DK153974B - FEEDING ADMINISTRATOR - Google Patents



Publication number
DK153974B DK437080AA DK437080A DK153974B DK 153974 B DK153974 B DK 153974B DK 437080A A DK437080A A DK 437080AA DK 437080 A DK437080 A DK 437080A DK 153974 B DK153974 B DK 153974B
Prior art keywords
storage container
transverse wall
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Danish (da)
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DK153974C (en
DK437080A (en
Waldemar Riepe
Original Assignee
Baensch Tetra Werke
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Baensch Tetra Werke filed Critical Baensch Tetra Werke
Publication of DK437080A publication Critical patent/DK437080A/en
Publication of DK153974B publication Critical patent/DK153974B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK153974C publication Critical patent/DK153974C/en



    • A01K61/00Culture of aquatic animals
    • A01K61/80Feeding devices
    • Y02A40/00Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production
    • Y02A40/80Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production in fisheries management
    • Y02A40/81Aquaculture, e.g. of fish


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Marine Sciences & Fisheries (AREA)
  • Zoology (AREA)
  • Animal Husbandry (AREA)
  • Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (AREA)
  • Eye Examination Apparatus (AREA)
  • Loading And Unloading Of Fuel Tanks Or Ships (AREA)
  • Feeding, Discharge, Calcimining, Fusing, And Gas-Generation Devices (AREA)
  • Heat-Pump Type And Storage Water Heaters (AREA)
  • Electrical Discharge Machining, Electrochemical Machining, And Combined Machining (AREA)
  • Filling Or Emptying Of Bunkers, Hoppers, And Tanks (AREA)
  • Farming Of Fish And Shellfish (AREA)
  • Feeding And Watering For Cattle Raising And Animal Husbandry (AREA)


1. Portion dispenser for flocculent or granular feedstuffs, especially fish food, having a storage container (3) for the food (4) which container has a slot (13) in a transverse wall (12) in the vicinity of the base through which slot the food can be discharged, characterized in that the storage container (3) is displaceably mounted, transversely to its slotted transverse wall (12), on the base (2) of a container (1) which encloses the storage container, and the base (7) of the storage container - at its end provided with the slotted transverse wall (12) - has an extension (8) provided with a window (9), the free end of said extension sealing a slot (10) in the transverse wall (11) of the container in the rest position of the storage container, said slot being dimensioned for the passage of this extension therethrough, and the free end of said extension passes in front of the slotted transverse wall of the container with its window by displacement of the storage container.


DK 153974 BDK 153974 B

Opfindelsen angår en doseringsautomat til grynet eller kornet foder, især fiskefoder, og med en foderforrådsbeholder, der nær sin bund har en i en tværvæg udformet slids, gennem hvilken foderet kan udtræde.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a grinding or grain feed dispenser, in particular fish feed, and to a feed stock container having near its bottom a slot formed in a transverse wall through which the feed can exit.

5 Ved en fra DE-fremlæggelsesskrift nr. 2.735.927 kendt doserings automat af denne art skydes foderet ud gennem slidsen i tværvæggen ved hjælp af et stempel, der til dannelse af et doseringskammer har en i afstand fra stemplets frie ende udformet udsparing. For at stemplet ikke skal blive blokeret af indeklemt foder, skal udskydningen af fode-10 ret ske langsomt.5 In a dosing machine of this kind known from DE-presenting specification No. 2,735,927, the feed is ejected through the slit in the transverse wall by means of a piston which has a recess formed at a distance from the free end of the piston to form a dosing chamber. In order for the piston not to be blocked by squeezed feed, the feeding of the feed 10 must be slow.

Formålet med opfindelsen er at udforme en doseringsautomat af den indledningsvis nævnte art på en sådan måde, at foderet kan udstødes stødvis og fordeles vifteformet over et større område.The object of the invention is to design a dosing dispenser of the kind mentioned above in such a way that the feed can be ejected in a shock and distributed fan form over a larger area.

