ES1156159U - Transportation packaging and exhibitor for flowers or other products. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) - Google Patents

Transportation packaging and exhibitor for flowers or other products. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) Download PDF


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ES1156159U ES201630498U ES201630498U ES1156159U ES 1156159 U ES1156159 U ES 1156159U ES 201630498 U ES201630498 U ES 201630498U ES 201630498 U ES201630498 U ES 201630498U ES 1156159 U ES1156159 U ES 1156159U
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  • Packging For Living Organisms, Food Or Medicinal Products That Are Sensitive To Environmental Conditiond (AREA)


Transport packaging and exhibitor for flowers or other products that, consisting of a box (1) of cardboard or similar laminar material, of variable configuration, suitable for transport and storage of the product (2) contained in a bucket ( 3), and having a cover (4) for the introduction and removal thereof, is characterized in that said box (1), on at least one of its faces (1a), has means (5) for clamping under pressure that hold said product (2) placed in the tank (3) when positioning the box (1) with said face (1a) in its upper part, serving as a display stand thereof, without performing any assembly or disassembly operations other than the extraction of the product (2) and the tray (3) and its insertion in said means (5). (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)











La invention, tal como expresa el enunciado de la presente memoria descriptiva, se refiere a un embalaje de transporte y expositor para flores u otros productos que aporta, a la funcion a que se destina, ventajas y caracterlsticas, que se describiran en detalle mas adelante, que suponen una novedad en el estado actual de la tecnica.The invention, as stated in the present specification, refers to a transport and display package for flowers or other products that contributes, to the function to which it is intended, advantages and characteristics, which will be described in detail below. , which are a novelty in the current state of the art.

Mas concretamente, el objeto de la invencion se centra en un embalaje de carton, o material similar, cuya configuration estructural en forma de caja esta especialmente disenada para proporcionar un doble uso, por una parte, el de embalaje protector para el transporte y almacenamiento del producto que contiene preservandolo de golpes o aplastamientos, y por otra parte, una vez en el punto de venta, el de soporte expositor para dicho producto, sin que para ello sea necesario realizar ningun tipo de operation, montaje o desmontaje del embalaje, sencillamente la extraction del producto y su insertion en la tapa de la caja, siendo dicho producto, preferentemente, flores, pero sin que se descarte cualquier otro tipo producto apto para su colocation en una cubeta o recipiente similar.More specifically, the object of the invention is centered on a cardboard packaging, or similar material, whose structural configuration in the form of a box is specially designed to provide a double use, on the one hand, of protective packaging for the transport and storage of the product that contains it, preserving it from shocks or crushing, and on the other hand, once at the point of sale, the display stand for said product, without it being necessary to perform any type of operation, assembly or disassembly of the packaging, simply the extraction of the product and its insertion in the lid of the box, said product being preferably flowers, but without discarding any other type of product suitable for placement in a similar bucket or container.


El campo de aplicacion de la presente invencion se enmarca dentro del sector de la industria dedicada a la fabrication de cajas de embalaje, centrandose particularmente en el ambito de las fabricadas en carton, preferentemente las destinadas para el transporte de flores y productos similares.The field of application of the present invention is framed within the industry sector dedicated to the manufacture of packaging boxes, particularly focusing on the field of cardboard boxes, preferably those intended for the transport of flowers and similar products.


Como referencia al estado actual de la tecnica, cabe senalar que, si bien se conocen en el mercado multiples tipos y modelos de cajas de embalaje para todo tipo de productos asl como diferentes tipos de soporte para exposition de productos de muy distinta Indole, muchos de ellos fabricados a partir de cuerpos laminares de carton o similar, al menos por parte del solicitante, se desconoce la existencia de ninguno que presente unasAs a reference to the current state of the art, it should be noted that, although multiple types and models of packaging boxes are known in the market for all types of products as well as different types of support for exposing products of very different Indole, many of they manufactured from cardboard lamellar bodies or similar, at least by the applicant, the existence of any that presents some is unknown.








caracterlsticas tecnicas, estructurales y constitutivas semejantes a las que concretamente presenta el que aqul se preconiza, segun se reivindica.technical, structural and constitutive characteristics similar to those specifically presented here, as claimed.


