ES1189209U - Discoteca cabinet with guardarropia (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) - Google Patents
Discoteca cabinet with guardarropia (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) Download PDFInfo
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- ES1189209U ES1189209U ES201730797U ES201730797U ES1189209U ES 1189209 U ES1189209 U ES 1189209U ES 201730797 U ES201730797 U ES 201730797U ES 201730797 U ES201730797 U ES 201730797U ES 1189209 U ES1189209 U ES 1189209U
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La invencion, tal como expresa el enunciado de la presente memoria descriptiva, se refiere a un mueble de discoteca con guardarropia aportando, a la funcion a que se destina, ventajas y caracteristicas, que se describen en detalle mas adelante, que suponen una destacable novedad en el estado actual de la tecnica.The invention, as expressed in the statement of the present specification, refers to a nightclub with wardrobe providing, to the function to which it is intended, advantages and features, which are described in detail below, which represent a remarkable novelty in the current state of the art.
El objeto de la presente invencion recae en un mueble de discoteca, concretamente una mesa o una silla, sofa o asiento similar, de los utilizados en las discotecas y salas de fiesta o locales de ocio similares para su uso por parte de los clientes, que presenta la innovadora particularidad de presentar un alojamiento de guardarropia o taquilla con cerradura incorporada integrado en el propio mueble para que dichos clientes puedan dejar en el sus pertenencias, evitando dejarlas a la vista y sin vigilancia mientras bailan o se distraen.The object of the present invention falls on a nightclub furniture, specifically a table or a chair, sofa or similar seat, of those used in nightclubs and party rooms or similar entertainment venues for use by customers, which It presents the innovative feature of presenting a wardrobe or locker accommodation with built-in lock integrated into the furniture itself so that these customers can leave their belongings, avoiding leaving them in sight and unattended while they dance or are distracted.
El campo de aplicacion de la presente invencion se enmarca dentro del sector de la industria dedicada a la fabricacion de muebles, centrandose particularmente en el ambito de los muebles destinados a establecimientos de ocio, en particular mesas y sofas o muebles de asiento.The field of application of the present invention is framed within the sector of the industry dedicated to the manufacture of furniture, particularly focusing on the field of furniture for leisure establishments, in particular tables and sofas or seating furniture.
Como es sabido, en las discotecas y salas de fiesta es habitual utilizar, cuando lo hay, el servicio de guardarropfa para depositar el abrigo, chaqueta o similar, para que no supongan un estorbo mientras se disfruta del ocio en el local. Sin embargo, el bolso y otras pertenencias de menor tamano, por ejemplo el movil, la cartera, etc., se siguen manteniendo cerca para poder tenerlos a mano si hay que utilizarlos durante la velada, cosa muy frecuente. Mas habitual aun, es mantener cerca dichas pertenencias en las zonas vip de las discotecas y salas de fiesta. En cualquier caso, pertenencias que suelen quedar a la vista y sin vigilancia cuando los clientes se alejan de la mesa en que estan y salen a bailar a la pista o se distraen por cualquier motivo, con el riesgo de que les sean indebidamente sustrafdas al menor descuido.As it is known, in the discos and party rooms it is usual to use, when there is, the cloakroom service to deposit the coat, jacket or similar, so that they do not suppose a hindrance while enjoying the leisure in the premises. However, the bag and other belongings of smaller size, for example the mobile, the wallet, etc., are still kept close to be able to have them on hand if you have to use them during the evening, something very frequent. More usual, it is to keep these belongings close in the VIP areas of the discos and party halls. In any case, belongings that are usually visible and unattended when customers move away from the table they are in and go out to dance on the dance floor or get distracted for any reason, with the risk of being unduly abducted from the child neglect.
El objetivo de la presente invencion es, pues, solventar esta problematica mediante el desarrollo de un innovador tipo de mobiliario para discotecas y salas de fiesta con el guardarropfa o taquilla incorporado, de modo que el cliente pueda guardar en el sus pertenencias y acceder a ellas en cualquier momento y todas las veces que desee sin moverse de la mesa en que este acomodado.The objective of the present invention is, therefore, to solve this problem by developing an innovative type of furniture for nightclubs and party rooms with the built-in wardrobe or locker, so that the client can store and access their belongings at any time and as many times as you want without leaving the table where you are accommodated.