Denne opgave løses ifølge opfindelsen ved, at forrådsbeholderen er 15 forskydeligt i retningen på tværs af sin med slidsen udformede tværvæg lejret på bunden af en yderbeholder, som omgiver forrådsbeholderen, og at forrådsbeholderens bund ved sin med den med slidsen udformede tværvæg forsynede ende har en med en åbning udformet forlængelse, hvis frie ende i forrådsbeholderens hvilestilling lukker en til gennem-20 føring af denne forlængelse dimensioneret slids i yderbehoiderens tværvæg, og ved forrådsbeholderens forskydning til foderafgivelsessti I ling med åbningen bevæges gennem slidsen i yderbeholderens tværvæg og ud foran tværvæggen.This task is solved according to the invention in that the storage container is displaceable in the transverse direction of its slotted transverse wall mounted on the bottom of an outer container which surrounds the storage container, and that the bottom of the storage container has a slotted end with its slotted transverse end. an opening formed an extension, the free end of which in the resting position of the storage container closes a slot dimensioned for carrying out this extension in the outer wall of the outer container, and in the case of the storage container's displacement to the feed delivery position with the opening is moved through the slot in the outer wall of the outer container.

Doseringsautomaten er således lukket i sin hvilestilling ved hjælp 25 af yderbeholderen, der omgiver foderforrådsbeholderen og ved hjælp af den på foderforrådsbeholderen udformede forlængelse, idet denne forlængelse lukker den i yderbeholderens tværvæg udformede slids. Når foderautomaten skal afgive foder, sker dette ved en forskydningsbevægelse af forrådsbeholderen r yderbeholderen, og ved denne eller 30 den følgende bevægelse af forrådsbeholderen når en afmålt fodermængde ind i åbningen i forlængelsen. Denne afmålte fodermængde, der er adskilt fra forrådsbeholderens øvrige fodermængde, føres ved hjælp af forrådsbeholderens stødvise transportbevægelse ud foran yderbeholderens tværvæg og udstrøs vifteagtigt.Thus, the dispenser is closed in its resting position by the outer container surrounding the feed supply container and by the extension formed on the feed supply container, this extension closing the slot formed in the outer wall of the outer container. When the feed dispenser is to dispense feed, this is effected by a displacement movement of the storage container r the outer container, and by this or the subsequent movement of the storage container a metered feed quantity reaches the opening in the extension. This metered feed quantity, which is separated from the other feed quantity of the storage container, is carried out by means of the steady transport movement of the storage container in front of the outer wall of the outer container and is spread fan-like.

35 Yderligere fordelagtige udførelsesformer for doseringsautomaten ifølge opfindelsen er angivet i underkravene. På tegningen er en udførelsesform for doseringsautomaten ifølge opfindelsen anskueliggjort og her viser: fig. 1 et lodret længdesnit gennem en doseringsautomat forFurther advantageous embodiments of the dosing dispenser according to the invention are set forth in the subclaims. In the drawing, an embodiment of the dosing dispenser according to the invention is illustrated and shows here: 1 is a vertical longitudinal section through a dosing machine for

DK 153974 BDK 153974 B

2 foder til akvariefisk, og fig. 2 en plantegning af den ene halvdel af den i fig. 1 viste doseringsautomat.2 feed for aquarium fish, and fig. 2 is a plan view of one half of the one shown in FIG. 1.

Doseringsautomaten består i det væsentlige af to kvaderformede 5 beholdere, nemlig en yderbeholder 1, på hvis bund 2 en beholder 3 som forridsbeholder for grynet fiskefoder 4 mod en fjederkraft 6 eller lignende kan forskydes i prlretningen 5. I den på tegningen viste stilling kan forrådsbehoideren 3 hensigtsmæssigt ligge an med sin bageste ende mod et anslag eller lignende. Fra den på tegningen viste hviie-10 stilling kan forrådsbeholderen 3 manuelt bevæges i pilretningen 5. Fortrinsvis anvendes imidlertid en elektromagnet, som kan give beholderen en rykvis bevægelse.The dispenser consists essentially of two quadrangular 5 containers, namely an outer container 1, on whose bottom 2 a container 3 as a supply container for grilled fish feed 4 against a spring force 6 or the like can be displaced in the bending direction 5. In the position shown in the drawing, the storage container 3 suitably rest with its rear end against a stop or the like. From the position shown in the drawing, the storage container 3 can be moved manually in the direction of arrow 5. Preferably, however, an electromagnet is used which can give the container a jerky movement.

