DK155544B - VICTION COMPENSATOR - Google Patents



Publication number
DK155544B DK107487A DK107487A DK155544B DK 155544 B DK155544 B DK 155544B DK 107487 A DK107487 A DK 107487A DK 107487 A DK107487 A DK 107487A DK 155544 B DK155544 B DK 155544B
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Danish (da)
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DK107487A (en
DK107487D0 (en
DK155544C (en
Henning Lindquist
Original Assignee
Smidth & Co As F L
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Smidth & Co As F L filed Critical Smidth & Co As F L
Priority to DK107487A priority Critical patent/DK155544C/en
Publication of DK107487D0 publication Critical patent/DK107487D0/en
Priority to PCT/DK1988/000036 priority patent/WO1988006687A1/en
Priority to AU13960/88A priority patent/AU1396088A/en
Priority to YU41988A priority patent/YU41988A/en
Publication of DK107487A publication Critical patent/DK107487A/en
Publication of DK155544B publication Critical patent/DK155544B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK155544C publication Critical patent/DK155544C/en



    • F16F15/00Suppression of vibrations in systems; Means or arrangements for avoiding or reducing out-of-balance forces, e.g. due to motion
    • F16F15/22Compensation of inertia forces
    • B63H21/00Use of propulsion power plant or units on vessels
    • B63H21/30Mounting of propulsion plant or unit, e.g. for anti-vibration purposes
    • B63H21/302Mounting of propulsion plant or unit, e.g. for anti-vibration purposes with active vibration damping


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Ocean & Marine Engineering (AREA)
  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Acoustics & Sound (AREA)
  • Aviation & Aerospace Engineering (AREA)
  • Vibration Prevention Devices (AREA)



DK 155544 BDK 155544 B

Opfindelsen angår en svingningskompensator omfattende et hus, hvori der er lejret to aksler med af svinglegemer frembragte excentriske masser, hvilke aksler er indrettet til at rotere omkring indbyrdes parallelle omdrejningsakser og er indbyrdes 5 forbundet til med samme omløbstal at rotere i modsat retning af hinanden med henblik på i én retning at frembringe en resulterende kraftkomposant, der er lig med nul, og i en retning vinkelret herpå en resulterende kraftkomposant, som harmonisk varierer mellem nul og det dobbelte af kraften fra den enkelte 10 excentriske masse.The invention relates to an oscillation compensator comprising a housing, in which two shafts are mounted with eccentric masses produced by oscillating bodies, which shafts are arranged to rotate about mutually parallel axes of rotation and are interconnected to rotate in the opposite direction to each other with the same speed for the purpose of to produce in one direction a resultant force component equal to zero, and in a direction perpendicular thereto a resultant force component which harmoniously varies between zero and twice the force of the individual eccentric mass.

Der kendes en svingningskompensator af den nævnte art, som er beregnet til ved større skibe med 4-, 5- og 6-cyl indrede dieselmotorer at kompenesere for motorernes lodrette ubalance-15 momenter af 2. orden. Ved denne svingningskompensator roterer svinglegemerne således i modsat retning af hinanden, at retningen af den resulterende harmonisk varierende kraftkomposant står vinkelret på omdrejningsaksernes fælles plan, og omdrejningsakserne er anbragt med en sådan afstand, at svinglege-20 merne fri af hinanden samtidig kan passere området mellem omdrejningsakserne. En således udformet svingningskompensator er meget pladskrævende og meget vanskelig eller umulig at få plads til, når man eksempelvis ønsker at modvirke skrogvibrationer hidrørende fra varierende akseltryk fra propellerne 25 eller varierende sidetryk fra motorens krydshoved.An oscillation compensator of the type mentioned is known, which is intended to compensate for larger ships with 4-, 5- and 6-cyl equipped diesel engines for the vertical imbalance-15 moments of the 2nd order. With this oscillation compensator, the oscillating bodies rotate in opposite directions so that the direction of the resulting harmonically varying force component is perpendicular to the common plane of the axes of rotation, and the axes of rotation are arranged at such a distance that the oscillating bodies pass the axis between the axes of rotation. . An oscillation compensator thus designed is very space-consuming and very difficult or impossible to fit when, for example, one wishes to counteract hull vibrations arising from varying shaft pressures from the propellers 25 or varying lateral pressures from the crosshead of the engine.

