DK176020B1 - Inter-cellular adhesion molecules - used for producing antibodies for use as antiinflammatory agents, to modify immune responses or as antitumour agents - Google Patents
Inter-cellular adhesion molecules - used for producing antibodies for use as antiinflammatory agents, to modify immune responses or as antitumour agents Download PDFInfo
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i DK 176020 B1in DK 176020 B1
Den foreliggende opfindelse angår monoklonale antistoffer samt fragmenter deraf, der er i stand til at binde til intercellulære adhæsionsmolekyler. Opfindelsen angår yderligere celler til at producere sådanne • 5 antistoffer, I et andet aspekt angår opfindelsen en » fremgangsmåde til diagnosticering af tumorceller eks- primerende intercellulære adhæsionsmolekyler, et farmaceutisk præparat indeholdende antistofferne eller fragmenterne deraf samt anvendelse af antistofferne eller 10 fragmenterne til fremstilling af et farmaceutisk præparat til behandling af inflammation eller undertrykkelse af tumorvækst.The present invention relates to monoclonal antibodies as well as fragments thereof capable of binding to intercellular adhesion molecules. The invention further relates to cells for producing such antibodies. In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for diagnosing tumor cells expressing intercellular adhesion molecules, a pharmaceutical composition containing the antibodies or fragments thereof, and the use of the antibodies or fragments to prepare an antibody. pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of inflammation or suppression of tumor growth.
Leukocytter skal være i stand til at fæstne til cellesubstrater for på rette måde at forsvare værten 151 mod fremmede invaderende, såsom bakterier eller vira.Leukocytes must be able to attach to cell substrates to properly defend the host 151 against foreign invaders, such as bacteria or viruses.
Et udmærket overblik over forsvarssystemet er angivet af Eisen, H.W., (Microbiology, 3. udg.. Harper & Row, Philadelphia, PA (1980), s 290-295 og 381-418).An excellent overview of the defense system is given by Eisen, H.W. (Microbiology, 3rd ed. Harper & Row, Philadelphia, PA (1980), pp. 290-295 and 381-418).
De skal kunne fæstnes til endotelceller, således at de 20 kan migrere fra kredsløbet til steder med fortsat inflammation. Yderligere skal de være i stand til at fæstne til antigenpresenterende celler, således at en normal specifik immunreaktion kan forekomme, og endelig skal de fæstne til egnede målceller, således at 25 lysis af virus-inficerede celler eller tumorceller kan ske.They must be able to attach to endothelial cells so that they can migrate from the circulation to sites of continued inflammation. Furthermore, they must be capable of attaching to antigen-presenting cells so that a normal specific immune response can occur, and finally, they must attach to suitable target cells so that 25 lysis of virus-infected cells or tumor cells can occur.
For nylig identificeredes leukocytoverflade- molekyler, som er involveret i formidlingen af sådanne ύ* fæstnelser, under anvendelse af hybridoma-teknologi.Recently, leukocyte surface molecules involved in the mediation of such ύ * fortresses were identified using hybridoma technology.
» 30 Kort fortalt identificeredes monoklonale antistoffer rettet mod humane T-celler (Davignon, D. et al., Proc.»30 Briefly, monoclonal antibodies directed against human T cells were identified (Davignon, D. et al., Proc.
Natl. Acad. Scl. USA 78:4535-4539 (1981)) og musemilt-celler (Springer, T. et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 9:301-306 — --- - _____i i 2 DK 176020 B1 (1979)), hvilke bandt til leukocytoverflader og inhibe-rede de fæstnelsesrelaterede funktioner beskrevet ovenfor (Springer, T. et al.. Fed. Proc. 44:2660-2663 (1985)). Molekylerne, der identificeredes med disse 5 antistoffer, kaldtes Mac-1 og lymfocyt-funktions-associeret antigen-1 (LFA-1). Mac-1 er en heterodimer, ø som findes hos makrofager, granulocytter og store granulære lymfocytter. LFA-1 er en heterodimer, som findes hos de fleste lymfocytter (Springer, T.A., et 10 al. Immunol. Rev. 68: 111-135 (1982)). Disse to molekyler plus et tredje molekyle, pl50,95 (som har en vævsfordeling svarende til Mac-1) spiller en rolle ved cellulær adhæsion (Keizer, G. et al., Eur. J. Immunol.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78: 4535-4539 (1981)) and mouse spleen cells (Springer, T. et al. Eur. J. Immunol. 9: 301-306 - --- - _____i in 2 DK 176020 B1 (1979)), which bound to leukocyte surfaces and inhibited the attachment-related functions described above (Springer, T. et al., Fed. Proc. 44: 2660-2663 (1985)). The molecules identified with these 5 antibodies were called Mac-1 and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1). Mac-1 is a heterodimeric island found in macrophages, granulocytes and large granular lymphocytes. LFA-1 is a heterodimer found in most lymphocytes (Springer, T.A., et al., Immunol. Rev. 68: 111-135 (1982)). These two molecules plus a third molecule, p150.95 (which has a tissue distribution similar to Mac-1), play a role in cellular adhesion (Keizer, G. et al., Eur. J. Immunol.
15:1142-1147 (1985)).15: 1142-1147 (1985)).
15 Ovennævnte leukocytmolekyler har vist sig at væ re medlemmer af en beslægtet familie af glycoproteiner (Sanchez-Madrid F. et al., J. Exper. Med. 158:1785-1803 (1983); Keizer, G.D. et al., Eur. J. Immunol.The above leukocyte molecules have been found to be members of a related family of glycoproteins (Sanchez-Madrid F. et al., J. Exper. Med. 158: 1785-1803 (1983); Keizer, GD et al., Eur. J. Immunol.
15:1142-1147 (1985)). Denne glycoproteinfamilie består j 20 af heterodimerer med én α-kæde og én β-kæde. Skønt i hver af antigenernes α-kæde var forskellige fra hinanden, viste β-kæden sig at være bevaret i høj grad (Sanchez-Madrid, F. et al., J. Exper. Med.15: 1142-1147 (1985)). This glycoprotein family consists of 20 heterodimers with one α chain and one β chain. Although in each of the α-chain of the antigens was different from each other, the β-chain was found to be highly conserved (Sanchez-Madrid, F. et al., J. Exper. Med.
158:1785-1803 (1983)). Glycoproteinfamiliens (somme- 25 tider omtalt som "CD18") β-kæde viste sig at have en molekylvægt på 95 kd, hvorimod α-kædernes molekylvægt varierede fra 150 kd til 180 kd (Springer, T., Fed.158: 1785-1803 (1983)). The β-chain of the glycoprotein family (sometimes referred to as "CD18") was found to have a molecular weight of 95 kd, whereas the molecular weight of the α chains ranged from 150 kd to 180 kd (Springer, T., Fed.
Proc. 44:2660-2663 (1985)). Skønt membranproteinernes α-underenheder ikke har den samme vidtstrakte homologi 4i 30 som β-underenheder,viste nærmere analyse af glycoprot-einernes α-underenheder, at der er væsentlige ligheder mellem dem. Undersøgelser over lighederne mellem a- og β-underenhederne i de LFA-1-relaterede glycoproteiner i________________ ______—____________ 3 DK 176020 B1 er angivet af Sanchez-Madrid, F. et al., (J. Exper.Proc. 44: 2660-2663 (1985)). Although the α-subunits of the membrane proteins do not have the same extensive homology 4i 30 as β-subunits, closer analysis of the α-subunits of the glycoprotins showed that there are significant similarities between them. Studies on the similarities between the α and β subunits of the LFA-1-related glycoproteins in _______________________________ ____________ are disclosed by Sanchez-Madrid, F. et al. (J. Exper.
Med. 158:586-602 (1983); J^. Exper. Med. 158:1785-1803 jWith. 158: 586-602 (1983); J ^. Exper. With. 158: 1785-1803 j
(1983)). I(1983)). IN
Man har identificeret en gruppe af personer, 1 5 som ikke er i stand til at eksprimere normale mængder af ethvert medlem af denne adhæsionsproteinfamilie på * deres leukocytcelleoverflade (Anderson, D.C., et al.,A group of individuals have been identified who are unable to express normal amounts of any member of this adhesive protein family on * their leukocyte cell surface (Anderson, D.C., et al.,
Fed. Proc. 44:2671-2677 (1985); Anderson, D.C., et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152:668-689 (1985)). Lymfocytter fra 10 disse patienter udviste in vitro defekter svarende til normale modparter, hvis LFA-l-familie af molekyler var blevet antagoniseret af antistoffer. Disse personer var yderligere ude af stand til at opnå en normal immunrespons på grund af deres cellers manglende evne til 15 at hæfte til cellesubstrater (Anderson, D.C., et al., Fred. Proc. £4:2671-2677 (1985); Anderson, D.C., et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152:668-689 (1985)). Disse data viser at immunreaktioner dæmpes når lymfocytter ikke er i stand til at fæstne på normal måde på grund 20 af de manglende funktionelle adhæsionsmolekyler afFat. Proc. 44: 2671-2677 (1985); Anderson, D.C., et al., J. Infect. Haze. 152: 668-689 (1985)). Lymphocytes from 10 of these patients showed in vitro defects similar to normal counterparts whose LFA-1 family of molecules had been antagonized by antibodies. These individuals were further unable to obtain a normal immune response due to their cells' inability to adhere to cell substrates (Anderson, DC, et al., Fred. Proc. £ 4: 2671-2677 (1985); Anderson , DC, et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152: 668-689 (1985)). These data show that immune responses are attenuated when lymphocytes are unable to attach normally due to the lack of functional adhesion molecules of
LFA-l-familien. ILFA-l family. IN
Lymfocytternes evne til at bevare et dyrs helbred og levedygtighed kræver således summarisk at lymfocytterne er i stand til at hæfte til andre celler 25 (såsom endotelceller). Denne hæftning har vist sig at kræve celle-cellekontakter, som involverer specifikke receptormolekyler, der findes på lymfocytternes celle-, overflade. Disse receptorer gør det muligt for en lymfocyt at fæstne sig til andre lymfocytter eller til . 30 endotelceller, og andre ikke-vaskulære celler. Celle- overfladereceptormolekylerne har vist sig at være yderst beslægtede med hinanden. Personer, hvis lymfocytter mangler disse celleoverfladereceptormolekyler, j II ----- --- — - - ..... . — i 4 DK 176020 B1 udviser kroniske og tilbagevendende infektioner og andre kliniske symptomer, herunder defekte antistofreaktio-ner.Thus, the ability of lymphocytes to maintain the health and viability of an animal requires that the lymphocytes be able to adhere to other cells (such as endothelial cells). This adhesion has been shown to require cell-cell contacts involving specific receptor molecules found on the cell surface of the lymphocytes. These receptors allow a lymphocyte to attach to other lymphocytes or to. 30 endothelial cells, and other non-vascular cells. The cell surface receptor molecules have been found to be highly related to each other. Persons whose lymphocytes lack these cell surface receptor molecules, j II ----- --- - - - ...... - in 4 DK 176020 B1 exhibits chronic and recurrent infections and other clinical symptoms, including defective antibody reactions.
Da lymfocytadhæsionen er involveret i processen 5 gennem hvilken fremmed væv identificeres og afvises, er en forståelse af denne proces af væsentlig værdi indenfor organtransplantationen, vævstransplantationen, al- %> lergi og onkologi.Since lymphocyte adhesion is involved in the process 5 through which foreign tissue is identified and rejected, an understanding of this process is of significant value in organ transplantation, tissue transplantation, allergy, and oncology.
Den foreliggende opfindelse angår monoklonale 10 antistoffer og fragmenter af antistoffer, der er i stand til at inhibere funktionen af ICAM-l, og andre inhibitorer af ICAM-l-funktionen. Opfindelsen angår desuden diagnostiske fremgangsmåder for alle de ovennævnte molekyler, samt farmaceutiske præparater inde-15 holdende antistofferne eller fragmenterne deraf, samt anvendelse af disse til fremstilling af farmaceutiske præparater.The present invention relates to monoclonal antibodies and fragments of antibodies capable of inhibiting the function of ICAM-1 and other inhibitors of ICAM-1 function. The invention further relates to diagnostic methods for all the above molecules, as well as pharmaceutical compositions containing the antibodies or fragments thereof, and their use in the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions.
Opfindelsen angår nærmere angivet et monoklonalt antistof, R6-5-D6, som er i stand til at binde til et 20 molekyle valgt blandt ICAM-l og funktionelle derivater af ICAM-l eller molekyler, der er i stand til at binde til en receptor, der findes på overfladen af en lymfocyt. Opfindelsen omfatter også en hybridoma-celle, der er i stand til at produceree et sådant antistof.More particularly, the invention relates to a monoclonal antibody, R6-5-D6, capable of binding to a molecule selected from ICAM-1 and functional derivatives of ICAM-1 or molecules capable of binding to a receptor. , found on the surface of a lymphocyte. The invention also encompasses a hybridoma cell capable of producing such an antibody.
25 Opfindelsen omfatter yderligere fragmenter af antistoffet, der er i stand til at binde til molekylet, og endvidere antistoffet og fragmenter deraf på mærket form.The invention further comprises fragments of the antibody capable of binding to the molecule, and further the antibody and fragments thereof in labeled form.
Opfindelsen angår også en fremgangsmåde til dia-30 gnostisering og lokalisering af en ICAM-l eksprimerende tumorcelle i et pattedyr eller menneske, som man formoder indeholder en sådan celle, hvilken fremgangsmåde omfatter: 5 DK 176020 B1 (a) administrering af et middel indeholdende en detekterbart mærket bindingsligand, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1, til individet, idet liganden vælges blandt et antistof og et fragment af et antistof, 5 hvor fragmentet er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l, og (b) detektering af bindingsliganden.The invention also relates to a method for diagnosing and locating an ICAM-1 expressing tumor cell in a mammal or human, which is believed to contain such a cell, which method comprises: (a) administering an agent containing an detectably labeled binding ligand capable of binding to ICAM-1 to the subject, the ligand being selected from an antibody and a fragment of an antibody, wherein the fragment is capable of binding to ICAM-1, and (b) detection of the binding ligand.
* Endvidere angår opfindelsen et farmaceutisk præ parat indeholdende et antistof eller toxinafledt antistof, der er i stand til at binde til et molekyle valgt 10 blandt ICAM-l og et funktionelt derivat af ICAM-1, eller et fragment af et antistof eller toxin-afledt fragment af et antistof, idet fragmentet er i stand til at binde til et molekyle valgt blandt ICAM-1 og et funktionelt derivat af ICAM-1, sammen med en inert farma-15 ceutisk bærer.Further, the invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition containing an antibody or toxin-derived antibody capable of binding to a molecule selected from ICAM-1 and a functional derivative of ICAM-1, or a fragment of an antibody or toxin-derived fragment of an antibody, the fragment being capable of binding to a molecule selected from ICAM-1 and a functional derivative of ICAM-1, together with an inert pharmaceutical carrier.
Yderligere angår opfindelsen anvendelse af antistoffet eller et fragment deraf, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l og et funktionelt derivat af ICAM—l til fremstilling af et farmaceutisk præparat til be-20 handling af inflammation, der stammer fra en reaktion fra det specifikke forsvarssystem hos et pattedyr eller menneske, eller til undertrykkelse af væksten af en ICAM-l-eksprimerende tumor eller en LFA-l-eksprimerende tumor.Further, the invention relates to the use of the antibody or fragment thereof capable of binding to ICAM-1 and a functional derivative of ICAM-1 for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of inflammation arising from a reaction of the specific defense system of a mammal or human, or to suppress the growth of an ICAM-1-expressing tumor or an LFA-1-expressing tumor.
25 På tegningen viser: fig. 1, på diagramform, adhæsionen mellem en normal og en LFA-1 mangelfuld celle.25 In the drawing: FIG. 1, in diagram form, the adhesion between a normal and an LFA-1 defective cell.
Fig. 2 viser, på diagramform, normal/normal celle-adhæsion-processen.FIG. 2 shows, in diagram form, the normal / normal cell adhesion process.
30 Fig. 3 viser kinetikken af cellulær aggregation x i fravær (X) eller nærværelse af 50 ng/ml PMA (0).FIG. 3 shows the kinetics of cellular aggregation x in the absence (X) or presence of 50 ng / ml PMA (0).
Fig. 4 viser coaggregation mellem LFA-1*· og LFA-l+-celler. Carboxyfluoresceindiacetatmærkede EBV- 6 DK 176020 B1 transformerede celler (104), som angivet i figuren blandedes med 105 umærkede autologe celler (sorte søjler) eller JY-celler (ufarvede søjler) i nærværelse af PMA.FIG. Figure 4 shows coaggregation between LFA-1 * and LFA-1 + cells. Carboxyfluorescein diacetate-labeled EBV-transformed cells (104), as indicated in the figure, were mixed with 105 unlabeled autologous cells (black bars) or JY cells (unstained bars) in the presence of PMA.
Efter 1,5 timer optaltes de mærkede celler, i aggrega-5 ter eller frie, idet den kvantitative prøve fra eksempel 2 benyttedes. Procentdelen af mærkede celler i aggregater er vist. Et repræsentativt eksperiment ud af to er vist.After 1.5 hours, the labeled cells were counted, in aggregates or free, using the quantitative sample of Example 2. The percentage of labeled cells in aggregates is shown. A representative experiment out of two is shown.
Fig. 5 viser immunopræcipitationen af ICAM-l 10 og LFA-1 fra JY-celler. Triton X-100 lysater fra JY-celler (bane 1 og 2) eller kontrollysispuffer (bane 3 og 4) immunopræcipiterede med antistof, der er i stand i til at binde til ICAM-l (bane 1 og 3) eller antistof fer, der er i stand til at binde til LFA-1 (bane 2 og 15 4). Panel A viser resultater under reducerende betingelser: Panel B viser resultater opnået under ikke- reducerende betingelser. Molekylvægtstandarder bestemtes i bane S.FIG. Figure 5 shows the immunoprecipitation of ICAM-11 and LFA-1 from JY cells. Triton X-100 lysates from JY cells (lanes 1 and 2) or control lysis buffer (lanes 3 and 4) immunoprecipitated with antibody capable of binding to ICAM-1 (lanes 1 and 3) or antibodies which is capable of binding to LFA-1 (lanes 2 and 15 4). Panel A shows results under reducing conditions: Panel B shows results obtained under non-reducing conditions. Molecular weight standards were determined in lane S.
Fig. 6 viser kinetikken af IL-1 og y-interferon-20 virkninger på ICAM-l-ekspression på humane, dermale fibroblaster. Humane, dermale fibroblaster dyrkedes til en tæthed på 8 x 104 celler/0,32 cm2/brønd. IL-1 (10 U/ml, sorte cirkler) eller rekombinant y-interferon (10 U/ml, farvede firkanter) tilsattes og på det angi-! 25 vne tidspunkt afkøledes prøven til 4°C og en indirekte j bindingsprøve gennemførtes. Standardafvigelsen oversteg 1 ikke 10 procent.FIG. Figure 6 shows the kinetics of IL-1 and γ-interferon-20 effects on ICAM-1 expression on human dermal fibroblasts. Human dermal fibroblasts were grown to a density of 8 x 10 4 cells / 0.32 cm 2 / well. IL-1 (10 U / ml, black circles) or recombinant γ-interferon (10 U / ml, colored squares) was added and indicated. At 25 minutes, the sample was cooled to 4 ° C and an indirect bond test was conducted. The standard deviation 1 did not exceed 10 percent.
Fig. 7 viser koncentrationsafhængigheden af IL-1- og y-interferonvirkninger på ICAM-l. Humane, der- 30 male fibroblaster dyrkedes til en tæthed på 8 x 104 celler/0,32 cm2/brønd. IL-2 (ufarvede cirkler), rekombinant human IL-l (ufarvede firkanter), rekombinant muse IL-1 (sorte firkanter), rekombinant human y-interferon (sorte cirkler), og rekombinant β-interferon DK 176020 B1 i j 7 (ufarvede trekanter) tilsattes ved den angivne fortynding og inkuberedes i 4 timer (IL-1) eller 16 timer (β-og γ-interferon). De viste resultater er middelværdier fra firedobbelte bestemmelser; standardafvigelsen 5 overskred ikke 10%.FIG. Figure 7 shows the concentration dependence of IL-1 and γ interferon effects on ICAM-1. Human, then fibroblasts were grown to a density of 8 x 10 4 cells / 0.32 cm 2 / well. IL-2 (unstained circles), recombinant human IL-1 (unstained squares), recombinant mouse IL-1 (black squares), recombinant human γ-interferon (black circles), and recombinant β-interferon DK 176020 B1 ij 7 (unstained) triangles) were added at the indicated dilution and incubated for 4 hours (IL-1) or 16 hours (β- and γ-interferon). The results shown are averages from quadruplicate determinations; the standard deviation 5 did not exceed 10%.
Fig. 8 viser nukleotld- og aminosyresekvensen af ICAM-l-cDNA. Det første ATG er ved position 58. Translaterede sekvenser svarende til ICAM-l tryptiske peptider er understreget. Det hydrofobe putative 10 signalpeptid og transmembransekvenser har en kraftig understregning. N-koblede glycosyleringssteder er indrammet. Polyadenyleringssignalet AATAAA ved position 2976 er angivet ved en streg ovenover signalet. Den viste sekvens er for HL-60 cDNA-klonen. Endotelcelle-15 cDNA'en sekvensbestemtes over det meste af dens længde og viste kun mindre forskelle.FIG. Figure 8 shows the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of ICAM-1 cDNA. The first ATG is at position 58. Translated sequences corresponding to ICAM-1 tryptic peptides are underlined. The hydrophobic putative signal peptide and transmembrane sequences have a strong underline. N-linked glycosylation sites are framed. The polyadenylation signal AATAAA at position 2976 is indicated by a line above the signal. The sequence shown is for the HL-60 cDNA clone. The endothelial cell-15 cDNA was sequenced over most of its length and showed only minor differences.
Fig. 9 viser de ICAM-l homologe domæner og forbindelse til den immunoglobuline supergene familie.FIG. 9 shows the ICAM-1 homologous domains and connection to the immunoglobulin supergenic family.
(A) opstilling af 5 homologe domæner (Dl-5). To eller flere 20 identiske rester, som er opstillet er indrammet. Rester bevaret to eller flere gange i NCAM-domæner samt rester i bevaret i domæner af sættene C2 og Cl opstilledes sammen med de ICMA-1 interne gentagelsesenheder. Lokaliseringen af de forudsagte β-strenge i ICAM-l-domænet er 25 markeret med kraftige streger og små bokstaver ovenover ! opstillingerne og den kendte lokalisering af β-strenge i immunoglobulin C domæner er markeret med kraftig streger og store bokstaver nedenunder opstillingen. j(A) Arrangement of 5 homologous domains (Dl-5). Two or more 20 identical leftovers that are set up are framed. Residues retained two or more times in NCAM domains as well as residues retained in domains of sets C2 and Cl were aligned with the ICMA-1 internal repeat units. The localization of the predicted β-strands in the ICAM-1 domain is marked with strong dashes and lowercase letters above! the arrays and the known localization of β-strands in immunoglobulin C domains are marked with strong dashes and capital letters below the array. j
Positionen af den putative disulfidbro indenfor ICAM-l- j 30 domæner er angivet med S-S. (B-D) optilling af proteindomæner homologe til ICAM-l domæner; proteiner opstilledes til at begynde med ved søgning i NBRF-databaser under anvendelse af FASTP-programmet. Proteinsekvenser- 8 DK 176020 B1 ne er MAG, NACM, T-cellereceptor-a-underenhed-V-domæne,The position of the putative disulfide bridge within ICAM-l-j domains is indicated by S-S. (B-D) addition of protein domains homologous to ICAM-1 domains; Proteins were initially prepared by searching NBRF databases using the FASTP program. The protein sequences are MAG, NACM, T cell receptor α subunit V domain,
IgMy-kæde og α-1-B-glycoprotein.IgMy chain and α-1-B glycoprotein.
Pig. 10 er en skematisk sammenligning mellem de sekundære strukturer af ICAM-1 og MAG.Pig. 10 is a schematic comparison between the secondary structures of ICAM-1 and MAG.
5 Fig. li viser LFA-l-positive EBV-transformerede B-lymfoblastoide cellers binding til ICAM-1 i plane membraner.FIG. 1i shows LFA-1 positive EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cells binding to ICAM-1 in planar membranes.
Fig. 12 viser LFA-l-positive T-lymfoblaster og T-lymfomacellers binding til ICAM-1 i plast-bundne 10 vesikler.FIG. Figure 12 shows LFA-1 positive T lymphoblasts and T lymphoma cells binding to ICAM-1 in plastic bound 10 vesicles.
Fig. 13 viser inhiberingen af binding af JY B-lymfoblastoidcellebinding til ICAM-1 i plast-bundne vesikler ved prebehandling af celler eller vesikler med monoklonale antistoffer.FIG. Figure 13 shows the inhibition of binding of JY B lymphoblastoid cell binding to ICAM-1 in plastic-bound vesicles by pretreating cells or vesicles with monoclonal antibodies.
15 Fig. 14 viser virkningen af temperatur på bin ding af T-lymfoblaster til ICAM-1 i plast-bundne vesikler.FIG. 14 shows the effect of temperature on binding of T lymphoblasts to ICAM-1 in plastic-bound vesicles.
Fig. 15 viser nødvendigheden af divalente kationer til binding af T-lymfoblaster til ICAM-1 i 20 plast-bundne vesikler.FIG. Figure 15 shows the necessity of divalent cations for binding T-lymphoblasts to ICAM-1 in 20 plastic-bound vesicles.
Fig. 16 viser anti-adhæsion-antistoffers virkning på perifere mononukleære blodcellers evne til proliferation som svar på genkendelsen af det T-celle-associerede antigen OKT3. "OKT3" angiver tilsætningen 25 til antigen.FIG. Figure 16 shows the effect of anti-adhesion antibodies on peripheral mononuclear blood cell's ability to proliferate in response to recognition of the T cell-associated antigen OKT3. "OK3" indicates the antigen addition 25.
Fig. 17 viser anti-adhæsion-antistoffers virk ning på perifere mononukleære blodcellers evne til proliferation som svar på genkendelsen af det ikke- specifikke T-cellemitogen, concanavalin A. "CONA" 30 angiver tilsætnigen af concanavalin A.FIG. 17 shows the effect of anti-adhesion antibodies on peripheral mononuclear blood cell's proliferation response in response to the recognition of the nonspecific T cell mitogen, concanavalin A. "CONA" 30 indicates the addition of concanavalin A.
Fig. 18 viser anti-adhæsion-antistoffers virkning på perifere mononukleære blodcellers evne til proliferation som svar på genkendelsen af det "keyhole DK 176020 B1 i 9 limpet-"hæmocyaninantigen. Tilsætningen af "keyhole limpet-"hæmocyanin til cellerne er angivet ved "KLH".FIG. Figure 18 shows the effect of anti-adhesion antibodies on peripheral mononuclear blood cell proliferation response in response to the recognition of the "keyhole DK 176020 B1 in 9 limpet" hemocyanin antigen. The addition of "keyhole limpet" hemocyanin to the cells is indicated by "KLH".
Fig. 19 viser anti-adhæsion-antistoffers virkning på perifere mononukleære blodcellers evne til 5 proliferation som svar på genkendelsen af tetanustoxo-idantigenet. Tilsætningen af tetanustoxoidantigen til cellerne er angivet ved "AGN".FIG. 19 shows the effect of anti-adhesion antibodies on peripheral mononuclear blood cells' ability to proliferate in response to the recognition of the tetanus toxoid antigen. The addition of tetanus toxoid antigen to the cells is indicated by "AGN".
Fig. 20 viser ekspressionen af ICAM-1 på humane, perifere monocytter. (A) ikke dyrkede responderceller; 10 (B) ikke dyrkede responder X stimulatorceller; (C) re sponderceller dyrker i 24 timer: (D) responder X stimulator celler dyrket i 24 timer.FIG. Figure 20 shows the expression of ICAM-1 on human peripheral monocytes. (A) non-cultured responder cells; (B) non-cultured responder X stimulator cells; (C) re sponder cells cultured for 24 h: (D) responder X stimulator cells cultured for 24 h.
(Tekst:- - - intet monoclonalt antistof; .......(Text: - - - no monoclonal antibody; .......
Muse-immunoglobulin; _ Muse-anti-ICAM-1).Mouse immunoglobulin; _ Mouse Anti-ICAM-1).
15 Molekyler, såsom dem i LFA-l-familien, der er involveret i cellulær adhæsionsprocessen omtales som "adhæsionsmolekyler".15 Molecules such as those in the LFA-1 family involved in the cellular adhesion process are referred to as "adhesion molecules".
Den omhandlede naturlige bindingsligand betegnes "intercellulær Adhæsionsmolekyle-1" eller "ICAM-l".The present natural binding ligand is referred to as "intercellular adhesion molecule-1" or "ICAM-1".
20 ICAM-1 er et 76-97 Kd glycoprotein. ICAM-1 er ikke en heterodimer. Et "funktionelt derivat af" ICAM-1 er en forbindelse, som har en biologisk aktivitet (enten funktionelt eller strukturelt) som i det væsentlige er lig en biologisk aktivitet af ICAM-1. Udtrykket 25 "funktionelle derivater" har til hensigt at omfatte "fragmenter", "varianter", "analoge" eller "kemiske derivater" af et molekyle. Et "fragment" af et molekyle, såsom ICAM-1 har til hensigt at betegne enhver polypep-tiddel af molekylet. En "variant" af et molekyle, såsom 30 ICAM-1 har til hensigt at betegne et molekyle, der i det væsentlige har samme struktur og funktion som enten hele molekylet eller et fragment deraf. Et molekyle siges at være "i det væsentlige lig med" et andet moleky- 10 DK 176020 B1 le, hvis begge molekyler har i det væsentlige ens strukturer, eller hvis begge molekyler har omtrent samme biologiske aktivitet. Forudsat at to molekyler har omtrent samme aktivitet betragtes de således som va-5 rianter, sådan som udtrykket benyttes heri, selvom strukturen af et af molekylerne ikke findes i det andet, eller hvis aminosyresekvensresterne ikke er identiske. En "analog" af et molekyle, såsom ICAM-1, har til hensigt at betegne et molekyle, der i det væ-10 sentlige er ens i funktionen enten til hele molekylet eller til et fragment deraf. Sådan som det benyttes heri, siges et molekyle at være et "kemisk derivat" af et andet molekyle, når det indeholder yderligere kemiske dele, som normalt ikke er en del af molekylet. Sådanne 15 dele kan forbedre molekylets opløselighed, absorption og biologisk halveringstid, osv. Delene kan alternativt mindske molekylets toxicitet, eliminere eller dæmpe enhver uønsket bivirkning hos molekylet, osv. Dele, der i stand til at mediere sådanne virkninger er angi-20 vet i Reminton's Pharmaceutical Sciences (1980). "Toxin-afledte"-molekyler udgør en speciel klasse af "kemiske derivater". Et "toxin-afledte" molekyle er et molekyle (såsom ICAM-i eller et antistof), som indeholder en toxindel. Bindingen af et så-25 dant molekyle til en celle bringer toxindelen i umiddelbar nærhed med cellen og fremmer derved celledød.ICAM-1 is a 76-97 Kd glycoprotein. ICAM-1 is not a heterodimer. A "functional derivative of" ICAM-1 is a compound that has a biological activity (either functional or structural) that is substantially equal to a biological activity of ICAM-1. The term "functional derivatives" is intended to include "fragments", "variants", "analogs" or "chemical derivatives" of a molecule. A "fragment" of a molecule such as ICAM-1 is intended to designate any polypeptide of the molecule. A "variant" of a molecule such as ICAM-1 is intended to denote a molecule having substantially the same structure and function as either the entire molecule or a fragment thereof. One molecule is said to be "substantially equal to" another molecule if both molecules have substantially the same structures or if both molecules have approximately the same biological activity. Thus, provided that two molecules have approximately the same activity, they are considered as variants such as the term used herein, even if the structure of one of the molecules is not found in the other or if the amino acid sequence residues are not identical. An "analog" of a molecule, such as ICAM-1, is intended to denote a molecule substantially similar in function either to the entire molecule or to a fragment thereof. As used herein, a molecule is said to be a "chemical derivative" of another molecule when it contains additional chemical moieties which are not normally part of the molecule. Such 15 moieties may improve the solubility, absorption and biological half-life of the molecule, etc. The moiety may alternatively reduce the toxicity of the molecule, eliminate or attenuate any undesirable side effect of the molecule, etc. moieties capable of mediating such effects are specified in Reminton's Pharmaceutical Sciences (1980). "Toxin-derived" molecules form a special class of "chemical derivatives". A "toxin-derived" molecule is a molecule (such as ICAM-i or an antibody) that contains a toxin moiety. The binding of such a molecule to a cell brings the toxin moiety in close proximity to the cell, thereby promoting cell death.
Enhver egnet toxindel kan anvendes; det foretrækkes imidlertid at anvende toxiner, såsom ricintoxi-net, diehtheriatoxinet, radioisotope toxiner; membran-30 kanal-formende toxiner, osv. Fremgangsmåder til kobling af sådanne dele til et molekyle er velkendt indenfor teknikken.Any suitable toxin moiety may be used; however, it is preferred to use toxins such as castor toxin, dieththeria toxin, radioisotopic toxins; membrane-channel-forming toxins, etc. Methods for coupling such moieties to a molecule are well known in the art.
Et antigent molekyle, såsom ICAM-1 eller medlemmer af LFA-l-familien af molekyler eksprimeres natur- 11 DK 176020 B1 ligvis på overfladen af lymfocytter. Introduktionen af sådanne celler i egnede dyr, som ved intraperitoneal injektion, osv., vil således resultere i produktionen af antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1 5 eller medlemmer af LFA-l-familien af molekyler. Serummet fra et sådant dyr kan, om ønsket, fjernes og benyttes som en kilde for polyklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til disse molekyler. Det foretrækkes imidlertid at fjernes splenocytter fra sådanne dyr, at 10 sammensmelte sådanne miltceller med en myelomacelleli-nie og lade sådanne fusionsceller danne en hybridoma-celle som secernerer monoklonale antistoffer, der er i j stand til at binde til ICAM-1 eller medlemmer af LFA-1 familien af molekyler.An antigenic molecule such as ICAM-1 or members of the LFA-1 family of molecules is naturally expressed on the surface of lymphocytes. Thus, the introduction of such cells into suitable animals, as by intraperitoneal injection, etc., will result in the production of antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 or members of the LFA-1 family of molecules. The serum from such an animal can, if desired, be removed and used as a source of polyclonal antibodies capable of binding to these molecules. However, it is preferred to remove splenocytes from such animals, to fuse such spleen cells with a myeloma cell line and allow such fusion cells to form a hybridoma cell that secretes monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 or members of LFA. 1 the family of molecules.
15 Hybridomacellerne, opnået på samme måde som be skrevet ovenfor kan underkastes screening ved en række fremgangsmåder til identificering af ønskede hybrido-maceller, som sekreterer antistof, der er i stand til at binde enten til ICAM-1 eller til medlemmer af LFA-1-20 familien af molekyler. Ved en foretrukket screeningsprøve, identificeres sådanne molekyler ved deres evne til at inhibere aggregationen af Epstein-Barr virustransformerede celler. Antistoffer, der er i stand til at inhibere sådanne aggregationer, underkastes dernæst 25 yderligere screening for at bestemme hvorvidt de in-hiberer sådan aggregation ved binding til ICAM-1, eller ved at binde til et medlem af LFA-l-familien af molekyler. Ethver middel, der er i stand til at skelne ICAM-1 fra LFA-l-familien af molekyler kan anvendes i 30 en sådan screening. Antigenet bundet af antistoffet kan således f.eks. analyseres ved immunfældning og polyacrylamidgelelektroforese. Hvis det bundne antigen er et medlem af LFA-l-familien af molekyler vil det 12 DK 176020 B1 immunofældede antigen således vise sig at være en dimer, hvorimod en enkelt molekylvægtdel vil være blevet immunofældet, hvis det bundne antigen er ICAM-i. Det er desuden muligt at skelne mellem disse antistoffer, som 5 binder til medlemmer af LFA-l-familien af molekyler fra dem som binder til ICAM-1 ved screening for antistoffets evne til at binde til celler, såsom granulocytter, som eksprimerer LFA-1, men ikke ICAM-1. Et antistofs (som vides at inhibere cellulær aggregation) evne til 10 at binde til granulocytter indikerer, at antistoffet er i stand til at binde til LFA-1. Fraværet af sådan binding viser, at et antistof er i stand til at genkende ICAM-1. Et antistofs evne til at binde til en celle, såsom en granulocyt, kan påvises ved metoder, der 15 sædvanligvis anvendes af en fagmand. Sådanne metoder omfatter immunoassays, cellulær agglutination, filterbindingsstudier, antistoffældning, osv.The hybridoma cells obtained in the same manner as described above can be screened by a variety of methods for identifying desired hybridoma cells that secrete antibody capable of binding either to ICAM-1 or to members of LFA-1. 20 the family of molecules. In a preferred screening assay, such molecules are identified by their ability to inhibit the aggregation of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cells. Antibodies capable of inhibiting such aggregations are then subjected to further screening to determine whether they inhibit such aggregation by binding to ICAM-1, or by binding to a member of the LFA-1 family of molecules. Any agent capable of distinguishing ICAM-1 from the LFA-1 family of molecules can be used in such a screening. Thus, the antigen bound by the antibody can e.g. assayed by immunoprecipitation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Thus, if the bound antigen is a member of the LFA-1 family of molecules, the immunoprecipitated antigen will be a dimer, whereas a single molecular weight portion would have been immunoprecipitated if the bound antigen is ICAM-i. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish between these antibodies that bind to members of the LFA-1 family of molecules from those that bind to ICAM-1 by screening for the antibody's ability to bind to cells, such as granulocytes, which express LFA-1 but not ICAM-1. The ability of an antibody (known to inhibit cellular aggregation) to bind to granulocytes indicates that the antibody is capable of binding to LFA-1. The absence of such binding indicates that an antibody is capable of recognizing ICAM-1. The ability of an antibody to bind to a cell, such as a granulocyte, can be demonstrated by methods usually employed by one of ordinary skill in the art. Such methods include immunoassays, cellular agglutination, filter binding studies, antibody precipitation, etc.
De omhandlede anti-aggregationsantistoffer kan alternativt identificeres ved måling af deres evne til 20 differentielt at binde til celler, som eksprimerer ICAM-1 (såsom aktiverede endotelceller), og deres manglende evne til at binde til celler, som ikke eksprimerer ICAM-1. Som det vil være klart for en fagmand, kan ovennævnte prøver modificeres, eller udføres 25 i en anden rækkefølge til opnåelse af en række potentielle screeningsprøver, som hver er i stand til at identificere og skelne mellem antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICMA-1 kontra medlemmer af LFA-l-familien af molekyler.Alternatively, the aforementioned anti-aggregation antibodies can be identified by measuring their ability to differentially bind to cells expressing ICAM-1 (such as activated endothelial cells) and their inability to bind to cells that do not express ICAM-1. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, the above tests may be modified or performed in a different order to obtain a series of potential screening samples, each capable of identifying and distinguishing antibodies capable of binding to ICMA-1 versus members of the LFA-1 family of molecules.
30 De omhandlede anti-inflammatoriske midler kan opnås ved naturlige (såsom ved at få et dyr, en plante, svamp, bakterie, osv. til at producere en ikke-immunoglobulin antagonist af ICAM-1, eller ved at få et 13 DK 176020 B1 dyr til at producere polyklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1); ved syntetiske metoder (såsom under anvendelse af Merrifield's metode til syntetisering af polypeptider til syntetisering af 5 ICAM-l, funktionelle derivater af ICAM-1, eller proteinantagonister af ICAM-1 (enten immunoglobulin eller ikke-immunoglobulin)); ved hybridomateknologi (såsom fremstilling af monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1); eller ved rekombinant-10 teknologi (såsom fremstilling af de omhandlede anti-inflammatoriske midler i forskellige værter (dvs. gær, bakterier, svampe, dyrkede pattedyrsceller, osv.), eller fra rekombinante plasmider eller virusvektorer).The present anti-inflammatory agents may be obtained by natural (such as by causing an animal, plant, fungus, bacterium, etc. to produce a non-immunoglobulin antagonist of ICAM-1, or by obtaining a 13 DK 176020 B1 animals for producing polyclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1); by synthetic methods (such as using Merrifield's method of synthesizing polypeptides to synthesize ICAM-1, functional derivatives of ICAM-1, or protein antagonists of ICAM-1 (either immunoglobulin or non-immunoglobulin)); by hybridoma technology (such as the preparation of monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1); or by recombinant technology (such as preparing the subject anti-inflammatory agents in various hosts (i.e., yeast, bacteria, fungi, cultured mammalian cells, etc.), or from recombinant plasmids or virus vectors).
Valget af den fremgangsmåde, der skal benyttes vil af-15 hænge af faktorer, såsom anvendelighed, ønsket udbytte, osv. Det er ikke nødvendigt kun at benytte én af ovennævnte fremgangsmåder, metoder eller teknologier til fremstilling af et særligt antiinflammatorisk middel; de ovennævnte metoder, fremgangsmåder og teknologier 20 kan kombineres for at opnå et særligt antiinflammatorisk middel.The choice of method to be used will depend on factors such as utility, desired yield, etc. It is not necessary to use only one of the above methods, methods or technologies to produce a particular anti-inflammatory agent; the above methods, methods and technologies 20 can be combined to obtain a particular anti-inflammatory agent.
A. Identifikation af LFA-l-bindingspartneren (ICAM-1).A. Identification of the LFA-1 Binding Partner (ICAM-1).
25 1. Prøver for LFA-1-afhængig aggregation.25 1. Tests for LFA-1-dependent aggregation.
Mange Epstein-Barr virustransformerede celler udviser aggregation. Denne aggregation kan øges i nærværelse af phorbolestere. En sådan homotype aggrega-30 tion (dvs. aggregation, der kun involverer en celletype) har vist sig at blive blokeret af anti-LFA-1-antistoffer (Rothlein, R. et al., J. Exper. Med. 163: 1132-1149 (1986)), hvilken reference er inkorporeret 14 DK 176020 B1 heri ved henvisningen dertil). udstrækningen af LFA-l-afhængig binding kan således bestemmes ved at prøve udstrækningen af spontan eller phorbolesterafhæn-gig aggregatdannelse.Many Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cells exhibit aggregation. This aggregation can be increased in the presence of phorbol esters. Such homotypic aggregation (i.e., aggregation involving only one cell type) has been shown to be blocked by anti-LFA-1 antibodies (Rothlein, R. et al., J. Exper. Med. 163: 1132 -1149 (1986)), the reference of which is incorporated herein by reference). Thus, the extent of LFA-1-dependent binding can be determined by testing the extent of spontaneous or phorbol ester-dependent aggregate formation.
