DK201400019A1 - System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms. - Google Patents

System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms. Download PDF


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DK201400019A1 DK201400019A DKPA201400019A DK201400019A1 DK 201400019 A1 DK201400019 A1 DK 201400019A1 DK 201400019 A DK201400019 A DK 201400019A DK PA201400019 A DKPA201400019 A DK PA201400019A DK 201400019 A1 DK201400019 A1 DK 201400019A1
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lighting system
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Danish (da)
Anders Jensen
Claus Skals Søgaard
Original Assignee
Claus Skals Søgaard
Anders Jensen
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Application filed by Claus Skals Søgaard, Anders Jensen filed Critical Claus Skals Søgaard
Priority to DK201400019A priority Critical patent/DK201400019A1/en
Publication of DK201400019A1 publication Critical patent/DK201400019A1/en



  • Circuit Arrangement For Electric Light Sources In General (AREA)


Nærværende opfindelse vedrører et system, samt metode til håndfri automatiseret styring af belysning i zoneret lokale med særlige funktions- og hygiejne krav.The present invention relates to a system, as well as a method for hands-free automated lighting control in zoned rooms with special functional and hygiene requirements.


Beskrivelse af opfindelsen.Description of the Invention

System og metode.System and method.

Nærværende opfindelse vedrører et system, samt metode til håndfri automatiseret styring af belysning i zoneret lokale med særlige funktions- og hygiejne krav.The present invention relates to a system, as well as a method for hands-free automated lighting control in zoned rooms with special functional and hygiene requirements.


I mange tekniske lokaler er positiv effekt af mulighed for at detalje styring af rummets lys opstået i forbindelse med fremkomsten af LED (Light Emitting Diode) belysningens mange kombinationsmuligheder indenfor lyskvalitet og intensitet. Lysparametre der er arbejdes med er farve spektrum, intensitet, hvidbalance og zoneopdeling. Hertil variation af disse parametre i forhold til eksterne faktorer som f.eks. ledelse, jobfunktion, døgnvariation, døgnsimulering, samt akut ændring i belysningsbehov.In many technical rooms, the positive effect of the possibility of detailing the control of the room's light has arisen in connection with the advent of LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting's many combination possibilities in light quality and intensity. Light parameters that are worked on are color spectrum, intensity, white balance and zoning. For this, variation of these parameters in relation to external factors such as management, job function, 24-hour variation, 24-hour simulation, and acute change in lighting needs.

Grundet meget stort antal kombinations muligheder er opstået behov for rationelle og hensigtsmæssige systemer og metoder til automatisering heraf.Due to a very large number of combination options, rational and appropriate systems and methods for automating them have emerged.

Nuværende stade.Current state.

I dag kendte løsninger spænder fra manuel afbryder styrede belysninger over manuelt styrede belysninger via f. eks. berøringsfølsom skærm til zoneopdelt manuel styring fastlagt ved behovsanalyse.Today's known solutions range from manual switching of controlled illumination to manually controlled illumination via, for example, touch-sensitive screen to zone-divided manual control determined by needs analysis.

Manuel styring betyder uhensigtsmæssigt ressource forbrug med heraf følgende manglende effektivitet, brugeroplevelse og praktikalitet specielt ved integration i eksisterende produktionsmetoder, opsætning og anvendelse. Hertil ønskes af hygiejne grunde håndfri betjening.Manual management means inappropriate resource consumption, resulting in inefficiency, user experience and practicality, especially when integrated into existing production methods, setup and use. For hygienic reasons, hands-free operation is desired.

Metode til zoneinddelt belysnings styring er kendt fra bl.a.Method of zoning lighting control is known from, among other things,

EP205 740 7b 1 hvor behovsfastlæggelse af belysning fastlægges ved bruger interviews hvorefter zonestyringen fastlægges og bruger interfaces via computer forsynet med berøringsfølsomt tastatur.EP205 740 7b 1 where the need for illumination is determined through user interviews and the zone control is determined and uses interfaces via computer equipped with touch-sensitive keyboard.

