
Publication number
DK150268B DK56784A DK56784A DK150268B DK 150268 B DK150268 B DK 150268B DK 56784 A DK56784 A DK 56784A DK 56784 A DK56784 A DK 56784A DK 150268 B DK150268 B DK 150268B
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DK56784A (en
DK150268C (en
DK56784D0 (en
Svend Frede Hansen
Original Assignee
Svend Frede Hansen
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Application filed by Svend Frede Hansen filed Critical Svend Frede Hansen
Priority to DK56784A priority Critical patent/DK150268C/en
Publication of DK56784D0 publication Critical patent/DK56784D0/en
Priority to FR8501695A priority patent/FR2559457B3/en
Priority to DE19853504598 priority patent/DE3504598A1/en
Publication of DK56784A publication Critical patent/DK56784A/en
Publication of DK150268B publication Critical patent/DK150268B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK150268C publication Critical patent/DK150268C/en



    • A61J1/00Containers specially adapted for medical or pharmaceutical purposes
    • A61J1/03Containers specially adapted for medical or pharmaceutical purposes for pills or tablets
    • B65D81/00Containers, packaging elements, or packages, for contents presenting particular transport or storage problems, or adapted to be used for non-packaging purposes after removal of contents
    • B65D81/32Containers, packaging elements, or packages, for contents presenting particular transport or storage problems, or adapted to be used for non-packaging purposes after removal of contents for packaging two or more different materials which must be maintained separate prior to use in admixture
    • B65D81/3205Separate rigid or semi-rigid containers joined to each other at their external surfaces


  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
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  • Pharmacology & Pharmacy (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Animal Behavior & Ethology (AREA)
  • General Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Public Health (AREA)
  • Veterinary Medicine (AREA)
  • Medical Preparation Storing Or Oral Administration Devices (AREA)


i 150268 5 Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en tabletæske af den i krav l's indledning angivne art.The present invention relates to a tablet case of the kind set forth in the preamble of claim 1.

For at sikre en korrekt dosering af medikamenter er det væsentligt, at disse tages i de foreskrevne 10 mængder og til de foreskrevne tidspunkter. Ved indtagelse af medikamenter i form af f.eks. tabletter, piller, kapsler eller droger, er der for mange et stort behov for at kunne anbringe f.eks. en dagsdosis i en særlig æske, så man kan kontrollere, at man 15 husker at indtage medikamentet, og hvor langt man er med en dagsdosis. Dette kan være af særlig betydning for personer, der f.eks. skal have hjerte-, astma- eller gigtmedicin.In order to ensure the correct dosage of medications, it is essential that these are taken in the prescribed 10 quantities and at the prescribed times. When taking medications in the form of e.g. tablets, pills, capsules or drugs, there is for many a great need to be placed e.g. a daily dose in a special box, so you can check that you remember to take the drug and how far you are with a daily dose. This can be of particular importance to people who, for example, must have heart, asthma or rheumatoid medicine.

20 Fra DK-PS nr. 128.635 kendes en adskillelig holder og tabletæske til en tabletbeholder, hvilken holder i en stilling er beregnet til at blive anbragt på tabletbeholderen, idet dens halvdele da er anbragt inden i hinanden, og i en anden stilling udgør et 25 rum til optagelse af tabletter. Denne holder giver ikke mulighed for opdeling af rummet, ligesom delene skal være fremstillet meget nøjagtigt for både at kunne skydes udtageligt ind i hinanden og samtidig fastholdes tilstrækkeligt. Endvidere er det nødven-30 digt at udføre hver af delene med mindst én udskæring for at kunne skille dem ad, når de er skudt ind i hinanden.20 From DK-PS No. 128,635 a separable holder and tablet case are known to a tablet container, which in one position is intended to be placed on the tablet container, its halves being then arranged within one another and in another position constituting a 25 room for recording tablets. This holder does not allow for division of space, and the parts must be manufactured very accurately in order to both be removably slid into each other and at the same time sufficiently retained. Furthermore, it is necessary to perform each of the parts with at least one cut in order to be able to disassemble them when shot into each other.

I US-PS nr. 2.236.224 beskrives en kombineret tablet- 2 150268 1 asske og dispenser, som er særdeles kompliceret opbygget for dels at kunne optage et antal tabletter og for dels at kunne afgive disse enkeltvis igen ved hjælp af et drejeligt låg.U.S. Pat. No. 2,236,224 discloses a combined tablet and dispenser which is extremely complicated in order to accommodate a plurality of tablets and to dispense them individually by means of a swivel lid.