Fra US patent nr. 2.914.964 kendes en svingningskompensator af den ovenfor nævnte art, hvor akselafstanden er således, at svinglegemerne set i tværsnit eller fra siden samtidigt be-30 stryger et fælles område mellem omdrejningsakserne. Med henblik herpå består det ene svinglegeme af to med indbyrdes afstand beliggende og med en navdel forbundne pladeformede dele, og det andet svinglegeme af en med en navdel forbundet pladeformet del, som kan passere gennem mellemrummet mellem det 35 første svinglegemes pladeformede dele. Denne svingningskompensator er godt nok forholdvis kompakt set i tværsnit eller fra siden i forhold til førstnævnte svingningskompensator, hvor svingmasserne fri af hinanden passerer området mellem omdrej-U.S. Pat. No. 2,914,964 discloses an oscillation compensator of the type mentioned above, in which the wheelbase is such that the oscillation bodies, seen in cross section or from the side, simultaneously cover a common area between the axes of rotation. To this end, one pivot body consists of two spaced apart plate-shaped parts connected to one hub part, and the other pivot body of a plate-shaped part connected to a hub part, which can pass through the space between the plate-shaped parts of the first pivot body. This oscillation compensator is well enough relatively compact in cross section or from the side in relation to the first-mentioned oscillation compensator, where the oscillation masses pass free of each other between the rotations

DK 155544BDK 155544B

2 ningsakserne. Men for opnåelse af en given harmonisk kraftkom-posant, vil denne kompakthed blive modvirket af en tilsvarende større længde af kompensatoren, således at der totalt ikke opnås nogen eller meget lille reduktion af kompensatorens volu-5 men.2 ningsakserne. However, in order to obtain a given harmonic force component, this compactness will be counteracted by a correspondingly greater length of the compensator, so that no or very small reduction of the volume of the compensator is achieved in total.

Formålet med opfindelsen er at tilvejebringe en svingningskom-pensator af den indledningsvis nævnte art til modvirkning af skrogvibrationer, og som er så kompakt, at det er muligt at få 10 plads til denne i såvel eksisterende anlæg som i nybygninger.The object of the invention is to provide an oscillation compensator of the type mentioned in the introduction for counteracting hull vibrations, and which is so compact that it is possible to have space for it in both existing plants and in new buildings.

Til opnåelse af dette formål er svingningskompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen ejedommelig ved, at akslerne er således indbyrdes forbundne, at kræfterne hidrørende fra de to excentriske mas-15 ser peger i hovedsagen i samme retning og er beliggende i hovedsagen i omdrejningsaksernes fælles plan, når den resulterende harmonisk varierende kraftkomposant er maksimal, og at akselafstanden på i og for sig kendt måde er mindre end diameteren af det af akslerne og disse svinglegemer ved rotation 20 bestrøgne område. Herved fremkommer en for en given størrelse af den resulterende harmonisk varierende kraftkomposant mere kompakt svingningskompensator end hidtil kendt, hvilket især skyldes at svinglegemerne ikke samtidigt og i modsat retning af hinanden skal passere det mellem omdrejningsakserne lig-25 gende plan, hvori den resulterende harmonisk varierende kraft-komposant er beliggende.To achieve this object, the vibration compensator according to the invention is peculiar in that the shafts are interconnected such that the forces arising from the two eccentric masses point substantially in the same direction and are located substantially in the common plane of the axes of rotation when the resulting harmonic varying force component is maximum, and that the wheelbase in a manner known per se is smaller than the diameter of the area coated by the shafts and these pivot bodies by rotation 20. This results in a more compact oscillation compensator for a given size of the resulting harmonically varying force component than hitherto known, which is mainly due to the fact that the oscillating bodies do not have to pass simultaneously and in opposite directions the plane lying between the axes of rotation, in which the resulting harmonically varying force -component is located.