Indenfor eksisterende belysningsteknik findes mange patenter både indenfor LED, RGBW, styring heraf og konstruktioner. For et ID protokolstyret betjeningsfrit system som her, er ikke fundet dækkende patent.Within existing lighting technology, there are many patents in LED, RGBW, control thereof and constructions. No comprehensive patent has been found for an ID protocol controlled operating system like here.

Formål og beskrivelse af opfindelsen.Objects and Description of the Invention

Et formål med herværende opfindelse er at tilbyde et automatisk system og metode til opsætning og styring af rent-rums lyssætning. Herved kan zoneret specialbelysning tilbydes i forud definerede zoner, under hensyntagen til tilstedeværende aktøres ønsker og tekniske behov. Ligeledes vil fremtidige teknologier kunne integreres tilsvarende. Af teknologier der kan implementeres kan nævnes radio frekvens identifikations sendere, video genkendelses udstyr, magnetkort, passive magnetiske systemer eller USB systemer. Herværende opfindelse anviser prisbillighed og efter opsætning, håndfri betjening af alle komponenterne, som indgår i nævnte belysningsløsning. En yderst vigtig parameter, idet løsningen kan finde anvendelse i et stort antal lokaler.An object of the present invention is to provide an automatic system and method for setting up and controlling clean-room lighting. In this way, zoned special lighting can be offered in predefined zones, taking into account the wishes and technical needs of the present players. Likewise, future technologies could be integrated accordingly. Technologies that can be implemented include radio frequency identification transmitters, video recognition equipment, magnetic cards, passive magnetic systems or USB systems. The present invention provides low cost and after setup, hands-free operation of all the components included in said lighting solution. An extremely important parameter, as the solution can be used in a large number of premises.

Et andet mål for opfindelsen er at den giver mulighed for at forprogrammere personlige, tekniske og akut præferencer og på den måde optimere belysningen.Another object of the invention is that it allows to pre-program personal, technical and emergency preferences and thus optimize the lighting.

Et yderligere formål er at anvise en rationel teknik og opsætning, der direkte integreres i kendt belysnings kondition. Et hidtil uløst problem er således, at visse maskinteknologier kræver eksakt fastlagte kommunikations frekvenser og elektromagnetisk afskærmning.A further object is to provide a rational technique and setup which is directly integrated into the known lighting condition. An unresolved problem is that certain mechanical technologies require precisely determined communication frequencies and electromagnetic shielding.

Beskrivelse af opfindelsen.Description of the Invention

Opfindelsen kan have mange udførselsformer. Herværende beskriver én mulig udførselsform, men opfindelsen er ikke begrænset hertil. Dette specielt hvad angår signalgiver type, kommunikationsbus og for trådning. Ligeledes tjener protokol beskrivelser til eksempel.The invention can have many embodiments. Herein, one possible embodiment is described, but the invention is not limited thereto. This is especially true for signal type, communication bus and for wiring. Likewise, protocol descriptions serve for example.

Som systemudvidelse udvides eksisterende belysnings system styret fra vægmonterede kontakter med elektroniske delelementer, der kobles direkte. Dette i form af ankomst registrering, identifikation, positionering af personer, zoneregistrering og funktion-/ maskine-/ værktøjs nærhed.As a system extension, the existing lighting system is controlled from wall-mounted contacts with directly connected electronic components. This in the form of arrival registration, identification, positioning of persons, zone registration and proximity of function / machine / tool.

ID læseres informationer opsamles i database og databehandles i forhold til præprogrammerede parametre. Herfra sendes signal til LED controller der i tur frembringer ønsket lyskombination.ID reader information is collected in database and processed in relation to pre-programmed parameters. From here, a signal is sent to the LED controller which in turn produces the desired light combination.