Det er den foreliggende opfindelses formål at tilvejebringe en tabletæske af den ovenfor angivne art, hvilken tabletæske er simpel at fremstille, på sikker måde kan opdele en dags doser i separate rum og er 10 hensigtsmæssigt udformet med hensyn til håndtering og medtagen i lommen.It is an object of the present invention to provide a tablet case of the above type which is simple to manufacture, can safely divide a day's doses into separate compartments, and is conveniently designed for handling and inclusion in the pocket.

Dette formål opnås ved at udforme tabletæsken som angivet i krav l's kendetegnende del.This object is achieved by designing the tablet box as set forth in the characterizing portion of claim 1.


De ulemper, som de ovennævnte kendte tabletæsker lider af, overvindes, og samtidig opfyldes de opstillede mål ved hjælp af æsken ifølge den foreliggende opfindelse, som både kan anvendes i hjemmet til 20 opmåling af f.eks. en dagsdosis, og som kan medtages som lommepakning, så man let kan medbringe nødvendig medicin uden at behøve at medbringe hele glasset.The disadvantages of the above-mentioned known tablet cases are overcome, and at the same time the objectives are achieved by means of the box according to the present invention, which can be used both at home for measuring e.g. a daily dose, which can be included as a pocket pack so that you can easily carry the necessary medication without having to carry the entire glass.

Ved at udforme æsken som angivet i krav 1's kendetegnende del fås således en enkel og hensigtsmæssig 25 tabletæske, der har sin plads sammen med tabletglasset og er let at tage med, ligesom der opnås en æske, der er særlig let at fremstille ved sprøjtestøbning, ligesom æsken derved får en udformning uden skarpe kanter, der f.eks. kan genere, hvis man har æsken 30 i lommen.Thus, by designing the box as claimed in the characterizing part of claim 1, a simple and convenient tablet box is provided which has its place with the tablet glass and is easy to carry, as well as a box which is particularly easy to manufacture by injection molding, as is the case. the box thereby has a design without sharp edges, e.g. can bother if you have the box 30 in your pocket.

Æsken kan udformes med et varierende antal rum til enkeltdoserne, men det foretrækkes ifølge opfindelsen at udforme den som angivet i krav 2 med tre separate 150268 3 1 rum, da medikamenter ofte tages morgen, middag og aften.The box can be designed with a varying number of compartments for the single doses, but it is preferred according to the invention to design it as set forth in claim 2 with three separate compartments, as medications are often taken morning, noon and evening.

Ved at udforme låget som beskrevet i krav 3 fås en 5 styrkelse af låget, og det forhindres, at meget små tabletter under håndtering af æsken passerer forbi skillevæggen og over i et af de andre rum.By forming the lid as described in claim 3, the lid is strengthened and it is prevented that very small tablets, while handling the box, pass past the partition and into one of the other compartments.

Opfindelsen vil i det nedenstående blive nærmere 10 beskrevet under henvisning til tegningen, på hvilken fig. 1 viser en udførelsesform for en tabletæske ifølge opfindelsen set i snit, 15 fig. 2 den i fig. 1 viste udførelsesform uden påsat låg, set ovenfra, fig. 3 et snit langs linien ΙΙΙ-ΙΙΪ i fig.The invention will now be described in more detail below with reference to the drawing, in which 1 is a sectional view of an embodiment of a tablet case according to the invention; FIG. 2 is the one shown in FIG. 1, top view, fig. 3 is a section along the line ΙΙΙ-ΙΙΪ of FIG.

2, 20 fig. 4 den i fig. 1 viste udførelsesform med påsat låg, set ovenfra, fig. 5 et snit langs linien V-V i fig. 4.2, 20 FIG. 4 is the one shown in FIG. 1 from above, fig. 5 is a section along the line V-V in FIG. 4th

25 I fig. 1 vises en tabletæske 3, som er anbragt oven på et medicinglas 1, der er forsynet med et skruelåg 2. Tabletæsken 3 fastholdes med et forseglingsorgan 4, der griber fat om en vulst på pilleglasset, og 30 kan aftages efter afrivning af forseglingsorganet.In FIG. 1, a tablet case 3 shown on top of a medication glass 1 is provided with a screw cap 2. The tablet case 3 is secured with a sealing means 4 which grips a bead on the arrow glass and 30 can be removed after tearing off the sealing means.