Ifølge opfindelsen kan akselafstanden være mindre end radius af det af akslerne og disses svinglegemer ved rotation be-30 strøgne område, og hver aksel være udformet som en i modstående husvægge lejret forkrøppet aksel med en eller flere bugter, der er udformet således, at de kan passere indvendigt i tilsvarende bugter i den anden forkrøppede aksel. Herved fremkommer en særlig kompakt udførelsesform for svingningskom-35 pensatoren samtidig med at det indre moment i denne reduceres.According to the invention, the wheelbase may be less than the radius of the area covered by the shafts and their pivot bodies by rotation, and each shaft may be formed as a crimped shaft mounted in opposite housing walls with one or more bends designed so that they can pass inside the corresponding bays of the second cranked shaft. This results in a particularly compact embodiment of the oscillation capacitor at the same time as the internal torque in it is reduced.

Yderligere kan ifølge opfindelsen de forkrøppede aksler være identiske og hver omfatte to i hver sin modstående husvægFurthermore, according to the invention, the crimped shafts can be identical and each comprise two in each opposite housing wall.

DK 155544 BDK 155544 B

3 lejrede akseltappe, som hver er fast forbundet med en svingarm, hvilke svingarme er indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp et svinglegeme, som er symmetrisk om forkrøpningsplanet og har en sådan ydre form, at de kan passere tæt forbi hinanden. Herved 5 fremkommer en særlig enkel og foretrukken udførelsesform for opfindelsen.3 bearing shaft journals, each of which is fixedly connected to a pivot arm, which pivot arms are interconnected by means of a pivot body which is symmetrical about the plane of the croup and has such an outer shape that they can pass close to each other. Hereby a particularly simple and preferred embodiment of the invention emerges.

Endvidere kan ifølge opfindelsen svinglegemerne, der frembringer de excentriske masser, have et eller flere indre hulrum, 10 hvori der efter ønske kan anbringes yderligere svingmasse. Herved er det muligt at afpasse den resulterende kraftkom-posant efter de aktuelle svingninger, som skal modvirkes.Furthermore, according to the invention, the pivot bodies which produce the eccentric masses can have one or more internal cavities, in which further pivot mass can be arranged, if desired. Hereby it is possible to adapt the resulting force component to the actual oscillations which are to be counteracted.

Endelig er ved en foretrukken udførelsesform for opfindelsen 15 hvert svinglegeme dannet af to symmetrisk om forkrøpningspla-net anbragte i tværsnit cirkulære rør, som er indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af to krumme plader til dannelse af et konvekst cylindrisk legeme, som ved hver ende er lukket ved hjælp af en plade, og rummet mellem rørene er udfyldt med et materi-20 ale med stor massefylde, såsom bly, og den ene endeplade har til rørenes lysning svarende huller, som hver er lukkede ved hjælp af et aftageligt dæksel således, at rørene for opnåelse af den ønskede resulterende kraftkomposant kan fyldes op med yderligere svingmasse, eksempelvis i form af vægtlodder med 25 forskellig massefylde og med et til rørenes lysning svarende tværsnit, og at der i den overfor dækslerne liggende husvæg er tildannet et til fjernelse og anbringelse af dæksel og vægtlodder beregnet hul, som har centrum i en af skæringslinierne mellem de to cylindrerflader svinglegemernes rørakser beskri-30 ver under rotation.Finally, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, each pivot body is formed by two symmetrically about crimp plates arranged in cross-section circular tubes which are interconnected by means of two curved plates to form a convex cylindrical body which is closed at each end by by means of a plate, and the space between the tubes is filled with a material of high density, such as lead, and one end plate has holes corresponding to the clearing of the tubes, each of which is closed by means of a removable cover so that the tubes for obtaining the desired resulting force component can be filled up with additional pivot mass, for example in the form of weights of 25 different densities and with a cross section corresponding to the clearing of the pipes, and that in the housing wall opposite the covers a mold is formed for removing and placing cover and weight weights calculated hole, which has the center in one of the intersecting lines between the two cylindrical surfaces the axis of rotation of the pivot bodies describes tation.