Metodemæssigt fastlægges individuel præference standard for de enkelte personalegrupper i et hierarkisk system, dels ved at måle (fænomenologisk) reaktion på foreslåede/ mulige lys scenarier, og dels ved at tabulere teknisk optimerende lys scenarier for specifikke arbejdsfunktioner. Herunder tillægges personlige værdier som fx kronotype, køn, alder og tilsvarende, der kræver særlig lyssætnings opmærksomhed.Methodologically, individual preference standards for the individual staff groups are determined in a hierarchical system, partly by measuring (phenomenological) response to proposed / possible light scenarios and partly by tabulating technically optimizing light scenarios for specific work functions. Including personal values such as chronotype, gender, age and the like, which require special attention to lighting.

Herved opnås en vel defineret hierarkisk tabel, der efterfølgende tilgås ved ankomst, nærvær og aktivering. Heraf reguleres lyssætning automatisk i relevante zoner.This results in a well-defined hierarchical table, which is subsequently accessed upon arrival, presence and activation. Of this, lighting is automatically regulated in relevant zones.

Selve reguleringen sker automatisk og brugeren vil opleve netop den lyssætning der ønskes og er nødvendig. Empiri opsamlet således vil efter en række systemleverancer, sikre et meget effektivt systematisk udgangspunkt, der hurtigt vil kunne justeres til detaljerede personlige præferencer.The regulation itself is done automatically and the user will experience exactly what lighting is desired and needed. Empirically collected thus will, after a series of system deliveries, ensure a very effective systematic starting point that can be quickly adjusted to detailed personal preferences.

Ifølge opfindelsen skal personalet således ikke interagere fysisk med belysningssystemet. Variationer i belysningsscenariet reguleres udelukkende via tilføjelser og ændringer til protokol.Thus, according to the invention, the staff does not have to physically interact with the lighting system. Variations in the lighting scenario are regulated exclusively through additions and changes to the protocol.

Belysningssystemets funktion.Function of the lighting system.

Belysnings systemet fremtræder normal sammenlignet med moderne teknologi indenfor lys givende dioder, der enkeltvis eller i flerhed tilvejebringer lys i hele det synlige spektrum. Opfindelsen her fokuserer således på styring og metode til at frembringe belysningsscenarier, der i særlig grad udnytter farvespektrets lys’ egenskab til at understøtte tekniske visuelle behov. Dette være særligt højt lux eller lysintensitet pr. arealenhed, særlige farver understøttende visuelt udbytte af ex. specialiserede monitorer, blodårer, tekniske substanser, speciale maskiner og instrumenter mv. Hertil har hvidbalance, lys temperatur og vekselvirkninger af farve og andre parametre fundet anvendelse i fx industri, handel, boligen eller i laboratorier.The lighting system appears normal compared to modern technology in light-emitting diodes, which provide single or multiple light throughout the visible spectrum. The invention here, therefore, focuses on the control and method of generating lighting scenarios which, in particular, utilize the property of the color spectrum light to support technical visual needs. This may be particularly high lux or light intensity per day. area unit, special colors supporting visual yield of ex. specialized monitors, veins, technical substances, specialized machines and instruments, etc. For this purpose, white balance, light temperature and interactions of color and other parameters have been used in, for example, industry, commerce, the home or in laboratories.

En vigtig del af opfindelsen er, at der udover at løsningen kan anvendes i enkelte specialiserede lokaler, åbnes mulighed for et globalt udbredt belysnings kontrol system. Med entydig standardisering aflyskvalitet og matchende simple regulerings enheds designs, der i princip kan integreres i alle kendte LED lysscenarier, er der skabt mulighed for bredt udbud af intelligente belysningssystemer.An important part of the invention is that in addition to the solution can be used in individual specialized premises, the possibility of a globally widespread lighting control system is opened. With unambiguous standardization of sound quality and matching simple control unit designs, which can in principle be integrated into all known LED lighting scenarios, a wide range of intelligent lighting systems has been created.

Valg af belysnings protokol kan nu styres af aktuelt behov. Fx døgnrytme understøttende lys, døgnrytme modificerende lys, autonom kemisk eller gas evaporations støttende belysning mv. kan vælges uden omfattende lysprogrammerings- eller funktionsvalgs arbejde.Selection of lighting protocol can now be controlled by current need. For example, circadian rhythm supporting lights, circadian rhythm modifying lights, autonomous chemical or gas evaporation support lighting, etc. can be selected without extensive light programming or feature selection work.

