten konttorikoneiden kuljetus ja kåyttd tavallisissa asiakirjasalkuissa on kuitenkin hankalaa. Laitteet salkun kanssa tai ilman sitå vievåt suhteelli-sen paljon tilaa ja niiden pakkaaminen ja purkaminen salkusta kåyttokuntoon on monissa tilanteissa hankalaa.15 However, the transport and use of such office machines in ordinary briefcases is cumbersome. Devices with or without a briefcase take up a relatively large amount of space and are difficult to pack and unpack from the briefcase to many in many situations.

20 Keksinnon tarkoituksena on poistaa edellMThe object of the invention is to eliminate the foregoing

mainitut epåkohdat. Erityisesti keksinnon tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin uudenlainen jårjestely mukana kannetta-vaksi toimistoksi, joka mahdollistaa mukana kannetta-vien konttorikoneiden joustavan ja nopean kåyttddnoton 25 ja saattamisen takaisin kuljetuskuntoon. Samoin keksin-: ndn tarkoituksena on mahdollistaa mikron ja tulostimen yhteydesså kåytettåvien muiden konttoritarvikkeiden joustava ja helppo kåytto.mentioned shortcomings. In particular, it is an object of the invention to provide a new type of arrangement for a portable office, which enables the flexible and rapid use and return of portable office machines 25 to transport condition. It is also an object of the invention to enable flexible and easy use of other office supplies for use with a microphone and a printer.

Keksinnolle tunnusomaisten seikkojen osalta 30 viitataan vaatimusosaan.For features of the invention, reference is made to the claims.

Keksinnon mukaiseen jårjestelyyn mukana kan-nettavaksi toimistoksi kuuluu suljettava salkku, jossa on tilaa kannettavalle mikrotietokoneelle, tulostimelle ja muille kulloinkin tarvittaville toimistotarvikkeil-35 le. Salkkuun kuuluu pohja, etuseinå ja takaseinå sekå niitå yhdiståvåt påadyt ja takaseinåån kåantyvåsti yhdistetty suljettava tai lukittava kansi. Keksinnon 2 91591 mukaisesti jårjestelmåån kuuluu mikrokansio, johon kannettava mikrotietokone on kiinnitettåvisså ja taten salkkuun sijoitettavissa. Lisåksi jårjestelmåån kuuluu tulostinkansio, johon tulostin on kiinnitettåvisså ja 5 taten salkkuun sijoitettavissa etuseinån viereiseen lokeroon. Samoin keksinndn mukaisesti salkun etuseinas-sa on poikittainen taitos tai nivel siten, etta se on laskettavissa eteen ja alaspåin toimimaan etuseinån viereiseen lokeroon sijoitetun tulostimen paperite-10 lineenå esimerkiksi yhdesså tulostinkansion olennaises-ti samansuuntaiseksi kåånnetyn etukannen kanssa.The portable office included in the arrangement according to the invention comprises a closable briefcase with space for a portable microcomputer, a printer and other office supplies needed at any given time. The briefcase includes a bottom, a front or rear wall, as well as a connecting or lockable lid that connects them to the ends and pivotally connected to the rear wall. According to the invention 2 91591, the system comprises a microfolder to which a portable microcomputer can be attached and placed in a portfolio. In addition, the system includes a printer folder to which the printer can be attached and placed in a briefcase in a tray adjacent to the front wall. Similarly, according to the invention, the front wall of the briefcase has a transverse fold or hinge so that it can be lowered forward and downward to act as a paper web for a printer located in a tray adjacent to the front wall, e.g.

Edullisessa keksinnon sovelluksessa salkun etuseinån ja takaseinån vålinen tila on jaettu kolmeen lokeroon, joista yksi on tulostimelle, toinen mikrolle 15 ja kolmas muille toimistotarvikkeille, kuten tulostimen papereille, erilaisille esitteille ja vastaaville. Edullisesti salkun leveys on sellainen, ettå esim. samaan lokeroon mikron kanssa mahtuu sen lisåakut ja/tai latauslaite.In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the space between the front wall and the back wall of the briefcase is divided into three compartments, one for the printer, one for the microphone 15 and a third for other office supplies such as printer papers, various brochures and the like. Preferably, the width of the briefcase is such that, for example, its batteries and / or charger can be accommodated in the same compartment as the micro.