Por otra parte, y como referencia al estado actual de la tecnica, cabe senalar que, al menos por parte del solicitante, se desconoce la existencia de ningun otro mueble de discoteca con guardarropfa ni ninguna otra invencion de aplicacion similar que presente unas caractensticas tecnicas y estructurales iguales o semejantes a las que concretamente presenta el que aqm se reivindica.On the other hand, and as a reference to the current state of the art, it should be noted that, at least on the part of the applicant, the existence of any other disco furniture with cloakroom or any other invention of similar application that presents technical characteristics and characteristics is unknown. Structural same or similar to those specifically presented by the one claimed here.
El mueble de discoteca con guardarropia que la invencion propone se configura pues como una novedad dentro de su campo de aplicacion, ya que, a tenor de su implementacion se alcanzan satisfactoriamente los objetivos anteriormente senalados, estando los detalles caracterizadores que lo hacen posible y lo distinguen convenientemente recogidos en las reivindicaciones finales que acompanan a la presente descripcion.The disco furniture with wardrobe that the invention proposes is therefore configured as a novelty within its field of application, since, according to its implementation, the previously stated objectives are satisfactorily achieved, being the characterizing details that make it possible and distinguish it conveniently set forth in the final claims that accompany this description.
Concretamente, lo que la invencion propone, como se ha indicado anteriormente, es un mueble, tal como una mesa o una silla, sofa o asiento similar, de los utilizados por los clientes en discotecas, salas de fiesta, locales de ocio o similares, que se distingue por presentar un alojamiento de guardarropia en forma de taquilla con cerradura incorporada que esta integrado en el propio mueble para permitir que dichos clientes puedan usarlo mientras estan en el local guardando en su interior sus pertenencias, y evitar asi dejarlas a la vista y sin vigilancia cuando se alejan del mueble por ir a la barra, a bailar a la pista o se distraen.Specifically, what the invention proposes, as indicated above, is a piece of furniture, such as a table or chair, sofa or similar seat, of those used by customers in nightclubs, party halls, entertainment venues or the like, that is distinguished by presenting a wardrobe housing in the form of a locker with a built-in lock that is integrated into the furniture itself to allow said customers to use it while they are at the store keeping their belongings inside, and thus avoid leaving them in sight and unattended when they move away from the furniture by going to the bar, dancing to the dance floor or getting distracted.
Preferentemente, la cerradura de dicho alojamiento es electrica o electronica y se acciona de manera inalambrica, o bien mediante un mando a distancia o mediante llaves electronicas, como pulseras/tarjetas nfc (del ingles near field communication, comunicacion de campo cercano en espanol) o a traves del movil, con el fin de que la cerradura no se vea a simple vista, para lo cual el propietario del local proporcionara a los clientes tales llaves o claves de apertura. Ademas, tambien de manera preferida, la abertura de la puerta del alojamiento de guardarropia/taquilla es automatica, es decir, sin tener que tirar de un tirador, por el mismo motivo de que, no sea visible su existencia.Preferably, the lock of said housing is electric or electronic and is operated wirelessly, either by a remote control or by electronic keys, such as bracelets / cards nfc (English near field communication, near field communication in Spanish) or through the mobile, so that the lock is not visible to the naked eye, for which the owner of the premises will provide customers with such keys or opening keys. In addition, also preferably, the opening of the door of the wardrobe / locker housing is automatic, that is, without having to pull a handle, for the same reason that its existence is not visible.
Por otra parte, en la realizacion preferida del mueble, la puerta del alojamiento de guardarropfa/taquilla esta situada en el lateral de dicho mueble, ya sea mesa o asiento, permitiendo asf el uso normal del mismo aun cuando dicha puerta este abierta y se pueda abrir y cerrar cuantas veces sea necesario sin dejar de usar la mesa o asiento por parte de los clientes/usuarios.On the other hand, in the preferred embodiment of the furniture, the door of the wardrobe / locker housing is located on the side of said furniture, either table or seat, thus allowing normal use thereof even when said door is open and can be opened. open and close as many times as necessary while continuing to use the table or seat by customers / users.
