DK169856B1 - Plant pot for plant pipes - Google Patents

Plant pot for plant pipes Download PDF


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DK169856B1 DK5893A DK5893A DK169856B1 DK 169856 B1 DK169856 B1 DK 169856B1 DK 5893 A DK5893 A DK 5893A DK 5893 A DK5893 A DK 5893A DK 169856 B1 DK169856 B1 DK 169856B1
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DK5893D0 (en
DK5893A (en
Villy Grevsen
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Villy Grevsen
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Application filed by Villy Grevsen filed Critical Villy Grevsen
Priority to DK5893A priority Critical patent/DK169856B1/en
Publication of DK5893D0 publication Critical patent/DK5893D0/en
Priority to NL9400086A priority patent/NL9400086A/en
Priority to DE19944401121 priority patent/DE4401121A1/en
Publication of DK5893A publication Critical patent/DK5893A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK169856B1 publication Critical patent/DK169856B1/en



    • A01G9/00Cultivation in receptacles, forcing-frames or greenhouses; Edging for beds, lawn or the like
    • A01G9/12Supports for plants; Trellis for strawberries or the like
    • A01G9/122Stakes
    • A01G9/124Means for holding stakes upright in, on, or beside pots


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Cultivation Receptacles Or Flower-Pots, Or Pots For Seedlings (AREA)


i DK 169856 B1in DK 169856 B1

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en plantepotte til planterør med nedre rodudtrædningsåbninger, en tilspidsende nedre ende og en cylindrisk endedel, hvilken potte er forsynet med midler til styret nedsætning af planterøret 5 i potten til en slutstilling heri, selvom muld eller andet substrat er anbragt i potten.The present invention relates to a plant pot for plant tubes with lower root outlet openings, a tapered lower end and a cylindrical end portion, which pot is provided with means for controlled reduction of the plant tube 5 in the pot to an end position therein, even if mold or other substrate is placed in the pot.

En sådan plantepotte kendes fra dansk patentansøgning nr. 6769/88, hvor midlerne til styret nedsætning af planterøret i potten til rørets slutstilling udgøres af en i 10 plantepottens bund udformet forhøjning med en heri tildannet konisk fordybning til styrende optagelse af planterørets nederste endedel.Such a plant pot is known from Danish Patent Application No. 6769/88, wherein the means for controlled reduction of the plant tube in the pot to the end position of the tube is constituted by an elevation formed at the bottom of the plant pot with a conical groove formed therein for controlling uptake of the lower end part of the plant tube.

En ulempe ved de således kendte plantepotter er dels, at den øverste rand på nævnte fordybning til styrende 15 optagelse af planterørets nederste endedel befinder sig ret højt oppe i potten, hvilket bevirker, at planterørets rodudtrædningsåbninger skal være beliggende højere end denne kant for at rødderne fra planterne inde i planterøret kan komme ud i plantepottens substrat, og dels, at nævnte 20 forhøjnings væg forløber radialt udad og skråt nedad, hvilket yderligere forøger den længde, planternes rødder skal vokse for at nå ned til pottens bund.A disadvantage of the plant pots thus known is partly that the upper edge of said recess for guiding uptake of the lower end portion of the plant tube is located quite high up in the pot, which causes the root tube opening openings of the plant tube to be located higher than this edge in order to the plants inside the plant tube may enter the substrate of the pot, and partly that said elevation wall extends radially outwardly and obliquely downward, further increasing the length of the roots of the plants to grow to reach the bottom of the pot.

Det er opfindelsens formål at tilvejebringe en plantepotte af ovennævnte art, hvorved ovennævnte ulempe 25 undgås og det opnås, at planterørets plante eller planter hurtigere får deres rødder ned til pottens bund og dermed højere plantevæksthastighed end ved de hidtil kendte plantepotter.It is an object of the invention to provide a plant pot of the above-mentioned type, thereby avoiding the disadvantage mentioned above and obtaining that the plant or plants of the plant tubes get their roots down to the bottom of the pot more quickly and thus at higher plant growth rates than at the previously known plant pots.