Toppen af tabletglasset og låget rager op i tabletæsken i et hulrum, der begrænses af indre vægge 5 i form af to rotationssymmetriske kegleflader, der er forbundet med et vægstykke 6 parallelt med æskens 4 150268 1 bund, hvilket vægstykke ligger så højt, at tablet glassets top netop ikke berører det, når æsken er anbragt derpå. Tabletæsken har ydervægge 7, der afgrænser et rum 8, hvori tabletter anbringes. Rummet 5 8 inddeles ved hjælp af delevægge 9 i flere rum.The top of the tablet glass and lid project into the tablet box in a cavity bounded by inner walls 5 in the form of two rotationally symmetrical conical surfaces connected to a wall piece 6 parallel to the bottom of the box 4, which wall piece is so high that the tablet glass top just doesn't touch it when the box is placed thereon. The tablet box has outer walls 7 which define a space 8 in which tablets are placed. The space 58 is divided into several rooms by means of partitions 9.

Oven på æsken er der ét låg 10 med deleribber 11 anbragt svarende til delevæggene 9 og en flig 13, der benyttes til at trække låget fri af æsken.On top of the box there is one lid 10 with dividing ribs 11 arranged corresponding to the dividing walls 9 and a tab 13 which is used to pull the lid off the box.

10 I fig. 2 ses mere detaljeret æskens indretning. Rummet 8 er inddelt i tre rum, der begrænses af ydre vægge 7 med form som tre dele af cylinderf lader anbragt med centrum i en afstand fra tabletæskens "centrum" lig med radius i cylinderen og forsat i en vinkel 15 på 120° fra hinanden, så der fås en symmetrisk opbygning. Cylinderfladerne afbrydes der, hvor de når sammen, og herfra går radiære skillevægge 9 ind til væggen i den rotationssymmetriske kappe 5. Den rotationssymmetriske kappe 5 har rotationsakse i 20 tabletæskens centrum.10 In FIG. Figure 2 shows in more detail the arrangement of the box. The compartment 8 is divided into three compartments which are constrained by outer walls 7 in the form of three parts of cylindrical surfaces arranged at the center at a distance from the "center" of the tablet box equal to the radius of the cylinder and at an angle 15 of 120 ° apart, so that a symmetrical structure is obtained. The cylinder faces are broken off where they come together, and from here radial partitions 9 enter the wall of the rotationally symmetrical sheath 5. The rotationally symmetrical sheath 5 has a axis of rotation in the center of the tablet box.

På det i fig. 3 viste snit ses forseglingsorganet 4, der kan afrives ved ibrugtagning af glasset, hvorefter den lille vulst, der ses ved bunden af 25 hulrummet i låget, kan gå i indgreb og fastholde æsken på et medicinglaslåg. Efter afrivning af forseglingsorganet er bunden plan, så æsken har plan top og bund. Kappen 5 er udformet som to keglestubbe, der er forbundet med et vandret parti 6. Der er 30 fortrinsvis en lille luftspalte mellem pilleglassets låg 10 og fladen 6, så man herved kan presse æsken ned, så der bliver bedre kontakt til tabletglassets låg, når man vil benytte æsken som nøgle til oplukning af pilleglasset.In the embodiment of FIG. 3, the sealing means 4, which can be torn off when the glass is put into service, are seen, after which the small bead seen at the bottom of the cavity in the lid can engage and hold the box on a medicine glass lid. After tearing off the sealing member, the bottom is level so that the box has level top and bottom. The casing 5 is designed as two cone stubs connected to a horizontal portion 6. There is preferably a small air gap between the lid 10 of the arrow glass and the surface 6, so that the box can be pressed down so that better contact with the lid of the tablet glass is achieved. one will use the box as the key to unlock the arrow glass.

5 150268 På fig. 4 vises æsken set oppefra med påsat låg 10, der er forsynet med en flig 13 til at gribe fat i, når låget skal trækkes op fra æsken.In FIG. 4, the box is viewed from above with fitted lid 10 provided with a tab 13 for gripping when the lid is to be pulled up from the box.


Fligen 13 til brug ved aftagning af låget er fortrinsvis anbragt på et af de steder, hvor cylinderfladerne 7 mødes, så den kan sidde tilbagetrukket i forhold til æskens "effektive" ydre omkreds, hvor-10 ved risikoen for utilsigtet åbning, f.eks. medens æsken ligger i lommen, reduceres til et minimum.The tab 13 for use in removing the lid is preferably disposed at one of the places where the cylinder faces 7 meet so that it can be retracted relative to the "effective" outer circumference of the box, whereby the risk of unintended opening, e.g. while the box is in the pocket, is reduced to a minimum.