Asl, el embalaje de transporte y expositor para flores u otros productos que la invention propone se configura como una novedad dentro de su campo de aplicacion, estando los detalles caracterizadores que lo hacen posible y que lo distinguen convenientemente recogidos en las reivindicaciones finales que acompanan a la presente description.Thus, the transport and display packaging for flowers or other products that the invention proposes is configured as a novelty within its field of application, with the characterizing details that make it possible and that distinguish it conveniently included in the final claims that accompany This description.

De manera concreta, lo que la invencion propone, como se ha apuntado anteriormente, es un embalaje de carton, o material laminar similar, consistente en una caja cuya configuration estructural se distingue por proporcionar un doble uso, por una parte, el de embalaje protector para el transporte y almacenamiento del producto que contiene, preservandolo de golpes o aplastamientos como cualquier caja de embalaje, y por otra parte, una vez en el punto de venta, la posibilidad de su utilizacion como soporte expositor para dicho producto, sin que para ello sea necesario realizar ningun tipo de operation, montaje o desmontaje del embalaje, sencillamente la extraction del producto y su insertion en la cara superior de la caja, normalmente constituida por la tapa de la misma, para lo cual esta especialmente dotada de medios para ello, siendo dicho producto, preferentemente, flores contenidas en una cubeta, si bien ello no supone una limitation, ya que tambien puede ser apto para su utilization con cualquier otro tipo producto siempre que sea apto para su colocacion en una cubeta o recipiente similar.Specifically, what the invention proposes, as noted above, is a cardboard packaging, or similar sheet material, consisting of a box whose structural configuration is distinguished by providing a double use, on the one hand, of protective packaging for the transport and storage of the product it contains, preserving it from shocks or crushing like any packing box, and on the other hand, once at the point of sale, the possibility of its use as an exhibitor support for said product, without this it is necessary to carry out any type of operation, assembly or disassembly of the packaging, simply the extraction of the product and its insertion in the upper face of the box, normally constituted by the lid of the same, for which it is specially equipped with means for it, said product being, preferably, flowers contained in a bucket, although this does not imply a limitation, since it can also be suitable for use with any other product as long as it is suitable for placement in a similar bucket or container.

Entrando mas en los detalles, cabe destacar que la caja puede presentar cualquier configuracion volumetrica para adaptarse a la forma y dimensiones del producto a contener, por ejemplo de prisma rectangular, contando, preferentemente, con una tapa a traves de la que se introduce y extrae el producto.Going further into the details, it should be noted that the box can have any volumetric configuration to adapt to the shape and dimensions of the product to be contained, for example, with a rectangular prism, preferably having a lid through which it is inserted and removed. the product.

Ademas, en una de las caras de la caja, que quedara en la parte superior cuando el embalaje se utiliza como soporte expositor, consistiendo preferentemente en la cara superior que preferentemente es a la vez la que constituye la tapa, se contempla la existencia de una serie de precortes, que constituyen los medios de sujecion del producto para servir como soporte expositor, los cuales, a su vez, tambien estan disenados en funcion del tamano y forma de la cubeta en que se coloca el producto, por ejemplo formado un clrculo conIn addition, on one of the faces of the box, which will remain at the top when the packaging is used as an exhibitor support, preferably consisting of the upper face that is preferably the one that constitutes the lid, the existence of a series of precuts, which constitute the means of securing the product to serve as an display stand, which, in turn, are also designed according to the size and shape of the cuvette in which the product is placed, for example formed a circle with








multiples tramos radiales, de manera que esta quede encajada ajustadamente en ellos.multiple radial sections, so that it fits tightly into them.

Asl, tras sacar del interior de la caja la cubeta con las flores o producto de que se trate, se vuelve a cerrar la tapa superior, presionando los precortes de la misma de manera que la cubeta encaje en ellos.Thus, after removing from the inside of the box the bucket with the flowers or product in question, the upper lid is closed again, pressing the precuts thereof so that the bucket fits into them.

Por ultimo cabe mencionar que, si bien preferentemente los precortes que permiten la sujecion de la cubeta con las flores o producto de que se trate ya vendran realizados de fabrica en el embalaje, no se descarta que, opcionalmente, solo esten impresas las llneas para que sea el propio usuario/comerciante quien los realice con un cuter u otra herramienta cortante.Finally, it should be mentioned that, although preferably the precuts that allow the holding of the bucket with the flowers or product in question are already made in the packaging, it is not ruled out that, optionally, only the lines are printed so that It is the user / merchant himself who performs them with a cuter or other cutting tool.