Opfindelsen forklares nærmere nedenfor under henvisning til tegningen, hvor 35 fig. 1 viser skematisk en foretrukken udførelsesform for svingningskompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen, set fra siden, fig. 2 samme set i retningen II-II i fig. 1,The invention is explained in more detail below with reference to the drawing, in which fig. 1 is a schematic side view of a preferred embodiment of the vibration compensator according to the invention, FIG. 2 in the same view in the direction II-II in fig. 1,

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4 fig. 3 grafisk de af svingningskompensatoren under drift fremkaldte kræfter samt disses kraftkomposanter, fig. 4 mere detaljeret den foretrukne udførelsesform for 5 svingningskompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen, set fra enden og d&lvis i snit og fig. 5 samme set efter linien V-V i fig. 4.4 fig. 3 graphically shows the forces generated by the oscillation compensator during operation and their force components, fig. 4 shows in more detail the preferred embodiment of the vibration compensator according to the invention, seen from the end and partly in section, and fig. 5 the same seen along the line V-V in fig. 4.

10 Fig. 1 og 2 viser skematisk en foretrukken udførelsesform for svingningskompensatoren ifølge opfindelsen, som omfatter et hus 1, hvori der i modstående husvægge 2, 3 er lejret to for-krøppede aksler 4, 4' med en bugt. Afstanden a mellem de for-krøppede akslers 4, 4’ omdrejningsakser 5, 5' er mindre end 15 radius af det af akslerne 4, 4' ved rotation bestrøgne område.FIG. 1 and 2 schematically show a preferred embodiment of the oscillation compensator according to the invention, which comprises a housing 1, in which two crimped shafts 4, 4 'with a bay are mounted in opposite housing walls 2, 3. The distance a between the axes of rotation 5, 5 'of the crimped shafts 4, 4' is less than 15 radius of the area covered by the shafts 4, 4 'by rotation.

De forkrøppede aksler 4, 4' er udformet således, at hver af disse ved rotation kan passere indvendigt i den anden forkrøppede aksel, hvilket fremgår af fig. 2. Ved hjælp af tandhjul 6, 6' er akslerne indbyrdes forbundet til med samme omløbstal 20 at rotere i modsat retning af hinanden og med en sådan fase, at der i en retning parallelt med omdrejningsaksernes 5, 5' fælles plan fremkommer en resulterende harmonisk varierende kraf tkOimposant, der varierer mellem nul og det dobbelte af kraften hidrørende fra de enkelte aksler 4, 4', og at der i en 25 retning vinkelret på omdrejningsaksernes 5, 5' fælles plan frembringes en resulterende kraftkomposant, der er konstant lig med nul. Dette er grafisk vist i fig. 3, hvor kraften F hidrørende fra de to forkrøppede aksler 4, 4' er opløst i en komponent F-j, der ligger i omdrejningsaksernes fællesplan, og 30 en komponent F*-, der ligger i et herpå vinkelret stående plan.The crimped shafts 4, 4 'are designed so that each of them by rotation can pass inside the other cranked shaft, as shown in fig. By means of gears 6, 6 'the shafts are interconnected to rotate with the same speed 20 in the opposite direction of each other and with such a phase that in a direction parallel to the common plane of the axes of rotation 5, 5' a resulting harmonic results varying force tkOimposant varying between zero and twice the force arising from the individual shafts 4, 4 ', and that in a direction perpendicular to the common plane of the axes of rotation 5, 5' a resulting force component is produced which is constantly equal to zero . This is graphically shown in FIG. 3, where the force F arising from the two cranked shafts 4, 4 'is dissolved in a component F-j lying in the common plane of the axes of rotation and a component F * - lying in a plane perpendicular thereto.

Svingningskompensatoren drives fortrinsvis ved hjælp af en hydraulisk motor 7, der er sammenkoblet med den ene forkrøppede aksel 5, og med et omløbstal svarende til frekvensen af 35 de svingninger, som svingningskompensatoren skal modvirke.The oscillation compensator is preferably driven by means of a hydraulic motor 7, which is coupled to one crimped shaft 5, and with a speed corresponding to the frequency of the oscillations which the oscillation compensator is to counteract.

