DK143185B - Water distributor for residences - Google Patents

Water distributor for residences Download PDF


Publication number
DK143185B DK230373A DK230373A DK143185B DK 143185 B DK143185 B DK 143185B DK 230373 A DK230373 A DK 230373A DK 230373 A DK230373 A DK 230373A DK 143185 B DK143185 B DK 143185B
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distribution chambers
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DK143185C (en
R Antonsson
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R Antonsson
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Application filed by R Antonsson filed Critical R Antonsson
Priority to DK230373A priority Critical patent/DK143185C/en
Publication of DK143185B publication Critical patent/DK143185B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK143185C publication Critical patent/DK143185C/en



  • Thermal Insulation (AREA)


The current invention concerns a water distributor for residences, for distribution of hot and cold water to different functioning units and consisting of two distribution chambers with inlet for cold respectively warm water and with an outlet corresponding to the maximally anticipated number of functioning units.Modern building regulations place high demands regarding water installations in residential properties, as well as regarding material concerning their construction. As such, it is no longer allowed in certain areas to arrange pipe assemblies or connectors hidden in the walls, as great water damage can occur in such a hidden mounting in the case of a leakage discovered in the pipe assembly or connector.


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(11) FREMLÆGGELSESSKRIFT 1^3185 DANMARK (Bi) Int. Cl.3 E 03 C 1/04 §(21) Ansøgning nr. 25O5/T3 (22) Indleveret den 27 · 3pF · 1 973 (24) Løbedeg 27 · ΆρΤ · 1973 (44) Ansøgningen fremlagt og fremlaeggelsesskriftet offentliggjort den 13· jul · 1 9ol(11) PUBLICATION NOTICE 1 ^ 3185 DENMARK (Bi) Int. Cl.3 E 03 C 1/04 § (21) Application no. 25O5 / T3 (22) Filed on 27 · 3pF · 1 973 (24) Run date 27 · ΆρΤ · 1973 (44) The application presented and the petition published on 13 · Jul · 1 9ol


PATENT- OG VAREMÆRKEVÆSENET <3°) Pr,ontet * ^ (4l) Aim. tilg. 2δ. okt. 1974 OD RAGNAR ANTONSSON* Åsgatan 3» 310 83 Unnaryd, SE.PATENT AND TRADEMARKET SYSTEM <3 °) Pr, ontet * ^ (4l) Aim. avail. 2δ. October 1974 OD RAGNAR ANTONSSON * Åsgatan 3 »310 83 Unnaryd, SE.

(72) Opfinder: Samme.(72) Inventor: Same.

(74) Fuldmægtig under sagens behandling:(74) Plenipotentiary in the proceedings:

Ingeniørfirmaet Budde, Schou & Co.The engineering company Budde, Schou & Co.

(54) Vandfordeler for boliger.(54) Water distributions for housing.

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en vandfordeler for boliger, til fordeling af varmt og koldt vand til forskellige forbrugsenheder og bestående af to fordelingskamre med indløb for koldt, henholdsvis varmt vand og med et til det forventede maksimale antal forbrugsenheder svarende antal udløb.The present invention relates to a housing water distributor for distributing hot and cold water to different consumption units and consisting of two distribution chambers with cold or hot water inlets and with a maximum number of outlets corresponding to the expected maximum number of consumption units.

Moderne byggeregulativer stiller store krav med hensyn til vandinstallationer i beboelsesejendomme, såvel med hensyn til materiale som med hensyn til montering. Visse steder er det således ikke længere tilladt at anbringe rørsamlinger eller tilslutningsmuffer skjult inde i væggene, da man ved en sådan skjult montering kan komme ud for store vandskader, inden en eventuelt lækage i rørsamlingerne eller tilslutningerne opdages.Modern building regulations place great demands on water installations in residential buildings, both in terms of material and in terms of installation. Thus, in certain places it is no longer allowed to place pipe joints or connection sleeves concealed inside the walls, as such hidden concealment can cause major water damage before any leakage in the pipe joints or connections is detected.

2 1431852 143185

Det er opfindelsens formål at tilvejebringe en vandfordeler, som, skønt den opfylder sådanne byggenormer, kan monteres skjult i en væg uden risiko for, at der ved eventuel lækage skal opstå vandskader, og uden risiko for, at en sådan eventuel lækage skal forblive uopdaget.It is an object of the invention to provide a water distributor which, although it meets such building standards, can be mounted concealed in a wall without the risk of any water damage occurring and without the risk of such a possible leak remaining undetected.

Dette formål foreslås opnået ved hjælp af en overmåde kompakt vandfordeler af den i indledningen omtalte art, som ifølge opfindelsen er kendetegnet ved de i patentkravet angivne træk.This object is proposed to be achieved by means of an extremely compact water distributor of the kind mentioned in the preamble, which according to the invention is characterized by the features of the claim.