20 Edullisesti tulostinkansioon, esim. sen taka- kanteen on jårjestetty sopivat kiinnittimet, joilla tulostin saadaan tukevasti kiinnitetyksi kansioon. Kiinnittiminå voi olla erilaiset kulmatuet, hihnat, kotelot tai vastaavat rakenteet.Preferably, suitable fasteners are provided in the printer folder, e.g. its back cover, with which the printer can be firmly attached to the folder. The fasteners can be various corner supports, straps, housings or similar structures.

25 Samoin edullisesti mikrokansioon on jårjestet- : ty sopivat kiinnittimet mikron kiinnittåmiseksi siihen.Likewise, preferably suitable fasteners are provided in the microfolder for attaching the micro to it.

Kiinnittimiin voi kuulua esim. sopiva kulmatuki, joka voidaan kiinnittåå esim. tarralla mikrokansion toiseen kanteen sopivaan kohtaan kåytettåvån mikron mittojen 30 mukaan. Samoin kiinnittimiin voi kuulua sopiva tarra-pinta, jolla mikro kiinnitetåån kansioon.The fasteners may include, for example, a suitable angle bracket, which may be fastened, e.g. with a sticker, to a suitable location on the second cover of the microfolder according to the dimensions of the micro to be used. Likewise, the fasteners may include a suitable label surface with which the micro is attached to the folder.

Keksinnon mukaisessa salkussa, esim. sen kan-nen sisåpinnassa tai joidenkin lokeroiden påådyisså tai lokeroiden våliseinisså voidaan kåyttaå erilaisia såi-35 lytystaskuja, lokeroita tai kiinnittimiå erilaisille mukana tarvittaville toimistotarvikkeille. Tållaisia tarvikkeita ovat esim. disketit, kåyntikortit, luotto- 3 i ] b 91 kortit, puhelin, laskin, akku, akkuvaraaja ja kynåt.In the briefcase according to the invention, e.g. on the inner surface of its lid or on the ends of some compartments or in the partitions of the compartments, various storage pockets, compartments or fasteners can be used for the various office supplies required. Such accessories include, but are not limited to, floppy disks, business cards, credit cards, telephone, calculator, battery, battery charger, and pens.

Erååsså keksinnon sovelluksessa pååtyjen siså-pintoihin kuuluu johteet, joihin salkun lokeroihin jakavat våliseinat voidaan irrotettavasti kiinnittåå.In one embodiment of the invention, the inner surfaces of the ends include guides to which the partitions dividing the compartments of the portfolio can be detachably attached.

5 Nåin salkun lokeroiden måaraa ja kokoa voidaan tarpeen mukaan vaihtaa. Esim. silloin, kun tulostinta ei tarvi-ta, voidaan mikro sijoittaa jompaan kumpaan reunimmai-sista lokeroista ja toinen valiseinå poistaa. Myos on mahdollista kayttaa erilaisia våliseiniå, joissa voi 10 olla joko molenunilla puolilla tai vain toisella puolel-la erilaisia sailytystaskuja, lokeroita tai kiinnitti-mia.5 This allows the number and size of the tray trays to be changed as needed. For example, when a printer is not needed, the micro can be placed in one of the outermost trays and the other partition wall removed. It is also possible to use different partitions, which can have different storage pockets, compartments or fasteners on either side or only on one side.

Myos on mahdollista, ettå yksi tai useampi våliseinistå on kiinteitå. Talloin edullisesti kiin-15 teisså våliseinisså, salkun pohjassa tai reunoissa voidaan kåyttåå erilaisia taskuja, johteita tai lokeroita, joihin esim. mikrokansio voidaan kiinnittåa tai tukea. Eras edullinen sovellus on kiinnittåå mikrokansio keskimmåisen lokeron toista pååtyå vasten ja tukea 20 tulostin etummaisen lokeron vastakkaista pååtyå vasten.It is also possible that one or more of the partitions is fixed. In such cases, various pockets, guides or compartments can be used, preferably in fixed partitions, at the bottom or at the edges of the briefcase, to which, for example, a microfolder can be attached or supported. An advantageous application of the Eras is to attach the microfolder to the other end of the middle tray and to support the printer 20 against the opposite end of the front tray.

Nåin lokeroihin jåå tilaa akuille, varaajille ja muille oheislaitteille salkun ollessa tasaisesti kuormattu.This leaves space in the compartments for batteries, chargers and other peripherals when the portfolio is evenly loaded.