Samtidig er styringssystemet homogent i en bred vifte af scenarier.At the same time, the management system is homogeneous in a wide range of scenarios.

Når belysningssystemet skal aktiveres, skal blot sikres at ID impulsenheden (signalgiver), det være sig RFID (Radio Frekvens Identifikation), video, magnetkort eller USB er medbragt. Første aktiveringsimpuls til almen foretrukken belysning aktivers når indtrædes i lokalet. Aktivering til speciallys aktiveres når indtrædes i zone eller specifik monitor, instrument eller maskine afgiver ID signal. I hierarkiske systemer er personale, instrumenter, maskine funktioner og akutfunktioner hertil protokolleret. Endeligt er et tidselement indlagt i protokol. Hermed kan lys parameter skift forsinkes eller fremmes med PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) eller BCM (Binary Code Modulation).When activating the lighting system, just make sure that the ID pulse unit (signal generator), be it RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), video, magnetic card or USB is brought. First activation pulse for the general preferred lighting actives when entering the room. Activation for special light is activated when entering a zone or specific monitor, instrument or machine gives an ID signal. In hierarchical systems, personnel, instruments, machine functions and emergency functions are logged. Finally, a time element is included in the protocol. This allows light parameter switching to be delayed or promoted with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) or BCM (Binary Code Modulation).

Tegninger medtaget til illustration af løsning:Drawings included to illustrate solution:

Fig. 1. Dynamisk sensorstyret zoneret belysningsscenarie illustreret ovenfra i skematisk form. Fig. 2. Hierarkisk belysnings protokol opbygning illustreret i flowdiagram.FIG. 1. Dynamic sensor controlled zoned lighting scenario illustrated from above in schematic form. FIG. 2. Hierarchical lighting protocol structure illustrated in flowchart.

Fig. 3. Sensorer og signalgivere illustreret skitsemæssigt i tema lokale.FIG. 3. Sensors and signal transmitters illustrated in a sketch of the theme of the room.

Fig. 4. Signalprotokol med initieringskoder eksempel.FIG. 4. Signal protocol with initialization code example.

Fig. 5. Flowdiagram for central styringsenhed med rangordens processor.FIG. 5. Flow chart for central controller with rank processor.

Detaljeret beskrivelse af opfindelsen.Detailed description of the invention.

Monteret i standard teknisk rum (101) opdelt i zoner (ZX#) findes i dør ramme signalmodtager (302) der kan modtage identifikationskodet radiofrekvens signal (303). Rum er opdelt i en række statiske eller dynamiske zoner, isolerede, sammenhængende, sammenfaldende eller overlappende. (304).Mounted in standard technical room (101) divided into zones (ZX #), there is a door frame signal receiver (302) capable of receiving identification-coded radio frequency signal (303). Space is divided into a number of static or dynamic zones, isolated, contiguous, collapsing or overlapping. (304).

Den enkelte zone er tilknyttet defineret funktion/-er med tilhørende lokal zonesensor (306) kendetegnet ved apparat eller særligt lysbehov (307) zonesensors rækkevidde er begrænset indenfor zonegrænse (310). Enhver person med adgang til rum er udstyret med identificerbar signalgiver (303) Ligeledes er speciale apparatur udstyret med signalgiver (305). Signalgiver kan have kortere eller længere rækkevidde styret ved valg af sendefrekvens. I hver zone findes et eller flere lys armaturer (308) forsynet med kommunikationsbus fx Dali eller DMX, der er forbundet enten trådløst, med lysleder eller med elektrisk leder til central styringsenhed. Der kan tilkobles manuel kontrolenhed (309) for akutsignal eller dæmpning uden at dette påvirker protokol.Each zone is associated with defined function (s) with associated local zone sensor (306) characterized by apparatus or special light requirement (307) The range of the zone sensor is limited within zone boundary (310). Any person with access to the room is equipped with an identifiable signal generator (303) Similarly, special equipment is equipped with a signal generator (305). Signal transmitter may have shorter or longer range controlled by selecting transmit frequency. In each zone, one or more light fixtures (308) are provided with a communication bus, eg Dali or DMX, which are connected either wirelessly, with a light conductor or with an electrical conductor to the central control unit. Manual control unit (309) can be connected for emergency signal or attenuation without affecting protocol.