El resultado final es un soporte a modo de pedestal sobre el que esta sujeta la cubeta con las flores, pudiendo estar impreso en cualquiera de sus caras con diversos motivos en funcion del uso que se le vaya a dar.The end result is a pedestal support on which the bucket with flowers is attached, and can be printed on any of its faces with various motifs depending on the use that will be given.

Preferentemente, en el caso de que el producto a contener sean flores frescas, la caja cuenta con aberturas superiores e inferiores que permiten la circulation de aire y evitan la condensacion de humedad.Preferably, in the case that the product to be contained are fresh flowers, the box has upper and lower openings that allow air circulation and prevent moisture condensation.

Asimismo, la tapa superior cuenta tambien con una lengueta que permite el cierre, y con unas aletas laterales que dan rigidez a la estructura cuando la tapa se encuentra cerrada, lo cual es especialmente deseable cuando la cubeta esta colocada en ella.Likewise, the upper cover also has a tongue that allows the closure, and with lateral fins that give rigidity to the structure when the lid is closed, which is especially desirable when the tray is placed therein.

El descrito embalaje de transporte y expositor para flores u otros productos representa, pues, una innovation de caracterlsticas estructurales y constitutivas desconocidas hasta ahora, razones que unidas a su utilidad practica, la dotan de fundamento suficiente para obtener el privilegio de exclusividad que se solicita.The described transport and display packaging for flowers or other products represents, therefore, an innovation of structural and constitutive characteristics unknown until now, reasons that together with its practical utility, provide it with sufficient grounds to obtain the privilege of exclusivity that is requested.


Para complementar la description que se esta realizando y con objeto de ayudar a una mejor comprension de las caracterlsticas de la invention, se acompana a la presente memoria descriptiva, como parte integrante de la misma, de un juego de planos, en los queTo complement the description that is being carried out and in order to help a better understanding of the features of the invention, this descriptive report is attached, as an integral part thereof, of a set of drawings, in which








con caracter ilustrativo y no limitativo se ha representado lo siguiente:With illustrative and non-limiting character, the following has been represented:

La figura numero 1.- Muestra una vista en perspectiva de un ejemplo del embalaje de transporte y expositor para flores u otros productos, objeto de la invention, el cual se ha representado en position de uso para transporte y/o almacenamiento del producto, pero con la tapa abierta, mostrando el producto contenido en su interior, asl como las principales partes y elementos que comprende.Figure number 1.- Shows a perspective view of an example of the transport packaging and display for flowers or other products, object of the invention, which has been represented in position of use for transport and / or storage of the product, but with the lid open, showing the product contained inside, as well as the main parts and elements it comprises.

La figura numero 2.- Muestra una vista en planta superior del ejemplo del embalaje, segun la invencion, mostrado en la figura 1, representado en este caso con la tapa cerrada, de manera que se aprecia la configuration y partes de la misma.Figure number 2.- Shows a top plan view of the packaging example, according to the invention, shown in Figure 1, represented in this case with the lid closed, so that the configuration and parts thereof can be appreciated.

Y la figura numero 3.- Muestra una vista en perspectiva del mismo ejemplo del embalaje de la invencion mostrado en las figuras precedentes, en este caso representado en posicion de uso como soporte expositor del producto.And figure number 3.- Shows a perspective view of the same example of the packaging of the invention shown in the preceding figures, in this case represented in a position of use as a product display stand.


A la vista de las mencionadas figuras, y de acuerdo con la numeration adoptada, se puede observar en ellas un ejemplo no limitativo del embalaje de transporte y expositor para flores u otros productos preconizado, el cual comprende las partes y elementos que se indican y describen en detalle a continuation.In view of the aforementioned figures, and in accordance with the numbering adopted, a non-limiting example of the transport and display packaging for flowers or other recommended products can be observed, which includes the parts and elements indicated and described in detail a continuation.