5 Et middel som interfererer med LFA-l-afhængig aggregation kan identificeres ved anvendelsen af en prøve, der er i stand til at bestemme hvorvidt et middel interfererer med den spontane eller den phorbole-ster-afhængige aggregation af Epstein-Barr virus-10 transformerede celler. De fleste Epstein-Barr virustransformerede celler kan anvendes i en sådan prøve så længe cellerne er i stand til at eksprimere LFA-l-receptormolekylet. Sådanne celler kan fremstilles i overensstemmelse med teknikken angivet af Springer, 15 T.A. et al., J. Exper. Med. 160:1901-1918 (1984), hvilken reference er inkorporeret heri i kraft af henvisninger dertil. Skønt enhver sådan celle kan anvendes i den LFA-1-afhængige bindingsprøve ifølge opfindelsen, foretrækkes det at benytte celler fra JY cellelinien 20 (Terhost, C.T. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. USA 22:910 (1976)). Cellerne kan dyrkes i erhvert egnet dyrkningsmedium; det foretrækkes imidlertid at dyrke cellerne i RMPI 1640 dyrkningsmedium suppleret med 10% fetal kalveserum og 50 yg/ml gentamycin (Gibco Labora-25 tories, NY). Cellerne bør dyrkes under betingelser, der er egnet for pattedyrcelleproliferation (dvs. ved en temperatur på sædvanligvis 37°C og i en atmosfære med 5% C02, ved en relativ fugtighed på 95%, osv.).An agent that interferes with LFA-1-dependent aggregation can be identified by the use of a sample capable of determining whether an agent interferes with the spontaneous or phobolsteroid-dependent aggregation of Epstein-Barr virus-10 transformed cells. Most Epstein-Barr virus-transformed cells can be used in such a sample as long as the cells are capable of expressing the LFA-1 receptor molecule. Such cells can be prepared according to the technique disclosed by Springer, 15 T.A. et al., J. Exper. With. 160: 1901-1918 (1984), which reference is incorporated herein by reference thereto. Although any such cell can be used in the LFA-1 dependent binding assay of the invention, it is preferred to use cells from the JY cell line 20 (Terhost, CT et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. USA 22: 910 (1976)) . The cells can be grown in any suitable culture medium; however, it is preferred to culture the cells in RMPI 1640 culture medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 50 µg / ml gentamycin (Gibco Laboratories, NY). The cells should be grown under conditions suitable for mammalian cell proliferation (i.e., at a temperature of usually 37 ° C and in an atmosphere of 5% CO 2, at a relative humidity of 95%, etc.).
15 DK 176020 B1 2. LFA-1 binding til ICAM-1.15 DK 176020 B1 2. LFA-1 binding to ICAM-1.
Man har fundet mennesker, hvis lymfocytter mangler familien af LFA-l-receptormolekyler (Anderson, D.C.Humans have been found whose lymphocytes lack the family of LFA-1 receptor molecules (Anderson, D.C.
5 et al.. Fed. Proc. 44:2671-2677 (1985); Anderson, D.C. et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152:668-689 (1985)). Sådanne mennesker siges at lide af leukocytadhæsionsmangel (LAD). EBV-transformerede celler fra sådanne mennesker samles hverken spontant eller i nærværelse af phorbol-10 estere i ovennævnte aggregationsprøve. Når sådanne celler blandes med LFA-l-eksprimerende celler obser- j veredes aggregation (Rothlein, R. et al., J. Exper.5 et al., Fed. Proc. 44: 2671-2677 (1985); Anderson, D.C. et al., J. Infect. Haze. 152: 668-689 (1985)). Such people are said to suffer from leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD). EBV-transformed cells from such humans are assembled neither spontaneously nor in the presence of phorbol esters in the above aggregation assay. When such cells are mixed with LFA-1-expressing cells, aggregation is observed (Rothlein, R. et al., J. Exper.
Med. 163:1132-1149 (1986)) (fig. 1). Det er af stor vigtighed, at disse aggregater ikke dannes, hvis disse 15 celler inkuberedes i nærværelse af anti-LFA-1 antistoffer. Skønt aggregationen krævede LFA-l indikerede LFA-l-mangelfulde cellers evne til at danne aggregater med LFA-l-holdige celler således at LFA-l bindingspartneren ikke var LFA-l, men snarere et hidtil ukendt 20 celleadhæstionsmolekyle. Fig. 1 viser den cellulære adhæs ionsmekanisme.With. 163: 1132-1149 (1986)) (Fig. 1). It is of great importance that these aggregates do not form if these 15 cells are incubated in the presence of anti-LFA-1 antibodies. Although aggregation required LFA-1 indicated the ability of LFA-1 deficient cells to form aggregates with LFA-1-containing cells such that the LFA-1 binding partner was not LFA-1, but rather a novel cell adhesion molecule. FIG. Figure 1 shows the cellular adhesion mechanism.
B. Intercellulær adhæsionsmolekyle-1 (ICAM-1).B. Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1).
Det omhandlede intercellulære adhæsionsmolekyle ICAM-1 blev først identificeret og delvis beskrevet i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Rothlein, R. et al. (J. Immunol. 137:1270-1274 (1986)). Til påvisning 30 af ICAM-1-molekylet fremstilledes monoklonale antistoffer ud fra miltceller fra mus, immuniseret med celler i j 16 DK 176020 B1 fra mennesker med genetisk defekt i LFA-l-ekspression.The subject intercellular adhesion molecule ICAM-1 was first identified and partially described according to the method of Rothlein, R. et al. (J. Immunol. 137: 1270-1274 (1986)). For detection of 30 of the ICAM-1 molecule, monoclonal antibodies were prepared from mouse spleen cells immunized with cells in humans with genetic defect in LFA-1 expression.
De opnåede antistoffer underkastedes screening for deres evne til at inhibere aggregationen af LFA-l-ekspri-merende celler (fig. 2). Nærmere angivet immuniseredes 5 mus med EBV-transformerede B-celler fra LAD-patienter, som ikke eksprimerer LFA-1-antigenet. Milceller fra disse dyr fjernedes dernæst, sammensmeltedes med myelo-maceller og fik lov til at blive monoklonale antistofproducerende hybridomaceller. EBV-transformerede ΒΙΟ celler fra normale mennesker, som eksprimerer LFA-1, inkuberedes dernæst i nærværelse af det monoklonale antistof fra hybridomacellen til identificering af ethvert monoklonalt antistof, som var i stand til at inhibere den phorbolester-medierede, LFA-l-afhængige, i 15 spontane aggregation af de EBV-transformerede B-celler.The antibodies obtained were screened for their ability to inhibit the aggregation of LFA-1-expressing cells (Fig. 2). Specifically, 5 mice were immunized with EBV-transformed B cells from LAD patients who do not express the LFA-1 antigen. Spleen cells from these animals were then removed, fused with myeloma cells and allowed to become monoclonal antibody-producing hybridoma cells. Normal human EBV-transformed ΒΙΟ cells expressing LFA-1 were then incubated in the presence of the hybridoma cell monoclonal antibody to identify any monoclonal antibody capable of inhibiting the phorbol ester-mediated, LFA-1 dependent in 15 spontaneous aggregation of the EBV-transformed B cells.
Eftersom hybridomacellerne stammede fra celler, som aldrig havde støt på LFA-lantigenet, produceredes der intet monoklonalt antistof mod LFA-1. Ethvert antistof, som viste sig at inhibere aggregation må således være i 20 stand til at binde til et antigen som, skønt det ikke er LFA-1, deltager i LFA-l-adhæsionsprocessen. Skønt enhver fremgangsmåde til opnåelse af sådanne monoklonale antistoffer kan benyttes, foretrækkes det at opnå ICAM-l-bindingsmonoklonale antistoffer ved immunisering ^ 25 af BALB/C-mus, idet metoder og planer beskrevet af Rothlein, R. et al♦, (J. Immunol. 137: 1270-1274 (1986)) benyttes med Epstein-Barr virustransformerede, perifere mononukleære blodceller fra mennesker med en LFA-l-defekt. Sådanne celler er angivet af Springer, 30 T.A., et al·., (J. Exper. Med. 160; 1901-1918 (1984)).Because the hybridoma cells were derived from cells that had never encountered the LFA lanthigen, no monoclonal antibody to LFA-1 was produced. Thus, any antibody found to inhibit aggregation must be capable of binding to an antigen that, although not LFA-1, participates in the LFA-1 adhesion process. Although any method for obtaining such monoclonal antibodies can be used, it is preferred to obtain ICAM-1 binding monoclonal antibodies by immunization of BALB / C mice, methods and plans described by Rothlein, R. et al., (J. Immunol. 137: 1270-1274 (1986)) is used with Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with an LFA-1 defect. Such cells are disclosed by Springer, 30 T.A., et al., (J. Exper. Med. 160; 1901-1918 (1984)).
Ved en fremgangsmåde til frembringelse og påvisning af antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l, immuniseres mus med enten EBV-transformerede B- ! 17 DK 176020 B1 celler, som eksprimerer både ICAM-1 og LFA-1 eller flere, fortrinsvis med TNF-aktiverede endotelceller, der eksprimerer ICAM-l, men ikke LFA-1. Ved den mest foretrukne fremgangsmåde til frembringelse af hybridomacel-5 ler, som producerer anti-ICAM-l-antistoffer, sekvensimmuniseredes en Balb/C-mus med JYceller og med differen- i .In a method for producing and detecting antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1, mice are immunized with either EBV-transformed B-! B1 cells expressing both ICAM-1 and LFA-1 or more, preferably with TNF-activated endothelial cells expressing ICAM-1 but not LFA-1. In the most preferred method of producing hybridoma cells producing anti-ICAM-1 antibodies, a Balb / C mouse was sequenced with JY cells and differentiated.
tierede U937-celler (ATCC CRL1593). Miltcellerne fra sådanne dyr fjernedes, sammensmeltedes med myelomacel-! ler og fik lov til at udvikle i antistofproducerende I 10 hybridomaceller. Antistofferne underkastes screening for deres evne til at inhibere den LFA-l-afhængige, phorbolester-inducerede aggregation af en EBV-trans-j formeret celleline, såsom JY-celler, der eksprimerer både LFA-l-receptoren og ICAM-1. Som vist af Rothlein, I 15 R., et al., (J. Immunol. 137; 1270-274 (1987)), testes antistoffer, der er i stand til at inhibere en sådan aggregation, dernæst for deres evne til at inhibere den phorbolesterinducerede aggregation af en cellelinie, såsom SKW3 (Dustin, M., et al., J. Exper. Med.tiered U937 cells (ATCC CRL1593). The spleen cells from such animals were removed, fused with myeloma cell line. clay and allowed to develop in antibody-producing I 10 hybridoma cells. The antibodies are screened for their ability to inhibit the LFA-1-dependent, phorbol ester-induced aggregation of an EBV-trans-β proliferated cell line, such as JY cells expressing both the LFA-1 receptor and ICAM-1. As shown by Rothlein, I 15 R., et al. (J. Immunol. 137; 1270-274 (1987)), antibodies capable of inhibiting such aggregation are then tested for their ability to inhibit the phorbol ester-induced aggregation of a cell line such as SKW3 (Dustin, M., et al., J. Exper. Med.
20 165:672-692 (1987)) hvis evne til spontan aggregation i nærværelse af en phorbolester inhiberes af antistof, der er i stand til at binde LFA-l, men inhiberes ikke af anti-ICAM-l-antistoffer. Antistoffer, der er i stand til at inhibere den phorbolester-inducerede aggregation 25 af celler, såsom JY-celler, men som ikke er i stand til inhibere den phorbolesterinducerede aggregation af celler, såsom SKW3 celler er sandsynligvis anti-ICAM-l-antistoffer. Alternativt kan antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l identificeres ved scree-30 ning for antistoffer, som er i stand til at inhibere den LFA-l-afhængige aggregation af LFA-ekspressionsceller (såsom JY-celler), men som ikke er i stand til at binde til celler, der eksprimerer LFA-l, men lidt DK 176020 B120 165: 672-692 (1987)) whose ability to spontaneously aggregate in the presence of a phorbol ester is inhibited by antibody capable of binding LFA-1 but is not inhibited by anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. Antibodies capable of inhibiting the phorbol ester-induced aggregation of cells, such as JY cells, but unable to inhibit the phorbol ester-induced aggregation of cells such as SKW3 cells are likely to be anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. Alternatively, antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 can be identified by screening for antibodies capable of inhibiting the LFA-1-dependent aggregation of LFA expression cells (such as JY cells), but which are unable to bind to cells expressing LFA-1 but little DK 176020 B1
18 I18 I
eller intet ICAM-1 (såsom normale granulocytter), eller som er i stand til at binde til celler, som eksprimerer ICAM-1, men ikke LFA-1 (såsom TNF-aktivierede endotelceller). Et andet alternativ er immunofældning 5 fra celler, der eksprimerer ICAM-1, LFA-1, eller begge, under anvendelse af antistoffer, der inhiberer den LFA-l-afhængige aggregation af celler, såsom JY-celler, og bestemmelse af nogle molekylegenskaber af molekylet, der udfældede med antistoffet gennem SDS-PAGE eller en 10 ækvivalent metode. Hvis egenskaberne er de samme som for ICAM-1, formodes det, at antistoffet er et · anti-ICAM-l-antistof.or no ICAM-1 (such as normal granulocytes) or capable of binding to cells expressing ICAM-1 but not LFA-1 (such as TNF-activated endothelial cells). Another alternative is immunoprecipitation 5 from cells expressing ICAM-1, LFA-1, or both, using antibodies that inhibit the LFA-1-dependent aggregation of cells, such as JY cells, and determine some molecular properties of the molecule that precipitated with the antibody through SDS-PAGE or a 10 equivalent method. If the properties are the same as for ICAM-1, the antibody is presumed to be an anti-ICAM-1 antibody.
Idet man benytter monoklonale antistoffer, der er fremstillet analogt med ovennævnte, rensedes ICAM-15 1-celleoverflademolekylet, og dets egenskaber bestemtes. ICAM-1 rensedes fra humane celler eller væv, idet monoklonal antistof affinitetschromatogra-fi benyttedes, ved en sådan fremgangsmåde kobles et monoklonalt antistof, der er reaktivt med ICAM-1 til en 20 inert kolonnematrix. Enhver fremgangsmåde til opnåelse af en sådan kobling kan benyttes; det foretrækkes imidlertid at benyttet fremgangsmåden beskrevet af Oettgen, H.C. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 259:12034 (1984)). Når et cellelysat passerer gennem matrixen adsorberes det til- i 25 stedeværende ICAM-1-molekyle og tilbageholdes af matrixen. ved at ændre pH-værdien eller ionkoncentrationen i kolonnen kan de bundne ICAM-l-molekyler elueres fra kolonnen. Skønt enhver egnet matrix kan benyttes, foretrækkes det, at anvende sepharose (Pharmacia) som ma-30 trixmaterialet. Fremstillingen af kolonnematricer, og deres anvendelse indenfor proteinrensning er velkendt indenfor teknikken.Using monoclonal antibodies prepared analogously to the above, the ICAM-15 1 cell surface molecule was purified and its properties determined. ICAM-1 was purified from human cells or tissues using monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography, in such a method coupling a monoclonal antibody reactive with ICAM-1 to an inert column matrix. Any method of obtaining such a coupling may be employed; however, it is preferred to use the method described by Oettgen, H.C. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 259: 12034 (1984)). When a cell lysate passes through the matrix, it is adsorbed into the existing ICAM-1 molecule and retained by the matrix. by changing the pH or ion concentration in the column, the bound ICAM-1 molecules can be eluted from the column. Although any suitable matrix can be used, it is preferred to use sepharose (Pharmacia) as the matrix material. The preparation of column matrices and their use in protein purification is well known in the art.
På en måde som forstås af en fagmand, kan ovennævnte prøver benyttes til identificering af forbindel- 19 DK 176020 B1 ser, der er 1 stand til at dæmpe eller inhibere graden ! eller udstrækningen af cellulær adhæsion.In a manner understood by one of ordinary skill in the art, the above tests can be used to identify compounds which are capable of attenuating or inhibiting the degree! or the extent of cellular adhesion.
ICAM-1 er et celleoverfladeglycoprotein ekspri-meret på ikke-hematopoietiske celler, såsom vaskulære 5 endotelceller, thymusepitelceller, visse andre epitelceller, og fibroblaster, og på hæmatopoietiske celler, såsom vævsmakrofager, mitogen-stimulerede T-lymfocyt-blaster, og germinale, centrerede B-celler og dendrit-celler i tonsiler, lymfeknuder og "Peyer's-patches".ICAM-1 is a cell surface glycoprotein expressed on non-hematopoietic cells, such as vascular endothelial cells, thymus epithelial cells, certain other epithelial cells, and fibroblasts, and on hematopoietic cells such as tissue macrophages, mitogen-stimulated T lymphocyte, B cells and dendrite cells in tonsils, lymph nodes and "Peyer's patches".
10 ICAM-1 eksprimeres stærkt på vaskulære endotelceller i T-celleområder i lymfeknuder og tonsiler, hvilken udviser reaktiv hyperplasia. ICAM-1 eksprimeres i små mængder på perifere blodlymfocytter. Phorbolester-stimuleret differentiering af nogle myelomonocytiske 15 cellelinier øger ICAM-l-ekspressionen kraftigt. ICAM-1 eksprimeres således fortrinsvis på steder med inflammation og eksprimeres generelt ikke af passive celler. ICAM-l-ekspression på dermale fibroblaster øges 3-5 gange med enten interleukin 1 eller γ-interferon i 20 koncentrationer på 10 U/ml i løbet af henholdsvis 4 eller 10 timer. Induktionen er afhængig af protein- og mRNA-syntese og er reversibel.10 ICAM-1 is strongly expressed on vascular endothelial cells in T-cell regions of lymph nodes and tonsils, exhibiting reactive hyperplasia. ICAM-1 is expressed in small amounts on peripheral blood lymphocytes. Phorbol ester-stimulated differentiation of some myelomonocytic cell lines greatly increases ICAM-1 expression. Thus, ICAM-1 is preferably expressed at sites of inflammation and is generally not expressed by passive cells. ICAM-1 expression on dermal fibroblasts is increased 3–5-fold with either interleukin 1 or γ-interferon at 20 concentrations of 10 U / ml over 4 or 10 hours, respectively. The induction is dependent on protein and mRNA synthesis and is reversible.
ICAM-1 udviser molekylvægtuensartethed i forskellige celletyper med en molekylvægt på 97 kd i fibro-25 blaster, 114 kd i den myelomonocytiske celleline U937 og 90 kd i B-lymfoblastoidcellen JY. ICAM-I-biosyntese har vist sig at involvere en ca. 73 kd intercellulær precursor. Den ikke-N-glycosylerede form, der stammer fra tunicamycinbehandling (som inhiberer glycosylering) 30 har en molekylvægt på 55 kd.ICAM-1 exhibits molecular weight uniformity in different cell types with a molecular weight of 97 kd in fibroblasts, 114 kd in the myelomonocytic cell line U937 and 90 kd in the B lymphoblastoid cell JY. ICAM-I biosynthesis has been shown to involve an approx. 73 kd intercellular precursor. The non-N-glycosylated form resulting from tunicamycin treatment (which inhibits glycosylation) 30 has a molecular weight of 55 kd.
ICAM-1 isoleret fra phorbolesterstimulerede U937-celler eller fra fibroblastceller giver et tilsvarende stort produkt med en molekylvægt på 60 kd ef- 20 DK 176020 B1 ter kemisk deglycosylering. ICAM-l monoklonale antistoffer interfererer med adhæsionen af phytohæmaglu-tininblaster til LFA-l-mangelfulde celleliner. Prebe-handling af fibroblaster, men ikke lymfocytter, med 5 monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde ICAM-l, inhiberer lymfocyt-fibroblastadhæsion. Pre-behandling af lymfocytter, men ikke fibroblaster, med ! antistoffer mod LFA-1 har desuden vist sig at inhibere lymfocyt-fibroblastadhæsion.ICAM-1 isolated from phorbol ester stimulated U937 cells or from fibroblast cells provides a similarly large product with a molecular weight of 60 kd after chemical deglycosylation. ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies interfere with the adhesion of phytohaemaglutinin blasts to LFA-1 deficient cell lines. Pre-treatment of fibroblasts, but not lymphocytes, with 5 monoclonal antibodies capable of binding ICAM-1 inhibits lymphocyte fibroblast adhesion. Pre-treatment of lymphocytes, but not fibroblasts, with! In addition, antibodies against LFA-1 have been shown to inhibit lymphocyte fibroblast adhesion.
10 ICAM-l er således CD 18 kompleksets bindings ligand på leukocytter. Det er inducerbart på fibroblaster og endotelceller in vitro ved inflammatoriske mediatorer, såsom IL-1, y-intérferon og tumornecrosis-faktor indenfor en tidsramme, der er i overensstemmelse 15 med infiltrationen af lymfocytter i inflammatoriske læsioner in vivo (Dustin, M.L., et al., J. Immunol 137:245-254, (1986); Prober, J.S., et. al., J♦ Immunol 137:1893-1896, (1986)). ICMA-1 eksprimeres yderligere på ikke-hæmatopoietiske celler, såsom vaskulære endotel-20 celler, thymusepitelceller, andre epitelceller, og fibroblaster og på hæmatopoietiske celler, såsom vævsmakrofager, mitogen-stimulerede T-lymfocytblaster, og germinalcenter-B-celler og dendritceller i tonsiler, lymfeknuder og "Peyer's patches" (Dustin, M.L. et.Thus, ICAM-1 is the CD 18 complex's binding ligand on leukocytes. It is inducible on fibroblasts and endothelial cells in vitro by inflammatory mediators such as IL-1, γ-interferon and tumor necrosis factor within a time frame consistent with lymphocyte infiltration in inflammatory lesions in vivo (Dustin, ML, et al J. Immunol 137: 245-254, (1986); Prober, JS, et al., J ♦ Immunol 137: 1893-1896, (1986)). ICMA-1 is further expressed on non-hematopoietic cells, such as vascular endothelial cells, thymus epithelial cells, other epithelial cells, and fibroblasts and on hematopoietic cells such as tissue macrophages, mitogen-stimulated T lymphocyte blasts, and germinal center B cells and dendritic cells. , lymph nodes and "Peyer's patches" (Dustin, ML et.
25 al., Immunol 137:245-254, (1986)). ICAM-l eksprimeres på keratinocytter i godartede inflammationsskader såsom allergisk eksem, lichen ruber, exanthema, urticaria og sygdomme med blæredannelse. Allergiske hudreaktioner, provokeret ved påførsel af et hapten på huden 30 overfor hvilket patienten er allergisk, viste også en kraftig lCAM-1-ekspression på keratinocytter. På den anden side viste toxiske lapper på huden ikke icam-1-ekspression på keratinocytterne. ICAM-l findes på kera- 21 DK 176020 B1 tinocytter fra biopsier af hudskader fra forskellige dermatologiske sygdomme og ICAM-1-ekspression induceres på skader fra allergiske laptests, medens keratinocyt-ter fra toxiske laptestskader ikke eksprimerede 5 ICAM-1.25, Immunol 137: 245-254, (1986)). ICAM-1 is expressed on keratinocytes in benign inflammatory lesions such as allergic eczema, lichen ruber, exanthema, urticaria and blistering diseases. Allergic skin reactions, provoked by the application of a hapten to the skin 30 against which the patient is allergic, also showed potent ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes. On the other hand, toxic patches on the skin did not show icam-1 expression on the keratinocytes. ICAM-1 is found on keratinocytes from biopsies of skin lesions from various dermatological diseases and ICAM-1 expression is induced on damage from allergic lap tests, whereas keratinocytes from toxic lap test injuries did not express ICAM-1.
ICAM-1 er derfor et cellesubstrat til hvilket lymfocytter kan fæstnes, således at lymfocytterne kan ! migrere til steder med en inflammation og/eller gennemføre forskellige effektorfunktloner som bidrager 10 til denne inflammation. Sådanne funktioner omfatter produktionen af antistof, lysis af virusinficerede målceller, osv. Udtrykket "inflammation", sådan som det benyttes heri, har til hensigt kun at omfatte reaktioner fra det specifikke forsvarssystem. Sådan som 15 det benyttes heri har udtrykket "specifikt forsvarssystem" til hensigt at referere til den bestanddel i immunsystemet, som reagerer i nærværelse af specifikke antigener. Inflammation siges at opstå som en reaktion fra det specifikke forsvarssytem, hvis inflammationen 20 er forårsaget af, medieret af, eller knyttet til en reaktion fra det specifikke forsvarssytem. Eksempler på inflammationer, som opstår fra en reaktion fra det specifikke forsvarssystem omfatter reaktionen overfor antigener, såsom rubellavirus, autoimmunsygdomme, 25 forsinket type af hypersensitivitetreaktion medieret af T-celler (som det f.eks. ses hos mennesker, hvis test er "positiv" i Mantaux-testen), osv.Therefore, ICAM-1 is a cell substrate to which lymphocytes can be attached so that the lymphocytes can! migrate to sites of inflammation and / or carry out various effector function clones that contribute 10 to this inflammation. Such functions include the production of antibody, lysis of virus-infected target cells, etc. The term "inflammation" as used herein is intended to include only responses from the specific defense system. As used herein, the term "specific defense system" is intended to refer to the component of the immune system that reacts in the presence of specific antigens. Inflammation is said to occur as a reaction from the specific defense system if the inflammation 20 is caused by, mediated by, or linked to a reaction from the specific defense system. Examples of inflammation arising from a reaction of the specific defense system include the response to antigens such as rubella virus, autoimmune diseases, delayed type of hypersensitivity reaction mediated by T cells (as seen, for example, in humans whose test is "positive" in the Mantaux test), etc.
22 DK 176020 B1 C. Kloning af ICAM-1-genet.22 DK 176020 B1 C. Cloning of the ICAM-1 gene.
Enhver af en række forskellige metoder kan benyttes til kloning til ICAM-l-genet. En sådan frem-5 gangsmåde medfører analyse af et shuttelvektorbibliotek af cDNA-indføjeiser (stammende fra en ICAM-l-eksprime-rende celle) for tilstedeværelsen af en indføjelse, som indeholder ICAM-l-genet. En sådan analyse kan gennemføres ved transfektions af celler med vektoren og dernæst 10 prøvning for ICAM-l-ekspression. Den foretrukne fremgangsmåde til kloning af dette gen medfører bestemmelse af ICAM-1-molekylets aminosyresekvens. Til gennemførsel af denne opgave skal ICAM-l-protein renses og analyseres af automatiserede sekvenatorer. Molekylet kan al-15 ternativt underkastes fragmentering med cyanogenbromid eller med proteaser, såsom papain, chymotrypsin eller trypsin (Oike, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 257:9751-9758 (1982); Liu, C. et al., Int. J. Pept. ProteinAny of a variety of methods can be used for cloning to the ICAM-1 gene. Such a method involves the analysis of a shuttle vector library of cDNA inserts (derived from an ICAM-1-expressing cell) for the presence of an insert containing the ICAM-1 gene. Such analysis can be performed by transfecting cells with the vector and then testing for ICAM-1 expression. The preferred method of cloning this gene involves determining the amino acid sequence of the ICAM-1 molecule. To accomplish this task, ICAM-1 protein must be purified and analyzed by automated sequencers. Alternatively, the molecule may be subjected to fragmentation with cyanogen bromide or with proteases such as papain, chymotrypsin or trypsin (Oike, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 257: 9751-9758 (1982); Liu, C. et al. ., Int. J. Pept. Protein
Res. 21:209-215 (1983)).Res. 21: 209-215 (1983)).
20 Skønt det er muligt at bestemme ICAM-1's hele aminosyresekvens, foretrækkes det at bestemme molekylets peptidfragmentsekvens. Hvis peptidet er mere end 10 aminosyrer lang, er sekvensinformationen sædvanligvis tilstrækkelig til at man kan klone et gen, såsom 25 genet for ICAM-1.Although it is possible to determine the entire amino acid sequence of ICAM-1, it is preferred to determine the peptide fragment sequence of the molecule. If the peptide is more than 10 amino acids long, the sequence information is usually sufficient to clone a gene such as the ICAM-1 gene.
Sekvensen af aminosyrerester i et peptid betegnes heri enten gennem anvendelsen af deres sædvanlige anvendte 3-bogstavsbetegnelser eller ved deres enkelt-bogstavsbetegnelser. En liste af disse 3-bog-30 stavs- og l-bogstavsbetegnelser kan findes i tekstbøger såsom Biochemistry, Lehninger, A., Worth Publishers, New York, NY (1970). Når en sådan sekvens opføres lodret, er det hensigten at amino-terminal-resten skal 23 DK 176020 B1 stå øverst på listen og carboxy-terminal-resten af peptidet skal stå nederst på listen. Når sekvensen opføres vandret er det på samme måde hensigten at amino-terminal-resten skal stå til venstre, hvorimod 5 carboxy-terminal-resten skal stå til højre. Aminosyre-resterne i et peptid kan adskilles med bindestreger.The sequence of amino acid residues in a peptide is denoted herein either by the use of their commonly used 3-letter designations or by their single-letter designations. A list of these 3-book 30-letter and 1-letter designations can be found in text books such as Biochemistry, Lehninger, A., Worth Publishers, New York, NY (1970). When such a sequence is erected vertically, it is intended that the amino-terminal residue should be at the top of the list and the carboxy-terminal residue of the peptide should be at the bottom of the list. Similarly, when the sequence is erected horizontally, it is intended that the amino-terminal residue be left, whereas the 5-carboxy-terminal residue should be to the right. The amino acid residues in a peptide can be separated by hyphens.
Sådanne bindestreger har alene til hensigt at lette en sekvenspræsentation. Som et rent illustrativt eksempel indikerer aminosyresekvensen betegnet: 10 -Gly-Ala-Ser-Phe- at en Ala-rest er bundet til Gly's carboxygruppe, og at i en Ser-rest er bundet til Ala-restens carboxygruppe og 15 til en Phe-rests aminogruppe. Betegnelsen indikerer yderligere at aminosyresekvensen indeholder tetrapepti-det Gly-Ala-Ser-Phe. Det er ikke hensigten at betegnelsen skal begrænse amiosyresekvensen til dette ene te-trapeptid, men det er hensigten at inkludere (1) tetra-20 peptidet indeholdende en eller flere aminosyrerester, bundet til enten dets amino- eller carboxyende, (2) tetrapeptidet indeholdende en eller flere aminosyrerester, bundet til begge dets amino- og carboxyender, (3) tetrapeptidet, som ikke indeholder yderligere ami-25 nosyrerester.Such hyphens are intended solely to facilitate a sequence presentation. As a purely illustrative example, the amino acid sequence designated: 10 -Gly-Ala-Ser-Phe- indicates that an Ala residue is bound to Gly's carboxy group and that in a Ser residue is bound to the carboxy group of Ala residue and 15 to a Phe- residue amino group. The designation further indicates that the amino acid sequence contains tetrapeptide Gly-Ala-Ser-Phe. The term is not intended to limit the amino acid sequence of this one tetrapeptide, but it is intended to include (1) the tetrapeptide containing one or more amino acid residues bound to either its amino or carboxy terminus, (2) the tetrapeptide containing a or more amino acid residues linked to both its amino and carboxy ends, (3) the tetrapeptide, which contains no further amino acid residues.
Når et eller flere egnede peptidfragmenter er blevet sekvenseret, undersøges DNA-sekvenser, der er i stand til at kode for dem. Fordi den genetiske kode er degenereret, kan mere end et codon benyttes til at 30 kode for en bestemt aminosyre (Watson, J.D., I: Molecular Biology of the Gene, 3. udg., W.A. Benjamin,Once one or more suitable peptide fragments have been sequenced, DNA sequences capable of encoding them are examined. Because the genetic code is degenerate, more than one codon can be used to encode a particular amino acid (Watson, J.D., I: Molecular Biology of the Gene, 3rd ed., W.A. Benjamin,
Inc., Menlo Park, CA (1977), s. 356-357). Peptidfragmenterne analyseres til identificering af sekvenser 24 DK 176020 B1 af aminosyrer, som kan kodes af oligonukleotider med den laveste grad af degenerering. Dette gennemføres fortrinsvis ved identificering af sekvenser, som indeholder amiosyrer, der kun kodes af et enkelt codon.Inc., Menlo Park, CA (1977), pp. 356-357). The peptide fragments are analyzed to identify sequences of amino acids which can be encoded by oligonucleotides with the lowest degree of degeneration. This is preferably accomplished by identifying sequences containing amino acids encoded by only a single codon.
5 Skønt sådanne aminosyresekvenser en gang imellem kan kodes af kun et enkelt oligonucleotid kan amino-syresekvensen ofte kodes af et vilkårlig nucleotid fra et sæt af lignende oligonucleotider. Medens alle medlemmer af sættet indeholder oligonucleotider, som 10 er i stand til at kode for peptidfragmentet, og således potentielt indeholder den samme nucleotidsekvens som genet, der koder for peptidfragmentet, er det væsentligt at kun et medlem af sættet indholder en nucleotidsekvens, der er identisk med dette gens nukleotid-15 sekvens. Fordi dette medlem findes i sættet og er i stand til at hybridisere til dna, selv i nærværelse af andre medlemmer i sættet, er det muligt at benytte det ufraktionerede sæt af oligonucleotider på samme måde som man ville anvende en enkelt oligonucleotid til 20 kloning af genet, som koder for peptidet.Although such amino acid sequences may occasionally be encoded by only a single oligonucleotide, the amino acid sequence can often be encoded by any nucleotide from a set of similar oligonucleotides. While all members of the kit contain oligonucleotides which are capable of encoding the peptide fragment, and thus potentially contain the same nucleotide sequence as the gene encoding the peptide fragment, it is essential that only one member of the kit contains a nucleotide sequence that is identical with this nucleotide sequence of this gene. Because this member exists in the kit and is capable of hybridizing to DNA, even in the presence of other members of the kit, it is possible to use the unfractionated set of oligonucleotides in the same way as a single oligonucleotide would be used for cloning the gene , which encodes the peptide.
På en måde analogt med ovennævnte kan man anvende et oligonucleotid (eller sæt af oligonucleotider), som indeholder en nucleotidsekvens, som er komplementær til oligonucleotidsekvensen eller sættet 25 af sekvenser, der er i stand til at kode for peptidfragmentet.In a manner analogous to the above, one may employ an oligonucleotide (or set of oligonucleotides) containing a nucleotide sequence complementary to the oligonucleotide sequence or set of sequences capable of encoding the peptide fragment.
Et egnet oligonucleotid eller sæt af oligonucleotider, som er i stand til at kode for et fragment af ICAM-l-genet (eller som er komplementær til 30 et sådant oligonucleotid, eller sæt af oligonucleotider) identificeres (idet ovennævnte fremgangsmåde benyttes), syntetiseres og hybridisers, ved metoder der er velkendte indenfor teknikken, overfor et DNA eller, 25 DK 176020 B1 mere foretrukket, et cDNA-præparat, som stammer fra humane celler, der er i stand til at eksprimere ICAM-1-gensekvenser. Metoder til nucleinsyrehybridisering er angivet af Maniatis, T. et al., I: Molecular Cloning, 5 a Laboratory Manual, Coldspring Harbor, NY (1982), og af Haymes, B.D. et al., I: Nucleic Acid Hybrizatlon, a Practical Approach, IRL Press, Washington, DC (1985), hvilke referencer er inkorporeret heri ved henvisning.A suitable oligonucleotide or set of oligonucleotides capable of coding for a fragment of the ICAM-1 gene (or complementary to such an oligonucleotide, or set of oligonucleotides) is identified (using the above method), synthesized and synthesized. hybridisers, by methods well known in the art, to a DNA or, more preferably, a cDNA preparation derived from human cells capable of expressing ICAM-1 gene sequences. Methods for nucleic acid hybridization are disclosed by Maniatis, T. et al., In: Molecular Cloning, 5a Laboratory Manual, Coldspring Harbor, NY (1982), and by Haymes, B.D. et al., In: Nucleic Acid Hybrizatlon, A Practical Approach, IRL Press, Washington, DC (1985), which references are incorporated herein by reference.
Den benyttede DNA eller cDNA kilde vil fortrinsvis være 10 blevet beriget for ICAM-l-sekvenser. En sådan be-rigeles kan meget nemt opnås ud fra cDNA opnået ved ekstraktion af RNA fra celler dyrket under betingelser som inducerer ICAM-l-syntese (såsom U937 dyrket i nærværelse af phorbolestere, osv.).The DNA or cDNA source used will preferably have been enriched for ICAM-1 sequences. Such an enrichment can very easily be obtained from cDNA obtained by extracting RNA from cells grown under conditions which induce ICAM-1 synthesis (such as U937 grown in the presence of phorbol esters, etc.).
15 Teknikker såsom, eller svarende til dem, der er beskrevet ovenfor, har med succes muliggjort kloning af gener til human aldehyd-dehydrogenaser (Hsu, L.C.Techniques such as, or similar to those described above, have successfully enabled cloning of genes for human aldehyde dehydrogenases (Hsu, L.C.
et_al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. USA 82:3771-3775 (1985)), fibronectin (Suzuki, S. et al., Eur. al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82: 3771-3775 (1985)), fibronectin (Suzuki, S. et al., Eur. Mol.
20 Biol. Organ. J. £:2519-2524 (1985)), det humane estrogen-receptorgen (Walter, P. et al., Proc, Natl.Biol. Organ. J. £: 2519-2524 (1985)), the human estrogen receptor gene (Walter, P. et al., Proc, Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 82:7889-7893 (1985)), vævstype plasmino-gen-aktivator (Pennica, D. et al.. Nature 301:214-221 (1983)) og humant ende-placental-basisk-phosphatase-25 komplementært-DNA (Kam, W. et al♦, Proc. Natl. Acad.Acad. Sci. USA 82: 7889-7893 (1985)), tissue type plasminogen activator (Pennica, D. et al. Nature 301: 214-221 (1983)) and human end placental basic phosphatase complementary DNA (Kam, W. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 82:8715-8719 (1985)).Sci. USA 82: 8715-8719 (1985)).
Ved en foretrukken alternativ fremgangsmåde til kloning af ICAM-l-genet fremstilles et bibliotek af ekspressionsvektorer ved kloning af DNA eller, mere fore-30 trukket cDNA, fra en celle, der er i stand til at eksprimere ICAM-1 ind i en ekspressionsvektor. Biblioteket screenes dernæst for medlemmer, der er i stand til at eksprimere et protein, som binder til anti- i i 26 DK 176020 B1 ICAM-l-antistof, og som har en nueleotidsekvens, der er i stand til at kode for polypeptider, som har den samme aminosyresekvens som ICAM-1 eller fragmenter af ICAM-l.In a preferred alternative method for cloning the ICAM-1 gene, a library of expression vectors is prepared by cloning DNA or, more preferably, cDNA, from a cell capable of expressing ICAM-1 into an expression vector. The library is then screened for members capable of expressing a protein that binds to antibody that has a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding polypeptides which have the same amino acid sequence as ICAM-1 or fragments of ICAM-1.
5 Det klonede ICAM-l-gen, opnået gennem ovennævnte fremgangsmåder, kan operabelt bindes til en ekspressionsvektor og introduceres i bakterie- eller eukaryo-tiske celler til produktion af ICAM-l-protein.The cloned ICAM-1 gene, obtained by the above methods, can be operably bound to an expression vector and introduced into bacterial or eukaryotic cells to produce ICAM-1 protein.
Teknikker for sådanne manipulationer er angivet af 10 Maniatis. T. et al., supra, og er velkendte indenfor teknikken.Techniques for such manipulations are indicated by 10 Maniatis. T. et al., Supra, and are well known in the art.
D. Anvendelser af LFA-l-afhænqlqe aqqreqationsprøver. r 15D. Uses of LFA-1 dependent aggregation samples. r 15
Ovennævnte prøve, hvor man er i stand til at måle LFA-l-afhængig aggregation kan benyttes til identifikation af mdiler, der virker som antagonister til inhibering af omfanget af LFA-l-afhængig aggregation.The above test, where one is able to measure LFA-1-dependent aggregation, can be used to identify drugs that act as antagonists to inhibit the extent of LFA-1-dependent aggregation.
20 sådanne antagonister kan virke ved at svække LFA-1 eller ICAM-11s evne til at formidle aggregation. Sådanne midler omfatter således immunoglobuliner, såsom et antistof der er i stand til at binde til enten LFA-1 eller ICAM-1. Ikke-immunoglobuline (dvs. kemiske) midler 25 kan yderligere undersøges under anvendelse af ovennævnte prøve, for at bestemme om de er antagonister til LFA-l-aggregation.Twenty such antagonists may act by impairing the ability of LFA-1 or ICAM-11 to mediate aggregation. Thus, such agents include immunoglobulins, such as an antibody capable of binding to either LFA-1 or ICAM-1. Non-immunoglobulin (i.e., chemical) agents 25 can be further tested using the above test to determine if they are antagonists of LFA-1 aggregation.
27 DK 176020 B1 E. Anvendelser af antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1 receptorproteiner.27 USE 176020 B1 E. Uses of antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 receptor proteins.
I. Antl-lnflammatorlske midler.I. Anti-inflammatory agents.
Monoklonale antistoffer til medlemmer af CD 18-komplekset inhiberer mange leukocytters adhæsionsafhængige funktioner, herunder binding til endothelium (Haskard, D., et al., J ♦ Immunol. 137;2901-2906 10 (1986)), homotypiske adhæsioner (Rothlein, R., et al ♦, J. Exp. Med. 163:1132-1149 (1986)), antigen- og mitoge-ninduceret proliferation af lymfocytter (Davignon, D., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 78:4535-4539 (1981)), antistofdannelse (Fischer, A., et al., J.Monoclonal antibodies to members of the CD 18 complex inhibit the adhesion-dependent functions of many leukocytes, including binding to endothelium (Haskard, D., et al., J ♦ Immunol. 137; 2901-2906 (1986)), homotypic adhesions (Rothlein, R. , et al ♦, J. Exp. Med. 163: 1132-1149 (1986)), antigen- and mitogen-induced proliferation of lymphocytes (Davignon, D., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 78: 4535-4539 (1981)), antibody formation (Fischer, A., et al., J.
15 Immunol. 136:3198-3203 (1986)), og alle leukocytters effektorfunktioner, såsom cytotoxiske T-cellers lytiske : aktivitet (Krensky, A.M., et al ♦ J ♦ Immunol. 132: 2180-2182 (1984)), makrofager (Strassman, G., et al.Immunol. 136: 3198-3203 (1986)), and effector functions of all leukocytes, such as the lytic: activity of cytotoxic T cells (Krensky, AM, et al. ♦ J ♦ Immunol. 132: 2180-2182 (1984)), macrophages (Strassman, G. , et al.
J. Immunol. 136:4328-4333 (1986)), og alle celler in-20 volveret i antistof-afhængige cellecytotoxiske reaktioner (Kohi, S., et al., J. Immunol. 133:2972-2978 (1984)). I alle ovennævnte funktioner inhiberer antistofferne leukocyttens evne til at hæfte til det passende cellesubstrat, som på sin side inhiberer det en-25 delige resultat.J. Immunol. 136: 4328-4333 (1986)), and all cells involved in antibody-dependent cell cytotoxic reactions (Kohi, S., et al., J. Immunol. 133: 2972-2978 (1984)). In all the above functions, the antibodies inhibit the ability of the leukocyte to adhere to the appropriate cell substrate, which in turn inhibits the final result.
Som omtalt ovenfor er bindingen af ICAM-l-mole-kyler til medlemmer af LFA-l-familien af molekyler af stor vigtighed ved cellulær adhæsion. Gennem adhæsionsprocessen er lymfocytter i stand til kontinuert at un-30 dersøge et dyr for nærværelsen af fremmede antigener.As discussed above, the binding of ICAM-1 molecules to members of the LFA-1 family of molecules is of great importance in cellular adhesion. Through the adhesion process, lymphocytes are able to continuously examine an animal for the presence of foreign antigens.