Dvs. en frekvens, der er lig med det aktuelle motoromdrejningstal x cylindertallet, når det drejer sig om at modvirke de varierende aksialtryk fra et skibs propeller, de varierendeIe. a frequency equal to the actual engine speed x cylinder speed when it comes to counteracting the varying axial pressures of a ship's propeller, the varying

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5 sidetryk fra motorens krydshoved eller motorens lodrette uba-1ancemomenter af 2. orden. Svingningskompensatoren anbringes på et til modvirkning af de aktuelle svingninger strategisk sted, hvilket ved modvirkning af svingninger hidrørende fra 5 propellernes varierende aksialkræfter kan være i området bag ved dieselmotorens svinghjul, ved modvirkning af svingninger hidrørende fra krydshovedets varierende sidetryk kan være ved toppen og/eller bunden af dieselmotoren og ved modvirkning af motorens lodrette ubalancemomenter kan være i skibets styre-10 maskinrum.5 side pressures from the engine crosshead or the engine's vertical uba-1ance moments of 2nd order. The vibration compensator is placed in a strategic place to counteract the actual oscillations, which by counteracting oscillations arising from the varying axial forces of the 5 propellers may be in the area behind the flywheel of the diesel engine, by counteracting oscillations arising from the crosshead varying lateral pressure of the diesel engine and by counteracting the vertical imbalances of the engine may be in the ship's control room.

Idet der henvises til fig. 4 og 5, vil den foretrukne udførelsesform for svingningskompensatoren herefter blive beskrevet i detaljer. Denne består som omtalt under henvisning til fig. 1 15 og 2 af et hus 11, hvori der i modstående husvægge 12, 13 drejeligt omkring parallelle omdrejningsakser 15, 15' er lejret to forkrøppede aksler 14, 14', som ved hjælp af en hydraulisk motor 17 og via to tandhjul 16, 16' drives til drejning i modsat retning af hinanden.Referring to FIG. 4 and 5, the preferred embodiment of the vibration compensator will hereinafter be described in detail. This consists, as discussed with reference to FIG. 1 15 and 2 of a housing 11, in which two crimped shafts 14, 14 'are mounted in opposite housing walls 12, 13 rotatably about parallel axes of rotation 15, 15', which by means of a hydraulic motor 17 and via two gears 16, 16 'driven to turn in opposite directions of each other.


Hver forkrøppede aksel 14, 14' består af to i de modstående husvægge 12, 13 ved hjælp af rulningslejer drejeligt lejrede akseltappe 18, 19; 18', 19' som hver er fast forbundet med en svingarm 20, 21, 20', 21'. Disse svingarme 20, 21; 20', 21' er 25 indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af et svinglegeme 22, 22', som er symmetrisk om de forkrøppede akslers 14, 14' forkrøpnings-plan. Hvert svinglegeme består af to symmetrisk om forkrøp-ningsplanet anbragte og i tværsnit cirkulære rør 23, 24; 23', 24' (hvoraf kun 23 og 23' er fuldt synlige) som er indbyrdes 30 forbundet ved hjælp af to krumme plader 25, 26; 25', 26' til dannelse af et konvekst cylinderlegeme. Dette er ved hver ende lukket ved hjælp af en plade 27, 28; 27', 28'. Rummet mellem de cirkulære rør 23 og 24, 23' og 24' og de krumme plader (25, 26; 25', 26') er udfyldt med et materiale med stor massefylde, 35 såsom bly, og den ene af hver svinglegemes 22, 22' endeplade 27; 27' har to til rørenes lysning svarende huller 29, 30; 29', 30'(hvoraf kun 29 og 29' er synlige), som hver er lukkede ved hjælp af et aftageligt dæksel 31, der ligeledes har enEach crimped shaft 14, 14 'consists of two shaft pins 18, 19 rotatably mounted in the opposite housing walls 12, 13 by means of roller bearings; 18 ', 19' each of which is fixedly connected to a pivot arm 20, 21, 20 ', 21'. These swingarms 20, 21; 20 ', 21' are 25 interconnected by means of a pivot body 22, 22 'which is symmetrical about the planing plane of the crimped shafts 14, 14'. Each pivot body consists of two tubes 23, 24 arranged symmetrically about the crest plane and in cross-section; 23 ', 24' (of which only 23 and 23 'are fully visible) which are interconnected by means of two curved plates 25, 26; 25 ', 26' to form a convex cylinder body. This is closed at each end by means of a plate 27, 28; 27 ', 28'. The space between the circular tubes 23 and 24, 23 'and 24' and the curved plates (25, 26; 25 ', 26') is filled with a high density material, 35 such as lead, and one of each pivot body 22, 22 'end plate 27; 27 'has two holes 29, 30 corresponding to the clearing of the tubes; 29 ', 30' (of which only 29 and 29 'are visible), each of which is closed by means of a removable cover 31, which also has a

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6 diameter svarende til de cirkulære rørs 23, 24; 23', 24' lysning og er forsynet med to gennemgående huller 32, 33.6 diameter corresponding to the circular tubes 23, 24; 23 ', 24' clearance and is provided with two through holes 32, 33.