Herved er håndfri hierarkisk parameterstyret lyssætning muligt, idet forprogrammeret protokol (216) rangordner den aktuelle lyssætning i rummet (101) og i rummets zoner (304). I Fig. 2 illustreres, hvordan protokol omfatter en flerhed af parametre hierarkisk rangordnet. Rang defineres for person-, funktions-/ udstyrs bestemte- og akut behov. Horisontalt rangsættes parameteren, mens vertikalt viser parameterens rangstyrke. Referenceprotokol regulerer således lyssætningshierarkiet, hvor afsendt styrings signal giver prioriteret zoneret lys sætning.This enables hands-free hierarchical parameter controlled lighting, with pre-programmed protocol (216) ranking the current lighting in the room (101) and in the zones (304). In FIG. 2 illustrates how protocol encompasses a plurality of parameters hierarchically ranked. Rank is defined for the specific and urgent needs of persons, functions / equipment. Horizontally, the parameter is ranked, while vertically the parameter's rank strength is displayed. Thus, the reference protocol regulates the light setting hierarchy, where the sent control signal gives priority zoned light phrase.

Med både mobile (117) og stationære rangordnede signalgivere (118) defineret af signal rækkevidde kan respektive usynlige dynamiske zone grænser (108) fastlægges med signal læsere og registreres. Zonetilhørende lysgivere reguleres via centralstyring (114) automatisk i overensstemmelse med hierarkisk rangordens protokol og zonering. Dette illustreres i Fig. 4, der viser signalprotokol (419) med tilhørende lysgiver initierings signal (420).With both mobile (117) and stationary ranked signal transducers (118) defined by signal range, respective invisible dynamic zone boundaries (108) can be determined by signal readers and recorded. Zone related light emitters are automatically controlled via central control (114) according to the hierarchical ranking protocol and zoning. This is illustrated in FIG. 4, showing signal protocol (419) and associated light source initiation signal (420).

Central styrings enheden (514)’s og rangordens kalkulator (515) Fig. 5, aflæser monoplex fysiske skannere og lysgivere placeret i rummet via opkobling mod central styringsenhed. Rummet skannes kontinuert (loop) (516) for aktive ID (517). Disse sorteres i (518) og ordnes i rangordnings kalkulatorens (515) respektive person ID (519), funktions ID (520) og Akut ID (521) registre. Teateret sættes i (522) og lagres i lokale signal databasen (523), samt i forespørgsels generator (524), der forespørger global databases (DB) (526) via global DB opkobler (525) om referenceprotokoller (216). Scenarie processor (527) kalkulerer hierarkisk løsning, der listes i person lys protokol (528). I lysscenarie processoren (529) genereres herfra nødvendige armatur signal koder. Disse sendes til signal database, hvor lagres tidsregistreret samt via kommunikations bus (530). Duplex ecco fra alle lokale lysgiver busser (531) indkalkuleres til styring af forsinkelser og startsituation for næste impulsstyrede regulering.The central control unit (514) and the rank calculator (515) FIG. 5, monoplex reads physical scanners and light emitters located in the room via connection to the central control unit. The space is scanned continuously (loop) (516) for active ID (517). These are sorted into (518) and arranged in the ranking calculator (515), respectively, person ID (519), function ID (520) and emergency ID (521) records. The theater is put in (522) and stored in the local signal database (523), as well as in the query generator (524), which requests global databases (DB) (526) via global DB connectors (525) for reference protocols (216). Scenario processor (527) calculates hierarchical solution listed in person light protocol (528). In the light scenario processor (529), necessary luminaire signal codes are generated from this. These are sent to the signal database, where time records are stored as well as via the communication bus (530). Duplex ecco from all local luminaire buses (531) is called for control of delays and starting situation for the next pulse controlled regulation.