Skønt disse processer normalt er ønskelige, er de også årsagen til organtransplantationafvisning, vævstransplantationafvisning og mange autoimmune sygdomme. Et- 28 DK 176020 B1 hvert middel, der er i stand til at dæmpe eller inhibe-re cellulær adhæsion, vil således være meget ønskværdigt hos patienter, der underkastes organtransplantationer, vævstransplantationer eller hos autoimmune 5 patienter.Although these processes are usually desirable, they are also the cause of organ transplant rejection, tissue transplant rejection, and many autoimmune diseases. Thus, any agent capable of attenuating or inhibiting cellular adhesion would be highly desirable in patients undergoing organ transplants, tissue transplants, or in autoimmune patients.
Monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1 er særdeles egnede som anti-inflammatoriske midler hos et pattedyr. Sådanne midler adskiller sig i væsentlig grad fra sædvanlige anti-10 inflammatoriske midler, idet de er i stand til selektiv inhiberende adhæsion og ikke giver andre bivirkninger såsom nephrotoxicitet, som findes hos sædvanlige midler. Monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1 kan derfor benyttes til at hindre 15 organ- eller vævsafvisning, eller modificere autoimmune reaktioner uden frygt for sådanne bivirkninger hos pattedyret.Monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 are particularly useful as anti-inflammatory agents in a mammal. Such agents differ substantially from conventional anti-inflammatory agents in that they are capable of selective inhibitory adhesion and do not produce other side effects such as nephrotoxicity found with usual agents. Monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 can therefore be used to prevent organ or tissue rejection, or to modify autoimmune reactions without fear of such side effects in the mammal.
Det er af stor vigtighed, at anvendelsen af monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at genkende 20 ICAM-1 muliggør gennemførsel af organtransplantationer selv mellem individer med stort HLA-uensartethed.It is of great importance that the use of monoclonal antibodies capable of recognizing ICAM-1 enables organ transplants to be performed even between individuals with high HLA disparity.
29 DK 176020 B1 2. Suppressorer af forsinket-type-hypersensitlvi-tetsreaktion.29 DK 176020 B1 2. Suppressors of delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction.
Da ICAM-l-molekyler oftest eksprimeres på 5 steder med inflammation, såsom de steder, der er involveret i forsinket-type-hypersentitivitetsreaktion har antistoffer (især monoklonale antistoffer), der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l-molekyler terapeutisk mulighed for at dæmpe eller eliminere sådanne 10 reaktioner. Denne mulige terapeutiske anvendelse kan udnyttes på to måder. For det første kan et middel indeholdende et monoklonalt antistof overfor ICAM-1 administreres til en patient, der lider af forsinket-type-hypersensitivitetsreaktion. Sådanne midler kan 15 f.eks. gives til et individ, som har været i kontakt med antigener såsom giftig efeu, giftig eg, osv. Ved en anden udførelsesform administreres det monoklonale antistof, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1, til en patient sammen med et antigen, for at hindre en 20 efterfølgende inflammationsreaktion. Denne co-administrering af et antigen og et ICAM-1-bindende monoklonalt antistof kan således midlertidigt få et individ til i det efterfølgende at tolerere udsættelse for dette gen.Since ICAM-1 molecules are most often expressed at 5 sites of inflammation, such as those involved in delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction, antibodies (especially monoclonal antibodies) capable of binding to ICAM-1 molecules have therapeutic potential. to suppress or eliminate such reactions. This possible therapeutic application can be utilized in two ways. First, an agent containing a monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1 can be administered to a patient suffering from delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Such agents may e.g. is given to a subject who has been in contact with antigens such as toxic ephew, toxic oak, etc. In another embodiment, the monoclonal antibody capable of binding to ICAM-1 is administered to a patient along with an antigen. to prevent a subsequent inflammatory reaction. Thus, this co-administration of an antigen and an ICAM-1 binding monoclonal antibody may temporarily cause an individual to subsequently tolerate exposure to this gene.
25 3. Behandling af kronisk lnflammationssyqdom.25 3. Treatment of chronic inflammatory disease.
Eftersom LAD-patienter som mangler LFA-l ikke 30 opnår en inflammatorisk reaktion, formodes det at antagonisme af LFA-l's naturlige ligand, ICAM-l også vil inhibere inflammatorisk reaktion. Antistoffers evne til overfor ICAM-1 at inhibere inflammation tilvejebringer 30 DK 176020 B1 det grundlæggende for deres terapeutiske anvendelse ved behandlingen af kroniske inflammationssygdomme og autoimmune sygdomme, såsom lupus erythematosus, autoimmune thyroiditis, ekperimental allergisk encephalomyelitis 5 (EAE) multipel sclerosis, nogle former for diabetes Reynaud’s syndrom, rheumatoid arthritis, osv. De mono-klonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde ICAM-1, kan sædvanligvis anvendes til behandingen af disse sygdomme, der for tiden behandles gennem steroid-10 terapi.Since LAD patients lacking LFA-1 do not achieve an inflammatory response, it is believed that antagonism of the natural ligand of LFA-1, ICAM-1, will also inhibit inflammatory response. The ability of antibodies to inhibit inflammation against ICAM-1 provides the basics for their therapeutic use in the treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as lupus erythematosus, autoimmune thyroiditis, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 5 (EAE) multiple forms of sclerosis, diabetes Reynaud's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The monoclonal antibodies capable of binding ICAM-1 can usually be used to treat these diseases currently being treated through steroid therapy.
4. Diagnostiske og prognostiske anvendelser.4. Diagnostic and prognostic uses.
Da ICAM-l oftes eksprimeres på steder med inflammation kan monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1, anvendes som et middel til at beskrive eller visualisere steder med infektion og 20 inflammation hos en patient, ved en sådan anvendelse mærkes de monoklonale antistoffer detekterbart gennem anvendelsen af radioisotoper, affinitetsmærker (såsom biotin, avidin, osv.) fluorescerende markører, para-magnetiske atomer, osv. Fremgangsmåder til gennemførsel 25 af en sådan mærkning er velkendt inden for teknikken.Since ICAM-1 is often expressed at sites of inflammation, monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 can be used as a means of describing or visualizing sites of infection and inflammation in a patient, in such use being labeled the monoclonal antibodies detectable through the use of radioisotopes, affinity labels (such as biotin, avidin, etc.) fluorescent markers, para-magnetic atoms, etc. Methods for carrying out such labeling are well known in the art.
Klinisk anvendelse af antistoffer til diagnostisk beskrivelse er angivet af Grossman, H.B., Urol. Clin.Clinical use of antibodies for diagnostic description is disclosed by Grossman, H.B., Urol. Clin.
North Arner. 13::465-474 (1986)), Unger, E.C. et al..North Arner. 13 :: 465-474 (1986)), Unger, E.C. et al ..
Invest. Radiol. 20:693-700 (1985)), og Khaw, B.A. et 30 al., Science 209:295-297 (1980)).Invest. Radiol. 20: 693-700 (1985)), and Khaw, B.A. et al., Science 209: 295-297 (1980)).
Tilstedeværelsen af inflammationen kan desuden påvises gennem anvendelsen af bindingsligander, såsom mRNA, cDNA eller DNA, som binder til ICAM-l- 31 ' DK 176020 B1 gensekvenser eller til ICAM-l-mRNA-sekvenser hos celler som eksprlmerer ICAM-1. Teknikker og gennemførelse af sådanne hybridiseringsprøver er beskrevet af Maniatais, T. (supra).The presence of inflammation can also be detected through the use of binding ligands, such as mRNA, cDNA or DNA, which bind to ICAM-1-31 'DK 176020 B1 gene sequences or to ICAM-1 mRNA sequences in cells expressing ICAM-1. Techniques and conducting such hybridization tests are described by Maniatais, T. (supra).
5 Påvisningen af fod af sådanne detekterbart mær kede antistoffer er angivende for et sted med inflammation eller tumorudvikling. Ved en udførelses form gennemføres denne undersøgelse for inflammation ved at fjerne vævsprøver eller blod og inkubere sådanne prøver 10 i nærværelse af detekterbart mærkede antistoffer. Ved en foretrukken udførelsesform gennemføres denne teknik på en ikke-invasiv måde gennem anvendelse af magnetisk billedoptagelse, fluorografi, osv. En sådan diagnostisk test kan benyttes ved overvågning af organtransplanta-15 tionsafvisninger for tidlige tegn på potentiel vævsafvisning. Sådanne prøver kan desuden gennemføres i forsøg på at bestemme et individs predilektion for rheumatoid arthritis eller andre kroniske inflammationssygdomme.The detection of feet of such detectable labeled antibodies is indicative of a site of inflammation or tumor development. In one embodiment, this study is conducted for inflammation by removing tissue samples or blood and incubating such samples 10 in the presence of detectably labeled antibodies. In a preferred embodiment, this technique is performed in a non-invasive manner through the use of magnetic imaging, fluorography, etc. Such a diagnostic test can be used to monitor organ transplant rejection for early signs of potential tissue rejection. In addition, such tests may be conducted in an attempt to determine an individual's predilection for rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic inflammatory diseases.
20 5. Supplement til introduktionen af antlqent materiale administreret til terapeutiske og diagnostiske formål.5. Supplement to the introduction of antigenic material administered for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.
Immunreaktioner overfor terapeutiske eller diagnostiske midler, såsom bovin insulin, interferon, ' vævstype-palsminogen-aktivator eller murine monoklonale antistoffer, svækker i det væsentlige den terapeutiske 30 eller diagnostiske værdi af sådanne midler, og kan faktisk forårsage sygdomme såsom serumsygdom. En sådan situation kan afhjælpes gennem anvendelsen af de omhandlede antistoffer. Ved denne udførelsesform vil så- 32 DK 176020 B1 danne antistoffer blive administreret sammen med et terapeutisk eller diagnostisk middel. Tilsætningen af antistofferne hindrer modtageren i at genkende midlet og hindre derfor modtageren i initiering af immun-5 reaktion overfor dette. Fravær af en sådan immunreaktion gør det muligt for patienten at modtage yderligere administreringer af det terapeutiske eller diagnostiske middel.Immune reactions to therapeutic or diagnostic agents such as bovine insulin, interferon, tissue type palsminogen activator, or murine monoclonal antibodies substantially impair the therapeutic or diagnostic value of such agents and may actually cause diseases such as serum sickness. Such a situation can be remedied by the use of the antibodies in question. In this embodiment, then antibodies forming antibodies will be administered together with a therapeutic or diagnostic agent. The addition of the antibodies prevents the recipient from recognizing the agent and therefore prevents the recipient from initiating immune response to it. Absence of such an immune response allows the patient to receive additional administrations of the therapeutic or diagnostic agent.
i 10 F. Anvendelser af intercellulær adhæsionsmolekyle-1 (ICAM-1).in 10 F. Applications of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1).
ICAM-i er en bindingspartner af LFA-1. ICAM-1 15 eller dets funktionelle derivater kan som sådan anvendes ombytteligt med antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til LFA-1, ved behanding af sygdom. I opløst form kan sådanne molekyler således anvendes til in-hibering af inflammation, organafvisning, vævsafvis-20 ning, osv. ICAM-1 eller dets funktionelle derivater kan benyttes på samme måde som anti-ICAM-l-antistoffer til at mindske immunogeniciteten af terapeutiske eller diagnostiske midler.ICAM-i is a binding partner of LFA-1. As such, ICAM-1 15 or its functional derivatives can be used interchangeably with antibodies capable of binding to LFA-1 in the treatment of disease. Thus, in solute form, such molecules can be used to inhibit inflammation, organ rejection, tissue rejection, etc. ICAM-1 or its functional derivatives can be used in the same way as anti-ICAM-1 antibodies to decrease the immunogenicity of therapeutic or diagnostic agents.
ICAM-1, dets funktionelle derivater og dets 25 antagonister kan benyttes til blokering af metastasis eller proliferation af tumorceller, som eksprimerer enten ICAM-1 eller LFA-1 på deres overflader. En lang række fremgangsmåder kan benyttes til opnåelse af et sådant mål. Migreringen af hæmatopoietiske celler kræ-30 ver f.eks. LFA-l-ICAM-1-binding. En sådan bindingsantagonist undertrykker derfor denne migrering og blokerer metastasis af tumorceller af leukocyt-herkomst. Toxin-derivatiserede molekyler, der er i 33 .ICAM-1, its functional derivatives, and its antagonists can be used to block metastasis or proliferation of tumor cells expressing either ICAM-1 or LFA-1 on their surfaces. A wide variety of methods can be used to achieve such a goal. The migration of hematopoietic cells requires e.g. LFA-I-ICAM-1 binding. Therefore, such a binding antagonist suppresses this migration and blocks metastasis of leukocyte-derived tumor cells. Toxin-derivatized molecules that are in 33.
DK 176020 B1 stand til at binde til enten ICAM-1 eller et medlem af LFA-l-familien af molekyler kan alternativt administreres til en patient. Når sådanne toxinafledte molekyler binder til tumorceller, der eksprimerer ICAM-1 eller et 5 medlem af LFA-l-familien af molekyler, dræber tilstedeværelsen af toxinet tumorcellerne, hvorved proliferation af tumoren inhiberes.Alternatively, DK 176020 B1 capable of binding to either ICAM-1 or a member of the LFA-1 family of molecules may be administered to a patient. When such toxin-derived molecules bind to tumor cells expressing ICAM-1 or a member of the LFA-1 family of molecules, the presence of the toxin kills the tumor cells, thereby inhibiting the proliferation of the tumor.
^ G. Anvendelser af ikke-immunoglobuline antagonister af ICAM-1-afhængig adhæsion.^ G. Applications of non-immunoglobulin antagonists of ICAM-1-dependent adhesion.
ICAM-l-afhængig adhæsion kan Inhiberes ved ikke-immunoglobuline antagonister, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l eller LFA-1. Et eksempel på en ikke-immunoglobulin antagonist af ICAM-1, er LFA-1. Et eksempel på en ikke-immunoglobulin antagonist, som binder til LFA-1, er ICAM-1. Gennem anvendelsen af de ovennævnte prøver, kan ikke-immunoglobuline antagonister 20 yderligere identificeres og renses. Ikke-immunoglobuline antagonister af ICAM-l-afhængig adhæsion kan benyttes til det samme formål som antistoffer til LFA-1 eller antistoffer til ICAM-1.ICAM-1-dependent adhesion may be inhibited by non-immunoglobulin antagonists capable of binding to ICAM-1 or LFA-1. An example of a non-immunoglobulin antagonist of ICAM-1 is LFA-1. An example of a non-immunoglobulin antagonist that binds to LFA-1 is ICAM-1. Through the use of the above tests, non-immunoglobulin antagonists 20 can be further identified and purified. Non-immunoglobulin antagonists of ICAM-1-dependent adhesion can be used for the same purpose as antibodies to LFA-1 or antibodies to ICAM-1.
25 H. Administrering af de omhandlede midler.25 H. Administration of the funds in question.
De terapeutiske virkninger af ICAM-1 kan opnås ved at forsyne en patient med hele ICAM-1-molekylet el-30 ler ethvert terapeutisk aktivt peptidfragment deraf.The therapeutic effects of ICAM-1 can be achieved by providing a patient with the entire ICAM-1 molecule or any therapeutically active peptide fragment thereof.
ICAM-1 og dets funktionelle derivater kan opnås enten syntetisk, gennem anvendelsen af rekombinant-DNA-teknologi eller ved proteolysis. De terapeutiske forde- ' 34 DK 176020 B1 le ved ICAM-l kan øges gennem anvendelsen af funktionelle derivater af ICAM-l, der indeholder yderligere tilsatte aminosy rerester, for at øge koblingen til bærere eller øge aktiviteten af ICAM-l. Opfindelsen 5 omfatter yderligere funktionelle derivater af ICAM-l, som mangler visse aminosyrerester, eller som indeholder ændrede aminosy rerester, så laenge sådanne derivater besidder evnen til celluæradhæsionspåvirk-ning.ICAM-1 and its functional derivatives can be obtained either synthetically, through the use of recombinant DNA technology or by proteolysis. The therapeutic benefits of ICAM-1 can be increased through the use of functional derivatives of ICAM-1, which contain additional amino acid residues, to increase the coupling to carriers or increase the activity of ICAM-1. The invention 5 further encompasses functional derivatives of ICAM-1 which lack certain amino acid residues or which contain altered amino acid residues as long as such derivatives possess the ability of cellular adhesion action.
10 Både de omhandlede antistoffer og det nævnte ICAM-l-molekyle siges at være "i det væsentlige uden naturlig forurening", hvis præparaterne, som indeholder disse, 1 det væsentlige ikke indeholder materialer, som normalt og naturligt findes i disse produkter.Both the antibodies in question and said ICAM-1 molecule are said to be "substantially free of natural contamination" if the compositions containing them substantially do not contain materials normally and naturally found in these products.
15 Når man giver en patient antistoffer, eller fragmenter deraf, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l, eller når man giver ICAM-l (eller i fragment, variant eller derivat deraf) til en.modtagende patient, vil dosis af administreret middel variere afhængigt af 20 faktorer såsom patientens alder, vægt, højde, køn, generel medicinsk tilstand, tidligere medicinsk historie, osv. Det er sædvanligvis ønskeligt at forsyne modtageren med en dosis antistof, som ligger indenfor området fra ca. 1 pg/kg til ca. 10 mg/kg 25 (patientens kropsvægt), skønt en mindre eller større dosis kan administreres. Når man til en patient fører ICAM-l-molekyler eller deres funktionelle derivater, foretrækkes det at administrere sådanne molekyler i en dosis, som også ligger indenfor fra ca. 1 pg/kg til 10 30 mg/kg (patientens kropsvægt) skønt en mindre eller større dosis også kan administreres.When giving a patient antibodies, or fragments thereof capable of binding to ICAM-1, or when giving ICAM-1 (or in fragment, variant or derivative thereof) to a receiving patient, the dose of administered agent varies depending on 20 factors such as the patient's age, weight, height, gender, general medical condition, prior medical history, etc. It is usually desirable to provide the recipient with a dose of antibody which is within the range of about 5,000. 1 pg / kg to approx. 10 mg / kg 25 (patient body weight), although a smaller or larger dose can be administered. When administering to a patient, ICAM-1 molecules or their functional derivatives, it is preferred to administer such molecules at a dose which is also within the range of approx. 1 µg / kg to 10 30 mg / kg (patient body weight) although a smaller or larger dose can also be administered.
Som omtalt nedenfor kan den terapeutiske virkningsfulde dosis mindskes, hvis anti-ICAM-l-anti- DK 176020 B1 . 35 · stoffet co-administreres med et anti-LFA-l-antistof.As discussed below, the therapeutically effective dose may be reduced if anti-ICAM-1 anti-DK 176020 B1. The substance is co-administered with an anti-LFA-1 antibody.
Som benyttet heri siges to antistoffer (eller deres funktionelle derivater) at blive co-administreret til en patient, hvis de har været administreret til patien-5 ten indenfor et tidsrum, således at begge forbindelser kan påvises i patientens serum.As used herein, two antibodies (or their functional derivatives) are said to be co-administered to a patient if they have been administered to the patient within a period of time so that both compounds can be detected in the patient's serum.
Både antistoffet, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-l, og ICAM-1 i sig selv kan administreres til ! patienter intravenøst, intramuskulært, subkutant, en- 10 teralt eller parenteralt. Når antistof eller ICAM-1 administreres ved injektionen kan administreringen ske ved kontinuær infusion, eller ved enkel eller mange boli.Both the antibody capable of binding to ICAM-1 and ICAM-1 itself can be administered to! patients intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, internally or parenterally. When antibody or ICAM-1 is administered by injection, administration may be by continuous infusion, or by single or multiple boluses.
Det er med de omhandlede anti-inflammatoriske 15 midler tilsigtet at give dem til modtagende individer i en mængde, der er tilstrækkelig til at undertrykke inflammation. En mængde siges at være tilstrækkelig til at "undertrykke" inflammation, hvis dosis, administrationsmåde, osv af midlet, er tilstrækkelig til at dæmpe 20 eller hindre inflammation.It is intended with the present anti-inflammatory agents to provide them to recipient individuals in an amount sufficient to suppress inflammation. An amount is said to be sufficient to "suppress" inflammation if the dose, mode of administration, etc. of the agent is sufficient to attenuate or prevent inflammation.
De omhandlede anti-inflammatoriske midler kan tilføres enten før eller ved indtrædelse af inflammation (for at undertrykke den forventede inflammation) eller efter start af inflammation.The present anti-inflammatory agents may be administered either before or upon the onset of inflammation (to suppress the expected inflammation) or after the onset of inflammation.
25 Et middel siges at være "farmakologisk accepta belt" hvis dets administrering kan tolereres af en modtagende patient. Et sådant middel siges at blive administreret i en "terapeutisk virkningsfuld mængde", hvis den administrerede mængde er fysiologisk signifi-30 kant. Et middel er fysiologisk signifikant, hvis dets tilstedeværelse resulterer i en påviselig ændring i fysiologien hos en modtagne patient.An agent is said to be "pharmacologically acceptable" if its administration can be tolerated by a receiving patient. Such an agent is said to be administered in a "therapeutically effective amount" if the amount administered is physiologically significant. An agent is physiologically significant if its presence results in a detectable change in the physiology of a receiving patient.
Antistoffet og ICAM-lmolekyler kan formuleres i overensstemmelse med kendte fremgangsmåder til frem- 36 DK 176020 B1 stilling af farmaceutisk nyttige midler, hvor disse materialer eller deres funktionelle derivater kombineres i en blanding med en farmaceutisk acceptabel bærevehikel. Egnede vehikler og deres formulering, herunder , 5 andre humane proteiner, f.eks. humant serum albuminer beskrevet f.eks. i Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences (16. ud., Osol, A., Ed., Mack, Easton PA (1980)). For at danne et farmaceutisk acceptabelt middel, der er egnet til effektiv administrering, vil sådanne midler 10 indeholde en virkningsfuld mængde af anti-ICAM-l-anti-stof eller ICAM-1-molekyle eller deres funktionelle derivater, sammen med en egnet mængde af et bærevehikel.The antibody and ICAM molecules can be formulated according to known methods for the preparation of pharmaceutically useful agents, where these materials or their functional derivatives are combined in a mixture with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier vehicle. Suitable vehicles and their formulation, including, 5 other human proteins, e.g. human serum albumins described e.g. in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences (16th ed., Osol, A., Ed., Mack, Easton PA (1980)). To form a pharmaceutically acceptable agent suitable for effective administration, such agents 10 will contain an effective amount of anti-ICAM-1 antibody or ICAM-1 molecule or their functional derivatives, together with a suitable amount of a carrier vehicle.
Yderligere farmaceutiske fremgangsmåder kan anvendes til at kontrollere virkningsvarigheden. Præpara-15 ter med kontrolleret frigivelse kan opnås ved anvendelsen af polymere til kompleksdannelse eller absorption af anti-lCAM-l-antistof eller ICAM-1 eller deres funktionelle derivater. Den kontrollerede tilførsel kan gennemføres ved at vælge passende makromolekyler 20 (f.eks. polyestere, polyaminosyrer, polyvinyl, pyrroli-don, ethylenvinylacetat, methylcellulose, carboxymet-hylcellulose eller protamin, sulfat) og koncentrationen af makromolekyler samt fremgangsmåderne til inkorporering, for at kontrollere frigivelse. En anden egnet 25 fremgangsmåde til at kontrollere virkningsvarighed hos præparater med kontrolleret frigivelse er inkorporering af anti-ICAM-l-antistof eller ICAM-1-molekyler, eller deres funktionelle derivater, i partikler af et polymert materiale, såsom polyestere, polyaminosyrer, hy-30 drogeler, poly(mælkesyre)- eller ethylenvinylacetatco-polymerer. I stedet for inkorporering af disse midler i de polymere partikler er det alternativt muligt at omslutte disse materialer i mikrokapsler fremstillet 37 · DK 176020 B1 f.eks. ved coacerveringsteknikker eller ved interfaci-al polymerisation, f.eks. henholdsvis hydroxymethyl-cellulose- eller gelatinemikrokapsler og poly(methyl-methacrylat)mlkrokapsler eller 1 kolloide medikament-5 tilførselssystemer, f.eks. llposomer, albumin mikro-spherer, mikroemulsioner, nanopartikler og nanokapsler eller i makroemulsioner. Sådanne teknikker er beskrevet i Reminton's Pharmaceutical Sciences (1980).Additional pharmaceutical methods can be used to control duration of action. Controlled release preparations can be obtained by the use of polymers for complexing or absorbing anti-ICAM-1 antibody or ICAM-1 or their functional derivatives. The controlled loading can be accomplished by selecting appropriate macromolecules 20 (e.g., polyesters, polyamino acids, polyvinyl, pyrrolidone, ethylene vinyl acetate, methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose or protamine, sulfate) and the concentration of macromolecules and the methods of incorporation to control release. Another suitable method for controlling the duration of action of controlled release preparations is the incorporation of anti-ICAM-1 antibody or ICAM-1 molecules, or their functional derivatives, into particles of a polymeric material such as polyesters, polyamino acids, hybrids. 30 drugs, poly (lactic acid) or ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers. Alternatively, instead of incorporating these agents into the polymeric particles, it is possible to enclose these materials in microcapsules manufactured 37 e.g. by coacervation techniques or by interfacial polymerization, e.g. hydroxymethyl cellulose or gelatin microcapsules and poly (methyl methacrylate) microcapsules or 1 colloidal drug delivery systems, e.g. Ilposomes, albumin microspheres, microemulsions, nanoparticles and nanocapsules or in macroemulsions. Such techniques are described in Reminton's Pharmaceutical Sciences (1980).
Opfindelsen belyses nu nærmere ved hjælp af de 10 efterfølgende eksempler.The invention is now further illustrated by the following 10 examples.
Eksempel 1Example 1
Dyrkning af pattedyrceller.Cultivation of mammalian cells.
De omhandlede EBV-transformerede og hybridoma-15 celler opbevaredes sædvanligvis i RMPI 1640 dyrkningsmedium, suppleret med 20 mM L-glutamin, 50 yg/ml gentamicin og 10% fetal bovin- (eller fetal kalve-) sera. Cellerne dyrkedes ved 37°C i en atmosfære med 5% C02, 95% luftfugtighed.The subject EBV transformed and hybridoma cells were usually stored in RMPI 1640 culture medium supplemented with 20 mM L-glutamine, 50 µg / ml gentamicin and 10% fetal bovine (or fetal calf) sera. The cells were grown at 37 ° C in an atmosphere of 5% CO 2, 95% humidity.
20 Til etablering af Epstein-Barr virus-(EBV-) transformanter inkuberedes 106 T-celle-fattige perifere mononukleære blodceller/ml i RPMI 1640 medium, suppleret med 20% fetal kalveserum (PCS), og 50 yg/ml gentamicin i 16 timer med EBV-holdig supernatant af 25 B95-8-celler (Thorley-Lawson, D.A. et al., J. Exper.To establish Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformants, 106 T-cell poor peripheral blood mononuclear cells / ml were incubated in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum (PCS) and 50 µg / ml gentamicin for 16 hours. with EBV-containing supernatant of 25 B95-8 cells (Thorley-Lawson, DA et al., J. Exper.
Med. 146:495 (1977)). Celler i 0,2 ml aliquot anbragtes i 10 mikrotiter brønde. Mediet erstattedes med RPMI 1640 medium (suppleret med 20% fetal kalveserum og 50 yg/ml gentamicin) indtil cellervækst konstateredes.With. 146: 495 (1977)). Cells in 0.2 ml aliquot were placed in 10 microtiter wells. The medium was replaced with RPMI 1640 medium (supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum and 50 µg / ml gentamicin) until cell growth was detected.
30 cellerne voksede i de fleste brønde og ekspanderes i det samme medium. Phytohæmagglutinin (PHA)-blaster etableredes ved 106 celler/ml i RPMI 1640 medium (suppleret med 20% fetal kalveserum) indeholdende en 38 DK 176020 B1 1:800 fortynding af PHA-P (Difco Laboratories, inc., Detroit, Ml). PHA-linler ekspanderedes med interleukin 2 (IL-2)-konditioneret medium og pulseredes ugentlig med pha (Cantrell, D.A. et al., J. Exper. Med.The 30 cells grew in most wells and expanded in the same medium. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) blasts were established at 106 cells / ml in RPMI 1640 medium (supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum) containing a 38 dilution of PHA-P (Difco Laboratories, Inc., Detroit, MI). PHA lines were expanded with interleukin 2 (IL-2) conditioned medium and pulsed weekly with pha (Cantrell, D.A. et al., J. Exper. Med.
5 158:1895 (1983)). Ovennævnte fremgangsmåde er angivet af Springer, T. et al., J. Exper. Med♦ 160:1901-1918 (1984). Celler opnået gennem ovennævnte fremgangsmåde screenes dernæst med anti-LFA-l-antistoffer til bestemmelse af hvorvidt de eksprimerer LFA-1-antigenet.158: 1895 (1983)). The above method is described by Springer, T. et al., J. Exper. Med ♦ 160: 1901-1918 (1984). Cells obtained by the above method are then screened with anti-LFA-1 antibodies to determine whether they express the LFA-1 antigen.
10 sådanne antistoffer er angivet af Sanches-Madrid, F. et al., J. Exper. Med. 158:1785 (1983).Ten such antibodies are disclosed by Sanches-Madrid, F. et al., J. Exper. With. 158: 1785 (1983).
Eksempel 2.Example 2.
Prøver for cellulær aggregation og adhæsion.Tests for cellular aggregation and adhesion.
15 For at prøve udstrækningen af cellulær adhæsion anvendtes aggregationsprøver. De i sådanne prøver benyttede cellelinier vaskedes 2 gange med RPMI 1640 medium indeholdende 5 mM Hepes-puffer (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis) og genopslæmmedes til en koncentration 20 på 2 x 106 celler/ml. Til fladbundede, 96-brøndes mikrotiterplader (no. 3596; Costar, Cambridge, MA) sattes 50 μΐ af passende monoklonalt antistof-supernatant eller 50 yl komplet medium med eller uden rensede monoklonale antistoffer, 50 μΐ fuldstændigt medium in-25 deholdende 200 ng/ml af phorbolesteren, phorbolmyrista-tacetat (PMA) og 100 yl celler i en koncentration på 2 x 106 celler/ml i fuldstændigt medium. Dette gav en endelig koncentration på 50 ng/ml PMA og 2 x 105 celler/brønd. Cellerne fik lov *til spontant at sætte 30 sig, og graden af aggregationen registreredes på forskellige tidspunkter. Resultater lå på fra 0-5+, hvor 0 indikerer at i det væsentlige ingen celler fandtes i klynger; 1+ indikerede at højst 10% af cellerne 39 DK 176020 B1 var i aggregater; 2+ indikerede at højst 50% af cellerne var samlet; 3+ indikerede at op til 100% af cellerne var i små, løse klynger; 4+ indikerede at op-til 100% af cellerne var samlet i større klynger; 5 og 5+ indikerede at 100% af cellerne var i store meget kompakte aggregater. Til opnåelse af et mere kvantitativt estimat af cellulær adhæsion sattes reagenser og celler til 5 ml polystyrenrør på samme måde som ovenfor. Tuberne anbragtes i et stativ på en rotations-10 ryster ved 37°C. Efter en time ved ca. 200 omdr./min. anbragtes 10 μΐ cellesuspensionen i et hæmocytometer og antallet af frie celler bestemtes. Procent aggregation betemtes ved den følgende ligning: χ15 % aggregation = 100 x (1 - antal frie celler \ antal tilførte celler /To test the extent of cellular adhesion, aggregation samples were used. The cell lines used in such samples were washed twice with RPMI 1640 medium containing 5 mM Hepes buffer (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis) and resuspended to a concentration of 2 x 10 6 cells / ml. To flat-bottomed, 96-well microtiter plates (no. 3596; Costar, Cambridge, MA) were added 50 μΐ of appropriate monoclonal antibody supernatant or 50 μl complete medium with or without purified monoclonal antibodies, 50 μΐ complete medium containing 200 ng / ml. ml of the phorbol ester, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and 100 µl cells at a concentration of 2 x 10 6 cells / ml in complete medium. This gave a final concentration of 50 ng / ml PMA and 2 x 10 5 cells / well. The cells were allowed to spontaneously settle and the degree of aggregation was recorded at different times. Results ranged from 0-5 +, where 0 indicates that essentially no cells were found in clusters; 1+ indicated that not more than 10% of cells were in aggregates; 2+ indicated that no more than 50% of the cells were pooled; 3+ indicated that up to 100% of cells were in small, loose clusters; 4+ indicated that up to 100% of the cells were assembled in larger clusters; 5 and 5+ indicated that 100% of the cells were in large very compact aggregates. To obtain a more quantitative estimate of cellular adhesion, reagents and cells were added to 5 ml polystyrene tubes in the same manner as above. The tubes were placed in a rack on a rotary shaker at 37 ° C. After an hour at approx. 200 rpm 10 µΐ of the cell suspension was placed in a hemocytometer and the number of free cells determined. Percent aggregation was estimated by the following equation: χ15% aggregation = 100 x (1 - number of free cells \ number of cells added /
Antallet af tilførte celler i ovennævnte formel er antallet af celler per ml i et kontrolrør, der kun 20 indeholder celler og fuldstændigt medium som ikke er blevet inkuberet. Antallet af frie celler i ovennævnte ligning svarer til antallet af ikke-aggregerede celler per ml fra eksperimentalrør. Ovennævnte fremgangsmåde er beskrevet af Rothlein, R., et al., J.Exper. Med.The number of cells added in the above formula is the number of cells per ml in a control tube containing only 20 cells and complete medium that has not been incubated. The number of free cells in the above equation corresponds to the number of non-aggregated cells per ml from experimental tubes. The above method is described by Rothlein, R., et al., J.Exper. With.
25 163:1132-1149 (1986).163: 1132-1149 (1986).
Eksempel 3.Example 3
LFA-l-afhængig cellulær aggregation.LFA-1-dependent cellular aggregation.
Den kvalitative aggregationsprøve beskrevet i 30 eksempel 2 gennemførtes med anvendelse af den Epstein-Barr-transformerede cellelinie JY. Ved tilsætning af PMA til dyrkningsmediet i mikrotiterpladerne observeredes aggregation af celler. Tidsforkortede videooptagel- 40 DK 176020 B1 ser viste, at JY-celler på bunden af mikrotiterbrøndene var bevægelige og udviste aktiv membrankrusning og pseudopodiabevægelse. Kontakt mellem nabocellers pseu-dopodia resulterede ofte i celle-celleadhærence. Hvis 5 adhærence fastholdtes bevægede området med cellekontakt sig til uropodet. Kontakt kunne opretholdes til trods for kraftige cellebevægelser og cellernes trækken i forskellige retninger. Den primære forskel mellem PMA-behandlede og ubehandlede celler viste sig at være 10 stabiliteten af disse kontakter når de først var dan net. Med PMA udvikledes klynger af celler, der voksede i størrelse efterhånden som yderligere celler hæftedes til deres periferi.The qualitative aggregation test described in Example 2 was performed using the Epstein-Barr transformed cell line JY. When adding PMA to the culture medium in the microtiter plates, aggregation of cells was observed. Time-shortened video recording showed that JY cells at the bottom of the microtiter wells were movable and exhibited active membrane ripple and pseudopodia movement. Contact between neighboring pseudopodia often resulted in cell-cell adhesion. If 5 adherence was maintained, the cell contact area moved to the uropod. Contact could be maintained despite vigorous cell movements and cell movement in different directions. The primary difference between PMA-treated and untreated cells was found to be the stability of these contacts when first formed. With PMA, clusters of cells grow in size as additional cells are adhered to their periphery.
Som et andet middel til måling af adhæsion be-15 nyttedes den kvantitative prøve beskrevet i eksempel 2. Cellesuspensioner rystedes rystedes ved 200 omdr./min. i 2 timer, overførtes til et hæmocytometer, og celler, der ikke var i aggregater optaltes. 1 fravær af PMA var 42% (standardafvigelse = 20%, N = 6) af JY-cellerne i 20 aggregater efter 2 timer, medens JY-celler inkuberet under identiske betingelser med 50 ng/ml PMA havde 87% (standardafvigelse = 8%, N = 6) af cellerne i aggrega-j ter. Kinetiske studier af aggregation viste at PMA øge- \ de hastigheden og størrelsen på alle testede tidspunk- 25 ter (fig. 3).As another means of measuring adhesion, the quantitative sample described in Example 2. was used. Cell suspensions were shaken at 200 rpm. for 2 hours, transferred to a hemocytometer and cells not in aggregates were counted. 1 absence of PMA was 42% (standard deviation = 20%, N = 6) of JY cells in 20 aggregates after 2 hours, while JY cells incubated under identical conditions with 50 ng / ml PMA had 87% (standard deviation = 8% , N = 6) of the cells in aggregates. Kinetic studies of aggregation showed that PMA increased the velocity and magnitude of all time points tested (Fig. 3).
Eksempel 4.Example 4
Inhlbering af aggregation af celler under anvendelse af anti-LFA-l-monoklonale antistoffer.Inhibition of cell aggregation using anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies.
30 Por at undersøge virkningen af anti-LFA-1 mono- klonale antistoffer på PMA-induceret cellulær aggregation sattes sådanne antistoffer til celler inkuberet i overensstemmelse med den kvalitative aggregationsprøve 41 DK 176020 B1 fra eksempel 2. De monoklonale antistoffer viste sig at inbibere dannelsen af celleaggregater enten i nærværelse eller fravær af PMA. Både F(ab* )2- og Fab' -fragmenterne af monoklonale antistoffer var overfor 5 LFA-l's α-kæde i stand til at inhibere cellulær aggregation. Hvor i det væsentlige 100% celler dannede aggregater fravær af anti-LFA-l-antistof viste det sig at højst 20% af cellerne var i aggregater når antistof tilsattes. Resultaterne af dette forsøg er beskrevet af 10 Rothlein, R, et_al. (J. Exper. Med. 163:1132-1149 (19Θ6).To investigate the effect of anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies on PMA-induced cellular aggregation, such antibodies were added to cells incubated in accordance with the qualitative aggregation sample 41 of Example 2. The monoclonal antibodies were found to inhibit the formation of cell aggregates either in the presence or absence of PMA. Both the F (ab *) 2 and Fab 'fragments of monoclonal antibodies were able to inhibit cellular aggregation against 5 LFA-1's α chain. Where essentially 100% cells formed aggregates in the absence of anti-LFA-1 antibody, it was found that no more than 20% of cells were in aggregates when antibody was added. The results of this experiment are described by Rothlein, R, et al. (J. Exper. Med. 163: 1132-1149 (19Θ6).
Eksempel 5.Example 5
Cellulær aggregation behøver LFA-1-receptoren.Cellular aggregation needs the LFA-1 receptor.
15 EBV-transformerede lymfoblastoidceller frem stilledes fra patienter analogt med metoden beskrevet i eksempel l. Sådanne celler underkastedes screening over for monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at genkende LFA-l og cellerne viste sig at være LFA-1-mangel-20 fulde.15 EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells were prepared from patients analogous to the method described in Example 1. Such cells were screened for monoclonal antibodies capable of recognizing LFA-1 and the cells were found to be LFA-1 deficient. .
Den kvalitative aggregationsprøve beskrevet i eksempel 2 anvendtes, idet de ovennævnte LFA-1-mangelfulde celler benyttedes. Sådanne celler var ikke i stand til spontant at danne aggregater, selv i nær-25 værelse af PMA.The qualitative aggregation test described in Example 2 was used, using the aforementioned LFA-1 deficient cells. Such cells were not able to spontaneously form aggregates, even in the near room of PMA.
Eksempel 6Example 6
Optagelsen af ICAM-1.The recording of ICAM-1.
De LFA-l-mangelfulde celler fra eksempel 5 mær-30 kedes med carboxyfluoresceindiacetat (Patarroyo, M. et al., Cell. Immunol. 63^:237-248 (1981)). De mærkede celler blandedes i et forhold på 1:10 med autologe eller JY-celler, og procentdelen af fluorescein-mærkede i ·' 42 DK 176020 B1 celler i aggregatet bestemmes 1 overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Rothlein, R. et al., J♦ Exper. Med. 163:1132-1149 (19Θ6). De LFA-l-mangelfulde celler viste sig at være i stand til at coaggregere med LFA-1 5 eksprimerende celler (fig. 4).The LFA-1 deficient cells of Example 5 were labeled with carboxyfluorescein diacetate (Patarroyo, M. et al., Cell. Immunol. 63: 237-248 (1981)). The labeled cells were mixed at a ratio of 1:10 with autologous or JY cells, and the percentage of fluorescein labeled in cells in the aggregate is determined according to the method of Rothlein, R. et al., J ♦ Exper. With. 163: 1132-1149 (19Θ6). The LFA-1 deficient cells were found to be able to coaggregate with LFA-1 expressing cells (Fig. 4).
For at afgøre om LFA-1 kun var vigtig ved dannelse af aggregater eller ved deres bevarelse sattes antistoffer, der er i stand binde til LFA-1, til de ovennævnte præformede aggregater. Tilsætningen af antistof viste sig kraftigt at sprænge den præformede aggregation. Tidsforkortet videooptagelse bekræftede at tilsætningen af de monoklonale antistoffer til præformede aggregater startede sprængning indenfor 2 timer (Tabel. l). Efter tilsætning af monoklonale antistoffer 15 mod LFA-1, fortsatte pseudopodiale bevægelser og formændringer hos individuelle celler indenfor aggregatet uændret. Individuelle celler disassocierede gradvis fra aggregatets periferi; efter 8 timer var de fleste celler dispergerede. ved baglæns kørsel af tidsforkortet 20 videooptagelse viste sprængningen af præformede aggregater med LFA-1-monoklonale antistoffer at være ækvivalent med aggregationsprocessen i fravær af LFA-i-monoklonalt antistof.To determine if LFA-1 was important only in aggregate formation or in their preservation, antibodies capable of binding to LFA-1 were added to the aforementioned preformed aggregates. The addition of antibody was found to strongly disrupt the preformed aggregation. Time-shortened video recording confirmed that addition of the monoclonal antibodies to preformed aggregates started bursting within 2 hours (Table 1). After addition of monoclonal antibodies to LFA-1, pseudopodial movements and shape changes in individual cells within the aggregate continued unchanged. Individual cells gradually disassociated from the periphery of the aggregate; after 8 hours, most cells were dispersed. when reversed in time-shortened video recording, the bursting of preformed aggregates with LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies was found to be equivalent to the aggregation process in the absence of LFA-1 monoclonal antibody.
DK 176020 B1 43DK 176020 B1 43
Tabel 1Table 1
Antl-LFA-l-monoklonale antistoffers evne til at sprænge præformede PMA-inducerede JY-celler-aggregater.Ability of Antl-LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies to disrupt preformed PMA-induced JY cells aggregates.
Forsøg Aqqreqatlonsreqistrerinq 18 timer _2 timer8_-mAb_+mAb_ 10 14+ 4+ l+b 2 3+ 4+ 1+c 3 _5+_5+ 1+^_Attempt Acquire Record Registration 18 hours _2 hours8_-mAb_ + mAb_ 10 14+ 4+ l + b 2 3+ 4+ 1 + c 3 _5 + _5 + 1 + ^ _
Aggregation i den kvalitative mikrotiter-pladeprøve re-15 gistreredes visuelt. Med anti-LFA-1 tilstede gennem prøveperioden var aggregationen højst 1+.Aggregation in the qualitative microtiter plate sample was visually recorded. With anti-LFA-1 present throughout the trial, aggregation was at most 1+.