Asl, atendiendo a dichas figuras, se puede apreciar como el embalaje en cuestion consiste en una caja (1) de carton o material laminar similar, de configuracion variable, apta para el transporte y almacenamiento del producto (2) que contiene colocado en una cubeta (3), por ejemplo flores frescas, disponiendo de una tapa (4) para la introduction y extraction del mismo, la cual se distingue por contar, en al menos una de sus caras (1a), con medios (5) de sujecion a presion que sujetan dicho producto (2) colocado en la cubeta (3) al posicionar la caja (1) con dicha cara (1a) en su parte superior, sirviendo como soporte expositor del mismo, sin que para ello sea necesario realizar ninguna operation de montaje o desmontaje mas que la extraccion del producto (2) y la cubeta (3) y su insertion en dichos medios (5).Thus, according to these figures, it can be seen how the packaging in question consists of a box (1) of cardboard or similar sheet material, of variable configuration, suitable for transport and storage of the product (2) it contains placed in a bucket (3), for example, fresh flowers, having a cover (4) for the introduction and extraction thereof, which is distinguished by having, on at least one of its faces (1a), with means (5) for securing pressure that hold said product (2) placed in the cuvette (3) when positioning the box (1) with said face (1a) in its upper part, serving as its display stand, without the need for any operation of assembly or disassembly more than the extraction of the product (2) and the cuvette (3) and its insertion in said means (5).

Preferentemente, la caja (1) tiene una configuracion prismatica rectangular y la cara (1a) que incorpora los medios (5) de sujecion es la cara superior de la misma y constituye la tapa (4)Preferably, the box (1) has a rectangular prismatic configuration and the face (1a) that incorporates the fastening means (5) is the upper face thereof and constitutes the lid (4)






de la caja (1), habiendose previsto una lengueta (6) de cierre y aletas laterales (7) en los bordes del cuerpo de la caja que dan rigidez al conjunto cuando esta cerrada.of the box (1), having provided a closure tab (6) and side wings (7) at the edges of the body of the box that give rigidity to the assembly when it is closed.

En cualquier caso, los medios (5) de sujecion a presion que sujetan el producto (2) colocado en la cubeta (3) estan determinados por una serie de precortes (5a), de forma y dimensiones variables, en funcion del tamano y forma de la cubeta (3) en que se coloca el producto (2), por ejemplo, para una cubeta (3) troncoconica forman un clrculo con multiples tramos radiales, como muestra el ejemplo de las figuras 1 a 3, de manera que esta quede encajada ajustadamente en ellos.In any case, the pressurization means (5) that hold the product (2) placed in the cuvette (3) are determined by a series of precuts (5a), of varying shape and dimensions, depending on the size and shape of the cuvette (3) in which the product (2) is placed, for example, for a trunk (3) truncated cone they form a circle with multiple radial sections, as shown in the example of figures 1 to 3, so that it is fitted tightly in them.

Preferentemente, los precortes (5a) vienen incorporados de fabrica en la cara (1a) de la caja (1) si bien, opcionalmente, estan senalados mediante llneas impresas para que sea el propio usuario/comerciante quien los realice con un cuter u otra herramienta cortante.Preferably, the precuts (5a) are factory incorporated in the face (1a) of the box (1) although, optionally, they are marked by printed lines so that it is the user / merchant himself who performs them with a cuter or other tool cutting.

Opcionalmente, cualquiera de las caras de la caja incorpora elementos impresos y, en el caso de que el producto a contener sean flores frescas, tambien de manera opcional, se contempla la existencia de aberturas (8) que permiten la circulation de aire y evitan la condensacion de humedad.Optionally, any of the faces of the box incorporates printed elements and, in the case that the product to be contained are fresh flowers, also optionally, the existence of openings (8) that allow air circulation and prevent the circulation is contemplated moisture condensation

Descrita suficientemente la naturaleza de la presente invention, asl como la manera de ponerla en practica, no se considera necesario hacer mas extensa su explication para que cualquier experto en la materia comprenda su alcance y las ventajas que de ella se derivan, haciendose constar que, dentro de su esencialidad, podra ser llevada a la practica en otras formas de realization que difieran en detalle de la indicada a tltulo de ejemplo, y a las cuales alcanzara igualmente la protection que se recaba siempre que no se altere, cambie o modifique su principio fundamental.Describing sufficiently the nature of the present invention, as well as the way of putting it into practice, it is not considered necessary to extend its explanation so that any expert in the field understands its scope and the advantages that derive from it, stating that, within its essentiality, it may be carried out in other forms of realization that differ in detail from that indicated by way of example, and to which it will also achieve the protection that is required provided that it does not alter, change or modify its fundamental principle .