I hver af de andre endeplader 28, 28' er der i området inden i 5 rørene med en indbyrdes afstand svarende;til afstanden mellem de gennemgående huller 32, 33 i dækslet 31 anbragt to stavbolte 34, 35, som strækker sig aksialt gennem rørene.In each of the other end plates 28, 28 ', in the area inside the tubes with a mutual distance corresponding to the distance between the through holes 32, 33 in the cover 31, two rod bolts 34, 35 are arranged, which extend axially through the tubes.

Det indre af hvert af rørene 23, 24; 23’, 24' er fyldt op med 10 vægtlodder 36, som har til stavboltene svarende gennemgående huller, og som fastholdes ved hjælp af dækslet 31, idet dette fastspændes ved påskruning af møtrikker på stavboltene 34, 35. Ved at udfylde hvert af rørenes 23, 24; 23', 24' indre med vægtlodder 36 fremstillet af materialer med forskellig masse-15 fylde kan den samlede masse af hvert af sving1 egernerne 22, 22' og derved den resulterende kraftkomposant varieres til opnåelse af en ønsket størrelse. Hensigtsmæssigt kan der benyttes vægtlodder fremstillet af et materiale med meget stof massefylde, f.eks. bly, og vægtlodder fremstillet af et materiale 20 med lav massefylde, f.eks. træ, hvorved den resulterende kraftkomposant kan varieres inden for et meget stort område.The interior of each of the tubes 23, 24; 23 ', 24' are filled with 10 weight weights 36, which have through holes corresponding to the rod bolts, and which are held by means of the cover 31, this being clamped by screwing nuts on the rod bolts 34, 35. By filling each of the tubes 23 , 24; 23 ', 24' interior with weights 36 made of materials of different density, the total mass of each of the swing spokes 22, 22 'and thereby the resulting force component can be varied to achieve a desired size. Suitably, weights made of a material with a high density of fabric can be used, e.g. lead, and weights made of a low density material 20, e.g. wood, whereby the resulting force component can be varied within a very large area.

Svinglegemerne 22, 22' har, som det især fremgår af fig. 4 set i tværsnit en sådan form, at de, når de i modsat omdrejnings-25 retning af hinanden og inden i hinanden krydser omdrejningsakseplanet, passerer tæt forbi hinanden, således at sving-ningskompensatoren bliver så kompakt som muligt.The pivot bodies 22, 22 'have, as can be seen in particular from fig. 4 in cross section such a shape that when they cross in the opposite direction of rotation of each other and within each other, the plane of rotation axis passes close past each other, so that the vibration compensator becomes as compact as possible.

Husets 11 modstående husvægge 12, 13 er indbyrdes forbundet 30 ved hjælp af en huskappe 37, der som det fremgår af fig. 4 i tværsnit har en form, der svarer til det af svinglegemerne 22, 22' tilsammen ved rotation bestrøgne område. I den ene husvæg 12 er der tildannet et hul 38, som har centrum i en af skæringslinierne mellem de to cylinderflader 39, 39' hver af 3 5 svi nglegernernes 22, 22' rørakser beskriver under rotation.The opposite housing walls 12, 13 of the housing 11 are interconnected 30 by means of a housing casing 37 which, as can be seen from fig. 4 in cross section has a shape corresponding to the area of the swivel bodies 22, 22 'co-rotated by rotation. A hole 38 is formed in one housing wall 12, which center in one of the intersecting lines between the two cylinder surfaces 39, 39 'each of the tubular axes of the swivel bearings 22, 22' describes during rotation.