Dette opnås ifølge opfindelsen ved en plantepotte, 30 som er ejendommelig ved, at midlerne til styret nedsætning af planterøret i potten udgøres af en gennemgående åbning i pottens bund, samt en kreds af herom anbragte, opad fra pottens bund forløbende fremspring, som har parvis indbyrdes afstand i kredsen, og at denne afstand er mindre end diame-35 teren for planterørets cylindriske endedel. Derved tilvejebringes en plantepotte, hvor rødderne i planterøret, der træder ud gennem rodudtrædningsåbningerne, opnår kortere DK 169856 B1 2 vækstvej til plantepottens bund, fordi rødderne ifølge deres natur først vil søge lodret nedad og kun, hvis de møder modstand, vil søge udad skråt nedad, før de vil søge vandret radialt udad under deres vækst. Ved at potten ifølge op- * 5 findelsen har opad forløbende fremspring med indbyrdes afstand, udnyttes røddernes naturlige retningssøgende egenskaber, således at rødderne i mellemrummene mellem fremspringene hurtigt kan komme lodret ned til plantepottens bund og det her værende næringsmedium for planten.This is achieved according to the invention by a plant pot, which is characterized in that the means for controlled reduction of the plant tube in the pot are constituted by a through opening in the bottom of the pot, and a circle thereof disposed upwardly from the bottom of the pot, distance in the circuit and that this distance is less than the diameter of the cylindrical end portion of the plant tube. This provides a plant pot where the roots of the plant tube that exit through the root exit openings achieve a shorter growth path to the bottom of the plant pot, because the roots will by nature, first, seek vertically downwards and only if they meet resistance, will seek outwards downwards before they will search horizontally radially outward during their growth. By finding the pot according to the invention having upwardly extending projections at intervals, the natural direction-seeking properties of the roots are utilized, so that the roots in the spaces between the projections can quickly descend vertically to the base of the plant pot and the nutrient medium present for the plant.

10 Denne lettelse af røddernes vækst opnås, uden at styringen bliver ringere under nedsætning af røret i potten, eftersom planterørets nederste ende, når denne nedstikkes i mulden i plantepotten med retning mod åbningen i pottens bund, vil blive styret imod denne åbning af de øverste ender 15 på de opad fra pottens bund forløbende fremspring.This relief of the growth of the roots is obtained without the guide becoming inferior during the reduction of the tube in the pot, since the lower end of the plant tube, when inserted into the mound in the plant pot facing the opening in the bottom of the pot, will be guided against this opening of the upper ends. 15 on the projections extending upward from the bottom of the pot.

Den dybde, hvori planterøret kommer ned i plantepotten, er bestemt af dels de opad forløbende fremsprings højde over pottens bund og dels af diameteren for nævnte kreds af fremspring, hvori diameteren naturligvis skal være 20 større end diameteren for rørets cylindriske endedel, og fortrinsvis mindre end eller i hvert fald ikke væsentligt større end planterørets diameter oven over rodudtredningsåbningerne . For fremspringenes højde gælder ligeledes, at denne er større end den cylindriske endedels længde på 25 planterøret, og fortrinsvis mindre end planterørets tilspidsede dels længde.The depth at which the plant tube enters the plant pot is determined by the height of the upwardly extending projections above the bottom of the pot and partly by the diameter of said circle of projections, the diameter of which of course must be greater than the diameter of the cylindrical end portion of the pipe, and preferably less than or at least not substantially greater than the diameter of the plant tube above the root outlet openings. Also, for the height of the projections, it is greater than the length of the cylindrical end portion of the plant tube, and preferably less than the length of the tapered portion.

Rodudtrædningsåbningerne i planterøret kan ligeledes som noget nyt med deres underkant være beliggende i et lavere niveau end toppen af fremspringene i plantepotten til 30 yderligere afkortning af røddernes vækstvej til plantepottens bund.The root exit apertures in the plant tube may also, as something new with their bottom edge, be located at a lower level than the top of the projections in the plant pot for further shortening of the root growth path to the bottom of the pot.

Som foretrukne udførelsesformer for nævnte fremspring, der forløber opad fra pottens bund i pottens indre omkring et eller flere gennemgående huller i pottens bund kan 35 nævnes afrundede fingerformede fremspring, fremspring med korsformet tværsnit eller fremspring med rektangulært, opadtil aftagende tværsnit. Fremspringene kan være anbragt i * DK 169856 B1 3 en kreds omkring den tilhørende gennemgående åbning og kan med deres radialt inderste kant flugte med den gennemgående åbnings indervæg eller være forskudt radialt udad i forhold til den gennemgående åbnings indervæg. Blot skal den ind-5 byrdes afstand mellem to nabofremspring i kredsen af fremspring være mindre end planterørets diameter i dets cylindriske endedel. I så fald vil planterørets nedre endedel blive styret mod den gennemgående åbning til nedsætning af røret i plantepotten. Kredsens diameter og fremspringenes højde skal 10 naturligvis afpasses efter udformningen af planterørets nedre del, således at både den styrende funktion bibeholdes og den rodvækstfremmende funktion opnås.As preferred embodiments of said protrusion extending upwardly from the bottom of the pot to the interior of the pot around one or more through holes in the bottom of the pot, mention may be made of rounded finger-shaped protuberances, protrusions having a cross-sectional or rectangular, upwardly decreasing cross-section. The projections may be arranged in a circle around the associated through-opening and may, with their radially inner edge, align with the inner wall of the through-opening or be displaced radially outward with respect to the inner wall of the through-opening. Simply, the distance between two neighboring projections in the circle of projections must be less than the diameter of the plant tube in its cylindrical end portion. In this case, the lower end portion of the plant tube will be guided toward the through opening to lower the tube in the plant pot. The diameter of the circle and the height of the projections must, of course, be adapted to the design of the lower part of the plant tube, so that both the controlling function is maintained and the root growth-promoting function is achieved.