20 aMængden af aggregation lige før tilsætning af mono-klonalt antistof efter 2 timer.20 a The amount of aggregation just before the addition of monoclonal antibody after 2 hours.
hTSl/ie + TS1/22.hTSl / ie + TS1 / 22.
CTS1/18.CTS1 / 18th
25 dTSl/22.25 dTSl / 22.
DK 176020 B1 44DK 176020 B1 44
Eksempel 7.Example 7.
Nødvendigheden af divalente Ioner til LFA-l-afhænqlg aggregation.The need for divalent ions for LFA-1 dependent aggregation.
LFA-l-afhængige adhæsioner mellem cytotoxiske 5 τ-celler og målceller kræver tilstedeværelsen af magnesium (Martz, E. J. Cell. Biol♦ 84:584-598 (1980)).LFA-1 dependent adhesions between cytotoxic 5 τ cells and target cells require the presence of magnesium (Martz, E. J. Cell. Biol ♦ 84: 584-598 (1980)).
PMA-induceret JY-celleaggregation testedes for divalent kationafhængighed. JY-celler dannede ikke aggregater (idet prøven fra eksempel 2 benyttedes ) i medium 10 uden calcium- eller magnesiumioner. Tilsætningen af divalent magnesium understøttede aggregation ved koncentrationer helt ned til 0,3 mM. Tilsætningen af calciumioner alene havde ringe effekt. Calciumioner viste sig imidlertid at øge magnesirunioners evne til 15 at understøtte PMA-induceret aggregation. Når 1,25 mM calciumioner sattes til mediet, viste magnesium-ionkoncent rat ioner helt ned til 0,02 mM at støtte aggregationen. Disse data viser at den LFA-1 afhængige aggregation af celler kræver magnesiumioner, og at 20 calciumioner, skønt de i sig selv er utilstrækkelige, kan virke synergistisk med magnesiumioner til at give mulighed for aggregation.PMA-induced JY cell aggregation was tested for divalent cation dependence. JY cells did not form aggregates (using the sample of Example 2) in medium 10 without calcium or magnesium ions. The addition of divalent magnesium supported aggregation at concentrations as low as 0.3 mM. The addition of calcium ions alone had little effect. However, calcium ions were shown to increase the ability of magnesium ions to support PMA-induced aggregation. When 1.25 mM calcium ions were added to the medium, magnesium ion concentration ratios down to 0.02 mM were shown to support the aggregation. These data show that the LFA-1 dependent aggregation of cells requires magnesium ions, and that 20 calcium ions, although inherently insufficient, may act synergistically with magnesium ions to allow aggregation.
Eksempel 8 25 isoleringen af hybrldomaceller, der er 1 stand til at eksprlmere antl-ICAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer.Example 8 The isolation of hybridoma cells capable of expressing anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies.
Monoklonale antistoffer, der er i stand til at binde til ICAM-1, isoleredes i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Rothlein, R. et al♦, J. Immunol.Monoclonal antibodies capable of binding to ICAM-1 were isolated according to the method of Rothlein, R. et al., J. Immunol.
30 137:1270-1274 (1966). 3 BALC/C-mus immuniseredes intra-peritonealt med EBV-transformerede perifere blod-mononukleære celler fra et LFA-1-mangelfuldt individ (Springer, T.A. et al♦, J. Exper. Med. 160:1901 45 DK 176020 B1 (1984)). Ca. 107 celler i i ml RPMI 1640 medium benyttedes for hver immunisering. Immuniseringerne administreredes 45, 29 og 4 dage før miltceller fjernedes fra musene til produktion af de ønskede hybridoma-5 cellelinier. På dag 3 før fjernelsen af miltcellerne modtog musene yderligere 107 celler i 0,15 ml medium (intravenøst).137: 1270-1274 (1966). 3 BALC / C mice were immunized intraperitoneally with EBV-transformed peripheral blood mononuclear cells from an LFA-1 deficient individual (Springer, TA et al ♦, J. Exper. Med. 160: 1901 45 DK 176020 B1 (1984 )). Ca. 107 cells in ml of RPMI 1640 medium were used for each immunization. Immunizations were administered 45, 29 and 4 days before spleen cells were removed from the mice to produce the desired hybridoma cell lines. On day 3 before the removal of the spleen cells, the mice received an additional 107 cells in 0.15 ml of medium (intravenously).
Isolerede miltceller fra ovennævnte dyr fusioneredes med P3X7 3Ag6.653 myelomaceller i et forhold på 10 4:1 i overensstemmelse med Galfre, G. et al♦, Nature 266:550 (1977). Aliquoter af de opnåede hybridomaceller introduceredes i 96-brønde mikrotiterplader.Isolated spleen cells from the above animals were fused with P3X7 3Ag6,653 myeloma cells at a ratio of 10: 4: 1 according to Galfre, G. et al., Nature 266: 550 (1977). Aliquots of the obtained hybridoma cells were introduced into 96-well microtiter plates.
Hybridomasupernatanterne underkastedes screening for inhibering af aggregation og én inhiberende hybridoma 15 (af over 600 testede brønde) klonedes og subklonedes ved grænsefortynding. Denne subklon betegnede RRl/l.l.i (herefter betegnet "RR1/1").The hybridoma supernatants were screened for inhibition of aggregation and one inhibitory hybridoma 15 (of over 600 wells tested) was cloned and subcloned by border dilution. This subclone was designated RR1 / II (hereinafter referred to as "RR1 / 1").
Monoklonalt antistof RR1/1 viste sig i det væsentlige at inhibere den LFA-l-eksprimerede celle-20 linile . JY's PMA-stimulerede aggregation. Det RRl/l-monoklonale antistof inhiberede aggregation tilsvarende, eller en smule mindre end visse monoklonale antistoffer til LFA-1-α eller -β-underenheder. Kontrol-monoklonalt antistof over for HLA, som eksprimeres rl-25 geligt på JY-celler inhiberede i modsætning hertil ikke aggregation. Antigenet bundet af monoklonalt antistof RR1/1 defineres som det intercellulære adhæsionsmolekyle-1 (ICAM-1).Monoclonal antibody RR1 / 1 was found to substantially inhibit the LFA-1-expressed cell-linile. JY's PMA-stimulated aggregation. The RR1 / 1 monoclonal antibody similarly inhibited aggregation, or slightly less than certain monoclonal antibodies to LFA-1-α or -β subunits. In contrast, control monoclonal antibody to HLA, which is expressed on a regular basis on JY cells, did not inhibit aggregation. The antigen bound by monoclonal antibody RR1 / 1 is defined as the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1).
DK 176020 B1 46DK 176020 B1 46
Eksempel 9.Example 9.
Anvendelse af anti-lCAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer til karakterisering af ICAM-1 molekylet.Use of anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies to characterize the ICAM-1 molecule.
For at bestemme ICAM-l's natur og Især hvorvidt 5 iCAM-i var forskellig fra LFA-1, lmmunofældedes celleproteiner under anvendelse af monoklonalt antistof rri/1. Immunopræcipitationen gennemføres i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Rothlein, R. et al., J. Immunol. 137:1270-1274 (1986)). JY-celler lyseredes 10 ved 5 x 107 celler/ml i 1% Triton X-100, 0,14 m NaCl,To determine the nature of ICAM-1 and, in particular, whether 5 iCAM-i was different from LFA-1, immunoprecipitated cell proteins using monoclonal antibody rri / 1. Immunoprecipitation is performed according to the method of Rothlein, R. et al., J. Immunol. 137: 1270-1274 (1986)). JY cells were lysed at 5 x 10 7 cells / ml in 1% Triton X-100, 0.14 m NaCl,
10 mM Tris, pH 8,0, med frisk tilsat 1 mM phenylmethyl-sulfonylfluorid, 0,2 enheder per ml trypsin-inhibitor-aprotinin (lysis puffer) i 20 minutter ved 4°C. Lysatet centrifugeredes ved 10.000 x g i 10 min. og præklaredes 15 med 50 yl af en 50%'s suspension af CNBr-aktiveret, glycin-quenched Sephrose C1-4B i 1 time ved 4eC. 1 ml lysat immunopræcipiteredes med 20 yl af en 50%' s suspension af monoklonalt antistof RRl/i koblet til Sepharose C1-4B (1 mg/ml) natten over ved 4eC10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, with freshly added 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 0.2 units per ml of trypsin inhibitor aprotinin (lysis buffer) for 20 minutes at 4 ° C. The lysate was centrifuged at 10,000 x g for 10 min. and pre-clarified 15 with 50 µl of a 50% suspension of CNBr-activated glycine-quenched Sephrose C1-4B for 1 hour at 4 ° C. 1 ml of lysate was immunoprecipitated with 20 µl of a 50% suspension of monoclonal antibody RR1 / i coupled to Sepharose C1-4B (1 mg / ml) overnight at 4 ° C
20 (Springer, T.A. et al♦, J. Exper. Med. 160:1901 (1984)). Sepharose-bundet monoklonalt antistof fremstilledes, idet CNBr-aktivering af Sepharose CL-4B i carbonat-puffer benyttedes, i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af March, S. et al. (Anal. Blochem. 60:149 (1974)).20 (Springer, T.A. et al ♦, J. Exper. Med. 160: 1901 (1984)). Sepharose-bound monoclonal antibody was prepared using CNBr activation of Sepharose CL-4B in carbonate buffer according to the method of March, S. et al. (Anal. Blochem. 60: 149 (1974)).
25 vaskede immunopræcipitater underkastedes SDS-PAGE og sølvfarvning i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Morrissey, J.H. Anal. Biochem. 117:307 (1981).Twenty-five washed immunoprecipitates were subjected to SDS-PAGE and silver staining according to the method of Morrissey, J.H. Anal. Biochem. 117: 307 (1981).
Efter eluering af proteiner med SDS-prøvepuffer (Ho, M.K. et al., J. Biol. Chem. 258-636 (1983)) ved 30 ioo*C, halveredes prøverne og udsattes for elektrofore-se (SDS-8% PAGE) under reducerende (fig. 5A) eller ikke-reducerende betingelser (fig. 5B). Bånd med molekylvægte på 50 kd og 25 kd svarede til de tunge og let- 47 DK 176020 B1 te kæder af immunoglobuliner fra det monoklonale antistof Sepharose (fig. 5A, bane 3). Varierende mængder af andre bånd i 25-50 kd vægtområdet observeredes desuden, men ikke i præcipitater fra lodne leukemiaceller, som 5 kun gav et 90 kd molekylvægtbånd. LFA-l's I77kd a-underenhed og 95 kg β-underenhed viste sig at migrere forskelligt fra ICAM-l under både reducerende (fig. 5A, bane 2) og ikke-reducerende (fig. 5B, bane 2) betingelser.After eluting proteins with SDS sample buffer (Ho, MK et al., J. Biol. Chem. 258-636 (1983)) at 30 ° C, the samples were halved and subjected to electrophoresis (SDS-8% PAGE). under reducing (Fig. 5A) or non-reducing conditions (Fig. 5B). Bands with molecular weights of 50 kd and 25 kd corresponded to the heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins from the monoclonal antibody Sepharose (Fig. 5A, lane 3). Also, varying amounts of other bands in the 25-50 kd weight range were observed, but not in precipitates from shallow leukemia cells, which yielded only a 90 kd molecular weight band. LFA-1's I77kd α subunit and 95 kg β subunit were found to migrate differently from ICAM-1 under both reducing (Fig. 5A, lane 2) and non-reducing (Fig. 5B, lane 2) conditions.
10 For at bestemme monoklonalt antistof RRl/l's virkning på PHA-lymfoblast-aggregation anvendtes den kvantitative aggregationsprøve beskrevet i eksempel 2. T-celle-blastceller stimuleredes således i 4 dage med PHA, vaskedes grundigt og dyrkedes dernæst i 6 dage 15 i nærværelse af il-2 konditioneret medium. PHA viste sig at blive internaliseret under denne 6 dages dyrkning og bidrog ikke til aggregationsprøven. I tre forskellige prøver med forskellige T-celle-blastpræparat inhiberedes ICAM-l monoklonale antistoffer aggregation 20 ensartet (Tabel 2).In order to determine the effect of monoclonal antibody RR1 / l on PHA lymphoblast aggregation, the quantitative aggregation assay described in Example 2. T-cell blast cells were thus stimulated for 4 days with PHA, washed thoroughly and then cultured for 6 days 15 in the presence of il-2 conditioned medium. The PHA was found to be internalized during this 6 day cultivation and did not contribute to the aggregation test. In three different samples with different T cell blast preparation, ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody aggregation 20 was uniformly inhibited (Table 2).
DK 176020 B1 48DK 176020 B1 48
Tabel 2Table 2
Inhibering af PMA-stimuleret PHA-lymfoblast aggregation af RR1/1 monoklonalt antistof8 5 % %Inhibition of PMA-stimulated PHA lymphoblast aggregation of RR1 / 1 monoclonal antibody8 5%%
Forsøg PMA Mab_Aggregation Inhibering - Kontrol 9 --- + Kontrol 51 0 10 + HLA-A,B 58 -14d + LFA-1-α 31 39 + ICAM-1 31 39 2e - Kontrol 10 --- + Kontrol 78 0 15 + LFA-l-p 17 78 + ICAM-1 50 36 3f - ----- 7 + Kontrol 70 + HLA-Α,Β 80 -14 20 + LFA-3 83 -19 + LFA-1-α 2 97 + LFA-1-β 3 96 + ICAM-1 34 51 25Attempt PMA Mab_Aggregation Inhibition - Control 9 --- + Control 51 0 10 + HLA-A, B 58 -14d + LFA-1-α 31 39 + ICAM-1 31 39 2e - Control 10 --- + Control 78 0 15 + LFA-lp 17 78 + ICAM-1 50 36 3f - ----- 7 + Control 70 + HLA-Α, Β 80 -14 20 + LFA-3 83 -19 + LFA-1-α 2 97 + LFA -1-β 3 96 + ICAM-1 34 51 25
Aggregation af PHA-inducerede lymfoblaster stimuleret med 50 ng/ml PMA mængdebestemtes indirekte ved mikroskopisk tælling af antallet af ikke-aggregerede celler som beskrevet i eksempel 2.Aggregation of PHA-induced lymphoblasts stimulated with 50 ng / ml PMA was quantitated indirectly by microscopic counting of the number of non-aggregated cells as described in Example 2.
30 bProcent inhibering i forhold til celler behandlet med PMA og X63 monoklonalt antistof.30 b Percent inhibition relative to cells treated with PMA and X63 monoclonal antibody.
Aggregation måltes 1 time efter den samtidige til- 49' DK 176020 B1 sætning af monoklonalt antistof og PMA. Celler rystedes ved 175 omdr./min.Aggregation was measured 1 hour after the simultaneous addition of monoclonal antibody and PMA to the 49 'DK 176020 B1. Cells were shaken at 175 rpm.
^Et negativt tal indikerer procent aggregationsfor-5 øgelse.^ A negative number indicates percent aggregation increase.
Aggregation måltes 1 time efter den samtidige tilsætning af et monoklonalt antistof og PMA. Celler pelleteredes ved 200 x G i 1 min., inkuberedes ved 10 37°C i 15 min., resuspenderedes forsigtigt og rystedes i 45 min. ved 100 omdr./min.Aggregation was measured 1 hour after the simultaneous addition of a monoclonal antibody and PMA. Cells were pelleted at 200 x G for 1 min, incubated at 10 37 ° C for 15 min, gently resuspended and shaken for 45 min. at 100 rpm
^Celler præbehandledes med PMA i 4 timer ved 37°C. Efter at monoklonalt antistof var tilsat inkuberedes rør-15 ene ved 37°C stationært i 20 min. og rystedes ved 75 omdr./min. i 100 min.Cells were pretreated with PMA for 4 hours at 37 ° C. After monoclonal antibody was added, the tubes were incubated at 37 ° C stationary for 20 min. and shaken at 75 rpm. for 100 min.
50 DK 176020 B1 LFA-1-monoklonale antistoffer var konsekvent me-re inhiberende end iCAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer, hvorimod HLA-A, B og LFA-3 monoklonale antistoffer var uden virkning. Disse resultater indikerer at af de te-5 stede monoklonale antistoffer var kun dem, der var i stand til at binde til LFA-1 eller ICAM-1, i stand til at inhibere cellulær adhæsion.B1 LFA-1 monoclonal antibodies were consistently more inhibitory than iCAM-1 monoclonal antibodies, whereas HLA-A, B and LFA-3 monoclonal antibodies were ineffective. These results indicate that of the monoclonal antibodies present, only those capable of binding to LFA-1 or ICAM-1 were able to inhibit cellular adhesion.
Eksempel 10 10 Fremstilling af monoklonalt antistof mod ICAM-1.Example 10 10 Preparation of monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1.
En Balb/C mus immunisredes intraperitonealt (i.p) med 0,5 ml 2 x 107 JY-celler i RPMI medium 103 15 dage og 24 dage før fusion. På 4. og 3. dagen før fusion immuniseredes mus i.p. med 107 celler af PMA-differentlerede U937-celler i 0,5 ml RPMI medium.A Balb / C mouse was immunosuppressed intraperitoneally (i.p) with 0.5 ml of 2 x 10 7 JY cells in RPMI medium 103 15 days and 24 days before fusion. On the 4th and 3rd day before fusion, mice were immunized i.p. with 107 cells of PMA-differentiated U937 cells in 0.5 ml of RPMI medium.
Differentiering af U937-celler.Differentiation of U937 cells.
20 U937-celler (ATCC CRL-1593) differentierede ved inkubering af disse ved 5 x 105/ml i RPMI med 10% fetal bovin serum , 1% glutamin og 50 yg/ml gent amyin (fuldstændigt medium) indeholdende 2 ng/ml phorbol-12-myristatacetat (PMA) i en steril polypropylenbeholder.20 U937 cells (ATCC CRL-1593) differentiated by incubating these at 5 x 10 5 / ml in RPMI with 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% glutamine and 50 µg / ml gent amyin (complete medium) containing 2 ng / ml phorbol -12-myristate acetate (PMA) in a sterile polypropylene container.
25 på 3. dagen af denne inkubering fjernedes halvdelen af volumenet af mediet og erstattedes med frisk, fulstæn-dlgt medium indeholdende PMA. På dag 4 fjernedes celler, vaskedes og præpareredes til immunisering.On the third day of this incubation, half of the volume of the medium was removed and replaced with fresh, complete medium containing PMA. On day 4, cells were removed, washed and prepared for immunization.
30 Fusion.30 Fusion.
Miltceller fra de immuniserede mus fusioneredes med P3x63 Ag8.653 myelomaceller i et forhold på 4:1 i overensstemmelse med Galfre et al. > (Nature 266:550 51 DK 176020 B1 (1977)). Efter fusionen udpladedes cellerne i en { 96 brøndes fladbundet mikrotiterplade med 510 milt- celler/brønd.Spleen cells from the immunized mice were fused with P3x63 Ag8,653 myeloma cells at a 4: 1 ratio according to Galfre et al. > (Nature 266: 550 51 DK 176020 B1 (1977)). Following the fusion, the cells were plated in a {96 well flat bottom microtiter plate at 510 spleen cells / well.
5 Selektion af antl-ICAM-1 positive celler.5 Selection of anti-ICAM-1 positive cells.
Efter én uge underkastedes 50 yl supernatant screening ved den kvalitative aggregationsprøve ifølge eksempel 2, idet både JY og SKW-3 benyttedes som aggregerende cellelinier. Celler fra supernatanter, 10 der inhiberer JY-celleaggregat ion, men ikke SKW-3, udvalgtes og klonedes to gange linder anvendelse af begrænsende fortynding.After one week, 50 µl of supernatant screening was subjected to the qualitative aggregation test of Example 2, using both JY and SKW-3 as aggregating cell lines. Cells from supernatants that inhibit JY cell aggregation but not SKW-3 were selected and cloned twice relieving limiting dilution.
Dette forsøg resulterede i identifikationen og kloningen af tre separate hybridomallnier, som 15 frembragte anti-ICAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer. Antistofferne produceret af disse hybridomallnier var henholdsvis IgG2a, IgG2b og IgM. Hybridomacellelinien, som producerede IgG2a anti-ICAM-l-antistoffet tildeles betegnelsen R6 5 D6 E9 B2. Antistsoffet produce-20 ret af den foretruken hybridomacellelinie betegnedes R6 5 D6 E9 B2 (herefter omtalt som "Re-S-De"). x Hybridomacellelinie R6 5 D6 E9 B2 deponeredes hos the American Type Culture Collection den 30. oktober 1987 og fik tildelt betegnelsen ATCC HB 9580.This experiment resulted in the identification and cloning of three separate hybridoma alleles producing 15 anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies produced by these hybridoma alleles were IgG2a, IgG2b and IgM, respectively. The hybridoma cell line that produced the IgG2a anti-ICAM-1 antibody is assigned the designation R6 D6 E9 B2. The antibody produced by the preferred hybridoma cell line was designated R6 D6 E9 B2 (hereinafter referred to as "Re-S-De"). x Hybridoma cell line R6 5 D6 E9 B2 was deposited with the American Type Culture Collection on October 30, 1987 and awarded the designation ATCC HB 9580.
Eksempel 11 ! Ekspressionen og reguleringen af ICAM-1.Example 11! The expression and regulation of ICAM-1.
For at måle ICAM-l-ekspressionen udvikledes en radioimmunprøve. I denne prøve ioderedes renset -30 RRl/1 under anvendelse af lodogen til en specifik aktivitet på 10 uCi/yg. Endotelceller dyrkedes i 96 brøndes plader og behandledes som beskrevet for hvert forsøg. Pladerne afkøledes til 4°C ved an- 52 DK 176020 B1 bringelse i et koldt rum 1 0,5-1 time, Ikke direkte på ls. Monolagene vaskedes 3 gange med kolde, fuldstændige medier og Inkuberedes dernæst 30 min. ved 4°C med 125I RR1/1. Monolagene vaskedes dernæst 3 gange 5 med fuldstændige medier. Det bundne frigjordes under anvendelse af 0,1 N NaOH og taltes. Den specifikke aktivitet af 125I RR1/1 indstilledes, ved hjælp af ikke-mærket RH1/1, til opnåelse af et linært signal indenfor de antigentætheder man støter på under dette 10 studium. Ikke-specifik binding bestemtes i nærværelse af et tusind gange overskud af ikke-mærket RRl/l og substraheredes fra den totale binding til opnåelse af den specifikke binding.To measure ICAM-1 expression, a radioimmunoassay was developed. In this sample, purified -30 RRl / 1 was iodinated using lodogen for a specific activity of 10 µCi / µg. Endothelial cells were cultured in 96 well plates and treated as described for each experiment. The plates were cooled to 4 ° C by application in a cold room for 0.5-1 hour, Not directly on ls. The monolayers were washed 3 times with cold, complete media and then incubated for 30 min. at 4 ° C with 125 I RR1 / 1. The monolayers were then washed 3 times 5 with complete media. The bound was released using 0.1 N NaOH and counted. The specific activity of 125 I RR1 / 1 was adjusted, using unlabeled RH1 / 1, to obtain a linear signal within the antigenic densities encountered during this study. Non-specific binding was determined in the presence of a thousand-fold excess of unlabeled RR1 / 1 and subtracted from the total binding to obtain the specific binding.
XCAM-1-ekspression, målt under anvendelse af 15 ovennævnte radloimmunprøve, øges på humane umbilical-vene-endotelceller (HUVEC) og humane saphenevene-endotelceller (HSVEC) af IL-1, TNF, LPS og IPN-y (Tabel 3). Saphenevene-endotelceller anvendtes i dette studium til bekræftelse af resultaterne fra umbilicalvene-20 endotelceller i dyrkede store vene-endotelceller fra fuldt udviklet væv. Den basale ekspression af ICAM-1 er 2 gange højere på saphenevene-endotelceller end på umbilicalevene-endotelceller. Udsættelse af umbilicalvene-endotelcelle . for rekombinant-IL-1-25 a, ιι,-1-β og TNF-y øger ICAM-l-ekspression 10-20 gange.XCAM-1 expression, measured using the above-mentioned radloimmune sample, is increased on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human saphenous vein endothelial cells (HSVEC) of IL-1, TNF, LPS and IPN-γ (Table 3). Saphenous vein endothelial cells were used in this study to confirm the results of umbilical vein endothelial cells in cultured large venous endothelial cells from fully developed tissue. The basal expression of ICAM-1 is 2-fold higher on saphenous vein endothelial cells than on umbilical vein endothelial cells. Exposure of the umbilical vein endothelial cell. for recombinant IL-1-25 α, ιι, -1-β and TNF-γ increases ICAM-1 expression 10-20 fold.
IL-1-α, TNF og LPS var blandt de mest potente inducere og IL-1 var mindre potent på en vægtbasis og desuden ved mætningskoncentrationer for respons (Tabel 3).IL-1-α, TNF, and LPS were among the most potent inducers and IL-1 was less potent on a weight basis and additionally at saturation concentrations for response (Table 3).
IL-1-β ved 100 ng/ml øgede ICAM-l-ekspression 9 gange 30 på HUVEC og 7,3 gange på HSVEC med halv-maksimal øgning forekommende ved 15 ng/ml. rTNF ved 50 ng/ml øgede lCAM-1-ekspressionen 16 gange på HUVEC og 11 gange på HSVEC med halv-maksimale virkninger ved 0,5 ng/ml.IL-1-β at 100 ng / ml increased ICAM-1 expression 9-fold on HUVEC and 7.3-fold on HSVEC with half-maximal increase occurring at 15 ng / ml. rTNF at 50 ng / ml increased lCAM-1 expression 16-fold on HUVEC and 11-fold on HSVEC with half-maximal effects at 0.5 ng / ml.
53 DK 176020 B153 DK 176020 B1
Interferon-y frembragte en signifikant øgning i ICAM-l-ekspression på 5,2 gange på HUVEC eller 3,5 gange på HSVEC ved 10.000 U/ml. Virkningen af LPS ved 10 yg/ml var af tilsvarende størrelsesorden som rTNF.Interferon-γ produced a significant increase in ICAM-1 expression of 5.2-fold on HUVEC or 3.5-fold on HSVEC at 10,000 U / ml. The effect of LPS at 10 µg / ml was of the same order of magnitude as rTNF.
5 Parvise kombinationer af disse mediatorer resulterede i yderligere eller lidt mindre end yderligere virkninger på ICAM-1 ekspression (Tabel 3). Kryds-titrering af rTNF med rIL-1-β eller rIFN-y viste ingen synergisme mellem disse ved suboptimale eller optimale koncentra-10 tioner.Pairwise combinations of these mediators resulted in additional or slightly less than additional effects on ICAM-1 expression (Table 3). Cross-titration of rTNF with rIL-1-β or rIFN-γ showed no synergism between these at suboptimal or optimal concentrations.
Eftersom LPS øgede ICAM-l-ekspression på endo-telceller i koncentrationer, der somme tider findes i dyrkningsmedier, undersøgtes den mulighed at den basale ICAM-l-ekspression kan skyldes LPS. Når adskillige 15 serumbatches testedes viste det sig, at lav endotoxin-serum gav lavere ICAM-l-basal-ekspression ved 25%. Alle de heri angivne resultater var for endotelceller dyrket i lav endotoxinserum. Inkluderingen af det LPS-neutraliserende antibiotikum polymyxin B ved 10 yg/ml 20 mindskede imidlertid kun ICAM-l-ekspressionen yderligere 25% (Tabel 3). Øgningen i ICAM-1-ekspresion ved behandling med IL-1 eller TNF påvirkedes ikke ved nærværelse af 10 yg/ml polymyxin B, som er i overensstemmelse med de lave endotoxinkoncentrationer i disse 22fpræparater (Tabel 3).Since LPS increased ICAM-1 expression on endothelial cells at concentrations sometimes found in culture media, it was investigated the possibility that basal ICAM-1 expression may be due to LPS. When several 15 serum batches were tested, low endotoxin serum was found to give lower ICAM-1 basal expression at 25%. All of the results set forth herein were for low endotoxin serum culture. However, the inclusion of the LPS-neutralizing antibiotic polymyxin B at 10 µg / ml 20 only reduced the ICAM-1 expression by an additional 25% (Table 3). The increase in ICAM-1 expression by treatment with IL-1 or TNF was not affected by the presence of 10 µg / ml polymyxin B, which is consistent with the low endotoxin concentrations in these 22f preparations (Table 3).
DK 176020 B1 54 ’DK 176020 B1 54 '
Tabel 3Table 3
Anti-iCAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer.Anti-iCAM-1 monoclonal antibodies.
5 ’Tilstand (16 timer) ^"*1 Specifik bundet (CPM)5 'Condition (16 hours) + 1 Specific Bound (CPM)
l-Kontrol 603 + 11 - 1132 + 31 - 100 ng/ml rIL-1 beta ·. 5680~± 633 9x 8320 + 766 7.3x _ 10 50 ng/ml rIL-1 alpha 9910 + 538 16x 50 ng/ml rTNF alpha 1 9650 + 1500 16x 12690 + 657 11.2x .l-Control 603 + 11 - 1132 + 31 - 100 ng / ml rIL-1 beta ·. 5680 ~ ± 633 9x 8320 + 766 7.3x _ 10 50 ng / ml rIL-1 alpha 9910 + 538 16x 50 ng / ml rTNF alpha 1 9650 + 1500 16x 12690 + 657 11.2x.
10 pg/ml LPS 9530 ± 512 16x 10459 ± 388 9.2x 10 ng/ml rlFN gamma 3120 + 308 5.2x 4002 + 664 3.5x ‘rIL-1 beta + rTNF 1469 + 1410 24x 16269 + 660 14x · rIL-1 beta + LPS 13986"+ 761 23x 10870 + 805 lOx 15 rIL-1 beta + rlFN gamma 7849 + 601 13x 8401 + 390 7.4x rTNF + LPS 15364'+ 1241 24x 16141 + 1272 14x rTNF + rlFN gamma 13480 + 1189 22x 13238 + 761 12x , LPS + IFN gamma 10206 + 320 17x 10987 + 668 lOx polymyxin B (10 pg/ml) 480+23 polymyxin B + rIL-1 15390 + 97 lix - ,λ polymyxin B + rTNF .9785 + 389 20x 1 ^g/ml LPS 17598 + 432 13x polymyxin B + LPS Ϊ510 + 44 l.lx10 µg / ml LPS 9530 ± 512 16x 10459 ± 388 9.2x 10 ng / ml rlFN gamma 3120 + 308 5.2x 4002 + 664 3.5x 'rIL-1 beta + rTNF 1469 + 1410 24x 16269 + 660 14x · rIL-1 beta + LPS 13986 "+ 761 23x 10870 + 805 10x 15 rIL-1 beta + rlFN gamma 7849 + 601 13x 8401 + 390 7.4x rTNF + LPS 15364 '+ 1241 24x 16141 + 1272 14x rTNF + rlFN gamma 13480 + 1189 22x 13238 + 761 12x, LPS + IFN gamma 10206 + 320 17x 10987 + 668 10x polymyxin B (10 pg / ml) 480 + 23 polymyxin B + rIL-1 15390 + 97 lix -, λ polymyxin B + rTNF .9785 + 389 20x 1 ^ g / ml LPS 17598 + 432 13x polymyxin B + LPS 10510 + 44 l.lx
Opregulering af ICAM-l-ekspression på HVEC og HSVEC-25 HUVEC eller HSVEC podedes i plader med 96-brønde ved en 1:3 fra et flydende monolag og fik lov til at gro til sammenløb. Cellerne behandledes dernæst med de angivne materialer eller medier i 16 timer, og RIA som ved fremgangsmåder. Alle punkter gennemførtes 4 30 gange.Up-regulation of ICAM-1 expression on HVEC and HSVEC-25 HUVEC or HSVEC was seeded in 96-well plates at a 1: 3 from a liquid monolayer and allowed to grow to confluence. The cells were then treated with the indicated materials or media for 16 hours and RIA as per methods. All points were completed 4 30 times.
i DK 176020 B1 55in DK 176020 B1 55
Eksempel 12Example 12
Kinetik af Interleukin 1 og y-interferon-induktion af ICAM-1.Kinetics of Interleukin 1 and γ-interferon induction of ICAM-1.
Kinetikken af interleukin 1 og y-interferon-5 virkninger på ICAM-l-ekspression på dermale fibro-blaster bestemtes under anvendelse af den 125I gede-anti-muse-IgG-bindingsprøve af Dustin, M.L. et al.The kinetics of interleukin 1 and γ interferon-5 effects on ICAM-1 expression on dermal fibroblasts was determined using the 125 I goat anti-mouse IgG binding assay by Dustin, M.L. et al.
(J. Immunol. 137:245-254 (1986). Til gennemførelse af denne bindingsprøve, dyrkedes humane, dermale fibrobla-10 ster i en 96-brøndes mlkrotiterplade til en tæthed på 2-8 x 104 celler/brønd (0,32 cm2). Cellerne vaskedes 2 gange med RPMI 1640 medium suppleret som beskrevet i eksempel l. Cellerne vaskedes yderligere en gang med Hanks balancerede saltopløsning (HBSS), 10 mM HEPES, 15 0,05% NaN3 og 10% varmeinaktiveret fetal bovin serum, vaskning med denne bindingspuffer gennemførtes ved 4°C.(J. Immunol. 137: 245-254 (1986). To carry out this binding assay, human dermal fibroblasts were grown in a 96-well ml crotiter plate to a density of 2-8 x 10 4 cells / well (0.32 The cells were washed twice with RPMI 1640 medium supplemented as described in Example 1. The cells were washed once more with Hank's balanced saline (HBSS), 10 mM HEPES, 0.05% NaN3, and 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum, washing. with this binding buffer was carried out at 4 ° C.
Til hver brønd sattes 50 μΐ af ovennævnte bindingspuffer og 50 μΐ af den passende hybridoma-supernatant med X63 og W6/32 som henholdsvis de negative og positive 20 kontroller. Efter inkubering i 30 minutter ved 4eC under forsigtig omrøring vaskedes brøndene to gange med bindingspuffer, og det andet antistof 125I-gede-anti-muse-IgG, tilsattes ved 50 nCi i 100 μΐ. 125I-gede-anti-muse-antistoffet fremstilledes under anvendelse af 25 iodogen (Pierce) i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Fraker, P.J. et al. (Biochem. Blophys. Res. Commun.To each well, 50 μΐ of the above binding buffer and 50 μΐ of the appropriate hybridoma supernatant with X63 and W6 / 32 were added as the negative and positive 20 controls, respectively. After incubation for 30 minutes at 4 ° C with gentle stirring, the wells were washed twice with binding buffer, and the second antibody 125 I goat anti-mouse IgG was added at 50 nCi for 100 μΐ. The 125 I goat anti-mouse antibody was prepared using iodogen (Pierce) according to the method of Fraker, P.J. et al. (Biochem. Blophys. Res. Commun.
80:849 (1978)). Efter 30 min. ved 4°C vaskedes brøndene to gange med 200 μΐ bindingspuffer og cellelaget opløstes ved tilsætning af 100 μΐ 0,1 N NaOH. Dette og en 30 loo μΐ vask taltes i en Beckman 5500 γ-counter. Det specifikke antal counts per min. beregnedes som [cpm med monoklonalt antistof]-[cpm med X63]. Alle trin, herunder induktion med specifikke reagenser, gennemførtes 4 gange.80: 849 (1978)). After 30 min. at 4 ° C, the wells were washed twice with 200 μΐ binding buffer and the cell layer was dissolved by adding 100 μΐ 0.1 N NaOH. This and a 30 loo μΐ wash were counted in a Beckman 5500 γ counter. The specific number of counts per min. was calculated as [cpm with monoclonal antibody] - [cpm with X63]. All steps, including specific reagent induction, were performed 4 times.
56 DK 176020 B156 DK 176020 B1
Virkningen af interleukin 1 med en halverings-i tid for I CAM-1-induktion på 2 timer var hurtigere end virkningen af γ-interferon med en halveringstid på 3,75 timer (fig. 6). Tidsforløbet til returnering til reste-5 rende koncentrationer af ICAM-1 viste sig at være afhængig af cellecyklusen eller hastigheden af cellevækst . I hvilende celler er interleukin 1 og y-interferonvirkninger stabile i 2-3 dage, hvorimod ICAM-l-ekspressionen afbildet som logfasekulturer er 10 nær grundlinien 2 dage efter fjernelsen af disse inducerende midler.The effect of interleukin 1 with a half-life of 1 CAM-1 induction of 2 hours was faster than the effect of γ-interferon with a half-life of 3.75 hours (Fig. 6). The time course for returning to residual ICAM-1 concentrations was found to be dependent on the cell cycle or rate of cell growth. In quiescent cells, interleukin 1 and γ interferon effects are stable for 2-3 days, whereas ICAM-1 expression depicted as log phase cultures is 10 near baseline 2 days after removal of these inducers.
Dosis-responskurver for induktionen af ICAM-1 ved rekombinant muse- og human interleukin 1 og for rekombinant human y-interferon er vist i fig. 7. y-15 interferon og interleukin 1 viste sig at have ens koncentrationsafhængigheder med næsten identiske vir-1 kninger ved 1 ng/ml. Humant og rekombinant muse-inter- leukin 1 havde desuden ens kurver, men er mindre virkningsfulde end human interleukin l-præparater ved 20 inducering af ICAM-1-ekspression.Dose-response curves for the induction of ICAM-1 by recombinant mouse and human interleukin 1 and for recombinant human γ-interferon are shown in FIG. 7. γ-15 interferon and interleukin 1 were found to have similar concentration dependencies with nearly identical effects at 1 ng / ml. In addition, human and recombinant mouse interleukin 1 had similar curves but are less effective than human interleukin 1 preparations in inducing ICAM-1 expression.
Cyclohexamid, en inhibitor for proteinsyntese, og actinomycin-D, en inhibitor for mRNA-syntese, ophæver virkningerne af både interleukin 1 og y-interferon på ICAM-l-ekspression på fibroblaster (Tabel 4).Cyclohexamide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, and actinomycin-D, an inhibitor of mRNA synthesis, abolish the effects of both interleukin 1 and γ-interferon on ICAM-1 expression on fibroblasts (Table 4).
25 Tunicamycin, en inhibitor for N-bundet glycosylering, inhiberede yderligere kun interleukin 1-virkningen med 43%. Disse resultater indikerer at protein- og mRNA-syntese, men ikke N-bundet glycosylering er nødvendig for interleukin 1- og y-interferon-stimulerede 30 øgninger i ICAM-l-ekspression.Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation, further inhibited only interleukin 1 activity by 43%. These results indicate that protein and mRNA synthesis but not N-linked glycosylation is required for interleukin 1- and γ-interferon-stimulated increases in ICAM-1 expression.
DK 176020 B1 57 TABEL 4DK 176020 B1 57 TABLE 4
Virkninger af cycloheximid, actinomycin D og tunica-mycin på ICAM-1-induktion med IL-1 og y-lFN på humane, dermale fibroblaster®.Effects of cycloheximide, actinomycin D and tunica-mycin on ICAM-1 induction with IL-1 and γ-IFN on human dermal fibroblasts®.
5 125, Ged-Anti-Mus IgG _Specifikt bundet icpm)5 125, Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (Specifically Bound icpm)
i ^ Kontrol (4 timet) 1524 4 140 11928 ♦ 600 t cycloheximid 1513 ± 210 10678 ± 471 4 actinomycin 0 1590 ± 46 12276 4 608 4 tunlcamycln 1461 ± 176 12340 4 940 IL 1 (10 0/ml) (4 timer) 4264 4 249 12155 4 510 4 cycloheximid: 1619 4 381 12676 4 446 15 4 actinomycin D 1613 4 88 12294 ± 123 4 tunicamycin 3084 4 113 13434 4 661 I FN-γ (10 U/ml) (18 timer) 4659 4 109 23675 ± 500 4 cycloheximid 1461 4 59 10675 4 800 4 actinomycin D 1326 ± 186 12089 4 550 20 aHumane fibroblaster dyrkedes til en tæthed på 8 x lo4 celler/0,32 cm2 brønd. Behandlinger gennemførtes i et slutvolumen på 50 μΐ indeholdende de angivne reagenser.Control (4 hours) 1524 4 140 11928 ♦ 600 hours cycloheximide 1513 ± 210 10678 ± 471 4 actinomycin 0 1590 ± 46 12276 4 608 4 tunlcamycline 1461 ± 176 12340 4 940 IL 1 (10 0 / ml) (4 hours) 4264 4 249 12155 4 510 4 cycloheximide: 1619 4 381 12676 4 446 15 4 actinomycin D 1613 4 88 12294 ± 123 4 tunicamycin 3084 4 113 13434 4 661 I FN-γ (10 U / ml) (18 hours) 4659 4 109 23675 ± 500 4 cycloheximide 1461 4 59 10675 4 800 4 actinomycin D 1326 ± 186 12089 4 550 20 AHuman fibroblasts were grown to a density of 8 x 10 4 cells / 0.32 cm 2 well. Treatments were carried out in a final volume of 50 μΐ containing the indicated reagents.
25 cycloheximid, actinomycin D og tunicamycin tilsattes i henholdsvis 20 yg/ml, 10 yM og 2 yg/ml samtidig med cytokinerne. Alle punkter er middelværdier fra fire bønde + standardafvigelse.25 cycloheximide, actinomycin D and tunicamycin were added in 20 µg / ml, 10 µM and 2 µg / ml, respectively, simultaneously with the cytokines. All points are mean values from four farmers + standard deviation.
DK 176020 B1 58DK 176020 B1 58
Eksempel 13 ICAM-11 s vævsfordeling.Example 13 ICAM-11's tissue distribution.
Histokemiske studier gennemførtes på frossen væv fra menneskeorganer til bestemmelse af fordelingen af 5 ICAM-1 i thymus, lymfeknuder# tarm, hud, nyrer og lever. Til gennemførsel af en sådan analyse fikserede frosne vævsstykker (4 pm tyk) af normalt, humant væv i acetone i 10 min. og farvedes med det monoklonale antistof RR1/1 ved en immunoperoxidaseteknik, linder anven-10 delse af avidin-biotin-kompleksmetoden (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) beskrevet af Cerf-Bensussan, N. et al. (J. Immunol. 130:2615 (1983)). Efter inkubering med antistoffet, inkuberedes stykkerne fortløbende med biotinylerede heste-anti-muse-IgG og avidin-15 biotinylerede peroxidasekomplekser. Stykkerne dyppedes til sidst i en opløsning indeholdende 3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazol (Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wl) til udvikling af en farvereaktion. Stykkerne fikseredes dernæst i 4% formaldehyd i 5 min. og modfarvedes med 20 hematoxylin. Kontroller omfattede stykker Inkuberet med ikke-relaterede monoklonale antistoffer i stedet for RRl/l-antistoffet.Histochemical studies were performed on frozen tissues from human organs to determine the distribution of 5 ICAM-1 in the thymus, lymph nodes, intestine, skin, kidneys and liver. To perform such an analysis, frozen tissue pieces (4 µm thick) of normal human tissue were fixed in acetone for 10 min. and stained with the monoclonal antibody RR1 / 1 by an immunoperoxidase technique, using the avidin-biotin complex method (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) described by Cerf-Bensussan, N. et al. (J. Immunol. 130: 2615 (1983)). After incubation with the antibody, the pieces were incubated continuously with biotinylated equine anti-mouse IgG and avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complexes. The pieces were finally dipped in a solution containing 3-amino-9-ethyl-carbazole (Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc., Milwaukee, Wl) to develop a color reaction. The pieces were then fixed in 4% formaldehyde for 5 minutes. and counterstained with 20 hematoxylin. Check included pieces Incubated with unrelated monoclonal antibodies instead of the RR1 / 1 antibody.