Dette hul 38 har lidt større diameter end de aftagelige dæksler 31 og benyttes ved anbringelse og fjernelse af vægtlodder 36 i rørene 23, 24; 23', 24'. På ydersiden af husvæggen 12,This hole 38 has a slightly larger diameter than the removable covers 31 and is used in placing and removing weights 36 in the pipes 23, 24; 23 ', 24'. On the outside of the house wall 12,

Claims (5)

1. Svingningskompensator omfattende et hus (1, 11), hvori der er lejret to aksler (4, 4'; 14, 14') med af svinglegemer (22, 22*) frembragte excentriske masser, hvilke aksler (4, 4'; 14, 14') er indrettet til at rotere omkring indbyrdes parallelle 20 omdrejningsakser (5, 5'; 15, 15") og er indbyrdes forbundet til med samme omløbstal at rotere i modsat retning af hinanden med henblik på i én retning af frembringe en resulterende kraftkomposant, der er lig med nul, og i en retning vinkelret herpå en resulterende kraftkomposant, som harmonisk varierer 25 mellem nul og det dobbelte af kraften (F) fra den enkelte excentriske masse, kendetegnet ved, at akslerne (4, 4'; 14, 14') er således indbyrdes forbundet, at kræfterne hidrørende fra de to excentriske masser peger i hovedsagen i samme retning og er beliggende i hovedsagen i omdrejningsak-30 sernes (5, 5'; 15, 15') fælles plan, når den resulterende harmonisk varierende kraftkomposant er maksimal, og at akselafstanden (a) på i og for sig kendt måde er mindre end diameteren af de af akslerne (4, 4'; 14, 14') og disses svinglegemer (22, 22') ved rotation bestrøgne område. 35An oscillation compensator comprising a housing (1, 11), in which two shafts (4, 4 '; 14, 14') are mounted with eccentric masses produced by oscillating bodies (22, 22 *), which axles (4, 4 '; 14, 14 ') are arranged to rotate about mutually parallel axes of rotation (5, 5'; 15, 15 ") and are interconnected to rotate with the same speed in opposite directions of each other in order to produce in one direction a resulting force component equal to zero, and in a direction perpendicular thereto a resultant force component which harmoniously varies between zero and twice the force (F) of the individual eccentric mass, characterized in that the shafts (4, 4 '; 14, 14 ') are so interconnected that the forces arising from the two eccentric masses point in substantially the same direction and are located substantially in the common plane of the axes of rotation (5, 5'; 15, 15 ') when it resulting harmonically varying force component is maximum and that the wheelbase (a) of per se known manner is smaller than the diameter of those of the shafts (4, 4 '; 14, 14 ') and their pivot bodies (22, 22') by rotation coated area. 35 2. Svingningskompensator ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at akselafstanden (a) er mindre end radius af det af akslerne (4, 4'; 14, 14') og disses svinglegemer (22, 22') ved DK 155544B rotation bestrøgne område, og at hver aksel (4, 4'; 14, 14') er udformet som en i modstående husvægge (2, 3) lejret for-krøppet aksel med en eller flere bugter, der er udformet således, at de kan passere indvendigt i tilsvarende bugter i den 5 anden forkrøppede aksel .Oscillation compensator according to claim 1, characterized in that the shaft distance (a) is less than the radius of the area coated by the shafts (4, 4 '; 14, 14') and their oscillation bodies (22, 22 ') by rotation 15, and that each shaft (4, 4 '; 14, 14') is designed as a pre-crimped shaft mounted in opposite housing walls (2, 3) with one or more bays designed so that they can pass internally in corresponding bays in the 5 second cranked shaft. 3. Svingningskompensator ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet ved, at de forkrøppede aksler (4, 4'; 14, 14') er identiske, og hver omfatter to i hver sin modstående husvæg (2, 3) lejre- 10 rede akseltappe (18, 19; 18', 19'), som hver er fast forbundet med en svingarm (20, 21; 20', 21'), hvilke svingarme (20, 21; 20', 21') er indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af et svinglegeme (22, 22'), som er symmetrisk om forkrøpningsplanet og har en sådan ydre form, at de kan passere tæt forbi hinanden. 15Vibration compensator according to claim 2, characterized in that the crimped shafts (4, 4 '; 14, 14') are identical, and each comprises two shaft journals (18, mounted in opposite opposite housing walls (2, 3). 