- Publication number
- DK146304B DK146304B DK076379AA DK76379A DK146304B DK 146304 B DK146304 B DK 146304B DK 076379A A DK076379A A DK 076379AA DK 76379 A DK76379 A DK 76379A DK 146304 B DK146304 B DK 146304B
- Authority
- DK
- Denmark
- Prior art keywords
- pump
- casing
- borehole
- drive shaft
- housing
- Prior art date
- F04D3/00—Axial-flow pumps
- F04D29/00—Details, component parts, or accessories
- F04D29/60—Mounting; Assembling; Disassembling
- F04D29/64—Mounting; Assembling; Disassembling of axial pumps
- F04D29/648—Mounting; Assembling; Disassembling of axial pumps especially adapted for liquid pumps
- Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
- Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
- General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
- Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)
i 146304in 146304
Opfindelsen angår et borehulspumpeaggregat af den i krav l's indledning angivne art, samt en fremgangsmåde til installation deraf og af den i krav 8's indledning angivne art.The invention relates to a borehole pump assembly of the kind specified in the preamble of claim 1, and a method of installation thereof and of the nature of the preamble of claim 8.
5 Den sædvanligt anvendte teknik ved installation af en bore hulspumpe er at bore et borehul og nedsænke en rørforing i hullet for at forhindre jorden i at falde sammen, hvorefter pumpen selv sænkes ned gennem denne rørforing. Pumpen kan have mange former og f.eks. være en skruepumpe eller en ak-10 sialpumpe, og den sænkes ned i borehullet ved, at der suc cessivt tilføres udløbsrørsektioner og drivakselsektioner, som efter tur sænkes ned i rørforingen. En drivmotor ved jordoverfladen driver drivakslen, der igen driver pumpeelementerne.The commonly used technique in installing a drill hole pump is to drill a borehole and submerge a pipe liner in the hole to prevent the ground from collapsing, after which the pump itself is lowered through this pipe liner. The pump can take many forms and e.g. be a screw pump or a shaft pump and it is lowered into the borehole by successively adding outlet pipe sections and drive shaft sections which in turn are lowered into the pipe liner. A ground motor drive motor drives the drive shaft, which in turn drives the pump elements.
15 Når det ønskes at udføre servicearbejde på pumpen, afbrydes drivakslen fra motoren, og udløbsrøret og drivakslen trækkes op, idet disse dele adskilles i deres sektioner, efterhånden som de trækkes op.15 When it is desired to perform service work on the pump, the drive shaft is disconnected from the engine and the discharge pipe and drive shaft are pulled up, separating these parts into their sections as they are pulled up.
Ved at pumpen ifølge opfindelsen er udformet som angivet 20 i den kendetegnende del af krav 1, opnås dels, at bore hulsforingen ikke alene fungerer som udløbsrør, men også tjener til tilvejebringelse af det reaktionsmoment, som er nødvendigt for at forhindre statoren i at dreje sig sammen med rotoren, dels at pumpen kan sænkes ned i og 25 trækkes op af borehullet ved hjælp af drivakslen.In that the pump according to the invention is designed as defined in the characterizing part of claim 1, it is partly achieved that drilling the hollow casing not only acts as an outlet pipe but also serves to provide the reaction torque necessary to prevent the stator from turning. together with the rotor, partly that the pump can be lowered in and 25 pulled up by the borehole using the drive shaft.
Hensigtsmæssige enkeltheder ved pumpeaggregatet ifølge opfindelsen er angivet i krav 2 -6 , og i krav 7's kendetegnende del er angivet det ejendommelige ved fremgangsmåden ifølge opfindelsen, som er væsentligt enklere at 30 udføre end de tilsvarende kendte fremgangsmåder.Suitable details of the pump assembly according to the invention are set forth in claims 2-6, and the characteristic part of claim 7 is characterized by the peculiarities of the method according to the invention which are substantially simpler to carry out than the corresponding known methods.