Lisåksi keksinnon mukaisessa jårjestelysså voidaan kåyttåå erilaisia muita lisåkansioita, kuten 25 kamerakansio ja instrumenttikansio, jotka voidaan sijoittaa salkkuun valinnaisesti aina salkun kåyttotar-koituksen mukaan.In addition, various other additional folders can be used in the arrangement according to the invention, such as a camera folder and an instrument folder, which can optionally be placed in the portfolio according to the intended use of the portfolio.

Edullisessa keksinnon sovelluksessa salkun påådyt on esim. muovista puristamalla tehty yhdeksi 30 kappaleeksi, johon kuuluu pååtylevy, reunat pohjan, etuseinån ja takaseinån kiinnitystå vårten sekå siså-pinnassa johteet, joihin våliseinåt voidaan kiinnittåå.In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the ends of the briefcase are made, e.g.

Keksinnon mukaisella jårjestelyllå on useita etuja tunnettuun tekniikkaan verrattuna. Salkussa aina 35 mukaan valitut tarvittavat toimistotarvikkeet pysyvåt hyvåsså jårjestyksesså ja ovat helposti kåyttddn otet-tavissa. Salkun ollessa pystyasennossa avattavissa, 91591 4 sitå ei tarvitse levittåå ja avata kokonaisuudessaan poydålle, kuten yleisimmin kåytettåvåt asiakirjasalkut. Salkun etuseinån avautuessa paperitelineeksi tulosti-melle ei tulostinta tarvitse ottaa salkusta pois, vaan 5 se toimii salkussa esim. lattialla. Salkkua normaalisti kåytettåesså vain mikro otetaan kansiossaan pois salkusta ja sitåkin voidaan hyvin kåyttåå kansioonsa tuet-tuna, esim. istuttaessa, reisien påållå. Keksinnon mukaista salkkua voidaan myos kåyttåå tavallisena salk-10 kuna ilman laitekansioita aina tarpeiden mukaan.The arrangement according to the invention has several advantages over the prior art. The necessary office supplies, always selected according to 35 in the portfolio, remain in good order and are easy to use. With the briefcase openable in a vertical position, the 91591 4 does not need to be spread and opened in its entirety on the table, like the most commonly used briefcases. When the front wall of the briefcase opens as a paper rack for the printer, it is not necessary to remove the printer from the briefcase, but it works in the briefcase, eg on the floor. With normal use of the briefcase, only the micro is removed from the briefcase in its folder and can also be used well supported in its folder, e.g. when sitting, on the thighs. The briefcase according to the invention can also be used as a standard briefcase without device folders, as required.

Seuraavassa keksintoa selostetaan yksityiskoh-taisesti viittaamalla oheisiin piirustuksiin, joissa kuva 1 esittåå eråstå keksinnon mukaista salkkua avoi-mena, 15 kuva 2 esittåå eråstå keksinnon mukaista mikrokansiota, kuva 3 esittåå eråstå keksinnon mukaista tulostinkan-siota ja kuva 4 esittåå kuvan 2 mikrokansiota kåyttoasennossa.The invention will now be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which Figure 1 shows an open portfolio according to the invention, Figure 2 shows a microfolder according to the invention, Figure 3 shows a printer folder according to the invention and Figure 4 shows a microfolder in Figure 2.

Kuvan 1 mukaiseen salkkuun 1 kuuluu olennai-20 sesti tasainen pohja 2 sekå siitå ylospåin olennaisen kohtisuorana ulottuvat etuseinå 3, takaseinå 4 sekå nåitå yhdiståvåt påådyt 5. Takaseinån 4 ylåreunaan on kååntyvåksi kiinnitetty kansi 6, jolla salkku on sul-jettavissa. Etuseinån 3 alareunasta etåisyydelle ylos-25 påin, mutta sen puolivålin alapuolelle korkeussuunnassa kuuluu vaakasuuntainen nivellys tai taitos 22, joka mahdollistaa etuseinån ylåosan 23 kååntåmisen piirus-tuksen esittåmåån olennaisesti vaakasuuntaiseen asen-toon. Tåsså sovelluksessa laukun pååtyjen 5 sisåpin-30 toihin on jårjestetty johteet 20 joihin tukeutuu vå-liseinåt 21, jotka jakavat laukun sisåtilat kolmeen lokeroon 10, 11 ja 12.The briefcase 1 according to Fig. 1 comprises a substantially flat base 2 extending upwards substantially perpendicularly to the front wall 3, the rear wall 4 and the ends 5 connecting them. From the lower edge of the front wall 3 to the distance up to 25, but below it in the height direction, there is a horizontal articulation or fold 22 which allows the upper part 23 of the front wall to be turned to the substantially horizontal position shown in the drawing. In this application, guides 20 are arranged on the inner surfaces 30 of the ends 5 of the bag, on which partitions 21 rest, which divide the interior of the bag into three compartments 10, 11 and 12.