Begge beholderne 1, 3 er lukkede ved hjælp af et tætsluttende ikke nærmere vist lig.Both containers 1, 3 are closed by means of a tightly closed body not shown.

15 Forrådsbeholderen 3‘s bund 7 er forlænget i retningen fremad.15 The bottom 7 of the storage container 3 is extended in the forward direction.

Denne forlængelse er betegnet med 8 og er forsynet med en åbning 9.This extension is designated 8 and is provided with an opening 9.

Den foran åbningen 9 beliggende del af forlængelsen 8 griber tættende ind i en slids 10 i yderbeholderen 1's forreste endevæg 11. Slidsen 10 er således lukket tæt i forrådsbeholderen 3‘s hvilestilling.The portion 8 of the extension 8 located in front of the opening 9 seals sealingly into a slot 10 in the front end wall 11. of the outer container 1. The slot 10 is thus closed tightly in the resting position of the storage container 3.

20 Også i den forrest beliggende tværvæg 12 af forrådsbeholderen 3 befinder der sig en slids 13, der ligesom slidsen 10 strækker sig i det væsentlige over den fulde bredde af den tilhørende forrådsbeholder og ved hjælp af en skyder 140 kan ændres i sin effektive højde.Also in the front transverse wall 12 of the storage container 3 there is a slot 13 which, like the slot 10, extends substantially over the full width of the associated storage container and can be changed to its effective height by means of a slider 140.

En ved sin forkant skærpet tværskraber 14 rager ind i slidsen 13 25 og er ved sine ender forsynet med bagud i retningen mod sidevæggen 11 forløbende arme 15, der ligger ved siden af åbningen 9 og er fastgjorte i sidevæggen 11. Denne tværskraber 14 ligger tæt an mod bunden 7, men forhindrer ikke forskydning af forrådsbeholderen 3. På bunden 7 befinder sig en anordning, der muliggør en vis transport-30 bevægelse af foderet 4 ved en bevægelse af forrådsbeholderen 3 i pilretningen 5. Denne anordning består af set i tværsnit savtandagtige tværribber 17, hvis ribbehøjde er større ved ribbernes mod slidsen 13 vendende side end ribbehøjden ved den modsatte side af ribberne.A transverse scraper 14 sharpened at its front edge projects into the slot 13 25 and is provided at its ends in the direction towards the sidewall 11 extending arms 15, which are adjacent to the opening 9 and secured to the sidewall 11. This transverse scraper 14 towards the bottom 7, but does not prevent displacement of the storage container 3. On the bottom 7 is a device which allows a certain transporting movement of the feed 4 by a movement of the storage container 3 in the direction of arrow 5. This device consists of cross-sectional saw-toothed cross-ribs. 17, whose rib height is greater at the side of the ribs facing the slot 13 than the rib height at the opposite side of the ribs.