Opfindelsen skal nærmere forklares i det følgende under 146304 2 henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et skematisk længdesnit gennem en udførelses-form for en borehulspumpe ifølge opfindelsen, og fig. 2 i større målestok viser et tværsnit gennem borehuls-5 rørforingen med et deri indsat lejeelement for drivakslen.The invention will be explained in more detail below with reference to the drawing, in which 1 is a schematic longitudinal section through an embodiment of a borehole pump according to the invention; and FIG. 2 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of the borehole pipe liner with a bearing element inserted therein for the drive shaft.
I fig. 1 er vist et borehul 10, der er udformet i jorden 11, i hvilket hul der findes en rørforing, der er fremstillet af et antal sektioner 12, som er påskruet hinanden.In FIG. 1, there is shown a borehole 10 formed in the ground 11, in which there is a pipe liner made of a plurality of sections 12 screwed together.
På tegningen er kun vist den nederste sektion 12, og denne 10 er via et stort antal andre sektioner forbundet til en øverste sektion 13, der tjener til at forbinde borehulsrørforingen med en elektromotor eller en forbrændingsmotor, der ikke er vist på tegningen. Til den nederste ende af sektionen 12 er f.eks. ved hjælp af en gevindforbindel-15 se fastgjort et rørformet pumpehylster 14. Ved bundenden af dette pumpehylster 14 er anbragt et konventionelt filter eller si 15, der på sædvanlig måde er fæstnet til hylsteret .In the drawing, only the lower section 12 is shown, and this 10 is connected via a large number of other sections to a top section 13 which serves to connect the borehole pipe liner with an electric motor or an internal combustion engine not shown in the drawing. At the lower end of section 12, e.g. By means of a threaded connection 15 a tubular pump casing 14. is attached to the bottom end of this pump casing 14 a conventional filter or screen 15, which is attached in the usual manner to the casing, is arranged.
En aksial rotorpumpe, der som helhed er betegnet med 16, 20 er skudt ned i borehulsrørforingen, og denne pumpe består af et nedre pumpehus 17 og en række statorringe 18, der er stablet oven på huset 17, og som har et antal statorbla-de 19, der rager indad mod statornav 20. På en aksel 21 er anbragt rotorblade 22, der er beliggende mellem stator-25 bladene 19, og som har nav 23, der passer ind i navene 20 og yderligere bærer blade 24, der er i stand til at pumpe fluid op i lodret retning med assistance af statorbladene 19.An axial rotor pump designated as a whole 16, 20 is shot down into the borehole casing and this pump consists of a lower pump housing 17 and a series of stator rings 18 stacked on top of the housing 17 having a plurality of stator blades 19 projecting inwardly against stator hub 20. On a shaft 21 are rotor blades 22 located between the stator 25 blades 19 and having hubs 23 which fit into hubs 20 and further supporting blades 24 capable of for pumping fluid up vertically with the assistance of the stator blades 19.
Pumpehylsteret 14 er udformet med nedre og øvre indvendige 30 cylindriske lejeflader 25 og 26; diameteren af lejefladerne 25 er mindre end diameteren af lejefladerne 26. Pumpe- 146304 3 huset 17 har cylindriske falder med sådanne diametre, at de kan samarbejde med disse flader 25 og 26.The pump housing 14 is formed with lower and upper inner cylindrical bearing faces 25 and 26; the diameter of the bearing surfaces 25 is smaller than the diameter of the bearing surfaces 26. The pump housing 17 has cylindrical valves with diameters such that they can cooperate with these surfaces 25 and 26.
En knast 27 rager radialt indad fra hylsteret 14's væg, og denne knast griber ind i et indhak 28 i bunden af en 5 tragtformet indskæring 29 i underkanten af huset 17.A cam 27 projects radially inward from the wall of the casing 14 and this cam engages a notch 28 at the bottom of a funnel-shaped notch 29 at the bottom of the housing 17.
Drivakslen 21 er monteret centralt i boringen ved hjælp af et antal lejeelementer 30, af hvilke kun et er vist i fig. 1. Dette lejeelement er vist mere detaljeret i fig.The drive shaft 21 is mounted centrally in the bore by a plurality of bearing elements 30, only one of which is shown in FIG. 1. This bearing element is shown in more detail in FIG.