Opfindelsen vil i det følgende blive nærmere forklaret i forbindelse med et udførelseseksempel og under 15 henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et snitbillede igennem en plantepotte ifølge opfindelsen, samt et herover vist billede af potten set fra oven, fig. 2 et planterør til brug i forbindelse med plantepotten 20 ifølge opfindelsen, fig. 3 et snit langs I-I i planterøret i fig. 2, fig. 4 et snit II-II i fig. 2, og fig. 5 et snit gennem en plantepotte og et heri isat planterør.The invention will be explained in more detail below with reference to an exemplary embodiment and with reference to the drawing, in which fig. 1 is a sectional view through a plant pot according to the invention, as well as a top view of the pot; FIG. 2 shows a plant tube for use in connection with the plant pot 20 according to the invention; FIG. 3 is a section along I-I in the plant tube of FIG. 2, FIG. 4 is a section II-II of FIG. 2, and FIG. 5 is a section through a plant pot and a plant tube inserted therein.

25 Fig. 1 viser en plantepotte 1, hvis bund er udformet med en åbning 2, omsluttet af en krave 3, der er udformet i ét med en kreds af herom anbragte, opad forløbende fremspring 4, som her er vist i et antal af fire, og hvor den indbyrdes mindste afstand i kredsen mellem nabofremspring 4 30 er mindre end diameteren for den cylindriske nederste endedel på det planterør, som skal anvendes til nedsætning i plantepotten.FIG. 1 shows a plant pot 1, the bottom of which is formed with an opening 2, enclosed by a collar 3 formed integrally with a circle of upwardly extending projections 4 shown here, in a number of four, and wherein the smallest distance in the circle between neighboring projections 4 30 is less than the diameter of the cylindrical lower end portion of the plant tube to be used for immersion in the plant pot.

Fig. 2 viser et kendt planterør 6 med nedre rodudtrædningsåbninger 7, en tilspidsende nedre ende og en 35 cylindrisk endedel 8, som altså har en diameter, der er mindre end den mindste afstand mellem to nabofremspring 4 i kredsen af pottens fremspring.FIG. 2 shows a known plant tube 6 with lower root exit apertures 7, a tapered lower end and a cylindrical end portion 8, thus having a diameter less than the smallest distance between two neighboring projections 4 in the circle of the pot projections.

4 DK 169856 B14 DK 169856 B1

De på planterøret 6 viste vinger ved den cylindri-ske del er ikke nødvendige for udøvelse af opfindelsen, men er taget med, fordi det viste rør er et kendt på markedet ¥ anvendt planterør.The wings shown on the plant tube 6 at the cylindrical portion are not necessary for the practice of the invention, but are included because the tube shown is a known plant tube used in the market.

5 Fig. 3 og 4 viser karakteristiske snit for plan terøret 6 i dets nederste ende.FIG. 3 and 4 show characteristic sections of the plane tube 6 at its lower end.

Fig. 5 viser planterøret 6 nedsat i plantepotten 1 efter at have fået sin nederste ende 8 styret på plads i åbningen 2 ved hjælp af de fingerformede fremspring 4.FIG. 5 shows the plant tube 6 lowered in the plant pot 1 after having its lower end 8 guided in place in the opening 2 by means of the finger-shaped projections 4.

10 De fra rodudtrædningsåbningerne 7 kommende rødder fra den i planterøret 6 værende plante kan straks søge lodret ned i substratet mellem fingrene 4 og eventuelt derfra radialt ud i plantepotten. Herved forøges røddernes og dermed plantens vækstmuligheder, idet rødderne hurtigere kommer ned 15 i nærheden af plantepottens bund, hvor den højeste fugtighed og/eller det højeste næringsindhold i plantepotten forekommer .The roots coming from the root exit apertures 7 from the plant present in the plant tube 6 can immediately search vertically into the substrate between the fingers 4 and, optionally, radially into the plant pot. This increases the growth potential of the roots and thus the plant, as the roots descend more quickly 15 near the bottom of the pot, where the highest humidity and / or the highest nutrient content in the pot occurs.