Når forrådsbeholderen 3 bevæges rykagtigt i pilretningen 5, trans-35 porteres foderet 4 i samme retning, hvorved en portion når gennem slidsen 13 og ned i åbningen 9. Denne portion er betegnet med 16. Allerede ved denne bevægelse eller ved den næste bevægelse af forrådsbeholderen 3 når åbningen 9 ud foran sidevæggen 11 på en sådan måde, at foderet henholdsvis portionen 16 bredt fordelt kan undvige nedad 3When the storage container 3 is moved jerkly in the direction of arrow 5, the feed 4 is transported in the same direction, whereby a portion reaches through the slot 13 and down into the opening 9. This portion is indicated by 16. Already in this movement or the next movement of the storage container. 3 reaches the opening 9 in front of the side wall 11 in such a way that the liner 16 and the portion 16, respectively, can be widely distributed downward 3

DK 153974BDK 153974B

eller opad. Til denne strøbevægelse bidrager også den hurtige bevægelse, som tildeles forrådsbeholderen 3. Da åbningen 9 desuden med sin fulde længde når ud foran sidevæggen 11, afgives hele portionen 16.or upwards. This rapid movement also contributes to the rapid movement which is assigned to the storage container 3. Since the opening 9, with its full length, also extends in front of the side wall 11, the whole portion 16 is dispensed.

Når beholderen 3 atter indtager den på tegningen viste stilling, er 5 beholderen 1 hermetisk lukket. Den forreste del af forlængelsen 8 lukker som allerede nævnt slidsen 10. Først ved en ny arbejdsbevægelse åbnes slidsen 10 et øjeblik, således at den følgende portion 16 udstrøs.When the container 3 again occupies the position shown in the drawing, the container 1 is hermetically sealed. The front part of the extension 8, as already mentioned, closes the slot 10. First, in a new working movement, the slot 10 is opened for a moment, so that the following portion 16 is spread out.

Den udstrøede fodermængde er sædvanligvis fordelt så godt over et stort fladeafsnit, at automaten også kan anvendes til større akvarier.The amount of feed dispersed is usually distributed so well over a large area that the dispenser can also be used for larger aquariums.

10 I tilfælde af en elektrisk betjening kan der desuden anvendes et kontaktur, således at foderforsyningen sikres over et længere tidsrum.10 In the case of an electrical operation, a contact clock can also be used so that the feed supply is secured over a longer period of time.

15 20 25 1 3515 20 25 1 35

Claims (6)

1. Doseringsautomat til grynet eller kornet foder, især fiskefoder, og med en foderforrldsbeholder (3), der nær sin bund har en i en 5 tværvæg (12) udformet slids (13), gennem hvilken foderet kan udtræde, kendetegnet ved, at forrådsbeholderen (3) er forskydeligt i retningen på tværs af sin med slidsen (13) udformede tværvæg (12) lejret på bunden (2) af en yderbeholder (1), som omgiver forrådsbeholderen (3), og at forrådsbeholderens (3) bund (7) ved sin med den 10 med slidsen (13) udformede tværvæg (12) forsynede ende har en med en åbning (9) udformet forlængelse (8), hvis frie ende i forrådsbeholderens (3) hvilestilling lukker en til gennemføring af denne forlængelse (8) dimensioneret slids (10) i yderbeholderens (1) tværvæg (11), og ved forrådsbeholderens (3) forskydning til foderafgivelsesstilling med 15 åbningen (9) bevæges gennem slidsen (10) i yderbeholderens (1) tværvæg (11) og ud foran tværvæggen (11).A grating or grain feed dispenser, in particular fish feed, and having a feeding parlor container (3) having near its bottom a slot (13) formed in a transverse wall (12) through which the feed can exit, characterized in that the storage container (3) is displaceable in the transverse direction of its transverse wall (12) formed with the slot (13) mounted on the bottom (2) of an outer container (1) which surrounds the storage container (3) and that the bottom (7) of the storage container (3) ) at its end provided with the slot (13) with the slot (13) has an extension (8) formed with an opening (9) whose free end in the resting position of the storage container (3) closes one for carrying out this extension (8). ) dimensioned slot (10) in the transverse wall (11) of the outer container (1), and by the displacement of the supply container (3) for feed delivery position with the opening (9), moves through the slot (10) in the outer wall (11) of the outer container (1) and out in front of the transverse wall. (11). 2. Doseringsautomat ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at en uforskydeligt lejret skraber (14), som ligger an mod bunden (7) af forrådsbeholderen (3), rager ind i slidsen (13).Dispensing dispenser according to claim 1, characterized in that a non-displaceable mounted scraper (14) abutting the bottom (7) of the storage container (3) projects into the slot (13). 3. Doseringsautomat ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at der på forrådsbeholderens (3) bundflade er anbragt tværribber (17) som fremmer transporten af foderet.Dosing dispenser according to claim 1, characterized in that transverse ribs (17) are arranged on the bottom surface of the storage container (3) which facilitate the transport of the feed. 4. Doseringsautomat ifølge krav 3, kendetegnet ved, at tværribberne (17) set i tværsnit er savtandformede på en sådan måde, 25 at ribbehøjden ved ribbernes forreste, mod slidsen (13) vendende side er større end ved tværribbernes modsatte side.Dosing dispenser according to claim 3, characterized in that the cross-ribs (17) are seen in cross-section in sawtooth form in such a way that the rib height at the front of the ribs facing the slit (13) is greater than at the opposite side of the cross-ribs. 5. Doseringsautomat ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet ved, at skraberen (14) er fastgjort til den tværvæg (11) af yderbeholderen (1), som forrådsbeholderens (3) forlængelse (8) rager igennem.Dosing dispenser according to claim 2, characterized in that the scraper (14) is fixed to the transverse wall (11) of the outer container (1) through which the extension (8) of the storage container (3) extends. 6. Doseringsautomat ifølge krav 3, kendetegnet ved, at skraberen (14) ligger an mod bunden (7) umiddelbart ved kanten af åbningen. 35Dosing dispenser according to claim 3, characterized in that the scraper (14) abuts the bottom (7) immediately at the edge of the opening. 35
DK437080A 1979-10-15 1980-10-15 FEEDING ADMINISTRATOR DK153974C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE2941706 1979-10-15
DE19792941706 DE2941706A1 (en) 1979-10-15 1979-10-15 PORTION DISPENSER FOR FEED