ICAM-1 viste sig at have en fordeling, der i det væsentlige er lig med den hos størstedelen af 25 histokompatibilitetskompleks (MHC) klasse II antigenerne. De fleste blodkar (både små og store) i alt væv viste farvning af endotelceller med ICAM-1-antistof.ICAM-1 was found to have a distribution substantially equal to that of the majority of the 25 histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens. Most blood vessels (both small and large) in all tissues showed staining of endothelial cells with ICAM-1 antibody.
Den vaskulære endotelfarvning var mere intens i de interfollikulære (paracorticale) områder i lymfeknuder, 30 tonsiler og Peyer's "patches" i sammenligning med kar i nyre, lever og normal hud. I leveren var farvningen i det væsentlige begrænset til sinusformede beklædningsceller; hepatocytterne og endotelcellerne, 59 DK 176020 B1 som indvendigt beklæder de fleste portalvener, og arterierne var ikke farvede.The vascular endothelial staining was more intense in the interfollicular (paracortical) areas of lymph nodes, 30 tonsils, and Peyer's "patches" compared to vessels in the kidney, liver and normal skin. In the liver, staining was essentially confined to sinusoidal garment cells; the hepatocytes and endothelial cells, inside most of the portal veins, and the arteries were not stained.
I thymusmarven observeredes difus farvning af store celler og et dentritisk farvningsmønster. I cort-5 ex var farvningsmønsteret focalt og i det væsentlige dentritisk. Thymocytter var ikke farvede. I det perifere lymfoide væv var de sekundære lymfoide folliklers germinale centerceller intenst farvede. I nogle lymfoide follikler var farvningsmønstret i det væsentlige 10 dentritisk uden genkendelig farvning af lymfocytter.In the thymus marrow, diffuse staining of large cells and a dentritic staining pattern were observed. In cort-5 ex, the staining pattern was focal and essentially dentritic. Thymocytes were not stained. In the peripheral lymphoid tissue, the germinal center cells of the secondary lymphoid follicles were intensely stained. In some lymphoid follicles, the staining pattern was essentially dentritic without recognizable staining of lymphocytes.
Der observeredes desuden svag farvning af celler i kappezonen. Dendritiske celler med cytoplasmiske udstrækninger (interdigiterende reticulumceller) og et lille antal lymfocytter i de interfollikulære eller .In addition, weak staining of cells in the sheath zone was observed. Dendritic cells with cytoplasmic extensions (interdigitating reticulum cells) and a small number of lymphocytes in the interfollicular or.
15 paracorticale områder var yderligere farvet med ICAM-1-bindingsantistof.Fifteen paracortical regions were further stained with ICAM-1 binding antibody.
Celler, der lignende makrofager var farvet i lymfeknuderne og tyndtarmens lamina propria. Fibro-blast-lignende celler (spindelformede celler) og den-20 dritiske celler spredt i stroma og de fleste af de undersøgte organer farves med iCAM-l-bindingsanti-stoffet. Der konstateredes ingen farvning i de Langerhanske/indeterminante celler i epidermis. Der konstateredes ingen farvning i glat muskelvæv.Cells similar to macrophages were stained in the lymph nodes and small intestinal lamina propria. Fibroblast-like cells (spindle-shaped cells) and detritic cells scattered in the stroma and most of the organs examined are stained with the iCAM-1 binding antibody. No staining was observed in the Langerhaan / indeterminate cells of the epidermis. No staining in smooth muscle tissue was found.
25 Farvningen af epitelceller kunne tilsvarende ses i tonsilernes mucosa. Skønt hepatocytter, galdekanal-epitelium, intestinale epitelceller og rørformede epitelceller i nyrer i de fleste tilfælde ikke farves, viste stykker af normal nyrevæv, opnået fra et nephrek-30 tomisk stykke med nyrecellecarcinoma, farvning af mange proximale rørformede . celler for ICAM-1. Disse rørformede epitelceller farves desuden med et anti-HLA-DR-bindingsantistof.25 The staining of epithelial cells could similarly be seen in the mucosa of the tonsils. Although in most cases hepatocytes, bile duct epithelium, intestinal epithelial cells, and tubular epithelial cells are not stained, pieces of normal kidney tissue obtained from a nephrectomy with renal cell carcinoma showed staining of many proximal tubular. cells for ICAM-1. These tubular epithelial cells are additionally stained with an anti-HLA-DR binding antibody.
60 DK 176020 B160 DK 176020 B1
Summarisk , eksprimeres ICAM-1 på ikke-hemato-poietiske celler, såsom vaskulære endotelceller og på hæmatopoletiske celler, såsom vævsmakrofager og mitogen-stimulerede T-lymfocytbaster. ICAM-1 viste sig 5 at blive eksprimeret i små mængder på perifere blodlymfocytter.In summary, ICAM-1 is expressed on non-hematopoietic cells such as vascular endothelial cells and on hematopoietic cells such as tissue macrophages and mitogen-stimulated T lymphocyte hybrids. ICAM-1 was found to be expressed in small amounts on peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Eksempel 14Example 14
Rensningen af ICAM-1 ved monoklonal antistof afflnltetschromatografl 10The purification of ICAM-1 by monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography 10
Generelt rensningsskema.General cleaning schedule.
ICAM-1 rensedes fra humane celler eller væv under anvendelse af monoklonalt antistof affinitetschro-matografi. Monoklonalt antistof, RRI/1, reaktivt over-15 for ICAM-1 rensedes først og kobledes til en inert ko-lonnematrix. Dette antistof er beskrevet af Rothlein, R Si· J· Immunol. 137:1270-1274 (1986), og Dustin, M.L. et al. (J. Immunol. 137:245 (1986). ICAM-1 solubi-liseredes fra cellemembraner ved lysering af cellerne 20 i et ikke-ionisk detergent, Triton X-100, nær en neutral pH-værdi. Cellelysatet indeholdende opløst ICAM-1 dernæst gennem prækolonner bestemt til fjernelse af materialer, der binder ikke-specifikt til kolonnema-trixmaterialet, og dernæst gennem den monoklonale 25 antistof-kolonnematrix, der gør det muligt for ICAM-1 at binde til antistoffet. Antistofkolonnen vaskedes dernæst med en serie af detergentvaskepuffere med stigende pH-værdi op til pH 11,0. Under disse vasknin-ger forblev ICAM-1 bundet til antistofmatrixen, medens 50 ikke-bindende og svagt bindende forurenende materialer fjernedes. Det bundne ICAM-1 elueredes dernæst specifikt fra kolonnen ved tilførsel af en detergentpuffer på pH 12,5.ICAM-1 was purified from human cells or tissues using monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography. Monoclonal antibody, RRI / 1, reactive to ICAM-1 was first purified and coupled to an inert column matrix. This antibody is described by Rothlein, R Si · J · Immunol. 137: 1270-1274 (1986), and Dustin, M.L. et al. (J. Immunol. 137: 245 (1986). ICAM-1 was solubilized from cell membranes by lysing cells 20 in a non-ionic detergent, Triton X-100, near a neutral pH. The cell lysate containing dissolved ICAM-1 then through pre-columns destined for removal of non-specific binding material to the column matrix material, and then through the monoclonal antibody column matrix enabling ICAM-1 to bind to the antibody. The antibody column was then washed with a series of detergent washing buffers. with increasing pH up to pH 11.0 During these washes, ICAM-1 remained bound to the antibody matrix while removing 50 non-binding and weakly binding contaminants. The bound ICAM-1 was then specifically eluted from the column by application of a detergent buffer of pH 12.5.
61 DK 176020 B161 DK 176020 B1
Rensning af monoklonalt antistof RR1/1 og covalent kobling til Sepharose CL-4B.Purification of monoclonal antibody RR1 / 1 and covalent coupling to Sepharose CL-4B.
Det anti-lCAM-l monoklonale antistof RRi/l rensedes fra ascltesvæske fra hybridoma-bærende mus, el-5 ler fra hybridoma-kultursupernatanter ved standardteknikker for ammoniumsulfatudfældnings- og protein A-afflnitetschromatografi (Ey et al., Immunochem. 15: 429 (1978)). Det rensede IgG, eller rotte-IgG (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) kobledes covalent til I 10 Sepharose CL-4B (Pharmacia, Upsala, Sverige) under an- vendelse af en modifikation af fremgangsmåden af March et al. (Anal. Blochem. 60:149 (1974)). Kort fortalt vaskedes Sepharose CL-4B i destilleret vand, aktiveret med 40 mg/ml CNBr i 5 M K2HP04 (pH ca. 12) i 15 5 min. og vaskedes dernæst ekstensivt med 0,1 mM HC1 ved 4°C. Det filtrerede, aktiverede Sepharose resuspen-deredes med en tilsvarende mængde renset antistof (2-10 mg/ml i 0,1 M NaHCOj, 0,1 M NaCl). Suspensionen inkuberedes i 18 timer ved 4°C under nænsom "end-over-20 end"-rotation. Supernatanten kontrolleredes dernæst for ubundet antistof ved absorbans ved 280 nm, og resterende reaktive steder på aktiveret Sepharose blev mættet ved tilsætning af glycin til 0,05 M. Koblingsvirkningsgraden var sædvanligvis over 90%.The anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody RRi / l was purified from asymmetric fluid from hybridoma-bearing mice, or from hybridoma culture supernatants by standard ammonium sulfate precipitation and protein A affinity chromatography techniques (Ey et al., Immunochem. 15: 429 1978)). The purified IgG, or rat IgG (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) was covalently coupled to I Sepharose CL-4B (Pharmacia, Upsala, Sweden) using a modification of the method of March et al. (Anal. Blochem. 60: 149 (1974)). Briefly, Sepharose CL-4B was washed in distilled water, activated with 40 mg / ml CNBr in 5 M K 2 HPO 4 (pH approx. 12) for 5 min. and then washed extensively with 0.1 mM HCl at 4 ° C. The filtered activated Sepharose was resuspended with a corresponding amount of purified antibody (2-10 mg / ml in 0.1 M NaHCO 3, 0.1 M NaCl). The suspension was incubated for 18 hours at 4 ° C with gentle "end-over-20" rotation. The supernatant was then checked for unbound antibody by absorbance at 280 nm, and residual reactive sites on activated Sepharose were saturated by adding glycine to 0.05 M. The coupling efficiency was usually above 90%.
Detergentsolublllserlng af membraner fremstillet ud fra human milt.Detergent solubilization of membranes prepared from human spleen.
Alle fremgangsmåder gennemlførtes ved 4°C. Frossen, human milt (200 g fragmenter) fra patienter med 30 hårcelleleukemi optøedes på is i 200 ml Tris-saltop-løsning (50 mM Tris, 0,14 M NaCl, pH 7,4 ved 4°C) indeholdende 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonylfluorid (PMSF), 0,2 U/ml aprotinin og 5 mM iodacetamid. Vævet blev skåret 62· DK 176020 B1 i små stykker og homogeniseret ved 4°C med en Tekmar power homogenisator. Voluminet øgedes dernæst til 300 ml med Tris-saltopløsning, og 100 ml 10% Tween 40 (polyoxyethylensorbitanmonopalmitat) i Tris- 5 saltopløsning tilsattes til opnåelse af en endelig koncentration på 2,5% Tween 40.All procedures were carried out at 4 ° C. Frozen human spleen (200 g fragments) from patients with 30 hair cell leukemia were thawed on ice in 200 ml Tris saline solution (50 mM Tris, 0.14 M NaCl, pH 7.4 at 4 ° C) containing 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride ( PMSF), 0.2 U / ml aprotinin and 5 mM iodoacetamide. The tissue was cut 62 · DK 176020 B1 into small pieces and homogenized at 4 ° C with a Tekmar power homogenizer. The volume was then increased to 300 ml with Tris saline solution and 100 ml of 10% Tween 40 (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate) in Tris saline solution was added to give a final concentration of 2.5% Tween 40.
Til fremstilling af membraner, ekstraheredes homogenat et med tre slag fra en Dounce eller, mere. foretrukket, en Teflon Potter Elvejhem' homogenisator 10 0g centrifugeredes dernæst ved 1000 x g i 15 min. Supernatanten bevaredes og pelleten reekstraheredes med 200 ml 2,5% Tween 40 i Tr is-sal topløsning. Efter centrifugering ved 1000 x g i 15 min., samledes superna-tanterne fra begge ekstraktioner og centrifugeredes ved 15 150.000 x g i 1 time til pelletering af membranerne.To make membranes, homogenate one was extracted with three strokes from a Dounce or, more. Preferably, a Teflon Potter Elvejhem homogenizer 10 µg was then centrifuged at 1000 x g for 15 minutes. The supernatant was retained and the pellet was re-extracted with 200 ml of 2.5% Tween 40 in Tr ice-sal top solution. After centrifugation at 1000 x g for 15 minutes, the supernatants were collected from both extractions and centrifuged at 150,000 x g for 1 hour to pellet the membranes.
Membranerne vaskedes ved genopløsning i 200 ml Trissaltopløsning, centrifugeredes ved 150.000 x g i 1 time. Membranpelleten genopslæmmedes i 200 ml Tris-salt-opløsning og homogenisteredes med en motoriseret homo-20 genisator og en teflonstøder indtil suspensionen vår i jævnt grumset, voluminet øgedes dernæst til 900 ml medThe membranes were washed by redissolving in 200 ml Trissalt solution, centrifuged at 150,000 x g for 1 hour. The membrane pellet was resuspended in 200 ml of Tris salt solution and homogenised with a motorized homogenizer and a Teflon pestle until our suspension in evenly cloudy, the volume was then increased to 900 ml with
Tris-saltopløsning og N-lauroylsarcosin tilsattes til en slutkoncentration på 1%. Efter omrøring ved 4°C i 30 min. fjernedes uopløseligt materiale i detergentlysatet 25 ved centrifugering ved 150.000 x g i 1 time. Triton X-100 sattes dernæst til supernatanten til en slutkoncentration på 2%, og lysatet omrørtes ved 4*C i 1 time.Tris saline solution and N-lauroylsarcosine were added to a final concentration of 1%. After stirring at 4 ° C for 30 min. insoluble material in detergent lysate 25 was removed by centrifugation at 150,000 x g for 1 hour. Triton X-100 was then added to the supernatant to a final concentration of 2% and the lysate was stirred at 4 ° C for 1 hour.
30 Detergentsolubiliserinq af JY B-lymfoblastoldceller.Detergent solubilization of JY B lymphoblast cells.
Den EBV-transformerede B-lymfoblastoidcelle-linie JY dyrkedes i RPMI-1640 indeholdende 10% fetal kalveserum (FCS) og 10 mM HEPES til en tæthed på 63 .The EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell line JY was grown in RPMI-1640 containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and 10 mM HEPES to a density of 63.
DK 176020 B1 ca. 0,8-1,0 x 106 celler/ml. For at øge celleoverfladeekspressionen af ICAM-1 sattes phorbol-12-myristat-13-acetat (PMA) i 25 ng/ml 8-12 timer før høst af cellerne. Natriumvanadat (50 μΜ) sattes desuden 5 til kulturerne på dette tidsrum. Cellerne pelleteredes ved centrifugering ved 500 x g i 10 min., og vaskedes 2 gange i Hank's balanceredes saltopløsning (HBSS) ved genopslæmning og centrifugering. Cellerne (ca. 5 g per 5 1 kultur) lyseredes 1 50 ml lysispuffer (0,14 M NaCl, 1Θ 50 mM Tris pH 8,0, 1% Triton X-100, 0,2 U/ml aprotinin, 1 mM PMSF, 50 μΜ natriumvandat) under omrøring ved 4°C i 30 min. Ikke-lyserede kærner og uopløseligt materiale fjernedes ved centrifugering ved 10.000 x g i 15 min. efterfulgt af centrifugering af supernatanten 15 ved 150.000 x g i 1 time og filtrering af supernatanten gennem Whatman 3 mm filterpapir.DK 176020 B1 approx. 0.8-1.0 x 10 6 cells / ml. To increase cell surface expression of ICAM-1, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) was added at 25 ng / ml 8-12 hours before harvesting of the cells. In addition, sodium vanadate (50 μΜ) was added to the cultures at this time. The cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 500 x g for 10 min, and washed twice in Hank's Balanced Saline (HBSS) by resuspending and centrifugation. The cells (approximately 5 g per 5 l of culture) were lysed in 50 ml of lysis buffer (0.14 M NaCl, 1Θ50 mM Tris pH 8.0, 1% Triton X-100, 0.2 U / ml aprotinin, 1 mM PMSF (50 μΜ sodium water) with stirring at 4 ° C for 30 min. Non-lysed nuclei and insoluble material were removed by centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 15 min. followed by centrifuging the supernatant 15 at 150,000 x g for 1 hour and filtering the supernatant through Whatman 3 mm filter paper.
Affinitetschromatoqrafl af ICAM-1 til strukturunder-søqelser.Affinity chromatography of ICAM-1 for structural studies.
20 Til rensning i stor skala af ICAM-1, som skal benyttes ved strukturstudier, benyttedes en kolonne med 10 ml RRl/l-Sepharose CL-4B .{koblet ved 2,5 mg antistof/ml gel), og to 10 ml præ-kolonner med CNBr-aktiveret, glycin-quenched Sepharose CL-4B, og rotte-2^ IgG koblet til Sepharose CL-4B (2 mg/ml) benyttedes. Kolonnerne blev serieforbundet og præ-vasket med 10 kolonne-voluminer lysispuffer, 10 kolonnevoluminer puffer på pH 12,5 (50 mM triethylamin, 0,1% Triton X-100, pH 12,5 ved 4eC, efterfulgt af ligevægtsindstilling med ^ 10 kolonnevoluminer lysispuffer. En liter af detergent- lysat af human milt tilførtes med en strømhastighed på 0,5-1,0 ml per min. De to præ-kolonner benyttedes til fjernelse af ikke-specifikt bindingsmateriale fra lysa-tet før passage gennem RRl/l-Sepharose-kolonnen.For large-scale purification of ICAM-1 to be used in structural studies, a column of 10 ml of RR1 / 1-Sepharose CL-4B (coupled with 2.5 mg of antibody / ml of gel) was used and two 10 ml of Columns with CNBr-activated, glycine-quenched Sepharose CL-4B and rat-2β IgG coupled to Sepharose CL-4B (2 mg / ml) were used. The columns were serially connected and pre-washed with 10 column volumes of lysis buffer, 10 column volumes buffer of pH 12.5 (50 mM triethylamine, 0.1% Triton X-100, pH 12.5 at 4 ° C, followed by equilibration with ^ 10 column volumes One liter of human spleen detergent lysate was supplied at a flow rate of 0.5-1.0 ml per minute. The two pre-columns were used to remove non-specific binding material from the lysate prior to passage through RR1 / l. -Sepharose column.
64 DK 176020 B164 DK 176020 B1
Efter tilsætningen vaskedes RRl/l-Sepharose-kolonnen og bundet ICAH-l fortløbende med en strømhastighed på 1 ml/min. med mindst 5 kolonnevoluminer af hver af de efterfølgende: 1) lysispuffer, 2) 20 mM 5 Tris pH 8,0/0,14 M NaCl/0,1% Triton X-100, 3) 20 mM glycin pH 10,0/0,1% Triton X-100, og 4) 50 mM tri- ethylamin pH 11,0/0,1% Triton X-100. Alle vaskpuffere p indeholdt 1 mM PMSF og 0,2 U/ml aprotinin. Efter vas- i kningen elueredes det resterende bundne icam-i med 10 5 kolonnevoluminer elueringspuffer (50 mM triethyl-amin/0,1% Triton X-100/pH 12,5 ved 4°C) med en strømningshastighed på 1 ml/3 min. Det eluerede ICAM-1 opsamledes i 1 ml fraktioner og neutraliseredes straks ved tilsætning af 0,1 ml 1 M Tris, pH 6,7. Fraktionerne 15 indeholdende ICAM-l identificeredes ved SDS-polyacryl-amidelektroforese af 10 μΐ aliquoter (Springer et al., J. Exp. Med. 160:1901 (1984)), efterfølgt af sølvfarvning (Morrissey, J.H., Anal. Blochem. 117:307 (1981)).After the addition, the RR1 / 1-Sepharose column was washed and bound ICAH-1 continuously at a flow rate of 1 ml / min. with at least 5 column volumes of each of the following: 1) lysis buffer, 2) 20 mM 5 Tris pH 8.0 / 0.14 M NaCl / 0.1% Triton X-100, 3) 20 mM glycine pH 10.0 / And 4) 50 mM triethylamine pH 11.0 / 0.1% Triton X-100. All wash buffers p contained 1 mM PMSF and 0.2 U / ml aprotinin. After washing, the remaining bound icam-i was eluted with 10 5 column volumes of elution buffer (50 mM triethylamine / 0.1% Triton X-100 / pH 12.5 at 4 ° C) at a flow rate of 1 ml / 3 mine. The eluted ICAM-1 was collected in 1 ml fractions and immediately neutralized by the addition of 0.1 ml of 1 M Tris, pH 6.7. Fractions 15 containing ICAM-1 were identified by SDS-polyacrylic amide electrophoresis of 10 μΐ aliquots (Springer et al., J. Exp. Med. 160: 1901 (1984)), followed by silver staining (Morrissey, JH, Anal. Blochem. 117 : 307 (1981)).
Under disse betingelser var mængden af ICAM-1 elueret 20 i ca. 1 kolonnevolumen mere end 90% rent bedømt ud fra sølvfarvede elektropherogrammer (en lille mængde IgG, udvasket fra affinitetsmatrixen, var den største forurener). Fraktionerne indeholdene ICAM-1 samledes i en pulje og koncentreredes ca. 20 gange ved hjælp af 25 Centricon-30-mikrokoncentratorer (Amicon, Danvers, MA). Det rensede ICAM-1 mængdebestemtes ved Lowry-proteinprøve af en ethanol-præcipiteret aliquot fra puljen: Ca. 500 yg rent ICAM-1 produceredes ud fra 200 g human milt.Under these conditions, the amount of ICAM-1 was eluted 20 for approx. 1 column volume more than 90% purely judged from silvery electropherograms (a small amount of IgG, leached from the affinity matrix, was the major polluter). The fractions containing ICAM-1 were pooled and concentrated to ca. 20 times using 25 Centricon-30 microconcentrators (Amicon, Danvers, MA). The purified ICAM-1 was quantified by Lowry protein sample of an ethanol-precipitated aliquot from the pool: Approx. 500 µg pure ICAM-1 was produced from 200 g human spleen.
30 Ca. 200 yg renset ICAM-1 udsattes for en30 Approx. 200 µg of purified ICAM-1 was exposed to one
andentrins rensning ved præparativ SDS-polyacrylamid-gel-elektroforese. Båndet, der repræsenterer ICAM-l, blev gjort synligt ved gennemblødning af gelen i 1 Msecond-stage purification by preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The band representing ICAM-1 was made visible by soaking the gel in 1 M
DK 176020 B1 | 65 · j KCl. Det gelområdet som indeholdt ICAM-1 blev dernæst udskåret og elektroelueret i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Hunkapiller et al., Meth. Enzymol. 91: 227-236 (1983). Det rensede protein var mere end 98% 5 rent bedømt ved SDS-PAGE og sølvfarvning.DK 176020 B1 | 65 · KCl. The gel region containing ICAM-1 was then excised and electroeluted in accordance with the method of Hunkapiller et al., Meth. Enzymol. 91: 227-236 (1983). The purified protein was more than 98% 5 purely assessed by SDS-PAGE and silver staining.
Affinitetsrensnlnq af ICAM-1 til funktionelle studier.Affinity purification of ICAM-1 for functional studies.
ICAM-1 til anvendelse i funktionelle studier rensedes fra detergentlysater af JY-celler som be-10 skrevet ovenfor, men i mindre målestok (en 1 ml kolonne af RRl/i-Sepharose) og med følgende modifikationer.ICAM-1 for use in functional studies was purified from detergent lysates of JY cells as described above, but on a smaller scale (a 1 ml column of RR1 / i-Sepharose) and with the following modifications.
Alle opløsninger indeholdt 50 μΜ natriumvanadat. Efter vaskning af kolonnen med pH li,O-puffer indeholdende 0,1% Triton X-100, vaskedes kolonnen igen med fem 15 kolonnevoluminer af den samme puffer indeholdende 1% n-actyl-p-D-glucopyranosid (octylglucosid) i stedet for 1,0% Triton X-100. Octylglucosid-detergentet fortrænger Triton X-100 bundet til ICAM-1 og modsat Triton X-100 kan det senere fjernes ved dialyse.All solutions contained 50 μΜ sodium vanadate. After washing the column with pH I, O buffer containing 0.1% Triton X-100, the column was washed again with five 15 column volumes of the same buffer containing 1% n-actyl-pD-glucopyranoside (octylglucoside) instead of 1. 0% Triton X-100. The octylglucoside detergent displaces Triton X-100 bound to ICAM-1 and, unlike Triton X-100, it can later be removed by dialysis.
20 ICAM-1 elueredes dernæst med pH 12,5-puffer indeholdende 1% octylglucosid i stedet for 0,1% Triton X-100, og analyseredes og koncentreredes som beskrevet ovenfor.20 ICAM-1 was then eluted with pH 12.5 buffer containing 1% octyl glucoside instead of 0.1% Triton X-100 and analyzed and concentrated as described above.
Eksempel 15 25 Karakteristika af renset ICAM-1.Example 15 Characteristics of Purified ICAM-1.
ICAM-l renset fra human milt migrerer i SDS-polyacrylamid-geler som et bredt bånd med Mr på 72.000 til 91.000. ICAM-1 renset fra JY-celler migrerer også som et bredt bånd med Mr på 76.500 til 97.000. Disse Mr 30 ligger indenfor det angivne område for ICAM-1 immuno-præcipiteret fra forskellige cellekilder: Mr=90.000 for JY-celler, 114.000 på den myelomonocytiske cellelinie U937 og 97.000 på fibroblaster (Dustin et al., J.Human spleen ICAM-1 purified in SDS-polyacrylamide gels migrates as a broad band with Mr of 72,000 to 91,000. ICAM-1 purified from JY cells also migrates as a broad band with Mr of 76,500 to 97,000. These Mr 30 are within the indicated range of ICAM-1 immunoprecipitated from various cell sources: Mr = 90,000 for JY cells, 114,000 on the myelomonocytic cell line U937 and 97,000 on fibroblasts (Dustin et al., J.
DK 176020 B1 I 66 ! Immunol. 137:245 (1986)). Dette brede område i Mr til skrives en extensiv, men variabel grad af glyco-sylering. Den ikke-glycosylerede precursor har en Mr på 55.000 (Dustin et al.). Proteinet renset enten fra 5 JY-celler eller human milt bevarer dets antigene virkning som godtgøres af dets evne til at genbinde til den oprindelige affinitetskolonne og ved immunopræcipita-tion med RRl/l-Sepharose og SDS-polyacrylamidelektro-forese.DK 176020 B1 I 66! Immunol. 137: 245 (1986)). This broad area in Mr to is written an extensive but variable degree of glyco-cycling. The non-glycosylated precursor has a Mr of 55,000 (Dustin et al.). The protein purified from either 5 JY cells or human spleen retains its antigenic effect, evidenced by its ability to bind to the original affinity column and by immunoprecipitation with RR1 / 1-Sepharose and SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis.
10 Til fremstilling af peptidfragmenter af ICAM-l reduceredes ca. 200 pg med 2 mM dithiothreitol/2% SDS, efterfulgt af alkylering med 5 mM iodeddikesyre. Proteinet udfaeledes med ethanol og genopløstes i 0,1 M NH4CO3/O,1 mM CaCl2/0,l% zwittergent 3-14 (Calbio-13 chem), og underkastedes digestion med 1 vægt% trypsin ved 37°C i 4 timer, efterfulgt af yderligere digestion med 1% trypsin i 12 timer ved 37°C. De tryptiske peptider rensedes ved omvendt-fase HPLC under anvendelse af en 0,4 x 15 cm C4-kolonne (Vydac). Peptiderne elueredes 20 roeå en lineær gradient på 0% til 60% acetonitril i 0,1% trifluoreddikesyre. Udvalgte peptider underkastedes sekvensanalyse på en gasfasemikrosekvenator (Applied Biosystems). Sekvensinformationen opnået fra dette studium er vist i Tabel 5.For the preparation of peptide fragments of ICAM-1, ca. 200 µg with 2 mM dithiothreitol / 2% SDS, followed by alkylation with 5 mM iodoacetic acid. The protein was precipitated with ethanol and redissolved in 0.1 M NH 4 CO 3 / 0.1 Mm CaCl 2 / 0.1% zwittergen 3-14 (Calbio-13 chem) and subjected to digestion with 1 wt% trypsin at 37 ° C for 4 hours. followed by further digestion with 1% trypsin for 12 hours at 37 ° C. The tryptic peptides were purified by reverse-phase HPLC using a 0.4 x 15 cm C4 column (Vydac). The peptides were eluted in a linear gradient of 0% to 60% acetonitrile in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. Selected peptides were subjected to sequence analysis on an Applied Biosystems gas phase micro-equator. The sequence information obtained from this study is shown in Table 5.
DK 176020 B1 67DK 176020 B1 67
Tabel 5Table 5
Aminosyresekvenser af ICAM-l-tryptlske peptider.Amino acid sequences of ICAM-1 tryptic peptides.
Amtno- Peptid 5 syre-____Amtno- Peptide 5 Acid -____
Sfi8*-...... 50a SOb 46a 46b X 4S K AA J U 0 MlSfi8 * -...... 50a SOb 46a 46b X 4S K AA J U 0 Ml
1 (T/V) A (V/A) E VS LE A L V L1 (T / V) A (V / A) E VS LE A L V L
3 1 IT ALPPDS6L P/(6)3 1 IT ALPPDS6L P / (6)
4 7 $ F AATLV1 P4 7 $ F AATLV1 P
10 SVIP P P V R l E G/Y10 SVIP P P V R l E G / Y
7 P W P P V Y Q T P (N) .7 P W P P V Y Q T P (N).
8 T P 1 I T/l G G C P/V (Q) 8 S F G (G) I - I S K (E) ! E i (Q) - DE T (0)8 T P 1 I T / l G G C P / V (Q) 8 S F G (G) I - I S K (E)! E i (Q) - DE T (0)
11 A S D/P K $ L S11 A S D / P K $ L S
15 12 G/S V V P F F C15 12 G / S V V P F F C
I 13 A T O Q S E DI 13 A T O Q S E D
14 G V V V/L A - Q14 G V V V / L A - Q
15 I K T P15 I K T P
16 S K16 S K
17 A17 A
18 p18 p
19 X19 X
20 20 O20 20 O.
21 L21 L
( ) s Lav konfldenssekvens.() s Low Confidence Sequence.
[ ] - Meget lav konfldenssekvens.[] - Very low conflicts sequence.
25 /s indikerer flertydelighed i sekvensen; den mest sandsynelige aminosyre er angivet først, a s Større peptid, b = Mindre peptid.25 / s indicates ambiguity in the sequence; the most likely amino acid is listed first, a s Larger peptide, b = Less peptide.
DK 176020 B1 ; 68DK 176020 B1; 68
Eksempel 16Example 16
Kloning af ICAM-1-genet.Cloning of the ICAM-1 gene.
Genet for ICAM-1 kan klones tinder anvendelse af en lang række fremgangsmåder. F.eks. kan amino-5 syresekvensinformationen, opnået gennem sekvenseringen af de tryptiske fragmenter af ICAM-1 (Tabel 5), benyttes til identificering af en oligonucelotidsekvens, som vil svare til ICAM-l-genet. lCAM-1-genet kan alternativt klones under anvendelse af anti-ICAM-l-antistof 10 til detektering af kloner, som producerer ICAM-1.The gene for ICAM-1 can be cloned peaks using a variety of methods. Eg. For example, the amino acid sequence information obtained through the sequencing of the tryptic fragments of ICAM-1 (Table 5) can be used to identify an oligonucelotide sequence that will correspond to the ICAM-1 gene. Alternatively, the ICAM-1 gene can be cloned using anti-ICAM-1 antibody 10 to detect clones producing ICAM-1.
Kloning af genet for ICAM-1 gennem anvendelsen af oliqonucleotldprober♦Cloning of the ICAM-1 gene through the use of oligonucleotide probes ♦
Under anvendelse af den gentiske kode (Watson, 15 J.D., In: Molecular Biology of the Gene, 3. udg. Ed., W.A. Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park, CA (1977)), kan et eller flere forskellige oligonucleotider identificeres, som hver især vil være i stand til at kode for de ICAM-1 tryptiske peptider. Sandsynligheden for at et særligt 20 oligonucleotid i virkeligheden udgør den aktuelle ICAM-1-kodende sekvens kan estimeres ved betragtning af abnorme baseparforhold og hyppigheden med hvilken et særligt codon faktisk benyttes (for at kode for en særlig aminosyre) i eukaryotiske celler. Sådanne "codon 25 kutymeregler" er angivet af Lathe, R., et al♦, J.Using the genetic code (Watson, 15 JD, In: Molecular Biology of the Gene, 3rd ed., WA Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park, CA (1977)), one or more different oligonucleotides can be identified, each of which will be able to encode the ICAM-1 tryptic peptides. The likelihood that a particular 20 oligonucleotide actually constitutes the current ICAM-1 coding sequence can be estimated by considering abnormal base-pair relationships and the frequency with which a particular codon is actually used (to encode a particular amino acid) in eukaryotic cells. Such "codon 25 codes of conduct" are set forth by Lathe, R., et al., J.
Molec. Biol. 183:1-12 (1985). Ved anvendelse af "codon kutymereglerne" af Lathe, identificeres et enkelt oligonucleotid, eller et sæt af oligonucelotider, som indeholder en teoretisk "mest sandsynlig" nucleo-30 tidsekvens (dvs. den nudeotidsekvens, der har det mindste overskud), som er i stand til at kode for de ICAM-1 tryptiske peptidsekvenser.Molec. Biol. 183: 1-12 (1985). Using the "codon cutaneous rules" of Lathe, a single oligonucleotide, or a set of oligonucleotides, containing a theoretical "most likely" nucleotide sequence (i.e., the least excess nudeotide sequence) is identified which is capable of to encode the ICAM-1 tryptic peptide sequences.
Oligonucleotidet eller sættet af oligonucleotider, der indeholder den teoretiske "mest sandsynlige" 69 DK 176020 B1 sekvens, der er i stand til at kode for ICAM-1 fragmenterne benyttes til identificering af sekvensen af et komplementært oligonucleotid eller sæt af oligonucleo-tider, som er i stand til at hybridise den "mest 5 sandsynlige" sekvens, eller sæt af sekvenser. Et oligonucleotid indeholdende en sådan komplementær sekvens kan anvendes som en probe til Identificering og isolering af ICAM-l-genet (Maniatis, T., et al., Molecular Cloning A Laboriatory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 10 Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982).The oligonucleotide or set of oligonucleotides containing the theoretical "most likely" sequence capable of encoding the ICAM-1 fragments is used to identify the sequence of a complementary oligonucleotide or set of oligonucleotides which is capable of hybridizing the "most likely 5" sequence, or set of sequences. An oligonucleotide containing such a complementary sequence can be used as a probe to identify and isolate the ICAM-1 gene (Maniatis, T., et al., Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Press, 10 Cold Spring Harbor, NY ( 1982).
Som beskrevet i afsnit C ovenfor, er det muligt at klone ICAM-l-genet fra eukaryoetiske DNA-præparater, som formodes at indeholde dette gen. Til identificering og kloning af genet, som koder for ICAM-1-proteinet, 15 underkastes et DNA-bibliotek for dets evne til at hybridisere med de ovennævnte oligonucleotidprober.As described in Section C above, it is possible to clone the ICAM-1 gene from eukaryotic DNA preparations which are believed to contain this gene. For identification and cloning of the gene encoding the ICAM-1 protein, a DNA library is subjected to its ability to hybridize with the aforementioned oligonucleotide probes.
Da det er sandsynligt at der kun vil være to kopier af genet for ICAM-1 i en normal diploid celle, og fordi det er muligt at dette ICAM-l-gen kan indeholde store 20 ikke-transkriberede mellemliggende sekvenser (introner), hvis kloning ikke er ønsket, er det ønskeligt at isolere ICAM-1-kodende sekvenser fra et cDNA-bibliotek fremstillet ud fra mRNA fra en ICAM-1-producerende celle fremfor fra genomisk DNA. Egnede 25 DNA eller cDNA præparater spaltes enzymatisk eller klippes tilfældigt og ligeres i rekombinant vektorer.Since it is likely that there will only be two copies of the gene for ICAM-1 in a normal diploid cell and because it is possible that this ICAM-1 gene may contain large 20 non-transcribed intermediate sequences (introns) if cloned not desired, it is desirable to isolate ICAM-1 coding sequences from a cDNA library prepared from mRNA from an ICAM-1 producing cell rather than from genomic DNA. Suitable DNA or cDNA preparations are enzymatically cleaved or clipped and ligated into recombinant vectors.
Disse rekombinante vektoreres evne til at hybridisere til ovennævnte oligonucleotidprober måles dernæst. Fremgangsmåder til hybridisering er angivet f.eks. i 30 Maniatis, T., Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual,The ability of these recombinant vectors to hybridize to the above oligonucleotide probes is then measured. Methods of hybridization are indicated e.g. in 30 Maniatis, T., Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual,
Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982) eller i Haymes, B.T., et al., Nucleic Acid Hybridization a Practiclal Approach, IRL Press, Oxford, England i 70 DK 176020 B1 (1985). Vektorer, som viste sig at være i stand til en sådan hybridisering analyseres dernæst til bestemmelse af udstrækningen og naturen af de ICAM-l-sekvenser som de indeholder. Baseret på rent statistiske betragtnin-5 ger, kunne et gen, såsom det der koder for ICAM-1-molekylet, identificeres entydigt (via hybridiserings-screening) under anvendelse af en oligonucleotidprobe med kun 18 nucleotider.Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982) or in Haymes, B. T., et al., Nucleic Acid Hybridization and Practiclal Approach, IRL Press, Oxford, England in 70 DK 176020 B1 (1985). Vectors which were found to be capable of such hybridization are then analyzed to determine the extent and nature of the ICAM-1 sequences which they contain. Based on purely statistical considerations, a gene such as that encoding the ICAM-1 molecule could be uniquely identified (via hybridization screening) using an oligonucleotide probe of only 18 nucleotides.
Den aktuelle identifikation af iCAM-l-peptid-10 sekvenser tillader således kort fortalt identifikationen af en teoretisk "mest sandsynlig” DNA-sekvens eller et sæt af sådanne sekvenser, der er i stand til at kode for et sådant peptid. Ved konstruktion af et oligonu-cleotid komplementært til denne teoretiske sekvens 15 (eller ved konstruktion af et sæt af oligonucleotider komplementære til sættet af de "mest sandsynlige" oligonucleotider ), opnås et DNA-molekyle (eller sæt at DNA-molekyler), der er i stand til at fungere som en probe til identifikation og isolering af ICAM-l-genet.Thus, the current identification of iCAM-1 peptide 10 sequences allows, in short, the identification of a theoretically "most likely" DNA sequence or set of such sequences capable of encoding such a peptide. oligonucleotide complementary to this theoretical sequence 15 (or by constructing a set of oligonucleotides complementary to the set of the "most probable" oligonucleotides) yields a DNA molecule (or set of DNA molecules) capable of act as a probe to identify and isolate the ICAM-1 gene.
20 Under anvendelse af de i tabel 5 angivne ICAM-1- peptidsekvenser, bestemtes sekvensen af den "mest sandsynlige" sekvens af et oligonucleotid, der er i stand til at kode for AA- og J-peptider (henholdsvis Tabel 6 og 7). Oligonucleotider komplementære til disse sekven-25 ser syntetiseredes og rensedes til anvendelse som prober til isolering af lCAM-1-gensekvenser. Egnede størrelse-selekterede cDNA-biblioteker produceredes ud fra poly(A)+ RNA fra begge PMA-inducerede HL-60 celler og fra PS-stimulerede umbilcalveneendotelceller. Et 30 størrelse-selekteret cDNA-bibliotek fremstilledes under anvendelse af poly(A)+ RNA fra PMA-inducerede HL-60 celler i overensstemmelse med fremgangsmåden af Gubier, U., et al. ((Gene 25:263-269 (1983)) og Corbi, A-, et al. (EMBO J. 6:4023-4028 (1987)).Using the ICAM-1 peptide sequences listed in Table 5, the sequence of the "most likely" sequence was determined by an oligonucleotide capable of encoding AA and J peptides (Tables 6 and 7, respectively). Oligonucleotides complementary to these sequences were synthesized and purified for use as probes to isolate ICAM-1 gene sequences. Suitable size-selected cDNA libraries were produced from poly (A) + RNA from both PMA-induced HL-60 cells and from PS-stimulated umbilical vein endothelial cells. A 30 size-selected cDNA library was prepared using poly (A) + RNA from PMA-induced HL-60 cells according to the method of Gubier, U., et al. ((Gene 25: 263-269 (1983)) and Corbi, A-, et al (EMBO J. 6: 4023-4028 (1987)).
i DK 176020 B1 i 71 ·in DK 176020 B1 i 71 ·
Et sted-selekterende cDNA-bibliotek fremstilledes under anvendelse af poly(A)+ RNA fra umbilicalvene-endotelceller, som havde været stimuleret i 4 timer med PS 5 yg/ml. RNA ekstraheredes ved homogenisering af 5 cellerne i 4 M guanidiniumisothiocyanat og supernatan-ten udsattes for ultracentrifugering gennem en CsCl gradient (Chirgwin, J. M., et al., Blochem. 18:5294-5299 (1979)). Poly(A)+ RNA isoleredes fra blandingen af totale RNA-stykker via anvendelsen af oligo-10 (dT)-cellulosechromatografi (Type 3, Collaborative Research ) Aviv, H., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. (USA) 69:1408-1412 (1972).A site-selecting cDNA library was prepared using poly (A) + RNA from umbilical vein endothelial cells that had been stimulated for 4 hours with PS 5 µg / ml. RNA was extracted by homogenizing the 5 cells in 4 M guanidinium isothiocyanate and the supernatant was subjected to ultracentrifugation through a CsCl gradient (Chirgwin, J. M., et al., Blochem. 18: 5294-5299 (1979)). Poly (A) + RNA was isolated from the mixture of total RNA pieces via the use of oligo-10 (dT) cellulose chromatography (Type 3, Collaborative Research) Aviv, H., et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 69: 1408-1412 (1972).
i i ! 72 DK 176020 B1i i! 72 DK 176020 B1
Tabel 6Table 6
Oligonucleotid komplementært til den mest sandsynlige nucleotidsekvens, der er 1 stand til at kode for ICAM-l-AA-peptidet.Oligonucleotide complementary to the most likely nucleotide sequence capable of encoding the ICAM-1-AA peptide.