På fig. 5 ses tydeligt en næse 12, der griber fat om en lille vulst ved toppen af væggen 7 og holder 15 låget 10 fast.In FIG. 5 is clearly visible a nose 12 which grips a small bead at the top of the wall 7 and holds the lid 10 firmly.

Tabletæsken 3 udføres hensigtsmæssigt i ét stykke omfattende væggen 7, kappen 5, fladen 6 og skillevæggen 9 samt bunden og forseglingsorganet 4. Diameteren 20 for kappen 5 svarer til diameteren for låget på det medicinglas, æsken skal anvendes sammen med, og det er hensigtsmæssigt at anvende samme diameter for de cylinderflader, der udgør væggene. Herved fås rum, der svarer godt til tabletterne i glasset. Æsken 25 kan særlig let fremstilles ved sprøjtestøbning af f.eks. et relativt stift materiale såsom polyethy-len, polypropylen, SAN-plast, ABS-plast, acryl, polystyren, hård PVC, polycarbonat, polyacetalplast eller polyamidplast.The tablet box 3 is conveniently made in one piece comprising the wall 7, the casing 5, the surface 6 and the partition wall 9 as well as the bottom and the sealing means 4. The diameter 20 of the casing 5 corresponds to the diameter of the lid of the medication glass to be used with the box and it is convenient to apply the same diameter to the cylinder surfaces that make up the walls. This provides spaces that correspond well to the tablets in the glass. Box 25 can be made particularly easily by injection molding e.g. a relatively rigid material such as polyethylene, polypropylene, SAN plastic, ABS plastic, acrylic, polystyrene, hard PVC, polycarbonate, polyacetal or polyamide plastic.

30 Låget fremstilles f.eks. af et af de ovenfor nævnte materialer, der, om ønsket, kan blødgøres. Låget kan være gennemsigtigt og kan hensigtsmæssigt forsynes med ribber 11, da der dermed fås bedre styrke, 6 150268 1 ligesom det forhindres, at meget små tabletter under håndtering af æsken passerer forbi skillevæggen 9 og ind i et af de andre delrum. Fligen 13 udformes så stor, at den er let at få fat på, og kan udformes 5 med ru overflade, så den ikke så let smutter mellem fingrene.The lid is manufactured e.g. of any of the above mentioned materials which, if desired, can be softened. The lid may be transparent and suitably be provided with ribs 11, thereby providing better strength, as well as preventing very small tablets from handling the box wall past partition 9 and into one of the other subspaces. The tab 13 is shaped so large that it is easy to grasp, and can be formed 5 with a rough surface so that it does not slip easily between the fingers.

Tabletæsken ifølge opfindelsen kan leveres som en fast del af et tabletglas, hvorved forseglingsorganet 10 anvendes efter sin hensigt, eller kan sælges separat, og da fortrinsvis uden forseglingsorgan.The tablet case according to the invention can be supplied as a fixed part of a tablet glass, whereby the sealing means 10 is used as intended, or can be sold separately, and preferably without a sealing means.

DK56784A 1984-02-09 1984-02-09 REMOVABLE TABLETS FOR A TABLET GLASS DK150268C (en)

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK56784A DK150268C (en) 1984-02-09 1984-02-09 REMOVABLE TABLETS FOR A TABLET GLASS
FR8501695A FR2559457B3 (en) 1984-02-09 1985-02-07 PILL BOX
DE19853504598 DE3504598A1 (en) 1984-02-09 1985-02-11 Pill box

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK56784A DK150268C (en) 1984-02-09 1984-02-09 REMOVABLE TABLETS FOR A TABLET GLASS
DK56784 1984-02-09

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DK56784D0 DK56784D0 (en) 1984-02-09
DK56784A DK56784A (en) 1985-08-10
DK150268B true DK150268B (en) 1987-01-26
DK150268C DK150268C (en) 1987-10-19



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DK56784A DK150268C (en) 1984-02-09 1984-02-09 REMOVABLE TABLETS FOR A TABLET GLASS

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5489027A (en) * 1994-11-09 1996-02-06 Allergan, Inc. Cartonless Packaging system

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DK150268C (en) 1987-10-19
DK56784D0 (en) 1984-02-09

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