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK437080A DK437080A (en) 1981-04-16
DK153974B true DK153974B (en) 1988-10-03
DK153974C DK153974C (en) 1989-02-20



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK437080A DK153974C (en) 1979-10-15 1980-10-15 FEEDING ADMINISTRATOR

Country Status (4)

Country Link
EP (1) EP0027190B1 (en)
AT (1) ATE7756T1 (en)
DE (2) DE2941706A1 (en)
DK (1) DK153974C (en)

Citations (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2772659A (en) * 1954-01-11 1956-12-04 Francis H Tennis Fish feeding device
US3416497A (en) * 1966-09-08 1968-12-17 Riel Dick Timer-controlled feeder
FR2206046A1 (en) * 1972-11-15 1974-06-07 Touquet Alain
DE2735927A1 (en) * 1976-09-13 1978-03-23 Jean Reine Automatic feeder for aquariums

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2800256A (en) * 1954-01-04 1957-07-23 Nuzzo Salvatore A Di Flowable-material dispenser
DE1891985U (en) * 1963-10-29 1964-04-30 Ruth Kuebler AUTOMATIC FEEDING AND LIGHTING DEVICE FOR AQUARIENTS

Patent Citations (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2772659A (en) * 1954-01-11 1956-12-04 Francis H Tennis Fish feeding device
US3416497A (en) * 1966-09-08 1968-12-17 Riel Dick Timer-controlled feeder
FR2206046A1 (en) * 1972-11-15 1974-06-07 Touquet Alain
DE2735927A1 (en) * 1976-09-13 1978-03-23 Jean Reine Automatic feeder for aquariums

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
ATE7756T1 (en) 1984-06-15
DE2941706A1 (en) 1981-04-23
EP0027190A2 (en) 1981-04-22
EP0027190B1 (en) 1984-06-06
DK153974C (en) 1989-02-20
DK437080A (en) 1981-04-16
EP0027190A3 (en) 1981-11-04
DE3068121D1 (en) 1984-07-12

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