5 _5 _
Amino- ICAM-1 Mest sandsynlig Komplementær syrerest AA-peptid sekvens, der koder sekvens af ICAM-1 for AA-peptid T ' 5» yAmino ICAM-1 Most Likely Complementary Acid Residue AA Peptide Sequence Encoding Sequence of ICAM-1 for AA Peptide T '5 »y
in 162 GI u G Cin 162 GI u G C
υ A Tυ A T
163 Leu C G163 Leu C G
164 Asp G C164 Asp G C
15 A T15 A T
15 i C G15 in C G
165 Leu C G165 Leu C G
, 166 Arg C G, 166 Arg C G
i G Cin G C
20 167 Pro C G20 167 Pro C G
168 Gin C G168 Gin C G
i 169 Gly G Cin 169 Gly G C
25 I j j25 I j j
I c GI c G
: 170 Leu C G: 170 Leu C G
: 171 Glu G C: 171 Glu G C
30 : 172 Leu C G30: 172 Leu C G
! T A! T A
173 Phe T A173 Phe T A
174 Glu G C174 Glu G C
I ~ ....... 3' 5' 73 DK 176020 B1I ~ ....... 3 '5' 73 DK 176020 B1
Tabel 6 (forsat)Table 6 (continued)
Oligonuceltid komplementært til den mest sandsynlige nucleotidsekvens, der er 1 stand til at kode for ICAM-l-AA-peptidet.Oligonucleotide complementary to the most likely nucleotide sequence capable of encoding the ICAM-1-AA peptide.
5 ·_ i 1 ♦ - Amino- ICAM-1 Mest sandsynlig Komplementær syrerest AA-peptid sekvens, der koder sekvens af ICAM-1 for AA-peptid 105 · _ in 1 ♦ - Amino ICAM-1 Most Likely Complementary Acid Residue AA Peptide Sequence Encoding Sequence of ICAM-1 for AA Peptide 10
175 Asn A T175 Asn A T
C 6C 6
176 Thr A T176 Thr A T
C 6 C 6C 6 C 6
15 177 Ser U A15 177 See U A
3' 5' i DK 176020 B1 743 '5' in DK 176020 B1 74
Tabel 7Table 7
Oligonucleotld komplementært til den mest sandsynlige nucleotidsekvens, der er 1 stand til at kode for ICAM-1-J-peptidet.Oligonucleotide complementary to the most likely nucleotide sequence capable of encoding the ICAM-1-J peptide.
Amino- ICAM-1 Mest sandsynlig Komplementær syrerest AA-peptid sekvens, der koder sekvens af ICAM-1 for AA-peptid 5' 3'Amino ICAM-1 Most Likely Complementary Acid Residue AA Peptide Sequence Encoding Sequence of ICAM-1 for AA Peptide 5 '3'
10 19 Val 6 C10 19 Val 6 C
20 Thr A TThr A T
21 Cys T A21 Cys T A
15 CG15 CG
22 Ser T A22 Ser T A
23 Thr AT23 Thr AT
20 24 Ser T A20 24 Ser T A
I 25 Cys T AI 25 Cys T A
26 Asp G C26 Asp G C
25 AT25 AT
27 Gin C G27 Gin C G
28 Pro C G28 Pro C G
30 29 Lys A T30 29 List A T
3' 5' 75 · DK 176020 B1 Første cDNA streng syntetiseredes under anvendelse af 8 yg poly(A)+ rna, avian myeloblastosis virus revers transkriptase (Life Sciences) og en oligo(dT) primer. DNA-RNA-hybridet underkastedes digestion med 5 RNase H (BRL) og den anden streng syntetiseredes under anvendelse af DNA-polymerase I (New England Biolabs). Produktet methyleredes med Eco Rl-methylase (New England Biolabs), blunt-end ligeredes til Eco3 '5' 75 · DK 176020 B1 First cDNA strand was synthesized using 8 µg poly (A) + rna, avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (Life Sciences) and an oligo (dT) primer. The DNA-RNA hybrid was subjected to digestion with 5 RNase H (BRL) and the second strand was synthesized using DNA polymerase I (New England Biolabs). The product was methylated with Eco R1 methylase (New England Biolabs), bluntly ligated to Eco
Rl-linkere (New England Biolabs), underkastedes dige-10 stion med Eco RI og størrelse-selekteredes på en med lavt smeltepunkt agarosegel. cDNA større end 500bp li-geredes til XgtlO, som i forvejen havde været underkastet digestionen med Eco RI og dephosphory leret (Stratagene). Ligeringsproduktet pakkedes dernæst 15 (Stratagene gold).R1 linkers (New England Biolabs), were digested with Eco RI and size-selected on a low melting point agarose gel. cDNA larger than 500bp was ligated to Xgt10, which had already been subjected to digestion with Eco RI and dephosphorylated (Stratagene). The ligation product was then packed 15 (Stratagene gold).
Umbilicalveneendotelcellen og HL-60 cDNA-biblioteker udpladedes dernæst på 20.000 PFU/150 mm plade. Rekombinant DNA dobbeltoverførtes til nitrocellulosefiltre, denatureredes i 0,5 M NaOH/l,5M NaCl, 20 neutraliseredes i 1M Tris, pH 7,5/l,5M NaCl og bagtes ved 80°C i 2 timer (Benton, W.D., et al., Science 196; 180-182 (1977)). Filtre præhybridiseredes og hybridi- seredes i 5X SSC indeholdende 5X Denhardt's opløsning, 50 mM NaP04 og 1 yg/ml laksesperm DNA. Præhybridise-25 ring gennemførtes ved 45°C i 1 time.The umbilical vein endothelial cell and HL-60 cDNA libraries were then plated on 20,000 PFU / 150 mm plate. Recombinant DNA was double transferred to nitrocellulose filters, denatured in 0.5 M NaOH / 1.5 M NaCl, neutralized in 1 M Tris, pH 7.5 / L, 5 M NaCl and baked at 80 ° C for 2 hours (Benton, WD, et al , Science 196; 180-182 (1977)). Filters were prehybridized and hybridized in 5X SSC containing 5X Denhardt's solution, 50 mM NaPO4 and 1 µg / ml salmon sperm DNA. Prehybridization was carried out at 45 ° C for 1 hour.
Hybridiseringen gennemførtes under anvendelse af 32bp ( 5-TTGGGCTGGTCACAGGAGGTGGAGCAGGTGAC) eller 47bp (5 -GAGGTGTTCTCAAACAGCTCCAGGCCCTGGGGCCGCAGGTCCAGCTC) anti-sense oligonucleotider baseret på, analogt med 30 ovennævnte, henholdsvis de ICAM-l-tryptiske peptider J og AA (Tabel 6 og 7) (Lathe, R., J. Molec. Blol., 183:1-12 (1985)). Oligonucleotider endemærkedes med y-(32P)ATP under anvendelse af T4 polynucleotid- 76 DK 176020 B1 kinase og konditioneredes, anbefalet af fabrikanten (New England Biolabs). Efter hybridisering natten over vaskedes filtrene to gange med 2X SSC/0,1% SDS i 30 min. ved 45°C. Fager isoleredes fra disse plagues, 5 hvilke udviste hybridisering og rensedes ved efterfølgende genudpladning og rescreening.The hybridization was performed using 32bp (5-TTGGGCTGGTCACAGGAGGTGGAGCAGGTGAC) or 47bp (5 -GAGGTGTTCTCAAACAGCTCCAGGCCCTGGGGCCGCAGGTCCAGCTC) anti-sense oligonucleotides based on, analogous to, R., J. Molec. Blol., 183: 1-12 (1985)). Oligonucleotides were end-labeled with γ- (32P) ATP using T4 polynucleotide kinase and conditioned, recommended by the manufacturer (New England Biolabs). After overnight hybridization, the filters were washed twice with 2X SSC / 0.1% SDS for 30 min. at 45 ° C. Phages were isolated from these plagues, which exhibited hybridization and purified by subsequent re-plating and rescreening.
Kloning af genet for IGAM-1 gennem anvendelsen af antl-ICAM-antistof.Cloning of the IGAM-1 gene through the use of anti-ICAM antibody.
10 Genet for ICAM-1 kan alternativt klones gennem anvendelsen af anti-lCAM-l-antistof. DNA eller mere foretrukket cDNA ekstraheres og renses fra en celle, som er i stand til at eksprimere ICAM-1. Det rensede cDNA underkastes fragmentering (ved klipning, endo-15 nuclease digestion, osv.) til frembringelse af en pulje af DNA- eller cDNA-fragmenter. DNA- eller CDNA-fragmenter fra denne pulje kloner dernæst 1 en ekspressionsvektor til produktion af et genomisk bibliotek af ekspressionsvektorer, hvis medlemmer hver indeholder 20 et unikt klonet DNA- eller cDNA-fragment.Alternatively, the gene for ICAM-1 can be cloned through the use of anti-ICAM-1 antibody. DNA or more preferably cDNA is extracted and purified from a cell capable of expressing ICAM-1. The purified cDNA is subjected to fragmentation (by clipping, endonuclease digestion, etc.) to produce a pool of DNA or cDNA fragments. DNA or cDNA fragments from this pool are then cloned into an expression vector to produce a genomic library of expression vectors, each of which contains a unique cloned DNA or cDNA fragment.
Eksempel 17Example 17
Analyse af cDNA-klonerne.Analysis of the cDNA clones.
Fag DNA fra positive kloner underkastedes dige-25stion med Eco RI og undersøgtes ved Southern analyse under anvendelse af et cDNA fra en klon, som en probe. Maksimale størrelse-cDNA-indføjninger som kryds-hybridiserede, subklonedes i Eco Rl-stedet i plasmid-vektor pGEM 4Z (Promega). HL-60 subkloner indeholdende 30CDNA i begge orienteringer slettedes ved exonucleasePhage DNA from positive clones was digested with Eco RI and examined by Southern analysis using a cDNA from a clone as a probe. Maximum size cDNA insertions that cross-hybridized were subcloned into the Eco RI site of plasmid vector pGEM 4Z (Promega). HL-60 subclones containing 30CDNA in both orientations were deleted by exonuclease
Ill-digestion (Henikoff, S., Gene 28:351-359 (1984)) i overensstemmelse med fabrikantens anbefalinger (Erase-a-Base, Promega). Progressivt slettet cDNA klonedes 77 DK 176020 B1 dernæst og udsattedes for dideoxynucleotidkædetermine-ringssekvensering (Sanger, F. et al., Proc. Natl♦Ill digestion (Henikoff, S., Gene 28: 351-359 (1984)) according to the manufacturer's recommendations (Erase-a-Base, Promega). Progressively deleted cDNA was then cloned and subjected to dideoxynucleotide chain termination sequencing (Sanger, F. et al., Proc. Natl ♦
Acad. Sci. (USA) 74:5463-5467 (1977) i overensstemmelse med fabrikantens anbefalinger (Sequenase, U.S.Acad. Sci. (USA) 74: 5463-5467 (1977) according to the manufacturer's recommendations (Sequenase, U.S.A.)
5 Biochemical). HL-60 cDNA 5 og kodende områder sekven-seredes komplementært til begge strenge og 3'-området sekvenseredes ca. 70% på begge strenge. En representativ endotel cDNA sekvenseredes og det meste af dens længde ved shotgun kloning af 4bp-genkendelsesrestri-10 ktlonsenzymfragmenter.Biochemical). HL-60 cDNA 5 and coding regions were sequentially complemented to both strands and the 3 'region was sequenced approximately. 70% on both strings. A representative endothelial cDNA was sequenced and most of its length by shotgun cloning of 4bp recognition restriction 10 ktlone enzyme fragments.
cDNA-sekvensen af en HL-60 og en endotelcelle cDNA etableredes (flg. 8). 3023 bp-sekvensen Indeholder et kort 5 -ikke translateret område og et 1,3 kb 3 -ikke-translateret område med et consensus polyadenyle-15 ringssignal i position 2966. Den længst åbne læseramme bebynder ved det første ATG 1 position 58 og slutter ved en TGA terminerende triplet i position 1653. Iden- i titet mellem den translaterede aminosyresekvens og sekvenser bestemt ud fra otte forskellige tryptiske pep-20 tider med i alt 91 aminosyrer (understreget i fig. 8) bekræftede at autentiske ICAM-1 cDNA-kloner var blevet isoleret. Baseret på sekvensanalyse, er der i tab. 8 vist mulige peptider indenfor ICAM-1-sekvensen genkendt af LFA-l.The cDNA sequence of an HL-60 and an endothelial cell cDNA was established (Fig. 8). The 3023 bp sequence Contains a short 5 non-translated region and a 1.3 kb 3 non-translated region with a consensus polyadenylation signal at position 2966. The longest open reading frame occupies at first ATG 1 position 58 and ends at a TGA terminating triplet at position 1653. Identity between the translated amino acid sequence and sequences determined from eight different tryptic peptides with a total of 91 amino acids (underlined in Figure 8) confirmed that authentic ICAM-1 cDNA clones were been isolated. Based on sequence analysis, there is a loss. 8 shows possible peptides within the ICAM-1 sequence recognized by LFA-1.
25 DK 176020 B1 ! | 7825 DK 176020 B1! | 78
Tabel 8Table 8
Aminosyresekvenser af ICAM-l tryptlske peptider.Amino acid sequences of ICAM-1 tryptic peptides.
Peptid Rester SekvensPeptide Residues Sequence
U 30- 39 L L G I E T P L <P) (K)U 30- 39 L L G I E T P L <P) (K)
50 78-85 (T) F L T V Y X T50 78-85 (T) F L T V Y X T
X 89- 95 VELAPLPX 89- 95 VELAPLP
AA 161-182 X ELDLRPQ, GLE —AA 161-182 X ELDLRPQ, GLE -
10 L F E X T S A P X Q L10 L F E X T S A P X Q L
45 282-295 S F P A P N V (T/I) L X K P Q (V/L) 15 — Indikerer at sekvensen fortsætter på næste linile. Understregede sekvenser benyttedes til fremstilling af oligonucleotidprober.45 282-295 S F P A P N V (T / I) L X K P Q (V / L) 15 - Indicates that the sequence continues on the next linile. Underlined sequences were used to prepare oligonucleotide probes.
Hydrofobisitetsanalyse (Kyte, J. et al., J.Hydrophobicity analysis (Kyte, J. et al., J.
20 Molec. Blol., 157:105-132 (1982)) foreslår tilstedeværelsen af en 27 restsignalsekvens. Udpegelsen af +1 glutaminet er i overensstemmelse med vores manglende evne til at opnå N-terminalsekvens på 3 forskellige ICAM-l-proteinpræparater; glutamin kan cyclisere til 25 pyroglutaminsyre, hvilket resulterer i en blokkeret li-terminus . Den translaterede sekvens fra 1-453 er i det væsentlige hydrofil, efterfulgt af et 24 resthydrofo-bisk formodentligt transmembranområde. Transmembranområdet efterfølges af adskillige ladede rester indeholde 30 i et 27 rest formodentligt cytoplasmisk område.20 Molec. Blol., 157: 105-132 (1982)) suggests the presence of a 27 residual signal sequence. The designation of the +1 glutamine is consistent with our inability to obtain N-terminal sequence on 3 different ICAM-1 protein preparations; glutamine can cyclize to 25 pyroglutamic acid, resulting in a blocked l-terminus. The translated sequence from 1-453 is substantially hydrophilic, followed by a 24 residual hydrophobic putative transmembrane region. The transmembrane region is followed by several charged residues containing 30 in a 27 residual putative cytoplasmic region.
Den forudsatte størrelse af den fulgt udviklede polypeptidkæde er 55.219 daltons, hvilket er i udmærket overensstemmelse med den observerede størrelse på i DK 176020 B1 79 55.000 for deglycosylerede ICAM-1 (Dustin, M.L. et al., J. Immunol. 137:245-254 (1986)). Otte N-linkede glyco-syleringssteder er forudsagt. Manglende asparagin i de tryptiske peptidsekvenser af to af disse steder be-5 kræfter deres glycosylering og deres ekstracellulære orientering. Antages 2.500 daltons per høj-mannose N-bundet carbohydrat, forudsiges en størrelse på 75.000 daltons for ICAM-l-precursoren i sammenligning med de observerede seks på 73.000 daltons (Dustin, M.L., et 10 al.. J. Immunol. 137:245-254 (1986)). Efter omdannelse af høj-mannose til kompleks carbohydrat, ligger det fuldt udviklede ICAM-1 glycoprotein på 76 til 114 kd, afhængig af celletype l(Dustin, M.L., et al., J. Immunol. 137:245-254 (1986)). ICAM-1 er således en kraftig 15 glycosyleret, men ellers et typisk integralmembran-protein.The predicted size of the polypeptide chain developed is 55,219 daltons, which is in good agreement with the observed size of in DK 176020 B1 79 55,000 for deglycosylated ICAM-1 (Dustin, ML et al., J. Immunol. 137: 245-254 (1986)). Eight N-linked glycylation sites are predicted. Lack of asparagine in the tryptic peptide sequences of two of these sites confirms their glycosylation and their extracellular orientation. Assuming 2,500 daltons per high-mannose N-linked carbohydrate, a size of 75,000 daltons is predicted for the ICAM-1 precursor compared to the observed six of 73,000 daltons (Dustin, ML, et al., J. Immunol. 137: 245 -254 (1986)). After conversion of high mannose to complex carbohydrate, the fully developed ICAM-1 glycoprotein ranges from 76 to 114 kd, depending on cell type 1 (Dustin, ML, et al., J. Immunol. 137: 245-254 (1986)) . Thus, ICAM-1 is a potent glycosylated but otherwise a typical integral membrane protein.
Eksempel 18 ICMA-l er et lntegrln-bindinqsmedlem af immunoglobulin 20 supergenfamilien.Example 18 ICMA-1 is an integrin binding member of the immunoglobulin 20 supergene family.
Kopiering af ICAM-1-interne gentagelser gennemføres under anvendelse af "Microgenie protein alignment programmet" (Queen, C., et al., Nacl. Acid. Res., 12: 581-599 (1984)) efterfulgt af inspektion. Kopiering af 25 ICAM-1 overfor IgM, N-CAM og MAG gennemførtes under anvendelse af "Microgenie and the ALIGN programmet" (Day-hoff, M.O., et al., Meth. Enzymol. £1:524-545 (1983)).Copying of ICAM-1 internal repeats is performed using the "Microgenie protein alignment program" (Queen, C., et al., Nacl. Acid. Res., 12: 581-599 (1984)), followed by inspection. Copying of ICAM-1 to IgM, N-CAM and MAG was performed using the "Microgenie and the ALIGN program" (Day-hoff, MO, et al., Meth. Enzymol. £ 1: 524-545 (1983)) .
Fire proteinsekvensdatabaser, opbevaret ved the National Biomedical Research Foundation, gennemsøgtes for 30 proteinsekvensligheder under anvendelse af FASTP-pro-grammet af Williams og Pearson (Llpman, D.J., et al.,Four protein sequence databases stored by the National Biomedical Research Foundation were searched for 30 protein sequence similarities using the FASTP program by Williams and Pearson (Llpman, D.J., et al.,
Science 227:1435-1439 (1985)).Science 227: 1435-1439 (1985)).
Eftersom ICAM-1 er en ligand af et integrin, var det ikke forudset af det ville være et medlem af 80 DK 176020 B1 immunoglobulinsupergenfamilien. Inspektion af ICAM-1-I sekvensen viser imidlertid at den opfylder alle kri terier, der foreslås for medlemsskab af immunoglobulin-supergenfamilien. Disse kriterier omtales efter tur i 5 det efterfølgende.Since ICAM-1 is a ligand of an integrin, it was not envisaged that it would be a member of the 80og 176020 B1 immunoglobulin supergene family. However, inspection of the ICAM-1-I sequence shows that it meets all the criteria proposed for membership of the immunoglobulin supergene family. These criteria are referred to in turn in the following.
Hele det ektracellulære område af ICAM-1 er konstrueret ud fra 5 homologe immunoglobulin-lignende områder, som er vist opstillet i fig. 9A. Områder 1-4 er henholdsvis 88, 97, 99 og 99 rester lang og er så-10 ledes af typiske Ig område størreis; område 5 er afkortet indenfor 68 rester. Søgninger i NBRF-databasen under anvendelse af FASTP-programmet afslørede signifikante homologier mellem medlemmer af immunoglobulin-supergenfamilien, herunder IgM og igG C områder, ΤΙ 5 cellereceptor-a-underenhed variabelt område og α-1-β-glycoprotein (fig. 9B-D).The entire extracellular region of ICAM-1 is constructed from 5 homologous immunoglobulin-like regions shown in FIG. 9A. Areas 1-4 are 88, 97, 99, and 99 residues long, respectively, and are thus characterized by typical Ig area major rice; area 5 is truncated within 68 residues. Searches of the NBRF database using the FASTP program revealed significant homologies between members of the immunoglobulin supergene family, including IgM and igG C regions, ΤΙ 5 cell receptor α-subunit variable region and α-1-β glycoprotein (Fig. 9B). D).
Under anvendelse af ovennævnte information sammenlignedes aminosyresekvensen af ICAM-1 med aminosyre-sekvenser af andre medlemmer af immunoglobulinsupergen-20 familien.Using the above information, the amino acid sequence of ICAM-1 was compared with amino acid sequences of other members of the immunoglobulin supergene family.
I Tre typer af Ig superfamilieområder, V, Cl og C2 er differentieret. Både V- og C-områder er konstrueret ud fra 2 β-plader bundet sammen ved intraområde-disulfidbindingen; v-områder indeholder 9 anti-25 paralelle β-strenge, mens C-områder indeholder 7. Konstante områder deltes i Cl- og C2-sæt baseret på karakteristiske rester vist i fig. 9A. Cl-sættet omfatter proteiner, der er involveret i antigen-genkendelse. C2-sættet omfatter adskillige Fc-receptorer og protei-30 ner indvolveret i call-adhæsion herunder CD2, LFA-3, MAG og NCAM. ICAM-1-områder viste sig at være kraftigst homologe med områder fra C2-sættet anbringende ICAM-1 i dette sæt; dette afspejles i stærkere lighed til be- 81 DK 176020 B1 varede rester i C2- énd i Cl-områder som vist for β-strengene B-F i fig. 9. ICAM-områder står således meget bedre på linie med β-strenge A og G i C2-områder end med disse strenge i V- og Cl-områder, hvilket muliggør 5 gode grupperinger på tværs af hele C2 område-styrken. Opstilling af C2-områder fra NCAM, MAG og α Ι-β-glyco-protein er vist i fig. 9B og 9C; identitet varierer fra 28 til 33%. Opstilling af T-cellereceptor Va, 27% identitet og igM C-område 3 34% er desuden vist (fig. 9B, I 10 9D)·In Three types of Ig superfamily regions, V, Cl and C2 are differentiated. Both V and C regions are constructed from 2 β-plates bound together by the intra-region disulfide bond; v regions contain 9 anti-25 parallel β strands, while C regions contain 7. Constant regions are divided into C1 and C2 sets based on characteristic residues shown in Figs. 9A. The C1 kit comprises proteins involved in antigen recognition. The C2 set comprises several Fc receptors and proteins involved in call adhesion including CD2, LFA-3, MAG and NCAM. ICAM-1 regions were found to be most strongly homologous to regions from the C2-set placing ICAM-1 in this set; this is reflected in stronger similarity to residues at C2 end in C1 regions as shown for the β-strands B-F in Figs. 9. ICAM regions are thus much better aligned with β-strands A and G in C2 regions than with these strands in V and Cl regions, allowing 5 good groupings across the entire C2 region strength. Arrangement of C2 regions from NCAM, MAG and α Ι-β-glyco protein is shown in Figs. 9B and 9C; identity ranges from 28 to 33%. In addition, arrangement of T cell receptor Va, 27% identity and igM C region 3 34% is shown (Figs. 9B, 10.9D) ·
En af de vigtigste karakteristika for immuno-globulinområder er de disulfid-bundne cysteinbrobindin-ger mellem B og F β-strenge, som stabiliserer β-lag-sandwichen; i ICAM-1 er cysteiner bevaret i alle til-15 fælde undtagen i streng f i område 4, hvor et leucin findes, som kan være rettet mod sandwichen og stabilisere kontakten som foreslået for visse andre B- og i C2-sæt områder. Afstanden mellem cysteinerne (43, 50, 52 og 37 rester) er som beskrevet for C2-sættet.One of the most important characteristics of immunoglobulin regions is the disulfide-linked cysteine bridge bonds between B and F β-strands which stabilize the β-layer sandwich; in ICAM-1, cysteines are conserved in all cases except in strand f of region 4, where a leucine is found which may be directed to the sandwich and stabilize the contact as suggested for certain other B and C2 sets. The distance between the cysteines (43, 50, 52 and 37 residues) is as described for the C2 set.
20 Til test for tilstedeværelsen af intrakæde- disulfidbindinger i ICAM-1, udsattes endotelcelle-ICAM-1 for SDS-PAGE under reducerende og ikke-reduce-rende . betingelser. Endotelcelle-ICAM-1 benyttedes fordi det udviser mindre glycosyleringsheterogenitet 25 end for JY eller hårcellemilt-ICAM-1 og tillader større følsomhed overfor skift i Mr. ICAM-1 rensedes derfor fra 16 timer LPS (5 yg/ml) stimulerede umbilicalvene-endotelcellekulturer ved immunoaffinltetschromatografi som beskrevet ovenfor. Acetoneudfældet ICAM-1 genop-30 slammedes i prøvepuffer (Laemmli, U.K., Nature 227: 680-685 (1970)) med 0,25% 2-mercaptoethanol eller 25 mM lodacetamid og bragtes til 100°C i 5 min. Prøverne underkastedes SDS-PAGE 4670 og sølvfarvning 4613. Endo- 82 DK 176020 B1 telcelle-ICAM-1 havde et tydeligt Mr på 100 Kd under reducerende betingelser og 96 Kd under ikke-reducerende betingelser, hvilket i høj grad tyder på nærværelsen af intrakædedisulfider i nativ ICAM-1.To test for the presence of intrac chain disulfide bonds in ICAM-1, endothelial cell ICAM-1 was exposed to SDS-PAGE under reducing and non-reducing. conditions. Endothelial cell ICAM-1 was used because it exhibits less glycosylation heterogeneity than for JY or hair cell spleen ICAM-1 and allows greater sensitivity to shifts in Mr. Therefore, ICAM-1 was purified from 16 hours of LPS (5 µg / ml) stimulated umbilical vein endothelial cell cultures by immunoaffinity chromatography as described above. Acetone precipitated ICAM-1 was resuspended in sample buffer (Laemmli, U.K., Nature 227: 680-685 (1970)) with 0.25% 2-mercaptoethanol or 25 mM lodacetamide and brought to 100 ° C for 5 min. The samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE 4670 and silver staining 4613. Endo-82 DK 176020 B1 cell-cell ICAM-1 had a clear Mr of 100 Kd under reducing conditions and 96 Kd under non-reducing conditions, which strongly indicates the presence of intrac chain disulfides in native ICAM-1.
5 Anvendelsen af den primære sekvens til forud sigelse af den sekundære struktur (Chou, P.Y., et al., Blochem. 12:211-245 (1974)} viste de 7 forventede β-strenge i hvert ICAM-1-område, mærket a-g øverst i fig. 9A, hvilket præcis opfylder forudsigelsen for et j 10 immunoglobulinområde og svarer til positionerne af strenge A-H i immunoglobuliner (nederst fig. 9A). Område 5 mangler A- og C-strengene, men da disse danner rammer om lagene, kan lagene stadig formes, f.eks. hvor streng D ersattes med streng C, som foreslået for 15 andre C2 områder; og den karakteristiske disulfidbinding mellem B- og F-strengene ville være upåvirket.The use of the primary sequence for predicting the secondary structure (Chou, PY, et al., Blochem. 12: 211-245 (1974)} showed the 7 expected β-strands in each ICAM-1 region, labeled ag at the top of Fig. 9A, which exactly satisfies the prediction of a j 10 immunoglobulin region and corresponds to the positions of strands AH in immunoglobulins (bottom of Fig. 9A). Area 5 lacks the A and C strands, but as these form strata, the layers may the layers are still forming, for example, where strand D is replaced with strand C, as suggested for 15 other C2 regions, and the characteristic disulfide bond between the B and F strands would be unaffected.
Kriterierne for område-størrelse, sekvenshomologi, be- < varelse af cysteindannelse af den formodede intra-område-disulfidbinding, tilstedeværelse af disulfidbin-20 dinger, og forudsagt β-lagstruktur opfyldes således alle til inkludering af ICAM-1 i den immunoglobuline supergene famille.Thus, the criteria for area size, sequence homology, cyst formation of the presumed intra-area disulfide bond, presence of disulfide bonds, and predicted β-layer structure are all met to include ICAM-1 in the immunoglobulin supergenic family.
ICAM-1 viste sig at være yderst stærkt homolog med NCAM- og MAG-glycoproteiner fra C2-sættet. Dette er 25 af særlig interesse efter som både NCAM og MAG medierer celle-celleadhæstion. NCAM er vigtig i neuron-neuron og neuro-muskulære interaktioner (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236:799-806 (1987)), medens MAG er vigig i neuron-oligodendrocyt og oligodendrocyt-oligodendro-30 cyt interaktioner under myelinering (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105:1893-1899 (1987)). Celleover fladeekspressionen af NCAM og MAG reguleres udviklingsmæssigt under henholdsvis nervesystemdannelse og 83' ' DK 176020 B1 myelinering analogt med den regulerede introduktion af ICAM-1 ved inflammation (Springer, T.A., et al., Ann.ICAM-1 was found to be highly homologous to NCAM and MAG glycoproteins from the C2 set. This is of particular interest as both NCAM and MAG mediate cell-cell adhesion. NCAM is important in neuron-neuron and neuromuscular interactions (Cunningham, BA, et al., Science 236: 799-806 (1987)), while MAG is important in neuron-oligodendrocyte and oligodendrocyte-oligodendrocyte interactions during myelination. (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105: 1893-1899 (1987)). Cell surface expression of NCAM and MAG is developmentally regulated during nervous system formation and 83 'DK 176020 B1 myelination, respectively, analogously to the regulated introduction of ICAM-1 by inflammation (Springer, T.A., et al., Ann.
Rev. Immunol. 5;223-252 (1987)). ICAM-1, NCAM (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236:799-806 (1987)) og MAG (Salzer, J.L., et al., J. Cell. Biol. 104:957-965 5 (1987)) er ens i hovedstrukturen samt homologe eftersom hver er et integralmembranglycoprotein konstrueret ud fra 5 C2-områder, idet de danner det N-terminale ekstracellulære område, skønt nogle yderligere ikke-Ig-lignende sekvenser findes i NCAM mellem det sidste C2-10 område og det transmembrane område. ICAM-1 står over hele dets længde, herunder i transmembran og cyto-plasmiske områder på linie med MAG med 21%'s identitet; den samme % identitet findes ved sammenligning af 5 områder mellem ICAM-1 og NCAM-1. En skematisk sammen-15 ligning mellem den sekundære struktura af ICAM-1 og MAG er vist i fig.10. Område-for-område-sammenlignin- : ger viser at homologiniveauet mellem områderne indenfor ICAM-1 og NCAM-molekyler (x + standardafvigelse, henholdsvis 21 + 2,8% og 18,6 + 3,8%) er det samme som 20 homologiniveauet ved sammenligning af ICAM-1 områder med NCAM- og MAG-områder (henholdsvis 20,4 + 3,7 og 21,9 + 2,7). Skønt der er tegn på alternativ spaltning i de C-termlnale områder i NCAM (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236:799-806 (1987); Barthels, D., et al..Rev. Immunol. 5; 223-252 (1987)). ICAM-1, NCAM (Cunningham, BA, et al., Science 236: 799-806 (1987)) and MAG (Salzer, JL, et al., J. Cell. Biol. 104: 957-965 (1987) ) are similar in major structure as well as homologous since each is an integral membrane glycoprotein constructed from 5 C2 regions, forming the N-terminal extracellular region, although some additional non-Ig-like sequences exist in NCAM between the last C2-10 region and the transmembrane region. ICAM-1 stands throughout its length, including in transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions, aligned with MAG with 21% identity; the same% identity is found when comparing 5 areas between ICAM-1 and NCAM-1. A schematic comparison between the secondary structure of ICAM-1 and MAG is shown in Fig.10. Area-by-area comparisons show that the homology level between the areas within ICAM-1 and NCAM molecules (x + standard deviation, 21 + 2.8% and 18.6 + 3.8%, respectively) is the same as 20 the homology level when comparing ICAM-1 regions with NCAM and MAG regions (20.4 + 3.7 and 21.9 + 2.7, respectively). Although there is evidence of alternative cleavage in the C-terminal regions of NCAM (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236: 799-806 (1987); Barthels, D., et al.
25 EMBO J. 6:907-914 (1987)) og MAG (Lai, C., et al♦,EMBO J. 6: 907-914 (1987)) and MAG (Lai, C., et al.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Scl. (USA) 84 4377-4341 (1987)), har man ikke fundet noget tegn på dette ved sekvenseringen af endotel- eller HL-60 ICAM-l-kloner eller i de undersøgelser af ICAM-1-proteinrygraden og precursoren i en 50 lang række celletyper (Dustin M.L., et al., J. Immunol. 137:245-254 (1986)).Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 84 4377-4341 (1987)), no evidence of this has been found in the sequencing of endothelial or HL-60 ICAM-1 clones or in the studies of the ICAM-1 protein backbone and precursor in a 50 long range of cell types (Dustin ML, et al., J. Immunol. 137: 245-254 (1986)).
ICAM-1 fungerer som en ligand for LFA-1 i lymfo-cytinteraktioner med forskellige celletyper. Lymfo- 84 DK 176020 B1 cytter binder til ICAM-1 inkorporeret i kunstige membranbilag, og dette kræver LFA-1 på lymfocytten, hvilket direkte påviser LFA-l-interaktion med ICAM-1 (Marlin, S.D., et al., cell 51:813-819 (1987)). LFA-1 5 er et leukocytintegrin og har ingen immunoglobulin-lignende træk. Leukocytintegriner omfatter én integrin subfamilie. De andre to underfamilier medierer celle-i matrix interaktioner og genkender sekvensen RGD inden- I for deres ligander, som omfatter fibronetin, vitronec- 10 tin, collagen og fibrinogen (Hynes, R.O., Cell 48:549- 554 (1987); Ruoslahti, E., et al., Science 238:491-497 (1987)). Leukocytintegrinerne eksprimeres kun på leuko-cytter, er involveret i celle-celleinteraktioner og de eneste kendte ligander er ICAM-1 og iC3b, et frag-15 ment på den komplementære komponent C3, som ikke ud viser immunoglobulin-lignende træk, og som genkendes af Mac-1 (Kishimoto, T.K., et al., In: Leukocyt Typing III, McMichael, M. (ud.), Springer-Verlag, New York (1987); Springer, T.A., et al., Ann♦ Rev. Immunol. 5: 20 223-252 (1987); Anderson, D.C., et al., Ann. Rev. Med. 38^:175-194 (1987)). Baseret på sekvensanalyse er mulige peptider indenfor ICAM-l-sekvensen, genkendt af LFA-1, vist i Tabel 9.ICAM-1 acts as a ligand for LFA-1 in lymphocyte interactions with different cell types. Lympho-84 DK 176020 B1 cytes bind to ICAM-1 incorporated in artificial membrane attachments, and this requires LFA-1 on the lymphocyte, which directly detects LFA-1 interaction with ICAM-1 (Marlin, SD, et al., Cell 51: 813-819 (1987)). LFA-15 is a leukocyte integrin and has no immunoglobulin-like features. Leukocyte integrins comprise one integrin subfamily. The other two subfamilies mediate cell-to-matrix interactions and recognize the sequence RGD within their ligands, which includes fibronetin, vitronecin, collagen and fibrinogen (Hynes, RO, Cell 48: 549-554 (1987); Ruoslahti, E., et al., Science 238: 491-497 (1987)). The leukocyte integrins are only expressed on leukocytes, are involved in cell-cell interactions and the only known ligands are ICAM-1 and iC3b, a fragment of the complementary component C3 which does not exhibit immunoglobulin-like features and is recognized by Mac-1 (Kishimoto, T.K., et al., In: Leukocyte Typing III, McMichael, M. (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York (1987); Springer, T.A., et al., Ann ♦ Rev. Immunol 5: 20 223-252 (1987); Anderson, DC, et al., Ann. Rev. Med. 38: 175-194 (1987)). Based on sequence analysis, possible peptides within the ICAM-1 sequence, recognized by LFA-1, are shown in Table 9.
DK 176020 B1 85DK 176020 B1 85
Tabel 9Table 9
Peptider inden i ICAM-1-sekvensen, som muligvis genkendes af LFA-1.Peptides within the ICAM-1 sequence, which may be recognized by LFA-1.
5 -L-R-G-E-K-E-L- -R-G-E-K-E-L-K-R-E-P- -L-R-G-E-K-E-L-K-R-E-P-A-V-G-E-P-A-E- -P-R-G-G-S- -P-G-N-N-R-K- 10 -Q-E-D-S-Q-P-M- -T-P-E-R-V-E-L-A-P-L-P-S- -R-R-D-H-H-G-A-N-F-S- -D-L-R-P-Q-G-L-E- ICAM-1 er det første eksempel på et medlem af den immunoglobuline supergene familie, som binder til et integrin. Skønt begge disse familier spiller en vigtig rolle ved celleadhæsion, har interaktioner mellem dem ikke tidligere været forventet. I modsætning hertil 20 er interaktioner indenfor immunoglobulingensuperfamili-en ganske almindelig. Det er meget sandsyneligt at yderligere eksempler på interaktioner mellem integrinet og immunoglobulinfamilierne vil kunne findes. LFA-1 genkender en ligand, forskellig fra ICAM-1 (Springer, 25 T.A., et al., Ann. Rev. Immunol. 5:223-252 (1987)), og leukocytintegrinet Mac-1 genkender en ligand, for-; skellig fra C3bi i neutrofil-neutrofiladhæsion (Anderson, D.C., et al., Ann. Rev. Med. 36:175-194 (1987)). Rensede MAG-holdige vesikler binder yderlige-30 re til neuritter, som er MAG, og MAG må således være i stand til heterofil interaktion med en særskilt receptor (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105:1893-1899 (1987)).5 -LRGEKEL- -RGEKELKREP- -LRGEKELKREPAVGEPAE- -PRGGS- -PGNNRK- 10 -QEDSQPM- -TPERVELAPLPS- -RRDHHGANFS- -DLRPQGLE- ICAM-1 is the first example of a member of the immunoglobulin family of genes, . Although both of these families play an important role in cell adhesion, interactions between them have not been expected in the past. In contrast, interactions within the immunoglobulin gene superfamily are quite common. It is very likely that further examples of interactions between the integrin and immunoglobulin families will be found. LFA-1 recognizes a ligand, different from ICAM-1 (Springer, T.A., et al., Ann. Rev. Immunol. 5: 223-252 (1987)), and the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 recognizes a ligand, for; different from C3bi in neutrophil-neutrophil adhesion (Anderson, D.C., et al., Ann. Rev. Med. 36: 175-194 (1987)). Purified MAG-containing vesicles further bind to neurites which are MAG, and thus MAG must be capable of heterophilic interaction with a distinct receptor (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105: 1893- 1899 (1987)).
86 DK 176020 B1 NCAM's rolle i neural-neural og neural-muskulære celleinteraktioner har været foreslået at skyldes de homofile NCAM-NCAM-interaktioner (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236:799-806 (1987)). MAG's vigtige 5 rolle i intéraktioner mellem tilstødende, omdrejende loops i Schwann-celler omsluttende axoner under myelin-omslutningsdannelse kan skyldes interaktion med en særskilt receptor eller homofile MAG-MAG interaktioner. Homologien mellem NCAM og den hyppige forekomst af om-10 rådeområde-interaktioner indenfor den immunogobuline supergene familie rejser muligheden for at ICAM-1 kunne engageres i homofile interaktioner samt ICAM-l-LFA-1-heterofile interaktioner. Binding af B-lymfobastceller I som co-eksprimerer lignende tætheder af LFA-1 og ICAM-1 j 15 til ICAM-1 i kunstige eller cellulære monolag kan imid- I lertid fuldstændig inhiberes ved præbehandling af B- lymfoblasten med LFA-l-MAb, mens adhærence er upåvirket af B-lymfoblast-præbehandling med ICAM-l-MAb. Præbehandling af monolaget med ICAM-1-Mab ophæver fuldstan-20 dig binding (Dustin, M.L., et. al., J. Immunol.The role of NCAM in neural-neural and neural-muscular cell interactions has been suggested to be due to the homosexual NCAM-NCAM interactions (Cunningham, B.A., et al., Science 236: 799-806 (1987)). The important role of MAG in interactions between adjacent, revolving loops in Schwann cells surrounding axons during myelin sheath formation may be due to interaction with a distinct receptor or homosexual MAG-MAG interactions. The homology between NCAM and the frequent occurrence of area-domain interactions within the immunogobulin supergenic family raises the possibility that ICAM-1 could be involved in homophobic interactions as well as ICAM-1-LFA-1 heterophilic interactions. However, binding of B-lymphoblast cells I co-expressing similar densities of LFA-1 and ICAM-1j to ICAM-1 in artificial or cellular monolayers can, however, be completely inhibited by pretreatment of the B-lymphoblast with LFA-1-MAb , whereas adherence is unaffected by B lymphoblast pretreatment with ICAM-1-MAb. Pre-treatment of the monolayer with ICAM-1-Mab abolishes complete binding (Dustin, M.L., et al., J. Immunol.
]J7:245-254 (1986); Marlin, S.D., et_al., cell 51^:813-819 (1987)). Disse erkendelser viser at hvis ICAM-1 homofile interaktioner overhovedet forekommer, må de være meget svagere end heterofile interaktioner 25 med LFA-1.] J7: 245-254 (1986); Marlin, S.D. et al., Cell 51: 813-819 (1987)). These findings indicate that if ICAM-1 homosexual interactions occur at all, they must be much weaker than heterosexual interactions with LFA-1.
Muligheden for at leukocytintegrinerne kender ligander på en fundamental anden måde stemmer overens med nærværelsen af en 180 restsekvens i deres a-under-enheder, der kan være vigtig i ligandbinding og som ik-30 ke findes i RGD-genkendelsesintegrinerne (Corbi, A., et al. (EMBO J. 6:4023-4028 (1987)). Skønt man har foreslået at Mac-1 genkender RGD sekvens, som findes i iC3b 5086, er der ingen RGD-sekvens i ICAM-l (fig. 8).The possibility that the leukocyte integrins know ligands in a fundamentally different way is consistent with the presence of a 180 residue sequence in their α-subunits that may be important in ligand binding and not found in the RGD recognition integrins (Corbi, A., et al. (EMBO J. 6: 4023-4028 (1987)) Although it has been suggested that Mac-1 recognizes RGD sequence found in iC3b 5086, there is no RGD sequence in ICAM-1 (Fig. 8). .
87 DK 176020 B187 DK 176020 B1
Dette er i overensstemmelse med det fibronetiske peptid GRGDSP og kontrolpeptidet GRGESP's manglende evne til at lnhibere ICAM-l-LPA-l-adhæsion (Marlin, S.D., et al., cell 51:813-819 (1987)). Beslægtede sekvenser, så-5 som PRGGS og RGEKE findes imidlertid i ICAM-l i områder, som siges at danne sløjfe mellem henholdsvis β-strenge a og b i område 2 og c og d i område 2 (fig.This is consistent with the inability of the fibronetic peptide GRGDSP and the control peptide GRGESP to inhibit ICAM-1-LPA-1 adhesion (Marlin, S.D., et al., Cell 51: 813-819 (1987)). However, related sequences, such as PRGGS and RGEKE, are found in ICAM-1 in regions which are said to form a loop between β-strands a and b in regions 2 and c and d, respectively, in region 2 (Figs.
9), og skulle således have mulighed for genkendelse.9) and should thus have the opportunity for recognition.