El alojamiento de guardarropfa/taquilla que incorpora el mueble puede ser, por ejemplo, un hueco con puerta de acceso, o un cajon que se desliza permitiendo el acceso al mismo.The storage / locker housing that incorporates the furniture can be, for example, a recess with access door, or a drawer that slides allowing access to it.
El alojamiento de guardarropfa/taquilla puede ser un espacio compartimentado, por ejemplo con baldas y/o con tabiques separadores, permitiendo guardar varios objetos de manera ordenada.The cloakroom / locker housing can be a compartmentalized space, for example with shelves and / or with partition walls, allowing several objects to be stored in an orderly manner.
Por ultimo, el alojamiento de guardarropfa/taquilla que incorpora el mueble de la invencion puede tener la puerta y/o una pared transparente, permitiendo ver desde fuera el contenido del interior, pudiendo tambien incorporar iluminacion interior, para facilitar la vision de su contenido a los usuarios, dado que las discotecas y salas de ocio similar suelen ser locales con poca luz, y, opcionalmente, puede presentar elementos publicitarios retro-iluminados o no.Finally, the wardrobe / locker housing that incorporates the furniture of the invention can have the door and / or a transparent wall, allowing to see from outside the interior content, and can also incorporate interior lighting, to facilitate the vision of its content to the users, since the discotheques and similar leisure rooms are usually local with low light, and, optionally, may present retro-illuminated advertising elements or not.
El descrito mueble de discoteca con guardarropfa consiste, pues, en una estructura innovadora de caractensticas desconocidas hasta ahora para el fin a que se destina, razones que unidas a su utilidad practica, la dotan de fundamento suficiente para obtener el privilegio de exclusividad que se solicita.The described nightclub furniture with cloakroom consists, then, in an innovative structure of characteristics unknown until now for the purpose to which it is intended, reasons that together with its practical utility, provide it with sufficient foundation to obtain the privilege of exclusivity that is requested .
Para complementar la descripcion que se esta realizando y con objeto de ayudar a una mejor comprension de las caractensticas de la invencion, se acompana a la presente memoria descriptiva, como parte integrante de la misma, una hoja de dibujos en la que con caracter ilustrativo y no limitativo se ha representado lo siguiente:To complement the description that is being made and in order to help a better understanding of the features of the invention, a descriptive sheet is attached as an integral part thereof, with an illustrative character and non-limiting the following has been represented:
La figura numero 1.- Muestra una vista esquematica en perspectiva de un ejemplo del mueble de discoteca con guardarropfa de la invencion, concretamente una mesa, apreciandose las principales partes y elementos que comprende, asf como su configuracion y disposicion, en especial el alojamiento de guardarropfa que incorpora, el cual se ha representado en posicion cerrada; yFigure number 1.- Shows a schematic perspective view of an example of the disco furniture with cloakroom of the invention, specifically a table, appreciating the main parts and elements that it comprises, as well as its configuration and arrangement, especially the housing of wardrobe incorporating, which has been represented in closed position; Y
la figura numero 2.- Muestra una vista similar a la anterior, de la mesa tomada como ejemplo del mueble de discoteca con guardarropfa, segun la invencion, en este caso representada con el alojamiento de guardarropfa abierto, apreciandose su configuracion interior.Figure number 2.- It shows a view similar to the previous one, of the table taken as an example of the disco furniture with a cloakroom, according to the invention, in this case represented with the cloakroom housing open, appreciating its interior configuration.
A la vista de las mencionadas figuras, y de acuerdo con la numeracion adoptada, se puede observar en ellas un ejemplo no limitativo del mueble de discoteca con guardarropfa de la invencion, el cual comprende lo que se indica y describe en detalle a continuacion.In view of the aforementioned figures, and in accordance with the numbering adopted, a non-limiting example of the disco furniture with a cloakroom of the invention can be observed, which comprises what is indicated and described in detail below.