2. Lejeelementet har en navdel 40, der er indstøbt i et 10 elastisk plastmateriale 41, og det har desuden tre med ens vinkelmellemrum beliggende arme 42, som hver har et par fingre 43 og 44, der divergerer til hver sin side af et radialt plan, der også er symmetriplan for den pågældende arm 42. Lejeelementet har glidepasning i borehulsrørfo-15 ringen, og når akslen roterer, vil navet 40 have tendens til at dreje med, hvorved en af fingrene 44 eller 43 på hver arm vil blive tvunget i tæt kontakt med borehulsrørforingens væg.2. The bearing member has a hub portion 40 embedded in a resilient plastic material 41, and it additionally has three arms 42 with angular spacers, each having a pair of fingers 43 and 44 that diverge to each side of a radial plane. which is also a plane of symmetry for the arm 42 concerned. contact with the borehole lining wall.
Ved den øverste ende har drivakslen 21 en kobling 45, be-20 stående af to parter med samarbejdende koniske overflader, der gør det muligt at spænde akslerne sammen. Den øverste af disse to koblingsdele kan drejes ved hjælp af en motor 46, der kun er vist skematisk på tegningen.At the upper end, the drive shaft 21 has a coupling 45, consisting of two parts with cooperating tapered surfaces, which enable the shafts to be clamped together. The top of these two coupling parts can be rotated by means of a motor 46 shown only diagrammatically in the drawing.
Efter at der på sædvanlig måde er boret et hul 10 i jor-25 den, anbringes sien 15 på det rørformede pumpehylster 14, og den første rørforingssektion 12 fæstnes på den øverste ende af pumpehylsteret. Det således samlede aggregat indføres i den øverste del af borehullet og sænkes ned, hvorefter yderligere rørsektioner tilføjes progressivt, indtil 30 borehulsrørforingen har fået sin fulde længde, og sien 15 befinder sig ved bunden af borehullet.After drilling a hole 10 in the usual manner, the sieve 15 is placed on the tubular pump casing 14 and the first tubular casing section 12 is attached to the upper end of the pump casing. The aggregate thus assembled is inserted into the upper part of the borehole and lowered, after which additional pipe sections are progressively added until the borehole pipe liner has reached its full length and the sieve 15 is at the bottom of the borehole.
4 1463044 146304
En udløbskanal 50 med et udløb 51, forbindes derefter med den øverste rørforingssektion. Pumpen selv, der i forvejen er samlet, bliver forsynet med den første eller de første få drivakselsektioner 21. De roterende pumpeelementer el-5 ler rotorblade 22 blokeres midlertidigt i forhold til sta- torringene 18 ved indføring i et skrøbeligt element, som f.eks. et lille stykke træ, i den øverste del af pumpen 16.An outlet duct 50 with an outlet 51 is then connected to the upper pipe liner section. The pump itself, which is already assembled, is provided with the first or first few drive shaft sections 21. The rotating pump elements or rotor blades 22 are temporarily blocked relative to the stator rings 18 by insertion into a fragile element, such as . a small piece of wood, in the upper part of the pump 16.
Pumpen sænkes herefter ned i borehulsrørforingen ved hjælp 10 af drivakslen, og der anbringes yderligere drivakselsektio ner, indtil bundkanten af huset 17 støder imod knasten 27. Drivakslen drejes herefter tilstrækkeligt til drejning af huset indtil den tragtformede indskæring 29 befinder sig ud for knasten. Pumpehuset med drivakslen kan så falde 15 endnu et lille stykke indtil pumpen indtager den position, der er vist på tegningen, i hvilken position knasten er i fuldt indgreb med indhakket 28.The pump is then lowered into the borehole casing by means of the drive shaft and additional drive shaft sections are placed until the bottom edge of the housing 17 abuts the cam 27. The drive shaft is then sufficiently turned to rotate the housing until the funnel-shaped cut 29 is off the cam. The pump shaft with the drive shaft may then fall another small distance until the pump occupies the position shown in the drawing, in which position the cam is fully engaged with the notch 28.