Opfindelsen vil i det følgende blive forklaret under henvisning til tegningen, som viser udførelsesformer for vandfordeleren ifølge opfindelsen, idet fig. 1 forfra viser vandfordeleren med aftaget dæksel og visse dele bortskåret, fig. 2 et snit efter linien II-II i fig. 1, fig. 3 et snit efter linien III-III i fig. 1, fig. 4 en anden udførelsesform for en varmeisoleringsdel mellem to fordelingskamre, set fra siden, og fig. 5 den i fig. 4 viste del, set ovenfra.The invention will be explained in the following with reference to the drawing, which shows embodiments of the water distributor according to the invention, fig. 1 is a front elevational view of the water distributor with a removable cover and some parts cut away; FIG. 2 is a sectional view taken along line II-II of FIG. 1, FIG. 3 is a sectional view taken along line III-III of FIG. 1, FIG. 4 is a side view of another embodiment of a heat insulating part between two distribution chambers; and FIG. 5 is the one shown in FIG. 4, seen from above.

Den viste vandfordeler består af to fordelingskamre 10 og 20, som er bestemt for koldt, henholdsvis varmt vand. Disse to fordelingskamre er monteret aksialt i forlængelse af hinanden i et hus 30, som er bestemt til at monteres indfældet i en væg med sit dæksel 31 i det væsentlige i samme plan som vægfladen. Indløbsledninger 1 og 2 for koldt, henholdsvis varmt vand strækker sig gennem væsketættende gennemføring 32 af kautsjuk • - eller-plast-ind i huset 30's indre og er tilsluttet indløbssiden af spærreventiler 3 og 4, som udmunder i fordelingskamrene 10, henholdsvis 20. Disse spærreventiler kan være tilgængelige gennem tilproppede huller i husets dæksel 31· Fra fordelingskamrene udgår separate koldt- og varmt-vandsledninger 5> respektive 6, til de forskellige forbrugsenheder. I det viste udførelseseksempel er fordelingskamrenes ene udløbsledning udformet som indvendigt gevindskårne tilslutningsstudse 5' og 6', der strækker sig frem mod husets dæksel 31. For at muliggøre opdagelse af eventuel lækage i de forskellige ledningers tilslutninger til fordelingskamrene 10 og 20 er huset, som forhindrer vandet i at lække ind i væggen, forsynet med et forneden ved dækslet anbragt afløb 7, som udmunder uden på vægbeklædningen, så at eventuelt udlækkende vand afgår synligt fra huset, hvorved der ikke er mulighed for, at det uopdaget kan trænge ind i væggen og afstedkomme vandskader.The water distributor shown consists of two distribution chambers 10 and 20, which are destined for cold or hot water, respectively. These two distribution chambers are mounted axially in succession in a housing 30 which is intended to be mounted in a wall with its cover 31 substantially in the same plane as the wall surface. Inlet lines 1 and 2 for cold or hot water, respectively, extend through liquid-sealing passage 32 of rubber or plastic into the interior of housing 30 and are connected to the inlet side of shut-off valves 3 and 4, which open into distribution chambers 10 and 20 respectively. can be accessed through plugged holes in housing cover 31 · From the distribution chambers separate cold and hot water pipes 5> 6, respectively, to the various consumable units. In the illustrated embodiment, one of the outlet chambers of the distribution chambers is formed as internally threaded connection nozzles 5 'and 6' extending towards the housing cover 31. In order to detect any leakage in the connections of the various wires to the distribution chambers 10 and 20, the housing prevents the water leaking into the wall, provided with a drain 7 located at the bottom of the cover, which opens to the outside of the wall covering, so that any leaking water exits visibly from the housing, thus leaving it undetected to penetrate the wall and causing water damage.

3 1431853 143185

De to fordelingskamre 10 og 20 er som nævnt monteret aksialt i forhold til hinanden og er varmeisolerede fra hinanden ved hjælp af en varmeisoleringsdel 40, som har to indbyrdes i hovedsagen parallelforskudte ben 41 og 42. Disse to ben er forbundet med hinanden ved hjælp af et legeme 43, som strækker sig i det væsentlige vinkelret på dem. Som vist i fig. 3 har dette legeme en fra den rette linie afvigende form. Fordelingskamrenes mod hinanden vendende endedele 11 og 21 er i det væsentlige udformet komplementært med varraeisoleringsdelen 40 og er i indgreb med denne. I det viste udførelseseksempel er legemet 43 bueformet. Udformningen af varmeisoleringsdelen 40 og endedelene 11 og 21 har til formål at bevirke, at de to fordelingskamre 10 og 20, nøjagtigt og éntydigt rettes ind efter hinanden, idet de to tilslutningsstudse 3' og 6' skal befinde sig i en nøje bestemt indbyrdes afstand for at muliggøre direkte tilslutning af bruser- og/eller badekarblandingsbatteri.As mentioned, the two distribution chambers 10 and 20 are axially mounted relative to each other and are thermally insulated from each other by means of a thermal insulation part 40, which has two mutually displaced legs 41 and 42. body 43 extending substantially perpendicular thereto. As shown in FIG. 3, this body has a shape which differs from the straight line. The end portions 11 and 21 of the distribution chambers are substantially complementary to the item insulation part 40 and are engaged therewith. In the illustrated embodiment, the body 43 is arcuate. The design of the heat insulation part 40 and the end parts 11 and 21 is intended to cause the two distribution chambers 10 and 20 to be accurately and unequivocally aligned, the two connecting pins 3 'and 6' being at a precisely spaced distance from one another. to allow direct connection of the shower and / or bathtub mixer battery.