Myos on mahdollista, ettå våliseinåt tai aina-kin toinen våliseinistå on kiinteitå, jolloin påådyn 5 35 sisåpinnassa ei tarvita johteita, vaan våliseinå on suoraan kiinnitettynå sopivilla tavoilla pååtyyn. Kuvan 1 salkkuun, sen kannen 6 sisåpintaan on lisåksi kiinni- 1/ 5 91591 tetty erilaisia såilytystaskuja 17, lokeroita 18 sekå kiinnittimiå 19 erilaisille toimistotarvikkeille.It is also possible that the partitions or at least one of the partitions is fixed, in which case no guides are required on the inner surface of the end 5 35, but the partition is directly attached to the end in suitable ways. In addition, various storage pockets 17, compartments 18 and fasteners 19 for various office supplies are attached to the briefcase of Fig. 1, to the inner surface of its cover 6.

Kuvassa 2 on esitettynå mikrokansio 7, jota voidaan kåyttåå kuvan 1 salkun yhteydesså. Mikrokan-5 siossa on avautuva kansi 24, selkå 25 sekå pohja 26 ja pohjan ulkoreunassa on kiinnityslåppå 27, joka on tai-tettavissa kannen 24 reunan påålle ja esim. tarrakiin-nityksellå kiinnitettåvisså kanteen.Figure 2 shows a microfolder 7 which can be used in connection with the portfolio of Figure 1. The microcannula 5 has an opening lid 24, a back 25 and a base 26, and the outer edge of the base has a fastening flap 27 which can be folded over the edge of the lid 24 and, for example, can be fastened to the lid by means of a velcro fastening.

Pohjaan 26 on esim. tarralla kiinnitetty kul-10 matuki 15, jonka paikka on mååråtty kåytettåvån mikron dimensioiden mukaan. Lisåksi pohjassa 26 on tarrapinta 16, jolla mikro kiinnitetåån pohjaan 26.The base 26 is provided with, for example, an adhesive support 15 with a sticker, the position of which is determined according to the dimensions of the micro to be used. In addition, the base 26 has an adhesive surface 16 with which the micro is attached to the base 26.

Kuvan 2 mukaista mikrokansiota 7 voidaan kåyt-tåå kuvan 4 mukaisesti. Tålloin pohja 26 mikroineen 28 15 kåånnetåån påålle eli selkå 25 ja kansi 24 kåånnetåån mikron alle samoin kuin kiinnityslåppå 27. Nåin esim. poydålle tai istuttaessa jalkojen påålle asetettuna kansio tukee mikron 28 hyvåån kåyttoasentoon.The microfolder 7 according to Fig. 2 can be used according to Fig. 4. In this case, the base 26 with the micro 28 28 is turned over, i.e. the back 25 and the cover 24 are turned under the micro as well as the fastening flap 27. Thus, for example when placed on a table or sitting on the legs, the folder supports the micro 28 in a good position.

Kuvassa 3 on esitettynå tulostinkansio 8, joka 20 on tarkoitettu kåytettåvåksi kuvan 1 salkun 1 etummai-sessa lokerossa 10. Kun tulostin on kiinnitetty tulos-tinkansion 8 takakanteen 13 sopivilla kiinnittimillå 14, esim. hihnoilla, kansio voidaan sijoittaa lokeroon 10 selkå 29 alaspåin sekå niin, ettå kansion etukansi 9 25 on salkun 1 etuseinåå 3 vasten. Tålloin taivutettaessa : etuseinån 3 ylåosa 23 olennaisesti vaakasuuntaiseen asentoon kuvan 1 esittåmållå tavalla, voidaan tulostin-kansion 8 etukansi 9 taitoksesta 30 kååntåå vastaavasti etuseinån 3 ylåosaa 23 vasten. Taitos 30 on etåisyydel-30 lå kansion 8 selåstå 29, esim. noin 1/3 kansion etukan-nen 9 leveydestå. Samoin taitos 22 on etuseinåsså 3 olennaisesti vastaavalla etåisyydellå laukun pohjasta niin, ettå taitokset 22 ja 30 tulevat olennaisesti kohdakkain.Figure 3 shows a printer folder 8 intended for use in the front tray 10 of the portfolio 1 of Figure 1. Once the printer is secured to the back cover 13 of the result folder 8 by suitable fasteners 14, e.g., straps, the folder can be placed in the tray 10 with the back 29 facing down and that the front cover 9 25 of the folder is against the front wall 3 of the portfolio 1. In this case, when bending: the upper part 23 of the front wall 3 to a substantially horizontal position as shown in Fig. 1, the front cover 9 of the printer folder 8 can be turned from the fold 30 against the upper part 23 of the front wall 3, respectively. The fold 30 is at a distance of 30 from the back 29 of the folder 8, e.g. about 1/3 of the width of the front cover 9 of the folder. Likewise, the fold 22 is in the front wall 3 at a substantially corresponding distance from the bottom of the bag so that the folds 22 and 30 are substantially aligned.