I Fig. 4 illustreres person hierarki. Dette rangordnes primært efter kritisk funktions behov. Her forudsættende at første rang udfører særlig lyssætnings krævende funktion. Anden rang udfører funktion, der fremmes af særlig lyssætning i lokal zone. Rang n. kræver blot normalbelysning.In FIG. 4 illustrates person hierarchy. This is ranked primarily by the needs of the critical function. Here, assuming that the first rank performs the special lighting requirement. Second rank performs function promoted by special lighting in local zone. Rank n. Requires only normal lighting.

Sekundært regulerer for personlige forhold som køn, kronotype, syn mv. og tertiært hierarki styres via dedikeret signalgiver monteret i apparatur. Tertiært signal kan afgives ved tænd/sluk eller f.eks. udtagning fra holder. Apparatur signal er knyttet til defineret zonering. Også her rangordnes efter vigtighed og interferens med personale, øvrig belysning og andet apparatur, som protokolleret. En særlig akut prioritering kan tilgodeses og fx tænde nødbelysning eller maksimere alt lys ved fx brand eller opmærksomhedskrævende begivenhed.Secondarily regulates for personal matters such as gender, chronotype, vision etc. and tertiary hierarchy is controlled via dedicated signal transducer mounted in apparatus. Tertiary signal can be emitted on / off or e.g. removal from holder. Apparatus signal is associated with defined zoning. Here, too, the importance and interference with personnel, other lighting and other equipment are ranked as logged. Particularly urgent priority can be taken into account and, for example, switch on emergency lighting or maximizing all light in eg fire or attention-consuming event.

Dette kan aktiveres ved at specifik person ID går til forud defineret zone eller manuelt. Patentkravene omfatter således primært ID refereret styring af belysning, samt metode til protokollering heraf.This can be enabled by specific person ID going to predefined zone or manually. Thus, the patent claims primarily comprise ID-referenced lighting control, as well as method of recording them.

Claims (10)