19; 18 ', 19'), each of which is fixedly connected to a pivot arm (20, 21; 20 ', 21'), which pivot arms (20, 21; 20 ', 21') are interconnected by means of a pivot body (22, 22 '), which are symmetrical about the plane of the crest and have such an outer shape that they can pass close to each other. 15 4. Svingningskompensator ifølge et eller flere af kravene 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at sving1 egernerne (22, 22'), der frembringer de excentriske masser, har et eller flere indre hulrum, hvori der efter ønske kan anbringes yderligere sving- 20 masse.Oscillation compensator according to one or more of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the oscillation spokes (22, 22 ') which produce the eccentric masses have one or more internal cavities in which additional oscillation mass can be arranged, if desired. . 5. Svingningskompensator ifølge krav 1-4, kendetegnet ved, at hvert svinglegeme (22, 22') er dannet af to symmetrisk om forkrøpningsplanet anbragte, i tværsnit cirkulæ- 25 re rør (23, 24; 23', 24'), som er indbyrdes forbundet ved hjælp af to krumme plader (25, 26; 25', 26') til dannelse af et konvekst cylindrisk legeme, som ved hver ende er lukket ved hjælp af en plade (27, 28), og at rummet mellem rørene (23, 24 og 23', 24') er udfyldt med et materiale med stor massefylde, 30 såsom bly, og den ene endeplade (27, 27') har til rørenes (23, 24; 23', 24') lysning svarende huller (29, 30; 29', 30'), som hver er lukket ved hjælp af et aftageligt dæksel (31), således at rørene for opnåelse af den ønskede resulterende kraftkompo-sant kan fyldes op med yderligere svingmasse, eksempelvis i 35 form af vægtlodder (36) med forskellig massefylde og med til rørenes (23, 24; 23', 24') lysning svarende tværsnit, og at der i den over for dækslerne liggende husvæg (12) er tildannet et til fjernelse og anbringelse af dækslet (31) og vægtlodder DK 155544 B (36) beregnet hul (38), soro har centrum i en af skæringslim'-erne mellem de to cylinderf1 ader (39, 39’) svinglegemernes (22 , 22') rørakser beskriver under rotation. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35Oscillation compensator according to Claims 1 to 4, characterized in that each oscillation body (22, 22 ') is formed by two tubes (23, 24; 23', 24 ') arranged in cross-section symmetrically about the plane of curvature, which are interconnected by two curved plates (25, 26; 25 ', 26') to form a convex cylindrical body which is closed at each end by a plate (27, 28) and that the space between the tubes (23, 24 and 23 ', 24') are filled with a high density material, such as lead, and one end plate (27, 27 ') has to the clearance of the tubes (23, 24; 23', 24 ') corresponding holes (29, 30; 29 ', 30'), each of which is closed by means of a removable cover (31), so that the tubes can be filled with additional pivot mass to obtain the desired resulting force component, for example in 35 form of weights (36) of different density and with a cross-section corresponding to the clearance of the pipes (23, 24; 23 ', 24'), and that in the housing wall (12) opposite the covers a formation is formed for removal. and placement of the cover (31) and weights DK 155544 B (36) calculated hole (38), soro having its center in one of the cutting glues between the two axis axes (39, 39 ') of the pivot bodies (22, 22') of the pivot bodies (22, 22 ') describes during rotation. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
DK107487A 1987-03-02 1987-03-02 VICTION COMPENSATOR DK155544C (en)

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DK107487A DK155544C (en) 1987-03-02 1987-03-02 VICTION COMPENSATOR
PCT/DK1988/000036 WO1988006687A1 (en) 1987-03-02 1988-02-25 Vibration compensator apparatus
AU13960/88A AU1396088A (en) 1987-03-02 1988-02-25 Vibration compensator apparatus
YU41988A YU41988A (en) 1987-03-02 1988-03-02 Device for compensating vibrations

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DK155544C DK155544C (en) 1989-10-09



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WO2008145122A1 (en) * 2007-05-31 2008-12-04 Vestas Wind Systems A/S A system for damping oscillations in a structure

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JPS5554745A (en) * 1978-10-12 1980-04-22 Kubota Ltd Balancer for engine
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