Det er af interesse at det homologe MAG-molekyle inde-10 holder en RGD-sekvens mellem område 1 og 2 (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105:1893-1899 (1987); Salzer, J.L., et al., J. Cell. Biol. 104:957965 (1987)).It is of interest that the homologous MAG molecule contains an RGD sequence between regions 1 and 2 (Poltorak, M., et al., J. Cell Biol. 105: 1893-1899 (1987); Salzer, J.L. , et al., J. Cell, Biol. 104: 957965 (1987)).
Eksempel 19 15 Southern og Northern Blots.Example 19 Southern and Northern Blots.
Southern blots gennemførtes under anvendelse af 5 yg genomisk DNA ekstraheret fra tre cellelinier; BL2, t en Burkitt lymfomacellelinie (en gave fra Dr. Gilbert Lenoir); JY og Er-LCL, EBV-transformerede B-lymfo-20 blastoidcellelinier.Southern blots were performed using 5 µg of genomic DNA extracted from three cell lines; BL2, t a Burkitt lymphoma cell line (a gift from Dr. Gilbert Lenoir); JY and Er-LCL, EBV-transformed B-lympho-blastoid cell lines.
DNA underkastedes digestion med 5X af den af fabrikanten anbefalet mængde af Bam Hl og Eco Ri endo-nucleaser (New England Biolabs). Efter elektroforese gennem en 0,8% agarosegel, overførtes DNA til en nylon-25 membran (Zeta Probe, BioRad). Filteret præhybridisere-des og hybridiseredes idet standardfremgangsmåderne fulgtes under anvendelse af ICAM cDNA fra HL-60 mærket x med a-(32P)d XTP's ved vilkårlig priming (Boehringer Mannheim). Northern blots gennemførtes under anvendelse 30af 20 yg total RNA eller 6 yg poly(A)+ RNA. RNA denatureredes og underkastedes elektroforese gennem en 1% agarose-formaldehydgel og elektro-overførtes til Zeta probe. Filtre præhybridiseredes og hybridiseredes som DK 176020 B1 88 beskrevet tidligere (Staunton, D.E., et al., Embo J.DNA was subjected to digestion with 5X of the amount of Bam H1 and Eco RI endo nucleases (New England Biolabs) recommended by the manufacturer. After electrophoresis through a 0.8% agarose gel, DNA was transferred to a nylon 25 membrane (Zeta Probe, BioRad). The filter was prehybridized and hybridized, following the standard procedures using ICAM cDNA from HL-60 labeled x with α- (32P) d XTP's at random priming (Boehringer Mannheim). Northern blots were performed using 30 of 20 µg total RNA or 6 µg poly (A) + RNA. RNA was denatured and electrophoresed through a 1% agarose-formaldehyde gel and electrophoresed to Zeta probe. Filters were prehybridized and hybridized as described previously (Staunton, D.E., et al., Embo J.
6_: 3695-3701 (1987)) under anvendelse af HL-60 cDNA- proben af 3^P-mærkede oligonudeotidprober (beskrevet ovenfor).6_: 3695-3701 (1987)) using the HL-60 cDNA probe of 3β-labeled oligonudeotide probes (described above).
5 Southern blots, hvor man benytter 3 kb cdna- proben og genomisk DNA underkastet digestion med Bam Hl og Eco Ri viste enkle dominerende hybridiserings-fargmenter på henholdsvis 20 og 8 kb, hvilket tyder på et enkelt gen og på at det meste af den kodende infor-10 mation findes indenfor 8 kb. I blots med tre forskellige cellelinier var der ikke tegn på restriktionsfragment polymorfisme.Southern blots using the 3 kb cdna probe and genomic DNA subjected to digestion with Bam H1 and Eco Ri showed simple dominant hybridization pigments of 20 and 8 kb, respectively, suggesting a single gene and most of the coding information is found within 8 kb. In blots with three different cell lines, there was no evidence of restriction fragment polymorphism.
Eksempel 20 15 Ekspression af ICAM-l-genet.Example 20 Expression of the ICAM-1 gene.
En "ekspressionsvektor" er en vektor, som (på grund af tilstedeværelsen af passende transkriptions-og/eller translationskontrolsekvenser) er i stand til at eksprimere et DNA- (eller cDNA)-molekyle, som har 20 været klonet i en vektor og derved producere et poly-peptid eller protein. Ekspression af klonede sekvenser forekommer, når ekspressionsvektoren introduceres i en passende værtscelle. Hvis en prokaryotlsk ekspressionsvektor benyttes vil den passende værtcelle således en-25 hver prokaryotlsk celle, der er i stand til at eksprimere de klonede sekvenser. Hvis man på lignende måde benytter en eukaryotisk ekspressionsvektor, ville den passende værtscelle være enhver eukaryotisk celle, der er i stand til at eksprimere de klonede sekvenser.An "expression vector" is a vector which (due to the presence of appropriate transcription and / or translation control sequences) is capable of expressing a DNA (or cDNA) molecule which has been cloned into a vector and thereby producing a polypeptide or protein. Expression of cloned sequences occurs when the expression vector is introduced into a suitable host cell. Thus, if a prokaryotic expression vector is used, the appropriate host cell will contain any prokaryotic cell capable of expressing the cloned sequences. Similarly, if a eukaryotic expression vector is used, the appropriate host cell would be any eukaryotic cell capable of expressing the cloned sequences.
30 Da eukaryotisk DNA kan indeholde intervenerende sekvenser, og da sådanne sekvenser ikke kan fremstilles korrekt i prokaryotiske celler, foretrækkes det at anvende cDNA fra en celle, som er i stand til at eksprimere 89 DK 176020 B1 ICAM-l til opnåelse af et prokaryotisk genomisk ekspressionsvektorbibliotek. Fremgangsmåder til fremstilling af cDNA, og fremstilling af et genomisk bibliotek er angivet af Maniatis, T., et al. (Molecular Cloning: 5 A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Press,Since eukaryotic DNA may contain intervening sequences and such sequences cannot be properly produced in prokaryotic cells, it is preferred to use cDNA from a cell capable of expressing a prokaryotic genomic gene. ekspressionsvektorbibliotek. Methods for producing cDNA and preparing a genomic library are disclosed by Maniatis, T., et al. (Molecular Cloning: 5 A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Press,
Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982)).Cold Spring Harbor, NY (1982)).
Det ovennævnte ekspressionsvektors genomiske bibliotek benyttes til at frembringe en bank af værtceller (som hver indeholder et medlem af biblioteket).The genomic library of the aforementioned expression vector is used to generate a bank of host cells (each containing a member of the library).
10 Ekspressionsvektoren kan introduceres i værtcellen ved en række forskellige midler (dvs. transformation, transfektion, protoplastsammensmeltning, elektropore-ring osv.). Banken med ekspressionsvektor-holdige celler formeres klonisk, og dets medlemmer prøves indivi-15 duelt (under anvendelse af en immunoprøve) for at bestemme om de producerer et protein, der er i stand til at binde til antiICAM-1-antistof.The expression vector can be introduced into the host cell by a variety of means (i.e., transformation, transfection, protoplast fusion, electroporation, etc.). The expression vector-containing cell bank is clonically propagated and its members are tested individually (using an immunoassay) to determine whether they produce a protein capable of binding to antiICAM-1 antibody.
Ekspressionsvektorerne fra de celler, som producerer et protein, der er i stand til at binde til 20 anti-ICAM-antistof, analyseres dernæst yderligere for at bestemme om de eksprlmerer (og således indeholder) hele ICAM-l-genet, om de kun eksprlmerer (og indeholder) et fragment af lCAM-1-genet, eller om de eksprlmerer (og indeholder) et gen, hvis produkt ikke 25 er ICAM-l, skønt det immunologisk er beslægtet med ICAM-l. Skønt en sådan analyse kan gennemføres med ethvert egnet middel, foretrækkes det at bestemme nucleotidsekvensen af DNA- eller cDNA-fragmentet, som er klonet i ekspressionsvektoren. Sådanne nucleotld-30 sekvenser undersøges dernæst for at bestemme om de er i stand til at kode for polypeptider, som har den samme aminosyresekvens som ICAM-l's tryptiske digestionfragmenter (Tabel 5).The expression vectors of the cells producing a protein capable of binding to anti-ICAM antibody are then further analyzed to determine if they express (and thus contain) the entire ICAM-1 gene if they express only (and contains) a fragment of the ICAM-1 gene, or whether they express (and contain) a gene whose product is not ICAM-1, although immunologically related to ICAM-1. Although such an assay can be performed with any suitable agent, it is preferred to determine the nucleotide sequence of the DNA or cDNA fragment cloned into the expression vector. Such nucleotide sequences are then examined to determine if they are capable of encoding polypeptides that have the same amino acid sequence as ICAM-1's tryptic digestion fragments (Table 5).
90 DK 176020 B190 DK 176020 B1
En ekspressionsvektor som indeholder et DNA- eller cDNA-molekyle, der koder for ICAM-l-genet, kan således genkendes ved : (i) Evnen til direkte ekspression af et protein, som et i stand til at binde til anti-5*ICAM-1-antistof; og (ii) tilstedeværelsen af en nucleo-tidsekvens, der er i stand til at kode for hver af de tryptiske fragmenter af ICAM-1. Det klonede DNA-molekyle af en sådan ekspressionsvektor kan fjernes fra ekspressionsvektoren og isoleres på ren form.Thus, an expression vector containing a DNA or cDNA molecule encoding the ICAM-1 gene can be recognized by: (i) The ability to directly express a protein as capable of binding to anti-5 * ICAM -1-antibody; and (ii) the presence of a nucleotide sequence capable of encoding each of the tryptic fragments of ICAM-1. The cloned DNA molecule of such an expression vector can be removed from the expression vector and isolated in pure form.
Eksempel 21Example 21
Funktionelle aktiviteter af renset ICAM-1.Functional activities of purified ICAM-1.
I celler fungerer ICAM-1 normalt som et overfladeprotein knyttet til cellemembranen. Funktionen af 15 renset ICAM-1 testedes derfor, efter at molekylet var rekonstitueret, i kunstige lipidmembraner (liposomer eller vesikler) ved opløsning af proteinet i detergent-solubiliserede lipider, efterfulgt af fjernelse af detergentet ved dialyse. ICAM-1 renset fra JY-celler og elueret i detergentet octylglucosid, som beskrevet 20 ovenfor, rekonstitueredes i vesikler, og ICAM-l-inde-hoIdende vesikler fusioneredes til dskglas eller plastkul tur brønde, som tillod påvisningen af cellebinding til proteinet.In cells, ICAM-1 usually acts as a surface protein attached to the cell membrane. Therefore, after the molecule was reconstituted, the function of purified ICAM-1 was tested in artificial lipid membranes (liposomes or vesicles) by dissolving the protein in detergent-solubilized lipids, followed by removal of the detergent by dialysis. ICAM-1 purified from JY cells and eluted in detergent octyl glucoside, as described above, was reconstituted in vesicles, and ICAM-1-containing vesicles were fused to SD glass or plastic culture wells allowing the detection of cell binding to the protein.
7 5 Fremstilling af plane membraner og plast-bundne vesikler.7 5 Manufacture of planar membranes and plastic-bound vesicles.
Vesikler fremstilledes ved fremgangsmåden af Gay et al. (J. Immunol. 136:2026 (1986)). Kort fortalt opløstes æggephosphatidylcholin og cholesterol 30 i trichlormethan og blandedes i et molært forhold på 7:2. Lipidblandingen tørredes til en tynd film under rotering under en strøm af nitrogengas og lyofilisere- 91 DK 176020 B1 des dernæst i 1 time for at fjerne alle spor af tri-chlormethan. Lipidfilmen opløstes dernæst i 1% oetyl-glucosid/0,14 M Nacl/20 mM Tris (pH 7,2) til en slut-koncentration af phosphatidylcholin på 0,1 mM. Ca.Vesicles were prepared by the method of Gay et al. (J. Immunol. 136: 2026 (1986)). Briefly, egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol were dissolved in trichloromethane and mixed in a molar ratio of 7: 2. The lipid mixture was dried to a thin film under rotation under a stream of nitrogen gas and then lyophilized for 1 hour to remove all traces of trichloromethane. The lipid film was then dissolved in 1% ethyl glucoside / 0.14 M Nacl / 20 mM Tris (pH 7.2) to a final concentration of phosphatidylcholine of 0.1 mM. Ca.
5 10 yg renset ICAM-l eller human glycophorin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) som en kontrolmembran glycoprotein, sattes til hver af de opløste lipider. Protein-lipid-detergentopløsningen dialyseredes dernæst ved 4°C mod 3 hold af 200 voluminer af 20 mM 10 Tris/0,14 M NaCl, pH 7,2, og et hold af HBSS.5 µg of purified ICAM-1 or human glycophorin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) as a control membrane glycoprotein was added to each of the dissolved lipids. The protein-lipid detergent solution was then dialyzed at 4 ° C against 3 holdings of 200 volumes of 20 mM 10 Tris / 0.14 M NaCl, pH 7.2, and a hold of HBSS.
Plane membraner fremstilledes ved fremgangsmåden angivet af Brian et al., Proc. Watl. Acad. Sci. 81:6159 (1984). Dækglas (med en diameter på 11 mm) kobles i 15 min. i en 1:6 fortynding af 7X detergent (Linbro), vas-15 kedes natten over i destilleret vand, henstod neddyppet i 70% ethanol og lufttørredes. En 80 μΐ dråbe af en ve-sikelsuspension indeholdende enten ICAM-l eller glycop-i horln anbragtes på bunden af brøndene i en 24-brøndes klyngetestplade og de præparerede dækglas flød let på 20 toppen. Efter 20-30 min. inkubering ved stuetemperatur fyldtes brøndene med HBSS og dækglasset vendtes om for at bringe den plane membran opad. Brøndene vaskedes i dernæst omhyggeligt med HBSS for at fjernes ubundne ve- sikler. Den plane membranoverflade udsattes aldrig for 25 luft.Plane membranes were prepared by the method of Brian et al., Proc. Watl. Acad. Sci. 81: 6159 (1984). Cover coverslips (with a diameter of 11 mm) for 15 minutes. in a 1: 6 dilution of 7X detergent (Linbro), washed overnight in distilled water, left immersed in 70% ethanol and air dried. An 80 μΐ drop of a suspension containing either ICAM-1 or glycop-i horln was placed on the bottom of the wells of a 24-well cluster test plate and the prepared coverslips flowed easily on the top 20. After 20-30 min. incubation at room temperature, the wells were filled with HBSS and the coverslip was inverted to bring the planar membrane up. The wells were then washed thoroughly with HBSS to remove unbound vesicles. The flat membrane surface was never exposed to 25 air.
Under forsøgene med plane membraner smeltet til glasoverflader viste det sig, at vesikler indeholdende ICAM-l binder direkte til plastoverfladen af multi-brønde vævskulturplader og bevarer funktionel virkning 30 som bevist ved specifik cellebinding. Sådanne vesikler omtales herefter som "plast-bundne vesikler" (PBV), eftersom naturen af lipidvesikeler bundet til plast ikke er bestemt. Plast-bundne vesikler fremstilledes 92 DK 176020 B1 ved tilsætning af 30 μΐ vesikelsuspension direkte til bunden af brøndene i 96-brøndes vævskulturbakker (Falcon) efterfulgt af inkubering og vaskning, som beskrevet for plane membraner.During the experiments with flat membranes fused to glass surfaces, it was found that vesicles containing ICAM-1 bind directly to the plastic surface of multi-well tissue culture plates and retain functional effect 30 as evidenced by specific cell binding. Such vesicles are then referred to as "plastic-bound vesicles" (PBV), since the nature of lipid vesicles bound to plastics is not determined. Plastic-bound vesicles were prepared by adding 30 μΐ vesicle suspension directly to the bottom of wells in 96-well tissue culture trays (Falcon) followed by incubation and washing as described for planar membranes.
Celleadhæsionsprøver ved anvendelse af plane membraner eller plast-bundne vesikler gennemførtes begge to på 1 det væsentlige samme måde, med undtagelse af 10 at celleantallet og voluminer for PBV-prøver reduceredes til en femtedel af det, der benyttedes ved plane membranprøver.Cell adhesion tests using planar membranes or plastic-bonded vesicles were both conducted in substantially the same way, except that the cell number and volumes of PBV samples were reduced to one-fifth of that used in planar membrane samples.
T-lymfocytter fra normale kontroller og en patient med leukocytadhæsionsdefekt (LAD), hvis 15 celler ikke eksprimerer LFA-1 (Anderson, D.C. et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152:668 (1985)) fremstilledes ved dyrkning af perifere mononukleære blodceller med 1 pg/ml Concanavalin-A (Con-A) i RPMI-1640 plus 20% FCS med 5 x 105 celler/ml i 3 dage. Cellerne vaskedes dernæst 20 to gange med RPMI og en gang med 5 mM methyl-a-D-mannopyranosid til fjernelse af resterende lectin fra celleoverfladen. Cellerne dyrkedes i RPMI/20% FCS indeholdende l ng/ml rekombinant IL-2, og benyttedes mellem 10 og 22 dage efter initieringen af kultur.Normal lymphocytes from normal controls and a patient with leukocyte adhesion defect (LAD) whose 15 cells do not express LFA-1 (Anderson, DC et al., J. Infect. Dis. 152: 668 (1985)) were prepared by culturing peripheral mononuclear blood cells at 1 µg / ml Concanavalin-A (Con-A) in RPMI-1640 plus 20% FCS at 5 x 10 5 cells / ml for 3 days. The cells were then washed twice with RPMI and once with 5 mM methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside to remove residual lectin from the cell surface. The cells were grown in RPMI / 20% FCS containing 1 ng / ml recombinant IL-2 and used between 10 and 22 days after culture initiation.
25 Til påvisning af cellebinding til plane membra ner eller PBV, radiomærkedes Con-A blaster, T-lymfoma SKW-3 og de EBV-transformerede B-lymfoblastoidcelle-linier JY (LFA-1 positive) og den LFA-1 defekte lymfoblastoidcellelinie (BBN) (som stammer fra patient 30 nr. 1, Springer, T.A. et al., J. Exper. Med. 160; 1901-1918 (1986)) ved inkubering af 1 x 107 celler i 1 ml RPMI-1640/10% FCS med 100 uCi Na51Cr04 i 1 time ved 37°C efterfulgt af 4 vaskninger med RPMI-1640 til 93 DK 176020 B1 fjernelse af Ikke-Inkorporerede mærker. I monoklonalt antistofblokeringsforsøg præbehandledes celler eller plast-bundne veslkler med 20 yg/ml renset antistof 1 RPMI-l640/10% FCS ved 4°C i 30 min., efterfulgt af 54 vasknlnger til fjernelse af ubundet antistof. I forsøg for divalente kationers virkning på celle-binding, vaksedes cellerne en gang med Ca2+-, Mg2+-frit HBSS plus 10% dialyseret FCS, og CaCl og MgCl sattes til de indikerede koncentrationer. 1 alle forsøg præ-10 afbalanceredes celler og plane membraner eller PBV ved passende temperatur (4°C, 22°C eller 37°C) i den passende prøvepuffer.For detection of cell binding to planar membranes or PBV, Con-A blasts, T-lymphoma SKW-3 and EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines JY (LFA-1 positive) and LFA-1 defective lymphoblastoid cell line (BBN) were radiolabelled. ) (derived from patient 30 # 1, Springer, TA et al., J. Exper. Med. 160; 1901-1918 (1986)) by incubating 1 x 10 7 cells in 1 ml of RPMI-1640/10% FCS. with 100 µCi of Na51 CrO4 for 1 hour at 37 ° C, followed by 4 washes with RPMI-1640 to 93 DK 176020 B1 removal of Unincorporated marks. In monoclonal antibody blocking experiments, cells or plastic-bound vesicles were pretreated with 20 µg / ml purified antibody 1 RPMI-1640/10% FCS at 4 ° C for 30 min, followed by 54 washes to remove unbound antibody. In experiments for the effect of divalent cations on cell binding, cells were once vaccinated with Ca 2+, Mg 2+ -free HBSS plus 10% dialyzed FCS, and CaCl and MgCl were added to the indicated concentrations. In all experiments, cells and planar membranes or PBV were pre-balanced at the appropriate temperature (4 ° C, 22 ° C or 37 ° C) in the appropriate sample buffer.
Til måling af cellebinding til renset ICAM-1 centrifugeredes 51Cr-mærkede celler (5 x 105 EBV-15 transformanter 1 plane membranprøver; 1 x 105 EBV-transformanter eller SKW-3-celler, 2 x 105 Con-A-bla-ster i PBV-prøver). i 2 min. ved 25 x g på plane mem- braner eller PBV, efterfulgt af inkubering ved 4°C, 22°C eller 37eC i 1 time. Efter inkubering fjernedes 20 ubundne celler ved otte cycler med påfyldning og aspiration med puffer præindstillet til den passende temperatur. Bundne celler bestemtes ved solubilisering af brøndindholdet med 0,1 N NaOH/1% Triton x-100 og tælling på en y-tæller. Procent cellebinding bestemtes 25 ved at dividere cpm fra bundne celler med input celleassocieret cpm. 1 plane membranprøver korrigeredes input cpm for forholdet mellem dækglassets overfladeareal og dyrkningsbrøndenes overfladeareal.To measure cell binding to purified ICAM-1, 51 Cr labels were centrifuged (5 x 10 5 EBV-15 transformants 1 flat membrane samples; 1 x 10 5 EBV transformants or SKW-3 cells, 2 x 10 5 Con-A blisters in PBV-samples). for 2 min. at 25 x g on planar membranes or PBV, followed by incubation at 4 ° C, 22 ° C or 37 ° C for 1 hour. After incubation, 20 unbound cells were removed by eight cycles of loading and aspiration with buffer preset to the appropriate temperature. Bound cells were determined by solubilizing the well content with 0.1 N NaOH / 1% Triton x-100 and counting on a y counter. Percent cell binding was determined by dividing cpm from bound cells with input cell-associated cpm. In 1 plane membrane samples, the input cpm was corrected for the ratio of the surface area of the coverslip to the surface area of the culture wells.
I disse prøver bandt EBV-transformerede B-30 lymfoblastoidceller, SKW-3 T-lymfomaceller og Con-A T-lymfoblaster specifikt til ICAM-1 i kunstige membraner (fig. 11 og 12). Bindingen var specifik, eftersom cellerne bandt meget svagt til kontrol plane membraner 94 DK 176020 B1 eller vesikler Indeholdende ækvivalente mængder af et andet humant celleoverfladeglycoprotein, glycophorln. Yderligere bandt LFA-l-positive EBV-transformanter og Con-A blaster medens deres LFA-1-negative modparter ik-5 ke bandt 1 nogen signifikant udstrækning, hvilket viser at bindingen var afhængig af tilstedeværelsen af LFA-l på cellerne.In these samples, EBV-transformed B-30 lymphoblastoid cells, SKW-3 T lymphoma cells, and Con-A T lymphoblasts bound specifically to ICAM-1 in artificial membranes (Figs. 11 and 12). The binding was specific since the cells bound very weakly to control planar membranes or vesicles containing equivalent amounts of another human cell surface glycoprotein, glycophorline. Further, LFA-1-positive EBV transformants and Con-A blasted while their LFA-1-negative counterparts did not bind 1 to any significant extent, indicating that binding was dependent on the presence of LFA-1 on the cells.
Både specifiteten af cellebinding og afhængighed af cellulær LFA-1 bekræftedes i monoklonale antistof-10 blokeringsforsøg (fig. 13). Bindingen af JY-celler kunne inhlberes med 97%, når ICAM-1 indeholdende PBV præbehandledes med anti-ICAM-1 monoklonalt antistof RR1/1. Præbehandling af cellerne med det samme antistof havde ringe virkning. Omvendt inhlberedes det 15 anti-LFA-l-monoklonale antistof TS1/18 binding med 96%, men kun når cellerne, men ikke PBV, var præbehandlet.Both the specificity of cell binding and dependence on cellular LFA-1 were confirmed in monoclonal antibody-10 blocking experiments (Fig. 13). The binding of JY cells could be inhibited by 97% when ICAM-1 containing PBV was pretreated with anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody RR1 / 1. Pre-treatment of the cells with the same antibody had little effect. Conversely, the anti-LFA-1 monoclonal antibody TS1 / 18 binding was inhibited by 96%, but only when the cells, but not the PBV, were pretreated.
Et kontrolantistof T$2/9 reaktivt med LFA-3 (et andet lymfocytoverfladeantigen) havde ingen signifikant inhi-berende virkning, hverken når celler eller PBV præbe-20 handledes. Dette forsøg viser, at ICAM-1 i sig selv og ikke visse mindre forurenende materialer i de kunstige membraner, medierer den observerede cellulære adhæsion, og at adhæsionen er afhængig af LFA-l på bindingscellen.A control antibody T $ 2/9 reactive with LFA-3 (another lymphocyte surface antigen) had no significant inhibitory effect, neither when cells nor PBV were pretreated. This experiment shows that ICAM-1 itself, and not certain less contaminating materials in the artificial membranes, mediates the observed cellular adhesion and that the adhesion is dependent on LFA-1 on the binding cell.
25 Bindingen af celler til ICAM-1 i kunstige mem braner viser desuden to andre egenskaber hos det LFA-1 afhængige adhæsionssystem: Temperaturafhængig og nødvendigheden af divalente kationer. Som vist i fig. 14 bandt Con-A blaster til ICAM-1 i PBV mest effektivt ved 30 37°C, delvis ved 22°C og meget svagt veed 4°C. Som vist i fig. 15 var bindingen fuldstændig afhængig af tilstedeværelsen af divalente kationer. Ved fysiologiske koncentrationer var Mg2+ alene tilstrækkelig for maksi- 95 ‘ DK 176020 B1 mal cellebinding, mens Ca2+ alene giver meget lave niveauer af binding. En tiendedel Mg2'1’ af den normale koncentration sammen med Ca2+ var Imidlertid synergi-stlsk og frembragte maksimal binding.Furthermore, the binding of cells to ICAM-1 in artificial membranes shows two other properties of the LFA-1 dependent adhesion system: temperature dependent and the necessity of divalent cations. As shown in FIG. 14 bonded Con-A blasts to ICAM-1 in PBV most effectively at 30 ° C, partially at 22 ° C and very weakly weighed 4 ° C. As shown in FIG. 15, the bond was completely dependent on the presence of divalent cations. At physiological concentrations, Mg2 + alone was sufficient for maximal 95 'DK 176020 B1 template cell binding, whereas Ca2 + alone provides very low levels of binding. However, one-tenth of Mg 2 '1' of normal concentration together with Ca 2+ was synergistic and produced maximum binding.
5 Summarisk viser specifiteten af cellebinding til renset ICAM-1, inkorporeret i kunstige membraner, den specifikke inhibering med monoklonale antistoffer, og temperaturen og det divalente kationbehov viser, at ICAM-1 er en specifik ligand for det LFA-1 afhængige 10 adhæsionsystem.In summary, the specificity of cell binding to purified ICAM-1, incorporated in artificial membranes, shows the specific inhibition with monoclonal antibodies, and the temperature and divalent cation requirement show that ICAM-1 is a specific ligand for the LFA-1 dependent adhesion system.
Eksempel 22Example 22
Ekspression af ICAM-1 og HLA-DR 1 allergiske og toxlske laptestreaktloner.Expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR 1 allergic and toxic laptest reactons.
15 Hudbiopsier fra fem normale individer under søgtes for deres ekspression af ICAM-1 og HLA-DR. Det viste sig at medens endotelcellerne i nogle blodkar sædvanligvis eksprimerede ICAM-1, eksprimeredes der ingen ICAM-1 på keratinocytter fra normal hud. Ingen 20 farvning for HLA-DR på nogle keratinocytter fra normale hudbiopsier observeredes. Kinetikken af ekspression af ICAM-1 og klasse Il-antigener undersøgtes dernæst på celler i biopsier fra allergiske og toxlske hudlæsioner. Det viste sig at halvdelen af de seks undersøgte 25 individer havde keratinocytter, som eksprimerede ICAM-1, fire timer efter anvendelse af hapten (Tabel 10). Der var en øgning i procentdelen af individer, der eksprimerer ICAM-1 på deres keratinocytter med tiden for udsættelse af hapten, samt en øgning af inten-30 siteten af farvning, hvilket indikerer mere ICAM-1 ekspression per keratinocyt op til 48 timer. Faktisk er der på dette tidspunkt en del keratinocytter i alle biopsier farvet positivt for ICAM-1. Ved .72 timer (24 95 DK 176020 B1 i timer efter hapten fjernedes) havde 7 ud af 8 individer stadigvæk ICAM-1 eksprimeret på deres keratinocytter, mens ekspressionen af ICAM-1 på et individ vandrede mellem 48 og 72 timer.Fifteen skin biopsies from five normal subjects were searched for their expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR. It was found that while the endothelial cells of some blood vessels usually expressed ICAM-1, no ICAM-1 was expressed on normal skin keratinocytes. No staining for HLA-DR on some keratinocytes from normal skin biopsies was observed. The kinetics of expression of ICAM-1 and class II antigens were then examined on cells in biopsies from allergic and toxic skin lesions. It was found that half of the six individuals studied had keratinocytes expressing ICAM-1 four hours after the use of hapten (Table 10). There was an increase in the percentage of individuals expressing ICAM-1 on their keratinocytes with time to expose the hapten, as well as an increase in the intensity of staining, indicating more ICAM-1 expression per keratinocyte up to 48 hours. In fact, at this time, some keratinocytes in all biopsies are stained positive for ICAM-1. At .72 hours (24 95 DK 176020 B1 for hours after the hapten was removed), 7 of 8 individuals still had ICAM-1 expressed on their keratinocytes, while the expression of ICAM-1 on an individual migrated between 48 and 72 hours.
DK 176020 B1 97DK 176020 B1 97
Tabel 10Table 10
Kinetik af introduktion af ICAM-1 og HLA-DR på kerati-I nocytter fra allergiske labtestbiopsler.Kinetics of introduction of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR on kerati-I nocytes from allergic lab test biopsies.
5 _5 _
Tid efter Antallet ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 og lappåførsel af alene alene HLA-DRTime after the number of ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 and patch application of HLA-DR alone
(timer)_blopsier_;____(H) _ _blopsier; ____
Normal hud_5_0_0_0_ 10 Allergisk laptest 4 6 3a 0 0 ! 8 9 3 0 0 24 8 7 0 0 15 48b 8 5 0 3 72 8 6 0 .1 20 25 a Prøver betragtedes som værende positive, hvis i det mindste små klynger af keratinocytter farvedes. b Alle lapper fjernedes på dette tidspunkt.Normal skin_5_0_0_0_ 10 Allergic patch test 4 6 3a 0 0! 8 9 3 0 0 24 8 7 0 0 15 48b 8 5 0 3 72 8 6 0 .1 20 25 a Samples were considered positive if at least small clusters of keratinocytes were stained. b All patches were removed at this time.
i DK 176020 B1 98in DK 176020 B1 98
Histologisk var farvningsmønsteret for ICAM-1 på keratinocytter fra blopsier taget fire timer efter påføring af hapten sædvanlig i små klynger. Ved 48 timer eksprimeredes ICAM-1 på overfladen af størstedelen af 5 keratinocytterne, idet der ikke sås nogen forskel mellem skadens center og periferi, intensiteten af farvningen aftog som keratinocytterne nærmedes stratum corneum. Dette konstateredes hos biopsier taget fra centrum og periferien af skaderne. På dette tidspunkt j 10 var laptesten også positiv (infiltration, erythema og vesikler). Der observeredes ingen forskel 1 ICAM-1 ekspression når forskellige haptener påførtes følsomme individer. Foruden keratinocytterne eksprimeredes ICAM-1 desuden på nogle mononukleære celler og endotel-15 celler på stedet med skaden foruden keratinocytterne.Histologically, the staining pattern of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes from blopsis was taken four hours after hapten application as usual in small clusters. At 48 hours, ICAM-1 was expressed on the surface of the majority of the 5 keratinocytes, seeing no difference between the center of the injury and the periphery, the intensity of staining decreasing as the keratinocytes approached the stratum corneum. This was found in biopsies taken from the center and periphery of the lesions. At this time j 10, the lap test was also positive (infiltration, erythema and vesicles). No difference 1 ICAM-1 expression was observed when different haptens were applied to sensitive individuals. In addition to the keratinocytes, ICAM-1 was also expressed on some on-site mononuclear cells and endothelial cells with the damage in addition to the keratinocytes.
Ekspressionen af HLA-DR på keratinocytter på de allergiske hudskader var mindre hyppige end ekspressionen af ICAM-1. Ingen af de undersøgte individer havde skader med keratinocytter, som farvede positivt for 20 HLA-DR op til 24 timer efter påførsel af hapten. Fak-I tisk havde kun fire biopsiprøver keratinocytter, som eksprimerede HLA-DR og ingen biosier havde keratinocytter, der var positive overfor HLA-DR og ikke ICAM-1 (Tabel 10).The expression of HLA-DR on keratinocytes on the allergic skin lesions was less frequent than the expression of ICAM-1. None of the subjects studied had keratinocyte lesions that stained positively for 20 HLA-DR up to 24 hours after hapten application. In fact, only four biopsy specimens had keratinocytes expressing HLA-DR and no biosies had keratinocytes positive for HLA-DR and not ICAM-1 (Table 10).
25 I modsætning til den allergiske laptestskade havde den toxiske laptestskade, induceret med kroton-olie eller natriumlaurylsulfat, keratinocytter, der udviste ringe, hvis nogen, ICAM-1 på deres overflader på alle testede tidspunkter (Tabel 11). Faktisk havde kun 30 én af de 14 individer, der var udsat for den toxiske laptest keratinocytter, der eksprimerede ICAM-1 i deres skader 48 timer efter lappåførslen, hvilket tidspunkt er det optimale tidspunkt for ICAM-l-ekspression 99 DK 176020 B1 hos de allergiske laptestindivider. I modsætning til de allergiske laptestbiopsier eksprimeredes der desuden ikke HLA-DR på keratinocytter af toxiske laptest-skader.In contrast to the allergic lap test injury, the toxic lap test injury induced by croton oil or sodium lauryl sulfate had keratinocytes that showed little, if any, ICAM-1 on their surfaces at all times tested (Table 11). In fact, only 30 of the 14 subjects exposed to the toxic laptest keratinocytes expressing ICAM-1 in their injury 48 hours after patch application, which is the optimal time for ICAM-1 expression allergic laptest individuals. In addition, unlike the allergic lap test biopsies, HLA-DR was not expressed on keratinocytes of toxic lap test damage.
5 Disse data indikerer at ICAM-1 eksprimeres i immunbaseret inflammation og ikke i toxisk baseret inflammation, og ekspressionen af ICAM-1 kan således benyttes til at skelne mellem immunobaseret- og toxisk baseret inflammation, såsom akut nyresvigt hos nyre-10 transplantationspatienter, hvor det er vanskeligt at bestemme hvorvidt svigtet skyldes afvisning eller nephrotoxicitet af det immunoundertrykkende terapeutiske middel. Nyrebiopsi og vurdering af opregulering af ICAM-1 ekspressionen vil tillade differentiering mellem 15 immunbaseret afvisning og ikke-immunbaseret toxicitets-reaktion.These data indicate that ICAM-1 is expressed in immune-based inflammation and not in toxic-based inflammation, and thus the expression of ICAM-1 can be used to distinguish between immunobased- and toxic-based inflammation, such as acute renal failure in renal transplant patients, where is difficult to determine whether the failure is due to rejection or nephrotoxicity of the immunosuppressive therapeutic agent. Renal biopsy and assessment of up-regulation of ICAM-1 expression will allow differentiation between 15 immune-based rejection and non-immune-based toxicity response.
* DK 176020 B1 100* DK 176020 B1 100
Tabel llTable II
Kinetik af introduktion af ICAM-l og HLA-DR på kerati-nocytter fra toxiske laptestbiopsier.Kinetics of introduction of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR on keratinocytes from toxic laptest biopsies.
5 _5 _
Tid efter Antallet ICAM-l HLA-DR ICAM-l ogTime after Number of ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 and
lappåførsel af alene alene HLA-DRpatch application of HLA-DR alone
(timer)_blopsler_ 4 4 0 0 0 8 3 la 0 0 10 24 3 1 0 0 48b 14 10 0 72 3 1 0 0 a Prøver betragtedes som værende positive, hvis i det 15 mindste små klynger af keratinocytter farvedes.(hours) _blopsler_ 4 4 0 0 0 8 3 la 0 0 10 24 3 1 0 0 48b 14 10 0 72 3 1 0 0 a Samples were considered positive if at least 15 small clusters of keratinocytes were stained.
b Alle lapper fjernedes på dette tidspunkt._ DK 176020 B1 101b All patches were removed at this time._ DK 176020 B1 101
Eksempel 23Example 23
Eksprimerlng af ICAM-1 og HIA-PR i godartede kutane sygdomme«Expression of ICAM-1 and HIA-PR in benign cutaneous diseases'
Celler fra hudbiopsler med skader fra patienter 5 med forskellige typer af inflammatoriske hudsygdomme undersøgtes for deres ekspression af ICAM-1 og HLA-DB.Cells from skin biopsies with lesions from patients 5 with different types of inflammatory skin diseases were examined for their expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DB.
En del keratinocytter 1 biopsier med allergisk kontakteksem, pemphigoid/pemphigus og lichen planus eksprime-rede ICAM. Lichen planus-biopsler viste den mest inten-10 se farvning med et mønster svarende til eller endog stærkere end dem, der konstateredes hos de 48 timer allergiske laptestbiopsier (Tabel 12). 1 overensstemmelse med resultaterne, der sås ved den allergiske laptest konstateredes den mest intensive iCAM-l-farvning på I 15 steder med kraftig mononuklesr celleinfiltration. 8 ud af de 11 testede lichen planus-biopsier var yderligere positive for HLA-DR ekspression på keratinocytter.Some keratinocytes 1 biopsies with allergic contact eczema, pemphigoid / pemphigus and lichen planus expressed ICAM. Lichen planus biopsies showed the most intense staining with a pattern similar to or even stronger than those found in the 48-hour allergic lap test biopsies (Table 12). In accordance with the results seen in the allergic lap test, the most intense iCAM-1 staining was observed in 15 sites with vigorous mononuclear cell infiltration. Eight of the 11 lichen planus biopsies tested were further positive for HLA-DR expression on keratinocytes.
Ekspressionen ' af ICAM-1 på keratinocytter fra hudbiopsler fra patienter med exanthema og urticaria 20 var mindre udtalte. Kun fire ud af de syv testede patienter med disse sygdomme havde keratinocytter, der eksprimerede ICAM-1 på læsionsstedet. HLA-DR ekspressionen viste sig kun på én patient, og dette var i konjunktion med ICAM-1.The expression of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes from skin biopsies from patients with exanthema and urticaria 20 was less pronounced. Only four of the seven patients tested with these diseases had keratinocytes expressing ICAM-1 at the lesion site. HLA-DR expression appeared in only one patient, and this was in conjunction with ICAM-1.
25 Endotelceller og en del af de mononukleære cel- leinfiltrater fra alle de testede godartede inflammato-’. riske hudsygdomme eksprimerede ICAM-1 i forskellig udstrækning.25 Endothelial cells and part of the mononuclear cell infiltrates from all the benign inflammatory cells tested. rich skin diseases expressed ICAM-1 to varying degrees.
DK 176020 B1 102DK 176020 B1 102
Tabel 12Table 12
Ekspression af ICAM-1 og HLA-DR på keratlnocytter fra godartede kutane sygdomme.Expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR on keratinocytes from benign cutaneous diseases.
5 Diagnose Antallet ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 og _af tilfælde alene alene HLA-DR_5 Diagnosis The number of ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 and of cases alone HLA-DR_
Allergisk kontakteksem 5 3a 0 2Allergic Contact Eczema 5 3a 0 2
Lichen Planus 11 30 θ 10 Pemhigoid/Lichen Planus 11 30 θ 10 Pemhigoid /
Pemhigus 2 200Pemhigus 2,200
Exanthema 3 2 0 0Exanthema 3 2 0 0
Urticaria 4 1 01 15 » i ΛUrticaria 4 1 01 15 »i Λ
Prøver betragtedes som værende positive, hvis mindst 20 små klynger af keratlnocytter farvedes.Samples were considered positive if at least 20 small clusters of keratinocytes were stained.
i i i DK 176020 B1 103i i i i DK 176020 B1 103
Eksempel 24Example 24
Ekspression af ICAM-1 på keratlnocytter fra hudskader hørende til psoriasis.Expression of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes from skin lesions associated with psoriasis.
Ekspressionen af ICAM-1 i hudsbiopsler fra 5 pa-5 tienter med psoriasis undersøgtes før initieringen og periodisk under et forløb med PUVA-behandling. Biopsier opnåedes fra fem patienter med klassisk psoriasis bekræftet ved histologi. Biopsier blev udtaget i rækkefølge før og under indikeret tid for PUVA-behandling.The expression of ICAM-1 in skin biopsies from 5 pa-5 patients with psoriasis was examined before initiation and periodically during a course of PUVA treatment. Biopsies were obtained from five patients with classic psoriasis confirmed by histology. Biopsies were taken in order before and during the indicated time for PUVA treatment.
PUVA tilførtes 3-4 gange om ugen. Biopsier blev taget 10 fra periferien af psoriasis plagues hos fem patienter og yderligere biopsier blev taget fra klinisk normal hud fra fire af patienterne.PUVA was applied 3-4 times a week. Biopsies were taken 10 from the periphery of psoriasis plagues in five patients and additional biopsies were taken from clinically normal skin from four of the patients.
Friske hudbiopslstykker blev frosset og opbevaret i flydende nitrogen. Seks ymm cryostatsektioner luft-15 tørredes natten over ved stuetemperatur, fikseredes i acetone 1 10 min. og farvedes enten straks eller ind-vikledes i aluminiumfolie og opbevaredes ved -B0°C ind-I til farvning.Fresh skin biopsy pieces were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. Six µm cryostat sections were air-dried overnight at room temperature, fixed in acetone for 10 min. and either dyed immediately or wrapped in aluminum foil and stored at -B0 ° C in-I for staining.
Farvning gennemførtes på den efterfølgende måde.Staining was carried out in the following manner.
20 Sektioner inkuberedes med monoklonale antistoffer og farvedes ved en 3-trlns immunoperoxidasemetode (Stein, H., et al., Adv. Cancer Res 42:67-147, (1984)), under anvendelse af diaminobenzidin H202~substrat. Tonsiler og lymfeknuder benyttedes som en positiv kontrol på 25 anti-ICAM-1- og HLA-DR-farvning. Væv farvet i fra-, vær af et primært antistof var negative kontroller.20 Sections were incubated with monoclonal antibodies and stained by a 3-step immunoperoxidase method (Stein, H., et al., Adv. Cancer Res 42: 67-147, (1984)) using diaminobenzidine H2O2 substrate. Tonsils and lymph nodes were used as a positive control for 25 anti-ICAM-1 and HLA-DR staining. Tissues stained in the absence of a primary antibody were negative controls.
De monoklonale antistoffer mod HLA-DR erhveredes fra Becton Dickinson (Mountainview, California). Det monoklonale anti-ICAM-l-antistof var R6-5-D6. Peroxida-30 se-konjugeret kanin-anti-muse-Ig og peroxidase-konju-geret svine-anti-kanin-Ig erhvervedes fra DAKAPATTS, København, Danmark. Diamlnobenzidin-tetrahydrochlorid opnåedes fra Sigma (St. Louis, Mo.).The monoclonal antibodies against HLA-DR were obtained from Becton Dickinson (Mountainview, California). The monoclonal anti-ICAM-1 antibody was R6-5-D6. Peroxida-30 se-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse Ig and peroxidase-conjugated porcine anti-rabbit Ig were acquired from DAKAPATTS, Copenhagen, Denmark. Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride was obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, Mo.).