En fordelagtig udførelsesform for de opstående fremspring 4 kan være disse forsynet med indgrebsorganer, der 20 først går i låseindgreb med planterøret, når dette befinder sig korrekt på plads i potten. En udførelsesform for disse indgrebsorganer kan være hager, der elastisk eftergiveligt går i indgreb med planterørets udtrædningsåbninger, eller med komplementært udformede udvendige riller eller vulster på 25 planterørets yderside.An advantageous embodiment of the raised projections 4 may be those provided with engagement means which first engage the plant tube when it is properly positioned in the pot. One embodiment of these engaging means may be hooks that resiliently resiliently engage the exit ports of the plant tube, or with complementary shaped exterior grooves or beads on the outside of the plant tube.

Desto større afstanden fra åbningens 2 underkant til fremspringenes 4 øverste anlægspunkter til planterøret 6 er, desto stivere og sikrere holdes planterøret f.eks. vinkelret på plantepottens vandrette understøtning.The greater the distance from the lower edge of the opening 2 to the upper abutment points of the projections 4 for the plant tube 6, the stiffer and safer the plant tube is kept e.g. perpendicular to the horizontal support of the plant pot.


Claims (1)

DK 169856 B1 5 Patentkrav. Plantepotte til planterør (6) med nedre rodudtrædnings-åbninger (7), en tilspidsende nedre ende og en cylindrisk endedel (8), hvilken potte (1) er forsynet med midler til 5 styret nedsætning af røret (6) i potten til en slutstilling (fig. 5) heri, selvom muld eller andet substrat er anbragt i potten, kendetegnet ved, at midlerne til styret nedsætning af røret (6) i potten (1) udgøres af en åbning (2) i pottens (1) bund, samt en kreds af herom anbragte, opad fra 10 pottens (1) bund forløbende fremspring (4), som har parvis indbyrdes afstand i kredsen, og at denne afstand er mindre end diameteren for planterørets (6) cylindriske endedel (8).DK 169856 B1 5 Patent claims. Plant pots for plant pipes (6) with lower root outlet openings (7), a tapered lower end and a cylindrical end portion (8), which pot (1) is provided with means for controlled reduction of the pipe (6) in the pot for a final position (Fig. 5) herein, although mud or other substrate is disposed in the pot, characterized in that the means for controlled reduction of the tube (6) in the pot (1) is an opening (2) in the bottom of the pot (1), and a circle thereof disposed upwardly from the bottom of the pot (1) extending projections (4) which are spaced apart in pairs in said circle and that this distance is less than the diameter of the cylindrical end portion (8) of the plant tube (6).
DK5893A 1993-01-18 1993-01-18 Plant pot for plant pipes DK169856B1 (en)

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK5893A DK169856B1 (en) 1993-01-18 1993-01-18 Plant pot for plant pipes
NL9400086A NL9400086A (en) 1993-01-18 1994-01-18 Plant pot.
DE19944401121 DE4401121A1 (en) 1993-01-18 1994-01-18 Plant pot with plant tube with lower end root outlet apertures

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK5893A DK169856B1 (en) 1993-01-18 1993-01-18 Plant pot for plant pipes
DK5893 1993-01-18

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DK5893D0 DK5893D0 (en) 1993-01-18
DK5893A DK5893A (en) 1994-07-19
DK169856B1 true DK169856B1 (en) 1995-03-20



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DK5893A DK169856B1 (en) 1993-01-18 1993-01-18 Plant pot for plant pipes

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DK (1) DK169856B1 (en)
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE29617312U1 (en) * 1996-10-04 1997-05-15 Blome, Bernhard, 27239 Twistringen Planting system
DE19948577A1 (en) * 1999-10-08 2001-04-12 Rudolf Cordes Planting device comprises dibber with central bore at its point connected via distributing plate to compressed air supply
DE102007004061A1 (en) 2007-01-22 2008-07-31 Wilfried Stummer Internal combustion engine for motor vehicle i.e. commercial vehicle, has two control channels provided in cylinder for each cylinder capacity, where each control channel is bringable in overlap with control openings in casing with end

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DK5893D0 (en) 1993-01-18
DK5893A (en) 1994-07-19
NL9400086A (en) 1994-08-16
DE4401121A1 (en) 1994-07-21

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