Asf, tal como se aprecia en dichas figuras, el mueble (1) de la invencion, consistente en una mesa en el ejemplo representado, pero que igualmente puede consistir en una silla, sofa u otro tipo de asiento, paraThus, as seen in said figures, the furniture (1) of the invention, consisting of a table in the example shown, but which may also consist of a chair, sofa or other type of seat, for
uso de los clientes en discotecas, salas de fiesta, locales de ocio o similares, presenta un alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla con cerradura (3) incorporada, apto para guardar objetos personales, el cual queda integrado en la propia estructura del mueble (1), independientemente de cual sea esta.use of customers in nightclubs, party rooms, entertainment venues or similar, presents a built-in wardrobe / locker (2) with lock (3), suitable for storing personal items, which is integrated into the furniture structure itself (1), regardless of which one it is.
Preferentemente, la cerradura (3) de dicho alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla queda oculta a la vista y es electrica o electronica y es accionada de una manera inalambrica, mediante un mando a distancia, llaves electronicas, o a traves del movil. Ademas, de manera preferida, el alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla no dispone de tirador para su apertura, la cual, ya sea con puerta (4) o como cajon deslizante, se efectua de modo automatico mediante un mecanismo asociado a la propia cerradura (3).Preferably, the lock (3) of said wardrobe / locker housing (2) is hidden from view and is electric or electronic and is operated in a wireless manner, by means of a remote control, electronic keys, or through the mobile. In addition, preferably, the wardrobe / locker housing (2) does not have a handle for opening, which, either with a door (4) or as a sliding drawer, is carried out automatically by means of a mechanism associated with the same lock (3).
En cualquier caso, el acceso al alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla, de preferencia, esta situado en el lateral del mueble (1) y de manera que su apertura y cierre no interfiere en el uso normal del mueble (1).In any case, access to the wardrobe / locker housing (2), preferably, is located on the side of the furniture (1) and so that its opening and closing does not interfere with the normal use of the furniture (1).
En la realizacion preferida, el alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla es un espacio compartimentado, por ejemplo con baldas (5) y/o con tabiques separadores para guardar varios objetos de manera ordenada.In the preferred embodiment, the wardrobe / locker housing (2) is a compartmentalized space, for example with shelves (5) and / or with partition walls to store several objects in an orderly manner.
Opcionalmente, el alojamiento (2) de guardarropia/taquilla posee una o mas paredes transparentes (6), incluyendo o no la puerta (4), que permiten ver desde fuera el contenido del interior.Optionally, the wardrobe / locker housing (2) has one or more transparent walls (6), including or not the door (4), which allow the interior contents to be seen from outside.
Tambien opcionalmente, puede incorporar iluminacion interior (no representada en las figuras) y/o presentar elementos publicitarios retro- iluminados o no.Also, optionally, you can incorporate interior lighting (not shown in the figures) and / or present backlit advertising elements or not.
Descrita suficientemente la naturaleza de la presente invencion, asi como la manera de ponerla en practica, no se considera necesario hacer mas extensa su explicacion para que cualquier experto en la materia 5 comprenda su alcance y las ventajas que de ella se derivan, haciendose constar que, dentro de su esencialidad, podra ser llevada a la practica en otros modos de realizacion que difieran en detalle de la indicada a titulo de ejemplo, y a las cuales alcanzara igualmente la proteccion que se recaba siempre que no se altere, cambie o modifique su principio 10 fundamental.Describing sufficiently the nature of the present invention, as well as the way of putting it into practice, it is not considered necessary to extend its explanation so that any expert in the field 5 understands its scope and the advantages that derive from it, stating that , within its essentiality, it may be carried out in other ways of realization that differ in detail from that indicated by way of example, and to which it will also achieve the protection that is sought as long as it does not alter, change or modify its principle 10 fundamental.
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ES201730797U ES1189209Y (en) | 2017-07-03 | 2017-07-03 | DISCOTHEQUE FURNITURE WITH GUARDARROPY |
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ES201730797U ES1189209Y (en) | 2017-07-03 | 2017-07-03 | DISCOTHEQUE FURNITURE WITH GUARDARROPY |
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