104 - DK 176020 B1104 - DK 176020 B1
Resultaterne af undersøgeisen viste at endotel-cellerne i nogle blodkar eksprimerer ICAM-1 1 både syg og normal hud, men intensiteten af farvning og antallet af blodkar, der eksprimerer ICAM-1 øgedes i psoriasis-5 hudskaderne. Mønsteret af ekspression af ICAM-1 varierede yderligere i keratinocytter fra ubehandlet psoriasis-hudskader fra de fem patienter, fra kun små klynger med cellefarvning til at mange farvede keratinocytter.The results of the study showed that in some blood vessels the endothelial cells express both ICAM-1 1 diseased and normal skin, but the intensity of staining and the number of blood vessels expressing ICAM-1 increased in the psoriasis-5 skin lesions. The pattern of expression of ICAM-1 further varied in keratinocytes from untreated psoriasis skin lesions from the five patients, from only small clusters of cell staining to many stained keratinocytes.
Under forløbet med PUVA-behandling viste ICAM-l-eks-10 pressionen på to af patienterne (patient nr. 2 og 3) udbredt reduktion, som gik forud eller var samstemmende med klinisk remission (Tabel. 13). Patienterne nr. 1, 4 og 5 havde formindskelse og øgning af ICAM-1ekspression vinder PUVA-behandlingen, hvilket korrelerer til hen-15 holdsvis kliniske remissioner og tilbagefald. Der var ingen ICAM-l-ekspression på keratinocytter fra normal hud før eller efter PUVA-behandling. Dette indikerer, at PUVA ikke inducerer ICAM-1 på keratinocytter fra normal hud.During the course of PUVA treatment, ICAM-1-Ex-10 showed depression in two of the patients (patients # 2 and 3) with widespread reduction that preceded or was consistent with clinical remission (Table 13). Patients Nos. 1, 4, and 5 had diminished and increased ICAM-1 expression winning the PUVA treatment, which correlates to clinical remissions and relapses, respectively. There was no ICAM-1 expression on normal skin keratinocytes before or after PUVA treatment. This indicates that PUVA does not induce ICAM-1 on normal skin keratinocytes.
20 Observationen af at densiteten af det mononukl- eære celleinfiltrat korrelerede med mængden af ICAM-1-ekspression på keratinocytter var af betydning. Dette vedrører både et aftagende antal mononukleære celler i skader under PUVA-behandling, når ICAM-l-ekspression 25 desuden vandrede, og et øget antal af mononukleære celler under PUVA-behandling, når ICAM-l-ekspression på keratinocytter var mere fremtrædende. Endotelceller og dermale mononukleære celler er desuden ICAM-l-positive.The observation that the density of the mononuclear cell infiltrate correlated with the amount of ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes was significant. This relates to both a decreasing number of mononuclear cells in damage during PUVA treatment when ICAM-1 expression also migrated, and an increased number of mononuclear cells during PUVA treatment when ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes was more prominent. In addition, endothelial cells and dermal mononuclear cells are ICAM-1 positive.
I klinisk normal hud, var ICAM-1-ekspressionen be-30 grænset til endotelceller uden mærkning af keratinocytter.In clinically normal skin, ICAM-1 expression was restricted to endothelial cells without labeling keratinocytes.
Ekspressionen af HLA-DR på keratinocytter var variabel. Der var ingen HLA-DR-positiv blopsi, der ikke også var ICAM-l-positiv.The expression of HLA-DR on keratinocytes was variable. There was no HLA-DR positive bloody, nor ICAM-1 positive.
105 DK 176020 B1105 DK 176020 B1
Summarisk viser disse resultater at før behandling er ICAM-1-ekspression udtalt på keratinocytter-ne og korrelerer til et tæt mononukleær celleinfiltrat.In summary, these results show that prior to treatment, ICAM-1 expression is pronounced on the keratinocytes and correlates to a dense mononuclear cell infiltrate.
Under PUVA-behandling ses en udtalt mindskelse af 5 ICAM-l-farvning parallelt med den kliniske forbedring. Histologisk mindskedes det dermale infiltrat også. Når et klinisk tilbagefald var tydelig under behandling øgedes ekspressionen af ICAM-1 på keratinocytterne og tætheden af dermal infiltrat. Når en klinisk remission 10 konstateredes under behandling var der en samtidig aftagelse i ICAM-l-farvning på keratinocytterne og en mindskelse i det dermale infiltrat. Ekspressionen af ICAM-1 på keratinocytter svarer således til tætheden af mononukleær celleinfiltrat på dermis. Disse data viser 15 at klinisk reaktion overfor PUVA-bebandling resulterer i en udtalt mindskelse af ICAM-l-ekspression på keratinocytter parallelt med en mere moderat aftagelse af de t mononukleære celler. Dette Indikerer at lCAM-1-ekspres-sion på keratinocytter er ansvarlig for initering og 20 opretholdelse af det dermale infiltrat og at PUVA-behandling nedregulerer ICAM-1, som på sin side mindsker det dermale infiltrat og den inflammatoriske reaktion.During PUVA treatment, a pronounced decrease in 5 ICAM-1 staining is seen in parallel with the clinical improvement. Histologically, the dermal infiltrate also decreased. When a clinical relapse was evident during treatment, the expression of ICAM-1 on the keratinocytes and the density of dermal infiltrate increased. When a clinical remission 10 was observed during treatment, there was a concomitant decrease in ICAM-1 staining on the keratinocytes and a decrease in the dermal infiltrate. Thus, the expression of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes corresponds to the density of mononuclear cell infiltrate on the dermis. These data show that clinical response to PUVA dressing results in a pronounced decrease in ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes in parallel with a more moderate decrease of the mononuclear cells. This indicates that ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes is responsible for initiating and maintaining the dermal infiltrate and that PUVA treatment down-regulates ICAM-1, which in turn decreases the dermal infiltrate and inflammatory response.
Dataene indikerer desuden at der var en variabel HLA-DR-ekspression på keratinocytter under PUVA-behandling.In addition, the data indicate that there was a variable HLA-DR expression on keratinocytes during PUVA treatment.
25 Ekspressionen af ICAM-1 på keratinocytter med psoriasisskader korrelerer med den kliniske alvorlighed af skaden samt størrelsen af dermal infiltrat. ICAM-l spiller således en central rolle ved psoriasis og inhibering af dets ekspression og/eller inhibering af 30 dets interaktion med CD 18 komplekset på mononucleare celler vil være en virkningsfuld behandling af sygdommen. Registrering af ICAM-l-ekspression på keratinocytter vil yderligere være et effektivt værktøj til 106 DK 176020 B1 dlagnostisering og prognose, samt evaluering af terapiforløbet for psoriasis.The expression of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes with psoriasis damage correlates with the clinical severity of the injury as well as the size of the dermal infiltrate. Thus, ICAM-1 plays a key role in psoriasis and inhibition of its expression and / or inhibition of its interaction with the CD 18 complex on mononuclear cells will be an effective treatment of the disease. The registration of ICAM-1 expression on keratinocytes will furthermore be an effective tool for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as evaluation of the course of therapy for psoriasis.
i 107 DK 176020 B1in 107 DK 176020 B1
Tabel 13Table 13
Sekventiel ICAM-1-ekspression af keratlnocytter 1 hudskader med psoriasis (PS) og klinisk normal hud (N) før og under PUVA-behandling.Sequential ICAM-1 expression of keratinocytes 1 skin lesions with psoriasis (PS) and clinically normal skin (N) before and during PUVA treatment.
5 _ patient nr.Patient no.
Tid før og 1 2 3 4 5 underTime before and 1 2 3 4 5 below
PUVA-behandling PS PS N PS N PS N PS NPUVA treatment PS PS N PS N PS N PS N
10 0 + + -++-++· ♦++ -1 dag + 1 uge + + - -++- + . I ® 2 uger ++ 3 uger -H- * 0 15 4 uger ++ + - ++ * * 5-6 uger ’ - ~ 0 7 uger (++) (+) +++ " * - * 10 uger (+) 20 _ +++ Mange positive keratlnocytter.10 0 ++ - ++ - ++ · ♦ ++ -1 day + 1 week ++ - - ++ - +. I ® 2 weeks ++ 3 weeks -H- * 0 15 4 weeks ++ + - ++ * * 5-6 weeks' - ~ 0 7 weeks (++) (+) +++ "* - * 10 weeks (+) 20 _ +++ Many positive keratinocytes.
++ En del positive keratlnocytter.++ Some positive keratinocytes.
+ Fokalt positive keratlnocytter.+ Focally positive keratinocytes.
(+) Meget få, spredte positive keratlnocytter.(+) Very few, scattered positive keratinocytes.
30 - ingen positiv farvning, x Klinisk remission, o Klinisk tilbagefald.30 - no positive staining, x Clinical remission, o Clinical relapse.
DK 176020 B1 108DK 176020 B1 108
Eksempel 25Example 25
Ekspression af ICAM-l og HLA-DR i maligne kutane sygdomme.Expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR in malignant cutaneous diseases.
Modsat læsioner fra godartede kutane tilstande 5 var ekspressionen af ICAM-l på keratinocytter fra maligne hudskader meget mere variable (Tabel 14). Af de 23 undersøgte kutane T-cellelymfomas, Identificeredes ICAM-lpositive keratinocytter kun i 14 tilfælde. Der var en tendens til at keratinocytter fra blopsier med 10 mycosis fungoide skader taber deres ICAM-l-ekspression ved udvikling af sygdommen til mere fremskridne trin. ICAM-l-ekspression observeredes imidlertid på en varierede del af det mononucleare celleinflltrat fra de fleste af de kutane T-cellelymfomaskader. Blandt de re-15 sterende undersøgte lymfoma havde fire ud af otte keratinocytter, der eksprimerede ICAM-l. Af de 29 patienter f med maligne kutane sygdomme, som undersøgtes havde 5 keratinocytter, som eksprimerede HLA-DR uden at eksprlmere ICAM-l (Tabel 14).Unlike lesions from benign cutaneous conditions 5, the expression of ICAM-1 on keratinocytes from malignant skin lesions was much more variable (Table 14). Of the 23 cutaneous T-cell lymphomas examined, ICAM-positive keratinocytes were identified in only 14 cases. There was a tendency for keratinocytes from 10 mycosis fungoid lesions to lose their ICAM-1 expression upon progression of the disease to more advanced stages. However, ICAM-1 expression was observed on a varied portion of the mononuclear cell infiltrate from most of the cutaneous T cell lymphoma lesions. Among the remaining 15 lymphomas examined, four out of eight had keratinocytes expressing ICAM-1. Of the 29 patients f with malignant cutaneous diseases examined, 5 had keratinocytes expressing HLA-DR without expressing ICAM-1 (Table 14).
t . DK 176020 B1 109t. DK 176020 B1 109
Tabel 14Table 14
Ekspression af ICAM-1 og HLA-DR på keratinocytter fra maligne kutane sygdomme.Expression of ICAM-1 and HLA-DR on keratinocytes from malignant cutaneous diseases.
Diagnose Antal af ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 ogDiagnosis Number of ICAM-1 HLA-DR ICAM-1 and
_tilfælde alene alene HLA-DR_ case only HLA-DR alone
CTCL, MFI 8 la 0 4 CTCL, MFII-III 10 1 2 5 10 CTCL, SS 3 10 2 CTCL, Stor celle 2020 CBCL 2 0 0 1CTCL, MFI 8 la 0 4 CTCL, MFII-III 10 1 2 5 10 CTCL, SS 3 10 2 CTCL, Large cell 2020 CBCL 2 0 0 1
Leukemia Cutis 3111Leukemia Cutis 3111
Histiocytosis XI 00 0 15 _ i aPrøver betragtedes som værende positive, hvis små klynger af keratinocytter farvedes.Histiocytosis XI 00 0 15 _ in α Samples were considered positive if small clusters of keratinocytes were stained.
110 DK 17602Θ B1110 DK 17602Θ B1
Eksempel 26Example 26
Virkning af antl-ICAM-l-antlstoffer på prollferatlonen af humane perifere mononukleare blodceller.Effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibodies on the human peripheral mononuclear blood cell proliferation site.
Humane perifere mononukleære blodceller induce-5 redes for at proliferere ved tilstedeværelsen og genkendelsen af antigener eller mitogener. Visse molekyler , såsom mitogenet concanavalin A, eller det T-celle-| bindende antistof 0KT3 forårsager en ikke-specifik I proliferation af perifere mononukleære blodceller.Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells are induced to proliferate in the presence and recognition of antigens or mitogens. Certain molecules, such as the mitogenic concanavalin A, or the T cell | binding antibody OKT3 causes a nonspecific I proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
! 10 Humane perifere mononukleære blodceller er heterogene, idet de består af subpopulationer af celler, som er i stand til at genkende specifikke antigener. Når en perifer mononukleær blodcelle, som er 1 stand til at genkende et særligt specifikt antigen, 15 møder dette antigen induceres proliferationen af denne subpopulation af mononukleær celle. Tetanus toxoid og "keyhole limpet" hæmocyanin er eksempler på antigener, som genkendes af subpopulationer af perifere mononukleære blodceller, men som ikke genkendes at alle pe-20 rifere mononukleære celler hos sensibiliserede individer.! Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells are heterogeneous in that they consist of subpopulations of cells capable of recognizing specific antigens. When a peripheral blood mononuclear cell capable of recognizing a particular specific antigen meets this antigen, the proliferation of this subpopulation of mononuclear cell is induced. Tetanus toxoid and keyhole limpet hemocyanin are examples of antigens that are recognized by subpopulations of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, but which are not recognized by all peripheral mononuclear cells in sensitized individuals.
Anti-ICAM-l-momoklonalt antistof R6-5-D6's evne til at inhibere prolifererende reaktioner fra humane perifere mononukleære blodceller i systemer, der vides 25 at kræve celle-celleadhæsioner testedes.The ability of anti-ICAM-1 momoclonal antibody R6-5-D6 to inhibit proliferative responses from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in systems known to require cell-cell adhesions was tested.
Perifere mononukleære blodceller rensedes på Ficoll-Paque (Pharmacia) gradienter ifølge fabrikantens instruktioner. Efter opsamling af grænsefladen vaskedes cellerne tre gange med RPMI 1640 medium og dyrkedes i 30 fladbundede, 96-brøndes mikrotiterplader i en koncentration på 106 celler/ml i RPMI 1640 medium suppleret med 10% fetal bovin serum, 2 mM glutamin og gentamicin (50 pg/ml).Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were purified on Ficoll-Paque (Pharmacia) gradients according to the manufacturer's instructions. After collection of the interface, cells were washed three times with RPMI 1640 medium and grown in 30 flat-bottomed, 96-well microtiter plates at a concentration of 106 cells / ml in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 2 mM glutamine and gentamicin (50 µg / ml).
DK 176020 B1 111 i iDK 176020 B1 111 i i
Antigen, enten T-cellemitogenet, concanavalin A (0,25 yg/ml), det T-celle-bindende antistof, OKT3 (0,001 yg/ml), "keyhole limpet” hæmocyanin (10 g/ml) eller tetanus toxoid (1:100 fortynding fra kilde) sat-5 tes til celler, som dyrkedes som beskrevet ovenfor enten i nærværelse eller fravær af anti-ICAM-antistof (R6-5-D6; slutkoncentration på 5 g/ml). Cellerne dyrkedes i 3,5 dage (concanavalin A forsøg), 2,5 dage (OKT3-forsøg) eller 5,5 dage ("keyhole limpet" hæmocyanin j 10 og tetanus toxoid-forsøg) før prøverne afsluttedes.Antigen, either the T cell mitogen, concanavalin A (0.25 µg / ml), the T cell binding antibody, OKT3 (0.001 µg / ml), keyhole limpet hemocyanin (10 g / ml) or tetanus toxoid (1 : 100 dilution from source) was added to cells grown as described above either in the presence or absence of anti-ICAM antibody (R6-5-D6; final concentration of 5 g / ml). days (concanavalin A trial), 2.5 days (OKT3 trial) or 5.5 days ("keyhole limpet" hemocyanin 10 and tetanus toxoid trial) before the tests were completed.
18 timer før afslutningen af prøven sattes 2,5 yCi 3H-thymidin til kulturerne. Cellulær proliferation prøvedes ved at måle inkorporereingen af thymidin i dna ved de perifere mononukleære blodceller, inkor-15 poreret thymidin opsamledes og taltes i en flydende scintilationstæller (Merluzzi et al., J. Immunol.18 hours before the end of the sample, 2.5 µCi 3 H-thymidine was added to the cultures. Cellular proliferation was tested by measuring the incorporation of thymidine into DNA by the peripheral blood mononuclear cells, incorporated thymidine was collected and counted in a liquid scintillation counter (Merluzzi et al., J. Immunol.
139:166-168 (1978)). Resultaterne af disse forsøg er vist i fig. 16 (concanavalin A-forsøg), fig. 17 (OKT3-forsøg), fig. 18 ("keyhole limpet" hæmocyanin-forsøg) 20 og fig. 19 (tetanus toxoid-forsøg).139: 166-168 (1978)). The results of these experiments are shown in FIG. 16 (concanavalin A trial), fig. 17 (OCT3 trial), fig. 18 ("keyhole limpet" hemocyanin test) 20 and FIG. 19 (tetanus toxoid trial).
Det viste sig, at anti-ICAM-l-antistof inhiberer proliferative reaktioner overfor det ikke-specifikke T-cellemitogen, ConA; det ikke-specifikke T-celleassocierede antigen, OKT-3; og de specifikke anti-25 gener, "keyhole limpet" hæmocyanin og tetanus toxoid, i mononukleære celler. Inhiberingen af anti-ICAM-1-antistof var sammenlignelig med det anti-LFA-i-anti-stof, der antyder at ICAM-1 er en funktionel ligand af ICAM-1, og at antagonisme af ICAM-1 vil inhibere speci-30 fikke forsvarssystemreaktioner.It was found that anti-ICAM-1 antibody inhibits proliferative responses to the nonspecific T cell mitogen, ConA; the non-specific T cell-associated antigen, OKT-3; and the specific anti-25 genes, "keyhole limpet" hemocyanin and tetanus toxoid, in mononuclear cells. The inhibition of anti-ICAM-1 antibody was comparable to the anti-LFA-i antibody suggesting that ICAM-1 is a functional ligand of ICAM-1 and that antagonism of ICAM-1 will inhibit specific get defense system reactions.
DK 176020 B1 112DK 176020 B1 112
Eksempel 27 virkning af anti-lCAM-1-antistof p& den blandede lymfocytreaktion.Example 27 effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibody on the mixed lymphocyte reaction.
Som omtalt ovenfor er ICAM-1 nødvendig for ef-5 fektive cellulære interaktioner under en immunreaktion medieret gennem LFA-1-afhængig celleadhæsion. Introduktionen af ICAM-1 under immunreaktioner eller inflammatorisk sygdom tillader interaktionen af leukocytter med hinanden og med entodelceller.As discussed above, ICAM-1 is required for effective cellular interactions during an immune response mediated through LFA-1-dependent cell adhesion. The introduction of ICAM-1 during immune reactions or inflammatory disease allows the interaction of leukocytes with each other and with entodel cells.
* 10 Når lymfocytter fra to ikke-relaterede individer dyrkes i hinandens nærværelse observeres blasttransfor-mation og celleproliferation af lymfocytterne. Denne reaktion af én population af lymfocytter overfor nærværelsen af en anden population af lymfocytter er kendt 15 som en blandet lymfocytreaktion (MLR), og den er analog med reaktionen af lymfocytter overfor tilsætningen af mitogener (Immunology The Science of Self-Nonself Discrimination, Klein, j., John Wiley & Sons, NY (1982), S. 453-4581).* 10 When lymphocytes from two unrelated individuals are grown in each other's presence, blast transformation and cell proliferation of the lymphocytes are observed. This reaction of one population of lymphocytes to the presence of another population of lymphocytes is known as a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), and it is analogous to the reaction of lymphocytes to the addition of mitogens (Immunology The Science of Self-Nonself Discrimination, Klein, j., John Wiley & Sons, NY (1982), pp. 453-4581).
20 Der gennemførtes forsøg til bestemmelse af vir kningen af anti-ICAM-l-monoklonale antistoffer på human MLR. Disse forsøg gennemførtes som følger. Perifert blod opsamledes fra normale raske donorer ved vene-punktur. Blodet opsamledes i heparinisrede rør og for-25 tyndes 1:1 ved stuetemperatur med Puck's G (GIBCO) balancerede saltopløsning (BSS). Blodblandingen (20 ml), anbragtes ovenpå 15 ml af en Ficoll/Hypaque densitets gradient (Pharmacia, tæthed = 1,078 stuetemperatur) og centrifugeredes ved 1000 x g i 20 min. Grænsefladen op-30 samledes og vaskedes 3X i Puck's G. Cellerne taltes på et hæmacytometer og genopslæmmedes i RPMI-1640 dyrkningsmedium (GIBCO) indeholdende 0,5% gentamicin, 1 mM Lglutamin (GIBCO) og 5% varmeinaktiveret (56°C, 30 . 113 DK 176020 B1 min.) human AB sera (Flow Laboratories) (herefter omtalt som RPMI-dyrkningsmedium).Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies on human MLR. These experiments were carried out as follows. Peripheral blood was collected from normal healthy donor at venous puncture. The blood was collected in heparinized tubes and diluted 1: 1 at room temperature with Puck's G (GIBCO) Balanced Saline (BSS). The blood mixture (20 ml) was placed on top of 15 ml of a Ficoll / Hypaque density gradient (Pharmacia, density = 1,078 room temperature) and centrifuged at 1000 x g for 20 min. The interface was collected and washed 3X in Puck's G. The cells were counted on a hemacytometer and resuspended in RPMI-1640 culture medium (GIBCO) containing 0.5% gentamicin, 1 mM Lglutamine (GIBCO) and 5% heat inactivated (56 ° C, 30 113 DK 176020 B1 min) human AB sera (Flow Laboratories) (hereafter referred to as RPMI culture medium).
Muse-anti-lCAM-l (R6-5-D6) benyttedes i disse forsøg. Alle monoklonale antistoffer (fremstillet fra 5 ascites af Jackson immunoResearch Laboratories, Boston, MA) benyttedes som rensede IgG-præparater.Mouse anti-ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6) was used in these experiments. All monoclonal antibodies (prepared from 5 ascites by Jackson immunoResearch Laboratories, Boston, MA) were used as purified IgGs.
Perifere mononucleare blodceller (PBMC) dyrkedes i medium med 6,25 x 103 celler/ml i Linbro rund-bundede mikrotiterplader (# 76-013-05). Stimulator- 10 celler fra en adskilt doner bestråledes ved 1000 R og dyrkedes med respondercellerne ved den samme koncentration. Det totale volumen per kultur var 0,2 ml. Kontroller omfattede responderceller alene og stimulatorceller alene. Dyrkningspladerne inkuberedes ved 37°C i 15 en 5% C02-fugtet luftatmosfære i 5 dage. Brøndene pulseredes med 0,5 pCi tri..... thymidin (3HT) (New Eng land Nuclear) i mindst 18 timer per kultur. I nogle tilfælde gennemførtes en 2-vejs MLR. Protokollen var den samme med undtagelse af at den anden donors celler I 20 ikke inaktiveredes ved bestråling.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were grown in 6.25 x 10 3 cells / ml medium in Linbro round-bottom microtiter plates (# 76-013-05). Stimulator cells from a separate donor were irradiated at 1000 R and cultured with the responder cells at the same concentration. The total volume per culture was 0.2 ml. Controls included responder cells alone and stimulator cells alone. The culture plates were incubated at 37 ° C in a 5% CO 2 humidified air atmosphere for 5 days. The wells were pulsed with 0.5 µCi tri ..... thymidine (3HT) (New Eng land Nuclear) for at least 18 hours per culture. In some cases, a 2-way MLR was performed. The protocol was the same except that the other donor cells I 20 were not inactivated by irradiation.
i Cellerne høstedes på glasfiberfiltre under an vendelse af et automatiseret multiprøvehøstapparat (Skatron, Norge), idet der rensedes med vand og methanol. Filtrene ovntørredes og taltes i Aquasol i en Bec-25 kman (LS-3801) flydende scintillatortæller. Resultaterne er angivet som middelværdien af CPM + middelfejl for 6 individuelle kulturer.The cells were harvested on fiberglass filters using an automated multi-sample harvesting apparatus (Skatron, Norway), purifying with water and methanol. The filters were oven dried and counted in Aquasol in a Bec-25 kman (LS-3801) liquid scintillator counter. The results are given as the mean of CPM + mean error for 6 individual cultures.
Tab. 16 viser at rensede anti-ICAM-1 monoklonale antistoffer inhiberer MLR på en dosisafhængig måde med 30 signifikant undertrykkelse synlig ved 20 ng/ml. Renset muse-IgG havde ringe eller ingen undertrykkende virkning. Undertrykkelse af MLR med det anti-ICAM-1 monoklonale antistof forekommer når antistoffet tilsættes indenfor de første 24 timers dyrkning (Tabel 17).Loss. Figure 16 shows that purified anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies inhibit MLR in a dose-dependent manner with significant suppression visible at 20 ng / ml. Purified mouse IgG had little or no suppressive effect. Suppression of MLR by the anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody occurs when the antibody is added within the first 24 hours of culture (Table 17).
DK 176020 B1 114DK 176020 B1 114
Tabel 16Table 16
Virkning af anti-ICAM-l-antistof på én-vejs lymfocyt-reaktionen.___ 5 b * 3 *Effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibody on the one-way lymphocyte reaction.
Responderæller3 'stimriatoræller 'Antistof0 iff · Inkorporation (CM) 445d ± 143 + - 148 i 17 ! + - - 698+72 10_____ + + 42,626 i 1,579Response counter3 'stimulator counter' Antibody0 iff · Incorporation (CM) 445d ± 143 + - 148 in 17! + - - 698 + 72 10_____ + + 42,626 in 1,579
. - I. - I
+ + nilgG (10.0 ug) 36,882 ± 1,823 (14%) + + mlgG ( 0.4 ug) 35,500 i 1,383 (17%) 15 + + mlgG ( 0.02 ug) 42,815 + 1,246 ( 0%) i + .+ R6-5-D6 ( .-8,250 ± 520 (81%) + + R6-5-D6 (0.4 ug) 16,142 ± 858 (62%) + + R6-5-D6 ( 0.03 ug) 28,844 ± 1,780 (32%) 20 a. Responderceller (6,25 X 105/ml) b. Stlmulatorceller (6,25 X 105/ml, bestrålet ved 10000R).+ + nilgG (10.0 µg) 36.882 ± 1.823 (14%) + + mlgG (0.4 µg) 35,500 in 1,383 (17%) 15 + + mlgG (0.02 µg) 42.815 + 1.224 (0%) in +. + R6-5 -D6 ( ± 520 (81%) + + R6-5-D6 (0.4 µg) 16.142 ± 858 (62%) + + R6-5-D6 (0.03 µg) 28.844 ± 1.780 (32 µg) %) 20 a. Responder cells (6.25 X 105 / ml) b. Stimulator cells (6.25 X 105 / ml, irradiated at 10000R).
c. Renset monoklonalt antistof til ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6) eller renset muse IgG (mlgG) ved slutkoncentra- 25 tioner (pg/ml).c. Purified monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6) or purified mouse IgG (mlgG) at final concentrations (pg / ml).
cl. Middelværdi + middelfejl af 5-6 kulturer, an tallet i parentes indikerer procent inhibering __af MLR.__ DK 176020 B1 ! 115cl. Mean + mean error of 5-6 cultures, the number in brackets indicates percent inhibition __ of MLR .__ DK 176020 B1! 115
Tabel 17Table 17
Tilsætningstidspunkt af anti-ICAM-1.Addition time of anti-ICAM-1.
5 Ra Sb Tilsætninger0 3HT Inkorporering (CPM)5 Ra Sb Additions0 3HT Incorporation (CPM)
Tilsxtningstidspunkt for medium eller antistof - - - ♦ ♦ - - * - " * *Medium or antibody cut-off time - - - ♦ ♦ - - * - "* *
Dag 0 Oag 1 Dag 2 10 - - medium 205di 14 476 i 132 247 t 75 + medium 189 ± 16 nde nd + - medium 1,860 i 615 nd nd + + medium 41,063 i 2,940 45,955 i 2,947 50,943 i 3,072 + + R6-5-D6 17,781 ± 1,293 38,409 ± 1,681 47,308 ± 2,089 (57%)' (16%) (7%) a. Resonderceller(,25 x l05/ml).Day 0 Oag 1 Day 2 10 - - Medium 205di 14 476 i 132 247 t 75 + medium 189 ± 16 nd nd + - medium 1,860 i 615 nd nd + + medium 41,063 i 2,940 45,955 i 2,947 50,943 i 3,072 ++ R6-5 -D6 17,781 ± 1,293 38,409 ± 1,681 47,308 ± 2,089 (57%) (16%) (7%) a. Resonder cells (, 25 x 10 5 / ml).
20 b. Stimulatorceller (6,25 x 105/ml, bestrålet ved 1000 R).20 b. Stimulator cells (6.25 x 10 5 / ml, irradiated at 1000 R).
c. Dyrkningsmedium eller renset monoklonalt anti stof til ICAM-l (R6-5-D6) ved 10 pg/ml tilsattes på dag 0 med 24 timers intervaller.c. Culture medium or purified monoclonal antibody to ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6) at 10 pg / ml was added on day 0 at 24 hour intervals.
25 d. Middelværdi + middelfejl af 4-6 kulturer.25 d. Mean + mean error of 4-6 cultures.
e. nd = ikke udført.e. nd = not done.
f. Procent inhibering DK 176020 B1 116f. Percent inhibition DK 176020 B1 116
Antistofs evne til overfor ICAM-1 at inhibere MLR viser at ICAM-1 monoklonale antistoffer har terapeutisk anvendelse ved akut transplantationsafvisning.Antibody's ability to inhibit MLAM-1 shows that ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies have therapeutic use in acute transplant rejection.
ICAM-1 monoklonale antistoffer har desuden terapeutisk 5 virkning hvad angår immunmedierede sygdomme, der afhænger af LFA-l/ICAM-1 regulerede celle til celle interaktioner.In addition, ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies have therapeutic efficacy in immune-mediated diseases that depend on LFA-1 / ICAM-1 regulated cell-to-cell interactions.
De her beskrevne forsøg viser at tilsætningen af j monoklonale antistoffer til ICAM-1 inhiberer den blan- 10 dede lymfocytreaktion (MUR), når de tilsættes under de første 24 timer af reaktionen. ICAM-1 bliver yderligere opreguleret på humane perifere blodmonocytter under in vitro dyrkning.The experiments described herein show that the addition of β monoclonal antibodies to ICAM-1 inhibits the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MUR) when added during the first 24 hours of the reaction. ICAM-1 is further upregulated on human peripheral blood monocytes during in vitro culture.
Det har yderligere vist sig, at ICAM-1 ikke 15 eksprimeres på hvilende humane perifere blodlymfocytter eller -monocytter. ICAM-1 opreguleres på monocytterne af dyrkede celler alene eller celler, der er codyrket med ikke-relaterede donorceller i en blandet lymfo-cytreaktion under anvendelse af almindelige flowcyto-20 metriske analyser (fig. 20). Denne opregulering af ICAM-1 på monocytter kan anvendes som en indikator for inflammation, især hvis ICAM-1 eksprimeres på friske monocytter fra individer med akut eller kronisk inflammation .It has further been found that ICAM-1 is not expressed on quiescent human peripheral blood lymphocytes or monocytes. ICAM-1 is upregulated on the monocytes of cultured cells alone or cells that are co-cultured with unrelated donor cells in a mixed lymphocyte reaction using standard flow cytometric assays (Fig. 20). This up-regulation of ICAM-1 on monocytes can be used as an indicator of inflammation, especially if ICAM-1 is expressed on healthy monocytes from individuals with acute or chronic inflammation.
25 ICAM-1's specificitet for aktiverede monocytter og antistoffets evne overfor ICAM-1 til at inhibere en MLR antyder at ICAM-1-monoklonale antistoffer må have en diagnostisk og terapeutisk mulighed ved akut transplantationsafvisning og relaterede immunmedierede 30 sygdomme, der kræver celle til celle interaktioner.The specificity of ICAM-1 for activated monocytes and the ability of the antibody to ICAM-1 to inhibit an MLR suggests that ICAM-1 monoclonal antibodies must have a diagnostic and therapeutic option in acute transplant rejection and related immune-mediated diseases requiring cell-to-cell interactions. .
OK 176020 B1 117OK 176020 B1 117
Eksempel 28Example 28
Synergistlske virkninger af den kombinerede administrering af anti-lCAM-l- og antl-LFA-i-antistoffer.Synergistic effects of the combined administration of anti-ICAM-1 and anti-LFA-1 antibodies.
Som vist i eksempél 27 inhiberes MLR af anti-5 ICAM-l-antistof. MLR kan desuden inhiberes af anti-LPA-l-antistoffet. For at bestemme hvorvidt den kombinerede administration af anti-lCAM-1- og anti-LFA-l-antistoffer ville have en forbedret eller synergistisk virkning gennemførtes en MLR-prøve (gennemført som be-10 skrevet i eksempel 27) i nærværelse af forskellige koncentrationer af de to antistoffer.As shown in Example 27, MLR is inhibited by anti-5 ICAM-1 antibody. In addition, MLR can be inhibited by the anti-LPA-1 antibody. To determine whether the combined administration of anti-ICAM-1 and anti-LFA-1 antibodies would have an enhanced or synergistic effect, an MLR test (performed as described in Example 27) was performed in the presence of different concentrations. of the two antibodies.
Denne MLR-prøve viste at kombinationen af anti-ICAM-1 plus ' anti-LFA-1, i koncentrationer hvor intet antistof alene dramatisk inhiberer MLR, er signifikant 15 mere potente i inhibering af MLR-reaktionen (Tabel 18).This MLR test showed that the combination of anti-ICAM-1 plus' anti-LFA-1, at concentrations where no antibody alone dramatically inhibits MLR, is significantly 15 more potent in inhibiting the MLR reaction (Table 18).
Dette resultat indikerer at terapier som involverer j coadministreringen af anti-iCAM-i-antistof (eller frag-This result indicates that therapies that involve the co-administration of anti-iCAM-i antibody (or fragments)
! menter deraf) og anti-LFA-l-antistof (eller fragmenter deraf) har kapaciteten til at bibringe en forbedret 20 anti-inflammatorisk terapi. Sådan en forbedret terapi muliggør administrering af lavere doser af antistof, end der ellers ville være terapeutisk effektivt, og dette er af vigtighed, hvor høje koncentrationer af individuelle antistoffer inducerer en antiidiotyptisk re-25 aktion.! and anti-LFA-1 antibody (or fragments thereof) have the capacity to provide an improved anti-inflammatory therapy. Such improved therapy enables the administration of lower doses of antibody than would otherwise be therapeutically effective, and this is of importance where high concentrations of individual antibodies induce an anti-idiotypic reaction.
DK 176020 B1 118DK 176020 B1 118
Tabel 18 virkning af forskellige doser af anti-ICAM-l og (R3.1) anti-LFA-1 på blandet lymfocytreaktIon.Table 18 Effect of Different Doses of Anti-ICAM-1 and (R3.1) Anti-LFA-1 on Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction.
5 % inhlbering5% inclusion
Koncentration (pg/ml)Concentration (pg / ml)
Anti-ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6)Anti-ICAM-1 (R6-5-D6)
Anti-LFA-1 0 0,004 0,02 0,1 0,5 2,5 100,0 0 7 31 54 69 70 0,0008 1 7 28 48 62 71 0,004 0 13 30 50 64 72 0,02 29 38 64 75 84 86 0,1 92,5 90 91 92 92 92 150,5 93 90 90 92 93 91Anti-LFA-1 0 0.004 0.02 0.1 0.5 2.5 100.0 0 7 31 54 69 70 0.0008 1 7 28 48 62 71 0.004 0 13 30 50 64 72 0.02 29 38 64 75 84 86 0.1 92.5 90 91 92 92 92 150.5 93 90 90 92 93 91
Eksempel 29Example 29
Virkning af antl-ICAM-1-antistof ved undertrykkelse af 20afvisningen af transplanterede alloqene organer.Effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibody on suppressing the rejection of transplanted allogeneic organs.
For at vise virkningen af anti-ICAM-l-antistof ved undertrykkelse af afvisningen af et allogenisk transplanteret organ, transplanteredes Cynomolgus aber med allogene nyrer 1 overensstemmelse med fremgangs-25måden beskrevet af Cosimi et al. (Transplant. Proc. 13; 499-503 (1981)) med dem ændring at valium og ketamin benyttedes som anasthesla.To demonstrate the effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibody in suppressing the rejection of an allogenically transplanted organ, Cynomolgus monkeys were transplanted with allogeneic kidneys in accordance with the procedure described by Cosimi et al. (Transplant. Proc. 13; 499-503 (1981)) with the change that valium and ketamine were used as anasthesla.
Nyretransplantationen gennemførtes således i det væsentlige som følger. Heterotropisk nyreallotransplan-30tation gennemførtes i 3-5 kg Cynomolgus aber, i det væsentlige som beskrevet af Marquet (Marguet et al ♦,Thus, the kidney transplant was performed essentially as follows. Heterotropic renal allograft transplation was performed in 3-5 kg of Cynomolgus monkeys, essentially as described by Marquet (Marguet et al ♦,
Medical Primatology, Part II, Basel, Karger, s. 125 (1972)) efter induktion af anasthesla med valium og 119.Medical Primatology, Part II, Basel, Karger, p 125 (1972)) after induction of anesthesia with valium and 119.
DK 176020 B1 ketamin. Ende-tll-side anastomoser af donor nyrekar på et stykke af aorta eller vena cava konstrueredes linder anvendelse af 7-0 Prolene sutur. Donorureter spa-tuleredes og Implanteredes Ind 1 blæren ved hver ek-5 straveslale adgang (Taguchi, Y., et al., 1 Dausset et al. (eds). In: Advances In Transplantation, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, s. 393 (196Θ)). Nyrefunktion evalueredes ved ugentlig eller to gange ugentlig serum-creatinin-bestemmelser. Yderligere skaffedes hyppige 10 allotransplantationsblopsier til histopatologiske undersøgelser, og fuldstændige autopsier gennemførtes på alle ikke-overlevende modtagere. Hos de fleste modtagere gennemførtes bilateral nephrectomi på transplantationstidspunktet og efterfølgende uremisk død be-15 tragtedes som slutpunktet for allotransplantationsoverlevelse. Hos nogle modtagere gennemførtes unilateral nativ nephrectomi og kontralateral ureteral ligation på transplantationstidspunktet. Når allotrans-plantationsafvisning forekom fjernedes ligaturen på den 20 autologe ureter, hvilket resulterede i restituering af normal nyrefunktion og muligheden for at fortsætte immunologisk registrering hos det modtagne dyr.DK 176020 B1 ketamine. End-to-side anastomoses of donor kidney vessels on a piece of aorta or vena cava were constructed relieving the use of the 7-0 Prolene suture. Donor ureter was spawned and implanted into the bladder at each extra-5 straval access (Taguchi, Y., et al., 1 Dausset et al. (Eds).) In: Advances In Transplantation, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, p. 393 (196Θ)). Renal function was evaluated by weekly or bi-weekly serum creatinine assays. In addition, frequent 10 allotransplant blocks were obtained for histopathological examinations, and complete autopsy was performed on all non-surviving recipients. In most recipients, bilateral nephrectomy was performed at the time of transplantation and subsequent uremic death was considered the endpoint of allotransplant survival. In some recipients, unilateral native nephrectomy and contralateral ureteral ligation were performed at the time of transplantation. When allotransplant rejection occurred, the ligature of the 20 autologous ureter was removed, resulting in restoration of normal renal function and the possibility of continuing immunologic registration in the receiving animal.
Monoklonalt antistof R6-5-D6 administreredes dagligt i 12 dage, startende to dage før transplanta-25 tlon, i en dosis på 1-2 mg/kg/dag. Serumkoncentrationer af creatinin testedes periodisk for at registrere afvisning. Virkningen af anti-ICAM-l-antistof på immuno-systemets afvisning af de allogeniske nyrer er vist i Tabel 15.Monoclonal antibody R6-5-D6 was administered daily for 12 days, starting two days before transplantation, at a dose of 1-2 mg / kg / day. Serum concentrations of creatinine were periodically tested to detect rejection. The effect of anti-ICAM-1 antibody on the immuno-system rejection of the allogenic kidneys is shown in Table 15.
DK 176020 B1 120DK 176020 B1 120
Tabel 15Table 15
Overlevelsestid for allogene nyremodtagere.Survival time for allogeneic renal recipients.
Kontrol- Overlevelses- R6-5-D6 be- Overlevelses- 5 .abe~#_tid (dage)_handlet abe tid (dage)5 1 8 1 20 2 11 2 8 3 11 3 30 10 4 10 4 31 5 9 5 11 6 10 6 23b 15 a Dyrene tildeltes 1-2 mg/kg/dag i 12 dage startende 2 dage før transplantationen. b Stadig 1 live den 8. april 1988._Control- Survival- R6-5-D6 be- Survival- 5 .be ~ # _time (days) _treated monkey time (days) 5 1 8 1 20 2 11 2 8 3 11 3 30 10 4 10 4 31 5 9 5 11 6 10 6 23b 15 a The animals were given 1-2 mg / kg / day for 12 days starting 2 days before transplantation. b Still 1 live on April 8, 1988._
Resultaterne viser at R6-5-D6 var effektiv ved 20 forlængelse af livet hos aber, der modtog allogene nyretransplanteringer .The results show that R6-5-D6 was effective at prolonging the life of monkeys receiving allogeneic renal transplants.
Claims (13)
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
DK200300468A DK176020B1 (en) | 1987-05-04 | 2003-03-27 | Inter-cellular adhesion molecules - used for producing antibodies for use as antiinflammatory agents, to modify immune responses or as antitumour agents |
Applications Claiming Priority (10)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
US4596387A | 1987-05-04 | 1987-05-04 | |
US4596387 | 1987-05-04 | ||
US11579887A | 1987-11-02 | 1987-11-02 | |
US11579887 | 1987-11-02 | ||
US15594388A | 1988-02-16 | 1988-02-16 | |
US15594388 | 1988-02-16 | ||
DK198802394A DK174629B1 (en) | 1987-05-04 | 1988-05-03 | ICAM-1 or an ICAM-1 derivative with the same functional properties, method of extracting ICAM, and using ICAM-1 or an ICAM-1 derivative with the same functional properties |
DK239488 | 1988-05-03 | ||
DK200300468 | 2003-03-27 | ||
DK200300468A DK176020B1 (en) | 1987-05-04 | 2003-03-27 | Inter-cellular adhesion molecules - used for producing antibodies for use as antiinflammatory agents, to modify immune responses or as antitumour agents |
Publications (2)
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DK200300468A DK200300468A (en) | 2003-03-27 |
DK176020B1 true DK176020B1 (en) | 2005-12-12 |
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DK200300468A DK176020B1 (en) | 1987-05-04 | 2003-03-27 | Inter-cellular adhesion molecules - used for producing antibodies for use as antiinflammatory agents, to modify immune responses or as antitumour agents |
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DK200300468A (en) | 2003-03-27 |
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