35 Nåin etuseinån ylåosa 23 ja taivutettu etukan si 9 muodostavat tulostimelle paperitelineen ja tulos-tinta voidaan suoraan kayttåå sen ollessa paikallaan 6 91591 laukussa. Nåin tulostinta ei keksinnon mukaisessa jår-jestelysså tarvitse poistaa salkusta, vaan se on sal-kussa aina kayttovalmiina.35 Thus, the upper part 23 of the front wall and the bent front cover 9 form a paper holder for the printer, and the printer can be used directly when it is in place in the bag 6 91591. In this way, the printer does not have to be removed from the briefcase in the arrangement according to the invention, but is always in the briefcase ready for use.

Edella keksintoS on selostettu esimerkinomai-5 sesti oheisten piirustusten avulla keksinnon eri so-vellusten ollessa kuitenkin mahdollisia patenttivaati-musten rajaaman keksinnollisen ajatuksen puitteissa.The invention has been described above by way of example with the aid of the accompanying drawings, however, various embodiments of the invention are possible within the scope of the inventive idea defined by the claims.


Claims (10)

1. Anordning vid ett bårbart kontor att bara med sig, till vilket kontor hor en tillslutbar port- 5 fdlj, vari finns utrymme fSr en barbar mikrodator, en skrivare och andra i varje enskilt fall behdvliga kon-torsartiklar, till vilken portfolj (1) hdr en botten (2), en framvågg (3) och en bakvågg (4) samt dem får-enande andar (5) och ett med bakvaggen vandbart forenat 10 tillslutbart eller låsbart lock (6), kånne-t e c k n a d dårav, att - till anordningen hdr en mikroforvaringspårm (7), vari den barbara mikrodatorn kan fastas och på detta sått placeras i portfdljen, 15. till anordningen hdr en skrivarforvaringspårm (8), vari skrivaren kan fåstas och och på detta sått placeras i portfoljen i ett fack bredvid framvåggen och att - att portfoljens framvågg kan sånkas framåt och nedåt for att fungera som ett pappersståll for skrivaren fdr- 20 delaktigt tillsammans med skrivarfdrvaringspårmens svangda frampårm (9).1. Device at a portable office to carry with it only, to which office there is a lockable port, containing space for a portable microcomputer, a printer and other in each case necessary office supplies, to which portfolio (1) hdr a bottom (2), a front wall (3) and a rear wall (4), and those sheep-like spirits (5) and a closable or lockable lid (6) pivotally coupled to the rear wall, to the device, there is a micro-storage track (7), in which the portable microcomputer can be attached and placed in this way in the portfolio, 15. to the device where a printer storage track (8), where the printer can be secured and, in this way, placed in the portfolio in a compartment next to and - that the portfolio's front wall can be lowered forward and downward to function as a paper bar for the printer peacefully along with the curved front frame of the printer driver (9). 2. Anordning enligt patentkrav 1, kånne-t e c k n a d dårav, att utrymmet mellan portfoljens (1) framvågg (3) och bakvågg (4) år indelat i åtminsto- 25 ne två, fdrdelaktigt tre fack (10, 11, 12), ett forstå fdr skrivaren, ett andra fdr mikron och ett tredje f6r ovriga kontorsartiklar.2. Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the space between the front wall (3) and the rear wall (4) of the portfolio (1) is divided into at least two, preferably three compartments (10, 11, 12), one Understand the printer, a second micron, and a third for other office supplies. 3. Anordning enligt patentkrav 1 eller 2, kånnetecknad dårav, att till skrivarfdrva- 30 ringspårmens (8) bakpårm (13) hor fåstdon (14) for fåstande av skrivaren i forvaringspårmen.3. Device according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the back latch (13) of the printer drive groove (8) has a fastener (14) for securing the printer in the storage groove. - 4. Anordning enligt något av patentkraven 1 - 3, kånnetecknad dårav, att till mikrofor-varingspårmen (7) hor fåstdon (15, 16) fSr fåstande av 35 mikron i denna.4. Device according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the micro-storage track (7) has fasteners (15, 16) for attaching 35 microns therein. 