Claims (7)

55 1010 15fifteen 20twenty 2525 3030 3535 1. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS1. - TRANSPORT AND EXHIBITOR PACKING FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS que, consistiendo en una caja (1) de carton o material laminar similar, de configuration variable, apta para el transporte y almacenamiento del producto (2) que contiene colocado en una cubeta (3), y disponiendo de una tapa (4) para la introduction y extraction del mismo, esta caracterizado porque dicha caja (1), en al menos una de sus caras (1a), cuenta con medios (5) de sujecion a presion que sujetan dicho producto (2) colocado en la cubeta (3) al posicionar la caja (1) con dicha cara (1a) en su parte superior, sirviendo como soporte expositor del mismo, sin realizar ninguna operation de montaje o desmontaje mas que la extraccion del producto (2) y la cubeta (3) y su insertion en dichos medios (5).PRODUCTS that, consisting of a box (1) of cardboard or similar sheet material, of variable configuration, suitable for transport and storage of the product (2) it contains placed in a bucket (3), and having a lid (4) for the introduction and extraction of the same, it is characterized in that said box (1), on at least one of its faces (1a), has means (5) for fastening under pressure that hold said product (2) placed in the bucket ( 3) when positioning the box (1) with said face (1a) in its upper part, serving as its display stand, without performing any assembly or disassembly operation other than the extraction of the product (2) and the tray (3) and its insertion in said means (5). 2. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS2. - TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS, segun la reivindicacion 1, caracterizado porque la caja (1) tiene unaPRODUCTS, according to claim 1, characterized in that the box (1) has a configuracion prismatica rectangular y la cara (1a) que incorpora los medios (5) de sujecionrectangular prismatic configuration and the face (1a) that incorporates the fastening means (5) es la cara superior de la misma.It is the upper face of it. 3. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS3. - TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS, segun la reivindicacion 2, caracterizado porque la cara (1a) que incorpora los medios (5) de sujecion constituye la tapa (4) de la caja (1), habiendose previsto una lengueta (6) de cierre y aletas laterales (7) que dan rigidez a la caja (1) cuando esta cerrada.PRODUCTS, according to claim 2, characterized in that the face (1a) incorporating the fastening means (5) constitutes the cover (4) of the box (1), with a closing tongue (6) and lateral fins (7) being provided. ) that give rigidity to the box (1) when it is closed. 4. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS4. - TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS, segun cualquiera de las reivindicaciones 1 a 3, caracterizado porque los medios (5) de sujecion a presion que sujetan el producto (2) colocado en la cubeta (3) estan determinados por una serie de precortes (5a), de forma y dimensiones variables, en funcion del tamano y forma de la cubeta (3) en que se coloca el producto (2).PRODUCTS, according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the means (5) for fastening under pressure that hold the product (2) placed in the tray (3) are determined by a series of precuts (5a), of form and variable dimensions, depending on the size and shape of the cuvette (3) in which the product (2) is placed. 5. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS5. - TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS, segun la reivindicacion 4, caracterizado porque los precortes (5a) vienen incorporados de fabrica en la cara (1a) de la caja (1).PRODUCTS, according to claim 4, characterized in that the precuts (5a) are factory incorporated in the face (1a) of the box (1). 6. - EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS6. - TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTOS, segun la reivindicacion 4, caracterizado porque los precortes (5a) estanPRODUCTS, according to claim 4, characterized in that the precuts (5a) are senalados mediante ilneas impresas para que sea el propio usuario/comerciante quien los realice con un cuter u otra herramienta cortante.marked by printed lines so that it is the user / merchant himself who makes them with a cuter or other cutting tool. 7.- EMBALAJE DE TRANSPORTE Y EXPOSITOR PARA FLORES U OTROS 5 PRODUCTOS, segun cualquiera de las reivindicaciones 4 a 6, caracterizado porque para una cubeta (3) troncoconica los precortes (5a) forman un clrculo con multiples tramos radiales, de manera que esta quede encajada ajustadamente en ellos.7.- TRANSPORTATION PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER 5 PRODUCTS, according to any of claims 4 to 6, characterized in that for a cuvette (3) conical the precuts (5a) form a circle with multiple radial sections, so that this fit tightly into them.
ES201630498U 2016-04-21 2016-04-21 TRANSPORT PACKING AND EXHIBITOR FOR FLOWERS OR OTHER PRODUCTS. Active ES1156159Y (en)

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