1. Belysningssystem kendetegnet ved at være mindst ét entydig identifikations kode styret betjeningsfrit automatisk system, til styring af rent rums lyssætning. Special lyssætning tilvejebringes automatisk digitalt i dynamiske zoner, under hensyntagen til tilstedeværende aktøres forud indsamlede ønsker, fysiske og tekniske behov, ved hjælp af mindst én forud tilvejebragt rangordensprotokol.1. Lighting system characterized by at least one unique identification code controlled operation-free automatic system, for the control of clean room lighting. Special lighting is automatically provided digitally in dynamic zones, taking into account the pre-collected wishes, physical and technical needs of the present players, using at least one pre-arranged ranking protocol. 2. Metode til indsamling og ordning af en eller flere protokolparametre i henhold til krav 1 kendetegnet ved at datagenerering og analysedel fører til fastlæggelse af mindst én protokol, der tillader automatisk rangordnet parameterstyring af lyssætning.Method for collecting and arranging one or more protocol parameters according to claim 1, characterized in that data generation and analysis part lead to the determination of at least one protocol that allows automatic ranking parameter control of lighting. 3. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 kendetegnet ved at omfatte mindst én, men ofte flerhed af identificerbar signalgiver, der bæres af enten mindst én person eller er forbundet med mindst ét apparatur. Af teknologier der kan omfattes kan nævnes radio frekvens identifikations sendere, video genkendelse, magnetkort, passive magnetiske systemer, kontakt eller USB systemer.Lighting system according to claim 1, characterized by comprising at least one but often plurality of identifiable signal transmitters carried by at least one person or connected to at least one apparatus. Technologies that can be included include radio frequency identification transmitters, video recognition, magnetic cards, passive magnetic systems, switches or USB systems. 4. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 kendetegnet ved omfatte mindst én for mindst RGBW farve spektrum, intensitet og farvetemperatur regulerbar intelligent lysgiver.Lighting system according to claim 1 characterized by at least one for at least RGBW color spectrum, intensity and color temperature adjustable intelligent light emitter. 5. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 kendetegnet ved der er mindst monoplex kommunikations mulighed mellem signalgiver og central styringsenhed og mindst duplex kommunikationsmulighed mellem lysgivers kommunikationsbus og central styringsenhed.Lighting system according to claim 1, characterized in that there is at least monoplex communication possibility between signal generator and central control unit and at least duplex communication possibility between light transmitter's communication bus and central control unit. 6. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 til krav 5 kendetegnet ved at central styringsenhed arbejde med mindst én protokol for parameter inklusion og mindst én protokol for parameter rangordning, der tilgodeser mindst hierarkisk rangordning af personer og mindst hierarkisk rangordning af funktioner og mindst én for akut signal registrering.Lighting system according to claim 1 of claim 5, characterized in that the central control unit operates with at least one parameter for parameter inclusion and at least one protocol for parameter ranking which satisfies at least hierarchical ranking of persons and at least one hierarchical ranking of functions and at least one for emergency. signal registration. 7. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1-6 kendetegnet ved, at arbejde med mindst én numerisk processor, der mindst kan udføre proces kalkulationer som illustreret i flowdiagram Fig. 5 og mindst kan afgive resulterende styringssignal til lysgiver.Lighting system according to claims 1-6, characterized in that it works with at least one numerical processor capable of performing at least process calculations as illustrated in flow diagram. 5 and at least can give resultant control signal to light emitter. 8. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 -7 kendetegnet ved, automatisk at kunne frembringe dynamiske og zonerede lyssætninger der tilgodeser særlige lys behov.Lighting system according to claims 1 to 7, characterized in that it is capable of automatically generating dynamic and zoned lighting that meets special lighting needs. 9. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 og krav 2 kendetegnet ved, at lyssætnings scenarier reguleres ud fra rangordnede protokoller dannet og prioriteret ud fra mindst én parameter givet ved fænomenologisk undersøgelses metode, resulterende i mindst én prioriteret protokol som eksemplificeret i fig. 4.Lighting system according to claim 1 and claim 2, characterized in that lighting scenarios are regulated based on ranked protocols formed and prioritized based on at least one parameter given by the phenomenological study method, resulting in at least one priority protocol as exemplified in fig. 4th 10. Belysningssystem i henhold til krav 1 og 2 kendetegnet ved, at omfatte mindst én opkobling med mindst én kommunikations bus mod hhv. centralprocessor og lysgiveres signalenhed og styringsenhed.Lighting system according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that it comprises at least one connection with at least one communication bus, respectively. central processor and light source signal unit and control unit.
DK201400019A 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms. DK201400019A1 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK201400019A DK201400019A1 (en) 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms.

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK201400019 2014-01-14
DK201400019A DK201400019A1 (en) 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms.

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DK201400019A1 true DK201400019A1 (en) 2015-07-27



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DK201400019A DK201400019A1 (en) 2014-01-14 2014-01-14 System and Method for operation-free automatic control of lighting in clean rooms.

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Citations (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US6912429B1 (en) * 2000-10-19 2005-06-28 Destiny Networks, Inc. Home automation system and method
US20080183307A1 (en) * 2007-01-26 2008-07-31 Autani Corporation Upgradeable Automation Devices, Systems, Architectures, and Methods
US20120086363A1 (en) * 2008-09-10 2012-04-12 Jonathan Golding Intelligent lighting management and building control system
WO2013120108A1 (en) * 2012-02-10 2013-08-15 Farrell Richard C Remotely controlling dc powered multi-channel devices

Patent Citations (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US6912429B1 (en) * 2000-10-19 2005-06-28 Destiny Networks, Inc. Home automation system and method
US20080183307A1 (en) * 2007-01-26 2008-07-31 Autani Corporation Upgradeable Automation Devices, Systems, Architectures, and Methods
US20120086363A1 (en) * 2008-09-10 2012-04-12 Jonathan Golding Intelligent lighting management and building control system
WO2013120108A1 (en) * 2012-02-10 2013-08-15 Farrell Richard C Remotely controlling dc powered multi-channel devices

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