5. Anordning enligt patentkrav 4, kånnetecknad dårav, att till fåstdonen h6r ett hdrn- 91591 10 stod (15), vilket t.ex. med en sjålvhåftande remsa kan fastas i ett lage enligt mikrons storlek i mikroforva-ringspårmens (7) ena pårm.5. Apparatus according to claim 4, characterized in that an attachment (15) is attached to the fasteners, which e.g. with a self-adhesive strip can be attached to a micron-sized layer in one arm of the micro-storage groove (7). 6. Anordning enligt patentkrav 4 eller 5, 5 kånnetecknad dårav, att till fastdonen hQr en sjålvhåftande yta (16), med vilken mikron kan fåstas i mikrofbrvaringspårmens (7) ena pårm.6. Device according to claim 4 or 5, characterized in that a self-adhesive surface (16) is provided to the fasteners, with which microns can be secured in one arm of the micro-retention groove (7). 7. Anordning enligt något patentkraven 1-6, kånnetecknad dårav, att till portfdljens 10 (1) locks (6) inneryta hdr forvaringsfickor (17), fack (18) eller fåstdon (19) får en eller flera av grupper-na: disketter, visitkort, kreditkort, telefon, fick- råcknare, ackumulator, ackumulatorladdare, pennor.7. Apparatus according to any one of claims 1-6, characterized in that one or more of the groups: one or more of the groups to the inner surface of the port 10 (1) locks (6) for storage pockets (17), compartments (18) or fasteners (19) , business cards, credit cards, telephone, pocket charger, accumulator, accumulator charger, pens. 8. Anordning enligt något av patentkraven 1 - 15 7, kånnetecknad dårav, att till innerytor- na på åndarna (5) hor ledare (20), vari mellanvåggarna (21) som delar portfoljen (1) i fack (10, 11, 12) kan fåstas losgorbart eller fast.8. Device according to any one of claims 1 to 15, characterized in that, to the inner surfaces of the spirits (5), there are conductors (20), wherein the partitions (21) dividing the portfolio (1) in compartments (10, 11, 12). ) can be detachable or fixed. 9. Anordning enligt något av patentkraven 1 - 20 8, kånnetecknad dårav, att till anordnin gen hor en mångd tillåggsforvaringspårmar, såsom en kameraforvaringspårm, instrumentforvaringspårm osv., vilka valbart kan placeras i portfQljen (1) enligt portfoljens anvåndningsåndamål.Device according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized in that a plurality of additional storage tracks, such as a camera storage track, instrument storage track, etc., which can be optionally placed in the portfolio (1) according to the application's purpose, are included. 10. Anordning enligt något av patentkraven 1 - 9, kånnetecknad dårav, att portf51jens (1) åndar (5) år gjorda, t.ex. gjutna, såsom ett enda en-hetligt stycke, till vilket hSr en åndplatta, kanter fSr fåstande i bottnen (2), framvåggen (3) och bakvåg-30 gen (4) samt på innerytan ledare (20) f6r mellanvåggarna (21) . li10. Device according to any one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that the spirits (5) are made (5), e.g. molded, such as a single unit piece, to which is a spirit plate, edges being fixed in the bottom (2), the front wall (3) and the rear wall (4), and on the inner surface conductor (20) for the intermediate walls (21). li
FI925681A 1992-12-14 1992-12-14 Arrangement for a portable office included FI91591C (en)

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FI925681A FI91591C (en) 1992-12-14 1992-12-14 Arrangement for a portable office included

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FI925681 1992-12-14
FI925681A FI91591C (en) 1992-12-14 1992-12-14 Arrangement for a portable office included

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FI91591B FI91591B (en) 1994-04-15
FI91591C true FI91591C (en) 1994-07-25



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FI925681A FI91591C (en) 1992-12-14 1992-12-14 Arrangement for a portable office included

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