For at sikre, at fordelingskamrene forbliver nøjagtigt rettet ind efter hinanden, er en låsepind eller -skrue 8 ført gennem huller i endedelene 11 og 21 og legemet 43. I det viste udførelseseksempel benyttes en låseskrue, ved hjælp af hvilken fordelingskamrenes ene ende er forankret til huset 30. Fordelingskamrenes anden ende er i det viste udførelseseksempel forbundet med huset 30 ved hjælp af overpander og ansatse 32 og 33.In order to ensure that the distribution chambers remain precisely aligned, a locking pin or screw 8 is passed through holes in the end portions 11 and 21 and the body 43. In the illustrated embodiment, a locking screw is used by means of which one end of the distribution chambers is anchored to housing 30. In the illustrated embodiment, the other end of the distribution chambers is connected to housing 30 by means of overpans and abutments 32 and 33.

Fig. 4 og 5 viser en alternativ udformning af varmeisoleringsdelen mellem de to fordelingskamre 10 og 20. Denne varmeisoleringsdel 44 er U-formet, hvorved dens legeme 45 og to ben 46 og 47 strækker sig rundt om et fremspring 22 på det ene fordelingskammer 20, og idet benene 46 og 47 ved deres yderender har udadrettede flanger 48 og 49. På det andet fordelingskammer findes to fremspring 12 og 13, som omslutter varmeisoleringsdelen 44 og med deres yderender ligger an mod flangerne 48 og 49. De to fordelingskamre og vahmosoleringsdelen 44 holdes samlet ved hjælp af en gennemgående låsepind 9» som strækker sig gennem indbyrdes flugtende huller i de tre dele 10, 20 og 44. Også ved denne udførelsesform for varmeisoleringsdelen opnås en nøjagtig og korrekt placering af de to fordelingskamre i forhold til hinanden, idet dels yderenderne af fordelingskammeret 10's fremspring 12 og 13 presses mod varmeisoleringsdelens flanger 48 og 49, dels yderenden af fremspringet 22 på fordelingskammeret 20 presses mod varmeisoleringsdelens legeme 45·FIG. 4 and 5 show an alternative embodiment of the heat insulation part between the two distribution chambers 10 and 20. This heat insulation part 44 is U-shaped, whereby its body 45 and two legs 46 and 47 extend around a projection 22 on one distribution chamber 20, and the legs 46 and 47 at their outer ends have outwardly directed flanges 48 and 49. On the second distribution chamber are two projections 12 and 13 which enclose the heat insulation part 44 and with their outer ends abut the flanges 48 and 49. The two distribution chambers and the water insulation part 44 are held together at by means of a through-locking pin 9 »which extends through reciprocating holes in the three parts 10, 20 and 44. Also in this embodiment of the heat insulation part an accurate and correct positioning of the two distribution chambers relative to each other is achieved, partly the outer ends of the distribution chamber. The projections 12 and 13 of the 10 are pressed against the flanges 48 and 49 of the heat insulating part and the outer end of the projection 22 of the distribution chamber 20 is pressed s against the body of the heat insulating part 45 ·

Varmeisoleringsdelene 40 og 44 kan fremstilles af et egnet varmeisoleringsmateriale såsom asbest eller plast.The thermal insulation parts 40 and 44 can be made of a suitable heat insulating material such as asbestos or plastic.

DK230373A 1973-04-27 1973-04-27 WATER BENEFITS FOR HOUSES DK143185C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK230373A DK143185C (en) 1973-04-27 1973-04-27 WATER BENEFITS FOR HOUSES

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK230373 1973-04-27
DK230373A DK143185C (en) 1973-04-27 1973-04-27 WATER BENEFITS FOR HOUSES

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK143185B true DK143185B (en) 1981-07-13
DK143185C DK143185C (en) 1981-11-16



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK230373A DK143185C (en) 1973-04-27 1973-04-27 WATER BENEFITS FOR HOUSES

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DK (1) DK143185C (en)

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Publication number Publication date
DK143185C (en) 1981-11-16

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