Mens pumpen sænkes ned, tilføjes yderligere drivakselsektioner, som med passende mellemrum er forsynet med leje-20 elementer 30. Lejerne har en sådan udvendig dimension, at de frit kan glide i boringen, men som ovenfor nævnt vil en af fingrene på hver arm blive presset fast imod den indre væg af borehulsforingen, når pumpedrivakslen drejes.As the pump is lowered, additional drive shaft sections are provided, which at appropriate intervals are provided with bearing elements 30. The bearings have such an outside dimension that they can slide freely in the bore, but as mentioned above, one of the fingers of each arm will be pressed firmly against the inner wall of the borehole lining as the pump drive shaft is turned.
Med indhakket 28 i fuldt indgreb på knasten 27 befinder 25 huset sig i sin endelige position. Betjeningsmandskabet trækker herefter drivakslen en smule opad, f.eks. ca. 5 mm. Dette har den virkning, at rotorbladene løftes lidt op fra statorringene, og at i hovedsagen al aksial belastning fjernes fra pumpens enkelte dele. Hvis flangen 30 45 herefter sammenspændes, vil denne tilstand blive op retholdt. Efter montering af en topplade 52 er anlægget parat til brug.With the notch 28 fully engaged on the cam 27, the housing is in its final position. The operating crew then pulls the drive shaft up slightly, e.g. ca. 5 mm. This has the effect that the rotor blades are lifted slightly from the stator rings and that substantially all axial load is removed from the individual parts of the pump. If the flange 30 45 is subsequently tightened, this condition will be maintained. After mounting a top plate 52, the system is ready for use.
Claims (7)
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
GB7344/78A GB1567886A (en) | 1978-02-23 | 1978-02-23 | Bore hole pumps |
GB734478 | 1978-02-23 |
Publications (3)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
DK76379A DK76379A (en) | 1979-08-24 |
DK146304B true DK146304B (en) | 1983-08-29 |
DK146304C DK146304C (en) | 1984-02-27 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
DK76379A DK146304C (en) | 1978-02-23 | 1979-02-22 | DRILL PUMP AND METHOD OF INSTALLING THEREOF |
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GB2092204B (en) * | 1981-01-29 | 1984-08-30 | Mono Pumps Ltd | Well casing anchor |
AU589976B2 (en) * | 1985-06-26 | 1989-10-26 | Commonwealth Of Australia, The | Improved real-time scanning equipment |
DE3640657A1 (en) * | 1986-11-28 | 1988-06-09 | Heinz Turbanisch | PUMP FOR LIQUID MEDIA |
DE4207113C2 (en) * | 1991-03-12 | 1994-11-24 | Reika Werk Gmbh Maschf | Device for positioning and holding workpieces |
US7287956B2 (en) * | 2004-12-22 | 2007-10-30 | General Electric Company | Removable abradable seal carriers for sealing between rotary and stationary turbine components |
RU180414U1 (en) * | 2017-08-23 | 2018-06-13 | Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр образования, науки и культуры имени И.М. Губкина" (ООО "ЦОНиК им. И.М. Губкина") | Submersible multi-stage vane pump stage |
RU205750U1 (en) * | 2021-05-25 | 2021-08-06 | Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр образования, науки и культуры имени И.М. Губкина" (ООО "ЦОНиК им. И.М. Губкина") | Impeller of submersible multistage vane pump |
Family Cites Families (2)
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GB191312101A (en) * | 1913-05-23 | 1914-05-21 | John Ashford | Improvements in and relating to Screw or Rotary Pumps and the like. |
GB211848A (en) * | 1923-02-24 | 1924-05-29 | Sulzer Ag | Improvements in or relating to multistage axial flow pumps |
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ZA79653B (en) | 1980-03-26 |
GB1567886A (en) | 1980-05-21 |
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